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Argumentative Position Paper (Essay 4)
This project is the culminating writing and research project of
the semester, building on the skills you have developed
throughout the semester. In a sense, many restrictions are gone:
you must define the current issue you write about, you must
define the audience you are writing to, and you must determine-
to a larger extent- how to best organize and present information.
You should draw on the rhetorical concepts we discussed early
in the semester (logos, pathos, ethos, kairos, doxa) to consider
how to most effectively craft this essay.
A proposal presents a problem and a solution or solutions to
that problem. For this essay, the problem must be related to a
current issue of your choice; you may choose a topic from one
of the class case studies or a different topic of your own. It
must, however, have been relevant in the last six months.
Drawing on the sources you presented in your annotated
bibliography- and substituting other sources as necessary- you
will persuade your audience that a problem exists and that your
solutions(s) is best, at least for the time being.
The following process may be useful as you create your
· Choose an issue to research. Make sure it is timely (relevant
within the last six months) and something you care about, since
you will spend a lot of time working with this topic. This can be
from the class case studies or be entirely different. Try to make
the issue as specific as possible. For instance, instead of
“refugee camps,” narrow this down to something like: “impact
of U.S. medical aid in refugee camps.” This is much more
specific and manageable.
· Brainstorm a list of questions you have about the topic,
problems you see others defining or that you identify yourself,
and possible solutions to this problem.
· Explore the topic via research in your annotated bibliography.
· Define your audience- who would be interested in this issue
and why? How much new information will you be offering
them? Are they likely to already agree or disagree with your
perspective on the topic?
· Return to your list and define a specific problem(s) you want
to persuade readers exists and a specific solution(s) you have
developed to address this problem(s).
· Create an outline of your essay to map out how you will
organize the information.
Paper layout-
In the introduction:
· State the issue(s) or problem(s) and grab the reader’s attention
· Argue for the seriousness of the problem(s)
· State the thesis in the form of “Somebody needs to do/not do
something because . . .”
(This is a formula; you must add information to this framework
to create your thesis statement.)
In the body:
· Give the problem’s background if your audience is unfamiliar
with it
· Define what the problem is, presenting evidence to prove that
it is a problem and countering evidence from those whose
viewpoints differ from yours
· Describe how this problem, if left unhandled, could affect the
· Present your solution(s) and discuss why other solutions aren’t
as feasible (can also reverse this order, discussing other
solutions first and then yours)
· Make clear the goals of your solution(s), describe the steps
that need to be followed to implement your solution(s), and
describe how the solution(s) will address the problem
· Explain the positive results of implementing this solution(s)
In the conclusion:
· Issue a call to action for your audience
· Restate and emphasize exactly what readers need to do to
solve the problem(s)
Double-check that all uses of sources are documented with in-
text citations. Construct a Works Cited page. Use only third
person for this essay; this means no “I.” Use active voice unless
making a time specific statement about the past.
Due Dates:
-During the week of April 22nd-26th, 2019 we will not be
meeting as a class. Instead, we will be having conferences. I
will meet with each of you individually in my office in order to
discuss your final paper. Later in the semester, you will sign up
for a time to meet with me for 15 minutes in my office on one
of these days. During this time, you will have the opportunity to
get help from me with your essay 4 draft. If you have other
questions, you may ask me then also. This time is reserved for
you to get individual help from me on your essay especially, so
please use this time wisely and come prepared.
-Complete draft due on May 6, 2019.
· Submit an electronic copy to the D2L Discussion Board
labeled “Essay 4 Draft.”
-Final draft due on May 8, 2019.
· Submit an electronic copy to the D2L Dropbox labeled “Essay
4 Final Draft” AND bring one hardcopy of the essay to class for
your instructor.
The goals of this assignment are for you to:
· Choose an appropriate research topic in terms of specificity
and currency
· Write a sustained, coherent, logical argument
· Choose and utilize research that both supports and contends
with your argument
· Integrate research in a thoughtful and persuasive manner
· Use citation skills when integrating research
· Write an essay of 2,400-3,000 words (excluding the works
cited page and header information)
· Integrate a minimum of eight scholarly secondary sources into
your paper in some way, be that paraphrase, summary, or
· Construct a Works Cited page (not counted towards word
· Write an introduction that states the issue/problem, argues for
its seriousness, and presents a thesis in the correct format (see
· Write a body that argues that something is a problem, explains
how (if allowed to continue) the problem could effect the
future, and presents solution(s) to the problem
· Write a conclusion that issues a call to action and reminds
readers what needs to be done to solve a problem
As always, I am here to help. If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to ask me.
ENG 132 Argumentative Position Paper
Purpose and Thesis
Demonstrates considerable attention to purpose; develops a
clear, precise, well-defined thesis that is amply explained and
Demonstrates adequate attention to purpose; develops a clear
thesis that is consistently explained and supported
Demonstrates some attention to purpose; develops a general
thesis that is unevenly explained and supported
Demonstrates inadequate attention to purpose; develops a vague
thesis that is inadequately explained and supported
Demonstrates no attention to purpose; does not develop a thesis
and/or develops a thesis without explanation and/or support
Source Use
Always chooses credible sources; shows considerable awareness
of context; always embeds sources; always produces correct
Mostly chooses credible sources; shows adequate awareness of
context; usually embeds sources; often produces correct
Sometimes chooses credible sources; shows some awareness of
context; sometimes embeds sources; sometimes produces correct
Rarely chooses credible sources; shows inadequate awareness of
context; rarely embeds sources; rarely produces correct citations
Never chooses credible sources; shows little or no awareness of
context; never embeds sources; fails to produce correct citations
Argument Development
Employs appropriate, clear, and skillful transitions between
amply developed, coherent paragraphs; designs a logical
progression of ideas; generates strong connections between and
among ideas
Employs clear transitions between consistently developed,
coherent paragraphs; designs an adequate progression of ideas;
generates adequate connections between and among ideas
Employs some awkward transitions between brief, weakly
unified, or undeveloped paragraphs; designs an uneven
progression of ideas; generates inconsistent or unclear
connections between and among ideas
Employs awkward transitions between illogical paragraphs;
little design of idea progression; generates few connections
between and among ideas
Employs illogical and/or fails to employ transitions between
paragraphs that lack structure, if structure is present at all; no
design of idea progression and/or off-topic digressions;
generates no connections between and among ideas
Always uses language appropriate to the audience; always
appropriate tone and level of formality
Often uses language appropriate to the audience; usually
appropriate tone and level of formality
Sometimes uses language appropriate to the audience;
sometimes appropriate tone and level of formality
Often uses language inappropriate to the audience; usually
inappropriate tone and level of formality
Uses language completely inappropriate to the audience; almost
always inappropriate tone and level of formality
Grammar and Mechanics
Produces no or few errors
Produces a few minor errors
Produces more than a few grammatical errors
Produces some major grammatical errors and numerous minor
errors that obscure meaning
Produces errors in almost every sentence that impede meaning
· Failure to meet the minimum word count and/or to utilize at
least eight credible, quality scholarly secondary sources that
were published no earlier than 2012 (unless previously
approved) for the Argumentative Position Paper will mean that
the essay cannot receive higher than a D on the assignment. If
further errors are found, the grade will be lowered from this
· If a student’s assignment submission contains plagiarized
material, the student will meet with me, and I will determine the
outcome, which typically involve penalties from an un-revisable
zero on the assignment to an “F” for the course. In addition, an
Academic Dishonesty Form will be filed. If you have questions
about what constitutes as plagiarism, or fear you may have not
properly cited something, please talk to me immediately before
submitting the assignment.
January 2017
for the CLASSROOM*
Creating the Conditions for Student Learning
“With compassion, we can help remove students’ triggers by
smoother transitions and safe, predictable classrooms.”
-The Heart of Teaching and Learning: Compassion, Resilience
and Academic Success
Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of
Wisconsin, speaks about “every
behavioral intervention being a biological intervention.” A
student’s repeated experiences in
school can be a powerful influence for the rewiring of the
neural pathways necessary for
habits to be built and sustained. Having routines and rituals in
our classrooms and school
communities is beneficial for every child, and absolutely
essential for some.
Three main categories of carefully chosen, effectively
facilitated and thoughtfully debriefed
teaching practices work together to build a solid foundation of
safety, consistency and joy in
classrooms across the school day:
ENGAGING PEDAGOGY • Sense Making, Transitions, Brain
OPTIMISTIC CLOSURE • Reflections and Looking Forward
When used consistently, these signature SEL practices create
conditions for growth and
learning across all five SEL competencies, as a foundation for
culturally responsive teaching
strategies, to help develop collaborative classrooms.
By providing repetitive and engaging learning opportunities,
they help students
improve the skills and habits of:
● Self-awareness and social awareness through noticing and
naming feelings, and
seeing how they are connected to what is happening within and
around us.
● Self-management and relationship building, by interacting
with people and with content
in ways that intentionally strengthen our skillset of being aware
of and in control of our
thoughts, emotions, actions and interactions.
● Focusing and persevering by balancing novelty with routines
and rituals; we are
internally soothed by sameness, while paradoxically, our brains
need freshness too!
January 2017
for the CLASSROOM*
Creating the Conditions for Student Learning
WELCOMING RITUAL (2-10 minutes)
Activities for Inclusion
Ritual openings establish safety and predictability,
support contribution by all voices, set norms for
respectful listening, allow students to connect with
one another and create a sense of belonging. To
be successful these activities must be: carefully
chosen, connected to the learning of the day,
and engagingly facilitated.
● “Do Now” / Homework Helpers
● Class circles
● Name games / Greet warmly by name
● Morning Meeting
● Writing Prompts / Partner Discussions
● Adults express joy in seeing students.
● Stack of breakfast items on office
counter = glad to see late arrivals.
● Morning announcements include
student voice.
ENGAGING PEDAGOGY (1-15 minutes)
Sense-Making & “Brain Breaks”
Engaging practices are brain-compatible strategies
that can foster: relationships, cultural humility and
responsiveness, empowerment, and collaboration.
They intentionally build student SEL skills. These
practices include opportunities for brain breaks that
provide time for integrating new information into
long-term memory, otherwise it is soon forgotten.
Balance opportunities for quiet reflection and writing
with more active movement activities.
● Directly teach SEL skills through
evidence-based programs.
● Turn-To-Your-Partner: Sharing and
listening to make sense of new input.
● Co-create working agreements with
your students.
● Brain Break - Stand and Stretch:
Refresh and reset the brain; include
movement and making connections.
● Opportunities for Interaction:
Cultivate practices that involve
interactions in partnerships, triads,
small groups and as a whole group.
Reflections and Looking Forward
End the day by having students reflect on, and then
name something that helps them leave on an
optimistic note. This provides positive closure,
reinforces learning, can connect school to home,
and create a moment of looking forward to returning
Reflect and Share…
● Something I learned today.
● Someone I was able to help.
● Something I want to share with my
● Something I’m looking forward to
doing tomorrow.
● Something I enjoyed about the day.
● Someone who was kind/helpful to me.
Adapted from the work of Ann McKay Bryson, CASEL
People are choosing not to vaccinate their children based on
false accusations about them leading to problems including
Body 1
Vaccines has been around for a long time, and the effects of
them have been mostly positive. Vaccinations have prevented
numerous diseases from expanding, and by choosing not to
vaccinate children could lead to a serious health problem in the
current children’s generation.
This section will focus on comparing the pros and cons of
vaccination and will give background information on vaccines
and why people are choosing not to vaccinate.
This section will also mention what I think will happen if
parents don’t vaccinate. *Even though it my opinion, I will still
write it in third person.
“Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?” PROS &
Body 2
Before vaccines, deadly diseases like the measles were almost
This section will talk about different diseases that could come
back if parents stop vaccinating their children.
“Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Concerns | Vaccine Safety |
CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 27 Oct. 2015,
“5 Facts About Measles--And 5 About The Measles Vaccine.” 5
Facts About Measles--And 5 About The Measles Vaccine - The
Immunization Partnership, The Immunization Partnership, 9
Feb. 2017,
Body 3
We have already seen some of the outcomes that comes with not
vaccinating children.
The number of children that have not been vaccinated have
quadrupled in the last few years.
This section will talk about what the problems that are already
forming with not vaccinating.
Drash, Wayne. “Measles Quarantine Issued at Two California
Universities.” CNN, Cable News Network, 28 Apr. 2019,
Body 4
It not just the United States countries all over the world are
going through the same crisis. The only difference is most of
the people from the other countries can’t afford the vaccines
while in America parents are making the decision not to.
This section will talk about different countries and how not
vaccinating is affecting them and how they can’t vaccinate even
if they wanted to.
Body 5
Parents should talk to their children’s doctors to get a better
understanding on vaccinations to be able to make the proper
This section will start one of my solutions which is getting
informed about vaccines, so they can fully understand which
route they want to go take.
Not vaccinating children can lead to a generation of health
problems that this country has already solved. Parents should
consider everything before making the decision not to vaccinate
their children
Collins 3
Gregory Collins
Ms. Kramer
ENG 132.020
10 April 2019
Annotated Bibliography
Zimlich, Rachael. "How many kids are still completely
unvaccinated? Rising rate of young children who receive no
vaccines at all worries CDC." Contemporary Pediatrics, Jan.
2019, p. 42. Health Reference Center
Academic, Accessed 10
Apr. 2019.
Entry 1
In her article Rachael Zimlich, a registered nurse and
writer, brings attention to the problem that America is facing
with the lack of children vaccinations. This article is a fact base
unbiased interpretation of children not being vaccinated.
Zimlich begins by telling the readers the number of
unvaccinated children has quadrupled in the last few years. The
children that haven’t been vaccinated under the age of 2 is
starting to concern officials. She gives several different factual
statics about vaccinations keeping it mostly based on facts. She
continues giving stats from The Center of Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). This also adds to her creditability because
they are the ones who have to keep taps on the vaccinated
population. She continues, bringing up that the coverage for
children vaccinations and how the number is constantly
dropping. She remains unbiased keeping the whole article
focused on keeping people informed on vaccinations.
This source will help better my understanding in the issue of
children not being vaccinated in America. Since Zimlich has a
medical degree, she has credibility which will help me gang
situated ethos. I will use this source for the statics mostly,
which will give me more to elaborate on in my essay
“Branam says the report is a reminder to pediatricians to
continually educate parents and share resources for vaccination
with them, and the CDC offers educational materials to help.”
“Vaccine coverage was generally lower for most recommended
vaccines among children who are uninsured or uninsured by
Medicaid when compared with children with private health
Entry 2
Rowcliffe, Meghan. "Let's all stop making medication errors in
kids: Physicians, parents/caregivers, and school personnel must
ensure that children are not harmed by medication mistakes in
the provider's office, at home, or at school." Contemporary
Pediatrics, Aug. 2018, p. 6+. Health Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=a6531a18. Accessed 16
Apr. 2019.
In her article Meghan Rowcliffe, A Pediatric Medication Safety
Officer at Johns Hopkins Hospital, is arguing that we need to
pay closer attention to medication for children. She starts off
naming a couple of mistakes that happens within the medical
field concerning children medication and vaccinations. She goes
on to mention that a lot of vaccination errors comes from
similar vaccinations names compared to generic names. She
shifts her focus to prescription drugs saying that it’s sometimes
hard to receive a child’s medication records, but it is necessary
to make sure that a child is not taking something they don’t
need or that conflicts with other drugs the child may be taking.
Rowcliffe continues bringing up the safety that is needed for the
delivery of prescription drugs in schools. She believes that drug
administration should be avoid at all cost, but when its
necessary a school nurse should be the one to keep up with the
medications. She also mentions that this is not always an
available option considering not all schools have a nurse due to
low school budgets.
I plan on using this source to find extra information about
vaccinations being misused and the affects it has on children.
This source will also help better my understanding on mistakes
within the health care system especially when it comes to
children. It also contains some helpful stats that will help
strengthen my essay overall.
“Vaccine administration errors also can be mitigated with
improved vaccine storage and staff education and training.”
“Obtaining an accurate patient history is time consuming, but
eliciting help from a nurse or, ideally, a pharmacist can help
ensure that the list reflects what children are prescribed and,
more importantly, actually taking at home.”
Entry 3
Klifa, Roman, et al. "Influenza vaccination among children with
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: an investigation of
practices." BMC Nephrology, vol. 20, no. 1, 2019. Health
Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=7b313a0b. Accessed 16
Apr. 2019.
In the article "Influenza vaccination among children with
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: an investigation of practices."
All the authors have a background in research of medicine
which make them credible This article focusses on specific
vaccinations for certain diseases in children. It starts off
explaining what Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is and
how many children it affects each year. The authors continue
explaining how INS is contracted with children that are
unvaccinated. They also mention how in “healthy children”
sever cases of INS is not common. They also mention the side
effects that are associated with INS and how it can lead to
pneumonia especially in young children. They go on to say it is
recommended to get children vaccinated to help prevent INS.
They shift their focus on the investigation they did on children
with INS. They followed the children for at least 3 months
gathering information about the disease.
I plan on using this source to gather information to help
my argument of the importance of getting children vaccinated.
This source will also strengthen my knowledge of how bad
things can get for children with parents that choose not to
vaccinate them. It will also give me more background
information about Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS)
“Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is the most prevalent
glomerular disease in children with an incidence ranging from 1
to 4/100.000 children/year [1].”
“France in which the proportion of patients under 15 years of
age was 42%, the highest rate since 2011 [6].”
Entry 4
Yang, Li, et al. "Vaccination Status of Children With Epilepsy
or Cerebral Palsy in Hunan Rural Area and a Relative KAP
Survey of Vaccinators." Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2019. Health
Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=b6b9c9e5. Accessed 16
Apr. 2019.
In the article "Vaccination Status of Children With Epilepsy or
Cerebral Palsy in Hunan Rural Area and a Relative KAP Survey
of Vaccinators" each author has a background in Pediatrics and
most of them are educators at Central South University. This
article focusses on children with Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy
that haven’t been vaccinated in China. It starts by giving
background information on vaccine-preventable diseases
(VPDs) and how they have reduced but it still a concern
especially in children with Epilepsy (EP) and Cerebral Palsy
(CP). They go on to talk about the concern parent have with
children with EP and CP and vaccinating them. They continue
mentioning that the vaccinations to prevent diseases can be
expensive in China. They go on to explain the research they
conducted with children and vaccination they had or didn’t
have. The results showed that most of the diseases that were
reported were with children without vaccinations.
I plan on using this source to have more examples of disease
related to not vaccinating children. This source will also expand
my knowledge on children that are not being vaccinated in a
different country. That will help with my argument by giving
me different angles on the vaccination epidemic.
“In China, this phenomenon has become particularly severe in
the context of children with central nervous system disease.”
“Parents are often concerned that vaccination of their children
may cause complications due to negative recommendations from
vaccinators, resulting in a decline in vaccination. It is therefore
is essential to investigate the vaccination status of these
specific populations, and the knowledge, attitudes, and practices
(KAP) of vaccinators.”
Entry 5
Norman, Daniel A., et al. "Caregiver's attitudes, beliefs, and
experiences for influenza vaccination in Australian children
with medical comorbidities." Vaccine, vol. 37, no. 16, 2019, p.
2244. Health Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=aa109668. Accessed 16
Apr. 2019.
In the article “Caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and experience for
influenza vaccination in Australian children with medical
comorbidities” Each author has background in children medical
research which makes them credible This article focuses on
children vaccinations in Australia specifically the influenza
vaccination. It starts by giving information about the influenza
disease and vaccination in in the country Australia. It goes on to
mention that most children vaccinations are funded for some of
the children in Australia. The authors of this article conducted a
survey with caregivers of children with medical comorbidities.
The results found that parents that worried about the side
effects of the vaccinations were more likely not to vaccinate
their children. It also found that the parents who believed that
the Influenza vaccination to be fifty percent or more affective
have gotten their children vaccinated. They conclude
mentioning that Reported influenza vaccination coverage in
children with medical comorbidities remains inadequate
I plan on using this article to get a different country’s
perspective on children without vaccination. I will also get their
stats on vaccinations and compare them to the ones in the
United States. This article will also help build my
understanding on how major the vaccination crises is in
“Whilst only 29.3% of caregivers reported their child had been
recommended influenza vaccination during a previous
admission, 80.1% of caregivers stated they were receptive to
their child receiving potential future influenza vaccinations
during hospitalizations.”
“Caregiver reported 2017 influenza vaccine coverage was 52.2%
in children with medical comorbidities.”
Entry 6
O'Connor, Bernadette, and Sarah Doyle. "Identifying risk
factors associated with acquiring measles in an outbreak among
age-appropriately vaccinated school children: a cohort
analysis." Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 188, no. 1,
2019, p. 193+. Health Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=bd76c4a6. Accessed 17
Apr. 2019.
In the article “Identifying risk factors associated with acquiring
measles in an outbreak among age- appropriately vaccinated
school children: a cohort analysis” both Bernadette O’Connor
and Sarah Doyle have a background in medicine and have
written several other scholarly articles. This source focuses on
measles outbreaks and the affects vaccines have with the
outbreaks. They start the article by giving background
information on measles. They follow with the purpose of their
study and then jumps right into their research. They used ninety
five students aged 4-5 in their study. They used the vaccination
medical records of the ninety five students and compared results
with students who have had vaccines and those who haven’t had
them. The results showed that 13 of the ninety five contracted
the measles even though they were vaccinated. They conclude
saying that it is unknown of why the outbreak was so sever
within the ninety five students.
I plan on using this source to get more information on the
measles side of vaccinations and use it to help support my
argument. This article will also build on my knowledge of
measles and how vaccines can help prevent it. It will also help
by giving me stats on measles and it’s vaccination in young
“Although a concurrent investigation into cold chain and
vaccine stock management did not identify a cause for the high
relative risk of measles in children vaccinated,
recommendations were made for improving cold chain and
vaccine stock management in General Practices.”
“Analysis demonstrated statistically significant differences in
the relative risk of developing measles according to the class a
child was in, and the General Practice at which they were
Entry 7
Joyce, Carole. "Steps to success: getting children vaccinated on
time." Pediatric Nursing, Nov.-Dec. 2007, p. 491+. Health
Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=d4183e8b. Accessed 17
Apr. 2019.
In her article Carole Joyce, A registered nurse, has a
background in the medical field including administering
vaccinations. This article starts by giving background
information on the good vaccinations have been proven to do in
preventing diseases. She continues mentioning the role nurses
play when it comes to vaccinations. She shifts her focus
mentioning the measles out break back in 1991 and how not
being vaccinated takes all the protections from contacting it
away. In addition to that she states that vaccinations should not
be administered based on the requirements of the school but by
the vaccines should be administered at the intervals
recommended by the Advisory Committee. She continues saying
that vaccines should be combined to make it less stressful for
parents and helps with the delay of vaccines that may accrue if
done individually. She concludes her article saying that only 26
percent of children receive all of their vaccinations on time.
I plan on using this source mostly just for information on the
issue itself. This article includes lots of information coming
from a nurse about vaccines and will be very helpful when
looking for information on my topic. This article will also
expand my knowledge on the whole issue of vaccinations which
will help me have a better paper all the way around.
“Only 26% of children in the United States receive all
vaccinations at the recommended times (or acceptably early),
putting children at risk for diseases that easily could have been
prevented. Keeping updated on methods that increase the
likelihood that children will be vaccinated on time increases
pediatric nurses' ability to help ensure that children are
“The importance of vaccination registries are realized when one
considers that registries have been shown to increase the rate of
up-to-date vaccination by 50% for children aged 24 months”
Entry 8
Chido-Amajuoyi, Onyema Greg, et al. "Prevalence and
correlates of never vaccinated Nigerian children, aged 1--5
years." Vaccine, vol. 36, no. 46, 2018, p. 6953. Health
Reference Center
CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=46c26235. Accessed 17
Apr. 2019.
In the article “Prevalence and correlates of never vaccinated
Nigerian children, aged 1-5” each author has a background in
the medical field and some even have background in cancer
research which makes them credible. This article is mainly
focused on children in Nigeria that have never been vaccinated.
It starts by giving background information on those children and
their families. They go on to mention that the coverage for
childhood vaccines are not very high in Nigeria. The authors
continues giving details of their research that they have
conducted. The children that were involved in this study were
12-59 months old. It was found that most of the kids that
haven’t been vaccinated in Nigeria come from poor families and
have parents who are not educated. They conclude by saying
that more research is needed to completely understand the
reasons that contribute to the children that never been
vaccinated in Nigeria.
I plan on using this source to help me better understand the lack
of vaccinations in Nigeria. By understanding the crises in
Nigeria, I will be able to have a better outlook on the crises in a
different part of the world which will make my paper stronger.
This source will also build on my knowledge of how the
children are affected by lack of vaccines in Nigeria.
“A unique population of Nigerian children, aged 1--5 years,
never receive any of the recommended childhood vaccines.”
“Children born into poor households, with mothers who are
unemployed and uneducation, were more likely to be never-

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Argumentative Position Paper (Essay 4)This project is the culm.docx

  • 1. Argumentative Position Paper (Essay 4) This project is the culminating writing and research project of the semester, building on the skills you have developed throughout the semester. In a sense, many restrictions are gone: you must define the current issue you write about, you must define the audience you are writing to, and you must determine- to a larger extent- how to best organize and present information. You should draw on the rhetorical concepts we discussed early in the semester (logos, pathos, ethos, kairos, doxa) to consider how to most effectively craft this essay. A proposal presents a problem and a solution or solutions to that problem. For this essay, the problem must be related to a current issue of your choice; you may choose a topic from one of the class case studies or a different topic of your own. It must, however, have been relevant in the last six months. Drawing on the sources you presented in your annotated bibliography- and substituting other sources as necessary- you will persuade your audience that a problem exists and that your solutions(s) is best, at least for the time being. The following process may be useful as you create your proposal: · Choose an issue to research. Make sure it is timely (relevant within the last six months) and something you care about, since you will spend a lot of time working with this topic. This can be from the class case studies or be entirely different. Try to make the issue as specific as possible. For instance, instead of “refugee camps,” narrow this down to something like: “impact of U.S. medical aid in refugee camps.” This is much more specific and manageable. · Brainstorm a list of questions you have about the topic, problems you see others defining or that you identify yourself,
  • 2. and possible solutions to this problem. · Explore the topic via research in your annotated bibliography. · Define your audience- who would be interested in this issue and why? How much new information will you be offering them? Are they likely to already agree or disagree with your perspective on the topic? · Return to your list and define a specific problem(s) you want to persuade readers exists and a specific solution(s) you have developed to address this problem(s). · Create an outline of your essay to map out how you will organize the information. Paper layout- In the introduction: · State the issue(s) or problem(s) and grab the reader’s attention · Argue for the seriousness of the problem(s) · State the thesis in the form of “Somebody needs to do/not do something because . . .” (This is a formula; you must add information to this framework to create your thesis statement.) In the body: · Give the problem’s background if your audience is unfamiliar with it · Define what the problem is, presenting evidence to prove that it is a problem and countering evidence from those whose viewpoints differ from yours · Describe how this problem, if left unhandled, could affect the future. · Present your solution(s) and discuss why other solutions aren’t as feasible (can also reverse this order, discussing other solutions first and then yours) · Make clear the goals of your solution(s), describe the steps that need to be followed to implement your solution(s), and describe how the solution(s) will address the problem · Explain the positive results of implementing this solution(s) In the conclusion:
  • 3. · Issue a call to action for your audience · Restate and emphasize exactly what readers need to do to solve the problem(s) Double-check that all uses of sources are documented with in- text citations. Construct a Works Cited page. Use only third person for this essay; this means no “I.” Use active voice unless making a time specific statement about the past. Due Dates: -During the week of April 22nd-26th, 2019 we will not be meeting as a class. Instead, we will be having conferences. I will meet with each of you individually in my office in order to discuss your final paper. Later in the semester, you will sign up for a time to meet with me for 15 minutes in my office on one of these days. During this time, you will have the opportunity to get help from me with your essay 4 draft. If you have other questions, you may ask me then also. This time is reserved for you to get individual help from me on your essay especially, so please use this time wisely and come prepared. -Complete draft due on May 6, 2019. · Submit an electronic copy to the D2L Discussion Board labeled “Essay 4 Draft.” -Final draft due on May 8, 2019. · Submit an electronic copy to the D2L Dropbox labeled “Essay 4 Final Draft” AND bring one hardcopy of the essay to class for your instructor. The goals of this assignment are for you to: · Choose an appropriate research topic in terms of specificity and currency · Write a sustained, coherent, logical argument · Choose and utilize research that both supports and contends
  • 4. with your argument · Integrate research in a thoughtful and persuasive manner · Use citation skills when integrating research Specifications: · Write an essay of 2,400-3,000 words (excluding the works cited page and header information) · Integrate a minimum of eight scholarly secondary sources into your paper in some way, be that paraphrase, summary, or quotation. · Construct a Works Cited page (not counted towards word count) · Write an introduction that states the issue/problem, argues for its seriousness, and presents a thesis in the correct format (see above) · Write a body that argues that something is a problem, explains how (if allowed to continue) the problem could effect the future, and presents solution(s) to the problem · Write a conclusion that issues a call to action and reminds readers what needs to be done to solve a problem Reminder: As always, I am here to help. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Name: ENG 132 Argumentative Position Paper A B C D F Purpose and Thesis Demonstrates considerable attention to purpose; develops a
  • 5. clear, precise, well-defined thesis that is amply explained and supported Demonstrates adequate attention to purpose; develops a clear thesis that is consistently explained and supported Demonstrates some attention to purpose; develops a general thesis that is unevenly explained and supported Demonstrates inadequate attention to purpose; develops a vague thesis that is inadequately explained and supported Demonstrates no attention to purpose; does not develop a thesis and/or develops a thesis without explanation and/or support Source Use Always chooses credible sources; shows considerable awareness of context; always embeds sources; always produces correct citations Mostly chooses credible sources; shows adequate awareness of context; usually embeds sources; often produces correct citations Sometimes chooses credible sources; shows some awareness of context; sometimes embeds sources; sometimes produces correct citations Rarely chooses credible sources; shows inadequate awareness of context; rarely embeds sources; rarely produces correct citations Never chooses credible sources; shows little or no awareness of context; never embeds sources; fails to produce correct citations Argument Development Employs appropriate, clear, and skillful transitions between amply developed, coherent paragraphs; designs a logical progression of ideas; generates strong connections between and among ideas Employs clear transitions between consistently developed, coherent paragraphs; designs an adequate progression of ideas; generates adequate connections between and among ideas Employs some awkward transitions between brief, weakly unified, or undeveloped paragraphs; designs an uneven progression of ideas; generates inconsistent or unclear
  • 6. connections between and among ideas Employs awkward transitions between illogical paragraphs; little design of idea progression; generates few connections between and among ideas Employs illogical and/or fails to employ transitions between paragraphs that lack structure, if structure is present at all; no design of idea progression and/or off-topic digressions; generates no connections between and among ideas Language Always uses language appropriate to the audience; always appropriate tone and level of formality Often uses language appropriate to the audience; usually appropriate tone and level of formality Sometimes uses language appropriate to the audience; sometimes appropriate tone and level of formality Often uses language inappropriate to the audience; usually inappropriate tone and level of formality Uses language completely inappropriate to the audience; almost always inappropriate tone and level of formality Grammar and Mechanics Produces no or few errors Produces a few minor errors Produces more than a few grammatical errors Produces some major grammatical errors and numerous minor errors that obscure meaning Produces errors in almost every sentence that impede meaning Comments
  • 7. GRADE: · Failure to meet the minimum word count and/or to utilize at least eight credible, quality scholarly secondary sources that were published no earlier than 2012 (unless previously approved) for the Argumentative Position Paper will mean that the essay cannot receive higher than a D on the assignment. If further errors are found, the grade will be lowered from this point. · If a student’s assignment submission contains plagiarized material, the student will meet with me, and I will determine the outcome, which typically involve penalties from an un-revisable zero on the assignment to an “F” for the course. In addition, an Academic Dishonesty Form will be filed. If you have questions about what constitutes as plagiarism, or fear you may have not properly cited something, please talk to me immediately before submitting the assignment. January 2017 THREE SIGNATURE SEL PRACTICES for the CLASSROOM* Creating the Conditions for Student Learning “With compassion, we can help remove students’ triggers by providing smoother transitions and safe, predictable classrooms.” -The Heart of Teaching and Learning: Compassion, Resilience and Academic Success
  • 8. ofLearningandTeaching Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, speaks about “every behavioral intervention being a biological intervention.” A student’s repeated experiences in school can be a powerful influence for the rewiring of the neural pathways necessary for habits to be built and sustained. Having routines and rituals in our classrooms and school communities is beneficial for every child, and absolutely essential for some. Three main categories of carefully chosen, effectively facilitated and thoughtfully debriefed teaching practices work together to build a solid foundation of safety, consistency and joy in classrooms across the school day: WELCOMING ROUTINES & RITUALS • Activities for Inclusion ENGAGING PEDAGOGY • Sense Making, Transitions, Brain Breaks OPTIMISTIC CLOSURE • Reflections and Looking Forward When used consistently, these signature SEL practices create conditions for growth and learning across all five SEL competencies, as a foundation for culturally responsive teaching strategies, to help develop collaborative classrooms. By providing repetitive and engaging learning opportunities, they help students improve the skills and habits of:
  • 9. ● Self-awareness and social awareness through noticing and naming feelings, and seeing how they are connected to what is happening within and around us. ● Self-management and relationship building, by interacting with people and with content in ways that intentionally strengthen our skillset of being aware of and in control of our thoughts, emotions, actions and interactions. ● Focusing and persevering by balancing novelty with routines and rituals; we are internally soothed by sameness, while paradoxically, our brains need freshness too! January 2017 THREE SIGNATURE SEL PRACTICES for the CLASSROOM* Creating the Conditions for Student Learning WELCOMING RITUAL (2-10 minutes) Activities for Inclusion Ritual openings establish safety and predictability, support contribution by all voices, set norms for respectful listening, allow students to connect with one another and create a sense of belonging. To be successful these activities must be: carefully chosen, connected to the learning of the day, and engagingly facilitated.
  • 10. EXAMPLES FROM THE CLASSROOM: ● “Do Now” / Homework Helpers ● Class circles ● Name games / Greet warmly by name ● Morning Meeting ● Writing Prompts / Partner Discussions SCHOOL-WIDE: ● Adults express joy in seeing students. ● Stack of breakfast items on office counter = glad to see late arrivals. ● Morning announcements include student voice. ENGAGING PEDAGOGY (1-15 minutes) Sense-Making & “Brain Breaks” Engaging practices are brain-compatible strategies that can foster: relationships, cultural humility and responsiveness, empowerment, and collaboration. They intentionally build student SEL skills. These practices include opportunities for brain breaks that provide time for integrating new information into long-term memory, otherwise it is soon forgotten. Balance opportunities for quiet reflection and writing with more active movement activities. EXAMPLES FROM THE CLASSROOM ● Directly teach SEL skills through evidence-based programs. ● Turn-To-Your-Partner: Sharing and
  • 11. listening to make sense of new input. ● Co-create working agreements with your students. ● Brain Break - Stand and Stretch: Refresh and reset the brain; include movement and making connections. ● Opportunities for Interaction: Cultivate practices that involve interactions in partnerships, triads, small groups and as a whole group. OPTIMISTIC CLOSURE (3-5 minutes) Reflections and Looking Forward End the day by having students reflect on, and then name something that helps them leave on an optimistic note. This provides positive closure, reinforces learning, can connect school to home, and create a moment of looking forward to returning tomorrow. EXAMPLES FROM THE CLASSROOM: Reflect and Share… ● Something I learned today. ● Someone I was able to help. ● Something I want to share with my grown-up. ● Something I’m looking forward to doing tomorrow. ● Something I enjoyed about the day.
  • 12. ● Someone who was kind/helpful to me. Adapted from the work of Ann McKay Bryson, CASEL Consultant Introduction People are choosing not to vaccinate their children based on false accusations about them leading to problems including autism. Body 1 Vaccines has been around for a long time, and the effects of them have been mostly positive. Vaccinations have prevented numerous diseases from expanding, and by choosing not to vaccinate children could lead to a serious health problem in the current children’s generation. This section will focus on comparing the pros and cons of vaccination and will give background information on vaccines and why people are choosing not to vaccinate. This section will also mention what I think will happen if parents don’t vaccinate. *Even though it my opinion, I will still write it in third person. “Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?” PROS & CONS OF CURRENT ISSUES. , Body 2 Before vaccines, deadly diseases like the measles were almost unpreventable.
  • 13. This section will talk about different diseases that could come back if parents stop vaccinating their children. “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Concerns | Vaccine Safety | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 27 Oct. 2015, “5 Facts About Measles--And 5 About The Measles Vaccine.” 5 Facts About Measles--And 5 About The Measles Vaccine - The Immunization Partnership, The Immunization Partnership, 9 Feb. 2017, facts-about-measles-and-5-about-the-measles-vaccine/. Body 3 We have already seen some of the outcomes that comes with not vaccinating children. The number of children that have not been vaccinated have quadrupled in the last few years. This section will talk about what the problems that are already forming with not vaccinating. Drash, Wayne. “Measles Quarantine Issued at Two California Universities.” CNN, Cable News Network, 28 Apr. 2019, measles-quarantine/index.html. Body 4 It not just the United States countries all over the world are going through the same crisis. The only difference is most of the people from the other countries can’t afford the vaccines
  • 14. while in America parents are making the decision not to. This section will talk about different countries and how not vaccinating is affecting them and how they can’t vaccinate even if they wanted to. Body 5 Parents should talk to their children’s doctors to get a better understanding on vaccinations to be able to make the proper decision. This section will start one of my solutions which is getting informed about vaccines, so they can fully understand which route they want to go take. Conclusion Not vaccinating children can lead to a generation of health problems that this country has already solved. Parents should consider everything before making the decision not to vaccinate their children Collins 3 Gregory Collins Ms. Kramer ENG 132.020 10 April 2019 Annotated Bibliography Zimlich, Rachael. "How many kids are still completely unvaccinated? Rising rate of young children who receive no
  • 15. vaccines at all worries CDC." Contemporary Pediatrics, Jan. 2019, p. 42. Health Reference Center Academic, Accessed 10 Apr. 2019. Entry 1 In her article Rachael Zimlich, a registered nurse and writer, brings attention to the problem that America is facing with the lack of children vaccinations. This article is a fact base unbiased interpretation of children not being vaccinated. Zimlich begins by telling the readers the number of unvaccinated children has quadrupled in the last few years. The children that haven’t been vaccinated under the age of 2 is starting to concern officials. She gives several different factual statics about vaccinations keeping it mostly based on facts. She continues giving stats from The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This also adds to her creditability because they are the ones who have to keep taps on the vaccinated population. She continues, bringing up that the coverage for children vaccinations and how the number is constantly dropping. She remains unbiased keeping the whole article focused on keeping people informed on vaccinations. This source will help better my understanding in the issue of children not being vaccinated in America. Since Zimlich has a medical degree, she has credibility which will help me gang situated ethos. I will use this source for the statics mostly, which will give me more to elaborate on in my essay “Branam says the report is a reminder to pediatricians to continually educate parents and share resources for vaccination with them, and the CDC offers educational materials to help.” “Vaccine coverage was generally lower for most recommended vaccines among children who are uninsured or uninsured by Medicaid when compared with children with private health insurance”
  • 16. Entry 2 Rowcliffe, Meghan. "Let's all stop making medication errors in kids: Physicians, parents/caregivers, and school personnel must ensure that children are not harmed by medication mistakes in the provider's office, at home, or at school." Contemporary Pediatrics, Aug. 2018, p. 6+. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=a6531a18. Accessed 16 Apr. 2019. In her article Meghan Rowcliffe, A Pediatric Medication Safety Officer at Johns Hopkins Hospital, is arguing that we need to pay closer attention to medication for children. She starts off naming a couple of mistakes that happens within the medical field concerning children medication and vaccinations. She goes on to mention that a lot of vaccination errors comes from similar vaccinations names compared to generic names. She shifts her focus to prescription drugs saying that it’s sometimes hard to receive a child’s medication records, but it is necessary to make sure that a child is not taking something they don’t need or that conflicts with other drugs the child may be taking. Rowcliffe continues bringing up the safety that is needed for the delivery of prescription drugs in schools. She believes that drug administration should be avoid at all cost, but when its necessary a school nurse should be the one to keep up with the medications. She also mentions that this is not always an available option considering not all schools have a nurse due to low school budgets.
  • 17. I plan on using this source to find extra information about vaccinations being misused and the affects it has on children. This source will also help better my understanding on mistakes within the health care system especially when it comes to children. It also contains some helpful stats that will help strengthen my essay overall. “Vaccine administration errors also can be mitigated with improved vaccine storage and staff education and training.” “Obtaining an accurate patient history is time consuming, but eliciting help from a nurse or, ideally, a pharmacist can help ensure that the list reflects what children are prescribed and, more importantly, actually taking at home.” Entry 3 Klifa, Roman, et al. "Influenza vaccination among children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: an investigation of practices." BMC Nephrology, vol. 20, no. 1, 2019. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=7b313a0b. Accessed 16 Apr. 2019. In the article "Influenza vaccination among children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: an investigation of practices." All the authors have a background in research of medicine which make them credible This article focusses on specific vaccinations for certain diseases in children. It starts off explaining what Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is and how many children it affects each year. The authors continue explaining how INS is contracted with children that are unvaccinated. They also mention how in “healthy children” sever cases of INS is not common. They also mention the side effects that are associated with INS and how it can lead to pneumonia especially in young children. They go on to say it is
  • 18. recommended to get children vaccinated to help prevent INS. They shift their focus on the investigation they did on children with INS. They followed the children for at least 3 months gathering information about the disease. I plan on using this source to gather information to help my argument of the importance of getting children vaccinated. This source will also strengthen my knowledge of how bad things can get for children with parents that choose not to vaccinate them. It will also give me more background information about Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) “Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is the most prevalent glomerular disease in children with an incidence ranging from 1 to 4/100.000 children/year [1].” “France in which the proportion of patients under 15 years of age was 42%, the highest rate since 2011 [6].” Entry 4 Yang, Li, et al. "Vaccination Status of Children With Epilepsy or Cerebral Palsy in Hunan Rural Area and a Relative KAP Survey of Vaccinators." Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2019. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=b6b9c9e5. Accessed 16 Apr. 2019. In the article "Vaccination Status of Children With Epilepsy or Cerebral Palsy in Hunan Rural Area and a Relative KAP Survey of Vaccinators" each author has a background in Pediatrics and most of them are educators at Central South University. This article focusses on children with Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy that haven’t been vaccinated in China. It starts by giving background information on vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) and how they have reduced but it still a concern especially in children with Epilepsy (EP) and Cerebral Palsy
  • 19. (CP). They go on to talk about the concern parent have with children with EP and CP and vaccinating them. They continue mentioning that the vaccinations to prevent diseases can be expensive in China. They go on to explain the research they conducted with children and vaccination they had or didn’t have. The results showed that most of the diseases that were reported were with children without vaccinations. I plan on using this source to have more examples of disease related to not vaccinating children. This source will also expand my knowledge on children that are not being vaccinated in a different country. That will help with my argument by giving me different angles on the vaccination epidemic. “In China, this phenomenon has become particularly severe in the context of children with central nervous system disease.” “Parents are often concerned that vaccination of their children may cause complications due to negative recommendations from vaccinators, resulting in a decline in vaccination. It is therefore is essential to investigate the vaccination status of these specific populations, and the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of vaccinators.” Entry 5 Norman, Daniel A., et al. "Caregiver's attitudes, beliefs, and experiences for influenza vaccination in Australian children with medical comorbidities." Vaccine, vol. 37, no. 16, 2019, p. 2244. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=aa109668. Accessed 16 Apr. 2019. In the article “Caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and experience for influenza vaccination in Australian children with medical comorbidities” Each author has background in children medical
  • 20. research which makes them credible This article focuses on children vaccinations in Australia specifically the influenza vaccination. It starts by giving information about the influenza disease and vaccination in in the country Australia. It goes on to mention that most children vaccinations are funded for some of the children in Australia. The authors of this article conducted a survey with caregivers of children with medical comorbidities. The results found that parents that worried about the side effects of the vaccinations were more likely not to vaccinate their children. It also found that the parents who believed that the Influenza vaccination to be fifty percent or more affective have gotten their children vaccinated. They conclude mentioning that Reported influenza vaccination coverage in children with medical comorbidities remains inadequate I plan on using this article to get a different country’s perspective on children without vaccination. I will also get their stats on vaccinations and compare them to the ones in the United States. This article will also help build my understanding on how major the vaccination crises is in Australia. “Whilst only 29.3% of caregivers reported their child had been recommended influenza vaccination during a previous admission, 80.1% of caregivers stated they were receptive to their child receiving potential future influenza vaccinations during hospitalizations.” “Caregiver reported 2017 influenza vaccine coverage was 52.2% in children with medical comorbidities.” Entry 6 O'Connor, Bernadette, and Sarah Doyle. "Identifying risk factors associated with acquiring measles in an outbreak among age-appropriately vaccinated school children: a cohort analysis." Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 188, no. 1, 2019, p. 193+. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=bd76c4a6. Accessed 17
  • 21. Apr. 2019. In the article “Identifying risk factors associated with acquiring measles in an outbreak among age- appropriately vaccinated school children: a cohort analysis” both Bernadette O’Connor and Sarah Doyle have a background in medicine and have written several other scholarly articles. This source focuses on measles outbreaks and the affects vaccines have with the outbreaks. They start the article by giving background information on measles. They follow with the purpose of their study and then jumps right into their research. They used ninety five students aged 4-5 in their study. They used the vaccination medical records of the ninety five students and compared results with students who have had vaccines and those who haven’t had them. The results showed that 13 of the ninety five contracted the measles even though they were vaccinated. They conclude saying that it is unknown of why the outbreak was so sever within the ninety five students. I plan on using this source to get more information on the measles side of vaccinations and use it to help support my argument. This article will also build on my knowledge of measles and how vaccines can help prevent it. It will also help by giving me stats on measles and it’s vaccination in young children. “Although a concurrent investigation into cold chain and vaccine stock management did not identify a cause for the high relative risk of measles in children vaccinated, recommendations were made for improving cold chain and vaccine stock management in General Practices.” “Analysis demonstrated statistically significant differences in the relative risk of developing measles according to the class a child was in, and the General Practice at which they were vaccinated.” Entry 7 Joyce, Carole. "Steps to success: getting children vaccinated on time." Pediatric Nursing, Nov.-Dec. 2007, p. 491+. Health Reference Center
  • 22. Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=d4183e8b. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019. In her article Carole Joyce, A registered nurse, has a background in the medical field including administering vaccinations. This article starts by giving background information on the good vaccinations have been proven to do in preventing diseases. She continues mentioning the role nurses play when it comes to vaccinations. She shifts her focus mentioning the measles out break back in 1991 and how not being vaccinated takes all the protections from contacting it away. In addition to that she states that vaccinations should not be administered based on the requirements of the school but by the vaccines should be administered at the intervals recommended by the Advisory Committee. She continues saying that vaccines should be combined to make it less stressful for parents and helps with the delay of vaccines that may accrue if done individually. She concludes her article saying that only 26 percent of children receive all of their vaccinations on time. I plan on using this source mostly just for information on the issue itself. This article includes lots of information coming from a nurse about vaccines and will be very helpful when looking for information on my topic. This article will also expand my knowledge on the whole issue of vaccinations which will help me have a better paper all the way around. “Only 26% of children in the United States receive all vaccinations at the recommended times (or acceptably early), putting children at risk for diseases that easily could have been prevented. Keeping updated on methods that increase the likelihood that children will be vaccinated on time increases pediatric nurses' ability to help ensure that children are protected.” “The importance of vaccination registries are realized when one considers that registries have been shown to increase the rate of up-to-date vaccination by 50% for children aged 24 months”
  • 23. Entry 8 Chido-Amajuoyi, Onyema Greg, et al. "Prevalence and correlates of never vaccinated Nigerian children, aged 1--5 years." Vaccine, vol. 36, no. 46, 2018, p. 6953. Health Reference Center Academic, CA?u=txshracd2557&sid=HRCA&xid=46c26235. Accessed 17 Apr. 2019. In the article “Prevalence and correlates of never vaccinated Nigerian children, aged 1-5” each author has a background in the medical field and some even have background in cancer research which makes them credible. This article is mainly focused on children in Nigeria that have never been vaccinated. It starts by giving background information on those children and their families. They go on to mention that the coverage for childhood vaccines are not very high in Nigeria. The authors continues giving details of their research that they have conducted. The children that were involved in this study were 12-59 months old. It was found that most of the kids that haven’t been vaccinated in Nigeria come from poor families and have parents who are not educated. They conclude by saying that more research is needed to completely understand the reasons that contribute to the children that never been vaccinated in Nigeria. I plan on using this source to help me better understand the lack of vaccinations in Nigeria. By understanding the crises in Nigeria, I will be able to have a better outlook on the crises in a different part of the world which will make my paper stronger. This source will also build on my knowledge of how the children are affected by lack of vaccines in Nigeria. “A unique population of Nigerian children, aged 1--5 years, never receive any of the recommended childhood vaccines.” “Children born into poor households, with mothers who are unemployed and uneducation, were more likely to be never-