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Integrated Curriculum For Secondary Schools

         Curriculum Specifications

                    Year 5

           Curriculum Development Centre
            Ministry of Education Malaysia
Copyright © 2006 Curriculum Development Centre
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62604 Putrajaya

First published 2006

Copyright reserved. Except for use in a review, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other
means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, and recording is forbidden without the written permission from the Director of
the Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

The National Philosophy                           v
National Philosophy of Education                  vii
National Science Education Philosophy             ix
Preface                                           xi
Introduction                                      1
Aims and Objectives                               1
Scientific Skills                                 2
Thinking Skills                                   3
Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values             7
Teaching and Learning Strategies                  7
Content Organisation                              9
Investigating Living Things
     Learning Area:    Microorganisms             13
                       Survival of the species    17
Investigating Force and Energy
     Learning Area:    Energy                     23
                       Electricity                26
                       Light                      29
                       Heat                       32

Investigating Materials
     Learning Area:   States of matter                  36
                      Acid and alkali                   41
Investigating The Earth and The Universe
     Learning Area:   Constellation                     42
                      The Earth, The Moon and The Sun   43

Investigating Technology
     Learning Area:   Strength and Stability            46

Acknowledgements                                        49

Panel of Writers                                        50


Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to
creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared; to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich
and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society which shall be oriented towards modern science and

We, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:



Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated
manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious
based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are
knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high
level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large.


In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in
                            Malaysia nurtures a
               science and technology culture by focusing
on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and
                            resilient and able to
        master scientific knowledge and technological competency.

                                                                            In a recent development, the Government has made a decision to
The aspiration of the nation to become an industrialised society            introduce English as the medium of instruction in the teaching and
depends on science and technology. It is envisaged that success in          learning of science and mathematics. This measure will enable
providing quality science education to Malaysians from an early age         pupils to keep abreast of developments in science and technology
will serve to spearhead the nation into becoming a knowledge                in contemporary society by enhancing their capability and know-
society and a competitive player in the global arena. Towards this          how to tap the diverse sources of information on science written in
end, the Malaysian education system is giving greater emphasis to           the English language. At the same time, this move would also
science and mathematics education.                                          provide opportunities for pupils to use the English language and
                                                                            hence, increase their proficiency in the language. Thus, in
The Science curriculum has been designed not only to provide                implementing the science curriculum, attention is given to
opportunities for pupils to acquire science knowledge and skills,           developing pupils’ ability to use English for study and
develop thinking skills and thinking strategies, and to apply this          communication, especially in the early years of learning.
knowledge and skills in everyday life, but also to inculcate in them
noble values and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that the             The development of this curriculum and the preparation of the
educational process en route to achieving these aims would                  corresponding Curriculum Specifications have been the work of
produce well-balanced citizens capable of contributing to the               many individuals over a period of time. To all those who have
harmony and prosperity of the nation and its people.                        contributed in one way or another to this effort, may I, on behalf of
                                                                            the Ministry of Education, express my sincere gratitude and thanks
The Science curriculum aims at producing active learners. To this           for the time and labour expended.
end, pupils are given ample opportunities to engage in scientific
investigations through hands-on activities and experimentations.
The inquiry approach, incorporating thinking skills, thinking
strategies and thoughtful learning, should be emphasised
throughout the teaching-learning process. The content and contexts          (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP, AMP)
suggested are chosen based on their relevance and appeal to                 Director
pupils so that their interest in the subject is enhanced.                   Curriculum Development Centre
                                                                            Ministry of Education Malaysia

INTRODUCTION                                                                 AIMS

                                                                             The aim of the primary school science curriculum is to develop
As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in
                                                                             pupils’ interest and creativity through everyday experiences and
Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential of
                                                                             investigations that promote the acquisition of scientific and thinking
individuals in a holistic and integrated manner to produce
                                                                             skills as well as the inculcation of scientific attitudes and values.
individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and
physically balanced and harmonious. The primary and secondary
school science curriculum is developed with the aim of producing
such individuals.

        The Level Two Primary School Science curriculum is
designed to stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest as        The Level Two Primary School Science Curriculum aims to:
well to enable pupils to learn more about themselves and the world              1. Stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest about
around them through pupil-centered activities.                                     the world around them.
                                                                                2. Provide pupils with opportunities to develop science process
        The curriculum is articulated in two documents: the syllabus               skills and thinking skills.
and the curriculum specifications. The syllabus presents the aims,
objectives and the outline of the curriculum content for a period of 3          3. Develop pupils’ creativity.
years for Level Two Primary School Science. The curriculum                      4. Provide pupils with basic science knowledge and concepts.
specifications provides the details of the curriculum, which includes
                                                                                5. To provide learning opportunities for pupils to apply
the aims and objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on
thinking skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills, scientific             knowledge and skills in a creative, critical and analytical
attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning strategies, and                  manner for problem solving and decision-making.
curriculum content. The curriculum content covers the learning                  6. Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values.
objectives, suggested learning activities, learning outcomes, notes
                                                                                7. Foster the appreciation on the contributions of science and
and vocabulary.
                                                                                   technology towards national development and well-being of
                                                                                8. Be aware of the need to love and care for the environment.


Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry and                Predicting          Making a forecast about what will happen in
problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills are utilised.                           the future based on prior knowledge gained
Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation such as                           through experiences or collected data.
conducting experiments and carrying out projects.
                                                                              Communicating       Using words or graphic symbols such as
      Scientific skills encompass science process skills and                                      tables, graphs, figures or models to describe
manipulative skills.                                                                              an action, object or event.

Science Process Skills                                                        Using space-time Describing changes in parameter with time.
                                                                              relationship     Examples of parameters are location,
Science process skills enable pupils to formulate their questions                              direction, shape, size, volume, weight and
and find out the answers systematically.                                                       mass.

Descriptions of the science process skills are as follows:                    Interpreting data   Giving rational explanations about an object,
                                                                                                  event or pattern derived from collected data.
Observing             Using the sense of hearing, touch, smell,
                      taste and sight to find out about objects or            Defining            Defining concepts by describing what must
                      events.                                                 operationally       be done and what should be observed.

Classifying           Using observations to group objects or                  Controlling         Naming the fixed variables, manipulated
                      events according to similarities or differences.        variables           variable and responding variable in an
                                                                                                  investigation. The manipulated variable is
Measuring and         Making    quantitative observations by                                      changed to observe its relationship with the
Using Numbers         comparing to a conventional or non-                                         responding variable. At the same time, the
                      conventional standard.                                                      fixed variables are kept constant.

Making                Using past experiences or previously
Inferences            collected data to draw conclusions and
                      explain events.

Making                Making a general statement about the                  Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to integrate
 Hypotheses            relationship between a manipulated variable           knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to understand the
                       and a responding variable to explain an               environment.
                       observation or event. The statement can be
                       tested to determine its validity.                            One of the objectives of the national education system is to
                                                                             enhance the thinking ability of pupils. This objective can be
Experimenting          Planning and conducting activities to test a          achieved through a curriculum that emphasises thoughtful learning.
(design a fair test)   hypothesis.    These    activities   include          Teaching and learning that emphasises thinking skills is a
                       collecting, analysing and interpreting data           foundation for thoughtful learning.
                       and making conclusions.
                                                                                     Thoughtful learning is achieved if pupils are actively involved
                                                                             in the teaching and learning process. Activities should be organised
Manipulative Skills                                                          to provide opportunities for pupils to apply thinking skills in
                                                                             conceptualisation, problem solving and decision-making.
Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor skills
that enable pupils to:                                                               Thinking skills can be categorised into critical and creative
                                                                             thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always evaluates an
•   Use and handle science apparatus and substances.                         idea in a systematic manner before accepting it. A person who
•   Handle specimens correctly and carefully.                                thinks creatively has a high level of imagination, is able to generate
•   Draw specimens and apparatus.                                            original and innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products.
•   Clean science apparatus.
                                                                                     Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that
•   Store science apparatus.
                                                                             involve various steps. Each step involves various critical and
                                                                             creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking strategies is
                                                                             the ultimate aim of introducing thinking activities in the teaching and
                                                                             learning process.


Critical Thinking Skills

A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows:

 Attributing              Identifying   characteristics, features,         Detecting Bias   Identifying views or opinions that have
                          qualities and elements of a concept or                            the tendency to support or oppose
                          an object.                                                        something in an unfair or misleading
 Comparing and            Finding similarities and differences
 Contrasting              based on criteria such as characteristics,       Evaluating       Making judgements on the quality or
                          features, qualities and elements of a                             value of something based on valid
                          concept or event.                                                 reasons or evidence.

 Grouping and             Separating objects or phenomena into             Making           Making a statement about the outcome
 Classifying              categories based on certain criteria such        Conclusions      of an investigation that is based on a
                          as common characteristics or features.                            hypothesis.

 Sequencing               Arranging objects and information in
                          order based on the quality or quantity of
                          common characteristics or features such
                          as size, time, shape or number.

 Prioritising             Arranging objects and information in
                          order based on their importance or

 Analysing               Examining information in detail by
                         breaking it down into smaller parts to find
                         implicit meanings and relationships.

Creative Thinking Skills

A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows:

 Generating Ideas        Producing or giving ideas in a discussion.       Synthesising        Combining separate elements or parts to
                                                                                              form a general picture in various forms
                                                                                              such as writing, drawing or artefact.
 Relating                Making connections in a certain situation
                         to determine a structure or pattern of           Making              Making general statements about the
                         relationship.                                    Hypotheses          relationship between       manipulated
                                                                                              variable and    responding variable to
 Making                  Using past experiences or previously                                 explain an observation or event. The
 Inferences              collected data to draw conclusions and
                                                                                              statements can be tested to determine
                         explain events.
                                                                                              their validity.
 Predicting              Making a forecast about what will happen         Making Analogies    Understanding an abstract or complex
                         in the future based on prior knowledge                               concepts by relating it to simpler or
                         gained through experiences or collected
                                                                                              concrete      concepts  with   similar
                         data.                                                                characteristics.
 Making                  Making a general conclusion about a               Inventing          Producing something new or adapting
 Generalisations         group based on observations on, or
                                                                                              something already in existence to
                         information from, samples of the group.
                                                                                              overcome problems in a systematic
 Visualising             Recalling or forming mental images about
                         a particular idea, concept, situation or

                                                                          Thinking Strategy

Description of each thinking strategy is as follows:
                                                                                              Thinking Skills
Conceptualising        Making generalisations based on inter-
                       related and common characteristics in
                       order to construct meaning, concept or
                       model.                                                 Critical                               Creative
Making Decisions       Selecting the best solution from various           • Attributing                           • Generating ideas
                       alternatives based on specific criteria to         • Comparing and                         • Relating
                       achieve a specific aim.                              contrasting                           • Making inferences
                                                                          • Grouping and                          • Predicting
Problem Solving        Finding solutions to challenging or                  classifying           Reasoning       • Making
                       unfamiliar situations or unanticipated             • Sequencing                               hypotheses
                       difficulties in a systematic manner.               • Prioritising                          • Synthesising
                                                                          • Analysing                             • Making
                                                                          • Detecting bias                           generalisations
Besides the above thinking skills and thinking strategies, another        • Evaluating                            • Visualising
skill emphasised is reasoning. Reasoning is a skill used in               • Making                                • Making analogies
                                                                            conclusions                           • Inventing
making logical, just and rational judgements. Mastering of critical
and creative thinking skills and thinking strategies is made
simpler if an individual is able to reason in an inductive and
deductive manner. Figure 1 gives a general picture of thinking                                     Thinking
skills and thinking strategies.                                                                   Strategies
                                                                                             • Conceptualising
                                                                                             • Making decisions
                                                                                             • Problem solving

Figure 1: TSTS Model in Science

Mastering of thinking skills and thinking strategies (TSTS)                   Science Process Skills   Thinking Skills
through the teaching and learning of science can be developed
through the following phases:
                                                                              Observing                Attributing
   1. Introducing TSTS.                                                                                Comparing and contrasting
   2. Practising TSTS with teacher’s guidance.                                                         Relating
   3. Practising TSTS without teacher’s guidance.
   4. Applying TSTS in new situations with teacher’s                          Classifying              Attributing
      guidance.                                                                                        Comparing and contrasting Grouping
   5. Applying TSTS together with other skills to accomplish                                           and classifying
      thinking tasks.
                                                                              Measuring and Using      Relating
Further information about phases of implementing TSTS can be                  Numbers                  Comparing and contrasting
found in the guidebook “Buku Panduan Penerapan Kemahiran
Berfikir dan Strategi Berfikir dalam Pengajaran dan                           Making Inferences        Relating
Pembelajaran Sains” (Curriculum Development Centre, 1999).                                             Comparing and contrasting
                                                                                                       Making inferences
Relationship between Thinking Skills and
Science Process Skills
                                                                              Predicting               Relating
Science process skills are skills that are required in the process of                                  Visualising
finding solutions to a problem or making decisions in a systematic
manner. It is a mental process that promotes critical, creative,              Using Space-Time         Sequencing
analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of science process              Relationship             Prioritising
skills and the possession of suitable attitudes and knowledge
enable pupils to think effectively.                                           Interpreting data        Comparing and contrasting Analysing
                                                                                                       Detecting bias
        The mastering of science process skills involves the                                           Making conclusions
mastering of the relevant thinking skills. The thinking skills that are                                Generalising
related to a particular science process skill are as follows:                                          Evaluating

Science Process Skills    Thinking Skills                                 The following is an example and explanation of a learning outcome
                                                                          based on thinking skills and scientific skills.

Defining operationally    Relating                                        Example:
                          Making analogy
                          Visualising                                      Level                     Year 4
Controlling variables     Attributing                                      Learning Outcome:         Differentiate the air that we inhale and
                          Comparing and contrasting                                                  the air that we exhale.
                          Analysing                                        Thinking Skills:          Comparing and contrasting

Making hypotheses         Attributing                                      Explanation:
                          Comparing and contrasting Generating             To achieve the above learning outcome, knowledge on the
                          ideas                                            composition of the air that we inhale and exhale is needed. The
                          Making hypotheses                                mastery of the skill of comparing and contrasting is as important
                          Predicting                                       as the acquisition of knowledge on humans and animal
                          Synthesising                                     breathing. This would enable pupils to understand that breathing
                                                                           process in humans and animals
Experimenting             All thinking skills
Communicating             All thinking skills
                                                                           Level                     Year 5
Teaching and Learning based on Thinking Skills and
Scientific Skills                                                          Learning Outcome:         Design a fair test to find out what
                                                                                                     cause the size of a shadow to change
This Level II Science curriculum emphasises thoughtful learning                                      by deciding what to keep the same,
based on thinking skills and scientific skills. Mastery of thinking                                  what to change and what to observe.
skills and scientific skills are integrated with the acquisition of
knowledge in the intended learning outcomes. Thus, in teaching             Scientific Skills:        Experimenting
and learning, teachers need to emphasise the mastery of skills
together with the acquisition of knowledge and the inculcation of
noble values and scientific attitudes.

Explanation:                                                           •     Dare to try.
                                                                           •     Thinking rationally.
    To achieve the above learning outcome, pupils plan and                 •     Being confident and independent.
    conduct investigation to test the hypothesis. This investigation
    should include collecting, analysing and interpreting data and         The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally
    making conclusion.                                                     occurs through the following stages:

                                                                           •     Being aware of the importance and the need for scientific
SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES                                            attitudes and noble values.
                                                                           •     Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values.
                                                                           •     Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and noble
Science learning experiences can be used as a means to inculcate                 values.
scientific attitudes and noble values in pupils. These attitudes and
values encompass the following:                                            When planning teaching and learning activities, teachers need to
                                                                           give due consideration to the above stages to ensure the
•     Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.            continuous and effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and
•     Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data.          values. For example, during science practical work, the teacher
•     Being diligent and persevering.                                      should remind pupils and ensure that they carry out experiments in
•     Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and the       a careful, cooperative and honest manner.
•     Realising that science is a means to understand nature.              Proper planning is required for effective inculcation of scientific
•     Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living.                attitudes and noble values during science lessons. Before the first
•     Appreciating the balance of nature.                                  lesson related to a learning objective, teachers should examine all
•     Being respectful and well-mannered.                                  related learning outcomes and suggested teaching-learning
•     Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.             activities that provide opportunities for the inculcation of scientific
•     Being thankful to God.                                               attitudes and noble values.
•     Having critical and analytical thinking.
                                                                           The following is an example of a learning outcome pertaining to the
•     Being flexible and open-minded.
                                                                           inculcation of scientific attitudes and values.
•     Being kind-hearted and caring.
•     Being objective.                                                         Example:
•     Being systematic.
•     Being cooperative.                                                       Level:                   Year 4
•     Being fair and just.

Learning Area:             Properties of Materials                       TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES
 Learning Objective:        Knowing the importance of reuse,
                            reduce and recycle of materials.              Teaching and learning strategies in the science curriculum
                                                                          emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a process that
 Learning Outcome:          Practise reusing, reducing and                helps pupils acquire knowledge and master skills that will help them
                            recycling to conserve materials.              develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful learning can
                                                                          occur through various learning approaches such as inquiry,
                                                                          constructivism, contextual learning, and mastery learning. Learning
 Suggested Learning         Pupils carry out activities about             activities should therefore be geared towards activating pupils’
 Activities                 reusing, reducing and recycling of            critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or
                            materials throughout the year.                rote learning. Pupils should be made aware of the thinking skills
                                                                          and thinking strategies that they use in their learning. They should
                                                                          be challenged with higher order questions and problems and be
 Scientific attitudes and   Being responsible about the safety            required to solve problems utilising their creativity and critical
 noble values               of   oneself,  others and the                 thinking. The teaching and learning process should enable pupils to
                            environment.                                  acquire knowledge, master skills and develop scientific attitudes
                                                                          and noble values in an integrated manner.
                            Having an intrest and curiosity
                            towards the environment.                               Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through experiences.
                                                                          Inquiry generally means to find information, to question and to
                            Appreciating the balance of nature.           investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the environment.
                                                                          Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. Learning through
                            Being cooperative.                            discovery occurs when the main concepts and principles of science
                                                                          are investigated and discovered by pupils themselves. Through
                                                                          activities such as experiments, pupils investigate a phenomenon
Inculcating Patriotism                                                    and draw conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead pupils to
                                                                          understand the science concepts through the results of the inquiry.
The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the development        Thinking skills and scientific skills are thus developed further during
and strengthening of patriotism among pupils. For example, in             the inquiry process. However, the inquiry approach may not be
learning about the earth’s resources, the richness and variety of         suitable for all teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may
living things and the development of science and technology in the        be more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and principles
country, pupils will appreciate the diversity of natural and human        directly to pupils.
resources of the country and deepen their love for the country.

The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods can              facilitator and lead a discussion by asking questions that stimulate
enhance pupils’ interest in science. Science lessons that are not               thinking and getting pupils to express themselves.
interesting will not motivate pupils to learn and subsequently will
affect their performances. The choice of teaching methods should                Simulation
be based on the curriculum content, pupils’ abilities, pupils’
repertoire of intelligences, and the availability of resources and              In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is
infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities should be            carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and the
planned to cater for pupils with different learning styles and                  use of models. In role-play, pupils play out a particular role based
intelligences.                                                                  on certain pre-determined conditions. Games require procedures
The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and learning              that need to be followed. Pupils play games in order to learn a
methods.                                                                        particular principle or to understand the process of decision-making.
                                                                                Models are used to represent objects or actual situations so that
                                                                                pupils can visualise the said objects or situations and thus
Experiment                                                                      understand the concepts and principles to be learned.

An experiment is a method commonly used in science lessons. In
experiments, pupils test hypotheses through investigations to                   Project
discover specific science concepts and principles. Conducting an
experiment involves thinking skills, scientific skills, and manipulative        A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken by an
skills.                                                                         individual or a group of pupils to achieve a particular learning
                                                                                objective. A project generally requires several lessons to complete.
         In the implementation of this curriculum, besides guiding              The outcome of the project either in the form of a report, an artefact
pupils to carry out experiments, where appropriate, teachers should             or in other forms needs to be presented to the teacher and other
provide pupils with the opportunities to design their own                       pupils. Project work promotes the development of problem-solving
experiments. This involves pupils drawing up plans as to how to                 skills, time management skills, and independent learning.
conduct experiments, how to measure and analyse data, and how
to present the results of their experiment.
                                                                                Visits and Use of External Resources

Discussion                                                                      The learning of science is not limited to activities carried out in the
                                                                                school compound. Learning of science can be enhanced through
A discussion is an activity in which pupils exchange questions and              the use of external resources such as zoos, museums, science
opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions can be conducted                   centres, research institutes, mangrove swamps, and factories.
before, during or after an activity. Teachers should play the role of a         Visits to these places make the learning of science more

interesting, meaningful and effective. To optimise learning                  achievement of multiple learning outcomes according to needs and
opportunities, visits need to be carefully planned. Pupils may be            context. Teachers should avoid employing a teaching strategy that
involved in the planning process and specific educational tasks              tries to achieve each learning outcome separately according to the
should be assigned during the visit. No educational visit is complete        order stated in the curriculum specifications.
without a post-visit discussion.
                                                                                   The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on the
Use of Technology                                                            scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The learning activities
                                                                             stated under the column Suggested Learning Activities are given
Technology is a powerful tool that has great potential in enhancing          with the intention of providing some guidance as to how learning
the learning of science. Through the use of technology such as               outcomes can be achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or
television, radio, video, computer, and Internet, the teaching and           more learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one activity
learning of science can be made more interesting and effective.              may be suggested for a particular learning outcome. Teachers may
Computer simulation and animation are effective tools for the                modify the suggested activity to suit the ability and style of learning
teaching and learning of abstract or difficult science concepts.             of their pupils. Teachers are encouraged to design other innovative
Computer simulation and animation can be presented through                   and effective learning activities to enhance the learning of science.
courseware or Web page. Application tools such, as word
processors, graphic presentation software and electronic
spreadsheets are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of


The science curriculum is organised around themes. Each theme
consists of various learning areas, each of which consists of a
number of learning objectives. A learning objective has one or more
learning outcomes.

       Learning outcomes are written in the form of measurable
behavioural terms. In general, the learning outcomes for a particular
learning objective are organised in order of complexity. However, in
the process of teaching and learning, learning activities should be
planned in a holistic and integrated manner that enables the

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                 Science-Year 5

                            Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                        Learning Outcomes                    Notes                      Vocabulary
1. Microorganism
1.1 Understanding that   Pupils view video showing        Pupils                       Teacher uses the             yeast- ragi
    microorganism is a   various types of                 Pupils                       following recipe to make     harmful- berbahaya
    living thing         microorganism, e.g. bacteria,                                 dough.                       magnifying glass- kanta
                         virus, fungi and protozoa.         • state types of                                        pembesar
                                                              microorganisms.          Ingredients:                 uses- kegunaan
                         Pupils make a qualitative                                     1 cup of flour               sprinkling – merenjis
                         comparison between the                                        ½ cup of warm water
                         size of microorganism and                                     1 teaspoon of dried yeast
                         that of human and conclude                                    1 teaspoon of sugar
                         that microorganism is very
                         tiny.                                                         Method:
                                                                                       1.Mix all ingredients.
                         Pupils discuss that yeast is a                                2.Cover the mixture with
                         fungi, an example of                                            a damp cloth.
                         microorganism.                                                3.Leave it for 20 minutes.

                         Pupils observe the effect of       • state that yeast is an
                         yeast on dough and infer             example of
                         that microorganism breathes          microorganism.
                         and causes the dough to
                         rise.                              • state that               Ensure pupils use
                                                              microorganism            microscope or magnifying
                                                              breathes.                glass/hand lens.
                         Pupils carry out activity and
                         observe the effect when a
                         test tube filled with 2
                         teaspoon of dried yeast, 1
                         teaspoon of sugar and half         • state that
                         test tube of water. The              microorganism
                         mouth of the test tube is            grows.
                         attached to a balloon.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                             Science-Year 5

                          Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                    Learning Outcomes            Notes               Vocabulary
                                                                            Ensure pupils clean their
                       Pupils carry out activity by                         hands after handling water
                       sprinkling a few drops of                            samples.
                       water on a slice of bread.
                       Pupils put the bread in a
                       plastic bag and observe it for
                       a few days.

                       Pupils observe rotten
                       oranges or mouldy rice using
                       hand lens or microscope and
                       record their observation for a
                       few days.

                       Pupils observe and record
                                                        • state that
                       their findings by drawing.
                       Pupils view video on the
                       movement of
                       microorganisms in water.

                       Pupils collect samples of
                       water from ponds, rivers or
                       drains and observe the
                       movement of
                       microorganisms under a

                       Pupils record their

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                               Science-Year 5

                            Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                       Learning Outcomes                   Notes                     Vocabulary

                         Pupils discuss and state that     • conclude that
                         microorganisms are living           microorganisms are
                         things and most of them             living things and most
                         cannot be seen with naked           of them cannot be
                         eyes.                               seen with naked

1.2 Understanding that    Pupils gather information on   Pupils                       Pupils need not know the   contagious- berjangkit
    some micro-           the uses of                                                 methods of making          quarantine – diasingkan
    organisms are         microorganisms, e.g.             • state examples of        bread, tapai, tempe and    measles- campak
    harmful and some      a) making bread,                   use of                   fertiliser.                chicken pox- cacar
    are useful.           b) making tapai,                   microorganisms.                                     stomach upset- sakit perut
                          c) making tempe,                                                                       cough- batuk
                          d) making fertiliser.                                                                  harm- kesan buruk
                                                                                                                 dengue – denggi
                         Pupils gather information on      • state the harmful                                   sneezing – bersin
                         the harmful effects of              effects of                                          flu - selsema
                         microorganisms, e.g.                microorganisms.                                     mumps – beguk
                          a) causing illness,                                                                    conjunctivitis – sakit mata
                          b) causing food poisoning,
                          c) causing food to turn bad,
                          d) causing tooth decay.

                         Pupils gather information on       • describe that           Teacher just need to
                         diseases caused by                   diseases caused by      mention the common
                         microorganisms e.g.                  microorganisms can      diseases.
                         stomach upset, measles,              spread from one
                         cough, flu, chicken pox,             person to another.
                         dengue, conjunctivitis,
                         mumps and AIDS.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                         Science-Year 5

                           Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                  Learning Outcomes      Notes   Vocabulary
                       Pupils discuss that diseases
                       caused by microorganisms
                       can spread from one person
                       to another.

                       Pupils discuss on how          •   explain ways to
                       diseases caused by                 prevent diseases
                       microorganisms can be              caused by
                       prevented from spreading,          microorganisms.
                        a) by washing hands
                            before handling food,
                        b) by boiling water before
                        c) by covering mouth and
                            nose when coughing or
                        d) by washing hands after
                            using the toilet,
                        e) by putting patients who
                            have chicken pox,
                            conjunctivitis or mumps
                            into quarantine.
                        f) by covering wounds.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                Science-Year 5

                             Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                          Learning Outcomes                 Notes                      Vocabulary
2. Survival of The Species

2.1 Understanding that    Pupils gather information to      Pupils                    Teacher may explain that      kemandirian
    different animals     find examples of animals                                    species means similar         adapt- menyesuaikan
    have their own ways   that take care of their eggs        • give examples of      types of living things that   take care- menjaga
    to ensure the         and young, e.g.                       animals that take     can breed among               protect- melindungi
    survival of their     a) cow,                               care of their eggs    themselves                    young – anak
    species.              b) hen,                               and young.                                          slimy – berlendir
                          c) cat,                                                                                   pouch – kantong
                          d) bird.                                                                                  herd – kumpulan yang besar
                                                                                                                    disturbed- diganggu
                          Pupils view video on how            • explain how animals                                 plenty – banyak
                          animals ensure the survival           take care of their                                  attack- menyerang
                          of their eggs and young, e.g.         eggs and young.                                     hide – menyembunyikan
                          a) keep their young in their                                                              ensure- memastikan
                              mouths, e.g fish,                                                                     feed – memberi makan
                          b) feed their young, e.g. bird,
                          c) attack in order to protect
                              their eggs or young when
                              they are disturbed, e.g.
                              snake or tiger,
                          d) lay slimy eggs, e.g frog,
                          e) hide their eggs, e.g.
                          f) carry their young in their
                              pouches, e.g kangaroo,
                          h) stay in herds e.g.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                 Science-Year 5

                               Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                          Learning Outcomes                    Notes                    Vocabulary

                            Pupils discuss and conclude        •     explain why
                            that animals take care of                animals take care
                            their eggs and young to                  of their eggs and
                            ensure the survival of their             young.

2.2 Understanding that      Pupils study live specimens,    Pupils                                                   various – pelbagai
    different plants have   view video or computer                                                                   waxy – berlilin
    their own ways to       simulation to find out the on     • state various ways                                   husk – sabut
    ensure the survival     how plants ensure the               plants disperse their                                shell – tempurung
    of their species        survival of species, e.g.           seeds and fruits.                                    disperse – pencaran
                            a) by water,                                                                             edible – boleh dimakan
                            b) by wind,                                                                              flame of the forest –
                            c) by animal,                                                                            semarak api
                            d) by explosive mechanism.                                                               chestnut – buah berangan
                                                                                                                     balsam – keembung
                            Pupils discuss and conclude        • explain why plants                                  ocra – kacang bendi
                            that plants need to disperse         need to disperse                                    love grass-
                            their seeds or fruits to             seeds or fruits.                                    kemuncup
                            ensure the survival of their

                            Pupils gather information to      • give examples of         Examples of plants that
                            give examples of plants that        plant that disperse      disperse seeds and fruits
                            disperse seeds and fruits by:       seeds and fruits by      by:
                            a) water,                           water.                   a) water, e.g. coconut
                            b) wind,                                                       and pong-pong,
                            c) animal,                        • give examples of         b) wind, e.g. lallang and
                            d) explosive mechanism.             plant that disperse        angsana,
                                                                seeds and fruits by      c) animals, e.g.
                                                                wind.                      watermelon, love grass

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                           Science-Year 5

                          Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                     Learning Outcomes                   Notes                    Vocabulary
                                                                                      and rambutan
                       Pupils study live specimens       • give examples of         d) explosive mechanism,
                       or view video and discuss           plant that disperse        e.g. balsam, rubber,
                       the relationship between            seeds and fruits by        flame of the forest,
                       characteristics of seeds and        animals.                   chestnut and ocra.
                       fruits and their ways of
                       dispersal :                       • give examples of
                                                           plant that disperse
                       a) by water – light and             seeds by explosive
                          have air space                   mechanism.
                       b) by wind – light, have
                          wing-like structure, dry,      • relate characteristics
                          have fine hairs and              of seeds and fruits to
                          small                            the ways they are
                       c) by animals – fleshy,             dispersed.
                          brightly coloured, edible,
                          have smells or have
                       d) explosive mechanism –
                          dry when ripe.

2.3 Realising the      Pupils discuss and predict      Pupils                                                 extinction –
    importance of      the consequences if certain                                                            kepupusan
    survival of the    species of animals and            • predict what will                                  shortage –
    species            plants become extinct, e.g.         happen if some                                     kekurangan
                       a) shortage of food                 species of animals or
                          resources,                       plants do not survive.
                       b) other species may also
                           face extinction.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                              Science-Year 5

                         Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                      Learning Outcomes                    Notes                    Vocabulary
3. Food Chain and Food Web

3.1 Understanding food    Pupils carry out a            Pupils                       Food chains must begin      food chain-rantai makanan
    chains                brainstorming session on                                   with plants as producers.   producer-pengeluar
                          animals and the food they       • identify animals and                                 consumer-pengguna
                          eat.                              the food they eat.

                          Pupils discuss and classify     • classify animals into
                          animals into the following        herbivore, carnivore
                          groups according to the           and omnivore.
                          food they eat:
                          a) herbivore
                          b) carnivore
                          c) omnivore

                          Pupils build food chains to     • construct food chain.
                          show the food relationship
                          among organisms.

                          From the food chains pupils     • identify producer.
                          identify the producers and
                          the consumers.                  • identify consumer.

3.2 Synthesizing food     Pupils construct a food web   Pupils
    chains to construct   based on food chains given.     • construct a food web
    food web.
                          Pupils walk around the
                          school compound to study
                          food webs in places such as     • construct food webs
                          field, science garden, pond       of different habitats.
                          or under flower pot.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                              Science-Year 5

                          Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                    Learning Outcomes         Notes   Vocabulary

                       Based on the organisms
                       identified, pupils construct
                       food chains and then food
                       webs for the habitats they
                       have studied.

                       Pupils discuss and predict       • predict what will
                       what will happen if there is a
                                                          happen if there is a
                       change in the population of a      change in population
                       certain species in a food          of a certain species
                       web.                               in a food web.
                       Pupils carry out simulation or
                       play games based on food

                       Pupils view video to study       • explain what will
                       various species that are           happen to certain
                       facing extinction because          species of animals if
                       they only eat one type of          they eat only one
                       food.                              type of food.

                       Pupils conclude that certain
                       species of animals that eats
                       one type of food only has
                       difficulty to survive because
                       their only source of food may
                       run out, e.g.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                     Science-Year 5

                          Suggested Learning
 Learning Objectives                                 Learning Outcomes   Notes   Vocabulary

                       a) panda eats bamboo
                          shoots only,
                       b) koala bear eats
                          eucalyptus leaves only,
                       c) pangolin eats ants only.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                         Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives       Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes           Notes          Vocabulary
1. Energy
1.1 Understanding the   Pupils discuss and             Pupils                                sources- sumber
    uses of energy      conclude that energy is                                              energy- tenaga
                        needed:                           •     explain why energy           bounce-melantun
                        a) by living things to carry            is needed.                   fuel-bahan api
                            out life processes such                                          boil-mendidih
                            as moving, breathing
                            and growing,
                        b) to move, boil, melt or
                            bounce non-living

                        Pupils gather information         •     give examples
                        and give examples where                 where and when
                        and when energy is used.                energy is used.

                        Pupils gather information         •     state various
                        about sources of energy,                sources of energy.
                        a) sun,
                        b) food,
                        c) wind,
                        d) fuel,
                        e) dry cell/ battery.

                        Pupils discuss that the sun
                        is the main source of

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                               Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives          Suggested Learning               Learning Outcomes          Notes           Vocabulary
1.2 Understanding that     Pupils observe various            Pupils                               transform-berubah
    energy can be          events and identify the                                                principle-prinsip
    transformed from       form of energy involved,             •     state the various           whistle- wisel
    one form to another    e.g.                                       forms of energy.            appliances - peralatan
                          a) a moving battery-
                             operated toy car,
                          b) a stretched rubber band,
                          c) a burning candle,
                          d) a ringing telephone.

                           Pupils carry out activities to       •     state that energy
                           discuss the transformation                 can be
                           of energy e.g.                             transformed.
                          a) switching on the lights:
                             electrical energy       light
                          b) lighting a candle:
                             chemical energy        heat
                             energy + light energy,
                          c) using a solar powered
                             calculator :
                              solar energy      electrical
                             energy      light energy.

                          Pupils discuss that energy
                          can be transformed.

                          Pupils gather information             •     give examples of
                          and identify appliances that                appliances that
                          make use of energy                          make use of
                          transformation and state the                energy
                          form of energy involved,                    transformation.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives         Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes                 Notes                       Vocabulary
                         a) electric iron : electrical
                            energy heat energy
                         b) radio: electrical energy
                            sound energy
                         c) ceiling fan: electical
                            energy kinetic energy +
                            sound energy,
                         d) gas stove: chemical
                            energy heat energy +
                            light energy.

1.3 Understanding        Pupils discuss that             Pupils                      Provide real objects or        renewable energy-tenaga
    renewable and non-   renewable energy is the                                     substances such as crude       diperbaharui
    renewable energy     energy that can be              •   state what renewable    oil, charcoal, coal, etc for   non-renewable energy-
                         replenished when used up            energy is.              pupils to observe and          tenaga yang tidak dapat
                         and non-renewable energy        •   state what non-         discuss.                       diperbaharui
                         is the energy that cannot           renewable energy is.                                   replenished –
                         be replenished when used                                                                   digantikan
                         up.                                                                                        used up- habis digunakan
                                                                                                                    coal- arang batu
                                                                                                                    charcoal- arang kayu
                          Pupils gather information      •   list renewable energy                                  wisely-secara bijaksana
                          on the following:                  resources.                                             biomass-biojisim
                          a) renewable energy
                            resources. e.g.
                            solar, wind and biomass,
                         b) non-renewable energy         •   list non-renewable
                            resources. e.g.                  energy resources.
                            natural gas, petroleum
                            and coal.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                    Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives           Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes                   Notes                       Vocabulary
                          Pupils discuss and conclude      •   explain why we need
                          why we need to use energy            to use energy wisely.
                          wisely e.g.
                          a) some energy resources
                              cannot be replenished
                              when used up,
                          b) to save cost,
                          c) to avoid wastage,
                          d) to reduce pollution.

                          Pupils discuss why               •   explain why renewable
                          renewable energy is better           energy is better than
                          than non-renewable energy.           non-renewable energy.

                          Pupils carry out                 •   give examples on how
                          brainstorming session on             to save energy.
                          how to save energy in
                          everyday life.

                          Pupils draw a list of do’s and   •   practise saving
                          don’ts on how to save                energy.
                          energy and use it as a guide
                          to carry out daily activities.

2. Electricity

2.1 Knowing the sources   Pupils carry out activity        Pupils                       Provide real objects or        dry cell- sel kering
    of electricity        such as lighting up a bulb                                    substances such as dry         hydroelectric power – kuasa
                          or ringing an electric bell to        •   state the sources   cell, accumulator,             hidro elektrik
                          verify that the following                 of electricity.     rechargeable battery,
                          sources produce electricity                                   solar cell etc for pupils to
                                                                                        observe and discuss.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                         Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives          Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes                      Notes                         Vocabulary
                           a) dry cell/ battery,
                           b) accumulator,
                           c) dynamo,
                           d) solar cell.

2.2 Understanding a        Pupils build as many             Pupils                                                       series circuit-litar bersiri
    series circuit and a   different electric circuits as                                                                parellel circuit – litar selari
    parallel circuit       they can.                           •     identify the                                        brightness- kecerahan
                                                                     symbols of various                                  arrangement-susunan
                           Pupils are introduced the                 components in a
                           symbols of the components                 simple electric
                           in an electric circuit, i.e               circuit.
                           battery, bulb, connecting
                           wires and switch.

                           Pupils draw circuit diagrams        •     draw circuit
                           based on the circuits that                diagrams.
                           they have built.

                           Pupils observe various              •     identify the          When comparing the
                           series circuits and parallel              difference in the     brightness of the bulbs in
                           circuits.                                 arrangement of        series or parallel circuits
                                                                     bulbs in series and   the number of batteries
                           Based on observation,                     parallel circuits.    and bulbs must be the
                           pupils discuss the                                              same.
                           differences in the
                           arrangement of bulbs in
                           series and parallel circuits.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                      Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives           Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes                      Notes                     Vocabulary

                            Pupils draw circuit diagrams
                            of series and parallel
                            circuits and compare the
                            arrangement of the bulbs in
                            these circuits.

                            Pupils are given batteries,         •     build a series
                            bulbs, switches and                       circuit.
                            connecting wires to build
                            series and parallel circuits.       •     build a parallel

                            Pupils observe and compare          •     compare the
                            the brightness of the bulbs               brightness of the
                            in:                                       bulbs in a series
                            a) series circuits,                       and a parallel
                            b) parallel circuits,                     circuit.
                            c) between series and
                                parallel circuits.
                                                                •     compare the effect
                            Pupils carry out activities               on the bulbs when
                            and compare what happen                   various switches in
                            to the bulbs in a series                  a series circuit and
                            circuit and a parallel circuit            a parallel circuit
                            when various switches in                  are off.
                            each circuit are off.
2.3 Understanding the        Pupils discuss the danger       Pupils                          Teacher can also discuss   electric shock- kejutan
    safety precautions to    of mishandling electrical                                       other general safety       elektrik
    be taken when            appliances, e.g.                   •     describe the           precautions, e.g.          appliances-
    handling electrical      a) electric shock,                       danger of              a) do not insert objects   peralatan
    appliances               b) fire,                                 mishandling               into power supply,

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                                     Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives       Suggested Learning                Learning Outcomes                        Notes                     Vocabulary
                         c) burn,                                   electrical              b) do not touch a switch
                         d) electrocution.                          appliances.                with wet hands,
                                                                                            c) do not touch victims of
                         Pupils discuss the safety            •     explain the safety         electric shock.
                         precautions to be taken                    precautions to be
                         when using electrical                      taken when using
                         appliances, e.g.                           electrical
                         a)   do not touch electrical
                              appliances with wet
                         b)   do not use electrical
                              appliances that are
                              faulty or having broken
                              insulation wires,
                         c)   do not repair electrical
                              appliances on your
                         d)   do not connect too
                              many electrical
                              appliances to one
                              power supply.

3. Light
3.1 Understanding that   Pupils carry out activities to    Pupils                                                        beam- alur cahaya
    light travels in a   observe that light travels in                                                                   travel- bergerak
    straight line        a straight line.                     •     state that light                                     opaque – legap
                                                                    travels in a straight
                         Pupils gather information                  line.
                         and give examples of events
                         or phenomena that show               •     give examples to
                         light travels in straight line.            verify that light

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives      Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes           Notes   Vocabulary
                                                            travels in a straight

                       Pupils observe and discuss       •   describe how
                       the formations of shadow to          shadow is formed.
                       conclude that shadow is
                       formed when light is blocked
                       by an opaque or a
                       translucent object.
                                                        •   design a fair test to
                       Pupils carry out activities to       find out what cause
                       investigate the factors that         the size of a
                       cause the shape and size of          shadow to change
                       a shadow to change.                  by deciding what to
                                                            keep the same,
                       Pupils observe, discuss and          what to change
                       conclude that:                       and what to
                        a) when the distance                observe.
                            between an object and
                            its light source
                            decreases, the size of
                            the shadow increases
                           when the distance
                          between an object and
                          the screen decreases the
                          size of the shadow

                       b) the shape of the              •   design a fair test to
                          shadow changes                    find out what
                          according to the                  factors cause the

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                                    Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives            Suggested Learning               Learning Outcomes             Notes           Vocabulary
                                 position of light source.              shape of a shadow
                             and                                        to change by
                                 the shape of the                       deciding what to
                                 shadow changes                         keep the same,
                                 according to the                       what to change
                                 position of an object.                 and what to

3.2 Understanding that       Pupils carry out activities to    Pupils                                  reflection- pembalikan
    light can be reflected   investigate reflection of light
                             using:                               •     state that light can           sharp bend- selekoh tajam
                             a) a mirror,                               be reflected.                  ray diagram- gambarajah
                             b) an aluminium foil.
                                                                  •     draw ray diagrams
                             Pupils draw ray diagrams to                to show reflection
                             show the reflection of light in            of light.
                             the above activities.

                             Pupils gather information            •     give examples of
                             about the uses of reflection               uses of reflection
                             of light in everyday life, e.g.            of light in everyday
                             a) side mirror of a car,                   life.
                             b) mirror at the sharp bend
                                 of a road,
                             c) mirror in the barbershop,
                             d) periscope.

                             Pupils apply the principle of
                             light reflection to design
                             devices, e.g.
                             a) periscope
                             b) kaleidoscope.

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                      Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives         Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes            Notes   Vocabulary
4. Heat
4.1 Understanding that    Pupils heat 250ml of water       Pupils
    temperature is an     for 3 minutes and feel the
    indicator of degree   water every few seconds             •     state that when a
    of hotness            while heating to feel the                 substance gains
                          change of temperature.                    heat it will become
                          Pupils let the warm water
                          cool down and feel the              •     state that when a
                          water every few seconds.                  substance loses
                                                                    heat it will become
                          Based on the above                        cooler.
                          activities, pupils discuss and
                          conclude that:

                          a) heat gain causes the
                             water to become warmer
                          b) heat loss causes the
                             water to become cooler.

                          Pupils are guided to use and        •     measure
                          read thermometer correctly.               temperature using
                                                                    the correct
                          Pupils gather information on              technique.
                          the metric unit for measuring
                          temperature.                        •     state the metric
                                                                    unit for
                          Pupils carry out activity to              temperature.
                          measure temperature, e.g.
                          a) heat up water and
                             record the temperature
                             every few minutes,

Investigating Force and Energy                                                                          Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes           Notes         Vocabulary
                         b) turn off the Bunsen
                            burner and record the           •     state that
                            temperature every few                 temperature of an
                            minutes while the water               object or material
                            cools off.                            increases as it
                                                                  gains heat.

                         Pupils discuss and conclude        •     state that
                         that the temperature:                    temperature of an
                         a) increases when heat is                object or material
                            gained,                               decreases as it
                         b) decreases when heat is                loses heat.

                         Pupils discuss and conclude        •     conclude that the
                         that the temperature is an               temperature is an
                         indicator to measure                     indicator to
                         hotness.                                 measure hotness.

4.2 Understanding the    Pupils carry out activites to   Pupils                                dent –kemek
    effects of heat on   observe the effects of heat                                           expand-mengembang
    matter.              on matter, e.g.                    •     state that matter            contract-mengecut
                                                                  expands when                 snap - putus
                         a) heating an iron ball and              heated.
                            inserting it into an iron
                            ring,                           •     state that matter
                         b) cooling the heated iron               contracts when
                            ball and inserting it into            cooled.
                            the iron ring,
                         c) heating some coloured
                            water in a beaker with a
                            glass tube dipped into it

Investigating Force and Energy                                                             Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives     Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes        Notes   Vocabulary
                          and observing the water
                          level in the glass tube,
                       d) putting a dented ping
                          pong ball in hot water,
                       e) cooling some coloured
                          water in a beaker with a
                          glass tube dipped into it
                          and observing the water
                          level in the glass tube.

                       Pupils discuss their
                       observations of the activities
                       and conclude that:

                       a) matter expands when
                       b) matter contracts when

                       Pupils view video or             •   give examples of
                       computer simulation on the           the application of
                       expansion and contraction            the principle of
                       of matter in everyday life,          expansion and
                       e.g.                                 contraction in
                                                            everyday life.
                       a) an electric cable is
                          installed loosely to
                          prevent it from snapping
                          when it contracts in cold

Investigating Force and Energy                                                      Science-Year 5

 Learning Objectives      Suggested Learning          Learning Outcomes   Notes   Vocabulary

                       b) there are gaps at railway
                          tracks to allow for
                          expansion in hot weather,
                       c) a tight bottle cap can be
                          loosened by immersing it
                          in hot water,
                       d) concrete slabs on
                          pavements have gaps to
                          allow for expansion.

Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5

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Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tahun 5

  • 1. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA Integrated Curriculum For Secondary Schools Curriculum Specifications SCIENCE Year 5 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia 2006
  • 2. Copyright © 2006 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62604 Putrajaya First published 2006 Copyright reserved. Except for use in a review, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, and recording is forbidden without the written permission from the Director of the Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia.
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page The National Philosophy v National Philosophy of Education vii National Science Education Philosophy ix Preface xi Introduction 1 Aims and Objectives 1 Scientific Skills 2 Thinking Skills 3 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 7 Teaching and Learning Strategies 7 Content Organisation 9 Investigating Living Things Learning Area: Microorganisms 13 Survival of the species 17 Investigating Force and Energy Learning Area: Energy 23 Electricity 26 Light 29 Heat 32 iii
  • 4. Investigating Materials Learning Area: States of matter 36 Acid and alkali 41 Investigating The Earth and The Universe Learning Area: Constellation 42 The Earth, The Moon and The Sun 43 Investigating Technology Learning Area: Strength and Stability 46 Acknowledgements 49 Panel of Writers 50 iv
  • 5. THE NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared; to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society which shall be oriented towards modern science and technology; We, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles: BELIEF IN GOD LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION RULE OF LAW GOOD BEHAVIOUR AND MORALITY v
  • 6. NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large. vii
  • 7. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency. ix
  • 8. PREFACE In a recent development, the Government has made a decision to The aspiration of the nation to become an industrialised society introduce English as the medium of instruction in the teaching and depends on science and technology. It is envisaged that success in learning of science and mathematics. This measure will enable providing quality science education to Malaysians from an early age pupils to keep abreast of developments in science and technology will serve to spearhead the nation into becoming a knowledge in contemporary society by enhancing their capability and know- society and a competitive player in the global arena. Towards this how to tap the diverse sources of information on science written in end, the Malaysian education system is giving greater emphasis to the English language. At the same time, this move would also science and mathematics education. provide opportunities for pupils to use the English language and hence, increase their proficiency in the language. Thus, in The Science curriculum has been designed not only to provide implementing the science curriculum, attention is given to opportunities for pupils to acquire science knowledge and skills, developing pupils’ ability to use English for study and develop thinking skills and thinking strategies, and to apply this communication, especially in the early years of learning. knowledge and skills in everyday life, but also to inculcate in them noble values and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that the The development of this curriculum and the preparation of the educational process en route to achieving these aims would corresponding Curriculum Specifications have been the work of produce well-balanced citizens capable of contributing to the many individuals over a period of time. To all those who have harmony and prosperity of the nation and its people. contributed in one way or another to this effort, may I, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, express my sincere gratitude and thanks The Science curriculum aims at producing active learners. To this for the time and labour expended. end, pupils are given ample opportunities to engage in scientific investigations through hands-on activities and experimentations. The inquiry approach, incorporating thinking skills, thinking strategies and thoughtful learning, should be emphasised throughout the teaching-learning process. The content and contexts (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP, AMP) suggested are chosen based on their relevance and appeal to Director pupils so that their interest in the subject is enhanced. Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia xi
  • 9. INTRODUCTION AIMS The aim of the primary school science curriculum is to develop As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in pupils’ interest and creativity through everyday experiences and Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential of investigations that promote the acquisition of scientific and thinking individuals in a holistic and integrated manner to produce skills as well as the inculcation of scientific attitudes and values. individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious. The primary and secondary school science curriculum is developed with the aim of producing OBJECTIVES such individuals. The Level Two Primary School Science curriculum is designed to stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest as The Level Two Primary School Science Curriculum aims to: well to enable pupils to learn more about themselves and the world 1. Stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest about around them through pupil-centered activities. the world around them. 2. Provide pupils with opportunities to develop science process The curriculum is articulated in two documents: the syllabus skills and thinking skills. and the curriculum specifications. The syllabus presents the aims, objectives and the outline of the curriculum content for a period of 3 3. Develop pupils’ creativity. years for Level Two Primary School Science. The curriculum 4. Provide pupils with basic science knowledge and concepts. specifications provides the details of the curriculum, which includes 5. To provide learning opportunities for pupils to apply the aims and objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on thinking skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills, scientific knowledge and skills in a creative, critical and analytical attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning strategies, and manner for problem solving and decision-making. curriculum content. The curriculum content covers the learning 6. Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values. objectives, suggested learning activities, learning outcomes, notes 7. Foster the appreciation on the contributions of science and and vocabulary. technology towards national development and well-being of mankind. 8. Be aware of the need to love and care for the environment. 1
  • 10. SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry and Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen in problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills are utilised. the future based on prior knowledge gained Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation such as through experiences or collected data. conducting experiments and carrying out projects. Communicating Using words or graphic symbols such as Scientific skills encompass science process skills and tables, graphs, figures or models to describe manipulative skills. an action, object or event. Science Process Skills Using space-time Describing changes in parameter with time. relationship Examples of parameters are location, Science process skills enable pupils to formulate their questions direction, shape, size, volume, weight and and find out the answers systematically. mass. Descriptions of the science process skills are as follows: Interpreting data Giving rational explanations about an object, event or pattern derived from collected data. Observing Using the sense of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to find out about objects or Defining Defining concepts by describing what must events. operationally be done and what should be observed. Classifying Using observations to group objects or Controlling Naming the fixed variables, manipulated events according to similarities or differences. variables variable and responding variable in an investigation. The manipulated variable is Measuring and Making quantitative observations by changed to observe its relationship with the Using Numbers comparing to a conventional or non- responding variable. At the same time, the conventional standard. fixed variables are kept constant. Making Using past experiences or previously Inferences collected data to draw conclusions and explain events. 2
  • 11. Making Making a general statement about the Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to integrate Hypotheses relationship between a manipulated variable knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to understand the and a responding variable to explain an environment. observation or event. The statement can be tested to determine its validity. One of the objectives of the national education system is to enhance the thinking ability of pupils. This objective can be Experimenting Planning and conducting activities to test a achieved through a curriculum that emphasises thoughtful learning. (design a fair test) hypothesis. These activities include Teaching and learning that emphasises thinking skills is a collecting, analysing and interpreting data foundation for thoughtful learning. and making conclusions. Thoughtful learning is achieved if pupils are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Activities should be organised Manipulative Skills to provide opportunities for pupils to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem solving and decision-making. Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor skills that enable pupils to: Thinking skills can be categorised into critical and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always evaluates an • Use and handle science apparatus and substances. idea in a systematic manner before accepting it. A person who • Handle specimens correctly and carefully. thinks creatively has a high level of imagination, is able to generate • Draw specimens and apparatus. original and innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products. • Clean science apparatus. Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that • Store science apparatus. involve various steps. Each step involves various critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing thinking activities in the teaching and learning process. THINKING SKILLS 3
  • 12. Critical Thinking Skills A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows: Attributing Identifying characteristics, features, Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions that have qualities and elements of a concept or the tendency to support or oppose an object. something in an unfair or misleading way. Comparing and Finding similarities and differences Contrasting based on criteria such as characteristics, Evaluating Making judgements on the quality or features, qualities and elements of a value of something based on valid concept or event. reasons or evidence. Grouping and Separating objects or phenomena into Making Making a statement about the outcome Classifying categories based on certain criteria such Conclusions of an investigation that is based on a as common characteristics or features. hypothesis. Sequencing Arranging objects and information in order based on the quality or quantity of common characteristics or features such as size, time, shape or number. Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order based on their importance or priority. Analysing Examining information in detail by breaking it down into smaller parts to find implicit meanings and relationships. 4
  • 13. Creative Thinking Skills A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows: Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a discussion. Synthesising Combining separate elements or parts to form a general picture in various forms such as writing, drawing or artefact. Relating Making connections in a certain situation to determine a structure or pattern of Making Making general statements about the relationship. Hypotheses relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable to Making Using past experiences or previously explain an observation or event. The Inferences collected data to draw conclusions and statements can be tested to determine explain events. their validity. Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen Making Analogies Understanding an abstract or complex in the future based on prior knowledge concepts by relating it to simpler or gained through experiences or collected concrete concepts with similar data. characteristics. Making Making a general conclusion about a Inventing Producing something new or adapting Generalisations group based on observations on, or something already in existence to information from, samples of the group. overcome problems in a systematic manner. Visualising Recalling or forming mental images about a particular idea, concept, situation or vision. Thinking Strategy 5
  • 14. Description of each thinking strategy is as follows: Thinking Skills Conceptualising Making generalisations based on inter- related and common characteristics in order to construct meaning, concept or model. Critical Creative Making Decisions Selecting the best solution from various • Attributing • Generating ideas alternatives based on specific criteria to • Comparing and • Relating achieve a specific aim. contrasting • Making inferences • Grouping and • Predicting Problem Solving Finding solutions to challenging or classifying Reasoning • Making unfamiliar situations or unanticipated • Sequencing hypotheses difficulties in a systematic manner. • Prioritising • Synthesising • Analysing • Making • Detecting bias generalisations Besides the above thinking skills and thinking strategies, another • Evaluating • Visualising skill emphasised is reasoning. Reasoning is a skill used in • Making • Making analogies conclusions • Inventing making logical, just and rational judgements. Mastering of critical and creative thinking skills and thinking strategies is made simpler if an individual is able to reason in an inductive and deductive manner. Figure 1 gives a general picture of thinking Thinking skills and thinking strategies. Strategies • Conceptualising • Making decisions • Problem solving Figure 1: TSTS Model in Science 6
  • 15. Mastering of thinking skills and thinking strategies (TSTS) Science Process Skills Thinking Skills through the teaching and learning of science can be developed through the following phases: Observing Attributing 1. Introducing TSTS. Comparing and contrasting 2. Practising TSTS with teacher’s guidance. Relating 3. Practising TSTS without teacher’s guidance. 4. Applying TSTS in new situations with teacher’s Classifying Attributing guidance. Comparing and contrasting Grouping 5. Applying TSTS together with other skills to accomplish and classifying thinking tasks. Measuring and Using Relating Further information about phases of implementing TSTS can be Numbers Comparing and contrasting found in the guidebook “Buku Panduan Penerapan Kemahiran Berfikir dan Strategi Berfikir dalam Pengajaran dan Making Inferences Relating Pembelajaran Sains” (Curriculum Development Centre, 1999). Comparing and contrasting Analysing Making inferences Relationship between Thinking Skills and Science Process Skills Predicting Relating Science process skills are skills that are required in the process of Visualising finding solutions to a problem or making decisions in a systematic manner. It is a mental process that promotes critical, creative, Using Space-Time Sequencing analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of science process Relationship Prioritising skills and the possession of suitable attitudes and knowledge enable pupils to think effectively. Interpreting data Comparing and contrasting Analysing Detecting bias The mastering of science process skills involves the Making conclusions mastering of the relevant thinking skills. The thinking skills that are Generalising related to a particular science process skill are as follows: Evaluating 7
  • 16. Science Process Skills Thinking Skills The following is an example and explanation of a learning outcome based on thinking skills and scientific skills. Defining operationally Relating Example: Making analogy Visualising Level Year 4 Analysing Controlling variables Attributing Learning Outcome: Differentiate the air that we inhale and Comparing and contrasting the air that we exhale. Relating Analysing Thinking Skills: Comparing and contrasting Making hypotheses Attributing Explanation: Relating Comparing and contrasting Generating To achieve the above learning outcome, knowledge on the ideas composition of the air that we inhale and exhale is needed. The Making hypotheses mastery of the skill of comparing and contrasting is as important Predicting as the acquisition of knowledge on humans and animal Synthesising breathing. This would enable pupils to understand that breathing process in humans and animals Experimenting All thinking skills Example: Communicating All thinking skills Level Year 5 Teaching and Learning based on Thinking Skills and Scientific Skills Learning Outcome: Design a fair test to find out what cause the size of a shadow to change This Level II Science curriculum emphasises thoughtful learning by deciding what to keep the same, based on thinking skills and scientific skills. Mastery of thinking what to change and what to observe. skills and scientific skills are integrated with the acquisition of knowledge in the intended learning outcomes. Thus, in teaching Scientific Skills: Experimenting and learning, teachers need to emphasise the mastery of skills together with the acquisition of knowledge and the inculcation of noble values and scientific attitudes. 8
  • 17. Explanation: • Dare to try. • Thinking rationally. To achieve the above learning outcome, pupils plan and • Being confident and independent. conduct investigation to test the hypothesis. This investigation should include collecting, analysing and interpreting data and The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally making conclusion. occurs through the following stages: • Being aware of the importance and the need for scientific SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES attitudes and noble values. • Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values. • Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and noble Science learning experiences can be used as a means to inculcate values. scientific attitudes and noble values in pupils. These attitudes and values encompass the following: When planning teaching and learning activities, teachers need to give due consideration to the above stages to ensure the • Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. continuous and effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and • Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data. values. For example, during science practical work, the teacher • Being diligent and persevering. should remind pupils and ensure that they carry out experiments in • Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and the a careful, cooperative and honest manner. environment. • Realising that science is a means to understand nature. Proper planning is required for effective inculcation of scientific • Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living. attitudes and noble values during science lessons. Before the first • Appreciating the balance of nature. lesson related to a learning objective, teachers should examine all • Being respectful and well-mannered. related learning outcomes and suggested teaching-learning • Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. activities that provide opportunities for the inculcation of scientific • Being thankful to God. attitudes and noble values. • Having critical and analytical thinking. The following is an example of a learning outcome pertaining to the • Being flexible and open-minded. inculcation of scientific attitudes and values. • Being kind-hearted and caring. • Being objective. Example: • Being systematic. • Being cooperative. Level: Year 4 • Being fair and just. 9
  • 18. Learning Area: Properties of Materials TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES Learning Objective: Knowing the importance of reuse, reduce and recycle of materials. Teaching and learning strategies in the science curriculum emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a process that Learning Outcome: Practise reusing, reducing and helps pupils acquire knowledge and master skills that will help them recycling to conserve materials. develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful learning can occur through various learning approaches such as inquiry, constructivism, contextual learning, and mastery learning. Learning Suggested Learning Pupils carry out activities about activities should therefore be geared towards activating pupils’ Activities reusing, reducing and recycling of critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or materials throughout the year. rote learning. Pupils should be made aware of the thinking skills and thinking strategies that they use in their learning. They should be challenged with higher order questions and problems and be Scientific attitudes and Being responsible about the safety required to solve problems utilising their creativity and critical noble values of oneself, others and the thinking. The teaching and learning process should enable pupils to environment. acquire knowledge, master skills and develop scientific attitudes and noble values in an integrated manner. Having an intrest and curiosity towards the environment. Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through experiences. Inquiry generally means to find information, to question and to Appreciating the balance of nature. investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the environment. Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. Learning through Being cooperative. discovery occurs when the main concepts and principles of science are investigated and discovered by pupils themselves. Through activities such as experiments, pupils investigate a phenomenon Inculcating Patriotism and draw conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead pupils to understand the science concepts through the results of the inquiry. The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the development Thinking skills and scientific skills are thus developed further during and strengthening of patriotism among pupils. For example, in the inquiry process. However, the inquiry approach may not be learning about the earth’s resources, the richness and variety of suitable for all teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may living things and the development of science and technology in the be more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and principles country, pupils will appreciate the diversity of natural and human directly to pupils. resources of the country and deepen their love for the country. 10
  • 19. The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods can facilitator and lead a discussion by asking questions that stimulate enhance pupils’ interest in science. Science lessons that are not thinking and getting pupils to express themselves. interesting will not motivate pupils to learn and subsequently will affect their performances. The choice of teaching methods should Simulation be based on the curriculum content, pupils’ abilities, pupils’ repertoire of intelligences, and the availability of resources and In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities should be carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and the planned to cater for pupils with different learning styles and use of models. In role-play, pupils play out a particular role based intelligences. on certain pre-determined conditions. Games require procedures The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and learning that need to be followed. Pupils play games in order to learn a methods. particular principle or to understand the process of decision-making. Models are used to represent objects or actual situations so that pupils can visualise the said objects or situations and thus Experiment understand the concepts and principles to be learned. An experiment is a method commonly used in science lessons. In experiments, pupils test hypotheses through investigations to Project discover specific science concepts and principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking skills, scientific skills, and manipulative A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken by an skills. individual or a group of pupils to achieve a particular learning objective. A project generally requires several lessons to complete. In the implementation of this curriculum, besides guiding The outcome of the project either in the form of a report, an artefact pupils to carry out experiments, where appropriate, teachers should or in other forms needs to be presented to the teacher and other provide pupils with the opportunities to design their own pupils. Project work promotes the development of problem-solving experiments. This involves pupils drawing up plans as to how to skills, time management skills, and independent learning. conduct experiments, how to measure and analyse data, and how to present the results of their experiment. Visits and Use of External Resources Discussion The learning of science is not limited to activities carried out in the school compound. Learning of science can be enhanced through A discussion is an activity in which pupils exchange questions and the use of external resources such as zoos, museums, science opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions can be conducted centres, research institutes, mangrove swamps, and factories. before, during or after an activity. Teachers should play the role of a Visits to these places make the learning of science more 11
  • 20. interesting, meaningful and effective. To optimise learning achievement of multiple learning outcomes according to needs and opportunities, visits need to be carefully planned. Pupils may be context. Teachers should avoid employing a teaching strategy that involved in the planning process and specific educational tasks tries to achieve each learning outcome separately according to the should be assigned during the visit. No educational visit is complete order stated in the curriculum specifications. without a post-visit discussion. The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on the Use of Technology scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The learning activities stated under the column Suggested Learning Activities are given Technology is a powerful tool that has great potential in enhancing with the intention of providing some guidance as to how learning the learning of science. Through the use of technology such as outcomes can be achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or television, radio, video, computer, and Internet, the teaching and more learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one activity learning of science can be made more interesting and effective. may be suggested for a particular learning outcome. Teachers may Computer simulation and animation are effective tools for the modify the suggested activity to suit the ability and style of learning teaching and learning of abstract or difficult science concepts. of their pupils. Teachers are encouraged to design other innovative Computer simulation and animation can be presented through and effective learning activities to enhance the learning of science. courseware or Web page. Application tools such, as word processors, graphic presentation software and electronic spreadsheets are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of data. CONTENT ORGANISATION The science curriculum is organised around themes. Each theme consists of various learning areas, each of which consists of a number of learning objectives. A learning objective has one or more learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are written in the form of measurable behavioural terms. In general, the learning outcomes for a particular learning objective are organised in order of complexity. However, in the process of teaching and learning, learning activities should be planned in a holistic and integrated manner that enables the 12
  • 21. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1. Microorganism 1.1 Understanding that Pupils view video showing Pupils Teacher uses the yeast- ragi microorganism is a various types of Pupils following recipe to make harmful- berbahaya living thing microorganism, e.g. bacteria, dough. magnifying glass- kanta virus, fungi and protozoa. • state types of pembesar microorganisms. Ingredients: uses- kegunaan Pupils make a qualitative 1 cup of flour sprinkling – merenjis comparison between the ½ cup of warm water size of microorganism and 1 teaspoon of dried yeast that of human and conclude 1 teaspoon of sugar that microorganism is very tiny. Method: 1.Mix all ingredients. Pupils discuss that yeast is a 2.Cover the mixture with fungi, an example of a damp cloth. microorganism. 3.Leave it for 20 minutes. Pupils observe the effect of • state that yeast is an yeast on dough and infer example of that microorganism breathes microorganism. and causes the dough to rise. • state that Ensure pupils use microorganism microscope or magnifying breathes. glass/hand lens. Pupils carry out activity and observe the effect when a test tube filled with 2 teaspoon of dried yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar and half • state that test tube of water. The microorganism mouth of the test tube is grows. attached to a balloon. 13
  • 22. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Ensure pupils clean their Pupils carry out activity by hands after handling water sprinkling a few drops of samples. water on a slice of bread. Pupils put the bread in a plastic bag and observe it for a few days. Pupils observe rotten oranges or mouldy rice using hand lens or microscope and record their observation for a few days. Pupils observe and record • state that their findings by drawing. microorganism moves. Pupils view video on the movement of microorganisms in water. Pupils collect samples of water from ponds, rivers or drains and observe the movement of microorganisms under a microscope. Pupils record their observation. 14
  • 23. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils discuss and state that • conclude that microorganisms are living microorganisms are things and most of them living things and most cannot be seen with naked of them cannot be eyes. seen with naked eyes. 1.2 Understanding that Pupils gather information on Pupils Pupils need not know the contagious- berjangkit some micro- the uses of methods of making quarantine – diasingkan organisms are microorganisms, e.g. • state examples of bread, tapai, tempe and measles- campak harmful and some a) making bread, use of fertiliser. chicken pox- cacar are useful. b) making tapai, microorganisms. stomach upset- sakit perut c) making tempe, cough- batuk d) making fertiliser. harm- kesan buruk dengue – denggi Pupils gather information on • state the harmful sneezing – bersin the harmful effects of effects of flu - selsema microorganisms, e.g. microorganisms. mumps – beguk a) causing illness, conjunctivitis – sakit mata b) causing food poisoning, c) causing food to turn bad, d) causing tooth decay. Pupils gather information on • describe that Teacher just need to diseases caused by diseases caused by mention the common microorganisms e.g. microorganisms can diseases. stomach upset, measles, spread from one cough, flu, chicken pox, person to another. dengue, conjunctivitis, mumps and AIDS. 15
  • 24. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils discuss that diseases caused by microorganisms can spread from one person to another. Pupils discuss on how • explain ways to diseases caused by prevent diseases microorganisms can be caused by prevented from spreading, microorganisms. e.g. a) by washing hands before handling food, b) by boiling water before drinking, c) by covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, d) by washing hands after using the toilet, e) by putting patients who have chicken pox, conjunctivitis or mumps into quarantine. f) by covering wounds. 16
  • 25. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 2. Survival of The Species 2.1 Understanding that Pupils gather information to Pupils Teacher may explain that kemandirian different animals find examples of animals species means similar adapt- menyesuaikan have their own ways that take care of their eggs • give examples of types of living things that take care- menjaga to ensure the and young, e.g. animals that take can breed among protect- melindungi survival of their a) cow, care of their eggs themselves young – anak species. b) hen, and young. slimy – berlendir c) cat, pouch – kantong d) bird. herd – kumpulan yang besar disturbed- diganggu Pupils view video on how • explain how animals plenty – banyak animals ensure the survival take care of their attack- menyerang of their eggs and young, e.g. eggs and young. hide – menyembunyikan a) keep their young in their ensure- memastikan mouths, e.g fish, feed – memberi makan b) feed their young, e.g. bird, c) attack in order to protect their eggs or young when they are disturbed, e.g. snake or tiger, d) lay slimy eggs, e.g frog, e) hide their eggs, e.g. turtle, f) carry their young in their pouches, e.g kangaroo, h) stay in herds e.g. elephant. 17
  • 26. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils discuss and conclude • explain why that animals take care of animals take care their eggs and young to of their eggs and ensure the survival of their young. species. 2.2 Understanding that Pupils study live specimens, Pupils various – pelbagai different plants have view video or computer waxy – berlilin their own ways to simulation to find out the on • state various ways husk – sabut ensure the survival how plants ensure the plants disperse their shell – tempurung of their species survival of species, e.g. seeds and fruits. disperse – pencaran a) by water, edible – boleh dimakan b) by wind, flame of the forest – c) by animal, semarak api d) by explosive mechanism. chestnut – buah berangan balsam – keembung Pupils discuss and conclude • explain why plants ocra – kacang bendi that plants need to disperse need to disperse love grass- their seeds or fruits to seeds or fruits. kemuncup ensure the survival of their species. Pupils gather information to • give examples of Examples of plants that give examples of plants that plant that disperse disperse seeds and fruits disperse seeds and fruits by: seeds and fruits by by: a) water, water. a) water, e.g. coconut b) wind, and pong-pong, c) animal, • give examples of b) wind, e.g. lallang and d) explosive mechanism. plant that disperse angsana, seeds and fruits by c) animals, e.g. wind. watermelon, love grass 18
  • 27. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities and rambutan Pupils study live specimens • give examples of d) explosive mechanism, or view video and discuss plant that disperse e.g. balsam, rubber, the relationship between seeds and fruits by flame of the forest, characteristics of seeds and animals. chestnut and ocra. fruits and their ways of dispersal : • give examples of plant that disperse a) by water – light and seeds by explosive have air space mechanism. b) by wind – light, have wing-like structure, dry, • relate characteristics have fine hairs and of seeds and fruits to small the ways they are c) by animals – fleshy, dispersed. brightly coloured, edible, have smells or have hooks. d) explosive mechanism – dry when ripe. 2.3 Realising the Pupils discuss and predict Pupils extinction – importance of the consequences if certain kepupusan survival of the species of animals and • predict what will shortage – species plants become extinct, e.g. happen if some kekurangan a) shortage of food species of animals or resources, plants do not survive. b) other species may also face extinction. 19
  • 28. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 3. Food Chain and Food Web 3.1 Understanding food Pupils carry out a Pupils Food chains must begin food chain-rantai makanan chains brainstorming session on with plants as producers. producer-pengeluar animals and the food they • identify animals and consumer-pengguna eat. the food they eat. Pupils discuss and classify • classify animals into animals into the following herbivore, carnivore groups according to the and omnivore. food they eat: a) herbivore b) carnivore c) omnivore Pupils build food chains to • construct food chain. show the food relationship among organisms. From the food chains pupils • identify producer. identify the producers and the consumers. • identify consumer. 3.2 Synthesizing food Pupils construct a food web Pupils chains to construct based on food chains given. • construct a food web food web. Pupils walk around the school compound to study food webs in places such as • construct food webs field, science garden, pond of different habitats. or under flower pot. 20
  • 29. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Based on the organisms identified, pupils construct food chains and then food webs for the habitats they have studied. Pupils discuss and predict • predict what will what will happen if there is a happen if there is a change in the population of a change in population certain species in a food of a certain species web. in a food web. Pupils carry out simulation or play games based on food webs. Pupils view video to study • explain what will various species that are happen to certain facing extinction because species of animals if they only eat one type of they eat only one food. type of food. Pupils conclude that certain species of animals that eats one type of food only has difficulty to survive because their only source of food may run out, e.g. 21
  • 30. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Suggested Learning Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities a) panda eats bamboo shoots only, b) koala bear eats eucalyptus leaves only, c) pangolin eats ants only. 22
  • 31. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1. Energy 1.1 Understanding the Pupils discuss and Pupils sources- sumber uses of energy conclude that energy is energy- tenaga needed: • explain why energy bounce-melantun a) by living things to carry is needed. fuel-bahan api out life processes such boil-mendidih as moving, breathing and growing, b) to move, boil, melt or bounce non-living things. Pupils gather information • give examples and give examples where where and when and when energy is used. energy is used. Pupils gather information • state various about sources of energy, sources of energy. e.g. a) sun, b) food, c) wind, d) fuel, e) dry cell/ battery. Pupils discuss that the sun is the main source of energy. 23
  • 32. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1.2 Understanding that Pupils observe various Pupils transform-berubah energy can be events and identify the principle-prinsip transformed from form of energy involved, • state the various whistle- wisel one form to another e.g. forms of energy. appliances - peralatan a) a moving battery- operated toy car, b) a stretched rubber band, c) a burning candle, d) a ringing telephone. Pupils carry out activities to • state that energy discuss the transformation can be of energy e.g. transformed. a) switching on the lights: electrical energy light energy, b) lighting a candle: chemical energy heat energy + light energy, c) using a solar powered calculator : solar energy electrical energy light energy. Pupils discuss that energy can be transformed. Pupils gather information • give examples of and identify appliances that appliances that make use of energy make use of transformation and state the energy form of energy involved, transformation. 24
  • 33. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities e.g. a) electric iron : electrical energy heat energy b) radio: electrical energy sound energy c) ceiling fan: electical energy kinetic energy + sound energy, d) gas stove: chemical energy heat energy + light energy. 1.3 Understanding Pupils discuss that Pupils Provide real objects or renewable energy-tenaga renewable and non- renewable energy is the substances such as crude diperbaharui renewable energy energy that can be • state what renewable oil, charcoal, coal, etc for non-renewable energy- replenished when used up energy is. pupils to observe and tenaga yang tidak dapat and non-renewable energy • state what non- discuss. diperbaharui is the energy that cannot renewable energy is. replenished – be replenished when used digantikan up. used up- habis digunakan coal- arang batu charcoal- arang kayu Pupils gather information • list renewable energy wisely-secara bijaksana on the following: resources. biomass-biojisim a) renewable energy resources. e.g. solar, wind and biomass, b) non-renewable energy • list non-renewable resources. e.g. energy resources. natural gas, petroleum and coal. 25
  • 34. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils discuss and conclude • explain why we need why we need to use energy to use energy wisely. wisely e.g. a) some energy resources cannot be replenished when used up, b) to save cost, c) to avoid wastage, d) to reduce pollution. Pupils discuss why • explain why renewable renewable energy is better energy is better than than non-renewable energy. non-renewable energy. Pupils carry out • give examples on how brainstorming session on to save energy. how to save energy in everyday life. Pupils draw a list of do’s and • practise saving don’ts on how to save energy. energy and use it as a guide to carry out daily activities. 2. Electricity 2.1 Knowing the sources Pupils carry out activity Pupils Provide real objects or dry cell- sel kering of electricity such as lighting up a bulb substances such as dry hydroelectric power – kuasa or ringing an electric bell to • state the sources cell, accumulator, hidro elektrik verify that the following of electricity. rechargeable battery, sources produce electricity solar cell etc for pupils to observe and discuss. 26
  • 35. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities e.g. a) dry cell/ battery, b) accumulator, c) dynamo, d) solar cell. 2.2 Understanding a Pupils build as many Pupils series circuit-litar bersiri series circuit and a different electric circuits as parellel circuit – litar selari parallel circuit they can. • identify the brightness- kecerahan symbols of various arrangement-susunan Pupils are introduced the components in a symbols of the components simple electric in an electric circuit, i.e circuit. battery, bulb, connecting wires and switch. Pupils draw circuit diagrams • draw circuit based on the circuits that diagrams. they have built. Pupils observe various • identify the When comparing the series circuits and parallel difference in the brightness of the bulbs in circuits. arrangement of series or parallel circuits bulbs in series and the number of batteries Based on observation, parallel circuits. and bulbs must be the pupils discuss the same. differences in the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel circuits. 27
  • 36. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils draw circuit diagrams of series and parallel circuits and compare the arrangement of the bulbs in these circuits. Pupils are given batteries, • build a series bulbs, switches and circuit. connecting wires to build series and parallel circuits. • build a parallel circuit. Pupils observe and compare • compare the the brightness of the bulbs brightness of the in: bulbs in a series a) series circuits, and a parallel b) parallel circuits, circuit. c) between series and parallel circuits. • compare the effect Pupils carry out activities on the bulbs when and compare what happen various switches in to the bulbs in a series a series circuit and circuit and a parallel circuit a parallel circuit when various switches in are off. each circuit are off. 2.3 Understanding the Pupils discuss the danger Pupils Teacher can also discuss electric shock- kejutan safety precautions to of mishandling electrical other general safety elektrik be taken when appliances, e.g. • describe the precautions, e.g. appliances- handling electrical a) electric shock, danger of a) do not insert objects peralatan appliances b) fire, mishandling into power supply, 28
  • 37. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities c) burn, electrical b) do not touch a switch d) electrocution. appliances. with wet hands, c) do not touch victims of Pupils discuss the safety • explain the safety electric shock. precautions to be taken precautions to be when using electrical taken when using appliances, e.g. electrical appliances. a) do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands, b) do not use electrical appliances that are faulty or having broken insulation wires, c) do not repair electrical appliances on your own, d) do not connect too many electrical appliances to one power supply. 3. Light 3.1 Understanding that Pupils carry out activities to Pupils beam- alur cahaya light travels in a observe that light travels in travel- bergerak straight line a straight line. • state that light opaque – legap travels in a straight Pupils gather information line. and give examples of events or phenomena that show • give examples to light travels in straight line. verify that light 29
  • 38. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities travels in a straight line. Pupils observe and discuss • describe how the formations of shadow to shadow is formed. conclude that shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque or a translucent object. • design a fair test to Pupils carry out activities to find out what cause investigate the factors that the size of a cause the shape and size of shadow to change a shadow to change. by deciding what to keep the same, Pupils observe, discuss and what to change conclude that: and what to a) when the distance observe. between an object and its light source decreases, the size of the shadow increases and when the distance between an object and the screen decreases the size of the shadow decreases. b) the shape of the • design a fair test to shadow changes find out what according to the factors cause the 30
  • 39. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities position of light source. shape of a shadow and to change by the shape of the deciding what to shadow changes keep the same, according to the what to change position of an object. and what to observe. 3.2 Understanding that Pupils carry out activities to Pupils reflection- pembalikan light can be reflected investigate reflection of light using: • state that light can sharp bend- selekoh tajam a) a mirror, be reflected. ray diagram- gambarajah b) an aluminium foil. sinar • draw ray diagrams Pupils draw ray diagrams to to show reflection show the reflection of light in of light. the above activities. Pupils gather information • give examples of about the uses of reflection uses of reflection of light in everyday life, e.g. of light in everyday a) side mirror of a car, life. b) mirror at the sharp bend of a road, c) mirror in the barbershop, d) periscope. Pupils apply the principle of light reflection to design devices, e.g. a) periscope b) kaleidoscope. 31
  • 40. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 4. Heat 4.1 Understanding that Pupils heat 250ml of water Pupils temperature is an for 3 minutes and feel the indicator of degree water every few seconds • state that when a of hotness while heating to feel the substance gains change of temperature. heat it will become warmer. Pupils let the warm water cool down and feel the • state that when a water every few seconds. substance loses heat it will become Based on the above cooler. activities, pupils discuss and conclude that: a) heat gain causes the water to become warmer b) heat loss causes the water to become cooler. Pupils are guided to use and • measure read thermometer correctly. temperature using the correct Pupils gather information on technique. the metric unit for measuring temperature. • state the metric unit for Pupils carry out activity to temperature. measure temperature, e.g. a) heat up water and record the temperature every few minutes, 32
  • 41. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities b) turn off the Bunsen burner and record the • state that temperature every few temperature of an minutes while the water object or material cools off. increases as it gains heat. Pupils discuss and conclude • state that that the temperature: temperature of an a) increases when heat is object or material gained, decreases as it b) decreases when heat is loses heat. lost. Pupils discuss and conclude • conclude that the that the temperature is an temperature is an indicator to measure indicator to hotness. measure hotness. 4.2 Understanding the Pupils carry out activites to Pupils dent –kemek effects of heat on observe the effects of heat expand-mengembang matter. on matter, e.g. • state that matter contract-mengecut expands when snap - putus a) heating an iron ball and heated. inserting it into an iron ring, • state that matter b) cooling the heated iron contracts when ball and inserting it into cooled. the iron ring, c) heating some coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube dipped into it 33
  • 42. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities and observing the water level in the glass tube, d) putting a dented ping pong ball in hot water, e) cooling some coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube dipped into it and observing the water level in the glass tube. Pupils discuss their observations of the activities and conclude that: a) matter expands when heated, b) matter contracts when cooled. Pupils view video or • give examples of computer simulation on the the application of expansion and contraction the principle of of matter in everyday life, expansion and e.g. contraction in everyday life. a) an electric cable is installed loosely to prevent it from snapping when it contracts in cold weather, 34
  • 43. Investigating Force and Energy Science-Year 5 Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities b) there are gaps at railway tracks to allow for expansion in hot weather, c) a tight bottle cap can be loosened by immersing it in hot water, d) concrete slabs on pavements have gaps to allow for expansion. 35