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Information Analysis and
Dr. Jatinder Kumar
Associate Professor
Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, Punjab
What Is Digital Content?
• Digital content is any information that is created, stored, and
distributed in a digital format. Digital content can include text,
images, audio, video, animations, interactive features, and more.
This type of content can be used for various purposes, such as
entertainment, education, communication, marketing, and e-
commerce .
Some examples of digital content include:
• E-books, blogs, articles, and newsletters
• Podcasts, music, and audiobooks
• Videos, movies, TV shows, and live streams
• Games, apps, and software
• Social media posts, comments, and messages
• Websites, landing pages, and ads
Why Digital Content Creation is
• Creating quality content should be a key part of your digital
marketing strategy because it helps you build trust,
authority, and overall visibility.
• And when you consistently create helpful content, your
audience will likely begin to trust you as an authority in
your niche.
• Once your audience trusts you as an expert, it’s much
easier to convince them to buy your product or service. You
may not have to rely on sales tactics at all if your content is
helpful enough.
• This is a powerful way to build relationships with potential
customers before they even decide to buy. You’ll be top-of-
mind for when they’re ready to convert.
• Let’s say your company sells fitness training programs. Like this bodybuilding
expert, Jeff Nippard:
You could create content that positions you as an expert, like:
• A blog post about how much protein you need to eat in a day to gain muscle
• A YouTube video that explains what different exercise supplements do
• A case study on the effect of protein on fat loss
– All of these topics build authority in your niche—which builds trust with your audience.
– And audiences are more likely to engage with content they find valuable or interesting. Which will
increase your content’s visibility.
– So even more people can learn about your brand.
The Digital Content Creation Process
The digital content production process has three
• Research and planning
• Content creation
• Measuring performance
Research and Planning
• The first step of content creation is generating ideas.
• Start by performing audience research: who is your target audience? What
do they want to know? And most importantly, how can your content help
• You can use a tool like Semrush’s Market Explorer to do your research.
• Pro tip: Consider your audience for each piece of content you produce.
Does your content answer a question they have? Solve a problem? Provide
• If you’re starting entirely from scratch (or simply want to brainstorm),
generate topic ideas with a tool like Topic Research.
• Enter a topic, and the tool will provide you with sample headlines,
questions, and related searches:
• Topic Research is a good starting point because you can generate broad
content ideas and related subtopics to cover.
• Armed with audience information and some topics in mind, begin your
keyword research.
• You can use a tool like Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool.
• Start with a broad search term, like cat toys, and click “Search.”
• The tool provides a comprehensive list of keyword ideas related to your
search term:
Content Creation
• Once you’ve come up with clear topics, select a content format for each.
• Do this by identifying the goal of your content. Do you want to raise brand
awareness? A blog post or how-to video could work.
• Maybe you want to generate leads. In this case, an ebook or research study could
work well.
• Side note: The OPAC can help you decide what content to create.
• Now that you have specific content ideas, create a formal content plan.
• A content plan helps you map out exactly what you need for content creation and
how you’re going to get it done.
• Now it’s time to create your content.
• Your content plan should include a brief for each topic. A brief is like a blueprint for
each piece of content. It should detail why you’re creating something, what
problem it addresses, and who is responsible for it.
• A brief for a blog post typically includes:
• A short description of the goal of the content piece
• The assigned internal writer or external agency
• Primary and secondary target keywords
• Title suggestions that incorporate the primary target keyword
• An outline of potential subtopics
• Multimedia content briefs will be slightly different.
Measuring Performance
• The content creation process doesn’t end once
you click “publish.” Now it’s time to track your
results to see if you got the results you wanted.
• And if you don’t see results, find out what went
wrong. And note how you can fix it.
• Measure the performance of your site’s content
in Google Analytics.
• Depending on your content goal, you may
measure your performance against a number of
• Let’s say you want to see how your content is
converting prospects into leads.
Digital Content Creation Ideas
Blog Posts
• Blogging is one of the most common forms of content creation. Blog posts educate, inform, or entertain
readers through written content.
• They build your brand and credibility. Plus, they can generate quite a bit of traffic.
• But starting to blog can feel overwhelming at first—topics you could write about are endless.
• We recommend beginning with keyword research to determine what topics your audience wants to learn
• Targeting question-based keywords is a good place to start. Because these keywords provide a built-in
topic to cover.
• Take the keyword “how to build a Robot.”
• There’s a clear purpose behind the keyword—the searcher wants to learn how to do something.
• Create a blog post that details exactly how to accomplish the topic. In this case, how to build a Robot.
• You can even brainstorm related questions directly in Google Search.
• When you type a question into Google, you’ll sometimes see a “People Also Ask” box. This shows
questions other users have searched for.
• So if we scroll through the results of “how to build a Robot,” we see related questions we could write
about. Or use as subtopics for our initial blog post idea:
Here are some additional ways to generate some
blog post topics to get you started:
• Share opinions and knowledge with a thought
leadership blog post
• Compare your product or service to other
popular options in your niche
• Create an entertaining listicle readers can share
on social media
• Highlight original research
• Analyze industry news and trends
Gated Content
• Gated content is only accessible to users when
they fill out a form and provide their email or
through authenticated access.
• The user gets useful contents from these portals
• Common forms of gated content include the
– White papers
– Ebooks
– Theses/Dissertations
– Webinars/seminar/conference reports
– Research reports
• Incorporating visual content is a great way to supplement your
written content. Visuals can set your content apart. And blog posts
with at least one image get twice as much traffic as text-only posts.
• It is recommended to add visual content across various platforms.
• For example, add an infographic to a blog post to break down
complex information. Then share the visual on social media to
attract traffic and links.
• Even if you don’t have a dedicated design team, you can use free
tools like Canva, ImageOptim, GIMP image editor, and Pexels for
stock photos.
• You can also leverage user-generated content. This refers to any
content created by users.
• This gets your followers involved with your blog.
• Video content continues to become more and more popular. (YouTube
Shorts continue to grow.) So it’s wise to invest in both short-form and
long-form video content.
• YouTube is a good place to begin. While you can spend more time and
resources on YouTube content later, you can start for free.
• Most businesses have YouTube channels featuring educational content
related to their products and industry.
• Podcasts are typically audio recordings of a conversation
between two or more people about a specific topic.
• These recordings are hosted on a podcast platform such as
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.
• Podcasts build authority within your niche. The key here is
to make the conversations relevant to the problems your
target audience faces.
• And podcasts are becoming increasingly popular—62% of
US consumers listen to podcasts, with numbers growing
• Here are a few podcast ideas to use as a springboard:
– Interview influencers within your niche
– Give your take on industry trends (another example of thought
– Compile listener stories and read them on-air
Information Newsletter
• A Newsletter is a printed or electronic
document containing information about the
recent activities of an organization, sent
regularly to the organization's members:
Information Products
What makes a good newsletter
• Set clear goals: We recommend you have a clear mission and
message behind every newsletter. You can segment your email list
based on goals set for certain groups, whether it's to generate
awareness or drive sales. Segmentation is important because it
helps you send the most relevant content in correlation to where
the user is in their customer journey.
• Use a range of newsletter ideas: To keep your readers’ attention,
you can change up your content using different newsletter ideas.
From success stories and listicles to guides, these types of content
engage users so that they look forward to your next outreach.
• Be visual with your design: Your newsletter design should aim to be
eye-catching and intriguing. The best newsletter examples include
illustrations, photos or videos. Whichever you choose, your
newsletter design needs to stand out.
• Keep it mobile-friendly: Since most emails will be read on a
smartphone, you should make sure your newsletters are mobile-
friendly. For instance, readers will only be able to see the first 30
characters of your subject line when opened on a phone. With this
in mind, write your copy considering these space limitations.
Email newsletter
• An email newsletter is a regularly sent email that informs subscribers
about the latest news and updates about a product or brand. It's a
valuable tool for businesses to stay connected with their
customers, promote new products and services and build brand
• Newsletters can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the
frequency of updates and the preferences of the subscribers. They
typically include a variety of content, such as:
– Company news: Announcements about new products, services or initiatives
– Industry news: Updates on trends and developments in the industry
– Thought leadership: Articles and blog posts on relevant topics
– Promotions and discounts: Special offers for subscribers
– Customer stories: Case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers
Best newsletter creator platforms:
• Skillshare
• John Lewis
• Allplants
• Resy
• We Are Travel Girls
• Foreign Policy Design Group
• AIGA Design
• WeTransfer
• Wix Blog
• Ando
• Deakin University
• Tech Will Save Us
• Passion City Church
• Ritual
• A handbook is a type of reference work, or other
collection of instructions, that is intended to
provide ready reference.
• A handbook gives information such as facts on a
particular subject, guidance in some art or
occupation, instructions for operating a machine,
or information for tourists.
• The dictionary defines a handbook as: (1) a book
of instruction or guidance, as for an occupation;
manual, (2) a guidebook for travellers, (3) a
reference book in a particular field, or (4) a
scholarly book on a specific subject, often
consisting of separate essays or articles.
• Authority/authorship
• Who is the author and what is their expertise in
the subject area?
• Do they have any professional affiliations?
• Is their work experience or education relevant? Are
any of their other publications relevant?
Evaluating a Handbook
• When was it published?
• Is the information still relevant?
• Has the book been updated? Is there a
more recent edition?
Evaluating a Handbook
• Is the book relevant to your topic?
• Does it have the depth you require?
• Review the table of contents and the index to
confirm the information you require is covered in
the book and to what extent.
Evaluating a Handbook
• What is the author’s motivation?
• Who are the intended readers? The content will vary
depending on the book’s targeted audience. It could
be very general and introduce the readers to a subject.
Conversely, the content could be very specific, aimed
at other scholars in the field.
Evaluating a Handbook
• Is there a bibliography or list of references?
• Can you identify research data?
• What was the editorial process?
• Is this information reliable?
Evaluating a Handbook
• What perspectives are given, or ignored?
• Be alert for bias. The author
may represent only one side of a topic or
• Research provides evidence and drives the
conclusions reached by the author.
Evaluating a Handbook
House Bulletin
• House bulletin means a communication sponsored by any
person in the regular course of publication for limited
distribution primarily to its employees or members.
• specifically 1. : a brief news item intended for immediate
publication or broadcast. 2. : periodical. especially : the
organ of an institution or association. bulletin.
• Example: A brief news report or statement that's written or
spoken is a bulletin. A TV reporter might read a bulletin
announcing the winner of a presidential election, for
example. You're most likely to hear a bulletin on the radio
or television, usually in the form of a news update.
In House Communication
• An in-house communications
department functions as a unit inside
an organization and is there to assist
that particular organization's needs. A
communications firm (or agency) is
independent, and it is designed to
serve multiple businesses, brands, and
Trade Bulletin
• Trade and product bulletins are publications
issued by manufacturers, distributors and
commercial publishers. These publications
provide information on various attributes of the
product, process, material or service and also
promote their sale.
• Examples:
– East Africa Cross Border Trade Bulletin
– Hong Kong trade bulletin
State of the art report
• State of the Art Report are substantive topical reports that
explore the current status of an issues. They generally are
made up of individually attributed papers and discussions.
• The state-of-the-art reports such as reviews, advances,
progresses, surveys, trend reports and so on are published
to bridge the gap between these two types of publications:
They are published periodically to present in a suitable
form, analysis of the progress made through research and
• They are addressed to specialists in the field, viz;
– Scientists, engineers and professionals engaged in research and
development activities;
– Managers, economists and business entrepreneurs engaged in
small and large scale business, commerce, marketing and
– Technicians, supervisors .and communicators; and
– Policy makers in government.
Trend Report
• A trend report is a type of performance report that
tracks changes to a project's metrics over time. It helps
you identify patterns in user or customer behavior, so
you can get a complete picture of your user experience
(UX) and improve it.
• The main purpose of a Trend Report is to fulfil the
specific information requirement of a specialist reader
on a particular subject. It provides an account of the
general direction of research in the subject based on a
review of the documents on current developments.
• Example;
– Trend forecasting in fashion aims to create a story using
shapes, design elements, colors, fabrics, and trims. Trend
forecasters make reports and mood boards that designers
use to create new clothing and accessories for brands.
Technical Digest
• The dictionary meaning of a digest is “a short
written report, which provides the most
important part of a larger piece of writing or a
short written report containing recent news”.
• It is a compendium for information gathered from
various sources, systematically and methodically
arranged, classified under headings and sub-
• A technical digest is distinguished by the subject
covered and its scope. In other words, the subject
scope of a technical digest may be mainly science,
technology and management aspects. Technical
digests are products of condensation process.
Technical Digest
• Technical digests serve the following
– Keep different levels of workers in industry
abreast of the developments taking place in fields
of activity,
– Provide timely and reliable information relating to
their fields of specialisation,
– Disseminate latest technical know-how, and
– Serve as an effective channel between research
and production centres.
Technical Digest
• Features
– A digest is a systematic condensation of a written work,
often prepared by someone other than the author of the
original. It is generally larger than the synopsis and
sometimes with headings and subheadings to facilitate
quick reference.
– Digests are generally periodical publications containing
condensation of works, gathered from many sources and
arranged in a systematic order.
– A digest may be prepared ad hoc on request on a
particular subject, or it may be issued frequently at regular
intervals or in anticipation of demand.
– It is prepared either on demand or in anticipation for quick
and ready reference, with subject scope spanning from
literary to science and technology.
– Technical digest is not so distinct from a digest, except the
subject scope. Subject scope of technical digests is mainly
science, technology and management aspects
Technical Digest
– Keep different levels of workers in the industry
abreast of latest developments in their respective
– Provide timely dependable information to keep
them equipped with new developments taking
place in their areas of specialisation;
– Disseminate latest technical know-how; and
– Serve as an effective channel between research
and production centres.
Technical Digest
• Categories of Technical Digests
– Top management,
– Middle / supervisory management, and
– Operator level personnel.
Technical Digest
• It may be mentioned that the digests needs to
cover the following components of information
for the top management:
– Corporate management,
– Total quality aspects,
– Finance,
– Production,
– Research and Development (R&D),
– Personnel management (HRM),
– Sales,
– Public relations, and
– External regulations.
Technical Digest
• In the same way, the digest for middle
management must incorporate the
information of the following nature:
– Enhancing the utilisation of installed capacity,
– New production processes, techniques which can
conserve the resources and maximise the
production, and
– Problem solving and decision making aspects.
Technical Digest
• The digest meant for workers and operators
should look to provide information which will
enable them to:
– Solve day-to-day technical problems;
– Stimulate them to the processes of
modernisation of existing methods and
techniques of production; and
– Prepare them mentally towards mechanisation of
existing tasks
Technical Digest
• Planning and Design of Technical Digests
– Identification of users and their information
– Sources of information to be consulted, collected
and included;
– Analysis and consolidation of information; and
– Evaluation
Technical Digest
• Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests
– Presentation
• The style of writing should be simple and user-centric;
• Accuracy of data and facts reported in the digest must
be above reproach;
• Technical jargon need to be used where it is absolutely
• The technical terms used in the digest need to be
explained; and
• Tables, graphs and diagrams must be provided to
enhance the utility of the digest.
Technical Digest
• Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests
– Contents
• How a new product or process is better than the ones
already in existence?
• Whether any new material is used in the product. If so,
how its availability for commercial use can be ensured?
• The benefits that accrue by using a new technology in
terms of material, money and manpower.
• Whether the new technology envisages use of new
equipment. If so, the description and availability of
such equipment may be ensured.
Technical Digest
• Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests
– Layout
• The title of the digest should not only be appropriate
vis-à-vis its contents but must be catchy;
• The digest should entice the initiator of the action i.e.
the manager;
• It must focus as to how a reported idea would be more
effective and emphasise its value in no uncertain terms,
so that it immediately catches the imagination of the
manager; and
• It is important to note that a short digest always
increases the probability of its use.

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Information Analysis, Repackaging and Consolidation

  • 1. Information Analysis and Consolidation Dr. Jatinder Kumar Associate Professor Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 9872842292,
  • 2. What Is Digital Content? • Digital content is any information that is created, stored, and distributed in a digital format. Digital content can include text, images, audio, video, animations, interactive features, and more. This type of content can be used for various purposes, such as entertainment, education, communication, marketing, and e- commerce . Some examples of digital content include: • E-books, blogs, articles, and newsletters • Podcasts, music, and audiobooks • Videos, movies, TV shows, and live streams • Games, apps, and software • Social media posts, comments, and messages • Websites, landing pages, and ads
  • 3.
  • 4. Why Digital Content Creation is important • Creating quality content should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy because it helps you build trust, authority, and overall visibility. • And when you consistently create helpful content, your audience will likely begin to trust you as an authority in your niche. • Once your audience trusts you as an expert, it’s much easier to convince them to buy your product or service. You may not have to rely on sales tactics at all if your content is helpful enough. • This is a powerful way to build relationships with potential customers before they even decide to buy. You’ll be top-of- mind for when they’re ready to convert.
  • 5. • Let’s say your company sells fitness training programs. Like this bodybuilding expert, Jeff Nippard: You could create content that positions you as an expert, like: • A blog post about how much protein you need to eat in a day to gain muscle • A YouTube video that explains what different exercise supplements do • A case study on the effect of protein on fat loss – All of these topics build authority in your niche—which builds trust with your audience. – And audiences are more likely to engage with content they find valuable or interesting. Which will increase your content’s visibility. – So even more people can learn about your brand.
  • 6. The Digital Content Creation Process The digital content production process has three stages: • Research and planning • Content creation • Measuring performance
  • 7. Research and Planning • The first step of content creation is generating ideas. • Start by performing audience research: who is your target audience? What do they want to know? And most importantly, how can your content help them? • You can use a tool like Semrush’s Market Explorer to do your research. • Pro tip: Consider your audience for each piece of content you produce. Does your content answer a question they have? Solve a problem? Provide entertainment? • If you’re starting entirely from scratch (or simply want to brainstorm), generate topic ideas with a tool like Topic Research. • Enter a topic, and the tool will provide you with sample headlines, questions, and related searches: • Topic Research is a good starting point because you can generate broad content ideas and related subtopics to cover. • Armed with audience information and some topics in mind, begin your keyword research. • You can use a tool like Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool. • Start with a broad search term, like cat toys, and click “Search.” • The tool provides a comprehensive list of keyword ideas related to your search term:
  • 8. Content Creation • Once you’ve come up with clear topics, select a content format for each. • Do this by identifying the goal of your content. Do you want to raise brand awareness? A blog post or how-to video could work. • Maybe you want to generate leads. In this case, an ebook or research study could work well. • Side note: The OPAC can help you decide what content to create. • Now that you have specific content ideas, create a formal content plan. • A content plan helps you map out exactly what you need for content creation and how you’re going to get it done. • Now it’s time to create your content. • Your content plan should include a brief for each topic. A brief is like a blueprint for each piece of content. It should detail why you’re creating something, what problem it addresses, and who is responsible for it. • A brief for a blog post typically includes: • A short description of the goal of the content piece • The assigned internal writer or external agency • Primary and secondary target keywords • Title suggestions that incorporate the primary target keyword • An outline of potential subtopics • Multimedia content briefs will be slightly different.
  • 9. Measuring Performance • The content creation process doesn’t end once you click “publish.” Now it’s time to track your results to see if you got the results you wanted. • And if you don’t see results, find out what went wrong. And note how you can fix it. • Measure the performance of your site’s content in Google Analytics. • Depending on your content goal, you may measure your performance against a number of metrics. • Let’s say you want to see how your content is converting prospects into leads.
  • 10. Digital Content Creation Ideas Blog Posts • Blogging is one of the most common forms of content creation. Blog posts educate, inform, or entertain readers through written content. • They build your brand and credibility. Plus, they can generate quite a bit of traffic. • But starting to blog can feel overwhelming at first—topics you could write about are endless. • We recommend beginning with keyword research to determine what topics your audience wants to learn about. • Targeting question-based keywords is a good place to start. Because these keywords provide a built-in topic to cover. • Take the keyword “how to build a Robot.” • There’s a clear purpose behind the keyword—the searcher wants to learn how to do something. • Create a blog post that details exactly how to accomplish the topic. In this case, how to build a Robot. • You can even brainstorm related questions directly in Google Search. • When you type a question into Google, you’ll sometimes see a “People Also Ask” box. This shows questions other users have searched for. • So if we scroll through the results of “how to build a Robot,” we see related questions we could write about. Or use as subtopics for our initial blog post idea:
  • 11. Here are some additional ways to generate some blog post topics to get you started: • Share opinions and knowledge with a thought leadership blog post • Compare your product or service to other popular options in your niche • Create an entertaining listicle readers can share on social media • Highlight original research • Analyze industry news and trends
  • 12. Gated Content • Gated content is only accessible to users when they fill out a form and provide their email or through authenticated access. • The user gets useful contents from these portals • Common forms of gated content include the following: – White papers – Ebooks – Theses/Dissertations – Webinars/seminar/conference reports – Research reports
  • 13. Graphics • Incorporating visual content is a great way to supplement your written content. Visuals can set your content apart. And blog posts with at least one image get twice as much traffic as text-only posts. • It is recommended to add visual content across various platforms. • For example, add an infographic to a blog post to break down complex information. Then share the visual on social media to attract traffic and links. • Even if you don’t have a dedicated design team, you can use free tools like Canva, ImageOptim, GIMP image editor, and Pexels for stock photos. • You can also leverage user-generated content. This refers to any content created by users. • This gets your followers involved with your blog.
  • 14. Videos • Video content continues to become more and more popular. (YouTube Shorts continue to grow.) So it’s wise to invest in both short-form and long-form video content. • YouTube is a good place to begin. While you can spend more time and resources on YouTube content later, you can start for free. • Most businesses have YouTube channels featuring educational content related to their products and industry.
  • 15. Podcasts • Podcasts are typically audio recordings of a conversation between two or more people about a specific topic. • These recordings are hosted on a podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. • Podcasts build authority within your niche. The key here is to make the conversations relevant to the problems your target audience faces. • And podcasts are becoming increasingly popular—62% of US consumers listen to podcasts, with numbers growing year-over-year. • Here are a few podcast ideas to use as a springboard: – Interview influencers within your niche – Give your take on industry trends (another example of thought leadership) – Compile listener stories and read them on-air
  • 16. Information Newsletter • A Newsletter is a printed or electronic document containing information about the recent activities of an organization, sent regularly to the organization's members: Information Products
  • 17. What makes a good newsletter • Set clear goals: We recommend you have a clear mission and message behind every newsletter. You can segment your email list based on goals set for certain groups, whether it's to generate awareness or drive sales. Segmentation is important because it helps you send the most relevant content in correlation to where the user is in their customer journey. • Use a range of newsletter ideas: To keep your readers’ attention, you can change up your content using different newsletter ideas. From success stories and listicles to guides, these types of content engage users so that they look forward to your next outreach. • Be visual with your design: Your newsletter design should aim to be eye-catching and intriguing. The best newsletter examples include illustrations, photos or videos. Whichever you choose, your newsletter design needs to stand out. • Keep it mobile-friendly: Since most emails will be read on a smartphone, you should make sure your newsletters are mobile- friendly. For instance, readers will only be able to see the first 30 characters of your subject line when opened on a phone. With this in mind, write your copy considering these space limitations.
  • 18. Email newsletter • An email newsletter is a regularly sent email that informs subscribers about the latest news and updates about a product or brand. It's a valuable tool for businesses to stay connected with their customers, promote new products and services and build brand awareness. • Newsletters can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the frequency of updates and the preferences of the subscribers. They typically include a variety of content, such as: – Company news: Announcements about new products, services or initiatives – Industry news: Updates on trends and developments in the industry – Thought leadership: Articles and blog posts on relevant topics – Promotions and discounts: Special offers for subscribers – Customer stories: Case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers
  • 19. Best newsletter creator platforms: • Skillshare • John Lewis • MiMOKO • Allplants • Resy • We Are Travel Girls • Foreign Policy Design Group • AIGA Design • WeTransfer • Wix Blog • Ando • Deakin University • Tech Will Save Us • Passion City Church • Ritual
  • 20. Handbook • A handbook is a type of reference work, or other collection of instructions, that is intended to provide ready reference. • A handbook gives information such as facts on a particular subject, guidance in some art or occupation, instructions for operating a machine, or information for tourists. • The dictionary defines a handbook as: (1) a book of instruction or guidance, as for an occupation; manual, (2) a guidebook for travellers, (3) a reference book in a particular field, or (4) a scholarly book on a specific subject, often consisting of separate essays or articles.
  • 21. Authority/authorship • Authority/authorship • Who is the author and what is their expertise in the subject area? • Do they have any professional affiliations? • Is their work experience or education relevant? Are any of their other publications relevant? Evaluating a Handbook
  • 22. Currency/timeliness • When was it published? • Is the information still relevant? • Has the book been updated? Is there a more recent edition? Evaluating a Handbook
  • 23. Coverage/relevance • Is the book relevant to your topic? • Does it have the depth you require? • Review the table of contents and the index to confirm the information you require is covered in the book and to what extent. Evaluating a Handbook
  • 24. Purpose/audience • What is the author’s motivation? • Who are the intended readers? The content will vary depending on the book’s targeted audience. It could be very general and introduce the readers to a subject. Conversely, the content could be very specific, aimed at other scholars in the field. Evaluating a Handbook
  • 25. Accuracy/documentation • Is there a bibliography or list of references? • Can you identify research data? • What was the editorial process? • Is this information reliable? Evaluating a Handbook
  • 26. Objectivity/thoroughness • What perspectives are given, or ignored? • Be alert for bias. The author may represent only one side of a topic or argument. • Research provides evidence and drives the conclusions reached by the author. Evaluating a Handbook
  • 27. House Bulletin • House bulletin means a communication sponsored by any person in the regular course of publication for limited distribution primarily to its employees or members. • specifically 1. : a brief news item intended for immediate publication or broadcast. 2. : periodical. especially : the organ of an institution or association. bulletin. • Example: A brief news report or statement that's written or spoken is a bulletin. A TV reporter might read a bulletin announcing the winner of a presidential election, for example. You're most likely to hear a bulletin on the radio or television, usually in the form of a news update.
  • 28. In House Communication • An in-house communications department functions as a unit inside an organization and is there to assist that particular organization's needs. A communications firm (or agency) is independent, and it is designed to serve multiple businesses, brands, and people.
  • 29. Trade Bulletin • Trade and product bulletins are publications issued by manufacturers, distributors and commercial publishers. These publications provide information on various attributes of the product, process, material or service and also promote their sale. • Examples: – East Africa Cross Border Trade Bulletin – Hong Kong trade bulletin
  • 30. State of the art report • State of the Art Report are substantive topical reports that explore the current status of an issues. They generally are made up of individually attributed papers and discussions. • The state-of-the-art reports such as reviews, advances, progresses, surveys, trend reports and so on are published to bridge the gap between these two types of publications: They are published periodically to present in a suitable form, analysis of the progress made through research and practice. • They are addressed to specialists in the field, viz; – Scientists, engineers and professionals engaged in research and development activities; – Managers, economists and business entrepreneurs engaged in small and large scale business, commerce, marketing and industries; – Technicians, supervisors .and communicators; and – Policy makers in government.
  • 31. Trend Report • A trend report is a type of performance report that tracks changes to a project's metrics over time. It helps you identify patterns in user or customer behavior, so you can get a complete picture of your user experience (UX) and improve it. • The main purpose of a Trend Report is to fulfil the specific information requirement of a specialist reader on a particular subject. It provides an account of the general direction of research in the subject based on a review of the documents on current developments. • Example; – Trend forecasting in fashion aims to create a story using shapes, design elements, colors, fabrics, and trims. Trend forecasters make reports and mood boards that designers use to create new clothing and accessories for brands.
  • 32. Technical Digest • The dictionary meaning of a digest is “a short written report, which provides the most important part of a larger piece of writing or a short written report containing recent news”. • It is a compendium for information gathered from various sources, systematically and methodically arranged, classified under headings and sub- headings. • A technical digest is distinguished by the subject covered and its scope. In other words, the subject scope of a technical digest may be mainly science, technology and management aspects. Technical digests are products of condensation process.
  • 33. Technical Digest • Technical digests serve the following objectives: – Keep different levels of workers in industry abreast of the developments taking place in fields of activity, – Provide timely and reliable information relating to their fields of specialisation, – Disseminate latest technical know-how, and – Serve as an effective channel between research and production centres.
  • 34. Technical Digest • Features – A digest is a systematic condensation of a written work, often prepared by someone other than the author of the original. It is generally larger than the synopsis and sometimes with headings and subheadings to facilitate quick reference. – Digests are generally periodical publications containing condensation of works, gathered from many sources and arranged in a systematic order. – A digest may be prepared ad hoc on request on a particular subject, or it may be issued frequently at regular intervals or in anticipation of demand. – It is prepared either on demand or in anticipation for quick and ready reference, with subject scope spanning from literary to science and technology. – Technical digest is not so distinct from a digest, except the subject scope. Subject scope of technical digests is mainly science, technology and management aspects
  • 35. Technical Digest Need – Keep different levels of workers in the industry abreast of latest developments in their respective fields; – Provide timely dependable information to keep them equipped with new developments taking place in their areas of specialisation; – Disseminate latest technical know-how; and – Serve as an effective channel between research and production centres.
  • 36. Technical Digest • Categories of Technical Digests – Top management, – Middle / supervisory management, and – Operator level personnel.
  • 37. Technical Digest • It may be mentioned that the digests needs to cover the following components of information for the top management: – Corporate management, – Total quality aspects, – Finance, – Production, – Research and Development (R&D), – Personnel management (HRM), – Sales, – Public relations, and – External regulations.
  • 38. Technical Digest • In the same way, the digest for middle management must incorporate the information of the following nature: – Enhancing the utilisation of installed capacity, – New production processes, techniques which can conserve the resources and maximise the production, and – Problem solving and decision making aspects.
  • 39. Technical Digest • The digest meant for workers and operators should look to provide information which will enable them to: – Solve day-to-day technical problems; – Stimulate them to the processes of modernisation of existing methods and techniques of production; and – Prepare them mentally towards mechanisation of existing tasks
  • 40. Technical Digest • Planning and Design of Technical Digests – Identification of users and their information requirements; – Sources of information to be consulted, collected and included; – Analysis and consolidation of information; and – Evaluation
  • 41. Technical Digest • Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests – Presentation • The style of writing should be simple and user-centric; • Accuracy of data and facts reported in the digest must be above reproach; • Technical jargon need to be used where it is absolutely needed; • The technical terms used in the digest need to be explained; and • Tables, graphs and diagrams must be provided to enhance the utility of the digest.
  • 42. Technical Digest • Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests – Contents • How a new product or process is better than the ones already in existence? • Whether any new material is used in the product. If so, how its availability for commercial use can be ensured? • The benefits that accrue by using a new technology in terms of material, money and manpower. • Whether the new technology envisages use of new equipment. If so, the description and availability of such equipment may be ensured.
  • 43. Technical Digest • Presentation and Layout of Technical Digests – Layout • The title of the digest should not only be appropriate vis-à-vis its contents but must be catchy; • The digest should entice the initiator of the action i.e. the manager; • It must focus as to how a reported idea would be more effective and emphasise its value in no uncertain terms, so that it immediately catches the imagination of the manager; and • It is important to note that a short digest always increases the probability of its use.