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Before you submit your Final Research Paper, make sure that
you have
· Reviewed the Research Paper Guidelines to ensure your paper
addresses all required components and develops a clear position
in response to one of the writing prompts provided.
· Reviewed the Model Final Research Paper and Week Five
Assignment Template in order to understand expectations for
the assignment.
· Incorporated a minimum of five scholarly sources.
· Provided well-researched evidence to support each claim.
· Incorporated feedback or suggestions into your revisions.
· Proofread your final draft for errors in grammar, mechanics,
and style.
· Written a paper that is approximately seven to ten pages total
in length, including
· a title page
· five to seven pages of body text (1,500 to 2,000 words)
· a references page
· Formatted your paper according to APA style as outlined in
the Ashford Writing Center.
Your Final Research Paper will be assessed on the following
· Structure
· Development
· Style
· Grammar
· APA formatting
· Resources
Submission Information: Complete the tasks above and save the
document as a Microsoft Word or PDF file. Submit your
assignment via the Assignment Submission button. Please use a
naming convention for your assignment file that includes your
last name and the week number. So, your Final Research Paper
assignment should bear a file name that looks like:
smithENG122w5.docx or smithENG122w5.pdf.
The Final Research Paper
· Must have a body length of five to seven double-spaced pages
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
· Must include a separate title page with the following:
· Title of paper
· Student’s name
· Course name and number
· Instructor’s name
· Date submitted
· Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct
thesis statement.
· Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought, well-
supported claims, and properly cited evidence.
· Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
· Must use and cite at least five scholarly sources from the
Ashford University Library.
· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the
Ashford Writing Center.
· Must include a separate references page that is formatted
according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing
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returned within 24 hours with a revision plan.
· Click HERE to email us any writing questions.
· For additional writing resources like Grammarly (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site., click on the Writing
Center tab in the left navigation pane.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used
to evaluate your assignment.
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Rosalyn Albright
Assignment: Week 3 - Assignment
Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M)
Nicole Elliott 11/8/2017 11:09:56 AM
View markup for Final Research Paper Draft.pdf
Hi, Rosalyn.
Thank you for submitting your rough draft. As we now begin to
prepare for the final draft that will be due in Week 5, everyone
should be focused on identifying the weaknesses or areas
needing improvement. My feedback is designed with goal in
mind. I do understand, though, that it is sometimes challenging
to receive this type of critique. Know that even students earning
100% of the points will receive this type of feedback. We are
unable to make improvements until we are aware that they are
needed. Please carefully review the comments that I have
inserted into your Waypoint document.
Tips for Improving Focus
Right now, some of your claims are off-topic. Make sure that
you are addressing the focus as it is defined in the research
question. This is why your work continues to be "below
expectations." Your essay explains how fake news is spread and
it describes the ways in which it effects society. It does not
explain a) why people find it difficult to identify, and b) how
we might limit its influence, potential solutions. These topics
do not appear to the focus of most body paragraphs.
Research Question: Why is "fake news" so hard to identify and
what can be done to limit its influence in society?
Essays responding to this prompt should focus on two issues: 1)
identify specific reasons why "fake news" is difficult to
identify, and 2) identify potential solutions that would work to
limit its influence.
Fake news is difficult to identify because . . . [Identify 3-4
The influence of fake news may be limited by . . .[Identify at
least 1 potential solution]
Each paragraph in your essay should focus on these two issues.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss
of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill
"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my
strength lies solely in my tenacity." - Louis Pasteur, French
Chemist and Microbiologist
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude
about the problem." - Fictional Character Captain Jack Sparrow
Revision is an essential part of being an effective writer, being
WILLING to write multiple drafts. Take Mr. Churchill's advice
and don't lose your ENTHUSIASM as you become aware of
your mistakes. This is an ESSENTIAL part of the learning
process. See the "problem" as an opportunity, like our friend
Mr. Sparrow. And, like Louis Pasteur, be tenacious!
( 5.25 / 8.00) Draft Development
Below Expectations - The draft provides barely enough content,
sources, or other features essential for the instructor to provide
extensive feedback.
( 0.00 / 0.00) Structure
Below Expectations - Draft is centered on a topic or theme, but
it lacks a thesis or controlling idea that focuses the paper. The
topic or theme is minimally developed through a paragraph
structure; topic sentences are absent, and some paragraphs do
not advance the topic. The concluding paragraph is absent, or it
does not refer back to the paper's thesis, summarize the main
points, and/or give final direction to the reader.
( 0.00 / 0.00) Development
Below Expectations - Draft's thesis or controlling idea is
minimally developed in the body of the paper; the sequence of
ideas lacks logic and focus. Paragraphs are not adequately
supported by examples and evidence and/or the draft does not
meet the minimum length requirement.
( 0.00 / 0.00) Style
Basic - Draft utilizes techniques of research writing, including
language that is mostly appropriate to audience and purpose,
although not entirely concise. Errors in word choice and
sentence construction are present.
( 0.00 / 0.00) Grammar
Basic - Draft uses the proper conventions of the English
language most of the time. Some mechanical errors detract from
the development of the content.
( 0.00 / 0.00) Resource Requirement
Basic - Uses less than the required number of sources to support
ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the
reference page are used within the body of the assignment.
Citations may not be formatted correctly.
( 0.00 / 0.00) APA Formatting
Basic - Draft uses some APA formatting, but does not meet all
APA requirements. Draft contains a title page and reference
Overall Score: 5.25 / 8.00
Overall Grade: 5.25
Assignment: Week 2 - Assignment
Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M)
Nicole Elliott 11/1/2017 9:12:18 AM
View markup for Document28.pdf
Hi, Rosalyn. I have completed my review of your Week 2:
Outline. Please study the comments that I have inserted into
your assignment; with these I share helpful resources and
highlight portions of the document that demonstrate its
strengths and weaknesses. I have also highlighted areas of
concern in my comments below.
Tips for Success: Preparing for the Week 3 Rough Draft
Focus - The focus of the outline is at times off-topic. Make sure
that your rough draft addresses the purpose named in the
research question.
Structure - Make sure to see my comments relating to your
thesis statement. Also, make sure to use the assignment
template and to review the model assignment. These documents
will help you to better understand the requirements.
Development - Be aware of the word count requirement. Your
submission with approximately 160 words falls short of the 500
word requirement. Make sure to include evidence from an
outside source to support each claim.
Plagiarism - Make sure to follow the guidelines for including
in-text citation. There are areas in your outline where you are
technically plagiarizing because these important elements are
Reference Page Citation - Review the guidelines for reference
page citation. The citations are missing required elements and
format errors are present.
Again, the comments that I have inserted into your assignment
will help you to better understand these closing comments.
When I review your Week 3: Rough Draft, I will be looking
closely to see that your work responds to your Week 2 feedback.
If you have any questions, please message. I am eager to help!
( 0.77 / 1.20) Structure
Below Expectations - Outline is centered around a topic or
theme, but lacks a thesis statement to focus the paper. The
introduction, topic sentences, supporting information, and
conclusion are not organized in a formal format. Some required
information may be missing.
( 0.00 / 1.20) Development
Non-Performance - An appropriate outline development is either
nonexistent or the assignment lacks the components described in
the instructions.
( 0.91 / 1.20) Style
Basic - Outline utilizes techniques of research writing,
including language that is mostly appropriate to audience and
purpose, although not entirely concise. Errors in word choice
and sentence construction are present.
( 0.68 / 0.90) Grammar
Basic - Outline uses the proper conventions of the English
language most of the time. Some mechanical errors detract from
the development of the content.
( 0.57 / 0.90) Resource Requirement
Below Expectations - Uses an inadequate number of sources
that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not
be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used
within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted
( 0.46 / 0.60) APA Formatting
Basic - Outline uses some APA formatting, but does not meet
all APA requirements. Outline contains a title page and
reference page.
Overall Score: 3.39 / 6.00
Overall Grade: 3.39
Fake News Annotated Bibliography Rosalyn Albright ENG 122
COMP 11 Nicole Elliot Week Two Assignment Two October 29,
Fake News 2 of 3 Fakes News Fake News I. Introduction A.
Fake News should be researched to make sure it is legitimate
because false information is damaging academically and is
substandard to our society.
II. Body Paragraph: Fake News and Social Media A. For most
people it is difficult to identify Fake News because they spend
less timeconsuming news and are less interested in current
events and lesser education.
III. Confusion about Fake News
A. Young people need to be educated to distinguish credible
news information. Young people don't have the ability to
explain the information they consume. Separation of our
personal beliefs and bogus news we read may be good for our
IV. Fake News in the 2016
A."Social Media such as Facebook have a different anatomy
than regular news sources because there is no third part
filtering, fact-checking, or editorial judgment." Facebook is
more of a gossip news source that is misleading as to following
the 2016 election, a specific concern of false stories circulated
on Social Media.
Fake News 3 of 3
Fake News
References Spratt, Hannah E.; Agosto, Denise E. In: Fighting
Fake News: because we all deserve the truth: programming
ideas for teaching teens media literacy. Young Adult Literacy
Services. Summer 2017, Vol 15 Issue 4, p 17, 5p.; Crocco,
Margaret; Halvorsen, Annelise; Jacobsen, Rebecca; Avner. In:
Phi Delta Kappan. Teaching with evidence: in this age of Fake
News, students need to be able to access the trustworthiness of
evidence especially when deliberating thorny public policy
issues. April 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 7, 67; Phi Delta Kappan.
Feb2017, Vol. 98 Issue 5, 6 Real Confusion about Fake News.
Assignment: Week 1 - Assignment
Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M)
Nicole Elliott 10/30/2017 11:23:45 AM
View markup for Document25 (3).pdf
Hi, Rosalyn. I have completed my review of your annotated
My Observations
+ (plus) = Good or Mostly Correct / - (minus) = Improvement
+ The assignment takes the form of an APA formatted annotated
bibliography, and it matches the example presented in the Week
1 Instructions.
- The work is on-topic. The writer's analysis aligns well with
the research question.
- A thesis statement is included that announces the purpose of
the essay and previews the main ideas that will be explored in
the body of the essay.
- Annotations include two paragraphs communicating a brief
reflection, an assessment, and a detailed plan for the source (a
description describing how the source supports the argument).
- 5 high quality (peer reviewed and written within the last 5-7
years) sources were selected.
-/+ The APA guidelines were applied to the title page and
document. These rules are found in the Writing Center. Go to
"Writing Center," and next click the tab that says "APA
Guides." Explore the links featured under "Formatting."
- The APA guidelines for reference page citation were applied
correctly. For further instruction, review the "Citation Models"
in the AU Writing Center. Student - "Why don't you just tell
me exactly what is wrong?" I am helping you to locate these
instructional resources. Bookmark them in your browser. This
process is mastered by consulting instruction and examples as
you create each citation. It is like reading a recipe as you cook a
- Make sure to proofread your work carefully for word choice
problems and grammatical errors. Use Grammarly.
The annotated bibliography lists the sources that you will
consult as you work on the research paper project. The list may
change after you begin researching. You may decide to add
sources, and you may decide to omit sources that do not meet
your needs. Each time that you make a claim or describe your
reasoning, you should include expert testimony borrowed from
an outside source to demonstrate that these well-respected
thinkers and writers share your opinion. This is how you will
persuade the audience.
If you have ANY questions about my feedback, please do not
hesitate to message. I am eager to help!
( 1.15 / 1.80) Development
Below Expectations - Minimally and/or unclearly annotates at
least three sources. Each annotation includes at least one
paragraph, but may not summarize the entry's major claims
and/or describe how the material is useful to the student's Final
Research Paper. Annotated bibliography may not meet the
required length of 500 to 700 words.
( 0.96 / 1.50) Style
Below Expectations - Annotations address a subject that
warrants formal research writing techniques, but the content is
not concise and contains language inappropriate to audience
and/or purpose. Various errors in word choice and sentence
construction are present.
( 0.57 / 0.90) Grammar
Below Expectations - Annotations do not use many of the
proper conventions of the English language. Mechanical errors
detract from the development of the annotations.
( 1.37 / 1.80) APA Formatting
Basic - Assignment uses some APA formatting but does not
meet all APA requirements. The assignment contains a title
Overall Score: 4.05 / 6.00
Overall Grade: 4.05
Running Head: Fake News 1 of 4 Fake News:
Annotated Bibliography Rosalyn Albright ENG 122 Comp. 11
Nicole Elliot October 23, 2017
Running Head: Fake News 2 of 4 Fake News Fake News:
Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: Fake news should be
researched to make sure it is legitimate, because bogus
information is damaging academically and false information is a
substandard influence in our society
Spratt, Hannah E.: Agosto, Denise E. In: Young Adult Literacy
Services. Summer2017, Vol. 15 issue4, p17, 5p.
The author states due to information access by easy way of
engineering at home, school and public library, the job of
educating people of all ages how to judge quality and
authenticity. Recent outpouring of the people engaging in social
media has led to thoroughly examined sources and Fake News
on the internet. Fake News is a serious matter that affects teens
at both the individual level, and the boarder society/level,
impacting social, political, economic, and other local national
and international developments. Internet has become more
luring and accessible information resource. Internet users are
vulnerable to being caught in a vicious cycle of fake news. The
majority of the United States teens rely on social media for the
latest news and events. Librarians should encourage teens to get
outside their limit news bubbles. Fake news creators can be very
professional in writing stories that plays with your personal
emotions and beliefs. All this is that access to internet means
nothing if you are unable to distinguish between facts and
conspiracy theory.
Running Head: Fake News 3 of 4
Fake News: Annotated Bibliography Crocco, Margret;
Halvorsen, Annelise; Jacobsen, Rebecca; Aven. In: Phi Delta
Kappan. April 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 7, 67 The author states that
we process information in ways that increase reality in our
beliefs values and ideas. Our filters play a bid role in evidence.
Most people get news from social media like Facebook and
twitter. Our like and dislikes are customized by newsfeeds. Ten
years ago, people watched only three Tv channels and read the
regional and national newspaper. Studies show about 8,000
students, from middle school to college age, and their ability to
distinguish between real news written by journalist and
advertisements sponsored by other groups to mimic real news.
The author states there are seven types of evidence that
Scholars typically invoked during public policy discussions. 1.
Expert judgement: The knowledge provided by someone with
education background, work experience and credentials. 2.
Personal experience: Firsthand knowledge obtained from direct
observation. 3. Anecdote/secondhand experience: Retelling the
view of someone else. 4. Example: Illustrating a point. 5.
Law/policy: Rules and regulations. 6. Statistical data:
Measurable information presented in numerical format. 7.
Research: Findings conducted by a trained researcher.
Individuals reasons from evidence to claims to arguments is
often influenced by rational and emotional factors, elements of
one's destiny, and values and belief system.
Running Head: Fake News 4 of 4 Fake News: Annotated
Bibliography Phi Delta Kappen. Feb 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 5,6
The article states students can't distinguish trustworthiness of
online sources according to findings from an 18- month study.
Young people ability to reason about the information on the
internet is a lack of vegetation and exposed to the elements.
There all kinds of bogus news stories out, so it is very
important to hold an article up against your personal guilt to
find out whether what you are reading is true or not true.

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  • 1. If this video does not load properly, it can be accessed by clicking here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Transcript Before you submit your Final Research Paper, make sure that you have · Reviewed the Research Paper Guidelines to ensure your paper addresses all required components and develops a clear position in response to one of the writing prompts provided. · Reviewed the Model Final Research Paper and Week Five Assignment Template in order to understand expectations for the assignment. · Incorporated a minimum of five scholarly sources. · Provided well-researched evidence to support each claim. · Incorporated feedback or suggestions into your revisions. · Proofread your final draft for errors in grammar, mechanics, and style. · Written a paper that is approximately seven to ten pages total in length, including · a title page · five to seven pages of body text (1,500 to 2,000 words) · a references page · Formatted your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your Final Research Paper will be assessed on the following components: · Structure · Development · Style · Grammar · APA formatting · Resources Submission Information: Complete the tasks above and save the document as a Microsoft Word or PDF file. Submit your
  • 2. assignment via the Assignment Submission button. Please use a naming convention for your assignment file that includes your last name and the week number. So, your Final Research Paper assignment should bear a file name that looks like: smithENG122w5.docx or smithENG122w5.pdf. The Final Research Paper · Must have a body length of five to seven double-spaced pages formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. · Must include a separate title page with the following: · Title of paper · Student’s name · Course name and number · Instructor’s name · Date submitted · Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. · Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought, well- supported claims, and properly cited evidence. · Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. · Must use and cite at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. · Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. · Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Writing specialists are here 24/7, every day of the year, ready to support you! · Click HERE to instantly chat with an online tutor. · Click HERE to submit your paper for a review. Papers are returned within 24 hours with a revision plan. · Click HERE to email us any writing questions. · For additional writing resources like Grammarly (Links to an
  • 3. external site.)Links to an external site., click on the Writing Center tab in the left navigation pane. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Stuck on a problem? Don't skip that assignment – click the button to chat with a live tutor. It is free and here to help you now. Go to top of page The assignments in this course will be submitted to Waypoint. Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment. 1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint "Student Dashboard" will open in a new browser window. 2. Browse for your assignment. 3. Click Upload. 4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week's assignment tab in Waypoint. For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint Tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Top of Form This tool needs to be loaded in a new browser window Load Week 5 - Final Research Paper in a new window Bottom of Form The following content is partner provided Back to Dropbox Rosalyn Albright
  • 4. Assignment: Week 3 - Assignment Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M) Nicole Elliott 11/8/2017 11:09:56 AM View markup for Final Research Paper Draft.pdf Hi, Rosalyn. Thank you for submitting your rough draft. As we now begin to prepare for the final draft that will be due in Week 5, everyone should be focused on identifying the weaknesses or areas needing improvement. My feedback is designed with goal in mind. I do understand, though, that it is sometimes challenging to receive this type of critique. Know that even students earning 100% of the points will receive this type of feedback. We are unable to make improvements until we are aware that they are needed. Please carefully review the comments that I have inserted into your Waypoint document. Tips for Improving Focus Right now, some of your claims are off-topic. Make sure that you are addressing the focus as it is defined in the research question. This is why your work continues to be "below expectations." Your essay explains how fake news is spread and it describes the ways in which it effects society. It does not explain a) why people find it difficult to identify, and b) how we might limit its influence, potential solutions. These topics do not appear to the focus of most body paragraphs. Research Question: Why is "fake news" so hard to identify and what can be done to limit its influence in society? Essays responding to this prompt should focus on two issues: 1) identify specific reasons why "fake news" is difficult to identify, and 2) identify potential solutions that would work to limit its influence. Fake news is difficult to identify because . . . [Identify 3-4 reasons] The influence of fake news may be limited by . . .[Identify at least 1 potential solution] Each paragraph in your essay should focus on these two issues. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss
  • 5. of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill "Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity." - Louis Pasteur, French Chemist and Microbiologist "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." - Fictional Character Captain Jack Sparrow Revision is an essential part of being an effective writer, being WILLING to write multiple drafts. Take Mr. Churchill's advice and don't lose your ENTHUSIASM as you become aware of your mistakes. This is an ESSENTIAL part of the learning process. See the "problem" as an opportunity, like our friend Mr. Sparrow. And, like Louis Pasteur, be tenacious! Nicole ( 5.25 / 8.00) Draft Development Below Expectations - The draft provides barely enough content, sources, or other features essential for the instructor to provide extensive feedback. ( 0.00 / 0.00) Structure Below Expectations - Draft is centered on a topic or theme, but it lacks a thesis or controlling idea that focuses the paper. The topic or theme is minimally developed through a paragraph structure; topic sentences are absent, and some paragraphs do not advance the topic. The concluding paragraph is absent, or it does not refer back to the paper's thesis, summarize the main points, and/or give final direction to the reader. ( 0.00 / 0.00) Development Below Expectations - Draft's thesis or controlling idea is minimally developed in the body of the paper; the sequence of ideas lacks logic and focus. Paragraphs are not adequately supported by examples and evidence and/or the draft does not meet the minimum length requirement. ( 0.00 / 0.00) Style Basic - Draft utilizes techniques of research writing, including language that is mostly appropriate to audience and purpose,
  • 6. although not entirely concise. Errors in word choice and sentence construction are present. ( 0.00 / 0.00) Grammar Basic - Draft uses the proper conventions of the English language most of the time. Some mechanical errors detract from the development of the content. ( 0.00 / 0.00) Resource Requirement Basic - Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly. ( 0.00 / 0.00) APA Formatting Basic - Draft uses some APA formatting, but does not meet all APA requirements. Draft contains a title page and reference page. Overall Score: 5.25 / 8.00 Overall Grade: 5.25 Help Assignment: Week 2 - Assignment Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M) Nicole Elliott 11/1/2017 9:12:18 AM View markup for Document28.pdf Hi, Rosalyn. I have completed my review of your Week 2: Outline. Please study the comments that I have inserted into your assignment; with these I share helpful resources and highlight portions of the document that demonstrate its strengths and weaknesses. I have also highlighted areas of concern in my comments below. Tips for Success: Preparing for the Week 3 Rough Draft Focus - The focus of the outline is at times off-topic. Make sure that your rough draft addresses the purpose named in the research question. Structure - Make sure to see my comments relating to your thesis statement. Also, make sure to use the assignment template and to review the model assignment. These documents
  • 7. will help you to better understand the requirements. Development - Be aware of the word count requirement. Your submission with approximately 160 words falls short of the 500 word requirement. Make sure to include evidence from an outside source to support each claim. Plagiarism - Make sure to follow the guidelines for including in-text citation. There are areas in your outline where you are technically plagiarizing because these important elements are missing. Reference Page Citation - Review the guidelines for reference page citation. The citations are missing required elements and format errors are present. Again, the comments that I have inserted into your assignment will help you to better understand these closing comments. When I review your Week 3: Rough Draft, I will be looking closely to see that your work responds to your Week 2 feedback. If you have any questions, please message. I am eager to help! Nicole ( 0.77 / 1.20) Structure Below Expectations - Outline is centered around a topic or theme, but lacks a thesis statement to focus the paper. The introduction, topic sentences, supporting information, and conclusion are not organized in a formal format. Some required information may be missing. ( 0.00 / 1.20) Development Non-Performance - An appropriate outline development is either nonexistent or the assignment lacks the components described in the instructions. ( 0.91 / 1.20) Style Basic - Outline utilizes techniques of research writing, including language that is mostly appropriate to audience and purpose, although not entirely concise. Errors in word choice and sentence construction are present. ( 0.68 / 0.90) Grammar Basic - Outline uses the proper conventions of the English
  • 8. language most of the time. Some mechanical errors detract from the development of the content. ( 0.57 / 0.90) Resource Requirement Below Expectations - Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly. ( 0.46 / 0.60) APA Formatting Basic - Outline uses some APA formatting, but does not meet all APA requirements. Outline contains a title page and reference page. Overall Score: 3.39 / 6.00 Overall Grade: 3.39 Help Fake News Annotated Bibliography Rosalyn Albright ENG 122 COMP 11 Nicole Elliot Week Two Assignment Two October 29, 2017 Fake News 2 of 3 Fakes News Fake News I. Introduction A. Fake News should be researched to make sure it is legitimate because false information is damaging academically and is substandard to our society. II. Body Paragraph: Fake News and Social Media A. For most people it is difficult to identify Fake News because they spend less timeconsuming news and are less interested in current events and lesser education. III. Confusion about Fake News A. Young people need to be educated to distinguish credible news information. Young people don't have the ability to explain the information they consume. Separation of our personal beliefs and bogus news we read may be good for our society. IV. Fake News in the 2016 A."Social Media such as Facebook have a different anatomy than regular news sources because there is no third part
  • 9. filtering, fact-checking, or editorial judgment." Facebook is more of a gossip news source that is misleading as to following the 2016 election, a specific concern of false stories circulated on Social Media. Fake News 3 of 3 Fake News References Spratt, Hannah E.; Agosto, Denise E. In: Fighting Fake News: because we all deserve the truth: programming ideas for teaching teens media literacy. Young Adult Literacy Services. Summer 2017, Vol 15 Issue 4, p 17, 5p.; Crocco, Margaret; Halvorsen, Annelise; Jacobsen, Rebecca; Avner. In: Phi Delta Kappan. Teaching with evidence: in this age of Fake News, students need to be able to access the trustworthiness of evidence especially when deliberating thorny public policy issues. April 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 7, 67; Phi Delta Kappan. Feb2017, Vol. 98 Issue 5, 6 Real Confusion about Fake News. Assignment: Week 1 - Assignment Course: ENG122 ENG122: English Composition II (PTF1742M) Nicole Elliott 10/30/2017 11:23:45 AM View markup for Document25 (3).pdf Hi, Rosalyn. I have completed my review of your annotated bibliography. My Observations + (plus) = Good or Mostly Correct / - (minus) = Improvement Needed + The assignment takes the form of an APA formatted annotated bibliography, and it matches the example presented in the Week 1 Instructions. - The work is on-topic. The writer's analysis aligns well with the research question. - A thesis statement is included that announces the purpose of the essay and previews the main ideas that will be explored in the body of the essay. - Annotations include two paragraphs communicating a brief reflection, an assessment, and a detailed plan for the source (a
  • 10. description describing how the source supports the argument). - 5 high quality (peer reviewed and written within the last 5-7 years) sources were selected. -/+ The APA guidelines were applied to the title page and document. These rules are found in the Writing Center. Go to "Writing Center," and next click the tab that says "APA Guides." Explore the links featured under "Formatting." - The APA guidelines for reference page citation were applied correctly. For further instruction, review the "Citation Models" in the AU Writing Center. Student - "Why don't you just tell me exactly what is wrong?" I am helping you to locate these instructional resources. Bookmark them in your browser. This process is mastered by consulting instruction and examples as you create each citation. It is like reading a recipe as you cook a dish. - Make sure to proofread your work carefully for word choice problems and grammatical errors. Use Grammarly. The annotated bibliography lists the sources that you will consult as you work on the research paper project. The list may change after you begin researching. You may decide to add sources, and you may decide to omit sources that do not meet your needs. Each time that you make a claim or describe your reasoning, you should include expert testimony borrowed from an outside source to demonstrate that these well-respected thinkers and writers share your opinion. This is how you will persuade the audience. If you have ANY questions about my feedback, please do not hesitate to message. I am eager to help! Nicole ( 1.15 / 1.80) Development Below Expectations - Minimally and/or unclearly annotates at least three sources. Each annotation includes at least one paragraph, but may not summarize the entry's major claims and/or describe how the material is useful to the student's Final Research Paper. Annotated bibliography may not meet the required length of 500 to 700 words.
  • 11. ( 0.96 / 1.50) Style Below Expectations - Annotations address a subject that warrants formal research writing techniques, but the content is not concise and contains language inappropriate to audience and/or purpose. Various errors in word choice and sentence construction are present. ( 0.57 / 0.90) Grammar Below Expectations - Annotations do not use many of the proper conventions of the English language. Mechanical errors detract from the development of the annotations. ( 1.37 / 1.80) APA Formatting Basic - Assignment uses some APA formatting but does not meet all APA requirements. The assignment contains a title page. Overall Score: 4.05 / 6.00 Overall Grade: 4.05 Running Head: Fake News 1 of 4 Fake News: Annotated Bibliography Rosalyn Albright ENG 122 Comp. 11 Nicole Elliot October 23, 2017 Running Head: Fake News 2 of 4 Fake News Fake News: Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: Fake news should be researched to make sure it is legitimate, because bogus information is damaging academically and false information is a substandard influence in our society Spratt, Hannah E.: Agosto, Denise E. In: Young Adult Literacy Services. Summer2017, Vol. 15 issue4, p17, 5p. The author states due to information access by easy way of engineering at home, school and public library, the job of educating people of all ages how to judge quality and authenticity. Recent outpouring of the people engaging in social media has led to thoroughly examined sources and Fake News on the internet. Fake News is a serious matter that affects teens at both the individual level, and the boarder society/level, impacting social, political, economic, and other local national
  • 12. and international developments. Internet has become more luring and accessible information resource. Internet users are vulnerable to being caught in a vicious cycle of fake news. The majority of the United States teens rely on social media for the latest news and events. Librarians should encourage teens to get outside their limit news bubbles. Fake news creators can be very professional in writing stories that plays with your personal emotions and beliefs. All this is that access to internet means nothing if you are unable to distinguish between facts and conspiracy theory. Running Head: Fake News 3 of 4 Fake News: Annotated Bibliography Crocco, Margret; Halvorsen, Annelise; Jacobsen, Rebecca; Aven. In: Phi Delta Kappan. April 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 7, 67 The author states that we process information in ways that increase reality in our beliefs values and ideas. Our filters play a bid role in evidence. Most people get news from social media like Facebook and twitter. Our like and dislikes are customized by newsfeeds. Ten years ago, people watched only three Tv channels and read the regional and national newspaper. Studies show about 8,000 students, from middle school to college age, and their ability to distinguish between real news written by journalist and advertisements sponsored by other groups to mimic real news. The author states there are seven types of evidence that Scholars typically invoked during public policy discussions. 1. Expert judgement: The knowledge provided by someone with education background, work experience and credentials. 2. Personal experience: Firsthand knowledge obtained from direct observation. 3. Anecdote/secondhand experience: Retelling the view of someone else. 4. Example: Illustrating a point. 5. Law/policy: Rules and regulations. 6. Statistical data: Measurable information presented in numerical format. 7. Research: Findings conducted by a trained researcher. Individuals reasons from evidence to claims to arguments is often influenced by rational and emotional factors, elements of one's destiny, and values and belief system.
  • 13. Running Head: Fake News 4 of 4 Fake News: Annotated Bibliography Phi Delta Kappen. Feb 2017, Vol. 98 Issue 5,6 The article states students can't distinguish trustworthiness of online sources according to findings from an 18- month study. Young people ability to reason about the information on the internet is a lack of vegetation and exposed to the elements. There all kinds of bogus news stories out, so it is very important to hold an article up against your personal guilt to find out whether what you are reading is true or not true.