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        Ericsson                                                             Issue no. 1 2012


What makes a grid smart

in the eye of its beholders


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           ERICSSON BUSINESS REVIEW                [9] Editorial: It’s old school, really
           is Ericsson’s global business
           magazine, focusing on thought
                                                   Connected learning has the potential to take education back to original values. Socrates would
           leadership and providing a              most likely have approved.
           long-term perspective on business
           strategies in telecommunications.       [10] Cover story: Building a better India
           The magazine is distributed to          Sam Pitroda, the man behind India’s communications revolution, believes that India must
           readers in more than 130 countries.
                                                   build its own technological ecosystems based on holistic, sustainable, Gandhian values that
           ADDRESS                                 originate from rural realities.
           Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson,
           SE-164 83, Stockholm, Sweden
           Phone: +46 8 719 00 00
                                                   [20] THEME: The tools of education – soon at a museum near you
                                                   Ericsson ConsumerLab’s Future School project is providing important insights into the
           ADDRESS CHANGES                         education of tomorrow.
           Strömberg Distribution AB,
                                                   [27] THEME: We define innovation too narrowly
           PUBLISHER                               Ken Banks, creator of the nonprofit mobile service FrontlineSMS, says development issues
           Patrik Regårdh                          such as education require us to start with the problem, not the technology.
           Patrik Regårdh, Ulrika Bergström,       [29] THEME: Can technology eliminate teachers?
           Susanna Bävertoft, Erik Kruse,          Professor Sugata Mitra’s approach is to create a self−organizing learning environment.
           Dag Helmfrid

           EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                         [30] THEME: Don’t rely too much on technology
           Mats Thorén                             Professor Richard Fletcher believes nothing will ever replace human storytelling as the most
           effective and popular means of educating people.
           DEPUTY EDITOR
           Nathan Hegedus                          [33] THEME: Reinventing corporate learning
                                                   Ericsson shares its own experiences of creating a new kind of corporate learning.
           ART DIRECTOR
           Jan Sturestig
                                                   [38] Smart−grid communications: enabling next−generation energy networks
           EDITORIAL OFFICE                        This involves more than just a simple bolt−on to the existing power grid.
           JG Communication,
                                                   [42] Content discontents: cultural protection in an internet world
           COVER PHOTO                             The regulation of audiovisual services is becoming more complex as some states begin to
           Chris Maluszynski                       recognize “the cultural exception.”
           Birgitte van den Muyzenberg             [45] How to get paid twice for everything you do, part 3:
                                                   Innovation management
           Michael Costello, Teslin Seale,         Successful innovation management is primarily about recognizing and understanding
           Paul Eade, Robert Naylor,               effective routines and facilitating their emergence across the organization.
           Lindsay Holmwood, Ian Nicholson

           GRAPHS                                  [51] An action plan to embrace the digitization of creativity in
           Claes Göran Andersson                   the digital single market
           PRINTER                                 The European Commission needs to address some of the fundamental barriers preventing
           VTT Grafiska, Vimmerby 2012             member states from reaping and sharing productivity and creativity gains.
           VOLUME                                  [55] Don’t be fooled by the green lights – become service−aware
           17, Issue 1, 2012                       Ensuring service quality isn’t as straightforward as it may appear. Customer experiences
           ISSN                                    now depend on the performance of multiple systems within the operator’s architecture.

                                                   [58] What is TV these days? And do consumers really care?
           Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson         Understanding the multifaceted nature of TV is crucial to all players in the market.

                                                   [62] OPINION: You’re not as clever as you think
                           ERICSSON BUSINESS
                           REVIEW was awarded      Innovation is hard and most of us, if we are honest, are not very good at it. The worry is that
                           Best Business-to-
                           Business publication    in the internet age, things might be getting worse, not better.
                           2010 by The Swedish
                           Association of Custom
                           Publishers (SACP)       [64] EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES

4 • EBR #1 2012
Jann Lipka

[20–35] THEME The old school – ready for the museum gallery
▶ BL ACKBOARD,    CHALK AND SL ATES are already becoming         we are already in a situation where education does not always
museum pieces. Soon, textbooks might follow. Technology          need schools; it can take place anywhere, anytime.
is playing a key role in a radical transformation of education     This issue’s theme examines the roles of the teacher, of tra−
– and a fierce debate is ongoing about whether this is a good    ditional learning institutions of the teacher, and of corporate
thing or not. Is new technology being used wisely? Is it be−     learning – all from the perspective of what new opportunities
ing used to cut costs, or to improve quality? The fact is that   technology might bring.

                                                                                                                                            EBR #1 2012 • 5
The big picture                 Enigma

               LO-TECH HI-TECH COMMUNICATION During World War II, German communications were encrypted
              on the Enigma cipher machine, which has now gained cult status. While original models fetch very high
              prices at auctions, there is also a healthy market for replicas and online simulators. The one pictured here is a
              three-rotor model made around 1937, and is still in working order. When sold by Rau Antiques in 2010, the
              asking price was USD 112,500.
                 As the moving rotors and wheels in the Enigma produced ever-changing alphabetic substitutions, the
              secret codes were supposed to be unbreakable, even by someone in possession of the machine.
                 Breaking the codes or ciphers did present a formidable challenge. In fact, they had to be broken
              afresh over and over again. The results of these efforts laid the groundwork for modern computing and
              artificial intelligence.
                 The British mathematician and cryptanalyst Alan Turing was recruited to work at Bletchley Park, Britain’s
              code-breaking center, devising techniques for breaking German ciphers.
                 It is now widely accepted that Turing was the father of theoretical and practical computing, although he
              died in 1954 – just as developments in the field of computing were getting underway.
                 After the war, he talked about the prospect of a machine “learning” and even “building a brain.”
              He wrote algorithms for chess-playing programs and regarded these as examples of what computers might
              eventually be able to do. In his 1946 report on the new opportunities that computers represented, he
              made his first reference to machine “intelligence” in connection with chess. ●

  6 • EBR #1 2012
EBR #1 2012 • 7

JUST ONE                          “At this point, the iPhone is like a drug, and the carriers are hooked.
                                  The question isn’t whether it’s worth it. It’s whether they can get
                                  by without it.”
                                            CRAIG MOFFETT, ANALYST AT SANFORD C. BERNSTEIN, TO CNET.

… to Samson Isa, Head

                                  Control of personal
of Value Added Services
for Globacom Nigeria.
         ▶ Have African
 ?       telecom companies
become more innovative
than their counterparts in
more developed markets?
                                  ▶ WristQue is a proto-          Part of the Massachusetts        three simple
         In terms of technolo-
  !      gy, Africa remains       type wristband contain-         Institute of Technology’s        buttons: two
dependent on more devel-          ing a processor; sensors        MediaLab responsive en-          to control tem-
oped countries. However,          for temperature, humidi-        vironments research, the         perature, and a
there has been some real          ty and light; and an ultra-     project is intended to cre-      third offering the
innovation in value-added         wideband radio used for         ate a practical way for          ability to interact with
services like M-PESA
                                  communicating with              people to communicate            multiple electronic devic-
(mobile money transfer) in
Kenya and specifically in          home automation sys-            with smart sensors in-           es (computers, projec-
interactive voice response        tems as well as pinpoint-       stalled in a building. The       tors, TVs) using gestures.
(IVR), which gets informa-        ing the wearer’s location.      wristband includes just          New Scientist. ●
tion to customers in the
languages they understand
and encourages rural
    And we have seen
                                    NOW READ THIS!
development in applica-
tions. We’ve seen collabo-
                                                       MOBILE INTERFACE THEORY: EMBODIED SPACE AND LOCATIVE MEDIA BY JASON FARMAN,
ration between original
equipment manufacturers,                               ROUTLEDGE, .
                                                       R            The mass adoption of mobile devices – from smartphones to tablets
operators and local devel-                             to whatever comes next – is changing users’ very sense of self, as virtual space and
opers to work on apps that                             material space continually enhance, cooperate and disrupt each other.
locals in Nigeria and West                             ▶ BODIES, SPACE AND CULTURE. The author, an assistant professor at the University of Mary-
Africa can use, such as tra-                           land in the US, argues that we are using mobile media in a transformative way. The pervasive com-
ditional African games or                              puting model behind mobile devices allows people to connect across a range of locations, and this
localized “Western” prod-                               has changed the ways we “produce lived, embodied spaces.” In the book, Farman explores a range
ucts for the African market.                            of mobile practices, including storytelling projects, mobile maps and GPS technologies, as well as
    However, in general,             location-aware social networks, among many others.
African operators remain
caught in a trap of short                               FIWI ACCESS NETWORKS BY MARTIN MAIER AND NAVID GHAZISAIDI, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, .
life cycles, rising costs and                           Could the development of bimodal fiber−wireless− (FiWi) access networks be the
low average revenues per
user because of prevailing                              endgame of broadband−access evolution? Here is an overview of the network that
low disposable income                                   may change everything.
and, sadly, low investment                             ▶ INTEGRATION CHALLENGE. Many researchers think that future broadband-access networks
in R&D. The telecom indus-                             w be bimodal, merging the strengths of both optical and wireless technologies. In one scenario, an
try in Africa also lacks                               o
                                                       optical-fiber network could provide a broadband connection to antenna base stations, which then
strong organizations, such                             w
                                                       wirelessly transmit signals to customers. The authors of this book – one of, if not the first on FiWi –
as telecom unions, and this                            e
                                                       explore the main technologies involved, describing both state-of-the-art fiber-access networks and
weakness can often make              the latest developments in wireless-access networks, including Gigabit WiMAX and LTE, and also examine recent ad-
operators parochial and              vances such as network coding.
less likely to take a long-
term view of how to devel-                              THINKING, FAST AND SLOW BY DANIEL KAHNEMAN, FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX, . One of the
op both their networks and                              leading psychologists of our age and a Nobel Prize winner in economics continues to
their services.                                         challenge the rational model of judgment and decision−making, which carries
    It is going to be very dif-
                                                        special relevance with regard to corporate strategies.
ficult to break this cycle of
                                                       ▶ FAST VERSUS SLOW. Kahneman argues that we have two modes of thought: one is fast and
high costs and low profits.
                                                       emotional while the other is slower and more logical. The ways these two modes work together,
There needs to be a para-
                                                       and against each other, determine much of our decision-making, including the impact of loss aver-
digm shift that includes
                                                       sion and overconfidence on corporate strategies. The influential computer scientist Jaron Lanier
foreign investment, which
                                     says about the book: “Before computer networking got cheap and ubiquitous, the sheer inefficiency of communica-
will help transfer skills to
African operators and spur           tion dampened the effects of the quirks of human psychology on macro-scale events. No more.”
more R&D.

8 • EBR #1 2012


                                                                                              It’s old school, really
                                                                                              ▶ “I CANNOT TEACH ANYBODY ANYTHING. I CAN ONLY MAKE THEM THINK,” is a quote

                                                                              iStock Photos
                                                                                              often attributed to Socrates.
                                                                                                 Forget school as you know it. It’s quite apparent that the internet, computers
                                                                                              and mobile devices are already changing the way education is organized and
                Fabrics of the future:                                                        carried out. Why must a school be a place that you go to at certain times?
                                                                                                 To people like me, who quite frankly hated school, this is good news. But more
                the new touchscreen                                                           to the point, technological advancement represents a welcome opportunity to
                                                                                              bring education back to its origins and founding values.
                ▶ SMART FABRICS that behave like the touchscreens on
                mobile phones are being developed at the Polytechnique
                                                                                                 Radical teachers have always emphasized the importance of fostering critical
                Montréal technical school in Montréal, Canada. These                          thinking in education. The oldest and still the most powerful teaching method is
                fabrics can be used to control items such as music players                    Socratic teaching, which focuses on giving pupils questions rather than answers.
                and to adjust temperature. BMW already has plans to                              And that is why we, in this issue, have dared to address some of the big ques-
                install touchscreen fabric in future car models. The fabric
                                                                                              tions about education – such as those concerning its ultimate purpose and ob-
                is made from a soft polymer-based fiber that can be
                woven and is easy to clean. Its electrical properties                         jectives. Unless you can answer these questions, it doesn’t matter what kind of
                change depending on where it is touched. Finger touches                       technology you throw into the mix.
                or swipes can modify the capacitance of the fabric, and
                software can pinpoint and log exactly where it is                             IN SOCRATES’ TIME, SCHOOLS DIDN’T EVEN EXIST. Now, as connectivity brings peo-
                touched. (New Scientist) ●
                                                                                              ple and knowledge together in an unprecedented way, we have a unique oppor-
                                                                                              tunity to go back to the drawing board. How should learners and learning insti-
                FBI to monitor                                                                tutions change? This is a challenge that cuts across many traditional industrial
                                                                              iStock Photos

                                                                                              and societal borders, and concerns policy-makers and social as well as business
                social networks                                                               innovators everywhere.
                                                                                                 The Networked Society Forum, hosted by Ericsson, recently brought togeth-
                ▶ THE US FEDERAL Bureau
                of Investigation (FBI) plans                                                  er thought leaders, scholars and leading practitioners for a bout of inspiring
                to continuously monitor         keywords relating to terror-                  panel conversations aimed at reimagining education, learning and schools for
                the global output of Face-      ism, surveillance opera-                      the present generation and beyond. Our theme, “Connected learning,” was in-
                book, Twitter and other so-     tions, online crime and                       spired by their discussions.
                cial networks. Plans show       other topics of interest to                      Another dose of Socratic questioning is served up by evolutionist Mark Pagel.
                that the bureau wants a         the FBI. Agents would be                      From an evolutionary perspective, copying – also known as culture – has been
                system that is able to auto-    alerted if the searches pro-                  a decisive advantage for humankind. On the Opinion page, though, he wonders
                matically search “publicly      duced evidence of “break-                     what happens to innovation when the internet takes copying to a whole new
                available” material from        ing events, incidents, and                    level.
                Facebook, Twitter and           emerging threats.”
                other social media sites for    (New Scientist) ●                             IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEARN TO BE INNOVATIVE? In his third and concluding article in
                                                                                              our series on managing innovation, Göran Roos puts forward his ideas on how
                                                                                              companies can create structures that capture new ideas and methods.

                Single interface for                                                             Two articles remind us that borders still matter: one about cultural protec-
                                                                                              tion in an internet world; and the other about the need for a
                business users                                                                Magna Carta for digital content. It makes a lot of sense to
                                                                                              tear down market barriers, but policy-makers still need
                ▶ AT&T has launched a cloud-based unified                                     convincing.
                communications (UC) service, offering enterprises the                            Knowing what’s going on in your network used to be
                             ability to integrate chat, e-mail, voice over IP
                                    calls and audio and video meetings                        simple. Not anymore. Our increasingly complex digital
                                        over desktops and mobile devices.                     media behavior makes it necessary to develop advanced
                                           AT&T UC Services consists of UC                    methodology aimed at making networks “service aware.”
                                            Central and UC Voice. UC Central                  The Socratic question embedded here is really “what is
                                             will give a business a single                    quality?” as outlined in the article “Don’t be fooled by
                                             user communications interface
                                             for both mobile and desktop                      the green lights.” The complexity of the answer is a true
                                             computers, while UC Voice will                   blessing in disguise for network operators. ●
                                             offer IP telephony from an AT&T
iStock Photos

                                            cloud that can be used alone or
                                           with UC Central. ●

                                                                                                              MATS THORÉN, EDITORIN CHIEF
cover story         Sam Pitroda

       Basic facts              NAME Satyanarayan (Sam) Gangaram Pitroda TITLE Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public
       Information Infrastructure and Innovations EMPLOYER Government of India AGE 69 HEADQUARTERS New Delhi and Chicago

 10 • EBR #1 2012
a better
   Western development models
   are not sustainable, scalable
   or desirable, says Sam Pitroda,
   a top Indian government
   adviser and the father of the
   Indian telecom revolution.
   Instead, he says the answers
   to India’s challenges lie in
   the “Gandhian model” of

         TEXT   Nathan Hegedus
         PHOTOS    Chris Maluszynski

                                       EBR #1 2012 • 11
Pitroda on… Indian versus Chinese development

Culturally, the two countries are very different. India is going to
focus on democratizing information. India is going to focus on
young talent. The Indian innovation model is very different.

        AM PITRODA is the man who brought             life cycles of Sam Pitroda” as if he were one of         in the family had died.

S       telephones to rural India, essentially
        connecting India to itself.
   Today, at the age of , this son of a carpen-
                                                      the groundbraking digital switches that he
                                                      once developed as a young immigrant in
                                                                                                                   “So we knew that he was ‘part of the fami-
                                                                                                               ly.’ He taught us… Make sure you do the right
                                                                                                               things. So a sense of sacrifice, love for every-
ter remains tirelessly true to a vision deeply                                                                 body, truth, simplicity: all these things are em-
rooted in his familys devotion to Gandhi. As          PHASE ONE: STARTING OUT                                  bedded in me, in my lifestyle.”
influential as ever in India civic life, Pitroda      One of eight children, Pitroda was born and                  But there is another side to Pitroda: the
preaches that India must drive its own open-          raised in Titilagarh in the state of Orissa, a deep-     American side.
source tech revolution, one based on sustain-         ly poor town with no running water or electric-              In , inspired by the romanticism in us
able and rural-based values. In its latest form,      ity and certainly no telephones. His father, an          President John F. Kennedy’s speech about put-
he describes it as thedemocratization of in-          immigrant from the faraway state of Gujarat,             ting a man on the moon, Pitroda – newly grad-
formation through connectivity.                       was a small-time lumber dealer with a drive for          uated with an MSc in Physics and Electronics
   “We are a nation of over a billion people and      his children to become something more.                   – boarded a boat, the start of a long journey
we cannot afford to follow a short-term mod-             “In those days, he used to sell nails to the          away from India and to the us.
el meant for a population of less than  mil-       British,” Pitroda says. “But he couldn’t speak               It was in the us that Pitroda made his first
lion people,” Pitroda said at a recent confer-        English. So he felt inferior to them. He said,           phone call, home to India, and it was in the us
ence on Gandhi and connectivity.                      when his children grew up, that he wanted                that he got a degree in electrical engineering.
   But Pitroda is not simply a visionary tech-        them to speak English.”                                  He found a niche in telecom in Chicago, work-
nocrat grounded in Gandhian philosophy. He               And then there was Mahatma Gandhi – a                 ing with digital switching for the US telecom
is also a gifted electrical engineer with more        fellow Gujarati and a central figure for both            company gte. Later, after his father told him
than  patents to his name. Even now, talk-          India and the Pitroda family.                            he was too young to get into the habit of work-
ing to Ericsson Business Review, he sits up              “When I was growing up, Gandhi was al-                ing for other people, he started his own com-
straight and says with a says with a spreading        ways in our midst,” Pitroda says. “I still remem-        pany with two partners.
smile that he can most certainly “still do the        ber when I was a little kid, six years old, I                Around this time, Pitroda was also editing
bits and bytes.”                                      was playing outside my house, and my father              an issue of an ieee magazine that focused on
   So it is no surprise that when he considers        came in and said Gandhi had died. I didn’t               telecom development in the third world.
his career, he uses the language not of a poli-       quite understand it. Then everybody in the                   “I said, ‘Don’t focus on telecom density,
tician but of an engineer and speaks of “the          household had to take a bath, as if someone              focus on accessibility,’” he says now.

   Sam Pitroda: walking the telecom talk
   ▶ SAM PITRODA SAYS “ percent” of his fo-        bile money. He is no longer the ceo of                  which made him a millionaire. During the
   cus is on India and innovation, but it is im-      c-sam, but the business has thrived as the              same period, he also patented an idea for a
   portant to remember that this is a man who         concept of mobile payments – and the tech-              personal electronic diary. In the s, this
   can back up his tech talk. He holds more than      nology surrounding it – have finally caught             patent was incorporated into the popular
    telecom and technology-based patents,           up with his vision.                                     Casio Digital Diary, a precursor to the per-
   and his visionary mobile-wallet technology            “It was too far ahead of its time,” he says of his   sonal digital assistants of the late s and
   may soon be in millions of smartphones.            initial idea. “Now is the time to build (on) it.”       the smartphones of today. In the past five
      In , Pitroda had recently returned to                                                               years alone, that patent has been referenced
   the US after living in India for most of the       CSAM’S FIRST MOBILE wallet was launched in             by the likes of ibm, Microsoft and Nokia.
   previous decade. He noticed his wife writ-         Japan in  and has since been used in the               But Pitroda’s most fun idea was probably
   ing personal check after personal check to         us, China, India and Mexico, among other                Compucards. Developed in , this is a
   pay their household expenses. Then he con-         places. And the company keeps gaining new,              deck of cards with binary numbers (, , ,
   sidered all the other daily financial tasks that   ever bigger customers. In August, , Isis            , …) for the computer generation. Any-
   could even then be carried out online, and         – the joint venture formed by at&t Mobil-               one who reads the instructions closely can
   he came up with the idea of a digital wallet,      ity, T-Mobile usa and Verizon Wireless –                use the cards to play family games such as
   complete with “id cards,” “money,” “receipts”      adopted c-sam’s platform to provide its                 poker and rummy. The joker is a hairy soft-
   and branded “credit cards.”                        mobile-wallet service.                                  ware bug complete with legs and antennae.
      Pitroda patented his mobile-wallet idea in         Yet the mobile wallet is just one of Pitro-          But the most interesting card is probably the
   , founded a company (c-sam) to devel-          da’s many innovative ideas. In the s, he            king, who appears to resemble none other
   op it in , and later wrote a book on mo-       created the  dss digital switching system,           than Sam Pitroda. ●

12 • EBR #1 2012
Sam Pitroda   cover story
Pitroda is an accomplished painter who first
started drawing in meetings: “When people
talk, they spend useless time talking. And
their message takes just two minutes of a
30-minute conversation. So I learned early
that the best thing you can do is to doodle.
Meetings and all… That’s how I started.”

                                                                EBR #1 2012 • 13
cover story            Sam Pitroda

       In 1993 Pitroda described how US success
       influenced his work in India: “I was almost
       brutal in my determination to root out hierarchy
       and bureaucracy: I once shouted and made
       a thoroughly mortifying scene in order to get
       typists to stop leaping to their feet every time
       a manager entered their work space.”

 14 • EBR #1 2012
Pitroda on… the future of telecom

                                              You can’t say telecom like we did in the eighties.
                                              It is more pervasive. You have to talk about
                                              the role of telecom in research. You have to
                                              talk about the role of telecom in medicine. You
                                              have to talk about the role of telecom in education
                                              and the role of telecom in government.

                                                 Nobody paid attention to his articles, he          Over the following years, in a series of
                                              says. But if they had, it would have been          jobs culminating in a minister-level tech-
                                              no surprise when, after he sold his digital        nology mission, Pitroda created the infra-
                                              switch business to Rockwell International          structure that placed now-famous yellow
                                              in  and made millions, Pitroda turned          phone boxes in almost every Indian vil-
                                              back to India to put his words into action.        lage. It is this achievement that garnered
                                                 In a Harvard Business Review article in         him the unofficial title of the father of In-
                                              , Pitroda said that he had dreamed all         dian telecom. It also put him at the center
                                              his life of wealth and success, but that af-       of debates about whether or not technol-
Background check                              ter he sold his business, he was suddenly          ogy was a luxury, about the balance be-
                                              confronted with the fact that he had               tween the state and the free market, and
▶ 2010–present: Government of India,          walked out on India. The selfishness of his        about whether it was possible to move In-
  Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public     success set him off in pursuit of another          dia forward without the help of big mul-
  Information Infrastructure and              American dream, he said: the exploration           tinational corporations.
  Innovations                                 of a new frontier. The frontier? Using tel-           Pitroda believed fervently that technol-
▶ 1998–present – C-SAM, founder, former       ecommunications as a bridge between the            ogy was as crucial a developmental tool
  CEO and current Chairman, Chicago, US
                                              first world and the third.                         as education or clean water. And he used
▶ 2005–2009: Government of India,
  National Knowledge Commission,                                                                 his faith in connectivity to push for core
  Chairman, New Delhi, India                  PHASE TWO: GROWTH                                  Gandhian tenets such as indigenous
▶ 1993–2005: started a series of business     On his first trip to Delhi in the early s,     development and an emphasis on rural
  ventures, including World-Tel Limited (an   Pitroda tried to call his wife in Chicago. It      development.
  International Telecommunication Union       took four hours. So with a mixture of what            For this, he was branded an Indian na-
  project), and served on several United
  Nations commissions                         he calls “arrogance and ignorance,” he             tionalist and an enemy of foreign firms.
▶ 1987–1991: Government of India,             decided then and there to “fix” telecom               “Look, we took Intel’s processor,” he
  Adviser to the Prime Minister of India,     in India.                                          says. “That was collaboration. We took
  with the rank of Minister on national          “I saw that it and telecom could change         software from other companies. We took
  technology missions, New Delhi, India       the face of India,” he says. “I just saw it. In-   Motorola’s switch. The idea was ‘Don’t
▶ 1987–1991: Government of India,             dian culture is a rural culture. India was         give me lock, stock and barrel products.
  founder and Head of Indian Telecom
  Commission, New Delhi, India                disconnected. If I could just connect eve-         Give me components.’
▶ 1984–1987: Centre for Development of        rybody … Maybe it was because I was                   “It was not homegrown just for the sake
  Telematics, founder, New Delhi, India       poor. Because I lived in a village. If I had       of homegrown. If we had not used the
▶ 1979–1983: Rockwell International, Vice     been from Mumbai, it would have been               homegrown technology, we would not have
  President of Advanced Technology and        very different.”                                   the it business we have in India today.”
  Engineering, Chicago                           What follows is Indian political legend,           Pitroda and his team soon had phone
▶ 1974–1979: Wescom Switching, founder,
                                              as the man The Economist later called “the         booths rolling out to one village a week,
  Chicago, US
▶ late 1960s–early 1970s: General
                                              Indian with the long hair and the manner           then to a village a day, then to three villag-
  Telephone & Electronics, various            of an American superbrat” fought to get            es a day. There are more than , of
  engineering positions, Chicago, US          an unthinkably long one-hour meeting               these pay phones today. But then Rajiv
▶ 1966: MSc in Electrical Engineering,        with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. After           Gandhi lost an election in , and while
  Illinois Institute of Technology, US        eight months, he got the meeting and,              Pitroda stayed at his post, things got
▶ 1964: MSc in Physics and Electronics, The   most importantly, he also met Rajiv Gan-           tougher. He was accused of corruption,
  Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
  Gujarat, India
                                              dhi, Indira’s son, who would become                and there were threats that drove his fam-
                                              prime minister in  and Pitroda’s great-        ily back to the us. He had a heart attack
                                              est ally.                                          and a quadruple bypass. Then in ,
                                                                                                                                    EBR #1 2012 • 15
Pitroda on… the impact of moving to the US as a young man

  It really opened up possibilities. I could talk about this for hours…
  For example, the most fascinating thing for me was the door
  knob, because in India, we had only this latch.
       Then I saw a revolving door and I thought, “What a good idea!”
  Then I saw a post-office box in the US and said, “What a design!” I had
  never thought that way. There had been nothing in my village. Nothing.

  while campaigning to return to power, Rajiv        people out of poverty and to find jobs for         only a dream because the “information
  Gandhi was killed by a suicide bomber.             the hundreds of millions of Indians under          element” had been missing. But now, final-
     “It was the biggest shock of my life,” Pitro-   the age of .                                     ly, India had built the tools to realize
  da says. “I just didn’t know what to do. Went         “Who am I to do it? I don’t know,” he says.     Gandhi’s dream.
  to the house, thought about what to do next,       “Do I have the authority? I don’t think so.
  and realized that this phase had to end in         But I try to get it done. That’s the advantage     PHASE FOUR: THE NEXT STEP
  life. I had to go back.”                           (of my position). A lot of times, people ask:      Even after a fight with cancer and a second
     Plus, after years of working for a token sal-   ‘Why don’t you become a minister?’ No, I           heart attack, Pitroda is busier than ever, his
  ary of usd  per year, Pitroda was out of mon-     don’t want to be a minister. That precludes        life reduced to a transcendent simplicity of
  ey. Yet he refused to do business in India.        my entire flexibility to operate.”                 work – now in Chicago, now in Delhi, now
     “I didn’t want to work in India in telecom,”       He still believes in centralization as a pre-   at a conference in Oslo, Norway.
  he said in an interview with India’s Skoch         condition to decentralization and in build-           The new plans keep coming too. Now he
  Consultancy Services. “I didn’t want a spec-       ing a scalable India-centered ecosystem.           wants to build an indigenous hardware
  trum license… didn’t want people to say:           And he still gets exasperated at being tagged      industry that would match India’s strength
  ‘Oh, that’s why you did all this stuff. So that    as an anti-colonial leftist.                       in software. Otherwise, hardware imports
  when the right time comes you cash in.’ I             “We need to centralize the thinking in          could someday be more costly than petro-
  didn’t want them to say: ‘He had this mas-         setting up infrastructure,” he says. “That is      leum, he says. Now, since Indian companies
  ter plan.’”                                        very different from saying, ‘Centralize eve-       have missed the g opportunity, he says,
     He went back to Chicago sick, broke and         rything.’ But the kind of infrastructure we        they need to get a jump start on “g”
  on a tourist visa.                                 are trying to build… no private enterprise         Gigabit Passive Optical Network (gpon)
                                                     would ever build it. It’s not viable. You have     technology.
  PHASE THREE: MATURITY                              to do it from the top because it is a nation-         “I am Gandhian in many ways,” he says. “I
  During the rest of the s, Pitroda looked       al infrastructure.”                                don’t have personal needs. I don’t go shop-
  after his business interests and made some            Yet he insists there remain great business      ping. I don’t have my own bank account. My
  more money. He put his kids through col-           opportunities in the Indian market.                wife takes care of that. If she buys me new
  lege and stayed close to his dying mother,            “Where is the money in telecom in India?        shoes, I wear the shoes. If she buys me a new
  who had moved to Chicago.                          Applications. Local applications, local lan-       shirt, I wear the shirt. I don’t give much
    But India and public service never               guage, local content. There is a huge oppor-       thought to these things. They don’t matter.”
  stopped calling to him and, in , he was        tunity in applications, applications, appli-          For Pitroda, being Gandhian goes far be-
  named head of the National Knowledge               cations.”                                          yond studying or emulating Gandhi him-
  Commission. From that point on, Pitroda               He has big numbers to match his big             self. He doesn’t like to talk about Gandhi as
  has been a whirlwind, advising and work-           plans. The government is working to con-           a person. It is more about asking the bigger
  ing on everything from fighting hunger to          nect , key nodes – libraries, universi-        questions, such as “How do I run my life?”
  reforming the railways, to reorganizing            ties and research facilities – with high-             This brings him back to his childhood in
  state telecom operator Bharat Sanchar              speed fiber. There are plans to connect            Orissa, back to the focus that has brought
  Nigam Ltd (bsnl).                                  , local governments with fiber. In           him so far and back to the long-term vision
    Today his official title is Adviser to the       January he announced a usd  billion gov-         he has for a prosperous and sustainable In-
  Prime Minister on Public Information In-           ernment investment in creating an “infor-          dia. It will not be easy to achieve this vision,
  frastructure and Innovations, though he is         mation highway,” including usd  billion for       he says. But it must be done. And who bet-
  most often referred to in the Indian press         a national fiber-optic network.                    ter to construct this future than the son of
  as a “technocrat.” His position allows Pitro-         At the  World Economic Forum,               a carpenter, a man who builds things?
  da to operate freely across the political and      Pitroda talked about how Mahatma                      “Technology is just a tool. At the end of
  economic spectrum, as he relentlessly push-        Gandhi’s dream of the development of the           the day, I am the son of a carpenter. I look
  es his agenda to lift hundreds of millions of      villages and decentralization had remained         at tools.” ●

16 • EBR #1 2012
Sam Pitroda   cover story
“When I came back from the US (in the
1980s), I had made money, so I used to
dress very nicely,” Pitroda says. “After
about three months, I realized my clothes
were intimidating. So I said, ‘Trash all
these American clothes,’ and got some
visibly Indian-looking suits stitched.”

                                                             EBR #1 2012 • 17
technology report

                       VOICE RECOGNITION: A STEP TOW

                   Voice interfaces will soon be everywhere: in                              strides in voice recognition,        network connections. Many
                   cars, home appliances, medical equipment,                                 largely due to two factors: the      media outlets ran practical tests
                                                                                             capability to collect huge           comparing Siri with Google
                   production lines, and on websites. They are                               amounts of voice data, and then      Voice with mixed results, and
                   already helping us to make phone calls. But                               the ability to process it quickly.   both systems still required
                   these services have yet to find business                                      Google is running several ar-     some of the stilted formal com-
                   models that actually make money.                                          tificial intelligence programs –      mands so typical of early voice
                                                                 TEXT   Nathan Hegedus       others include language trans-       systems to get the right results.
                                                                                             lation and the image searches           Until recently, Google was
                   ▶ “Call Mom.” “Am I busy Tues-       little sense on their own. It must   necessary for highly function-       the leader in the mobile field,
                   day afternoon?” “I want pizza.”      also use sophisticated logic to      ing augmented reality – that         introducing Google Search by
                      People have waited a long         find the appropriate answer and       depend on the kind of massive        Voice for Android in February
                   time for their machines to be        be able to intelligently ask for     computing power of which the         . However, Jared Cohen
                   able to understand simple            clarification if wrong.               company is in a special position     from Google says the industry is
                   speech. And now it appears               The most relevant field for       to take advantage.                   still years, if not decades, away
                   that machines are beginning to       developing voice recognition is         For voice recognition, Google     from seamless voice recogni-
                   find their voice, so to speak,        computational linguistics,           has collected voice samples –        tion on the mobile phone. But
                   with voice control poised to         which marries linguistics with       the data – from Android’s            that doesn’t mean the systems
                   become the latest paradigm-          data-driven processing. Reflect-      speech-recognition system,           will get much better very fast in
                   shifting innovation in computer      ing this dual focus, models may      Google Voice’s e-mail transcrip-     the next decade.
                   interaction, after the mouse         be “knowledge-based” with            tion service and the now de-
                   and touchscreens.                    written linguistic rules or “data-   funct information service            Where does this
                      The hottest buzz surrounds        driven.” These two approaches        Goog, among other sources.        conversation go from here?
                   Siri, the voice-recognition sys-     have often been in conflict,             In both the Apple and             The real power of voice recog-
                   tem included in iOS, the latest     though the gap between them          Google voice-recognition             nition may not be in our mobile
                   version of Apple’s mobile oper-      has closed in recent decades. It     systems, most of the comput-         phones, but in applications in
                   ating system, as well as similar     turns out there are too many         ing is done not on the user’s        everything from our TVs to our
                   efforts from Google in Android-       possible sounds in human             phone but on the Apple or            cars, especially if systems like
                   powered phones.                      speech for a computer to un-         Google servers. With Apple’s Siri    Siri become able to interact
                                                        derstand using only linguistic       system, the voice command is         with third-party apps with
                   Just hard work                       rules – the data is needed, too.     recorded, compressed and sent        artificial intelligence capabilities
                   Scientists have worked on voice          Computational linguistics is     back to Apple’s servers, which       of their own.
                   recognition and natural-language     used in a wide array of products     process the request and return          Norman Winarsky, the
                   processing for more than five         besides voice recognition,           a text answer for the phone to       cofounder of Siri, said in Tech-
                   decades, with voice-recognition      including text-to-speech             “read” to the user.                  nology Review in October
                   technology included in some          synthesizers, automated voice-          For all this, current voice-      : “It’s clear that it would be
                   computers since the early s.     response systems, web search         recognition systems are far          technically possible to integrate
                   So it is not hard to do, but it is   engines, text editors and lan-       from perfect.                        any web service into Siri; you
                   extremely hard to do right.          guage instruction materials.            Both Siri and the Google sys-     can put a Siri front end in front
                      A good system must recognize                                           tem often fail to register slang     of anything.”
                   the context of a question, includ-   Talking about big data               and regional accents, and they          And almost to prove him
                   ing follow-up questions that refer   In recent years, both Google         depend on both external serv-        true, within weeks of its Apple
                   to an original question but make     and Apple have made great            ers and sometimes unreliable         debut, Siri had been hacked to

18 • EBR #1 2012
technology report

                                                                                                                          Technology at
                                                                                                                          your fingertips
                                                                                                                          ▶ For more on technology,

ARD THINKING PHONES                                                                                                       Ericsson Business Review
                                                                                                                          has a partner journal
                                                                                                                          designed to encourage dis-
                                                                                                                          cussion on a wide range of
                                                                                                                          R&D topics and innovative
                                                                                                                          solutions. Written by em-
                                                                                                                          ployees since 1924, Ericsson
                                            What’s the killer app?                                                        Review is now available as
                                                                                                                          an app for Android tablets
                                            Your voice.                                                                   in the Android Market, and
                                                                                                                          for iPad through the App
                                            ▶ In , Steve Jobs stood before the crowd at MacWorld and                  Store. To download the app,
                                                                                                                          go to the Ericsson Review
                                            introduced the iPhone for the first time. And what did he think
                                            was its most revolutionary function? The touch screen? The in-                and select the link for your
                                            tegration with iTunes?                                                        device.
                                               “What’s the killer app?” he asked. “The killer app is making
                                            calls! It’s amazing how hard it is to make calls on most phones.”
                                               And he was right, maybe more than he knew at the time.
  allow people to start certain cars        Voice is the gold standard for communication (video too, but
  with voice commands.                      only when it includes voice). Humans love to talk. They always
     Google already offers voice             have, and they always will.
  commands for searching on                    Sure, many voice minutes are going “over the top.” But people
  Google TV, and earlier this year it       are still going to talk, in both old and new channels, and they
  introduced Android@Home, a                will likely always value voice higher than data apps. Plus, at least
                                            for now, many, if not most, consumers seem to value the inter-                Smartphone
  framework for controlling light                                                                                         signaling storm
  switches, alarm clocks and other          operability and reliability that comes with their phone number
  home appliances through An-               and carrier billing.                                                          a growing
  droid-powered devices using voice
                                            But that is just the beginning, and the most conservative                     ▶ NTT DOCOMO and
  as well as other means of input.                                                                                        Verizon Wireless have
     Apart from Google and Apple,           guess at the future of voice. With Siri in the new iPhone, we                 suffered several network
  the most promising develop-               have seen voice recognition hit the mainstream. And even if                   outages caused by the
  ments have come from Microsoft            most iPhone owners are not chatting with their phones just yet,               signaling behavior of
                                            many are at least thinking about voice commands. Think of the                 modern smartphones.
  and Nuance, with its Dragon                                                                                             According to Nikkei News,
  products. Microsoft’s Kinect con-         possibilities as we expand the realm of voice communication
                                                                                                                          this has caused DOCOMO
  troller for the Xbox now features         from human-to-human to human-to-machine (and vice versa).                     to demand that Google
  a voice-activated system that lets           Soon every context that can support voice will support                     rein in the signaling and
                                            voice. You’ve got voice in cars, voice on medical equipment                   data loads imposed by
  users speak directly to the Kinect
                                            and voice on production lines. With the advent of HTML, you                  Android. In particular, the
  console to search for music,                                                                                            problem is the way devices
  games, movies and TV shows.               could soon have one-click voice services on every website out                 are transmitting control
  Plus, the automaker Ford has in-          there, which opens up a so-far unexplored range of communi-                   signals to the network
  stalled a Microsoft Sync voice-           cation possibilities.                                                         and pinging the servers
                                               All these voice services will need developing and organizing,              automatically to support
  recognition system in even its                                                                                          constantly updating apps.
  cheapest models.                          and the answers may not always fit the wishes of the telecom
                                            industry. Plus, someone needs to find a business model that ac-
  What is Siri?                             tually makes money, as “freemium” is far from a sure thing.                   Shopping sites
  Siri has a distinguished pedigree.                                                                                      slow to load
  It started in  as CALO (Cog-                                                                                        ▶ It takes an average of
                                                                                                                          10 seconds to load a retail
  nitive Assistant that Learns and        In  Siri was acquired by              No machine has ever defini-            website, according to a
  Organizes), a project funded by       Apple, which removed the inde-           tively passed the Turing test, and       study by Strangeloop Net-
  the Defense Advanced Research         pendent Siri app from the market         neither Siri nor its Android coun-       works. The 2,000 retail sites
  Projects Agency (DARPA), an           and introduced it exclusively in         terparts are close, though their         tested were from Amazon’s
                                                                                                                          Alexa list of top sites. The
  agency of the US Department of        the iPhone S, which was un-             increased “natural language”             speed-testing tool used
  Defense. According to its web-        veiled the day before Apple              functionality seemingly brings           in the test added delays
  site, DARPA’s mission is to “pre-     founder and CEO Steve Jobs died.         them closer than any other mass-         called latency to round-trip
  vent technological surprise to the                                             market product.                          communications to better
  US, but also to create technologi-    Will phones think like us?               The most successful example of           simulate how consumers
                                                                                                                          several steps removed
  cal surprise for its enemies.” The    Many people consider the defini-          artificial intelligence has been the      from a website see it. The
  agency has played a central role      tive test of artificial intelligence to   IBM supercomputer Watson,                study shows that web-
  in the development of computer        be the “Turing test,” proposed in        which beat two human contest-            pages are becoming more
  networking, including creating         by English computer scien-          ants on the TV quiz show Jeop-           complex at the same time
                                                                                                                          as economization measu-
  the predecessor to the internet.      tist Alan Turing.                        ardy! in the US in . ●               res and browser speed are

                                                                                                                                          EBR #1 2012 • 19
20 • EBR #1 2012
Beyond educational technology «« Connected learning «« THEME

         Connected learning – theme in short
         ▶ As education reinvents itself, new opportunities for growth abound.
         ▶ Technology makes it possible to bridge educational gaps on all levels of society,
         and globally. ▶ The market for education is set to grow, primarily by diversification.

         CONCLUSION ▶ Broadband, computers and mobile devices are key enablers in
         the creation of a whole new market for education. ▶ Network operators can choose
         from a range of different roles in the new value chains, even becoming schools
         themselves – or they can remain bitpipe providers.

         tools of
         – soon at a museum near you
          Technology represents a provocation to
          schools’ traditional ways of working. But
          investigating its role in tech-savvy schools
          clearly shows that, by building on two
          fundamental human needs – communication
          and curiosity – technology can be used to
          broaden students’ horizons.

PHOTOS   Jann Lipka
                                                                                                  EBR #1 2012 • 21
THEME »» Connected learning »» Beyond educational technology

                            The school of the future will require hybrid forms of
                            connectivity, including wireless, fixed and mobile broad-
                            band, to meet the need for flexible but reliable high-speed
                            internet access.

                                     Y COMBINING the results of expert inter-     mobile phones as flexible multipurpose tools –
     ▶ Jon Eddy Abdullah:            views, literature searches, and ethno-       mostly for recording information and communicat-
     “The real question              graphic case studies carried out in five     ing, but also for listening to music while working.
                            schools (for students aged four to ) in Stock-         During interviews with teachers, we were told
     is: what’s next? In    holm, Chicago, and Hong Kong, Ericsson Con-           that the touchscreens on mobile phones were too
     this industry we       sumerLab’s Future School project is providing im-     small to write on. However, we later observed stu-
     have spent years       portant insights into tomorrow’s education.           dents using digital pens to “write” on their tablet
                               Schools have always been a reflection of the so-   and laptop screens. Older students may favor key-
     trying to get mobile
                            cieties in which they operate. In agrarian socie-     boards, but younger ones often use pen and
     handsets into the      ties, which tended to be small, homogeneous and       screen instead of pen and paper.
     hands of people.       socially cohesive, the model was one village, one        Whether the school of the future uses laptops,
     We’re almost there     school, one teacher. Later, the birth of the indus-   tablets, mobile phones or something in between,
                            trial society led to the emergence of the factory-    the future will demand individualized, mobile,
     with 100 percent       model school, with clocks, scheduled lessons,         easy-to-use devices. Having said that, it is inter-
     coverage in many       standardized tests and national curriculums. To-      esting to see that several schools are also making
     countries. Some        day, with the rise of the Networked Society,          great use of interactive whiteboards. Like an
     people might think     schools are changing yet again, this time in re-      analog whiteboard, an interactive whiteboard is
                            sponse to the process of modernization and in-        a fixed device, but it can support – like a moth-
     it’s game over for     dividualization – a trend that network theorist       er screen – interaction with each student’s com-
     telecoms – but it’s    Andreas Wittel at Nottingham Trent University         puter. Some experts view these devices only as a
     not. We can help       in the UK calls network sociality. This develop-      stepping-stone on the road to a classroom that
                            ment is based on an individualization that is         has no fixed devices at all, while others recognize
     other industries to
                            deeply embedded in new technology – an infor-         the potential of interactive whiteboards for sup-
     use this technology    mation-focused, ephemeral but intense way of          porting both individual and collaborative work.
     for good.”             living, characterized by an assimilation of work
                            and play.                                             WORKSPACE
                               What will schools be like in the Networked So-     In the new ict environment, where mobile de-
                            ciety? To understand the ongoing paradigm shift       vices are more common, a classroom filled with
                            in education, the Future School project identified    rows of individual desks no longer fulfills any pur-
                            the following six key areas of change...              pose. Students carry their mobile work tools
                                                                                  around throughout the day. Several of the schools
                            WORK TOOLS                                            studied in the project have broken down walls to
     ▶ Bill Clinton:        Today, : programs, in which every student and       make large rooms with plenty of lightweight,
     “The great genius of   every teacher has a computer, have become the         movable desks and chairs that can be rearranged
                            model for progressive schools that focus on inte-     to suit the needs of each class or group of stu-
     the network is that
                            grating ICT into education. Often, students have      dents. Students can work in “islands of learning”
     it is a continuously   their own laptops to use both at school and at        in large rooms, creating flexible classrooms that
     evolving exper-        home. However, in schools that are underfund-         enhance collaboration.
     iment. And as long     ed or are located in economically disadvantaged         Breaking down walls is one way for schools
                            neighborhoods, : programs can also consist of       with old architectural structures to redefine their
     as our goal is to      mobile carts with laptops that students loan for      classrooms. Schools that are renovating or build-
     do things smarter,     a specific class or throughout the day.               ing new premises are better able to adapt their
     cheaper and better,       The : model is not restricted to laptops.        architecture to include new technology and new
     we don’t have to be    Schools now increasingly favor tablets, especial-     pedagogical methods. Two of the five schools in
                            ly for use by younger students who find the app-      the study are currently renovating by building
     afraid of not having   based devices easier to handle.                       rooms of various sizes with movable furniture.
     all the answers.          Even though the mobile phone has been pro-           Work space includes not only physical but also
     We don’t have to       claimed the epitome of modern society, the            virtual space, extending the classroom through
                            Future School project has not discovered much         the use of e-mail, Facebook, Skype, Google Docs
     be afraid of trying
                            support for mobile phones in education, at least      document-sharing software, OneNote planning
     something that         not in formal educational activities. However, in-    and note-taking software, Prezi presentation soft-
     doesn’t work.”         formally, students and teachers frequently use        ware, and many other open or closed forms of

22 • EBR #1 2012
Beyond educational technology «« Connected learning «« THEME

                                                                                                               ▶ Hans Vestberg:

                                                                                                               “The ICT industry
software that allow students to do schoolwork         meeting the school’s needs. The answer was               has now reached
without being restricted to the physical class-       found in students’ informal internet use. In our         a point where
room. With connectivity, schools start to inter-      observations of students between classes, we saw         it’s possible to
act and learn from each another. Classes in dif-      their informal use of devices and the internet.
ferent countries are using Skype to communicate       The total number of devices connected to the             bring education
with each other and take virtual tours of each oth-   school’s wireless system was not equal to the            and learning
er’s schools. Teachers are using blogs and social     number of devices owned by the school – not by           opportunities to all,
media to exchange ideas and lecture materials,        a long shot. Most students had smartphones,
driving forth new pedagogical ideals.                 which they had connected to the school’s Wi-Fi
                                                                                                               no matter where
   Virtual schools can and will be a great comple-    network. Some also carried personal tablets.             they are. It’s time
ment to physical schools, especially in areas           The school of the future will require hybrid           to act to close the
where students and teachers must travel long dis-     forms of connectivity, including wireless, fixed         education gap.”
tances to school, or when individual disabilities     and mobile broadband, to meet the need for flex-
make participation in physical schools difficult.     ible but reliable high-speed internet access. And
However, the physical school with eye-to-eye          that connectivity will be required not only in
communication is still the norm. But in a socie-      schools, but also when students are on the way
ty with omnipresent connectivity, the focus           to and from school, in locations such as the li-
should not be on whether to work online or of-        brary and even at home, in districts where they            video to
fline, but rather on using the best work tool and     would otherwise be unlikely to have internet
space for the specific task and situation at hand.    access at home.                                            reinvent
                                                                                                                 ▶ The Khan Academy,
The schools of the future will rely heavily on con-   New technology represents a challenge to schools’
                                                                                                                 based in Mountain View,
nectivity. As computers are used more frequent-       traditional ways of working. As the work tools             California, started out in
ly, additional control mechanisms, backups and        used in schools change, the ways of working are            2006 by teaching math
filters will be necessary. Teachers will use ict to   also changing.                                             online for free through
manage, observe, coach, protect and evaluate stu-        With increased connectivity, information is             simple conversational-
dents. Without stable, high-speed connectivity,       available anywhere, anytime. This raises ques-             style YouTube videos. The
many of these tasks will fail. The schools studied    tions about the future of textbooks. Although              company was able to ex-
in the Future School project are building heavily     textbooks (both analog and digital) are still being        pand after receiving sig-
                                                                                                                 nificant donations, and
on wireless systems, but also using fixed broad-      used in the schools studied in the Future School
                                                                                                                 now it has grown with
band for components such as printers and serv-        project, extensive amounts of schoolwork and               the addition of features
ers to reduce the load on the Wi-Fi network. One      lecturing are taking place without them. Text-             such as exercises that test
school in Chicago has also begun looking at mo-       books only represent one collected interpreta-             students’ understanding
bile broadband as a complement to Wi-Fi.              tion and presentation of a subject. If students are        of the videos and track
   Even in the tech-savvy schools studied in the      not satisfied with the explanation – or lack of ex-        their progress with met-
project, connectivity is lost from time to time,      planation – provided in a particular textbook,             rics. The focus is primarily
forcing teachers to improvise and always have an      they use Google to search for another perspec-             on math, but topics rang-
analog backup plan. All the schools in the study      tive on the topic.                                         ing from algebra, calculus
                                                                                                                 and economics to history
reported problems with “dead spaces” and lagging         All the schools in the study are moving away
                                                                                                                 and preparation for
Wi-Fi connectivity when large groups of students      from the idea that all students should do one spe-         standardized assessment
moved from one end of the school to another.          cific thing at one particular time in one place.           tests are included.
   A sometimes unreliable Wi-Fi network is not        Project-based learning seems to be the way of the             Teachers or coaches
the only problem being encountered by these           future. Like many adults working in projects, stu-         can monitor student pro-
schools. In several of the schools studied, we have   dents are learning how to divide and take respon-          gress in groups, and stu-
also seen that school administrators do not have      sibility for different parts of their projects. In one     dents can earn badges to
a clear understanding of students’ media habits.      Chicago school, the students appointed project             keep their interest up. The
                                                                                                                 idea is that teachers inter-
For example, in one school, administrators were       managers and gave them the mandate to fire team
                                                                                                                 vene only when a student
trying to figure out why their modern Wi-Fi sys-      members who did not do their jobs. Promoting               gets stuck; ideally, they
tem was not up to scratch. Their calculations were    leadership skills through project-based learning           are only needed as cor-
accurate – they knew how many connected de-           is meant to prepare students for future work at            rective influences.
vices the school owned – yet the network wasn’t       the management level.
                                                                                                                                      EBR #1 2012 • 23
THEME »» Connected learning »» Beyond educational technology

                                              Looking at these schools, it is evident that an ICT revo-
                                              lution in a school is never the end; it is the beginning of
                                              a continuous evolution.

                                                      Working in projects redefines the concept            Through the use of ict, parents are also gain-
                                              of a class of students. When most work and                ing greater opportunities for involvement in their
                                              socializing takes place in project groups instead         children’s education. Technology is making
                                              of classes, the class exists only for administrative      schools more transparent, offering new ways for
                                              purposes.                                                 parents to keep track of their children’s perfor-
                                                 In projects, students need to work both indi-          mance at school and to establish direct contact
                                              vidually and in groups. Despite extensive fears           with teachers and school administrators. Teach-
                                              that the : model risked isolating students, the         ers do not always welcome this development, since
                                              schools and experts in the study now say that mo-         it places greater demands on their shoulders.
                                              bile digital tools actually promote both individ-
                                              ual and collaborative work. As Stephen Heppell,           SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE  AND GAMES
                                              Professor of New Media Environments at the                Schools are facing new challenges in their mis-
                                              Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at                sion to prepare students for their working lives.
                                              Bournemouth University in the uk, put it when             With the rise of the Networked Society, we are
                                              we interviewed him: “With the : model, we see           seeing changes in the skills demanded from young
                                              that kids are doing it together. Who would have           people. Basic skills such as reading, writing and
                                              thought that personal computers could be a great          arithmetic will always be important. But integrat-
                                              collaboration tool?”                                      ed technology is creating the need for new, st-
     ▶ Sir Harold Kroto:                                                                                century skills, such as information and ict liter-
                                              NEW ROLES FOR TEACHERS                                    acy; communication; collaboration; and critical
     “The internet is the                     Teachers will clearly continue to play a central          and analytical thinking.
     most remarkable                          role in students’ learning process. However, with            A school that has access to almost unlimited
     innovation since                         new tools and changed ways of working, a new              information must teach students how to search
     the invention of                         role for teachers is emerging. Teachers will have         for relevant, trustworthy material and how to an-
                                              to accept being more of a “guide by the side” in-         alyze and understand information in different
     the printing press.                      stead of a “sage on the stage.”                           contexts. The focus in education is shifting from
     We need to use                              This does not mean that students are left to           rote memorization and worksheets to collabora-
     this technology to                       learn entirely by themselves. On the contrary, the        tion and content creation.
                                              teacher is more important than ever – not as an              Laptops and other devices provide students
     unlock the creative
                                              all-knowing deity, but rather as an instructor or         with access to global information, collaborative
     potential of every                       coach whose wisdom goes beyond mere textbook              tools, and creative applications that enable them
     kid on the planet                        facts, expanding into the realm of everyday life          to create their own content. Projectors and inter-
     and to inject the                        and including the use of Facebook and Skype.              active whiteboards are used for collaboration and
                                              Several teachers we met had set up teacher pro-           presentations. What’s important is not only
     ideas of every                           files on Facebook as an additional way to com-            knowing all the right answers, but also under-
     brilliant teacher                        municate with their students – meeting the stu-           standing how to formulate and present the best
     into every school.”                      dents where they were, using their preferred tools.       questions.

         South Koreans launch mobile school                                                            T Smart Learning allows
                                                                                                    parents to check on and
                                                                                                                                    books, and allows users
                                                                                                                                    to buy each chapter
         ▶ South Korean operator         education companies and      and learning style. It also   assist with their children’s    separately.
         SK Telecom’s T Smart            groups, including the Ko-    provides constant motiva-     learning progress. It is also      SK Telecom will pro-
         Learning is a tablet-based      rean Federation of Teach-    tion for the student          expected to contribute to       mote the South Korean
         education platform for in-      ers’ Association.            through diverse measures      reducing household              government’s policy initi-
         teractive learning. An on-         Designed to support       including text messages.      spending on education.          ative on smart learning by
         line support community          classroom coursework,        The platform includes         Its online content store,       actively cooperating in
         enables students to share       T Smart Learning suggests    support tools such as a       called Library, offers a        the development of digi-
         study tips via a knowl-         a customized study sched-    dictionary, vocabulary        wide variety of electronic      tal textbooks, new after-
         edge-sharing system.            ule, tips and learning ma-   boxes, review notes, smart    study materials at prices       school programs and a
            For this project, SK Tele-   terials that reflect each    notes, and educational        30 to 40 percent lower          smart learning system for
         com is partnering with 12       student’s academic level     games.                        than those of printed           students with disabilities.

24 • EBR #1 2012
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ICT And Future Education

  • 2. Together, Telcordia and Ericsson can help you realize value through unparalleled efficiency and customer experience with the industry’s foremost capability in operations and business support systems. Because perfect moments begin with an outstanding experience.
  • 3.
  • 4. contents Ericsson ERICSSON BUSINESS REVIEW [9] Editorial: It’s old school, really is Ericsson’s global business magazine, focusing on thought Connected learning has the potential to take education back to original values. Socrates would leadership and providing a most likely have approved. long-term perspective on business strategies in telecommunications. [10] Cover story: Building a better India The magazine is distributed to Sam Pitroda, the man behind India’s communications revolution, believes that India must readers in more than 130 countries. build its own technological ecosystems based on holistic, sustainable, Gandhian values that ADDRESS originate from rural realities. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, SE-164 83, Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 719 00 00 [20] THEME: The tools of education – soon at a museum near you Ericsson ConsumerLab’s Future School project is providing important insights into the ADDRESS CHANGES education of tomorrow. Strömberg Distribution AB, E-mail: [27] THEME: We define innovation too narrowly PUBLISHER Ken Banks, creator of the nonprofit mobile service FrontlineSMS, says development issues Patrik Regårdh such as education require us to start with the problem, not the technology. EDITORIAL COUNCIL Patrik Regårdh, Ulrika Bergström, [29] THEME: Can technology eliminate teachers? Susanna Bävertoft, Erik Kruse, Professor Sugata Mitra’s approach is to create a self−organizing learning environment. Dag Helmfrid EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [30] THEME: Don’t rely too much on technology Mats Thorén Professor Richard Fletcher believes nothing will ever replace human storytelling as the most effective and popular means of educating people. DEPUTY EDITOR Nathan Hegedus [33] THEME: Reinventing corporate learning Ericsson shares its own experiences of creating a new kind of corporate learning. ART DIRECTOR Jan Sturestig [38] Smart−grid communications: enabling next−generation energy networks EDITORIAL OFFICE This involves more than just a simple bolt−on to the existing power grid. JG Communication, [42] Content discontents: cultural protection in an internet world COVER PHOTO The regulation of audiovisual services is becoming more complex as some states begin to Chris Maluszynski recognize “the cultural exception.” CHIEF SUBEDITOR Birgitte van den Muyzenberg [45] How to get paid twice for everything you do, part 3: SUBEDITORS Innovation management Michael Costello, Teslin Seale, Successful innovation management is primarily about recognizing and understanding Paul Eade, Robert Naylor, effective routines and facilitating their emergence across the organization. Lindsay Holmwood, Ian Nicholson GRAPHS [51] An action plan to embrace the digitization of creativity in Claes Göran Andersson the digital single market PRINTER The European Commission needs to address some of the fundamental barriers preventing VTT Grafiska, Vimmerby 2012 member states from reaping and sharing productivity and creativity gains. VOLUME [55] Don’t be fooled by the green lights – become service−aware 17, Issue 1, 2012 Ensuring service quality isn’t as straightforward as it may appear. Customer experiences ISSN now depend on the performance of multiple systems within the operator’s architecture. 1653-9486 COPYRIGHT [58] What is TV these days? And do consumers really care? Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Understanding the multifaceted nature of TV is crucial to all players in the market. [62] OPINION: You’re not as clever as you think ERICSSON BUSINESS REVIEW was awarded Innovation is hard and most of us, if we are honest, are not very good at it. The worry is that Best Business-to- Business publication in the internet age, things might be getting worse, not better. 2010 by The Swedish Association of Custom Publishers (SACP) [64] EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES 4 • EBR #1 2012
  • 5. Jann Lipka PHOTO [20–35] THEME The old school – ready for the museum gallery ▶ BL ACKBOARD, CHALK AND SL ATES are already becoming we are already in a situation where education does not always museum pieces. Soon, textbooks might follow. Technology need schools; it can take place anywhere, anytime. is playing a key role in a radical transformation of education This issue’s theme examines the roles of the teacher, of tra− – and a fierce debate is ongoing about whether this is a good ditional learning institutions of the teacher, and of corporate thing or not. Is new technology being used wisely? Is it be− learning – all from the perspective of what new opportunities ing used to cut costs, or to improve quality? The fact is that technology might bring. EBR #1 2012 • 5
  • 6. The big picture Enigma THE ENIGMA OF MACHINE INTELLIGENCE LO-TECH HI-TECH COMMUNICATION During World War II, German communications were encrypted on the Enigma cipher machine, which has now gained cult status. While original models fetch very high prices at auctions, there is also a healthy market for replicas and online simulators. The one pictured here is a three-rotor model made around 1937, and is still in working order. When sold by Rau Antiques in 2010, the asking price was USD 112,500. As the moving rotors and wheels in the Enigma produced ever-changing alphabetic substitutions, the secret codes were supposed to be unbreakable, even by someone in possession of the machine. Breaking the codes or ciphers did present a formidable challenge. In fact, they had to be broken afresh over and over again. The results of these efforts laid the groundwork for modern computing and artificial intelligence. The British mathematician and cryptanalyst Alan Turing was recruited to work at Bletchley Park, Britain’s code-breaking center, devising techniques for breaking German ciphers. It is now widely accepted that Turing was the father of theoretical and practical computing, although he died in 1954 – just as developments in the field of computing were getting underway. After the war, he talked about the prospect of a machine “learning” and even “building a brain.” He wrote algorithms for chess-playing programs and regarded these as examples of what computers might eventually be able to do. In his 1946 report on the new opportunities that computers represented, he made his first reference to machine “intelligence” in connection with chess. ● 6 • EBR #1 2012
  • 7. EBR #1 2012 • 7
  • 8. details JUST ONE “At this point, the iPhone is like a drug, and the carriers are hooked. QUESTION The question isn’t whether it’s worth it. It’s whether they can get by without it.” CRAIG MOFFETT, ANALYST AT SANFORD C. BERNSTEIN, TO CNET. … to Samson Isa, Head Control of personal of Value Added Services for Globacom Nigeria. ▶ Have African ? telecom companies become more innovative than their counterparts in environments more developed markets? ▶ WristQue is a proto- Part of the Massachusetts three simple In terms of technolo- ! gy, Africa remains type wristband contain- Institute of Technology’s buttons: two dependent on more devel- ing a processor; sensors MediaLab responsive en- to control tem- oped countries. However, for temperature, humidi- vironments research, the perature, and a there has been some real ty and light; and an ultra- project is intended to cre- third offering the innovation in value-added wideband radio used for ate a practical way for ability to interact with services like M-PESA communicating with people to communicate multiple electronic devic- (mobile money transfer) in Kenya and specifically in home automation sys- with smart sensors in- es (computers, projec- interactive voice response tems as well as pinpoint- stalled in a building. The tors, TVs) using gestures. (IVR), which gets informa- ing the wearer’s location. wristband includes just New Scientist. ● tion to customers in the languages they understand and encourages rural telephony/penetration. And we have seen NOW READ THIS! development in applica- tions. We’ve seen collabo- M MOBILE INTERFACE THEORY: EMBODIED SPACE AND LOCATIVE MEDIA BY JASON FARMAN, ration between original equipment manufacturers, ROUTLEDGE, . R The mass adoption of mobile devices – from smartphones to tablets operators and local devel- to whatever comes next – is changing users’ very sense of self, as virtual space and t opers to work on apps that material space continually enhance, cooperate and disrupt each other. m locals in Nigeria and West ▶ BODIES, SPACE AND CULTURE. The author, an assistant professor at the University of Mary- Africa can use, such as tra- land in the US, argues that we are using mobile media in a transformative way. The pervasive com- ditional African games or puting model behind mobile devices allows people to connect across a range of locations, and this localized “Western” prod- has changed the ways we “produce lived, embodied spaces.” In the book, Farman explores a range ucts for the African market. of mobile practices, including storytelling projects, mobile maps and GPS technologies, as well as However, in general, location-aware social networks, among many others. African operators remain caught in a trap of short FIWI ACCESS NETWORKS BY MARTIN MAIER AND NAVID GHAZISAIDI, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, . life cycles, rising costs and Could the development of bimodal fiber−wireless− (FiWi) access networks be the low average revenues per user because of prevailing endgame of broadband−access evolution? Here is an overview of the network that low disposable income may change everything. and, sadly, low investment ▶ INTEGRATION CHALLENGE. Many researchers think that future broadband-access networks in R&D. The telecom indus- w be bimodal, merging the strengths of both optical and wireless technologies. In one scenario, an will try in Africa also lacks o optical-fiber network could provide a broadband connection to antenna base stations, which then strong organizations, such w wirelessly transmit signals to customers. The authors of this book – one of, if not the first on FiWi – as telecom unions, and this e explore the main technologies involved, describing both state-of-the-art fiber-access networks and weakness can often make the latest developments in wireless-access networks, including Gigabit WiMAX and LTE, and also examine recent ad- operators parochial and vances such as network coding. less likely to take a long- term view of how to devel- THINKING, FAST AND SLOW BY DANIEL KAHNEMAN, FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX, . One of the op both their networks and leading psychologists of our age and a Nobel Prize winner in economics continues to their services. challenge the rational model of judgment and decision−making, which carries It is going to be very dif- special relevance with regard to corporate strategies. ficult to break this cycle of ▶ FAST VERSUS SLOW. Kahneman argues that we have two modes of thought: one is fast and high costs and low profits. emotional while the other is slower and more logical. The ways these two modes work together, There needs to be a para- and against each other, determine much of our decision-making, including the impact of loss aver- digm shift that includes sion and overconfidence on corporate strategies. The influential computer scientist Jaron Lanier foreign investment, which says about the book: “Before computer networking got cheap and ubiquitous, the sheer inefficiency of communica- will help transfer skills to African operators and spur tion dampened the effects of the quirks of human psychology on macro-scale events. No more.” more R&D. 8 • EBR #1 2012
  • 9. editorial EDITORINCHIEF It’s old school, really ▶ “I CANNOT TEACH ANYBODY ANYTHING. I CAN ONLY MAKE THEM THINK,” is a quote iStock Photos often attributed to Socrates. Forget school as you know it. It’s quite apparent that the internet, computers and mobile devices are already changing the way education is organized and Fabrics of the future: carried out. Why must a school be a place that you go to at certain times? To people like me, who quite frankly hated school, this is good news. But more the new touchscreen to the point, technological advancement represents a welcome opportunity to bring education back to its origins and founding values. ▶ SMART FABRICS that behave like the touchscreens on mobile phones are being developed at the Polytechnique Radical teachers have always emphasized the importance of fostering critical Montréal technical school in Montréal, Canada. These thinking in education. The oldest and still the most powerful teaching method is fabrics can be used to control items such as music players Socratic teaching, which focuses on giving pupils questions rather than answers. and to adjust temperature. BMW already has plans to And that is why we, in this issue, have dared to address some of the big ques- install touchscreen fabric in future car models. The fabric tions about education – such as those concerning its ultimate purpose and ob- is made from a soft polymer-based fiber that can be woven and is easy to clean. Its electrical properties jectives. Unless you can answer these questions, it doesn’t matter what kind of change depending on where it is touched. Finger touches technology you throw into the mix. or swipes can modify the capacitance of the fabric, and software can pinpoint and log exactly where it is IN SOCRATES’ TIME, SCHOOLS DIDN’T EVEN EXIST. Now, as connectivity brings peo- touched. (New Scientist) ● ple and knowledge together in an unprecedented way, we have a unique oppor- tunity to go back to the drawing board. How should learners and learning insti- FBI to monitor tutions change? This is a challenge that cuts across many traditional industrial iStock Photos and societal borders, and concerns policy-makers and social as well as business social networks innovators everywhere. The Networked Society Forum, hosted by Ericsson, recently brought togeth- ▶ THE US FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation (FBI) plans er thought leaders, scholars and leading practitioners for a bout of inspiring to continuously monitor keywords relating to terror- panel conversations aimed at reimagining education, learning and schools for the global output of Face- ism, surveillance opera- the present generation and beyond. Our theme, “Connected learning,” was in- book, Twitter and other so- tions, online crime and spired by their discussions. cial networks. Plans show other topics of interest to Another dose of Socratic questioning is served up by evolutionist Mark Pagel. that the bureau wants a the FBI. Agents would be From an evolutionary perspective, copying – also known as culture – has been system that is able to auto- alerted if the searches pro- a decisive advantage for humankind. On the Opinion page, though, he wonders matically search “publicly duced evidence of “break- what happens to innovation when the internet takes copying to a whole new available” material from ing events, incidents, and level. Facebook, Twitter and emerging threats.” other social media sites for (New Scientist) ● IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEARN TO BE INNOVATIVE? In his third and concluding article in our series on managing innovation, Göran Roos puts forward his ideas on how companies can create structures that capture new ideas and methods. Single interface for Two articles remind us that borders still matter: one about cultural protec- tion in an internet world; and the other about the need for a business users Magna Carta for digital content. It makes a lot of sense to tear down market barriers, but policy-makers still need ▶ AT&T has launched a cloud-based unified convincing. communications (UC) service, offering enterprises the Knowing what’s going on in your network used to be ability to integrate chat, e-mail, voice over IP calls and audio and video meetings simple. Not anymore. Our increasingly complex digital over desktops and mobile devices. media behavior makes it necessary to develop advanced AT&T UC Services consists of UC methodology aimed at making networks “service aware.” Central and UC Voice. UC Central The Socratic question embedded here is really “what is will give a business a single quality?” as outlined in the article “Don’t be fooled by user communications interface for both mobile and desktop the green lights.” The complexity of the answer is a true computers, while UC Voice will blessing in disguise for network operators. ● offer IP telephony from an AT&T iStock Photos cloud that can be used alone or with UC Central. ● MATS THORÉN, EDITORIN CHIEF
  • 10. cover story Sam Pitroda Basic facts NAME Satyanarayan (Sam) Gangaram Pitroda TITLE Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations EMPLOYER Government of India AGE 69 HEADQUARTERS New Delhi and Chicago 10 • EBR #1 2012
  • 11. Building a better India Western development models are not sustainable, scalable or desirable, says Sam Pitroda, a top Indian government adviser and the father of the Indian telecom revolution. Instead, he says the answers to India’s challenges lie in the “Gandhian model” of development. TEXT Nathan Hegedus PHOTOS Chris Maluszynski EBR #1 2012 • 11
  • 12. Pitroda on… Indian versus Chinese development Culturally, the two countries are very different. India is going to focus on democratizing information. India is going to focus on young talent. The Indian innovation model is very different. AM PITRODA is the man who brought life cycles of Sam Pitroda” as if he were one of in the family had died. S telephones to rural India, essentially connecting India to itself. Today, at the age of , this son of a carpen- the groundbraking digital switches that he once developed as a young immigrant in Chicago. “So we knew that he was ‘part of the fami- ly.’ He taught us… Make sure you do the right things. So a sense of sacrifice, love for every- ter remains tirelessly true to a vision deeply body, truth, simplicity: all these things are em- rooted in his familys devotion to Gandhi. As PHASE ONE: STARTING OUT bedded in me, in my lifestyle.” influential as ever in India civic life, Pitroda One of eight children, Pitroda was born and But there is another side to Pitroda: the preaches that India must drive its own open- raised in Titilagarh in the state of Orissa, a deep- American side. source tech revolution, one based on sustain- ly poor town with no running water or electric- In , inspired by the romanticism in us able and rural-based values. In its latest form, ity and certainly no telephones. His father, an President John F. Kennedy’s speech about put- he describes it as thedemocratization of in- immigrant from the faraway state of Gujarat, ting a man on the moon, Pitroda – newly grad- formation through connectivity. was a small-time lumber dealer with a drive for uated with an MSc in Physics and Electronics “We are a nation of over a billion people and his children to become something more. – boarded a boat, the start of a long journey we cannot afford to follow a short-term mod- “In those days, he used to sell nails to the away from India and to the us. el meant for a population of less than  mil- British,” Pitroda says. “But he couldn’t speak It was in the us that Pitroda made his first lion people,” Pitroda said at a recent confer- English. So he felt inferior to them. He said, phone call, home to India, and it was in the us ence on Gandhi and connectivity. when his children grew up, that he wanted that he got a degree in electrical engineering. But Pitroda is not simply a visionary tech- them to speak English.” He found a niche in telecom in Chicago, work- nocrat grounded in Gandhian philosophy. He And then there was Mahatma Gandhi – a ing with digital switching for the US telecom is also a gifted electrical engineer with more fellow Gujarati and a central figure for both company gte. Later, after his father told him than  patents to his name. Even now, talk- India and the Pitroda family. he was too young to get into the habit of work- ing to Ericsson Business Review, he sits up “When I was growing up, Gandhi was al- ing for other people, he started his own com- straight and says with a says with a spreading ways in our midst,” Pitroda says. “I still remem- pany with two partners. smile that he can most certainly “still do the ber when I was a little kid, six years old, I Around this time, Pitroda was also editing bits and bytes.” was playing outside my house, and my father an issue of an ieee magazine that focused on So it is no surprise that when he considers came in and said Gandhi had died. I didn’t telecom development in the third world. his career, he uses the language not of a poli- quite understand it. Then everybody in the “I said, ‘Don’t focus on telecom density, tician but of an engineer and speaks of “the household had to take a bath, as if someone focus on accessibility,’” he says now. Sam Pitroda: walking the telecom talk ▶ SAM PITRODA SAYS “ percent” of his fo- bile money. He is no longer the ceo of which made him a millionaire. During the cus is on India and innovation, but it is im- c-sam, but the business has thrived as the same period, he also patented an idea for a portant to remember that this is a man who concept of mobile payments – and the tech- personal electronic diary. In the s, this can back up his tech talk. He holds more than nology surrounding it – have finally caught patent was incorporated into the popular  telecom and technology-based patents, up with his vision. Casio Digital Diary, a precursor to the per- and his visionary mobile-wallet technology “It was too far ahead of its time,” he says of his sonal digital assistants of the late s and may soon be in millions of smartphones. initial idea. “Now is the time to build (on) it.” the smartphones of today. In the past five In , Pitroda had recently returned to years alone, that patent has been referenced the US after living in India for most of the CSAM’S FIRST MOBILE wallet was launched in by the likes of ibm, Microsoft and Nokia. previous decade. He noticed his wife writ- Japan in  and has since been used in the But Pitroda’s most fun idea was probably ing personal check after personal check to us, China, India and Mexico, among other Compucards. Developed in , this is a pay their household expenses. Then he con- places. And the company keeps gaining new, deck of cards with binary numbers (, , , sidered all the other daily financial tasks that ever bigger customers. In August, , Isis , …) for the computer generation. Any- could even then be carried out online, and – the joint venture formed by at&t Mobil- one who reads the instructions closely can he came up with the idea of a digital wallet, ity, T-Mobile usa and Verizon Wireless – use the cards to play family games such as complete with “id cards,” “money,” “receipts” adopted c-sam’s platform to provide its poker and rummy. The joker is a hairy soft- and branded “credit cards.” mobile-wallet service. ware bug complete with legs and antennae. Pitroda patented his mobile-wallet idea in Yet the mobile wallet is just one of Pitro- But the most interesting card is probably the , founded a company (c-sam) to devel- da’s many innovative ideas. In the s, he king, who appears to resemble none other op it in , and later wrote a book on mo- created the  dss digital switching system, than Sam Pitroda. ● 12 • EBR #1 2012
  • 13. Sam Pitroda cover story Pitroda is an accomplished painter who first started drawing in meetings: “When people talk, they spend useless time talking. And their message takes just two minutes of a 30-minute conversation. So I learned early that the best thing you can do is to doodle. Meetings and all… That’s how I started.” EBR #1 2012 • 13
  • 14. cover story Sam Pitroda In 1993 Pitroda described how US success influenced his work in India: “I was almost brutal in my determination to root out hierarchy and bureaucracy: I once shouted and made a thoroughly mortifying scene in order to get typists to stop leaping to their feet every time a manager entered their work space.” 14 • EBR #1 2012
  • 15. Pitroda on… the future of telecom You can’t say telecom like we did in the eighties. It is more pervasive. You have to talk about the role of telecom in research. You have to talk about the role of telecom in medicine. You have to talk about the role of telecom in education and the role of telecom in government. Nobody paid attention to his articles, he Over the following years, in a series of says. But if they had, it would have been jobs culminating in a minister-level tech- no surprise when, after he sold his digital nology mission, Pitroda created the infra- switch business to Rockwell International structure that placed now-famous yellow in  and made millions, Pitroda turned phone boxes in almost every Indian vil- back to India to put his words into action. lage. It is this achievement that garnered In a Harvard Business Review article in him the unofficial title of the father of In- , Pitroda said that he had dreamed all dian telecom. It also put him at the center his life of wealth and success, but that af- of debates about whether or not technol- Background check ter he sold his business, he was suddenly ogy was a luxury, about the balance be- confronted with the fact that he had tween the state and the free market, and ▶ 2010–present: Government of India, walked out on India. The selfishness of his about whether it was possible to move In- Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public success set him off in pursuit of another dia forward without the help of big mul- Information Infrastructure and American dream, he said: the exploration tinational corporations. Innovations of a new frontier. The frontier? Using tel- Pitroda believed fervently that technol- ▶ 1998–present – C-SAM, founder, former ecommunications as a bridge between the ogy was as crucial a developmental tool CEO and current Chairman, Chicago, US first world and the third. as education or clean water. And he used ▶ 2005–2009: Government of India, National Knowledge Commission, his faith in connectivity to push for core Chairman, New Delhi, India PHASE TWO: GROWTH Gandhian tenets such as indigenous ▶ 1993–2005: started a series of business On his first trip to Delhi in the early s, development and an emphasis on rural ventures, including World-Tel Limited (an Pitroda tried to call his wife in Chicago. It development. International Telecommunication Union took four hours. So with a mixture of what For this, he was branded an Indian na- project), and served on several United Nations commissions he calls “arrogance and ignorance,” he tionalist and an enemy of foreign firms. ▶ 1987–1991: Government of India, decided then and there to “fix” telecom “Look, we took Intel’s processor,” he Adviser to the Prime Minister of India, in India. says. “That was collaboration. We took with the rank of Minister on national “I saw that it and telecom could change software from other companies. We took technology missions, New Delhi, India the face of India,” he says. “I just saw it. In- Motorola’s switch. The idea was ‘Don’t ▶ 1987–1991: Government of India, dian culture is a rural culture. India was give me lock, stock and barrel products. founder and Head of Indian Telecom Commission, New Delhi, India disconnected. If I could just connect eve- Give me components.’ ▶ 1984–1987: Centre for Development of rybody … Maybe it was because I was “It was not homegrown just for the sake Telematics, founder, New Delhi, India poor. Because I lived in a village. If I had of homegrown. If we had not used the ▶ 1979–1983: Rockwell International, Vice been from Mumbai, it would have been homegrown technology, we would not have President of Advanced Technology and very different.” the it business we have in India today.” Engineering, Chicago What follows is Indian political legend, Pitroda and his team soon had phone ▶ 1974–1979: Wescom Switching, founder, as the man The Economist later called “the booths rolling out to one village a week, Chicago, US ▶ late 1960s–early 1970s: General Indian with the long hair and the manner then to a village a day, then to three villag- Telephone & Electronics, various of an American superbrat” fought to get es a day. There are more than , of engineering positions, Chicago, US an unthinkably long one-hour meeting these pay phones today. But then Rajiv ▶ 1966: MSc in Electrical Engineering, with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. After Gandhi lost an election in , and while Illinois Institute of Technology, US eight months, he got the meeting and, Pitroda stayed at his post, things got ▶ 1964: MSc in Physics and Electronics, The most importantly, he also met Rajiv Gan- tougher. He was accused of corruption, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, India dhi, Indira’s son, who would become and there were threats that drove his fam- prime minister in  and Pitroda’s great- ily back to the us. He had a heart attack est ally. and a quadruple bypass. Then in , EBR #1 2012 • 15
  • 16. Pitroda on… the impact of moving to the US as a young man It really opened up possibilities. I could talk about this for hours… For example, the most fascinating thing for me was the door knob, because in India, we had only this latch. Then I saw a revolving door and I thought, “What a good idea!” Then I saw a post-office box in the US and said, “What a design!” I had never thought that way. There had been nothing in my village. Nothing. while campaigning to return to power, Rajiv people out of poverty and to find jobs for only a dream because the “information Gandhi was killed by a suicide bomber. the hundreds of millions of Indians under element” had been missing. But now, final- “It was the biggest shock of my life,” Pitro- the age of . ly, India had built the tools to realize da says. “I just didn’t know what to do. Went “Who am I to do it? I don’t know,” he says. Gandhi’s dream. to the house, thought about what to do next, “Do I have the authority? I don’t think so. and realized that this phase had to end in But I try to get it done. That’s the advantage PHASE FOUR: THE NEXT STEP life. I had to go back.” (of my position). A lot of times, people ask: Even after a fight with cancer and a second Plus, after years of working for a token sal- ‘Why don’t you become a minister?’ No, I heart attack, Pitroda is busier than ever, his ary of usd  per year, Pitroda was out of mon- don’t want to be a minister. That precludes life reduced to a transcendent simplicity of ey. Yet he refused to do business in India. my entire flexibility to operate.” work – now in Chicago, now in Delhi, now “I didn’t want to work in India in telecom,” He still believes in centralization as a pre- at a conference in Oslo, Norway. he said in an interview with India’s Skoch condition to decentralization and in build- The new plans keep coming too. Now he Consultancy Services. “I didn’t want a spec- ing a scalable India-centered ecosystem. wants to build an indigenous hardware trum license… didn’t want people to say: And he still gets exasperated at being tagged industry that would match India’s strength ‘Oh, that’s why you did all this stuff. So that as an anti-colonial leftist. in software. Otherwise, hardware imports when the right time comes you cash in.’ I “We need to centralize the thinking in could someday be more costly than petro- didn’t want them to say: ‘He had this mas- setting up infrastructure,” he says. “That is leum, he says. Now, since Indian companies ter plan.’” very different from saying, ‘Centralize eve- have missed the g opportunity, he says, He went back to Chicago sick, broke and rything.’ But the kind of infrastructure we they need to get a jump start on “g” on a tourist visa. are trying to build… no private enterprise Gigabit Passive Optical Network (gpon) would ever build it. It’s not viable. You have technology. PHASE THREE: MATURITY to do it from the top because it is a nation- “I am Gandhian in many ways,” he says. “I During the rest of the s, Pitroda looked al infrastructure.” don’t have personal needs. I don’t go shop- after his business interests and made some Yet he insists there remain great business ping. I don’t have my own bank account. My more money. He put his kids through col- opportunities in the Indian market. wife takes care of that. If she buys me new lege and stayed close to his dying mother, “Where is the money in telecom in India? shoes, I wear the shoes. If she buys me a new who had moved to Chicago. Applications. Local applications, local lan- shirt, I wear the shirt. I don’t give much But India and public service never guage, local content. There is a huge oppor- thought to these things. They don’t matter.” stopped calling to him and, in , he was tunity in applications, applications, appli- For Pitroda, being Gandhian goes far be- named head of the National Knowledge cations.” yond studying or emulating Gandhi him- Commission. From that point on, Pitroda He has big numbers to match his big self. He doesn’t like to talk about Gandhi as has been a whirlwind, advising and work- plans. The government is working to con- a person. It is more about asking the bigger ing on everything from fighting hunger to nect , key nodes – libraries, universi- questions, such as “How do I run my life?” reforming the railways, to reorganizing ties and research facilities – with high- This brings him back to his childhood in state telecom operator Bharat Sanchar speed fiber. There are plans to connect Orissa, back to the focus that has brought Nigam Ltd (bsnl). , local governments with fiber. In him so far and back to the long-term vision Today his official title is Adviser to the January he announced a usd  billion gov- he has for a prosperous and sustainable In- Prime Minister on Public Information In- ernment investment in creating an “infor- dia. It will not be easy to achieve this vision, frastructure and Innovations, though he is mation highway,” including usd  billion for he says. But it must be done. And who bet- most often referred to in the Indian press a national fiber-optic network. ter to construct this future than the son of as a “technocrat.” His position allows Pitro- At the  World Economic Forum, a carpenter, a man who builds things? da to operate freely across the political and Pitroda talked about how Mahatma “Technology is just a tool. At the end of economic spectrum, as he relentlessly push- Gandhi’s dream of the development of the the day, I am the son of a carpenter. I look es his agenda to lift hundreds of millions of villages and decentralization had remained at tools.” ● 16 • EBR #1 2012
  • 17. Sam Pitroda cover story “When I came back from the US (in the 1980s), I had made money, so I used to dress very nicely,” Pitroda says. “After about three months, I realized my clothes were intimidating. So I said, ‘Trash all these American clothes,’ and got some visibly Indian-looking suits stitched.” EBR #1 2012 • 17
  • 18. technology report VOICE RECOGNITION: A STEP TOW Istockphotoi Voice interfaces will soon be everywhere: in strides in voice recognition, network connections. Many cars, home appliances, medical equipment, largely due to two factors: the media outlets ran practical tests capability to collect huge comparing Siri with Google production lines, and on websites. They are amounts of voice data, and then Voice with mixed results, and already helping us to make phone calls. But the ability to process it quickly. both systems still required these services have yet to find business Google is running several ar- some of the stilted formal com- models that actually make money. tificial intelligence programs – mands so typical of early voice TEXT Nathan Hegedus others include language trans- systems to get the right results. lation and the image searches Until recently, Google was ▶ “Call Mom.” “Am I busy Tues- little sense on their own. It must necessary for highly function- the leader in the mobile field, day afternoon?” “I want pizza.” also use sophisticated logic to ing augmented reality – that introducing Google Search by People have waited a long find the appropriate answer and depend on the kind of massive Voice for Android in February time for their machines to be be able to intelligently ask for computing power of which the . However, Jared Cohen able to understand simple clarification if wrong. company is in a special position from Google says the industry is speech. And now it appears The most relevant field for to take advantage. still years, if not decades, away that machines are beginning to developing voice recognition is For voice recognition, Google from seamless voice recogni- find their voice, so to speak, computational linguistics, has collected voice samples – tion on the mobile phone. But with voice control poised to which marries linguistics with the data – from Android’s that doesn’t mean the systems become the latest paradigm- data-driven processing. Reflect- speech-recognition system, will get much better very fast in shifting innovation in computer ing this dual focus, models may Google Voice’s e-mail transcrip- the next decade. interaction, after the mouse be “knowledge-based” with tion service and the now de- and touchscreens. written linguistic rules or “data- funct information service Where does this The hottest buzz surrounds driven.” These two approaches Goog, among other sources. conversation go from here? Siri, the voice-recognition sys- have often been in conflict, In both the Apple and The real power of voice recog- tem included in iOS, the latest though the gap between them Google voice-recognition nition may not be in our mobile version of Apple’s mobile oper- has closed in recent decades. It systems, most of the comput- phones, but in applications in ating system, as well as similar turns out there are too many ing is done not on the user’s everything from our TVs to our efforts from Google in Android- possible sounds in human phone but on the Apple or cars, especially if systems like powered phones. speech for a computer to un- Google servers. With Apple’s Siri Siri become able to interact derstand using only linguistic system, the voice command is with third-party apps with Just hard work rules – the data is needed, too. recorded, compressed and sent artificial intelligence capabilities Scientists have worked on voice Computational linguistics is back to Apple’s servers, which of their own. recognition and natural-language used in a wide array of products process the request and return Norman Winarsky, the processing for more than five besides voice recognition, a text answer for the phone to cofounder of Siri, said in Tech- decades, with voice-recognition including text-to-speech “read” to the user. nology Review in October technology included in some synthesizers, automated voice- For all this, current voice- : “It’s clear that it would be computers since the early s. response systems, web search recognition systems are far technically possible to integrate So it is not hard to do, but it is engines, text editors and lan- from perfect. any web service into Siri; you extremely hard to do right. guage instruction materials. Both Siri and the Google sys- can put a Siri front end in front A good system must recognize tem often fail to register slang of anything.” the context of a question, includ- Talking about big data and regional accents, and they And almost to prove him ing follow-up questions that refer In recent years, both Google depend on both external serv- true, within weeks of its Apple to an original question but make and Apple have made great ers and sometimes unreliable debut, Siri had been hacked to 18 • EBR #1 2012
  • 19. technology report Technology at your fingertips ▶ For more on technology, ARD THINKING PHONES Ericsson Business Review has a partner journal designed to encourage dis- cussion on a wide range of R&D topics and innovative solutions. Written by em- ployees since 1924, Ericsson What’s the killer app? Review is now available as an app for Android tablets Your voice. in the Android Market, and for iPad through the App ▶ In , Steve Jobs stood before the crowd at MacWorld and Store. To download the app, go to the Ericsson Review introduced the iPhone for the first time. And what did he think page,, was its most revolutionary function? The touch screen? The in- and select the link for your tegration with iTunes? device. “What’s the killer app?” he asked. “The killer app is making calls! It’s amazing how hard it is to make calls on most phones.” And he was right, maybe more than he knew at the time. allow people to start certain cars Voice is the gold standard for communication (video too, but with voice commands. only when it includes voice). Humans love to talk. They always Google already offers voice have, and they always will. commands for searching on Sure, many voice minutes are going “over the top.” But people Google TV, and earlier this year it are still going to talk, in both old and new channels, and they introduced Android@Home, a will likely always value voice higher than data apps. Plus, at least for now, many, if not most, consumers seem to value the inter- Smartphone framework for controlling light signaling storm switches, alarm clocks and other operability and reliability that comes with their phone number home appliances through An- and carrier billing. a growing droid-powered devices using voice problem But that is just the beginning, and the most conservative ▶ NTT DOCOMO and as well as other means of input. Verizon Wireless have Apart from Google and Apple, guess at the future of voice. With Siri in the new iPhone, we suffered several network the most promising develop- have seen voice recognition hit the mainstream. And even if outages caused by the ments have come from Microsoft most iPhone owners are not chatting with their phones just yet, signaling behavior of many are at least thinking about voice commands. Think of the modern smartphones. and Nuance, with its Dragon According to Nikkei News, products. Microsoft’s Kinect con- possibilities as we expand the realm of voice communication this has caused DOCOMO troller for the Xbox now features from human-to-human to human-to-machine (and vice versa). to demand that Google a voice-activated system that lets Soon every context that can support voice will support rein in the signaling and voice. You’ve got voice in cars, voice on medical equipment data loads imposed by users speak directly to the Kinect and voice on production lines. With the advent of HTML, you Android. In particular, the console to search for music, problem is the way devices games, movies and TV shows. could soon have one-click voice services on every website out are transmitting control Plus, the automaker Ford has in- there, which opens up a so-far unexplored range of communi- signals to the network stalled a Microsoft Sync voice- cation possibilities. and pinging the servers All these voice services will need developing and organizing, automatically to support recognition system in even its constantly updating apps. cheapest models. and the answers may not always fit the wishes of the telecom industry. Plus, someone needs to find a business model that ac- What is Siri? tually makes money, as “freemium” is far from a sure thing. Shopping sites Siri has a distinguished pedigree. slow to load It started in  as CALO (Cog- ▶ It takes an average of 10 seconds to load a retail nitive Assistant that Learns and In  Siri was acquired by No machine has ever defini- website, according to a Organizes), a project funded by Apple, which removed the inde- tively passed the Turing test, and study by Strangeloop Net- the Defense Advanced Research pendent Siri app from the market neither Siri nor its Android coun- works. The 2,000 retail sites Projects Agency (DARPA), an and introduced it exclusively in terparts are close, though their tested were from Amazon’s Alexa list of top sites. The agency of the US Department of the iPhone S, which was un- increased “natural language” speed-testing tool used Defense. According to its web- veiled the day before Apple functionality seemingly brings in the test added delays site, DARPA’s mission is to “pre- founder and CEO Steve Jobs died. them closer than any other mass- called latency to round-trip vent technological surprise to the market product. communications to better US, but also to create technologi- Will phones think like us? The most successful example of simulate how consumers several steps removed cal surprise for its enemies.” The Many people consider the defini- artificial intelligence has been the from a website see it. The agency has played a central role tive test of artificial intelligence to IBM supercomputer Watson, study shows that web- in the development of computer be the “Turing test,” proposed in which beat two human contest- pages are becoming more networking, including creating  by English computer scien- ants on the TV quiz show Jeop- complex at the same time as economization measu- the predecessor to the internet. tist Alan Turing. ardy! in the US in . ● res and browser speed are improving. EBR #1 2012 • 19
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  • 21. Beyond educational technology «« Connected learning «« THEME Connected learning – theme in short ▶ As education reinvents itself, new opportunities for growth abound. ▶ Technology makes it possible to bridge educational gaps on all levels of society, and globally. ▶ The market for education is set to grow, primarily by diversification. CONCLUSION ▶ Broadband, computers and mobile devices are key enablers in the creation of a whole new market for education. ▶ Network operators can choose from a range of different roles in the new value chains, even becoming schools themselves – or they can remain bitpipe providers. The tools of education – soon at a museum near you Technology represents a provocation to schools’ traditional ways of working. But investigating its role in tech-savvy schools clearly shows that, by building on two fundamental human needs – communication and curiosity – technology can be used to broaden students’ horizons. PHOTOS Jann Lipka ▶ EBR #1 2012 • 21
  • 22. THEME »» Connected learning »» Beyond educational technology ▶ The school of the future will require hybrid forms of connectivity, including wireless, fixed and mobile broad- band, to meet the need for flexible but reliable high-speed internet access. B Y COMBINING the results of expert inter- mobile phones as flexible multipurpose tools – ▶ Jon Eddy Abdullah: views, literature searches, and ethno- mostly for recording information and communicat- “The real question graphic case studies carried out in five ing, but also for listening to music while working. schools (for students aged four to ) in Stock- During interviews with teachers, we were told is: what’s next? In holm, Chicago, and Hong Kong, Ericsson Con- that the touchscreens on mobile phones were too this industry we sumerLab’s Future School project is providing im- small to write on. However, we later observed stu- have spent years portant insights into tomorrow’s education. dents using digital pens to “write” on their tablet Schools have always been a reflection of the so- and laptop screens. Older students may favor key- trying to get mobile cieties in which they operate. In agrarian socie- boards, but younger ones often use pen and handsets into the ties, which tended to be small, homogeneous and screen instead of pen and paper. hands of people. socially cohesive, the model was one village, one Whether the school of the future uses laptops, We’re almost there school, one teacher. Later, the birth of the indus- tablets, mobile phones or something in between, trial society led to the emergence of the factory- the future will demand individualized, mobile, with 100 percent model school, with clocks, scheduled lessons, easy-to-use devices. Having said that, it is inter- coverage in many standardized tests and national curriculums. To- esting to see that several schools are also making countries. Some day, with the rise of the Networked Society, great use of interactive whiteboards. Like an people might think schools are changing yet again, this time in re- analog whiteboard, an interactive whiteboard is sponse to the process of modernization and in- a fixed device, but it can support – like a moth- it’s game over for dividualization – a trend that network theorist er screen – interaction with each student’s com- telecoms – but it’s Andreas Wittel at Nottingham Trent University puter. Some experts view these devices only as a not. We can help in the UK calls network sociality. This develop- stepping-stone on the road to a classroom that ment is based on an individualization that is has no fixed devices at all, while others recognize other industries to deeply embedded in new technology – an infor- the potential of interactive whiteboards for sup- use this technology mation-focused, ephemeral but intense way of porting both individual and collaborative work. for good.” living, characterized by an assimilation of work and play. WORKSPACE What will schools be like in the Networked So- In the new ict environment, where mobile de- ciety? To understand the ongoing paradigm shift vices are more common, a classroom filled with in education, the Future School project identified rows of individual desks no longer fulfills any pur- the following six key areas of change... pose. Students carry their mobile work tools around throughout the day. Several of the schools WORK TOOLS studied in the project have broken down walls to ▶ Bill Clinton: Today, : programs, in which every student and make large rooms with plenty of lightweight, “The great genius of every teacher has a computer, have become the movable desks and chairs that can be rearranged model for progressive schools that focus on inte- to suit the needs of each class or group of stu- the network is that grating ICT into education. Often, students have dents. Students can work in “islands of learning” it is a continuously their own laptops to use both at school and at in large rooms, creating flexible classrooms that evolving exper- home. However, in schools that are underfund- enhance collaboration. iment. And as long ed or are located in economically disadvantaged Breaking down walls is one way for schools neighborhoods, : programs can also consist of with old architectural structures to redefine their as our goal is to mobile carts with laptops that students loan for classrooms. Schools that are renovating or build- do things smarter, a specific class or throughout the day. ing new premises are better able to adapt their cheaper and better, The : model is not restricted to laptops. architecture to include new technology and new we don’t have to be Schools now increasingly favor tablets, especial- pedagogical methods. Two of the five schools in ly for use by younger students who find the app- the study are currently renovating by building afraid of not having based devices easier to handle. rooms of various sizes with movable furniture. all the answers. Even though the mobile phone has been pro- Work space includes not only physical but also We don’t have to claimed the epitome of modern society, the virtual space, extending the classroom through Future School project has not discovered much the use of e-mail, Facebook, Skype, Google Docs be afraid of trying support for mobile phones in education, at least document-sharing software, OneNote planning something that not in formal educational activities. However, in- and note-taking software, Prezi presentation soft- doesn’t work.” formally, students and teachers frequently use ware, and many other open or closed forms of 22 • EBR #1 2012
  • 23. Beyond educational technology «« Connected learning «« THEME ▶ Hans Vestberg: “The ICT industry software that allow students to do schoolwork meeting the school’s needs. The answer was has now reached without being restricted to the physical class- found in students’ informal internet use. In our a point where room. With connectivity, schools start to inter- observations of students between classes, we saw it’s possible to act and learn from each another. Classes in dif- their informal use of devices and the internet. ferent countries are using Skype to communicate The total number of devices connected to the bring education with each other and take virtual tours of each oth- school’s wireless system was not equal to the and learning er’s schools. Teachers are using blogs and social number of devices owned by the school – not by opportunities to all, media to exchange ideas and lecture materials, a long shot. Most students had smartphones, driving forth new pedagogical ideals. which they had connected to the school’s Wi-Fi no matter where Virtual schools can and will be a great comple- network. Some also carried personal tablets. they are. It’s time ment to physical schools, especially in areas The school of the future will require hybrid to act to close the where students and teachers must travel long dis- forms of connectivity, including wireless, fixed education gap.” tances to school, or when individual disabilities and mobile broadband, to meet the need for flex- make participation in physical schools difficult. ible but reliable high-speed internet access. And However, the physical school with eye-to-eye that connectivity will be required not only in communication is still the norm. But in a socie- schools, but also when students are on the way ty with omnipresent connectivity, the focus to and from school, in locations such as the li- Using should not be on whether to work online or of- brary and even at home, in districts where they video to fline, but rather on using the best work tool and would otherwise be unlikely to have internet space for the specific task and situation at hand. access at home. reinvent education INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS WAYS OF WORKING ▶ The Khan Academy, The schools of the future will rely heavily on con- New technology represents a challenge to schools’ based in Mountain View, nectivity. As computers are used more frequent- traditional ways of working. As the work tools California, started out in ly, additional control mechanisms, backups and used in schools change, the ways of working are 2006 by teaching math filters will be necessary. Teachers will use ict to also changing. online for free through manage, observe, coach, protect and evaluate stu- With increased connectivity, information is simple conversational- dents. Without stable, high-speed connectivity, available anywhere, anytime. This raises ques- style YouTube videos. The many of these tasks will fail. The schools studied tions about the future of textbooks. Although company was able to ex- in the Future School project are building heavily textbooks (both analog and digital) are still being pand after receiving sig- nificant donations, and on wireless systems, but also using fixed broad- used in the schools studied in the Future School now it has grown with band for components such as printers and serv- project, extensive amounts of schoolwork and the addition of features ers to reduce the load on the Wi-Fi network. One lecturing are taking place without them. Text- such as exercises that test school in Chicago has also begun looking at mo- books only represent one collected interpreta- students’ understanding bile broadband as a complement to Wi-Fi. tion and presentation of a subject. If students are of the videos and track Even in the tech-savvy schools studied in the not satisfied with the explanation – or lack of ex- their progress with met- project, connectivity is lost from time to time, planation – provided in a particular textbook, rics. The focus is primarily forcing teachers to improvise and always have an they use Google to search for another perspec- on math, but topics rang- analog backup plan. All the schools in the study tive on the topic. ing from algebra, calculus and economics to history reported problems with “dead spaces” and lagging All the schools in the study are moving away and preparation for Wi-Fi connectivity when large groups of students from the idea that all students should do one spe- standardized assessment moved from one end of the school to another. cific thing at one particular time in one place. tests are included. A sometimes unreliable Wi-Fi network is not Project-based learning seems to be the way of the Teachers or coaches the only problem being encountered by these future. Like many adults working in projects, stu- can monitor student pro- schools. In several of the schools studied, we have dents are learning how to divide and take respon- gress in groups, and stu- also seen that school administrators do not have sibility for different parts of their projects. In one dents can earn badges to a clear understanding of students’ media habits. Chicago school, the students appointed project keep their interest up. The idea is that teachers inter- For example, in one school, administrators were managers and gave them the mandate to fire team vene only when a student trying to figure out why their modern Wi-Fi sys- members who did not do their jobs. Promoting gets stuck; ideally, they tem was not up to scratch. Their calculations were leadership skills through project-based learning are only needed as cor- accurate – they knew how many connected de- is meant to prepare students for future work at rective influences. vices the school owned – yet the network wasn’t the management level. ▶ EBR #1 2012 • 23
  • 24. THEME »» Connected learning »» Beyond educational technology ▶ Looking at these schools, it is evident that an ICT revo- lution in a school is never the end; it is the beginning of a continuous evolution. Working in projects redefines the concept Through the use of ict, parents are also gain- of a class of students. When most work and ing greater opportunities for involvement in their socializing takes place in project groups instead children’s education. Technology is making of classes, the class exists only for administrative schools more transparent, offering new ways for purposes. parents to keep track of their children’s perfor- In projects, students need to work both indi- mance at school and to establish direct contact vidually and in groups. Despite extensive fears with teachers and school administrators. Teach- that the : model risked isolating students, the ers do not always welcome this development, since schools and experts in the study now say that mo- it places greater demands on their shoulders. bile digital tools actually promote both individ- ual and collaborative work. As Stephen Heppell, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE  AND GAMES Professor of New Media Environments at the Schools are facing new challenges in their mis- Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at sion to prepare students for their working lives. Bournemouth University in the uk, put it when With the rise of the Networked Society, we are we interviewed him: “With the : model, we see seeing changes in the skills demanded from young that kids are doing it together. Who would have people. Basic skills such as reading, writing and thought that personal computers could be a great arithmetic will always be important. But integrat- collaboration tool?” ed technology is creating the need for new, st- ▶ Sir Harold Kroto: century skills, such as information and ict liter- NEW ROLES FOR TEACHERS acy; communication; collaboration; and critical “The internet is the Teachers will clearly continue to play a central and analytical thinking. most remarkable role in students’ learning process. However, with A school that has access to almost unlimited innovation since new tools and changed ways of working, a new information must teach students how to search the invention of role for teachers is emerging. Teachers will have for relevant, trustworthy material and how to an- to accept being more of a “guide by the side” in- alyze and understand information in different the printing press. stead of a “sage on the stage.” contexts. The focus in education is shifting from We need to use This does not mean that students are left to rote memorization and worksheets to collabora- this technology to learn entirely by themselves. On the contrary, the tion and content creation. teacher is more important than ever – not as an Laptops and other devices provide students unlock the creative all-knowing deity, but rather as an instructor or with access to global information, collaborative potential of every coach whose wisdom goes beyond mere textbook tools, and creative applications that enable them kid on the planet facts, expanding into the realm of everyday life to create their own content. Projectors and inter- and to inject the and including the use of Facebook and Skype. active whiteboards are used for collaboration and Several teachers we met had set up teacher pro- presentations. What’s important is not only ideas of every files on Facebook as an additional way to com- knowing all the right answers, but also under- brilliant teacher municate with their students – meeting the stu- standing how to formulate and present the best into every school.” dents where they were, using their preferred tools. questions. South Koreans launch mobile school T Smart Learning allows parents to check on and books, and allows users to buy each chapter ▶ South Korean operator education companies and and learning style. It also assist with their children’s separately. SK Telecom’s T Smart groups, including the Ko- provides constant motiva- learning progress. It is also SK Telecom will pro- Learning is a tablet-based rean Federation of Teach- tion for the student expected to contribute to mote the South Korean education platform for in- ers’ Association. through diverse measures reducing household government’s policy initi- teractive learning. An on- Designed to support including text messages. spending on education. ative on smart learning by line support community classroom coursework, The platform includes Its online content store, actively cooperating in enables students to share T Smart Learning suggests support tools such as a called Library, offers a the development of digi- study tips via a knowl- a customized study sched- dictionary, vocabulary wide variety of electronic tal textbooks, new after- edge-sharing system. ule, tips and learning ma- boxes, review notes, smart study materials at prices school programs and a For this project, SK Tele- terials that reflect each notes, and educational 30 to 40 percent lower smart learning system for com is partnering with 12 student’s academic level games. than those of printed students with disabilities. 24 • EBR #1 2012