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Join the conversation #DevSecCon
In graph we trust: Microservices,
GraphQL and security challenges
Hi, I’m Imran
I work at
I work at
Lets talk about
Gold Rush
Lets talk about
Gold Rush
I mean
The Next Big Thing
The Next Big Thing
GraphQL History
Gold Rush201620152012 2017
Github previewed its
GraphQL API v4
Facebook started working
on it.
Github, pinterest, Spotify,
twitter and many more
Facebook open sourced
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for
fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of
the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what
they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over
time, and enables powerful developer tools.
Multiple resources in one request (speed)
Versioning hell
Schema Introspection
Simple and Efficient to use
Benefits & Use Cases
Multiple resources in one request 1
Let’s Create a Github
Secret Scanner
List of Repositories1
List of branches in repo2
Scan the code in branch3
Analyse for secrets4
Lets get list of Repositories
Using v3 GitHub API -
GET /users/secfigo/repos
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About 2097 lines
GET /users/secfigo/repos
GET /users/secfigo/repos
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GET /users/secfigo/repos
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…}, { …
"id": 112903642,
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"url": "",
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GET /users/secfigo/repos
"id": 112903642,
"full_name": "secfigo/ansible-role-gauntlt",
"owner": {
“login": "secfigo",
"private": false,
"url": "",
"branches_url": “{/
"clone_url": "",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
…}, { …
GET /users/secfigo/repos
Get a list of
Lets get list of branches
GET /users/secfigo/repos
Response: List of Repos
GET repos/se../an…/git/refs
GET /users/secfigo/repos
Response: List of Repos
GET repos/sec../an…/git/refs
…, {
"ref": "refs/heads/prod",
"url": "
"object": {
"url": "
}, …]
query {
user(login:"secfigo") {
repositories(first:30) {
edges {
node {
refs(refPrefix: "refs/", first:30){
Get a list of branches
with/without graphQLDEMO
Different Versions of API 2
v1 v2
type Query {
hero: Character
type Character {
name: String
friends: [Character]
type Query {
hero: Character
type Character {
name: String
friends: [Character]
planet: String
v1 v2
Schema Introspection 3
query {
__type(name: "Repository") {
fields {
Read API Documentation
Simple and Efficient 4
query {
user(login:"secfigo") {
Fetch Everything
Denial of Service
(Resource Exhaustion)
Error Handling
Security Issues
Authentication 1
Typical HTTP/REST Auth’n
graphQL doesn’t have middleware
graphQL - No Middleware
Resource Exhaustion 2
query {
user(login:"secfigo") {
repositories(first:30) {
edges {
node {
refs(refPrefix: "refs/"){
Authorization 2
IsAuthorized?Base Resolver
isAuthn Resolver
isAuthz Resolver
Error Handling 4
query {
user(login:"secfigo") {
repositories(first:30) {
edges {
node {
refs(refPrefix: "refs/", first:30){
edges{ <— Error here
node{ <— Error here
The microservice architectural style is an
approach to developing a single application
as a suite of small services, each running in
its own process and communicating with
lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP
resource API.
µ µ µ
µ µ
Monolith Microservices
DevSecOps Challenges
Look mom, new kind! No tools for you
New tech, SAST on backend is not mature.
Use existing tools and code review
DAST can be automated using existing
Developer tooling like tests, run
via selenium and pump it through proxy
Use curl to create custom queries.
OAST is still possible.
OAST- Made up term for Open source Application
Component Security Testing.
DevSecOps Maturity Model (SDOMM)
Security Champions
Shifting Left, literally
A virtual environment to learn and
teach DevSecOps concepts.
Its easy to get started and is mostly
Easy to setup
Takes only few mins to setup and
start using with just one command
The aim of this project is to
setup reproducible
DevSecOps Lab environment
for learning and testing
different tools.
Free & Open
Source Software
This project is a free
and open software to
help more people learn
about DevSecOps
Studio Benefits
Conway’s Law
Any organization that designs a system
(defined broadly) will produce a design
whose structure is a copy of the
organization's communication structure.
Join the conversation #DevSecCon
Thank you

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In graph we trust: Microservices, GraphQL and security challenges

  • 1. Join the conversation #DevSecCon BY MOHAMMED A. IMRAN In graph we trust: Microservices, GraphQL and security challenges
  • 2.
  • 6.
  • 10. The Next Big Thing
  • 11. The Next Big Thing { REST API }
  • 12. GraphQL History Gold Rush201620152012 2017 Github previewed its GraphQL API v4 GITHUB Facebook started working on it. START Github, pinterest, Spotify, twitter and many more Members Facebook open sourced GraphQL PUBLIC RELEASE
  • 13. GraphQL GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. source:
  • 14. Multiple resources in one request (speed) Versioning hell Schema Introspection Simple and Efficient to use Benefits & Use Cases
  • 15. Multiple resources in one request 1
  • 16. ≈ç Let’s Create a Github Secret Scanner Example
  • 17. List of Repositories1 List of branches in repo2 Scan the code in branch3 1 2 3 4 Analyse for secrets4
  • 18. Lets get list of Repositories Using v3 GitHub API -
  • 19. { REST API } GET /users/secfigo/repos
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  • 25. ≈ç Get a list of repositories. DEMO
  • 26. Lets get list of branches
  • 27. { REST API } GET /users/secfigo/repos Response: List of Repos { REST API } GET repos/se../an…/git/refs
  • 28. { REST API } GET /users/secfigo/repos Response: List of Repos { REST API } GET repos/sec../an…/git/refs [ …, { "ref": "refs/heads/prod", "url": " "object": { "url": " 083a7ad90adb44003926fb93cc879cf099f5b693" } }, …]
  • 29. query { user(login:"secfigo") { repositories(first:30) { edges { node { nameWithOwner refs(refPrefix: "refs/", first:30){ edges{ node{ name } } } } } } } }
  • 30. ≈ç Get a list of branches with/without graphQLDEMO
  • 32. { REST API } v1 v2
  • 33. { REST API } type Query { hero: Character } type Character { name: String friends: [Character] } type Query { hero: Character } type Character { name: String friends: [Character] planet: String } v1 v2
  • 35. { REST API } query { __type(name: "Repository") { name kind description fields { name } } } Read API Documentation
  • 37. { REST API } query { user(login:"secfigo") { name } } Fetch Everything
  • 38. Authentication Denial of Service (Resource Exhaustion) Authorization Error Handling Security Issues
  • 40.
  • 43. graphQL doesn’t have middleware Resolver(s)
  • 44. graphQL - No Middleware Resolver(s)
  • 46. query { user(login:"secfigo") { repositories(first:30) { edges { node { nameWithOwner refs(refPrefix: "refs/"){ edges{ node{ name edges{ node{ … edges{ node{ … } … } NESTED QUERIES
  • 50. query { user(login:"secfigo") { repositories(first:30) { edges { node { nameWithOwner refs(refPrefix: "refs/", first:30){ edges{ <— Error here node{ name edges{ node{ … edges{ node{ <— Error here … } } } … } NESTED QUERIES
  • 52. The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. µ Microservices µ µ
  • 57. Look mom, new kind! No tools for you
  • 58. New tech, SAST on backend is not mature. Use existing tools and code review
  • 59. DAST can be automated using existing Developer tooling like tests, run via selenium and pump it through proxy Or Use curl to create custom queries.
  • 60. OAST is still possible. OAST- Made up term for Open source Application Component Security Testing.
  • 62. DevSecOps Maturity Model (SDOMM) Source:
  • 65. A virtual environment to learn and teach DevSecOps concepts. Its easy to get started and is mostly automatic. DevSecOps Studio
  • 66. Easy to setup Takes only few mins to setup and start using with just one command A Reproducible The aim of this project is to setup reproducible DevSecOps Lab environment for learning and testing different tools. B Free & Open Source Software This project is a free and open software to help more people learn about DevSecOps C DevSecOps Studio Benefits
  • 67. Conway’s Law Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. “
  • 68. Join the conversation #DevSecCon Thank you @secfigo