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Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 66| 
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices G. Ramesh1, N. Anbarasi2 1 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Govt Arts College (Auto), Kumbakonam 2Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Arasu Engineering College , Kumbakonam 
I. Introduction And Preliminaries 
Let β„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› be the set of ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› complex bimatrices. The symbols 퐴퐡 βˆ—,β„› 퐴퐡 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 denote the conjugate transpose, range space and rank subtractivity of 퐴퐡 νœ– β„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› respectively. Further, 퐴퐡 † νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘š stand for the Moore-Penrose inverse of 퐴퐡[10], that is the unique bimatrix satisfying the equations, 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡, 퐴퐡 † 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †,퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †= 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 † βˆ— , 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 = 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— (1.1) and 퐼퐡푛 be the identity bimatrix of order ν‘›. Moreover, β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 , β„‚ν‘› 퐻 and β„‚ν‘› β‰₯denote the subsets of β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› consisting of 퐸푃, Hermitian, and Hermitian non-negative definite bimatrices respectively. That is, β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› βˆΆν‘… 퐴퐡 =ν‘… 퐴퐡 βˆ— βŸΉν‘… 퐴1 =ν‘… 퐴1βˆ— ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ ν‘… 퐴2 =ν‘… 퐴2βˆ— β„‚ν‘› 퐻= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› ∢퐴퐡=퐴퐡 βˆ—βŸΉν΄1=퐴1βˆ— ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ 퐴2=퐴2βˆ— and β„‚ν‘› β‰₯= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘›βˆΆν΄ν΅=퐿퐡 퐿퐡 βˆ—βŸΉν΄1=퐿1퐿1βˆ— ; 퐴2=퐿2퐿2 βˆ— ν‘“ν‘œν‘Ÿ ν‘ ν‘œν‘šν‘’νΏν΅=퐿1βˆͺ퐿2βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푝 In this paper, the usual star, left-star, right-star, plus order, minus order and Lowner order have been generalized to bimatrices. Also it is shown that all these orderings are partial orderings in bimatrices. The relationship between star partial order and minus partial order of bimatrices and their squares are examined. Definition 1.1 The star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, 
ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ that is, 퐴1βˆ—ν΄1=퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 ; 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2=퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 βˆ—=퐡퐡퐴퐡 βˆ— that is, 퐴1퐴1βˆ— =퐡1퐴1βˆ— ; 퐴2퐴2βˆ—=퐡2퐴2βˆ— 
and can alternatively be specified as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 †퐡퐡 that is, 퐴1†퐴1=퐴1†퐡1 ; 퐴2†퐴2=퐴2†퐡2 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐡퐡퐴퐡 † that is, 퐴1퐴1†=퐡1퐴1† ; 퐴2퐴2†=퐡2퐴2† Example 1.2 Consider the bimatrices 퐴퐡= 1 10 0 βˆͺ 2 20 0 
Abstract: The usual star, left-star, right-star, plus order, minus order and Lowner ordering have been generalized to bimatrices. Also it is shown that all these orderings are partial orderings in bimatrices. The relationship between star partial order and minus partial order of bimatrices and their squares are examined. 
Keywords: Star partial order, left-star partial order, right-star partial order, plus order, minus order and lowner order. 
AMS Classification: 15A09, 15A15, 15A57
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 67| 
and 퐡퐡= 1 11 βˆ’1 βˆͺ 2 22 βˆ’2 βŸΉν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ Definition 1.3 The left - star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, 
ν΄ν΅βˆ—β‰€ν΅ν΅βŸΊν΄ν΅ βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ that is, 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1=퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 ; 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2=퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 and β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐡퐡 that is, β„› 퐴1 βŠ†β„› 퐡1 ; β„› 퐴2 βŠ†β„› 퐡2 Definition 1.4 
The right - star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, 
ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊν΄ν΅ν΄ν΅ βˆ—=퐡퐡퐴퐡 βˆ— that is, 퐴1퐴1βˆ— =퐡1퐴1βˆ— ; 퐴2퐴2βˆ—=퐡2퐴2βˆ— and β„› 퐴퐡 βˆ— βŠ†β„› ν΅ν΅βˆ— that is, β„› 퐴1βˆ— βŠ†β„› 퐡1βˆ— ; β„› 퐴2βˆ— βŠ†β„› 퐡2βˆ— Definition 1.5 The plus - order for bimatrices is defined as, 퐴퐡⋖퐡퐡 whenever 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 †퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐡퐡퐴퐡 †, for some reflexive generalized inverse 퐴퐡 † of 퐴퐡. ( satisfying both 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 and 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †). Definition 1.6 The minus (rank Subtractivity) ordering is defined for bimatrices as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡⟺ r(ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅)=r 퐡퐡 βˆ’r 퐴퐡 that is, r(퐡1βˆ’ν΄1)= r 퐡1 βˆ’ r 퐴1 and r(퐡2βˆ’ν΄2)= r 퐡2 βˆ’ r 퐴2 (1.6) or as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡⟺ 퐴퐡퐡퐡 †퐡퐡=퐴퐡, 퐡퐡퐡퐡 †퐴퐡= 퐴퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 (1.7) Note 1.7 i) It can be shown that, ν΄ν΅β‹–ν΅ν΅βŸΊ r(ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅)=r 퐡퐡 βˆ’ r 퐴퐡 and so the plus order is equivalent to rank subtractivity. ii) From (1.4) and (1.5) it is seen that ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 βˆ—βˆ—β‰€ ν΅ν΅βˆ— Definition 1.8 The Lowner partial ordering denoted by ≀퐿, for Which 퐴퐡,퐡퐡 νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘‹ν‘› is defined by ν΄ν΅β‰€νΏν΅ν΅βŸΊν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅ νœ– β„‚ν‘› β‰₯. Result 1.9 Show that,the relation βˆ—β‰€ is a partial ordering. Proof (1) ν΄ν΅βˆ—β‰€ν΄ν΅β‡’ν΄1βˆ—β‰€ν΄1 and 퐴2βˆ—β‰€ν΄2 holds trivially. (2) If 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅= 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and β„› 퐡퐡 βŠ† β„› 퐴퐡 then 퐴퐡=퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 = 퐴1β€ βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2β€ βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2 = 퐴1β€ βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2β€ βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 = 퐴1 퐴1† βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2 퐴2† βˆ— 퐡2 =퐡1βˆͺ퐡2 
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 68| 
=퐴퐡=퐡퐡 (3) If 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and ν΅ν΅βˆ— 퐡퐡=ν΅ν΅βˆ— 퐢퐡 hold along with β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐡퐡 and β„› 퐡퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐢퐡 ,then 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2 =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1β€ βˆ— 퐡1βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2β€ βˆ— 퐡2βˆ— 퐡2 =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1β€ βˆ— 퐡1βˆ— 퐢1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2β€ βˆ— 퐡2βˆ— 퐢2 = 퐡1 퐡1† 퐴1 βˆ— 퐢1βˆͺ 퐡2 퐡2† 퐴2 βˆ— 퐢2 =퐴1 βˆ—νΆ1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—νΆ2 퐴퐡 βˆ— 퐴퐡 =퐴퐡 βˆ— 퐢퐡 ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ† β„› 퐢퐡 Similarly, it can be verified that all the orderings are partial orderings. Lemma 1.10 [1] Let 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› and let ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡 =푏. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ—ν΅ if and only if there exist ν‘ˆβˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯푏,ν‘‰βˆˆ β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푏 satisfying ν‘ˆβˆ—ν‘ˆ=퐼푏=푉 βˆ—ν‘‰, for which 퐴=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 0 푉 βˆ— and 퐡=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 퐷2 푉 βˆ— (1.8) where 퐷1 and 퐷2 are positive definite diagonal matrices of degree a and ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž, respectively. For 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻, the matrix ν‘ˆ in (1.8) may be replaced by 푉, but then 퐷1 and 퐷2 represent any nonsingular real diagonal matrices. Lemma 1.11[1] Let 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› and let ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡 =푏. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ if only if there exist U βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯푏, ν‘‰βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푏, satisfying ν‘ˆ βˆ—ν‘ˆ=퐼푏=푉 βˆ—ν‘‰, for which 퐴=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 0 푉 anda 퐡=ν‘ˆ 퐷1+ν‘… 퐷2푆 푅퐷2 퐷2푆 퐷2 ν‘‰βˆ— (1.9) Where 퐷1 and 퐷2 are positive definite diagonal matrices of degree ν‘Ž and ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž, while ν‘…βˆˆβ„‚ν‘Žν‘₯ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž and ν‘†βˆˆβ„‚ν‘βˆ’ν‘Žν‘‹ν‘Ž are arbitrary. For 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 the matrices ν‘ˆ and 푆 in (1.9) may be replaced by 푉 and ν‘… βˆ— respectively, but then 퐷1 and 퐷2 represent any nonsingular real diagonal matrices. Lemma 1.12 Let 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 be star-ordered as ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅. Then 퐴퐡≀퐿퐡퐡 if and only if ν›Ύ 퐴퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐡퐡 , Where ν›Ύ (.) denotes the number of negative eigenvalues of a given bimatrix. Proof Case (i) Let ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 that is, ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 . The result is trivial. Case (ii) Let ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 < ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 that is, ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 < ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 Lemma (1.1) ensures that if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅, then ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅= 퐡1βˆͺ퐡2 βˆ’(퐴1βˆͺ퐴2) = 퐡1βˆ’ν΄1 βˆͺ 퐡2βˆ’ν΄2 = ν‘ˆ1 퐷11 0 0 퐷12 푉1βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆ1 퐷11 00 0 푉1βˆ— βˆͺ ν‘ˆ2 퐷21 0 0 퐷22 푉2βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆ2 퐷21 00 0 푉2βˆ—
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 69| 
=(ν‘ˆ1βˆͺν‘ˆ2) 퐷11βˆͺ퐷12 0 0 퐷12βˆͺ퐷22 푉1βˆ—βˆͺ푉2βˆ— βˆ’ ν‘ˆ1βˆͺν‘ˆ2 퐷11βˆͺ퐷21 0 0 0 푉1βˆ—βˆͺ푉2βˆ— =ν‘ˆν΅ 퐷퐡1 0 0 퐷퐡2 푉퐡 βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆν΅ 퐷퐡1 0 0 0 푉퐡 βˆ— ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅=ν‘ˆν΅ 0 0 0 퐷퐡2 푉퐡 βˆ— Hence it is seen that the order 퐴퐡≀퐿퐡퐡 is equivalent to the non-negative definiteness of 퐷퐡2, that is, ν›Ύ 퐷2 =0.Consequently, the result follows by noting that ν›Ύ 퐴퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐷퐡1 and ν›Ύ 퐡퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐷퐡1 +ν›Ύ 퐷퐡2 . 
II. Star Partial Ordering 
Theorem (3) of Baksalary and Pukel sheim [3] asserts that, for any A,B βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› β‰₯ , A β‰€βˆ—B⟺ A2β‰€βˆ—B2 ⇒퐴 퐡=퐡 퐴 (2.1) This result is revisited here with the emphasis laid on the question which from among four implications comprised in (2.1) continues to be valid for bimatrices not necessarily being bihermitian non negative definite. Theorem2.1 Let ν΄ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 and ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘‹ν‘›.Then ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅β‡’ν΄ν΅ 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (2.2) Proof Since 퐴퐡=퐴1βˆͺ퐴2βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› νΈν‘ƒβŸΊν΄ν΅ν΄ν΅ †=퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 That is, 퐴1퐴1†=퐴1†퐴1 and 퐴2퐴2†=퐴2†퐴2 Now, 퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴12 퐴1†βˆͺ퐴22퐴2† =퐴1 퐴1퐴1† βˆͺ퐴2 퐴2퐴2† =퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 Also, 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2=퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐴1†퐴12 = 퐴1†퐴1 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2+ 퐴2 =퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 ⇒퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2 And 퐴퐡 2 †= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † = 퐴1퐴1 †βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2 † =퐴1†퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2†퐴2† = 퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2† 2 퐴퐡 2 †= 퐴퐡 † 2 Consequently, in view of (1.3), 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 = 퐴12 퐴1†퐡1βˆͺ퐴22퐴2†퐡2 =퐴12 퐴1†퐴1βˆͺ퐴22퐴2†퐴2
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 70| 
퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2 And 퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡1퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐡2퐴2†퐴22 =퐡1퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐴22 퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 ⇒퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 Moreover, 퐴퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 †퐡12βˆͺ 퐴22 †퐡22 = 퐴12 † 퐴12 βˆͺ 퐴22 †퐴22 = 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2= 퐴퐡 2 † 퐴퐡 2 and 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 †=퐡12 퐴12 †βˆͺ퐡22 퐴22 † =퐡1 퐴1 퐴1† 2βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2 퐴2† 2 =퐴12 퐴12 † βˆͺ퐴22 퐴22 † 퐡22 퐴퐡 2 †=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 † ⟹퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 Note2.2 Implication 2.2 is not reversible. Example2.3 Consider the bimatrices, 퐴퐡= 1 10 0 βˆͺ 2 20 0 and 퐡퐡= 1 11 βˆ’1 βˆͺ 2 22 βˆ’2 In which the order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ does not entail either of the conditions 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2, 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡. On the otherhand, if 퐴퐡= 1 00 0 βˆͺ 2 00 0 and 퐡퐡= 0 11 0 βˆͺ 0 22 0 then 퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2, but 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅β‰ ν΄ν΅ βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡≠ 퐡퐡 퐴퐡. This showing that even for bihermitian matrices the star order between 퐴퐡 2 ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ 퐡퐡 2 and does not entail the star order between 퐴퐡 and 퐡퐡 and the commutativity of these bimatrices which are the other two implications contained in (2.1). It is pointed out that the two conditions on the right-hand side of (2.2) are insufficient for ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅. When there is no restriction on 퐴퐡, a similar conclusion is obtained in the case of combining the two orders ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2.The bimatrices, 퐴퐡= 0 10 0 βˆͺ 0 20 0 and 퐡퐡= 0 11 0 βˆͺ 0 22 0 and their squares are star ordered, but 퐴퐡 퐡퐡≠퐡퐡 퐴퐡. However, the combination of the order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ with the commutativity condition appears sufficient for 퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 for all quadratic bimatrices. Theorem2.4 Let 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘›. Then ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡⟹퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 71| 
Proof On account of (1.2), it follows that if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡 then, 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 βˆ— 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ— 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 βˆ—ν΅12βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ—ν΅22 =퐴1βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2 퐡2 = 퐴1βˆ— 2 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2βˆ— 2퐴2 퐡2 =퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 퐴2 = 퐴12 βˆ—ν΄12 βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ—ν΄22 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2= 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΄ν΅ 2 and 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—= 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 βˆ— =퐡12 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ퐡22 퐴22 βˆ— =퐡1 퐡1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— βˆͺ퐡2 퐡2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2βˆ— =퐡1 퐴1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴1 퐡1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴1 퐴1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴12 퐴1퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴22 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— =퐴12 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴22 퐴22 βˆ— 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ— 
III. Minus Partial Ordering 
Baksalary and Pukelsheim [3, Theorem 2] showed that for ,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› β‰₯ , the following three implications hold. ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ and 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 ⟹ 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 (3.1) ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ and 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 ⟹ 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 (3.2) 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 and 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 ⟹ ν΄β‰€βˆ’ 퐡 (3.3) Now,we extend this implications for bimatrices also by the following theorems. Theorem 3.1 For any 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 then 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ 2 Proof First notice that, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (3.4) ⟹퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2=퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22=퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (3.5) On account of 1.7, it follows that, 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 =퐴1 퐡1† 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2† 퐴2퐡2 =퐴1 퐡1†퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2†퐡2 퐴2 =퐴1퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐴2
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 72| 
=퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 퐴퐡=퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡1 퐴1 퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2 퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐴1 퐡1 퐡1† 퐴1 βˆͺ 퐴2 퐡2 퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐴1 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2 퐴2 =퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐡퐡 퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 ⟹퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2=퐡퐡 퐴퐡 The conditions on the right hand sides of (1.7) and (3.5) lead to the equalities, 퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2= 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 † 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 =퐡12 퐡12 †퐴12 βˆͺ퐡22 퐡22 †퐴22 =퐡12 퐡12 †퐡12퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐡22 퐡22 †퐡22퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐡12퐡1†퐴1βˆͺ퐡22 퐡2†퐴2 =퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡퐡퐴퐡 ⇒퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2=퐴12 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22 =퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 =퐴퐡퐡퐡 ⇒퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 (iii) 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴12 퐡12 †퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1 퐡12 †퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 퐡22 †퐡2퐴2 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12퐡1†퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22퐡2†퐴2 =퐴1 퐡1†퐡1 퐡1퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2†퐡2 퐡2퐡2† 퐴2 =퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 According to (1.7), which shows that 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ 2 Lemma 3.2 Let ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃.If the Moore – Penrose inverse 퐡퐡 † of some ν΅ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻 is a generalized inverse of a bimatrix 퐴퐡, that is, 퐴퐡퐡푩 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡, Then ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻. Proof
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 73| 
It is mentioned that, ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 if and only if , 퐴퐡퐴푩 †=퐴푩 †퐴퐡 Then, on the other hand 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†퐡1퐴ퟏ βˆ— βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐡2퐴ퟐ βˆ— = 퐴1퐡1퐴1퐴1† βˆ— βˆͺ 퐴2퐡2퐴2퐴2† βˆ— = 퐴1퐴1† βˆ— βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2† βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2퐴2† 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ—=퐴푩 †퐴퐡 (3.6) Further, 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†퐡1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐡2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— =퐴1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ—=퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— Comparing (3.6) with (3.7) we get 퐴푩 † 퐴퐡=퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— Pre-multiplying by 퐴퐡, 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— β‡’ 퐴1퐴1†퐴1 βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2†퐴2 =퐴1퐴1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2퐴2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2=퐴ퟏ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴ퟐ βˆ— 퐴퐡=퐴푩 βˆ— β‡’ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻 Theorem 3.3 Let ν΄ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐸푃and ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ’ 퐡 and 퐴2≀퐿퐡2βŸΊν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ (3.8) Proof Without loss of generality, 퐴퐡 may be assumed to be Hermitian. From (1.6) it is clear that and that ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 β‰€ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 and that the equality holds only in the trivial case when 퐴퐡=퐡퐡. Therefore, assume that ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 =푏 that is ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 =ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 =ν‘Ž and ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 =ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 =푏 If ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅, then the fact that 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 enables representing these bimatrices in the forms described in the second part of Lemma(1.10). Hence the ⟸ part of (3.8) follows. For the proof of the converse implication observe that, on account of the first two equalities in (1.7) 퐴퐡 2≀퐿퐡퐡 2⟺퐡퐡 † 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 †≀퐿퐡퐡 † 퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 † ⟺퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 † 퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— ≀퐿퐡퐡 †퐡퐡 (3.9) By conditions (1.1), the Moore-Penrose inverse of a hermitian bimatrix 퐡퐡 of the form specified in the second part of Lemma (1.11) admits the representation 퐡퐡 †=푉퐡 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 βˆ’ν·ν΅1βˆ’1 푅퐡 βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 퐷퐡2βˆ’1+ ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— and hence
On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices 
| IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 74| 
퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 νΌν΅ν‘Ž 0βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 0 νΌν΅ν‘Ž βˆ’ 푅퐡 0 0 푉퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 νΌν΅ν‘Ž βˆ’ 푅퐡 βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— (3.10) Since the bimatrix 퐡퐡 † 퐡퐡 =퐡퐡퐡퐡 † represents the orthogonal projector onto β„› 퐡퐡 =β„› 푉퐡 , it may be expressed as 푉퐡푉퐡 βˆ—. Consequently, in view of (3.10) 퐡퐡 † ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΅ν΅ † 퐴퐡 퐡퐡 † 퐴퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 0 푅퐡 ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐼퐡(ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž) βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— (3.11) On the account of (3.9), equality (3.11) shows that supplementing the minus order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ by Lowner order 퐴퐡 2≀퐿퐡퐡 2 forces to be 0. Then the bimatrix 퐡퐡 characterized in lemma (1.11) takes the form described in lemma (1.1), thus leading to the conclusion that ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ REFERENCES [1] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Jan Hauke, Xiaoji Liu, Sanyang Liu, β€˜Relationships between partial orders of matrices and their powers’ Linear Algebra and its Applications 379 (2004) 277-287. [2] J.K. Baksalary, S.K. Mitra, β€˜Left-star and right-star partial orderings’, Linear Algebra Applications, 149 (1991) 73- 89. [3] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Oskar Haria Baksalary, Xiaoji Liu, β€˜Further properties of the star, left-star, minus partial orderings’ Linear Algebra and its Applications 375 (2003) 83-94. [4] J.K. Baksalary, F. Pukelshiom, G.P.H. Styan, β€˜some properties of matrix partial orderings’, Linear Algebra Applications, 119 (1989) 57-85. [5] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Sujit Kumar Mitra, β€˜Left-star and right-star and partial orderings’. Elsevier Science Publishing Co.,Inc.,1991 (73-89). [6] M.P. Drazin, β€˜Natural structures on semi groups with involution Bull. Amer. Hath. Soc. 84 (1978) 139-141. [7] R.E.Hartwig, β€˜How to partially order regular elements’, Math. Japan.25 (1980) 1-13. [8] R.E. Hartwig, G.P.H. Styan, β€˜on some characterizations of the star partial ordering for matrices and rank subtractivity’, Linear Algebra Applications 82 (1986) 145-161. [9] K.S.S. Nambooripal, β€˜The natural partial order on a regular semi group’ Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 23 (1980) (249- 260). [10] Ramesh.G,Anbarasi.N, β€˜ On inverses and Generalized inverses of Bimatrices’, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, Issue 8, Aug 2014,PP(77-90)

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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...IJMER
On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
On ranges and null spaces of a special type of operator named 𝝀 βˆ’ π’‹π’†π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’. – ...
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Internship report on mechanical engineering

On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices

  • 1. International OPEN ACCESS Journal Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 66| On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices G. Ramesh1, N. Anbarasi2 1 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Govt Arts College (Auto), Kumbakonam 2Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Arasu Engineering College , Kumbakonam I. Introduction And Preliminaries Let β„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› be the set of ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› complex bimatrices. The symbols 퐴퐡 βˆ—,β„› 퐴퐡 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 denote the conjugate transpose, range space and rank subtractivity of 퐴퐡 νœ– β„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› respectively. Further, 퐴퐡 † νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘š stand for the Moore-Penrose inverse of 퐴퐡[10], that is the unique bimatrix satisfying the equations, 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡, 퐴퐡 † 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †,퐴퐡 퐴퐡 †= 퐴퐡 퐴퐡 † βˆ— , 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 = 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— (1.1) and 퐼퐡푛 be the identity bimatrix of order ν‘›. Moreover, β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 , β„‚ν‘› 퐻 and β„‚ν‘› β‰₯denote the subsets of β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› consisting of 퐸푃, Hermitian, and Hermitian non-negative definite bimatrices respectively. That is, β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› βˆΆν‘… 퐴퐡 =ν‘… 퐴퐡 βˆ— βŸΉν‘… 퐴1 =ν‘… 퐴1βˆ— ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ ν‘… 퐴2 =ν‘… 퐴2βˆ— β„‚ν‘› 퐻= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› ∢퐴퐡=퐴퐡 βˆ—βŸΉν΄1=퐴1βˆ— ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ 퐴2=퐴2βˆ— and β„‚ν‘› β‰₯= ν΄ν΅νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘›βˆΆν΄ν΅=퐿퐡 퐿퐡 βˆ—βŸΉν΄1=퐿1퐿1βˆ— ; 퐴2=퐿2퐿2 βˆ— ν‘“ν‘œν‘Ÿ ν‘ ν‘œν‘šν‘’νΏν΅=퐿1βˆͺ퐿2βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푝 In this paper, the usual star, left-star, right-star, plus order, minus order and Lowner order have been generalized to bimatrices. Also it is shown that all these orderings are partial orderings in bimatrices. The relationship between star partial order and minus partial order of bimatrices and their squares are examined. Definition 1.1 The star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ that is, 퐴1βˆ—ν΄1=퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 ; 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2=퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 βˆ—=퐡퐡퐴퐡 βˆ— that is, 퐴1퐴1βˆ— =퐡1퐴1βˆ— ; 퐴2퐴2βˆ—=퐡2퐴2βˆ— and can alternatively be specified as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 †퐡퐡 that is, 퐴1†퐴1=퐴1†퐡1 ; 퐴2†퐴2=퐴2†퐡2 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐡퐡퐴퐡 † that is, 퐴1퐴1†=퐡1퐴1† ; 퐴2퐴2†=퐡2퐴2† Example 1.2 Consider the bimatrices 퐴퐡= 1 10 0 βˆͺ 2 20 0 (1.2) (1.3) Abstract: The usual star, left-star, right-star, plus order, minus order and Lowner ordering have been generalized to bimatrices. Also it is shown that all these orderings are partial orderings in bimatrices. The relationship between star partial order and minus partial order of bimatrices and their squares are examined. Keywords: Star partial order, left-star partial order, right-star partial order, plus order, minus order and lowner order. AMS Classification: 15A09, 15A15, 15A57
  • 2. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 67| and 퐡퐡= 1 11 βˆ’1 βˆͺ 2 22 βˆ’2 βŸΉν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ Definition 1.3 The left - star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, ν΄ν΅βˆ—β‰€ν΅ν΅βŸΊν΄ν΅ βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ that is, 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1=퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 ; 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2=퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 and β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐡퐡 that is, β„› 퐴1 βŠ†β„› 퐡1 ; β„› 퐴2 βŠ†β„› 퐡2 Definition 1.4 The right - star ordering for bimatrices is defined by, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊν΄ν΅ν΄ν΅ βˆ—=퐡퐡퐴퐡 βˆ— that is, 퐴1퐴1βˆ— =퐡1퐴1βˆ— ; 퐴2퐴2βˆ—=퐡2퐴2βˆ— and β„› 퐴퐡 βˆ— βŠ†β„› ν΅ν΅βˆ— that is, β„› 퐴1βˆ— βŠ†β„› 퐡1βˆ— ; β„› 퐴2βˆ— βŠ†β„› 퐡2βˆ— Definition 1.5 The plus - order for bimatrices is defined as, 퐴퐡⋖퐡퐡 whenever 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 †퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐡퐡퐴퐡 †, for some reflexive generalized inverse 퐴퐡 † of 퐴퐡. ( satisfying both 퐴퐡퐴퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 and 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †). Definition 1.6 The minus (rank Subtractivity) ordering is defined for bimatrices as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡⟺ r(ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅)=r 퐡퐡 βˆ’r 퐴퐡 that is, r(퐡1βˆ’ν΄1)= r 퐡1 βˆ’ r 퐴1 and r(퐡2βˆ’ν΄2)= r 퐡2 βˆ’ r 퐴2 (1.6) or as, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡⟺ 퐴퐡퐡퐡 †퐡퐡=퐴퐡, 퐡퐡퐡퐡 †퐴퐡= 퐴퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡 (1.7) Note 1.7 i) It can be shown that, ν΄ν΅β‹–ν΅ν΅βŸΊ r(ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅)=r 퐡퐡 βˆ’ r 퐴퐡 and so the plus order is equivalent to rank subtractivity. ii) From (1.4) and (1.5) it is seen that ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅βŸΊ 퐴퐡 βˆ—βˆ—β‰€ ν΅ν΅βˆ— Definition 1.8 The Lowner partial ordering denoted by ≀퐿, for Which 퐴퐡,퐡퐡 νœ– β„‚ν‘›ν‘‹ν‘› is defined by ν΄ν΅β‰€νΏν΅ν΅βŸΊν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅ νœ– β„‚ν‘› β‰₯. Result 1.9 Show that,the relation βˆ—β‰€ is a partial ordering. Proof (1) ν΄ν΅βˆ—β‰€ν΄ν΅β‡’ν΄1βˆ—β‰€ν΄1 and 퐴2βˆ—β‰€ν΄2 holds trivially. (2) If 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅= 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and β„› 퐡퐡 βŠ† β„› 퐴퐡 then 퐴퐡=퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 = 퐴1β€ βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2β€ βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2 = 퐴1β€ βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2β€ βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 = 퐴1 퐴1† βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2 퐴2† βˆ— 퐡2 =퐡1βˆͺ퐡2 (1.4) (1.5)
  • 3. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 68| =퐴퐡=퐡퐡 (3) If 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and ν΅ν΅βˆ— 퐡퐡=ν΅ν΅βˆ— 퐢퐡 hold along with β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐡퐡 and β„› 퐡퐡 βŠ†β„› 퐢퐡 ,then 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅=퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2 =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1β€ βˆ— 퐡1βˆ— 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2β€ βˆ— 퐡2βˆ— 퐡2 =퐴1 βˆ—ν΅1β€ βˆ— 퐡1βˆ— 퐢1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—ν΅2β€ βˆ— 퐡2βˆ— 퐢2 = 퐡1 퐡1† 퐴1 βˆ— 퐢1βˆͺ 퐡2 퐡2† 퐴2 βˆ— 퐢2 =퐴1 βˆ—νΆ1βˆͺ퐴2 βˆ—νΆ2 퐴퐡 βˆ— 퐴퐡 =퐴퐡 βˆ— 퐢퐡 ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ β„› 퐴퐡 βŠ† β„› 퐢퐡 Similarly, it can be verified that all the orderings are partial orderings. Lemma 1.10 [1] Let 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› and let ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡 =푏. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ—ν΅ if and only if there exist ν‘ˆβˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯푏,ν‘‰βˆˆ β„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푏 satisfying ν‘ˆβˆ—ν‘ˆ=퐼푏=푉 βˆ—ν‘‰, for which 퐴=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 0 푉 βˆ— and 퐡=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 퐷2 푉 βˆ— (1.8) where 퐷1 and 퐷2 are positive definite diagonal matrices of degree a and ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž, respectively. For 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻, the matrix ν‘ˆ in (1.8) may be replaced by 푉, but then 퐷1 and 퐷2 represent any nonsingular real diagonal matrices. Lemma 1.11[1] Let 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯ν‘› and let ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡 =푏. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ if only if there exist U βˆˆβ„‚ν‘šν‘₯푏, ν‘‰βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯푏, satisfying ν‘ˆ βˆ—ν‘ˆ=퐼푏=푉 βˆ—ν‘‰, for which 퐴=ν‘ˆ 퐷1 0 0 0 푉 anda 퐡=ν‘ˆ 퐷1+ν‘… 퐷2푆 푅퐷2 퐷2푆 퐷2 ν‘‰βˆ— (1.9) Where 퐷1 and 퐷2 are positive definite diagonal matrices of degree ν‘Ž and ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž, while ν‘…βˆˆβ„‚ν‘Žν‘₯ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž and ν‘†βˆˆβ„‚ν‘βˆ’ν‘Žν‘‹ν‘Ž are arbitrary. For 퐴,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 the matrices ν‘ˆ and 푆 in (1.9) may be replaced by 푉 and ν‘… βˆ— respectively, but then 퐷1 and 퐷2 represent any nonsingular real diagonal matrices. Lemma 1.12 Let 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 be star-ordered as ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅. Then 퐴퐡≀퐿퐡퐡 if and only if ν›Ύ 퐴퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐡퐡 , Where ν›Ύ (.) denotes the number of negative eigenvalues of a given bimatrix. Proof Case (i) Let ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 that is, ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 = ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 . The result is trivial. Case (ii) Let ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 < ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 that is, ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 and ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 < ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 Lemma (1.1) ensures that if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅, then ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅= 퐡1βˆͺ퐡2 βˆ’(퐴1βˆͺ퐴2) = 퐡1βˆ’ν΄1 βˆͺ 퐡2βˆ’ν΄2 = ν‘ˆ1 퐷11 0 0 퐷12 푉1βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆ1 퐷11 00 0 푉1βˆ— βˆͺ ν‘ˆ2 퐷21 0 0 퐷22 푉2βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆ2 퐷21 00 0 푉2βˆ—
  • 4. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 69| =(ν‘ˆ1βˆͺν‘ˆ2) 퐷11βˆͺ퐷12 0 0 퐷12βˆͺ퐷22 푉1βˆ—βˆͺ푉2βˆ— βˆ’ ν‘ˆ1βˆͺν‘ˆ2 퐷11βˆͺ퐷21 0 0 0 푉1βˆ—βˆͺ푉2βˆ— =ν‘ˆν΅ 퐷퐡1 0 0 퐷퐡2 푉퐡 βˆ—βˆ’ν‘ˆν΅ 퐷퐡1 0 0 0 푉퐡 βˆ— ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΄ν΅=ν‘ˆν΅ 0 0 0 퐷퐡2 푉퐡 βˆ— Hence it is seen that the order 퐴퐡≀퐿퐡퐡 is equivalent to the non-negative definiteness of 퐷퐡2, that is, ν›Ύ 퐷2 =0.Consequently, the result follows by noting that ν›Ύ 퐴퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐷퐡1 and ν›Ύ 퐡퐡 =ν›Ύ 퐷퐡1 +ν›Ύ 퐷퐡2 . II. Star Partial Ordering Theorem (3) of Baksalary and Pukel sheim [3] asserts that, for any A,B βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› β‰₯ , A β‰€βˆ—B⟺ A2β‰€βˆ—B2 ⇒퐴 퐡=퐡 퐴 (2.1) This result is revisited here with the emphasis laid on the question which from among four implications comprised in (2.1) continues to be valid for bimatrices not necessarily being bihermitian non negative definite. Theorem2.1 Let ν΄ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 and ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘‹ν‘›.Then ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅β‡’ν΄ν΅ 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (2.2) Proof Since 퐴퐡=퐴1βˆͺ퐴2βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› νΈν‘ƒβŸΊν΄ν΅ν΄ν΅ †=퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 That is, 퐴1퐴1†=퐴1†퐴1 and 퐴2퐴2†=퐴2†퐴2 Now, 퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴12 퐴1†βˆͺ퐴22퐴2† =퐴1 퐴1퐴1† βˆͺ퐴2 퐴2퐴2† =퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 Also, 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2=퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐴1†퐴12 = 퐴1†퐴1 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2+ 퐴2 =퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 ⇒퐴퐡 2퐴퐡 †=퐴퐡 †퐴퐡 2 And 퐴퐡 2 †= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † = 퐴1퐴1 †βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2 † =퐴1†퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2†퐴2† = 퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2† 2 퐴퐡 2 †= 퐴퐡 † 2 Consequently, in view of (1.3), 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 = 퐴12 퐴1†퐡1βˆͺ퐴22퐴2†퐡2 =퐴12 퐴1†퐴1βˆͺ퐴22퐴2†퐴2
  • 5. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 70| 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2 And 퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡1퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐡2퐴2†퐴22 =퐡1퐴1†퐴12 βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐴22 퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 ⇒퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 Moreover, 퐴퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 †퐡12βˆͺ 퐴22 †퐡22 = 퐴12 † 퐴12 βˆͺ 퐴22 †퐴22 = 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 † 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2= 퐴퐡 2 † 퐴퐡 2 and 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 †=퐡12 퐴12 †βˆͺ퐡22 퐴22 † =퐡1 퐴1 퐴1† 2βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2 퐴2† 2 =퐴12 퐴12 † βˆͺ퐴22 퐴22 † 퐡22 퐴퐡 2 †=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 † ⟹퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 Note2.2 Implication 2.2 is not reversible. Example2.3 Consider the bimatrices, 퐴퐡= 1 10 0 βˆͺ 2 20 0 and 퐡퐡= 1 11 βˆ’1 βˆͺ 2 22 βˆ’2 In which the order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ does not entail either of the conditions 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2, 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡. On the otherhand, if 퐴퐡= 1 00 0 βˆͺ 2 00 0 and 퐡퐡= 0 11 0 βˆͺ 0 22 0 then 퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2, but 퐴퐡 βˆ—ν΄ν΅β‰ ν΄ν΅ βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡≠ 퐡퐡 퐴퐡. This showing that even for bihermitian matrices the star order between 퐴퐡 2 ν‘Žν‘›ν‘‘ 퐡퐡 2 and does not entail the star order between 퐴퐡 and 퐡퐡 and the commutativity of these bimatrices which are the other two implications contained in (2.1). It is pointed out that the two conditions on the right-hand side of (2.2) are insufficient for ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅. When there is no restriction on 퐴퐡, a similar conclusion is obtained in the case of combining the two orders ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2.The bimatrices, 퐴퐡= 0 10 0 βˆͺ 0 20 0 and 퐡퐡= 0 11 0 βˆͺ 0 22 0 and their squares are star ordered, but 퐴퐡 퐡퐡≠퐡퐡 퐴퐡. However, the combination of the order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ with the commutativity condition appears sufficient for 퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2 for all quadratic bimatrices. Theorem2.4 Let 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘›. Then ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡⟹퐴퐡 2 β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2
  • 6. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 71| Proof On account of (1.2), it follows that if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ and 퐴퐡 퐡퐡=퐡퐡 퐴퐡 then, 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2= 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 βˆ— 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ— 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 = 퐴12 βˆ—ν΅12βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ—ν΅22 =퐴1βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΄2 퐡2 = 퐴1βˆ— 2 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ 퐴2βˆ— 2퐴2 퐡2 =퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— 퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2βˆ— 퐴2βˆ—ν΅2 퐴2 = 퐴12 βˆ—ν΄12 βˆͺ 퐴22 βˆ—ν΄22 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΅ν΅ 2= 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—ν΄ν΅ 2 and 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—= 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 βˆ— =퐡12 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ퐡22 퐴22 βˆ— =퐡1 퐡1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1βˆ— βˆͺ퐡2 퐡2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2βˆ— =퐡1 퐴1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴1 퐡1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴1 퐴1퐴1 βˆ— 퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— 퐴2 βˆ— =퐴12 퐴1퐴1 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴22 퐴2퐴2 βˆ— =퐴12 퐴12 βˆ—βˆͺ퐴22 퐴22 βˆ— 퐡퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ—=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 βˆ— III. Minus Partial Ordering Baksalary and Pukelsheim [3, Theorem 2] showed that for ,ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› β‰₯ , the following three implications hold. ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ and 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 ⟹ 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 (3.1) ν΄β‰€βˆ’ν΅ and 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 ⟹ 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 (3.2) 퐴2β‰€βˆ’ν΅2 and 퐴퐡=퐡퐴 ⟹ ν΄β‰€βˆ’ 퐡 (3.3) Now,we extend this implications for bimatrices also by the following theorems. Theorem 3.1 For any 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘›ν‘₯ν‘› if ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 then 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ 2 Proof First notice that, ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ 퐡퐡 and 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (3.4) ⟹퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2=퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22=퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2=퐡퐡퐴퐡 (3.5) On account of 1.7, it follows that, 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 =퐴1 퐡1† 퐴1 퐡1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2† 퐴2퐡2 =퐴1 퐡1†퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2†퐡2 퐴2 =퐴1퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐴2
  • 7. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 72| =퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 퐴퐡=퐡1 퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡1 퐴1 퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐡2 퐴2 퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐴1 퐡1 퐡1† 퐴1 βˆͺ 퐴2 퐡2 퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐴1 퐴1βˆͺ 퐴2 퐴2 =퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐡퐡 퐴퐡=퐴퐡 2 ⟹퐴퐡퐡퐡=퐴퐡 2=퐡퐡 퐴퐡 The conditions on the right hand sides of (1.7) and (3.5) lead to the equalities, 퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2= 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 퐡12βˆͺ퐡22 † 퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 =퐡12 퐡12 †퐴12 βˆͺ퐡22 퐡22 †퐴22 =퐡12 퐡12 †퐡12퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐡22 퐡22 †퐡22퐡2† 퐴2 = 퐡12퐡1†퐴1βˆͺ퐡22 퐡2†퐴2 =퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐡2퐴2 =퐡퐡퐴퐡 ⇒퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2=퐴12 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12 퐡12 †퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22 =퐴1퐡1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 =퐴퐡퐡퐡 ⇒퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐡퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 (iii) 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴12 퐡12 †퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐡22 †퐡22 =퐴1퐡1 퐡12 †퐡1퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2 퐡22 †퐡2퐴2 =퐴1퐡1†퐡12퐡1†퐴1βˆͺ퐴2퐡2†퐡22퐡2†퐴2 =퐴1 퐡1†퐡1 퐡1퐡1† 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2 퐡2†퐡2 퐡2퐡2† 퐴2 =퐴12 βˆͺ퐴22 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 2 †퐴퐡 2=퐴퐡 2 According to (1.7), which shows that 퐴퐡 2β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ 2 Lemma 3.2 Let ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃.If the Moore – Penrose inverse 퐡퐡 † of some ν΅ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻 is a generalized inverse of a bimatrix 퐴퐡, that is, 퐴퐡퐡푩 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡, Then ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻. Proof
  • 8. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 73| It is mentioned that, ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐸푃 if and only if , 퐴퐡퐴푩 †=퐴푩 †퐴퐡 Then, on the other hand 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†퐡1퐴ퟏ βˆ— βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐡2퐴ퟐ βˆ— = 퐴1퐡1퐴1퐴1† βˆ— βˆͺ 퐴2퐡2퐴2퐴2† βˆ— = 퐴1퐴1† βˆ— βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2† βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†βˆͺ퐴2퐴2† 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ—=퐴푩 †퐴퐡 (3.6) Further, 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— =퐴1퐴1†퐡1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2퐴2†퐡2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— =퐴1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐡푩 †퐴푩 βˆ—=퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— Comparing (3.6) with (3.7) we get 퐴푩 † 퐴퐡=퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— Pre-multiplying by 퐴퐡, 퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐴퐡=퐴퐡퐴푩 †퐴푩 βˆ— β‡’ 퐴1퐴1†퐴1 βˆͺ 퐴2퐴2†퐴2 =퐴1퐴1β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴2퐴2β€ ν΄νŸ βˆ— 퐴1βˆͺ퐴2=퐴ퟏ βˆ—βˆͺ퐴ퟐ βˆ— 퐴퐡=퐴푩 βˆ— β‡’ν΄ν΅νœ–β„‚ν‘› 퐻 Theorem 3.3 Let ν΄ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐸푃and ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻. Then ν΄β‰€βˆ’ 퐡 and 퐴2≀퐿퐡2βŸΊν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ (3.8) Proof Without loss of generality, 퐴퐡 may be assumed to be Hermitian. From (1.6) it is clear that and that ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 β‰€ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 and that the equality holds only in the trivial case when 퐴퐡=퐡퐡. Therefore, assume that ν‘Ž=ν‘Ÿ 퐴퐡 <ν‘Ÿ 퐡퐡 =푏 that is ν‘Ÿ 퐴1 =ν‘Ÿ 퐴2 =ν‘Ž and ν‘Ÿ 퐡1 =ν‘Ÿ 퐡2 =푏 If ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅, then the fact that 퐴퐡,ν΅ν΅βˆˆβ„‚ν‘› 퐻 enables representing these bimatrices in the forms described in the second part of Lemma(1.10). Hence the ⟸ part of (3.8) follows. For the proof of the converse implication observe that, on account of the first two equalities in (1.7) 퐴퐡 2≀퐿퐡퐡 2⟺퐡퐡 † 퐴퐡 2 퐡퐡 †≀퐿퐡퐡 † 퐡퐡 2 퐡퐡 † ⟺퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 † 퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— ≀퐿퐡퐡 †퐡퐡 (3.9) By conditions (1.1), the Moore-Penrose inverse of a hermitian bimatrix 퐡퐡 of the form specified in the second part of Lemma (1.11) admits the representation 퐡퐡 †=푉퐡 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 βˆ’ν·ν΅1βˆ’1 푅퐡 βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 퐷퐡2βˆ’1+ ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐷퐡1βˆ’1 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— and hence
  • 9. On Some Partial Orderings for Bimatrices | IJMER | ISSN: 2249–6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss.9| Sept. 2014 | 74| 퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 퐡퐡 †퐴퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 νΌν΅ν‘Ž 0βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 0 νΌν΅ν‘Ž βˆ’ 푅퐡 0 0 푉퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 νΌν΅ν‘Ž βˆ’ 푅퐡 βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— (3.10) Since the bimatrix 퐡퐡 † 퐡퐡 =퐡퐡퐡퐡 † represents the orthogonal projector onto β„› 퐡퐡 =β„› 푉퐡 , it may be expressed as 푉퐡푉퐡 βˆ—. Consequently, in view of (3.10) 퐡퐡 † ν΅ν΅βˆ’ν΅ν΅ † 퐴퐡 퐡퐡 † 퐴퐡 βˆ— =푉퐡 0 푅퐡 ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 퐼퐡(ν‘βˆ’ν‘Ž) βˆ’ν‘…ν΅βˆ— 푅퐡 푉퐡 βˆ— (3.11) On the account of (3.9), equality (3.11) shows that supplementing the minus order ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ’ν΅ν΅ by Lowner order 퐴퐡 2≀퐿퐡퐡 2 forces to be 0. Then the bimatrix 퐡퐡 characterized in lemma (1.11) takes the form described in lemma (1.1), thus leading to the conclusion that ν΄ν΅β‰€βˆ—ν΅ν΅ REFERENCES [1] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Jan Hauke, Xiaoji Liu, Sanyang Liu, β€˜Relationships between partial orders of matrices and their powers’ Linear Algebra and its Applications 379 (2004) 277-287. [2] J.K. Baksalary, S.K. Mitra, β€˜Left-star and right-star partial orderings’, Linear Algebra Applications, 149 (1991) 73- 89. [3] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Oskar Haria Baksalary, Xiaoji Liu, β€˜Further properties of the star, left-star, minus partial orderings’ Linear Algebra and its Applications 375 (2003) 83-94. [4] J.K. Baksalary, F. Pukelshiom, G.P.H. Styan, β€˜some properties of matrix partial orderings’, Linear Algebra Applications, 119 (1989) 57-85. [5] Jerzy.K. Baksalary, Sujit Kumar Mitra, β€˜Left-star and right-star and partial orderings’. Elsevier Science Publishing Co.,Inc.,1991 (73-89). [6] M.P. Drazin, β€˜Natural structures on semi groups with involution Bull. Amer. Hath. Soc. 84 (1978) 139-141. [7] R.E.Hartwig, β€˜How to partially order regular elements’, Math. Japan.25 (1980) 1-13. [8] R.E. Hartwig, G.P.H. Styan, β€˜on some characterizations of the star partial ordering for matrices and rank subtractivity’, Linear Algebra Applications 82 (1986) 145-161. [9] K.S.S. Nambooripal, β€˜The natural partial order on a regular semi group’ Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 23 (1980) (249- 260). [10] Ramesh.G,Anbarasi.N, β€˜ On inverses and Generalized inverses of Bimatrices’, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, Issue 8, Aug 2014,PP(77-90)