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Transition of IPv4 Network Applications to
      IPv6 Applications [TIPv4 toTIPv6]
                                   Hanumanthappa, J.1 and Manjaiah, D. H.2
      Dos in Computer Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore, 2Reader, Mangalore University,
                           Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, Phone No: +91821-2419552;
                             Fax: +91821-2510789, Fax: (91)(0824)2287567/2287424.

                             Abstract                              besides adding new functionality. In addition
                                                                   to the upgrade to 128- bit addresses, the IPv6
 In this Paper we discuss our experience for transition the        packet format was redesigned in order to
 IPv4 network applications to IPv6 network applications. This      overcome the limitations of IPv4[3].
 paper also discusses how to port an IPv4 broadcast
 application to IPv6 in this IPv6 has no implemented concept       One of the key features of IPv6 is Porting or
 of broadcast. These extensions are designed to provide            Transition. The deployment of this new
 access to the basic IPv6 features required by TCP and UDP         protocol brings set of new challenges to the
 applications, including multicasting, while introducing a         application developers and application service
 minimum of change into the system and providing complete          providers. Currently many vendors and
 compatibility for existing IPv4 applications. We have             manufacturers and internet service providers
 discussed number of issues arising during the transition of a     are working hard to provide IPv6 connectivity
 platform to IPv6 like which would be the easiest and simple       and support for the users. The transition phase
 approach to the transition procedure, how compatibility with      from IPv4 to IPv6 has raised many discussions
 earlier IPv4 only versions of the platform could be retained,     among the internet community, as a lot of
 if there are any useful tools for assisting this task how and     companies and network demonstrators are
 when one could be positive that the necessary modifications       reluctant, facing what they perceive face as a
 had been made, and which testing procedures should be             great challenge with large costs. Apart from the
 followed.                                                         network and hardware part of the issue , a very
                                                                   well known important aspect is the
                                                                   transition(modification)        of       existing
1. Introduction.                                                   applications so that they become IPv6 enabled
 The rapid growth in the number of handheld devices and            .The problem of transition existing applications
 protocols putting a strain on the current IP protocol             to IPv6 has been so far addressed by several
 (IPv4),which is not being able to keep pace with the              researchers including companies and academic
 increasing demands brought about by the evolving Internet.        institutes. The majority of network applications
 The internet is growing rapidly and the number of available       in existence today presume the use of the IPv4
 Internet addresses seemed to be insufficient to meet the future   protocol, so the transition to IPv6 has to be
 needs of the current Internet. As a response , the Internet       accompanied by the development of new
 engineering task force(IETF) introduced the Internet protocol     applications or the modification of existing
 version 6 (IPv6) as a substitute for the current Internet         ones, so that they can be used in IPv6
 protocol(IPv4).[27].We know that IPv6 has been designed to        environments. It has often been demonstrated
 remove all the defects and deficiencies of IPv4 [24].The new      that the difficulty of modifying existing
 version of IP, IPv6 constitutes an effort to overcome the         applications varies significantly from one case
 inborn limitations of IPv4 so that the new protocol is able to    to another. Depending upon the applications at
 respond to the new requirements of today s internet. However      hand, it can be either a relatively quick and
 many network architects and engineers are still unsure of         easy process or a more complicated and
 what all of potential business cases for building IPv6            resource consuming task.
 networks and services are[24].IPv6 as the successor to the
 two decades old IPv4 has been designed to be a evolutionary       The remainder of the paper is organized as
 protocol which will solve the address shortage problem            follows. Section 2 presents IPv4 to IPv6
Architecture. In Section 3 the benefits of IPv6 are presented.      Let s discuss some of the benefits of IPv6 in
Performance aspects of transition IPv4 network applications         more detail in order to see how this protocol
to IPv6 are discussed in section 4. Section 5 presents the          attempts to deal with the Internet and business
work which has done on transition of IPv4 to IPv6. Section 6        network problems of today. Some of the main
covers necessary APIs for the transition of IPv4 to IPv6.           reasons for the development of the new version
Backward compatibility with IPv4 by using Dual stack                of the Internet Protocol were the exhaustion of
has covered in section 7. Section 7.1 covers application            the Class B address space, the growth of the
impact on Java. Section 8 covers problems with IPv6                 backbone routing table, security issues, IP
transition. Section 9 and 10 covers the flow chart for              options     size   limitation,     and routing
transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Finally the paper is concluded        performance [24]. We ll look at the two main
in section 10.                                                      problems solved by IPv6 namely address
                                                                    depletion and routing scalability in more
                                                                    detail, and then look at some of the added
2. Literature Review                                                benefits that IPv6 gives to network designers
                                                                    and administrators[12].The goals of IPv6 were
2.1 IPv4 to IPv6 Architecture                                       to support scalability, security, and multimedia
                                                                    transmissions. First, the address space is
Internet Protocol was first developed in the early 1980s. The       increased from 32 bits to 128 bits. Unlike IPv4,
issues that made version 4 of the Internet Protocol (IPv4)          IP Sec [10] support has become a requirement
inadequate required complex solutions[24]. This has forced          in the IPv6 header. Payload identification for
designers of the new protocol to work diligently to ensure          QoS handling by routers is now supported by
that the same issues would not be encountered with the new          the Flow Label field in the IPv6 packet header.
version of the protocol. Members of the Internet community          Fragmentation support has been moved from
who were responsible for developing the protocol carefully          routers to the sending hosts. The IPv6 header
scrutinized each new Request for Comments (RFC) that was            does not include a checksum and has no
developed. For those not familiar with the RFC process,             options included in the header, but rather
RFCs are documents that detail the protocol specifications so       introduces extension headers. Finally, IPv6
that hardware and software manufacturers will know how to           requires no manual configuration or DHCP
implement the protocol in a standard and agreed-upon                (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which
manner. Standardization enables each manufacturer and               will become important as the number of nodes
software vendor to follow the same blueprint rather than            increases. Overall, IPv6 was carefully thought
developing proprietary versions of the protocol.(This was a         out and was designed with future applications
common problem with earlier networking protocols.).                 in mind. [11] The main difference in the packet
Internet will continue to grow at the rate it was growing, the      layout between IPv4 and IPv6 is that IPv4 has
IPv4 address space would be depleted by the turn of the             a 20 byte header while IPv6 has a 40 byte
millennium. Some temporary solutions were offered, such as          header. Although the address space in IPv6 is
NAT (Network Address Translator) or CIDR . (Classless               four times the size of its counterpart, IPv6 has
Inter Domain Routing) , however work began on a new                 reduced the number of required fields and
Internet Protocol, namely IPv6. The main reason for a new           made them optional as extension headers.
version of the Internet Protocol was to increase the address        Since the Ethernet MTU size is 1514 bytes, the
space; IPv6 was designed with a 128 bit address scheme,             additional 20 bytes of header information only
enough to label every molecule on the surface of the earth          incurs an additional 1.3% overhead; an
with a unique address. Furthermore, the only kind of traffic        additional 20 bytes of header information when
that existed on the internet twenty years ago was elastic           an IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4
traffic, such as emails or file transfers. These kinds of traffic   packet raises the overall overhead to 2.6%. In
were very flexible regardless of the network conditions; on         theory, this performance overhead between
the other hand, inelastic traffic requires a certain level of       these two protocols is minimal.
guaranteed performance, which if not met, the application
does not have the same usefulness.IPv6 was designed for             2.3.Performance aspects of transition IPv4
efficiently suptransition both elastic and inelastic traffic. The   network applications to IPv6.
realization of a new, scalable protocol in which considerable
thought has been given to future expansion is a very exciting       In order to perform comparative testing, we
concept. Never before has the Internet community seen such          first try to identify the criteria for evaluating
a magnitude of effort or planning put into the development of       the IPv4 and IPv6 versions of the application
a new protocol, and there has certainly never been a protocol       under test. We know that the IPv6 header is
more specifically tailored to the growth of the Internet.           larger than IPv4, so we will face lot of
                                                                    overheads in IPv6.When we will contrast the
2.2 Understanding the Benefits of IPv6                              overhead of IPv6 with IPv4 is really a crucial
                                                                    task because lot of issues are involved in
applications of transition. While transition an
3. IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanisms                            application from IPv4 to IPv6 a network
                                                                 application will get an ability to work with IPv6
While transition an IPv6 application some considerations are     due to this obviously the application will have to
                                                                 seamlessly work with IPv6 protocol. During the
needed in both server and client side. The most notable          transition of an application the IPv6 supports the
consideration when preparing to port an IPv4 broadcast           three major types of communication systems like
application to IPv6 is this IPv6 has no implemented concept      multi cast, Uni cast and Any cast, where the
                                                                 multicast communication is more useful for real
of broadcast [23].Instead, IPv6 uses multicast, Multicast for    time audio, video and multimedia applications. An
IPv6 can emulate traditional broadcast capabilities found in     IPv6 client can communicate with IPv4 server
                                                                 only if it uses its IPv4 -mapped IPv6 address. This
IPv4.Setting the IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP socket option               can be achieved by using domain name service
with the IPv6 address set to the link-local scope all nodes      mechanism and choosing the record which is
                                                                 returned to the client as the server s IPv4-mapped
address (FF02::1) is equivalent to broadcasting on IPv4
                                                                 IPv6 address. In an IPv6 the role of DNS
broadcast addresses using the SO_BROADCAST socket                mechanism plays a very important role for the
option[23].This address is sometimes called the all-nodes        communication between IPv4 and IPv6 even
                                                                 though IPv6 supports for Multiple DNS. It is
multicast group. For applications that simply want broadcast     beneficiary if the application can make use of the
emulation for IPv6, that approach is operationally equivalent.   new enhanced features of IPv6, so that these
                                                                 features can be examined and evaluated. For
One notable difference with IPv6, however, is that multicasts
                                                                 example IPv6 which contains the flow id label that
on the all-nodes multicast group address are not received by     can be used in order to implement some quality
default (IPv4 broadcasts are received by default). Application   of service scheme. The Dual stack mechanism is
                                                                 going to be widely used for the foreseeable future,
programmers must use the IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                     so an IPv6 enabled application has to be able to
socket option to enable multicast reception from any source,     operate in a system with dual stack node has both
including the all-nodes multicast group address[23].There are    IPv6 and IPv4 stacks and addresses.

two primary scenarios for application programmers using          5.Related Work
multicast: those transition from IPv4 broadcast (or multicast)
applications to IPv6, and those creating new IPv6 multicast      Although transition an application from IPv4 to
                                                                 IPv6 is not a difficult task. There are many hidden
applications. For transition existing applications, there are    problems that must be considered and carefully
two options to move to IPv6 multicast: using socket options      analyzed. The problem of transition existing
and using IOCTLs [23].By using socket options is a change-       applications to IPv6 has been so far addressed by
                                                                 several researchers including companies and an
based approach, which enables developer        to change the     academic institutes. One of the main objectives
socket properties as required for blocking or unblocking a       when implementing IPv6 in UnixWare was to
                                                                 provide a migration path to IPv6 while still
sender, adding a new source, and so on. This approach is         enabling IPv4 applications to work .This paper is
more intuitive and the recommended approach [23].By using        aimed to discuss about various issues when
IOCTL is a final state based approach because it allows          transition an IPv4 application to IPv6 with focus
                                                                 on issues that an application developer will face
developers to provide a fully-configured socket state,           rather than a complete API reference. The
including inclusion and exclusion lists with one call[23].       transition of labels can be categorized into some
                                                                 main categories based on complexity of the work
                                                              Category-1:- The below table shows changes in
There are various parameters that we have to tested during thethe source code data structures that application
transition of    IPv4 network application to IPv6 networkprogrammers need to be aware of when
application which determines the quality and varioustransition code support IPv6
                IPv4 Data structures             IPv6 Data structures
                Sockaddr_in ,in_addr4            Sockaddr_in6, in_addr6
                sin_family , sin_port            Sin6_family , sin6_len, sin6_port
                Inaddr_any,inaddr_loopback       In6_addr, In6_addr_loopback
                In6_addr_any_init,               In6addr_loopback_init
ifreq                            Struct if_laddrreq
               ifconf                           Struct if_laddrconf
               in_port_t sin_port               u_shortsin6_port
               sin_addr struct in_addr          uint32_tsin6_flowinfo

The first category of the work refers to most protocol independent labels where the labels can be easily ported by

using data structures.IPv4 applications use the sockaddr_in andmembers to their new sockaddr_in6 names, it
in_addr structures to pass network address information betweenis not strictly necessary to fill in this member
certain networking related functions. IPv6 uses a larger addressbefore using the structure [13].
space and therefore uses different data structures to replace
sockaddr_in and in_addr [13].                                   Category-2. While the 2nd category refers to
                                                                labels that can be ported by introducing new API
 in6_addr:-is used to store the 128-bit network to replace old ones:- One of the main objectives
address.sockaddr_in6 :-is used to store the remaining details, when implementing IPv6 in UnixWare was to
previously stored by sockaddr_in, that is, length of the data provide a migration path to IPv6 while still
structure, address family, flowinfo, port number and enabling IPv4 applications to work portability ,
in6_addr data structure. Replace any occurrence of Scalability automatically increases. The Below
sockaddr_in with the sockaddr_in6 structure. Another table cover in depth how the source code symbol
feature that was implemented at the same time as IPv6 was changes some of the address and protocol family
the move to support variable length sockets. In this new constants for IPv6 that application programmers
version the sin6_family is only 8-bits long unlike the original need to be aware of when transition code support
sin_family which was 16-bits long. The remaining 8 bits have IPv6[13].
been defined as sin6_len, and contains the length of the data
structure. When modifying the sockaddr_in structure

                           Search the Source code for :    Replace with
                                    AF_INET                 PF_INET6
                                    PF_INET                 PF_INET6

Replace all occurrences of AF_INET in your application
with AF_INET6 and all occurrences of PF_INET with              Category-3.While the 3rd criteria refers to labels
PF_INET6. For example, if you application had the              that can be ported by using new IPv4 functions
following line of code[13]:                                    calls to IPv6 function calls. The below tables
server.sin_family = AF_INET;                                   cover the some changes in the source code
alter the member name to its correct sockaddr_in6 name and     function calls that application programmers need
change AF_INET to AF_INET6, as shown below:                    to be aware of when transition code support
server.sin6_family = AF_INET6;                                 IPv6[13].
                              IPv4 function calls                IPv6 function calls
                        gethostbyname(3N)              gethostbyname2(3N)
                                                       or getaddrinfo( ) or
                                                       getipnodebyname ,freeaddrinfo()
                        inetaddr_in(3N)                inetpton(3N)
                        inet_ntoa                      inet_ntop
                        gethostbyaddr()                getipnodebyaddr,
                        inet_addr() or inet_aton()     inet_ pton()

6. NECESSARY API MODIFICATIONS                                 In order to port the IPv4 network applications to
                                                               IPv6 we have used some of the methods. Some of
the methods are straight forward modifications that we have toboth versions of the Internet Protocol, IPv4 and
carry out during the transition tenure. While transition an IPv4IPv6. A general property of a dual-stack node
applications to IPv6 using socket interface extensions to IPv6is that an IPv6 socket can communicate both
some considerations are needed in both server and client sidewith an IPv4 and IPv6 peer at the transport
[21]. While using IPv4 to IPv6 transition the most importantlayer (TCP or UDP) . At the native level, the
methods are         we have to replace IPv4 API s likeIPv6 socket communicates with an IPv4 peer
AF_INET,PF_INET with their IPv6 AF_INET6 and PF_INET6through an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
.The second important method used while during transition isHowever, unless a socket checks for the peers
substituting IPv4 function calls toIPv6 functions calls. The thirdaddress type, it won't know whether it is
important aspect while using a transition is adjust Keyboard andtalking to an IPv4 or an IPv6 peer. All the
display interface so they can handle larger IP addresses. Theinternal plumbing and conversion of address
fourth one more important API consideration is Name to addresstypes is done by the dual-protocol stack.
translation. The Fifth necessary consideration for API is New
function will support to IPv6 and IPv4.Transition from IPv4 to   7.1.Application Impact on Java
IPv6 application also requires replacement of hard- coded IPv4
loop back addresses and inaddr_any by using their IPv6 capable.
                                                                  While transition an application there should be
At the time of transition an application                          no change in Java application code if
from IPv4 to IPv6 will separate port addresses from the IPeverything has been done appropriately. i.e.
addresses. Some time we will adopt minimum number ofthere are no direct references to IPv4 literal
changes in API for transition process.                            addresses, instead hostnames are used. All the
                                                                      address or socket type information is
7. BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WITH IPV4 BY                                encapsulated in the Java networking API.
USING DUAL STACK.                                                     Through setting system properties, address
                                                                      type and/or socket type preferences can be set.
For many years, if not forever, there will be a mix of IPv6           For new applications IPv6-specific new classes
and IPv4 nodes on the Internet. Thus compatibility with the           and APIs can be used [26].
large installed base of IPv4 nodes is crucial for the success of
the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Dual stack, defined in RFC
1933, is one of the main mechanisms for guaranteeing a
smooth transition. The other mechanism is IPv6 packet
tunneling, which is relevant to the JDK only through the
IPv4-compatible address. The former is the most relevant
piece to the JDK. A dual stack includes implementations of

                                   Communication Scenarios

                      (Nodes)          V4 only         V4/V6          V6 only
                      V4 only            X               X
                       V4/V6             X               X               X
                      V6 only                            X               X

                  The X indicates the nodes which are communicate with each other.
                  UDP Scenario 1: Either host1 or host 2 can be a native application.

                                                                      will wait for connections. Since host1 supports
Case 1: host1 is server, host2 is client : If host2 wants to talk     v4 only, it creates a v4-type socket. They
to host1, it will create a V6 socket. It then looks up the IP         resolves the name for host2. It only gets v4
address for host1. Since host1 only has a v4 protocol stack, it       address for host2, since it doesn't understand
will only have IPv4 records in the name lookup service. So            IPv6 address. So it connects to host2 using v4
host2 will try to reach host1 using an IPv4-mapped address.           address. A v4 packet will be sent on the wire.
An IPv4 packet will be sent by host2, and host1 will think it         On host2, the dual stack will convert the v4
is communicating with a v4 client [26].                               packet

Case 2 : Host1 is client, host2 is server : If host2 is the
server, it will first create a v6-type socket (by default), then it
One of the difficulty of transition applications will
into a v6 packet with a v4-mapped address in it and hand it                vary greatly from one application to another
over to the v6 socket. The server application will handle it as            application depends on the choice of Coding
if it is a connection from a v6 node[ 26] .                                metaphors , Memory management ,Possibility of
8. Problems With IPv6 Transition                                           library interface problems , Time and cost
                                                                           estimates are likely to be inaccurate[18].



                                            esses = = null


             Protocol not suppport
                                               error? ?



                                                                                     No Socket
                                             Socket connected





  protocol not support                                        No                   No
                                       Error ???                      IPv6

                                                                   IPv6_ ONLY


                                                                                        No Socket
                            Yes          error? ?        No


12.Objectives                                                   new applications should be designed to work in
                                                                all environments: single IPv4, single IPv6 or
The experience we earned from our effort shows that transitionmixed        communication         when     group
applications to IPv6 will say communications management iscollaborative applications are considered. The
isolated from the rest of the application ,while for many clientprincipal building block during transitioning is
and server network applications network compilation options arethe availability of dual stack. Dual stack
not dispersed all over the code , Application is independent ofmechanisms do not, by themselves, solve the
the IP addresses management , Application use only names,IPv4 and IPv6 inter working problems; other
never IP addresses to select remote node ,Code updating of newimportant building block, addresses translation,
protocol advanced features is much simpler.                     is required many times. Translation refers to
                                                                the direct translation of protocols, including
                                                                headers and sometimes protocol payload.
13. Conclusions                                                 Protocol translation often results in features
                                                                loss. For instance, translation of IPv6 header
The experience we earned from our effort shows that into an IPv4 header will lead to the loss of the
transition applications to IPv6 will play a crucial role to IPv6 flow label. Translation can be
adopt new internet protocol version. While for many client complemented with tunneling; which used to
and server network applications the transition issues are bridge           compatible        networks     across
going to be straightforward. Today the Internet is incompatible ones. However, all previous
predominantly based on IPv4. However, a big effort has been solutions depend on client and server
done to set up more and more IPv6 experiments. At the applications               availability.    The    further
present moment, there is no a single global IPv6 network on development of automatic tools is essential and
the same scale and it will take some time to get it. Therefore, will be selected in two ways : Sup transition
more languages other CC++JavaBasicPascalFortran etc in          [20]. Yukwen Hsu, Transition an applications to
order to support for more useful programmers and becoming            IPv6 Microsoft corporation        Windows division.
more intelligent in helping the programmer with more issues.         [21].Transition and performance aspects from IPv4
                                                                     to IPv6: The case of open H323, International
                                                                     Journal of communication
All these requirements can be implemented as a single                     Systems,6/04/2005.
library. It is a middleware network interface to isolate             [22].Sun Microsystems, Transition applications to
communications from the rest of functional application               the IPv6 APIs
modules. This solution simplifies future maintenance                 [23].Transition broadcast applications to IPv6
operations and it can be used as a general network interface         (Windows).
for similar applications. This is interesting when a complete        [24]. Bahrouz Forouzan Tata McGraw-Hill.,
                                                                     TCP/IP Protocol suite.
environment should be ported. From the above conclusions
                                                                     [25].Eva.M.Castro, Transition applications and
we have concluded that Transition is very easy for a network         DNS issues ,
programmer because we will use the same socket calls and             [26].Networking IPv6 user guide for JDK/JRE 5.0
few new functions. Transition makes your application ready           [27].R.A. Yaiz and O. Ozturk , Mobility in IPv6
for t he currently deployed next generation internet protocol.       Available from :http
Transition an application enables your application to use            ://www/,Date
enhanced features of IPv6.IPv6 supports for very few                      accessed: 4th October 2007.
changes like either a 0 or 1% of typical network application.

                                                                             Mr.Hanumanthappa.J. has taken his birth in
                                                                             Harihar on 6-12-1975,which belongs to Davanagere
This research paper has been supported by Department of                      (D).He has received his Bachelor of Engineering
studies in Computer Science , Manasagangothri, University            Degree in computer science and engineering from
of Mysore and Department of Computer Science ,                       University B.D.T College of Engineering , Davanagere,
Mangalagangothri , Mangalore University. I would like to             Karnataka( S),India( C),which is affiliated to Kuvempu
                                                                     University , Shimoga in the year 1998 and Master of
thanks our beloved supervisor Dr.Manjaiah. D.H for                   Technology in cs& engineering from NITK Surathkal ,
providing his support and encouragement ,to conduct and              Karnataka( S ), India (C) in the year 2003.He is currently
prepare this research paper on Transition of IPv4 Network            pursuing his doctoral program in Mangalore university ,
applications to IPv6 Network applications[TIPv4 to TIPv6] .          Mangalore under the supervision of Dr.Manjaiah.D.H. on
                                                                     entitled Security and Porting issues on IPv6 .
14.References                                                        He is currently working as a LECTURER in Department of
                                                                     Studies in Computer Science ,Manasagangothri, University
[1].RFC2553 - Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6             of Mysore. I have presented 2 research papers in National
                                                                     and International Conferences in Network Engineering.
[2].Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming          Volume 1
                                                                     Currently Iam writing two Text books on Introduction to
[3].Richard Stevens, Gary Wright, TCP/IP Illustrated       Volume     C and one more on Cryptography and Network security
2                                                                    for computer science and Engineering students.
[4].IETF IPv6 Transition Working Group ,                                        Iam a Life member of CSI, ISTE,AMIE, IAENG,
[5].I. Raicu. An Empirical Analysis of Internet Protocol version 6   Embedded networking group of TIFAC CORE in
(IPv6) , Master Thesis, Wayne State University, 2002                 Network Engineering .
[6].S. Kent, R. Atkinson. Security Architecture for the Internet
                                                                                Dr. Manjaiah D.H. is currently Reader and
Protocol , Request for Comments 2401, Internet
                                                                               Chairman of BoS in both UG/PG in the
    Engineering Task Force, November 1998 .                                    Computer Science at Dept. of Computer
[7].S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Third Edition, Prentice Hall              Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore. He
Inc.,1996, pp. 686,413- 436,437-449.                                           is also the BoE Member of all Universities of
[8].Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino , IPv6 Network Programming              Karnataka and other reputed universities in India. He
Elsevier digital press -2006.                                        received PhD degree from University of Mangalore,
[9].W. Richard Stevens. Expires: October 19, 2002 Advanced           M.Tech. from NITK, Surathkal and B.E., from Mysore
Sockets API for IPv6..Obsolètes RFC 2292.INTERNET-DRAFT              University. Dr.Manjaiah D.H has an extensive academic,
                                                                     Industry and Research experience. He has worked at
[10]Advanced Sockets API for IPv6. W. Stevens, M. Thomas.
                                                                     many technical bodies like CSI, ISTE, ACS, IAENG and
February 1998. RFC2292.(Format: TXT=152077 bytes) (Status:           ISOC. He has authored more than - 25 research papers in
INFORMATIONAL)                                                       international conferences and reputed journals. He is the
[11].R.Gilligan, S.,Thomson, J.Bound,W. Stevens. March 1999.         recipient of the several talks for his area of interest in
RFC2553 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 .                 many public occasions. He is an expert committee member
[12]. Eva M. Castro ,Transition applications to IPv6 How To .        of an AICTE and various technical bodies. He had written
[13].HP-UX IPv6 transition guide.                                    Kannada text book, with an entitled, COMPUTER
[14].Sun s transition guide.                                         PARICHAYA , for the benefits of all teaching and
                                                                     Students Community of Karnataka. Dr .Manjaiah D.H s
[15].IPv6 network administration guide                               areas interest are Computer Networking & Sensor
[16].Network application transition guide                            Networks, Mobile Communication, Operations Research,
[17].Network application transition tool                             E-commerce,       Internet    Technology     and     Web
[18]. Transition applications to IPv6 , Pervasive technology labs    Programming.
at Indiana University.
[19]. Transition an application to IPv6 : The quake 3 example.
Ieee Transition Of I Pv4 To I Pv6 Network Applications

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Ieee Transition Of I Pv4 To I Pv6 Network Applications

  • 1. Transition of IPv4 Network Applications to IPv6 Applications [TIPv4 toTIPv6] Hanumanthappa, J.1 and Manjaiah, D. H.2 1 Dos in Computer Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore, 2Reader, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, Phone No: +91821-2419552; Fax: +91821-2510789, Fax: (91)(0824)2287567/2287424. Email:; Abstract besides adding new functionality. In addition to the upgrade to 128- bit addresses, the IPv6 In this Paper we discuss our experience for transition the packet format was redesigned in order to IPv4 network applications to IPv6 network applications. This overcome the limitations of IPv4[3]. paper also discusses how to port an IPv4 broadcast application to IPv6 in this IPv6 has no implemented concept One of the key features of IPv6 is Porting or of broadcast. These extensions are designed to provide Transition. The deployment of this new access to the basic IPv6 features required by TCP and UDP protocol brings set of new challenges to the applications, including multicasting, while introducing a application developers and application service minimum of change into the system and providing complete providers. Currently many vendors and compatibility for existing IPv4 applications. We have manufacturers and internet service providers discussed number of issues arising during the transition of a are working hard to provide IPv6 connectivity platform to IPv6 like which would be the easiest and simple and support for the users. The transition phase approach to the transition procedure, how compatibility with from IPv4 to IPv6 has raised many discussions earlier IPv4 only versions of the platform could be retained, among the internet community, as a lot of if there are any useful tools for assisting this task how and companies and network demonstrators are when one could be positive that the necessary modifications reluctant, facing what they perceive face as a had been made, and which testing procedures should be great challenge with large costs. Apart from the followed. network and hardware part of the issue , a very well known important aspect is the transition(modification) of existing 1. Introduction. applications so that they become IPv6 enabled The rapid growth in the number of handheld devices and .The problem of transition existing applications protocols putting a strain on the current IP protocol to IPv6 has been so far addressed by several (IPv4),which is not being able to keep pace with the researchers including companies and academic increasing demands brought about by the evolving Internet. institutes. The majority of network applications The internet is growing rapidly and the number of available in existence today presume the use of the IPv4 Internet addresses seemed to be insufficient to meet the future protocol, so the transition to IPv6 has to be needs of the current Internet. As a response , the Internet accompanied by the development of new engineering task force(IETF) introduced the Internet protocol applications or the modification of existing version 6 (IPv6) as a substitute for the current Internet ones, so that they can be used in IPv6 protocol(IPv4).[27].We know that IPv6 has been designed to environments. It has often been demonstrated remove all the defects and deficiencies of IPv4 [24].The new that the difficulty of modifying existing version of IP, IPv6 constitutes an effort to overcome the applications varies significantly from one case inborn limitations of IPv4 so that the new protocol is able to to another. Depending upon the applications at respond to the new requirements of today s internet. However hand, it can be either a relatively quick and many network architects and engineers are still unsure of easy process or a more complicated and what all of potential business cases for building IPv6 resource consuming task. networks and services are[24].IPv6 as the successor to the two decades old IPv4 has been designed to be a evolutionary The remainder of the paper is organized as protocol which will solve the address shortage problem follows. Section 2 presents IPv4 to IPv6
  • 2. Architecture. In Section 3 the benefits of IPv6 are presented. Let s discuss some of the benefits of IPv6 in Performance aspects of transition IPv4 network applications more detail in order to see how this protocol to IPv6 are discussed in section 4. Section 5 presents the attempts to deal with the Internet and business work which has done on transition of IPv4 to IPv6. Section 6 network problems of today. Some of the main covers necessary APIs for the transition of IPv4 to IPv6. reasons for the development of the new version Backward compatibility with IPv4 by using Dual stack of the Internet Protocol were the exhaustion of has covered in section 7. Section 7.1 covers application the Class B address space, the growth of the impact on Java. Section 8 covers problems with IPv6 backbone routing table, security issues, IP transition. Section 9 and 10 covers the flow chart for options size limitation, and routing transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Finally the paper is concluded performance [24]. We ll look at the two main in section 10. problems solved by IPv6 namely address depletion and routing scalability in more detail, and then look at some of the added 2. Literature Review benefits that IPv6 gives to network designers and administrators[12].The goals of IPv6 were 2.1 IPv4 to IPv6 Architecture to support scalability, security, and multimedia transmissions. First, the address space is Internet Protocol was first developed in the early 1980s. The increased from 32 bits to 128 bits. Unlike IPv4, issues that made version 4 of the Internet Protocol (IPv4) IP Sec [10] support has become a requirement inadequate required complex solutions[24]. This has forced in the IPv6 header. Payload identification for designers of the new protocol to work diligently to ensure QoS handling by routers is now supported by that the same issues would not be encountered with the new the Flow Label field in the IPv6 packet header. version of the protocol. Members of the Internet community Fragmentation support has been moved from who were responsible for developing the protocol carefully routers to the sending hosts. The IPv6 header scrutinized each new Request for Comments (RFC) that was does not include a checksum and has no developed. For those not familiar with the RFC process, options included in the header, but rather RFCs are documents that detail the protocol specifications so introduces extension headers. Finally, IPv6 that hardware and software manufacturers will know how to requires no manual configuration or DHCP implement the protocol in a standard and agreed-upon (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which manner. Standardization enables each manufacturer and will become important as the number of nodes software vendor to follow the same blueprint rather than increases. Overall, IPv6 was carefully thought developing proprietary versions of the protocol.(This was a out and was designed with future applications common problem with earlier networking protocols.). in mind. [11] The main difference in the packet Internet will continue to grow at the rate it was growing, the layout between IPv4 and IPv6 is that IPv4 has IPv4 address space would be depleted by the turn of the a 20 byte header while IPv6 has a 40 byte millennium. Some temporary solutions were offered, such as header. Although the address space in IPv6 is NAT (Network Address Translator) or CIDR . (Classless four times the size of its counterpart, IPv6 has Inter Domain Routing) , however work began on a new reduced the number of required fields and Internet Protocol, namely IPv6. The main reason for a new made them optional as extension headers. version of the Internet Protocol was to increase the address Since the Ethernet MTU size is 1514 bytes, the space; IPv6 was designed with a 128 bit address scheme, additional 20 bytes of header information only enough to label every molecule on the surface of the earth incurs an additional 1.3% overhead; an with a unique address. Furthermore, the only kind of traffic additional 20 bytes of header information when that existed on the internet twenty years ago was elastic an IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 traffic, such as emails or file transfers. These kinds of traffic packet raises the overall overhead to 2.6%. In were very flexible regardless of the network conditions; on theory, this performance overhead between the other hand, inelastic traffic requires a certain level of these two protocols is minimal. guaranteed performance, which if not met, the application does not have the same usefulness.IPv6 was designed for 2.3.Performance aspects of transition IPv4 efficiently suptransition both elastic and inelastic traffic. The network applications to IPv6. realization of a new, scalable protocol in which considerable thought has been given to future expansion is a very exciting In order to perform comparative testing, we concept. Never before has the Internet community seen such first try to identify the criteria for evaluating a magnitude of effort or planning put into the development of the IPv4 and IPv6 versions of the application a new protocol, and there has certainly never been a protocol under test. We know that the IPv6 header is more specifically tailored to the growth of the Internet. larger than IPv4, so we will face lot of overheads in IPv6.When we will contrast the 2.2 Understanding the Benefits of IPv6 overhead of IPv6 with IPv4 is really a crucial task because lot of issues are involved in IPv6.
  • 3. applications of transition. While transition an 3. IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanisms application from IPv4 to IPv6 a network application will get an ability to work with IPv6 While transition an IPv6 application some considerations are due to this obviously the application will have to seamlessly work with IPv6 protocol. During the needed in both server and client side. The most notable transition of an application the IPv6 supports the consideration when preparing to port an IPv4 broadcast three major types of communication systems like application to IPv6 is this IPv6 has no implemented concept multi cast, Uni cast and Any cast, where the multicast communication is more useful for real of broadcast [23].Instead, IPv6 uses multicast, Multicast for time audio, video and multimedia applications. An IPv6 can emulate traditional broadcast capabilities found in IPv6 client can communicate with IPv4 server only if it uses its IPv4 -mapped IPv6 address. This IPv4.Setting the IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP socket option can be achieved by using domain name service with the IPv6 address set to the link-local scope all nodes mechanism and choosing the record which is returned to the client as the server s IPv4-mapped address (FF02::1) is equivalent to broadcasting on IPv4 IPv6 address. In an IPv6 the role of DNS broadcast addresses using the SO_BROADCAST socket mechanism plays a very important role for the option[23].This address is sometimes called the all-nodes communication between IPv4 and IPv6 even though IPv6 supports for Multiple DNS. It is multicast group. For applications that simply want broadcast beneficiary if the application can make use of the emulation for IPv6, that approach is operationally equivalent. new enhanced features of IPv6, so that these features can be examined and evaluated. For One notable difference with IPv6, however, is that multicasts example IPv6 which contains the flow id label that on the all-nodes multicast group address are not received by can be used in order to implement some quality default (IPv4 broadcasts are received by default). Application of service scheme. The Dual stack mechanism is going to be widely used for the foreseeable future, programmers must use the IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP so an IPv6 enabled application has to be able to socket option to enable multicast reception from any source, operate in a system with dual stack node has both including the all-nodes multicast group address[23].There are IPv6 and IPv4 stacks and addresses. two primary scenarios for application programmers using 5.Related Work multicast: those transition from IPv4 broadcast (or multicast) applications to IPv6, and those creating new IPv6 multicast Although transition an application from IPv4 to IPv6 is not a difficult task. There are many hidden applications. For transition existing applications, there are problems that must be considered and carefully two options to move to IPv6 multicast: using socket options analyzed. The problem of transition existing and using IOCTLs [23].By using socket options is a change- applications to IPv6 has been so far addressed by several researchers including companies and an based approach, which enables developer to change the academic institutes. One of the main objectives socket properties as required for blocking or unblocking a when implementing IPv6 in UnixWare was to provide a migration path to IPv6 while still sender, adding a new source, and so on. This approach is enabling IPv4 applications to work .This paper is more intuitive and the recommended approach [23].By using aimed to discuss about various issues when IOCTL is a final state based approach because it allows transition an IPv4 application to IPv6 with focus on issues that an application developer will face developers to provide a fully-configured socket state, rather than a complete API reference. The including inclusion and exclusion lists with one call[23]. transition of labels can be categorized into some main categories based on complexity of the work [21]. 4. EVALUATING AN APPLICATION PORTED TO IPV6 Category-1:- The below table shows changes in There are various parameters that we have to tested during thethe source code data structures that application transition of IPv4 network application to IPv6 networkprogrammers need to be aware of when application which determines the quality and varioustransition code support IPv6 IPv4 Data structures IPv6 Data structures Sockaddr_in ,in_addr4 Sockaddr_in6, in_addr6 sin_family , sin_port Sin6_family , sin6_len, sin6_port Inaddr_any,inaddr_loopback In6_addr, In6_addr_loopback In6_addr_any_init, In6addr_loopback_init
  • 4. ifreq Struct if_laddrreq ifconf Struct if_laddrconf in_port_t sin_port u_shortsin6_port sin_addr struct in_addr uint32_tsin6_flowinfo The first category of the work refers to most protocol independent labels where the labels can be easily ported by using data structures.IPv4 applications use the sockaddr_in andmembers to their new sockaddr_in6 names, it in_addr structures to pass network address information betweenis not strictly necessary to fill in this member certain networking related functions. IPv6 uses a larger addressbefore using the structure [13]. space and therefore uses different data structures to replace sockaddr_in and in_addr [13]. Category-2. While the 2nd category refers to labels that can be ported by introducing new API in6_addr:-is used to store the 128-bit network to replace old ones:- One of the main objectives address.sockaddr_in6 :-is used to store the remaining details, when implementing IPv6 in UnixWare was to previously stored by sockaddr_in, that is, length of the data provide a migration path to IPv6 while still structure, address family, flowinfo, port number and enabling IPv4 applications to work portability , in6_addr data structure. Replace any occurrence of Scalability automatically increases. The Below sockaddr_in with the sockaddr_in6 structure. Another table cover in depth how the source code symbol feature that was implemented at the same time as IPv6 was changes some of the address and protocol family the move to support variable length sockets. In this new constants for IPv6 that application programmers version the sin6_family is only 8-bits long unlike the original need to be aware of when transition code support sin_family which was 16-bits long. The remaining 8 bits have IPv6[13]. been defined as sin6_len, and contains the length of the data structure. When modifying the sockaddr_in structure Search the Source code for : Replace with AF_INET PF_INET6 PF_INET PF_INET6 Replace all occurrences of AF_INET in your application with AF_INET6 and all occurrences of PF_INET with Category-3.While the 3rd criteria refers to labels PF_INET6. For example, if you application had the that can be ported by using new IPv4 functions following line of code[13]: calls to IPv6 function calls. The below tables server.sin_family = AF_INET; cover the some changes in the source code alter the member name to its correct sockaddr_in6 name and function calls that application programmers need change AF_INET to AF_INET6, as shown below: to be aware of when transition code support server.sin6_family = AF_INET6; IPv6[13]. IPv4 function calls IPv6 function calls gethostbyname(3N) gethostbyname2(3N) or getaddrinfo( ) or getipnodebyname ,freeaddrinfo() inetaddr_in(3N) inetpton(3N) inet_ntoa inet_ntop gethostbyaddr() getipnodebyaddr, getnameinfo(),f reeaddrinfo(). inet_addr() or inet_aton() inet_ pton() 6. NECESSARY API MODIFICATIONS In order to port the IPv4 network applications to IPv6 we have used some of the methods. Some of
  • 5. the methods are straight forward modifications that we have toboth versions of the Internet Protocol, IPv4 and carry out during the transition tenure. While transition an IPv4IPv6. A general property of a dual-stack node applications to IPv6 using socket interface extensions to IPv6is that an IPv6 socket can communicate both some considerations are needed in both server and client sidewith an IPv4 and IPv6 peer at the transport [21]. While using IPv4 to IPv6 transition the most importantlayer (TCP or UDP) . At the native level, the methods are we have to replace IPv4 API s likeIPv6 socket communicates with an IPv4 peer AF_INET,PF_INET with their IPv6 AF_INET6 and PF_INET6through an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. .The second important method used while during transition isHowever, unless a socket checks for the peers substituting IPv4 function calls toIPv6 functions calls. The thirdaddress type, it won't know whether it is important aspect while using a transition is adjust Keyboard andtalking to an IPv4 or an IPv6 peer. All the display interface so they can handle larger IP addresses. Theinternal plumbing and conversion of address fourth one more important API consideration is Name to addresstypes is done by the dual-protocol stack. translation. The Fifth necessary consideration for API is New function will support to IPv6 and IPv4.Transition from IPv4 to 7.1.Application Impact on Java IPv6 application also requires replacement of hard- coded IPv4 loop back addresses and inaddr_any by using their IPv6 capable. While transition an application there should be At the time of transition an application no change in Java application code if from IPv4 to IPv6 will separate port addresses from the IPeverything has been done appropriately. i.e. addresses. Some time we will adopt minimum number ofthere are no direct references to IPv4 literal changes in API for transition process. addresses, instead hostnames are used. All the address or socket type information is 7. BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WITH IPV4 BY encapsulated in the Java networking API. USING DUAL STACK. Through setting system properties, address type and/or socket type preferences can be set. For many years, if not forever, there will be a mix of IPv6 For new applications IPv6-specific new classes and IPv4 nodes on the Internet. Thus compatibility with the and APIs can be used [26]. large installed base of IPv4 nodes is crucial for the success of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Dual stack, defined in RFC 1933, is one of the main mechanisms for guaranteeing a smooth transition. The other mechanism is IPv6 packet tunneling, which is relevant to the JDK only through the IPv4-compatible address. The former is the most relevant piece to the JDK. A dual stack includes implementations of Communication Scenarios (Nodes) V4 only V4/V6 V6 only V4 only X X V4/V6 X X X V6 only X X The X indicates the nodes which are communicate with each other. UDP Scenario 1: Either host1 or host 2 can be a native application. will wait for connections. Since host1 supports Case 1: host1 is server, host2 is client : If host2 wants to talk v4 only, it creates a v4-type socket. They to host1, it will create a V6 socket. It then looks up the IP resolves the name for host2. It only gets v4 address for host1. Since host1 only has a v4 protocol stack, it address for host2, since it doesn't understand will only have IPv4 records in the name lookup service. So IPv6 address. So it connects to host2 using v4 host2 will try to reach host1 using an IPv4-mapped address. address. A v4 packet will be sent on the wire. An IPv4 packet will be sent by host2, and host1 will think it On host2, the dual stack will convert the v4 is communicating with a v4 client [26]. packet Case 2 : Host1 is client, host2 is server : If host2 is the server, it will first create a v6-type socket (by default), then it
  • 6. One of the difficulty of transition applications will into a v6 packet with a v4-mapped address in it and hand it vary greatly from one application to another over to the v6 socket. The server application will handle it as application depends on the choice of Coding if it is a connection from a v6 node[ 26] . metaphors , Memory management ,Possibility of 8. Problems With IPv6 Transition library interface problems , Time and cost estimates are likely to be inaccurate[18]. 9.FLOW CHART FOR AN IPV4 CLIENT TO IPV6 CLIENT Get_list_of_IP_addresses List_of_IP_addr esses = = null Yes No Create_Socket(address_family) Protocol not suppport error? ? No Connect_Socket error? No No Socket Socket connected
  • 7. 10.FLOW CHART FOR AN IPV4 SERVER TO IPV6 SERVER. get_list_of_IP_addresses no list_of_IP_addresses==null||max Sock==2 Yes Create_Socket(address_family) protocol not support No No Error ??? IPv6 IPv6_ ONLY bind_socket No Socket Yes error? ? No Listen_socket 12.Objectives new applications should be designed to work in all environments: single IPv4, single IPv6 or The experience we earned from our effort shows that transitionmixed communication when group applications to IPv6 will say communications management iscollaborative applications are considered. The isolated from the rest of the application ,while for many clientprincipal building block during transitioning is and server network applications network compilation options arethe availability of dual stack. Dual stack not dispersed all over the code , Application is independent ofmechanisms do not, by themselves, solve the the IP addresses management , Application use only names,IPv4 and IPv6 inter working problems; other never IP addresses to select remote node ,Code updating of newimportant building block, addresses translation, protocol advanced features is much simpler. is required many times. Translation refers to the direct translation of protocols, including headers and sometimes protocol payload. 13. Conclusions Protocol translation often results in features loss. For instance, translation of IPv6 header The experience we earned from our effort shows that into an IPv4 header will lead to the loss of the transition applications to IPv6 will play a crucial role to IPv6 flow label. Translation can be adopt new internet protocol version. While for many client complemented with tunneling; which used to and server network applications the transition issues are bridge compatible networks across going to be straightforward. Today the Internet is incompatible ones. However, all previous predominantly based on IPv4. However, a big effort has been solutions depend on client and server done to set up more and more IPv6 experiments. At the applications availability. The further present moment, there is no a single global IPv6 network on development of automatic tools is essential and the same scale and it will take some time to get it. Therefore, will be selected in two ways : Sup transition
  • 8. more languages other CC++JavaBasicPascalFortran etc in [20]. Yukwen Hsu, Transition an applications to order to support for more useful programmers and becoming IPv6 Microsoft corporation Windows division. more intelligent in helping the programmer with more issues. [21].Transition and performance aspects from IPv4 to IPv6: The case of open H323, International Journal of communication All these requirements can be implemented as a single Systems,6/04/2005. library. It is a middleware network interface to isolate [22].Sun Microsystems, Transition applications to communications from the rest of functional application the IPv6 APIs modules. This solution simplifies future maintenance [23].Transition broadcast applications to IPv6 operations and it can be used as a general network interface (Windows). for similar applications. This is interesting when a complete [24]. Bahrouz Forouzan Tata McGraw-Hill., TCP/IP Protocol suite. environment should be ported. From the above conclusions [25].Eva.M.Castro, Transition applications and we have concluded that Transition is very easy for a network DNS issues , programmer because we will use the same socket calls and [26].Networking IPv6 user guide for JDK/JRE 5.0 few new functions. Transition makes your application ready [27].R.A. Yaiz and O. Ozturk , Mobility in IPv6 for t he currently deployed next generation internet protocol. Available from :http Transition an application enables your application to use ://www/,Date enhanced features of IPv6.IPv6 supports for very few accessed: 4th October 2007. changes like either a 0 or 1% of typical network application. Acknowledgement Mr.Hanumanthappa.J. has taken his birth in Harihar on 6-12-1975,which belongs to Davanagere This research paper has been supported by Department of (D).He has received his Bachelor of Engineering studies in Computer Science , Manasagangothri, University Degree in computer science and engineering from of Mysore and Department of Computer Science , University B.D.T College of Engineering , Davanagere, Mangalagangothri , Mangalore University. I would like to Karnataka( S),India( C),which is affiliated to Kuvempu University , Shimoga in the year 1998 and Master of thanks our beloved supervisor Dr.Manjaiah. D.H for Technology in cs& engineering from NITK Surathkal , providing his support and encouragement ,to conduct and Karnataka( S ), India (C) in the year 2003.He is currently prepare this research paper on Transition of IPv4 Network pursuing his doctoral program in Mangalore university , applications to IPv6 Network applications[TIPv4 to TIPv6] . Mangalore under the supervision of Dr.Manjaiah.D.H. on entitled Security and Porting issues on IPv6 . 14.References He is currently working as a LECTURER in Department of Studies in Computer Science ,Manasagangothri, University [1].RFC2553 - Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 of Mysore. I have presented 2 research papers in National and International Conferences in Network Engineering. [2].Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming Volume 1 Currently Iam writing two Text books on Introduction to [3].Richard Stevens, Gary Wright, TCP/IP Illustrated Volume C and one more on Cryptography and Network security 2 for computer science and Engineering students. [4].IETF IPv6 Transition Working Group , Iam a Life member of CSI, ISTE,AMIE, IAENG, [5].I. Raicu. An Empirical Analysis of Internet Protocol version 6 Embedded networking group of TIFAC CORE in (IPv6) , Master Thesis, Wayne State University, 2002 Network Engineering . [6].S. Kent, R. Atkinson. Security Architecture for the Internet Dr. Manjaiah D.H. is currently Reader and Protocol , Request for Comments 2401, Internet Chairman of BoS in both UG/PG in the Engineering Task Force, November 1998 . Computer Science at Dept. of Computer [7].S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Third Edition, Prentice Hall Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore. He Inc.,1996, pp. 686,413- 436,437-449. is also the BoE Member of all Universities of [8].Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino , IPv6 Network Programming Karnataka and other reputed universities in India. He Elsevier digital press -2006. received PhD degree from University of Mangalore, [9].W. Richard Stevens. Expires: October 19, 2002 Advanced M.Tech. from NITK, Surathkal and B.E., from Mysore Sockets API for IPv6..Obsolètes RFC 2292.INTERNET-DRAFT University. Dr.Manjaiah D.H has an extensive academic, Industry and Research experience. He has worked at [10]Advanced Sockets API for IPv6. W. Stevens, M. Thomas. many technical bodies like CSI, ISTE, ACS, IAENG and February 1998. RFC2292.(Format: TXT=152077 bytes) (Status: ISOC. He has authored more than - 25 research papers in INFORMATIONAL) international conferences and reputed journals. He is the [11].R.Gilligan, S.,Thomson, J.Bound,W. Stevens. March 1999. recipient of the several talks for his area of interest in RFC2553 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 . many public occasions. He is an expert committee member [12]. Eva M. Castro ,Transition applications to IPv6 How To . of an AICTE and various technical bodies. He had written [13].HP-UX IPv6 transition guide. Kannada text book, with an entitled, COMPUTER [14].Sun s transition guide. PARICHAYA , for the benefits of all teaching and Students Community of Karnataka. Dr .Manjaiah D.H s [15].IPv6 network administration guide areas interest are Computer Networking & Sensor [16].Network application transition guide Networks, Mobile Communication, Operations Research, [17].Network application transition tool E-commerce, Internet Technology and Web [18]. Transition applications to IPv6 , Pervasive technology labs Programming. at Indiana University. [19]. Transition an application to IPv6 : The quake 3 example.