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Idea Words Source Bank
The following are triggers for thought in many situations:

                                                 Study Topics from A-Z
                                          Topics for Discussion and Debate
                                         Motivational Topics to Stimulate Ideas
                                                   Problems to Solve
                                             Qualities to Develop in People
                                                Interesting Study Areas
                                            Personal Interests and Studies
                                               Challenge Your Thinking

Study Topics from A-Z

Abortion                        Armed Conflicts                  Civil Liberties          Family Planning
Abuse of the Elderly            Arms Control                     Civil Rights             Family Violence
Abused Women                    Arms Sales                       Climate Change Policy    Famine Relief Efforts
Academic Dishonesty             Arms Trade                       Condoms                  Fat Tax on Food
Academic Freedom                Artificial Intelligence          Condoms in Schools       Fathers'/Mothers' Rights
Acid Rain                       Asylum                           Conserving the           in Divorce
Addiction                       Atomic Energy                    Environment              Federal Deficit
Adoption                        Ballot Initiatives               Consumer Protection      Feminism
Affirmative Action              Battered Women                   Creationism vs.          Food Borne Illnesses
Afghanistan                     Beginning of Life Issues         Evolution                Food Safety
Africa                          Bermuda Triangle                 Cuba                     Foreign Oil Dependence
Africa Aid                      Bigamy                           Dating                   Foreign Oil Dependence
Age Discrimination              Bilingual Education              Death Penalty            Foreign Policy
Aging Population                Biodiversity                     Debtor Nations           Foster Care
Agricultural Policy             Biological and Chemical          Depression               Fraud
Agriculture Technology          Weapons                          Diabetes                 Fraud
AIDS/HIV                        Biomedical Ethics                Dieting                  Free Enterprise System
AIDS/HIV testing                Biotechnology                    Disabilities             Free Speech Gambling
Air pollution                   Bioterrorism                     Disabilities Act         Gangs
Airline Safety                  Bird Flu                         Domestic Violence        Garbage and Waste
Alcohol Abuse                   Birth Control                    Drug Policy              Gay Marriage
Aliens and UFO's                Body Piercings                   Drug Trafficking         Gay Rights
Alternative                     Breast Feeding in Public         Drugs and Sports         Gene Testing
   Imprisonment                 Bulimia                          Drunk Driving            Genetic Engineering
Alternative Medicine            Cameras in Courtrooms            Education Reform         Genetically Engineered
Amnesty                         Campaign Financing               Electoral System         Foods
Animal Abuse                    Campus Issues                    Endangered Oceans        Genocide
Animal Experimentation          Capital Punishment               Endangered Species       Global Resources
Animal Rights                   Censorship                       Energy Alternatives      Global Warming
Animal Welfare                  Chain Gangs                      Environmental Crises     Globalization
Anorexia Nervosa                Chat Rooms                       Epidemics                Government
Anti-Semitism                   Child Abuse                      Espionage and            Deregulation
Arab-Israeli Conflict           Child Labor                      Intelligence Gathering   Government Fraud and
Argumentative Speech            Church State Issues              Ethnic Violence          Waste
   Topics                       City Curfews                     Euthanasia               Gun Control

Idea Words Source Bank
Hate Crime                     Medicine Abuse                   Poverty                    Surrogate Motherhood
Argumentative Speech           Methadone Treatment              Prejudice                  Tax Reform
Topics                         Middle East Peace                Prison Reform              Teen Pregnancy
Hate Speeches                  Process                          Prison regime              Term Limits
Health Care Policy             Military                         Privacy                    Territorial Disputes
Health Care System             Minimum Wage                     Property Rights            Terrorism
Home Schooling                 Minorities                       Race Relations             Tobacco Industry
Homeland Security              Missile Defense System           Racial Profiling           Trade with China
Homeless                       Moral Decisions                  Racism                     Transportation
Human Cloning                  National drinking age            Rain Forests               Urban Terrorism
Human Rights                   National Health                  Recycling                  US Budget
Illegal Immigration            Insurance                        Religions                  US War on Drugs
Immigration                    National Security                Religious Right            Vaccinations
Infectious Diseases            National Tobacco                 Reproductive               Victims' Rights
Inner-City Poverty             Settlement                       Technologies               Video Games
Intellectual Property          Naturalization                   Right to Strike            Violence and Abuse
Internet Chat rooms            Nonproliferation                 Russia                     Violent Video Games
Islamic Fundamentalism         North Korea                      School Uniforms            Voluntary National
Juvenile Crime                 Nuclear Technology               School Violence            Testing
Language Policy                Older Citizens                   Sex Education              Voting Behavior
Learning Disabilities          Organ Donation                   Single Parent Families     War Crimes
Legal System                   Organ Transplants                Single Parent Families     War on Drugs
Legalization of Drugs          Organized Crime                  Slavery                    Water Resources
Littering                      Overpopulation                   Smoking                    Weapons Disarmament
Living Wills                   Patriotism                       Social Justice             Welfare Reform
Marriage and Divorce           Peace                            Social Security            Women Drivers
Mass media Regulation          Peer Pressure                    Social Welfare             Women in the Military
Media Violence                 Pesticides                       Space Exploration          Women's Rights
Media Violence                 Physician-Assisted               Spying/Intelligence        Working Women
Medical Ethics                 Suicide                          Stadium Taxes              World Trade
Medical Ethics                 Polygamy                         Stem Cell Research
Medicinal Marijuana            Pornography                      Supremist Groups

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Topics for Discussion and Debate

       Ways the government can pay for all health care.
       Making teachers safe in schools.
       Registering all peoples’ DNA to prevent crimes.
       Making cosmetic plastic surgery more appealing
       The rich should only pay taxes.
       All MP3 music belongs in the free public domain.
       Methods of controlling and allowing more free speech and suppressing hate speech
       Controlling spam e-mails
       Downloading copyrighted MP3s
       How to enforce Zero tolerance as an instrument to prevent violence.
       System to rate and find qualified babysitters
       Ways to restrict every household to a limit on trash a week.
       Ways to prevent flag burning

Idea Words Source Bank
        Controlling immigration through control of opportunities.
        Assisting police when investigating complaints of wife assault.
        Ensuring academic honesty
        Establish a system in which students are allowed to go on strike.
        Making body piercings and tattooing more efficient, safer and easier.
        Methods of outsourcing as a solution for small business owners.
        A system in which every citizen commits to 2,000 hours of voluntary national service in lifetime.
        Water saving methods

ADDICTION AND DRUGS - Alcohol Abuse, Children of Alcoholics, Drugs and Sports, Medical Marijuana.

BUSINESS, FINANCE AND ECONOMICS - Bribery, Budget Deficits, Credit Card Fraud, Income Tax, Malpractice Insurance,
Junk Bonds, Leadership, Direct Marketing, Minimum Wage, Wage Price Policy.

COMPUTING, INTERNET AND MEDIA – Chat rooms Internet, Computer Viruses, Spam, Cybercrime and Privacy, Harmful
Media, Internet Hate Speech, Internet Pornography, Media Violence, Television And Children, Violent Computer Games.

EDUCATION AND SCIENCE SPEECH TOPICS - Education Reform, Bilingual Education, Ethics In Life Sciences, Creationism
versus Evolutionism, Dating, Campus Issues, Home Schooling, Information Science, Intelligence Levels, Intercultural Education,
School Prayer, School Choice, School Uniforms, School Violence, Condoms In Schools, Space Exploration.

ENVIRONMENTAL, NATURE AND ANIMAL - Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Animal Cloning, Animal Experimentation, Animal Rights,
Antarctica Research, Biodiversity, Changing Weather Patterns, Ecology, Endangered Oceans, Endangered Species, Energy
Conservation, Global Resources, Global Warming, Oil Spills, Littering, Marine Pollution, Noise Pollution, Pesticides, Rain
Forests, Recycling, Vivisection, Water Pollution, Water Resources.

ETHICAL AND MORAL CONTROVERSIAL SPEECH TOPICS - Abortion, Assisted Suicide, Beginning Of Life Issues, Birth
Control, Euthanasia, Gender Identity, Genetic Engineering, Human Cloning, Implanted GPS, Physician Assisted Suicide, Pro
Choice Movement, Pro Life Movement, Reproductive Technologies, Separation of Church and State, Stem Cell Research.

FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE - Bigamy, Family Violence, Gay Marriage, Gay Parents, Polygamy, Single Parent
Families, Surrogate Mothers, Teenage Fathers, Teenage Mothers.

FREEDOM AND CIVIL RIGHTS - Censorship, Contraception, Free Press, Privacy.

LAW AND ORDER CONTROVERSIAL SPEECH TOPICS - Airline Safety Rules, Alternative Imprisonment, Amnesty, Capital
Punishment, Chain Gangs, Constitutional Issues, Corporal Punishment, Crimes Without Victims, Criminal Justice System, Drunk
Driving, Gangs, Gun Control, Hate Crime, Homeland Security, Intellectual Property and Piracy, Legal System, Peer Pressure,
Speed Limits, Urban Terrorism, Welfare Fraud, Wiretapping, Youth Violence, Zero Tolerance.

MEDICAL, HEALTH AND NUTRITION - Aids Testing, Alternative Medicine, Anorexia Treatment, Artificial Insemination, ADHD,
Bulimia, Burn Out, Depression, Dieting, Food Labeling, Food Prices, Health Care System, Infectious Diseases, Medical Ethics,
Medicine Abuse, Passive Smoking, Plastic Surgery, Tobacco Industry.


POLITICS AND GLOBAL POLICY - Afghanistan, Armed Conflicts, Arms Control, Asylum Policy, Ballot Initiatives, Biological And
Chemical Weapons, Boycotts, Campaign Funding, Child Labor, Cold War Politics, Immigration Laws, Farm Subsidies, Iraq,
Islamic Fundamentalism, Militias, Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Weapons, Peace Movements, Political Correctness, Privatization
Of Social Security, Slavery, Terrorism, United Nations, Voting Behavior, War Crime Trials, War on Drugs.

SOCIETY - Affirmative Action, Aging Population, Celibacy, City Curfews, Demographics, Dropouts, Homeless Persons, Flexible
Hours Of Labor, Inner City Poverty, Integration, Moral Majority, Nonsmoking Areas.

Idea Words Source Bank
WOMEN ISSUES - Breast Feeding in Public, Breast Implants, Feminism, Women in the Military, Women's Rights, Working

Advertising, Africa, Agriculture, Animals, Antarctica, Anthropology, Antique, Applied Sciences, Archaeology, Architecture,
Aromatherapy, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Asia, Astrology, Astronomy, Australia, Aviation, Backpacking, Beauty, Biographies,
Biology, Bird Flu, Books, Cheerleading, Chemistry, Children, Cities, Climate, Communication, Cooking, Countries, Business,
Cars, Celebrities, Culture, Dancing, Demographics, Design, Drinks, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entertainment,
Ethnic Groups, Etiquette, Europe, Family, Fashion, Finance, Food, Games, Geography, Government Hiking, History, Home,
Industries, International Organizations, International Relations, Labor, Languages, Law, Lifestyles, Literature, Manufacturing,
Maps, Martial Arts, Mass Media, Medicine, Military, Movements, Movies, Museums, Music, Mysteries, Mythology, Myths,
National Parks, Nature, News, North America, Oceania, People, Performing Arts, Personal Life, Pets, Philosophy, Physics,
Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Radio, Reference, Religions, Science, Society, Sociology, South America, Space, Sports,
Sports Events, Technology, Telecommunications, Television, Tourism, Toys, Travel.

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Motivational Topics to Stimulate Ideas

Breakthroughs - Career Development - Challenge - Change - Coaching - Commitment - Communication - Competence -
Competitiveness - Confidence - Decision Making - Discipline - Effective Meetings - Ensure Safety - Ergonomics - Focused
Thinking - Future - Involvement - Inspiration - Integrity - Interpersonal Skills - Leadership - Negotiation Tactics - Personal
Effectiveness - Personal Growth - Personal Improvement - Personal Productivity - Personal Wellness - Responsibility - Self
Respect - Set Realistic Goals - Stress - Teambuilding - Teamwork - Trends - Values - Work Ethics

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Problems to Solve

BUSINESS - Abusive Marketing, Bankruptcy, Corporate Whistleblowing, Foreign Import Concurrency, Job Opportunities,
Unemployment, Subversive Advertising, Thwarted Career Goals, Unjustifiably Large Incomes, Work Environment

EDUCATION - Academic Pressure, Cheating, Dropouts, Competency Tests, Lack Of Educational Opportunities, Parent
Education, Sex education In Schools

ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SOLUTION SPEECH TOPICS - Acid Rain, Alternate Energy Sources, Climate Change

FOOD AND HEALTH - Abuse of Patent Medicines, Dangers of Food Additives, Dental Health, Depression, Fat in Low Price
Food Products, Food Labeling, Health Care, Integration Of The Disabled, Problems Of The Mentally Ill, Survey Of Diets, Test
tube Babies, Vegetarianism

GLOBAL AND POLITICS - Food Shortages, International Threats, Overpopulation, Subsidizing Farms, US and UN Relationship

LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL - Crime And Punishment, Drunk Driving Accidents, Effects Of Prejudice, Gun Control, Hate
Crimes, Illegal Immigration, Safety And Security, Taxing Of Church Property

SOCIAL PROBLEMS TOPICS - Airbags, Cigarette Advertising, Decreasing Car Accidents, Discrimination, Domestic Violence,
Family Breakdowns, Forced Retirement, Gambling, Hobbies, Home, Internet Spam, Interpersonal Relationships, Loneliness,
Minimum Wage Level, Peer Pressure, Reducing Neglect, Runaways, Self Esteem, Social Security, Teenage Runaways,
Problems Of The Elderly, Problems Of The Family, Problems Of The Homeless, Problems Of The Hungry, Tobacco Use,
Underage Drinking, Voting System

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Idea Words Source Bank

                      Equipment                     Lumberjack              Soccer
Adventure racing      Ethics                        tournaments             Softball
American football     Extreme skiing                Major League Baseball   Special tournaments
Animal sports         Extreme sports                Marathon                Speed skating
Archery               Famous athletes               Martial arts            Sports food and nutrition
Athletics             Famous sports officials       Moto GP                 Sports history and
Auto racing           Famous teams                  Motorsports             stories
Badminton             Fencing                       Mountain biking         Sports media
Banning school yard   Fishing                       NBA                     Sports medicines
Base jumping          Fitness                       Netball                 Sports organizations
Baseball              Flying discs                  Olympics 2008           Sports science
Basketball            Football Gaelic               Olympics 2012           Squash
Biathlon              Gambling                      Paddleball              Strength sports
Billiards             Gay sports                    Paintball               Swimming
BMX tournaments       Goal ball                     Pesäpallo               Table tennis
Bocce                 Golf                          Petanque                Tae Bo
Bodybuilding          Golf Ryder Cup                Pilates                 Tchoukball
Boomerang             Greyhound racing              Pool                    Team spirit
Bowling               Gymnastics                    Power boat racing       Tennis
Boxing                Handball                      Racquetball             Tour de France Cycling
Bungee jumping        Hockey                        Rodeo                   Track and field
Callanetics           Horse racing                  Rope Skipping           Training programs
Cheerleading          Hunting                       Rowing                  Travel
Chess                 Ice Hockey                    Rugby                   Triathlon
Coaching              Ice skating                   Running                 Volleyball
College sports        Jai alai                      Sailing                 Walking
scholarships          Kabbadi                       Sepak Takraw            Water Sports
Competitions          Karting                       Shooting                Weight lifting
Cricket               Kayaks                        Skateboarding           Weight training
Croquet               Kick boxing                   Skating                 Windsurfing
Cycling               Kite surfing                  Skeelering              Winter Olympics
Darts                 Korfball                      Skeet shooting          Winter sports
Disability sports     Lacrosse                      Skiing                  Women sports
Diving                Laser games                   Snooker                 World Soccer
Dog races             Leagues                       Snowboarding            Championship
Equestrian                                          Soap box derbies        Wrestling

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Idea Words Source Bank
Qualities to Develop in People

A Will to Succeed                Critical Thinking           Goodness                 Never Give Up
Accomplishment                   Culture                     Government Power         Non-Violence
Accountability                   Curiosity                   Gratitude                Nursing
Accuracy                         Customer Service            Hard Working             Nurturing of Children
Achievement                      Democracy                   Harmony                  Obedience
Advancement                      Dependability               Healthy                  Open-minded
Adventure                        Diligence                   Helping Other People     Openness
Affection                        Diplomacy                   Helping Society          Optimism
Agreement                        Diversity                   Heroism                  Participation
“All for One and One for         Duty                        Honesty                  Patience
All” Attitude                    Duty                        Honor                    Patriotism
Altruism                         Ecological Awareness        Honor Parents            Positive Attitude
Appreciation                     Economic Security           Hope                     Peace
Assertiveness                    Economic Status             Hospitality              Perfection
Attitude                         Effectiveness               Human Rights             Personal Development
Authority                        Efficiency                  Humanism                 Personal Growth
Autonomy                         Effort                      Humility                 Physical Challenge
Balance                          Empathy                     Humor                    Piety
Beauty                           Empowerment                 Idealism                 Pleasure
Being Truthful                   Endurance                   Improvement              Power
Caring                           Enthusiasm                  Independence             Practicality
Challenge Problems               Environmental               Individuality            Precision
Change                           Protection                  Inner Harmony            Preservation
Charity                          Equal Opportunities         Innocence                Privacy
Chastity                         Equality                    Innovation               Promotion
Civic Duty                       Ethical Practicing          Integration              Problem Solving
Civic Pride                      Etiquette                   Integrity                Progress
Civil Rights                     Exactness                   Intellectual Status      Proper Behavior
Collaboration                    Excellence                  Intuition                Prosperity
Commitment                       Fairness                    Inventiveness            Prudence
Community Welfare                Faith                       Involvement Leadership   Public Access
Compassion                       Family Values               Justice                  Public Service
Competence                       Fast Living                 Kindness                 Punctuality
Competitive                      Fidelity                    Learning                 Purity
Concern for Others               Financial Gain              Legality                 Pursuit of Happiness
Confidence                       Flair                       Lifestyle                Quality of Work
Conformity                       Flexibility                 Love                     Quietude
Confrontation                    Forgiveness                 Loyalty                  Rationality
Consciousness                    Fraternity                  Majority Rule            Reasoning
Consensus                        Free Will                   Meaning of Life          Regularity
Consumer Rights                  Freedom                     Meaningful Work          Reliability
Continuity                       Freedom of Initiative       Mercy                    Religion
Cooperation                      Friendship                  Merit                    Reputation
Coordination                     Functionality               Minority Rights          Resourcefulness
Courage                          Generosity                  Moderation               Respect for Law
Courtesy                         Gentleness                  Modesty                  Respect for Other
Creativity                       Good Will                   Morality                 People

Idea Words Source Bank
Responsibility            Self-Interest              Spirituality             Understanding
Results-Oriented          Self-Reliably              Stability                Unity
Right to Education        Self-Reliance              Standardization          Unpretentiousness
Right to Express          Self-Respect               Strength                 Unselfishness
Grievances                Self-Worth                 Success                  Utility
Rituals                   Sensitivity                Supervising              Variety
Romance                   Serenity                   Sympathy                 Wealth
Sacrifice                 Seriousness                Systemization            Well-Being
Safety                    Service to Society         Tact                     Well-Mannered
Satisfaction              Shareholder Value          Taking Responsibility    Wisdom
Satisfying Other People   Sharing                    Teamwork                 Women's Rights
Security                  Sharing Knowledge          Temperance               Work Spirit
Self-Awareness            Simplicity                 Thinking                 Working Alone
Self-Discipline           Sincerity                  Tolerance                World Unity
Self-Esteem               Skill                      Tradition
Self-Giving               Social Status              Trust
Self-Improvement          Sophistication             Truthfulness

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Interesting Study Areas

3-D Glasses               Boolean Logic              Ethics                   Money Laundering
9-1-1                     Boomerangs                 Fire Department.         Moonshine
Africa                    Circus clowns              Fireworks on New         Mountain Bikes
Air Bags                  Brick                      Year's Eve               Mythology
Air Conditioners          Bungee Cord                Fire Engines             Native Indian
Air Purifiers             Buying a House             Fireworks                Nobel Prizes
Allergic reaction         Carbon-14 Dating           Fossils                  Nursing
American Red Cross        Caribbean Islands          Garage Sales             Nutrition
Anatomy                   Census                     Gardening                Oceanography
Animal Rights                                        Gliders                  Paint a Room
Animation                                                                     Paintball
                          Chewing Gum                Greenhouse Effect
Anthropology              China                      Hair Dryers              Patents
Antibiotic                                                                    Photocopiers
                          Climbing Mountains         Handwriting Analysis
Aquariums                                                                     Photography
                          Composting                 Heart Bypass Operation
Architecture                                                                  Political Conventions
                          Contact Lenses             Helium: “Donald Duck
 Asia                                                                         Pregnancy
Aspirin                   Credit Cards               Effect”
                          Developing a Process                                Radar Detectors
Astronomy                                            Herbs
                          Speech Topic                                        Rainbows
Atkins Diet                                          History
                          Diamonds                                            Ramadan
Avalanches                                           Hot Air Balloons
                          Dimmer Switches                                     Red Blood Cell
Aviation                                             Hubble Telescope
Batteries                 Doorbell                                            Production
                                                     Income Taxes
Beer                      Dreams                                              Refrigerators
Bicycle Seat              Dry Cleaning               Lie Detectors            Remove Chocolate
Biology                   Education                  Marshmallows             Stains
Black Boxes               Elevators                  Mensa                    Ringtones
BlackBerry                Energy Drinks              Metal Detectors          Satellites
Boiling Eggs              Environment                Microwave                Seatbelts
                          Espresso Machines                                   Silk Screening

Idea Words Source Bank
         Skydiving                        Theater                   Volcanoes
         SMS                              Thermometers              Water Boarding
         Spiders                          Toilets                   Water Towers
         St. Patrick's Day                Tornadoes                 Weather
         State Parks                      United Nations            Whales
         Stock Market                     Video Recordings          Wiretapping Works
         Storms                           Viruses and Worms         Yom Kippur
         Sunburning                       Vitamins
         Teleconferencing                 VoIP

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Personal Interests and Studies

 1. What birds visit your backyard at home?                         37.   I'm good at ...
 2. Your favorite time of day or week                               38.   This is the song I like to sing every day: ...
                                                                    39.   Making Puzzles.
 3. Nice birthday presents you like to get
                                                                    40.   Police uniforms.
 4. What you could do without television or video                   41.   What can you see in the zoo?
 5. How to understand a weather map                                 42.   Musical instruments.
 6. Making funny ice cubes with little gadgets inside               43.   How I will surprise my parents on Mother's Day and Father's
 7. The history of our year calendar                                      Day.
 8. Important school days we should remember                        44.   If I was a princess or prince, I ... – (fill in)
                                                                    45.   How it starts raining.
 9. Foreign holidays we do not celebrate
                                                                    46.   I don't like to eat ...
10. New shoes - sport shoes or casual, choose what you like         47.   My favorite band or singer.
11. Things - food or scary situations - that make you sick          48.   How penguins live on Antarctica.
12. 3D eyeglasses                                                   49.   My toys, dolls or mini racing cars collection.
13. Favorite amazing world records                                  50.   Where we went on vacation.
14. The contents of your lunch box                                  51.   A day at the sea aquarium.
15. The differences in nature between spring and autumn             52.    Suggestions for school field trips.
                                                                    53.    My favorite sports.
16. The symbols of our national flag
                                                                    54.    How I decorate my room at home.
17. The vital organs in our body                                    55.    Ghost castles and their stories.
18. The trophies or medals you have won in sports tournaments       56.    What we did on Summer Camp.
19. How sunglasses protect your eyes                                57.    My trip to Disney World or other resort.
20. The planets in our solar system                                 58.    The rules of Paintball.
21. What makes you happy?                                           59.    How your parents can print free coloring pages.
22. Our last vacation trip.                                         60.    The best fairy tale or a variation child speech topic can be a
23. Fairy tale characters you would like to talk with.                    cartoon character.
24. Magic tricks you can show.                                      61.    What I think of Hamster Dance.
25. Funny things my pet has done.                                   62.    What is the Kids Newsroom?
26. My favorite family story.                                       63.    Halloween pumpkin carving.
27. Oceans in the world.                                            64.   How trees grow, or come up with kid speech topics on plants
28. My neighborhood.                                                      and flowers.
29. Funny Halloween costumes.                                       65.    Recipes for kids.
30. A visit to the doctor, dentist.                                 66.    How to prepare for a day at the beach.
31. How does it feel to wake up and be a giant?                     67.    The funniest Pokémon cards.
32. Places I lived.                                                 68.    Why my neighborhood is cool.
33. Why I want to travel in space.                                  69.    Three hard to believe miracles.
34. The best paper airplanes                                        70.    Teachers should ... or shouldn't ...
35. The best fishing spots.                                         71.    My biggest adventure.
36. My best birthday ever.                                          72.    Good kid games online.

Idea Words Source Bank
73. How kangaroos care for their children.                                  121. Jungle - Safari, Snakes, Trees, Apes, People who live in
74. The funniest April Fool's Day joke.                                          jungles.
75. How to become a police officer.                                         122. Geology - The processes that formed our Earth.
76. Air Force One: the Complete White House In the Air                      123. Magnetic Field Experiments, the North Pole,
77. The Greatest Roller Coasters of the World                               124. Compasses, Static Electricity.
78. Types of Asteroids and Their Names                                      125. Nutrition - Why it is important to eat the right food.
79. The Best Birthday Party Locations                                       126. Pool Party - Ideas, Decorations, Invitations, and activities you
80. Dangerous Circus Acts                                                        can do with your friends at your pool party.
81. Coral Reefs Conservation                                                127. Sand Mosaics - Design your own beach project, with castles,
82. The Earthquake locations in the World                                        mosaics and sculptures.
83. Flags of the World and Their Meaning                                    128. Sleepover - What to bring in after you get an invitation to sleep
84. Where We Can Find Fossils                                                    over?
85. Why Glaciers Move                                                       129. Planets - What is your weight on the Moon, Mars or Jupiter?
86. The Achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope                          130. This Day in History - What history events happened on your
87. Hurricane Alarm Systems                                                      birthday or on the day of your public speaking speech?
88. What You Can Discover in National Parks                                 131. Volcanoes - Tell about all basic facts about volcanic activity in
89. Your Picnic Tips                                                             your country.
90. Robots Take Over Our Society                                            132. Three Ways to Disturb Your Competitors in a Sand Sculpture
91. The Characteristics of Rocks and Minerals                                    Competition
92. Tips to Build Better Sand Castles or Sand Sculptures                    133. Designing a Pop-Up Greeting Card.
93. What Satellites Do in Orbit                                             134. Different Methods of Getting Your Way
94. The Highest Skyscrapers on This Planet                                  135. What do dreams mean?
95. The History of Fireworks                                                136. The day I was sick and I must see the doctor.
96. The History of Paper Money                                              137. How to pot and care for a plant.
97. Most Haunted Scottish Castles                                           138. How to make a marionette puppet.
98. Why the First Day of April is Devoted to Practical Jokes                139. The birds in our backyard.
99. Why the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built                                    140. The oceans of the world.
100. What is a Dinosaur?                                                    141. A ride in a truck.
101. How to Set Up an Aquarium                                              142. How to dress for a serious dinner.
102. How to Make Paper Airplanes That Fly Longer                            143. My musical instrument.
103. How Lunar Eclipses Happen                                              144. Why giraffes have long necks.
104. How to Write a Funny Comic Strip                                       145. Animals I should take in Noah's Ark.
105. How Caves are Formed                                                   146. Why I like to dance.
106. Ancient Civilizations - Aztec, Egypt, Olmec, Greece, Incas,            147. How I cope with fear of public speaking
     India, Mayans, Rome or Early Humans.                                   148. Magic tricks with cards.
107. Authors - The best authors of kids books and why.                      149. Exotic fruits and vegetables.
108. Babysitting - How to get started and be a successful babysitter.       150. The best 3D paper models.
109. Activities for Children - Gymnastics, Bowling,                         151. Things to expect when your mother is pregnant.
110. Miniature Golf, Girl Scouts, Party Supplies.                           152. How animals spend the winter.
111. Food - The best recipes for Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and              153. My first visit to a dentist.
     Pizzas are made.                                                       154. Family members I admire.
112. Civil War - The Causes, Battles, Heroes,                               155. Festivals I have been.
113. Uniforms, Flags.                                                       156. The History of the Panama Canal
114. Currency Exchange - Explain what currency exchange rates are           157. How does global warming effect icebergs?
     and tell about their purposes in business.                             158. If I was my father or mother for one day.
115. The Desert - The Oasis, Vegetation, Animals, and People who            159. My favorite era in history.
     live in a desert.                                                      160. What's in my room at home?
116. Dinosaurs - Fossils, their Funny Names, Eggs, why they                 161. The school field trip I would like to make.
     became extinct.                                                        162. If I could be my best friend, I... and then fill in
117. Disabilities - Kids who are different often have a disability or       163. My trip abroad
     disease to cope with.                                                  164. Monitoring butterflies
118. Good Deeds are great speech topics for children - My ideas for         165. Aztec masks and their stories
     a good deed every day.                                                 166. Mythological monsters
119. Guitar - Teach the children in your class to play the guitar.          167. How to organize a fun weekend
120. Homemade Ice Cream - What you need to make it and what                 168. If I was born hundred years ago, I ...
     things you have to do. This is a perfect demonstration speech          169. African masks and their meaning
     topic.                                                                 170. Ancient Chinese emperors
Idea Words Source Bank
171. The Ice Age; when, how and the causes                                   182.   When I'm grown up I want to become ...
172. Pollution sources in our world                                          183.   Last weekend I was at ...
173. A Day In the life of a kid in Ancient Rome                              184.   The funniest thing that ever happened to me.
174. Discovering caves                                                       185.    Things that make you happy
175. Traditional fairy tales from around the world                           186.   Ways I use to relax
176. Puppets from Java, Indonesia                                            187.   Favorite sports moments
177. The Diary of Anne Frank                                                 188.   The character I want to be in a movie
178. My pen pal or email pal                                                 189.   A memorable vacation trip
179. The secrets of the King Tutankhamen                                     190.   The best summer camp games
180. If I was a journalist, I should investigate .                           191.   My favorite spot
181. If I won one million dollars, I ...                                     192.   Your most favorite memories

          Return to Top

          Challenge Your Thinking

          How can countries grow all your own energy, such as growing enough corn to make ethanol?
          How can countries deal better with ownership rights in internet publishing?
          How can genetically modified foods be made safe?
          How to reduce or stop gun use?
          Should we have the Death Penalty?
          Prevent wire-taping without permission
          Are Botox Injections really needed?
          Should religion be in the public schools?
          Is it morally right to use animals for testing?
          Do electronic voting machines improve the voting process?
          What are the solutions to inter-country conflict?
          Replacing nuclear power now and in the future
          Small coins: phase them out or keep it?
          Making homeschooling children more beneficial
          Ways of dealing with our trash to avoid pollution
          How prisoners can pay back the state after their release
          Should electronic tracking devices be placed in driver's licenses and school identification cards?
          Military use of animals
          Ways of measuring maturity on something other than age
          Improving the system of organ transplants
          Corporate sponsors allowed in public schools?
          Ways to get the media to work in the best interests of the people?
          Improving national welfare and pension benefits
          Improving the use of cell phones in schools
          Ways to prevent economic depressions
          Memory: Daily memory-oriented activities slow memory loss in older people?
          Memory: Ways of helping people remember things
          Memory: Improving short-term memory in young boys and girls so they will be better thinkers when older
          Pain: Methods of dealing with it
          Reflexes: Increasing the ability of drivers
          Reflexes: How does talking on a cell phone or listening to music affect reaction time?
          Sleep and Grades: Ways to ensure students get the amount of sleep so they do well
          Tests: Improving tests and examinations in schools
          Vision: Improving the accuracy of vision testing
          Eating the right breakfast to improve school performance
          Preventing fungus growth on plants and food
          New methods of predicting weather?
          Improve students’ learning in "live" lectures and video lectures
          Food for athletes

Idea Words Source Bank
System of determining the value of a professional sports franchise
Protecting wildlife, parks and natural reserves
Radically new stadiums
Athlete performance enhancers
Do children spend too much time playing video games?
Is the Evening News Believable?
Quick ways of purchasing specific kinds of information
Music downloading innovations or replacements
Minimizing the effect of TV violence on children
Eyewitness Testimony: Improving reliability of eyewitnesses
Improving children’s reading ability
What can replace Hollywood and Bollywood?
Create your own new kind of children’s book
Creating personal photograph portfolios
Creating songs for people who are not musically inclined
Write your own song and then perform it yourself without musical background
Method of writing plays

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Idea words source bank

  • 1. Idea Words Source Bank The following are triggers for thought in many situations: Study Topics from A-Z Topics for Discussion and Debate Motivational Topics to Stimulate Ideas Problems to Solve Sports Qualities to Develop in People Interesting Study Areas Personal Interests and Studies Challenge Your Thinking Study Topics from A-Z Abortion Armed Conflicts Civil Liberties Family Planning Abuse of the Elderly Arms Control Civil Rights Family Violence Abused Women Arms Sales Climate Change Policy Famine Relief Efforts Academic Dishonesty Arms Trade Condoms Fat Tax on Food Academic Freedom Artificial Intelligence Condoms in Schools Fathers'/Mothers' Rights Acid Rain Asylum Conserving the in Divorce Addiction Atomic Energy Environment Federal Deficit Adoption Ballot Initiatives Consumer Protection Feminism Affirmative Action Battered Women Creationism vs. Food Borne Illnesses Afghanistan Beginning of Life Issues Evolution Food Safety Africa Bermuda Triangle Cuba Foreign Oil Dependence Africa Aid Bigamy Dating Foreign Oil Dependence Age Discrimination Bilingual Education Death Penalty Foreign Policy Aging Population Biodiversity Debtor Nations Foster Care Agricultural Policy Biological and Chemical Depression Fraud Agriculture Technology Weapons Diabetes Fraud AIDS/HIV Biomedical Ethics Dieting Free Enterprise System AIDS/HIV testing Biotechnology Disabilities Free Speech Gambling Air pollution Bioterrorism Disabilities Act Gangs Airline Safety Bird Flu Domestic Violence Garbage and Waste Alcohol Abuse Birth Control Drug Policy Gay Marriage Aliens and UFO's Body Piercings Drug Trafficking Gay Rights Alternative Breast Feeding in Public Drugs and Sports Gene Testing Imprisonment Bulimia Drunk Driving Genetic Engineering Alternative Medicine Cameras in Courtrooms Education Reform Genetically Engineered Amnesty Campaign Financing Electoral System Foods Animal Abuse Campus Issues Endangered Oceans Genocide Animal Experimentation Capital Punishment Endangered Species Global Resources Animal Rights Censorship Energy Alternatives Global Warming Animal Welfare Chain Gangs Environmental Crises Globalization Anorexia Nervosa Chat Rooms Epidemics Government Anti-Semitism Child Abuse Espionage and Deregulation Arab-Israeli Conflict Child Labor Intelligence Gathering Government Fraud and Argumentative Speech Church State Issues Ethnic Violence Waste Topics City Curfews Euthanasia Gun Control 1
  • 2. Idea Words Source Bank Hate Crime Medicine Abuse Poverty Surrogate Motherhood Argumentative Speech Methadone Treatment Prejudice Tax Reform Topics Middle East Peace Prison Reform Teen Pregnancy Hate Speeches Process Prison regime Term Limits Health Care Policy Military Privacy Territorial Disputes Health Care System Minimum Wage Property Rights Terrorism Home Schooling Minorities Race Relations Tobacco Industry Homeland Security Missile Defense System Racial Profiling Trade with China Homeless Moral Decisions Racism Transportation Human Cloning National drinking age Rain Forests Urban Terrorism Human Rights National Health Recycling US Budget Illegal Immigration Insurance Religions US War on Drugs Immigration National Security Religious Right Vaccinations Infectious Diseases National Tobacco Reproductive Victims' Rights Inner-City Poverty Settlement Technologies Video Games Intellectual Property Naturalization Right to Strike Violence and Abuse Internet Chat rooms Nonproliferation Russia Violent Video Games Islamic Fundamentalism North Korea School Uniforms Voluntary National Juvenile Crime Nuclear Technology School Violence Testing Language Policy Older Citizens Sex Education Voting Behavior Learning Disabilities Organ Donation Single Parent Families War Crimes Legal System Organ Transplants Single Parent Families War on Drugs Legalization of Drugs Organized Crime Slavery Water Resources Littering Overpopulation Smoking Weapons Disarmament Living Wills Patriotism Social Justice Welfare Reform Marriage and Divorce Peace Social Security Women Drivers Mass media Regulation Peer Pressure Social Welfare Women in the Military Media Violence Pesticides Space Exploration Women's Rights Media Violence Physician-Assisted Spying/Intelligence Working Women Medical Ethics Suicide Stadium Taxes World Trade Medical Ethics Polygamy Stem Cell Research Medicinal Marijuana Pornography Supremist Groups Return to Top Topics for Discussion and Debate  Ways the government can pay for all health care.  Making teachers safe in schools.  Registering all peoples’ DNA to prevent crimes.  Making cosmetic plastic surgery more appealing  The rich should only pay taxes.  All MP3 music belongs in the free public domain.  Methods of controlling and allowing more free speech and suppressing hate speech  Controlling spam e-mails  Downloading copyrighted MP3s  How to enforce Zero tolerance as an instrument to prevent violence.  System to rate and find qualified babysitters  Ways to restrict every household to a limit on trash a week.  Ways to prevent flag burning 2
  • 3. Idea Words Source Bank  Controlling immigration through control of opportunities.  Assisting police when investigating complaints of wife assault.  Ensuring academic honesty  Establish a system in which students are allowed to go on strike.  Making body piercings and tattooing more efficient, safer and easier.  Methods of outsourcing as a solution for small business owners.  A system in which every citizen commits to 2,000 hours of voluntary national service in lifetime.  Water saving methods ADDICTION AND DRUGS - Alcohol Abuse, Children of Alcoholics, Drugs and Sports, Medical Marijuana. BUSINESS, FINANCE AND ECONOMICS - Bribery, Budget Deficits, Credit Card Fraud, Income Tax, Malpractice Insurance, Junk Bonds, Leadership, Direct Marketing, Minimum Wage, Wage Price Policy. COMPUTING, INTERNET AND MEDIA – Chat rooms Internet, Computer Viruses, Spam, Cybercrime and Privacy, Harmful Media, Internet Hate Speech, Internet Pornography, Media Violence, Television And Children, Violent Computer Games. EDUCATION AND SCIENCE SPEECH TOPICS - Education Reform, Bilingual Education, Ethics In Life Sciences, Creationism versus Evolutionism, Dating, Campus Issues, Home Schooling, Information Science, Intelligence Levels, Intercultural Education, School Prayer, School Choice, School Uniforms, School Violence, Condoms In Schools, Space Exploration. ENVIRONMENTAL, NATURE AND ANIMAL - Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Animal Cloning, Animal Experimentation, Animal Rights, Antarctica Research, Biodiversity, Changing Weather Patterns, Ecology, Endangered Oceans, Endangered Species, Energy Conservation, Global Resources, Global Warming, Oil Spills, Littering, Marine Pollution, Noise Pollution, Pesticides, Rain Forests, Recycling, Vivisection, Water Pollution, Water Resources. ETHICAL AND MORAL CONTROVERSIAL SPEECH TOPICS - Abortion, Assisted Suicide, Beginning Of Life Issues, Birth Control, Euthanasia, Gender Identity, Genetic Engineering, Human Cloning, Implanted GPS, Physician Assisted Suicide, Pro Choice Movement, Pro Life Movement, Reproductive Technologies, Separation of Church and State, Stem Cell Research. FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE - Bigamy, Family Violence, Gay Marriage, Gay Parents, Polygamy, Single Parent Families, Surrogate Mothers, Teenage Fathers, Teenage Mothers. FREEDOM AND CIVIL RIGHTS - Censorship, Contraception, Free Press, Privacy. LAW AND ORDER CONTROVERSIAL SPEECH TOPICS - Airline Safety Rules, Alternative Imprisonment, Amnesty, Capital Punishment, Chain Gangs, Constitutional Issues, Corporal Punishment, Crimes Without Victims, Criminal Justice System, Drunk Driving, Gangs, Gun Control, Hate Crime, Homeland Security, Intellectual Property and Piracy, Legal System, Peer Pressure, Speed Limits, Urban Terrorism, Welfare Fraud, Wiretapping, Youth Violence, Zero Tolerance. MEDICAL, HEALTH AND NUTRITION - Aids Testing, Alternative Medicine, Anorexia Treatment, Artificial Insemination, ADHD, Bulimia, Burn Out, Depression, Dieting, Food Labeling, Food Prices, Health Care System, Infectious Diseases, Medical Ethics, Medicine Abuse, Passive Smoking, Plastic Surgery, Tobacco Industry. MISCELLENEOUS CONTROVERSIAL SPEECH TOPICS - Aliens and UFO's, Bermuda Triangle. POLITICS AND GLOBAL POLICY - Afghanistan, Armed Conflicts, Arms Control, Asylum Policy, Ballot Initiatives, Biological And Chemical Weapons, Boycotts, Campaign Funding, Child Labor, Cold War Politics, Immigration Laws, Farm Subsidies, Iraq, Islamic Fundamentalism, Militias, Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Weapons, Peace Movements, Political Correctness, Privatization Of Social Security, Slavery, Terrorism, United Nations, Voting Behavior, War Crime Trials, War on Drugs. SOCIETY - Affirmative Action, Aging Population, Celibacy, City Curfews, Demographics, Dropouts, Homeless Persons, Flexible Hours Of Labor, Inner City Poverty, Integration, Moral Majority, Nonsmoking Areas. 3
  • 4. Idea Words Source Bank WOMEN ISSUES - Breast Feeding in Public, Breast Implants, Feminism, Women in the Military, Women's Rights, Working Mothers. Advertising, Africa, Agriculture, Animals, Antarctica, Anthropology, Antique, Applied Sciences, Archaeology, Architecture, Aromatherapy, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Asia, Astrology, Astronomy, Australia, Aviation, Backpacking, Beauty, Biographies, Biology, Bird Flu, Books, Cheerleading, Chemistry, Children, Cities, Climate, Communication, Cooking, Countries, Business, Cars, Celebrities, Culture, Dancing, Demographics, Design, Drinks, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entertainment, Ethnic Groups, Etiquette, Europe, Family, Fashion, Finance, Food, Games, Geography, Government Hiking, History, Home, Industries, International Organizations, International Relations, Labor, Languages, Law, Lifestyles, Literature, Manufacturing, Maps, Martial Arts, Mass Media, Medicine, Military, Movements, Movies, Museums, Music, Mysteries, Mythology, Myths, National Parks, Nature, News, North America, Oceania, People, Performing Arts, Personal Life, Pets, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Radio, Reference, Religions, Science, Society, Sociology, South America, Space, Sports, Sports Events, Technology, Telecommunications, Television, Tourism, Toys, Travel. Return to Top Motivational Topics to Stimulate Ideas Breakthroughs - Career Development - Challenge - Change - Coaching - Commitment - Communication - Competence - Competitiveness - Confidence - Decision Making - Discipline - Effective Meetings - Ensure Safety - Ergonomics - Focused Thinking - Future - Involvement - Inspiration - Integrity - Interpersonal Skills - Leadership - Negotiation Tactics - Personal Effectiveness - Personal Growth - Personal Improvement - Personal Productivity - Personal Wellness - Responsibility - Self Respect - Set Realistic Goals - Stress - Teambuilding - Teamwork - Trends - Values - Work Ethics Return to Top Problems to Solve BUSINESS - Abusive Marketing, Bankruptcy, Corporate Whistleblowing, Foreign Import Concurrency, Job Opportunities, Unemployment, Subversive Advertising, Thwarted Career Goals, Unjustifiably Large Incomes, Work Environment EDUCATION - Academic Pressure, Cheating, Dropouts, Competency Tests, Lack Of Educational Opportunities, Parent Education, Sex education In Schools ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SOLUTION SPEECH TOPICS - Acid Rain, Alternate Energy Sources, Climate Change FOOD AND HEALTH - Abuse of Patent Medicines, Dangers of Food Additives, Dental Health, Depression, Fat in Low Price Food Products, Food Labeling, Health Care, Integration Of The Disabled, Problems Of The Mentally Ill, Survey Of Diets, Test tube Babies, Vegetarianism GLOBAL AND POLITICS - Food Shortages, International Threats, Overpopulation, Subsidizing Farms, US and UN Relationship LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL - Crime And Punishment, Drunk Driving Accidents, Effects Of Prejudice, Gun Control, Hate Crimes, Illegal Immigration, Safety And Security, Taxing Of Church Property SOCIAL PROBLEMS TOPICS - Airbags, Cigarette Advertising, Decreasing Car Accidents, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Family Breakdowns, Forced Retirement, Gambling, Hobbies, Home, Internet Spam, Interpersonal Relationships, Loneliness, Minimum Wage Level, Peer Pressure, Reducing Neglect, Runaways, Self Esteem, Social Security, Teenage Runaways, Problems Of The Elderly, Problems Of The Family, Problems Of The Homeless, Problems Of The Hungry, Tobacco Use, Underage Drinking, Voting System Return to Top 4
  • 5. Idea Words Source Bank Sports Equipment Lumberjack Soccer Adventure racing Ethics tournaments Softball American football Extreme skiing Major League Baseball Special tournaments Animal sports Extreme sports Marathon Speed skating Archery Famous athletes Martial arts Sports food and nutrition Athletics Famous sports officials Moto GP Sports history and Auto racing Famous teams Motorsports stories Badminton Fencing Mountain biking Sports media Banning school yard Fishing NBA Sports medicines Base jumping Fitness Netball Sports organizations Baseball Flying discs Olympics 2008 Sports science Basketball Football Gaelic Olympics 2012 Squash Biathlon Gambling Paddleball Strength sports Billiards Gay sports Paintball Swimming BMX tournaments Goal ball Pesäpallo Table tennis Bocce Golf Petanque Tae Bo Bodybuilding Golf Ryder Cup Pilates Tchoukball Boomerang Greyhound racing Pool Team spirit Bowling Gymnastics Power boat racing Tennis Boxing Handball Racquetball Tour de France Cycling Bungee jumping Hockey Rodeo Track and field Callanetics Horse racing Rope Skipping Training programs Cheerleading Hunting Rowing Travel Chess Ice Hockey Rugby Triathlon Coaching Ice skating Running Volleyball College sports Jai alai Sailing Walking scholarships Kabbadi Sepak Takraw Water Sports Competitions Karting Shooting Weight lifting Cricket Kayaks Skateboarding Weight training Croquet Kick boxing Skating Windsurfing Cycling Kite surfing Skeelering Winter Olympics Darts Korfball Skeet shooting Winter sports Disability sports Lacrosse Skiing Women sports Diving Laser games Snooker World Soccer Dog races Leagues Snowboarding Championship Equestrian Soap box derbies Wrestling Return to Top 5
  • 6. Idea Words Source Bank Qualities to Develop in People A Will to Succeed Critical Thinking Goodness Never Give Up Accomplishment Culture Government Power Non-Violence Accountability Curiosity Gratitude Nursing Accuracy Customer Service Hard Working Nurturing of Children Achievement Democracy Harmony Obedience Advancement Dependability Healthy Open-minded Adventure Diligence Helping Other People Openness Affection Diplomacy Helping Society Optimism Agreement Diversity Heroism Participation “All for One and One for Duty Honesty Patience All” Attitude Duty Honor Patriotism Altruism Ecological Awareness Honor Parents Positive Attitude Appreciation Economic Security Hope Peace Assertiveness Economic Status Hospitality Perfection Attitude Effectiveness Human Rights Personal Development Authority Efficiency Humanism Personal Growth Autonomy Effort Humility Physical Challenge Balance Empathy Humor Piety Beauty Empowerment Idealism Pleasure Being Truthful Endurance Improvement Power Caring Enthusiasm Independence Practicality Challenge Problems Environmental Individuality Precision Change Protection Inner Harmony Preservation Charity Equal Opportunities Innocence Privacy Chastity Equality Innovation Promotion Civic Duty Ethical Practicing Integration Problem Solving Civic Pride Etiquette Integrity Progress Civil Rights Exactness Intellectual Status Proper Behavior Collaboration Excellence Intuition Prosperity Commitment Fairness Inventiveness Prudence Community Welfare Faith Involvement Leadership Public Access Compassion Family Values Justice Public Service Competence Fast Living Kindness Punctuality Competitive Fidelity Learning Purity Concern for Others Financial Gain Legality Pursuit of Happiness Confidence Flair Lifestyle Quality of Work Conformity Flexibility Love Quietude Confrontation Forgiveness Loyalty Rationality Consciousness Fraternity Majority Rule Reasoning Consensus Free Will Meaning of Life Regularity Consumer Rights Freedom Meaningful Work Reliability Continuity Freedom of Initiative Mercy Religion Cooperation Friendship Merit Reputation Coordination Functionality Minority Rights Resourcefulness Courage Generosity Moderation Respect for Law Courtesy Gentleness Modesty Respect for Other Creativity Good Will Morality People 6
  • 7. Idea Words Source Bank Responsibility Self-Interest Spirituality Understanding Results-Oriented Self-Reliably Stability Unity Right to Education Self-Reliance Standardization Unpretentiousness Right to Express Self-Respect Strength Unselfishness Grievances Self-Worth Success Utility Rituals Sensitivity Supervising Variety Romance Serenity Sympathy Wealth Sacrifice Seriousness Systemization Well-Being Safety Service to Society Tact Well-Mannered Satisfaction Shareholder Value Taking Responsibility Wisdom Satisfying Other People Sharing Teamwork Women's Rights Security Sharing Knowledge Temperance Work Spirit Self-Awareness Simplicity Thinking Working Alone Self-Discipline Sincerity Tolerance World Unity Self-Esteem Skill Tradition Self-Giving Social Status Trust Self-Improvement Sophistication Truthfulness Return to Top Interesting Study Areas 3-D Glasses Boolean Logic Ethics Money Laundering 9-1-1 Boomerangs Fire Department. Moonshine Africa Circus clowns Fireworks on New Mountain Bikes Air Bags Brick Year's Eve Mythology Air Conditioners Bungee Cord Fire Engines Native Indian Air Purifiers Buying a House Fireworks Nobel Prizes Allergic reaction Carbon-14 Dating Fossils Nursing American Red Cross Caribbean Islands Garage Sales Nutrition Anatomy Census Gardening Oceanography Animal Rights Gliders Paint a Room Chemistry Animation Paintball Chewing Gum Greenhouse Effect Anthropology China Hair Dryers Patents Antibiotic Photocopiers Climbing Mountains Handwriting Analysis Aquariums Photography Composting Heart Bypass Operation Architecture Political Conventions Contact Lenses Helium: “Donald Duck Asia Pregnancy Aspirin Credit Cards Effect” Developing a Process Radar Detectors Astronomy Herbs Speech Topic Rainbows Atkins Diet History Diamonds Ramadan Avalanches Hot Air Balloons Dimmer Switches Red Blood Cell Aviation Hubble Telescope Batteries Doorbell Production Income Taxes Beer Dreams Refrigerators Japan Bicycle Seat Dry Cleaning Lie Detectors Remove Chocolate Biology Education Marshmallows Stains Black Boxes Elevators Mensa Ringtones BlackBerry Energy Drinks Metal Detectors Satellites Boiling Eggs Environment Microwave Seatbelts Espresso Machines Silk Screening 7
  • 8. Idea Words Source Bank Skydiving Theater Volcanoes SMS Thermometers Water Boarding Spiders Toilets Water Towers St. Patrick's Day Tornadoes Weather State Parks United Nations Whales Stock Market Video Recordings Wiretapping Works Storms Viruses and Worms Yom Kippur Sunburning Vitamins Teleconferencing VoIP Return to Top Personal Interests and Studies 1. What birds visit your backyard at home? 37. I'm good at ... 2. Your favorite time of day or week 38. This is the song I like to sing every day: ... 39. Making Puzzles. 3. Nice birthday presents you like to get 40. Police uniforms. 4. What you could do without television or video 41. What can you see in the zoo? 5. How to understand a weather map 42. Musical instruments. 6. Making funny ice cubes with little gadgets inside 43. How I will surprise my parents on Mother's Day and Father's 7. The history of our year calendar Day. 8. Important school days we should remember 44. If I was a princess or prince, I ... – (fill in) 45. How it starts raining. 9. Foreign holidays we do not celebrate 46. I don't like to eat ... 10. New shoes - sport shoes or casual, choose what you like 47. My favorite band or singer. 11. Things - food or scary situations - that make you sick 48. How penguins live on Antarctica. 12. 3D eyeglasses 49. My toys, dolls or mini racing cars collection. 13. Favorite amazing world records 50. Where we went on vacation. 14. The contents of your lunch box 51. A day at the sea aquarium. 15. The differences in nature between spring and autumn 52. Suggestions for school field trips. 53. My favorite sports. 16. The symbols of our national flag 54. How I decorate my room at home. 17. The vital organs in our body 55. Ghost castles and their stories. 18. The trophies or medals you have won in sports tournaments 56. What we did on Summer Camp. 19. How sunglasses protect your eyes 57. My trip to Disney World or other resort. 20. The planets in our solar system 58. The rules of Paintball. 21. What makes you happy? 59. How your parents can print free coloring pages. 22. Our last vacation trip. 60. The best fairy tale or a variation child speech topic can be a 23. Fairy tale characters you would like to talk with. cartoon character. 24. Magic tricks you can show. 61. What I think of Hamster Dance. 25. Funny things my pet has done. 62. What is the Kids Newsroom? 26. My favorite family story. 63. Halloween pumpkin carving. 27. Oceans in the world. 64. How trees grow, or come up with kid speech topics on plants 28. My neighborhood. and flowers. 29. Funny Halloween costumes. 65. Recipes for kids. 30. A visit to the doctor, dentist. 66. How to prepare for a day at the beach. 31. How does it feel to wake up and be a giant? 67. The funniest Pokémon cards. 32. Places I lived. 68. Why my neighborhood is cool. 33. Why I want to travel in space. 69. Three hard to believe miracles. 34. The best paper airplanes 70. Teachers should ... or shouldn't ... 35. The best fishing spots. 71. My biggest adventure. 36. My best birthday ever. 72. Good kid games online. 8
  • 9. Idea Words Source Bank 73. How kangaroos care for their children. 121. Jungle - Safari, Snakes, Trees, Apes, People who live in 74. The funniest April Fool's Day joke. jungles. 75. How to become a police officer. 122. Geology - The processes that formed our Earth. 76. Air Force One: the Complete White House In the Air 123. Magnetic Field Experiments, the North Pole, 77. The Greatest Roller Coasters of the World 124. Compasses, Static Electricity. 78. Types of Asteroids and Their Names 125. Nutrition - Why it is important to eat the right food. 79. The Best Birthday Party Locations 126. Pool Party - Ideas, Decorations, Invitations, and activities you 80. Dangerous Circus Acts can do with your friends at your pool party. 81. Coral Reefs Conservation 127. Sand Mosaics - Design your own beach project, with castles, 82. The Earthquake locations in the World mosaics and sculptures. 83. Flags of the World and Their Meaning 128. Sleepover - What to bring in after you get an invitation to sleep 84. Where We Can Find Fossils over? 85. Why Glaciers Move 129. Planets - What is your weight on the Moon, Mars or Jupiter? 86. The Achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope 130. This Day in History - What history events happened on your 87. Hurricane Alarm Systems birthday or on the day of your public speaking speech? 88. What You Can Discover in National Parks 131. Volcanoes - Tell about all basic facts about volcanic activity in 89. Your Picnic Tips your country. 90. Robots Take Over Our Society 132. Three Ways to Disturb Your Competitors in a Sand Sculpture 91. The Characteristics of Rocks and Minerals Competition 92. Tips to Build Better Sand Castles or Sand Sculptures 133. Designing a Pop-Up Greeting Card. 93. What Satellites Do in Orbit 134. Different Methods of Getting Your Way 94. The Highest Skyscrapers on This Planet 135. What do dreams mean? 95. The History of Fireworks 136. The day I was sick and I must see the doctor. 96. The History of Paper Money 137. How to pot and care for a plant. 97. Most Haunted Scottish Castles 138. How to make a marionette puppet. 98. Why the First Day of April is Devoted to Practical Jokes 139. The birds in our backyard. 99. Why the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built 140. The oceans of the world. 100. What is a Dinosaur? 141. A ride in a truck. 101. How to Set Up an Aquarium 142. How to dress for a serious dinner. 102. How to Make Paper Airplanes That Fly Longer 143. My musical instrument. 103. How Lunar Eclipses Happen 144. Why giraffes have long necks. 104. How to Write a Funny Comic Strip 145. Animals I should take in Noah's Ark. 105. How Caves are Formed 146. Why I like to dance. 106. Ancient Civilizations - Aztec, Egypt, Olmec, Greece, Incas, 147. How I cope with fear of public speaking India, Mayans, Rome or Early Humans. 148. Magic tricks with cards. 107. Authors - The best authors of kids books and why. 149. Exotic fruits and vegetables. 108. Babysitting - How to get started and be a successful babysitter. 150. The best 3D paper models. 109. Activities for Children - Gymnastics, Bowling, 151. Things to expect when your mother is pregnant. 110. Miniature Golf, Girl Scouts, Party Supplies. 152. How animals spend the winter. 111. Food - The best recipes for Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and 153. My first visit to a dentist. Pizzas are made. 154. Family members I admire. 112. Civil War - The Causes, Battles, Heroes, 155. Festivals I have been. 113. Uniforms, Flags. 156. The History of the Panama Canal 114. Currency Exchange - Explain what currency exchange rates are 157. How does global warming effect icebergs? and tell about their purposes in business. 158. If I was my father or mother for one day. 115. The Desert - The Oasis, Vegetation, Animals, and People who 159. My favorite era in history. live in a desert. 160. What's in my room at home? 116. Dinosaurs - Fossils, their Funny Names, Eggs, why they 161. The school field trip I would like to make. became extinct. 162. If I could be my best friend, I... and then fill in 117. Disabilities - Kids who are different often have a disability or 163. My trip abroad disease to cope with. 164. Monitoring butterflies 118. Good Deeds are great speech topics for children - My ideas for 165. Aztec masks and their stories a good deed every day. 166. Mythological monsters 119. Guitar - Teach the children in your class to play the guitar. 167. How to organize a fun weekend 120. Homemade Ice Cream - What you need to make it and what 168. If I was born hundred years ago, I ... things you have to do. This is a perfect demonstration speech 169. African masks and their meaning topic. 170. Ancient Chinese emperors 9
  • 10. Idea Words Source Bank 171. The Ice Age; when, how and the causes 182. When I'm grown up I want to become ... 172. Pollution sources in our world 183. Last weekend I was at ... 173. A Day In the life of a kid in Ancient Rome 184. The funniest thing that ever happened to me. 174. Discovering caves 185. Things that make you happy 175. Traditional fairy tales from around the world 186. Ways I use to relax 176. Puppets from Java, Indonesia 187. Favorite sports moments 177. The Diary of Anne Frank 188. The character I want to be in a movie 178. My pen pal or email pal 189. A memorable vacation trip 179. The secrets of the King Tutankhamen 190. The best summer camp games 180. If I was a journalist, I should investigate . 191. My favorite spot 181. If I won one million dollars, I ... 192. Your most favorite memories Return to Top Challenge Your Thinking How can countries grow all your own energy, such as growing enough corn to make ethanol? How can countries deal better with ownership rights in internet publishing? How can genetically modified foods be made safe? How to reduce or stop gun use? Should we have the Death Penalty? Prevent wire-taping without permission Are Botox Injections really needed? Should religion be in the public schools? Is it morally right to use animals for testing? Do electronic voting machines improve the voting process? What are the solutions to inter-country conflict? Replacing nuclear power now and in the future Small coins: phase them out or keep it? Making homeschooling children more beneficial Ways of dealing with our trash to avoid pollution How prisoners can pay back the state after their release Should electronic tracking devices be placed in driver's licenses and school identification cards? Military use of animals Ways of measuring maturity on something other than age Improving the system of organ transplants Corporate sponsors allowed in public schools? Ways to get the media to work in the best interests of the people? Improving national welfare and pension benefits Improving the use of cell phones in schools Ways to prevent economic depressions Memory: Daily memory-oriented activities slow memory loss in older people? Memory: Ways of helping people remember things Memory: Improving short-term memory in young boys and girls so they will be better thinkers when older Pain: Methods of dealing with it Reflexes: Increasing the ability of drivers Reflexes: How does talking on a cell phone or listening to music affect reaction time? Sleep and Grades: Ways to ensure students get the amount of sleep so they do well Tests: Improving tests and examinations in schools Vision: Improving the accuracy of vision testing Eating the right breakfast to improve school performance Preventing fungus growth on plants and food New methods of predicting weather? Improve students’ learning in "live" lectures and video lectures Food for athletes 10
  • 11. Idea Words Source Bank System of determining the value of a professional sports franchise Protecting wildlife, parks and natural reserves Radically new stadiums Athlete performance enhancers Do children spend too much time playing video games? Is the Evening News Believable? Quick ways of purchasing specific kinds of information Music downloading innovations or replacements Minimizing the effect of TV violence on children Eyewitness Testimony: Improving reliability of eyewitnesses Improving children’s reading ability What can replace Hollywood and Bollywood? Create your own new kind of children’s book Creating personal photograph portfolios Creating songs for people who are not musically inclined Write your own song and then perform it yourself without musical background Method of writing plays Return to Top 11