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Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools

           Curriculum Specifications

                    Year 3

              Curriculum Development Centre
              Ministry of Education Malaysia

Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools

           Curriculum Specifications

                    Year 3

              Curriculum Development Centre
              Ministry of Education Malaysia
Copyright (C) 2003 Curriculum Development Centre
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Pesiaran Duta Off Jalan Duta
50604 Kuala Lumpur

First published 2003

Copyright reserved. Except for use in a review, the
reproduction or utilisation of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or
other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, and recording is
forbidden without the prior written permission from the Director of the Curriculum Devel-
opment Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Preface                                                    xi
Introduction                                               1
Aims and Objectives                                        1
Scientific Skills                                          2
Thinking Skills                                            3
Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values                      7
Teaching and Learning Strategies                           7
Content Organization                                       9
Learning about Living Things
       Learning Area       1. Animals                      11
                           2. Plants                       12
Learning about the World around Us
       Learning Area       1. Magnets                      13
                           2. Electricity                  16
                           3. Springs                      19
                           4. Absorption                   21
                           5. Soil                         23
                           6. Mi xing Substances           25

Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a
democratic way of life; to creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared;
to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society
which shall be oriented to modern science and technology;

WE, her peoples, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:



Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential of
individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who
are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious
based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce
Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high
moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of
personal well being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and
betterment of the family, society and the nation at large.

    In consonance with the National Education Philosophy,
          science education in Malaysia nurtures a
         science and technology culture by focusing
    on the development of individuals who are competitive,
           dynamic, robust and resilient and able to
  master scientific knowledge and technological competency.


The aspiration of the nation to become an industrialised              In a recent development, the Government has made a
society depends on science and technology.            It is           decision to introduce English as the medium of instruction
envisaged that success in providing quality science                   in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics.
education to Malaysians from an early age w ill serve to              This measure w ill enable students to keep abreast of
spearhead the nation into becoming a know ledge society               developments in science and technology in contemporary
and a competitive player in the global arena. Tow ards this           society by enhancing their capability and know-how to tap
end, the Malaysian education system is giving greater                 the diverse sources of information on science w ritten in the
emphasis to science and mathematics education.                        English language. At the same time, this move w ould also
                                                                      provide opportunities for students to use the English
The Science curriculum has been designed not only to                  language and hence, increase their proficiency in the
provide opportunities for students to acquire science                 language. Thus, in implementing the science curriculum,
know ledge and skills, develop thinking skills and thinking           attention is given to developing students’ ability to use
strategies, and to apply this know ledge and skills in                English for study and communication, especially in the
everyday life, but also to inculcate in them noble values             early years of learning.
and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that the educational
process en route to achieving these aims w ould produce               The development of this curriculum and the preparation of
well-balanced citizens capable of contributing to the                 the corresponding Curriculum Specifications have been the
harmony and prosperity of the nation and its people.                  work of many individuals over a period of time. To all those
                                                                      who have contributed in one w ay or another to this effort,
                                                                      may I, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, express my
The Science curriculum aims at producing active learners.
                                                                      sincere gratitude and thanks for the time and labour
To this end, students are given ample opportunities to
engage in scientific investigations through hands-on
activities and experimentations. The inquiry approach,
incorporating thinking skills, thinking strategies and
thoughtful learning, should be emphasised throughout the
teaching-learning process. The content and contexts
suggested are chosen based on their relevance and
appeal to students so that their interest in the subject is           (Dr. SHARIFAH MA IMUNAH SY ED Z IN)
enhanced.                                                             Director
                                                                      Curriculum Development Centre
                                                                      Ministry of Education Malaysia

INTRODUCTION                                                      AIMS

As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in
                                                                      The aim of the primary school science curriculum is to
Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the                 develop pupils’ interest and creativity through everyday
potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner to
                                                                      experiences and investigations that promote the acquisition
produce individuals w ho are intellectually, spiritually,
                                                                      of scientific and thinking skills as w ell as the inculcation of
emotionally and physically balanced and har monious. The              scientific attitudes and values.
primary and secondary school science curriculum is
developed w ith the aim of producing such individuals.

        The Level One Primary Science curriculum is
                                                                      OBJ ECTIVES
designed to stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their
interest as w ell as enabling pupils to learn more about
                                                                      The level one science curriculum aims to:
themselves and the w orld around them through activities.
                                                                         1. Stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest
        The curriculum is articulated in tw o documents: the                 about the w orld around them.
                                                                         2. Provide pupils w ith opportunities to develop science
syllabus and the curriculum specifications. The syllabus
                                                                             process skills and thinking skills.
presents the aims, objectives and the outline of the
curriculum content for a period of 3 years for level one                 3. Develop pupils’ creativity.
                                                                         4. Provide pupils w ith basic science know ledge and
primary science. The curriculum specifications provide the
details of the curriculum, w hich includes the aims and
objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on thinking             5. Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values.
                                                                         6. Create an aw areness on the need to love and care for
skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills, scientific
                                                                             the environment.
attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning strategies,
and curriculum content. The curriculum content provides the
learning objectives, suggested learning activities, the
intended learning outcomes, and vocabulary.


Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry            Predicting          Making a forecast about what
and problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills                             will happen in the future based
are utilised. Scientific skills are important in any scientific                           on prior know ledge gained
investigation such as conducting experiments and carrying                                 through experiences or collected
out projects.                                                                             data.

      Scientific skills encompass science process skills and          Comm unicating      Using w ords or graphic symbols
manipulative skills.                                                                      such as tables, graphs, figures
                                                                                          or models to describe an action,
Science Process Skills                                                                    object or event.

Science process skills enable students to formulate their             Using space-time Describing      changes      in
questions and find out the answ ers systematically.                   relationship     parameter w ith time. Examples
                                                                                       of parameters are location,
Descriptions of the science process skills are as follows:                             direction, shape, size, volume,
                                                                                       weight and mass.
Observing             Using the sense of hearing,
                      touch, smell, taste and sight to                Interpreting data   Giving rational explanations
                      find out about objects or events.                                   about an object, event or pattern
                                                                                          derived from collected data.
Classifying           Using observations to group
                      objects or events according to                  Defining            Defining concepts by describing
                      similarities or differences.                    operationally       what must be done and w hat
                                                                                          should be observed.
Measuring and         Making               quantitative
Using Num bers        observations by comparing to a                  Controlling         Naming the fixed variable,
                      conventional       or       non-                variables           manipulated    variable, and
                      conventional standard.                                              responding variable in an
Making                Using past experiences or
Inferences            previously collected data to draw
                      conclusions       and       make
                      explanations of events.
                                                                      Making              Making   a general statement

Hypotheses            about the relationship betw een a               THINKING SKILLS
                      manipulated variable and a
                      responding variable to explain                  Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to
                      an observation or event. The                    integrate know ledge, skills and attitude in an effort to
                      statement can be tested to                      understand the environment.
                      determine its validity.
                                                                              One of the objectives of the national education
Experim enting        Planning      and      conducting               system is to enhance the thinking ability of students. This
                      activities to test a hypothesis.                objective can be achieved through a curriculum that
                      These       activities    include               emphasises thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that
                      collecting,    analysing      and               emphasises thinking skills is a foundation for thoughtful
                      interpreting data and making                    learning.
                                                                               Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are
                                                                      actively involved in the teaching and learning process.
Manipulative Skills                                                   Activities should be organised to provide opportunities for
                                                                      students to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem
Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor       solving and decision- making.
skills that enable students to:
                                                                                Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking
    Use and handle science apparatus and substances.                  skills and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks
    Handle specimens correctly and carefully.                         critically alw ays evaluates an idea in a systematic manner
    Draw specimens and apparatus.                                     before accepting it. A person w ho thinks creatively has a high
    Clean science apparatus.                                          level of imagination, is able to generate original and
    Store science apparatus.                                          innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products.

                                                                              Thinking strategies are higher order thinking
                                                                      processes that involve various steps. Each step involves
                                                                      various critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to
                                                                      formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing
                                                                      thinking activities in the teaching and learning process.

Critical Thinking Skills

A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows:

 Attributing             Identifying criteria such as                    Analysing        Examining information in detail
                         characteristics,      features,                                  by breaking it dow n into
                         qualities and elements of a                                      smaller parts to find implicit
                         concept or an object.                                            meaning and relationships.

 Com paring and          Finding      similarities   and                 Detecting Bias   Identifying    views or opinions
 Contrasting             differences based on criteria                                    that have       the tendency to
                         such      as     characteristics,                                support or     oppose something
                         features,      qualities    and                                  in an unfair   or misleading w ay.
                         elements of a concept or
                         event.                                          Evaluating       Making judgements on the
                                                                                          quality or value of something
 Grouping and            Separating     and     grouping                                  based on valid reasons or
 Classifying             objects or phenomena into                                        evidence.
                         categories based on certain
                         criteria such as common                         Making           Making a statement about the
                         characteristics or features.                    Conclusions      outcome of an investigation
                                                                                          that is based on a hypothesis.
 Sequencing              Arranging      objects    and
                         information in order based on
                         the quality or quantity of
                         common characteristics or
                         features such as size, time,
                         shape or number.

 Prioritising            Arranging      objects        and
                         information in order based on
                         their importance or priority.

Creative Thinking Skills

A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows:

 Generating Ideas        Producing or giving ideas in a                  Synthesising       Combining separate elements
                         discussion.                                                        or parts to form a general
                                                                                            picture in various forms such
 Relating                Making connections in a                                            as writing, draw ing or artefact.
                         certain situation to deter mine a
                         structure     or    pattern    of               Making             Making a general statement
                         relationship.                                   Hypotheses         about the relationship betw een
                                                                                            a manipulated variable and a
 Making                  Using past experiences or                                          responding variable to explain
 Inferences              previously collected data to                                       an observation or event. The
                         draw conclusions and make                                          statement can be tested to
                         explanations of events.                                            determine its validity.

 Predicting              Making a forecast about what                    Making Analogies   Understanding      a   certain
                         will happen in the future based                                    abstract or complex concept
                         on prior know ledge gained                                         by relating it to a simpler or
                         through      experiences     or                                    concrete concept with similar
                         collected data.                                                    characteristics.

 Making                  Making a general conclusion                     Inventing          Producing something new or
 Generalisations         about a group based on                                             adapting something already in
                         observations made on, or                                           existence    to    overcome
                         some      information from,                                        problems in a systematic
                         samples of the group.                                              manner.

 Visualising             Recalling or forming mental
                         images about a particular idea,
                         concept, situation or vision.

Relationship between Thinking Skills and
Science Process Skills                                               Science Process Skills   Thinking Skills

Science process skills are skills that are required in the
process of finding solutions to a problem or making decisions        Predicting               Relating
in a systematic                                                                               Visualising
manner. It is a mental process that promotes critical,
creative, analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of           Using Space-Time         Sequencing
science process skills and the possession of suitable                Relationship             Prioritising
attitudes and know ledge enable students to think effectively.
                                                                     Interpreting data        Compar ing and contrasting
        The mastering of science process skills involves the                                  Analysing
mastering of the relevant thinking skills. The thinking skills                                Detecting bias
that are related to a particular science process skill are as                                 Making conclusions
follow s:                                                                                     Generalising

Science Process Skills     Thinking Skills                           Defining operationally   Relating
                                                                                              Making analogy
Observing                  Attributing                                                        Analysing
                           Compar ing and contrasting
                           Relating                                  Controlling variables    Attributing
                                                                                              Compar ing and contrasting
Classifying                Attributing                                                        Relating
                           Compar ing and contrasting                                         Analysing
                           Grouping and classifying
                                                                     Making hypothesis        Attributing
Measuring and Using        Relating                                                           Relating
Numbers                    Compar ing and contrasting                                         Compar ing and contrasting
                                                                                              Generating ideas
Making Inferences          Relating                                                           Making hypothesis
                           Compar ing and contrasting                                         Predicting
                           Analysing                                                          Synthesising
                           Making inferences

Daring to try.
Science Process Skills    Thinking Skills                              Thinking rationally.
                                                                       Being confident and independent.

Experimenting             All thinking skills                       The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values
                                                                    generally occurs through the follow ing stages:
Communicating             All thinking skills
                                                                       Being aw are of the importance and the need for scientific
                                                                       attitudes and noble values.
                                                                       Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values.
SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES                                  Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and
                                                                       noble values.
Science learning experiences can be used as a means to
inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students.
These attitudes and values encompass the follow ing:                Inculcating Patriotism
   Having an interest and curiosity tow ards the environment.       The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the
   Being honest and accurate in recording and validating            development and strengthening of patriotism among
   data.                                                            students. For example, in learning about the earth’s
   Being diligent and persevering.                                  resources, the richness and variety of living things and the
   Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and       development of science and technology in the country,
   the environment.                                                 students w ill appreciate the diversity of natural and human
   Realising that science is a means to understand nature.          resources of the country and deepen their love for the
   Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living.            country.
   Appreciating the balance of nature.
   Being respectful and w ell-mannered.
   Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.         TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES
   Being thankful to God.
   Having critical and analytical thinking.
   Being flexible and open- minded.                                 Teaching and learning strategies in the science curriculum
   Being kind-hearted and caring.                                   emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a
   Being objective.                                                 process that helps students acquire know ledge and master
   Being systematic.                                                skills that w ill help them develop their minds to the optimum
                                                                    level. Thoughtful learning can occur through various learning
   Being cooperative.
                                                                    approaches such as inquiry, constructivism, contextual
   Being fair and just.                                             learning, and mastery learning. Learning activities should

therefore be geared tow ards activating students’ critical and          should be planned to cater for students w ith different learning
creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or rote         styles and intelligences.
learning. Students should be made aw are of the thinking                The follow ing are brief descriptions of some teaching and
skills and thinking strategies that they use in their learning.         learning methods.
They should be challenged w ith higher order questions and
problems and be required to solve problems utilising their              Experiment
creativity and critical thinking. The teaching and learning
process should enable students to acquire know ledge,                   An experiment is a method commonly used in science
master skills and develop scientific attitudes and noble                lessons. In experiments, students test hypotheses through
values in an integrated manner.                                         investigations to discover specific science concepts and
                                                                        principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking skills,
        Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through                   scientific skills, and manipulative skills.
experiences. Inquiry generally means to find information, to
question and to investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the                      In the implementation of this curriculum, besides
environment. Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry.           guiding students to carry out experiments, w here appropriate,
Learning through discovery occurs w hen the main concepts               teachers should provide students with the opportunities to
and principles of science are investigated and discovered by            design their ow n experiments. This involves students draw ing
students     themselves. Through activities             such as         up plans as to how to conduct experiments, how to measure
experiments, students investigate a phenomenon and draw                 and analyse data, and how to present the results of their
conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead students to               experiment.
understand the science concepts through the results of the
inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are thus developed       Discussion
further during the inquiry process. How ever, the inquiry
approach may not be suitable for all teaching and learning              A discussion is an activity in w hich students exchange
situations. Sometimes, it may be more appropriate for                   questions and opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions
teachers to present concepts and principles directly to                 can be conducted before, during or after an activity.
students.                                                               Teachers should play the role of a facilitator and lead a
                                                                        discussion by asking questions that stimulate thinking and
         The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods          getting students to express themselves.
can enhance students’ interest in science. Science lessons
that are not interesting w ill not motivate students to learn and       Simulation
subsequently w ill affect their performance. The choice of
teaching methods should be based on the curriculum                      In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is
content, students’ abilities, students’ repertoire of                   carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and
intelligences, and the availability of resources and                    the use of models. In role-play, students play out a particular
infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities              role based on certain pre-deter mined conditions. Games

require procedures that need to be follow ed. Students play            technology such as television, radio, video, computer, and
games in order to learn a particular principle or to understand        Internet, the teaching and learning of science can be made
the process of decision-making. Models are used to                     more interesting and effective. Computer simulation and
represent objects or actual situations so that students can            animation are effective tools for the teaching and learning of
visualise the said objects or situations and thus understand           abstract or difficult science concepts. Computer simulation
the concepts and principles to be learned.                             and animation can be presented through coursew are or Web
                                                                       page. Application tools such, as word processors, graphic
Project                                                                presentation software and electronic spreadsheets are
                                                                       valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of data.
A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken by
an individual or a group of students to achieve a particular
learning objective. A project generally requires several               CONTENT ORGANISATION
lessons to complete. The outcome of the project either in the
form of a report, an artefact or in other forms needs to be
presented to the teacher and other students. Project w ork             The science curriculum is organised around themes. Each
promotes the development of problem-solving skills, time               theme consists of various learning areas, each of which
management skills, and independent learning.                           consists of a number of learning objectives. A learning
                                                                       objective has one or more learning outcomes.
Visits and Use of External Resources
                                                                               Learning outcomes are w ritten in the form of
The learning of science is not limited to activities carried out       measurable behavioural ter ms. In general, the learning
in the school compound. Learning of science can be                     outcomes for a particular learning objective are organised in
enhanced through the use of external resources such as                 order of complexity. How ever, in the process of teaching and
zoos, museums, science centres, research institutes,                   learning, learning activities should be planned in a holistic
mangrove sw amps, and factories. Visits to these places                and integrated manner that enables the achievement of
make the learning of science more interesting, meaningful              multiple learning outcomes according to needs and context.
and effective. To optimise learning opportunities, visits need         Teachers should avoid employing a teaching strategy that
to be carefully planned. Students may be involved in the               tries to achieve each learning outcome separately according
planning process and specific educational tasks should be              to the order stated in the curriculum specifications.
assigned during the visit. No educational visit is complete
without a post-visit discussion.                                              The Suggested Learning Activities provide information
                                                                       on the scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The
Use of Technology                                                      learning activities stated under the column Suggested
                                                                       Learning Activities are given w ith the intention of providing
Technology is a pow erful tool that has great potential in             some guidance as to how learning outcomes can be
enhancing the learning of science. Through the use of                  achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or more

learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one activity
may be suggested for a particular learning outcome.
Teachers may modify the suggested activity to suit the ability
and style of learning of their students. Teachers are
encouraged to design other innovative and effective learning
activities to enhance the learning of science.

Learning about Living Things

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning                 Learning Outcomes                    Notes                Vocabulary
1.   Anim als
Pupils should learn                                       Pupils

1.1 to observe and       Pupils observe various             identify external features of   Teachers may need        beak
    recognise external   animals and list the               an animal.                      to help pupils name      claw s
    features of          external features of each                                          some of the external     feathers
    animals.             animal e.g. tail, fur,             make a list of the external     features of animals.     fur
                         feathers, scales, beak,            features of an animal.                                   horn
                         claw s and number of legs.                                         Discuss w ith pupils     legs
                                                            record the external features    the features that they   scales
                         Pupils discuss and                 of animals in a table.          want to record in the    tail
                         construct a table based on                                         table.                   wings
                         the list of external features.     explain similarities and
                                                            differences between
                                                            animals based on the table.

1.2 that animals can     Pupils group the animals           group animals according to      Allow pupils to group
    be grouped           in different ways based on         similarities in external        the animals
    according to         the table.                         features.                       according to any
    external features.                                                                      criteria that they
                                                                                            choose based on
1.3 that animals can     Pupils present and                 group animals in different      their table.
    be grouped in        compare each other’s               ways.
    many w ays.          grouping of animals.

Learning Objectives         Suggested Learning                 Learning Outcomes                    Notes                Vocabulary
2.   Plants
Pupils should learn                                        Pupils

2.1 to observe and        Pupils observe various             identify external features of   Teachers may need        dull
    recognise external    plants and list the external       a plant.                        to help pupils name      green
    features of plants.   features of each plant e.g.                                        some of the external     red
                          woody or soft stems,               make a list of the external     features of plants.      rough
                          flow ering or non-flow ering,      features of a plant.                                     shiny
                          rough or smooth leaf                                               Discuss w ith pupils     smooth
                          surface, colour of leaf and        record the external features    the features that they   soft
                          shape of leaf.                     of plants in a table.           want to record in the    woody
                                                                                             table.                   yellow
                          Pupils discuss and                 to explain similarities and
                          construct a table based on         differences between plants
                          the list of external features.     based on the table.

2.2 that plants can be    Pupils group the plants in         group plants according to       Allow pupils to group
    grouped               different w ays based on           similarities in external        the plants according
    according to          the table.                         features.                       to any criteria that
    external features.                                                                       they choose based
                                                                                             on their table.
2.3 that plants can be    Pupils present and                 group plants in different
    grouped in many       compare each other’s               ways.
    ways.                 grouping of plants.

Learning about the World Around Us

Learning Objectives       Suggested Learning                Learning Outcomes                    Notes                Vocabulary
1.   Magnets
Pupils should learn                                     Pupils

1.1 that magnets can    Pupils explore a variety of       demonstrate that magnets       Teachers may              attract
    attract or repel    magnets e.g. bar magnets,         can attract or repel each      introduce the w ords      iron
    each other.         horseshoe magnets,                other.                         north pole and south      magnet
                        cylindrical magnets,                                             pole of a magnet.         plastic
                        circular magnets. Pupils          state that magnets can                                   repel
                        observe what happens              attract or repel each other.                             silver
                        when they put tw o                                                                         wooden
                        magnets near each other.                                                                   steel

1.2 to handle           Pupils discuss the proper         demonstrate the proper w ay    Remind pupils not to
    magnets properly.   way to handle magnets             to handle magnets.             drop or knock a
                        during activities.                                               magnets as this w ill
                                                                                         cause a magnet to
                        Pupils discuss the need to                                       lose its magnetis m.
                        handle magnets properly.

1.3 that magnets        Pupils explore a variety of       demonstrate that magnets       Teachers may use
    attract some        objects made from                 attract some materials but     the same type of
    mater ials.         different materials and are       not others.                    object made of
                        asked to predict w hich                                          different materials for
                        objects w ill be attracted by     record their findings in a     this activity e.g.
                        a magnet.                         table.                         wooden spoon, steel
                                                                                         spoon, plastic spoon
                        Pupils investigate to find        state the objects that are     and silver spoon.
                        out w hether their                attracted by magnets.
                        predictions are correct.

Learning Objectives     Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes                     Notes               Vocabulary
                      Pupils group the materials                                     Teachers explain that
                      according to w hether or                                       objects that are
                      not they are attracted by a                                    attracted by magnets
                      magnet.                                                        are made of iron.

1.4 that magnets      Pupils design a fair test to   design a fair test to           Accept all plans.
    have different    compare the strengths of       compare the strengths of        Allow pupils to modify
    strengths.        different magnets. Pupils      different magnets by            their plans if they
                      have to decide how to          deciding w hat to keep the      face dif fic ulties w hen
                      measure the strength of a      same, w hat to change and       carrying out their
                      magnet e.g. how many           what to measure.                tests.
                      paper clips the magnet can
                      attract and hold or how        carry out the test and record
                      close to a paper clip a        the observations.
                      magnet has to be to attract
                      it.                            form a conclusion based on
                                                     the observations.
                      Pupils carry out their tests
                      and record the findings in a   explain how they arrive at
                      table.                         the conclusion.

                      Pupils form a conclusion
                      based on the observations
                      e.g. magnet A is the
                      strongest because it can
                      hold the most number of
                      paper clips.

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes                Notes            Vocabulary
1.5 the different uses   Pupils bring things that       state w here magnets are    Teachers can show
    of magnets.          make use of magnets, e.g.      used.                       examples of things
                         magnetic pencil box, toys,                                 that use magnets to
                         and fridge magnets.            explain w hat a magnet is   help the pupils think
                                                        used for.                   of other things that
                         Pupils discuss about how                                   use magnets.
                         magnets are used in the        make a toy, a game or a
                         things they bring.             device using magnets.

                         Pupils make a toy, a game
                         or a device using magnets
                         e.g. fishing w ith a magnet,
                         magnetic dancer and
                         magnetic fastener.

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning              Learning Outcomes                  Notes                Vocabulary
2.   Electricity
Pupils should learn                                    Pupils

2.1 how to make a       Pupils are given batteries,      suggest w ays to make a       Accept all pupils        brighter
    bulb in a circuit   battery holders, connecting      bulb in a circuit brighter.   plans. Allow pupils to   dimmer
    brighter or         wires, bulbs and bulb                                          modify their plans if
    dimmer.             holders.                         design a circuit that makes   they face difficulties
                                                         the bulb light up brighter.   when carrying out the
                        Pupils build a circuit to                                      tests.
                        make a bulb light up.            show perseverance in
                                                         making a circuit that makes   Remind pupils to use
                        Pupils discuss ways to           the bulb brighter.            only batteries and not
                        make the bulb in the circuit                                   electricity from the
                        brighter and dimmer.             explain the circuit.          mains supply to carry
                                                                                       out experiments as it
                        Pupils test their                draw the circuit.             is dangerous.
                                                         design a circuit to make a    Teachers guide
                        Pupils draw the circuit that     bulb dimmer.                  pupils to conclude
                        they made.                                                     that the bulb is
                                                                                       brighter w hen more
                                                                                       electricity flows
                                                                                       through it.

Learning Objectives         Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes                      Notes                  Vocabulary
2.2 that some            Pupils list materials that     predict w hich materials can    Teachers guide              metal
    mater ials conduct   they think w ill conduct       conduct electricity.            pupils to understand        plastic
    electricity.         electricity.                                                   that w hen a material       wood
                                                        build a circuit to test w hich  that conducts
                         Pupils plan a circuit to       mater ials conduct electricity. electricity completes
                         investigate w hich materials                                   a circuit, the bulb w ill
                         conduct electricity.           record the findings in a        light up.
                         Pupils build the circuit to                                    To test w hether a
                         test w hich materials          form conclusions based on       mater ial conducts
                         conduct electricity.           the findings.                   electricity, pupils may
                                                                                        use objects make of
                         Pupils record their findings                                   different materials
                         in a table.                                                    such as wooden
                                                                                        rulers, metal rulers,
                         Pupils discuss and form                                        plastic spoons etc.

                         Pupils share their findings.

Learning Objectives         Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes                     Notes              Vocabulary
2.3 that a sw itch is    Pupils make an incomplete      make a circuit w hich allow s Teachers guide
   used to complete      circuit.                       a bulb to be turned on or off. pupils to understand
   or break a circuit.                                                                  that a bulb w ill light
                         Pupils discuss how to          explain how the bulb can be up w hen a circuit is
                         complete the circuit to        turned on or off.               complete and w ill not
                         allow the bulb to be turned                                    light up w hen a circuit
                         on or off.                     state that a sw itch is used to is incomplete.
                                                        complete or break a circuit.
                         Pupils build the circuit and
                         test it.                       create a simple sw itch.

                         Pupils examine different
                         types of simple sw itches
                         and try to explain how
                         each type of sw itch w orks.

                         Pupils discuss different
                         ways that a bulb can be
                         turned on or off.                                              .

                         Pupils create a simple
                         sw itch using everyday
                         objects e.g. spring and
                         paper clips.

Learning Objectives          Suggested Learning               Learning Outcomes                      Notes                 Vocabulary

3.   Springs
Pupils should learn                                       Pupils

3.1 that a spring          Pupils bend, tw ist, stretch     state that a spring returns to                               bend
    returns to its         or squeeze springs of            its original size and shape                                  shape
    original size and      different lengths and            after being bent, tw isted,                                  size
    shape after being      diameters.                       stretched or squeezed.                                       spring
    bent, tw is ted,                                                                                                     squeeze
    stretched or                                            state that it is easier to                                   stretch
    squeezed.                                               bend, tw ist, stretch and                                    tw ist
                                                            squeeze some springs than

3.2 that springs           Pupils discuss                   design a fair test to find out   Accept all plans.
    stretch differently.   a) what type of springs          which spring stretches the       Allow pupils to modify
                              they w ant to test e.g.       most by deciding w hat to        their plans if they
                              springs of different          keep the same, w hat to          face dif fic ulties w hen
                              lengths or springs of         change and w hat to              carrying out the tests.
                              different diameters.          measure.
                           b) how to test which spring                                    Pupils can use non-
                              stretches the most e.g.       carry out the test and record standard tools such
                              by hanging an object of       the observations.             as strips of paper to
                              the same w eight at the                                     measure how much
                              end of the spring and         form a conclusion based on the spring stretches.
                              measuring how much it         the observations.             The strips of paper
                              stretches.                                                  can be used as a
                           c) how to record their           explain how they arrive at    record of how much
                              findings.                     the conclusion.               the spring stretches.

Learning Objectives     Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes           Notes   Vocabulary
                      Pupils carry out their tests
                      and record their findings.

                      Pupils form a conclusion
                      based on the findings e.g.
                      the longest spring
                      stretches the most.

3.3 the uses of       Pupils bring things that use   state w here springs are
    springs.          springs e.g. mechanical        used.
                      pencils and hand ball-
                      pens.                          explain w hat the spring is
                                                     used for.
                      Pupils discuss how springs
                      are used in these things.

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning                 Learning Outcomes                      Notes                  Vocabulary
4.   Absorption
Pupils should learn                                       Pupils

4.1 that some            Pupils carry out an activity       identify materials that          Pupils can use              absorb
    mater ials can       to find out w hich materials       absorb w ater.                   everyday objects            cloth
    absorb w ater.       absorb w ater.                                                      made of different           coins
                                                                                             mater ials for this         pebbles
                                                                                             activity, e.g. coins,       tissue paper
                                                                                             cloth, pebbles, paper
                                                                                             and tissue paper.

4.2 that some            Pupils discuss                     design a fair test to test the   Accept all plans.
    mater ials can       a) what materials they             ability of different materials   Allow pupils to modify
    absorb more             want to test e.g. different     in absorbing w ater by           their plans if they
    water than others.      mater ials or different         deciding w hat to keep the       face dif fic ulties w hen
                            types of tissue paper.          same, w hat to change and        carrying out their
                         b) how to find out w hich          what to measure.                 tests.
                            mater ials absorb the
                            most w ater.                    carry out the test and record
                         c) how to record their             the observations.
                                                            form a conclusion based on
                         Pupils carry out the test          the observations.
                         and record their results in
                         a table.                           explain how they arrive at
                                                            the conclusion.

Learning Objectives           Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes              Notes   Vocabulary
                           Pupils form conclusions
                           based on their findings e.g.
                           tissue paper A is the most
                           absorbent because it
                           absorbed the most amount
                           of water.

4.3 the uses of the        Pupils discuss why the         explain the uses of the
    ability of materials   ability of materials to        ability of materials to absorb
    to absorb w ater.      absorb w ater is useful for    water.
                           certain jobs e.g. a mop
                           needs to be absorbent to
                           mop up w ater.

Learning Objectives       Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes                   Notes                  Vocabulary
5.   Soil
Pupils should learn                                  Pupils

5.1 what soil is made   Pupils mix some soil w ith     describe w hat soil is made   Teachers guide              clay
    up of.              water in a tall container.     up of.                        pupils to understand        garden soil
                                                                                     that soil contains          sand
                        Pupils shake the mixture       state the differences         living things and non-      soil
                        and allow it to settle.        betw een soil samples from    living things.
                                                       different places.
                        Pupils observe the layers
                        that are formed.

                        Pupils draw , label and
                        describe w hat they

                        Pupils repeat the process
                        using soil samples from
                        different places.

5.2 the flow of water   Pupils discuss                 design a fair test to         Accept all plans.
    through different   a) what type of soils they     compare how well w ater       Allow pupils to modify
    types of soil.         want to test.               moves through sand, clay      their plans if they
                        b) how to compare how          and garden soil by deciding   face dif fic ulties w hen
                           well w ater moves           what to keep the same,        carrying out the tests.
                           through different types     what to change and w hat to
                           of soil.                    measure.                      Pupils should get the
                        c) how to record their                                       same amount of
                           findings.                   carry out the test and record sand, clay and
                                                       the observations.             garden soil.

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning            Learning Outcomes                    Notes             Vocabulary
                         Pupils carry out the test     form a conclusion based on
                         and record their findings.    the observations.

                         Pupils form a conclusion      explain how they arrive at
                         based on their findings.      the conclusion.

5.3 that certain soils   Pupils discuss                design a fair test to compare   Accept all pupils
    are more suitable    a) how to compare the          the grow th of green beans     plans. Allow pupils to
    for plant grow th.      grow th of a green bean     in clay, garden soil and       modify their plans if
                            in clay, garden soil and    sand by deciding w hat to      they face difficulties
                            sand.                       keep the same, w hat to        when carrying out
                         b) how to record their         change and w hat to            their tests.
                            findings.                   measure.

                         Pupils carry out the test     carry out the test and record
                         and record their findings.    the observations.

                         Pupils form a conclusion      form a conclusion based on
                         based on their findings.      the observations.

                                                       explain how they arrive at
                                                       the conclusion.

Learning Objectives        Suggested Learning               Learning Outcomes                  Notes                Vocabulary
6.   Mixing Substances

Pupils should learn                                     Pupils

6.1 that different       Pupils are given different       state the properties of       Pupils should not        baking pow der
    substances have      substances such as wheat         different substances in       touch, taste or mix      milk pow der
    different            flour, tapioca flour, sugar,     terms of appearance, smell,   substances unless        salt
    properties.          salt, baking pow der and         feel and colour.              the teacher tells them   tapioca flour
                         milk pow der.                                                  it is safe to do so.     vinegar
                                                          describe the results of                                water
                         Pupils observe and record        mixing different substances   Pupils should test       wheat flour
                         the appearance, smell, feel      with w ater.                  only a small amount
                         and colour of the                                              of each substance.
                         substances.                      describe the results of
                                                          mixing different substances   Pupils may find that
                         Pupils test the substances       with vinegar.                 their findings might
                         with w ater and vinegar and                                    not be enough to
                         record their observations.       state that different          form a conclusion.
                                                          substances have different

6.2 that some            Pupils are show n labels for     identify labels for unsafe    Teachers need only
    substances are       some unsafe substances.          substances.                   to discuss labels on
    unsafe and should                                                                   household
    be handled w ith     Pupils discuss the danger        explain the meaning of the    substances such as
    care.                of touching, smelling or         labels.                       detergent, bleaching
                         tasting these unsafe                                           agent and medicine.
                         substances.                      list unsafe substances.

Learning Objectives       Suggested Learning             Learning Outcomes                  Notes              Vocabulary
                        Pupils w atch a video on       state the need to look at
                        how unsafe substances          labels or ask an adult
                        cause harm and how these       before touching or tasting
                        unsafe substances should       any substance.
                        be handled.

                        Pupils list unsafe             list the har m caused by
                        substances and tell w hat      unsafe substances.
                        harm they can cause.

6.3 that a mixture of   Pupils are given a mixture     plan how to separate a       Teachers discuss
    substances can      of substances e.g. fine        mixture of substances.       possible methods of
    be separated.       sand, small stones, small                                   separating mixtures
                        polystyrene balls, salt and    present their processes of   e.g. using filter paper,
                        paper clips.                   separating the mixture in    magnets, sieve etc.
                                                       words or diagrams.
                        Pupils are challenged to
                        separate the mixture in the
                        shortest possible time.

                        Pupils discuss in groups       give reasons why the
                        on how mixtures can be         methods are able to
                        separated.                     separate the mixtures.

                        Pupils carry out their plans   compare different methods
                        to separate the mixture.       of separating the mixtures

                        Pupils evaluate methods of     explain w hy one method of
                        separating the mixture         separating mixtures may be
                        presented by others.           better than another.


Advisors    Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin          Director
            (Ph.D)                              Curriculum Development Centre

            Rohani Abd. Hamid ( Ph.D)           Deputy Director
                                                Curriculum Development Centre

Editorial   Ahmad Hozi H.A. Rahman              Principal Assistant Director (Science and Mathematics)
Advisors                                        Curriculum Development Centre

            Cheah Eng Joo                       Assistant Director (Head of Elective Science Unit)
                                                Curriculum Development Centre
            Yeap Chin Heng ( Ph.D)              Assistant Director (Head of Core Science Unit)
                                                Curriculum Development Centre

            S. Sivagnanachelvi                  Assistant Director (Head of English Unit)
                                                Curriculum Development Centre

Editor      Salina Hanum Osman Mohamed          Assistant Director
                                                Curriculum Development Centre


Ahmad Hozi H.A. Rahman     Curriculum Development Centre   Rosli Suleiman          Curriculum Development Centre

Yeap Chin Heng ( Ph.D)     Curriculum Development Centre   Rusilaw ati Othman      Curriculum Development Centre

Cheah Eng Joo              Curriculum Development Centre   Salbiah Mohd. Som       Curriculum Development Centre

Salina Hanum               Curriculum Development Centre   Salehuddin Mustafa      Curriculum Development Centre
Osman Mohamed

Aizatul Adzwa Mohd.        Curriculum Development Centre   Zaidah Mohd. Yusof      Curriculum Development Centre
Johari Shamsudin           Curriculum Development Centre   Zaidi Yazid             Curriculum Development Centre

Norani Abdul Bari          Curriculum Development Centre   Zainon Abdul Majid      Curriculum Development Centre

Arif Fadzilah Mohd. Said   SK Bandar Baru Serting          Mohd. Azman Mohd. Ali   SK Lui Selatan (F) Jempol

Mariam Ibrahim             SK Pantai, Seremban             Tan Man Wai             Maktab Perguruan Teknik

Curriculum Development Centre
      Ministry of Education

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  • 1. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools Curriculum Specifications SCIENCE Year 3 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia 2003
  • 2. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools Curriculum Specifications SCIENCE Year 3 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia 2003
  • 3. Copyright (C) 2003 Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia Pesiaran Duta Off Jalan Duta 50604 Kuala Lumpur First published 2003 Copyright reserved. Except for use in a review, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, and recording is forbidden without the prior written permission from the Director of the Curriculum Devel- opment Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia.
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENT Page Preface xi Introduction 1 Aims and Objectives 1 Scientific Skills 2 Thinking Skills 3 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 7 Teaching and Learning Strategies 7 Content Organization 9 Learning about Living Things Learning Area 1. Animals 11 2. Plants 12 Learning about the World around Us Learning Area 1. Magnets 13 2. Electricity 16 3. Springs 19 4. Absorption 21 5. Soil 23 6. Mi xing Substances 25 iii
  • 5. THE NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared; to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology; WE, her peoples, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles: BELIEF IN GOD LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION RULE OF LAW GOOD BEHAVIOUR AND MORALITY v
  • 6. NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, society and the nation at large. vii
  • 7. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency. ix
  • 8. PREFACE The aspiration of the nation to become an industrialised In a recent development, the Government has made a society depends on science and technology. It is decision to introduce English as the medium of instruction envisaged that success in providing quality science in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. education to Malaysians from an early age w ill serve to This measure w ill enable students to keep abreast of spearhead the nation into becoming a know ledge society developments in science and technology in contemporary and a competitive player in the global arena. Tow ards this society by enhancing their capability and know-how to tap end, the Malaysian education system is giving greater the diverse sources of information on science w ritten in the emphasis to science and mathematics education. English language. At the same time, this move w ould also provide opportunities for students to use the English The Science curriculum has been designed not only to language and hence, increase their proficiency in the provide opportunities for students to acquire science language. Thus, in implementing the science curriculum, know ledge and skills, develop thinking skills and thinking attention is given to developing students’ ability to use strategies, and to apply this know ledge and skills in English for study and communication, especially in the everyday life, but also to inculcate in them noble values early years of learning. and the spirit of patriotism. It is hoped that the educational process en route to achieving these aims w ould produce The development of this curriculum and the preparation of well-balanced citizens capable of contributing to the the corresponding Curriculum Specifications have been the harmony and prosperity of the nation and its people. work of many individuals over a period of time. To all those who have contributed in one w ay or another to this effort, may I, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, express my The Science curriculum aims at producing active learners. sincere gratitude and thanks for the time and labour To this end, students are given ample opportunities to expended. engage in scientific investigations through hands-on activities and experimentations. The inquiry approach, incorporating thinking skills, thinking strategies and thoughtful learning, should be emphasised throughout the teaching-learning process. The content and contexts suggested are chosen based on their relevance and appeal to students so that their interest in the subject is (Dr. SHARIFAH MA IMUNAH SY ED Z IN) enhanced. Director Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia xi
  • 9. INTRODUCTION AIMS As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in The aim of the primary school science curriculum is to Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the develop pupils’ interest and creativity through everyday potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner to experiences and investigations that promote the acquisition produce individuals w ho are intellectually, spiritually, of scientific and thinking skills as w ell as the inculcation of emotionally and physically balanced and har monious. The scientific attitudes and values. primary and secondary school science curriculum is developed w ith the aim of producing such individuals. The Level One Primary Science curriculum is OBJ ECTIVES designed to stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest as w ell as enabling pupils to learn more about The level one science curriculum aims to: themselves and the w orld around them through activities. 1. Stimulate pupils’ curiosity and develop their interest The curriculum is articulated in tw o documents: the about the w orld around them. 2. Provide pupils w ith opportunities to develop science syllabus and the curriculum specifications. The syllabus process skills and thinking skills. presents the aims, objectives and the outline of the curriculum content for a period of 3 years for level one 3. Develop pupils’ creativity. 4. Provide pupils w ith basic science know ledge and primary science. The curriculum specifications provide the concepts. details of the curriculum, w hich includes the aims and objectives of the curriculum, brief descriptions on thinking 5. Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values. 6. Create an aw areness on the need to love and care for skills and thinking strategies, scientific skills, scientific the environment. attitudes and noble values, teaching and learning strategies, and curriculum content. The curriculum content provides the learning objectives, suggested learning activities, the intended learning outcomes, and vocabulary. 1
  • 10. SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry Predicting Making a forecast about what and problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills will happen in the future based are utilised. Scientific skills are important in any scientific on prior know ledge gained investigation such as conducting experiments and carrying through experiences or collected out projects. data. Scientific skills encompass science process skills and Comm unicating Using w ords or graphic symbols manipulative skills. such as tables, graphs, figures or models to describe an action, Science Process Skills object or event. Science process skills enable students to formulate their Using space-time Describing changes in questions and find out the answ ers systematically. relationship parameter w ith time. Examples of parameters are location, Descriptions of the science process skills are as follows: direction, shape, size, volume, weight and mass. Observing Using the sense of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to Interpreting data Giving rational explanations find out about objects or events. about an object, event or pattern derived from collected data. Classifying Using observations to group objects or events according to Defining Defining concepts by describing similarities or differences. operationally what must be done and w hat should be observed. Measuring and Making quantitative Using Num bers observations by comparing to a Controlling Naming the fixed variable, conventional or non- variables manipulated variable, and conventional standard. responding variable in an investigation. Making Using past experiences or Inferences previously collected data to draw conclusions and make explanations of events. Making Making a general statement 2
  • 11. Hypotheses about the relationship betw een a THINKING SKILLS manipulated variable and a responding variable to explain Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to an observation or event. The integrate know ledge, skills and attitude in an effort to statement can be tested to understand the environment. determine its validity. One of the objectives of the national education Experim enting Planning and conducting system is to enhance the thinking ability of students. This activities to test a hypothesis. objective can be achieved through a curriculum that These activities include emphasises thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that collecting, analysing and emphasises thinking skills is a foundation for thoughtful interpreting data and making learning. conclusions. Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Manipulative Skills Activities should be organised to provide opportunities for students to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor solving and decision- making. skills that enable students to: Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking Use and handle science apparatus and substances. skills and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks Handle specimens correctly and carefully. critically alw ays evaluates an idea in a systematic manner Draw specimens and apparatus. before accepting it. A person w ho thinks creatively has a high Clean science apparatus. level of imagination, is able to generate original and Store science apparatus. innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products. Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that involve various steps. Each step involves various critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing thinking activities in the teaching and learning process. 3
  • 12. Critical Thinking Skills A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows: Attributing Identifying criteria such as Analysing Examining information in detail characteristics, features, by breaking it dow n into qualities and elements of a smaller parts to find implicit concept or an object. meaning and relationships. Com paring and Finding similarities and Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions Contrasting differences based on criteria that have the tendency to such as characteristics, support or oppose something features, qualities and in an unfair or misleading w ay. elements of a concept or event. Evaluating Making judgements on the quality or value of something Grouping and Separating and grouping based on valid reasons or Classifying objects or phenomena into evidence. categories based on certain criteria such as common Making Making a statement about the characteristics or features. Conclusions outcome of an investigation that is based on a hypothesis. Sequencing Arranging objects and information in order based on the quality or quantity of common characteristics or features such as size, time, shape or number. Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order based on their importance or priority. 4
  • 13. Creative Thinking Skills A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows: Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a Synthesising Combining separate elements discussion. or parts to form a general picture in various forms such Relating Making connections in a as writing, draw ing or artefact. certain situation to deter mine a structure or pattern of Making Making a general statement relationship. Hypotheses about the relationship betw een a manipulated variable and a Making Using past experiences or responding variable to explain Inferences previously collected data to an observation or event. The draw conclusions and make statement can be tested to explanations of events. determine its validity. Predicting Making a forecast about what Making Analogies Understanding a certain will happen in the future based abstract or complex concept on prior know ledge gained by relating it to a simpler or through experiences or concrete concept with similar collected data. characteristics. Making Making a general conclusion Inventing Producing something new or Generalisations about a group based on adapting something already in observations made on, or existence to overcome some information from, problems in a systematic samples of the group. manner. Visualising Recalling or forming mental images about a particular idea, concept, situation or vision. 5
  • 14. Relationship between Thinking Skills and Science Process Skills Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Science process skills are skills that are required in the process of finding solutions to a problem or making decisions Predicting Relating in a systematic Visualising manner. It is a mental process that promotes critical, creative, analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering of Using Space-Time Sequencing science process skills and the possession of suitable Relationship Prioritising attitudes and know ledge enable students to think effectively. Interpreting data Compar ing and contrasting The mastering of science process skills involves the Analysing mastering of the relevant thinking skills. The thinking skills Detecting bias that are related to a particular science process skill are as Making conclusions follow s: Generalising Evaluating Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Defining operationally Relating Making analogy Visualising Observing Attributing Analysing Compar ing and contrasting Relating Controlling variables Attributing Compar ing and contrasting Classifying Attributing Relating Compar ing and contrasting Analysing Grouping and classifying Making hypothesis Attributing Measuring and Using Relating Relating Numbers Compar ing and contrasting Compar ing and contrasting Generating ideas Making Inferences Relating Making hypothesis Compar ing and contrasting Predicting Analysing Synthesising Making inferences 6
  • 15. Daring to try. Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Thinking rationally. Being confident and independent. Experimenting All thinking skills The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally occurs through the follow ing stages: Communicating All thinking skills Being aw are of the importance and the need for scientific attitudes and noble values. Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values. SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and noble values. Science learning experiences can be used as a means to inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students. These attitudes and values encompass the follow ing: Inculcating Patriotism Having an interest and curiosity tow ards the environment. The science curriculum provides an opportunity for the Being honest and accurate in recording and validating development and strengthening of patriotism among data. students. For example, in learning about the earth’s Being diligent and persevering. resources, the richness and variety of living things and the Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and development of science and technology in the country, the environment. students w ill appreciate the diversity of natural and human Realising that science is a means to understand nature. resources of the country and deepen their love for the Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living. country. Appreciating the balance of nature. Being respectful and w ell-mannered. Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES Being thankful to God. Having critical and analytical thinking. Being flexible and open- minded. Teaching and learning strategies in the science curriculum Being kind-hearted and caring. emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a Being objective. process that helps students acquire know ledge and master Being systematic. skills that w ill help them develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful learning can occur through various learning Being cooperative. approaches such as inquiry, constructivism, contextual Being fair and just. learning, and mastery learning. Learning activities should 7
  • 16. therefore be geared tow ards activating students’ critical and should be planned to cater for students w ith different learning creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or rote styles and intelligences. learning. Students should be made aw are of the thinking The follow ing are brief descriptions of some teaching and skills and thinking strategies that they use in their learning. learning methods. They should be challenged w ith higher order questions and problems and be required to solve problems utilising their Experiment creativity and critical thinking. The teaching and learning process should enable students to acquire know ledge, An experiment is a method commonly used in science master skills and develop scientific attitudes and noble lessons. In experiments, students test hypotheses through values in an integrated manner. investigations to discover specific science concepts and principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking skills, Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through scientific skills, and manipulative skills. experiences. Inquiry generally means to find information, to question and to investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the In the implementation of this curriculum, besides environment. Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. guiding students to carry out experiments, w here appropriate, Learning through discovery occurs w hen the main concepts teachers should provide students with the opportunities to and principles of science are investigated and discovered by design their ow n experiments. This involves students draw ing students themselves. Through activities such as up plans as to how to conduct experiments, how to measure experiments, students investigate a phenomenon and draw and analyse data, and how to present the results of their conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead students to experiment. understand the science concepts through the results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are thus developed Discussion further during the inquiry process. How ever, the inquiry approach may not be suitable for all teaching and learning A discussion is an activity in w hich students exchange situations. Sometimes, it may be more appropriate for questions and opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions teachers to present concepts and principles directly to can be conducted before, during or after an activity. students. Teachers should play the role of a facilitator and lead a discussion by asking questions that stimulate thinking and The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods getting students to express themselves. can enhance students’ interest in science. Science lessons that are not interesting w ill not motivate students to learn and Simulation subsequently w ill affect their performance. The choice of teaching methods should be based on the curriculum In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is content, students’ abilities, students’ repertoire of carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and intelligences, and the availability of resources and the use of models. In role-play, students play out a particular infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities role based on certain pre-deter mined conditions. Games 8
  • 17. require procedures that need to be follow ed. Students play technology such as television, radio, video, computer, and games in order to learn a particular principle or to understand Internet, the teaching and learning of science can be made the process of decision-making. Models are used to more interesting and effective. Computer simulation and represent objects or actual situations so that students can animation are effective tools for the teaching and learning of visualise the said objects or situations and thus understand abstract or difficult science concepts. Computer simulation the concepts and principles to be learned. and animation can be presented through coursew are or Web page. Application tools such, as word processors, graphic Project presentation software and electronic spreadsheets are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation of data. A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken by an individual or a group of students to achieve a particular learning objective. A project generally requires several CONTENT ORGANISATION lessons to complete. The outcome of the project either in the form of a report, an artefact or in other forms needs to be presented to the teacher and other students. Project w ork The science curriculum is organised around themes. Each promotes the development of problem-solving skills, time theme consists of various learning areas, each of which management skills, and independent learning. consists of a number of learning objectives. A learning objective has one or more learning outcomes. Visits and Use of External Resources Learning outcomes are w ritten in the form of The learning of science is not limited to activities carried out measurable behavioural ter ms. In general, the learning in the school compound. Learning of science can be outcomes for a particular learning objective are organised in enhanced through the use of external resources such as order of complexity. How ever, in the process of teaching and zoos, museums, science centres, research institutes, learning, learning activities should be planned in a holistic mangrove sw amps, and factories. Visits to these places and integrated manner that enables the achievement of make the learning of science more interesting, meaningful multiple learning outcomes according to needs and context. and effective. To optimise learning opportunities, visits need Teachers should avoid employing a teaching strategy that to be carefully planned. Students may be involved in the tries to achieve each learning outcome separately according planning process and specific educational tasks should be to the order stated in the curriculum specifications. assigned during the visit. No educational visit is complete without a post-visit discussion. The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on the scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The Use of Technology learning activities stated under the column Suggested Learning Activities are given w ith the intention of providing Technology is a pow erful tool that has great potential in some guidance as to how learning outcomes can be enhancing the learning of science. Through the use of achieved. A suggested activity may cover one or more 9
  • 18. learning outcomes. At the same time, more than one activity may be suggested for a particular learning outcome. Teachers may modify the suggested activity to suit the ability and style of learning of their students. Teachers are encouraged to design other innovative and effective learning activities to enhance the learning of science. 10
  • 19. Learning about Living Things Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1. Anim als Pupils should learn Pupils 1.1 to observe and Pupils observe various identify external features of Teachers may need beak recognise external animals and list the an animal. to help pupils name claw s features of external features of each some of the external feathers animals. animal e.g. tail, fur, make a list of the external features of animals. fur feathers, scales, beak, features of an animal. horn claw s and number of legs. Discuss w ith pupils legs record the external features the features that they scales Pupils discuss and of animals in a table. want to record in the tail construct a table based on table. wings the list of external features. explain similarities and differences between animals based on the table. 1.2 that animals can Pupils group the animals group animals according to Allow pupils to group be grouped in different ways based on similarities in external the animals according to the table. features. according to any external features. criteria that they choose based on 1.3 that animals can Pupils present and group animals in different their table. be grouped in compare each other’s ways. many w ays. grouping of animals. 11
  • 20. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 2. Plants Pupils should learn Pupils 2.1 to observe and Pupils observe various identify external features of Teachers may need dull recognise external plants and list the external a plant. to help pupils name green features of plants. features of each plant e.g. some of the external red woody or soft stems, make a list of the external features of plants. rough flow ering or non-flow ering, features of a plant. shiny rough or smooth leaf Discuss w ith pupils smooth surface, colour of leaf and record the external features the features that they soft shape of leaf. of plants in a table. want to record in the woody table. yellow Pupils discuss and to explain similarities and construct a table based on differences between plants the list of external features. based on the table. 2.2 that plants can be Pupils group the plants in group plants according to Allow pupils to group grouped different w ays based on similarities in external the plants according according to the table. features. to any criteria that external features. they choose based on their table. 2.3 that plants can be Pupils present and group plants in different grouped in many compare each other’s ways. ways. grouping of plants. 12
  • 21. Learning about the World Around Us Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1. Magnets Pupils should learn Pupils 1.1 that magnets can Pupils explore a variety of demonstrate that magnets Teachers may attract attract or repel magnets e.g. bar magnets, can attract or repel each introduce the w ords iron each other. horseshoe magnets, other. north pole and south magnet cylindrical magnets, pole of a magnet. plastic circular magnets. Pupils state that magnets can repel observe what happens attract or repel each other. silver when they put tw o wooden magnets near each other. steel 1.2 to handle Pupils discuss the proper demonstrate the proper w ay Remind pupils not to magnets properly. way to handle magnets to handle magnets. drop or knock a during activities. magnets as this w ill cause a magnet to Pupils discuss the need to lose its magnetis m. handle magnets properly. 1.3 that magnets Pupils explore a variety of demonstrate that magnets Teachers may use attract some objects made from attract some materials but the same type of mater ials. different materials and are not others. object made of asked to predict w hich different materials for objects w ill be attracted by record their findings in a this activity e.g. a magnet. table. wooden spoon, steel spoon, plastic spoon Pupils investigate to find state the objects that are and silver spoon. out w hether their attracted by magnets. predictions are correct. 13
  • 22. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils group the materials Teachers explain that according to w hether or objects that are not they are attracted by a attracted by magnets magnet. are made of iron. 1.4 that magnets Pupils design a fair test to design a fair test to Accept all plans. have different compare the strengths of compare the strengths of Allow pupils to modify strengths. different magnets. Pupils different magnets by their plans if they have to decide how to deciding w hat to keep the face dif fic ulties w hen measure the strength of a same, w hat to change and carrying out their magnet e.g. how many what to measure. tests. paper clips the magnet can attract and hold or how carry out the test and record close to a paper clip a the observations. magnet has to be to attract it. form a conclusion based on the observations. Pupils carry out their tests and record the findings in a explain how they arrive at table. the conclusion. Pupils form a conclusion based on the observations e.g. magnet A is the strongest because it can hold the most number of paper clips. 14
  • 23. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 1.5 the different uses Pupils bring things that state w here magnets are Teachers can show of magnets. make use of magnets, e.g. used. examples of things magnetic pencil box, toys, that use magnets to and fridge magnets. explain w hat a magnet is help the pupils think used for. of other things that Pupils discuss about how use magnets. magnets are used in the make a toy, a game or a things they bring. device using magnets. Pupils make a toy, a game or a device using magnets e.g. fishing w ith a magnet, magnetic dancer and magnetic fastener. 15
  • 24. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 2. Electricity Pupils should learn Pupils 2.1 how to make a Pupils are given batteries, suggest w ays to make a Accept all pupils brighter bulb in a circuit battery holders, connecting bulb in a circuit brighter. plans. Allow pupils to dimmer brighter or wires, bulbs and bulb modify their plans if dimmer. holders. design a circuit that makes they face difficulties the bulb light up brighter. when carrying out the Pupils build a circuit to tests. make a bulb light up. show perseverance in making a circuit that makes Remind pupils to use Pupils discuss ways to the bulb brighter. only batteries and not make the bulb in the circuit electricity from the brighter and dimmer. explain the circuit. mains supply to carry out experiments as it Pupils test their draw the circuit. is dangerous. suggestions. design a circuit to make a Teachers guide Pupils draw the circuit that bulb dimmer. pupils to conclude they made. that the bulb is brighter w hen more electricity flows through it. 16
  • 25. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 2.2 that some Pupils list materials that predict w hich materials can Teachers guide metal mater ials conduct they think w ill conduct conduct electricity. pupils to understand plastic electricity. electricity. that w hen a material wood build a circuit to test w hich that conducts Pupils plan a circuit to mater ials conduct electricity. electricity completes investigate w hich materials a circuit, the bulb w ill conduct electricity. record the findings in a light up. table. Pupils build the circuit to To test w hether a test w hich materials form conclusions based on mater ial conducts conduct electricity. the findings. electricity, pupils may use objects make of Pupils record their findings different materials in a table. such as wooden rulers, metal rulers, Pupils discuss and form plastic spoons etc. conclusions. Pupils share their findings. 17
  • 26. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 2.3 that a sw itch is Pupils make an incomplete make a circuit w hich allow s Teachers guide used to complete circuit. a bulb to be turned on or off. pupils to understand or break a circuit. that a bulb w ill light Pupils discuss how to explain how the bulb can be up w hen a circuit is complete the circuit to turned on or off. complete and w ill not allow the bulb to be turned light up w hen a circuit on or off. state that a sw itch is used to is incomplete. complete or break a circuit. Pupils build the circuit and test it. create a simple sw itch. Pupils examine different types of simple sw itches and try to explain how each type of sw itch w orks. Pupils discuss different ways that a bulb can be turned on or off. . Pupils create a simple sw itch using everyday objects e.g. spring and paper clips. 18
  • 27. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 3. Springs Pupils should learn Pupils 3.1 that a spring Pupils bend, tw ist, stretch state that a spring returns to bend returns to its or squeeze springs of its original size and shape shape original size and different lengths and after being bent, tw isted, size shape after being diameters. stretched or squeezed. spring bent, tw is ted, squeeze stretched or state that it is easier to stretch squeezed. bend, tw ist, stretch and tw ist squeeze some springs than others. 3.2 that springs Pupils discuss design a fair test to find out Accept all plans. stretch differently. a) what type of springs which spring stretches the Allow pupils to modify they w ant to test e.g. most by deciding w hat to their plans if they springs of different keep the same, w hat to face dif fic ulties w hen lengths or springs of change and w hat to carrying out the tests. different diameters. measure. b) how to test which spring Pupils can use non- stretches the most e.g. carry out the test and record standard tools such by hanging an object of the observations. as strips of paper to the same w eight at the measure how much end of the spring and form a conclusion based on the spring stretches. measuring how much it the observations. The strips of paper stretches. can be used as a c) how to record their explain how they arrive at record of how much findings. the conclusion. the spring stretches. 19
  • 28. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils carry out their tests and record their findings. Pupils form a conclusion based on the findings e.g. the longest spring stretches the most. 3.3 the uses of Pupils bring things that use state w here springs are springs. springs e.g. mechanical used. pencils and hand ball- pens. explain w hat the spring is used for. Pupils discuss how springs are used in these things. 20
  • 29. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 4. Absorption Pupils should learn Pupils 4.1 that some Pupils carry out an activity identify materials that Pupils can use absorb mater ials can to find out w hich materials absorb w ater. everyday objects cloth absorb w ater. absorb w ater. made of different coins mater ials for this pebbles activity, e.g. coins, tissue paper cloth, pebbles, paper and tissue paper. 4.2 that some Pupils discuss design a fair test to test the Accept all plans. mater ials can a) what materials they ability of different materials Allow pupils to modify absorb more want to test e.g. different in absorbing w ater by their plans if they water than others. mater ials or different deciding w hat to keep the face dif fic ulties w hen types of tissue paper. same, w hat to change and carrying out their b) how to find out w hich what to measure. tests. mater ials absorb the most w ater. carry out the test and record c) how to record their the observations. findings. form a conclusion based on Pupils carry out the test the observations. and record their results in a table. explain how they arrive at the conclusion. 21
  • 30. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils form conclusions based on their findings e.g. tissue paper A is the most absorbent because it absorbed the most amount of water. 4.3 the uses of the Pupils discuss why the explain the uses of the ability of materials ability of materials to ability of materials to absorb to absorb w ater. absorb w ater is useful for water. certain jobs e.g. a mop needs to be absorbent to mop up w ater. 22
  • 31. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 5. Soil Pupils should learn Pupils 5.1 what soil is made Pupils mix some soil w ith describe w hat soil is made Teachers guide clay up of. water in a tall container. up of. pupils to understand garden soil that soil contains sand Pupils shake the mixture state the differences living things and non- soil and allow it to settle. betw een soil samples from living things. different places. Pupils observe the layers that are formed. Pupils draw , label and describe w hat they observe. Pupils repeat the process using soil samples from different places. 5.2 the flow of water Pupils discuss design a fair test to Accept all plans. through different a) what type of soils they compare how well w ater Allow pupils to modify types of soil. want to test. moves through sand, clay their plans if they b) how to compare how and garden soil by deciding face dif fic ulties w hen well w ater moves what to keep the same, carrying out the tests. through different types what to change and w hat to of soil. measure. Pupils should get the c) how to record their same amount of findings. carry out the test and record sand, clay and the observations. garden soil. 23
  • 32. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils carry out the test form a conclusion based on and record their findings. the observations. Pupils form a conclusion explain how they arrive at based on their findings. the conclusion. 5.3 that certain soils Pupils discuss design a fair test to compare Accept all pupils are more suitable a) how to compare the the grow th of green beans plans. Allow pupils to for plant grow th. grow th of a green bean in clay, garden soil and modify their plans if in clay, garden soil and sand by deciding w hat to they face difficulties sand. keep the same, w hat to when carrying out b) how to record their change and w hat to their tests. findings. measure. Pupils carry out the test carry out the test and record and record their findings. the observations. Pupils form a conclusion form a conclusion based on based on their findings. the observations. explain how they arrive at the conclusion. 24
  • 33. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities 6. Mixing Substances Pupils should learn Pupils 6.1 that different Pupils are given different state the properties of Pupils should not baking pow der substances have substances such as wheat different substances in touch, taste or mix milk pow der different flour, tapioca flour, sugar, terms of appearance, smell, substances unless salt properties. salt, baking pow der and feel and colour. the teacher tells them tapioca flour milk pow der. it is safe to do so. vinegar describe the results of water Pupils observe and record mixing different substances Pupils should test wheat flour the appearance, smell, feel with w ater. only a small amount and colour of the of each substance. substances. describe the results of mixing different substances Pupils may find that Pupils test the substances with vinegar. their findings might with w ater and vinegar and not be enough to record their observations. state that different form a conclusion. substances have different properties. 6.2 that some Pupils are show n labels for identify labels for unsafe Teachers need only substances are some unsafe substances. substances. to discuss labels on unsafe and should household be handled w ith Pupils discuss the danger explain the meaning of the substances such as care. of touching, smelling or labels. detergent, bleaching tasting these unsafe agent and medicine. substances. list unsafe substances. 25
  • 34. Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary Activities Pupils w atch a video on state the need to look at how unsafe substances labels or ask an adult cause harm and how these before touching or tasting unsafe substances should any substance. be handled. Pupils list unsafe list the har m caused by substances and tell w hat unsafe substances. harm they can cause. 6.3 that a mixture of Pupils are given a mixture plan how to separate a Teachers discuss substances can of substances e.g. fine mixture of substances. possible methods of be separated. sand, small stones, small separating mixtures polystyrene balls, salt and present their processes of e.g. using filter paper, paper clips. separating the mixture in magnets, sieve etc. words or diagrams. Pupils are challenged to separate the mixture in the shortest possible time. Pupils discuss in groups give reasons why the on how mixtures can be methods are able to separated. separate the mixtures. Pupils carry out their plans compare different methods to separate the mixture. of separating the mixtures Pupils evaluate methods of explain w hy one method of separating the mixture separating mixtures may be presented by others. better than another. 26
  • 35. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Advisors Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin Director (Ph.D) Curriculum Development Centre Rohani Abd. Hamid ( Ph.D) Deputy Director Curriculum Development Centre Editorial Ahmad Hozi H.A. Rahman Principal Assistant Director (Science and Mathematics) Advisors Curriculum Development Centre Cheah Eng Joo Assistant Director (Head of Elective Science Unit) Curriculum Development Centre Yeap Chin Heng ( Ph.D) Assistant Director (Head of Core Science Unit) Curriculum Development Centre S. Sivagnanachelvi Assistant Director (Head of English Unit) Curriculum Development Centre Editor Salina Hanum Osman Mohamed Assistant Director Curriculum Development Centre 27
  • 36. PANEL OF WRITERS Ahmad Hozi H.A. Rahman Curriculum Development Centre Rosli Suleiman Curriculum Development Centre Yeap Chin Heng ( Ph.D) Curriculum Development Centre Rusilaw ati Othman Curriculum Development Centre Cheah Eng Joo Curriculum Development Centre Salbiah Mohd. Som Curriculum Development Centre Salina Hanum Curriculum Development Centre Salehuddin Mustafa Curriculum Development Centre Osman Mohamed Aizatul Adzwa Mohd. Curriculum Development Centre Zaidah Mohd. Yusof Curriculum Development Centre Basri Johari Shamsudin Curriculum Development Centre Zaidi Yazid Curriculum Development Centre Norani Abdul Bari Curriculum Development Centre Zainon Abdul Majid Curriculum Development Centre Arif Fadzilah Mohd. Said SK Bandar Baru Serting Mohd. Azman Mohd. Ali SK Lui Selatan (F) Jempol Mariam Ibrahim SK Pantai, Seremban Tan Man Wai Maktab Perguruan Teknik 28
  • 37. Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education 2003