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Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools

          Curriculum Specifications

                   Form 4

          Curriculum Development Centre
          Ministry of Education Malaysia
First Edition 2005
© Ministry of Education Malaysia

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Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia         Data Pengkatalogan-dalam-Penerbitan

Malaysia. Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum
Physics Form 4: Integrated Kurikulum for secondary school:
curriculum specification / Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum


The National Philosophy                        v
The National Philosophy of Education           vii
National Science Education Philosophy          ix
Preface                                        xi

Introduction                                   1
Aims and Objectives                            2
Scientific Skills                              3
Thinking Skills                                4
Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values          9
Teaching and Learning Strategies               11
Content Organisation                           14
     Introduction to Physics                   15
     Forces and Motion                         18
     Forces and Pressure                       27
     Heat                                      32
     Light                                     36
     Acknowledgements                          41
     Panel of Writers                          42

OUR NATION, MALAYSIA, being dedicated
  to achieving a greater unity of all her people;
  to maintaining a democratic way of life;
  to creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared;
  to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions;
  to building a progressive society which shall be oriented toward modern science and technology;

We, her people, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:



Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals
in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually,
emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to
God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and
competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of
achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment
of the family, society and the nation at large.


 In consonance with the National Education Philosophy,
        science education in Malaysia nurtures a
      Science and Technology Culture by focusing
 on the development of individuals who are competitive,
        dynamic, robust and resilient and able to
master scientific knowledge and technological competency


The aspiration of the nation to become an                          In a recent development, the Government has made a
industrialised society depends on science and                      decision to introduce English as the medium of
technology. It is envisaged that success in providing              instruction in the teaching and learning of science and
quality science education to Malaysians from an early              mathematics. This measure will enable students to
age will serve to spearhead the nation into becoming a             keep abreast of developments in science and
knowledge society and a competitive player in the                  technology in contemporary society by enhancing their
global arena. Towards this end, the Malaysian                      capability and know-how to tap the diverse sources of
education system is giving greater emphasis to science             information on science written in the English language.
and mathematics education.                                         At the same time, this move would also provide
                                                                   opportunities for students to use the English language
The Physics curriculum has been designed not only to               and hence, increase their proficiency in the language.
provide opportunities for students to acquire science              Thus, in implementing the science curriculum, attention
knowledge and skills, develop thinking skills and                  is given to developing students’ ability to use English
thinking strategies, and to apply this knowledge and               for study and communication, especially in the early
skills in everyday life, but also to inculcate in them             years of learning.
noble values and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that
the educational process en route to achieving these                The development of this curriculum and the preparation
aims would produce well-balanced citizens capable of               of the corresponding Curriculum Specifications have
contributing to the harmony and prosperity of the nation           been the work of many individuals over a period of
and its people.                                                    time. To all those who have contributed in one way or
                                                                   another to this effort, may I, on behalf of the Ministry of
The Physics curriculum aims at producing active                    Education, express my sincere gratitude and thanks for
learners. To this end, students are given ample                    the time and labour expended.
opportunities to engage in scientific investigations
through hands-on activities and experimentations. The
inquiry approach, incorporating thinking skills, thinking
strategies and thoughtful learning, should be
emphasised throughout the teaching-learning process.               (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP, AMP)
The content and contexts suggested are chosen based                Director
on their relevance and appeal to students so that their            Curriculum Development Centre
interest in the subject is enhanced.                               Ministry of Education Malaysia

students to continue their science education        at   the
INTRODUCTION                                                  upper

         As articulated in the National Education
Policy, education in Malaysia is an on-going effort           secondary level. Core Science at the upper secondary
towards developing the potential of individuals in a          level is designed to produce students who are literate in
holistic and integrated manner to produce individuals         science, innovative, and able to apply scientific knowledge
who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and          in decision-making and problem solving in everyday life.
physically balanced and harmonious. The primary
and secondary school science curriculum is                           The elective science subjects prepare students who
developed with the aim of producing such individuals.         are more scientifically inclined to pursue the study of
                                                              science at post-secondary level. This group of students
         As a nation that is progressing towards a            would take up careers in the field of science and
developed nation status, Malaysia needs to create a           technology and play a leading role in this field for national
society that is scientifically oriented, progressive,         development.
knowledgeable, having a high capacity for change,
forward-looking, innovative and a contributor to                       For every science subject, the curriculum for the
scientific and technological developments in the              year is articulated in two documents: the syllabus and the
future. In line with this, there is a need to produce         curriculum specifications. The syllabus presents the aims,
citizens who are creative, critical, inquisitive, open-       objectives and the outline of the curriculum content for a
minded and competent in science and technology.               period of 2 years for elective science subjects and 5 years
                                                              for core science subjects. The curriculum specifications
       The Malaysian science curriculum comprises             provide the details of the curriculum which includes the
three core science subjects and four elective science         aims and objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on
subjects. The core subjects are Science at primary            thinking skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills,
school level, Science at lower secondary level and            scientific attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning
Science at upper secondary level. Elective science            strategies, and curriculum content. The curriculum content
subjects are offered at the upper secondary level and         provides the learning objectives, suggested learning
consist of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and                   activities, the intended learning outcomes, and vocabulary.
Additional Science.

       The core science subjects for the primary and
lower secondary levels are designed to provide
students with basic science knowledge, prepare
students to be literate in science, and enable


The aims of the physics curriculum for secondary           4.    Apply knowledge and skills in a creative and critical
school are to provide students with the knowledge                manner for problem solving and decision making.
and skills in science and technology and enable them
to solve problems and make decisions in everyday           5.    Face challenges in the scientific and technological
life based on scientific attitudes and noble values.             world and be willing to contribute towards the
                                                                 development of science and technology.
Students who have followed the physics curriculum
will have a foundation in physics to enable them to        6.    Evaluate science and technology              related
pursue formal and informal further education in                  information wisely and effectively.
science and technology.
                                                           7.    Practise and internalise scientific attitudes and
The curriculum also aims to develop a concerned,                 good moral values.
dynamic and progressive society with a science and
technology culture that values nature and works            8.    Appreciate the contributions of science and
towards the preservation and conservation of the                 technology towards national development and the
environment.                                                     well-being of mankind.

                                                           9.    Realise that scientific discoveries are the result
OBJECTIVES                                                       of human endeavour to the best of his or her
                                                                 intellectual and mental capabilities to
                                                                 understand natural phenomena for the
The physics curriculum for secondary school enables              betterment of mankind.
students to:
                                                           10.   Be aware of the need to love and care for the
1.     Acquire knowledge in physics and technology               environment and play an active role in its
       in the context of natural phenomena and                   preservation and conservation.
       everyday life experiences.

2.     Understand developments in the field of
       physics and technology.

3.     Acquire scientific and thinking skills.


                                                             Inferring           Using     past    experiences   or
Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In                               previously collected data to draw
inquiry and problem solving processes, scientific and                            conclusions and explain events.
thinking skills are utilised. Scientific skills are
important in any scientific investigation such as            Predicting          Stating the outcome of a future
conducting experiments and carrying out projects.                                event based on prior knowledge
                                                                                 gained through experiences or
Scientific skills encompass science process skills and                           collected data.
manipulative skills.
                                                             Communicating       Using words or graphic symbols
Science Process Skills                                                           such as tables, graphs, figures or
                                                                                 models to describe an action, object
Science process skills enable students to formulate                              or event.
their questions and find out the answers
systematically.                                              Using Space-        Describing changes in parameter
                                                             Time                with time. Examples of parameters
Descriptions of the science process skills are as            Relationship        are location, direction, shape, size,
follows:                                                                         volume, weight and mass.

                                                             Interpreting Data   Giving rational explanations about
Observing           Using the sense of hearing, touch,                           an object, event or pattern derived
                    smell, taste and sight to collect                            from collected data.
                    information about an object or a
                    phenomenon.                              Defining            Defining concepts by describing
                                                             Operationally       what must be done and what should
Classifying         Using observations to group                                  be observed.
                    objects or events according to
                    similarities or differences.             Controlling         Identifying the fixed variables,
                                                             Variables           manipulated      variable,     and
Measuring and       Making quantitative observations                             responding     variable    in    an
Using               using numbers and tools with                                 investigation.  The     manipulated
Numbers             standardised units. Measuring                                variable is changed to observe its
                    makes observation more accurate.                             relationship with the responding
                                                                                 variable. At the same time, the

fixed variables are kept constant.                 THINKING SKILLS
Hypothesising         Making a general statement about
                      the    relationship     between    a
                      manipulated      variable   and    a        Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to
                      responding variable in order to             integrate knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to
                      explain an event or observation.            understand the environment.
                      This statement can be tested to             One of the objectives of the national education system is to
                      determine its validity.                     enhance the thinking ability of students. This objective can
                                                                  be achieved through a curriculum that emphasises
Experimenting         Planning and conducting activities          thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that
                      to test a certain hypothesis. These         emphasises thinking skills is a foundation for thoughtful
                      activities    include     collecting,       learning.
                      analysing and interpreting data and
                      making conclusions.                         Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively
                                                                  involved in the teaching and learning process. Activities
                                                                  should be organised to provide opportunities for students
                                                                  to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem
Manipulative Skills                                               solving and decision-making.
Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are
                                                                  Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking skills
psychomotor skills that enable students to:
                                                                  and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks critically
                                                                  always evaluates an idea in a systematic manner before
?   use and handle science apparatus and laboratory
                                                                  accepting it. A person who thinks creatively has a high
    substances correctly.
                                                                  level of imagination, is able to generate original and
?   handle specimens correctly and carefully.                     innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products.
?   draw specimens, apparatus        and     laboratory           Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes
    substances accurately.                                        that involve various steps. Each step involves various
?   clean science apparatus correctly, and                        critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate
                                                                  thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing
?   store science apparatus and              laboratory           thinking activities in the teaching and learning process.
    substances correctly and safely.

Critical Thinking Skills                                             Detecting Bias       Identifying views or opinions that
                                                                                          have the tendency to support or
A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as                                 oppose something in an unfair or
follows:                                                                                  misleading way.

 Attributing            Identifying          characteristics,        Evaluating           Making judgements on the quality
                        features, qualities and elements of                               or value of something based on
                        a concept or an object.                                           valid reasons or evidence.

 Comparing and          Finding       similarities      and         Making                Making a statement about the
 Contrasting            differences based on criteria such          Conclusions           outcome of an investigation that is
                        as     characteristics,    features,                              based on a hypothesis.
                        qualities and elements of a
                        concept or event.

 Grouping and           Separating objects or phenomena             Creative Thinking Skills
 Classifying            into categories based on certain
                        criteria   such      as    common           A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as
                        characteristics or features.                follows:

 Sequencing             Arranging objects and information            Generating Ideas     Producing or giving ideas in a
                        in order based on the quality or                                  discussion.
                        quantity         of        common
                        characteristics or features such as          Relating             Making connections in a situation
                        size, time, shape or number.                                      to determine a structure or pattern
                                                                                          of relationship.
 Prioritising           Arranging objects and information
                        in order based on their importance           Making               Using    past    experiences    or
                        or priority.                                 Inferences           previously collected data to draw
                                                                                          conclusions and explain events.
 Analysing              Examining information in detail by
                        breaking it down into smaller parts
                                                                     Predicting           Stating the outcome of a future
                        to find implicit meaning and
                                                                                          event based on prior knowledge
                                                                                          gained through experiences or
                                                                                          collected data.

Making             Making a general conclusion              Thinking Strategy
Generalisations    about a group based on
                   observations on, or information
                                                            Description of each thinking strategy is as follows:
                   from, samples of the group.

Visualising        Recalling or forming mental
                                                            Conceptualising        Making generalisations based
                   images about a particular idea,
                                                                                   on inter-related and common
                   concept, situation or vision.
                                                                                   characteristics in order to
Synthesising                                                                       construct meaning, concept or
                   Combining separate elements or
                   parts to form a general picture in
                   various forms such as writing,
                                                            Making Decisions       Selecting the best solution from
                   drawing or artefact.
                                                                                   various alternatives based on
Making                                                                             specific criteria to achieve a
                   Making a general statements
Hypotheses                                                                         specific aim.
                   about the relationship between
                   manipulated      variables     and
                                                            Problem Solving        Finding solutions to challenging
                   responding variables to explain an
                                                                                   or unfamiliar situations or
                   observation or event.         The
                                                                                   unanticipated difficulties in a
                   statements can be tested to
                                                                                   systematic manner.
                   determine validity.

Making Analogies   Understanding abstract or a
                   complex concepts by relating
                                                            Besides the above thinking skills and thinking
                   them to a simpler or concrete
                                                            strategies, another skill emphasised is reasoning.
                   concepts         with  similar
                                                            Reasoning is a skill used in making logical, just and
                                                            rational judgements. Mastering of critical and creative
Inventing                                                   thinking skills and thinking strategies is made simpler
                   Producing something new or
                                                            if an individual is able to reason in an inductive and
                   adapting something already in
                                                            deductive manner. Figure 1 gives a general picture of
                   existence to overcome problems
                                                            thinking skills and thinking strategies.
                   in a systematic manner.

Mastering of thinking skills and thinking          Figure 1 : TSTS Model in Science
strategies (TSTS) through the teaching and learning
of science can be developed through the following
phases:                                                                           Thinking Skills

   1. Introducing TSTS.
   2. Practising TSTS with teacher’ guidance.
                                                                  Critical                               Creative
   3. Practising TSTS without teacher’ guidance.
                                                             ? Attributing                           ? Generating ideas
   4. Applying TSTS in       new   situations   with
                                                             ? Comparing and                         ? Relating
      teacher’ guidance.
                                                               contrasting                           ? Making inferences
   5. Applying TSTS together with other skills to            ? Grouping and                          ? Predicting
      accomplish thinking tasks.                               classifying
                                                                                     Reasoning       ? Making
                                                             ? Sequencing                               hypotheses
Further information about phases of implementing             ? Prioritising                          ? Synthesising
TSTS can be found in the guidebook “Buku Panduan             ? Analysing                             ? Making
Penerapan Kemahiran Berfikir dan Strategi Berfikir           ? Detecting bias                           generalisations
dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains”                     ? Evaluating                            ? Visualising
(Curriculum Development Centre, 1999).                       ? Making                                ? Making analogies
                                                               conclusions                           ? Inventing

                                                                                ? Conceptualising
                                                                                ? Making decisions
                                                                                ? Problem solving

Relationship between Thinking Skills and                      Science Process Skills         Thinking Skills
Science Process Skills

Science process skills are skills that are required in        Predicting               Relating
the process of finding solutions to a problem or                                       Visualising
making decisions in a systematic manner. It is a
mental process that promotes critical, creative,              Using Space-Time         Sequencing
analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of              Relationship             Prioritising
science process skills and the possession of suitable
attitudes and knowledge enable students to think              Interpreting data        Comparing and contrasting
effectively.                                                                           Analysing
                                                                                       Detecting bias
       The mastering of science process skills                                         Making conclusions
involves the mastering of the relevant thinking skills.                                Generalising
The thinking skills that are related to a particular                                   Evaluating
science process skill are as follows:
                                                              Defining operationally   Relating
                                                                                       Making analogy
Science Process Skills           Thinking Skills

Observing                  Attributing                        Controlling variables    Attributing
                           Comparing and contrasting                                   Comparing and contrasting
                           Relating                                                    Relating
Classifying                Attributing
                           Comparing and contrasting          Making hypotheses        Attributing
                           Grouping and classifying                                    Relating
                                                                                       Comparing and contrasting
Measuring and Using        Relating                                                    Generating ideas
Numbers                    Comparing and contrasting                                   Making hypotheses
Making Inferences          Relating                                                    Synthesising
                           Comparing and contrasting
                           Analysing                          Experimenting            All thinking skills
                           Making inferences                  Communicating            All thinking skills

Teaching and Learning based on Thinking                         SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES
Skills and Scientific Skills

This science curriculum emphasises thoughtful                   Science learning experiences can be used as a means to
learning based on thinking skills and scientific skills.        inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students.
Mastery of thinking skills and scientific skills are            These attitudes and values encompass the following:
integrated with the acquisition of knowledge in the
intended learning outcomes. Thus, in teaching and               ?   having an interest and curiosity towards the
learning, teachers need to emphasise the mastery of                 environment.
skills together with the acquisition of knowledge and           ?   being honest and accurate in recording and validating
the inculcation of noble values and scientific                      data.
                                                                ?   being diligent and persevering.
The following is an example and explanation of a                ?   being responsible about the safety of oneself, others,
learning outcome based on thinking skills and                       and the environment.
scientific skills.                                              ?   realising that science is a means to understand nature.
                                                                ?   appreciating and practising clean and healthy living.
Example:                                                        ?   appreciating the balance of nature.
 Learning Outcome:          Deduce from the shape of a          ?   being respectful and well-mannered.
                            velocity-time graph when a          ?   appreciating the contribution of science and
                            body is:                                technology.
                            i. at rest                          ?   being thankful to god.
                            ii. moving      with uniform        ?   having critical and analytical thinking.
                                                                ?   being flexible and open-minded.
                            iii. moving     with uniform
                                 acceleration.                  ?   being kind-hearted and caring.
                                                                ?   being objective.
 Thinking Skills:           analysing, relating
                                                                ?   being systematic.
 Explanation:                                                   ?   being cooperative.
                                                                ?   being fair and just.
 To achieve the above learning outcome, students must           ?   dare to try.
 first analyse graphs to relate the shape of the graph to
 the motion of an object.                                       ?   thinking rationally.
                                                                ?   being confident and independent.

The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble                 Example:
values generally occurs through the following stages:
                                                                  Year:                      Form Four
?   being aware of the importance and the need for
    scientific attitudes and noble values.                        Learning Area:             2.   Forces and Motion
?   giving emphasis to these attitudes and values.                Learning Objective:        2.7 Being aware of the need for
?   practising and internalising these scientific                                                safety features in vehicles
    attitudes and noble values.
                                                                  Learning Outcome:          describe the importance of safety
         When planning teaching and learning                                                 features in vehicles.
activities, teachers need to give due consideration to
the above stages to ensure the continuous and                     Suggested Learning         Research and report on the physics
effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and values.         Activities                 of vehicle collisions and safety
For example, during science practical work, the                                              features in vehicles in terms of
teacher should remind pupils and ensure that they                                            physics concepts.
carry out experiments in a careful, cooperative and
honest manner.                                                                               Discuss the importance of safety
                                                                                             features in vehicles.
        Proper planning is required for effective
inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values              Scientific attitudes and   Appreciating the contribution       of
during science lessons. Before the first lesson related           noble values               science and technology.
to a learning objective, teachers should examine all
related learning outcomes and suggested teaching-                                            Having critical    and    analytical
learning activities that provide opportunities for the                                       thinking.
inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values.

        The following is an example of a learning                Inculcating Patriotism
outcome pertaining to the inculcation of scientific
attitudes and values.                                            The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the
                                                                 development and strengthening of patriotism among
                                                                 students. For example, in learning about the earth’        s
                                                                 resources, the richness and variety of living things and the
                                                                 development of science and technology in the country,
                                                                 students will appreciate the diversity of natural and human
                                                                 resources of the country and deepen their love for the

TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES                                  and discovered by students themselves. Through activities
                                                                  such as experiments, students investigate a phenomenon
                                                                  and draw conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead
Teaching and learning strategies in the science                   students to understand the science concepts through the
curriculum emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful              results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are
learning is a process that helps students acquire                 thus developed further during the inquiry process.
knowledge and master skills that will help them                   However, the inquiry approach may not be suitable for all
develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful              teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may be
learning can occur through various learning                       more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and
approaches such as inquiry, constructivism,                       principles directly to students.
contextual learning, and mastery learning. Learning
activities should therefore be geared towards                     Constructivism
activating students’critical and creative thinking skills
and not be confined to routine or rote learning.                  Constructivism suggests that students learn about
Students should be made aware of the thinking skills              something when they construct their own understanding.
and thinking strategies that they use in their learning.          The important attributes of constructivism are as follows:
They should be challenged with higher order
questions and problems and be required to solve                       ? taking into account students’prior knowledge.
problems utilising their creativity and critical thinking.            ? learning occurring as a result of students’ own
The teaching and learning process should enable                         effort.
students to acquire knowledge, master skills and                      ? learning occurring when students restructure their
develop scientific attitudes and noble values in an                     existing ideas by relating new ideas to old ones.
integrated manner.                                                    ? providing opportunities to cooperate, sharing ideas
                                                                        and experiences, and reflecting on their learning.

Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science                       Science, Technology and Society

Inquiry-Discovery                                                 Meaningful learning occurs if students can relate their
                                                                  learning with their daily experiences. Meaningful learning
Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through                     occurs in learning approaches such as contextual learning,
experiences. Inquiry generally means to find                      and Science, Technology and Society (STS).
information, to question and to investigate a
                                                                  Learning themes and learning objectives that carry
phenomenon that occurs in the environment.
                                                                  elements of STS are incorporated into the curriculum. STS
Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry.
                                                                  approach suggests that science learning takes place
Learning through discovery occurs when the main
                                                                  through investigation and discussion based on science and
concepts and principles of science are investigated
                                                                  technology issues in society. In the STS approach,

knowledge in science and technology is to be learned            The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods can
with the application of the principles of science and           enhance students’ interest in science. Science lessons
technology and their impact on society.                         that are not interesting will not motivate students to learn
                                                                and subsequently will affect their performance. The choice
                                                                of teaching methods should be based on the curriculum
Contextual Learning                                             content, students’ abilities, students’ repertoire of
                                                                intelligences, and the availability of resources and
Contextual learning is an approach that associates              infrastructure. Besides playing the role of knowledge
learning with daily experiences of students. In this            presenters and experts, teachers need to act as facilitators
way, students are able to appreciate the relevance of           in the process of teaching and learning. Teachers need to
science learning to their lives. In contextual learning,        be aware of the multiple intelligences that exist among
students learn through investigations as in the                 students. Different teaching and learning activities should
inquiry-discovery approach.                                     be planned to cater for students with different learning
                                                                styles and intelligences.
Mastery Learning
                                                                The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and
Mastery learning is an approach that ensures all                learning methods.
students are able to acquire and master the intended
learning objectives. This approach is based on the              Experiment
principle that students are able to learn if they are
given adequate opportunities. Students should be                An experiment is a method commonly used in science
allowed to learn at their own pace, with the                    lessons. In experiments, students test hypotheses through
incorporation of remedial and enrichment activities as          investigations to discover specific science concepts and
part of the teaching-learning process.                          principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking
                                                                skills, scientific skills, and manipulative skills.
Teaching and Learning Methods
                                                                Usually, an experiment involves the following steps:
Teaching and learning approaches can be
implemented through various methods such as                       ?    identifying a problem.
experiments, discussions, simulations, projects, and              ?    making a hypothesis.
visits. In this curriculum, the teaching-learning                 ?    planning the experiment
methods suggested are stated under the column                          - controlling variables.
“Suggested Learning Activities.” However, teachers                     - determining the equipment and materials
can modify the suggested activities when the need                          needed.
arises.                                                                - determining the procedure of the experiment
                                                                           and the method of data collection and analysis.

?    conducting the experiment.                            understand the process of decision-making. Models are
   ?    collecting data.                                      used to represent objects or actual situations so that
   ?    analysing data.                                       students can visualise the said objects or situations and
   ?    interpreting data.                                    thus understand the concepts and principles to be learned.
   ?    making conclusions.
   ?    writing a report.                                     Project

 In the implementation of this curriculum, besides            A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken
 guiding students to do an experiment, where                  by an individual or a group of students to achieve a certain
 appropriate, teachers should provide students with           learning objective. A project generally requires several
 the opportunities to design their own experiments.           lessons to complete. The outcome of the project either in
 This involves students drawing up plans as to how            the form of a report, an artefact or in other forms needs to
 to conduct experiments, how to measure and                   be presented to the teacher and other students. Project
 analyse data, and how to present the outcomes of             work promotes the development of problem-solving skills,
 their experiment.                                            time management skills, and independent learning.

                                                              Visits and Use of External Resources
                                                              The learning of science is not limited to activities carried
A discussion is an activity in which students
exchange questions and opinions based on valid                out in the school compound. Learning of science can be
reasons. Discussions can be conducted before,                 enhanced through the use of external resources such as
                                                              zoos, museums, science centres, research institutes,
during or after an activity. Teachers should play the
                                                              mangrove swamps, and factories. Visits to these places
role of a facilitator and lead a discussion by asking
                                                              make the learning of science more interesting, meaningful
questions that stimulate thinking and getting students
                                                              and effective. To optimise learning opportunities, visits
to express themselves.
                                                              need to be carefully planned. Students may be involved in
                                                              the planning process and specific educational tasks should
Simulation                                                    be assigned during the visit. No educational visit is
                                                              complete without a post-visit discussion.
In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual
situation is carried out. Examples of simulation are
role-play, games and the use of models. In role-play,
students play out a particular role based on certain
                                                              Use of Technology
pre-determined      conditions.    Games      require
                                                              Technology is a powerful tool that has great potential in
procedures that need to be followed. Students play
                                                              enhancing the learning of science. Through the use of
games in order to learn a particular principle or to
                                                              technology such as television, radio, video, computer, and

Internet, the teaching and learning of science can be          affective domain are explicitly stated. The inculcation of
made more interesting and effective.                           scientific attitudes and noble values should be integrated
Computer simulation and animation are effective                into every learning activity. This ensures a more
tools for the teaching and learning of abstract or             spontaneous and natural inculcation of attitudes and
difficult science concepts.                                    values. Learning areas in the psychomotor domain are
Computer simulation and animation can be                       implicit in the learning activities.
presented through courseware or Web page.
Application tools such, as word processors, graphic            Learning outcomes are written in the form of measurable
presentation software and electronic spreadsheets              behavioural terms. In general, the learning outcomes for a
are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of        particular learning objective are organised in order of
data.                                                          complexity. However, in the process of teaching and
The use of other tools such as data loggers and                learning, learning activities should be planned in a holistic
computer interfacing in experiments and projects also          and integrated manner that enables the achievement of
enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning of          multiple learning outcomes according to needs and
science.                                                       context. Teachers should avoid employing a teaching
                                                               strategy that tries to achieve each learning outcome
                                                               separately according to the order stated in the curriculum

CONTENT ORGANISATION                                           The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on
                                                               the scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The
                                                               learning activities stated under the column Suggested
                                                               Learning Activities are given with the intention of providing
The science curriculum is organised around themes.             some guidance as to how learning outcomes can be
Each theme consists of various learning areas, each            achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or more
of which consists of a number of learning objectives.
                                                               learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one
A learning objective has one or more learning                  activity may be suggested for a particular learning
outcomes.                                                      outcome. Teachers may modify the suggested activity to
                                                               suit the ability and style of learning of their students.
Learning outcomes are written based on the                     Teachers are encouraged to design other innovative and
hierarchy of the cognitive and affective domains.              effective learning activities to enhance the learning of
Levels in the cognitive domain are: knowledge,                 science.
understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and
evaluation. Levels in the affective domain are: to be
aware of, to be in awe, to be appreciative, to be
thankful, to love, to practise, and to internalise.
Where possible, learning outcomes relating to the


                  Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                   Notes                    Vocabulary
                                                         A student is able to:
Understanding     Observe everyday objects such as       ? explain what physics is.
Physics           a table, a pencil, a mirror etc and
                  discuss how they are related to
                  physics concepts.

                  View a video on natural                ? recognize the physics in
                  phenomena and discuss how                everyday objects and natural
                  they are related to physics              phenomena.

                  Discuss fields of study in physics
                  such as forces, motion, heat, light

1.2                                                      A student is able to:
Understanding     Discuss base quantities and            ? explain what base quantities      Base quantities are:     base quantities –
base quantities   derived quantities.                      and derived quantities are.       length (l), mass (m),    kuantiti asas
and derived                                              ? list base quantities and their    time (t), temperature
quantities        From a text passage, identify            units.                            (T) and current (I).     derived quantities –
                  physical quantities then classify      ? list some derived quantities                               kuantiti terbitan
                  them into base quantities and            and their units.                  Suggested derived
                  derived quantities.                    ? express quantities using          quantities: force (F),   length – panjang
                                                           prefixes.                         density (? ) volume
                  List the value of prefixes and their   ? express quantities using          (V) and velocity (v).    mass – jisim
                  abbreviations from nano to giga,         scientific notation.
                  e.g. nano (10-9), nm (nanometer).      ? express derived quantities as                              time – masa
                                                           well as their units in terms of
                  Discuss the use of scientific            base quantities and base                                   temperature – suhu
                  notation to express large and            units.
                  small numbers.                                                                                      current – arus

                    Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                  Notes                 Vocabulary

                    Determine the base quantities          ? solve problems involving         More complex          force – daya
                    (and units) in a given derived           conversion of units.             derived quantities
                    quantity (and unit) from the related                                      may be discussed      density – ketumpatan
                    formula.                                                                  when these
                                                                                              quantities are        volume – isipadu
                    Solve problems that involve the                                           introduced in their
                    conversion of units.                                                      related learning      velocity – halaju
                                                                                                                    scientific notation –
                                                                                                                    bentuk piawai

                                                                                                                    prefix - imbuhan

1.3                                                        A student is able to:
Understanding       Carry out activities to show that      ? define scalar and vector
scalar and vector   some quantities can be defined by        quantities.
quantities          magnitude only whereas other
                    quantities need to be defined by
                    magnitude as well as direction.

                    Compile a list of scalar and vector    ? give examples of scalar and
                    quantities.                              vector quantities.

1.4                                                        A student is able to:
Understanding       Choose the appropriate                 ? measure physical quantities                            accuracy – kejituan
measurements        instrument for a given                   using appropriate instruments.
                    measurement.                                                                                    consistency –
                    Discuss consistency and accuracy       ? explain accuracy and
                    using the distribution of gunshots       consistency.                                           sensitivity –
                    on a target as an example.                                                                      kepekaan

                    Discuss the sensitivity of various     ? explain sensitivity.                                   error – ralat
                                                                                                                    random - rawak

                       Suggested Learning Activities         Learning Outcomes                    Notes                   Vocabulary

                       Demonstrate through examples          ? explain types of experimental
                       systematic errors and random            error.
                       errors. Discuss what systematic
                       and random errors are.

                       Use appropriate techniques to         ? use appropriate techniques to
                       reduce error in measurements            reduce errors.
                       such as repeating measurements
                       to find the average and
                       compensating for zero error.

1.5                                                          A student is able to:
Analysing scientific   Observe a situation and suggest       ? identify variables in a given      Scientific skills are
investigations         questions suitable for a scientific     situation.                         applied throughout.
                       investigation. Discuss to:            ? identify a question suitable for
                       a) identify a question suitable for     scientific investigation.
                           scientific investigation          ? form a hypothesis.
                       b) identify all the variables         ? design and carry out a simple
                       c) form a hypothesis                    experiment to test the
                       d) plan the method of                   hypothesis.
                           investigation including
                           selection of apparatus and
                           work procedures

                       Carry out an experiment and:          ?   record and present data in a
                       a) collect and tabulate data              suitable form.
                       b) present data in a suitable form    ?   interpret data to draw a
                       c) interpret the data and draw            conclusion.
                          conclusions                        ?   write a report of the
                       d) write a complete report                investigation.


                   Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                 Notes                 Vocabulary
                                                          A student is able to:
Analysing linear   Carry out activities to gain an idea   ? define distance and                                   distance – jarak
motion             of:                                      displacement                    average speed = total
                   a) distance and displacement.          ? define speed and velocity and   distance              displacement –
                   b) speed and velocity                    state that average              time taken            sesaran
                   c) acceleration and deceleration                         s
                                                            velocity, v ?     .                                   speed – laju
                   Carry out activities using a data      ? define acceleration and                               velocity – halaju
                   logger/graphing calculator/ ticker       deceleration and state that
                   timer to:                                     v? u                                             acceleration –
                                                            a?        .
                   a) identify when a body is at                  t                                               pecutan
                      rest, moving with uniform
                      velocity or non-uniform             ? calculate speed and velocity.                         deceleration –
                      velocity                            ? calculate acceleration/                               nyahpecutan
                   b) determine displacement,               deceleration.
                      velocity and acceleration.

                   Solve problems using the
                   following equations of motion:
                   a) v = u + at
                   b) s = ut + ½ at2                      ? solve problems on linear
                   c) v2 = u2 + 2as                         motion with uniform
                                                            acceleration using
                                                               i. v = u + at.
                                                               ii. s = ut + ½ at2.
                                                               iii. v2 = u2 + 2as.

                   Suggested Learning Activities       Learning Outcomes               Notes                   Vocabulary
                                                       A student is able to:
Analysing motion   Carry out activities using a data   ? plot and interpret            Reminder:
graphs             logger/graphing calculator/ticker     displacement-time and         Velocity is
                   timer to plot                         velocity-time graphs.         determined from the
                   a) displacement-time graphs                                         gradient of
                   b) velocity-time graphs                                             displacement-time
                   Describe and interpret:           ? deduce from the shape of a
                   a) displacement-time and            displacement-time graph         Acceleration is
                   b) velocity-time graphs             when a body is:                 determined from the
                                                       i. at rest.                     gradient of velocity-
                                                       ii. moving with uniform         time graph.
                                                       iii. moving with non-uniform    Distance is
                                                            velocity.                  determined from the
                   Determine distance, displacement, ? determine distance,             area under a
                   velocity and acceleration from      displacement and velocity       velocity-time graph.
                   displacement-time and velocity-     from a displacement-time
                   time graphs.                        graph.
                                                     ? deduce from the shape of a
                                                       velocity-time graph when a
                                                       body is:
                                                       i. at rest.
                                                       ii. moving with uniform
                                                       iii. moving with uniform
                                                     ? determine distance,
                   Solve problems on linear            displacement, velocity and
                   motion with uniform                 acceleration from a velocity-
                   acceleration involving graphs.      time graph.
                                                     ? solve problems on linear
                                                       motion with uniform

                Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                Notes                  Vocabulary
                                                       A student is able to:
Understanding   Carry out activities/view computer     ? explain what inertia is.       Newton’ First Law of
                                                                                                s              inertia - inersia
inertia         simulations /situations to gain an                                      Motion may be
                idea on inertia.                                                        introduced here.

                Carry out activities to find out the   ? relate mass to inertia.
                relationship between inertia and

                Research and report on                 ? give examples of situations
                a) the positive effects of inertia       involving inertia.
                b) ways to reduce the negative         ? suggest ways to reduce the
                   effects of inertia                    negative effects of inertia.

                                                       A student is able to:
Analysing       Carry out activities/view computer     ? define the momentum of an                             momentum –
momentum        simulations to gain an idea of           object.                                               momentum
                momentum by comparing the
                effect of stopping two objects:                                                                collision –
                a) of the same mass moving at                                                                  pelanggaran
                    different speeds
                b) of different masses moving at                                                               explosion – letupan
                    the same speed.
                                                                                                               conservation of linear
                Discuss momentum as the                ? define momentum (p) as the                            momentum –
                product of mass and velocity.            product of mass (m) and                               keabadian
                                                         velocity (v) i.e. p = mv.                             momentum linear
                View computer simulations on
                collisions and explosions to gain      ? state the principle of
                an idea on the conservation of           conservation of momentum.

                     Suggested Learning Activities         Learning Outcomes                  Notes                     Vocabulary

                     Conduct an experiment to show                                            Reminder:
                     that the total momentum of a                                             Momentum as a
                     closed system is a constant.                                             vector quantity needs
                                                                                              to be emphasised in
                     Carry out activities that             ? describe applications of         problem solving.
                     demonstrate the conservation of         conservation of momentum.
                     momentum e.g. water rockets.

                     Research and report on                ? solve problems involving
                     the applications of conservation of     momentum.
                     momentum such as in rockets or
                     jet engines.

                     Solve problems involving linear
                                                           A student is able to:
Understanding the    With the aid of diagrams, describe    ?   describe the effects of        When the forces           balanced – seimbang
effects of a force   the forces acting on an object:           balanced forces acting on an   acting on an object
                     a) at rest                                object.                        are balanced they         unbalanced – tidak
                     b) moving at constant velocity        ?   describe the effects of        cancel each other out     seimbang
                     c) accelerating.                          unbalanced forces acting on    (nett force = 0). The
                                                               an object.                     object then behaves       nett force – daya
                                                                                              as if there is no force   bersih
                                                                                              acting on it.
                     Conduct experiments to find the       ?   determine the relationship                               resultant – daya
                     relationship between:                     between force, mass and        Newton’ Second
                                                                                                      s                 paduan
                      a) acceleration and mass of an           acceleration i.e. F = ma.      Law of Motion may
                         object under constant force                                          be introduced here.
                      b) acceleration and force for a
                         constant mass.

                     Solve problems using F = ma.          ?   solve problems using F =

                    Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                     Notes   Vocabulary
                                                           A student is able to:
Analysing impulse   View computer simulations of           ? explain what an impulsive                   impulse – impuls
and impulsive       collisions and explosions to gain        force is.
force               an idea on impulsive forces.           ? give examples of situations                 impulsive forces –
                                                             involving impulsive forces.                 daya impuls
                    Discuss                                ? define impulse as a change in
                    a) impulse as change in                  momentum, i.e.
                       momentum                              Ft = mv – mu .
                    b) an impulsive force as the rate of   ? define impulsive force as the
                       change of momentum in a               rate of change of momentum
                       collision or explosion,               in a collision or explosion, i.e.
                    c) how increasing or decreasing                mv ? mu
                       time of impact affects the            F ?           .
                       magnitude of the impulsive                     t

                    Research and report situations      ? explain the effect of increasing
                    where:                                or decreasing time of impact
                    a) an impulsive force needs to be     on the magnitude of the
                       reduced and how it can be done     impulsive force.
                    b) an impulsive force is beneficial ? describe situations where an
                                                          impulsive force needs to be
                    Solve problems involving              reduced and suggest ways to
                    impulsive forces.                     reduce it.

                                                           ? describe situations where an
                                                             impulsive force is beneficial.

                                                           ? solve problems involving
                                                             impulsive forces.

                     Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                    Notes                      Vocabulary
                                                            A student is able to:
Being aware of the   Research and report on the           ? describe the importance of
need for safety      physics of vehicle collisions and      safety features in vehicles.
features in          safety features in vehicles in terms
vehicles             of physics concepts.

                     Discuss the importance of safety
                     features in vehicles.
                                                            A student is able to:
Understanding        Carry out an activity or view          ? explain acceleration due to        When considering a         gavitational field –
gravity              computer simulations to gain an          gravity.                           body falling freely, g     medan graviti
                     idea of acceleration due to gravity.                                        (= 9.8 m s-2) is its
                     Discuss                                                                     acceleration but           weight - berat
                     a) acceleration due to gravity.        ? state what a gravitational field   when it is at rest, g (=
                     b) a gravitational field as a region     is.                                9.8 N kg-1) is the
                        in which an object experiences      ? define gravitational field         Earth’ gravitational
                        a force due to gravitational          strength.                          field strength acting
                        attraction                                                               on it.
                     c) gravitational field strength (g)
                        as gravitational force per unit

                     Carry out an activity to determine     ? determine the value of             The weight of an
                     the value of acceleration due to         acceleration due to gravity.       object of fixed mass
                     gravity.                                                                    is dependent on the g
                                                            ? define weight (W) as the           exerted on it.
                     Discuss weight as the Earth’ s           product of mass (m) and
                     gravitational force on an object.        acceleration due to gravity (g)
                                                              i.e. W = mg.
                     Solve problems involving
                     acceleration due to gravity.           ? solve problems involving
                                                              acceleration due to gravity.

                      Suggested Learning Activities         Learning Outcomes                    Notes                    Vocabulary
                                                            A student is able to:
Analysing forces in   With the aid of diagrams, describe    ? describe situations where                                   resultant force – daya
equilibrium           situations where forces are in          forces are in equilibrium.                                  paduan
                      equilibrium, e.g. a book at rest on
                      a table, an object at rest on an                                                                    resolve - lerai
                      inclined plane.

                      With the aid of diagrams, discuss     ? state what a resultant force is.
                      the resolution and addition of        ? add two forces to determine
                      forces to determine the resultant       the resultant force.
                      force.                                ? resolve a force into the
                                                              effective component forces.
                      Solve problems involving forces in    ? solve problems involving
                      equilibrium (limited to 3 forces).      forces in equilibrium.

                                                            A student is able to:
Understanding         Observe and discuss situations        ? define work (W) as the                                      work – kerja
work, energy,         where work is done.                     product of an applied force (F)
power and             Discuss that no work is done            and displacement (s) of an                                    kinetic energy –
efficiency            when:                                   object in the direction of the                                  tenaga kinetik
                      a) a force is applied but no            applied force i.e. W = Fs.
                         displacement occurs                                                                              gravitational potential
                      b) an object undergoes a                                                                            energy – tenaga
                         displacement with no applied                                                                     keupayaan graviti
                         force acting on it.
                                                                                                                          conservation of
                       Give examples to illustrate how      ? state that when work is done       Have students recall     energy – keabadian
                       energy is transferred from one         energy is transferred from one     the different forms of   tenaga
                       object to another when work is         object to another.                 energy.

            Suggested Learning Activities       Learning Outcomes                   Notes   Vocabulary
            Discuss the relationship between
            work done to accelerate a body
            and the change in kinetic energy.

            Discuss the relationship between
            work done against gravity and
            gravitational potential energy.

            Carry out an activity to show the   ? define kinetic energy and state
            principle of conservation of          that Ek = ½mv2

            State that power is the rate at
            which work is done, P = W/t.        ? define gravitational potential
                                                  energy and state that Ep =
            Carry out activities to measure       mgh.

            Discuss efficiency as:
            useful energy output                ? state the principle of
                                 x100%            conservation of energy.
                energy input
                                                ? define power and state that
                                                  P = W/t.
            Evaluate and report the
            efficiencies of various devices
            such as a diesel engine, a petrol
            engine and an electric engine.

            Solve problems involving work,      ? explain what efficiency of a
            energy, power and efficiency.         device is.

                                                solve problems involving work,
                                                energy, power and efficiency.

                   Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                   Notes   Vocabulary
                                                          A student is able to:
Appreciating the   Discuss that when an energy            ? recognise the importance of
importance of      transformation takes place, not all      maximising efficiency of
maximising the     of the energy is used to do useful       devices in conserving
efficiency of      work. Some is converted into heat        resources.
devices            or other types of energy.
                   Maximising efficiency during
                   energy transformations makes the
                   best use of the available energy.
                   This helps to conserve resources.
2.12                                                      A student is able to:
Understanding      Carry out activities to gain an idea   ? define elasticity.                        elasticity –
elasticity         on elasticity.                                                                     kekenyalan

                   Plan and conduct an experiment         ? define Hooke’ law.
                                                                        s                             intra-molecular force
                   to find the relationship between                                                   – daya antara
                   force and extension of a spring.                                                   molekul

                   Relate work done to elastic            ? define elastic potential energy           extension –
                   potential energy to obtain Ep=½          and state that Ep= ½ kx2.                 pemanjangan
                                                                                                      elastic potential
                   Describe and interpret force-                                                      energy- tenaga
                   extension graphs.                                                                  keupayaan kenyal

                   Investigate the factors that affect    ? determine the factors that
                   elasticity.                              affect elasticity.

                   Research and report on                 ? describe applications of
                   applications of elasticity.              elasticity.
                   Solve problems involving               ? solve problems involving
                   elasticity.                              elasticity.


                      Suggested Learning Activities         Learning Outcomes                   Notes                   Vocabulary
                                                            A student is able to:
Understanding         Observe and describe the effect of    ? define pressure and state that    Introduce the unit of   pressure - tekanan
pressure              a force acting over a large area             F                            pressure pascal (Pa).
                      compared to a small area, e.g.          P?     .                          (Pa = N m-2)
                      school shoes versus high heeled

                      Discuss pressure as force per unit
                                                            ? describe applications of
                      Research and report on
                      applications of pressure.

                      Solve problems involving
                      pressure.                             ? solve problems involving

                                                            A student is able to:
Understanding         Observe situations to form ideas      ? relate depth to pressure in a                             depth – kedalaman
pressure in liquids   that pressure in liquids:               liquid.
                      a) acts in all directions                                                                         density – ketumpatan
                      b) increases with depth
                                                                                                                        liquid - cecair
                      Observe situations to form the        ? relate density to pressure in a
                      idea that pressure in liquids           liquid.
                      increases with density.

                      Relate depth (h), density (? ) and    ? explain pressure in a liquid
                      gravitational field strength (g) to     and state that P=h? g.
                      pressure in liquids to obtain
                      P=h? g.

                    Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                 Notes                   Vocabulary

                    Research and report on                 ? describe applications of
                    a) the applications of pressure in       pressure in liquids.
                    b) ways to reduce the negative
                       effects of pressure in liquids.

                    Solve problems involving pressure      ? solve problems involving
                    in liquids.                              pressure in liquids.
3.3                                                        A student is able to:
Understanding gas   Carry out activities to gain an idea   ? explain gas pressure.           Students need to be
pressure and        of gas pressure and atmospheric                                          introduced to
atmospheric         pressure.                                                                instruments used to
pressure                                                                                     measure gas
                    Discuss gas pressure in terms of                                         pressure (Bourdon
                    the behaviour of gas molecules                                           Gauge) and
                    based on the kinetic theory.                                             atmospheric pressure
                                                                                             (Fortin barometer,
                    Discuss atmospheric pressure in                                          aneroid barometer).
                    terms of the weight of the             ? explain atmospheric pressure.   Working principle of
                    atmosphere acting on the Earth’
                                                  s                                          the instrument is not
                    surface.                                                                 required.
                                                                                             Introduce other units
                    Discuss the effect of altitude on                                        of atmospheric
                    the magnitude of atmospheric                                             pressure:
                    Research and report on the             ? describe applications of        1 atmosphere = 760
                    applications of atmospheric              atmospheric pressure.           mm Hg = 10.3 m
                    pressure.                                                                water = 101 300 Pa

                    Solve problems involving               ? solve problems involving        1milibar= 100 Pa
                    atmospheric and gas pressure             atmospheric pressure and gas
                    including barometer and                  pressure.
                    manometer readings.

                   Suggested Learning Activities          Learning Outcomes                   Notes                  Vocabulary
                                                          A student is able to:
Applying Pascal’
               s   Observe situations to form the         ? state Pascal’ principle.
                                                                        s                                            enclosed – tertutup
principle          idea that pressure exerted on an
                   enclosed liquid is transmitted                                                                    force multiplier –
                   equally to every part of the liquid.                                                              pembesar daya

                   Discuss hydraulic systems as a                                                                    hydraulic systems –
                   force multiplier to obtain:            ? explain hydraulic systems.                               sistem hidraulik
                   output force = output piston area
                   input force     input piston area                                                                 transmitted - tersebar

                   Research and report on the
                   applications of Pascal’ principle
                                         s                ? describe applications of
                   (hydraulic systems).                     Pascal’ principle.
                      Solve problems involving            ? solve problems involving
                          Pascal’ principle.
                                   s                        Pascal’ principle.

                                                          A student is able to:
Applying           Carry out an activity to measure       ? explain buoyant force.            Recall density and     buoyancy –
Archimedes’        the weight of an object in air and                                         buoyancy.              keapungan
principle          the weight of the same object in
                   water to gain an idea on buoyant                                           Apparent weight        buoyant force – daya
                   force.                                                                     equals actual weight   apung
                                                                                              minus buoyant force.
                      Conduct an experiment to            ? relate buoyant force to the                              submerged –
                     investigate the relationship           weight of the liquid displaced.                          tenggelam
                     between the weight of water
                      displaced and the buoyant                                                                      fluid – bendalir
                                                          ? state Archimedes’principle.                              apparent weight –
                                                          ?                                                          berat ketara

                Suggested Learning Activities            Learning Outcomes               Notes   Vocabulary

                Discuss buoyancy in terms of:
                a) an object that is totally or
                   partially submerged in a fluid
                   experiences a buoyant force
                   equal to the weight of fluid
                b) the weight of a freely floating
                   object being equal to the
                   weight of fluid displaced
                c) a floating object has a density
                   less than or equal to the
                   density of the fluid in which it is

                Research and report on the               ? describe applications of
                applications of Archimedes’                Archimedes principle.
                principle, e.g. submarines,
                hydrometers, hot-air balloons.
                Solve problems involving                 ? solve problem involving
                Archimedes’principle.                      Archimedes’principle.

                Build a cartesian diver. Discuss
                why the diver can be made to
                move up and down.

                                                         A student is able to:
Understanding   Carry out activities to gain the idea ? state Bernoulli’ principle.
                                                                        s                        fluid – bendalir
Bernoulli’s     that when the speed of a flowing
principle       fluid increases its pressure          ? explain that a resultant force           lifting force – daya
                decreases. e.g. blowing above a         exists due to a difference in            angkat
                strip of paper, blowing through         fluid pressure.
                straw between two ping-pong balls
                suspended on strings.

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Cs physics f4

  • 1. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools Curriculum Specifications PHYSICS Form 4 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia 2005
  • 2.
  • 3. First Edition 2005 © Ministry of Education Malaysia All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information or storage retrieval system without permission in writing from the Director of the Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Level 4-8, Block E9, Government Complex Parcel E, 62604 Putrajaya. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Data Pengkatalogan-dalam-Penerbitan Malaysia. Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum Physics Form 4: Integrated Kurikulum for secondary school: curriculum specification / Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum ISBN
  • 4.
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page The National Philosophy v The National Philosophy of Education vii National Science Education Philosophy ix Preface xi Introduction 1 Aims and Objectives 2 Scientific Skills 3 Thinking Skills 4 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 9 Teaching and Learning Strategies 11 Content Organisation 14 Introduction to Physics 15 Forces and Motion 18 Forces and Pressure 27 Heat 32 Light 36 Acknowledgements 41 Panel of Writers 42
  • 6.
  • 7. THE NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OUR NATION, MALAYSIA, being dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her people; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared; to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society which shall be oriented toward modern science and technology; We, her people, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles: BELIEF IN GOD LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION RULE OF LAW GOOD BEHAVIOUR AND MORALITY v
  • 8.
  • 9. NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large. vii
  • 10.
  • 11. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a Science and Technology Culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency ix
  • 12.
  • 13. PREFACE The aspiration of the nation to become an In a recent development, the Government has made a industrialised society depends on science and decision to introduce English as the medium of technology. It is envisaged that success in providing instruction in the teaching and learning of science and quality science education to Malaysians from an early mathematics. This measure will enable students to age will serve to spearhead the nation into becoming a keep abreast of developments in science and knowledge society and a competitive player in the technology in contemporary society by enhancing their global arena. Towards this end, the Malaysian capability and know-how to tap the diverse sources of education system is giving greater emphasis to science information on science written in the English language. and mathematics education. At the same time, this move would also provide opportunities for students to use the English language The Physics curriculum has been designed not only to and hence, increase their proficiency in the language. provide opportunities for students to acquire science Thus, in implementing the science curriculum, attention knowledge and skills, develop thinking skills and is given to developing students’ ability to use English thinking strategies, and to apply this knowledge and for study and communication, especially in the early skills in everyday life, but also to inculcate in them years of learning. noble values and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that the educational process en route to achieving these The development of this curriculum and the preparation aims would produce well-balanced citizens capable of of the corresponding Curriculum Specifications have contributing to the harmony and prosperity of the nation been the work of many individuals over a period of and its people. time. To all those who have contributed in one way or another to this effort, may I, on behalf of the Ministry of The Physics curriculum aims at producing active Education, express my sincere gratitude and thanks for learners. To this end, students are given ample the time and labour expended. opportunities to engage in scientific investigations through hands-on activities and experimentations. The inquiry approach, incorporating thinking skills, thinking strategies and thoughtful learning, should be emphasised throughout the teaching-learning process. (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP, AMP) The content and contexts suggested are chosen based Director on their relevance and appeal to students so that their Curriculum Development Centre interest in the subject is enhanced. Ministry of Education Malaysia xi
  • 14.
  • 15. students to continue their science education at the INTRODUCTION upper As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in Malaysia is an on-going effort secondary level. Core Science at the upper secondary towards developing the potential of individuals in a level is designed to produce students who are literate in holistic and integrated manner to produce individuals science, innovative, and able to apply scientific knowledge who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and in decision-making and problem solving in everyday life. physically balanced and harmonious. The primary and secondary school science curriculum is The elective science subjects prepare students who developed with the aim of producing such individuals. are more scientifically inclined to pursue the study of science at post-secondary level. This group of students As a nation that is progressing towards a would take up careers in the field of science and developed nation status, Malaysia needs to create a technology and play a leading role in this field for national society that is scientifically oriented, progressive, development. knowledgeable, having a high capacity for change, forward-looking, innovative and a contributor to For every science subject, the curriculum for the scientific and technological developments in the year is articulated in two documents: the syllabus and the future. In line with this, there is a need to produce curriculum specifications. The syllabus presents the aims, citizens who are creative, critical, inquisitive, open- objectives and the outline of the curriculum content for a minded and competent in science and technology. period of 2 years for elective science subjects and 5 years for core science subjects. The curriculum specifications The Malaysian science curriculum comprises provide the details of the curriculum which includes the three core science subjects and four elective science aims and objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on subjects. The core subjects are Science at primary thinking skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills, school level, Science at lower secondary level and scientific attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning Science at upper secondary level. Elective science strategies, and curriculum content. The curriculum content subjects are offered at the upper secondary level and provides the learning objectives, suggested learning consist of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and activities, the intended learning outcomes, and vocabulary. Additional Science. The core science subjects for the primary and lower secondary levels are designed to provide students with basic science knowledge, prepare students to be literate in science, and enable 1
  • 16. AIMS The aims of the physics curriculum for secondary 4. Apply knowledge and skills in a creative and critical school are to provide students with the knowledge manner for problem solving and decision making. and skills in science and technology and enable them to solve problems and make decisions in everyday 5. Face challenges in the scientific and technological life based on scientific attitudes and noble values. world and be willing to contribute towards the development of science and technology. Students who have followed the physics curriculum will have a foundation in physics to enable them to 6. Evaluate science and technology related pursue formal and informal further education in information wisely and effectively. science and technology. 7. Practise and internalise scientific attitudes and The curriculum also aims to develop a concerned, good moral values. dynamic and progressive society with a science and technology culture that values nature and works 8. Appreciate the contributions of science and towards the preservation and conservation of the technology towards national development and the environment. well-being of mankind. 9. Realise that scientific discoveries are the result OBJECTIVES of human endeavour to the best of his or her intellectual and mental capabilities to understand natural phenomena for the The physics curriculum for secondary school enables betterment of mankind. students to: 10. Be aware of the need to love and care for the 1. Acquire knowledge in physics and technology environment and play an active role in its in the context of natural phenomena and preservation and conservation. everyday life experiences. 2. Understand developments in the field of physics and technology. 3. Acquire scientific and thinking skills. 2
  • 17. SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Inferring Using past experiences or Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In previously collected data to draw inquiry and problem solving processes, scientific and conclusions and explain events. thinking skills are utilised. Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation such as Predicting Stating the outcome of a future conducting experiments and carrying out projects. event based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or Scientific skills encompass science process skills and collected data. manipulative skills. Communicating Using words or graphic symbols Science Process Skills such as tables, graphs, figures or models to describe an action, object Science process skills enable students to formulate or event. their questions and find out the answers systematically. Using Space- Describing changes in parameter Time with time. Examples of parameters Descriptions of the science process skills are as Relationship are location, direction, shape, size, follows: volume, weight and mass. Interpreting Data Giving rational explanations about Observing Using the sense of hearing, touch, an object, event or pattern derived smell, taste and sight to collect from collected data. information about an object or a phenomenon. Defining Defining concepts by describing Operationally what must be done and what should Classifying Using observations to group be observed. objects or events according to similarities or differences. Controlling Identifying the fixed variables, Variables manipulated variable, and Measuring and Making quantitative observations responding variable in an Using using numbers and tools with investigation. The manipulated Numbers standardised units. Measuring variable is changed to observe its makes observation more accurate. relationship with the responding variable. At the same time, the 3
  • 18. fixed variables are kept constant. THINKING SKILLS Hypothesising Making a general statement about the relationship between a manipulated variable and a Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to responding variable in order to integrate knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to explain an event or observation. understand the environment. This statement can be tested to One of the objectives of the national education system is to determine its validity. enhance the thinking ability of students. This objective can be achieved through a curriculum that emphasises Experimenting Planning and conducting activities thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that to test a certain hypothesis. These emphasises thinking skills is a foundation for thoughtful activities include collecting, learning. analysing and interpreting data and making conclusions. Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Activities should be organised to provide opportunities for students to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem Manipulative Skills solving and decision-making. Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking skills psychomotor skills that enable students to: and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always evaluates an idea in a systematic manner before ? use and handle science apparatus and laboratory accepting it. A person who thinks creatively has a high substances correctly. level of imagination, is able to generate original and ? handle specimens correctly and carefully. innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products. ? draw specimens, apparatus and laboratory Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes substances accurately. that involve various steps. Each step involves various ? clean science apparatus correctly, and critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing ? store science apparatus and laboratory thinking activities in the teaching and learning process. substances correctly and safely. 4
  • 19. Critical Thinking Skills Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions that have the tendency to support or A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as oppose something in an unfair or follows: misleading way. Attributing Identifying characteristics, Evaluating Making judgements on the quality features, qualities and elements of or value of something based on a concept or an object. valid reasons or evidence. Comparing and Finding similarities and Making Making a statement about the Contrasting differences based on criteria such Conclusions outcome of an investigation that is as characteristics, features, based on a hypothesis. qualities and elements of a concept or event. Grouping and Separating objects or phenomena Creative Thinking Skills Classifying into categories based on certain criteria such as common A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as characteristics or features. follows: Sequencing Arranging objects and information Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a in order based on the quality or discussion. quantity of common characteristics or features such as Relating Making connections in a situation size, time, shape or number. to determine a structure or pattern of relationship. Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order based on their importance Making Using past experiences or or priority. Inferences previously collected data to draw conclusions and explain events. Analysing Examining information in detail by breaking it down into smaller parts Predicting Stating the outcome of a future to find implicit meaning and event based on prior knowledge relationships. gained through experiences or collected data. 5
  • 20. Making Making a general conclusion Thinking Strategy Generalisations about a group based on observations on, or information Description of each thinking strategy is as follows: from, samples of the group. Visualising Recalling or forming mental Conceptualising Making generalisations based images about a particular idea, on inter-related and common concept, situation or vision. characteristics in order to Synthesising construct meaning, concept or Combining separate elements or model. parts to form a general picture in various forms such as writing, Making Decisions Selecting the best solution from drawing or artefact. various alternatives based on Making specific criteria to achieve a Making a general statements Hypotheses specific aim. about the relationship between manipulated variables and Problem Solving Finding solutions to challenging responding variables to explain an or unfamiliar situations or observation or event. The unanticipated difficulties in a statements can be tested to systematic manner. determine validity. Making Analogies Understanding abstract or a complex concepts by relating Besides the above thinking skills and thinking them to a simpler or concrete strategies, another skill emphasised is reasoning. concepts with similar Reasoning is a skill used in making logical, just and characteristics. rational judgements. Mastering of critical and creative Inventing thinking skills and thinking strategies is made simpler Producing something new or if an individual is able to reason in an inductive and adapting something already in deductive manner. Figure 1 gives a general picture of existence to overcome problems thinking skills and thinking strategies. in a systematic manner. 6
  • 21. Mastering of thinking skills and thinking Figure 1 : TSTS Model in Science strategies (TSTS) through the teaching and learning of science can be developed through the following phases: Thinking Skills 1. Introducing TSTS. 2. Practising TSTS with teacher’ guidance. s Critical Creative 3. Practising TSTS without teacher’ guidance. s ? Attributing ? Generating ideas 4. Applying TSTS in new situations with ? Comparing and ? Relating teacher’ guidance. s contrasting ? Making inferences 5. Applying TSTS together with other skills to ? Grouping and ? Predicting accomplish thinking tasks. classifying Reasoning ? Making ? Sequencing hypotheses Further information about phases of implementing ? Prioritising ? Synthesising TSTS can be found in the guidebook “Buku Panduan ? Analysing ? Making Penerapan Kemahiran Berfikir dan Strategi Berfikir ? Detecting bias generalisations dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains” ? Evaluating ? Visualising (Curriculum Development Centre, 1999). ? Making ? Making analogies conclusions ? Inventing Thinking Strategies ? Conceptualising ? Making decisions ? Problem solving 7
  • 22. Relationship between Thinking Skills and Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Science Process Skills Science process skills are skills that are required in Predicting Relating the process of finding solutions to a problem or Visualising making decisions in a systematic manner. It is a mental process that promotes critical, creative, Using Space-Time Sequencing analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of Relationship Prioritising science process skills and the possession of suitable attitudes and knowledge enable students to think Interpreting data Comparing and contrasting effectively. Analysing Detecting bias The mastering of science process skills Making conclusions involves the mastering of the relevant thinking skills. Generalising The thinking skills that are related to a particular Evaluating science process skill are as follows: Defining operationally Relating Making analogy Visualising Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Analysing Observing Attributing Controlling variables Attributing Comparing and contrasting Comparing and contrasting Relating Relating Analysing Classifying Attributing Comparing and contrasting Making hypotheses Attributing Grouping and classifying Relating Comparing and contrasting Measuring and Using Relating Generating ideas Numbers Comparing and contrasting Making hypotheses Predicting Making Inferences Relating Synthesising Comparing and contrasting Analysing Experimenting All thinking skills Making inferences Communicating All thinking skills 8
  • 23. Teaching and Learning based on Thinking SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Skills and Scientific Skills This science curriculum emphasises thoughtful Science learning experiences can be used as a means to learning based on thinking skills and scientific skills. inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students. Mastery of thinking skills and scientific skills are These attitudes and values encompass the following: integrated with the acquisition of knowledge in the intended learning outcomes. Thus, in teaching and ? having an interest and curiosity towards the learning, teachers need to emphasise the mastery of environment. skills together with the acquisition of knowledge and ? being honest and accurate in recording and validating the inculcation of noble values and scientific data. attitudes. ? being diligent and persevering. The following is an example and explanation of a ? being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, learning outcome based on thinking skills and and the environment. scientific skills. ? realising that science is a means to understand nature. ? appreciating and practising clean and healthy living. Example: ? appreciating the balance of nature. Learning Outcome: Deduce from the shape of a ? being respectful and well-mannered. velocity-time graph when a ? appreciating the contribution of science and body is: technology. i. at rest ? being thankful to god. ii. moving with uniform ? having critical and analytical thinking. velocity ? being flexible and open-minded. iii. moving with uniform acceleration. ? being kind-hearted and caring. ? being objective. Thinking Skills: analysing, relating ? being systematic. Explanation: ? being cooperative. ? being fair and just. To achieve the above learning outcome, students must ? dare to try. first analyse graphs to relate the shape of the graph to the motion of an object. ? thinking rationally. ? being confident and independent. 9
  • 24. The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble Example: values generally occurs through the following stages: Year: Form Four ? being aware of the importance and the need for scientific attitudes and noble values. Learning Area: 2. Forces and Motion ? giving emphasis to these attitudes and values. Learning Objective: 2.7 Being aware of the need for ? practising and internalising these scientific safety features in vehicles attitudes and noble values. Learning Outcome: describe the importance of safety When planning teaching and learning features in vehicles. activities, teachers need to give due consideration to the above stages to ensure the continuous and Suggested Learning Research and report on the physics effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and values. Activities of vehicle collisions and safety For example, during science practical work, the features in vehicles in terms of teacher should remind pupils and ensure that they physics concepts. carry out experiments in a careful, cooperative and honest manner. Discuss the importance of safety features in vehicles. Proper planning is required for effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values Scientific attitudes and Appreciating the contribution of during science lessons. Before the first lesson related noble values science and technology. to a learning objective, teachers should examine all related learning outcomes and suggested teaching- Having critical and analytical learning activities that provide opportunities for the thinking. inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values. The following is an example of a learning Inculcating Patriotism outcome pertaining to the inculcation of scientific attitudes and values. The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the development and strengthening of patriotism among students. For example, in learning about the earth’ s resources, the richness and variety of living things and the development of science and technology in the country, students will appreciate the diversity of natural and human resources of the country and deepen their love for the country. 10
  • 25. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES and discovered by students themselves. Through activities such as experiments, students investigate a phenomenon and draw conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead Teaching and learning strategies in the science students to understand the science concepts through the curriculum emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are learning is a process that helps students acquire thus developed further during the inquiry process. knowledge and master skills that will help them However, the inquiry approach may not be suitable for all develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may be learning can occur through various learning more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and approaches such as inquiry, constructivism, principles directly to students. contextual learning, and mastery learning. Learning activities should therefore be geared towards Constructivism activating students’critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or rote learning. Constructivism suggests that students learn about Students should be made aware of the thinking skills something when they construct their own understanding. and thinking strategies that they use in their learning. The important attributes of constructivism are as follows: They should be challenged with higher order questions and problems and be required to solve ? taking into account students’prior knowledge. problems utilising their creativity and critical thinking. ? learning occurring as a result of students’ own The teaching and learning process should enable effort. students to acquire knowledge, master skills and ? learning occurring when students restructure their develop scientific attitudes and noble values in an existing ideas by relating new ideas to old ones. integrated manner. ? providing opportunities to cooperate, sharing ideas and experiences, and reflecting on their learning. Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science Science, Technology and Society Inquiry-Discovery Meaningful learning occurs if students can relate their learning with their daily experiences. Meaningful learning Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through occurs in learning approaches such as contextual learning, experiences. Inquiry generally means to find and Science, Technology and Society (STS). information, to question and to investigate a Learning themes and learning objectives that carry phenomenon that occurs in the environment. elements of STS are incorporated into the curriculum. STS Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. approach suggests that science learning takes place Learning through discovery occurs when the main through investigation and discussion based on science and concepts and principles of science are investigated technology issues in society. In the STS approach, 11
  • 26. knowledge in science and technology is to be learned The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods can with the application of the principles of science and enhance students’ interest in science. Science lessons technology and their impact on society. that are not interesting will not motivate students to learn and subsequently will affect their performance. The choice of teaching methods should be based on the curriculum Contextual Learning content, students’ abilities, students’ repertoire of intelligences, and the availability of resources and Contextual learning is an approach that associates infrastructure. Besides playing the role of knowledge learning with daily experiences of students. In this presenters and experts, teachers need to act as facilitators way, students are able to appreciate the relevance of in the process of teaching and learning. Teachers need to science learning to their lives. In contextual learning, be aware of the multiple intelligences that exist among students learn through investigations as in the students. Different teaching and learning activities should inquiry-discovery approach. be planned to cater for students with different learning styles and intelligences. Mastery Learning The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and Mastery learning is an approach that ensures all learning methods. students are able to acquire and master the intended learning objectives. This approach is based on the Experiment principle that students are able to learn if they are given adequate opportunities. Students should be An experiment is a method commonly used in science allowed to learn at their own pace, with the lessons. In experiments, students test hypotheses through incorporation of remedial and enrichment activities as investigations to discover specific science concepts and part of the teaching-learning process. principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking skills, scientific skills, and manipulative skills. Teaching and Learning Methods Usually, an experiment involves the following steps: Teaching and learning approaches can be implemented through various methods such as ? identifying a problem. experiments, discussions, simulations, projects, and ? making a hypothesis. visits. In this curriculum, the teaching-learning ? planning the experiment methods suggested are stated under the column - controlling variables. “Suggested Learning Activities.” However, teachers - determining the equipment and materials can modify the suggested activities when the need needed. arises. - determining the procedure of the experiment and the method of data collection and analysis. 12
  • 27. ? conducting the experiment. understand the process of decision-making. Models are ? collecting data. used to represent objects or actual situations so that ? analysing data. students can visualise the said objects or situations and ? interpreting data. thus understand the concepts and principles to be learned. ? making conclusions. ? writing a report. Project In the implementation of this curriculum, besides A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken guiding students to do an experiment, where by an individual or a group of students to achieve a certain appropriate, teachers should provide students with learning objective. A project generally requires several the opportunities to design their own experiments. lessons to complete. The outcome of the project either in This involves students drawing up plans as to how the form of a report, an artefact or in other forms needs to to conduct experiments, how to measure and be presented to the teacher and other students. Project analyse data, and how to present the outcomes of work promotes the development of problem-solving skills, their experiment. time management skills, and independent learning. Visits and Use of External Resources Discussion The learning of science is not limited to activities carried A discussion is an activity in which students exchange questions and opinions based on valid out in the school compound. Learning of science can be reasons. Discussions can be conducted before, enhanced through the use of external resources such as zoos, museums, science centres, research institutes, during or after an activity. Teachers should play the mangrove swamps, and factories. Visits to these places role of a facilitator and lead a discussion by asking make the learning of science more interesting, meaningful questions that stimulate thinking and getting students and effective. To optimise learning opportunities, visits to express themselves. need to be carefully planned. Students may be involved in the planning process and specific educational tasks should Simulation be assigned during the visit. No educational visit is complete without a post-visit discussion. In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and the use of models. In role-play, students play out a particular role based on certain Use of Technology pre-determined conditions. Games require Technology is a powerful tool that has great potential in procedures that need to be followed. Students play enhancing the learning of science. Through the use of games in order to learn a particular principle or to technology such as television, radio, video, computer, and 13
  • 28. Internet, the teaching and learning of science can be affective domain are explicitly stated. The inculcation of made more interesting and effective. scientific attitudes and noble values should be integrated Computer simulation and animation are effective into every learning activity. This ensures a more tools for the teaching and learning of abstract or spontaneous and natural inculcation of attitudes and difficult science concepts. values. Learning areas in the psychomotor domain are Computer simulation and animation can be implicit in the learning activities. presented through courseware or Web page. Application tools such, as word processors, graphic Learning outcomes are written in the form of measurable presentation software and electronic spreadsheets behavioural terms. In general, the learning outcomes for a are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of particular learning objective are organised in order of data. complexity. However, in the process of teaching and The use of other tools such as data loggers and learning, learning activities should be planned in a holistic computer interfacing in experiments and projects also and integrated manner that enables the achievement of enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning of multiple learning outcomes according to needs and science. context. Teachers should avoid employing a teaching strategy that tries to achieve each learning outcome separately according to the order stated in the curriculum specifications. CONTENT ORGANISATION The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on the scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The learning activities stated under the column Suggested Learning Activities are given with the intention of providing The science curriculum is organised around themes. some guidance as to how learning outcomes can be Each theme consists of various learning areas, each achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or more of which consists of a number of learning objectives. learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one A learning objective has one or more learning activity may be suggested for a particular learning outcomes. outcome. Teachers may modify the suggested activity to suit the ability and style of learning of their students. Learning outcomes are written based on the Teachers are encouraged to design other innovative and hierarchy of the cognitive and affective domains. effective learning activities to enhance the learning of Levels in the cognitive domain are: knowledge, science. understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Levels in the affective domain are: to be aware of, to be in awe, to be appreciative, to be thankful, to love, to practise, and to internalise. Where possible, learning outcomes relating to the 14
  • 29. LEARNING AREA: 1. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 1.1 Understanding Observe everyday objects such as ? explain what physics is. Physics a table, a pencil, a mirror etc and discuss how they are related to physics concepts. View a video on natural ? recognize the physics in phenomena and discuss how everyday objects and natural they are related to physics phenomena. concepts. Discuss fields of study in physics such as forces, motion, heat, light etc. 1.2 A student is able to: Understanding Discuss base quantities and ? explain what base quantities Base quantities are: base quantities – base quantities derived quantities. and derived quantities are. length (l), mass (m), kuantiti asas and derived ? list base quantities and their time (t), temperature quantities From a text passage, identify units. (T) and current (I). derived quantities – physical quantities then classify ? list some derived quantities kuantiti terbitan them into base quantities and and their units. Suggested derived derived quantities. ? express quantities using quantities: force (F), length – panjang prefixes. density (? ) volume List the value of prefixes and their ? express quantities using (V) and velocity (v). mass – jisim abbreviations from nano to giga, scientific notation. e.g. nano (10-9), nm (nanometer). ? express derived quantities as time – masa well as their units in terms of Discuss the use of scientific base quantities and base temperature – suhu notation to express large and units. small numbers. current – arus 15
  • 30. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Determine the base quantities ? solve problems involving More complex force – daya (and units) in a given derived conversion of units. derived quantities quantity (and unit) from the related may be discussed density – ketumpatan formula. when these quantities are volume – isipadu Solve problems that involve the introduced in their conversion of units. related learning velocity – halaju areas. scientific notation – bentuk piawai prefix - imbuhan 1.3 A student is able to: Understanding Carry out activities to show that ? define scalar and vector scalar and vector some quantities can be defined by quantities. quantities magnitude only whereas other quantities need to be defined by magnitude as well as direction. Compile a list of scalar and vector ? give examples of scalar and quantities. vector quantities. 1.4 A student is able to: Understanding Choose the appropriate ? measure physical quantities accuracy – kejituan measurements instrument for a given using appropriate instruments. measurement. consistency – kepersisan Discuss consistency and accuracy ? explain accuracy and using the distribution of gunshots consistency. sensitivity – on a target as an example. kepekaan Discuss the sensitivity of various ? explain sensitivity. error – ralat instruments. random - rawak 16
  • 31. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Demonstrate through examples ? explain types of experimental systematic errors and random error. errors. Discuss what systematic and random errors are. Use appropriate techniques to ? use appropriate techniques to reduce error in measurements reduce errors. such as repeating measurements to find the average and compensating for zero error. 1.5 A student is able to: Analysing scientific Observe a situation and suggest ? identify variables in a given Scientific skills are investigations questions suitable for a scientific situation. applied throughout. investigation. Discuss to: ? identify a question suitable for a) identify a question suitable for scientific investigation. scientific investigation ? form a hypothesis. b) identify all the variables ? design and carry out a simple c) form a hypothesis experiment to test the d) plan the method of hypothesis. investigation including selection of apparatus and work procedures Carry out an experiment and: ? record and present data in a a) collect and tabulate data suitable form. b) present data in a suitable form ? interpret data to draw a c) interpret the data and draw conclusion. conclusions ? write a report of the d) write a complete report investigation. 17
  • 32. LEARNING AREA: 2. FORCES AND MOTION Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.1 Analysing linear Carry out activities to gain an idea ? define distance and distance – jarak motion of: displacement average speed = total a) distance and displacement. ? define speed and velocity and distance displacement – b) speed and velocity state that average time taken sesaran c) acceleration and deceleration s velocity, v ? . speed – laju t Carry out activities using a data ? define acceleration and velocity – halaju logger/graphing calculator/ ticker deceleration and state that timer to: v? u acceleration – a? . a) identify when a body is at t pecutan rest, moving with uniform velocity or non-uniform ? calculate speed and velocity. deceleration – velocity ? calculate acceleration/ nyahpecutan b) determine displacement, deceleration. velocity and acceleration. Solve problems using the following equations of motion: a) v = u + at b) s = ut + ½ at2 ? solve problems on linear c) v2 = u2 + 2as motion with uniform acceleration using i. v = u + at. ii. s = ut + ½ at2. iii. v2 = u2 + 2as. 18
  • 33. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.2 Analysing motion Carry out activities using a data ? plot and interpret Reminder: graphs logger/graphing calculator/ticker displacement-time and Velocity is timer to plot velocity-time graphs. determined from the a) displacement-time graphs gradient of b) velocity-time graphs displacement-time graph. Describe and interpret: ? deduce from the shape of a a) displacement-time and displacement-time graph Acceleration is b) velocity-time graphs when a body is: determined from the i. at rest. gradient of velocity- ii. moving with uniform time graph. velocity. iii. moving with non-uniform Distance is velocity. determined from the Determine distance, displacement, ? determine distance, area under a velocity and acceleration from displacement and velocity velocity-time graph. displacement-time and velocity- from a displacement-time time graphs. graph. ? deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph when a body is: i. at rest. ii. moving with uniform velocity. iii. moving with uniform acceleration. ? determine distance, Solve problems on linear displacement, velocity and motion with uniform acceleration from a velocity- acceleration involving graphs. time graph. ? solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration. 19
  • 34. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.3 Understanding Carry out activities/view computer ? explain what inertia is. Newton’ First Law of s inertia - inersia inertia simulations /situations to gain an Motion may be idea on inertia. introduced here. Carry out activities to find out the ? relate mass to inertia. relationship between inertia and mass. Research and report on ? give examples of situations a) the positive effects of inertia involving inertia. b) ways to reduce the negative ? suggest ways to reduce the effects of inertia negative effects of inertia. A student is able to: 2.4 Analysing Carry out activities/view computer ? define the momentum of an momentum – momentum simulations to gain an idea of object. momentum momentum by comparing the effect of stopping two objects: collision – a) of the same mass moving at pelanggaran different speeds b) of different masses moving at explosion – letupan the same speed. conservation of linear Discuss momentum as the ? define momentum (p) as the momentum – product of mass and velocity. product of mass (m) and keabadian velocity (v) i.e. p = mv. momentum linear View computer simulations on collisions and explosions to gain ? state the principle of an idea on the conservation of conservation of momentum. momentum. 20
  • 35. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Conduct an experiment to show Reminder: that the total momentum of a Momentum as a closed system is a constant. vector quantity needs to be emphasised in Carry out activities that ? describe applications of problem solving. demonstrate the conservation of conservation of momentum. momentum e.g. water rockets. Research and report on ? solve problems involving the applications of conservation of momentum. momentum such as in rockets or jet engines. Solve problems involving linear momentum. A student is able to: 2.5 Understanding the With the aid of diagrams, describe ? describe the effects of When the forces balanced – seimbang effects of a force the forces acting on an object: balanced forces acting on an acting on an object a) at rest object. are balanced they unbalanced – tidak b) moving at constant velocity ? describe the effects of cancel each other out seimbang c) accelerating. unbalanced forces acting on (nett force = 0). The an object. object then behaves nett force – daya as if there is no force bersih acting on it. Conduct experiments to find the ? determine the relationship resultant – daya relationship between: between force, mass and Newton’ Second s paduan a) acceleration and mass of an acceleration i.e. F = ma. Law of Motion may object under constant force be introduced here. b) acceleration and force for a constant mass. Solve problems using F = ma. ? solve problems using F = ma. 21
  • 36. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.6 Analysing impulse View computer simulations of ? explain what an impulsive impulse – impuls and impulsive collisions and explosions to gain force is. force an idea on impulsive forces. ? give examples of situations impulsive forces – involving impulsive forces. daya impuls Discuss ? define impulse as a change in a) impulse as change in momentum, i.e. momentum Ft = mv – mu . b) an impulsive force as the rate of ? define impulsive force as the change of momentum in a rate of change of momentum collision or explosion, in a collision or explosion, i.e. c) how increasing or decreasing mv ? mu time of impact affects the F ? . magnitude of the impulsive t force. Research and report situations ? explain the effect of increasing where: or decreasing time of impact a) an impulsive force needs to be on the magnitude of the reduced and how it can be done impulsive force. b) an impulsive force is beneficial ? describe situations where an impulsive force needs to be Solve problems involving reduced and suggest ways to impulsive forces. reduce it. ? describe situations where an impulsive force is beneficial. ? solve problems involving impulsive forces. 22
  • 37. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.7 Being aware of the Research and report on the ? describe the importance of need for safety physics of vehicle collisions and safety features in vehicles. features in safety features in vehicles in terms vehicles of physics concepts. Discuss the importance of safety features in vehicles. A student is able to: 2.8 Understanding Carry out an activity or view ? explain acceleration due to When considering a gavitational field – gravity computer simulations to gain an gravity. body falling freely, g medan graviti idea of acceleration due to gravity. (= 9.8 m s-2) is its Discuss acceleration but weight - berat a) acceleration due to gravity. ? state what a gravitational field when it is at rest, g (= b) a gravitational field as a region is. 9.8 N kg-1) is the in which an object experiences ? define gravitational field Earth’ gravitational s a force due to gravitational strength. field strength acting attraction on it. c) gravitational field strength (g) as gravitational force per unit mass. Carry out an activity to determine ? determine the value of The weight of an the value of acceleration due to acceleration due to gravity. object of fixed mass gravity. is dependent on the g ? define weight (W) as the exerted on it. Discuss weight as the Earth’ s product of mass (m) and gravitational force on an object. acceleration due to gravity (g) i.e. W = mg. Solve problems involving acceleration due to gravity. ? solve problems involving acceleration due to gravity. 23
  • 38. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.9 Analysing forces in With the aid of diagrams, describe ? describe situations where resultant force – daya equilibrium situations where forces are in forces are in equilibrium. paduan equilibrium, e.g. a book at rest on a table, an object at rest on an resolve - lerai inclined plane. With the aid of diagrams, discuss ? state what a resultant force is. the resolution and addition of ? add two forces to determine forces to determine the resultant the resultant force. force. ? resolve a force into the effective component forces. Solve problems involving forces in ? solve problems involving equilibrium (limited to 3 forces). forces in equilibrium. A student is able to: 2.10 Understanding Observe and discuss situations ? define work (W) as the work – kerja work, energy, where work is done. product of an applied force (F) power and Discuss that no work is done and displacement (s) of an kinetic energy – efficiency when: object in the direction of the tenaga kinetik a) a force is applied but no applied force i.e. W = Fs. displacement occurs gravitational potential b) an object undergoes a energy – tenaga displacement with no applied keupayaan graviti force acting on it. conservation of Give examples to illustrate how ? state that when work is done Have students recall energy – keabadian energy is transferred from one energy is transferred from one the different forms of tenaga object to another when work is object to another. energy. done. 24
  • 39. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Discuss the relationship between work done to accelerate a body and the change in kinetic energy. Discuss the relationship between work done against gravity and gravitational potential energy. Carry out an activity to show the ? define kinetic energy and state principle of conservation of that Ek = ½mv2 energy. State that power is the rate at which work is done, P = W/t. ? define gravitational potential energy and state that Ep = Carry out activities to measure mgh. power. Discuss efficiency as: useful energy output ? state the principle of x100% conservation of energy. energy input ? define power and state that P = W/t. Evaluate and report the efficiencies of various devices such as a diesel engine, a petrol engine and an electric engine. Solve problems involving work, ? explain what efficiency of a energy, power and efficiency. device is. solve problems involving work, energy, power and efficiency. 25
  • 40. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 2.11 Appreciating the Discuss that when an energy ? recognise the importance of importance of transformation takes place, not all maximising efficiency of maximising the of the energy is used to do useful devices in conserving efficiency of work. Some is converted into heat resources. devices or other types of energy. Maximising efficiency during energy transformations makes the best use of the available energy. This helps to conserve resources. 2.12 A student is able to: Understanding Carry out activities to gain an idea ? define elasticity. elasticity – elasticity on elasticity. kekenyalan Plan and conduct an experiment ? define Hooke’ law. s intra-molecular force to find the relationship between – daya antara force and extension of a spring. molekul Relate work done to elastic ? define elastic potential energy extension – potential energy to obtain Ep=½ and state that Ep= ½ kx2. pemanjangan kx2. elastic potential Describe and interpret force- energy- tenaga extension graphs. keupayaan kenyal Investigate the factors that affect ? determine the factors that elasticity. affect elasticity. Research and report on ? describe applications of applications of elasticity. elasticity. Solve problems involving ? solve problems involving elasticity. elasticity. 26
  • 41. LEARNING AREA: 3. FORCES AND PRESSURE Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 3.1 Understanding Observe and describe the effect of ? define pressure and state that Introduce the unit of pressure - tekanan pressure a force acting over a large area F pressure pascal (Pa). compared to a small area, e.g. P? . (Pa = N m-2) A school shoes versus high heeled shoes. Discuss pressure as force per unit area. ? describe applications of Research and report on pressure. applications of pressure. Solve problems involving pressure. ? solve problems involving pressure. A student is able to: 3.2 Understanding Observe situations to form ideas ? relate depth to pressure in a depth – kedalaman pressure in liquids that pressure in liquids: liquid. a) acts in all directions density – ketumpatan b) increases with depth liquid - cecair Observe situations to form the ? relate density to pressure in a idea that pressure in liquids liquid. increases with density. Relate depth (h), density (? ) and ? explain pressure in a liquid gravitational field strength (g) to and state that P=h? g. pressure in liquids to obtain P=h? g. 27
  • 42. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Research and report on ? describe applications of a) the applications of pressure in pressure in liquids. liquids b) ways to reduce the negative effects of pressure in liquids. Solve problems involving pressure ? solve problems involving in liquids. pressure in liquids. 3.3 A student is able to: Understanding gas Carry out activities to gain an idea ? explain gas pressure. Students need to be pressure and of gas pressure and atmospheric introduced to atmospheric pressure. instruments used to pressure measure gas Discuss gas pressure in terms of pressure (Bourdon the behaviour of gas molecules Gauge) and based on the kinetic theory. atmospheric pressure (Fortin barometer, Discuss atmospheric pressure in aneroid barometer). terms of the weight of the ? explain atmospheric pressure. Working principle of atmosphere acting on the Earth’ s the instrument is not surface. required. Introduce other units Discuss the effect of altitude on of atmospheric the magnitude of atmospheric pressure: pressure. Research and report on the ? describe applications of 1 atmosphere = 760 applications of atmospheric atmospheric pressure. mm Hg = 10.3 m pressure. water = 101 300 Pa Solve problems involving ? solve problems involving 1milibar= 100 Pa atmospheric and gas pressure atmospheric pressure and gas including barometer and pressure. manometer readings. 28
  • 43. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective A student is able to: 3.4 Applying Pascal’ s Observe situations to form the ? state Pascal’ principle. s enclosed – tertutup principle idea that pressure exerted on an enclosed liquid is transmitted force multiplier – equally to every part of the liquid. pembesar daya Discuss hydraulic systems as a hydraulic systems – force multiplier to obtain: ? explain hydraulic systems. sistem hidraulik output force = output piston area input force input piston area transmitted - tersebar Research and report on the applications of Pascal’ principle s ? describe applications of (hydraulic systems). Pascal’ principle. s Solve problems involving ? solve problems involving Pascal’ principle. s Pascal’ principle. s A student is able to: 3.5 Applying Carry out an activity to measure ? explain buoyant force. Recall density and buoyancy – Archimedes’ the weight of an object in air and buoyancy. keapungan principle the weight of the same object in water to gain an idea on buoyant Apparent weight buoyant force – daya force. equals actual weight apung minus buoyant force. Conduct an experiment to ? relate buoyant force to the submerged – investigate the relationship weight of the liquid displaced. tenggelam between the weight of water displaced and the buoyant fluid – bendalir force. ? state Archimedes’principle. apparent weight – ? berat ketara 29
  • 44. Learning Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Objective Discuss buoyancy in terms of: a) an object that is totally or partially submerged in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of fluid displaced b) the weight of a freely floating object being equal to the weight of fluid displaced c) a floating object has a density less than or equal to the density of the fluid in which it is floating. Research and report on the ? describe applications of applications of Archimedes’ Archimedes principle. principle, e.g. submarines, hydrometers, hot-air balloons. Solve problems involving ? solve problem involving Archimedes’principle. Archimedes’principle. Build a cartesian diver. Discuss why the diver can be made to move up and down. A student is able to: 3.6 Understanding Carry out activities to gain the idea ? state Bernoulli’ principle. s fluid – bendalir Bernoulli’s that when the speed of a flowing principle fluid increases its pressure ? explain that a resultant force lifting force – daya decreases. e.g. blowing above a exists due to a difference in angkat strip of paper, blowing through fluid pressure. straw between two ping-pong balls suspended on strings. 30