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I~ U~ hasits°""'unique culture ofindJ~. di><ersity, personal and intelec:rual inte~
and value-based educdion. The runio.Jum has a stn>ngIDa.s on indivici.lal irOYl1tland the development of!dinology.ThesearesoSdlyS>Jppated by
a tighly qualiliedteam ofacall1lfi5hed larultyand robustacademe infrasVIJcture. It at.vays mainlains a tigh
decadeofits existence, hasestablished liWdiblecredentiils amongthe leadingl'lf.oersitiesofthe country. Itis
gc>i-c tD <fRr the crtiit DI the wond deade 1Mttl a fresh a>mrrilment ID imparting va!11&1i..ed <JJdlY
eduallcnandinaJlalin&the.pritofenquiry, 1-omwityandl7.oil1>'initslludentsandIDmake1hemprouchonsof
The mimi!ou; adw..ementsoflntqral Unlvenity intheMtdecadedilsjoumeybeggarsdesaiplion. It
~ the ErigjneenrwCo"'2e and es1abilhedthe f.oo.Jl!ies of Plwmac.y, ~ Hezllh & Mecl"al
SciencesOnlqrlllnstitured Medical and f!.ese&rchwitha3~ hospital), ptrio.lllure and <flSl!lnal
By2020 Indiawould be having1heyoungat....nctortZ.Tocopewith1heglobalrequirementandfor India
to play a'lital role in outsourdre ~rts, the UrMlrsity is goingtotake up 'OCational mire proirammes1D
groom and hone new and stiled WOfkl:ne. By utilizrc the fadities of ICT (Information Commlric:ation
Ted-nolczy), the UrMlrsity has ~ up ID la..ich ~ Open Onlne Courses (MOOC) under the
di!lllnClleduartion progrvnmetoIncreasetheramoflitencyandaninclusivede'ielopment~ edoodion.
The uM/ersity is at ~ ~ 5tre55 on researd1 pnigr.rnnes and the placement of Sll.ldents.
lnlenlcliYe e!Torls with eizhtMn""1owned i.riwnitiesandl1!l1l!Wd1 ~through MOUsfor research
actMtiesandampus selection ofstudentsbynlllionaland rooltinational orgarizationsbe<iratestimonytothese
dforts. ItisgTlldyingtDnote1"atIntegralUniversityhasnod asua:esdill plar.ementhistoryevenattheheightof
- recession. Thi• nasbeen made pmiibleonly through the ongoi1g inWlface with the a:l<pC"3ll! v.uld,
The Univenityhasalsotalcenalllmlildwactioninthec:ontextofoommurilywef.lreac:IMtiesthn:iughNSS
programmesin<Xlllabcnlionwlththestm!govemnent,....tV<hindudesdiild tie.althandcleanlinessofllillagesin
theWinityofthe Uniw15it>'Cllfr9US· therel7taealingan awarenessamore<itizens ~ing the needto be
I~ UM/ersity isnatonly:on acadaTiic institution butal!lCI a ...mien and a llisionIDmala!theCDLr111y
progressive and prosperous in al walks oftre. I, therdore, i!Mtz: all the aspirantswho are in quest of~~
Srt Ram Naik
H.E..1'tMGao.- orU.P.
Cw lw
Dr. S. ll Azrni NadYi
...... 'llce-C-~)
Prof. (Dr.) T. Usmani
-Mr. Hamid Mustafa
........Prof. (Dr:) lrfan Ali Khan
Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Rizwan Beg
Vision, Mission & Objectives
• 10 lead 1he lel!mirc mllions of 1he warld lh,..,.,., the
13:ll)wilh1he~i.nding<iWle prodamation '
theminltoemost~ancl i'lnow!iYeway.
• 10 irlaJlcam a spn d ccrtl~ sdf-resped and ~
~ii students i~ far~~ and
• 10 ~ fleeW5ence, iltenect and~ of~
wilh c1ecerq, dealnim. d'~ and crecriamcn ~
• 10 rrake""1!rYstudenta Rile model d lmdlec11.181sandtorch
beannforolhcRalloverthewarldlhroush l'is/herimpiring
• 10 m.ia: Inda a self-n:iant and dominant G-1 country
~ far quality ecb::ldion, higher euooomic ~
andvallllblernollll pn.dic:es.
• 10 hamess(JO(;hrialJ education andtccmol08)'inthe sc:Mce
cfmutiicl...a1sotoena1:>1estuc1entJtolhnkglobdyand act
• 10 and mcnl wlues with cdUC!tion and to
d.....iop t.Jman potertial to i1stotdty. To develop a - of
self-raw-and ID crat.e lhe ~nea of~self n1he
• 10.,illethe llll!nt pot2ntialitios of lhe yourc and bucldilg
,_mon 1ttoUilh <llllire-edp todlroal"i)' anc1 stite-cf-
• To briig about lmowlion in edlcdicn by restructim,c
coursesand adoptSignow!IMt>odscf12.a<hi...iand leamilg
Intar...,tm~ persooailyi:kMllopment.
• ToidrntifythetlCDl!llertherimgeofourpandglcrialAp;ist
and tn Ink It with the grand Mure. To cultiwale and
• To cree and promote acongerial ambience and lhereby
firi1t:f'helpii ilrerClho:ningthespirittinationali~.
SllOJllrilm and in11HN1ional i.nderslanding ID briig d the
sections of society in tne mainstream for an ovenll
dewlopmentd Indiaand1D pnMcle modem, sOentilicand
• Toempcmerlhe)'OI..:~lel3iionwtilr;1obalperspec!Nesin
Thearduousprojedcltheestablist1ITIEl1tofan excellent lnstirutionwuembar1ed14>0nby
lslorrk Councilbrl'n:>ductiYe Education (l.C.P.E.)ainsisti-ccla smallgroup ofdedicated,
d-ud and dlip!nt edualicrisls, qneen; and i'ltl!lleduds CXllTYTlilt2d to adiieling
educalillnll e:io:el'encEind Sjlheresofmodem~. scienceandhi&tleredua!lion.
TheysWtedtheprojectMlhamodestsdloolina1hatdedtuonlnl NCMmber,
wa rwmed 'Tedino Academic Schoor. In I99-4 1he Ga.emment cl lJt1llr Pradesh
permittedtheenuyclthe prMlesedl:>rin highertech~cal education system ofthe
I~ Technolol)'atLudcnow.Cor.sdousoflheplaosmentsitullioninlhe51318, iniDally
Technology, Bectn>nia En~n~ and An:hitledure. Since l..udcnaw a
requisite, the lrislirumWi1Saffiliam<ltoDr. RMLAwidh Uriversity, Faizabad in l'J'.18. The
lnsliW! bytheAl-lncia.CoundlfcrTl!ChrOcal Education(A.1.C.T.E.)andit
admitted its first bllx:h in 1993-99. Lateron sewral proirammes were added. 'Mth the
inception ofU.P. Tedmic31 l.klvmity inthe acaderTic ses5ion 2000-2001, the Institute cl
Apip d llrians drawn ~ Govet111oe.11. orpliDlions, entMpriw and ecU::alional
instilutionsplayeda..;ti!rolein prov'~ astrongandbm1dallleacaderricb.inclationsnd
curriallumb'thephenomonl.I pi ogi ess wncn1helnslitutmdi~ Tedin<>k>cYmade
in sublequent )UB. This group C001prised ProfS.M. Iqbal, OIT,li'anpur), Prof. O.C.
Thij:W(llT.Khv.lpir), lo1teProf. M.M.Hasan(llT. Karfiur), Prof,M.I. IChan(llT. Pooorkee),
late Prof. Bl.I Gopal 011; Kanpur), Prof. MansoorAli OIT. ~). Er. M.S. .AnsarOIT.
l<anpur), Prof. Subodh Shankar (llT. Kh~r) and Prof. QamaMa:-z.aman (llT.
~r). Tne lnstitlh made rapid advancement as tile years passed by. In
iri'nlmudli...,, Itdid notlimititselftothe minimum slllndanlslaid down bytheregW!ory
authoritiesblitwentfaraheadoflhem.ltsacadefflcbuildi'es. labor.aloriesandworicshops,
thoughnotluuious,weresurelyefficient. appiopialelydesigned andpro'lidedwi1hthe
bestpossibleequioments, andthis, couldbeccmpan!dtoarvyWl!l~l!Stabbned ii1Sli!LJb!d
the coontry. The lnstib.Jte's strong emphasis on sludents' didplne, tunan values and
chor.lctllr-buildirc~ had an erdlringimpact Within ashortspan of1imeitestablistled its
own =dentials and singW.-reputmicn. SmAmi Bihariv.jpayee, thethen Pnne Minmr ~----------­
of Inda, pe!SOOlllly oisited and ~ the lnslitutie of I~ Tedmckl!lY on 30th
lune,1999 and ecpn!SSe:I his hcpe that the Institute cf I~ Teclnolog)I stwing its
irOtials with IIT, wita!lainthe same stllndwand mu as1he lrTs do in h CXM11ty. The
this lnsli!Uz into a ful-lledged University in a rocad time, on aaount of its ..a:dlent
~ in1hafieldofaademics, iiFebruary, 2004.TheG<MlmmantofUtmrPradesn
passed a Bill in 1he hsembly fellowed by the Gazette ~n No.389/ -9-2004,
dated: 27'1h Februal)I 2004and dewtedthe lnstitullelDthe stduscfa UrMnityuider
Ii n •
II I •
Functioning oftheUniversity
IntegralUniversit)llheflrsterw::t2d Minoril}tUniwrsityinthecaLJ'Uy,slllrledfunctioningfrom
IstApril,2004.The Presidentof1heIslamicCouncil for Producti..eEducalion, Dr. Saeed~"'
RatrnanAlmi,and itsGenenilSeaeiary, Prof.SyedWlseemAkhlar,respecWelylllokOYeras
FouiderOianoeklrandVice Chlncellord 1he University. Integral UrVveriitywasaa:orded
iewgiition by U.G.C. under sedion 2{f) af U.G.C. Ad, 1956. The University sl2rtled its
The exiiting faculties in tile University were re-orp1ized and reN faa.lllies of SciEnc:e,
~ EdJalion. MwgemcntStudies. Health&MedialSciences..•!ureScience&
Tednolagy and Humvitios & Social Sciences wel9 added. Besides this, poqiczi.ey. a
mmber of,_ ~ ha'...e been added, induding Master lewl progr.rnmes ii
Bio!ech.'IC!oeY, Industrial Chemistry, Sectroil.cs CiraJils rd Syslems, Bioiifonnalics,
lnsaunent!lian Cartrcl, Miaobiolcl)', l'nlckldian and lncUtrial ~. Madline
Desig;l ,CoolpulerScienc:e, CMI frcjneering. PowerS)SllemandDriYesetc.
At. present1he UnM:rsity has I I (aa,ftiei and 16 departments. It ofers 30 undergraduate
~.lJ~~osand 15d~COU111!s,3C81fficlleco.nennd
aP.G.D"'°"1a a>Ulie. The UIWerliy his a/$0 tiloen up reseatth programmes on apriority
basis in Unos!al 1he f.iculties. N. pl'eient451 research sd1Clarsare enrclled in11ie UrMrsity
uiderthe Ph.D. f'n>grammennd I18sd1darshi.YI!llrl!ildynoceiveddoclcnldegreesd..riig
Most of1he courses cond.c1ed 1re ippn:Mld by the Ollloemed stalutllly bodies lib CaA,
PO, NCTE, MCJ an:! aan<t~ by NBA-AICTE et<:.The Unillenityis also~ bylAO
(lntemalionalA:creditalionOrganization). USA. N.NCaccreditationisunderac!Neprocess.
India is facirc aitiCBl challenges en many tedmolcgical fronts like 8f1iculw~ and food
processing, education and healtncare, Information and communication technolocy.
energy securit¥, land and W8IJ!r oorll8Mltlon, erwironment protection, nuclear energy
$)3tb11S, ncn-<XlrM!nticnal and renewable MelJY options, use of fossil fuels, di!aslier
prevention and 1Tli111i'lfTienl, spam tllchnolog)' eOC. The lkiiversity status pnMded tile
lnstitlJtJIwith the requred 1111tonomyanda widespeCilllm IDwcrltwith. I~ UrMnity
C3ll!ts 'In M1iona1 a!pirations by offe<ing modem and job-ariented mines ID meetglobal
The Uriwrsity nasa marwlous ambiencerid acaderrkally IM!lyandvitnnterwirorment.
l'ligtiy mndudw! to hi&herand dedic:alied aademic punnm.''Go Green• is also cne ofthe
mottosd I~ UWersity. The at1)US tiasalltheil<ilities lkll Mecii:BI Centre, Canteen,
Sludents AaMty Centre, GynnsLm, Sports~nd 1111::. In 1his canmudiwl wdemic
miieu,s1udent5adcptasuperllSi/Oir-faires UM>i~IDleadarespectableandUfillircIJe.
deservirc students, irrepediw d their as11e and creed, ..., ,;-. scholarsnips, in tr.e
memoryorthe(l.zll!)Ha:zritAbul HasanAliHasniNa<Mabs'l'JiMiyan",the.,m'lhnlcerand
The UrMrsity mainmi-.s 1ranlpm91c:y in i1s ~· All funcDormJ ~ d
academic programmes, admnis1nlior adm'.sUor-s, examnllions, 1ninirc ;nd placemert
'Jlf. 71te.1tAAre ~,AUd
1HMt'B~Ultt &?1(,t'"i1,d
~STTUTE Of nlTEGRll1lClll~OG~
111.5 8££N ~AD I~ tK "T~•
AlU1 IOUl~~A A%UlWl.llll1u,.~u1o;~,..,~.,..
In 1993 lslimicCcundl rorProductiveEducation(1.C.P.E.),wictlDr. ~i.r-RahmanAzmiuits PresidentandProf S)'ed~m-6Jchlaras ilsGer.eral Seaewy,
slllrbld asd>ool withtheaim d developi'lg~ irtoan ilstibJtionofhighereducationb'prcrnamg 1W'llical, sdentilicand prc(essiarel eptirude inthe rn&SSe$ d1he
Thefoundation stale ofthe Institution-laid by1hewond-rlenowned~ sdlolarand pliiksopher, HazratMaulanaAbul HISlnAli Hasrl NllMalias >li-Miyan'
onlrd~. 19'93.Di.rirchisireugi.nladd'ellsHe>ratMaulanasaid:
"lnfld. I~ TllCMologyand Scientitic Researd1 haw~inpormnO! and~l~inthe pnlll!nl-diyscenariool'demuuIlic; polrtial and oademicdcminllicn
and 1hisisbound1Dm lllJ"· In lidia, aurlabolr,lonawledgi= and poll:nlidlies Wl:ln'make us ~n:liant, self-1Mlidertand hanool'lbledtimts until and unlesswe inlhaetieldsaswdlandputitto practice.•
Wilhtheblearclcfthe putltthlerandphilo5cpha'.Ham!Mw!Jna.AliMiyvl.the l.C.P.E.Im.,,.moluteainmitmentm m&ldrc1he muntJyHlf..rolilrtandse!f-
sutrmntin1.~1he~ allfa.
Students lntencdon ( }.
h a1radition oftliis lkivenity smors 'Millco!ne the lresheli ind i"lteract with them in a
frienclyandcordial :dmospNR. RilellircIn anybm, atanyplac.e, en and oll'1he
Un~ampus, isstiidlybamed.
hi undertala1g on a presoibed lbrmi1I: is reql.ired to be
subrritled byalthe studenJ1hottlieyshall notindulge in
anyfcrm ofraairc on ordfthe UrM!M)' ~s
and shall lbicle by 1lie nJes pnisailed fur this
pu!p09ebythe University/Gown'' ient. Thii UNIVERSITY
::~~~·~-::e INTEGRAL '
=a'lhl!HarfbleSupremeCourt 6th CONVOCATION
ll November, 2014
LanguageLab Under the blessings of
The languaee lab is a sta1lKl·1he·
art ITMJltimedia labomory thal
makes use of soft ware, Hon ble Governor Of Utt.r Pradesh and Visitor. lntegr•I Un1vers1ty
projectors and audio-visual
systems for an efficient
CompLller Aided Language
l.arring (CALL) eicperience. tt
has been developed to assist
students in developing excellent
(l:)!Tlmlriciltion skills.AA Industry
requires not only a strong
knowledge base from the
professionals bLll also effecllve
a:immlriation skills. For 1he 8bcMl
'Orell ODLL:, a profsicnal software fbr
i~ng YDClbuluy. pronu~, Md
other Soft Skills so that students may
commlri:atewelland efficiently.
Compull!rCentre cm~ to the mrTfl<J1inlneedsofthefaailty,
stif and studem tcr!heir .-rc11. teadircand teamrcactivitiM.
The UllNasityhas aUlyair-<Ondtioned, stm>-cf-tlle~computerantrewith
aoRrathousandC0111jMer11lrml'lib i'lstllled.
Convocation a ress b
C~i•f G11t-!sl
om C111'"'Cf!lfilr,AllO""M..ala!I 11.,1..,~~
The Co~ Centre ~ a numbef' of high-end selYef'S,
from1.8.M.and Hewlettl'acbn:I. Themachilesaneequipped
withthe~ comguration.~from hiiNwareresources,
Con'(lU1llrCentrealso providesa wide 111/i&eofsyslllrnSand
applicaDonsoftwaresIke>tatis1X21pac:~. imagepn:x:essllg
pad:ages, R.D.8.M.S.softwares,variousadvanc:edandspe<ial
purpose softwares iUd'I as Mllllolb, Netsim, Maya, Studio 8,
The Compute!" Centre has a robust iia---badwp fadity
1flrool!tl online U.P.S. and a rnmber of genentor sets. It
prcMcles the ampui; wi1h wireless netwotlt !hatconneds all
1fle a.::aderric departments, hosll!!ls, lilrary and other Cl!nlTal
fildilies. Internet has a190were<I and wpportlld academic
r"8Sealdiandstudes,enhandfl:knowledgethrolltl 1.8Gbps
Wn!!d lnb!metromedionon ll'il!grallk'lillenityCampus.
l.T. Help Dmk: This manages e-mail IDs of all perscmels/
stl.ldents and supports in1ranet applications lbr managing
students a!mulance, ~ marb and olhet' datl. for the
The Central Libraty is housed in a separale m"1i-stoney
btildire with a rich rolledion of books .and journals. The
objedi'oie d the C~ Lb'ary i~ to serve1lle needs ofthe
filGJlty. resean:h sdlolar,;, srudents and member,; of the
Libraiy. It is Ille heart of1he Ul'Nersity and ads as a central
resou~ for l1a' predominamly rela!ed to Science,
Engineeri~, Technology, Medical s<:ience, Architecture,
Phatmacy. Busr.ess Adminis1r.!Don, Edl.IC31ion, Lb'ary and
lnfotmationScienceand alied subjedsaimingat~ilg a
CQ~helsive colledionfbrtheU5e1$.
The U!ntrnl Libraty possesses a rich rolledion ofmon!>than
ninety one~ books and subsoi~ to for hundred
e-resou-c:es ccnsonia ccmprisiig three thousand eioumals.
and indexed articles on various 51./bjeds. All n!SOUrces
are e>dellsio'ely used for teaching, resean::h and referenoe
InOll:iet'tofuWil the~ need;thelibraryofretsthe
• BooklendilgseMc:etoilsmembers.
• Nil1ional i1ntemil1ional print and onlne journals 11
• On-1'1efJblick.assCa!alogue(OPAC)services.
• ~ photocopying and pmtrc facilitie!i on a
• TheUnrypr<Mdes bothre!'etUloeand refemil, and
• CD ROMi;!! and Read I Write facility/ Web
• Library<lifersOJrrentAwarenessSeM<:es(CAS.)and
The entire libnuy functions '1 lhe Central Library are fuly
computeriled. In-house library ac!Mties like hqumion,
Ca!aloguing, Cirwlstion, Seriall; Co!'ierol, Multime<li& and
Web lnquity have been autornaD!cl by using ltra!malicnal
Software 'Softlink Asia's - Alice for l';lndows' which is
~ user..friendy. The Central Libniry also lool:s
various deparonentli libraries inorderto promate direct we
dlhelibratycolledion. TheCen1rnl Libratyanddepartmental
libraries are interconnecte<:I through library Automation
In addition to lhese facilities, lh!n are also lliirty-!ile PCs
exclusively d~~ 10 lllXl!$5ing CD-ROM
online resources and On-line Public Acxeis Catllogue
(0.P.A.C.) ser.ic:es, which allow the users to search
<loci.ments by <Uhor's name, title, subje<:t and ;ic(l!;SSion
numbers. The drculalion activities 1hrou8'1 'barcode
technology" help achieve maximum efficiency in pn>lliding
accuracy, speed and reliability in issue and retum
TheIPbasede-reso..ussuchasOxfonl un;-sityPress,
c.ambridgeUniver.sityPress, ESl!COHOST,}-Giie, iEEE,
ASPP. ASTM Digitll Libraty. s~ ASCE Acland
Anatomyan alS'O be BJM ace :dttiro~ Ille ~s
The Gen1rnl Library has aiS'O tie.:ome an associate
memberofUGC-INFONITGOr60tWm bys~ilga
Memorand1m of Understinding wi1h INAJBNIT
and haslhep!'illilegeofacces!ingahostofdat!bases.
A--- L sasken ~
-~ --•<~ v El.DECO n r-· ~ Sapiert'
Cen1rebrCareerG.idlnceand De.~
(CCG&D) d lntewlJ Uriversity iJ a r.erml
A<:iity d 1he Uniwmy, man;ipd by hiat'ly
q.nllled and ""'l'erieumd prdsliaU from
iWstry. ~ ii ldiwly ..-.. the .cudefm in
developing their penionality. enhancin1•-~-..----4.......;~-......;;;.;;_+----11~;.;;;;,""'4
-· ---
• +---e -- , ....0 ...41fl~ flpeen _,,,
n " 1ou ent
JBM I> O.J W:*':'-
------ ~····
c Oil!~ ·:!·Iii Ii i i llYN'Y'llL
•.,..,,..lnfoop CD!!...: HONDA DSC L
-----·- • ----
o:irnnuUation *i!J and gmenl -
through worbhopt, seminars. lndvttriaJ• - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - • - - -..- - -...
TrairqvdC.-Colnef~ Thisullii•lilltlr
helps 1hem in 1heir final plaument. Hignir--;;-1r-;:--1r-=::-1~:;:;:::;:;:1t-;o;;:7'.~t:'."."."=:1emphasis is paid on blildi111 ln<*alJy ~......
indautiniplw:a1""'1toppor1ullties.Thecelfsl~---'"'4~--~.....;;;.--....i....--....j~---t---~""'°rtirc ii. a.ilDml1md and 1he ntCIDlds d the
students' acaderric saws, lnli1r-ws. ..mnars,
pn>jects anc1 placemerns etc. are availab1elr;;;,::;-t;~=::t:::;:::1•~:;;1t";=.;:::-tiimxii1onine.
• Ads as a bridge be'-' the a001~P<ll~'*'~l"-~!.':!!:!!!..+-==~~;;;;~l.=:.:_::.:.::.:.'---~~===-.....waid and the Uiiwnily by pnMclni a
--· ••.., Oil ' '
• GVK.,>
acccnture ,.•• •al Nt.C Mft!MTIUM""1&" d services1X> ont.nce students' jab
• Conmiuously liaisons and nel'Mll'b wllh1,.~~~h:;~rt~==t==::1t-:;;::-
~l l11·li•"'i•r1 -C::L Clpla n-0-<,...... , .,,, f.llih) .l~l'lti
'" ...
orpniz.ations and recrliters (Indian andl
t@J , , - r-l!•h
•""""" ........''°"
ti•"-·'!1.- L; l•i.~t·t:t#I
r":."'SIEMENS .._,,,_.• PnMdes expo1ure to tt.e students for
1taining/lntem1hip in public sector or··----t---~~---6-...:=-"6""'!!!!!!!!=-4~;...--.....
.ir.a --·--
~prMD orplizldionl, both II natlcnal &
hlbei 1lllio.1al level.
• Improves active partlclpiltlon of tile
students and the faculty members in
plaamert adMlies IM>ll&h famalion
Student Plaament Canrrillee (SPC1),
ilaJl1¥ ccmnittees ond cnlne di1amicn-
cm 1£Fr'
cP ~~~
~ (,) @lrlC.rlI l't
• hi.,nents corporate c:cllebol'lticn• by
. i"4! MOUs ~ Tl'linilg and "'-t>ert
• Utilizes the latest state-of-the-art
llOdwioqy (web se, em11lr, built SMS,
• Utilzes indq>aideit ll1d ~ ~
pcrtllswtich llit1hevwioo.osJdl msIt'd
(X)fpDtllle world flcilblirc i'lfomlatiolo-
sharirc with balh the sludents and 1he
• En<DurJCS ~.. amoni lhe
• Arnrce• interadlons or students with
>J1mni memben for !liaring a:irporate
Spedal Fmtu...
• /vi ;.,.house AptiWde T111iring Cel (IQ'C)
lU beet'! established with sufficiently
• Agreement has been signed with
pra(essicnal 'Ir.linen ftir a llUJe-added
prD&121nmes on employability and skill
enhancement of students within the
• Ful~time eo.poilie Relation Cel (CRC)
i._been e!Qblished for buidilgI~ te1m
• I.Ne induslry projeds underthe Uiiwmy
Industry lntBface initi;i!M haw been1llbl'I
up where the sludenls parti~ and
• SSB cou:hing by a dediated defenao
trainer lU been star1ed for Sldents
i~ ated in joililgtheAimed fc>rteS and
lnduS111aJ Training/ lrwernshlp
h pc< tile <1.1rric.Nn d the UnMol$ity. the
sbJdents ue reqlired to Llid"'l"' Industrial
Pi:' . ial I Plqod TrUW!g. The Cern r.,,
0.-Glidana:&O-:lcflment &.<ti!ttthemIn
&ftD"IandcrpiD-clhenirqin ""'"lizalklns
d "'puteIi..,- ISl10, BHa, HAI., ~L (Bclcln>.
Ro1.1tkek1 Durppur; Salem, Bhllai, Alantol,
Radi). NTPC NPOL SB.. Orchnc<J Fadory.
BAAC, PO... CI:lRI, CHAP, lll!IU, llTllC, BiotllCll
Parit~ lmflln~~ ~
dina.. UPOl'l LudmwGocrej, l.&T. TB.CO.
Cqptimt,WIW1i'td, lleisla:~
f'lmolocns. '.bllas, /Ml/ALIC, TATA-AIG, Bajaj
>llW1m. RelilnaiMOM)I 'lAIW'felc.
S.mlnani, Mocklnlllrvtaws
and Pre-pl:aamentTraining
The CCGIO conduds dmr>:>cm interzdions.
Gn>up DiKussio>ns, C)Jz<:s, IQ li:sts and Modt
I~ IRler the Pel'Slll'8iily IJwdoprnett
~ T~uphasbe<n madewih r<pJled
u1es:sment qencies to provide suftlcient
roh...,.I oplitud~ 12<11 ...ter five "'""9&'11'
cond:1iomincrd<rtoelVidl1heflNI andpte-lln;J
,_ stJ.i<leml. Guest fedlno by en'ilMnl arer
..,....-. llCldarici•• IJtd - ""
amreedfrorn~me1'>~me. Somecit!& spcokcl'5
~ IM pil!form indude Podam Shri Dr. Plil2m
Sin1h, former Director MDI Gura•on,
Commander R.P. Sl111h. renowned career
oonsUt>nt Dr. Amrita 0.S, funcus ~
tninins-'...,.,5huma. Sal)WT1 SWi, Ct.N
~ Mecnalcsti Shima a CS l!nTQ and
others. The eel regul""t CA(iiii:w ~
11voughEntn:pn:ncvr1"., ee.doplT'Cllt lnstitutle
d ftda, Alwnedabed (Nol1l'eII RqicrW Of'KZ,
LJJdcnow). Unod .i gllidinc die sluchnls on
bccomirc entreprene<111. The llude1'1s or<:
~ ,,, pottiCpote in aeoli¥e lt'ld clolia!I
aimpeliions in cnler to ,,,.,,,.,, th•'rlloctlOal
dci's. SlJJdents and ""1'"'11 ...., ... ndWot1a:d
~ In an...-~ Incrderto ptel<1dea
Oipizi11glhe ~ and lnduslrill Tcus is
*'h raponsblily d CCG&D. ().r stl.ldents
NM> Willed a nuriUr d Orpraali""' such as
l..&T Swildl GGB S)nems Lile~. HAL
Korwo, PumpO,. Sbltiono of U.P. Jal Nigam
U.ntiod, NTl'C, A<!mct<: SenliJ18 ,t.wlic2lion
c:.nn. Bobro Steel Plan!. UPOl'l Ludcnow
fll,ld Thennol ~ SQticin, NTPC Vnd1Wr
and 1lllfiaul ro..trial .....,._... lcaled 81
l~ites,.,.,....,,11pllllUldintopInaran& fon!ip1companies.Tho!yill"ll&fabally51!ntin&in111full!dMNC.&fortuneSODc:ompanis.CCGaDorpiirmCami""'
drives,Poolmrr.-drmslllldamuigocsoff~lmeritewt.Someoflheem~whorecM!ed OW"studcntidumgthclastfM:yeanveatrollows.
• Aaml>yW~O,
• Nivalife-Co.Lid.
• B.L ~llSoniLIAI.
• llljljAlllrlcL.MsnnooO.Ltd.
• h B!l!lmorlya ConltrlctJon
• Blwll"'31.Jfel-Co.lld.
• Qpeomlnlln<lal'vt.lid.
• ap.L..i
• CmcUzl.
• Cle
• OirdUfo
• Ommil'll
·-• &liGmlp
• Gtllt
o Gi-smt11a.
• LioGollln>t<•OOIO•
• HO.,l!rpo
• HO.o....t
• HO.MJs,.wn.IJd.
• HO.W,.,q;.,Ud.
• HOR:Limillod
• HOfC ~ L.le ln1ur.nce
• Heiciea. alol1:1Sol.N.Ud.
• HcndllSld_r_Uzl.
• H-OnlrudlonCo.Ud..
• IBM IndioIJJI.
• IOOl'rWn.IU!ol-Ll!j
• i-llo>I
• >.Qla
• l<d.Hort
• lndonNll'y
• l~Tochi I : "
• Larson • Tcubro Ltd (tee
• LotA!brll. .1..111.
• Malllnclr:a~
• Naia.rjuana Con,tructlon
• NM!teW!
• _.__..Ml.Jd.
• Oman 1ldrical ~ Uc
•Oracle Financial Servic:e5
• on....SWdlnlErai>n
• i..ilG,.,..,Ofean,.riis
• ~TecllnoqjesL.lzl.
• 111!.'cli:dlnoiolle<Ud.
• lldllnccClplbl
• IW!wol1ol..y
• AMalJt Nittatii
• s.m.....G~
• Samof111<1J>riaUzi
• 5o11'1nc!lt
• 91-rc.or-..SdlOd
• S..,.rHouool..altwllid.
• S-CiwoobochUzi.
• lilaC......ltancys.Naoo
• ~s....,;..,N.Ud.
• 'lb'Nntfowlw
• ~Gn>4>""'1lhabi
""""'-·~·kh lal~•
e Z)<!IBClua-Ud.
• O..borauJd>
• Qdiltd.
• DCMShrhmCei 5
h1 I Ltd•
• Soraro,..,sa..ftw~Ud.
·--Ud.·~• TrlwrilTlfthol.11:1.
EDUSATis1heMtlndiin smlI1ebliltexd.lsiYelyforier.i~theedUClitional sedor. Itis
manyinll'lldedto ~1he demlndb-an ~ sall!litle·based dislanoe mication
S)'5IBn for the aiunl7y. It slmngly "'91ec:ts lnd'ia's commitment ID using 1he lab!st
12CMolazyfornallcnll dl!llO!lopment. Ithasbeen introduood ii1heUniw!<sfl¥to creatl! a
-.irtual classroom wftl1 the basic objedMe oflinlciig various institutestogetherfor higher
All the academic departments, hostels, Ubrary and o!her central facilities are
intercon~ t/rougll aa:esspointstoCilmj:>.15widewirelessnetwort. The poweror
~ and ils capabilities to a.wort1he aademic ressrm and sbJCfes as wel as
stwiJ1I kn<M1•<1F- is wel known. For the same purpose, the UrMney pnwides
internet Wle5S thtoudi a 1.8 Gbps shared internet a:imection. The campus n~
pn:Mdes seNices and facilities such as eledrcric mail, intanet and 11ead1ing software.
ofticeaummlllion sofware, software utilities. onlineattendance, videoconferencingand
Hostelsarethecentreswhich pnMde ahome
aw.q frtim home ID students and fwl!!r
mendsh"and brotherhood amor-.c1hem.
II. The Uriversity ~ special attention to
keeping the hostels environmentally
12. Students are propeliy locbd after and
talren ~ cl by each and tNerf_,;!en in
1he nMp8dive hostel. Hoal wardens 1ake
regularroundsclthe hostd rooms and sort
o..t.lheday-to-<layproblemscl1he students
13, To pro.ide a raairc-fi"ce environment in
the hostels,wardensare-r~sothllt
1he!ludcntsareawsre oftheor.sequences
thereby and refrain from any kind of
I'4. The d-tewing d p;i;n maisal;a and smolcing
on the campus premises are strictly
prohibited. Those violating the rule are
TheUn~ity airerssep; hastelstbrboys
and girls. The hostels Mlle si,..e, dooble and
1J'1lle oo:upency rooms. Each ftOOf cl the
nost.els isfurnished withaloungoearea, apantry
and lavalory/,hower fadities. Other facilties
availabte in eadl host.I include aimmon
rooms, a 1'5ding room, a T.Y. room and
~ Hostels hiMl inllemet ficil~ in WI
room. Each hostel t.s its own Vv'an!en,
Astistant Wuden and fiailty c.are-tlicers,
Students are eligible Ix> apply for hosb!I
admissiononlyupon thec:on1irmition oflheir
admission to a particular course in the
UriYer5i1>'.Allalmentclroomsinthe hostelis
Slridly on the 'first come, first Ste(Vff basis.
Tuaeb.!, providina: l-ioslel attommodlllon a:;;~u Un~ has aful-fledge:I !rod ~I-equipped
medial hospitll wilh thno.e hundred and fifty
beds. The hospital mw Im eftit OPDs and
eignt:een wards, a well-equipped modem
Annual d1;vges for food ;ind lodging are
required to be paid in advaool atthe1imeof
hostel allotment. Itwill be inaimbent on the
srudents acmtted in the hos11ll IX> join the • • • • • ~ • • • 1Q..ialifiedandeicperienced Doctorsand Medial
fl'T•j.1[iij~ rr • I Attl!ndants are ~ allliable to look alter
:::·, ~ ~iris) admil!J!d in 1he l, • • • f.ii~•i(lll"
iirstye;irshallbeprovidedwi1htripleandmere ( ~,
equiJped an-bilance is also available rcund 1he
occupancy rooms. Double and single U!lla•m·d~t~dii;I
occupancy rooms, depending upon their
availability, are olfered IX> senior students 4.
~;:;1~!!1..~ dockat111e Universitycampus. Al emergencies
=~ Fadl~is available In all the
·~_._._ 6.
Host.elsareprl7<1idedwilhspl'IMlrelushgreenlawnsandbeautlulgardens. Sportsand ReasdoillllActlvltlm
SMdedparlcingti>dlityisav.iilablewilhfullsecurity. The University has a full-fledged Sports
Mobiletea~hop. with snacksand sol!.drinks. isavailable wenatrqtlthoursb' Departmentwhich Ofiillizes sporls meets and
<emaiesiudl!n1sanclnosu,j c.anteensare beptopenlrtl late atnight sends teams to various inter-university
Salientfaaturas aftha holltels
I. 11.ound the dad: eledridty is prl7<lided in
2. Fullyequ"'1edumnasium.
3. Indoor sporls l'acilfr in the 1espediw
common rooms and out.loor sports
fadfd:y onthecampuspllly4iefd.
7. The seariy dqllayed atthe gab: of111e hostels keeps a dosewatch on each car~.
penon'smoo.enents. Publ" Util" .
8. Roondthedod:first~ilcililyisalsoavailable ii1he ho51lels. IC !ties
9. An ambulanc.e is available l'CUld the dodc to talu! sluderns IX> the 1~ The campus also ~ a Banc, R:Jst.Oflia: and
lnmtuteofMedialSciencesand~incaseofrnecialemergency. Coopenmw .0 fl°M"« vanous RMas to 1he
I0. To deal with any unl<lw3rd ihCide a sud! as tn, fire exling.ishen and ex1ra lllldents. Multiple ~ are pr<Mded to
WEterso.4JPIYtlroughpipeNnesareMilableinalthehoslzls. a1Nto1heneedsofvanausfarulfes.
B.Tech.(Computer Science & Engg.)
B.Tech.(Electronics & Comm. Engg.)
B.Tech.(Electrical & Electronics Engg.)
B.Tech. (Electrical Engg.)
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.)
B.Tech. (Civil Engg.)
B.Tech. Biotechnology
B.Tech. Food Technology
B.Tech.(Lateral Entry) - For Diploma
B.Tech.(Lateral Entry) - For B.Sc.
Graduates with Science
B.Tech.(Civil Engg.) Lateral Entry-
B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) Lateral Entry-
M.Tech (Electronics Circuit & Systems)
Full Time/ Evening
M.Tech (Instrumentation & Control)
M.Tech (Power System & Drives)
M.Tech. (Production & Industrial Engg.)
Full Time/Evening
I0+2 with Physics, Maths & One Subject out of Chemistry/Biotechnology/Computer Science,
with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry & One Subjects out of Mathematics/Biology/ Biotechnology
with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
3 Years Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from a
recognized Board/University.
B.Sc. Degree with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized university and
has passed XII class with Mathematic as a subject
3 Years Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a
recognized Board/University.
3 Year Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a
recognized Board/University
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Electronics Engg. I
Electronics & Communication Engg. or M.Sc. in Electronics or equivalent degree with
a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. in Electrical Engg. I Electrical & Electronics Engg. I
Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in
the aggregate from a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Electrical & Electronics Engg./
Electrical Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from
a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Mechanical Engg. I Production
Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% from a recognized University.
4 yrs
4 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
2/3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
2/3 yrs
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
M.Tech. (Machine Design)
Full Time/Evening
M.Tech (Bioinformatics)
Full Time
M.Tech.(Structural Engg.)
Full Time/ Evening
M.Tech.(Environmental Engg.)
Full Time/Evening
M.Tech.(Computer Science & Engg.)
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Mechanical Engg. I 3 yrs
Production Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% from a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Bio-technology I 2(3 yrs
Biochemical Engg. I M.Sc. in Life Science or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks
in the aggregate from a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Bio-technology I 2 yrs
Biochemical Engg. I M.Sc. in Life Science or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks
in the aggregate from a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. examination in Civil Engg. or equivalent degree 2(3 yrs
with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
A candidate must have passed B.Tech./B.E examination in Civil Engg./Biotech. Engg./Environmental 2(3 yrs
Engg./Petroleum Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from
a recognized University.
The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Comp. Sci. & Engg./ Electronics 3 yrs
Engg./lnformation Technology/M.C.A. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks
in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering)
B.Sc.(Hons) Agriculture
B.Sc.(Hons) Hortirculture
B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry
I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) I Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 4 yrs
& Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized
I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB)
I Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the 4 yrs
recognized Board/University
I0+2 or equivalent with physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) I 4yrs
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate from a recognized board/University.
I0+2 or equivalent with physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) I 4 yrs
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate from a recognized board/University.
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
Test Course
B.Sc.(Hons) Home Science
Master in Agri-Business Management
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology
B.Sc. (Hons.) Industrial Chemistry
M.Sc.(lndustrial Chemistry)
(Specialization 'Electronics')
Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial
Safety Health & Environment
I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & One Subject out of Mathematics/Biology/Agriculture
/Home Sc. with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University
B. Tech with Agricultural Engg./Biotechnology/B.Sc.(Hons.)- Forestry/Agriculture/ Horticulture/
Food Tech./Dairy Tech.Net. Science & Animal Husbandry/Home Science with minimum
of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University
I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Biology/ Biotechnology with a minimum of
50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
I0+2 in science with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized
B.Sc.with Biotechnology/ Biological Sci./Agriculture/ B.V.Sc./ B.Sc. Hons.(Biotechnology)
with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.Sc.with Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biological Sci./Agriculture/ B.V.Sc./B.Sc. Hons. (Biotech.)
with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.Sc./ B.Sc.(Hons.) with Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sci./ Biological Sci./
Agriculture/B.V.Sc. with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.Sc. with Biological Science/ Physical Science/B.Tech./B.E./ B.Pharm./ B.V.Sc. with
a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.Sc.with Chemistry/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Chemistry with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate
from a recognized University.
B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (Physics should be a compulsory subject upto
3rd year)with a minimum 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University
B.Sc. with Mathematics (Mathematics must be acompulsory subject upto 3rd year) with a
minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University
A Bachelor Degree of Engg. in any discipline /B.Sc. in Science with a minimum of 50% marks
in the aggregate from a recognized University.
4 yrs Non-Test Course
2yrs Test Course
3 yrs Non-Test Course
3 yrs Non-Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
2 yrs Test Course
I yr Non-Test Course
B.Arch. I0+2 with 50% marks in aggregate & with Mathematics as a compulsory subjects from a 4+ I yrs Test Course
(Bachelor ofArchitecture) recognized Board/University.
Candidates holding 3 years Diploma( I0+ 3) with 50% marks in the aggregate, are also eligible.
M.Arch.(Full Time/ Part time) B.Arch. or equivalent with a min. of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 2/3 yrs Non-Test Course
D.Pharm. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and (Maths/ Computer Science/ Biology/ Biotechnology) 2 yrs Non-Test Course
with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
B.Pharm. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and (Maths/ Computer Science/ Biology/ Biotechnology) 4 yrs Test Course
with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
Pharm. D. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Maths/ Biology with a minimum of 50% marks in 5 yrs Test Course
the aggregate from a recognized Board/University.
M.Pharm. B.Pharm. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. weightage will be given 2 yrs Test Course
to GPAT qualified candidates.
B.Pharm.(Lateral Entry) D.Pharm. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. 3 yrs Test Course
B.C.A. I0+2 in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/university. 3 yrs Non-Test Course
M.C.A. A Bachelor's Degree of Min. 3 yrs Duration with mathematics at I0+2 level or at graduate level 3 yrs Test Course
with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
M.C.A. (Lateral Entry) A Bachelor's Degree of Min. 3 yrs. Duration in B.C.A., B.Sc.-(1.T./Computer Science) 2 yrs Test Course
with mathematics as a course at I0+2 level or at graduate level with a minimum of
60% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
B.B.A I0+2 in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. 3 yrs Non-Test Course
M.B.A. (I 0+2+ 3) in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 2 yrs Test Course
M.BA (Agri-Business)
B.Com. (Hons.)
B. Tech with Agricultural Engg./Biotechnology/B.Sc.-(Forestry/Agriculture/Horticulture/Food Tech.
/Dairy Tech.Net. Science & Animal Husbandry/Home Science with a minimum of 50% marks in
in the aggregate from a recognized University
(I 0+2) in Commerce or Science (with Maths) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate
from a recognized Board/University.
B.P.Th.(L.ateral Entry)
M.P.Th. (Musculoskelatan, Neurology,
Candiopulmonar & Sports Medicine)
M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy)
M.Sc. (Medical Physiology)
M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry)
M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology)
A candidate must have passed (I 0+2) in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English
Individually and must have obtained a min. of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry &
Biology at the qualifying examination.
I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from
a recognized Board/University.
D.P.Th. with a minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate, recognized from State Medical Faculty.
B.P.T./ B.P.Th. with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from recognized University.
M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./BAM.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with
Zoology and Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. in Life Sciences or B.Sc. with
Anthropology as the major subject or a degree equivalent to the above from any
recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate.
M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./BAM.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology
and Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. in life Sciences or adegree equivalent to the
above from any recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate.
M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./B.A.M.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology and
Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. with Anthropology as the major subject or a degree
equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate.
M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./B.A.M.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology
and Botany as the major subjects or B.Sc in Life Sciences as the major subjects or a degree
equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate
A Graduate or Post Graduate degree in any stream with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate
from a recognized University.
2 yrs
3 yrs
4Vi yrs
4 yrs
3 yrs
2 yrs
2/3 yrs
2/3 yrs
2/3 yrs
2 yrs
Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
Non-Test Course
M.Ed. B.Ed. with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University.
M.L.l.Sc. A candidate must have passed B.L.l.Sc./B.Lib.Sc. with a minimum of 50% marks from a
recognized university.
MA (English)
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Certificate of proficiency in Arabic
Certificate of proficiency in French
Certificate of proficiency in German
Diploma in Arabic
Diploma in French
Diploma in German
Diploma in Chemical Engg.
Diploma in Civil Engg.
Diploma in Electrical Engg.
Diploma in Electronics Engg.
Diploma in Mechanical Engg.
Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Automobile)
Diploma in Civil (Construction
Management & Safety) Engineering
Diploma in Architecture Engg.
Diploma in Civil Engg. (Evening)
Diploma in Electrical Engg. (Evening)
Diploma in Mechanical (Production)
Engineering (Evening)
BA in English as one ofthe subjects (upto 3rd year) with a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate from a recognized University
Graduate in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized university.
Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent
examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent
examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent
examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
Certificate of proficiency in Arabic language or an equivalent examination with
not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
Certificate of proficiency in French language or an equivalent examination with
not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
Certificate of proficiency in German language or an equivalent examination with
not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.
A candidate must have passed I0th standard or equivalent examination with Mathematics and
Science from a recognized Board/University.
Test Course = In these courses candidates are required to appear in written entrance test. The selection Important Note:
2 yrs Non-Test Course
I yrs. Non-Test Course
2 yrs. Non-Test Course
2 yrs. Non-Test Course
I yrs. Non-Test Course
I yrs. Non-Test Course
I yrs. Non-Test Course
I yr. Non-Test Course
lyr. Non-Test Course
I yr. Non-Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 Yrs. Test Course
3 yrs. Test Course
3 yrs. Test Course
3 yrs. Non-Test Course
3 yrs. Non-Test Course
3 yrs. Non-Test Course
shall be madeaccordingto marks obtained in written test. Candidates who have appeared in the Intermediate Examination ofthe year 2015 and have also applied for
Non-Test Course = In these courses candidates are not required to appear in written entrance test The admission in any Non-Test Undergraduate Course of this University should submit the Marks Sheet of the
selection shall be made strictly on merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifyingexamination latest by6"'June, 2015.
qualifyingexamination and interviewwhere it is prescribed, conducted bythe concerningdepartment.
S.N. Programme I" Installment _of the year ll"d lnstallmen~ of the year
(To be Deposited at the (To be Deposited before
I. B.Tech. - Computer Sci. & Engg.
2. B.Tech. - Electronics & Comm. Engg.
3. B.Tech. - Electrical & Electronics Engg.
4. B.Tech. - Electrical Engg.
5. B.Tech. - Mechanical Engg.
6. B.Tech. - Civil Engg.
7. B.Tech. - Biotechnology
8. B.Tech. - Food Technology
9. B.Tech. -Agricultural Engg.
I0. B.Tech. - Civil Engg. (Lateral Entry) - Evening Classes
I I. B.Tech. - Electrical Engg. (Lateral Entry) - Evening Classes
12. B.Tech. - (Lateral Entry) - For Diploma Holder
13. B.Tech. - (Lateral Entry) - For B.Sc. Graduation with Science
14. M.Tech. - Power Systems & Drives- Evening
15. M.Tech. - Electrionics Circuit & Systems (Full Time)
16. M.Tech. - Electrionics Circuit & Systems (Part Time)- Evening Classes
17. M.Tech. - Instrumentation & Control (Part Time)- Evening Classes
18. M.Tech. - Production & Industrial Engg. (Full Time)
19. M.Tech. - Production & Industrial Engg. (Part Time)- Evening Classes
20. M.Tech. - Machine Design (Part Time) - Evening Classes
21. M.Tech. - Biotechnology (Full Time)
22. M.Tech. - Biotechnology (Part Time) - Evening Classes
23. M.Tech. - Bioinformatics (Full Time)
24. M.Tech. - Structural Engg. (Full Time)
25. M.Tech. - Structural Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes
26. M.Tech. - Environmental Engg. (Full Time)
27. M.Tech. - Environmental Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes
28. M.Tech. - Comp.Sci.&Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes
29. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Agriculture
30. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Horticulture
3 I. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Forsetry
32. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Home Science
33. B.Sc. (Hons) Biotechnology
34. B.Sc. (Hons) Industrial Chemistry
35. M.Sc. - Physics (Specialization 'Electronics')
36. M.Sc. - Mathematics
37. M.Sc. - Biotechnology
38. M.Sc. - Biochemistry
39. M.Sc. - Bioinfonmatics
40. M.Sc. - Microbiology
41. M.Sc. - Industrial Chmeistry
42. M.A.B.M.- (Masters in Agri-Business Management)
43. Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety Health & Enviroment (PGDISHE)
44. B.Arch.
45. M.Arch. (Full Time)
46. M.Arch. (Part Time)
47. D.Phanm.
48. B.Pharm.
49. Phanm .D.
time of Admission) 31" December 2015)
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 80000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 50000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 10000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 15000/-
t 60000/-
S.N. Programme I" Installment _of the year ll"d lnstallmen~ of the year
(To be Deposited at the (To be Deposited before
50. M.Pharm.
51. B.Pharm. (Lateral Entry For Diploma Holder)
52. B.C.A.
53. M.C.A.
54. M.CA (Lateral Entry)
55. B.B.A.
56. M.BA
57. M.B.A. (Agri Business)
58. B.Com. (Hons.)
59. M.B.B.S.
60. B.P.Th.
61. B. P.Th. (Lateral Entry)
62. M.P.Th. (Musculoskelatal, Neurology, Cardiopulmonary & Sports Medicine)
63. M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy)
64. M.Sc. (Medical Physiology)
65. M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry)
66. M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology)
67. B.Ed.
68. M.Ed.
69. M.L.l.Sc.
70. MA in English
71. Master of Social Work (MSW)
72. Certificate of proficiency in Arabic
73. Certificate of proficiency in French
74. Certificate of proficiency in German
75. Diploma in Arabic
76. Diploma in French
77. Diploma in German
78. Diploma in Civil Engg.
79. Diploma in Mechanical Engg.
80. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Automobile)
81. Diploma in Electrical Engg.
82. Diploma in Electronic Engg.
83. Diploma in Chemical Engg.
84. Diploma in Civil (Construction Management & Safety)
85. Diploma in Architechture Engg.
86. Diploma in Civil Engg. (Evening)
87. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Production) Evening
88. Diploma in Electrical Engg. (Evening)
I Lastdate ofsubmission ofform is April 1O'h, 2015 Cheques will be accepted.
2 Last Date of submission ofform alongwith Late Fee i.e. 8 The caution moneydeposited bythe students atthe time
noo/-isApril 2o•h, 2015. of admission in the University shall be refunded only on
3 Architecture students are also required to pay NATAFee completion ofthe course or withdraw! after clearing all
of ~ 200/- and Educational TourFee of ~ 1200/- the dues. The same shall be claimed within 12 months
4 Students shall have to go for Summer Training I Project otherwise itwill be forfeited. The caution moneyshall be
workarranged bythe CCG & Dorbythemselves. transferred intothe account ofthe students in the branch
5 Please visit the Integral University website for NRI fee of Punjab National Bank situated in the campus. All
structure. students are advised to open their account in the same
6 Bus Fee will be charged onthe basis oflocation Idistance. branch and provide the account number in the
7 The fee shall be paid onlythrough DD drawn in favour of concerned section.
"Treasurer, Integral University", Lucknow. No Cash I 9 The students should ensure that his/her permanent/
time of Admission) 31" December 2015)
'{ 60000/-
'{ 60000/-
'{ 30000/-
'{ 45000/-
'{ 60000/-
'{ 35000/-
'{ 60000/-
'{ 60000/-
'{ 20000/-
'{ 900000/-
'{ 35000/-
'{ 35000/-
'{ 50000/-
'{ 30000/-
'{ 30000/-
'{ 30000/-
'{ 30000/-
'{ 45000/-
'{ 35000/-
'{ 20000/-
'{ 20000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 6000/-
'{ 6000/-
'{ 6000/-
f I0000/-
f I0000/-
f I0000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
'{ 25000/-
postal addresses for communication are updated in the
Application form and Prospectus :
~ I000/-forTestCourses
~ 700/- for Non-Test Courses
(~ I00/- Extra ifrequired by post)
Application form can also be downloaded from university
website and submitted
alongwith draftofrequisitefee.
Hostel &Mess Fee (Ifthefacility isavailed bystudent)
Hostel & Mess Fee peryear:
Single Occupancy Room
Double Occupancy Room
Triple/More Occupancy Room
Mess Deposits(Refundable)
LaundryCharges (Compulsory)
M.B.B.S. Fee Details
'{ 40000/-
f 40000/-
f 20000/-
f 25000/-
f 40000/-
f 25000/-
f 40000/-
f 40000/-
f I0000/-
per annum
'{ 25000/-
f 25000/-
f 30000/-
f 20000/-
f 20000/-
f 20000/-
f 20000/-
f 30000/-
f 25000/-
f 10000/-
f 10000/-
f 15000/-
'{ 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
f 15000/-
~ 50,000/-
~ 5,000/-
Tuition Fee ~9,00,000/-peryear
Security Fee ~ 1,00,000/-(onetimerefundable)
Hostel Fee ~ 1,00,000/- peryear
Enrollment Fee n5,000/-(onetime)
Important Information & Rules
--,,..--·· ..:.
Faculty of Engineering
Medwtial £ra.
Eledrical £ra.
Eledrical& Eledror¥a ElCll.
• 30-shallbe.-wl-ti;ntlloalol'Du!I.,...."""'•"'"'In 9.le<h
I. B.Ted!.:
Ac:indda!emusthavepassed 10+2wi1h~. MalhsandOlemis1Jy/BiotechJCompW!rScience"'1haminimumd-45%
II, B.'Tkh. ~IFood~hllolOC'f)
Ac:and~ have pe>'iled 10+2 with l'tiysic:s, 01emisVy and Maths~ Science I Biolosr llliote<:h. wi1h a
m'1imumd45%maiksinaagregatefroma~= BoardNnivers~.
II. B.Ted!:(lmir111£nlry)forDfplomaHoklen:
Aandidid.e musthave~ 3 years dp!omainarrt branchcl&ijneenrcwi1haminimum d 5096 marks in~·
...-. B.Tech.{l.ateral Emr)')far B.SC. Gmcti-·
Aandicla!e musthave passed B.Sc. wi1haminimum d .50'l6 marts inaai~ from a~lized unM!My.whlso
hiM passedXII class"'111 Matl1ematicsas aS1.1bjed.
i. Thf'OJt,hcombinedEntrwlceTestoflUIT-2015.
i. F«detlil!Joflhe~!Wtolhesedion ·1~ lnmK1ions&S)llebi:1urr-2015.
ii. Listofthec:and~selected forcoul1$cl!ngtl)8.Te<h~ ai11meQllthebasl$ofmeritintheentrancetestshallbedisplayedon
lhenotice~oflheunM:nityoo 1t"May2.015.
iv. "'1 intimtion letl.ershalaliobesentt:>seleded candidalg R>rcommuniczqthedaleofcol.flSl!lirconwhichtheyhaYeto
v. AdminiontoB.Ted!.programmesshall bearriedoutthrouaf1thecounselircmdacxordirctothemeritoftheEntnnceTest.
1". NPJ/leftoverseztsshalbefiledonttiebalisdmeritdqualif}ircelG!lnination.
(A) COURSEOFSTJOY-MaiW of'Tedtnalov
The field of specialization of various M.Tech.
~--~ Becbot1lcOn:~,,..
~on &Conll'OI
Prvclic:llonA I~ Ena.
2 yrs.
3 yrs.
Ful Ttme 30 2 yrs.
Ewning 20 3 yrs.
Ewning 20 3yrs.
c.....;.. 20~~-s Jyrs.
Ful Ttme 30 2 yrs.
Ewning 20 l yrs.
&Mran...n1111 Ena.
FulTtme 30 2yrs.
Ewning 20 3 yrs.
Fut Timi! 30 2 yrs.
Ewning 20 3 Y"·
BlolrtfoiI I llillb
Ful llme 30 2 yrs.
Ewning 40 l yrs.
1. M.Tld!. (Electronic Cin:1.1it & Symms}: The c:andidaleS
llMI hlYe pasted I B.E. ~ In E1e<1rOOa
Eniiz. I Eledrorb & Comm.mialie>n Ena. Cl" MSc. in
in@egal<>ift>lna~izled Un~.
2. M.Tedi. (lnstllmentation & CGntrvO: The candidatlls
mustl-.aw1*$Cd8.Ted>./8.E. in Bedric:al Engg,/Bectrical&
Eledrania Engg. I Bectrmics & ln<tnmentition Era· Cl"
equMllent~with aminimJm clSS%maibin~
froma~lled Unive~
3. M.Tech. (Production & Industrial Engg):Thecandidams
must ha11e passed B.Ted. I B.E. ecam:nalion in Ml!ld>arGI
EiQ. /~e>nftv.or~ont dep.ewilhamnmi.n
4. M.Tedi.-(Mad!in~ Design) : The cand~ nust have
pas>ed B.Tl!dl. I B.E. examila!ion in Mecl'lanical Erg. I
Ptcduction Era.Dl"eqLillalent.~with annininumof55%
5. M.Tech. (Structural Engg.): The candi<lallet have
pas>ed B.Tech.,9.E. exanninallcn in CM Era.or equivalent
doOM with a minimum of5S'i6 mu1cs in ~ from a
~lied Unive~
6. M.lkfl. ~nvlronmental Engg.): A candidabt nut have
passed B.Tedl,/9.Eexami'lalion in CMI &cl.Alio!eth. £raJ
tnwalioenDI ~ • Cl" eq.ifdont ~
with aminimim c/55'16 marts in icgtqmofram a~
7. M.Tedl. (Blotedlnology): The121dcidesmi.Illtwepassed
8.Tl!dl. I B.E. eicaminatian in Bio-lmlnalogy I Biodiemal
Erg. I M.Sc. in Life ~ or equMllent d~ with a
8. M.lkfl (Bioinfarmatics): Thecrididll.esmisttir.... passed
B.Tl!dl. I B.E. eicamilltian in Bio-edinalogy I Biocherrial
E'rg./B. Plwm. /M.Sc. in Life Scienc:a or~Milerrt drgree
9. M.Tedt (C.ompull!r Science & Engg.): The candill!H
mun law i-ed B.M!d!. I B.E. examN1ion in Con-f>. Sci. &.
Erg.I Elecbonia &iilz,Artorm<l!icn Tednolagy/M.CA or
~iwlent drgree aminimum cf55% mub in~
10.M.ll!dl (Fower System &. Drives): The Clndidms nut
h11V8 passed B.Tech. I B.E. 6'Ql/Tlimdion In Eleclrial &.
Eleanlnia Erg./Eledrial Ens· or~ivalent ~ with a
minirrum cf SS% marb in tjjg1egat.e from a reoogriized
i. CandidliesapplyingforaanissionID M.Tech. =nmshilsut:ml~ pllCJ!XXq>ies
ii. Candidoll5 appearing ii "final year 8.Tech./1!.E.fl'1.CA1"1Sc. E>caminolion ""'1 also
apply. However.1heyhaveIDsubm~1hese!Httested copyofthcirfilalyearmarksheet
/vi objedM: type written test of one nour duration shal be cordue00 by the respective
dopet1mentfol~ byani11ta Ii-.Thec:ancidBtmant adviiedIDn!lldl lregr.I UMiers~
wdcnawonthe dzte lnd tme~n below. No~ imiNticn ll!tler for tat/il'RI o'iew
shd besenttoandclms.
C0<ne Telteate 11me
M.TEOi. 13"J1.11" 2015 9:30 om
i.3•:h<ic> QQa ll ~ ~ ll 1- &w..t'lodft Da9>,....,,.....
~ Sd. ll &@"I a. ol"ll'f llolrformlllc:g,ol~ ll c.-d 8-i.-rS)olorn ll
°"'"'ll'Urviews.tiollbeconducted inmedillelyifterthee.41ullion oflhewritlentl!st.The liltof
cancidal"5selemdbradnUsion shallbedisplayed on I'I"jW102015anthenolia! boardI
50%ofthetotalirrtake is~for1heminoritycommunity.
ttwilbeafi>J&)'!arpragr;imme.On1heccmpldionafthe~· B.Ted!.-M.Tech.
deireewouldbe~tosua:mJandidatl!s. Fordelidertstudent.hil>liiebadcpapen;.
1hedepamnentmay,..,.,jl!JW theirprogr1!SS*"1hec:anpldionof1nt """"'
may~ themfor
Thestuden1swillhawlheoption "'811"linga:>ntii.alioninlheDual °"8798 ~me
orIDOltailitfora'.linsle B. Tech. d<:@r'eeonlyuptnthe1hi"dyear.Thereafter,nochanges shall
Asepvole~ust!Nllbe a>ndl>dedioradmissicnto thePh.D.prqr21T1me inthe
mon!h ofJan/ Feb and Jliy/ hlll"st. Hi adllerti...,,.11:br11-s lle5t slaiJ be p~b.iltled in
Faculty ofArchitecture
Study of An:hited>Jre, toncemed with desill" and
conwvction of blildi~. ~ a wide rarce d career
opportun~ies in govemment and private sector.
Hw.<ever, 1he l'06t endeari~ option, prderred by
arcliteds, is sef~~ wtiere in add"dion to
equitable firencial ,_,.,s, 1he pn:tession ""5Ul"eS lhe
sal)lfaction d 1he dewJopmert d ec;cnomic and nJral
uplift, recognized by ea:inon'<c pi511ners and social,
scientists, it r.aN provides unlimited employment
cppottuMies i>the,,_schemed mojorthrustareas al
~hy al Ardllec1Jn. I~ Uniymity runs 4+I-
years l.llde~dcgroeprogram"nei i> arflitlecnn
leading to the award al Degree rl Ardlite< The
8~. aiurse althe UnMer9ily are 6.Jly ~by
ll~~::lf;:~i;idQi:.:~~~iJi.~~~-J theCOln:i<IArdt~ lnd"i&. Inaddilion,1he lilailty
:= ako nas p06tgrad~ prograrrmes, both full #Id part.
time, and a~ J)l"Ol!TWnme (Pn.D,)lbr(Sll(idates
l'cvi~academicancl resewd"Iinterests.
eo... lntaM
8><0!. 70
'+I yn.
stress on aealiw: dewlopment, Wual axnnunicalion
and the technical if"4'UIS ~ fer an an:TOled.. In
c:cnianmce with tn.. stitt-d-~ inlrastrudure
available inthe UniYeBily,theempilamon~ of
ardlil2ctural solllWare and 1he wide variefy d eledives
~. er.sure for 1he sbJdents' dverUiwJlion to other
weer options and better placements. The dqree
holden:in.....t.aduret.....e 100'6 p:ocoment~ on
~ selfemplaiiment.
(I) Thecandidatemust1-aYepwed IO+2_....withat
least 5096 nwb in v¥1>!will Malhemllics ....
compulsory subject from a recognized Board/
00 IO+3-,earDiplOITa(anySlream)l"CO)gnizedbyS13li:
i. ~ ai~ Tcstinhditedlneto behdd l!ong
wilt>mmbinedEntnnce'Jest IUET-20I5.
ii. For$ of the test, refer to section "lmporiant
lnmiaions&S~labi: IUET--1015."
iii. The istdthe candidm:s aca>rdingtotheircnlerofmerit
in e'1!rance """""manand selod-d for~ to
S.Ardl. Course shal be dls!llayed on Nodce Board/
W1!1>!~ rlthe Uniwnity on Ill" Mlly2015. However,
the intimation l8l1Br shall be sent only to selected
anddates for c.ommJricaling1he <Ille arc.ounsellrc on
wlidl !hey IR'e1D reportfor WI~1he acmmcn
iv. Niii/ ieft°'""rseatsshallbeEledonthebosisorcomlined
Nili""2l Aptitude Test in Ncnledure (N."Jlll). AIEEE er
(I) NATA (N>lional Aptitude Teit in Architecture) is
oonclucted by National lnltitute of Mana:d SWdies
(N~) ofthe Counc~ alNcnledure (CO), which is
o!len!d betwMn April to Septem~r """'Y year 111
d""""'loaded from CQ.t.'s websk www.a:iap.ln er I~ UrMlrs~ l..ucJcnow is one of the
auth<>ria!d lest Cem-e bl" ~ _,, dthe Qim<il al
(2) >G po" COA. .,,,..,. aid! ancld8les wil be l<h1illlld to
Bhth. r.our9e, who t.ave ql.Ufed an Aptirude 1esl in
~withminm..n'10'lti matb.
(3) Mt new p.idelines/ clrMives, f mued byCO snail be
(') Dinoct adnission (~ Entry) to 9!1cond )fir (b-
50%ofthe total in11ke isretelWd for ltlearddate trom
Thelistafthe andida!H sele't><llbradmissionto Bkdl
1n1....,sn.11beclsplayed ontheNoticeBoord/websitoaf
theUnivlmv. 1-lowewr,thelntinatlonlettershalonlybe
sent to selected ancldatllS comm.i~ the date on
wt-Och 1heyhave1ll report br<X>n'91~ lhe admission
MmerofAnt•ledu"' (11111 - Tme) 20
Masteraf~(l'art-Tme} 10
i. The candidates must have passed B.Arch Degree
IO<aminalion or equivalent with atleast 55% martcs in
ii. Unciclale:s~ in'lhei'malyearB.hdl.ewninalion
by 13"'June2015.
m. Qncidatessedcilgaan;iaontothe H.Arch. OMSe, shall
stated above along with Rm to Rnal year mari<s
i. The anefidt:es shill 111w to appear for an irlllel il<NI br '--
ieleclionicr~on l)*)lne,2015M lo..l0amat •
lntEgral Universit)I l(urs; P.oad, l.JJOnwf. No seperaoo • •
"1imll!ion letter far the interview s'-11 be lllef't to ltle - • •
ii The list of seled.ed andidales stmll be dilpl~ on - •
19" June 2015 on the NCltice Boord / 'M!bsite cf the - I •
••In addition, the intimation letters, tonfinning their
adn-Gion to ltle 1n1rse, it.JI be 5>1llt to the selected I •
candidatesa:>rrmJnicalingthedateonwr;a,they haveto _, •
report at the Univlmv for complding the a<hlissicn I
tbrmaities. - •
SO'J6oflhe11:otalinta.lteisre51!M!dfor andida!Mti'omlhe '- I
Mi~comrmrVl:y. &- I •
Suitable financial assistance m;ry be made N.lilable to ._ •
Facu~ members afI~ Uniwnityaswellasafother I
ilstib.Jtions I orpnizations admit!..:I m 3-year M.Ardl. - •
(Part-lime)=ne. • • •
Asepandeenlnina:testshallbeaxiducmdtbradmissiontolhe II •
Ph.D. ~in1hemonthcfJan/feband July/~ • • •
...,, advertisementfortis- shiiil be pubfa.fled in pn>minl:rll -......olllll •
Newspopen/J~Wd:l!itea=nfrW>'. ~
Faculty of Pharmacy
(Al cou•OF iTUDY- ~ITll In PMnmty
Coone lnlllb Di.nllon
D.Plwm. 60 2 YB·
D. Pharm. :TheandidlllemLllthM!passed 10+2with
Pl1)'Sks. Oiemislly and Mattis ~pulrt' Sdence I
- Biology.r1liolcdi.with minirrum50% marbinvqB!e
IOO'l6 d tot.I i"ltab! d dploma plmma<yaiune shal be
~Ued enthe buisdrneritof111equal~eariination.
.-~ ,., t'"I~ ii The liltof111e eligille car>didlll:S braci'nission co1nellrc
-- ~ - __ 1X> DiplomaPhumacy C06'Se shall be~ on Notice
Boa~e of the Unillenity on 6 June 2015.
I lowever, the ir-.irnllion letm' sNll be 5"111: ID eligiile
c:andidasonlyibrcomm.inic:aq1hedad e<>Llllll!llrc
anwhiditheyhillleID reportbra>!Tflletiiatheadrrission
ii. NRI/loft""".-shal beliledonthemeritd qllliifyirc
50'!6 d 111e total irtake is reHtVed for 1he rrOnority
(Aj COURSE OF !ffiJDY- Bedlelar Df Pharn-.y
Coone lnalrll Di.nllon
B.Phl!m. 60 4 YB·
i. B.Pharm. :Theanddab!mLllt.,_passed Io+2 with
Pll)'SiG. Olemislly and Mattis ~pulrt' Science I
BiologyA!ioledl.with rrinirrum+596 mllbinw tga1e
i. B.Pharm. :(lale<alEntry)forDpirreHolders
A andidlb! must have passed 2-yur diploma in
i. Throughcorrbiiedentrana:testoflUET-2015
ii. For detailJ of the !lest nifer to section "Important
lnsirucdons&Syllabi: IUET-2015.
ii. Theliltoftheandidatl!sao::ordinrt1o1hl!ironlerofrnerit
in enlrlnce elallllination and selected br counseli'lgti>
B.Pharm I B.Phanm. Lateral Entry. Courses shall
be dilplll)'!d en Notice Board I UniwnityWomle on
Howe-, theintimalien letber slwl also be sent onlym
seled2<1 andidms for comm1M1icalirc the date of
;.. Selectionforadmis.sianID PtwmacymursessNllbe in
v. NRI / 1st <Nf!f' seals st-al be fil!d on 1he rnerit of
eau.. 1na1oe eu.-
'M.Phum. 30 2yn.
Plwm. D JO s•~·
"OS -is mdl in ~CllerNslry,
PharmlOOgiKBf-l'lrjtoc:ttemimand IOsem eochin
PharmlCllU!ia11111 in l'lmmlcx>lcgydi5"'>1hes.
# l'liltrne CIOUraebllwed byone'fr:tV c:ompJeoary
• M. PlwTn. : The ancfidlltl: mu.t hr.c peted II. Phum.
coursewith amil'Wnum ol50%marks. Weightagewil be
~ID GP,1(1"qualifiedcalddftS.
i. Pharm. D.: 10+2with l'hys;o;, Chemisllyw Maths/
Biologywithaminim.imof5096marl<s iiaaitegatefrom
Note : ~ should II(( be les$ thoin 17 )"$ at the tine <I
adrrission forl'hirm. D.& D.Phann.<DUrses.
L I00% clll:iCalilUl<eft.I be'-6.Jeden belis<I~
Examlnadcnandhllel kw.
i. Ni abjtctNe W& 'Mitten - shal be CX>l'4lded an
IJ•J...._ 20IS II: 09:30 am folb.Yed by an inter-A-.
The anclid&1Jls ani KMsed ID r..adl lra,al UrMnity.
Luc:kncmon...., dm:and1me. Nosepin!te i11ti111tio11
ii. The list of the candidates selected br admis..!ian ID
M.Plwm. <Xlln!shdbedi~an l9"j1S1a2015an
Notica ~ite of University. HcMww. the
Faculty of Science
eou.... Dl9dp11,.. 1ncmc.
B.Sc.(Hor"&) Bicrt!lcMolcgy 40
B.Sc.(Hor"&) IndustrialCl>emisVy 40
B.Sc. {Hl>M) lllotedndoo : (Io+2) or equ,"41ent IMlll ~.
O-istry & 8iolcaI BicedlnolCCY v.illt mn. 50% mm. nthe
B.Sc. (Hoiw.) lnU!rtalOiemllllry:(Io+2) creqviYl!trrtinSO.nee
wilhan.1isb7 asoneof1heMijedswilhmirilTllm 50%nwtbinthe
IOO'l!i d the latlJ intllce shallbe filled on the basis d the meritofthe
5096dtllemtal ilt2Jce 5reser'edfortileninorityaimiNJMy.
The list of 1he eligtile candidims for acmission COUlsellng 11>
B.SC.(Hon$.}Bi~nology and B.Sc. {Hons.) lndUSbial OlemstJy
coursesshal bedisplayed on Nclir.e BoerdM'ebsitedthe university
candida!les<>Nyfar communicamgthe date d counselingen v.illch
eou.... 01eqi11.,. lntlb
M.SC. llioted-.iolcgy SO
M.SC. Microbiolo@r 50
M.SC. lliodiemisfJy 40
M.SC. Bioinftil'ITlllics 40
M.SC. lncluslrialOltmis!Jy 40
M.SC. l'cysio(Specil(IZillion'Eled7oria' 40
M.SC. Malhematics 40
P.G.D.l.S.H.E EIM-ITllSIUIScienat 60
(9) BJGlllUTY
L M.Sc. (li*chnclosr) : The Qlr1ddate rnJSt haw pmed B.Sc. wth BiotJlchno!O@)' I
8ioklfPJ SQ.,,ceI~re I8.V.SC./B.Sc.(Her&.) B«mochnolol)'wi1h amii. ofSO'J6
L 1'1.Sc. (tL blolOID') : The c:aM!date must hwe puied 8.Sc.ftl.Sc. (Hens.) wth
8ioklfPJS<ienoe/Biatednology/~I~ /8.-.CSc.with amilim.:m
SO'J6marksin1hev eptefromaia:ogiizeclurive,.q.
• · M..5c:. (llkxNmlnr1) : The candidZle must have passed B.Sc.JB.Sc. (Hor6.)with Life
SdCitlr.esI BiologialSc:ie110e5/Biochemisl!y/ Biotechnolcigy/Mi~I~reI
Iv. M..5c:. (Blolnfanmidc&) : The candidal!t must haw passed B.Sc.JS.SC. (Hans.) wth
Biaq:jc;il Sc/once I ~ ScienceI 8.Tedl/IHI8.Pharm. I 8.v.Sc. I Biodlenis1lyI
Biclledl~ with a mir4mlm of 50% mar1cs in 11ie 8881egare from a reo:ogMe<I
v. M.Sc. QndllllrW Ownlllry): TutC111didamnuthll'9 pmed B.ScJB.Sc. (Hons.)wth
"'- M.Sc. (l'hylk:I) : The candidalf: nust llalle passed B.Sc. with Physia, Chomistry and
Mathematics (Physia lhould be a~Mljectupll>3rd~)with amil. of50'J6
" · M.Sc. (t'lldWH1mks) : The ancic!lllemuithave passed B.Sc. {Mldllernltic:s slwouldbe a
GOIT'Cl'*'°'Y dlject upll> 3rd)'!!Qt) witl a min. d 5()'l(, mules inthe @ egalefrom a
"81. l!G.ctp.InlndllllnllW.,.Hallh&Envlramwlll:Abadldor~dErcg. inany
lnndvfi,Sc. with science with a mninim d 50'lf. marks n the o ._., from a
re<DW'ized university.
ccmmunk:aling 1he dalle cl counsdli!'i on which they have to report for
i i. Selection for admi51;ion to M.Sc. courses shall be ckine throughthe counsd5ng
and intheonlet"ofthemeritofthewrittentest.
iv. Mn."s:siall in P.G.0.1.S.H.E. Wll orif be on the bmis ol the mcrt of 1he qvL~
i. AAobjedivet)pewrittentestofone hcl.lrdurationshal be<X>llducted by1he respeo:We
f;u;u~/depu1meni>.Thecandidatl!IS~ ad..-.iID read1lnmgnlUnM!nity.Luc:l<nol{on
thedmo and tine~ below. No separate intimalion lel!zrfor-/intloNiowshall be "
sertin Clllddates. For$)4abus ofthe test refer to the sec:licn ,~ lnstru::Oor4of
Theistofthe eigibleandidat2$~ad'nission counselircin PGDISHEcourseshall be
displ~ on Nclice BairdM'ebsit.e d 1he Uriverii1¥ on r Jiq 20 15. Ha.vever. the
inli'nallon ldl>er shall be ....rtto eigible candidam5 only for axM1unlcaling1he dalf: d
"(llicmoda~, -~ Biochemisitry. ll'ciib11111ia, l...uiria!0"'1illit>Ma!hanmcs &
n. The listclthe canddates acmrdifetotheirorder ofmeritin wriUien test and
selectedfor counsellingto M.Sc. courses shall be dis~ on Notice Board I
Websitecl1heUrWersifyon 19"'June,2015.
H.,.,_r. the intimation lettershall also besentorlytoselected candidatestor
Iii. NRl/left<Mrsealsshallbefilledonthemeritcl1hequalfying~hdion.
A sepa.- enlnnc:e t~ st-.all be a:>nduaed feradmisaion ID the Ph.D. programme in the
morth arJanI Feb and July/ h.ipt hi ~fur this 11951 shall be published in
~-=t Faculty of Computer Application
IU-;;;;l.s;;:;~~;;;mii.f-."'!!'l.!i-it~t.'1.~ UNDERGRADUATECOURSE
c..u... lntab
8CA 180
3 )Iii.
Theapp"..ant roosthavepillSed Io+2 inany~frcm a~ ~with amirinunof50%nwbin
50%of1hefl:lllli iltakeisreserwdfcir1he ni~ tom,,...rity.
Uniwnityon rf'June,2016. H-.intimllion letwshallbesentonlytoeii!lbleanddd.esbf'oomm1a1ialirelhedate
c..u.... lmake
M.CA 60
M.CA(laralEnlJ)') 60
M.CA:Theapplicarrtroosthll<'epasseclaBad!elor's~ofmini,,...m 3yrscilrolicnwilhmalllematicsal I0+2lewlorat
u. M.CA {Ul!nl Enlryj : TheappliantmU!th2Ye passed Bachelor's ~ ofmirim1m 3 )Iii. dlr.dion in B.CA, B.Sc.-
(1.T...canpuierSc:ience)wilh l'l'l2hrnm:szs a a>Urteat 10+2 ll!Yel oral~- levelwtila mini.....m of609fa mart:s in
i. ht objedile type ~ 1l:sl. of
two hours duration shall be
conducted by 1he department.
The candidllll!ls are adviiied to
onthedideand time~n below.
No ~ intimation letterfor
test I interview snail be .sent 1x>
Ollldidatl:S. Oinc:Sdates appearing
in their final year graduation
ii The list of seledied =didates in
counselling to M.C.A./M.C.A.
{l.ll!eral &!by) courses shall be
displayed on Notice Board /
Website of the University on
I,. J-. 2.0IS. H()MM(. the
intimalion lettl!t'sh.111 be sti1I only
to selected candidates for
communicating the date of
coul'ISl!iliigonwhich they haYe m
report for completing the
iii. Selection for admission to
M.C.A./M.C.A. {Lateral Entry)
courses shal be anied out in
CX'der cl mri cl the writl«l test
iv. NRI /!cl O't'er seais shall be Ued
on the merit of qualifying
~ Faculty of Management &Research
i B.BA:Theappfoammusthi!Yepmed lo+2 i1IJ1)'d:~efrcma"""'9'DdBoanl/Un.w.cywithamilimimofS016
rnwltsnv eg;1e.
o. B..Com (HCll1) : Thi! anddm: musthavepasRd IO+2 aimmorce erscHrlao (w!dl nah)with arriN-nun olSO%
SO'l6cithe"l<llali~ isreseM!dbrtheminorityaxmiun~
C- lntab Dlnlion
"M.8A 120 lyrs.
M.8A~Busi'less) U> 2yrs.
i. M.BA : The appiarllrn;st haw pmei:l Fdull!e course (IO+2+ 3) In anydisdpline with a mnirn;m of50'l6 rnuts in
~h>ma~ized Urmr;~
2. M.B.A. "'"'-) ~..,1l.Sc.-{Foiemy/~111llure,1Hortia.J~ Tech.
/Dairy Tech~ Science & M irna! Husbandry/Home Scienai with a mnirn;m d 50'l(, rrmb in in aggrepta mm a
i TIToughEnl1>nc:elertoflUET-2015~ byGroupDim4'icn&~Im. Mw:.Orlylhooeandidm.swhowl:I
i. Fordetaikaf1hem.t"'4Prtnsection"lmpartartlnslruclions&Syllabi:IUET-20IS".
ii. Thelirtaf1heandidab!5whoquailyl'1ewmt..ntostwil bedisplayed in1he-nrcon9"May.2015(thesameday)an1he
ii< TheGl:l'41Discussion&Pcniormli111Jei wewwilbeheldfrom 10"111r;2.01s 1012"11ay.2015.
v. Lilltofl!ieselectedandidltesbr~llrcao:o=:eordet'ofmeritforM.BA,1'1.BA~Business)cwrsest.abe
displayedon llrMq,l015on1heNoticeBoard · ~UiOienity.
vi. Anintimllionlelllsr"1allmobesentlotheseledBdandid.msforcom...,nicll1iigthedileafCX>Uiselingonwhich1hey'-
vii. NRl/left.,.,.,.smls.r..11befilledantkemeritafquall'yingexamilation.
Faculty of Health &Medical Sciences
Colne Inab Dlnllan
M.B.B.S. 100 .of V.t~
B.P.Th. 60 .of•yeais
# Fulldmecoursefobaedby I yearcomp..lsoryrocatory
"fill time a>1ne b llowed by 6 rnanllu ~
i. M.B.B.S. - Aanddate must nave pused(IO+2) in the
6lbjects of Ph)'Sics, Chemistl)I Biology and English
lndividJallyand mistha.lie obtained a mil. of50% malb
tala!n t.oaether in P~ics, Chemi<lry & Biology at
ii B.P.Th.-Aandidaleroostlm<epessed 10+2oreqiM!ent
with Ph)o5ics, Chemistrf and Biolcafrom a ~ized
BoonWniwmtyeruringmil50%ma.rtsiiv ep:e.
ii. B.P.Th.(LA!enl entry) -A an<fdmt seekirc lldrriman to
1he B.Frrh.-llnd Year must have paned D'*""" in
~iotherapy securing minimum 60% marl<s in the
~ ~ a rea:ignized in&litute lllilillllid to State
I M.B.a.s.:
• Tl'lougllerUanc:etestoflUPMT-20IS
• ONilsoftat-•perMOnarms&ndsytlllbul
• Sc:hedu'eoftestand n!lattddeta;isv.fl be made avUab!e
• Aseparalllnoliticdicnfor IUPMT-20I5WI beadvertised
• An inli'nalicn letmrshall be sentto se~ candidamfor
• Mnil:!ion 1X> MBBS programme shall be wried out
througll Ille <JUSeling and a=rdrcmIlle meritf the
I 111.Y.Th.: I00% of talll i1IBla: of B.P.Th. CX><ne DI be
filled on the bas& of merit in the .,...,ifyirc .,..,,.;nation.
The 1st ofthe ,.bleandid8res fornnlnion to B.P.Th.
axirse1hrough counsellilg shall be disp~ an Notice
~ills of the Uni'tersity on 'aJu""' lOIS.
cnlidllm for oamrruniczti18the d2lbl clCXJ.....,lirg on
v.tiidh 1hey llave mreport br ~l!'lif the admission
(C) RESEllVAT10N :
SO'l6 d the 1DlaJ iralce is reserwd b r the minority
(A) COURSEOFSTIJDY lnlllb Dlnlfan
M.Sc. (MedcalAnalomy)• IS 3 &2 Yrs
M.Sc. (Medcal l'h)'siq) • IS l &2Yrs
M.SC. (Meclal Biocfumis!ry) • IS 3&2Yrs
M.Sc. (Medal Micn:>b~ • 15 3& 2Yrs
M.P.'Th.(MU1<11lcslc2iml) OS 2 YmB
M.P.Th. (N"-'rclogy) OS 2'll:ars
M.P.Th. (Cirdiopulmonary) OS 2 Years
M.P.Th. (SpcrlsMedicine) OS 2 Ymrs
• M.Sc. for B.Sc. Cnldates -3'll:ars(6 semesters)
M.Sc.for M8~SfilHMSllW1SJBUMSfil.P.Th.JB.Sc.
Nu..-,,Onidm:s -2'll:ars(.of SC111esll:n)
l M.k(M<dcal A1111111ony)
A Candidate 9eelcing admission must have passed
MllBS.'IDW-!MSi!W15 taUMs..11.P.Th.JB.Sc. N.Jrsiii
orB.Sc. withZoologyandOtemstryasthemajonubjects
erB.Sc. In LifeScioncserB.Sc.wilhMthropolllll)'asthe
recioplil!td lklM!rsity with 50% marks ii ~·
Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying
II. M.SC.(HedlallPhyllolol)')
A Candidate s~ng admission must have passed
MB8Sill!>SMHMS/dAMS/ BUMSM.P.Th.JDSc. ~rmg
or B.Sc. wi1h Zoology and Olemmy as !he major
subjeclsorB.Sc. in LifeSc:iencesasthe majors.i)jed:ora
deirtt ~ivalent 1X> !he abol!e fi'om artf ~lzed
Urive~wi1h50%maibin~. C-andi~who
iii. M.Sc.(Htd'QJB'IOCMmi1Cr7)
A Candida:te se6ang admission must have passed
MB8Sill!>SMHMS,IBAMS/ BUMS,9.P.Th./8.SC. ~rmg
or B.Sc. wi1h Zoology and Olemislly u !he major
subje~ or El.Sc. in Life Sc:iences or B.Sc. with
tD the ab<:we from 'NYf remgnized un;..ersitywtil SO%
marksin ~· Candida!Bswho8"' apP'!'lrlrcin !he
Iv. 1'1.Sc:.(MedicalMkrobloloSY)
A Candidate s~ng admission must have passed
MB8Sill!>SMHMS/8AMS ii!UMSM.P.Th.JDSc. ~rmg
B.Sc. in Lk Sciena:s as 1he major sliijec:t or a<!~
<!qUr.raient1X> 1he aboYefrom my~ized UnM!rsity
wi1h S0% mam in au~· who ere
appearircinthequali'yi~elC3minztionan alsoapply.
M.P.Th. (Musabkelml, Neudorf. Cardiopumortaiy &
Acandide-id~acinimon musth:aYeP.issed 8.IIT.18.P.Th.
ona~be.sisand shclid111.'eseaJredatleQ!tSS%mad::s
inlhe~efroma~izl!d UnM!rsily.
Desirable !hat applicant should have WOl1'ed as a qualiied
I. The candidates Sttlcing adrrissjon in M.Sc. Medical
Sc:ienc~ c.oines, the 100% d tDtal intaJce shd be
filled on the basis of the mefit in the qualifying
ii. The candidates Sfflarc admission to M.P.Th.
(MUSQ.foskelatil, Ne1.1ri:ilogy. Can:liopulmor.aiy &
Sports Medicine)shallhavetnappwfor~ intlel ~~·t
fors:elediol1toadmisl>on on I:t'June2015at IOam
at lntqal U~ity. Ku11i Road, Ludalow. No
soeparare immation le!W for !he i11tt1 ,;ew shall be
50% of !he total int!ke is n!Sl!rved for the minority
I. The list of selected andidaties of M.rn. shd be
displqad on 11"Jurw:2015 on the Notice Boan! I
ii. The list of the ~ble candidall!s for admmion
counsel!irc to M.S<:. (Medical An~. M.S<:.
(Medall Physiolct!)'), M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry),
and M.SC. (Medical Microbioloft), cours:es shall be
displeyed on Notice BoardM'ebsimofthe UnM!rsily
on1"'J"r:201$. HO'Nell:t: lntmationletll:rshalonly
be $elrttD eigible cand~ for communic:Wlgthe
d2tf: ofc:cinelircon ~ich theyhave1X> n!pO!tfor
AsepetateernrancetestshalbecoMuctedforad.msion tnthePh.D. pf1l8J1mmeinthemonthol"Jan/Feb
and JIAyI~ Anad'fer1isemeritfor~U:St"8ill be pulilishedin pn>milent NewspepewVniwl'sily
Integral Institute ofAgriculture Science & Technology (llAS&T)
lrl.,,~drM!nccuntryIla India'Ml•~ ~r..,.,ruIsn11111111y plaaodonaiigmerr!lng
taadq, Allear<hand tllCllOnslon ac!Mlleslnlhe~old of~.~ ~ll>sestobllsllld
~l,._d~Sdercoill'ldTealiolopOL6Sl). l<Mpi"linP111Ctwilh.-rt~in
dif<nnt .,_ of«gricultu,.., fie I,.,._ .,..,. various oou...,; B.Sc. (I-lore.)~ a.Sc.
(l-llonL) HarlialtlJ,.,, B.Sc. (Hats.) Home Sc:icna>, II.Sc. (l-llonL) Foratry, 8. li:di. ~ral
En;...,,;nr.,._,in~ M11111Fmeot.TheabjedM:oflhcse<DJ,...;,IDn1.r1>n:youns
axond Green re.alLllian. llAST i• oom""11ed ID ~ - a in .r.dorgrad'* and
~- auRS. and~ pl&darm opponunllles and vost Dp<flela lh,... whldl !hey
become.....,..dtho ll!l!,.ms inthe1n1d
andplanfor1 Cll90r. I~holdsl)mbjoli<rolalionihi>withwriaus, - •iedlrMnilieo,i1llib.rles
and31JO-baedtidUSll1esd lndlLYarlowMd.J'shMalsobeen'91edwlhBioledl'lllk1.J..1ctMN.
OSH ~ llSRLucln>w, AMU Al~. jlmlaHamdW NewDellj, NDUATFalrabad. Sl<Hld
~ lrotiMI of~"" and ledlnolozyAlahobod, DSR Miw, NMIM Mau and MGO$U
s.ti...,,.facilitltrc....tawilirritho intarinolibJtianol Sid tr3ininsintho.,,.d.....,..Rirna:m1mnilc'll'Thilwill~pa.rlludmlsta mmethebestolcl nnd lcnawl. .lnmd-ae
inllilulians. 10 inpl'CM! the1'"'l7W"rra, amrulum m ......,..... .. '• Nalional lvMiory
Baotd (!'WI) has been esllblihod under lhc <hlimnilip d Han'blo Va °"'1a!lar. lnb:gral
~ TheVlOOa.notllaR,Dire<iOnand repicso111111i,.,.fi'om dlferert!esleerned W'Mnities
~ good plocoo''"'t ID tho s'llldonts in as• ...1 wlh Cen1re for C...- ~ &
Faculty ofAgriculture Science
B.Sc. (Hons)Hor1bAlre
B.Sc. (Hom)Harne SOenot
...... ..:I!i~
60 ..
60 ..
60 ..
60 ..
60 4
B.'TW!~~ E11;11-irc) : 10+2orequM!
P~ Oiemi!try&Mlthem&tia(PCM}'Physia, Oiemistry,
M21hemalics &Biol"I!)'(PCMll) /Agriollrure with amirimum
of 50% marts in the auresate from a recognized
B.Sc.(Ho111) ~aJare :I0+2 or equiv.llent win 1'11ysia,
Cnemistry & Matnematia(PCM)/ Physics, Chemistry,
Mzllhormlics&BiolCCY(PCMB) /AeJialltlire with amirimum
of 50% marts in the aggregate from a recognized
B.Sc.(Ho111)Hanla.lllure: 10+2or""'i..iemwith1'11ysia,
Chemistry & Mattiematia(PCM)/ Physics. Chemistry.
Ml!lhemalics&Biology(PCMB)/AeJialltlirewith amirimum
of 50% marks in the auregate from a recognized
8.Sc.(Ho111) Fuiwb7. 10+2 or ""'ivalent with Phylia,
Cl-.emistry & Matl-.ematia(PCM)/ Physics, Chemistry,
Mlthematics& BiolOI)'(PCMll)/Agiiallturewith a mirimum
of 50% marts in the aggregatl! from a recognized
B.Sc.(1-bw) Hom. ~ : 10+2 or equivalent with
Physic.s, Chemistr7 & Mathematics/Biology or
.AviaJ~ome Sciena!witli aninim1.111 d 50% marb ii
theameptefi-orna~ BoanWrivenity
B..Tadl .tcr1cd11Jnl&wl-:
i. Thnxi;11:ombine::lEntr;ru:eT..taflUET-201 S.
i. For dela.'ls d the 1eSt , . tD the sed:ia> "Important
ii List d the C21'Cfidms seleded fer auSefing m 8.Tedi
Prqpnvneonthebmisdmeritinthe entronce11!5!shall
be displayed en the notice ~ide of the
..,M!nityon IIr" Mlly2015.
;,, An intmalion letter shall zlso be serrt to seleded ~~~L:J~
andidll!es for amn111ialircthe d2lll! d CIDU15dirc cn £11iiiiiiii;;.llU•- --=:::-ii
""1ich tl""f haw to report br ~ odnissicn
v; A:!nissicn to B.Tech. programme be calried out
th~ thecounsdli'lgand a=nli1g11:>themeritofthe
vi. NRI/leftO'terseatsshallbe1illedenthebasisofthemerit
B.5c. {Ho!w.) ~CMl!unt. B.Sc. (Hons.} Harilo.lllure a
An objediveWC writll:n test done ho..- wnllian shd be
advisedtn~ theI~ Urlyersq, l..udcnowontfiedate
andtimeWoten bElcw. Noseparale i'ltimalion letterfurtest/
ilterview shall be sentID ancidales. Fordetail d tfie1Mts
syllabus refertothe section ,~ la1llnstrudion d syllabi :
B.Sc.{Hens.) HorticultlJre
B.Sc. (Hens.) Forestry
i. Selectionform issiontDB.5'.coursesNII bedone
~the ~irc.-d inlheordercimeritdthe
i. The list d the candidabis ao:nrding to lhcirorder cl
merit in written O!sl and 5decll!d for oou'6elling'ID
B.Sc. oourses stlall be displa)'td on Natia! Board I
Webiit.ooftheUiwmyon 19"jll'le,2015.
selected andidms lbr acmrru~ the dD cl
ii. NRI /left<Nfl' sells "'111 be filled on the merit ofthe
i. I0096cilhetmJintllc2cfB.Sc. HemeSc. "1aJ befiled
i. The list of the andidlles eliJlble fer admission
counsellingli> B.Sc. Home Sc. 00<n0 in.JI bedisplayed
on the no1ial boanl/websitlll clthe UrM!rs~ on ~
June, 2015. H.,,...,..,.., irilmllion lottJ:r st.I be sent
C<IU™l~onwtid>1heyliweton!P<lrtlor campletirc
50% of the 1!llll iitUe is . -vecl br the ninorilr
MAB.M >gri-fl~
~in~. M'*' M;vnt. : B. Tech wi11l l!ri0Jtural
Enag.,tftiotechnology/8.Sc.(Hons.}- Fcres1ry/Agiculture/
HcrticulbnJfood Tedl.fl);Ury Tedl,Jllet. Science &Mimal
Hlabandry/Hcme SOtnc:e ~ nirimim of 50% marl<s in
thu1&1Ejjdlefi-omareo:ignized Unive"'ilr
i. hi objecWe~written test d~ llolrdur111ion s11111
be a>nduded by the respediwe farulty/ depWnents.
The an<idimos are ai:Msed tD read! I~ Uiwmy,
UidcnCJwanthe4111! andtimepenbelcw. Nosepum
irtimllion 1et1er for test I iil.erview !lhal be sent to
cancftdlles. I towe.er1hemissiontotheco<newJ be
onthet.sisofa~ite metit<Cll'¢singofmarbin
lhe entrance t1:$t, group disw55ion and interview
mmbinedwe~forsroup dswssionand rnerview
ofthe'ISl'l!fertDtheseclion 'lmpcrtartlnstrudionsof
ea.... .....Dlllll Tme
MAB.H Il.CX..2015 9-.JOom
i. The listal'the candida!es acrortliigto1heirorder
al'meritinwritllln11est andsdecliedforcounsdlng
1x> MAB.M. ocurse sllall be display1!d on Notice
Boan:t / 'Mlbsire al' 1he U~ on 19"'June,
However, the inli'nalion shall also be SJel'lt
onlyID selecb!d candidatMforCCIT"f11unicllingthe
dale d counsielli~ on wNch they have ti> report
forcompletngthe aanilsionfonnalities.
iii. Selection for admission ID MAB.M. COU"Se shall
be dooe th~ 1he counselling and in the order
vi. NRJ I left.,._ sffls shall be ~lied oo the merit d
Faculty of Education
...... Dlrlllon
100 2yrs.
dqree and I .,.. in the Master's c1evee .,,. ony alher
quafialion~~then! 1D. .,.,dgibll!for.:!rrmian
i. IOO'J6 cflotll intllb stwll befilled on basis ofmerit aflhe
q~ examilltion and intl:I Jiew c:orductled bot 1he
UrM!rsity. Theda.sof~lhd beasl'dlaws :
a..dldlmm tram Iva Su.m : 16•,..,. 2015 fn>m
a..dldmil tram Sdei.... llld Caon'""""' SINllm :
11"J111e2D15 from9-.JO.,,onwaRk
The c:andidatl:s are advised to nmdl Integral UiM:r.ity,
Lllclcnow alongwilh mark sheets of ln11!rmediale,
GnWaticn(l, 11 &Ill )91S)and PC a>urses onthe...,deandt;ne. Noseparateiltimlltiot1letterforirterview
i. Candi&tm appearire for the final year gradullion
eitaminlllion may also apply. They rr-00 proOJce 1he
M.v1cshed:o1111erquafftini-mr.mon:11111e tine ct
ire.lliew,fdi'lgwhdt thei-andldallftforaani5'ion n
ii. Thelillof1hese1ed>odandida.sforcaunselli1ztoodmit
in B.Ed. course snail be displ~d on 1he notice
boan:IAwbsi1e of the Un~ on 22'" )I"' 2015.
H""""'81; Ille itlimDon letler Iha! only be sent 1l:>
selected candidates for communicaling 1he date ct
..,..,,.,lireonwhidltheyhive11:>reportfor canpletirc
iv. NPJ/ leftwr:rsellUslw.I befled onthe bMctmeritct
ea.. 1nab Dlnllm
M.Ed. 50 2yrs.
The anatdZl>e nut haw pmed B.Ed. mil. 55%
mattes in1he v epmfrom a ~ed UrM!rsilJ. The
I. IOO'J6oflatll iiblte lhd beliliedonthebmisofmeritand
inlllMowII>be conducted on Jrf'J..,. 20156'Jm I0:30
llll. No sq>aral:I: intinl!lion lelb:r 'Mll.lld be sent to the
ii. Candida!J!s appearircfor B.Ed. final 01Ca1ni1121ion mayalso
iii. The lilt d selected c:andidmos fot" admission tmiugh
counseling will be displayed on "6)q. 2015 on the
Notioe Board I website of ll1e Uniwfsity. Hcmwer, an
intimation 1ettN shall also be sont to 1he seledi>d
candiclales only. com~niGD1f ~ n the dab! d
counselingon whidl 1lle)'ha"1!to reportfor completi11g
Iv. NRI/ldtO'lel'seatsshatbeffled on1he basisdtllemerit
50% ct the total inlake is reserved for the ITi~
Ph.D. Jlll'Wlil'MICin1hemortildJ;slI Feband )JlyI~
Anllt.leriisemeritbr'thisle$'t $1-d be published in promilent
Faculty of Library &
Information Science
The anddiR rrust h""" ~ 8.Ll.Sc./ B.lib.Sc. with mi'I.
50% maibin !he~mxn a~ UniYenlty. The
I00% d 1'ltll intllceshallbefilled onthe basisd meritd the
The list c( 1he eligble on 1he bft9 of merit for
ad'niision counsdlngto M.Ll.Sc. courseshall bedisplayedon
the rotiM ~ ofthe Unillersity on r'ju~ 2015.
~r, the ireimalion letter !NII only be 5'!rll to el'gible
cano'ic!asbr<XlfTlmu1'cmrethedaled ~ Ireon'Miich
Asepll'lleCl11l'8nCeteitshallbecooductedforadrrl!.1ion to the
Ph.D. programmeinthe monthofJan/Feband July/~
AA advertiO<J'ne!tfor lhis'lest sha:I be pubf.shed inpromi-Ent
News~nv.nfyWebs'te aa:adn.fy.
Faculty of Humanites &
Social Sciences
Cer1i'la!eofpn1iOentyinhmic 10
Certi'la!eolpnmdentyin~ 10
~olpnlliden<yinGerman 10
Seant.ry school artiftale flan ICSl'JCBSEJl!oonl d llW>-
school&inll!nroed'im.Of' aneq.1iv;Jent ~ wffhnetless
thai45%rna.'1<S inthe~.
Certiticdl! of ~ in 1he a>na!med ~ Of' .,.,
eqiMlent e.caminalion with not less 1han 45% mw in 1he
MA (EngliJh)
M.S.W.(Masterin Sociil'M::I~
MA ~): BA in ~ as one ofthe subjects (upm 3rd
~with a mininum ol SO'J6 marts in the @l!ij!jltl> !Tom a ;::::===;;;..-....;..;.;;=-------------.l'l!!COllJ'izedUrillen;~.
M.S.W:The candidm:musthaYepassedgradulllc<:XU'SC in1111)'
disdpline with a rririmum SO'l6 marlo in the @i!ifiiilB flan a
I00%ofthelJ:Jlll i~ shallbefilledonthebasiso{themertd
iit&Jega!E. (D)ADMISSION
~coursesshall bedisplayedonNCl!ice~ d
(E)MODEOfADMISSION 1he Un; on 2 Ja4<2015. ~r. 'the irmmalion
I0096d thetatllirakeshallbeftledonthel>md'lhe meritd may be senttc> eligible car.ciciales onlyfar carrm.Jrialingthe
thequaifyilgecaminlDon. dalltd caul'Qllingonwhidltheyhavetc>reportfarcampleli111 l--.....,----
The lilt ofthe eligible Qlldidtltes for aanimon cour&leli1111D (E)RESERVATION
Cei1i'iaite courses st.I bedillpl')'ed on NoGce BoardM'ebsite SO'J6d1he'ldlllin!zlceisreseiill!dbrtheminorityccnvnumr.
of1heUniversityon' June201S. H-r.theinlima1D1lettei'
shall be 9e4'lt to c§aDk: Qlldidm:s only br comroonicaliis1he
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Integral university prospectus 2016 17 7862004786

  • 2.
  • 3. GbJefrmne fa INTEBRAL UNIVERSITY I~ U~ hasits°""'unique culture ofindJ~. di><ersity, personal and intelec:rual inte~ and value-based educdion. The runio.Jum has a stn>ngIDa.s on indivici.lal irOYl1tland the development of!dinology.ThesearesoSdlyS>Jppated by a tighly qualiliedteam ofacall1lfi5hed larultyand robustacademe infrasVIJcture. It at.vays mainlains a tigh standardofeducdionandcontinuouslystrivi!stoaealea~erdyenwironment.. l~~.booi-ofitsmarwlou1a>ntrib~inthefieldofscim&tminologyinthe-,-fht decadeofits existence, hasestablished liWdiblecredentiils amongthe leadingl'lf.oersitiesofthe country. Itis gc>i-c tD <fRr the crtiit DI the wond deade 1Mttl a fresh a>mrrilment ID imparting va!11&1i..ed <JJdlY eduallcnandinaJlalin&the.pritofenquiry, 1-omwityandl7.oil1>'initslludentsandIDmake1hemprouchonsof MolherIndia. The mimi!ou; adw..ementsoflntqral Unlvenity intheMtdecadedilsjoumeybeggarsdesaiplion. It ~ the ErigjneenrwCo"'2e and es1abilhedthe f.oo.Jl!ies of Plwmac.y, ~ Hezllh & Mecl"al SciencesOnlqrlllnstitured Medical and f!.ese&rchwitha3~ hospital), ptrio.lllure and <flSl!lnal edllt<l!ionancltwo~iQ. By2020 Indiawould be having1heyoungat....nctortZ.Tocopewith1heglobalrequirementandfor India to play a'lital role in outsourdre ~rts, the UrMlrsity is goingtotake up 'OCational mire proirammes1D groom and hone new and stiled WOfkl:ne. By utilizrc the fadities of ICT (Information Commlric:ation Ted-nolczy), the UrMlrsity has ~ up ID la..ich ~ Open Onlne Courses (MOOC) under the di!lllnClleduartion progrvnmetoIncreasetheramoflitencyandaninclusivede'ielopment~ edoodion. The uM/ersity is at ~ ~ 5tre55 on researd1 pnigr.rnnes and the placement of Sll.ldents. lnlenlcliYe e!Torls with eizhtMn""1owned i.riwnitiesandl1!l1l!Wd1 ~through MOUsfor research actMtiesandampus selection ofstudentsbynlllionaland rooltinational orgarizationsbe<iratestimonytothese dforts. ItisgTlldyingtDnote1"atIntegralUniversityhasnod asua:esdill plar.ementhistoryevenattheheightof - recession. Thi• nasbeen made pmiibleonly through the ongoi1g inWlface with the a:l<pC"3ll! v.uld, en1UringtliatweprcMde1hebestequlppcdtllenttothemforthe~ngeo:inomyandfjobaldemands. The Univenityhasalsotalcenalllmlildwactioninthec:ontextofoommurilywef.lreac:IMtiesthn:iughNSS programmesin<Xlllabcnlionwlththestm!govemnent,....tV<hindudesdiild tie.althandcleanlinessofllillagesin theWinityofthe Uniw15it>'Cllfr9US· therel7taealingan awarenessamore<itizens ~ing the needto be alertandsensiti'weto<:Mcproblemsandfindingsolutionsthroughprici~. I~ UM/ersity isnatonly:on acadaTiic institution butal!lCI a ...mien and a llisionIDmala!theCDLr111y progressive and prosperous in al walks oftre. I, therdore, i!Mtz: all the aspirantswho are in quest of~~ education!Djoin'ltlis~itytoservethenlllionandthe......arldatlarge. S.W.Akhtar V..a.nator
  • 4.
  • 5. Vllllm' Srt Ram Naik H.E..1'tMGao.- orU.P. Cw lw Dr. S. ll Azrni NadYi ...... 'llce-C-~) Prof. (Dr.) T. Usmani -Mr. Hamid Mustafa ........Prof. (Dr:) lrfan Ali Khan Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Rizwan Beg Vision, Mission & Objectives Vision • 10 lead 1he lel!mirc mllions of 1he warld lh,..,.,., the wildem...ofi&Jicnnc:eandllit:ency,as"KindlyLight"(Excdus 13:ll)wilh1he~i.nding<iWle prodamation ' l.J>l'dis1hemost~(QJran30:96:3).'andlDedl.ocle theminltoemost~ancl i'lnow!iYeway. • 10 irlaJlcam a spn d ccrtl~ sdf-resped and ~ ~ii students i~ far~~ and adets1and'ing. • 10 ~ fleeW5ence, iltenect and~ of~ wilh c1ecerq, dealnim. d'~ and crecriamcn ~ ..WO.blsedqua!ityedu<aticn. Mission • 10 rrake""1!rYstudenta Rile model d lmdlec11.181sandtorch beannforolhcRalloverthewarldlhroush l'is/herimpiring lllCill.ence. • 10 m.ia: Inda a self-n:iant and dominant G-1 country ~ far quality ecb::ldion, higher euooomic ~ andvallllblernollll pn.dic:es. Objectives • 10 hamess(JO(;hrialJ education andtccmol08)'inthe sc:Mce cfmutiicl...a1sotoena1:>1estuc1entJtolhnkglobdyand act nllionally. • 10 and mcnl wlues with cdUC!tion and to d.....iop t.Jman potertial to i1stotdty. To develop a - of self-raw-and ID crat.e lhe ~nea of~self n1he ~~oeralion. • 10.,illethe llll!nt pot2ntialitios of lhe yourc and bucldilg ,_mon 1ttoUilh <llllire-edp todlroal"i)' anc1 stite-cf- tne.artacademicprogr;mmes. • To briig about lmowlion in edlcdicn by restructim,c coursesand adoptSignow!IMt>odscf12.a<hi...iand leamilg Intar...,tm~ persooailyi:kMllopment. • ToidrntifythetlCDl!llertherimgeofourpandglcrialAp;ist and tn Ink It with the grand Mure. To cultiwale and dlssemh&lelo1WlledgebyprwldlngreseW1andE:>Cl:lln&lon facitties. • To cree and promote acongerial ambience and lhereby firi1t:f'helpii ilrerClho:ningthespirittinationali~. SllOJllrilm and in11HN1ional i.nderslanding ID briig d the sections of society in tne mainstream for an ovenll dewlopmentd Indiaand1D pnMcle modem, sOentilicand rnorale4.lalionforsaciol..,iiftmft. • Toempcmerlhe)'OI..:~lel3iionwtilr;1obalperspec!Nesin orderIDb<ir"""'4peace,hnq.illilr,prosperilyandblissID lheMlirewarldincenera'andtoourcourbyinpartiabr.
  • 6. Preamble Thearduousprojedcltheestablist1ITIEl1tofan excellent lnstirutionwuembar1ed14>0nby lslorrk Councilbrl'n:>ductiYe Education (l.C.P.E.)ainsisti-ccla smallgroup ofdedicated, d-ud and dlip!nt edualicrisls, qneen; and i'ltl!lleduds CXllTYTlilt2d to adiieling educalillnll e:io:el'encEind Sjlheresofmodem~. scienceandhi&tleredua!lion. TheysWtedtheprojectMlhamodestsdloolina1hatdedtuonlnl NCMmber, wa rwmed 'Tedino Academic Schoor. In I99-4 1he Ga.emment cl lJt1llr Pradesh permittedtheenuyclthe prMlesedl:>rin highertech~cal education system ofthe !Jtabe.ThiunibledtheSodetytolaundlitssea>ndmajorprcjectofestibishinglns1itut:I!d I~ Technolol)'atLudcnow.Cor.sdousoflheplaosmentsitullioninlhe51318, iniDally thelnslitutieideriliedthreeareasforit5U.G.progranmesrwnely,ComplhlrScienceand Technology, Bectn>nia En~n~ and An:hitledure. Since l..udcnaw a non-affiliatingUriversityandforSlattircillTfc1egi..1eve1progranvne,affiliationwasapre- requisite, the lrislirumWi1Saffiliam<ltoDr. RMLAwidh Uriversity, Faizabad in l'J'.18. The lnsliW! bytheAl-lncia.CoundlfcrTl!ChrOcal Education(A.1.C.T.E.)andit admitted its first bllx:h in 1993-99. Lateron sewral proirammes were added. 'Mth the inception ofU.P. Tedmic31 l.klvmity inthe acaderTic ses5ion 2000-2001, the Institute cl lnlzlplTedin<>k>cY,ataftilimdtoit Roleof1mans-TheMidasTauc:ti Apip d llrians drawn ~ Govet111oe.11. orpliDlions, entMpriw and ecU::alional instilutionsplayeda..;ti!rolein prov'~ astrongandbm1dallleacaderricb.inclationsnd curriallumb'thephenomonl.I pi ogi ess wncn1helnslitutmdi~ Tedin<>k>cYmade in sublequent )UB. This group C001prised ProfS.M. Iqbal, OIT,li'anpur), Prof. O.C. Thij:W(llT.Khv.lpir), lo1teProf. M.M.Hasan(llT. Karfiur), Prof,M.I. IChan(llT. Pooorkee), late Prof. Bl.I Gopal 011; Kanpur), Prof. MansoorAli OIT. ~). Er. M.S. .AnsarOIT. l<anpur), Prof. Subodh Shankar (llT. Kh~r) and Prof. QamaMa:-z.aman (llT. ~r). Tne lnstitlh made rapid advancement as tile years passed by. In iri'nlmudli...,, Itdid notlimititselftothe minimum slllndanlslaid down bytheregW!ory authoritiesblitwentfaraheadoflhem.ltsacadefflcbuildi'es. labor.aloriesandworicshops, thoughnotluuious,weresurelyefficient. appiopialelydesigned andpro'lidedwi1hthe bestpossibleequioments, andthis, couldbeccmpan!dtoarvyWl!l~l!Stabbned ii1Sli!LJb!d the coontry. The lnstib.Jte's strong emphasis on sludents' didplne, tunan values and chor.lctllr-buildirc~ had an erdlringimpact Within ashortspan of1imeitestablistled its own =dentials and singW.-reputmicn. SmAmi Bihariv.jpayee, thethen Pnne Minmr ~----------­ of Inda, pe!SOOlllly oisited and ~ the lnslitutie of I~ Tedmckl!lY on 30th lune,1999 and ecpn!SSe:I his hcpe that the Institute cf I~ Teclnolog)I stwing its irOtials with IIT, wita!lainthe same stllndwand mu as1he lrTs do in h CXM11ty. The hopeofthe1henPrimeMinisteroflncfiawasflifiledinils1D'ia11>'wi'.tlthe1rili00millio!1cl this lnsli!Uz into a ful-lledged University in a rocad time, on aaount of its ..a:dlent ~ in1hafieldofaademics, iiFebruary, 2004.TheG<MlmmantofUtmrPradesn passed a Bill in 1he hsembly fellowed by the Gazette ~n No.389/ -9-2004, dated: 27'1h Februal)I 2004and dewtedthe lnstitullelDthe stduscfa UrMnityuider lhek:tNo.9ofU.P.S-l.egisllllLrB. --
  • 7. Ii n • II I • • Functioning oftheUniversity IntegralUniversit)llheflrsterw::t2d Minoril}tUniwrsityinthecaLJ'Uy,slllrledfunctioningfrom IstApril,2004.The Presidentof1heIslamicCouncil for Producti..eEducalion, Dr. Saeed~"' RatrnanAlmi,and itsGenenilSeaeiary, Prof.SyedWlseemAkhlar,respecWelylllokOYeras FouiderOianoeklrandVice Chlncellord 1he University. Integral UrVveriitywasaa:orded iewgiition by U.G.C. under sedion 2{f) af U.G.C. Ad, 1956. The University sl2rtled its joumeyforpnMdingqualit,)"dntionin200+. The exiiting faculties in tile University were re-orp1ized and reN faa.lllies of SciEnc:e, ~ EdJalion. MwgemcntStudies. Health&MedialSciences..•!ureScience& Tednolagy and Humvitios & Social Sciences wel9 added. Besides this, poqiczi.ey. a mmber of,_ ~ ha'...e been added, induding Master lewl progr.rnmes ii Bio!ech.'IC!oeY, Industrial Chemistry, Sectroil.cs CiraJils rd Syslems, Bioiifonnalics, lnsaunent!lian Cartrcl, Miaobiolcl)', l'nlckldian and lncUtrial ~. Madline Desig;l ,CoolpulerScienc:e, CMI frcjneering. PowerS)SllemandDriYesetc. At. present1he UnM:rsity has I I (aa,ftiei and 16 departments. It ofers 30 undergraduate ~.lJ~~osand 15d~COU111!s,3C81fficlleco.nennd aP.G.D"'°"1a a>Ulie. The UIWerliy his a/$0 tiloen up reseatth programmes on apriority basis in Unos!al 1he f.iculties. N. pl'eient451 research sd1Clarsare enrclled in11ie UrMrsity uiderthe Ph.D. f'n>grammennd I18sd1darshi.YI!llrl!ildynoceiveddoclcnldegreesd..riig 1hemtsevenyem. Most of1he courses cond.c1ed 1re ippn:Mld by the Ollloemed stalutllly bodies lib CaA, PO, NCTE, MCJ an:! aan<t~ by NBA-AICTE et<:.The Unillenityis also~ bylAO (lntemalionalA:creditalionOrganization). USA. N.NCaccreditationisunderac!Neprocess. India is facirc aitiCBl challenges en many tedmolcgical fronts like 8f1iculw~ and food processing, education and healtncare, Information and communication technolocy. inhstl'lcturedewlopmentildudiigrt.erootworlci1gandself-reiancei'laitiall«Mologies, energy securit¥, land and W8IJ!r oorll8Mltlon, erwironment protection, nuclear energy $)3tb11S, ncn-<XlrM!nticnal and renewable MelJY options, use of fossil fuels, di!aslier prevention and 1Tli111i'lfTienl, spam tllchnolog)' eOC. The lkiiversity status pnMded tile lnstitlJtJIwith the requred 1111tonomyanda widespeCilllm IDwcrltwith. I~ UrMnity C3ll!ts 'In M1iona1 a!pirations by offe<ing modem and job-ariented mines ID meetglobal reqlirement5andfuturechallengesahead. The Uriwrsity nasa marwlous ambiencerid acaderrkally IM!lyandvitnnterwirorment. l'ligtiy mndudw! to hi&herand dedic:alied aademic punnm.''Go Green• is also cne ofthe mottosd I~ UWersity. The at1)US tiasalltheil<ilities lkll Mecii:BI Centre, Canteen, Sludents AaMty Centre, GynnsLm, Sports~nd 1111::. In 1his canmudiwl wdemic miieu,s1udent5adcptasuperllSi/Oir-faires UM>i~IDleadarespectableandUfillircIJe. IntegralUniYersityla)HpecialemphasisonS11Jdertfrwtemil}'andbiaherhood.Thepoorand deservirc students, irrepediw d their as11e and creed, ..., ,;-. scholarsnips, in tr.e memoryorthe(l.zll!)Ha:zritAbul HasanAliHasniNa<Mabs'l'JiMiyan",the.,m'lhnlcerand philosopher. The UrMrsity mainmi-.s 1ranlpm91c:y in i1s ~· All funcDormJ ~ d academic programmes, admnis1nlior adm'.sUor-s, examnllions, 1ninirc ;nd placemert adivities,tnanceandlibnryser.oicesareUlya::mputerimd.
  • 8. 'Jlf. 71te.1tAAre ~,AUd 1HMt'B~Ultt &?1(,t'"i1,d FOUN01''TION OV iliS PRESTIGIOJS ~STTUTE Of nlTEGRll1lClll~OG~ 111.5 8££N ~AD I~ tK "T~• AOOWICO PIAT ISlA!Ct 9'llQ AlU1 IOUl~~A A%UlWl.llll1u,.~u1o;~,..,~.,.. In 1993 lslimicCcundl rorProductiveEducation(1.C.P.E.),wictlDr. ~i.r-RahmanAzmiuits PresidentandProf S)'ed~m-6Jchlaras ilsGer.eral Seaewy, slllrbld asd>ool withtheaim d developi'lg~ irtoan ilstibJtionofhighereducationb'prcrnamg 1W'llical, sdentilicand prc(essiarel eptirude inthe rn&SSe$ d1he Q061tryinienenJandthemi~mmmirilyinPQrtirular,bypr<Widiigthebestpossiblemodemandmonleducalicn1x>prqi;nthemlbrglcbaldlalengfs. Thefoundation stale ofthe Institution-laid by1hewond-rlenowned~ sdlolarand pliiksopher, HazratMaulanaAbul HISlnAli Hasrl NllMalias >li-Miyan' onlrd~. 19'93.Di.rirchisireugi.nladd'ellsHe>ratMaulanasaid: "lnfld. I~ TllCMologyand Scientitic Researd1 haw~inpormnO! and~l~inthe pnlll!nl-diyscenariool'demuuIlic; polrtial and oademicdcminllicn and 1hisisbound1Dm lllJ"· In lidia, aurlabolr,lonawledgi= and poll:nlidlies Wl:ln'make us ~n:liant, self-1Mlidertand hanool'lbledtimts until and unlesswe inlhaetieldsaswdlandputitto practice.• Wilhtheblearclcfthe putltthlerandphilo5cpha'.Ham!Mw!Jna.AliMiyvl.the l.C.P.E.Im.,,.moluteainmitmentm m&ldrc1he muntJyHlf..rolilrtandse!f- sutrmntin1.~1he~ allfa.
  • 9.
  • 10. l Students lntencdon ( }. h a1radition oftliis lkivenity smors 'Millco!ne the lresheli ind i"lteract with them in a frienclyandcordial :dmospNR. RilellircIn anybm, atanyplac.e, en and oll'1he Un~ampus, isstiidlybamed. hi undertala1g on a presoibed lbrmi1I: is reql.ired to be subrritled byalthe studenJ1hottlieyshall notindulge in anyfcrm ofraairc on ordfthe UrM!M)' ~s and shall lbicle by 1lie nJes pnisailed fur this pu!p09ebythe University/Gown'' ient. Thii UNIVERSITY ::~~~·~-::e INTEGRAL ' =a'lhl!HarfbleSupremeCourt 6th CONVOCATION ll November, 2014 LanguageLab Under the blessings of The languaee lab is a sta1lKl·1he· art ITMJltimedia labomory thal SHRI RAM NAIK . . makes use of soft ware, Hon ble Governor Of Utt.r Pradesh and Visitor. lntegr•I Un1vers1ty projectors and audio-visual systems for an efficient CompLller Aided Language l.arring (CALL) eicperience. tt has been developed to assist students in developing excellent (l:)!Tlmlriciltion skills.AA Industry requires not only a strong knowledge base from the professionals bLll also effecllve a:immlriation skills. For 1he 8bcMl purpose,thelqu;igelabhasemployed 'Orell ODLL:, a profsicnal software fbr i~ng YDClbuluy. pronu~, Md other Soft Skills so that students may commlri:atewelland efficiently. CampulllrCentre Compull!rCentre cm~ to the mrTfl<J1inlneedsofthefaailty, stif and studem tcr!heir .-rc11. teadircand teamrcactivitiM. The UllNasityhas aUlyair-<Ondtioned, stm>-cf-tlle~computerantrewith aoRrathousandC0111jMer11lrml'lib i'lstllled. Convocation a ress b E C~i•f G11t-!sl LI.GEN.IJMWIllUOllSHAM(Reid.) om C111'"'Cf!lfilr,AllO""M..ala!I 11.,1..,~~
  • 11. The Co~ Centre ~ a numbef' of high-end selYef'S, from1.8.M.and Hewlettl'acbn:I. Themachilesaneequipped withthe~ comguration.~from hiiNwareresources, Con'(lU1llrCentrealso providesa wide 111/i&eofsyslllrnSand applicaDonsoftwaresIke>tatis1X21pac:~. imagepn:x:essllg pad:ages, R.D.8.M.S.softwares,variousadvanc:edandspe<ial purpose softwares iUd'I as Mllllolb, Netsim, Maya, Studio 8, Ra!ionalRoseetc. The Compute!" Centre has a robust iia---badwp fadity 1flrool!tl online U.P.S. and a rnmber of genentor sets. It prcMcles the ampui; wi1h wireless netwotlt !hatconneds all 1fle a.::aderric departments, hosll!!ls, lilrary and other Cl!nlTal fildilies. Internet has a190were<I and wpportlld academic r"8Sealdiandstudes,enhandfl:knowledgethrolltl 1.8Gbps Wn!!d lnb!metromedionon ll'il!grallk'lillenityCampus. l.T. Help Dmk: This manages e-mail IDs of all perscmels/ stl.ldents and supports in1ranet applications lbr managing students a!mulance, ~ marb and olhet' datl. for the entireUnM!rsityandalsom;inagesmaintenaneewort:. Library The Central Libraty is housed in a separale m"1i-stoney btildire with a rich rolledion of books .and journals. The objedi'oie d the C~ Lb'ary i~ to serve1lle needs ofthe filGJlty. resean:h sdlolar,;, srudents and member,; of the Libraiy. It is Ille heart of1he Ul'Nersity and ads as a central resou~ for l1a' predominamly rela!ed to Science, Engineeri~, Technology, Medical s<:ience, Architecture, Phatmacy. Busr.ess Adminis1r.!Don, Edl.IC31ion, Lb'ary and lnfotmationScienceand alied subjedsaimingat~ilg a CQ~helsive colledionfbrtheU5e1$. The U!ntrnl Libraty possesses a rich rolledion ofmon!>than ninety one~ books and subsoi~ to for hundred entichingprintperiodicalsandmagazinesofrepute.Thelibrary hasalsosubscribedtosieveralwotickenowned~and e-resou-c:es ccnsonia ccmprisiig three thousand eioumals. morethantwothousande-bocbandti1b!enhundnedfullb!xts and indexed articles on various 51./bjeds. All n!SOUrces are e>dellsio'ely used for teaching, resean::h and referenoe purpo$e$. InOll:iet'tofuWil the~ need;thelibraryofretsthe followingset'lio!:s: • BooklendilgseMc:etoilsmembers. • Nil1ional i1ntemil1ional print and onlne journals 11 lilc:ility. • On-1'1efJblick.assCa!alogue(OPAC)services. • ~ photocopying and pmtrc facilitie!i on a nominalcharge. • TheUnrypr<Mdes bothre!'etUloeand refemil, and ~clippingservials. • CD ROMi;!! and Read I Write facility/ Web Browsingfadity. • Library<lifersOJrrentAwarenessSeM<:es(CAS.)and SelediveDilsieminaiionoflrtormlllion(S.D.l.)se~. The entire libnuy functions '1 lhe Central Library are fuly computeriled. In-house library ac!Mties like hqumion, Ca!aloguing, Cirwlstion, Seriall; Co!'ierol, Multime<li& and Web lnquity have been autornaD!cl by using ltra!malicnal Software 'Softlink Asia's - Alice for l';lndows' which is ~ user..friendy. The Central Libniry also lool:s various deparonentli libraries inorderto promate direct we dlhelibratycolledion. TheCen1rnl Libratyanddepartmental libraries are interconnecte<:I through library Automation Sofl:warewithXeonSetwi: In addition to lhese facilities, lh!n are also lliirty-!ile PCs exclusively d~~ 10 lllXl!$5ing CD-ROM online resources and On-line Public Acxeis Catllogue (0.P.A.C.) ser.ic:es, which allow the users to search <loci.ments by <Uhor's name, title, subje<:t and ;ic(l!;SSion numbers. The drculalion activities 1hrou8'1 'barcode technology" help achieve maximum efficiency in pn>lliding accuracy, speed and reliability in issue and retum pro<:edUrei. TheIPbasede-reso..ussuchasOxfonl un;-sityPress, c.ambridgeUniver.sityPress, ESl!COHOST,}-Giie, iEEE, ASPP. ASTM Digitll Libraty. s~ ASCE Acland Anatomyan alS'O be BJM ace :dttiro~ Ille ~s netwcri:dtheUnM!rsity. The Gen1rnl Library has aiS'O tie.:ome an associate memberofUGC-INFONITGOr60tWm bys~ilga Memorand1m of Understinding wi1h INAJBNIT and haslhep!'illilegeofacces!ingahostofdat!bases.
  • 12. A--- L sasken ~ -~ --•<~ v El.DECO n r-· ~ Sapiert' Cen1rebrCareerG.idlnceand De.~ (CCG&D) d lntewlJ Uriversity iJ a r.erml A<:iity d 1he Uniwmy, man;ipd by hiat'ly q.nllled and ""'l'erieumd prdsliaU from iWstry. ~ ii ldiwly ..-.. the .cudefm in developing their penionality. enhancin1•-~-..----4.......;~-......;;;.;;_+----11~;.;;;;,""'4 -· --- • +---e -- , ....0 ...41fl~ flpeen _,,, n " 1ou ent .. -~- ..,, ~ JBM I> O.J W:*':'- ------ ~···· c Oil!~ ·:!·Iii Ii i i llYN'Y'llL •.,..,,..lnfoop CD!!...: HONDA DSC L -----·- • ---- o:irnnuUation *i!J and gmenl - through worbhopt, seminars. lndvttriaJ• - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - • - - -..- - -... TrairqvdC.-Colnef~ Thisullii•lilltlr helps 1hem in 1heir final plaument. Hignir--;;-1r-;:--1r-=::-1~:;:;:::;:;:1t-;o;;:7'.~t:'."."."=:1emphasis is paid on blildi111 ln<*alJy ~...... indautiniplw:a1""'1toppor1ullties.Thecelfsl~---'"'4~--~.....;;;.--....i....--....j~---t---~""'°rtirc ii. a.ilDml1md and 1he ntCIDlds d the students' acaderric saws, lnli1r-ws. ..mnars, pn>jects anc1 placemerns etc. are availab1elr;;;,::;-t;~=::t:::;:::1•~:;;1t";=.;:::-tiimxii1onine. TheCCGliD • B ERA • Ads as a bridge be'-' the a001~P<ll~'*'~l"-~!.':!!:!!!..+-==~~;;;;~l.=:.:_::.:.::.:.'---~~===-.....waid and the Uiiwnily by pnMclni a Q 80SCH ~Cognlunt --· ••.., Oil ' ' • GVK.,> acccnture ,.•• •al Nt.C Mft!MTIUM""1&" d services1X> ont.nce students' jab ssan:handaner""""'"'"'8nt•~~k:dso1~~:::;:-~::::;:::~~~~~::(;:::;::~~;;;iii;;~'"'j;;:;"'1pr<Md...,.,.,.,,...,..,..,1ing1Dlllldents. • Conmiuously liaisons and nel'Mll'b wllh1,.~~~h:;~rt~==t==::1t-:;;::- ~l l11·li•"'i•r1 -C::L Clpla n-0-<,...... , .,,, f.llih) .l~l'lti '" ... orpniz.ations and recrliters (Indian andl -·0Yeneas)IDgeneraleample~ltieslio-...;;;-t.:==:t:---1io-":'."'-f"::::=forthepl;amentdsilldenls. t@J , , - r-l!•h •""""" ........''°" ti•"-·'!1.- L; l•i.~t·t:t#I r":."'SIEMENS .._,,,_.• PnMdes expo1ure to tt.e students for 1taining/lntem1hip in public sector or··----t---~~---6-...:=-"6""'!!!!!!!!=-4~;...--..... .ir.a --·-- ~prMD orplizldionl, both II natlcnal & hlbei 1lllio.1al level. • Improves active partlclpiltlon of tile students and the faculty members in plaamert adMlies IM>ll&h famalion Student Plaament Canrrillee (SPC1), ilaJl1¥ ccmnittees ond cnlne di1amicn- ~· nwni:ter" cm 1£Fr' cP ~~~ .. ~ (,) @lrlC.rlI l't --- • hi.,nents corporate c:cllebol'lticn• by . i"4! MOUs ~ Tl'linilg and "'-t>ert adM!ios. • Utilizes the latest state-of-the-art llOdwioqy (web se, em11lr, built SMS, lambock*)lbrbolllrtilliciorq. • Utilzes indq>aideit ll1d ~ ~ pcrtllswtich llit1hevwioo.osJdl msIt'd (X)fpDtllle world flcilblirc i'lfomlatiolo- sharirc with balh the sludents and 1he Roicnilers. • En<DurJCS ~.. amoni lhe IO.Jdenls. • Arnrce• interadlons or students with >J1mni memben for !liaring a:irporate ewpeneNlel. Spedal Fmtu... • /vi ;.,.house AptiWde T111iring Cel (IQ'C) lU beet'! established with sufficiently qldfledvaftels, • Agreement has been signed with pra(essicnal 'Ir.linen ftir a llUJe-added prD&121nmes on employability and skill enhancement of students within the ampuspnsmisos. • Ful~time eo.poilie Relation Cel (CRC) i._been e!Qblished for buidilgI~ te1m rmtionswthmrporall!waid. • I.Ne induslry projeds underthe Uiiwmy Industry lntBface initi;i!M haw been1llbl'I up where the sludenls parti~ and ifT1'"Mltheirpacticalsl<ils. • SSB cou:hing by a dediated defenao trainer lU been star1ed for Sldents i~ ated in joililgtheAimed fc>rteS and theIndianCoastGJml.
  • 13. lnduS111aJ Training/ lrwernshlp h pc< tile <1.1rric.Nn d the UnMol$ity. the sbJdents ue reqlired to Llid"'l"' Industrial Pi:' . ial I Plqod TrUW!g. The Cern r.,, 0.-Glidana:&O-:lcflment &.<ti!ttthemIn &ftD"IandcrpiD-clhenirqin ""'"lizalklns d "'puteIi..,- ISl10, BHa, HAI., ~L (Bclcln>. Ro1.1tkek1 Durppur; Salem, Bhllai, Alantol, Radi). NTPC NPOL SB.. Orchnc<J Fadory. BAAC, PO... CI:lRI, CHAP, lll!IU, llTllC, BiotllCll Parit~ lmflln~~ ~ dina.. UPOl'l LudmwGocrej, l.&T. TB.CO. TATA MOTORS, TCS,TICSO, Si•m•ns, Cqptimt,WIW1i'td, lleisla:~ f'lmolocns. '.bllas, /Ml/ALIC, TATA-AIG, Bajaj >llW1m. RelilnaiMOM)I 'lAIW'felc. S.mlnani, Mocklnlllrvtaws and Pre-pl:aamentTraining The CCGIO conduds dmr>:>cm interzdions. Gn>up DiKussio>ns, C)Jz<:s, IQ li:sts and Modt I~ IRler the Pel'Slll'8iily IJwdoprnett ~ T~uphasbe<n madewih r<pJled u1es:sment qencies to provide suftlcient roh...,.I oplitud~ 12<11 ...ter five "'""9&'11' cond:1iomincrd<rtoelVidl1heflNI andpte-lln;J ,_ stJ.i<leml. Guest fedlno by en'ilMnl arer ..,....-. llCldarici•• IJtd - "" amreedfrorn~me1'>~me. Somecit!& spcokcl'5 ~ IM pil!form indude Podam Shri Dr. Plil2m Sin1h, former Director MDI Gura•on, Commander R.P. Sl111h. renowned career oonsUt>nt Dr. Amrita 0.S, funcus ~ tninins-'...,.,5huma. Sal)WT1 SWi, Ct.N ~ Mecnalcsti Shima a CS l!nTQ and others. The eel regul""t CA(iiii:w ~ 11voughEntn:pn:ncvr1"., ee.doplT'Cllt lnstitutle d ftda, Alwnedabed (Nol1l'eII RqicrW Of'KZ, LJJdcnow). Unod .i gllidinc die sluchnls on bccomirc entreprene<111. The llude1'1s or<: ~ ,,, pottiCpote in aeoli¥e lt'ld clolia!I aimpeliions in cnler to ,,,.,,,.,, th•'rlloctlOal dci's. SlJJdents and ""1'"'11 ...., ... ndWot1a:d ~ In an...-~ Incrderto ptel<1dea 2'4-har~ne. lndustrtal100n Oipizi11glhe ~ and lnduslrill Tcus is *'h raponsblily d CCG&D. ().r stl.ldents NM> Willed a nuriUr d Orpraali""' such as l..&T Swildl GGB S)nems Lile~. HAL Korwo, PumpO,. Sbltiono of U.P. Jal Nigam U.ntiod, NTl'C, A<!mct<: SenliJ18 ,t.wlic2lion c:.nn. Bobro Steel Plan!. UPOl'l Ludcnow fll,ld Thennol ~ SQticin, NTPC Vnd1Wr and 1lllfiaul ro..trial .....,._... lcaled 81 B&dclinHinuNl~tlltl. PLACEMENTS l~ites,.,.,....,,11pllllUldintopInaran& fon!ip1companies.Tho!yill"ll&fabally51!ntin&in111full!dMNC.&fortuneSODc:ompanis.CCGaDorpiirmCami""' drives,Poolmrr.-drmslllldamuigocsoff~lmeritewt.Someoflheem~whorecM!ed OW"studcntidumgthclastfM:yeanveatrollows. • Aaml>yW~O, .-... •Apl>n. • Nivalife-Co.Lid. ........,.. • B.L ~llSoniLIAI. • llljljAlllrlcL.MsnnooO.Ltd. • h B!l!lmorlya ConltrlctJon ~ • Blwll"'31.Jfel-Co.lld. •Blrllloll •Bo!dlL..i. • Qpeomlnlln<lal'vt.lid. • ap.L..i • CmcUzl. •c.o.- •COIMl'l)W • Cle • OirdUfo • Ommil'll ·-• &liGmlp • Gtllt o Gi-smt11a. •G~ac-,.­ • LioGollln>t<•OOIO• • HO.,l!rpo • HO.o....t • HO.MJs,.wn.IJd. • HO.W,.,q;.,Ud. • HOR:Limillod •HOR:Bink • HOfC ~ L.le ln1ur.nce Co.Uzi. • Heiciea. alol1:1Sol.N.Ud. • HcndllSld_r_Uzl. •H-Urli.....Uzl • H-OnlrudlonCo.Ud.. •H.-'WI...... ·~l,..._Uzl, • IBM IndioIJJI. • IOOl'rWn.IU!ol-Ll!j • i-llo>I • >.Qla • l<d.Hort .,.........., •lrllionlirfo!W • lndonNll'y • l~Tochi I : " •lpca~l*I •JlmG,... •LllTlm...n • Larson • Tcubro Ltd (tee ~) • LotA!brll. .1..111. • Malllnclr:a~ • Naia.rjuana Con,tructlon U...ponyUzl. • NM!teW! • _.__..Ml.Jd. • Oman 1ldrical ~ Uc SNrjall •O..-Lld. •Oracle Financial Servic:e5 ~Uzi ·~l<dalld • on....SWdlnlErai>n • i..ilG,.,..,Ofean,.riis •P.lniOim~ •.,.,Lirilod • ~TecllnoqjesL.lzl. • 111!.'cli:dlnoiolle<Ud. • lldllnccClplbl •JWillatncl- • IW!wol1ol..y • AMalJt Nittatii •lloclcwoll- • s.m.....G~ ·-•S.-.lndla ·~Ull ·-•SiomirllliUll. • Samof111<1J>riaUzi • 5o11'1nc!lt • 91-rc.or-..SdlOd ._.,.._,•SlrlH'lid • S..,.rHouool..altwllid. • S-CiwoobochUzi. ·~ "lilMllJfohr.niaUll. • lilaC......ltancys.Naoo • ~s....,;..,N.Ud. • 'lb'Nntfowlw • ~Gn>4>""'1lhabi ·-•"""'Bpo """"'-·~·kh lal~• •°M'llGlabol5cMcolML.lzl. e Z)<!IBClua-Ud. • O..borauJd> • •G.llK-•1-.....w. ·~SpHt •Co.QM • Qdiltd. • DCMShrhmCei 5 h1 I Ltd• • Soraro,..,sa..ftw~Ud. ._... ·--Ud.·~• TrlwrilTlfthol.11:1.
  • 14. EDUSAT EDUSATis1heMtlndiin smlI1ebliltexd.lsiYelyforier.i~theedUClitional sedor. Itis manyinll'lldedto ~1he demlndb-an ~ sall!litle·based dislanoe mication S)'5IBn for the aiunl7y. It slmngly "'91ec:ts lnd'ia's commitment ID using 1he lab!st 12CMolazyfornallcnll dl!llO!lopment. Ithasbeen introduood ii1heUniw!<sfl¥to creatl! a -.irtual classroom wftl1 the basic objedMe oflinlciig various institutestogetherfor higher education. CampusWideNetworking All the academic departments, hostels, Ubrary and o!her central facilities are intercon~ t/rougll aa:esspointstoCilmj:>.15widewirelessnetwort. The poweror ~ and ils capabilities to a.wort1he aademic ressrm and sbJCfes as wel as stwiJ1I kn<M1•<1F- is wel known. For the same purpose, the UrMney pnwides internet Wle5S thtoudi a 1.8 Gbps shared internet a:imection. The campus n~ pn:Mdes seNices and facilities such as eledrcric mail, intanet and 11ead1ing software. ofticeaummlllion sofware, software utilities. onlineattendance, videoconferencingand printingfadities.
  • 15. Hadlll Hostelsarethecentreswhich pnMde ahome aw.q frtim home ID students and fwl!!r mendsh"and brotherhood amor-.c1hem. II. The Uriversity ~ special attention to keeping the hostels environmentally hygieNcanc1polutklnne. 12. Students are propeliy locbd after and talren ~ cl by each and tNerf_,;!en in 1he nMp8dive hostel. Hoal wardens 1ake regularroundsclthe hostd rooms and sort o..t.lheday-to-<layproblemscl1he students elli<ie•111· 13, To pro.ide a raairc-fi"ce environment in the hostels,wardensare-r~sothllt 1he!ludcntsareawsre oftheor.sequences thereby and refrain from any kind of i~ne. I'4. The d-tewing d p;i;n maisal;a and smolcing on the campus premises are strictly prohibited. Those violating the rule are penaizedwithmes. MedicalFadllttas TheUn~ity airerssep; hastelstbrboys and girls. The hostels Mlle si,..e, dooble and 1J'1lle oo:upency rooms. Each ftOOf cl the nost.els isfurnished withaloungoearea, apantry and lavalory/,hower fadities. Other facilties availabte in eadl host.I include aimmon rooms, a 1'5ding room, a T.Y. room and ~ Hostels hiMl inllemet ficil~ in WI room. Each hostel t.s its own Vv'an!en, Astistant Wuden and fiailty c.are-tlicers, lookiiglfb!rthe._,'fan!ofitsruidems. Students are eligible Ix> apply for hosb!I admissiononlyupon thec:on1irmition oflheir admission to a particular course in the UriYer5i1>'.Allalmentclroomsinthe hostelis Slridly on the 'first come, first Ste(Vff basis. Tuaeb.!, providina: l-ioslel attommodlllon a:;;~u Un~ has aful-fledge:I !rod ~I-equipped medial hospitll wilh thno.e hundred and fifty beds. The hospital mw Im eftit OPDs and eignt:een wards, a well-equipped modem P.ttllalogyLabandRadioDiaiJiosisseclian. toalltheandidmsisnotanobliption. Annual d1;vges for food ;ind lodging are required to be paid in advaool atthe1imeof hostel allotment. Itwill be inaimbent on the srudents acmtted in the hos11ll IX> join the • • • • • ~ • • • 1Q..ialifiedandeicperienced Doctorsand Medial fl'T•j.1[iij~ rr • I Attl!ndants are ~ allliable to look alter :::·, ~ ~iris) admil!J!d in 1he l, • • • f.ii~•i(lll" iirstye;irshallbeprovidedwi1htripleandmere ( ~, 5tlldentsandemployeesoftheUnivi:rsity.Afully equiJped an-bilance is also available rcund 1he occupancy rooms. Double and single U!lla•m·d~t~dii;I occupancy rooms, depending upon their availability, are olfered IX> senior students 4. ~;:;1~!!1..~ dockat111e Universitycampus. Al emergencies areimmediilll!lyall.endedti>. =~ Fadl~is available In all the 5 ·~_._._ 6. Host.elsareprl7<1idedwilhspl'IMlrelushgreenlawnsandbeautlulgardens. Sportsand ReasdoillllActlvltlm SMdedparlcingti>dlityisav.iilablewilhfullsecurity. The University has a full-fledged Sports Mobiletea~hop. with snacksand sol!.drinks. isavailable wenatrqtlthoursb' Departmentwhich Ofiillizes sporls meets and <emaiesiudl!n1sanclnosu,j c.anteensare beptopenlrtl late atnight sends teams to various inter-university ""'1pus......... Salientfaaturas aftha holltels I. 11.ound the dad: eledridty is prl7<lided in thehostel. 2. Fullyequ"'1edumnasium. 3. Indoor sporls l'acilfr in the 1espediw common rooms and out.loor sports fadfd:y onthecampuspllly4iefd. 7. The seariy dqllayed atthe gab: of111e hostels keeps a dosewatch on each car~. penon'smoo.enents. Publ" Util" . 8. Roondthedod:first~ilcililyisalsoavailable ii1he ho51lels. IC !ties 9. An ambulanc.e is available l'CUld the dodc to talu! sluderns IX> the 1~ The campus also ~ a Banc, R:Jst.Oflia: and lnmtuteofMedialSciencesand~incaseofrnecialemergency. Coopenmw .0 fl°M"« vanous RMas to 1he I0. To deal with any unl<lw3rd ihCide a sud! as tn, fire exling.ishen and ex1ra lllldents. Multiple ~ are pr<Mded to WEterso.4JPIYtlroughpipeNnesareMilableinalthehoslzls. a1Nto1heneedsofvanausfarulfes.
  • 16. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING B.Tech.(Computer Science & Engg.) B.Tech.(Electronics & Comm. Engg.) B.Tech.(Electrical & Electronics Engg.) B.Tech. (Electrical Engg.) B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.) B.Tech. (Civil Engg.) B.Tech. Biotechnology B.Tech. Food Technology B.Tech.(Lateral Entry) - For Diploma Holders B.Tech.(Lateral Entry) - For B.Sc. Graduates with Science B.Tech.(Civil Engg.) Lateral Entry- Evening B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) Lateral Entry- Evening M.Tech (Electronics Circuit & Systems) Full Time/ Evening M.Tech (Instrumentation & Control) Evening M.Tech (Power System & Drives) Evening M.Tech. (Production & Industrial Engg.) Full Time/Evening I0+2 with Physics, Maths & One Subject out of Chemistry/Biotechnology/Computer Science, with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry & One Subjects out of Mathematics/Biology/ Biotechnology with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. 3 Years Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized Board/University. B.Sc. Degree with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized university and has passed XII class with Mathematic as a subject 3 Years Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. 3 Year Diploma in any Branch of Engg. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Electronics Engg. I Electronics & Communication Engg. or M.Sc. in Electronics or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. in Electrical Engg. I Electrical & Electronics Engg. I Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Electrical & Electronics Engg./ Electrical Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Mechanical Engg. I Production Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% from a recognized University. 4 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2/3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2/3 yrs Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course
  • 17. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE M.Tech. (Machine Design) Evening M.Tech.(Biotechnology) Full Time/Evening M.Tech (Bioinformatics) Full Time M.Tech.(Structural Engg.) Full Time/ Evening M.Tech.(Environmental Engg.) Full Time/Evening M.Tech.(Computer Science & Engg.) Evening The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Mechanical Engg. I 3 yrs Production Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Bio-technology I 2(3 yrs Biochemical Engg. I M.Sc. in Life Science or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Bio-technology I 2 yrs Biochemical Engg. I M.Sc. in Life Science or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. examination in Civil Engg. or equivalent degree 2(3 yrs with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. A candidate must have passed B.Tech./B.E examination in Civil Engg./Biotech. Engg./Environmental 2(3 yrs Engg./Petroleum Engg. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. The candidates must have passed B.Tech. I B.E. examination in Comp. Sci. & Engg./ Electronics 3 yrs Engg./lnformation Technology/M.C.A. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) B.Sc.(Hons) Agriculture B.Sc.(Hons) Hortirculture B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) I Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 4 yrs & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) I Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the 4 yrs recognized Board/University I0+2 or equivalent with physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) I 4yrs Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized board/University. I0+2 or equivalent with physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) /Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) I 4 yrs Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology (PCMB) I Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized board/University. Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course Test Course
  • 18. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE B.Sc.(Hons) Home Science Master in Agri-Business Management (MAB.M.) FACULTY OF SCIENCE B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology B.Sc. (Hons.) Industrial Chemistry M.Sc.(Biotechnology) M.Sc.(Microbiology) M.Sc.(Biochemistry) M.Sc.(Bioinformatics) M.Sc.(lndustrial Chemistry) M.Sc.(Physics) (Specialization 'Electronics') M.Sc.(Mathematics) Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety Health & Environment (PGDISHE) I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & One Subject out of Mathematics/Biology/Agriculture /Home Sc. with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University B. Tech with Agricultural Engg./Biotechnology/B.Sc.(Hons.)- Forestry/Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Food Tech./Dairy Tech.Net. Science & Animal Husbandry/Home Science with minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University I0+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry & Biology/ Biotechnology with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. I0+2 in science with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/IJniversity. B.Sc.with Biotechnology/ Biological Sci./Agriculture/ B.V.Sc./ B.Sc. Hons.(Biotechnology) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. B.Sc.with Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biological Sci./Agriculture/ B.V.Sc./B.Sc. Hons. (Biotech.) with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. B.Sc./ B.Sc.(Hons.) with Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Life Sci./ Biological Sci./ Agriculture/B.V.Sc. with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. B.Sc. with Biological Science/ Physical Science/B.Tech./B.E./ B.Pharm./ B.V.Sc. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. B.Sc.with Chemistry/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Chemistry with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (Physics should be a compulsory subject upto 3rd year)with a minimum 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University B.Sc. with Mathematics (Mathematics must be acompulsory subject upto 3rd year) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University A Bachelor Degree of Engg. in any discipline /B.Sc. in Science with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 4 yrs Non-Test Course 2yrs Test Course 3 yrs Non-Test Course 3 yrs Non-Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course 2 yrs Test Course I yr Non-Test Course
  • 19. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE B.Arch. I0+2 with 50% marks in aggregate & with Mathematics as a compulsory subjects from a 4+ I yrs Test Course (Bachelor ofArchitecture) recognized Board/University. Candidates holding 3 years Diploma( I0+ 3) with 50% marks in the aggregate, are also eligible. M.Arch.(Full Time/ Part time) B.Arch. or equivalent with a min. of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 2/3 yrs Non-Test Course FACULTY OF PHARMACY D.Pharm. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and (Maths/ Computer Science/ Biology/ Biotechnology) 2 yrs Non-Test Course with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. B.Pharm. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and (Maths/ Computer Science/ Biology/ Biotechnology) 4 yrs Test Course with a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. Pharm. D. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Maths/ Biology with a minimum of 50% marks in 5 yrs Test Course the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. M.Pharm. B.Pharm. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. weightage will be given 2 yrs Test Course to GPAT qualified candidates. B.Pharm.(Lateral Entry) D.Pharm. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. 3 yrs Test Course FACULTY OF COMPUTER APPLICATION B.C.A. I0+2 in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/university. 3 yrs Non-Test Course M.C.A. A Bachelor's Degree of Min. 3 yrs Duration with mathematics at I0+2 level or at graduate level 3 yrs Test Course with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. M.C.A. (Lateral Entry) A Bachelor's Degree of Min. 3 yrs. Duration in B.C.A., B.Sc.-(1.T./Computer Science) 2 yrs Test Course with mathematics as a course at I0+2 level or at graduate level with a minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH B.B.A I0+2 in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. 3 yrs Non-Test Course M.B.A. (I 0+2+ 3) in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 2 yrs Test Course
  • 20. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE M.BA (Agri-Business) B.Com. (Hons.) B. Tech with Agricultural Engg./Biotechnology/B.Sc.-(Forestry/Agriculture/Horticulture/Food Tech. /Dairy Tech.Net. Science & Animal Husbandry/Home Science with a minimum of 50% marks in in the aggregate from a recognized University (I 0+2) in Commerce or Science (with Maths) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES M.B.B.S. B.P.Th. B.P.Th.(L.ateral Entry) M.P.Th. (Musculoskelatan, Neurology, Candiopulmonar & Sports Medicine) M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy) M.Sc. (Medical Physiology) M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry) M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) FACULTY OF EDUCATION B.Ed. A candidate must have passed (I 0+2) in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English Individually and must have obtained a min. of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry & Biology at the qualifying examination. I0+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized Board/University. D.P.Th. with a minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate, recognized from State Medical Faculty. B.P.T./ B.P.Th. with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from recognized University. M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./BAM.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology and Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. in Life Sciences or B.Sc. with Anthropology as the major subject or a degree equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./BAM.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology and Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. in life Sciences or adegree equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./B.A.M.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology and Chemistry as the major subjects or B.Sc. with Anthropology as the major subject or a degree equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate. M.B.B.S./B.D.S./B.H.M.S./B.A.M.S./B.U.M.S./B.P.Th./B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. with Zoology and Botany as the major subjects or B.Sc in Life Sciences as the major subjects or a degree equivalent to the above from any recognized University with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate A Graduate or Post Graduate degree in any stream with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. 2 yrs 3 yrs 4Vi yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2/3 yrs 2/3 yrs 2/3 yrs 2/3yrs 2 yrs Test Course Non-Test Course Through IUPMT-2015 Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course Non-Test Course
  • 21. COURSES AT A GLANCE PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY DURATION TEST I NON TEST COURSE M.Ed. B.Ed. with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. FACULTY OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE M.L.l.Sc. A candidate must have passed B.L.l.Sc./B.Lib.Sc. with a minimum of 50% marks from a recognized university. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCE MA (English) Master of Social Work (MSW) Certificate of proficiency in Arabic Certificate of proficiency in French Certificate of proficiency in German Diploma in Arabic Diploma in French Diploma in German UNIVERSITY POLYTECHNIC Diploma in Chemical Engg. Diploma in Civil Engg. Diploma in Electrical Engg. Diploma in Electronics Engg. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Automobile) Diploma in Civil (Construction Management & Safety) Engineering Diploma in Architecture Engg. Diploma in Civil Engg. (Evening) Diploma in Electrical Engg. (Evening) Diploma in Mechanical (Production) Engineering (Evening) BA in English as one ofthe subjects (upto 3rd year) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University Graduate in any discipline with a min. of 50% marks in the aggregate from a recognized university. Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. Secondary school certificate from ICSE/CBSE/Board of high-school & Intermediate or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. Certificate of proficiency in Arabic language or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. Certificate of proficiency in French language or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. Certificate of proficiency in German language or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate. A candidate must have passed I0th standard or equivalent examination with Mathematics and Science from a recognized Board/University. Test Course = In these courses candidates are required to appear in written entrance test. The selection Important Note: 2 yrs Non-Test Course I yrs. Non-Test Course 2 yrs. Non-Test Course 2 yrs. Non-Test Course I yrs. Non-Test Course I yrs. Non-Test Course I yrs. Non-Test Course I yr. Non-Test Course lyr. Non-Test Course I yr. Non-Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 Yrs. Test Course 3 yrs. Test Course 3 yrs. Test Course 3 yrs. Non-Test Course 3 yrs. Non-Test Course 3 yrs. Non-Test Course shall be madeaccordingto marks obtained in written test. Candidates who have appeared in the Intermediate Examination ofthe year 2015 and have also applied for Non-Test Course = In these courses candidates are not required to appear in written entrance test The admission in any Non-Test Undergraduate Course of this University should submit the Marks Sheet of the selection shall be made strictly on merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifyingexamination latest by6"'June, 2015. qualifyingexamination and interviewwhere it is prescribed, conducted bythe concerningdepartment.
  • 22. FEE STRUCTURE AT A GLANCE S.N. Programme I" Installment _of the year ll"d lnstallmen~ of the year (To be Deposited at the (To be Deposited before I. B.Tech. - Computer Sci. & Engg. 2. B.Tech. - Electronics & Comm. Engg. 3. B.Tech. - Electrical & Electronics Engg. 4. B.Tech. - Electrical Engg. 5. B.Tech. - Mechanical Engg. 6. B.Tech. - Civil Engg. 7. B.Tech. - Biotechnology 8. B.Tech. - Food Technology 9. B.Tech. -Agricultural Engg. I0. B.Tech. - Civil Engg. (Lateral Entry) - Evening Classes I I. B.Tech. - Electrical Engg. (Lateral Entry) - Evening Classes 12. B.Tech. - (Lateral Entry) - For Diploma Holder 13. B.Tech. - (Lateral Entry) - For B.Sc. Graduation with Science 14. M.Tech. - Power Systems & Drives- Evening 15. M.Tech. - Electrionics Circuit & Systems (Full Time) 16. M.Tech. - Electrionics Circuit & Systems (Part Time)- Evening Classes 17. M.Tech. - Instrumentation & Control (Part Time)- Evening Classes 18. M.Tech. - Production & Industrial Engg. (Full Time) 19. M.Tech. - Production & Industrial Engg. (Part Time)- Evening Classes 20. M.Tech. - Machine Design (Part Time) - Evening Classes 21. M.Tech. - Biotechnology (Full Time) 22. M.Tech. - Biotechnology (Part Time) - Evening Classes 23. M.Tech. - Bioinformatics (Full Time) 24. M.Tech. - Structural Engg. (Full Time) 25. M.Tech. - Structural Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes 26. M.Tech. - Environmental Engg. (Full Time) 27. M.Tech. - Environmental Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes 28. M.Tech. - Comp.Sci.&Engg. (Part Time) - Evening Classes 29. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Agriculture 30. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Horticulture 3 I. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Forsetry 32. B.Sc. (Hons.)- Home Science 33. B.Sc. (Hons) Biotechnology 34. B.Sc. (Hons) Industrial Chemistry 35. M.Sc. - Physics (Specialization 'Electronics') 36. M.Sc. - Mathematics 37. M.Sc. - Biotechnology 38. M.Sc. - Biochemistry 39. M.Sc. - Bioinfonmatics 40. M.Sc. - Microbiology 41. M.Sc. - Industrial Chmeistry 42. M.A.B.M.- (Masters in Agri-Business Management) 43. Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety Health & Enviroment (PGDISHE) 44. B.Arch. 45. M.Arch. (Full Time) 46. M.Arch. (Part Time) 47. D.Phanm. 48. B.Pharm. 49. Phanm .D. time of Admission) 31" December 2015) t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t70000/- t30000/- t 50000/- t30000/- t30000/- t 50000/- t30000/- t30000/- t 50000/- t30000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t30000/- t 50000/- t30000/- t30000/- t25000/- t25000/- t25000/- t25000/- t30000/- t20000/- t25000/- t25000/- t30000/- t25000/- t25000/- t25000/- t25000/- t30000/- t20000/- t60000/- t 50000/- t45000/- t30000/- t60000/- t 80000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t 50000/- t20000/- t30000/- t20000/- t20000/- t30000/- t20000/- t20000/- t30000/- t20000/- t30000/- t30000/- t20000/- t30000/- t20000/- t20000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t20000/- t 10000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t20000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t 15000/- t20000/- t 15000/- t40000/- t30000/- t25000/- t20000/- t40000/- t 60000/-
  • 23. FEE STRUCTURE AT A GLANCE S.N. Programme I" Installment _of the year ll"d lnstallmen~ of the year (To be Deposited at the (To be Deposited before 50. M.Pharm. 51. B.Pharm. (Lateral Entry For Diploma Holder) 52. B.C.A. 53. M.C.A. 54. M.CA (Lateral Entry) 55. B.B.A. 56. M.BA 57. M.B.A. (Agri Business) 58. B.Com. (Hons.) 59. M.B.B.S. 60. B.P.Th. 61. B. P.Th. (Lateral Entry) 62. M.P.Th. (Musculoskelatal, Neurology, Cardiopulmonary & Sports Medicine) 63. M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy) 64. M.Sc. (Medical Physiology) 65. M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry) 66. M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) 67. B.Ed. 68. M.Ed. 69. M.L.l.Sc. 70. MA in English 71. Master of Social Work (MSW) 72. Certificate of proficiency in Arabic 73. Certificate of proficiency in French 74. Certificate of proficiency in German 75. Diploma in Arabic 76. Diploma in French 77. Diploma in German 78. Diploma in Civil Engg. 79. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. 80. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Automobile) 81. Diploma in Electrical Engg. 82. Diploma in Electronic Engg. 83. Diploma in Chemical Engg. 84. Diploma in Civil (Construction Management & Safety) 85. Diploma in Architechture Engg. 86. Diploma in Civil Engg. (Evening) 87. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Production) Evening 88. Diploma in Electrical Engg. (Evening) I Lastdate ofsubmission ofform is April 1O'h, 2015 Cheques will be accepted. 2 Last Date of submission ofform alongwith Late Fee i.e. 8 The caution moneydeposited bythe students atthe time noo/-isApril 2o•h, 2015. of admission in the University shall be refunded only on 3 Architecture students are also required to pay NATAFee completion ofthe course or withdraw! after clearing all of ~ 200/- and Educational TourFee of ~ 1200/- the dues. The same shall be claimed within 12 months 4 Students shall have to go for Summer Training I Project otherwise itwill be forfeited. The caution moneyshall be workarranged bythe CCG & Dorbythemselves. transferred intothe account ofthe students in the branch 5 Please visit the Integral University website for NRI fee of Punjab National Bank situated in the campus. All structure. students are advised to open their account in the same 6 Bus Fee will be charged onthe basis oflocation Idistance. branch and provide the account number in the 7 The fee shall be paid onlythrough DD drawn in favour of concerned section. "Treasurer, Integral University", Lucknow. No Cash I 9 The students should ensure that his/her permanent/ 10 11 time of Admission) 31" December 2015) '{ 60000/- '{ 60000/- '{ 30000/- '{ 45000/- '{ 60000/- '{ 35000/- '{ 60000/- '{ 60000/- '{ 20000/- '{ 900000/- '{ 35000/- '{ 35000/- '{ 50000/- '{ 30000/- '{ 30000/- '{ 30000/- '{ 30000/- '{ 45000/- '{ 35000/- '{ 20000/- '{ 20000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 6000/- '{ 6000/- '{ 6000/- f I0000/- f I0000/- f I0000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- '{ 25000/- postal addresses for communication are updated in the Universityrecords. Application form and Prospectus : ~ I000/-forTestCourses ~ 700/- for Non-Test Courses (~ I00/- Extra ifrequired by post) Application form can also be downloaded from university website and submitted alongwith draftofrequisitefee. Hostel &Mess Fee (Ifthefacility isavailed bystudent) Hostel & Mess Fee peryear: 12 Single Occupancy Room Double Occupancy Room Triple/More Occupancy Room Mess Deposits(Refundable) LaundryCharges (Compulsory) M.B.B.S. Fee Details '{ 40000/- f 40000/- f 20000/- f 25000/- f 40000/- f 25000/- f 40000/- f 40000/- f I0000/- per annum '{ 25000/- f 25000/- f 30000/- f 20000/- f 20000/- f 20000/- f 20000/- f 30000/- f 25000/- f 10000/- f 10000/- f 15000/- '{ 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- f 15000/- ~60,000/­ ~55,000/­ ~ 50,000/- ~ 5,000/- H,800/- Tuition Fee ~9,00,000/-peryear Security Fee ~ 1,00,000/-(onetimerefundable) Hostel Fee ~ 1,00,000/- peryear Enrollment Fee n5,000/-(onetime)
  • 24. Important Information & Rules --,,..--·· ..:. .,
  • 25. Faculty of Engineering Medwtial £ra. Eledrical £ra. Eledrical& Eledror¥a ElCll. CMEIG. • 30-shallbe.-wl-ti;ntlloalol'Du!I.,...."""'•"'"'In 9.le<h 1.11110ra1Entry~lhallb6holdln-11lls. B.'Ted!.(Latenil&llry)lnCMIErg.: EYenngClassesforTh-'l'ean;DiplomaHolden wilhminlllkeof60. (8) ELIGIBILITY I. B.Ted!.: B.Tech.(LaanJEmry)InEledriailEra.: E.wnircOassesR>rTlne~DiplomaHolders wihllllintakeoMO. Ac:indda!emusthavepassed 10+2wi1h~. MalhsandOlemis1Jy/BiotechJCompW!rScience"'1haminimumd-45% marlcsilQU1fli*fromarecognizedBoaroikl~. II, B.'Tkh. ~IFood~hllolOC'f) Ac:and~ have pe>'iled 10+2 with l'tiysic:s, 01emisVy and Maths~ Science I Biolosr llliote<:h. wi1h a m'1imumd45%maiksinaagregatefroma~= BoardNnivers~. II. B.Ted!:(lmir111£nlry)forDfplomaHoklen: Aandidid.e musthave~ 3 years dp!omainarrt branchcl&ijneenrcwi1haminimum d 5096 marks in~· ...-. B.Tech.{l.ateral Emr)')far B.SC. Gmcti-· Aandicla!e musthave passed B.Sc. wi1haminimum d .50'l6 marts inaai~ from a~lized unM!My.whlso hiM passedXII class"'111 Matl1ematicsas aS1.1bjed. (C) MODEOFADMISSION i. Thf'OJt,hcombinedEntrwlceTestoflUIT-2015. i. F«detlil!Joflhe~!Wtolhesedion ·1~ lnmK1ions&S)llebi:1urr-2015. ii. Listofthec:and~selected forcoul1$cl!ngtl)8.Te<h~ ai11meQllthebasl$ofmeritintheentrancetestshallbedisplayedon lhenotice~oflheunM:nityoo 1t"May2.015. iv. "'1 intimtion letl.ershalaliobesentt:>seleded candidalg R>rcommuniczqthedaleofcol.flSl!lirconwhichtheyhaYeto reportforcompll!ltircacinimonfonn:aities. v. AdminiontoB.Ted!.programmesshall bearriedoutthrouaf1thecounselircmdacxordirctothemeritoftheEntnnceTest. 1". NPJ/leftoverseztsshalbefiledonttiebalisdmeritdqualif}ircelG!lnination. (D} RESERVATION SO'l6cfthemtalintak.eisreseM!<lfortheminoritycommunity.
  • 26. POSTGllllUNATECOURSES (A) COURSEOFSTJOY-MaiW of'Tedtnalov The field of specialization of various M.Tech. prosrammesofferedare: El.ECTRONICS&C:OMM. ENGINEERING ~--~ Becbot1lcOn:~,,.. ,____ ..• FulTtme Ewnini El..EC11UCALENGINEERING ~on &Conll'OI ~~ MECHANICALENGINEERING Prvclic:llonA I~ Ena. lnmlm 30 20 20 o..-. 2 yrs. lyrs. 3 yrs. Ful Ttme 30 2 yrs. Ewning 20 3 yrs. MachineO...p Ewning 20 3yrs. El..EC11UCAL&ELECTllONIC:SENGINEERING l'oww~&Dmw c.....;.. 20~~-s Jyrs. CMLENGINEERING Saucai~Ena Ful Ttme 30 2 yrs. Ewning 20 l yrs. &Mran...n1111 Ena. FulTtme 30 2yrs. Ewning 20 3 yrs. BIOENGINEERING Bladlimfag Fut Timi! 30 2 yrs. Ewning 20 3 Y"· BlolrtfoiI I llillb Ful llme 30 2 yrs. -'------..J COMPUTERSCIENCE & ENGG. ~SdwlWAEna. Ewning 40 l yrs. (II} EUGIBILnY 1. M.Tld!. (Electronic Cin:1.1it & Symms}: The c:andidaleS llMI hlYe pasted I B.E. ~ In E1e<1rOOa Eniiz. I Eledrorb & Comm.mialie>n Ena. Cl" MSc. in EledrcniaDl"eq.JN;lenidegreewithamininumofSS%m;rks in@egal<>ift>lna~izled Un~. 2. M.Tedi. (lnstllmentation & CGntrvO: The candidatlls mustl-.aw1*$Cd8.Ted>./8.E. in Bedric:al Engg,/Bectrical& Eledrania Engg. I Bectrmics & ln<tnmentition Era· Cl" equMllent~with aminimJm clSS%maibin~ froma~lled Unive~ 3. M.Tech. (Production & Industrial Engg):Thecandidams must ha11e passed B.Ted. I B.E. ecam:nalion in Ml!ld>arGI EiQ. /~e>nftv.or~ont dep.ewilhamnmi.n c/55'l6matbfnlma~Un~. 4. M.Tedi.-(Mad!in~ Design) : The cand~ nust have pas>ed B.Tl!dl. I B.E. examila!ion in Mecl'lanical Erg. I Ptcduction Era.Dl"eqLillalent.~with annininumof55% mulesliom&r1!CXl&7'imlUn~. 5. M.Tech. (Structural Engg.): The candi<lallet have pas>ed B.Tech.,9.E. exanninallcn in CM Era.or equivalent doOM with a minimum of5S'i6 mu1cs in ~ from a ~lied Unive~ 6. M.lkfl. ~nvlronmental Engg.): A candidabt nut have passed B.Tedl,/9.Eexami'lalion in CMI &cl.Alio!eth. £raJ tnwalioenDI ~ • Cl" eq.ifdont ~ with aminimim c/55'16 marts in icgtqmofram a~ University. 7. M.Tedl. (Blotedlnology): The121dcidesmi.Illtwepassed 8.Tl!dl. I B.E. eicaminatian in Bio-lmlnalogy I Biodiemal Erg. I M.Sc. in Life ~ or equMllent d~ with a minimumcfS5'l6martcsm:ma~lizeclUnivers~. 8. M.lkfl (Bioinfarmatics): Thecrididll.esmisttir.... passed B.Tl!dl. I B.E. eicamilltian in Bio-edinalogy I Biocherrial E'rg./B. Plwm. /M.Sc. in Life Scienc:a or~Milerrt drgree wilharminumof55%matbfroma~imdUm-vty. 9. M.Tedt (C.ompull!r Science & Engg.): The candill!H mun law i-ed B.M!d!. I B.E. examN1ion in Con-f>. Sci. &. Erg.I Elecbonia &iilz,Artorm<l!icn Tednolagy/M.CA or ~iwlent drgree aminimum cf55% mub in~ fromarecop1lzcdUrM:~ 10.M.ll!dl (Fower System &. Drives): The Clndidms nut h11V8 passed B.Tech. I B.E. 6'Ql/Tlimdion In Eleclrial &. Eleanlnia Erg./Eledrial Ens· or~ivalent ~ with a minirrum cf SS% marb in tjjg1egat.e from a reoogriized UniYers~.
  • 27. (C) REQUIREMENli i. CandidliesapplyingforaanissionID M.Tech. =nmshilsut:ml~ pllCJ!XXq>ies olnwlcssh~/gr.idessheetofqualfyingexamN!ionsfn>m~rstyeartom.Jyear. ii. Candidoll5 appearing ii "final year 8.Tech./1!.E.fl'1.CA1"1Sc. E>caminolion ""'1 also apply. However.1heyhaveIDsubm~1hese!Httested copyofthcirfilalyearmarksheet /gr.idesheetaltheline"'admission. (D)ADMISSION /vi objedM: type written test of one nour duration shal be cordue00 by the respective dopet1mentfol~ byani11ta Ii-.Thec:ancidBtmant adviiedIDn!lldl lregr.I UMiers~ wdcnawonthe dzte lnd tme~n below. No~ imiNticn ll!tler for tat/il'RI o'iew shd besenttoandclms. C0<ne Telteate 11me M.TEOi. 13"J1.11" 2015 9:30 om i.3•:h<ic> QQa ll ~ ~ ll 1- &w..t'lodft Da9>,....,,..... ~ Sd. ll &@"I a. ol"ll'f llolrformlllc:g,ol~ ll c.-d 8-i.-rS)olorn ll °"'"'ll'Urviews.tiollbeconducted inmedillelyifterthee.41ullion oflhewritlentl!st.The liltof cancidal"5selemdbradnUsion shallbedisplayed on I'I"jW102015anthenolia! boardI websiteoftheUn~. (E) RESERVATIONS 50%ofthetotalirrtake is~for1heminoritycommunity. INnGRATEDDUALDEGREEPROGll41•tE ttwilbeafi>J&)'!arpragr;imme.On1heccmpldionafthe~· B.Ted!.-M.Tech. deireewouldbe~tosua:mJandidatl!s. Fordelidertstudent.hil>liiebadcpapen;. 1hedepamnentmay,..,.,jl!JW theirprogr1!SS*"1hec:anpldionof1nt """"' may~ themfor Thestuden1swillhawlheoption "'811"linga:>ntii.alioninlheDual °"8798 ~me orIDOltailitfora'.linsle B. Tech. d<:@r'eeonlyuptnthe1hi"dyear.Thereafter,nochanges shall beaccepted. DOC1'0ROF PHl..OSOPMY(Ph.D.) PRCGlllAJ •IE Asepvole~ust!Nllbe a>ndl>dedioradmissicnto thePh.D.prqr21T1me inthe mon!h ofJan/ Feb and Jliy/ hlll"st. Hi adllerti...,,.11:br11-s lle5t slaiJ be p~b.iltled in promilen!NewspapenNn~Websiteaa:crdngly.
  • 28. Faculty ofArchitecture ARCHITECTURE Study of An:hited>Jre, toncemed with desill" and conwvction of blildi~. ~ a wide rarce d career opportun~ies in govemment and private sector. Hw.<ever, 1he l'06t endeari~ option, prderred by arcliteds, is sef~~ wtiere in add"dion to equitable firencial ,_,.,s, 1he pn:tession ""5Ul"eS lhe sal)lfaction d 1he dewJopmert d ec;cnomic and nJral uplift, recognized by ea:inon'<c pi511ners and social, scientists, it r.aN provides unlimited employment cppottuMies i>the,,_schemed mojorthrustareas al allpwnmen121poides. ~hy al Ardllec1Jn. I~ Uniymity runs 4+I- years l.llde~dcgroeprogram"nei i> arflitlecnn leading to the award al Degree rl Ardlite< The 8~. aiurse althe UnMer9ily are 6.Jly ~by ll~~::lf;:~i;idQi:.:~~~iJi.~~~-J theCOln:i<IArdt~ lnd"i&. Inaddilion,1he lilailty := ako nas p06tgrad~ prograrrmes, both full #Id part. time, and a~ J)l"Ol!TWnme (Pn.D,)lbr(Sll(idates l'cvi~academicancl resewd"Iinterests. UNDERGRAD~ECOURSES (A)COURSEOFS'TJCJ'I' eo... lntaM 8><0!. 70 rnB.Ard!.-OJITlallLlll Durallon '+I yn. TheOJrriaJlumdB.Arch.u~UlleP"'SlJ'2l'V"'lilY5 stress on aealiw: dewlopment, Wual axnnunicalion and the technical if"4'UIS ~ fer an an:TOled.. In c:cnianmce with tn.. stitt-d-~ inlrastrudure available inthe UniYeBily,theempilamon~ of ardlil2ctural solllWare and 1he wide variefy d eledives ~. er.sure for 1he sbJdents' dverUiwJlion to other weer options and better placements. The dqree holden:in.....t.aduret.....e 100'6 p:ocoment~ on ~ selfemplaiiment. {B) ELIGIBILITY (I) Thecandidatemust1-aYepwed IO+2_....withat least 5096 nwb in v¥1>!will Malhemllics .... compulsory subject from a recognized Board/ University. OR 00 IO+3-,earDiplOITa(anySlream)l"CO)gnizedbyS13li: GamTmentlwith5096mariainthe@eplle. (C) MOOEOfADMISSION i. ~ ai~ Tcstinhditedlneto behdd l!ong wilt>mmbinedEntnnce'Jest IUET-20I5. ii. For$ of the test, refer to section "lmporiant lnmiaions&S~labi: IUET--1015." iii. The istdthe candidm:s aca>rdingtotheircnlerofmerit in e'1!rance """""manand selod-d for~ to S.Ardl. Course shal be dls!llayed on Nodce Board/ W1!1>!~ rlthe Uniwnity on Ill" Mlly2015. However, the intimation l8l1Br shall be sent only to selected anddates for c.ommJricaling1he <Ille arc.ounsellrc on wlidl !hey IR'e1D reportfor WI~1he acmmcn formalities. iv. Niii/ ieft°'""rseatsshallbeEledonthebosisorcomlined meritoftheq~~ngexaminationandanAplitudeTestlice Nili""2l Aptitude Test in Ncnledure (N."Jlll). AIEEE er UPSEE~ NOTES: (I) NATA (N>lional Aptitude Teit in Architecture) is oonclucted by National lnltitute of Mana:d SWdies (N~) ofthe Counc~ alNcnledure (CO), which is o!len!d betwMn April to Septem~r """'Y year 111 designated"lllSlcentersi>India.DetailssboutNATAcanbe d""""'loaded from CQ.t.'s websk www.a:iap.ln er I~ UrMlrs~ l..ucJcnow is one of the auth<>ria!d lest Cem-e bl" ~ _,, dthe Qim<il al Ard1itedure(C°").
  • 29. (2) >G po" COA. .,,,..,. aid! ancld8les wil be l<h1illlld to Bhth. r.our9e, who t.ave ql.Ufed an Aptirude 1esl in ~withminm..n'10'lti matb. (3) Mt new p.idelines/ clrMives, f mued byCO snail be fellowed. (') Dinoct adnission (~ Entry) to 9!1cond )fir (b- diplomancklers) (D) RESERVATION 50%ofthe total in11ke isretelWd for ltlearddate trom theminorityamnunity. (E) ACMISSION Thelistafthe andida!H sele't><llbradmissionto Bkdl 1n1....,sn.11beclsplayed ontheNoticeBoord/websitoaf theUnivlmv. 1-lowewr,thelntinatlonlettershalonlybe sent to selected ancldatllS comm.i~ the date on wt-Och 1heyhave1ll report br<X>n'91~ lhe admission formdties. POSTGRADUATECOURSES ~ COU~EOFSTJDY- lntlM MmerofAnt•ledu"' (11111 - Tme) 20 Masteraf~(l'art-Tme} 10 (B) B..IGIBIUTY i. The candidates must have passed B.Arch Degree IO<aminalion or equivalent with atleast 55% martcs in @egatefromarerogniz«IU!Wersq ii. Unciclale:s~ in'lhei'malyearB.hdl.ewninalion ""¥alsoapplySl.bjedtothecondition1112tlheyareableto submitthell:testedcopyofthefinli)'ell'marbdieetlmst by 13"'June2015. m. Qncidatessedcilgaan;iaontothe H.Arch. OMSe, shall 1>.1bmitself-atle5Wdphotoalpiesafd'leir~'f1irce.amas stated above along with Rm to Rnal year mari<s sh~sheet. (C) ADMl~ION i. The anefidt:es shill 111w to appear for an irlllel il<NI br '-- ieleclionicr~on l)*)lne,2015M lo..l0amat • __...,. lntEgral Universit)I l(urs; P.oad, l.JJOnwf. No seperaoo • • "1imll!ion letter far the interview s'-11 be lllef't to ltle - • • candidates. ii The list of seled.ed andidales stmll be dilpl~ on - • 19" June 2015 on the NCltice Boord / 'M!bsite cf the - I • UniJenily. ••In addition, the intimation letters, tonfinning their adn-Gion to ltle 1n1rse, it.JI be 5>1llt to the selected I • candidatesa:>rrmJnicalingthedateonwr;a,they haveto _, • report at the Univlmv for complding the a<hlissicn I tbrmaities. - • -..(D) RESERVATIONS • SO'J6oflhe11:otalinta.lteisre51!M!dfor andida!Mti'omlhe '- I Mi~comrmrVl:y. &- I • Suitable financial assistance m;ry be made N.lilable to ._ • Facu~ members afI~ Uniwnityaswellasafother I ilstib.Jtions I orpnizations admit!..:I m 3-year M.Ardl. - • (Part-lime)=ne. • • • DOCIOROF NLOSOPMY'(Ph.D.) PRDGIUUl94E • • Asepandeenlnina:testshallbeaxiducmdtbradmissiontolhe II • Ph.D. ~in1hemonthcfJan/feband July/~ • • • ...,, advertisementfortis- shiiil be pubfa.fled in pn>minl:rll -......olllll • Newspopen/J~Wd:l!itea=nfrW>'. ~
  • 30. Faculty of Pharmacy DIPLOMA COURSE (Al cou•OF iTUDY- ~ITll In PMnmty Coone lnlllb Di.nllon D.Plwm. 60 2 YB· (8) EUGIBILnY D. Pharm. :TheandidlllemLllthM!passed 10+2with Pl1)'Sks. Oiemislly and Mattis ~pulrt' Sdence I - Biology.r1liolcdi.with minirrum50% marbinvqB!e frana~imd~. (C) MOOEOFADMJSSJON IOO'l6 d tot.I i"ltab! d dploma plmma<yaiune shal be ~Ued enthe buisdrneritof111equal~eariination. .-~ ,., t'"I~ ii The liltof111e eligille car>didlll:S braci'nission co1nellrc -- ~ - __ 1X> DiplomaPhumacy C06'Se shall be~ on Notice Boa~e of the Unillenity on 6 June 2015. I lowever, the ir-.irnllion letm' sNll be 5"111: ID eligiile c:andidasonlyibrcomm.inic:aq1hedad e<>Llllll!llrc anwhiditheyhillleID reportbra>!Tflletiiatheadrrission bmaities. ii. NRI/loft""".-shal beliledonthemeritd qllliifyirc ""31rination. {D} RESERVATION 50'!6 d 111e total irtake is reHtVed for 1he rrOnority COrM11M1ity. UNDERGRADUATECOURSE (Aj COURSE OF !ffiJDY- Bedlelar Df Pharn-.y Coone lnalrll Di.nllon B.Phl!m. 60 4 YB· (B) El.IGIBIUTY i. B.Pharm. :Theanddab!mLllt.,_passed Io+2 with Pll)'SiG. Olemislly and Mattis ~pulrt' Science I BiologyA!ioledl.with rrinirrum+596 mllbinw tga1e frana~~· i. B.Pharm. :(lale<alEntry)forDpirreHolders A andidlb! must have passed 2-yur diploma in Phermacywlthminm1.111SO'J6marbin3il!IcptEo (C) MOOEOFAOMISSION i. Throughcorrbiiedentrana:testoflUET-2015 ii. For detailJ of the !lest nifer to section "Important lnsirucdons&Syllabi: IUET-2015. ii. Theliltoftheandidatl!sao::ordinrt1o1hl!ironlerofrnerit in enlrlnce elallllination and selected br counseli'lgti> B.Pharm I B.Phanm. Lateral Entry. Courses shall be dilplll)'!d en Notice Board I UniwnityWomle on 18"Mayl015. Howe-, theintimalien letber slwl also be sent onlym seled2<1 andidms for comm1M1icalirc the date of coollllllrcenwhich111eyhwe11>reportbra>mpletiig 1he...,,ii:licnfonmalities. ;.. Selectionforadmis.sianID PtwmacymursessNllbe in orderofmeritofEnlranceTest. v. NRI / 1st <Nf!f' seals st-al be fil!d on 1he rnerit of qual:fying~ POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSTUDr: eau.. 1na1oe eu.- 'M.Phum. 30 2yn. Plwm. D JO s•~· "OS -is mdl in ~CllerNslry, PharmlOOgiKBf-l'lrjtoc:ttemimand IOsem eochin PharmlCllU!ia11111 in l'lmmlcx>lcgydi5"'>1hes. # l'liltrne CIOUraebllwed byone'fr:tV c:ompJeoary RltlllDryinlmlsllip. (B) EUGIBIUTY • M. PlwTn. : The ancfidlltl: mu.t hr.c peted II. Phum. coursewith amil'Wnum ol50%marks. Weightagewil be ~ID GP,1(1"qualifiedcalddftS. i. Pharm. D.: 10+2with l'hys;o;, Chemisllyw Maths/ Biologywithaminim.imof5096marl<s iiaaitegatefrom areccsnizlldBoardAJM-ersity. Note : ~ should II(( be les$ thoin 17 )"$ at the tine <I adrrission forl'hirm. D.& D.Phann.<DUrses. (C) MODEOFADMISSION M.Plwm: L I00% clll:iCalilUl<eft.I be'-6.Jeden belis<I~ Examlnadcnandhllel kw. i. Ni abjtctNe W& 'Mitten - shal be CX>l'4lded an IJ•J...._ 20IS II: 09:30 am folb.Yed by an inter-A-. The anclid&1Jls ani KMsed ID r..adl lra,al UrMnity. Luc:kncmon...., dm:and1me. Nosepin!te i11ti111tio11 ~intervirm!hallbeser1;tocarlddillllS. ii. The list of the candidates selected br admis..!ian ID M.Plwm. <Xlln!shdbedi~an l9"j1S1a2015an Notica ~ite of University. HcMww. the
  • 31.
  • 32. Faculty of Science UNDERGRADUATECOURSES (A) COURSESOFSTJCN' eou.... Dl9dp11,.. 1ncmc. B.Sc.(Hor"&) Bicrt!lcMolcgy 40 B.Sc.(Hor"&) IndustrialCl>emisVy 40 (I) EUGIBIUTY B.Sc. {Hl>M) lllotedndoo : (Io+2) or equ,"41ent IMlll ~. O-istry & 8iolcaI BicedlnolCCY v.illt mn. 50% mm. nthe @eptft'Oma~ed~. B.Sc. (Hoiw.) lnU!rtalOiemllllry:(Io+2) creqviYl!trrtinSO.nee wilhan.1isb7 asoneof1heMijedswilhmirilTllm 50%nwtbinthe IQleggteft'Oma~~. (C) MODE OFAOM~ON IOO'l!i d the latlJ intllce shallbe filled on the basis d the meritofthe q.iallyingexamilltion. (D) RESERVATION 5096dtllemtal ilt2Jce 5reser'edfortileninorityaimiNJMy. (E) ADMISSION The list of 1he eligtile candidims for acmission COUlsellng 11> B.SC.(Hon$.}Bi~nology and B.Sc. {Hons.) lndUSbial OlemstJy coursesshal bedisplayed on Nclir.e BoerdM'ebsitedthe university cn6•ju.,.201S.Hcme.11e1;1heilliml!Donlet1l!rshallbesen!ID~hie candida!les<>Nyfar communicamgthe date d counselingen v.illch theyha'elDreportbre<mplf:cingthea<tniSlionfannalities. POSTGRADUATECOURSES (A) COlltSEOFSTIJDY-M- Co • Thedisciplineofvariousdepar1m<nt!s!NIIbeasfolows eou.... 01eqi11.,. lntlb M.SC. llioted-.iolcgy SO M.SC. Microbiolo@r 50 M.SC. lliodiemisfJy 40 M.SC. Bioinftil'ITlllics 40 M.SC. lncluslrialOltmis!Jy 40 M.SC. l'cysio(Specil(IZillion'Eled7oria' 40 M.SC. Malhematics 40 P.G.D.l.S.H.E EIM-ITllSIUIScienat 60 Du...iton 2)ft. 2,rs. 2)ft. 2in. 2)ft. 2,.s. 2)ft. Iyr.
  • 33. (9) BJGlllUTY L M.Sc. (li*chnclosr) : The Qlr1ddate rnJSt haw pmed B.Sc. wth BiotJlchno!O@)' I 8ioklfPJ SQ.,,ceI~re I8.V.SC./B.Sc.(Her&.) B«mochnolol)'wi1h amii. ofSO'J6 marksin1t1evec;emmarecogrizoedurWe11fl)I. L 1'1.Sc. (tL blolOID') : The c:aM!date must hwe puied 8.Sc.ftl.Sc. (Hens.) wth 8ioklfPJS<ienoe/Biatednology/~I~ /8.-.CSc.with amilim.:m SO'J6marksin1hev eptefromaia:ogiizeclurive,.q. • · M..5c:. (llkxNmlnr1) : The candidZle must have passed B.Sc.JB.Sc. (Hor6.)with Life SdCitlr.esI BiologialSc:ie110e5/Biochemisl!y/ Biotechnolcigy/Mi~I~reI l!.'.CSc.withamin.of.50%martcsinthe..,,.r.efromareaigni:mduniwrsity. Iv. M..5c:. (Blolnfanmidc&) : The candidal!t must haw passed B.Sc.JS.SC. (Hans.) wth Biaq:jc;il Sc/once I ~ ScienceI 8.Tedl/IHI8.Pharm. I 8.v.Sc. I Biodlenis1lyI Biclledl~ with a mir4mlm of 50% mar1cs in 11ie 8881egare from a reo:ogMe<I u1Werii!¥. v. M.Sc. QndllllrW Ownlllry): TutC111didamnuthll'9 pmed B.ScJB.Sc. (Hons.)wth Chemistrywithaminil1'Jmd50%marbin1he...-froma~unr....sity. "'- M.Sc. (l'hylk:I) : The candidalf: nust llalle passed B.Sc. with Physia, Chomistry and Mathematics (Physia lhould be a~Mljectupll>3rd~)with amil. of50'J6 mar1csinthe411._.,mim.~izedurM!rifl)I. " · M.Sc. (t'lldWH1mks) : The ancic!lllemuithave passed B.Sc. {Mldllernltic:s slwouldbe a GOIT'Cl'*'°'Y dlject upll> 3rd)'!!Qt) witl a min. d 5()'l(, mules inthe @ egalefrom a ~"~ "81. l!G.ctp.InlndllllnllW.,.Hallh&Envlramwlll:Abadldor~dErcg. inany lnndvfi,Sc. with science with a mninim d 50'lf. marks n the o ._., from a re<DW'ized university. (C} MODEOFADMISSION ccmmunk:aling 1he dalle cl counsdli!'i on which they have to report for ccmpleting1headmissionformalities. i i. Selection for admi51;ion to M.Sc. courses shall be ckine throughthe counsd5ng and intheonlet"ofthemeritofthewrittentest. iv. Mn."s:siall in P.G.0.1.S.H.E. Wll orif be on the bmis ol the mcrt of 1he qvL~ ecarTinDon. i. AAobjedivet)pewrittentestofone hcl.lrdurationshal be<X>llducted by1he respeo:We f;u;u~/depu1meni>.Thecandidatl!IS~ ad..-.iID read1lnmgnlUnM!nity.Luc:l<nol{on thedmo and tine~ below. No separate intimalion lel!zrfor-/intloNiowshall be " sertin Clllddates. For$)4abus ofthe test refer to the sec:licn ,~ lnstru::Oor4of ~labi20IS'. Theistofthe eigibleandidat2$~ad'nission counselircin PGDISHEcourseshall be displ~ on Nclice BairdM'ebsit.e d 1he Uriverii1¥ on r Jiq 20 15. Ha.vever. the inli'nallon ldl>er shall be ....rtto eigible candidam5 only for axM1unlcaling1he dalf: d OlUISelirconwhich1heyhlwtoreportrorcompletirg1heldmnonbnndties. TmtDlle 13.116.2015 Tm• 9:30em "(llicmoda~, -~ Biochemisitry. ll'ciib11111ia, l...uiria!0"'1illit>Ma!hanmcs & Phjosia) n. The listclthe canddates acmrdifetotheirorder ofmeritin wriUien test and selectedfor counsellingto M.Sc. courses shall be dis~ on Notice Board I Websitecl1heUrWersifyon 19"'June,2015. H.,.,_r. the intimation lettershall also besentorlytoselected candidatestor Iii. NRl/left<Mrsealsshallbefilledonthemeritcl1hequalfying~hdion. (D) RESEllVATION 50%cl1he1D!2JintaQeisreservedf0!'1herninoril}'comm~. DOCTOllOf PHILOSOPHY(Ph.D.) PllOGMMfiE A sepa.- enlnnc:e t~ st-.all be a:>nduaed feradmisaion ID the Ph.D. programme in the morth arJanI Feb and July/ h.ipt hi ~fur this 11951 shall be published in prominentNewspeperr/Uriverii1¥Wtbsiteaca>rdilgly.
  • 34. ~-=t Faculty of Computer Application IU-;;;;l.s;;:;~~;;;mii.f-."'!!'l.!i-it~t.'1.~ UNDERGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSTl.IDY B>d>elorofComputerAppic31ion. c..u... lntab 8CA 180 (a) WGIBIUTY Curadan 3 )Iii. Theapp"..ant roosthavepillSed Io+2 inany~frcm a~ ~with amirinunof50%nwbin ·~ (C) MODEOFADMISSION I00%of1alalirDlcl:shallbelilledon1hebasisof1hemeritiithequllifyWisocamnalion. (0) RESERV.KTION 50%of1hefl:lllli iltakeisreserwdfcir1he ni~ tom,,...rity. (E) ADMISSION Theliltcftheandidztesellil!e~racrno.icna>Unselirc1DBCAa>Ur.elh:llbedispi.pdanthenatice~cfthe Uniwnityon rf'June,2016. H-.intimllion letwshallbesentonlytoeii!lbleanddd.esbf'oomm1a1ialirelhedate of..,..,..,llirconwhid11heynavetoreportforoomplelirclhemnissionfonnalities. POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSlJDY MasterofComputerAppiOltion c..u.... lmake M.CA 60 M.CA(laralEnlJ)') 60 (B)ELIGIBllJTY Oindan 3Yrt. 2Yrt. M.CA:Theapplicarrtroosthll<'epasseclaBad!elor's~ofmini,,...m 3yrscilrolicnwilhmalllematicsal I0+2lewlorat &J3dLatel.....iwilhaninim1mof.50%maricsil~frcma"""""izedUnivertill< u. M.CA {Ul!nl Enlryj : TheappliantmU!th2Ye passed Bachelor's ~ ofmirim1m 3 )Iii. dlr.dion in B.CA, B.Sc.- (1.T...canpuierSc:ience)wilh l'l'l2hrnm:szs a a>Urteat 10+2 ll!Yel oral~- levelwtila mini.....m of609fa mart:s in aa;1tp1Efrcmal'e"'li)i:ted~
  • 35. {C)MODE OFADM~ON i. ht objedile type ~ 1l:sl. of two hours duration shall be conducted by 1he department. The candidllll!ls are adviiied to readIntegralUnillen;ity.l..ud:ncm onthedideand time~n below. No ~ intimation letterfor test I interview snail be .sent 1x> Ollldidatl:S. Oinc:Sdates appearing in their final year graduation cxaminalionmil)'alsoapply. Dlldeand11meo1Wr1tblnTmt: I3"jw!e,201Sat9:30am ii The list of seledied =didates in CX'derofmeritinthewritten1l:sl.for counselling to M.C.A./M.C.A. {l.ll!eral &!by) courses shall be displayed on Notice Board / Website of the University on I,. J-. 2.0IS. H()MM(. the intimalion lettl!t'sh.111 be sti1I only to selected candidates for communicating the date of coul'ISl!iliigonwhich they haYe m report for completing the lldmmionbrmalitiss. iii. Selection for admission to M.C.A./M.C.A. {Lateral Entry) courses shal be anied out in CX'der cl mri cl the writl«l test throu.fltheCO!.nSelirc. iv. NRI /!cl O't'er seais shall be Ued on the merit of qualifying examination. {D) RESERVATION 5096ofthetJOlalintlkt:isreseMd fortheminotityconvnurily.
  • 36. ~ Faculty of Management &Research UNDERGRADUATECOURSES (A) COU~ESOESTIJEW c.c.r. 8.BA 8.Com(Hons) (B) ELIGIBILITY ,,,. 120 180 i B.BA:Theappfoammusthi!Yepmed lo+2 i1IJ1)'d:~efrcma"""'9'DdBoanl/Un.w.cywithamilimimofS016 rnwltsnv eg;1e. o. B..Com (HCll1) : Thi! anddm: musthavepasRd IO+2 aimmorce erscHrlao (w!dl nah)with arriN-nun olSO% marbi19ep1emmarecognm~11ilj< (C) MOOEOFACMJSSION I00%cftotalintakeshalbeOedonthebasisctlherneritintheCp.Jllifyin11_,,,illlllion. (0) RESIRVATION SO'l6cithe"l<llali~ isreseM!dbrtheminorityaxmiun~ POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSTJDY- Masterdl!u!inll$$Mrrinistra0on·MBA C- lntab Dlnlion "M.8A 120 lyrs. M.8A~Busi'less) U> 2yrs. "DualSpec:PlzadonsOfrered:Fhanc&,M.vlmll,........_"""""rcelilnfannadcinl<dlroalc'I)'. (B) B..IGIBIUTY i. M.BA : The appiarllrn;st haw pmei:l Fdull!e course (IO+2+ 3) In anydisdpline with a mnirn;m of50'l6 rnuts in ~h>ma~ized Urmr;~ 2. M.B.A. "'"'-) ~..,1l.Sc.-{Foiemy/~111llure,1Hortia.J~ Tech. /Dairy Tech~ Science & M irna! Husbandry/Home Scienai with a mnirn;m d 50'l(, rrmb in in aggrepta mm a re<Xllr'izedu~ (C) MODE OFADMISSION i TIToughEnl1>nc:elertoflUET-2015~ byGroupDim4'icn&~Im. Mw:.Orlylhooeandidm.swhowl:I
  • 37. •• quali'yin1hewrittentestshalbecalledforGroopDiscussion&PersonalInterview. i. Fordetaikaf1hem.t"'4Prtnsection"lmpartartlnslruclions&Syllabi:IUET-20IS". ii. Thelirtaf1heandidab!5whoquailyl'1ewmt..ntostwil bedisplayed in1he-nrcon9"May.2015(thesameday)an1he NatioeBoaro/We~afUiiva1ity. ii< TheGl:l'41Discussion&Pcniormli111Jei wewwilbeheldfrom 10"111r;2.01s 1012"11ay.2015. v. Lilltofl!ieselectedandidltesbr~llrcao:o=:eordet'ofmeritforM.BA,1'1.BA~Business)cwrsest.abe displayedon llrMq,l015on1heNoticeBoard · ~UiOienity. vi. Anintimllionlelllsr"1allmobesentlotheseledBdandid.msforcom...,nicll1iigthedileafCX>Uiselingonwhich1hey'- IDreportb"<:0mpleti'lgtheadmisfionformalities. vii. NRl/left.,.,.,.smls.r..11befilledantkemeritafquall'yingexamilation. (D) RESERVIUlON 50'i6oftMlol3!inlllceis1esa~forlherrinoriljlcomrnJ11ity.
  • 38. Faculty of Health &Medical Sciences UNDERGRADUATECOURSES (A) COURSEOFSTIJDY Colne Inab Dlnllan M.B.B.S. 100 .of V.t~ B.P.Th. 60 .of•yeais # Fulldmecoursefobaedby I yearcomp..lsoryrocatory intx:msNp. "fill time a>1ne b llowed by 6 rnanllu ~ rcCmlryinterMip. (B) EUGIBIUTY: i. M.B.B.S. - Aanddate must nave pused(IO+2) in the 6lbjects of Ph)'Sics, Chemistl)I Biology and English lndividJallyand mistha.lie obtained a mil. of50% malb tala!n t.oaether in P~ics, Chemi<lry & Biology at thequaifyi111ewnirlllion. ii B.P.Th.-Aandidaleroostlm<epessed 10+2oreqiM!ent with Ph)o5ics, Chemistrf and Biolcafrom a ~ized BoonWniwmtyeruringmil50%ma.rtsiiv ep:e. ii. B.P.Th.(LA!enl entry) -A an<fdmt seekirc lldrriman to 1he B.Frrh.-llnd Year must have paned D'*""" in ~iotherapy securing minimum 60% marl<s in the ~ ~ a rea:ignized in&litute lllilillllid to State Medir.;JFa.:Uty/Uniwnity. (C) MODEOFADMlSSION: I M.B.a.s.: • Tl'lougllerUanc:etestoflUPMT-20IS • ONilsoftat-•perMOnarms&ndsytlllbul • Sc:hedu'eoftestand n!lattddeta;isv.fl be made avUab!e ontheurM!rsit)I~. • Aseparalllnoliticdicnfor IUPMT-20I5WI beadvertised induecoursesottme. • An inli'nalicn letmrshall be sentto se~ candidamfor canmunladingthe~ofcounsellii1onwhichtheyhalle 1X>reportfar""'1'1etinildmirsionbmalities. • Mnil:!ion 1X> MBBS programme shall be wried out througll Ille <JUSeling and a=rdrcmIlle meritf the ~- I 111.Y.Th.: I00% of talll i1IBla: of B.P.Th. CX><ne DI be filled on the bas& of merit in the .,...,ifyirc .,..,,.;nation. The 1st ofthe ,.bleandid8res fornnlnion to B.P.Th. axirse1hrough counsellilg shall be disp~ an Notice ~ills of the Uni'tersity on 'aJu""' lOIS. H"""""',1heintmalionlettershallortfbesenttoel~ble cnlidllm for oamrruniczti18the d2lbl clCXJ.....,lirg on v.tiidh 1hey llave mreport br ~l!'lif the admission famw!ilies, (C) RESEllVAT10N : SO'l6 d the 1DlaJ iralce is reserwd b r the minority canmun~ POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSTIJDY lnlllb Dlnlfan M.Sc. (MedcalAnalomy)• IS 3 &2 Yrs M.Sc. (Medcal l'h)'siq) • IS l &2Yrs M.SC. (Meclal Biocfumis!ry) • IS 3&2Yrs M.Sc. (Medal Micn:>b~ • 15 3& 2Yrs M.P.'Th.(MU1<11lcslc2iml) OS 2 YmB M.P.Th. (N"-'rclogy) OS 2'll:ars M.P.Th. (Cirdiopulmonary) OS 2 Years M.P.Th. (SpcrlsMedicine) OS 2 Ymrs • M.Sc. for B.Sc. Cnldates -3'll:ars(6 semesters) M.Sc.for M8~SfilHMSllW1SJBUMSfil.P.Th.JB.Sc. Nu..-,,Onidm:s -2'll:ars(.of SC111esll:n) (8) EUGIBIUTY: l M.k(M<dcal A1111111ony) A Candidate 9eelcing admission must have passed MllBS.'IDW-!MSi!W15 taUMs..11.P.Th.JB.Sc. N.Jrsiii orB.Sc. withZoologyandOtemstryasthemajonubjects erB.Sc. In LifeScioncserB.Sc.wilhMthropolllll)'asthe majors.ibjl'ldorad"i""=equiwlenttotheabc:M:fromlW1Y recioplil!td lklM!rsity with 50% marks ii ~· Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examilalioncanalsoapply.
  • 39. II. M.SC.(HedlallPhyllolol)') A Candidate s~ng admission must have passed MB8Sill!>SMHMS/dAMS/ BUMSM.P.Th.JDSc. ~rmg or B.Sc. wi1h Zoology and Olemmy as !he major subjeclsorB.Sc. in LifeSc:iencesasthe majors.i)jed:ora deirtt ~ivalent 1X> !he abol!e fi'om artf ~lzed Urive~wi1h50%maibin~. C-andi~who ~llpl>Wir.:inlhequaifyilg-mnmoncanalsoapply. iii. M.Sc.(Htd'QJB'IOCMmi1Cr7) A Candida:te se6ang admission must have passed MB8Sill!>SMHMS,IBAMS/ BUMS,9.P.Th./8.SC. ~rmg or B.Sc. wi1h Zoology and Olemislly u !he major subje~ or El.Sc. in Life Sc:iences or B.Sc. with Anthropologyasthemlljorsliijecl.oradegl'!leequivalent tD the ab<:we from 'NYf remgnized un;..ersitywtil SO% marksin ~· Candida!Bswho8"' apP'!'lrlrcin !he quaifyi'1g-mnalionc:analsoapply. Iv. 1'1.Sc:.(MedicalMkrobloloSY) A Candidate s~ng admission must have passed MB8Sill!>SMHMS/8AMS ii!UMSM.P.Th.JDSc. ~rmg or8.Sc.withZDologyandBotanyas1hemajorsubjectsor B.Sc. in Lk Sciena:s as 1he major sliijec:t or a<!~ <!qUr.raient1X> 1he aboYefrom my~ized UnM!rsity wi1h S0% mam in au~· who ere appearircinthequali'yi~elC3minztionan alsoapply. M.P.Th. (Musabkelml, Neudorf. Cardiopumortaiy & SportsMedicine) Acandide-id~acinimon musth:aYeP.issed 8.IIT.18.P.Th. ona~be.sisand shclid111.'eseaJredatleQ!tSS%mad::s inlhe~efroma~izl!d UnM!rsily. Desirable !hat applicant should have WOl1'ed as a qualiied physioll1erapistforallellitoneyeat'ina~nstitut8 ~ MODEOFADMISSION: I. The candidates Sttlcing adrrissjon in M.Sc. Medical Sc:ienc~ c.oines, the 100% d tDtal intaJce shd be filled on the basis of the mefit in the qualifying eicaminlltior>. ii. The candidates Sfflarc admission to M.P.Th. (MUSQ.foskelatil, Ne1.1ri:ilogy. Can:liopulmor.aiy & Sports Medicine)shallhavetnappwfor~ intlel ~~·t fors:elediol1toadmisl>on on I:t'June2015at IOam at lntqal U~ity. Ku11i Road, Ludalow. No soeparare immation le!W for !he i11tt1 ,;ew shall be suittDthealll<ida!es. {D) RESERVATION: 50% of !he total int!ke is n!Sl!rved for the minority <OO'fllunity. (E) ADMISSION: I. The list of selected andidaties of M.rn. shd be displqad on 11"Jurw:2015 on the Notice Boan! I ~eofthel.k~. ii. The list of the ~ble candidall!s for admmion counsel!irc to M.S<:. (Medical An~. M.S<:. (Medall Physiolct!)'), M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry), and M.SC. (Medical Microbioloft), cours:es shall be displeyed on Notice BoardM'ebsimofthe UnM!rsily on1"'J"r:201$. HO'Nell:t: lntmationletll:rshalonly be $elrttD eigible cand~ for communic:Wlgthe d2tf: ofc:cinelircon ~ich theyhave1X> n!pO!tfor completi~theadmissionfoimllllies. DOC'IOROFPHILmOPIIY(Ph.D.)PROGRAM..: AsepetateernrancetestshalbecoMuctedforad.msion tnthePh.D. pf1l8J1mmeinthemonthol"Jan/Feb and JIAyI~ Anad'fer1isemeritfor~U:St"8ill be pulilishedin pn>milent NewspepewVniwl'sily Wfbciteaaioftlingly.
  • 40. Integral Institute ofAgriculture Science & Technology (llAS&T) r- zw L: w (Cj lrl.,,~drM!nccuntryIla India'Ml•~ ~r..,.,ruIsn11111111y plaaodonaiigmerr!lng taadq, Allear<hand tllCllOnslon ac!Mlleslnlhe~old of~.~ ~ll>sestobllsllld ~l,._d~Sdercoill'ldTealiolopOL6Sl). l<Mpi"linP111Ctwilh.-rt~in dif<nnt .,_ of«gricultu,.., fie I,.,._ .,..,. various oou...,; B.Sc. (I-lore.)~ a.Sc. (l-llonL) HarlialtlJ,.,, B.Sc. (Hats.) Home Sc:icna>, II.Sc. (l-llonL) Foratry, 8. li:di. ~ral En;...,,;nr.,._,in~ M11111Fmeot.TheabjedM:oflhcse<DJ,...;,IDn1.r1>n:youns lludenll,11p11leirpa..,nliilund.-nlhem1DbecomeiVificintanribo.mslD1hemuch.,.,.,.jed axond Green re.alLllian. llAST i• oom""11ed ID ~ - a in .r.dorgrad'* and ~- auRS. and~ pl&darm opponunllles and vost Dp<flela lh,... whldl !hey become.....,..dtho ll!l!,.ms inthe1n1d andplanfor1 Cll90r. I~holdsl)mbjoli<rolalionihi>withwriaus, - •iedlrMnilieo,i1llib.rles ~ and31JO-baedtidUSll1esd lndlLYarlowMd.J'shMalsobeen'91edwlhBioledl'lllk1.J..1ctMN. OSH ~ llSRLucln>w, AMU Al~. jlmlaHamdW NewDellj, NDUATFalrabad. Sl<Hld ~ lrotiMI of~"" and ledlnolozyAlahobod, DSR Miw, NMIM Mau and MGO$U s.ti...,,.facilitltrc....tawilirritho intarinolibJtianol Sid tr3ininsintho.,,.d.....,..Rirna:m1mnilc'll'Thilwill~pa.rlludmlsta mmethebestolcl nnd lcnawl. .lnmd-ae inllilulians. 10 inpl'CM! the1'"'l7W"rra, amrulum m ......,..... .. '• Nalional lvMiory Baotd (!'WI) has been esllblihod under lhc <hlimnilip d Han'blo Va °"'1a!lar. lnb:gral ~ TheVlOOa.notllaR,Dire<iOnand repicso111111i,.,.fi'om dlferert!esleerned W'Mnities andlftlllglous~lrllllll11lonurewn..,l'Oelsafthlsboord.ThelrlsUMlelloollaadlsllrlalonaf ~ good plocoo''"'t ID tho s'llldonts in as• ...1 wlh Cen1re for C...- ~ & DMlopment(CCGW).
  • 41. Faculty ofAgriculture Science &Technology UNDERGR..,. IUECOUlltSES ~ COURSEOFSTUCW B.Tech.A§iai"1ml~ 8.Sc.(Horu)~ B.Sc. (Hons)Hor1bAlre B.Sc. (Hom)Harne SOenot B.Sc.(Hons)f'oremy (B) ELIGIBILITY: ...... ..:I!i~ 60 .. 60 .. 60 .. 60 .. 60 4 B.'TW!~~ E11;11-irc) : 10+2orequM! P~ Oiemi!try&Mlthem&tia(PCM}'Physia, Oiemistry, M21hemalics &Biol"I!)'(PCMll) /Agriollrure with amirimum of 50% marts in the auresate from a recognized BoanllJrivenity B.Sc.(Ho111) ~aJare :I0+2 or equiv.llent win 1'11ysia, Cnemistry & Matnematia(PCM)/ Physics, Chemistry, Mzllhormlics&BiolCCY(PCMB) /AeJialltlire with amirimum of 50% marts in the aggregate from a recognized Boan!Nrivenity B.Sc.(Ho111)Hanla.lllure: 10+2or""'i..iemwith1'11ysia, Chemistry & Mattiematia(PCM)/ Physics. Chemistry. Ml!lhemalics&Biology(PCMB)/AeJialltlirewith amirimum of 50% marks in the auregate from a recognized BoardNrivenity 8.Sc.(Ho111) Fuiwb7. 10+2 or ""'ivalent with Phylia, Cl-.emistry & Matl-.ematia(PCM)/ Physics, Chemistry, Mlthematics& BiolOI)'(PCMll)/Agiiallturewith a mirimum of 50% marts in the aggregatl! from a recognized BoanllJrivenity B.Sc.(1-bw) Hom. ~ : 10+2 or equivalent with Physic.s, Chemistr7 & Mathematics/Biology or .AviaJ~ome Sciena!witli aninim1.111 d 50% marb ii theameptefi-orna~ BoanWrivenity (C) MODE OFADMISSION: B..Tadl .tcr1cd11Jnl&wl-: i. Thnxi;11:ombine::lEntr;ru:eT..taflUET-201 S. i. For dela.'ls d the 1eSt , . tD the sed:ia> "Important lnslrudiarll&Sy! ii List d the C21'Cfidms seleded fer auSefing m 8.Tedi Prqpnvneonthebmisdmeritinthe entronce11!5!shall be displayed en the notice ~ide of the ..,M!nityon IIr" Mlly2015. ;,, An intmalion letter shall zlso be serrt to seleded ~~~L:J~ andidll!es for amn111ialircthe d2lll! d CIDU15dirc cn £11iiiiiiii;;.llU•- --=:::-ii ""1ich tl""f haw to report br ~ odnissicn bmmilies. v; A:!nissicn to B.Tech. programme be calried out th~ thecounsdli'lgand a=nli1g11:>themeritofthe &ltrwlceTest. vi. NRI/leftO'terseatsshallbe1illedenthebasisofthemerit of~ifyirgeicaminatioo. B.5c. {Ho!w.) ~CMl!unt. B.Sc. (Hons.} Harilo.lllure a B.5c.(Hona.)l'or<Wy: An objediveWC writll:n test done ho..- wnllian shd be c:ondJdJldbylherespectivedepnnem.Thecan<ldatesare advisedtn~ theI~ Urlyersq, l..udcnowontfiedate andtimeWoten bElcw. Noseparale i'ltimalion letterfurtest/ ilterview shall be sentID ancidales. Fordetail d tfie1Mts syllabus refertothe section ,~ la1llnstrudion d syllabi : IUET-20I5". Coone B.Sc.{Hens.)>em'ture B.Sc.{Hens.) HorticultlJre B.Sc. (Hens.) Forestry Te11tDiiie 13.06.2015 13.06.2015 13.C6.2015 Tlma 9'.30am 9'.30am 9'.30am
  • 42. i. Selectionform issiontDB.5'.coursesNII bedone ~the ~irc.-d inlheordercimeritdthe writmntest i. The list d the candidabis ao:nrding to lhcirorder cl merit in written O!sl and 5decll!d for oou'6elling'ID B.Sc. oourses stlall be displa)'td on Natia! Board I Webiit.ooftheUiwmyon 19"jll'le,2015. However,theillnlaticnltnl!rshallalsobesentanly1X> selected andidms lbr acmrru~ the dD cl caunselirconwliichtheyt........11>"'partfercampletirc theadmmionfcrmalilies. ii. NRI /left<Nfl' sells "'111 be filled on the merit ofthe qllliifyilg_,mll!ian, B.Sc.(Hors.)Home5ds1as i. I0096cilhetmJintllc2cfB.Sc. HemeSc. "1aJ befiled onthebasisofrnelitoftheqllllifying"""'lnllion. i. The list of the andidlles eliJlble fer admission counsellingli> B.Sc. Home Sc. 00<n0 in.JI bedisplayed on the no1ial boanl/websitlll clthe UrM!rs~ on ~ June, 2015. H.,,...,..,.., irilmllion lottJ:r st.I be sent cnly1X>eljplleaOOdltesforcommll'lialirgthe~of C<IU™l~onwtid>1heyliweton!P<lrtlor campletirc lheaanwionfcnNJiti... (D) RESERVATION: 50% of the 1!llll iitUe is . -vecl br the ninorilr comm.iM)'. POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOF51Jl)'( D'lld'pllne MAB.M >gri-fl~ Man;gement (9} ELIGIBILITY: o.- ~) 2 ~in~. M'*' M;vnt. : B. Tech wi11l l!ri0Jtural Enag.,tftiotechnology/8.Sc.(Hons.}- Fcres1ry/Agiculture/ HcrticulbnJfood Tedl.fl);Ury Tedl,Jllet. Science &Mimal Hlabandry/Hcme SOtnc:e ~ nirimim of 50% marl<s in thu1&1Ejjdlefi-omareo:ignized Unive"'ilr (C) MODE OFADMISSION i. hi objecWe~written test d~ llolrdur111ion s11111 be a>nduded by the respediwe farulty/ depWnents. The an<idimos are ai:Msed tD read! I~ Uiwmy, UidcnCJwanthe4111! andtimepenbelcw. Nosepum irtimllion 1et1er for test I iil.erview !lhal be sent to cancftdlles. I towe.er1hemissiontotheco<newJ be onthet.sisofa~ite metit<Cll'¢singofmarbin lhe entrance t1:$t, group disw55ion and interview mmbinedwe~forsroup dswssionand rnerview shdbe209'citheITlllbcithewritten-.Forl)ilabus ofthe'ISl'l!fertDtheseclion 'lmpcrtartlnstrudionsof Syllabi20IS'. ea.... .....Dlllll Tme MAB.H Il.CX..2015 9-.JOom i. The listal'the candida!es acrortliigto1heirorder al'meritinwritllln11est andsdecliedforcounsdlng 1x> MAB.M. ocurse sllall be display1!d on Notice Boan:t / 'Mlbsire al' 1he U~ on 19"'June, 2015. However, the inli'nalion shall also be SJel'lt onlyID selecb!d candidatMforCCIT"f11unicllingthe dale d counsielli~ on wNch they have ti> report forcompletngthe aanilsionfonnalities. iii. Selection for admission ID MAB.M. COU"Se shall be dooe th~ 1he counselling and in the order dmeritofthewritlllnrest. vi. NRJ I left.,._ sffls shall be ~lied oo the merit d thequal~rigeiaiminalion.
  • 43. Faculty of Education UNDER GRADUATE COURSE (A) COURSEOF STJDY lllldlelorofEduadon ...... Dlrlllon 100 2yrs. (8) El.IGIBIUTY Cancroc111e..;'s dqree and I .,.. in the Master's c1evee .,,. ony alher quafialion~~then! 1D. .,.,dgibll!for.:!rrmian 1J)thep!"Ogl'lnYl'le. (C) MODEOFADMIL'5SION i. IOO'J6 cflotll intllb stwll befilled on basis ofmerit aflhe q~ examilltion and intl:I Jiew c:orductled bot 1he UrM!rsity. Theda.sof~lhd beasl'dlaws : a..dldlmm tram Iva Su.m : 16•,..,. 2015 fn>m '=30amOl"t.'IWdJ a..dldmil tram Sdei.... llld Caon'""""' SINllm : 11"J111e2D15 from9-.JO.,,onwaRk The c:andidatl:s are advised to nmdl Integral UiM:r.ity, Lllclcnow alongwilh mark sheets of ln11!rmediale, GnWaticn(l, 11 &Ill )91S)and PC a>urses onthe...,deandt;ne. Noseparateiltimlltiot1letterforirterview Iha!besertto1heandidal>ol. i. Candi&tm appearire for the final year gradullion eitaminlllion may also apply. They rr-00 proOJce 1he M.v1cshed:o1111erquafftini-mr.mon:11111e tine ct ire.lliew,fdi'lgwhdt thei-andldallftforaani5'ion n B.Ed.a>1nev.illnotbea:insideml. ii. Thelillof1hese1ed>odandida.sforcaunselli1ztoodmit in B.Ed. course snail be displ~d on 1he notice boan:IAwbsi1e of the Un~ on 22'" )I"' 2015. H""""'81; Ille itlimDon letler Iha! only be sent 1l:> selected candidates for communicaling 1he date ct ..,..,,.,lireonwhidltheyhive11:>reportfor canpletirc 1headnissionformalm. iv. NPJ/ leftwr:rsellUslw.I befled onthe bMctmeritct q.....tfyi1zeczrrina!ion. (D) RESBlVATION 50%cfllletdalintllbis"'58Mldforaoddllmbelol'(i11g ll>thelTi~com,.....m,. POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COURSEOFSTIJDY HalterofEG!Cllllon.~~~~~ ea.. 1nab Dlnllm M.Ed. 50 2yrs. (B) EUGIBIUTY The anatdZl>e nut haw pmed B.Ed. mil. 55% mattes in1he v epmfrom a ~ed UrM!rsilJ. The c:andidatl:sappeamgfurlhei"B.Ed.CG11T1mayllsoappl)< (C) MODEOFADMIL'5SION I. IOO'J6oflatll iiblte lhd beliliedonthebmisofmeritand inlllMowII>be conducted on Jrf'J..,. 20156'Jm I0:30 llll. No sq>aral:I: intinl!lion lelb:r 'Mll.lld be sent to the c:andidetes. ii. Candida!J!s appearircfor B.Ed. final 01Ca1ni1121ion mayalso apply. iii. The lilt d selected c:andidmos fot" admission tmiugh counseling will be displayed on "6)q. 2015 on the Notioe Board I website of ll1e Uniwfsity. Hcmwer, an intimation 1ettN shall also be sont to 1he seledi>d candiclales only. com~niGD1f ~ n the dab! d counselingon whidl 1lle)'ha"1!to reportfor completi11g 1hefot"mllitie5fix'aitn5sion. Iv. NRI/ldtO'lel'seatsshatbeffled on1he basisdtllemerit dtheq~e>c21Tinalion. (D) RESBlVATION 50% ct the total inlake is reserved for the ITi~ coml'ro.Jnity. DOCTOROF PHILOSOPHY(Ph.D.) PROGRAM,_ Aseplllllleentranas1mlshallb&~brldnmiontD1he Ph.D. Jlll'Wlil'MICin1hemortildJ;slI Feband )JlyI~ Anllt.leriisemeritbr'thisle$'t $1-d be published in promilent NewspapenNniveBity'Nebsteilia'Oldr(ly.
  • 44. - Faculty of Library & Information Science POSTGRADUATECOURSE (A) COORSEOFST'UDY Masl.oraUbraiy&lnbrmalionSci<flte eo.n. M.L.l.Sc. (8) EUGIBIUTY lntab 30 The anddiR rrust h""" ~ 8.Ll.Sc./ B.lib.Sc. with mi'I. 50% maibin !he~mxn a~ UniYenlty. The Cl!ndidllll!sappeoriigforthei-8.Ll.Sc./8.l.b.Sc.""""'"'"Yalso apply. (q MODEOFADMISSION I00% d 1'ltll intllceshallbefilled onthe basisd meritd the cr.aifyi'le~. (D) ADMIS:SION The list c( 1he eligble on 1he bft9 of merit for ad'niision counsdlngto M.Ll.Sc. courseshall bedisplayedon the rotiM ~ ofthe Unillersity on r'ju~ 2015. ~r, the ireimalion letter !NII only be 5'!rll to el'gible cano'ic!asbr<XlfTlmu1'cmrethedaled ~ Ireon'Miich 1i'ieyh&wto"'portforc.omp!e::i-etheadm&s<>ntam.l'tios. (E) llESEIWATION 50%oftherocalirukeisreseM:dbrtheminorityconYT'Alrity. DOCTOROF PHILOSOPHY(Ph.D.) PROGRAMME Asepll'lleCl11l'8nCeteitshallbecooductedforadrrl!.1ion to the Ph.D. programmeinthe monthofJan/Feband July/~ AA advertiO<J'ne!tfor lhis'lest sha:I be pubf.shed inpromi-Ent News~nv.nfyWebs'te aa:adn.fy. •
  • 45. Faculty of Humanites & Social Sciences Cer1i'la!eofpn1iOentyinhmic 10 Certi'la!eolpnmdentyin~ 10 ~olpnlliden<yinGerman 10 (B)EUGIBIUTY l'IW l'll!lr Seant.ry school artiftale flan ICSl'JCBSEJl!oonl d llW>- school&inll!nroed'im.Of' aneq.1iv;Jent ~ wffhnetless thai45%rna.'1<S inthe~. DiplomainAnbic Diplomainmnch DiplomainGerman (D)EUGIBIUTY 10 10 10 lyeu lyeu lyeu Certiticdl! of ~ in 1he a>na!med ~ Of' .,., eqiMlent e.caminalion with not less 1han 45% mw in 1he dil1r:ofaxrnelingonwhidltheyhaYe11>reportforcampldi111 1hoadmissionformalilies. (f)RESERVATION 50'J6dlhetmlinGJcl!isrs!Mdforthern'noritya>mrurily. POS IGl'IADUATKOURSElc COUA&ESOFST1JDY MA (EngliJh) M.S.W.(Masterin Sociil'M::I~ (B) ELIGIBI~ 10 10 2yr. 2yr. MA ~): BA in ~ as one ofthe subjects (upm 3rd ~with a mininum ol SO'J6 marts in the @l!ij!jltl> !Tom a ;::::===;;;..-....;..;.;;=-------------.l'l!!COllJ'izedUrillen;~. M.S.W:The candidm:musthaYepassedgradulllc<:XU'SC in1111)' disdpline with a rririmum SO'l6 marlo in the @i!ifiiilB flan a recoSJlizedul'Wen;~. (C)MODEOFADMISSION: I00%ofthelJ:Jlll i~ shallbefilledonthebasiso{themertd 1ho~ifying6lCilminalion. iit&Jega!E. (D)ADMISSION Thelistoftheeigiblec:111KididmfaractnissiancxuisolngtX>Poot ~coursesshall bedisplayedonNCl!ice~ d (E)MODEOfADMISSION 1he Un; on 2 Ja4<2015. ~r. 'the irmmalion I0096d thetatllirakeshallbeftledonthel>md'lhe meritd may be senttc> eligible car.ciciales onlyfar carrm.Jrialingthe thequaifyilgecaminlDon. dalltd caul'Qllingonwhidltheyhavetc>reportfarcampleli111 l--.....,---- 1headmissionformalilies. (G)ADMISSION The lilt ofthe eligible Qlldidtltes for aanimon cour&leli1111D (E)RESERVATION Cei1i'iaite courses st.I bedillpl')'ed on NoGce BoardM'ebsite SO'J6d1he'ldlllin!zlceisreseiill!dbrtheminorityccnvnumr. of1heUniversityon' June201S. H-r.theinlima1D1lettei' shall be 9e4'lt to c§aDk: Qlldidm:s only br comroonicaliis1he