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ano – Ensino Fundamental
Inglês básico
Greetings..................................................................................................................... 5
Expressions ................................................................................................................ 6
Leitura complementar ................................................................................................ 8
Personal pronouns – Subject.................................................................................... 11
Verb to be – Affirmative .............................................................................................. 12
Verb to be – Negative................................................................................................. 13
Verb to be – Interrogative .......................................................................................... 14
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 14
Expressions ................................................................................................................ 18
Numbers (20 – 100) ..................................................................................................... 19
Expressions ................................................................................................................ 20
Days of the week......................................................................................................... 21
Months of the year...................................................................................................... 21
Ordinal numbers (1 st
– 12 th
)...................................................................................... 21
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 22
Possessive adjectives ............................................................................................... 23
School subjects .......................................................................................................... 24
Demonstrative pronouns ........................................................................................... 26
Articles – The indefinite article ................................................................................. 28
Articles – The definite article .................................................................................... 30
Family ........................................................................................................................... 32
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 33
Countries and nationalities ....................................................................................... 35
Countable / Uncountable ........................................................................................... 36
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 37
Greetings / Alphabet
/ Expressions
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 01
6 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Forca 2. Batalha naval
A: Hello!
B: Hello!Myname’sJuan.What’syourname?
A: My name’s Mary. How do you spell Juan?
B: J - U - A - N.
A: Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you, too!
A: Where are you from, Juan?
B: I’mfromSpain.Andyou?
A: I’mfromtheUSA(UnitedStatesofAmerica)
A: How are you?
B: I’mfine,thanks,andyou?
A: I’m so - so. I’m tired.
8 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Treine os diálogos com seus colegas de sala e com
seu professor.
A: What’s your name?
B: My name’s _____________________.
A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from _____________________.
A: Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you, too!
A: How do you spell _____________________?
B: _____________________.
A: How are you?
B: I’m fine, thanks, and you?
4. Observe as figuras e complete os diálogos:
A : Good _____________________.
B: _________________________.
A : How _________ you?
B:I’m __________, thanks. And you?
A : I’m ________________.
A: ___________ evening.
A : What_______________ name?
B:__________________ Joseph.
A : __________________________.
A : _____________________.
A : How _____________________ car?
B:C - A - R.
Breakfast is an important meal because it gives
you energy to start the day. When you don’t have a
good breakfast, you feel hungry and eat cakes,
biscuits or sweets before lunch time. This type of
food is bad for you because it is not very nutritious
and has lots of sugar and fat.
Breakfast is not the same in every country. For example, many British people have toast or
cereal and a cup of tea. Others prefer a traditional breakfast of bacon and eggs. In other Northern
European countries, for example Germany and Sweden, people eat cold meat and cheese with
bread and coffee. In Nigeria hot soup is very common. Many Brazilians eat different tropical fruit and
cold meat for breakfast.
However, in many poor parts of the world, people only eat a small dish of rice for breakfast.
From: Teamwork 1
Read the text and answer these questions.
a Why is breakfast important?
b What type of food is bad for you?
c Where do people have rice for breakfast?
Now write the questions for these answers.
a Tropical fruit
b Bacon and eggs
c Hot soup
a What do people have for breakfast in Brazil?
Tropical fruit.
Exercícios de Fixação
5. Responda sobre você.
a) What’s your name?
b) How are you today?
c) Where are you from?
d) How do you spell your name?
6. Complete.
Good _________________________________.
10 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
7. Vamos cantar!
A – B – C – D – E – F – G
H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P
Q – R – S
T – U – V
W – X – Y and Z.
8. Descubra as perguntas a seguir.
a) ____________________________________?
My name’s John.
b) ____________________________________?
I’m so-so.
c) ____________________________________?
I’m from Japan.
d) ____________________________________?
B - A - L - L.
9) Complete com palavras que você usa para cumpri-
mentar as pessoas e despedir-se delas.
Verb to be / Personal
pronouns – Subject
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 02
12 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Complete com Personal Pronouns.
a) ________________.
b) ________________.
c) __________________________.
d) ___________________________.
e) ______________.
TO BE = ser / estar (am / is / are)
I am ↔ ’m
you are ↔ ’re
is 's↔
are 're↔
Ex.: I am a student.
She is a doctor.
Exercícios de Aplicação
2. Reescreva usando as contrações ’s / ’m / ’re.
a) I am a good student.
b) You are a teacher.
c) He is Philip.
d) She is Susy.
e) It is hot.
f) We are good students.
g) They are Paul, Carol and Bilu.
3. Complete com am / is ou are.
a) They _______ happy.
b) She _______ crazy.
c) You _______ an artist.
d) He _______ smart.
e) It _______ good.
f) I _______ very well.
I am not ⇔ ’m not
you are not ⇔ aren’t
isnot isn' t↔
arenot aren' t↔
Ex.: I am not a student.
She is not a doctor.
They are not my friends.
Exercícios de Aplicação
4. Passe para a forma negativa, usando is not / are not
/ am not.
a) The boys are lazy.
b) The oranges are here.
c) The pencil is in the box.
d) I am a dentist.
e) The lady is young.
5. Complete com isn’t / aren’t e ’m not.
a) They _____________ here with me.
b) She _____________ your teacher.
c) I_____________ studying Math.
d) Sue and Ted _____________ in the garden.
e) Joe _____________ my brother.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 03
14 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Am I ... ?
Are you ... ?
Ex.: Am I a student?
Is she a doctor?
Are they my friends?
Exercícios de Aplicação
6. Passe para a forma interrogativa.
a) My bike is new.
b) She is there.
c) It is a tree.
d) Joe is here.
e) The pencils are in the box.
f) We are at school.
g) It is very hot today.
h) I am a new student.
i) Bob and Sarah are doctors.
How do you think the people in these countries greet each other?
There are many different greeting
customs around the world. Here are some.
People usually shake hands when they meet
for the first time. When two women first meet,
they sometimes give one kiss on the cheek. (They
actually “kiss the air.”) Women also greet both
male and female friends with a kiss. Chilean men
give their friends warm abrazos (hugs) or
sometimes kiss women on the cheek.
Finns greet each other with a firm
handshake. Hugs and kisses are only for close
friends and family.
The Philippines
The everyday greeting for friends is a
handshake for both men and women. Men
sometimes pat each other on the back.
Men bow slightly and shake hands to greet
each other. Women do not usually shake hands.
To address someone with his or her full name,
the family name comes first, then the first name.
The United States
People shake hands when they are first
introduced. Friends and family members often hug or
kiss on the cheek when they see each other. In these
situations, men often kiss women but not other men.
Exercícios de Fixação
7. Módulo 2 – Complete com he / she / it.
a) _________ is a girl.
b) _________ is a book.
c) _________ is a boy.
d) _________ is a pen.
e) _________ is Sue.
f) _________ is my brother.
8. Módulo 2 – Escreva os pronomes I / you / he / she / it
/ we / you / they.
9. Módulo 2 – Loteria dos pronomes. Complete esco-
lhendo a resposta correta.
a) _________ am a smart boy.
b) _________ are roses.
c) _________ is a nice girl.
d) _________ are a good doctor.
e) _________ am a dentist.
f) _________ is a banana.
g) _________ are friends.
h) _________ are teachers.
i) _________ are students.
j) _________ is a cat.
k) _________ are dogs.
l) _________ am Tob.
m) _________ are happy.
a) I
1 2
10. Módulo 3 – Ordene as palavras para formar sentenças.
a) student / am / . / good / I / a /
b) happy / ? / they / are /
c) boys / Philip / Ted / and / clever / are / . /
d) cold / it / ? / today / is /
e) my / not / teacher / . / a / sister / is/
f) ruler / is / long / not / the / . /
11. Módulo 2 e 3 – Complete com am, is ou are.
a) I _________ a teacher.
b) _________ she my sister?
c) John _________ not my boyfriend.
d) Sue and Philip _________ my friends.
e) _________ you a student?
f) It _________ nine o’clock.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 02 / 03
16 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 04
Numbers / Expressions
/ Months / Days /
Ordinal numbers
to 12th
1 – one 11 – eleven
2 – two 12 – twelve
3 – three 13 – thirteen
4 – four 14 – fourteen
5 – five 15 – fifteen
6 – six 16 – sixteen
7 – seven 17 – seventeen
8 – eight 18 – eighteen
9 – nine 19 – nineteen
10 – ten 20 – twenty
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Escreva os números.
a) __________ = one
b) 2 = __________
c) 3 = __________
d) __________ = four
e) __________ = five
f) __________ = six
g) 7 = __________
h) 8 = __________
i) 9 = __________
j) __________ = ten
k) __________ = eleven
l) 12 = __________
m) 13 = __________
n) 14 = __________
o) __________ = fifteen
p) __________ = sixteen
q) 17 = __________
r) 18 = __________
s) __________ = nineteen
t) 20 = __________
18 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
2. Conte e escreva os números.
a) _________birds
b) ___________ flowers
c) __________ pencils
d) __________erasers
e) ______________ pens
f) ___________boys
A: How old are you, Juan?
B: I am sixteen years old. How old are you, Mary?
A: I am fourteen years old.
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Treine com seus colegas e com seu professor o
A: How old are you?
B: I’m __________ years old.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m __________.
4. Responda:
a) How old are you?
b) How old is your English teacher?
c) How old is your best friend?
d) How old is your father?
e) How old is your mother?
NUMBERS (20 – 100)
20 – twenty
21 – twenty-one
22 – twenty-two
30 – thirty
33 – thirty-three
40 – forty
44 – forty-four
50 – fifty
55 – fifty-five
60 – sixty
Exercícios de Aplicação
5. Escreva os números.
23 = _________________________
24 = _________________________
31 = _________________________
35 = _________________________
46 = _________________________
49 = _________________________
52 = _________________________
57 = _________________________
69 = _________________________
75 = _________________________
73 = _________________________
81 = _________________________
87 = _________________________
94 = _________________________
97 = _________________________
93 = _________________________
100 = ________________________
66 – sixty-six
70 – seventy
77 – seventy-seven
80 – eighty
88 – eighty-eight
90 – ninety
99 – ninety-nine
100 – one hundred
a hundred
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 05
20 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
A: Joseph, this is my sister Julia. Julia, this is my friend Joseph.
B: Nice to meet you, Joseph.
C: Nice to meet you, too Julia.
Exercícios de Aplicação
6. Treine com seus colegas o diálogo.
A: _______________, this is __________ .
___________ this is _______________.
B: Nice to meet you!
C: Nice to meet you too!
7. Complete o diálogo.
A: Hi Joseph!
B: Hi Julia. This_______ Joana. Joana, _____________
A: Nice ___________________.
C: ____________________________.
January July
February August
March September
April October
May November
June December
– 12 TH
1 st
– first 7 th
– seventh
2 nd
– second 8 th
– eighth
3 rd
– third 9 th
– ninth
4 th
– fourth 10 th
– tenth
5 th
– fifth 11 th
– eleventh
6 th
– sixth 12 th
– twelfth
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 06
Exercícios de Aplicação
8. Complete as frases.
Ex.: August is the eighth month of the year.
a) January is the _______________ month of the
b) Friday is the _______________ day of the week.
c) _______________ is the second month of the
d) _______________ is the third day of the week.
e) December is the _______________ month of the
f) Thursday is the _______________ day of the
g) _______________ is the seventh month of the
h) _______________ is the fourth day of the week.
i) Tuesday is the _______________ day of the week.
j) May is the _______________ month of the year.
k) _______________ is the tenth month of the year.
22 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
(Mack) lives in New York. He is the third of
six children. His father, Christopher, was an actor
and is now Mack’s manager and his mother,
Patricia, is a designer. He’s got a pet, a dog called
Bishop. In his free time, Mack plays basketball,
goes skateboarding and cycling, likes listening
to music in bed, playing poker and often takes
his dog for a walk.
Mack began acting when he was only six
years old. A year later he made his first film, which
was called Rocketgibraltar. He had other small
parts in films such as Jacob’s Ladder, Uncle
Buck, and See you in the morning.
Mack became really famous in 1990 with the
film Home Alone. The film cost 1.8 million dollars,
which is not a lot in Hollywood, but the film made
over 250 million dollars around the world. The
success continued in 1991 with My Girl and in
1992 with Home Alone II: Lost in New York. Mack
was also in Michael Jackson’s Black or White
Mack can only legally work a maximum of
six hours a day. The rest of the time he studies.
He has a private teacher and doesn’t go to a
normal school. His favourite subjects are maths
and natural science.
Nobody knows what the future is going to
bring for Mack, But one thing is certain – he is
already part of Hollywood history!
From: Teamwork 1
Exercícios de Fixação
9. Complete a sequência (módulo 5).
a) twenty,__________,__________,__________,sixty,
__________, __________, ninety, __________.
b) thirty-one, _________________, thirty-five,
_________________, _________________,
c) forty, ________________, _________________,
fifty-two, fifty-six, _________________.
d) seventy-seven,________________________,
____________________________, eighty-six,
_________________, ninety-two.
e) thirty-three, ___________________________,
____________________________, fifty-one,
_________________, sixty-three.
10. Crie um diálogo com as seguintes informações
(módulos 4 / 5).
Susan ⇒ 10 years old – from France.
Robert ⇒ 12 years old – from Italy.
John ⇒ 11 years old – from USA.
11. Leia o texto e responda (módulos 4 / 5 / 6).
Julie is a student. She is 12 years old. She is from
France. She has 2 brothers and one sister. Her sister
is Maria. She is 10 years old. Her brothers are Philip
and John. They are 15 years old. Her brothers are
a) How old is Julie?
b) What’s her sister’s name?
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulos 04 / 05 / 06
c) How old is her sister?
d) How old is John?
e) What are her brothers’ name?
f) Where is Julie from?
12. Agora escreva um texto sobre você. Não se esqueça
de escrever seu nome, sua idade, de onde você é, se
tem irmãos, o nome deles e a idade de cada um
(módulos 4 / 5 / 6).
13. Encontre no diagrama os dias da semana e os me-
ses do ano (módulo 6).
Possessive adjectives /
School subjects /
Demonstratives /
Family / Articles
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 07
( I ) →→→→→ my
(you) →→→→→ your
(he) →→→→→ his
(she) →→→→→ her
( it ) →→→→→ its
(we) →→→→→ our
(you) →→→→→ your
(they) →→→→→ their
∗ O “possessive adjective” é sempre seguido por um substantivo.
Ex.: My uncle is young.
Your mother is clever.
∗ Os “possessive adjectives” referem-se ao possuidor e concordam com
ele em gênero e número.
Ex.: This is Peter's house. His house is new.
These are Mag's cars. Her cars are white.
24 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Complete com possessive adjectives.
a) That is Helen. ___________ skirt is old.
b) Paul is on the beach. ___________ mother is at
c) Gaby and Cassia are good students.
___________ parents are happy.
d) We are American. _______________ mother is
e) That is Mrs. Miller. ___________ husband is Mr.
Frank Miller.
f) That is our school. ___________ windows are
g) I am a student. ___________ school is very good.
h) You are here but ___________ mother is at home.
Computer studies
26 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
2. Complete de acordo com seu horário escolar.
Lunch or dinner
3. Responda:
a) What’s your favorite subject?
b) What’s your first class on Monday?
c) What’s your second class on Wednesday?
d) What’s your third class on Friday?
e) What’s your fifth class on Tuesday?
f) What’s your fourth class on Thursday?
This is an English dictionary.
These are English dictionaries.
This / these→ indicam que o objeto ou a pessoa está próximo de
quem fala.
This → singular These → plural
That / those → indicam que o objeto ou a pessoa está longe,
distante de quem fala.
That → singular Those → plural
That is a pineapple.
Those are pineapples.
Exercícios de Aplicação
4. Complete com this / that / those / these.
a) ______________ is a pencil.
b) __________ are trees.
c) ___________ are cats.
d) ____________ are pencils.
e) ____________ board is on
the wall.
f) __________ chair is comfortable.
28 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
5. Faça frases usando this / that / these / those.
A = um, uma
é usado antes de som de consoante e semivogal (y / w).
Ex.: It’s a car.
It’s a young man.
Obs.: a university / a European pronúncia (u = you)
AN = um, uma
é usado antes de som de vogal.
Ex.: It’s an eraser.
It’s an airplane.
Obs.: an hour pronúncia (hour = our)
1. Antes de substantivos contáveis no singular, quando não específicos.
Ex.: Choose a good car.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 08
2. Com nomes de profissões.
Ex.: He is a mechanic and she is an actress.
3. Com sentido de cada ou por.
Ex.: We usually brush our teeth three times a day.
Não se usa
1. Antes de substantivos incontáveis.
Ex.: milk, water, butter etc.
2. Antes de substantivos no plural.
Ex.: cars, dogs, books etc.
Obs.: no lugar do artigo, frequentemente se usa some (orações afirma-
tivas) e any (orações negativas e interrogativas).
Ex.: Is there any gas in your car?
There are some ships in the harbor.
Exercícios de Aplicação
6. Escreva os nomes com A ou AN.
Ex.: a ball
a) _________________
b) ___________________
c) ______________
d) _______________________
e) ______________________
f) _______________
g) ______________
30 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
7. Complete com A / AN / ∅ .
a) ______ magazine
b) ______ eggs
c) ______ wall
d) ______ elephant
e) ______ fish
f) ______ birds
g) ______ astronaut
h) ______ dogs
i) ______ intelligent boy
j) ______ envelopes
The = o / a / os / as
1. Quando o nome é usado de maneira particularizada, distinta.
Ex.: The water in your glass is fresh.
2. Cidade / estado / país no plural ou formado por United / Union / Republic.
Ex.: The United States of America.
3. Montanha / ilha / lago no plural.
Ex.: The Andes are in South America.
4. Mar / oceano / golfo / deserto / canal / rio.
Ex.: The Sahara is in Africa.
5. Túnel / jardim / zoo / hotel / cinema / teatro.
Ex.: The Grand Hotel is on 3rd
6. Nomes de família no plural.
Ex.: The Stevens are in Spain.
7. Instrumentos musicais
Ex.: He plays the piano and the guitar.
8. Adjetivos usados como nomes.
Ex.: The young likes to ski.
Não se usa
1. Quando o nome é usado num sentido genérico.
Ex.: Water is good for health.
2. Antes de palavras como school / church / market / prison / college / university / hospital, quando
nos referimos a elas em seu primeiro objetivo. Assim, você sabe que:
tomarket tobuy or sell.
3. Antes da palavra home quando usada sozinha.
Ex.: We
home late
4. Cidade, estado, país * , continente no singular ou formado por North, South, East, West, Great,
Ex.: Brazil is a big country.
Great Britain is well-known.
∗ (Exceções: the Lebanon, the Congo, the Argentine, the Sudan, the Ukraine).
5. Montanha, ilha, lago no singular.
Ex.: Mount Everest is in the Himalayas.
6. Cachoeira, praia com nomes próprios.
Ex.: Miami Beach is very beautiful.
7. Parque, praça com nomes próprios.
Ex.: Times Square is in New York.
8. Antes de adjetivos e pronomes possessivos.
Ex.: My racket is from Italy; yours is from Austria.
9. Antes de nomes próprios.
Ex.: Robert is a good runner.
32 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
8. Use o artigo definido the onde for necessário.
a) ___________________Copacabana beach is
b) They cross_______________Panama Canal.
c) __________________________Sé Square is
in____________São Paulo.
d) Millions of Americans go to___________Canada
and ____________Mexico every year.
e) ______________Philippines are famous islands.
f) ______________Alps are well-known.
g) ______________Susan is my friend.
h) ______________my glasses are there.
i) ______________Burtons visit Portugal every year.
j) He is at_________________school to visit the
l) I’m going to________________church to pray.
m) Anthony is going to_______________market to
buy some oranges.
grandchildren – netos
granddaughter – neta
grandson – neto
daughter – filha
son – filho
children – filhos
Exercícios de Aplicação
9. Dê a tradução.
a) grandmother ____________________________
b) grandfather ____________________________
c) uncle __________________________________
d) aunt __________________________________
e) cousin _________________________________
f) sister _________________________________
g) brother ________________________________
h) mother ________________________________
i) father _________________________________
Complete the sentences.
a) Solomon is Amy’s uncle
b) Nancy is Joshua’s _______________________________________________________________________
c) Grace is Betty’s _________________________________________________________________________
d) Harry is Grace’s ________________________________________________________________________
e) Arthur is Harry and Grace’s ________________________________________________________________
f) Betty is Bill and Amy’s ____________________________________________________________________
g) Joshua is Bill and Amy’s __________________________________________________________________
h) Amy is Solomon’s _______________________________________________________________________
i) Nancy is Arthur’s ________________________________________________________________________
j) Bill and Joshua are Nancy and Arthur’s _______________________________________________________
k) Betty is Jessica’s ________________________________________________________________________
l) Bill is Grace’s __________________________________________________________________________
m) Betty is Nancy and Arthur’s ________________________________________________________________
n) Amy, Jessica, and Michele are Nancy and Arthur’s ______________________________________________
34 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Fixação
10. Continue sua árvore genealógica (family tree).
(módulo 8).
11. Encontre no diagrama School subjects (módulo 7).
12. Módulo 8 – Complete com a ou an.
a) I bought______new car.
b) It’s________old film.
c) She’s reading________interesting book.
d) They’ve got________house in Spain.
e) It’s________cheap restaurant.
f) He’s________Italian businessman.
13. Módulo 8 – Usando a ou an faça a correspondência.
a) Steven Spielberg is______________________.
b) Tokyo is_______________________________.
c) The Ganges is__________________________.
d) Heathrow is____________________________.
e) Oxford is_______________________________.
f) A Mercedes is___________________________.
g) Spain is_______________________________.
( ) European country
( ) Indian river
( ) American director
( ) University town
( ) Japanese city
( ) English airport
( ) German car
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulos 07 / 08
14. Módulo 8 – Complete com the quando necessário.
a) ________________boys are usually stronger
b) _________accident happened when we were
c) ____________fish is good for_________health.
d) They like_________cheese, ____________milk,
e) She studies__________Chemistry in a school
f) ________women who live in that house work
g) ______________postman delivered a letter
15. Módulo 7 – Complete com this ou these.
a) I’d like to buy__________book, please. How much
is it?
b) Could you tell me where____________bus goes,
c) _____________________questions are difficult.
d) _____________________sandwiches are mine.
e) _____________________ is wonderful.
16. Módulo 7 – Complete com that ou those.
a) Look at___________clouds. I’m sure it’s going
to rain.
b) Did you enjoy_________________film?
c) Let’s cross the road.______________taxi is free.
d) _____________flats are all very expensive.
e) _____________was beautiful! I was so hungry.
17. Módulo 7 – Complete com possessive adjectives.
a) The boys are waiting for __________ girlfriends.
b) That girl is asking about ___________ pen.
c) Jack and I are going to meet ___________ friends.
d) Give me __________ address, Paul!
e) The French painter drinks _____________ tea at
4 o’clock.
Countries and
nationalities / Countable
and uncontable
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 09
36 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Faça a correspondência entre os países e as nacio-
a) Brazil ( ) Australian
b) The United States ( ) Italian
c) Poland ( ) British
d) Turkey ( ) Chinese
e) Great Britain ( ) Brazilian
f) Italy ( ) American
g) Spain ( ) French
h) Argentina ( ) Japanese
i) Mexico ( ) Polish
j) France ( ) Turkish
k) Australia ( ) Argentinian
l) Japan ( ) Mexican
m) China ( ) Spanish
Countable ⇒ podemos contar; usado no singular e no plural.
Ex.: 1 pen – 2 pens
1 egg – 2 eggs
star – stars
Uncountable ⇒ não contamos; usado somente no singular.
Ex.: water, bread, sugar, cheese
Exercícios de Aplicação
2. Escreva Countable ou Uncountable para as pala-
vras destacadas.
a) There was a car behind us.__________________
b) I never eat meat.__________________________
c) Do you play golf?_________________________
d) I had to wait 10 minutes.____________________
e) Just tell me one thing._____________________
f) Love makes the world go round.______________
g) Good luck in your new job.__________________
h) Power stations produce energy.______________
i) I’m taking a photo.________________________
j) Would you like an apple?___________________
03. Circule as palavras incontáveis da lista abaixo.
house cat cheese car
coat snow lemon advice
clock table tea ball
museum apple painting petrol
news cigar teacher film
rain holiday office bed
pen sugar homework watch
tennis doctor cinema luggage
chair banana information cup
coffee shoe shirt money
exam hour city park
toast sock nose water
school bread book jumper
cloud milk bike television
Leia o postcard do Fernando para Chris. Há 7 erros neste postcard. Ajude a Chris a achá-los.
Rio de Janeiro 18/7/95
Dear Chris,
Here I am in brazil We
arrive last Thursday. We
went up the Sugar Loaf Chris Brown,
Mountain on Friday. It was 35 Park Avenue
beautiful. At weekend we Brighton
went to the beach. The BN31 6US
weather was great. I’m
having a time fantastic.
Agora escreva um postcard para um amigo.
38 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Fixação
4. Olhe as figuras e escreva, na coluna, correta as palavras (módulo 9).
Countable Uncountable
Singular Plural bread
egg eggs coffee
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
5. Complete com a palavra correta as frases a seguir
(módulo 9).
Ex.: (slice, piece, cup) I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
a) (glass, slice, spoonful) Would you like a
______________of cheese on your toast?
b) (pieces, cups, bottles) My father gave me
two__________________of advice.
c) (slice, bottle, piece) Could you buy a________of
milk at the shops?
d) (spoonful, piece, cup) That was a
difficult_____________of homework!
e) (glass, piece, slice) Would you give me
a_________________of water, please?
06. Complete com is ou are (módulo 9).
a) Helen’s hair_____________very long.
b) The weather___________really good at the
c) Don’t worry the police here____________very
d) Can you turn on the television? The
e) Women_____________usually better listeners
than men.
f) Where____________ the money that I gave you
g) David’s French__________good. He’s been
taking lessons.
h) Where__________my trousers? I left them here.
i) The people here____________very friendly.
07. (Módulo 9) Complete com países e nacionalidades
a) She’s from_________________.She’s Mexican.
b) I’m from______________________.I’m Spanish.
c) It’s from Argentina. It’s_____________________.
d) You’re from Brazil. You’re___________________.
e) He’s from__________________. He’s Japanese.
f) They’re from______________. They’re Australian.
40 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
There to be.................................................................................................................. 43
Affirmative ................................................................................................................. 43
Negative.................................................................................................................... 43
Interrogative .............................................................................................................. 43
Objects of the classroom ........................................................................................... 44
Singular and plural ..................................................................................................... 45
Plural irregular .......................................................................................................... 46
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 47
Affirmative sentences ................................................................................................ 49
Negative sentences ................................................................................................... 50
Interrogative sentences ............................................................................................ 50
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 51
Parts of the house ...................................................................................................... 53
Time ............................................................................................................................. 54
Can (Poder) ................................................................................................................. 55
Clothes......................................................................................................................... 56
Have got ...................................................................................................................... 58
Affirmative ................................................................................................................. 58
Negative.................................................................................................................... 58
Interrogative .............................................................................................................. 58
Animals ......................................................................................................................... 59
Colors........................................................................................................................... 60
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 60
Adverbs of frequency ................................................................................................. 63
Simple present X adverbs of frequency ................................................................. 64
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 65
O verbo there to be é usado para demonstrar “existência”.
Singular: There
is a girl in the classroom.
Plural: There are four chairs in the classroom.
Singular: There
isn't a girl in the classroom.
Plural: There
aren' t four chairs in the classroom.
Singular: Is there a girl in the classroom?
Plural: Are there four chairs in the classroom?
There to be / Objects
of the classroom /
Singular and plural
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 10
Exercício de Aplicação
01. Passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa as fra-
ses abaixo.
a) There is homework for tomorrow.
b) There are clouds in the sky.
c) There is a doctor in this room.
d) There are many mistakes in her exercise.
44 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
chair light table
desk book pen
pencil ruler
blackboard door
wall map
Exercício de Aplicação
2. Verdadeiro ou falso:
a) There is a table in the classroom.
b) There isn’t a window in the classroom.
c) There are 4 books on the table.
d) There is a blackboard.
e) There are 2 desks.
f) There aren’t 5 pens on the table.
g) There is a door.
– De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se “S” à forma sin-
Exemplos: table – tables
girl – girls
– Substantivos terminados em S, CH, SH, X, Z, O ® recebem “ES”.
Exemplos: bus – buses church – churches
box – boxes buzz – buzzes
brush – brushes tomato – tomatoes
– Substantivos terminados em “Y” precedido de consoante ® substitui-
-se o “Y” por “I” e acrescenta-se “ES”.
Exemplos: lady – ladies
sky – skies
46 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
man – men tooth – teeth
foot – feet mouse – mice
woman – women child – children
– Alguns substantivos terminados em “F” ou “FE” mudam o “F” ou “FE”
para “V” e recebem “ES”.
Exemplos: calf – calves loaf – loaves
half – halves self – selves
knife – knives thief – thieves
leaf – leaves wife – wives
life – lives wolf – wolves
Exercício de Aplicação
3. Escreva o plural das seguintes palavras.
a) policeman g) pen m) bus
b) door h) chief n) potato
c) century i) berry o) watch
d) peach j) toy p) box
e) brush k) window q) woman
f) book e) key r) child
True or False?
1. Giraffes are birds. _____________________________
2. Giraffes are from Africa. ________________________
3. The koala is gray and white. _____________________
4. Macaws are birds._____________________________
5. Macaws are from Australia.______________________
6. The koala is from Africa. ________________________
From: ACE 1
These are giraffes.
Giraffes are fromAfrica. They
are African mammals. They
are very tall and thin. Giraffes
are brown and white.
Macaws aren’t mammals.
They are birds. Macaws
are from Brazil. They are
red, blue, green, yellow,
white, and black!
This is a koala. It is from
Australia. It is a mammal.
The koala is gray and
white. It isn’t very tall.
Exercícios de Fixação
4. (Mód. 10) Passe as frases abaixo para o plural.
a) This is an old woman.
b) That Frenchman is buying a hat.
c) My cousin isn’t a thief.
d) The lady is near the church.
e) There is a knife and a spoon on the table.
f) The mouse is eating a lily in the garden.
5. (Mód. 10) Complete com there is ou there are.
a) ________________ a table here.
b) _____________ 2 desks inside of the classroom.
c) ________________ a man over there.
d) ________________ books on the table.
e) ____________ always a child crying in the school.
f) ________________ a great show downtown.
g) ________________ doubts about your project.
6. (Mód. 10) Mude as frases do exercício 5 para a forma
a) ______________________________________
b) ______________________________________
c) ______________________________________
d) ______________________________________
e) ______________________________________
f) ______________________________________
g) ______________________________________
7. (Mód. 10) Circule as formas erradas de plural.
knives tooths matches
matchs citys cities
countries potatoes familys
wishes tomatos women
wives potatos womans
mans mice wishs
48 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Simple present
(affirmative, negative
and interrogative)
Exemplos: I live in Ribeirão Preto.
She works hard every day.
They like dancing.
O simple present é usado para expressar ações habituais. Pode ex-
pressar também verdades universais.
3ª pessoa do singular ® he / she / it
– Para formar a 3ª pessoa do singular de alguns verbos, acrescenta-se
Exemplos: walk – walks play – plays
– Se o verbo terminar em SS, SH, CH, X, Z ou O, acrescenta-se “ES”.
Exemplos: kiss – kisses watch – watches
fix – fixes go – goes
wash – washes buzz – buzzes
– Se o verbo terminar em “Y” precedido de consoante, troca-se o “Y”
por “I” e acrescenta-se “ES”.
Exemplos: try – tries
hurry – hurries
study – studies
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 11
50 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Complete com Simple present.
a) Jane _______ (try) to learn how to swim every day.
b) My father ___________ (live) in London.
c) They ___________ (brush) their hair before going
to sleep.
d) The girl __________ (kiss) her mother every night.
e) I _____________ (buy) newspaper at the corner.
f) We _____________ (live) in a big city.
2. Passe as frases abaixo para a 3ª pessoa do singular.
a) I never come to her office.
b) They know how to drive.
c) You live near here.
d) We often go out.
Exemplos: I don' t
He doesn t near here' .live
They don' t speak Japanese.
Na forma negativa, usamos o auxiliar do para I / you / we / they e does
para he / she / it + not.
do not = don’t does not = doesn’t
Na 3ª pessoa do singular, o verbo volta para a forma infinitiva sem to.
Exemplos: Do I like dancing?
Does he live near here?
Do they speak Japanese?
Na forma interrogativa, usamos do (I / you / we / they) e does (he / she /
it). Na 3ª pessoa do singular, o verbo volta para a forma infinitiva sem to.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 12
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Complete com do ou does.
a) Where _________ he live?
b) What __________ they usually eat?
c) _________ you like fish?
d) _________ John and Sue teach Portuguese?
e) What _________ Peter do?
4. Escreva frases.
a) (He / not / live / in Mexico)
b) (She / not / work / in a bank)
c) (I / not / play / golf)
d) (Paul / not / listen / to the radio)
e) (My car / not / work)
f) (You / not / speak / French)
Top 5 Amusement Parks
Hold on to your hat! The world’s tallest and fastest roller coaster will be zipping around Cedar
Point amusement park next week.
The Millennium Force has a heart-stopping 300-foot drop. Or take a wild ride at one of the other
top regional amusement parks*.
1. Busch Gardens
Tampa Bay, Florida
3.9 million visitors per year
2. Six Flags, Great Adventure
Jackson, New Jersey
3.8 million
3. Knott’s Berry Farm
Buena Park, California
3.6 million
4. Paramount’s Kings Island
Kings Island, Ohio
3.325 million
5. Cedar Point
Sandusky, Ohio
3.3 million
*Does not include theme parks like Disney World
Source: Amusement Business
From: file://A:Time for Kids Magazines.htm
Exercícios de Fixação
5. (Mód. 11) Acrescente S ou ES quando necessário.
a) He work _______ in a bank.
b) They live ______ in France.
c) I watch _______ TV every day.
d) She doesn’t go _______ to work by car.
e) The film finish ______ at 10 o’clock.
f) We don’t play ______ tennis every weekend.
g) Does he speak ______ French?
h) She do _______ her homework.
i) He go _______ on holiday in June.
j) John play ______ soccer every Saturday.
6. (Mód. 12) Escreva perguntas.
a) Sue / eat / ice-cream?
b) Linda and John / drink / coffee?
c) Mike / go / to the club / on Saturday?
d) John and Mike / like / dancing?
52 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
7. (Mód. 12) Passe as frases do exercício 6 para a for-
ma negativa.
a) Sue / eat / ice-cream.
b) Linda and John / drink / coffee.
c) Mike / go / to the club / on Saturday.
d) John and Mike / like / dancing.
8. Responda (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso de acordo com
o quadro.
a) Sue likes salad. ( )
b) Linda likes fish. ( )
c) Mike likes fish. ( )
d) Linda and Mike like salad. ( )
e) Sue doesn’t like ice-cream. ( )
f) Linda doesn’t like ice-cream. ( )
g) Sue and Mike don’t like hamburgers. ( )
Parts of the house,time,
can, clothes, have got,
animals, colors
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 13
54 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
past / after
1:00 It’s one o’clock
1:05 It’s five past one
1:15 It’s fifteen past one
a quarter past one
1:25 It’s twenty-five past one
1:30 It’s half past one
thirty past one
one - thirty
1:40 It’s twenty to two
1:45 It’s fifteen to two
a quarter
2:00 It’s two o’clock
AM – antes do meio-dia
PM – depois do meio-dia
Midnight – meia-noite
Midday – meio-dia
= half
= a quarter
30 minutos=
15 minutos=
1 1
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Escreva as horas.
2:05 – ________________________________
3:00 – _________________________________
10:25 – _________________________________
7:50 – _________________________________
9:55 – _________________________________
5:15 – _________________________________
8:40 – _________________________________
6:10 – _________________________________
5:20 – _________________________________
1:30 – _________________________________
4:35 – _________________________________
11:45 – _________________________________
2. Ligue:
a) one minute ( ) 24 hours
b) one hour ( ) 10 years
c) one day ( ) 4 / 5 weeks
d) one week ( ) 12 months
e) one month ( ) 100 years
f) one year ( ) 7 days
g) one decade ( ) 60 minutes
h) one century ( ) 60 seconds
i) one millennium ( ) 1,000 years
• Características gerais:
– Não tem conjugação regular ou completa.
– Não tem infinitivo.
– Não recebem S ou ES na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente.
– É seguido de infinitivo sem to.
– Geralmente forma suas próprias interrogativas e negativas.
• Expressa:
– Capacidade: She can swim.
– Permissão: You can leave now.
Observação: pode ser substituído por to be able to.
Affirmative: I can play
Negative: I cannot play / I can’t play
Interrogative: Can I play?
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 14
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Construa frases usando can e can’t de acordo com as figuras.
A: Can she play tennis ?
B: Yes, she can.
A: Can she play the violin ?
B: No, she can' t.
She can play tennis,
but she can' t play the violin.
a )
56 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
A: ?
B: Yes,
A: ?
B: No,
4. Responda:
a) Can you swim?
b) Can you run?
c) Can you play soccer?
d) Can you play basketball?
e) Can your mother speak English?
f) Can your father speak French?
A: the hills?
B: Yes,
A: the sea?
B: No,
A: ?
B: No,
A: ?
B: Yes,
sweater gloves sweatshirt jeans blouse
socks shirt skirt dress shoes
Observação: a pair of jeans
tennis shoes
Exercício de Aplicação
5. Escreva o nome das roupas, desembaralhando as
58 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exemplos: I have got a blue T-shirt.
' ve got...
She has got a greenscarf.
's got...
Exemplos: I have not got a red T-shirt.
haven' t got...
She has not got a greyscarf.
hasn' t got...
Exemplos: Have you got a white T-shirt?
Has he got a black scarf?
Podemos usar have got para:
– falar de coisas que possuímos.
Exemplo: We’ve got a house in Spain.
– falar de nossa família.
Exemplo: Sue’s got a brother and a sister.
– descrever as pessoas.
Exemplo: She’s got green eyes.
– falar que não estamos nos sentindo bem.
Exemplo: I’ve got a headache.
Observação: HAVE = HAVE GOT
Não podemos usar have got quando falamos de refeições, feriados e
com as palavras a bath, a shower, a wash.
Exemplos: Have a good holiday!
I have a big breakfast every day.
I always have a wash before I go out.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 15
Exercícios de Aplicação
6. Escreva frases usando have got.
a) She / not / brown eyes.
b) he / a flat in the / town centre.
c) you / a car?
d) I / not / a brother.
e) She / a headache.
f) Steve / brown eyes?
7. Corrija, quando necessário.
a) We have got a holiday in Mexico. d) Have got a good weekend!
b) Paul’s got a sister. e) Have you got a bike?
c) I haven’t got lunch everyday.
pig chicken
60 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercício de Aplicação
8. Encontre no diagrama as cores e os animais.
The Daily Grind
Is it a good idea for a student to have a job? Why or why not?
Brandon Smith
I’m a junior in high school,
and I have a part-time job in a
I bus dishes on Satur-
days and Sundays from 8:00
until 4:00. I earn $5.50 an hour.
It isn’t much money, but I save
almost every penny! I want to
go to a good university, and
the cost goes up every year.
Of course, I spend some
money when I go out on
Saturday nights.
Lauren Russell
I’m a senior in high school. I
have a job as a cashier in a
grocery store. The job pays well
– about $6.75 an hour. I work
every weeknight after school from
4:00 until 8:00. I don’t have time
for homework, and my grades
aren’t very good this year. But I
have to work, or I can’t buy nice
clothes and I can’t go out on
Saturday nights. Also, a car costs
a lot of money.
Erica Davis
I’m a freshman in college.
College is very expensive, so
I work in a law office for three
hours every weekday after-
noon. I make photocopies, file
papers, and sort mail for $8.25
an hour. The job gives me
good experience because I
want to be a lawyer someday.
But I don’t want to work every
semester. I need time to study.
From: NewInterchange1
Exercícios de Fixação
9. (Mód. 13) Desembaralhe as letras e encontre as par-
tes da casa.
c) LALH =
10. (Mód. 13) Responda e pergunte a seus amigos.
a) What time do you go to bed?
b) What time do you get up?
c) What time do you have breakfast?
d) What time does your mother go to bed?
e) What time do you go to school?
11. (Mód. 14) Organize as frases.
a) They / swim / can
b) she / can / run?
c) John / sleep / can’t
d) some water / I / can / drink?
12. (Mód. 14) Hangman (Forca). Jogue com seus ami-
gos utilizando o vocabulário sobre roupas.
13. (Mód. 15) Passe para as formas negativa e
interrogativa as frases abaixo.
a) They’ve got some pens with them.
b) She’s got blue eyes and brown hair.
c) John and Sue have got a car.
14. (Mód. 14/15) Responda ao que se pede.
a) What color are your eyes?
b) Is your teacher wearing a blue T-shirt?
c) How many students wearing red shoes are there
in your class?
d) What color are your shoes?
e) What color is your hair?
f) Are your socks white?
62 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Adverbs of frequency /
Simple present X
adverbs of frequency
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 16
0% never
5% hardly ever
10% rarely
30% sometimes
70% often
80% normally
90% usually
100% always
• Colocamos o advérbio de frequência depois do verbo to be ou do ver-
bo auxiliar.
Exemplo: He is always late.
• Colocamos o advérbio de frequência antes do verbo principal.
Exemplo: I usually walk to work.
• Pode-se usar também every..., once..., twice..., three times a..., four
Exemplo: I play tennis once a week.
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Faça frases com os verbos e os advérbios a seguir.
a) They / rarely / go to the cinema.
b) She / often / eat Italian food.
c) I / never / feel unhappy.
d) He / always / get up early.
2. Coloque o advérbio de frequência no lugar certo, re-
escrevendo as frases.
a) Steve and Sue play tennis. (always)
b) I work late at the office. (often)
c) Julie eats a sandwich for lunch.(never)
d) We see our Mexican friends. (hardly ever)
64 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
O advérbio de frequência é usado com o Simple Present, pois este é
usado para falar de rotina e hábitos.
Exemplo: Bill usually writes cards to his parents.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 17
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Escreva frases de acordo com o quadro ao lado, usando o Simple
a) (He / go / swimming)
b) (He / buy / a newspaper)
c) (He / phone / his mother)
d) (He / have / a shower)
e) (He / go / abroad)
f) (He / visit / his sister)
g) (He / play / tennis)
4. Faça frases verdadeiras sobre o seu dia a dia, usando os seguintes advérbios: always, never, sometimes, often,
hardly ever.
5. Pergunte a seus amigos e some os pontos para ver como anda a saúde deles.
From: New Interchange 1
August 17, 2000
Bouncing Onto Mars
NASA sending information-gathering
robots to red planet
Have you ever imagined what it would be like
to see Mars up close? Well, in the year 2003,
NASA is getting a better look than ever when it
“bounces” onto the red planet.
NASA recently announced it will launch two
robot rovers from Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station in Florida. It will take about seven-and-
a-half months for each to land, 18 days apart.
Before hitting the red planet’s surface,
parachutes and air bags will open and the robots
will land, bounce, and roll just like beach balls!
Where’s the Water?
These roving robots are not going to Mars
just to tour the planet. They are being sent as
part of NASA’s search for water. Scientists now
believe that Mars once had oceans, lakes, and
rivers just like Earth. If that is true, then it is
possible that there was once life on Mars.
As part of their mission, the robots are also
going to act as geologists, studying rocks and soils,
have been like when water existed. Some recent
satellite pictures even suggest that there may still
be water underground. If that is true, life may still
exist, in some form, on Mars right now.
From: file://A:Time for Kids News. htm
Exercícios de Fixação
6. (Mód. 17) Faça perguntas usando do ou does.
a) the man in 4G / watch TV every night. d) Mary / like to have parties.
b) the children in 4C / like heavy metal music. e) you / wash the dishes.
c) the people in 3B / have pets.
7. (Mód. 17) Complete com always, usually,
sometimes e never e com as informações das
figuras ao lado.
Marta ________________ has breakfast at 8:00.
She ________________ has ___________ and
jam, but on Sundays she has ___________ and
sausage and a _____________________ . She
______________ has an _________ too, but
sometimes she has an ________________ .
Marta ___________ has coffee. She _________
has __________ with __________ .
66 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
8. Olhe na figura abaixo. Escreva frases sobre o Jeremy e responda-as.
a) study / French d) What kind of music / listen to
b) Where / take French classes e) like to play sports
c) like music f) What kind of sports / play
9. Olhe nos desenhos e complete a agenda da Rosa.
10. De acordo com a figura do exercício 9, faça um parágrafo sobre a semana da Rosa.
68 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
70 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Food and drink ............................................................................................................ 73
Some and any .............................................................................................................. 74
Review: Simple present ............................................................................................. 75
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 77
Permission and ability ................................................................................................ 79
Present continuous: affirmative sentences ............................................................ 79
Present continuous: negative and interrogative form ........................................... 81
Parts of the body......................................................................................................... 84
Present continuous × simple present ...................................................................... 85
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 87
Question words........................................................................................................... 91
Adverbs of frequency................................................................................................. 91
Sports and games ....................................................................................................... 92
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 93
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 18
orange juice
74 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Separe o vocabulário estudado de acordo com o quadro abaixo.
2. Usando o vocabulário do exercício 1 separe as palavras nas colunas abaixo.
I like ____________________________________________________________________
I don’t like ________________________________________________________________
Some: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas
É usado em frases afirmativas e interrogativas quando estas são um
pedido ou uma oferta.
She has some interesting ideas. → affirmative sentence
Would you like some biscuits? → offer (oferta)
Could I have some coffee? → request (pedido)
Any: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas
É usado em frases negativas e interrogativas.
She doesn’t have any money. → negative
Do you know any good jokes? → interrogative
Observação 1: com as palavras never, hardly, without, refuse, doubt
usamos any porque estas possuem um sentido negativo.
She never has any fun.
Observação 2: any pode ser usado em frases afirmativas significando
qualquer um.
Invite any person you want to the party.
Observação 3: any também é usado com a palavra if.
If you find any mistakes, please tell me.
Exercícios de Aplicação
Read the text about Sarah’s daily routine and answer the questions.
Well, I get up early. I always get up at 6:15 and I have a small breakfast at 6:30.
Then, at 6:50 my dad takes me to the swimming pool. I practise every day.
I usually leave the pool at 8:20. Then I go to school. Our lessons start at 9:10
and I don’t go home for lunch. I have my lunch at school.
We finish school at 3:45 and I go to the swimming pool again. I swim from
4:30 to 6:00. I usually have supper at 7:00, then I do my homework or watch
TV. I sometimes write letters to my penfriends in Spain and Greece, but I
always go to bed at eleven o’clock or midnight! But I want to be a champion
swimmer, so I go to bed early.
Observação: quando falamos em rotina usamos o simple present.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 19
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Complete com some ou any.
a) I can’t find ___________ butter, but we’ve got
___________ margarine.
b) Emma has got ___________ old pictures of the
house to show us.
c) There aren’t ___________ buses on Sunday.
d) Helen brought ___________ beautiful roses from
her garden.
e) Do you know if ___________of the Morrises are
coming on Sunday?
f) Helen can’t ride a bike without ___________ help
g) Has Eve got ___________ brothers or sisters?
h) Harriet has got ___________ beautiful jewellery, but
she never wears it.
i) Can I get you ___________ coffee? I’ve just made
j) If there’s ___________ soup left, could you put it in
the fridge, please?
4. Marque a alternativa correta.
1) How often does Clare go to the swimming pool?
a) Once a day
b) Twice a day
c) Three times a day
2) How long does Clare practise every day?
a) One hour
b) Two hours
c) Three hours
3) How long does Clare stay at school every day?
a) Six hours and forty-five minutes
b) Seven hours
c) Seven hours and fifteen minutes
76 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
5. Grife todos os verbos que estão no simple present
no texto acima.
6. Responda às questões abaixo sobre a sua rotina.
a) What time do you get up?
b) What time do you have breakfast?
c) What time do you go to school?
d) What time do you have lunch?
e) What time do you have dinner?
f) What time do you do your homework?
g) What time do you go to bed?
7. Escreva uma composição sobre sua rotina diária,
baseando-se no texto e nas respostas acima.
8. Responda às perguntas abaixo sobre você.
Do you wash your face at 1 o’clock?
No, I don’t wash my face at 1 o’clock. I wash my face
at 7 o’clock.
a) Do you have breakfast at 11 o’clock?
b) Do you go to school at 7 o’clock?
c) Do you leave school at 1 o’clock?
d) Do you go to bed at 8 o’clock?
Exercícios de Fixação
9. Leia o quadro abaixo e escreva frases sobre Helen e
get up / 7:30 – They get up at 7:30.
have breakfast / 8:00 – They don’t have breakfast at 8:00.
a) leave home / 8:45
b) get to school / 9:15
c) have lunch / 12:35
d) get home / 3:30
e) have dinner / 5:00
f) go to bed / 10:00
10. Complete com some ou any os espaços abaixo.
a) There aren’t _______ good restaurants in this town.
b) Don’t worry about lunch. I’ve brought _______
c) You need _______ scissors to cut the paper.
d) Have you got _______ brothers and sisters?
e) I think you owe me _______ money.
f) We’d like to stay longer, but we don’t have _______
g) Could you give me _______ information please?
h) Sam bought _______ trousers in the sale.
i) Thereare_______booksonthetable.Aretheyyours?
j) Could you bring me _______ bread from the
11. Responda às perguntas abaixo.
a) Do you like milk?
b) Do you like tacos?
c) Do you like hamburgers?
d) Do you like French fries?
e) Do you like sodas?
12. Olhe as palavras abaixo e escreva frases usando like.
Ex.: I / toast / eggs
I like toast and eggs.
a) you / cereal / milk
b) Sue and Bob / salad / fish
c) They / soup / sandwiches
d) Peter and Sara / rice / beans
e) Kate’s father and mother / chicken / rice
13. Complete a tabela de acordo com os seus horários.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 18
14. Leia o texto abaixo a respeito de Ali.
My name is Ali Ozal. I live in Los Angeles with my
mother, father, and brother. My brother’s
name is Adnam. My brother and I get up
at 6:30. We have breakfast at 6:45. I like
cereal for breakfast. My brother likes toast
and orange juice.
We leave home together at 7:30. We
catch a bus to school. We get to school
at 8:30. We leave school at 4 o’clock but
we don’t get home until 5:30.
very tired in the
evening. We go to
bed at 9:30.
From: Ace 2
Responda: True or false?
a) Adnam is Ali’s brother. _______
b) Ali and his brother get up at 6:15. _______
c) They have breakfast at 6:45. _______
d) They leave home at 7:45. _______
e) They catch a bus to school. _______
f ) They get to school at 8:45. _______
g) They leave school at 4 o’clock. _______
h) They get home at 6 o’clock. _______
i) They are tired in the evening. _______
j) They go to bed at 10 o’clock. _______
78 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Quando pedimos ou damos uma permissão, usamos o verbo can.
1. Escreva se a frase refere-se à uma habilidade (ability)
ou permissão (permission).
a) Can I go to the disco tonight?
b) Can you say ‘hello’ in three languages?
c) Can you say the English alphabet, forwards and
d) Can I go to a party at the weekend?
e) Can you speak Chinese?
2. Responda às questões de acordo com suas habili-
a) Can you play tennis?
b) Can you speak Japanese?
c) Can you ride a bicycle?
d) Can you play the piano?
e) Can you ride a skateboard?
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 20
O uso mais comum do present continuous é para descrever uma ação
que está acontecendo no momento.
Estrutura: verbo ‘to be’ + verbo principal + ing
Exemplo: We are English now.studying
Verbo principal + ing
Verbo 'to be'
She is watching television.
It’s raining.
Can I drink some water? → asking for permission
Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
Quando falamos sobre habilidade também usamos o verbo can.
I can swim.
Can you a ride a horse? → asking about ability
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Exercícios de Aplicação
80 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
1. Regra geral: acrescentar apenas o ing.
wait – waiting
talk – talking
play – playing
study – studying
2. Verbos terminados em e: tira-se o e e acrescenta-se ing.
make – making
decide – deciding
3. Verbos de uma sílaba terminados em consoante-vogal-consoante
(CVC): dobra-se a consoante final e acrescenta-se ing.
sit – sitting
swim – swimming
4. Verbos terminados em “ie”: troca-se “ie” por “y” e acrescenta-se ing.
lie – lying
die – dying
Conjugação do verbo talk
Full form Short form
I am talking I’m talking
You are talking You’re talking
He is talking He’s talking
She is talking She’s talking
It is talking It’s talking
We are talking We’re talking
You are talking You’re talking
They are talking They’re talking
Exercício de Aplicação
3. O que está acontecendo em cada figura?
I / eat – I’m eating pizza.
It / rain –_________________________
b) We / sing –_________________________
c) They / play soccer – _________
d) She / write – ___________________
e) He / sleep – ________________
4. Coloque os verbos que estão entre parênteses no
present continuous.
Exemplo: Sam (drink) is drinking some milk.
a) You (stand) ________________ on my foot!
b) Mike (stay) ________________ at this hotel.
c) You (sit) ________________ in my place.
d) We (have) ________________ a good time.
e) I can’t talk now. I (wash) ________________ my hair.
f) Tim and Sue (write) ________________ letters.
g) It (snow) ________________ now.
Como já foi visto anteriormente, o present continuous é formado pelo
verbo to be + o verbo principal com ing.
Para formarmos a negativa, apenas coloca-se o verbo to be na sua for-
ma negativa.
Full form Short form
I am not talking I’m not talking
You are not talking You’re not (aren’t) talking
He is not talking He’s not (isn’t) talking
She is not talking She’s not (isn’t) talking
It is not talking It’s not (isn’t) talking
We are not talking We’re not (aren’t) talking
You are not talking You’re not (aren’t) talking
They are not talking They’re not (aren’t) talking
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 21
Exercícios de Aplicação
5. Passe as frases para a forma negativa.
a) You’re listening to me.
b) Tim is studying.
c) We’re talking.
d) You are writing.
e) Katherine is lying.
f) They are waiting for us.
g) Anna’s having a good time.
h) I’m reading at the moment.
i) It’s raining.
j) I’m eating pizza.
6. Complete com os verbos entre parênteses na forma
negativa do present continuous.
a) I __________________ a book. (read)
b) Peter __________________ basketball. (play)
c) We __________________ Portuguese now. (study)
d) She __________________ to music at the moment.
e) Paul and Richard __________________ now. (dance)
82 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Na forma interrogativa apenas invertemos o verbo to be, ou seja, coloca-
mos o verbo to be antes do sujeito, como você pode ver na tabela abaixo:
Interrogative form
Am I talking?
Are you talking?
Is he talking?
Is she talking?
Is it talking?
Are we talking?
Are you talking?
Are they talking?
Exercícios de Aplicação
7. Faça perguntas de acordo com as figuras.
you / work?
Are you working?
They / stay here?
Helen / do her homework?
You / have a good time?
I / disturb / you?
He / sleep?
8. Passe para a forma interrogativa.
I’m making a lot of noise.
Am I making a lot of noise?
a) Susan is reading.
b) You are watching TV.
c) It is raining.
d) We are waiting for the bus.
e) Daniel is enjoying the film.
f) The car is stopping.
g) The children are studying.
h) Those girls are speaking English.
Present continuous
9. Leia o texto.
Hello everyone! It’s October 11th
– the night of
Hollywood’s largest party! I’m talking to you from the
Palace Ballroom.
The stars are arriving now. There’s Danny De Vito.
He’s wearing a baseball cap. He isn’t looking at us.
Keanu Reeves is getting out of a large limousine.
He’s wearing a gray shirt and gray pants. He’s signing
autographs for his fans, but he isn’t talking to them.
There’s Gloria Estefan. She’s wearing a long red
dress and a large black hat. Gloria is talking to a fan,
but she isn’t signing autographs.
Finally, there’s John Goodman. He’s talking on the phone.
Responda verdadeiro ou falso.
a) The party is on October 11th
. ____________
b) The party is at the LA Ballroom. ____________
c) Danny De Vito isn’t wearing a cap. ____________
d) Keanu Reeves is signing autographs. ________
e) He’s wearing a green shirt. ____________
f) Gloria Estefan is wearing a large, black hat.
g) She is talking to her sister. ____________
h) John Goodman is listening to the radio.
10. Grife no texto as frases que estiverem no present
11. Passe as frases grifadas para negativa ou afirmativa.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 22
84 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
12. Encontre as partes do corpo humano no diagrama. 13. Siga os comandos do professor.
Touch your nose!
Touch your foot!
14. What’s the English word for...?
a) braço: _________________________________
b) cabeça: ________________________________
c) olhos: _________________________________
d) nariz: __________________________________
e) orelha: _________________________________
15. Complete cada sentençva com uma das palavras
arm ear eye foot hand head leg
a) Paul broke his ____________ and couldn’t walk.
b) When I met Daniel I shook his ____________.
c) The boot was so small that my ____________ got
d) I just can’t see. There’s something in my
e) Lisa was carrying a lot of books under her
f) It was so cold last night that I wore a hat on my
g) Your words go in one ____________ and out the
O present continuous é usado para expressar ações que estão aconte-
cendo. É geralmente empregado com os seguintes advérbios de tempo: now,
at this moment etc. Pode também expressar ações futuras.
Sue is studying now.
I am working next Saturday.
O simple present é usado para expressar ações habituais. É geralmente
empregado com os seguintes advérbios de tempo: always, often, usually,
frequently, sometimes, never, everyday, on Monday etc. Pode expressar tam-
bém verdades universais.
I usually walk to school.
Birds fly.
Present continuous
verbo to be no presente + verbo + ing
(am / is / are)
Simple present
3ª pessoa do singular – forma afirmativa
(he / she / it)
Verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z, o, acrescenta-se es.
kiss – kisses buzz – buzzes
fix – fixes watch – watches
wash – washes go – goes
Verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por i e
acrescenta-se es.
try – tries
hurry – hurries
study – studies
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 23
86 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
16. Complete com present continuous ou simple present.
a) Linda _______________ (study) now.
b) We often _______________ (go) out of town.
c) John always _______________ (enjoy) his tennis
d) The boys _______________ (swim) now.
e) Mr.Taylor ______________(open) his shop at 8 o’clock.
f) They _______________ (live) in a big city.
g) They _______________ (walk) to the club now.
h) This bus _______________ (belong) to me.
i) I usually _______________ (get) up early.
j) I _______________ (read) a letter at this moment.
k) She never _______________ (come) to my office.
l) He _______________ (know) how to spell this word.
am = ‘m is not = isn’t
is = ‘s are not = aren’t
are = ‘re am not = ‘m not
don’t = do not
doesn’t = does not
Exercícios de Aplicação
17. Passe as frases para a 3ª pessoa do singular.
a) The boys often go to the park.
b) I hurry to the club every week.
c) You are swimming now.
d) The girls are walking at the moment.
18. Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa.
a) We watch TV in the evening.
b) That girl buys many blouses.
c) I am working now.
d) John brushes his teeth in the morning.
e) We are studying a lot now.
19. Passe as frases do exercício 18 para a forma
Exercícios de Fixação
20. Escreva três frases pedindo permissão e três frases
falando de suas habilidades.
a) ______________________________________
b) ______________________________________
c) ______________________________________
a) ______________________________________
b) ______________________________________
c) ______________________________________
21. Escreva frases pedindo permissão para fazer as
ações que se seguem.
(look at)
Can I look at your photos?
“Wheel of Fortune” started on daytime television in the United States in 1975.
It’s the most popular TV games show in the world.
100 million people in 52 countries watch “Wheel of Fortune” every week.
More than 10,000 people a year try out for the show; 1,500 people become contestants.
“Wheel of Fortune” gives away about $ 6 million in cash and prizes a year, an average of
$ 45,000 per show.
Deborah Cohen and Peter Argyropoulis of Los Angeles are the biggest winners to date. They
won $ 146,529 in cash and prizes!
From: Gateways 2
88 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
a) (go to)
b) (watch)
c) (listen to)
d) (read)
22. Faça as perguntas e responda de acordo com suas
(play chess)
Can you play chess?
Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
a) (play volleyball)
b) (use a fax machine)
c) (sing)
d) (play the guitar)
e) (swim)
f) (ride a horse)
g) (speak Spanish)
23. Circule a forma correta.
a) Mary is swimming / swiming in the river now.
b) The boys are putting / puting on their jackets.
c) We’re / wer’e waiting for you.
d) Look! Its / It’s raining.
e) Laura is studing / studying English in Australia.
f) Josh is here. He’s / H’es listening to music.
g) Ann can’t come now. She’s writting / writing a letter.
h) Brian is haveing / having a good time.
24. Passe as frases para a forma negativa.
a) You’re listening to me.
b) Tom is working.
c) We’re studying.
d) You are drawing.
e) Kate is sleeping.
f) They are waiting for the bus.
g) The kids are having a good time.
h) I’m watching TV at the moment.
i) It’s raining.
j) We’re eating a pizza.
25. Complete com os verbos no present continuous.
a) We ____________ (make) some tea at the moment.
b) Paul ____________(travel) to the USA at the moment.
c) We ____________ (go) to a party now. Come with us.
d) Someone ____________ (knock) on the door.
e) What ____________ (do/you) at the moment?
____________ (watch/you) a film?
f) The new guests ____________ (sign) the book at
the reception of the hotel now.
26. Passe as frases para forma negativa e interrogativa.
a) Peter is talking to the teacher.
b) They are running.
c) You are dancing.
d) We’re studying English.
e) Lucy is watching TV.
27. Escreva o nome das partes do corpo.
28. Escolha e grife a palavra correta nas orações abaixo.
a) Cats have four legs / arms.
b) The child was holding his father’s foot / hand.
c) Ann has beautiful long ears / hair.
d) Jane has the flu, that’s why her arm / nose is red.
e) I can’t write because I’ve broken three toes / fingers.
f) You have five fingers / toes on each foot.
29. Escolha o tempo verbal correto (simple present ou
present continuous).
a) Vegetarians are people who (don’t eat / are not
eating) meat.
b) Look! My friends (come / are coming).
c) The Earth (goes / is going) round the sun.
d) We (play / are playing) basketball every weekend.
e) Who (sits / is sitting) in dad’s chair?
f) Oh, no! She (wears / is wearing) the same dress
as me.
g) What (are you looking at / do you look at)?
h) We usually (stay / are staying) in a hotel when we
go to New York.
i) What (do you do / are you doing) at this time of the
j) Girls usually (enjoy / are enjoying) playing with dolls.
30. Escreva o que as pessoas estão fazendo de acordo
com as figuras.
90 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
31. Complete os espaços com o simple present na for-
ma afirmativa ou negativa.
a) Laura finds difficult to live in New York. She
____________ (speak) English.
b) My house is near my school, so I ____________
(walk) there.
c) I’ve got four cats, three dogs and one bird. I
____________ (love) animals.
d) Paul didn’t have breakfast because he
________________ (eat) in the morning.
e) Don’t try to use the telephone. It _______________
f) What’s the problem? You ______________ (look) so
g) Mark is good at golf. He ______________(win) every
32. Complete com o present continuous ou o simple present.
a) I ____________(write) to my penfriend. I ____________
(write) to her every month.
b) We usually ____________ (start) work at 7:00, but
this week we ____________ (start) at 7:30.
c) Laura usually ____________ (walk) to school, but
she is late, so she ____________ (go) there by bus
d) The sun ____________ (rise) in the east and we
____________ (travel) to the west, that’s why it’s
behind us.
e) Kevin ____________ (want) to buy a new house and
he ____________ (save) money to buy one.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 24
Usamos a Wh-question para obter informações específicas.
What / who / how / when / where / what time / how old / why / which / whose
What’s your name?
How old are you?
Who’s that?
Where are you from?
When did you arrive?
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Usando as respostas para auxiliá-lo, complete com
a correta Wh-question.
a) ____________ is the Great Wall of China?
About 2.200 years old.
b) ____________ is the author of Dom Casmurro?
Machado de Assis
c) ____________ is Morocco?
In North Africa.
d) ____________ are the summers in Washington
Hot and humid.
e) ____________ is the capital of Brazil?
f) ____________ are the names of the five
America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa.
2. Faça perguntas em relação às partes destacadas.
a) I go to school every morning.
b) Jane always goes there by bus.
c) He is very strong and handsome.
d) That building is fifty years old.
e) She found it a week ago.
f) Bob met Peter last night.
g) The weather is hot today.
h) I live near that church.
Os advérbios de frequência podem aparecer:
- após o verbo to be e verbos auxiliares
He is always in trouble.
He has never invited me to his house.
- antes do verbo principal
92 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
He usually comes here on Sundays.
São estes os advérbios de frequência:
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Coloque os advérbios no lugar correto.
a) I can get up on time. (never)
b) I’m honest. (normally)
c) I like to be on my own. (sometimes)
d) People telephone at inconvenient times. (always)
e) Introverts don’t enjoy parties. (often)
f) I’m late for appointments. (usually)
g) I stay in bed till 11 on Sundays. (sometimes)
h) Politicians don’t say what they really mean.
Police are Questioning Suspects
The fabulous Royal Crown, on display at the
Museum of Fine Art in Dallas, is now missing.
The ruby and diamond crown, said to belong to
Queen Isabella of Spain and valued at over
$ 2,000,000, was found last year in the sunken
pirate ship, “The Avenger”.
According to museum director Pat Weber,
the crown was in a special case in the center of a
small room with only one door, which was locked.
There were no windows. “Security was excellent,”
Mr. Weber said. “A guard was outside the door
24 hours a day. There was a video camera on
the crown at all times.”
The head of security for the museum said
they were completely baffled. “When we got to
the room this morning, nothing was unusual. The
security guard was on duty, and the door was
locked. When we unlocked the door, the crown
was missing and there was a cloth over the video
camera. It’s just impossible! The video camera
was 20 feet up on the wall.”
Police are searching for clues. “We are
interviewing all the people at the museum today,”
Police Chief Roger Bryce said. “We are working
around the clock, and we won’t rest until we find
the crown.”
From: Gateways 2
Exercícios de Fixação
4. Encontre no diagrama sports and games.
5. Batalha naval.
6. Coloque as palavras entre parênteses no local correto.
I work late at the office. (usually)
I usually work late at the office.
a) You must lock the door at night. (always)
b) Sam and Julia play tennis. (once a week)
c) I eat a sandwich for lunch. (never)
d) I go to the movies on Sundays. (sometimes)
94 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
e) Mary sees her parents. (often)
f) My cousins go to Miami for their holidays. (usually)
g) They are at home in the evening. (hardly ever)
7. Escreva sentenças sobre Gary e Ann.
a) get up at 11:00 (never)
b) watch a video (always)
c) go to the mall (often)
d) eat Chinese food (hardly ever)
e) take buses (sometimes)
8. Faça perguntas usando how long, how often, how
many, what, what color, when, where, who.
a) “____________ is the American flag?” “Blue, red and
b) “____________ students are there in your group?”
c) “____________ is your birthday?” “It’s on August 9th
d) “____________ do you meet on Saturdays?” “My
e) “____________ is this?” “It’s a desk.”
f ) “____________ is the World Cup held.” “Every four
g) “____________ is a soccer game?” “90 minutes.”
Complete com a question word ou frase correta.
a) “_____________ did you buy?” “A bicycle.”
b) “_____________ is that bag?” “U$ 50.”
c) _____________ do you prefer, Science or Math?
d) _____________ was the first man on the moon?
e) “_____________ is your brother?” “He’s fine.”
f) “_____________ do you travel?” “Once a year.”
g) “_____________ do you work?” “In a school.”
9. Escreva o nome do esporte. As letras estão misturadas.
Time prepositions: in, on, at ...................................................................................... 97
Prepositions of place: in, on, at ................................................................................ 98
Present continuous – Future Meaning .................................................................... 99
Going to ....................................................................................................................... 99
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 101
Numbers ...................................................................................................................... 103
Dates ............................................................................................................................ 103
Personal pronouns – Objects ................................................................................... 104
Imperative: affirmative and negative........................................................................ 104
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 105
Seasons, climate and weather .................................................................................. 107
Seasons ................................................................................................................... 107
Climate and weather ................................................................................................ 107
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 108
Game over?................................................................................................................. 111
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 111
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Inglês básico 6º ano teaching book

  • 1. 6o ano – Ensino Fundamental Inglês básico
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 Inglês CAPÍTULO 1 – GREETINGS / ALPHABET / EXPRESSIONS Greetings..................................................................................................................... 5 Expressions ................................................................................................................ 6 Leitura complementar ................................................................................................ 8 CAPÍTULO 2 – VERB TO BE / PERSONAL PRONOUNS – SUBJECT Personal pronouns – Subject.................................................................................... 11 Verb to be – Affirmative .............................................................................................. 12 Verb to be – Negative................................................................................................. 13 Verb to be – Interrogative .......................................................................................... 14 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 14 CAPÍTULO 3 – NUMBERS / EXPRESSIONS / MONTHS / DAYS / ORDINAL NUMBERS (1ST TO 12TH ) Expressions ................................................................................................................ 18 Numbers (20 – 100) ..................................................................................................... 19 Expressions ................................................................................................................ 20 Days of the week......................................................................................................... 21 Months of the year...................................................................................................... 21 Ordinal numbers (1 st – 12 th )...................................................................................... 21 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 22
  • 4. 44 CAPÍTULO 4 – POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES / SCHOOL SUBJECTS / DEMONSTRATIVES / FAMILY / ARTICLES Possessive adjectives ............................................................................................... 23 School subjects .......................................................................................................... 24 Demonstrative pronouns ........................................................................................... 26 Articles – The indefinite article ................................................................................. 28 Articles – The definite article .................................................................................... 30 Family ........................................................................................................................... 32 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 33 CAPÍTULO 5 – COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES / COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE Countries and nationalities ....................................................................................... 35 Countable / Uncountable ........................................................................................... 36 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 37
  • 6. 6 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ THE ALPHABET A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z EXPRESSIONS Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Forca 2. Batalha naval A: Hello! B: Hello!Myname’sJuan.What’syourname? A: My name’s Mary. How do you spell Juan? B: J - U - A - N.
  • 7. 7„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too! A: Where are you from, Juan? B: I’mfromSpain.Andyou? A: I’mfromtheUSA(UnitedStatesofAmerica) A: How are you? B: I’mfine,thanks,andyou? A: I’m so - so. I’m tired.
  • 8. 8 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Treine os diálogos com seus colegas de sala e com seu professor. A: What’s your name? B: My name’s _____________________. A: Where are you from? B: I’m from _____________________. A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too! A: How do you spell _____________________? B: _____________________. A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks, and you? 4. Observe as figuras e complete os diálogos: a) A : Good _____________________. B: _________________________. A : How _________ you? B:I’m __________, thanks. And you? A : I’m ________________. b) A: ___________ evening. B:_________________. A : What_______________ name? B:__________________ Joseph. A : __________________________. c) A : _____________________. B:_____________________. A : How _____________________ car? B:C - A - R. LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR BREAKFAST AROUND THE WORLD Breakfast is an important meal because it gives you energy to start the day. When you don’t have a good breakfast, you feel hungry and eat cakes, biscuits or sweets before lunch time. This type of food is bad for you because it is not very nutritious and has lots of sugar and fat.
  • 9. 9„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Breakfast is not the same in every country. For example, many British people have toast or cereal and a cup of tea. Others prefer a traditional breakfast of bacon and eggs. In other Northern European countries, for example Germany and Sweden, people eat cold meat and cheese with bread and coffee. In Nigeria hot soup is very common. Many Brazilians eat different tropical fruit and cold meat for breakfast. However, in many poor parts of the world, people only eat a small dish of rice for breakfast. From: Teamwork 1 Read the text and answer these questions. a Why is breakfast important? b What type of food is bad for you? c Where do people have rice for breakfast? Now write the questions for these answers. a Tropical fruit b Bacon and eggs c Hot soup Example: a What do people have for breakfast in Brazil? Tropical fruit. Exercícios de Fixação 5. Responda sobre você. a) What’s your name? b) How are you today? c) Where are you from? d) How do you spell your name? 6. Complete. a) Good _________________________________. b) _____________________________________. c) _____________________________________. d) ______________________________________.
  • 10. 10 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ e) _________________________________________. f) __________________________________________. 7. Vamos cantar! A – B – C – D – E – F – G H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P Q – R – S T – U – V W – X – Y and Z. 8. Descubra as perguntas a seguir. a) ____________________________________? My name’s John. b) ____________________________________? I’m so-so. c) ____________________________________? I’m from Japan. d) ____________________________________? B - A - L - L. 9) Complete com palavras que você usa para cumpri- mentar as pessoas e despedir-se delas.
  • 12. 12 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Complete com Personal Pronouns. a) ________________. b) ________________. c) __________________________. d) ___________________________. e) ______________. VERB TO BE – AFFIRMATIVE PRESENT TO BE = ser / estar (am / is / are) I am ↔ ’m you are ↔ ’re he she it is 's↔ we you they are 're↔ Ex.: I am a student. She is a doctor. Theyaremyfriends.
  • 13. 13„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 2. Reescreva usando as contrações ’s / ’m / ’re. a) I am a good student. b) You are a teacher. c) He is Philip. d) She is Susy. e) It is hot. f) We are good students. g) They are Paul, Carol and Bilu. 3. Complete com am / is ou are. a) They _______ happy. b) She _______ crazy. c) You _______ an artist. d) He _______ smart. e) It _______ good. f) I _______ very well. VERB TO BE – NEGATIVE PRESENT I am not ⇔ ’m not you are not ⇔ aren’t he she it isnot isn' t↔ we you they arenot aren' t↔ Ex.: I am not a student. She is not a doctor. They are not my friends. Exercícios de Aplicação 4. Passe para a forma negativa, usando is not / are not / am not. a) The boys are lazy. b) The oranges are here. c) The pencil is in the box. d) I am a dentist. e) The lady is young. 5. Complete com isn’t / aren’t e ’m not. a) They _____________ here with me. b) She _____________ your teacher. c) I_____________ studying Math. d) Sue and Ted _____________ in the garden. e) Joe _____________ my brother. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 03
  • 14. 14 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ VERB TO BE – INTERROGATIVE PRESENT Am I ... ? Are you ... ? Is he...? she...? it...? Are we...? you...? they...? Ex.: Am I a student? Is she a doctor? Are they my friends? Exercícios de Aplicação 6. Passe para a forma interrogativa. a) My bike is new. b) She is there. c) It is a tree. d) Joe is here. e) The pencils are in the box. f) We are at school. g) It is very hot today. h) I am a new student. i) Bob and Sarah are doctors. LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR MEETING AND GREETING CUSTOMS How do you think the people in these countries greet each other? There are many different greeting customs around the world. Here are some. Chile People usually shake hands when they meet for the first time. When two women first meet, they sometimes give one kiss on the cheek. (They actually “kiss the air.”) Women also greet both male and female friends with a kiss. Chilean men give their friends warm abrazos (hugs) or sometimes kiss women on the cheek. Finland Finns greet each other with a firm handshake. Hugs and kisses are only for close friends and family. The Philippines The everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and women. Men sometimes pat each other on the back.
  • 15. 15„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Korea Men bow slightly and shake hands to greet each other. Women do not usually shake hands. To address someone with his or her full name, the family name comes first, then the first name. The United States People shake hands when they are first introduced. Friends and family members often hug or kiss on the cheek when they see each other. In these situations, men often kiss women but not other men. Exercícios de Fixação 7. Módulo 2 – Complete com he / she / it. a) _________ is a girl. b) _________ is a book. c) _________ is a boy. d) _________ is a pen. e) _________ is Sue. f) _________ is my brother. 8. Módulo 2 – Escreva os pronomes I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they. 9. Módulo 2 – Loteria dos pronomes. Complete esco- lhendo a resposta correta. a) _________ am a smart boy. b) _________ are roses. c) _________ is a nice girl. d) _________ are a good doctor. e) _________ am a dentist. f) _________ is a banana. g) _________ are friends. h) _________ are teachers. i) _________ are students. j) _________ is a cat. k) _________ are dogs. l) _________ am Tob. m) _________ are happy. a) I It It It It It It We We You You You You You You You They She She She She She He It It I I I I I I I I I We We We They They b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) 1 2 10. Módulo 3 – Ordene as palavras para formar sentenças. a) student / am / . / good / I / a / b) happy / ? / they / are / c) boys / Philip / Ted / and / clever / are / . / d) cold / it / ? / today / is / e) my / not / teacher / . / a / sister / is/ f) ruler / is / long / not / the / . / 11. Módulo 2 e 3 – Complete com am, is ou are. a) I _________ a teacher. b) _________ she my sister? c) John _________ not my boyfriend. d) Sue and Philip _________ my friends. e) _________ you a student? f) It _________ nine o’clock. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 02 / 03
  • 17. 17„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ CAPÍTULO 3 _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 04 Numbers / Expressions / Months / Days / Ordinal numbers (1st to 12th ) 1 – one 11 – eleven 2 – two 12 – twelve 3 – three 13 – thirteen 4 – four 14 – fourteen 5 – five 15 – fifteen 6 – six 16 – sixteen 7 – seven 17 – seventeen 8 – eight 18 – eighteen 9 – nine 19 – nineteen 10 – ten 20 – twenty Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Escreva os números. a) __________ = one b) 2 = __________ c) 3 = __________ d) __________ = four e) __________ = five f) __________ = six g) 7 = __________ h) 8 = __________ i) 9 = __________ j) __________ = ten k) __________ = eleven l) 12 = __________ m) 13 = __________ n) 14 = __________ o) __________ = fifteen p) __________ = sixteen q) 17 = __________ r) 18 = __________ s) __________ = nineteen t) 20 = __________
  • 18. 18 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 2. Conte e escreva os números. a) _________birds b) ___________ flowers c) __________ pencils d) __________erasers e) ______________ pens f) ___________boys EXPRESSIONS A: How old are you, Juan? B: I am sixteen years old. How old are you, Mary? A: I am fourteen years old.
  • 19. 19„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Treine com seus colegas e com seu professor o diálogo. A: How old are you? B: I’m __________ years old. ou A: How old are you? B: I’m __________. 4. Responda: a) How old are you? b) How old is your English teacher? c) How old is your best friend? d) How old is your father? e) How old is your mother? NUMBERS (20 – 100) 20 – twenty 21 – twenty-one 22 – twenty-two 30 – thirty 33 – thirty-three 40 – forty 44 – forty-four 50 – fifty 55 – fifty-five 60 – sixty Exercícios de Aplicação 5. Escreva os números. 23 = _________________________ 24 = _________________________ 31 = _________________________ 35 = _________________________ 46 = _________________________ 49 = _________________________ 52 = _________________________ 57 = _________________________ 69 = _________________________ 75 = _________________________ 73 = _________________________ 81 = _________________________ 87 = _________________________ 94 = _________________________ 97 = _________________________ 93 = _________________________ 100 = ________________________ 66 – sixty-six 70 – seventy 77 – seventy-seven 80 – eighty 88 – eighty-eight 90 – ninety 99 – ninety-nine 100 – one hundred a hundred _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 05
  • 20. 20 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ EXPRESSIONS A: Joseph, this is my sister Julia. Julia, this is my friend Joseph. B: Nice to meet you, Joseph. C: Nice to meet you, too Julia. Exercícios de Aplicação 6. Treine com seus colegas o diálogo. A: _______________, this is __________ . ___________ this is _______________. B: Nice to meet you! C: Nice to meet you too! 7. Complete o diálogo. A: Hi Joseph! B: Hi Julia. This_______ Joana. Joana, _____________ Julia. A: Nice ___________________. C: ____________________________.
  • 21. 21„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ DAYS OF THE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday MONTHS OF THE YEAR January July February August March September April October May November June December ORDINAL NUMBERS (1 ST – 12 TH ) 1 st – first 7 th – seventh 2 nd – second 8 th – eighth 3 rd – third 9 th – ninth 4 th – fourth 10 th – tenth 5 th – fifth 11 th – eleventh 6 th – sixth 12 th – twelfth _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 06 Exercícios de Aplicação 8. Complete as frases. Ex.: August is the eighth month of the year. a) January is the _______________ month of the year. b) Friday is the _______________ day of the week. c) _______________ is the second month of the year. d) _______________ is the third day of the week. e) December is the _______________ month of the year. f) Thursday is the _______________ day of the week. g) _______________ is the seventh month of the year. h) _______________ is the fourth day of the week. i) Tuesday is the _______________ day of the week. j) May is the _______________ month of the year. k) _______________ is the tenth month of the year.
  • 22. 22 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR MACAULAY CULKIN (Mack) lives in New York. He is the third of six children. His father, Christopher, was an actor and is now Mack’s manager and his mother, Patricia, is a designer. He’s got a pet, a dog called Bishop. In his free time, Mack plays basketball, goes skateboarding and cycling, likes listening to music in bed, playing poker and often takes his dog for a walk. Mack began acting when he was only six years old. A year later he made his first film, which was called Rocketgibraltar. He had other small parts in films such as Jacob’s Ladder, Uncle Buck, and See you in the morning. Mack became really famous in 1990 with the film Home Alone. The film cost 1.8 million dollars, which is not a lot in Hollywood, but the film made over 250 million dollars around the world. The success continued in 1991 with My Girl and in 1992 with Home Alone II: Lost in New York. Mack was also in Michael Jackson’s Black or White video. Mack can only legally work a maximum of six hours a day. The rest of the time he studies. He has a private teacher and doesn’t go to a normal school. His favourite subjects are maths and natural science. Nobody knows what the future is going to bring for Mack, But one thing is certain – he is already part of Hollywood history! From: Teamwork 1 Exercícios de Fixação 9. Complete a sequência (módulo 5). a) twenty,__________,__________,__________,sixty, __________, __________, ninety, __________. b) thirty-one, _________________, thirty-five, _________________, _________________, forty-one. c) forty, ________________, _________________, fifty-two, fifty-six, _________________. d) seventy-seven,________________________, ____________________________, eighty-six, _________________, ninety-two. e) thirty-three, ___________________________, ____________________________, fifty-one, _________________, sixty-three. 10. Crie um diálogo com as seguintes informações (módulos 4 / 5). Susan ⇒ 10 years old – from France. Robert ⇒ 12 years old – from Italy. John ⇒ 11 years old – from USA. 11. Leia o texto e responda (módulos 4 / 5 / 6). Julie is a student. She is 12 years old. She is from France. She has 2 brothers and one sister. Her sister is Maria. She is 10 years old. Her brothers are Philip and John. They are 15 years old. Her brothers are twins. a) How old is Julie? b) What’s her sister’s name? _____/ _____/ _____ Módulos 04 / 05 / 06 c) How old is her sister? d) How old is John? e) What are her brothers’ name? f) Where is Julie from? 12. Agora escreva um texto sobre você. Não se esqueça de escrever seu nome, sua idade, de onde você é, se tem irmãos, o nome deles e a idade de cada um (módulos 4 / 5 / 6). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Encontre no diagrama os dias da semana e os me- ses do ano (módulo 6).
  • 23. 23„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ CAPÍTULO 4 Possessive adjectives / School subjects / Demonstratives / Family / Articles _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 07 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ( I ) →→→→→ my (you) →→→→→ your (he) →→→→→ his (she) →→→→→ her ( it ) →→→→→ its (we) →→→→→ our (you) →→→→→ your (they) →→→→→ their ∗ O “possessive adjective” é sempre seguido por um substantivo. Ex.: My uncle is young. Your mother is clever. ∗ Os “possessive adjectives” referem-se ao possuidor e concordam com ele em gênero e número. Ex.: This is Peter's house. His house is new. These are Mag's cars. Her cars are white.
  • 24. 24 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Complete com possessive adjectives. a) That is Helen. ___________ skirt is old. b) Paul is on the beach. ___________ mother is at home. c) Gaby and Cassia are good students. ___________ parents are happy. d) We are American. _______________ mother is Brazilian. e) That is Mrs. Miller. ___________ husband is Mr. Frank Miller. f) That is our school. ___________ windows are large. g) I am a student. ___________ school is very good. h) You are here but ___________ mother is at home. SCHOOL SUBJECTS Maths Geography Science History
  • 26. 26 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 2. Complete de acordo com seu horário escolar. Lunch or dinner 3. Responda: a) What’s your favorite subject? b) What’s your first class on Monday? c) What’s your second class on Wednesday? d) What’s your third class on Friday? e) What’s your fifth class on Tuesday? f) What’s your fourth class on Thursday? DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS This is an English dictionary. These are English dictionaries.
  • 27. 27„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ This / these→ indicam que o objeto ou a pessoa está próximo de quem fala. This → singular These → plural That / those → indicam que o objeto ou a pessoa está longe, distante de quem fala. That → singular Those → plural That is a pineapple. Those are pineapples. Exercícios de Aplicação 4. Complete com this / that / those / these. a) ______________ is a pencil. b) __________ are trees. c) ___________ are cats. d) ____________ are pencils. e) ____________ board is on the wall. f) __________ chair is comfortable.
  • 28. 28 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5. Faça frases usando this / that / these / those. a) _____________________________________________. b) ____________________________________________. c) _________________________________________. d) ____________________________________________. ARTICLES THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE A = um, uma é usado antes de som de consoante e semivogal (y / w). Ex.: It’s a car. It’s a young man. Obs.: a university / a European pronúncia (u = you) AN = um, uma é usado antes de som de vogal. Ex.: It’s an eraser. It’s an airplane. Obs.: an hour pronúncia (hour = our) Usos: 1. Antes de substantivos contáveis no singular, quando não específicos. Ex.: Choose a good car. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 08
  • 29. 29„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 2. Com nomes de profissões. Ex.: He is a mechanic and she is an actress. 3. Com sentido de cada ou por. Ex.: We usually brush our teeth three times a day. Não se usa 1. Antes de substantivos incontáveis. Ex.: milk, water, butter etc. 2. Antes de substantivos no plural. Ex.: cars, dogs, books etc. Obs.: no lugar do artigo, frequentemente se usa some (orações afirma- tivas) e any (orações negativas e interrogativas). Ex.: Is there any gas in your car? There are some ships in the harbor. Exercícios de Aplicação 6. Escreva os nomes com A ou AN. Ex.: a ball a) _________________ b) ___________________ c) ______________ d) _______________________ e) ______________________ f) _______________ g) ______________
  • 30. 30 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7. Complete com A / AN / ∅ . a) ______ magazine b) ______ eggs c) ______ wall d) ______ elephant e) ______ fish f) ______ birds g) ______ astronaut h) ______ dogs i) ______ intelligent boy j) ______ envelopes ARTICLES THE DEFINITE ARTICLE The = o / a / os / as Usos 1. Quando o nome é usado de maneira particularizada, distinta. Ex.: The water in your glass is fresh. 2. Cidade / estado / país no plural ou formado por United / Union / Republic. Ex.: The United States of America. 3. Montanha / ilha / lago no plural. Ex.: The Andes are in South America. 4. Mar / oceano / golfo / deserto / canal / rio. Ex.: The Sahara is in Africa. 5. Túnel / jardim / zoo / hotel / cinema / teatro. Ex.: The Grand Hotel is on 3rd Avenue. 6. Nomes de família no plural. Ex.: The Stevens are in Spain. 7. Instrumentos musicais Ex.: He plays the piano and the guitar. 8. Adjetivos usados como nomes. Ex.: The young likes to ski. Não se usa 1. Quando o nome é usado num sentido genérico. Ex.: Water is good for health.
  • 31. 31„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 2. Antes de palavras como school / church / market / prison / college / university / hospital, quando nos referimos a elas em seu primeiro objetivo. Assim, você sabe que: Wego tochurchtopray. toschooltostudy. tobedtosleep. tomarket tobuy or sell. tohospitalaspatients. toprisonasprisoners. 1 2 333 4 333 3. Antes da palavra home quando usada sozinha. Ex.: We go get arrive leave home late 1 2 33 4 33 4. Cidade, estado, país * , continente no singular ou formado por North, South, East, West, Great, New. Ex.: Brazil is a big country. Great Britain is well-known. ∗ (Exceções: the Lebanon, the Congo, the Argentine, the Sudan, the Ukraine). 5. Montanha, ilha, lago no singular. Ex.: Mount Everest is in the Himalayas. 6. Cachoeira, praia com nomes próprios. Ex.: Miami Beach is very beautiful. 7. Parque, praça com nomes próprios. Ex.: Times Square is in New York. 8. Antes de adjetivos e pronomes possessivos. Ex.: My racket is from Italy; yours is from Austria. 9. Antes de nomes próprios. Ex.: Robert is a good runner.
  • 32. 32 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 8. Use o artigo definido the onde for necessário. a) ___________________Copacabana beach is in____________Rio. b) They cross_______________Panama Canal. c) __________________________Sé Square is in____________São Paulo. d) Millions of Americans go to___________Canada and ____________Mexico every year. e) ______________Philippines are famous islands. f) ______________Alps are well-known. g) ______________Susan is my friend. h) ______________my glasses are there. i) ______________Burtons visit Portugal every year. j) He is at_________________school to visit the director. l) I’m going to________________church to pray. m) Anthony is going to_______________market to buy some oranges. FAMILY grandchildren – netos granddaughter – neta grandson – neto daughter – filha son – filho children – filhos Exercícios de Aplicação 9. Dê a tradução. a) grandmother ____________________________ b) grandfather ____________________________ c) uncle __________________________________ d) aunt __________________________________ e) cousin _________________________________ f) sister _________________________________ g) brother ________________________________ h) mother ________________________________ i) father _________________________________
  • 33. 33„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Complete the sentences. a) Solomon is Amy’s uncle b) Nancy is Joshua’s _______________________________________________________________________ c) Grace is Betty’s _________________________________________________________________________ d) Harry is Grace’s ________________________________________________________________________ e) Arthur is Harry and Grace’s ________________________________________________________________ f) Betty is Bill and Amy’s ____________________________________________________________________ g) Joshua is Bill and Amy’s __________________________________________________________________ h) Amy is Solomon’s _______________________________________________________________________ i) Nancy is Arthur’s ________________________________________________________________________ j) Bill and Joshua are Nancy and Arthur’s _______________________________________________________ k) Betty is Jessica’s ________________________________________________________________________ l) Bill is Grace’s __________________________________________________________________________ m) Betty is Nancy and Arthur’s ________________________________________________________________ n) Amy, Jessica, and Michele are Nancy and Arthur’s ______________________________________________
  • 34. 34 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Fixação 10. Continue sua árvore genealógica (family tree). (módulo 8). 11. Encontre no diagrama School subjects (módulo 7). 12. Módulo 8 – Complete com a ou an. a) I bought______new car. b) It’s________old film. c) She’s reading________interesting book. d) They’ve got________house in Spain. e) It’s________cheap restaurant. f) He’s________Italian businessman. 13. Módulo 8 – Usando a ou an faça a correspondência. a) Steven Spielberg is______________________. b) Tokyo is_______________________________. c) The Ganges is__________________________. d) Heathrow is____________________________. e) Oxford is_______________________________. f) A Mercedes is___________________________. g) Spain is_______________________________. ( ) European country ( ) Indian river ( ) American director ( ) University town ( ) Japanese city ( ) English airport ( ) German car _____/ _____/ _____ Módulos 07 / 08 14. Módulo 8 – Complete com the quando necessário. a) ________________boys are usually stronger than_________girls. b) _________accident happened when we were entering_______restaurant. c) ____________fish is good for_________health. d) They like_________cheese, ____________milk, and_________eggs. e) She studies__________Chemistry in a school near________Thames. f) ________women who live in that house work in________bank. g) ______________postman delivered a letter from_____________Switzerland. 15. Módulo 7 – Complete com this ou these. a) I’d like to buy__________book, please. How much is it? b) Could you tell me where____________bus goes, please? c) _____________________questions are difficult. d) _____________________sandwiches are mine. e) _____________________ is wonderful. 16. Módulo 7 – Complete com that ou those. a) Look at___________clouds. I’m sure it’s going to rain. b) Did you enjoy_________________film? c) Let’s cross the road.______________taxi is free. d) _____________flats are all very expensive. e) _____________was beautiful! I was so hungry. 17. Módulo 7 – Complete com possessive adjectives. a) The boys are waiting for __________ girlfriends. b) That girl is asking about ___________ pen. c) Jack and I are going to meet ___________ friends. d) Give me __________ address, Paul! e) The French painter drinks _____________ tea at 4 o’clock.
  • 36. 36 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Faça a correspondência entre os países e as nacio- nalidades. a) Brazil ( ) Australian b) The United States ( ) Italian c) Poland ( ) British d) Turkey ( ) Chinese e) Great Britain ( ) Brazilian f) Italy ( ) American g) Spain ( ) French h) Argentina ( ) Japanese i) Mexico ( ) Polish j) France ( ) Turkish k) Australia ( ) Argentinian l) Japan ( ) Mexican m) China ( ) Spanish COUNTABLE / UNCOUNTABLE Countable ⇒ podemos contar; usado no singular e no plural. Ex.: 1 pen – 2 pens 1 egg – 2 eggs star – stars Uncountable ⇒ não contamos; usado somente no singular. Ex.: water, bread, sugar, cheese Exercícios de Aplicação 2. Escreva Countable ou Uncountable para as pala- vras destacadas. a) There was a car behind us.__________________ b) I never eat meat.__________________________ c) Do you play golf?_________________________ d) I had to wait 10 minutes.____________________ e) Just tell me one thing._____________________ f) Love makes the world go round.______________ g) Good luck in your new job.__________________ h) Power stations produce energy.______________ i) I’m taking a photo.________________________ j) Would you like an apple?___________________ 03. Circule as palavras incontáveis da lista abaixo. house cat cheese car coat snow lemon advice clock table tea ball museum apple painting petrol news cigar teacher film rain holiday office bed pen sugar homework watch tennis doctor cinema luggage chair banana information cup coffee shoe shirt money exam hour city park toast sock nose water school bread book jumper cloud milk bike television
  • 37. 37„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Leia o postcard do Fernando para Chris. Há 7 erros neste postcard. Ajude a Chris a achá-los. Rio de Janeiro 18/7/95 Dear Chris, Here I am in brazil We arrive last Thursday. We went up the Sugar Loaf Chris Brown, Mountain on Friday. It was 35 Park Avenue beautiful. At weekend we Brighton went to the beach. The BN31 6US weather was great. I’m having a time fantastic. Goodbye Fernando Agora escreva um postcard para um amigo.
  • 38. 38 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Fixação 4. Olhe as figuras e escreva, na coluna, correta as palavras (módulo 9). Countable Uncountable Singular Plural bread egg eggs coffee _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
  • 39. 39„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5. Complete com a palavra correta as frases a seguir (módulo 9). Ex.: (slice, piece, cup) I’d like a cup of coffee, please. a) (glass, slice, spoonful) Would you like a ______________of cheese on your toast? b) (pieces, cups, bottles) My father gave me two__________________of advice. c) (slice, bottle, piece) Could you buy a________of milk at the shops? d) (spoonful, piece, cup) That was a difficult_____________of homework! e) (glass, piece, slice) Would you give me a_________________of water, please? 06. Complete com is ou are (módulo 9). a) Helen’s hair_____________very long. b) The weather___________really good at the moment. c) Don’t worry the police here____________very friendly. d) Can you turn on the television? The news___________on. e) Women_____________usually better listeners than men. f) Where____________ the money that I gave you yesterday? g) David’s French__________good. He’s been taking lessons. h) Where__________my trousers? I left them here. i) The people here____________very friendly. 07. (Módulo 9) Complete com países e nacionalidades corretamente. a) She’s from_________________.She’s Mexican. b) I’m from______________________.I’m Spanish. c) It’s from Argentina. It’s_____________________. d) You’re from Brazil. You’re___________________. e) He’s from__________________. He’s Japanese. f) They’re from______________. They’re Australian.
  • 41. 41 Inglês CAPÍTULO 6 – THERE TO BE / OBJECTS OF THE CLASSROOM / SINGULAR AND PLURAL There to be.................................................................................................................. 43 Affirmative ................................................................................................................. 43 Negative.................................................................................................................... 43 Interrogative .............................................................................................................. 43 Objects of the classroom ........................................................................................... 44 Singular and plural ..................................................................................................... 45 Plural irregular .......................................................................................................... 46 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 47 CAPÍTULO 7 – SIMPLE PRESENT (AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE) Affirmative sentences ................................................................................................ 49 Negative sentences ................................................................................................... 50 Interrogative sentences ............................................................................................ 50 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 51
  • 42. 4242 CAPÍTULO 8 – PARTS OF THE HOUSE,TIME, CAN, CLOTHES, HAVE GOT, ANIMALS, COLORS Parts of the house ...................................................................................................... 53 Time ............................................................................................................................. 54 Can (Poder) ................................................................................................................. 55 Clothes......................................................................................................................... 56 Have got ...................................................................................................................... 58 Affirmative ................................................................................................................. 58 Negative.................................................................................................................... 58 Interrogative .............................................................................................................. 58 Animals ......................................................................................................................... 59 Colors........................................................................................................................... 60 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 60 CAPÍTULO 9 – ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY / SIMPLE PRESENT X ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Adverbs of frequency ................................................................................................. 63 Simple present X adverbs of frequency ................................................................. 64 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 65
  • 43. 43„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ THERE TO BE O verbo there to be é usado para demonstrar “existência”. AFFIRMATIVE Singular: There 's is a girl in the classroom. 123 Plural: There are four chairs in the classroom. NEGATIVE Singular: There isnot isn't a girl in the classroom. 123 Plural: There arenot aren' t four chairs in the classroom. 123 INTERROGATIVE Singular: Is there a girl in the classroom? Plural: Are there four chairs in the classroom? CAPÍTULO 6 There to be / Objects of the classroom / Singular and plural _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 10 Exercício de Aplicação 01. Passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa as fra- ses abaixo. a) There is homework for tomorrow. b) There are clouds in the sky. c) There is a doctor in this room. d) There are many mistakes in her exercise.
  • 45. 45„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercício de Aplicação 2. Verdadeiro ou falso: a) There is a table in the classroom. b) There isn’t a window in the classroom. c) There are 4 books on the table. d) There is a blackboard. e) There are 2 desks. f) There aren’t 5 pens on the table. g) There is a door. SINGULAR AND PLURAL – De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se “S” à forma sin- gular. Exemplos: table – tables girl – girls – Substantivos terminados em S, CH, SH, X, Z, O ® recebem “ES”. Exemplos: bus – buses church – churches box – boxes buzz – buzzes brush – brushes tomato – tomatoes – Substantivos terminados em “Y” precedido de consoante ® substitui- -se o “Y” por “I” e acrescenta-se “ES”. Exemplos: lady – ladies sky – skies
  • 46. 46 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ PLURAL IRREGULAR man – men tooth – teeth foot – feet mouse – mice woman – women child – children – Alguns substantivos terminados em “F” ou “FE” mudam o “F” ou “FE” para “V” e recebem “ES”. Exemplos: calf – calves loaf – loaves half – halves self – selves knife – knives thief – thieves leaf – leaves wife – wives life – lives wolf – wolves Exercício de Aplicação 3. Escreva o plural das seguintes palavras. a) policeman g) pen m) bus b) door h) chief n) potato c) century i) berry o) watch d) peach j) toy p) box e) brush k) window q) woman f) book e) key r) child LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR True or False? 1. Giraffes are birds. _____________________________ 2. Giraffes are from Africa. ________________________ 3. The koala is gray and white. _____________________ 4. Macaws are birds._____________________________ 5. Macaws are from Australia.______________________ 6. The koala is from Africa. ________________________ From: ACE 1 These are giraffes. Giraffes are fromAfrica. They are African mammals. They are very tall and thin. Giraffes are brown and white. Macaws aren’t mammals. They are birds. Macaws are from Brazil. They are red, blue, green, yellow, white, and black! This is a koala. It is from Australia. It is a mammal. The koala is gray and white. It isn’t very tall. False
  • 47. 47„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Fixação 4. (Mód. 10) Passe as frases abaixo para o plural. a) This is an old woman. b) That Frenchman is buying a hat. c) My cousin isn’t a thief. d) The lady is near the church. e) There is a knife and a spoon on the table. f) The mouse is eating a lily in the garden. 5. (Mód. 10) Complete com there is ou there are. a) ________________ a table here. b) _____________ 2 desks inside of the classroom. c) ________________ a man over there. d) ________________ books on the table. e) ____________ always a child crying in the school. f) ________________ a great show downtown. g) ________________ doubts about your project. 6. (Mód. 10) Mude as frases do exercício 5 para a forma interrogativa. a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________ d) ______________________________________ e) ______________________________________ f) ______________________________________ g) ______________________________________ 7. (Mód. 10) Circule as formas erradas de plural. knives tooths matches matchs citys cities countries potatoes familys wishes tomatos women wives potatos womans mans mice wishs
  • 49. 49„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ CAPÍTULO 7 Simple present (affirmative, negative and interrogative) AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES Exemplos: I live in Ribeirão Preto. She works hard every day. They like dancing. O simple present é usado para expressar ações habituais. Pode ex- pressar também verdades universais. 3ª pessoa do singular ® he / she / it – Para formar a 3ª pessoa do singular de alguns verbos, acrescenta-se “S”. Exemplos: walk – walks play – plays – Se o verbo terminar em SS, SH, CH, X, Z ou O, acrescenta-se “ES”. Exemplos: kiss – kisses watch – watches fix – fixes go – goes wash – washes buzz – buzzes – Se o verbo terminar em “Y” precedido de consoante, troca-se o “Y” por “I” e acrescenta-se “ES”. Exemplos: try – tries hurry – hurries study – studies _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 11
  • 50. 50 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Complete com Simple present. a) Jane _______ (try) to learn how to swim every day. b) My father ___________ (live) in London. c) They ___________ (brush) their hair before going to sleep. d) The girl __________ (kiss) her mother every night. e) I _____________ (buy) newspaper at the corner. f) We _____________ (live) in a big city. 2. Passe as frases abaixo para a 3ª pessoa do singular. a) I never come to her office. b) They know how to drive. c) You live near here. d) We often go out. NEGATIVE SENTENCES Exemplos: I don' t donot 123 He doesn t near here' .live doesnot 123 They don' t speak Japanese. donot 123 Na forma negativa, usamos o auxiliar do para I / you / we / they e does para he / she / it + not. do not = don’t does not = doesn’t Na 3ª pessoa do singular, o verbo volta para a forma infinitiva sem to. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES Exemplos: Do I like dancing? Does he live near here? Do they speak Japanese? Na forma interrogativa, usamos do (I / you / we / they) e does (he / she / it). Na 3ª pessoa do singular, o verbo volta para a forma infinitiva sem to. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 12 Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Complete com do ou does. a) Where _________ he live? b) What __________ they usually eat? c) _________ you like fish? d) _________ John and Sue teach Portuguese? e) What _________ Peter do? 4. Escreva frases. a) (He / not / live / in Mexico) b) (She / not / work / in a bank) c) (I / not / play / golf) d) (Paul / not / listen / to the radio) e) (My car / not / work) f) (You / not / speak / French)
  • 51. 51„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR WORLD REPORT TOP FIVE Top 5 Amusement Parks CedarPoint (CourtesyCedarPoint) Hold on to your hat! The world’s tallest and fastest roller coaster will be zipping around Cedar Point amusement park next week. The Millennium Force has a heart-stopping 300-foot drop. Or take a wild ride at one of the other top regional amusement parks*. 1. Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Florida 3.9 million visitors per year 2. Six Flags, Great Adventure Jackson, New Jersey 3.8 million 3. Knott’s Berry Farm Buena Park, California 3.6 million 4. Paramount’s Kings Island Kings Island, Ohio 3.325 million 5. Cedar Point Sandusky, Ohio 3.3 million *Does not include theme parks like Disney World Source: Amusement Business From: file://A:Time for Kids Magazines.htm Exercícios de Fixação 5. (Mód. 11) Acrescente S ou ES quando necessário. a) He work _______ in a bank. b) They live ______ in France. c) I watch _______ TV every day. d) She doesn’t go _______ to work by car. e) The film finish ______ at 10 o’clock. f) We don’t play ______ tennis every weekend. g) Does he speak ______ French? h) She do _______ her homework. i) He go _______ on holiday in June. j) John play ______ soccer every Saturday. 6. (Mód. 12) Escreva perguntas. a) Sue / eat / ice-cream? b) Linda and John / drink / coffee? c) Mike / go / to the club / on Saturday? d) John and Mike / like / dancing?
  • 52. 52 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7. (Mód. 12) Passe as frases do exercício 6 para a for- ma negativa. a) Sue / eat / ice-cream. b) Linda and John / drink / coffee. c) Mike / go / to the club / on Saturday. d) John and Mike / like / dancing. 8. Responda (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso de acordo com o quadro. a) Sue likes salad. ( ) b) Linda likes fish. ( ) c) Mike likes fish. ( ) d) Linda and Mike like salad. ( ) e) Sue doesn’t like ice-cream. ( ) f) Linda doesn’t like ice-cream. ( ) g) Sue and Mike don’t like hamburgers. ( )
  • 54. 54 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ TIME 12 1 2 11 10 9 6 7 8 5 4 3 minutos hora to minutos hora past / after 1:00 It’s one o’clock 1:05 It’s five past one 1:15 It’s fifteen past one a quarter past one 123 1:25 It’s twenty-five past one 1:30 It’s half past one thirty past one one - thirty 1 23 43 1:40 It’s twenty to two 1:45 It’s fifteen to two a quarter 123 2:00 It’s two o’clock AM – antes do meio-dia PM – depois do meio-dia Midnight – meia-noite Midday – meio-dia 1 2 = half 1 4 = a quarter 1 2 30 minutos= 1 4 15 minutos= 1 1
  • 55. 55„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Escreva as horas. 2:05 – ________________________________ 3:00 – _________________________________ 10:25 – _________________________________ 7:50 – _________________________________ 9:55 – _________________________________ 5:15 – _________________________________ 8:40 – _________________________________ 6:10 – _________________________________ 5:20 – _________________________________ 1:30 – _________________________________ 4:35 – _________________________________ 11:45 – _________________________________ 2. Ligue: a) one minute ( ) 24 hours b) one hour ( ) 10 years c) one day ( ) 4 / 5 weeks d) one week ( ) 12 months e) one month ( ) 100 years f) one year ( ) 7 days g) one decade ( ) 60 minutes h) one century ( ) 60 seconds i) one millennium ( ) 1,000 years CAN (PODER) • Características gerais: – Não tem conjugação regular ou completa. – Não tem infinitivo. – Não recebem S ou ES na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente. – É seguido de infinitivo sem to. – Geralmente forma suas próprias interrogativas e negativas. • Expressa: – Capacidade: She can swim. – Permissão: You can leave now. Observação: pode ser substituído por to be able to. Affirmative: I can play Negative: I cannot play / I can’t play Interrogative: Can I play? _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 14 Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Construa frases usando can e can’t de acordo com as figuras. Exemplo: A: Can she play tennis ? B: Yes, she can. A: Can she play the violin ? B: No, she can' t. She can play tennis, but she can' t play the violin. a )
  • 56. 56 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ c) A: ? B: Yes, A: ? B: No, but 4. Responda: a) Can you swim? b) Can you run? c) Can you play soccer? d) Can you play basketball? e) Can your mother speak English? f) Can your father speak French? A: the hills? B: Yes, A: the sea? B: No, but b) A: ? B: No, A: ? B: Yes, but CLOTHES sweater gloves sweatshirt jeans blouse socks shirt skirt dress shoes
  • 57. 57„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ suit trousers Observação: a pair of jeans trousers socks shoes trainers tie shorts coat t-shirt scarf tennis shoes Exercício de Aplicação 5. Escreva o nome das roupas, desembaralhando as letras. a) SEVGLO d) TRKIS b) SANEJ e) TUIS c) SHTIR f) FRACS g) EUSOBL j) RESDS h) SKCSO k) TTRISH i) EIT l) SESHO
  • 58. 58 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ HAVE GOT AFFIRMATIVE Exemplos: I have got a blue T-shirt. ' ve got... 123 She has got a greenscarf. 's got... 123 NEGATIVE Exemplos: I have not got a red T-shirt. haven' t got... 123 She has not got a greyscarf. hasn' t got... 123 INTERROGATIVE Exemplos: Have you got a white T-shirt? Has he got a black scarf? Podemos usar have got para: – falar de coisas que possuímos. Exemplo: We’ve got a house in Spain. – falar de nossa família. Exemplo: Sue’s got a brother and a sister. – descrever as pessoas. Exemplo: She’s got green eyes. – falar que não estamos nos sentindo bem. Exemplo: I’ve got a headache. Observação: HAVE = HAVE GOT Não podemos usar have got quando falamos de refeições, feriados e com as palavras a bath, a shower, a wash. Exemplos: Have a good holiday! I have a big breakfast every day. I always have a wash before I go out. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 15 Exercícios de Aplicação 6. Escreva frases usando have got. a) She / not / brown eyes. b) he / a flat in the / town centre. c) you / a car? d) I / not / a brother. e) She / a headache. f) Steve / brown eyes?
  • 59. 59„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7. Corrija, quando necessário. a) We have got a holiday in Mexico. d) Have got a good weekend! b) Paul’s got a sister. e) Have you got a bike? c) I haven’t got lunch everyday. ANIMALS bird elephant snake monkey giraffe cat dog lion fish cow pig chicken
  • 60. 60 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ COLORS Exercício de Aplicação 8. Encontre no diagrama as cores e os animais. LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR The Daily Grind Is it a good idea for a student to have a job? Why or why not? Brandon Smith I’m a junior in high school, and I have a part-time job in a restaurant. I bus dishes on Satur- days and Sundays from 8:00 until 4:00. I earn $5.50 an hour. It isn’t much money, but I save almost every penny! I want to go to a good university, and the cost goes up every year. Of course, I spend some money when I go out on Saturday nights. Lauren Russell I’m a senior in high school. I have a job as a cashier in a grocery store. The job pays well – about $6.75 an hour. I work every weeknight after school from 4:00 until 8:00. I don’t have time for homework, and my grades aren’t very good this year. But I have to work, or I can’t buy nice clothes and I can’t go out on Saturday nights. Also, a car costs a lot of money. Erica Davis I’m a freshman in college. College is very expensive, so I work in a law office for three hours every weekday after- noon. I make photocopies, file papers, and sort mail for $8.25 an hour. The job gives me good experience because I want to be a lawyer someday. But I don’t want to work every semester. I need time to study. From: NewInterchange1
  • 61. 61„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Fixação 9. (Mód. 13) Desembaralhe as letras e encontre as par- tes da casa. a) OOMREDB = b) NEGARD = c) LALH = d) NHECTKI = e) EGGRAA = f) BTHARMOO = g) TELOIT = h) ROOLIMNVIG = i) OMRONNIGID = 10. (Mód. 13) Responda e pergunte a seus amigos. a) What time do you go to bed? b) What time do you get up? c) What time do you have breakfast? d) What time does your mother go to bed? e) What time do you go to school? 11. (Mód. 14) Organize as frases. a) They / swim / can b) she / can / run? c) John / sleep / can’t d) some water / I / can / drink? 12. (Mód. 14) Hangman (Forca). Jogue com seus ami- gos utilizando o vocabulário sobre roupas. 13. (Mód. 15) Passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa as frases abaixo. a) They’ve got some pens with them. b) She’s got blue eyes and brown hair. c) John and Sue have got a car. 14. (Mód. 14/15) Responda ao que se pede. a) What color are your eyes? b) Is your teacher wearing a blue T-shirt? c) How many students wearing red shoes are there in your class? d) What color are your shoes? e) What color is your hair? f) Are your socks white?
  • 63. 63„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ CAPÍTULO 9 Adverbs of frequency / Simple present X adverbs of frequency ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 16 0% never 5% hardly ever 10% rarely 30% sometimes 70% often 80% normally 90% usually 100% always • Colocamos o advérbio de frequência depois do verbo to be ou do ver- bo auxiliar. Exemplo: He is always late. • Colocamos o advérbio de frequência antes do verbo principal. Exemplo: I usually walk to work. • Pode-se usar também every..., once..., twice..., three times a..., four times... Exemplo: I play tennis once a week. ⎯→⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Faça frases com os verbos e os advérbios a seguir. a) They / rarely / go to the cinema. b) She / often / eat Italian food. c) I / never / feel unhappy. d) He / always / get up early. 2. Coloque o advérbio de frequência no lugar certo, re- escrevendo as frases. a) Steve and Sue play tennis. (always) b) I work late at the office. (often) c) Julie eats a sandwich for lunch.(never) d) We see our Mexican friends. (hardly ever)
  • 64. 64 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ SIMPLE PRESENT X ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY O advérbio de frequência é usado com o Simple Present, pois este é usado para falar de rotina e hábitos. Exemplo: Bill usually writes cards to his parents. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 17 Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Escreva frases de acordo com o quadro ao lado, usando o Simple Present. a) (He / go / swimming) b) (He / buy / a newspaper) c) (He / phone / his mother) d) (He / have / a shower) e) (He / go / abroad) f) (He / visit / his sister) g) (He / play / tennis) 4. Faça frases verdadeiras sobre o seu dia a dia, usando os seguintes advérbios: always, never, sometimes, often, hardly ever. 5. Pergunte a seus amigos e some os pontos para ver como anda a saúde deles. From: New Interchange 1
  • 65. 65„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR TOP STORY August 17, 2000 Bouncing Onto Mars NASA sending information-gathering robots to red planet Have you ever imagined what it would be like to see Mars up close? Well, in the year 2003, NASA is getting a better look than ever when it “bounces” onto the red planet. NASA recently announced it will launch two robot rovers from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. It will take about seven-and- a-half months for each to land, 18 days apart. Before hitting the red planet’s surface, parachutes and air bags will open and the robots will land, bounce, and roll just like beach balls! Where’s the Water? These roving robots are not going to Mars just to tour the planet. They are being sent as part of NASA’s search for water. Scientists now believe that Mars once had oceans, lakes, and rivers just like Earth. If that is true, then it is possible that there was once life on Mars. As part of their mission, the robots are also going to act as geologists, studying rocks and soils, helpingscientistsunderstandwhattheclimatemight have been like when water existed. Some recent satellite pictures even suggest that there may still be water underground. If that is true, life may still exist, in some form, on Mars right now. From: file://A:Time for Kids News. htm Exercícios de Fixação 6. (Mód. 17) Faça perguntas usando do ou does. a) the man in 4G / watch TV every night. d) Mary / like to have parties. b) the children in 4C / like heavy metal music. e) you / wash the dishes. c) the people in 3B / have pets. 7. (Mód. 17) Complete com always, usually, sometimes e never e com as informações das figuras ao lado. Marta ________________ has breakfast at 8:00. She ________________ has ___________ and jam, but on Sundays she has ___________ and sausage and a _____________________ . She ______________ has an _________ too, but sometimes she has an ________________ . Marta ___________ has coffee. She _________ has __________ with __________ .
  • 66. 66 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8. Olhe na figura abaixo. Escreva frases sobre o Jeremy e responda-as. a) study / French d) What kind of music / listen to b) Where / take French classes e) like to play sports c) like music f) What kind of sports / play
  • 67. 67„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 9. Olhe nos desenhos e complete a agenda da Rosa. 10. De acordo com a figura do exercício 9, faça um parágrafo sobre a semana da Rosa.
  • 71. 71 Inglês CAPÍTULO 10 Food and drink ............................................................................................................ 73 Some and any .............................................................................................................. 74 Review: Simple present ............................................................................................. 75 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 77 CAPÍTULO 11 Permission and ability ................................................................................................ 79 Present continuous: affirmative sentences ............................................................ 79 Present continuous: negative and interrogative form ........................................... 81 Parts of the body......................................................................................................... 84 Present continuous × simple present ...................................................................... 85 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 87 CAPÍTULO 12 Question words........................................................................................................... 91 Adverbs of frequency................................................................................................. 91 Sports and games ....................................................................................................... 92 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 93
  • 72. 7272
  • 73. 73„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ FOOD AND DRINK CAPÍTULO 10 _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 18 water carrot chicken sandwich ice-cream tea lemon lettuce potato apple beef fish rice milk cake pizza hamburger coffee bread tomato wine salad orange juice
  • 74. 74 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Separe o vocabulário estudado de acordo com o quadro abaixo. S 2. Usando o vocabulário do exercício 1 separe as palavras nas colunas abaixo. LIKES DISLIKES I like ____________________________________________________________________ I don’t like ________________________________________________________________ SOME AND ANY Some: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas É usado em frases afirmativas e interrogativas quando estas são um pedido ou uma oferta. Exemplos: She has some interesting ideas. → affirmative sentence Would you like some biscuits? → offer (oferta) Could I have some coffee? → request (pedido) Any: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas É usado em frases negativas e interrogativas. Exemplos: She doesn’t have any money. → negative Do you know any good jokes? → interrogative Observação 1: com as palavras never, hardly, without, refuse, doubt usamos any porque estas possuem um sentido negativo.
  • 75. 75„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exemplo: She never has any fun. Observação 2: any pode ser usado em frases afirmativas significando qualquer um. Exemplo: Invite any person you want to the party. Observação 3: any também é usado com a palavra if. Exemplo: If you find any mistakes, please tell me. Exercícios de Aplicação REVIEW: SIMPLE PRESENT Read the text about Sarah’s daily routine and answer the questions. Well, I get up early. I always get up at 6:15 and I have a small breakfast at 6:30. Then, at 6:50 my dad takes me to the swimming pool. I practise every day. I usually leave the pool at 8:20. Then I go to school. Our lessons start at 9:10 and I don’t go home for lunch. I have my lunch at school. We finish school at 3:45 and I go to the swimming pool again. I swim from 4:30 to 6:00. I usually have supper at 7:00, then I do my homework or watch TV. I sometimes write letters to my penfriends in Spain and Greece, but I always go to bed at eleven o’clock or midnight! But I want to be a champion swimmer, so I go to bed early. Observação: quando falamos em rotina usamos o simple present. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 19 Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Complete com some ou any. a) I can’t find ___________ butter, but we’ve got ___________ margarine. b) Emma has got ___________ old pictures of the house to show us. c) There aren’t ___________ buses on Sunday. d) Helen brought ___________ beautiful roses from her garden. e) Do you know if ___________of the Morrises are coming on Sunday? f) Helen can’t ride a bike without ___________ help now. g) Has Eve got ___________ brothers or sisters? h) Harriet has got ___________ beautiful jewellery, but she never wears it. i) Can I get you ___________ coffee? I’ve just made ___________. j) If there’s ___________ soup left, could you put it in the fridge, please? 4. Marque a alternativa correta. 1) How often does Clare go to the swimming pool? a) Once a day b) Twice a day c) Three times a day 2) How long does Clare practise every day? a) One hour b) Two hours c) Three hours 3) How long does Clare stay at school every day? a) Six hours and forty-five minutes b) Seven hours c) Seven hours and fifteen minutes
  • 76. 76 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5. Grife todos os verbos que estão no simple present no texto acima. 6. Responda às questões abaixo sobre a sua rotina. a) What time do you get up? b) What time do you have breakfast? c) What time do you go to school? d) What time do you have lunch? e) What time do you have dinner? f) What time do you do your homework? g) What time do you go to bed? 7. Escreva uma composição sobre sua rotina diária, baseando-se no texto e nas respostas acima. 8. Responda às perguntas abaixo sobre você. Exemplo: Do you wash your face at 1 o’clock? No, I don’t wash my face at 1 o’clock. I wash my face at 7 o’clock. a) Do you have breakfast at 11 o’clock? b) Do you go to school at 7 o’clock? c) Do you leave school at 1 o’clock? d) Do you go to bed at 8 o’clock? Exercícios de Fixação 9. Leia o quadro abaixo e escreva frases sobre Helen e Mary. Exemplos: get up / 7:30 – They get up at 7:30. have breakfast / 8:00 – They don’t have breakfast at 8:00. a) leave home / 8:45 b) get to school / 9:15 c) have lunch / 12:35 d) get home / 3:30 e) have dinner / 5:00 f) go to bed / 10:00 10. Complete com some ou any os espaços abaixo. a) There aren’t _______ good restaurants in this town. b) Don’t worry about lunch. I’ve brought _______ sandwiches. c) You need _______ scissors to cut the paper. d) Have you got _______ brothers and sisters? e) I think you owe me _______ money. f) We’d like to stay longer, but we don’t have _______ time. g) Could you give me _______ information please? h) Sam bought _______ trousers in the sale. i) Thereare_______booksonthetable.Aretheyyours? j) Could you bring me _______ bread from the supermarket? 11. Responda às perguntas abaixo. a) Do you like milk? b) Do you like tacos? c) Do you like hamburgers? d) Do you like French fries? e) Do you like sodas? 12. Olhe as palavras abaixo e escreva frases usando like. Ex.: I / toast / eggs I like toast and eggs. a) you / cereal / milk b) Sue and Bob / salad / fish c) They / soup / sandwiches d) Peter and Sara / rice / beans e) Kate’s father and mother / chicken / rice 13. Complete a tabela de acordo com os seus horários. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 18
  • 77. 77„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR 14. Leia o texto abaixo a respeito de Ali. My name is Ali Ozal. I live in Los Angeles with my mother, father, and brother. My brother’s name is Adnam. My brother and I get up at 6:30. We have breakfast at 6:45. I like cereal for breakfast. My brother likes toast and orange juice. We leave home together at 7:30. We catch a bus to school. We get to school at 8:30. We leave school at 4 o’clock but we don’t get home until 5:30. We’re very tired in the evening. We go to bed at 9:30. From: Ace 2 Responda: True or false? a) Adnam is Ali’s brother. _______ b) Ali and his brother get up at 6:15. _______ c) They have breakfast at 6:45. _______ d) They leave home at 7:45. _______ e) They catch a bus to school. _______ f ) They get to school at 8:45. _______ g) They leave school at 4 o’clock. _______ h) They get home at 6 o’clock. _______ i) They are tired in the evening. _______ j) They go to bed at 10 o’clock. _______
  • 79. 79„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ PERMISSION AND ABILITY Quando pedimos ou damos uma permissão, usamos o verbo can. Exemplos: 1. Escreva se a frase refere-se à uma habilidade (ability) ou permissão (permission). a) Can I go to the disco tonight? b) Can you say ‘hello’ in three languages? c) Can you say the English alphabet, forwards and backwards? d) Can I go to a party at the weekend? e) Can you speak Chinese? 2. Responda às questões de acordo com suas habili- dades. a) Can you play tennis? b) Can you speak Japanese? c) Can you ride a bicycle? d) Can you play the piano? e) Can you ride a skateboard? _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 20 PRESENT CONTINUOUS: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES O uso mais comum do present continuous é para descrever uma ação que está acontecendo no momento. Estrutura: verbo ‘to be’ + verbo principal + ing Exemplo: We are English now.studying Verbo principal + ing Verbo 'to be' Exemplos: She is watching television. It’s raining. Can I drink some water? → asking for permission Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. Quando falamos sobre habilidade também usamos o verbo can. Exemplos: I can swim. Can you a ride a horse? → asking about ability Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Exercícios de Aplicação CAPÍTULO 11
  • 80. 80 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ REGRAS PARA O USO DO ING 1. Regra geral: acrescentar apenas o ing. wait – waiting talk – talking play – playing study – studying 2. Verbos terminados em e: tira-se o e e acrescenta-se ing. make – making decide – deciding 3. Verbos de uma sílaba terminados em consoante-vogal-consoante (CVC): dobra-se a consoante final e acrescenta-se ing. sit – sitting swim – swimming 4. Verbos terminados em “ie”: troca-se “ie” por “y” e acrescenta-se ing. lie – lying die – dying Conjugação do verbo talk Full form Short form I am talking I’m talking You are talking You’re talking He is talking He’s talking She is talking She’s talking It is talking It’s talking We are talking We’re talking You are talking You’re talking They are talking They’re talking Exercício de Aplicação 3. O que está acontecendo em cada figura? Exemplo: I / eat – I’m eating pizza. a) It / rain –_________________________ _________________________________ b) We / sing –_________________________ _________________________________ c) They / play soccer – _________ _________________________________ _________________
  • 81. 81„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ d) She / write – ___________________ ______________________________ e) He / sleep – ________________ ______________________________ 4. Coloque os verbos que estão entre parênteses no present continuous. Exemplo: Sam (drink) is drinking some milk. a) You (stand) ________________ on my foot! b) Mike (stay) ________________ at this hotel. c) You (sit) ________________ in my place. d) We (have) ________________ a good time. e) I can’t talk now. I (wash) ________________ my hair. f) Tim and Sue (write) ________________ letters. g) It (snow) ________________ now. PRESENT CONTINUOUS: NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE FORM Como já foi visto anteriormente, o present continuous é formado pelo verbo to be + o verbo principal com ing. Para formarmos a negativa, apenas coloca-se o verbo to be na sua for- ma negativa. Conjugação Full form Short form I am not talking I’m not talking You are not talking You’re not (aren’t) talking He is not talking He’s not (isn’t) talking She is not talking She’s not (isn’t) talking It is not talking It’s not (isn’t) talking We are not talking We’re not (aren’t) talking You are not talking You’re not (aren’t) talking They are not talking They’re not (aren’t) talking _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 21 Exercícios de Aplicação 5. Passe as frases para a forma negativa. a) You’re listening to me. b) Tim is studying. c) We’re talking. d) You are writing. e) Katherine is lying. f) They are waiting for us. g) Anna’s having a good time. h) I’m reading at the moment. i) It’s raining. j) I’m eating pizza. 6. Complete com os verbos entre parênteses na forma negativa do present continuous. a) I __________________ a book. (read) b) Peter __________________ basketball. (play) c) We __________________ Portuguese now. (study) d) She __________________ to music at the moment. (listen) e) Paul and Richard __________________ now. (dance)
  • 82. 82 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ INTERROGATIVE FORM Na forma interrogativa apenas invertemos o verbo to be, ou seja, coloca- mos o verbo to be antes do sujeito, como você pode ver na tabela abaixo: Interrogative form Am I talking? Are you talking? Is he talking? Is she talking? Is it talking? Are we talking? Are you talking? Are they talking? Exercícios de Aplicação 7. Faça perguntas de acordo com as figuras. Exemplo: you / work? Are you working? a) They / stay here? __________________________________________________ b) Helen / do her homework? _____________________________________________ c) You / have a good time? _____________________________________________ d) I / disturb / you? _____________________________________________ e) He / sleep? _____________________________________________
  • 83. 83„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8. Passe para a forma interrogativa. Exemplo: I’m making a lot of noise. Am I making a lot of noise? a) Susan is reading. b) You are watching TV. c) It is raining. d) We are waiting for the bus. e) Daniel is enjoying the film. f) The car is stopping. g) The children are studying. h) Those girls are speaking English. Present continuous 9. Leia o texto. Hello everyone! It’s October 11th – the night of Hollywood’s largest party! I’m talking to you from the Palace Ballroom. The stars are arriving now. There’s Danny De Vito. He’s wearing a baseball cap. He isn’t looking at us. Keanu Reeves is getting out of a large limousine. He’s wearing a gray shirt and gray pants. He’s signing autographs for his fans, but he isn’t talking to them. There’s Gloria Estefan. She’s wearing a long red dress and a large black hat. Gloria is talking to a fan, but she isn’t signing autographs. Finally, there’s John Goodman. He’s talking on the phone. Responda verdadeiro ou falso. a) The party is on October 11th . ____________ b) The party is at the LA Ballroom. ____________ c) Danny De Vito isn’t wearing a cap. ____________ d) Keanu Reeves is signing autographs. ________ ____________ e) He’s wearing a green shirt. ____________ f) Gloria Estefan is wearing a large, black hat. ____________ g) She is talking to her sister. ____________ h) John Goodman is listening to the radio. ____________ 10. Grife no texto as frases que estiverem no present continuous. 11. Passe as frases grifadas para negativa ou afirmativa. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 22
  • 84. 84 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ PARTS OF THE BODY Exercícios de Aplicação 12. Encontre as partes do corpo humano no diagrama. 13. Siga os comandos do professor. Exemplos: Touch your nose! Touch your foot! 14. What’s the English word for...? a) braço: _________________________________ b) cabeça: ________________________________ c) olhos: _________________________________ d) nariz: __________________________________ e) orelha: _________________________________
  • 85. 85„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 15. Complete cada sentençva com uma das palavras abaixo. arm ear eye foot hand head leg a) Paul broke his ____________ and couldn’t walk. b) When I met Daniel I shook his ____________. c) The boot was so small that my ____________ got stuck. d) I just can’t see. There’s something in my ____________. e) Lisa was carrying a lot of books under her ____________. f) It was so cold last night that I wore a hat on my ____________. g) Your words go in one ____________ and out the other. PRESENT CONTINUOUS × SIMPLE PRESENT O present continuous é usado para expressar ações que estão aconte- cendo. É geralmente empregado com os seguintes advérbios de tempo: now, at this moment etc. Pode também expressar ações futuras. Exemplos: Sue is studying now. I am working next Saturday. O simple present é usado para expressar ações habituais. É geralmente empregado com os seguintes advérbios de tempo: always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, never, everyday, on Monday etc. Pode expressar tam- bém verdades universais. Exemplos: I usually walk to school. Birds fly. Present continuous verbo to be no presente + verbo + ing (am / is / are) Simple present 3ª pessoa do singular – forma afirmativa (he / she / it) Verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z, o, acrescenta-se es. Exemplos: kiss – kisses buzz – buzzes fix – fixes watch – watches wash – washes go – goes Verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se es. Exemplos: try – tries hurry – hurries study – studies _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 23
  • 86. 86 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 16. Complete com present continuous ou simple present. a) Linda _______________ (study) now. b) We often _______________ (go) out of town. c) John always _______________ (enjoy) his tennis lesson. d) The boys _______________ (swim) now. e) Mr.Taylor ______________(open) his shop at 8 o’clock. f) They _______________ (live) in a big city. g) They _______________ (walk) to the club now. h) This bus _______________ (belong) to me. i) I usually _______________ (get) up early. j) I _______________ (read) a letter at this moment. k) She never _______________ (come) to my office. l) He _______________ (know) how to spell this word. PRESENT CONTINUOUS am = ‘m is not = isn’t is = ‘s are not = aren’t are = ‘re am not = ‘m not SIMPLE PRESENT don’t = do not doesn’t = does not Exercícios de Aplicação 17. Passe as frases para a 3ª pessoa do singular. a) The boys often go to the park. b) I hurry to the club every week. c) You are swimming now. d) The girls are walking at the moment. 18. Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa. a) We watch TV in the evening. b) That girl buys many blouses. c) I am working now. d) John brushes his teeth in the morning. e) We are studying a lot now. 19. Passe as frases do exercício 18 para a forma interrogativa.
  • 87. 87„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Exercícios de Fixação 20. Escreva três frases pedindo permissão e três frases falando de suas habilidades. Permissão a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________ Habilidades a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________ 21. Escreva frases pedindo permissão para fazer as ações que se seguem. Exemplo: (look at) Can I look at your photos? “Wheel of Fortune” started on daytime television in the United States in 1975. It’s the most popular TV games show in the world. 100 million people in 52 countries watch “Wheel of Fortune” every week. More than 10,000 people a year try out for the show; 1,500 people become contestants. “Wheel of Fortune” gives away about $ 6 million in cash and prizes a year, an average of $ 45,000 per show. Deborah Cohen and Peter Argyropoulis of Los Angeles are the biggest winners to date. They won $ 146,529 in cash and prizes! From: Gateways 2
  • 88. 88 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ a) (go to) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ b) (watch) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ c) (listen to) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ d) (read) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 22. Faça as perguntas e responda de acordo com suas habilidades. Exemplo: (play chess) Can you play chess? Yes, I can / No, I can’t. a) (play volleyball) b) (use a fax machine) c) (sing) d) (play the guitar) e) (swim) f) (ride a horse) g) (speak Spanish) 23. Circule a forma correta. a) Mary is swimming / swiming in the river now. b) The boys are putting / puting on their jackets. c) We’re / wer’e waiting for you. d) Look! Its / It’s raining. e) Laura is studing / studying English in Australia. f) Josh is here. He’s / H’es listening to music. g) Ann can’t come now. She’s writting / writing a letter. h) Brian is haveing / having a good time. 24. Passe as frases para a forma negativa. a) You’re listening to me. b) Tom is working. c) We’re studying. d) You are drawing. e) Kate is sleeping. f) They are waiting for the bus. g) The kids are having a good time. h) I’m watching TV at the moment. i) It’s raining. j) We’re eating a pizza. 25. Complete com os verbos no present continuous. a) We ____________ (make) some tea at the moment. b) Paul ____________(travel) to the USA at the moment. c) We ____________ (go) to a party now. Come with us. d) Someone ____________ (knock) on the door. e) What ____________ (do/you) at the moment? ____________ (watch/you) a film? f) The new guests ____________ (sign) the book at the reception of the hotel now. 26. Passe as frases para forma negativa e interrogativa. a) Peter is talking to the teacher. b) They are running. c) You are dancing. d) We’re studying English. e) Lucy is watching TV.
  • 89. 89„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 27. Escreva o nome das partes do corpo. 28. Escolha e grife a palavra correta nas orações abaixo. a) Cats have four legs / arms. b) The child was holding his father’s foot / hand. c) Ann has beautiful long ears / hair. d) Jane has the flu, that’s why her arm / nose is red. e) I can’t write because I’ve broken three toes / fingers. f) You have five fingers / toes on each foot. 29. Escolha o tempo verbal correto (simple present ou present continuous). a) Vegetarians are people who (don’t eat / are not eating) meat. b) Look! My friends (come / are coming). c) The Earth (goes / is going) round the sun. d) We (play / are playing) basketball every weekend. e) Who (sits / is sitting) in dad’s chair? f) Oh, no! She (wears / is wearing) the same dress as me. g) What (are you looking at / do you look at)? h) We usually (stay / are staying) in a hotel when we go to New York. i) What (do you do / are you doing) at this time of the day? j) Girls usually (enjoy / are enjoying) playing with dolls. 30. Escreva o que as pessoas estão fazendo de acordo com as figuras. a) __________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________
  • 90. 90 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ d) __________________________________________________ e) __________________________________________________ 31. Complete os espaços com o simple present na for- ma afirmativa ou negativa. a) Laura finds difficult to live in New York. She ____________ (speak) English. b) My house is near my school, so I ____________ (walk) there. c) I’ve got four cats, three dogs and one bird. I ____________ (love) animals. d) Paul didn’t have breakfast because he ________________ (eat) in the morning. e) Don’t try to use the telephone. It _______________ (work). f) What’s the problem? You ______________ (look) so unhappy. g) Mark is good at golf. He ______________(win) every game. 32. Complete com o present continuous ou o simple present. a) I ____________(write) to my penfriend. I ____________ (write) to her every month. b) We usually ____________ (start) work at 7:00, but this week we ____________ (start) at 7:30. c) Laura usually ____________ (walk) to school, but she is late, so she ____________ (go) there by bus today. d) The sun ____________ (rise) in the east and we ____________ (travel) to the west, that’s why it’s behind us. e) Kevin ____________ (want) to buy a new house and he ____________ (save) money to buy one.
  • 91. 91„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 24 QUESTION WORDS Usamos a Wh-question para obter informações específicas. What / who / how / when / where / what time / how old / why / which / whose Exemplo: What’s your name? How old are you? Who’s that? Where are you from? When did you arrive? CAPÍTULO 12 Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Usando as respostas para auxiliá-lo, complete com a correta Wh-question. a) ____________ is the Great Wall of China? About 2.200 years old. b) ____________ is the author of Dom Casmurro? Machado de Assis c) ____________ is Morocco? In North Africa. d) ____________ are the summers in Washington DC? Hot and humid. e) ____________ is the capital of Brazil? Brasília. f) ____________ are the names of the five continents? America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. 2. Faça perguntas em relação às partes destacadas. a) I go to school every morning. b) Jane always goes there by bus. c) He is very strong and handsome. d) That building is fifty years old. e) She found it a week ago. f) Bob met Peter last night. g) The weather is hot today. h) I live near that church. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Os advérbios de frequência podem aparecer: - após o verbo to be e verbos auxiliares Exemplos: He is always in trouble. He has never invited me to his house. - antes do verbo principal
  • 92. 92 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exemplo: He usually comes here on Sundays. São estes os advérbios de frequência: Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Coloque os advérbios no lugar correto. a) I can get up on time. (never) b) I’m honest. (normally) c) I like to be on my own. (sometimes) d) People telephone at inconvenient times. (always) e) Introverts don’t enjoy parties. (often) f) I’m late for appointments. (usually) g) I stay in bed till 11 on Sundays. (sometimes) h) Politicians don’t say what they really mean. (always) SPORTS AND GAMES Volleyball Gymnastics Baseball Athletics Ice-skating Soccer Basketball Hockey Sailing
  • 93. 93„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR ROYAL CROWN STOLEN Police are Questioning Suspects The fabulous Royal Crown, on display at the Museum of Fine Art in Dallas, is now missing. The ruby and diamond crown, said to belong to Queen Isabella of Spain and valued at over $ 2,000,000, was found last year in the sunken pirate ship, “The Avenger”. According to museum director Pat Weber, the crown was in a special case in the center of a small room with only one door, which was locked. There were no windows. “Security was excellent,” Mr. Weber said. “A guard was outside the door 24 hours a day. There was a video camera on the crown at all times.” The head of security for the museum said they were completely baffled. “When we got to the room this morning, nothing was unusual. The security guard was on duty, and the door was locked. When we unlocked the door, the crown was missing and there was a cloth over the video camera. It’s just impossible! The video camera was 20 feet up on the wall.” Police are searching for clues. “We are interviewing all the people at the museum today,” Police Chief Roger Bryce said. “We are working around the clock, and we won’t rest until we find the crown.” From: Gateways 2 Exercícios de Fixação 4. Encontre no diagrama sports and games. 5. Batalha naval. 6. Coloque as palavras entre parênteses no local correto. Exemplo: I work late at the office. (usually) I usually work late at the office. a) You must lock the door at night. (always) b) Sam and Julia play tennis. (once a week) c) I eat a sandwich for lunch. (never) d) I go to the movies on Sundays. (sometimes)
  • 94. 94 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ e) Mary sees her parents. (often) f) My cousins go to Miami for their holidays. (usually) g) They are at home in the evening. (hardly ever) 7. Escreva sentenças sobre Gary e Ann. a) get up at 11:00 (never) b) watch a video (always) c) go to the mall (often) d) eat Chinese food (hardly ever) e) take buses (sometimes) 8. Faça perguntas usando how long, how often, how many, what, what color, when, where, who. a) “____________ is the American flag?” “Blue, red and white.” b) “____________ students are there in your group?” “Thirty-two.” c) “____________ is your birthday?” “It’s on August 9th .” d) “____________ do you meet on Saturdays?” “My friends.” e) “____________ is this?” “It’s a desk.” f ) “____________ is the World Cup held.” “Every four years.” g) “____________ is a soccer game?” “90 minutes.” Complete com a question word ou frase correta. a) “_____________ did you buy?” “A bicycle.” b) “_____________ is that bag?” “U$ 50.” c) _____________ do you prefer, Science or Math? d) _____________ was the first man on the moon? e) “_____________ is your brother?” “He’s fine.” f) “_____________ do you travel?” “Once a year.” g) “_____________ do you work?” “In a school.” 9. Escreva o nome do esporte. As letras estão misturadas. a) CCOSRE b) LASIGNI c) YHKCOE d) TSHLIECTA e) SBLEALBA f) ITYMGNACSS
  • 95. 95 Inglês CAPÍTULO 13 – PREPOSITIONS AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS Time prepositions: in, on, at ...................................................................................... 97 Prepositions of place: in, on, at ................................................................................ 98 Present continuous – Future Meaning .................................................................... 99 Going to ....................................................................................................................... 99 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 101 CAPÍTULO 14 – NUMBERS, DATES AND PERSONAL PRONOUNS Numbers ...................................................................................................................... 103 Dates ............................................................................................................................ 103 Personal pronouns – Objects ................................................................................... 104 Imperative: affirmative and negative........................................................................ 104 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 105 CAPÍTULO 15 – SEASONS, CLIMATE AND WEATHER Seasons, climate and weather .................................................................................. 107 Seasons ................................................................................................................... 107 Climate and weather ................................................................................................ 107 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 108 CAPÍTULO 16 – REVIEW OF VERB TENSES (PRESENT) Game over?................................................................................................................. 111 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 111
  • 96. 9696