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Implementing Trauma-Focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in MN

         Abi Gewirtz, Ph.D., L.P.
          Heidi Flessert, M.P.H.
         Chris Bray, Ph.D., L.P.

  Ambit Network, University of Minnesota
• Traumatic and stressful events
   o Impact on children, adults, and parenting

• Trauma-informed practice
   o Trauma-focused CBT
   o Implementation of TFCBT in Minnesota

• What is a trauma-informed system?
Defining trauma
In its definition of posttraumatic stress disorder, the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual uses this definition
of trauma:

An event or events the person experienced,
witnessed, or was confronted with that involved
actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a
threat to the physical integrity of self or others.
Trauma exposure is common
15 to 43% of girls and 14 to 43% of boys have
experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime.
Violent Crime in the USA
• USA has the highest level of homicide of any
  developed country in the world.

• Homicide is the third-leading cause of death for
  children ages 5-14, the second-leading cause of death
  for those aged 15-24, and has been the leading cause
  of death for African-American youth from the early
  1980s into the early twenty-first century.
Domestic Violence
• 1.8 to 4 million American women are physically abused
  each year.
• It is estimated that 7-14 million children witness family
  violence each year (Edleson et al., 2007).
Child Abuse
• Maltreatment incidence is 12 per 1,000 children, with
  899,454 substantiated or indicated cases in 2005.
• Approximately 5,400 children in Minnesota were
  abused and neglected in 2008, and over 50% were
  children of color (23% Black; 10% American Indian; 3%
  Asian and Pacific Islanders; 17% Other). Most children
  were the victims of multiple maltreatment types.
• Maltreatment rates for under 3s:16.5 per 1,000
  compared with 6.2 per 1,000 for children ages 16 to
The Cycle of Violence
• Both follow-up and follow-back studies have
  consistently shown a direct link between exposure to
  violence and subsequent perpetration of violence.
• For example, Widom (2001) reported that child victims
  of violence and neglect were 59% more likely to be
  arrested as juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested in
  adulthood, and 30% more likely to be arrested for a
  violent crime.
Challenges in Identifying Traumatized Children
• No way to know about children‘s histories of traumatic
   o Particularly complicated by the shame and stigma associated
     with many types of trauma
• Identifying ‗invisible‘ witnesses
   o E.g. emergency room visits
   o E.g. police reports
• No national surveillance system
• Concerns about formal identification via official
  statistics leading to government involvement (e.g.
The Impact of Trauma on Children
        Short Term Effects:
Acute Disruptions in Self Regulation

• Eating           • Fearfulness
• Sleeping         • Re-experiencing
• Toileting          /Flashbacks
• Attention &      • Aggression; Turning
  Concentration      passive into active
• Withdrawal       • Relationships
• Avoidance        • Partial memory loss
The Impact of Trauma on Children
        Long Term Effects:
Chronic Developmental Adaptations

     •   Depression
     •   Anxiety
     •   PTSD
     •   Personality
     •   Substance abuse
     •   Perpetration of violence
Trauma and Developmental Psychopathology
Trauma & Cumulative Risk Overlap
   • Risks ‗pile up‘ (Rutter, 1985)
   • Secondary adversities during trauma events (Pynoos
     et al., 1996)
   • Multi-problem families risk for trauma (Widom, 1989;
   • Other risks contribute to PTSD
Why be concerned with trauma and
            posttraumatic stress in parents?
• Associations between adult trauma and:
   o Child distress and child PTSD
   o Parenting impairments
• How might parents respond differently to other adults
  (e.g. service providers) when they are dealing with
  traumatic stress?
• And most important, how might they deal differently with
  their children?
Parents who are traumatized may be:
• Suffering from PTSD and related disorders (e.g.,
  depression, anxiety)
• Using drugs to mask the pain
• Disempowered
• Parents of children who have become ―parentified‖ (i.e.
  responsible beyond their years)
How might parents‘ trauma histories affect their
A history of traumatic experiences may:
• Compromise parents‘ ability to make appropriate judgments
   about their own and their child‘s safety and to appraise danger; in
   some cases, parents may be overprotective and, in others, they
   may not recognize situations that could be dangerous for the
• Make it challenging for parents to form and maintain secure and
   trusting relationships, leading to:
   o Disruptions in relationships with infants, children, and adolescents,
     and/or negative feelings about parenting; parents may personalize
     their children‘s negative behavior, resulting in ineffective or
     inappropriate discipline.
   o Challenges in relationships with caseworkers, foster parents, and
     service providers and difficulties supporting their child‘s therapy.
Trauma history can:
• Impair parents‘ capacity to regulate their emotions.
• Lead to poor self-esteem and the development of
  maladaptive coping strategies, such as substance
  abuse or abusive intimate relationships that parents
  maintain because of a real or perceived lack of
• Result in trauma reminders—or ―triggers‖—when
  parents have extreme reactions to situations that seem
  benign to others.
• NCTSN, 2011:
Traumatized parents may…
• Find it hard to talk about their strengths (or those of their
• Need support in managing children‘s behavior
• Have difficulty labeling their children‘s emotions, and
  validating them
• Have difficulty managing their own emotions in family
   o When posttraumatic stress symptoms interfere with daily
     interactions with children, parents should seek individual
How does adult posttraumatic stress disorder
               affect parenting?
Growth in fathers‘ PTSD is associated with self-reported
impairments in parenting one year after return from
Gewirtz, Polusny, DeGarmo, Khaylis, & Erbes, (2010), Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 5, 599-610

Diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of exposure
to a traumatic event meeting two criteria and symptoms
from each of three symptom clusters: intrusive
recollections, avoidant/numbing symptoms, and hyper-
arousal symptoms. A fifth criterion concerns duration of
symptoms and a sixth assesses functioning.
Criterion A: stressor
The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which
both of the following have been present:
• The person has experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event
  or events that involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a
  threat to the physical integrity of oneself or others.

• The person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror.
  Note: in children, it may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated
Criterion B: intrusive recollection
The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in at least
one of the following ways:
• Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including
  images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: in young children, repetitive play
  may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed.
• Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: in children, there may be
  frightening dreams without recognizable content
• Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense
  of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative
  flashback episodes, including those that occur upon awakening or when
  intoxicated). Note: in children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur.
• Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that
  symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
• Physiologic reactivity upon exposure to internal or external cues that
  symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
Criterion C: avoidant/numbing
Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and
numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the
trauma), as indicated by at least three of the following:
• Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the
• Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the
• Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
• Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
• Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
• Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
• Sense of foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career,
  marriage, children, or a normal life span)
Criterion D: hyper-arousal
Persistent symptoms of increasing arousal (not present before
the trauma), indicated by at least two of the following:
•   Difficulty falling or staying asleep
•   Irritability or outbursts of anger
•   Difficulty concentrating
•   Hyper-vigilance
•   Exaggerated startle response
Criterion E: duration
Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in B, C, and D) is more
than one month.

Criterion F: functional significance
The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of
Trauma Treatment
    Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy

• Child trauma treatment with largest body of evidence for
  its effectiveness
• Developed by Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, and tested
  with various populations (child sexual abuse victims,
  children exposed to domestic violence, child traumatic
  grief, etc)
• Targets trauma-related symptoms, not PTSD alone
• Includes parent/caregiver throughout treatment, both
  together with and separately from the child
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
• See
• Validated for 3-18 year olds
• Essential components:
   o Establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationship with child
     and parent
   o Psycho-education about childhood trauma and PTSD
   o Emotional regulation skills
   o Individualized stress management skills
TF-CBT cont.
• Connecting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to the
• Assisting the child in sharing a verbal, written, or artistic
  narrative about the trauma(s) and related experiences
• Encouraging gradual in vivo exposure to trauma reminders
  if appropriate
• Cognitive and affective processing of the trauma
• Education about healthy interpersonal relationships
• Parental treatment components including parenting skills
• Joint parent-child sessions to practice skills and enhance
  trauma-related discussions
• Personal safety skills training
• Coping with future trauma reminders
•   Defining trauma-informed care
•   Care systems serving traumatized children
•   Assessment
•   Intervention
•   Building trauma-informed systems
    o A Minnesota example
Defining Trauma-Informed Care
• What is trauma?
• Trauma-informed care
   o Practitioner knowledge about impact of traumatic events on
     children, adults, and families
   o Practitioner use of this knowledge in delivering care (skills)
       • E.g. ‗what happened to you?‘ vs. ‗why did you do this?‘
   o Agency and system use of knowledge in training staff and
     implementing interventions
Practitioner Knowledge
• How did you learn about trauma?
• What did you learn?
• Examples of trauma curricula
   o National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Curriculum in
     Child Trauma
   o Example: Ibrahim
Practitioner Skills

• Trauma assessment
• Delivering
  o Evidence-based trauma treatments
  o Trauma-informed interventions
Notes on the Reporting of Trauma Exposure
                  and Symptoms
• By children
   o Underreporting consistent with posttraumatic symptoms (i.e.
   o Fear of disclosure; shame; stigma
• By their caregivers – underreporting well documented
   o Guilt
   o Denial
   o Concern about child protection involvement
• Discrepancy between parent and child report of both
  history and symptoms
Benefits of TF-CBT

• TF-CBT is a highly effective treatment for symptoms of
  traumatic stress in children and youth.
• Over 80% of traumatized children show significant
  improvement in 12 to 16 weeks.
• Family functioning is improved because TF-CBT
  encourages the parent to be the primary agent of
  change for the traumatized child.
Who is TF-CBT for?

• TF-CBT is suitable for many children who have
  experienced trauma, including children with multiple or
  compound traumas.
• TF-CBT has been successfully adapted to address the
  unique needs of several special populations including
  Latino, Native American, and hearing-impaired families.
• Children as young as three can be treated with TF-CBT.
Why train providers in TF-CBT?

Children with                               Trauma-
                     Providers in
  Trauma,                                  Informed
 Traumatic                                 EBPs for
   Stress                                  Children
How do you train providers?

Different types of training models available
    • Didactic training models: workshops, written
      materials, presentations, web-based learning
    • Competency training models: Role-playing,
      demonstrations, ongoing consultation, case
    • Most successful: Combination
    • Most used: Didactic
Training Providers

• Limitations of didactic training
   o Effective for increasing knowledge
   o Doesn‘t support change in practice

• In order to change and sustain practice, need to utilize
  models that support this
   o Combination training
Learning Collaborative (LC)

• Quality improvement model
   o Change and sustain new practice to improve the delivery of care
     in health care setting
       • Avoid ―project mentality‖

• Evidence-base for the LC

• NCTSI adaptation
Key Elements of the LC

Topic Selection                   Periods

 Faculty Recruitment   Learning
Innovation Teams

                        Measurement and Evaluation
History of TF-CBT Training
• 2007-2008
  o First TF-CBT Learning Collaborative
  o First Request For Proposals
• 2009 -2010
  o 2 Outpatient Treatment Groups
  o 1 Residential Treatment Group
• 2011-2012
  o 3 Outpatient Treatment Groups
Funding for Providers

Grants pay hourly Medicaid rate for ―lost time‖

•   10 hours for online training
•   32 hours for classroom training
•   18 hours for consultation calls
•   18 hours for internal supervision
•   36 hours for assessment/fidelity
•   16 hours for follow-up training days
•   Travel/lodging costs
Ambit Network‘s TF-CBT LC

Follow-up and Practicum Period
        Consultation Calls
 T1                          T2    T3

Follow-up and Practicum Period
In-Person Trainings
• Training 1
   o Trauma 101, Trauma-informed assessments, ―PRAC‖

• Training 2
   o ―TICE‖, Developing trauma-narrative, Gradual exposure

• Training 3
   o Case presentations, Sustainability after the LC

• Additional topics in Trainings 2 and 3
Consultation Calls

• 18 bimonthly cohort calls
   o Case presentations
• 9 monthly supervisor calls
• Phone conference with web-based component
• Collaboration across agencies and providers
   o ―This is how I did it‖
Follow-up and Technical Assistance

• ―Practicum period‖ – throughout the LC
   o Scoring clinical assessments
   o Fidelity monitoring
   o Tracking follow-up interviews, assessments
• Purpose of technical assistance
   o Support trainee learning
   o Monitoring implementation
Trained Providers in Minnesota
TF-CBT Therapist Locations
Serving Minnesota‘s Children
1,555 children screened for trauma


Age of Children Screened for Trauma
         1%         3%

 28%                     26%


Race, Ethnicity of Children Screened for
  Race                                  Number   Percent
    American Indian/Alaskan Native       100      6.4%
              Black/African American     153      9.8%
                              White      771     49.6%
                               Asian      7       .5%
    Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander      5       .3%
                         Multi-racial    121      7.8%
                           Unknown       398     25.6%

  Ethnicity                             Number   Percent
                     Hispanic/Latino     117      7.5%
                 Not Hispanic/Latino     990     63.7%
                           Unknown       448     28.8%
Number of Clients Screened, Per Year






       2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012*
Top 10 Behavior Problems Reported
                                    Somewhat/Very   Total N   % Total Reporting
Attachment Problems                      472         673           70.1%
                                         470         674           69.7%
Problems, Home/Community
Academic Problems                        451         673           67.0%
Behavior Problems,
                                         385         672           57.3%
Other Self-Injurious Behaviors           186         673           31.1%
Dev’tally Inapp. Sexual Behaviors        161         674           23.9%
Problems Skipping School/Daycare
                                         144         673           21.4%

Other medical problems,
                                         105         674           15.6%
Criminal Activity                        102         674           15.1%
Clinical Evaluation
                                   Probable/Definite   Total N   % Total Reporting
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder            674            666           86.2%
Depression                               495            659           75.1%
General Behavioral Problems              432            658           65.7%
Generalized Anxiety                      397            660           57.1%
Attachment Problems                      376            658           44.9%
Traumatic/Complicated Grief              293            653           44.9%
Oppositional Defiant Disorder            293            657           44.6%
ADHD                                     283            655           43.2%
Dissociation                             178            647           27.5%
Acute Stress Disorder                    172            639           26.9%
Top 10 Reported Traumas
         Domestic Violence

         Impaired Caregiver


Traumatic Loss/Bereavement

Physical Maltreatment/Abuse


 Sexual Maltreatment/Abuse

       Sexual Assault/Rape

           Physical Assault

     Serious Injury/Accident

                               0   200          400             600   800
                                     Number of Children Reporting
Clinical Outcomes: UCLA

Average Overall Score on the UCLA







                                            Baseline Average   Follow-up Average
      PTSD Overall Score                         34.43              24.17
Clinical Outcomes: TSCC
Average Score on TSCC-A

                                         Baseline Average Score   Last Follow-up Average Score
                          Anxiety                57.68                       50.94
                          Dissociation           56.77                       51.56
                          Anger                  53.96                       49.13
                          Depression             56.13                       50.06
                          PTSD                    57.9                       50.88
The Next Four Years

• Improve access to trauma-informed practices and
  treatment for traumatized children and families

• Implement and sustain evidence-based trauma
  treatment models in the Upper Midwest and in particular
  throughout four targeted regions

• Build and maintain consensus for child trauma
The Next Four Years
            Learning Collaboratives

• Recently completed a LC in Northwest MN
• Completing a LC Southeast MN
• Initiate two cultural providers LC‘s in the metro
• Initiate a second LC for residential treatment center
• Initiate a second LC in Central MN
• Initiate a LC in Southwest MN
The Next Four Years
          Evaluation and Reporting

• Continue tracking and data collection for LC sites

• Provide evaluation reports for completed cohorts

• Conduct exploratory analysis on fidelity

• Provide TF-CBT booster trainings

• Manage TF-CBT certification process in MN
Systems Integration

• Many child and family serving agencies touch
  lives following traumatic experiences.

• The way these organizations work together is
  critically important.

• They can reduce the harmful impact of traumatic
  experiences OR …
Systems Integration

• Literature on integrating systems around trauma
  expertise and responses is scant to nonexistent.

• Survey conducted in 2005 by NCTSN assessed
   o Ways agencies gather, assess, and share trauma-related
   o Child trauma training that staffs receive
   Taylor, Siegfried, NCTSN Systems Integration Working Group, 2005.
Systems Integration

• Findings from the survey across all child serving
  agencies included:
   o Trauma history rarely follows the child.
   o Many agencies do not conduct standardized trauma
     screening or assessment.
   o More information is gathered on behavior and problems
     than duration of abuse, # of episodes, and internalizing
   o Less than half receive training on trauma treatments and
     where to refer.
Systems Integration
Recommendations from NCTSN:
• Identify common interests across systems
• Evaluate the benefits of systems integration
• Introduce core training for every child and family
  serving agency
• Provide trauma-informed interventions early and
• Emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration and
  Brymer, Layne, 2008
The Next Four Years
                   Systems Integration
• Convene Advisory and Families Committees
• Convene a 2-day launch in each region
   o Conduct a community needs/readiness assessment
   o Facilitate stakeholder dialog
• Convene parents and providers to deliver a NAMI/parent-
  led training on working with traumatized families
• Deliver training on trauma-informed practice (i.e. NCTSN
  Toolkit for child welfare providers, and the NCTSN Toolkit
  for juvenile justice providers)
• Convene quarterly meetings to develop trauma-informed
  practices (i.e. universal screening protocols, case
  management and collaboration protocols
The Next Four Years
             Systems Integration

• Convene military stakeholders in parallel launch
• Two LCs in PTC/ADAPT targeting providers
  serving military and refugee families
• Year four: further diffuse trauma-informed
  practice by training school social workers who will
  then participate in the regional hubs
• Work with each region throughout the grant
  period on sustainability
The Next Four Years
           Number Served

• 400 practitioners trained in EBP Toolkits

• 240 families in parent led trainings

• 115 providers trained in TF-CBT

• 40 providers trained in PTC

• 2450 children screened and assessed

• 1280 children receiving TF-CBT
Contact Information
Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D, L.P. Program Director
      Heidi Flessert, M.P.H. Evaluator
 Chris Bray, Ph.D, L.P. Associate Director

  Ambit Network, University of Minnesota

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Implementing Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in MN

  • 1. Implementing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in MN Abi Gewirtz, Ph.D., L.P. Heidi Flessert, M.P.H. Chris Bray, Ph.D., L.P. Ambit Network, University of Minnesota
  • 2. Overview • Traumatic and stressful events o Impact on children, adults, and parenting • Trauma-informed practice o Trauma-focused CBT o Implementation of TFCBT in Minnesota • What is a trauma-informed system?
  • 3. Defining trauma In its definition of posttraumatic stress disorder, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual uses this definition of trauma: An event or events the person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others.
  • 4. Trauma exposure is common 15 to 43% of girls and 14 to 43% of boys have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime.
  • 5.
  • 6. Violent Crime in the USA • USA has the highest level of homicide of any developed country in the world. • Homicide is the third-leading cause of death for children ages 5-14, the second-leading cause of death for those aged 15-24, and has been the leading cause of death for African-American youth from the early 1980s into the early twenty-first century.
  • 7. Domestic Violence • 1.8 to 4 million American women are physically abused each year. • It is estimated that 7-14 million children witness family violence each year (Edleson et al., 2007).
  • 8. Child Abuse • Maltreatment incidence is 12 per 1,000 children, with 899,454 substantiated or indicated cases in 2005. • Approximately 5,400 children in Minnesota were abused and neglected in 2008, and over 50% were children of color (23% Black; 10% American Indian; 3% Asian and Pacific Islanders; 17% Other). Most children were the victims of multiple maltreatment types. • Maltreatment rates for under 3s:16.5 per 1,000 compared with 6.2 per 1,000 for children ages 16 to 17.
  • 9. The Cycle of Violence • Both follow-up and follow-back studies have consistently shown a direct link between exposure to violence and subsequent perpetration of violence. • For example, Widom (2001) reported that child victims of violence and neglect were 59% more likely to be arrested as juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested in adulthood, and 30% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime.
  • 10. Challenges in Identifying Traumatized Children • No way to know about children‘s histories of traumatic events o Particularly complicated by the shame and stigma associated with many types of trauma • Identifying ‗invisible‘ witnesses o E.g. emergency room visits o E.g. police reports • No national surveillance system • Concerns about formal identification via official statistics leading to government involvement (e.g. CPS)
  • 11. The Impact of Trauma on Children Short Term Effects: Acute Disruptions in Self Regulation • Eating • Fearfulness • Sleeping • Re-experiencing • Toileting /Flashbacks • Attention & • Aggression; Turning Concentration passive into active • Withdrawal • Relationships • Avoidance • Partial memory loss
  • 12. The Impact of Trauma on Children Long Term Effects: Chronic Developmental Adaptations • Depression • Anxiety • PTSD • Personality • Substance abuse • Perpetration of violence
  • 13. Trauma and Developmental Psychopathology Trauma & Cumulative Risk Overlap • Risks ‗pile up‘ (Rutter, 1985) • Secondary adversities during trauma events (Pynoos et al., 1996) • Multi-problem families risk for trauma (Widom, 1989; 1999) • Other risks contribute to PTSD
  • 14. Why be concerned with trauma and posttraumatic stress in parents? • Associations between adult trauma and: o Child distress and child PTSD o Parenting impairments • How might parents respond differently to other adults (e.g. service providers) when they are dealing with traumatic stress? • And most important, how might they deal differently with their children?
  • 15. Parents who are traumatized may be: • Suffering from PTSD and related disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety) • Using drugs to mask the pain • Disempowered • Parents of children who have become ―parentified‖ (i.e. responsible beyond their years)
  • 16. How might parents‘ trauma histories affect their parenting? A history of traumatic experiences may: • Compromise parents‘ ability to make appropriate judgments about their own and their child‘s safety and to appraise danger; in some cases, parents may be overprotective and, in others, they may not recognize situations that could be dangerous for the child. • Make it challenging for parents to form and maintain secure and trusting relationships, leading to: o Disruptions in relationships with infants, children, and adolescents, and/or negative feelings about parenting; parents may personalize their children‘s negative behavior, resulting in ineffective or inappropriate discipline. o Challenges in relationships with caseworkers, foster parents, and service providers and difficulties supporting their child‘s therapy.
  • 17. Trauma history can: • Impair parents‘ capacity to regulate their emotions. • Lead to poor self-esteem and the development of maladaptive coping strategies, such as substance abuse or abusive intimate relationships that parents maintain because of a real or perceived lack of alternatives. • Result in trauma reminders—or ―triggers‖—when parents have extreme reactions to situations that seem benign to others. • NCTSN, 2011: parents-trauma-histories-and-child-welfare-system
  • 18. Traumatized parents may… • Find it hard to talk about their strengths (or those of their children) • Need support in managing children‘s behavior • Have difficulty labeling their children‘s emotions, and validating them • Have difficulty managing their own emotions in family communication o When posttraumatic stress symptoms interfere with daily interactions with children, parents should seek individual treatment.
  • 19. How does adult posttraumatic stress disorder affect parenting? Growth in fathers‘ PTSD is associated with self-reported impairments in parenting one year after return from combat. Gewirtz, Polusny, DeGarmo, Khaylis, & Erbes, (2010), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 5, 599-610
  • 20. PTSD Diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of exposure to a traumatic event meeting two criteria and symptoms from each of three symptom clusters: intrusive recollections, avoidant/numbing symptoms, and hyper- arousal symptoms. A fifth criterion concerns duration of symptoms and a sixth assesses functioning.
  • 21. Criterion A: stressor The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following have been present: • The person has experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event or events that involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of oneself or others. • The person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: in children, it may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior.
  • 22. Criterion B: intrusive recollection The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in at least one of the following ways: • Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: in young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed. • Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: in children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content • Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated). Note: in children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur. • Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event. • Physiologic reactivity upon exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
  • 23. Criterion C: avoidant/numbing Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by at least three of the following: • Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma • Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma • Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma • Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities • Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others • Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings) • Sense of foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span)
  • 24. Criterion D: hyper-arousal Persistent symptoms of increasing arousal (not present before the trauma), indicated by at least two of the following: • Difficulty falling or staying asleep • Irritability or outbursts of anger • Difficulty concentrating • Hyper-vigilance • Exaggerated startle response
  • 25. Criterion E: duration Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in B, C, and D) is more than one month. Criterion F: functional significance The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  • 26. Trauma Treatment Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy • Child trauma treatment with largest body of evidence for its effectiveness • Developed by Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, and tested with various populations (child sexual abuse victims, children exposed to domestic violence, child traumatic grief, etc) • Targets trauma-related symptoms, not PTSD alone • Includes parent/caregiver throughout treatment, both together with and separately from the child
  • 27. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy • See • Validated for 3-18 year olds • Essential components: o Establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationship with child and parent o Psycho-education about childhood trauma and PTSD o Emotional regulation skills o Individualized stress management skills
  • 28. TF-CBT cont. • Connecting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to the trauma • Assisting the child in sharing a verbal, written, or artistic narrative about the trauma(s) and related experiences • Encouraging gradual in vivo exposure to trauma reminders if appropriate • Cognitive and affective processing of the trauma experiences • Education about healthy interpersonal relationships • Parental treatment components including parenting skills • Joint parent-child sessions to practice skills and enhance trauma-related discussions • Personal safety skills training • Coping with future trauma reminders
  • 29. Overview • Defining trauma-informed care • Care systems serving traumatized children • Assessment • Intervention • Building trauma-informed systems o A Minnesota example
  • 30. Defining Trauma-Informed Care • What is trauma? • Trauma-informed care o Practitioner knowledge about impact of traumatic events on children, adults, and families o Practitioner use of this knowledge in delivering care (skills) • E.g. ‗what happened to you?‘ vs. ‗why did you do this?‘ o Agency and system use of knowledge in training staff and implementing interventions
  • 31. Practitioner Knowledge • How did you learn about trauma? • What did you learn? • Examples of trauma curricula o National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Curriculum in Child Trauma o Example: Ibrahim
  • 32. Practitioner Skills • Trauma assessment • Delivering o Evidence-based trauma treatments o Trauma-informed interventions
  • 33. Notes on the Reporting of Trauma Exposure and Symptoms • By children o Underreporting consistent with posttraumatic symptoms (i.e. denial) o Fear of disclosure; shame; stigma • By their caregivers – underreporting well documented o Guilt o Denial o Concern about child protection involvement • Discrepancy between parent and child report of both history and symptoms
  • 34. Benefits of TF-CBT • TF-CBT is a highly effective treatment for symptoms of traumatic stress in children and youth. • Over 80% of traumatized children show significant improvement in 12 to 16 weeks. • Family functioning is improved because TF-CBT encourages the parent to be the primary agent of change for the traumatized child.
  • 35. Who is TF-CBT for? • TF-CBT is suitable for many children who have experienced trauma, including children with multiple or compound traumas. • TF-CBT has been successfully adapted to address the unique needs of several special populations including Latino, Native American, and hearing-impaired families. • Children as young as three can be treated with TF-CBT.
  • 37. Why train providers in TF-CBT? Training Children with Trauma- Providers in Trauma, Informed Trauma- Traumatic EBPs for Informed Stress Children EBPs
  • 38. How do you train providers? Different types of training models available • Didactic training models: workshops, written materials, presentations, web-based learning • Competency training models: Role-playing, demonstrations, ongoing consultation, case consultation • Most successful: Combination • Most used: Didactic
  • 39. Training Providers • Limitations of didactic training o Effective for increasing knowledge o Doesn‘t support change in practice • In order to change and sustain practice, need to utilize models that support this o Combination training
  • 40. Learning Collaborative (LC) • Quality improvement model o Change and sustain new practice to improve the delivery of care in health care setting • Avoid ―project mentality‖ • Evidence-base for the LC • NCTSI adaptation
  • 41. Key Elements of the LC PDSA Cycles Action Topic Selection Periods Faculty Recruitment Learning Sessions Innovation Teams Measurement and Evaluation
  • 42. History of TF-CBT Training • 2007-2008 o First TF-CBT Learning Collaborative o First Request For Proposals • 2009 -2010 o 2 Outpatient Treatment Groups o 1 Residential Treatment Group • 2011-2012 o 3 Outpatient Treatment Groups
  • 43. Funding for Providers Grants pay hourly Medicaid rate for ―lost time‖ • 10 hours for online training • 32 hours for classroom training • 18 hours for consultation calls • 18 hours for internal supervision • 36 hours for assessment/fidelity • 16 hours for follow-up training days • Travel/lodging costs
  • 44. Ambit Network‘s TF-CBT LC Follow-up and Practicum Period Consultation Calls T1 T2 T3 Follow-up and Practicum Period
  • 45. In-Person Trainings • Training 1 o Trauma 101, Trauma-informed assessments, ―PRAC‖ • Training 2 o ―TICE‖, Developing trauma-narrative, Gradual exposure • Training 3 o Case presentations, Sustainability after the LC • Additional topics in Trainings 2 and 3
  • 46. Consultation Calls • 18 bimonthly cohort calls o Case presentations • 9 monthly supervisor calls • Phone conference with web-based component • Collaboration across agencies and providers o ―This is how I did it‖
  • 47.
  • 48. Follow-up and Technical Assistance • ―Practicum period‖ – throughout the LC o Scoring clinical assessments o Fidelity monitoring o Tracking follow-up interviews, assessments • Purpose of technical assistance o Support trainee learning o Monitoring implementation
  • 49.
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  • 55. Trained Providers in Minnesota
  • 57. Serving Minnesota‘s Children 1,555 children screened for trauma Male 44% Female 56%
  • 58. Age of Children Screened for Trauma 1% 3% 28% 26% 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-17 18+ 42%
  • 59. Race, Ethnicity of Children Screened for Trauma Race Number Percent American Indian/Alaskan Native 100 6.4% Black/African American 153 9.8% White 771 49.6% Asian 7 .5% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5 .3% Multi-racial 121 7.8% Unknown 398 25.6% Ethnicity Number Percent Hispanic/Latino 117 7.5% Not Hispanic/Latino 990 63.7% Unknown 448 28.8%
  • 60. Number of Clients Screened, Per Year 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*
  • 61. Top 10 Behavior Problems Reported Somewhat/Very Total N % Total Reporting Attachment Problems 472 673 70.1% Behavior 470 674 69.7% Problems, Home/Community Academic Problems 451 673 67.0% Behavior Problems, 385 672 57.3% School/Daycare Other Self-Injurious Behaviors 186 673 31.1% Dev’tally Inapp. Sexual Behaviors 161 674 23.9% Problems Skipping School/Daycare 144 673 21.4% Other medical problems, 105 674 15.6% Disabilities Criminal Activity 102 674 15.1%
  • 62. Clinical Evaluation Probable/Definite Total N % Total Reporting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 674 666 86.2% Depression 495 659 75.1% General Behavioral Problems 432 658 65.7% Generalized Anxiety 397 660 57.1% Attachment Problems 376 658 44.9% Traumatic/Complicated Grief 293 653 44.9% Oppositional Defiant Disorder 293 657 44.6% ADHD 283 655 43.2% Dissociation 178 647 27.5% Acute Stress Disorder 172 639 26.9%
  • 63. Top 10 Reported Traumas Domestic Violence Impaired Caregiver Emotional… Traumatic Loss/Bereavement Physical Maltreatment/Abuse Neglect Sexual Maltreatment/Abuse Sexual Assault/Rape Physical Assault Serious Injury/Accident 0 200 400 600 800 Number of Children Reporting
  • 64. Clinical Outcomes: UCLA N=396 40 35 Average Overall Score on the UCLA 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Baseline Average Follow-up Average PTSD Overall Score 34.43 24.17
  • 65. Clinical Outcomes: TSCC N=388 60 58 Average Score on TSCC-A 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 Baseline Average Score Last Follow-up Average Score Anxiety 57.68 50.94 Dissociation 56.77 51.56 Anger 53.96 49.13 Depression 56.13 50.06 PTSD 57.9 50.88
  • 67. The Next Four Years • Improve access to trauma-informed practices and treatment for traumatized children and families • Implement and sustain evidence-based trauma treatment models in the Upper Midwest and in particular throughout four targeted regions • Build and maintain consensus for child trauma
  • 68. The Next Four Years Learning Collaboratives • Recently completed a LC in Northwest MN • Completing a LC Southeast MN • Initiate two cultural providers LC‘s in the metro • Initiate a second LC for residential treatment center providers • Initiate a second LC in Central MN • Initiate a LC in Southwest MN
  • 69. The Next Four Years Evaluation and Reporting • Continue tracking and data collection for LC sites • Provide evaluation reports for completed cohorts • Conduct exploratory analysis on fidelity • Provide TF-CBT booster trainings • Manage TF-CBT certification process in MN
  • 70. Systems Integration • Many child and family serving agencies touch lives following traumatic experiences. • The way these organizations work together is critically important. • They can reduce the harmful impact of traumatic experiences OR …
  • 71. Systems Integration • Literature on integrating systems around trauma expertise and responses is scant to nonexistent. • Survey conducted in 2005 by NCTSN assessed o Ways agencies gather, assess, and share trauma-related information o Child trauma training that staffs receive Taylor, Siegfried, NCTSN Systems Integration Working Group, 2005.
  • 72. Systems Integration • Findings from the survey across all child serving agencies included: o Trauma history rarely follows the child. o Many agencies do not conduct standardized trauma screening or assessment. o More information is gathered on behavior and problems than duration of abuse, # of episodes, and internalizing symptom. o Less than half receive training on trauma treatments and where to refer.
  • 73. Systems Integration Recommendations from NCTSN: • Identify common interests across systems • Evaluate the benefits of systems integration • Introduce core training for every child and family serving agency • Provide trauma-informed interventions early and strategically • Emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration and relationships Brymer, Layne, 2008
  • 74. The Next Four Years Systems Integration • Convene Advisory and Families Committees • Convene a 2-day launch in each region o Conduct a community needs/readiness assessment o Facilitate stakeholder dialog • Convene parents and providers to deliver a NAMI/parent- led training on working with traumatized families • Deliver training on trauma-informed practice (i.e. NCTSN Toolkit for child welfare providers, and the NCTSN Toolkit for juvenile justice providers) • Convene quarterly meetings to develop trauma-informed practices (i.e. universal screening protocols, case management and collaboration protocols
  • 75. The Next Four Years Systems Integration • Convene military stakeholders in parallel launch process • Two LCs in PTC/ADAPT targeting providers serving military and refugee families • Year four: further diffuse trauma-informed practice by training school social workers who will then participate in the regional hubs • Work with each region throughout the grant period on sustainability
  • 76. The Next Four Years Number Served • 400 practitioners trained in EBP Toolkits • 240 families in parent led trainings • 115 providers trained in TF-CBT • 40 providers trained in PTC • 2450 children screened and assessed • 1280 children receiving TF-CBT
  • 77. Contact Information Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D, L.P. Program Director Heidi Flessert, M.P.H. Evaluator Chris Bray, Ph.D, L.P. Associate Director Ambit Network, University of Minnesota 612-624-8063

Editor's Notes

  1. Chris and Heidi – please weigh in on order – should systems or practice go first??
  2. i.e. events outside the range of normal human experience. Does not include television or media violence
  3. These include both violent and non-violent (e.g. accident, natural disaster, etc) events). In 2006, Minnesota ranked second in the nation for the highest number of refugees (11.8% of the national total), and third in 2007, receiving 6.6% of the total refugees entering the US [2, 3]. Refugees from Liberia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Vietnam, Laos, and other countries have made their homes primarily in the Twin Cities Metro Area. Similar to national trends, the Latino population is the largest immigrant group in the state. However, it is expected that 1,200 refugees from Ethiopia, Somalia and other war torn areas will arrive in Minnesota this year.Immigrant/refugee trauma is significant in the Metro region, requiring culturally responsive, trauma-informed treatment services. The largest groups of refugee populations in the Metro region come from East African nations. Current estimates put these populations close to 70,000[12], however, exact numbers are not known due to relocation tracking difficulties. Community members estimate that the number of Somalis is alone close to 70,000, making Minnesota home to the largest Somali population outside Africa [13].Findings from national and local studies indicate very high levels of PTSD among refugees; one in four men and 50% women report rape and/or torture histories[14]. Based on national estimates of torture among African refugees and the number of refugees in Minnesota, it is likely that over 30,000 torture survivors currently live in Minnesota, primarily in the Metro region [15]. Research conducted in Minnesota indicate that prevalence of torture ranges from 25-69% among Somali and Ethiopian (Oromo) refugees [16]. Children of refugee families also experience high rates of PTSD and related disorders - as high as 75% in community samples [17, 18]. Local data suggest similar needs among Minnesota’s refugee youth. The Center for Victims of Torture, an Ambit Network partner, conducted a pilot study in two Metro Area suburbs, revealing high rates of trauma: 35% witnessed someone hurt or killed, 83% reported being separated from family due to war, and 23% reported their parents taken/arrested by authorities. The number of traumatic events was significantly related to PTSD and depression [19].
  4. Approximately 5,400 children in the state were abused and neglected in 2008, and over 50%were children of color (23% Black; 10% American Indian; 3% Asian and Pacific Islanders; 17% Other). Most children were the victims of multiple maltreatment types.
  5. Particularly difficult to identify young children – because they can’t tell the storyGive example of 2 yo who had witnessed shooting of father in restaurant – attacked police officer; guns in home, etc
  6. Ghosts in the nurseryGive examples of traumatized parentse.g. dad who exploded when his kids dropped their backpacks on the floorFather who wouldn’t let his kids in the yard because of the fire antsMother whose (low) windows were wide open in hot summer with no screens and 4 toddlers running around
  7. So that’s a bit of data- but what do traumatized parents look like? Particularly those exposed to chronic trauma….
  8. Add citation: NCTSN parent trauma fact sheet
  9. Distinguish between them
  10. Going back to the original problem and question…We have children who have experienced trauma and are experiencing child traumatic stress2. Trauma-informed EBPs for children available, but children are not receiving these treatments. 3. We have a tool to bridge the two (training), but it's not being bridged because we are not provide the type of training needed to bridge4. Bring it back to the original question: why train providers in TF-CBT? 5. Reason to provide training: bridge the gap, and increase access to care for children who have experienced trauma
  11. Training providers has been identified as one of the more challenging strategies to implement EBPs into the community because of the different types of models availableWhile didactic & competency trainings are the most successful, they are typically not used because they require investments of time, money, and effort that most community MH agencies don’t have.
  12. Didactic training only doesn’t prepare individuals to change their practiceReceive information, but no clear direction on how to move forwardSo more often than not, nothing changesThe problem with didactic trainings is that it doesn't support a change in practice. You get talked to for a half-day, full-day, then you go back to your office, you have all this work to do, and no support to try to implement what you learned.Like a college course: you go to class, you have homework, you develop competencies so that at the end, you're able to use what you learned
  13. One model that uses a combination of didactic and competency training is the learning collaborative modelIHI, BSLCQuality improvement model for trainingLong-term training model, designed to be 6-15 months in lengthKey to change: work of improvement is part of normal daily activities of participantsAvoid “project” mentality – work is limited to the collaborativeIncorporates individuals at all levels of the system – agency administration and frontline providers – to ensure change occurs at all levelsIHI model: QI in medical settings; LCs have been done for:Treatment of asthmaEnd of life careEfficiency in health care settingsA few studies have been done in mental health care settingsNCTSI adaptation (National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative)QI: trauma-informed servicesTraining in EBP like TF-CBT
  14. Topic selection: area needing improvement in which knowledge exists but not widely usedAmbit: Child Traumatic Stress, TF-CBTFaculty recruitment: Experts in the area to develop training content and deliver training, consultation, and coachingAmbit: Ambit Network, MN-DHS, Certified TF-CBT TrainersInnovation teams: Teams of 3-4 individuals to learn the new practice, implement on small scale, and then implement across the agency post-LC.Ambit: Recruit through RFPsLearning Sessions: Face to face meetings during the LC. Learn from experts, exchange ideas and learn from each other.Action Periods: Time between learning sessions to test and implement strategies; time for consultation and additional coaching.PDSA Cycles: Really part of the Action periods – steps for making sustainable changeWhat are we trying to accomplish?How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in an improvement?Measurement and Evaluation: Methods to monitor implementation and measure changeWhile each agency should develop a system, Ambit provides support during the LCProvides support while agencies develop their own measurement and evaluation planAre they continuing to implementing TF-CBT?Are they maintaining fidelity to the model?Are kids symptoms improving?How are they measuring and monitoring these types of indicators?
  15. Total length of “training” activities: About 12 months Follow-up and practicum period: Indefinite for Ambit LC Trainees
  16. 3 Trainings over the course of the year: Training 1 --- 3 months --- Training 2 --- 6-9 months --- Training 3Additional topics include:Childhood traumatic griefDevelopmental trauma disorderAvoidance as a clinical issueCompassion fatigue in providers
  17. Cohort consultation callsProvide 18 calls to ensure individuals meet the minimum 12-call requirement for certificationBegins about 1 month after training 1Case presentations begin in Month 2 or 3Usually about 2 case presentations per callSupervisor callsClinical questions for supervisorsSupervision questions from supervisorsSupervision topics and sustainability issues with supervisorsEarly adopters/late adoptersWorking with agency administration to support the modelSustaining TF-CBT after the LC endsConsultation calls is where we see a lot of collaboration and learning across providersDuring case presentations, are asked to bring a clinical questionThis is where although our trainer provides feedback, most of the time other trainees are providing feedback for how they did the issue as well
  18. Web-based componentAllows Ambit to pull up clinical assessment, fidelity dashboards, trauma narratives during case presentationsAllows trainer to provide clinical feedback to trainee providing the casePlatform for discussion with all trainees on the call“One person has a question, everyone else has that same question”Additional supervision for trainees
  19. Technical assistance from Ambit: provide scoring and tracking of clients over the course of the learning collaborativeThis technical assistance offers trainees an opportunity to focus on learning the TF-CBT model, implementing with their clients, without having to focus on the logistics of scoring assessments, keeping track of when follow-up assessments are dueAlso provides a system for monitoring the implementation of TF-CBT in MinnesotaClinical assessments: baseline, 3-month follow-ups, end of treatment – monitor client symptoms over course of treatmentSubmission to AmbitFidelity dashboards: provide immediate info on delivery of TF-CBT to cliniciansWhich components were delivered in each session, number of minutes spent on each componentInformation available for trainees, trainer, and Ambit staff to ensure adherence to the modelTracking interviews and assessments – email reminders for upcoming follow-ups for all active LC participantsUse two database: one for clinical data (Previously NICON, now Ambit is building our own database) and one for implementation (Access database)
  20. 31 of the 87 counties are listed as having at least 1 TF-CBT therapist
  21. 0-4: 405-9: 40210-14: 65915-17: 43318+: 21
  22. 2007: 132008: 892009: 2142010: 3562011: 3952012: 488
  23. Types of problems and experiences child might have experienced within the past month/30 daysRange: 672 – 675Average: 674% of Screened Sample (average/total sample): 43%% Total Reporting is the number that reported somewhat/very divided by the TOTAL N that reported.
  24. Range: 639-666Average: 654% of total sample reporting (using average): 42%
  25. domestic violence713impaired caregiver688Emotional Abuse/Psychological Maltreatment647traumatic loss or bereavement576Physical maltreatment/abuse539Neglect385Sexual maltreatment/abuse329Sexual assault/rape302Physical assault275serious injury/accident221
  26. From August 2012
  27. From August 2012
  28. On being lastSAVE THE BEST FOR LAST Last but not least Losers come in lastDownside and upsideGetting the last wordWhose in the roomSummarizeAbi – trauma and trauma-informed: knowledge building; screening/assessment; case planning, trauma treatments, collaborationHeidi – efforts in MN to date
  29. Completed a total of 6 LC’s training over 214 therapists throughout MN
  30. Talk about the positive impact of system integration and possible negative impact when system actions may worsen the traumatic experience for children and familiesMore attention paid to agencies ie law enforcement and CW that get involved with a child immediately following a TE, less attention paid to agencies that become involved later ie guardians ad litem, juvenile justice
  31. Child serving agencies included family and dependency court, CW agencies, Foster care agencies, Mental health agencies, JJ agencies, Schools
  32. Common interests include grades, recidivism, school attendance, service utilization, cost effectivenessGenerally SI means re-writing policy, employee education; supervisor educationGive an example – WE and the 3 counties – first exampleNow – benefits of evaluation
  33. Family and Advisory committees help to establish representation, process and consensus on project goalsLaunch will facilitate stakeholder dialog, strategically plan, conduct community readiness assessmentPDSA Plan Do Study Act = some flexibility
  34. PARENTING THROUGH CHANGEAFTER DEPLOYMENT: ADAPTIVE PARENTING TOOLSSustainability:providing further pathways from identification to screening and treatment.
  35. Ambit network – navigating research and practice in child traumaNot a rudderless ship