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Competition Briefing Event
Support for SMEs to evaluate
innovative medical
•Tuesday 3 July 2018
•Morning session
• 10:30 Welcome, Housekeeping and Introduction – KTN
• 10:40 Background to call – Office for Life Sciences/Innovate UK
• 10:50 Competition Scope - Innovate UK Innovation Lead
• 11:20 Competition process – Innovate UK Competitions Team
• 11:50 Feedback from Round 1 and lessons learned – Innovate UK
• 12:15 Q&A
• 12:30-13:30 Lunch and Networking
• Emergency procedures
• Facilities
• Devices to silent
• Webinar
• - recording and slides will be published
• - please use microphones
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SME support to evaluate
innovative medical
technologies: round 2
- Introduction to the Accelerated Access Review
- The competition
- Priority areas
- Eligible products
- Options for support
- State aid rules – an introduction to Article 28
- Key dates
- Round one and key messages
The Accelerated Access Review
- Independent report to Government
- Outlined a process for identifying and pulling
transformative innovations into the NHS
- Noted the need for the generation of patient
data that define the benefits of innovation
- Encouraged the NHS to work more
collaboratively with innovators to provide
the type of data health care systems need to
make decisions
Accelerated Access Review
- Published November 2017
- Sets out a raft of methods to implement the
recommendations in the AAR that will
maximise the appropriate use of innovative
- Includes new the creation of an Accelerated
Access Collaborative to align national bodies
around accelerating innovation
- £6m scheme to support SMEs in obtaining an
effective evidence base for their medtech
Industrial Strategy: Life Sciences Sector Deal
Implementation of the AAR by:
- streamlining pathways and supporting small and
medium-sized businesses
- creation of the Accelerated Access Collaborative
- a streamlined pathway for breakthrough
products to market and then to patients
- £86m of government funding focused on
supporting innovators and the NHS locally
- a digital health catalyst
- improved commercial capacity and capability for
NHS England
SME support to evaluate innovative medical technologies
- Second round of the competition in 2018
- Provides support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- It allows companies to collect and analyse clinical performance and cost
effectiveness data in an NHS setting
- Support for SMEs to develop an evidence base for their products to
facilitate the adoption of the innovations to delivery savings or improve
patient care
- Up to £1.5m funding is available - funded by the Office for Life Sciences
- Additional rounds of the competition are planned
All applications must be business-led
Support options:
1: Study planning and preparation
- Total project costs up to £50,000
2: Collection of clinical performance and cost-effectiveness data study
- Total project costs up to £250k
Projects must start by 1 January 2019 and be completed by the end of
December 2019.
Project size
Eligible products:
- includes medical devices, diagnostics and regulated digital
healthcare products
- must be CE marked
- cannot have been marketed in the UK for more than 5 years
- have a potentially significant impact, including increasing patient
access to innovative technologies where appropriate
Competition Scope
Priority areas
Priority will be given to products that address the priorities outlined in the
Next steps on the NHS 5 year forward view
- reduce cancellations or unnecessary appointments in primary and
secondary care
- reduce the burden on A&E services, for example by diverting footfall
- improve patient safety and avoid patient harm
- speed up diagnosis, such as improving the scope of lower cost diagnostic
- enable earlier diagnosis of cancer
- support the management of long term conditions
Proposals should include
- how your product is likely to have a significant impact
- evidence of the product’s clinical performance and cost effectiveness
- evidence that you are working with appropriate stakeholders including
NICE, NHS England, NIHR and AHSNs
- details of the development or implementation of plans for data
collection within the NHS
- outline how studies will generate data on the costs and benefits of a
product, allowing evaluation by NICE
Projects must
- focus on understanding evidence gaps and testing product performance
to explain the operational impact of your product on the NHS
- produce evidence of the impact of your technology
- expand the evidence base by adding data that can contribute to the
health technology appraisal process, for instance by comparing the use
of the new product with the current standard of care
- support identification of potential breakthrough technologies
- support the establishment of improved methods and systems, and
demonstrate how the product combined with health care system
adaptation delivers better outcomes at lower cost
Compliance with State Aid Rules
- This competition is being run under Article 28: Innovation Aid for SMEs
as described in the State Aid Manual (see page 41).
- It is important that you review the rules under innovation aid for SMEs
before you apply.
- Support up to 50% of eligible costs is available in this competition
- Grant support DOES NOT vary between eligible costs
- Ineligible costs include:
- Costs of instruments, equipment and materials
Article 28
Two categories are particularly relevant
in this competition:
- Secondment of highly qualified
- Costs of innovation advisory and
support services
If in doubt check with the State Aid
Manual and/or ask for advice
- Opens 2 July 2018
- Closes noon 22 August 2018
- Applicants informed 2 November 2018
Full project brief and scope
Further support is available:
- via our competition helpline on 0300 321 4357
- or email
Additional competitions will follow
Competition dates and support
Thank you
SME support to evaluate innovative
medical technologies: round 2
Applicant Briefing
3rd July 2018
Laura Thomas – Portfolio Manager
Julie Brown – Portfolio Manager
Welcome and Introductions
Eligibility Criteria
Application process – the Innovation Funding Service
• Project details
• Application questions
Application Finances
• Project costs
• Academic partners
Submitting your application
Project set-up for successful applicants
Eligibility Criteria
Option 1 - Study planning and
Option 2 - Collection of clinical
performance and cost-effectiveness data
 Lead must be a UK based SME
 have a medical or diagnostic device, or a regulated digital health product with a CE
marking, that has been marketed for less than 5 years
 carry out your project within the NHS
 have a product that is aligned with the specific priority healthcare areas defined in
the Next steps on the NHS 5 year forward view
Project cost Up to £50k Up to £250k
Project length Projects must start by 1st January 2019 and finish by the 31st December 2019
Eligibility criteria
Making more than one application and
• SMEs can only submit one application to this round of the competition.
• If an application is unsuccessful, you can use the feedback received to reapply for the same project
into either another round of this competition or another competition. A project proposal can only be
submitted twice
Other Innovate UK projects
• If you have an outstanding final claim and Independent Accountant Report (IAR) on any
live Innovate UK project, you will not be eligible to apply for grant funding in this
competition, as a lead or a partner organisation.
• If you applied to a previous competition as the lead or sole company and were awarded
funding by Innovate UK, but did not make a substantial effort to exploit that award, we will
award no more funding to you.
Timeline Dates
Competition Opens 2nd July 2018
Briefing Event 3rd July 2018
Submission Deadline NOON 22nd August 2018
Applicants informed 2nd November 2018
Key Dates
How to apply using the Innovation Funding Service (IFS)
Innovation Funding Service users
Search for a funding competition and review criteria
Applicant: create an account
Invite participants
Spell check using your web browser
online guidance
assign the
question to a
Formatting for
your content
Word count
Answering a question
The application form
Split into 3 Sections:
- Project Details
- Application Questions
- Your Finances
Application process
Project details
Project Details (Section 1)
• Application Details
- Title, Timescales, Research Category, Innovation Area & Resubmission (y/n)
• Project Summary
- Short summary and objectives of the project including what is innovative about it
• Public Description
- Description of your project which will be published if you are successful
• Scope
- How does your project align with the scope of this competition?
- If your project is not in scope, it will be ineligible for funding and not sent for assessment
Application process
Application form
Question 1 Need or challenge
Question 2 Approach and innovation
Question 3 Team and resources
Question 4 Market awareness
Question 5 Outcomes and route to market
Question 6 Wider impacts
Question 7 Project management
Question 8 Risks
Question 9 Additionality
Question 10 Costs and value for money
Appendix Q3
Appendix Q7
Appendix Q8
Appendix Q2
Application Questions (Section 2)
Detailed Guidance
Available on IFS
What is the business need, technological challenge or market opportunity
driving your innovation?
Question 1: Need or challenge
• Show evidence of the potential for your product to have a significant impact on patients, or the efficiency of care delivery by the NHS
• When the product was first marketed in the UK
If you are applying for option 1 funding:
 Explain/ justify why the study planning and preparation funding is necessary for you to keep developing your product
 give details of any gap analysis you have carried out into the clinical performance and cost-effectiveness of your product
 provide any specific advice you have received on evidence gaps, justifying any further work needed to define these gaps
 summarise the evidence requirement you are trying to fill
If you are applying for option 2 funding:
 show that you have performed an initial product evidence gap analysis using the NICE META tool, a comparable approach
or other product specific advice
 explain how your proposed study will fill the identified gaps
 tell us what evidence your study will gather and analyse
What approach will you take?
Question 2: Approach and innovation
What approach will you take?
If you are applying for option 1 funding:
• tell us how you will use the funding to develop and execute plans for data collection
• describe how you plan to contact and work with relevant stakeholders, including NICE, NHS
England, NIHR and AHSNs
If you are applying for option 2 funding:
• describe what work needs to be carried out during the study, and why
• describe how the study data will be collected and analysed
- describe how you plan to contact and work with NICE, NHS England, NIHR, AHSNs and other
stakeholders about the development of these plans
You may upload an appendix PDF document (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) of
graphics/diagrams to demonstrate the innovation in your technology/product/service
Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Question 3: Team and resources
• Describe the roles, skills and relevant experience of all members of the project
• State the resources, equipment and facilities required for the project and how
you will access them
• Provide details of any key external parties, including sub-contractors
• (if collaborative) describe the current relationships between the project partners
and how these will change as a result of the project
• Are there any gaps in the team that will need to be filled?
You may upload an appendix PDF document (max 1MB, 4 A4 pages) to describe
the skills and experience of the main people who will be working on the project
What does the market you are targeting look like?
Question 4: Market awareness
What is the market(s) (domestic and/or international) that you will be targeting in the
project and any other potential markets?
You should consider:
• the size of the addressable market(s) for the project outcome(s)
• the structure and dynamics of the market, and predicted growth rates within clear
• the main supply/value chains and business models in operation
• the current UK position in addressing this market
For highly innovative projects, where the market may be unexplored, explain:
• what the route to market could or might be
• what its size might be
• how the project will seek to explore the market potential
For other markets, briefly describe the size and key features of those
How do you propose to grow your business and increase your productivity
into the long term as a result of the project?
Question 5: Outcomes and route to market
Describe or explain:
• how you will use the project’s clinical data
• how you plan to develop the product further after your project is complete
• whether the data generated will contribute to a NICE medtech or diagnostics
guidance document, refinement of the product, or knowledge about the
impacts to the care pathway
• your current position in the markets and supply or value chains outlined, and
whether you will be extending or establishing your market position
• your target customers and/or end users, and the value to them, for example,
why would they use or buy it?
What impact might this project have outside the project team?
Question 6: Wider impacts
• Summarise the anticipated benefit of your product for one of the clinical or
operational areas listed in the competition scope.
• What are the economic benefits from the project, to those outside the project?
• Highlight the expected social and/or environmental impacts, either positive or
• Explain any expected regional impacts of the project
How will you manage the project effectively?
Question 7: Project management
• Outline the main work packages of the project, indicating for each:
• The relevant research category
• The lead partner assigned
• The total cost of each package
• Describe your approach to project management and the management reporting
• Outline your project plan in sufficient detail to identify any links or dependencies
between work packages or milestones
You may upload a project plan/Gantt chart in PDF format (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) as
an appendix
What are the main risks for this project?
Question 8: Risks
• Identify the key risks and uncertainties of the project, including the technical,
commercial, managerial and environmental risks
• Explain how these risks will be mitigated
• List any project inputs on the critical path to completion (such as resources,
expertise, data sets)
• Are the outputs likely to be subject to regulatory requirements, certification,
ethical issues, etc.? If so how will you manage these?
You may upload a risk register in PDF format (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) as an
Describe the impact that an injection of public funding would have on
this project.
Question 9: Additionality
• Tell us if this project could go ahead without public funding. If so, what
difference would the public funding make (such as faster to market, more
partners, reduced risk)?
• Describe the likely impact of the project on the businesses of the partners
• Why are you unable to wholly fund the project from your own resources or
other forms of private-sector funding?
• Explain how this project would change the nature of the partners’ R&D activity
(and related spend)
How much will the project cost and how does it represent value for money
for the team and the taxpayer?
Question 10: Costs and value for money
• Justify the total project cost and the grant being requested, in line with the project
• How will the partners finance their contributions to the project?
• Explain how this project represents value for money for you and the taxpayer.
• How will you finance your 50% contribution to the project?
• How you will cover any costs, such as material costs, that are not covered under
article 28 as listed on page 42 of the state aid manual?
• Describe any sub-contractor costs and why they are critical to the project
Application Finances
Finances (Section 3)
No costs should be incurred
here so they will not need to
be completed on IFS
Eligible Costs
• Costs of obtaining, validating and defending patents and other intangible assets;
• Secondment of highly qualified personnel* from a research organisation or large
enterprise, working on research, development and innovation activities in a newly created
function within the beneficiary, not replacing existing personnel;
• Costs of innovation advisory and support services including consultancy, and training in the
areas of knowledge transfer, acquisition, protection and exploitation of intangible assets,
use of standards and regulations embedding them and the quality labelling, testing and
certification for the purpose of developing more effective products, processes or services.
*degree educated staff with ata least 5 years relevant professional experience, which may
include doctoral training
Labour costs
•Non productive time
•Staff working directly
on project.
•Paid by PAYE
•NI, pension, non-
discretionary costs.
Innovate UK’s definition:
Additional costs and operational expenses incurred
directly as a result of the project. These could
include additional costs for administrative staff,
general IT, rent and utilities
Indirect (administration) overheads
• please ensure they are additional and
directly attributable to the delivery of
the project
Direct overheads
• E.g. office utilities, IT infrastructure,
laptop provision not covered by capital
• must be directly attributable to the
• Provide detailed breakdown together
with methodology/basis of
Sub-contract costs
•Justified and quantified
Travel and subsistence costs
Directly linked to the
Other costs
•Costs that could not be added under previous headings.
•Do not double count
Your project costs - review
Finances – your organisation
What we ask you:
• Organisation size
• Date of last financial year
• Financial overview
• Annual turnover
• Annual profits
• Annual export
• R&D spend
• No. full time employees
Finances – your funding
Funding rules
You could get funding of up to 50% of your eligible project costs - this will
need to be manually adjusted in IFS
• Each organisation
must accept the grant
terms and conditions
• The lead applicant
will not be able to
submit the
application without
all organisations
accepting the grant Ts
and Cs.
Other public sector funding
Finances overview
Please ensure your
total costs are within
the funding rules for
the competition
Non-grant claiming partners
• Lead must invite partner to join the application
• Partner must select “not requesting funding” option in finances section of
• Partner must complete “Your project costs” section to provide value of
their contribution
• Partner will not be named in the Grant Offer Letter if your project is
Submitting your application
Project cost summary
All organisations can see a summary of project costs
Checking your finances are complete
IFS checks
• all organisations have marked
their finances as complete
Review application before submission
IFS will check your application is
All questions must be “marked as
Leave plenty of time to validate your
Deadlines are absolute
Submitting your application
Submit your application early!
Application submitted
Your dashboard
Application Assessment
All applications are assessed by independent assessors drawn from industry
and academia
- What do they look for?
• Clear and concise answers
• The right amount of information
• not too much detail
• no assumptions
• Quantification and justification
• A proposal that presents a viable opportunity for growth, a level of innovation that necessitates
public sector investment and has the right team and approach to be successful
Keep your assessors engaged
and interested in your proposal.
You want them to be fascinated
and excited by your idea!
Assessor feedback
Project setup for successful applicants
IFS for successful applicants
Project Set up:
• 7 steps to complete
• Applicable to all grant claiming
• Must be completed within 30 days
• Projects must start within 90 days or
funding may be withdrawn
• Project change requests cannot be
submitted before the project starts
Grant claims and payments
• All grants are claimable quarterly in arrears
• Claims can only be made for costs incurred and paid between the project start and end
• Claims may be subject to an independent audit (including all academic partners)
according to grant size
• Claims are only paid once quarterly reporting and necessary audits are complete
• Projects over 6 months are monitored on a quarterly basis including a visit from the
appointed Monitoring Officer. Anything outside of this will be discussed on a case by case
• The monitoring will be carried out against a detailed project plan and financial forecast
Q&A – Application process and finances
Contact us:
Customer Support Services: 0300 321 4357 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm)
Knowledge Transfer Network:
Innovate UK:
Thank You
Learning from Round 1
SME support to
evaluate innovative
medical technologies:
round 2
• Round one competition outcome
• Specific lessons learned
• General aspects of assessment process
• Innovate UK expectations
Competition summary
Round one
• Opened 29 January 2018
• £1m funding available
• 25 applications
• 12 ineligible
• 13 assessed and 8 awarded funding
• Approximately £0.5m funding awarded
• Diverse range of funded projects involving medical devices,
diagnostic tests and digital platforms
Competition specific issues
• Ineligible applications:
• Product not CE marked
• Product still under development – not available for sale
• Total project costs outside limits
• % grant claimed
• Ineligible costs
• We must receive your application by noon on the closing date
• Your application will be sent and scored by 5 expert assessors – the assessors will
comment on your response to each question
• We will brief our assessors and the expert panel
• Assessors will be provided with a matrix against which to mark each question
• A quality line will be drawn and applicants above this line will be invited to present to
an interview panel
• All applicants will receive the assessor feedback, and those invited to interview will be
asked to address the feedback in a short written document ahead of the interview
General Competition Process
• Make sure the application is in scope, we can give advice on scope but not how to fill
in the application form
• By far the most important issue – Answer the question, and the highlighted points,
the assessors will be marking against these points using clear guidance
• We have a quality threshold of 70%, if below this it is very unlikely a project will be
Application Process
Question 1: Need or challenge
• What is the business need, citizen challenge, technological challenge or
market opportunity behind your innovation?
• Provide evidence of:
• the potential for your product to have a significant impact on patients or
the efficiency of care delivery by the NHS
• when the product was first marketed in the UK, as only products that
have been marketed for less than 5 years are eligible for support
Be guided by the application form
Good applications
• Try to be realistic about what amount of work can be completed in the
available time, and the costs
• Make sure you apply forthe correct total project costs and grantamount
• Get someone elseto review the application if possible, this can be the
KTN,particularly as space on the form can be quite limited
• Innovate UK funded projects are actively monitored
• Funding release quarterly in arrears
• All partners expected to attend quarterly meeting to report on progress
• Expectation that projects will start on time
• Progress and expenditure expected to follow forecasts
• Changes to scope and or financial including virements must be fully justified and are
subject to approval
Innovate UK – expectations
- Opens 2 July 2018
- Closes noon 22 August 2018
- Applicants informed 2 November 2018
• Full project brief and scope
• Further support is available:
- via our competition helpline on 0300 321 4357
- or email
• Additional competitions will follow
Competition dates and support
Thank you
Overview of challenges and waves
3 July 2018
Dr Ian McKay
Innovate UK: Industrial Strategy
• Background to the Industrial Strategy and ISCF grand challenges
• Review of wave one
• Preview of wave two
• From data to early diagnosis and precision medicine
• Healthy ageing
• Update on wave three
• Other funding opportunities
Presentation overview
£31bn National Productivity Innovation Fund
Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
£1.7bn over four years
Innovation, Applied Science & Research
£4.7bn R&D
(over four years
to FY20/21)
• Builds on the UK’s world-class research base and delivers the science that
business needs to transform existing industries and create new ones
• Accelerates commercial exploitation of the UK’s most exciting technologies to
ensure that scientific investment truly delivers economic impact, jobs and
growth right across the country
• Programmes supported by the fund must be for the benefit of UK companies
and the economy and powered by multi-disciplinary research and business-
academic collaboration
• From April 2018, delivered by UK Research and Innovation
Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
ISCF Wave 1 Challenges
Medicines manufacturing technologies
Batteries for clean and flexible energy storage
Robots for a safer world
Self-driving vehicles
Manufacturing and materials of the future
Satellites and space technology
Digital Health Technology Catalyst
£35m to develop digital health or digitally-enabled medical technologies to:
• improve patient outcomes
• transform healthcare delivery
• enable more efficient delivery of healthcare
Medicines Manufacturing
£146m to develop first-of-a-kind technologies for the manufacture of tomorrow’s
medicines, accelerating patient access to new drugs and treatments:
• pharmaceuticals
• vaccines
• advanced therapies
Wave 1: Medicines Manufacturing
Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges
AI and Data
Future of
Audience of the future / Next generation services (pioneer) / Quantum technology (pioneer)
Artificial intelligence and data economy
Clean growth
Energy revolution
food production
Ageing Society
Medicines manufacturing
Data to early diagnosis and
precision medicine
Healthy ageing
Future of mobility
Faraday battery challenge
Extreme robotics
National space test facility
How the ISCF challenges fit with the
Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges
The report is organised into 7 themes:
• Health Advanced Research Programme
(HARP) proposal
• reinforcing the UK science offer
• growth and infrastructure
• NHS collaboration
• data
• skills
• regulation
• Three complementary strands:
• Genomics – ensure UK leads in exploitation of large scale whole genome
sequencing for diagnostics and precision medicine, £100m
• Digital Innovation Hubs – linking routine NHS data with rich data from
R&D programmes, providing analytic tools and informatics support for
businesses alongside local access to integrated UK-wide data, £38m
• Digital pathology, radiology/imaging and diagnosis– centres of
excellence in digital pathology and radiology/imaging with AI and
machine learning and investment in CR&D to advance diagnostic tools for
early diagnosis, £72m (£50m + £22m)
Data to early diagnosis and precision medicine
• Aims to position the UK at the forefront of large scale WGS for
diagnostics and precision medicine
• Whole Genome Sequencing of all 500,000 UK Biobank volunteers
• Potential for additional sequencing of up to 25,000 cancer patients (tumour
and germline genome) – funds permitting
• Overarching aim to support generation of
novel diagnostic tools and precision
therapies, in partnership with industry
ISCF: Genomics investment
• Delivered by UKRI in partnership with HDR UK and the NHS, building on
investments from NHS England and the devolved nations
• Hubs will provide expert research data services, supporting analytical tool
development and a range of innovative user requirements
• A single UK-wide health research data fabric will ensure interoperability
across all Hubs
• ~£38m over 4 years
ISCF: Digital Innovation Hubs
• Up to £50 million investment in a network of 5 – 6 Centres of Excellence
across the UK
• Split roughly £30m digital pathology, £20m radiology/in vivo imaging
• Applications can focus on digital pathology and/or radiology/in vivo imaging
• Maximum grant up to £10 million – this does not increase for multicentre bids
• Competition opens 6 June 2018, close 1 August 2018 at noon
• Projects to commence by 1 December 2018
• Maximum project length 36 months
• Programmes must be collaborative and at least 2 collaborators must apply
for grant.
Creating a network of digital pathology, imaging and AI
centres - a CR&D competition
Addressing the needs that improve quality
of life in the ISCF HA target audience
Undesirable life
curve shows years
of dependency
Public domain
l Studies
Three elements Best current thinking….
Innovation Clusters
 Collaboration activity continues through the summer
 Opportunity for us to gain insight
 Out to competition later in the year
Behavioural Studies
 Dependant on the Innovation Cluster time line
 Out to competition later in the year
CR&D Academia and SMEs
 Out later in the year
 Bids in post New year
 Start around the new financial year
a & SMEs
@innovateuk #healthyageingPublic domain
Innovation cluster
Lead Partner
Dynamic relationships
Short, rapid, innovation cycles
SME pipeline
Evaluation at local, programme
and national level
Economic and Social Impact
Build on existing collateral
Third Sector/
Big Data
Users &
Public domain
• 252 Expressions of Interest received by the closing date
• c. £12.5bn requested from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
• with c. £11.5bn additional funding coming from industry
Next steps and indicative timetable:
• Early July – Identify short-list of proposed challenges
• Summer – UKRI helps develop short-listed Expression of Interests
• Early September – deep-dive workshops with experts
• Mid October – UKRI reviews short listed challenges and makes
recommendations to ministers
• November (to be confirmed) – Announcement of selected challenges
Wave 3 Challenges
• Open programme funding competition round 1
• £20m opened 10 May closes 11 July, Round 2 closes 12 September
• Includes KTP applications
• Part of rolling programme of open competitions
• Precision medicine technologies: shaping the future
• £5m opened 14 May closes 11 July
• Creating a network of digital pathology, imaging and AI centres
• £50m funding available opened 6 June closes 1 August
Current funding competitions:
• Manufacturing readiness and scale up of genomic analysis technologies
• £5m opens 18 June, registration 11 July, closes 18 July
• Innovation loans: July 2018 open competition
• £10m competition opens 2 July, closes 29 August
• Precision Medicine Investment Accelerator 2018
• Opens 23 July closes 3 October
Competition support 0300 321 4357 or
Current funding competitions:
Supporting UK innovative
businesses today in
developing the industries
of tomorrow

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Innovative medical technologies

  • 1. Competition Briefing Event Support for SMEs to evaluate innovative medical technologies •Tuesday 3 July 2018 •Morning session
  • 2. Agenda • 10:30 Welcome, Housekeeping and Introduction – KTN • 10:40 Background to call – Office for Life Sciences/Innovate UK • 10:50 Competition Scope - Innovate UK Innovation Lead • 11:20 Competition process – Innovate UK Competitions Team • 11:50 Feedback from Round 1 and lessons learned – Innovate UK • 12:15 Q&A • 12:30-13:30 Lunch and Networking •Morning
  • 3. Housekeeping • Emergency procedures • Facilities • Devices to silent • Webinar • - recording and slides will be published • - please use microphones
  • 4. Connecting people to drive innovation — Find expertise — Find markets — Find finance
  • 5. The Future. Faster As a network partner of Innovate UK, KTN combines expertise in all sectors with the ability to cross boundaries Connecting with KTN can lead to potential collaborations, horizon-expanding events and innovation insights relevant to your needs
  • 6. Growth through innovation Helping you make a success of your ideas delivers growth for the UK economy
  • 7. How it works — Attend events — Receive expert advice & insights — Get help with crossing sectors — Introductions to new collaborations
  • 8. Business support offered by KTN — Access to funding and finance — Horizon 2020 guidance — Embedding design and sustainability in innovation
  • 9. Activities and projects From roadmaps to steering groups from influencing government policy to special interest groups, our activities and projects evolve constantly to reflect industry needs
  • 10. twitter: web: email: Get in touch! •Subscribe to our free newsletters - • • •@KTNUK-Health @mattchapmanktn
  • 11. SME support to evaluate innovative medical technologies: round 2 03/07/2018
  • 12. Overview - Introduction to the Accelerated Access Review - The competition - Priority areas - Eligible products - Options for support - State aid rules – an introduction to Article 28 - Key dates - Round one and key messages
  • 13. The Accelerated Access Review - Independent report to Government - Outlined a process for identifying and pulling transformative innovations into the NHS quickly - Noted the need for the generation of patient data that define the benefits of innovation - Encouraged the NHS to work more collaboratively with innovators to provide the type of data health care systems need to make decisions
  • 14. Accelerated Access Review - Published November 2017 - Sets out a raft of methods to implement the recommendations in the AAR that will maximise the appropriate use of innovative products - Includes new the creation of an Accelerated Access Collaborative to align national bodies around accelerating innovation - £6m scheme to support SMEs in obtaining an effective evidence base for their medtech products
  • 15. Industrial Strategy: Life Sciences Sector Deal Implementation of the AAR by: - streamlining pathways and supporting small and medium-sized businesses - creation of the Accelerated Access Collaborative - a streamlined pathway for breakthrough products to market and then to patients - £86m of government funding focused on supporting innovators and the NHS locally - a digital health catalyst - improved commercial capacity and capability for NHS England
  • 16. SME support to evaluate innovative medical technologies - Second round of the competition in 2018 - Provides support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - It allows companies to collect and analyse clinical performance and cost effectiveness data in an NHS setting - Support for SMEs to develop an evidence base for their products to facilitate the adoption of the innovations to delivery savings or improve patient care - Up to £1.5m funding is available - funded by the Office for Life Sciences - Additional rounds of the competition are planned
  • 17. All applications must be business-led Support options: 1: Study planning and preparation - Total project costs up to £50,000 2: Collection of clinical performance and cost-effectiveness data study - Total project costs up to £250k Projects must start by 1 January 2019 and be completed by the end of December 2019. Project size
  • 18. Eligible products: - includes medical devices, diagnostics and regulated digital healthcare products - must be CE marked - cannot have been marketed in the UK for more than 5 years - have a potentially significant impact, including increasing patient access to innovative technologies where appropriate Competition Scope
  • 19. Priority areas Priority will be given to products that address the priorities outlined in the Next steps on the NHS 5 year forward view - reduce cancellations or unnecessary appointments in primary and secondary care - reduce the burden on A&E services, for example by diverting footfall - improve patient safety and avoid patient harm - speed up diagnosis, such as improving the scope of lower cost diagnostic imaging - enable earlier diagnosis of cancer - support the management of long term conditions
  • 20. Proposals should include - how your product is likely to have a significant impact - evidence of the product’s clinical performance and cost effectiveness - evidence that you are working with appropriate stakeholders including NICE, NHS England, NIHR and AHSNs - details of the development or implementation of plans for data collection within the NHS - outline how studies will generate data on the costs and benefits of a product, allowing evaluation by NICE
  • 21. Projects must - focus on understanding evidence gaps and testing product performance to explain the operational impact of your product on the NHS - produce evidence of the impact of your technology - expand the evidence base by adding data that can contribute to the health technology appraisal process, for instance by comparing the use of the new product with the current standard of care - support identification of potential breakthrough technologies - support the establishment of improved methods and systems, and demonstrate how the product combined with health care system adaptation delivers better outcomes at lower cost
  • 22. Compliance with State Aid Rules - This competition is being run under Article 28: Innovation Aid for SMEs as described in the State Aid Manual (see page 41). - It is important that you review the rules under innovation aid for SMEs before you apply. - Support up to 50% of eligible costs is available in this competition - Grant support DOES NOT vary between eligible costs - Ineligible costs include: - Costs of instruments, equipment and materials
  • 23. Article 28 Two categories are particularly relevant in this competition: - Secondment of highly qualified personnel - Costs of innovation advisory and support services If in doubt check with the State Aid Manual and/or ask for advice THIS NOT THIS
  • 24. - Opens 2 July 2018 - Closes noon 22 August 2018 - Applicants informed 2 November 2018 Full project brief and scope - Further support is available: - via our competition helpline on 0300 321 4357 - or email Additional competitions will follow Competition dates and support
  • 26. SME support to evaluate innovative medical technologies: round 2 Applicant Briefing 3rd July 2018 03/07/2018
  • 27. Laura Thomas – Portfolio Manager Julie Brown – Portfolio Manager Welcome and Introductions
  • 28. Eligibility Criteria Application process – the Innovation Funding Service • Project details • Application questions Application Finances • Project costs • Academic partners Submitting your application Assessment Project set-up for successful applicants Q&A Agenda
  • 30. Option 1 - Study planning and preparation Option 2 - Collection of clinical performance and cost-effectiveness data study Project Eligibility  Lead must be a UK based SME  have a medical or diagnostic device, or a regulated digital health product with a CE marking, that has been marketed for less than 5 years  carry out your project within the NHS  have a product that is aligned with the specific priority healthcare areas defined in the Next steps on the NHS 5 year forward view Project cost Up to £50k Up to £250k Project length Projects must start by 1st January 2019 and finish by the 31st December 2019 Eligibility criteria
  • 31. Making more than one application and resubmissions • SMEs can only submit one application to this round of the competition. • If an application is unsuccessful, you can use the feedback received to reapply for the same project into either another round of this competition or another competition. A project proposal can only be submitted twice
  • 32. Other Innovate UK projects • If you have an outstanding final claim and Independent Accountant Report (IAR) on any live Innovate UK project, you will not be eligible to apply for grant funding in this competition, as a lead or a partner organisation. • If you applied to a previous competition as the lead or sole company and were awarded funding by Innovate UK, but did not make a substantial effort to exploit that award, we will award no more funding to you.
  • 33. Timeline Dates Competition Opens 2nd July 2018 Briefing Event 3rd July 2018 Submission Deadline NOON 22nd August 2018 Applicants informed 2nd November 2018 Key Dates
  • 34. How to apply using the Innovation Funding Service (IFS)
  • 36. Search for a funding competition and review criteria
  • 39. Spell check using your web browser online guidance assign the question to a collaborator Formatting for your content Word count Answering a question
  • 40. 40 The application form Split into 3 Sections: - Project Details - Application Questions - Your Finances
  • 42. Project Details (Section 1) • Application Details - Title, Timescales, Research Category, Innovation Area & Resubmission (y/n) • Project Summary - Short summary and objectives of the project including what is innovative about it • Public Description - Description of your project which will be published if you are successful • Scope - How does your project align with the scope of this competition? - If your project is not in scope, it will be ineligible for funding and not sent for assessment
  • 44. Application form Question 1 Need or challenge Question 2 Approach and innovation Question 3 Team and resources Question 4 Market awareness Question 5 Outcomes and route to market Question 6 Wider impacts Question 7 Project management Question 8 Risks Question 9 Additionality Question 10 Costs and value for money Appendix Q3 Appendix Q7 Appendix Q8 Appendix Q2 Application Questions (Section 2) Detailed Guidance Available on IFS
  • 45. 45 What is the business need, technological challenge or market opportunity driving your innovation? Question 1: Need or challenge • Show evidence of the potential for your product to have a significant impact on patients, or the efficiency of care delivery by the NHS • When the product was first marketed in the UK If you are applying for option 1 funding:  Explain/ justify why the study planning and preparation funding is necessary for you to keep developing your product  give details of any gap analysis you have carried out into the clinical performance and cost-effectiveness of your product  provide any specific advice you have received on evidence gaps, justifying any further work needed to define these gaps  summarise the evidence requirement you are trying to fill If you are applying for option 2 funding:  show that you have performed an initial product evidence gap analysis using the NICE META tool, a comparable approach or other product specific advice  explain how your proposed study will fill the identified gaps  tell us what evidence your study will gather and analyse
  • 46. 46 What approach will you take? Question 2: Approach and innovation What approach will you take? If you are applying for option 1 funding: • tell us how you will use the funding to develop and execute plans for data collection • describe how you plan to contact and work with relevant stakeholders, including NICE, NHS England, NIHR and AHSNs If you are applying for option 2 funding: • describe what work needs to be carried out during the study, and why • describe how the study data will be collected and analysed - describe how you plan to contact and work with NICE, NHS England, NIHR, AHSNs and other stakeholders about the development of these plans You may upload an appendix PDF document (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) of graphics/diagrams to demonstrate the innovation in your technology/product/service
  • 47. 47 Who is in the project team and what are their roles? Question 3: Team and resources • Describe the roles, skills and relevant experience of all members of the project team • State the resources, equipment and facilities required for the project and how you will access them • Provide details of any key external parties, including sub-contractors • (if collaborative) describe the current relationships between the project partners and how these will change as a result of the project • Are there any gaps in the team that will need to be filled? You may upload an appendix PDF document (max 1MB, 4 A4 pages) to describe the skills and experience of the main people who will be working on the project
  • 48. 48 What does the market you are targeting look like? Question 4: Market awareness What is the market(s) (domestic and/or international) that you will be targeting in the project and any other potential markets? You should consider: • the size of the addressable market(s) for the project outcome(s) • the structure and dynamics of the market, and predicted growth rates within clear timeframes • the main supply/value chains and business models in operation • the current UK position in addressing this market For highly innovative projects, where the market may be unexplored, explain: • what the route to market could or might be • what its size might be • how the project will seek to explore the market potential For other markets, briefly describe the size and key features of those
  • 49. 49 How do you propose to grow your business and increase your productivity into the long term as a result of the project? Question 5: Outcomes and route to market Describe or explain: • how you will use the project’s clinical data • how you plan to develop the product further after your project is complete • whether the data generated will contribute to a NICE medtech or diagnostics guidance document, refinement of the product, or knowledge about the impacts to the care pathway • your current position in the markets and supply or value chains outlined, and whether you will be extending or establishing your market position • your target customers and/or end users, and the value to them, for example, why would they use or buy it?
  • 50. 50 What impact might this project have outside the project team? Question 6: Wider impacts • Summarise the anticipated benefit of your product for one of the clinical or operational areas listed in the competition scope. • What are the economic benefits from the project, to those outside the project? • Highlight the expected social and/or environmental impacts, either positive or negative • Explain any expected regional impacts of the project
  • 51. 51 How will you manage the project effectively? Question 7: Project management • Outline the main work packages of the project, indicating for each: • The relevant research category • The lead partner assigned • The total cost of each package • Describe your approach to project management and the management reporting lines • Outline your project plan in sufficient detail to identify any links or dependencies between work packages or milestones You may upload a project plan/Gantt chart in PDF format (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) as an appendix
  • 52. 52 What are the main risks for this project? Question 8: Risks • Identify the key risks and uncertainties of the project, including the technical, commercial, managerial and environmental risks • Explain how these risks will be mitigated • List any project inputs on the critical path to completion (such as resources, expertise, data sets) • Are the outputs likely to be subject to regulatory requirements, certification, ethical issues, etc.? If so how will you manage these? You may upload a risk register in PDF format (max 1MB, 2 A4 pages) as an appendix
  • 53. 53 Describe the impact that an injection of public funding would have on this project. Question 9: Additionality • Tell us if this project could go ahead without public funding. If so, what difference would the public funding make (such as faster to market, more partners, reduced risk)? • Describe the likely impact of the project on the businesses of the partners involved • Why are you unable to wholly fund the project from your own resources or other forms of private-sector funding? • Explain how this project would change the nature of the partners’ R&D activity (and related spend)
  • 54. 54 How much will the project cost and how does it represent value for money for the team and the taxpayer? Question 10: Costs and value for money • Justify the total project cost and the grant being requested, in line with the project goals • How will the partners finance their contributions to the project? • Explain how this project represents value for money for you and the taxpayer. • How will you finance your 50% contribution to the project? • How you will cover any costs, such as material costs, that are not covered under article 28 as listed on page 42 of the state aid manual? • Describe any sub-contractor costs and why they are critical to the project
  • 57. Businesses No costs should be incurred here so they will not need to be completed on IFS
  • 58. Eligible Costs • Costs of obtaining, validating and defending patents and other intangible assets; • Secondment of highly qualified personnel* from a research organisation or large enterprise, working on research, development and innovation activities in a newly created function within the beneficiary, not replacing existing personnel; • Costs of innovation advisory and support services including consultancy, and training in the areas of knowledge transfer, acquisition, protection and exploitation of intangible assets, use of standards and regulations embedding them and the quality labelling, testing and certification for the purpose of developing more effective products, processes or services. *degree educated staff with ata least 5 years relevant professional experience, which may include doctoral training
  • 59. Labour costs Ineligible: •Dividends •Bonuses •Non productive time Eligible: •Staff working directly on project. •Paid by PAYE •NI, pension, non- discretionary costs.
  • 60. Overheads Innovate UK’s definition: Additional costs and operational expenses incurred directly as a result of the project. These could include additional costs for administrative staff, general IT, rent and utilities Indirect (administration) overheads • please ensure they are additional and directly attributable to the delivery of the project Direct overheads • E.g. office utilities, IT infrastructure, laptop provision not covered by capital usage • must be directly attributable to the project • Provide detailed breakdown together with methodology/basis of apportionment
  • 62. Travel and subsistence costs Eligible: Directly linked to the project
  • 63. Other costs Eligible: •Costs that could not be added under previous headings. •Do not double count
  • 64. Your project costs - review
  • 65. Finances – your organisation
  • 66. What we ask you: • Organisation size • Date of last financial year • Financial overview • Annual turnover • Annual profits • Annual export • R&D spend • No. full time employees
  • 67. Finances – your funding
  • 68. Funding Funding rules You could get funding of up to 50% of your eligible project costs - this will need to be manually adjusted in IFS
  • 69. Funding • Each organisation must accept the grant terms and conditions • The lead applicant will not be able to submit the application without all organisations accepting the grant Ts and Cs.
  • 71. Finances overview Please ensure your total costs are within the funding rules for the competition
  • 72. Non-grant claiming partners • Lead must invite partner to join the application • Partner must select “not requesting funding” option in finances section of IFS • Partner must complete “Your project costs” section to provide value of their contribution • Partner will not be named in the Grant Offer Letter if your project is successful
  • 74. Project cost summary All organisations can see a summary of project costs
  • 75. Checking your finances are complete IFS checks • all organisations have marked their finances as complete
  • 76. Review application before submission IFS will check your application is complete All questions must be “marked as complete” Leave plenty of time to validate your submission Deadlines are absolute
  • 82. Application Assessment All applications are assessed by independent assessors drawn from industry and academia - What do they look for? • Clear and concise answers • The right amount of information • not too much detail • no assumptions • Quantification and justification • A proposal that presents a viable opportunity for growth, a level of innovation that necessitates public sector investment and has the right team and approach to be successful Keep your assessors engaged and interested in your proposal. You want them to be fascinated and excited by your idea!
  • 84. Project setup for successful applicants
  • 85. IFS for successful applicants Project Set up: • 7 steps to complete • Applicable to all grant claiming partners • Must be completed within 30 days • Projects must start within 90 days or funding may be withdrawn • Project change requests cannot be submitted before the project starts
  • 86. Grant claims and payments • All grants are claimable quarterly in arrears • Claims can only be made for costs incurred and paid between the project start and end dates • Claims may be subject to an independent audit (including all academic partners) according to grant size • Claims are only paid once quarterly reporting and necessary audits are complete • Projects over 6 months are monitored on a quarterly basis including a visit from the appointed Monitoring Officer. Anything outside of this will be discussed on a case by case basis. • The monitoring will be carried out against a detailed project plan and financial forecast
  • 87. Q&A – Application process and finances
  • 88. Contact us: Customer Support Services: 0300 321 4357 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm) Knowledge Transfer Network: Innovate UK:
  • 90. Learning from Round 1 03/07/2018 SME support to evaluate innovative medical technologies: round 2
  • 91. Overview • Round one competition outcome • Specific lessons learned • General aspects of assessment process • Innovate UK expectations
  • 92. Competition summary Round one • Opened 29 January 2018 • £1m funding available • 25 applications • 12 ineligible • 13 assessed and 8 awarded funding • Approximately £0.5m funding awarded • Diverse range of funded projects involving medical devices, diagnostic tests and digital platforms
  • 93. Competition specific issues • Ineligible applications: • Product not CE marked • Product still under development – not available for sale • Total project costs outside limits • % grant claimed • Ineligible costs
  • 94. • We must receive your application by noon on the closing date • Your application will be sent and scored by 5 expert assessors – the assessors will comment on your response to each question • We will brief our assessors and the expert panel • Assessors will be provided with a matrix against which to mark each question • A quality line will be drawn and applicants above this line will be invited to present to an interview panel • All applicants will receive the assessor feedback, and those invited to interview will be asked to address the feedback in a short written document ahead of the interview General Competition Process
  • 95. Applications: • Make sure the application is in scope, we can give advice on scope but not how to fill in the application form • By far the most important issue – Answer the question, and the highlighted points, the assessors will be marking against these points using clear guidance • We have a quality threshold of 70%, if below this it is very unlikely a project will be funded Application Process
  • 96. Question 1: Need or challenge • What is the business need, citizen challenge, technological challenge or market opportunity behind your innovation? • Provide evidence of: • the potential for your product to have a significant impact on patients or the efficiency of care delivery by the NHS • when the product was first marketed in the UK, as only products that have been marketed for less than 5 years are eligible for support • Be guided by the application form
  • 97. Good applications • Try to be realistic about what amount of work can be completed in the available time, and the costs • Make sure you apply forthe correct total project costs and grantamount • Get someone elseto review the application if possible, this can be the KTN,particularly as space on the form can be quite limited
  • 98. • Innovate UK funded projects are actively monitored • Funding release quarterly in arrears • All partners expected to attend quarterly meeting to report on progress • Expectation that projects will start on time • Progress and expenditure expected to follow forecasts • Changes to scope and or financial including virements must be fully justified and are subject to approval Innovate UK – expectations
  • 99. - Opens 2 July 2018 - Closes noon 22 August 2018 - Applicants informed 2 November 2018 • Full project brief and scope - • Further support is available: - via our competition helpline on 0300 321 4357 - or email • Additional competitions will follow Competition dates and support
  • 101. Overview of challenges and waves 3 July 2018 Dr Ian McKay Innovate UK: Industrial Strategy
  • 102. • Background to the Industrial Strategy and ISCF grand challenges • Review of wave one • Preview of wave two • From data to early diagnosis and precision medicine • Healthy ageing • Update on wave three • Other funding opportunities Presentation overview
  • 103. £31bn National Productivity Innovation Fund Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund £1.7bn over four years Innovation, Applied Science & Research £4.7bn R&D Funding (over four years to FY20/21)
  • 104. • Builds on the UK’s world-class research base and delivers the science that business needs to transform existing industries and create new ones • Accelerates commercial exploitation of the UK’s most exciting technologies to ensure that scientific investment truly delivers economic impact, jobs and growth right across the country • Programmes supported by the fund must be for the benefit of UK companies and the economy and powered by multi-disciplinary research and business- academic collaboration • From April 2018, delivered by UK Research and Innovation Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
  • 105. ISCF Wave 1 Challenges Medicines manufacturing technologies Batteries for clean and flexible energy storage Robots for a safer world Self-driving vehicles Manufacturing and materials of the future Satellites and space technology
  • 106. Digital Health Technology Catalyst £35m to develop digital health or digitally-enabled medical technologies to: • improve patient outcomes • transform healthcare delivery • enable more efficient delivery of healthcare + Medicines Manufacturing £146m to develop first-of-a-kind technologies for the manufacture of tomorrow’s medicines, accelerating patient access to new drugs and treatments: • pharmaceuticals • vaccines • advanced therapies Wave 1: Medicines Manufacturing
  • 107. 107
  • 108. Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges AI and Data Economy Ageing Society Clean Growth Future of Mobility
  • 109. 109 Audience of the future / Next generation services (pioneer) / Quantum technology (pioneer) Artificial intelligence and data economy Clean growth Energy revolution Transforming construction Transforming food production Ageing Society Medicines manufacturing Data to early diagnosis and precision medicine Healthy ageing Future of mobility Faraday battery challenge Extreme robotics National space test facility How the ISCF challenges fit with the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges
  • 110. The report is organised into 7 themes: • Health Advanced Research Programme (HARP) proposal • reinforcing the UK science offer • growth and infrastructure • NHS collaboration • data • skills • regulation
  • 111. • Three complementary strands: • Genomics – ensure UK leads in exploitation of large scale whole genome sequencing for diagnostics and precision medicine, £100m • Digital Innovation Hubs – linking routine NHS data with rich data from R&D programmes, providing analytic tools and informatics support for businesses alongside local access to integrated UK-wide data, £38m • Digital pathology, radiology/imaging and diagnosis– centres of excellence in digital pathology and radiology/imaging with AI and machine learning and investment in CR&D to advance diagnostic tools for early diagnosis, £72m (£50m + £22m) Data to early diagnosis and precision medicine
  • 112. • Aims to position the UK at the forefront of large scale WGS for diagnostics and precision medicine • Whole Genome Sequencing of all 500,000 UK Biobank volunteers • Potential for additional sequencing of up to 25,000 cancer patients (tumour and germline genome) – funds permitting • Overarching aim to support generation of novel diagnostic tools and precision therapies, in partnership with industry ISCF: Genomics investment
  • 113. • Delivered by UKRI in partnership with HDR UK and the NHS, building on investments from NHS England and the devolved nations • Hubs will provide expert research data services, supporting analytical tool development and a range of innovative user requirements • A single UK-wide health research data fabric will ensure interoperability across all Hubs • ~£38m over 4 years ISCF: Digital Innovation Hubs
  • 114. • Up to £50 million investment in a network of 5 – 6 Centres of Excellence across the UK • Split roughly £30m digital pathology, £20m radiology/in vivo imaging • Applications can focus on digital pathology and/or radiology/in vivo imaging • Maximum grant up to £10 million – this does not increase for multicentre bids • Competition opens 6 June 2018, close 1 August 2018 at noon • Projects to commence by 1 December 2018 • Maximum project length 36 months • Programmes must be collaborative and at least 2 collaborators must apply for grant. Creating a network of digital pathology, imaging and AI centres - a CR&D competition
  • 115. Addressing the needs that improve quality of life in the ISCF HA target audience ISCF HA Undesirable life curve shows years of dependency years Activitiesofdailyliving (inorderoftypicallosspattern) Public domain
  • 116. Behaviora l Studies Innovatio n Clusters Three elements Best current thinking…. Innovation Clusters  Collaboration activity continues through the summer  Opportunity for us to gain insight  Out to competition later in the year Behavioural Studies  Dependant on the Innovation Cluster time line  Out to competition later in the year CR&D Academia and SMEs  Out later in the year  Bids in post New year  Start around the new financial year CR&D Academi a & SMEs @innovateuk #healthyageingPublic domain
  • 117. Innovation cluster Lead Partner Dynamic relationships Short, rapid, innovation cycles SME pipeline Evaluation at local, programme and national level Economic and Social Impact Build on existing collateral Sustainable SMEs Local Authorities Third Sector/ NGOs Clinical Commissioning Groups Academia Retail companie s Logistics companie s Large Corporates Marketing Big Data Health Trusts Care Provider s HEIs/IROs Design Users & carers @innovateuk #healthyageing Community Groups Social Enterprises Utilities Seed Funders, Venture Capitalists Public domain
  • 118. • 252 Expressions of Interest received by the closing date • c. £12.5bn requested from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund • with c. £11.5bn additional funding coming from industry Next steps and indicative timetable: • Early July – Identify short-list of proposed challenges • Summer – UKRI helps develop short-listed Expression of Interests • Early September – deep-dive workshops with experts • Mid October – UKRI reviews short listed challenges and makes recommendations to ministers • November (to be confirmed) – Announcement of selected challenges Wave 3 Challenges
  • 119. • Open programme funding competition round 1 • £20m opened 10 May closes 11 July, Round 2 closes 12 September • Includes KTP applications • Part of rolling programme of open competitions • Precision medicine technologies: shaping the future • £5m opened 14 May closes 11 July • Creating a network of digital pathology, imaging and AI centres • £50m funding available opened 6 June closes 1 August Current funding competitions:
  • 120. • Manufacturing readiness and scale up of genomic analysis technologies • £5m opens 18 June, registration 11 July, closes 18 July • Innovation loans: July 2018 open competition • £10m competition opens 2 July, closes 29 August • Precision Medicine Investment Accelerator 2018 • Opens 23 July closes 3 October Competition support 0300 321 4357 or Current funding competitions:
  • 121. Supporting UK innovative businesses today in developing the industries of tomorrow