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Curriculum Vitae – March 2010
                                     Simon PENNY tells the “Human Sigma Made in France Story”:

Twelve months ago I was “suddenly & unexpectedly” made redundant by Hertz Europe when the Corporate Customer Experience Program for
which I was the Director of Mobilization, Communication and Learning was indefinitely postponed due to the economic crisis.

Extremely motivated by the Customer Experience concept that the Hertz Corporation was pursuing and inspired by the Program Champion's vision
and theatre approach, I decided that I would continue working independently on my vision of building an integrated customer & employee
experience by using storytelling as a tool to deliver strategic initiatives in real time.

I set myself the double objective of building a concept that firstly I would be proud to present to the Hertz Customer Experience Champion and that
secondly also satisfied all the “HR Branding” requirements essential to Hertz's quest to become a “First in Class Employer of Choice” in the rental
car industry.
My concept is called Human Sigma Made in France™ and is about overlaying the same basic business processes of Lean & Six Sigma onto the
human systems of the business by providing a consistent method to integrate and monitor the effectiveness of the “employee-customer” encounter.

A new operating system - Holacracy - provides the disciplined process necessary to manage and improve this experience - engaging employees in
the process which is laid out as a story which writes itself in real-time as strategy evolves.

I set myself the objective of building an employee engagement concept that would be something that I would be proud to present to the Hertz
Customer Experience Champion and that also satisfied all the “HR Branding” requirements essential to Hertz's quest to become a “First in Class
Employer of Choice” in the world wide rental car industry.

Hertz Corporation HR Branding objective:

The Hertz Corporation is the world's largest general use car rental brand, operating from approximately 8,100 locations in 147 countries worldwide. Hertz is the
number one airport car rental brand (RAC) in the U.S. and at 69 major airports in Europe, and operates both corporate and licensee locations in cities and
airports in North America, Europe, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, the Company has licensee locations in cities and airports in Africa,
Asia, and the Middle East.

Hertz also operates one of the world's largest equipment rental businesses, Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation (HERC), offering a diverse line of equipment,
including tools and supplies, as well as new and used equipment for sale, to customers ranging from major industrial companies to local contractors and
consumers through more than 360 branches in the United States, Canada, France and Spain.

Hertz is a 90-year old company with a rich legacy of industry leadership and service and with a mission to be the most efficient, high quality, customer focused
company in the rental markets the company serves and moves into. In support of this mission, company is undergoing a 2+year worldwide reorganisation
program (which commenced at the beginning of 2007) in order to operate more efficiently, as well as further improve customer service and employee satisfaction.

Employer of choice branding initiative The Company has a stated objective to become an "Employer of Choice" in order to both attract and retain the best
talent in the industry. The company has commenced a number of far-reaching initiatives to develop the company as a ' best in class' employer, and measures
employee views of progress through bi-annual employee pulse surveys. Furthermore, a specialist task force within the HR group is leading a Global Employee
Retention Project to address seven key areas relating to employee retention: Attracting new employees; Recruiting new employees; Integrating new employees;
Rewarding employees; Growth & Career Opportunities; Managing & Engaging employees; and Separating from employees.
To support this objective, the HR team would like to create one common identity — closely aligned with the overall identity of the global organisation — which
helps convey to both internal and external audiences worldwide that Hertz is indeed an exciting and rewarding company to work for.

Human Resources team branding initiative Also, as part of the overall global reorganisation of Hertz, departmental functions have been transformed to global
centre’s of excellence, whereas previously the functions operated on a country or regional basis The HR function is a key example of this initiative. Previously,
the HR teams in each of Hertz's company owned (corporate) countries have operated fairly autonomously, each with country-driven approaches to their own
markets, and with RAC and HERC teams operating separately. Now, however, as a result of the reorganisation of the HR function, all HR employees from all
countries across both RAC and HERC are part of one global HR team, which is organised into closely linked, pan geographic HR disciplines.

Now that the HR function has regrouped, it needs to create one common identity for the function itself so that its messages and visual manifestation are
consistent around the globe. Furthermore, this activity needs to form part of the larger employer of choice branding requirement.

The overall project objectives are two-fold.

Firstly, the team needs to help convey one consistent, vibrant and dynamic image of Hertz as an employer of choice to both internal and external audiences such
as job candidates and recruitment companies. To support this, the output of the project needs to help further cultivate pride of the company and foster
appreciation amongst both internal and external audiences (eg job candidates) that Hertz is an employer of choice.

Secondly, the team would like to communicate and convey HR as one function, one team and one voice, as opposed to individual practice areas each conveying
their own messaging. The HR function should be clear to the business, with one mission communicated in a fresh, lively and engaging manner. The aim is to
foster internal and external understanding of the HR function, its vision and its offerings.

In continuing my work, I have always held as objective that my final product must be able to be presented, in true theatrical style, to a client who
“plays the role” of the Hertz Corporation Customer Experience Champion or even CEO of Hertz. So in true theatrical fashion I ask you, when you
watch this presentation, to play the role of the Hertz Corporation’s Customer Experience Champion and to hither formulate any questions, queries,
concerns, satisfaction or delight that you may “experience” from this perspective.

Since leaving Hertz I have acquired two additional skill sets or qualifications as part of my plight to launch "Human Sigma Made in France™":
1. Certified Communication Zone Facilitator - (USA – April 2009).

In May 2009 I was certified as a Communication Zone Facilitator – “A Common Language for Understanding Personality Differences”

The Human Sigma Made in France™" approach to understanding personality differences provides a common language for understanding our
natural personality diversity. Through this multifaceted approach, we can begin to understand how people have fundamental temperament
differences that can lead to “stands”, value agendas and fixed ways of interacting. These differences also determine how they learn, make
decisions, and develop. Our approach describes natural preferences that lead to various ways of perceiving and ways of deciding that are often
critical for an organization’s success, yet, if not understood, can be the primary source of miscommunications.

Effective application of this approach is not through a flavor-of-the-month workshop. It is not enough that people take a personality instrument and
find out their “type.” In fact, such use of instruments will probably have unintended negative consequences.
To be truly effective, this approach needs to be introduced in a strategic way that aligns with organizational objectives. It needs to be introduced as
a common language, available to all and readily under stood.

•Know Themselves —            using the Temperament, Interaction Styles, and Cognitive Dynamics models
•Make Space for Others —      by appreciating what others need in a communication and doing those things that don’t interfere
•Shift Their Communications — by communicating in the style the client most likely wants and using the words they most easily understand
2 . Certified Holacracy Workshop Facilitator – (USA – January - 2010).

In January 2010 I became a certified "Holacracy" workshop facilitator. Holacracy is a new operating system for 21st Century Companies – Holacracy
provides the new meeting and decision making processes needed to successfully implement and integrate all current organizational,
transformational and developmental projects that Hertz sought to integrate into a Global Customer Experience Program managed as a theatre..
Holacracy is for me a way forward to total integration of all existing projects towards a final objective outlined in the Company’s Vision, Mission and
Value Statements.

What is Holacracy?

Holacracy is a practice for organizations that are looking to embed f
               practice                             ooking          flexibility and effectiveness in their core processes, such as meetings, decision
                                                                            ity                                                              decision-
making processes and the organizational structure. The way in which Holacracy manages this is by combining an innovative syst    system of meeting
practices with a number of operating principles. The result? A flexible and effective operating system with embedded adaptive capacity.
Who is Holacracy for?

Organizations that waste a Lot of energy and agility through ineffective meetings, unclear decision-making processes and a rigid organizational

Structure will have much to gain from Holacracy. Holacracy can make a difference in dealing with the following questions:

How do we make decisions? Who makes which decisions?       How do we make changes in policy and structure?

Dynamic steering enables an organization to adapt quickly and flexibly to change in and around the organization. It does so by shifting the focus
away from predicting and controlling, toward building internal adaptive capacity, so the organization (-al structure) can deal with problems and
opportunities in a proactive manner. In this way, Holacracy enables a much more agile way of decision making; one that’s much more in alignment
with human nature. In fact, this way of steering the organization is quite similar to the way you steer a bicycle.
The essence of Holacracy: Dynamic Steering

Holacracy in practice: What’s in it for you?

When an organization or team has worked with Holacracy for some time:

1. It becomes more sensitive to internal and external change, so it takes less time to become aware of problems and opportunities as they arise.
And the earlier they show up on the radar, the sooner they can be dealt with.

2. It becomes more capable of rapidly integrating new insights and changes into all layers of the organization.

Holacracy facilitates the transition to a dynamically steering organization, by embedding into the structure of the organization the capacity to
effectively transform needs and tensions. Holacracy enables this by making it crystal clear who takes decisions on what, so there is explicit
agreement on how to deal with surprises as they occur. The result is that information and awareness flow naturally to those places in the
organization where decisions are most effectively taken.
Holacracy creates an organization able to learn, because tensions that arise from a changing environment are used as direct input into the
continuing development of the organization (-al structure). This process takes place at all layers, creating a resilient organization that embraces
change, rather than resisting and fighting it. Such an organization can be compared to an engine which actually becomes better and stronger as
sand is put in.


    is about exploring a new tier of organization and culture that is only recently available to us and one that allows an organization to deal with
     tensions as they arise.
    is a new organizational operating system that is a "Practice" not just a model or theory.
    It includes a more organic organizational structure and provides concrete meeting and decision making processes.
    The big difference is that Holacracy takes individual "egos" out of the workplace because its approach is from a new ground that is about the
     organization’s "Evolutionary Purpose", not about the individual employee or the people.
    What's more Holacracy uses "dynamic steering" to deliver the goods in “real-time”..

Holacracy provides a “new business operating system” that is designed to be used with Lean Sigma and the 4 Lenses of the Communication Zone
provide the communication skills and individual understanding- the dynamic steering process kindles employee engagement and does the rest!
Holacracy One
    Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy                                                        Holacracy One
                                                                                                        Liberating the soul
                                                                                                        of organizations™
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy
by Brian J. Robertson – August 6 , 2009

                                                                   How to achieve this shift is the leading-edge question
        Contents                                                   in many leading-edge movements. Several new
        Background & Framing ........................ 1            practices and techniques have emerged in response,
        Introducing Holacracy™....................... 1            though it has proven difficult to realize whole-system
        Beyond Predict & Control..................... 2            change by applying isolated new practices within an
        Organic Structure................................. 3       old organizational paradigm. Likewise, efforts to
        Distributed Governance ....................... 4           attain this shift via leadership development initiatives
        Lean Operations .................................. 5       have also proven limited, sometimes leaving more
        A Purpose-Driven Board ...................... 6            cynicism than progress.
        Organization Beyond Ego .................... 7
        Conclusion ........................................... 8   To really achieve the promises of this emerging new
                                                                   paradigm, we will need a new organizational
                                                                   operating system – a fundamental upgrade to the
    Background & Framing                                           core structure and processes we use to govern,
                                                                   organize, and execute our work. We’ll need to install
    Over the past two decades, dozens of thought-
                                                                   self-sustaining practices that manifest new capacities
    leaders have pointed the way to new capacities
                                                          st       throughout an organization, even when a majority of
    organizations must develop to thrive amidst our 21
                                                                   the individuals within haven’t yet made the leap to
    century challenges. Peter Senge highlights the need
                                                                   this new mindset.
    for systems thinking and learning organizations.
    Gary Hamel describes radically new management                  In response to these challenges and needs, a new
    methods. Meg Wheatley calls for self-organization              approach has emerged: a complete organizational
    and a living systems mindset. And Jim Collins shows            operating system called Holacracy™.
    the impact of leaders who get their ego out of the
    way.      These visionaries and many more are                  Introducing Holacracy™
    highlighting the limits of our conventional views of
                                                                   Holacracy is a comprehensive practice for governing
    organization and leadership, and offering a glimpse
                                                                   and running our organizations.               With its
    of new possibilities available to us – if we’re able to
                                                                   transformative structure and processes, Holacracy
    make the leap.
                                                                   integrates the collective wisdom of people throughout
    And making that leap is proving to be one huge                 the company, while aligning the organization with its
    challenge.     Fully realizing such a shift requires           broader purpose and a more organic way of
    embodying these leading-edge principles and ideas              operating. The result is dramatically increased agility,
    in actual practices, across the whole organization. It         transparency,     innovation,     and    accountability.
    is one thing to read a book or attend a workshop and           Holacracy takes the principles, ideas, and emerging
    leave inspired with a new vision of what’s possible in         mindset articulated by cutting-edge thought leaders,
    organization. It’s another thing entirely to go back           and instills them in the actual structures and
    into a broader organizational context, with its                processes of the organization. It grounds them in
    conventional structures, processes, and patterns still         practice and brings them to life.
    at play, and shift the whole system to actually operate
                                                                   The approach Holacracy takes to realizing this shift is
    from that new paradigm. Absorbing the mindset is
                                                                   comprehensive and transformative, yet equally
    just the beginning – the challenge then becomes
                                                                   honors conventional fundamentals. It is not enough
    moving from inspired theory held by a few, to
                                                                   to simply throw out current methods, however
    stabilized practice across an entire organization.
                                                                   obsolete – we must replace them with new methods
                                                                   which still achieve the value of the conventional, plus

    ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
    Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                      1
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

much more. Static predict-and-control management             pursuing a general aim by adapting continuously in
methods must give way to a more dynamic and                  light of real data about present reality.
adaptable approach. This requires shifting rigid top-
down power hierarchies into a more responsive                Organizationally,      dynamic     steering     means
organic structure, and then using that new structure         establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer
to distribute governance and capture learning                points throughout the company’s operations. This
throughout the entire organization. That means               allows planning and decision-making processes to
surfacing a great deal of feedback, so slow meetings         focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and
and painful decision-making must be replaced with            then letting reality inform the next step, rather than
an approach that rapidly integrates key perspectives         agonizing about what “might” happen in an effort to
from multiple people. The organization’s operational         conjure up a theoretical “best” decision that still
processes can then take advantage of this newfound           doesn’t quite get it right. Dynamic steering frees
agility to harness innovation and deliver superior           teams to move swiftly from discussion and planning
results. To avoid all of this falling apart in a clash of    to actually testing decisions in reality and learning
egos, the organization will need a compelling                from the results. Plans which start out imperfect
purpose that invites everyone to serve something             become well-aligned with actual needs through a
larger than themselves, and a purpose-driven board           continual process of facing reality and incorporating
to anchor it. Sustaining this over time will require         feedback.
new language and meaning-making in the culture, to           This mindset shift is core to Holacracy, however
help uproot deeply-entrenched mental models that             actually transitioning from static control to dynamic
are limiting in light of the new reality Holacracy offers.   steering takes quite a bit more than just new
                                                             principles. Holacracy embeds this shift into the core
Beyond Predict & Control                                     of an organization by installing a more organic
Most      modern     leadership    and    management         structure, along with concrete decision-making and
techniques are based on a predict-and-control                management processes which embody dynamic
paradigm. This mindset asks those in leadership              steering principles. This provides several immediate
roles to anticipate and design the best path to              benefits, such as ultra-efficient meetings, and sparks
achieve pre-defined goals in advance, and then               a process of organizational evolution to generate
control for any deviations to the prescribed plan. This      deeper learning and transformation over time.
approach matured through the first half of the
twentieth century and worked well enough in the
relatively simple and static environments faced by
organizations of that era. Today, our predict-and-                      The Development of Holacracy
control techniques are struggling to keep up with the           Holacracy was initially pioneered hands-on in an
                                                                award-winning technology company between 2001
agility and innovation required in a landscape of rapid         and 2006. The company’s leadership continually
change and dynamic complexity. They’re also failing             experimented with new methods of organizing and
to ignite the passion and creativity of a new                   working together, and integrated ideas and
generation of workers demanding greater meaning                 techniques from many cutting-edge movements and
                                                                thought-leaders. The resulting system made its
and purpose in their work.                                      public debut in 2006 via interviews and writings,
                                                                including an article in the Wall Street Journal.
In today’s environment, steering an organization with           Holacracy has continued to evolve and spread in the
predict-and-control methods is akin to riding a bicycle         years since under the stewardship of HolacracyOne,
by pointing in the right direction, then holding the            an organization created to further develop the
                                                                method and bring it to the world. It is now an
handlebars rigid and pedaling, eyes closed.
                                                                international   movement     with  many     certified
Holacracy helps an organization find more dynamic               practitioners and consultants supporting its growth
methods for steering its work, to gradually shift the           and catalyzing its adoption.
company from predict-and-control, to experiment-
and-adapt, and finally to true sense-and-respond.
Like riding a bicycle, dynamic steering involves

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                          2
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

Organic Structure                                           together into a “holarchy” – a natural hierarchy of
                                                            increasing scope.    Thus, more broadly focused
When large-scale predict-and-control corporations
                         th                                 circles can encompass multiple sub-circles. For
first emerged in the 19 century, they needed a way
                                                            example, a department circle might include multiple
to apply their control paradigm across a large number
                                                            team sub-circles, and multiple department circles
of people. That gave rise to the organizational
                                                            might themselves integrate together in a yet-broader
structure still commonly in use today: the typical top-
                                                            whole-company circle.
down power hierarchy, where work is organized,
directed, and managed by those above and                    Double Linking
performed to spec by those below. While this
structure lends itself quite well to more static predict-   Each circle within this organizational holarchy is
and-control steering, an organization trying to scale       linked to its broader circle by two individuals who
dynamic steering beyond a single team will need a           work within both connected circles. One of these
more adaptable alternative. The challenge is finding        links, called a “Lead Link”, is appointed by the
a structure which provides both local responsiveness        broader circle to carry its needs to the sub-circle
and whole-system alignment, and works across ten            (similar to a traditional manager). The other half of
people or ten thousand.                                     this double-link, called a “Representative Link” or
                                                            “Rep Link”, is elected by the sub-circle via a unique
Holacracy provides the needed upgrade.                Its   election process, and represents the context of the
structure is built of “circles”, where each circle has a    sub-circle within the broader circle. Both links take
specific scope, and integrates the work of multiple         part in the governance and operations of both
members within that scope around a given purpose.           connected circles.
Thus, a circle might wrap a specific project, product,
department, business line, or a general function of
the organization. Each circle has the autonomy and                           Double Linking
authority to define and evolve the roles,
                                                                                          Department Circle
accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to                                       appoints a Lead Link to
organize and govern its operations in service of its                                      serve on its sub-circle
Despite this autonomy, circles are not fully
independent of each other: they are organized                                            Team
                                                              Team Circle appoints a
              From Hierarchy to Holarchy                      Rep Link to serve on its
                                                              broader circle

         General Company
                                                            This double-linking structure continues throughout
                Department Lead                   …
                                                            the organizational holarchy, one layer at a time,
 Circle                                                     creating bidirectional pathways for alignment and
       Team Lead              Team Lead                     feedback. Lead Links hold the perspective and
                                                            functions needed to align the sub-circle with the
                                                            purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context.
      Team Members           Team Members
                                                            Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader
          Team                  Team                        context, while guarding the autonomy and
          Circle                Circle
                                                            sustainability of the sub-circle within that
 A traditional structure can be converted to an initial     environment. Rather than managers trying to fulfill
 holarchy by drawing a circle around each layer on the      both needs and ending up stuck in the middle,
 org chart, then clarifying the scope & purpose of each.

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                3
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

Holacracy separates these roles and gives each a          governance meetings of each circle, during which its
clear focus and voice in the organizational structure.    members refine the operating structure of the circle
                                                          based on new information and experiences that arise
Distributed Governance                                    while getting the work done. Each person working
In every organization, on virtually every team, there     within the circle’s scope takes part and has a voice,
are questions that must be answered for the               while the broader circle is represented via its
members to work together effectively. For example:        appointed lead link, and sub-circles are represented
What activities are needed to achieve the group’s         via their elected rep links. These meetings happen
goals and who will perform them? How much                 regularly, replacing the all-too-familiar need for large
autonomy will each team member have, and within           and disruptive “reorganizations” with rapid and
what limits or requirements?          How will various    incremental adaptation in light of real data.
decisions facing the team get made? How will tasks        On a human level, regular governance meetings can
be defined and assigned?             What overarching     transform the emotional tone on a team. Lack of
guidelines or policies will be followed?                  clarity around governance leaves everyone with
These are all questions of governance, about how          implicit expectations about who should be doing what
the group will organize together – their answers          and how they should be doing it. Without a defined
define authorities and expectations within the group.     governance process the tendency is to make up
Conventionally, an explicit governance framework to       negative stories about others or toss around blame
answer these questions exists only at the top, but        when these unspoken assumptions clash, neither of
these questions are just as relevant on the shop floor    which help move the organization forward. With
as they are in the board room. And the people             governance meetings introduced, team members
working on the front lines are often better positioned    now have a forum for channeling the frustration of
to drive continual improvements within their context      misaligned expectations into organizational learning
and monitor the results day-to-day. But without an        and continual improvement. Playing politics loses its
explicit governance process for each team these           utility, and personal drama gives way to a more
opportunities to improve organizational patterns will     authentic discussion of how to consciously evolve the
remain largely at the top.                                organization in light of its goals and broader purpose
                                                          in the world.
This is where we see most organizations today, with
a lack of capacity to harness input and capture           Integrating Perspectives
learning throughout the organization. All too often,      Holacracy’s governance meetings surface input and
this leaves workers in a space of vulnerability and       ideas from multiple people, and where there are
disconnection, with no healthy or useful outlet for       multiple people there are multiple perspectives. As
improving the status quo. At the same time, those at      with any team, integrating diverse views provides a
the top who hold the reigns face a space of               more accurate and complete map of reality, allowing
overwhelming complexity and overload, with more           more informed decisions and better navigation of the
challenges and information than they can effectively      territory ahead.        Yet, on most teams, critical
process. In contrast, Holacracy distributes the job of    perspectives are often ignored or dismissed when
evolving the organization across the entire company.      they’re not shared by the leader or by the majority –
This decreases the overload at the top and the            it’s like flying an airplane and ignoring the fuel gauge
disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new       just because other instruments don’t report a
capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the   problem. When people tune into different information
organization.                                             in service of evolving the organization, there is
                                                          significant value in integrating their views.
Governance Meetings
With Holacracy installed, each circle throughout the      At the same time, attempting to integrate every
organizational holarchy has the autonomy to govern        perspective of every team member into every
operations within its scope. This happens in explicit     decision would be just as dysfunctional as outvoting

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                4
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

the fuel gauge. Most decisions faced day-to-day are         time, all circle members have the ability to fall-back
relatively simple and pose minimal risk – they are          on the integrative decision-making process to further
most effectively made by one person autocratically.         refine these grants and limits of authority, as tensions
Always seeking consensus would be a crippling               naturally arise during the course of work. The
waste of time, and a recipe for ego to take over and        structure and rules of the process ensure that these
dominate the organization’s broader purpose. Thus,          tensions are channeled towards achieving the circle’s
there is also significant value in delegating autocratic    purpose, and that any destructive behavior has no
authority to an individual and deferring to their best      space or impact. The effect of this is at once
judgment rather than using an integrative process.          profoundly impersonal – it’s about the purpose, not
The challenge lies in determining when to use each.         the people – and yet it enables uncommonly deep
                                                            levels of trust and connection among the participants.
To address these seeming contradictions, Holacracy
makes a distinction between governance and                  Lean Operations
operations. Governance meetings use Holacracy’s
structured integrative decision-making process to           Governance meetings provide a forum for each circle
give everyone a voice and rapidly integrate multiple        to consciously evolve its approach to getting work
perspectives. However, rather than using this group         done operationally. While that’s a great start, the
process to make specific decisions to resolve tactical      circle must also transform how it manages these
issues, the outputs of the integrative process are          operational projects and processes before it can
always about governance – about how the circle will         leave its predict-and-control heritage behind. To truly
structure itself so that tactical decision-making is        steer dynamically, a circle also needs operational
smooth and effective, without the need for a whole-         management and meeting practices that are fast,
circle decision-making process. Thus, integrative           efficient, and lightweight. These must stay grounded
decision-making in Holacracy is used to define space        in real data and next-actions to help everyone
for autocratic control and individual action in specific    involved face reality at every moment and adapt
areas, along with appropriate boundaries on such            rapidly.
control.                                                    There is no single answer to exactly what this shift
                                                            means for every circle – the natural expression of
Roles & Accountabilities                                    these dynamic management principles will depend on
One key output of the integrative process used in a         the nature of the work undertaken.           However,
circle’s governance meetings are the roles and              Holacracy does provide default answers in the form
accountabilities needed to break down the work of           of template meetings and management methods for
the circle. For example, a circle in charge of              leaner operations, including two new regular
delivering trainings could use the integrative decision-    meetings for each circle: a tactical meeting and a
making process to define a role which is about              stand-up meeting. Both are operationally focused,
handling the logistics for its events. It might then        designed to synchronize the circle members around
delegate the accountability and the authority for           the next-actions each will take and remove any
researching and selecting venues for events to              roadblocks to effective execution. These default
whomever fills this role. However, the circle might         templates embody Holacracy’s principles and work
also add a limit to this authority, perhaps requiring the   well enough for most circles most of the time, and
role-holder also ensure any venue so chosen meets           adopting them begins the shift to leaner and more
key requirements determined by the event’s                  dynamic operations. They provide a starting point
presenter and the circle’s marketing role.                  which the circle can further evolve over time using its
                                                            governance process.
With roles, accountabilities, and authorities defined
concretely using an integrative process, the circle         Most meetings in Holacracy are held with a different
empowers its members to go get the circle’s work            frequency or heartbeat, meant to align with natural
done and make specific decisions in service of that         rhythms of getting work done in the circle. Stand-up
work outside of a governance meeting. At the same           meetings are typically daily, tactical meetings weekly,

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                  5
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

and governance meetings are usually monthly. Many            forum for celebrating progress and focus everyone on
circles will also need a meeting at a less-frequent          accomplishing the most important work to move the
heartbeat to focus on bigger-picture issues, such as a       team forward.
quarterly or annual strategy meeting.
                                                             A Purpose-Driven Board
Weekly Tactical Meetings                                     In most for-profit companies today, control of the
Weekly tactical meetings are fast-paced forums to            organization vests ultimately with the shareholders or
synchronize team members for the week and triage             their representatives, such as a Board of Directors.
any issues which are preventing forward progress.            The purpose of the organization is legally defined as
They start with a process of surfacing information,          generating financial returns for these shareholders,
including a review of metrics and other real data to         and the directors and managers are there to align the
get a picture of the circle’s current reality. Then an       organization with this aim. This approach served well
agenda is built on the fly of specific tactical topics for   for a time, however in recent years we’ve seen the
the meeting, based on what’s relevant now that               limits of this model in very tangible ways – from huge
requires discussion or synchronization across circle         accounting scandals and fraud, to the large-scale
members. The circle proceeds through each item in            externalization of social and environmental impacts.
turn, with a hard rule that they must finish the entire      Our core model for organizational purpose and
list within the time allotted, without exception – and       board-level control needs an upgrade.
even moderately-skilled circles using this meeting
process are able to do so reliably and effectively.          Economic profit is one of the best metrics for any
                                                             organization to monitor, for-profit or non-profit. It is
The speed of tactical meetings is enabled by the             one measure of whether the organization is creating
driving focus and key output of the meeting, which is        more value in the world than it is consuming.
a list of next-actions and the owner of each. Each           However, profit is just a metric, not a purpose. But
topic is discussed as briefly as possible to identify        with a board composed entirely of shareholder
what the next action should be, and then the                 representatives, profit is very likely to get mistaken
discussion is done and the meeting moves on. This            for such.     Likewise, many non-profits face the
clear and simple output grounds the meeting and              opposite challenge and miss the importance of profit
keeps it moving. If circle members feel tension about        entirely. Organizations running with Holacracy are
deeper patterns at play, they don’t need to discuss          first and foremost purpose-driven, regardless of their
them here – they can bring them to a governance              tax structure, with all activities ultimately flowing from
meeting with confidence that the integrative process         and for the sake of realizing the organization’s
will address them. Likewise, questions about larger          broader purpose.
strategic issues can be deferred to a strategy
meeting, without distracting from the speed and focus        To truly embody this shift, ultimate control of the
of the tactical meeting.                                     organization can no longer vest with shareholders
                                                             alone; or, in the case of non-profits, with any other
Daily Stand-up Meetings                                      single membership or constituency group. Instead,
                                                             Holacracy vests ultimate control of the organization
A stand-up meeting is a quick synchronization across
                                                             fully with its board, and the board holds one
circle members, lasting 15 minutes or less, and
                                                             representative for each major context the
literally done with everyone standing up. They
                                                             organization works within or substantially affects.
typically focus on each person in turn answering
                                                             One board seat holds a representative elected by the
three simple questions for their peers: What did you
                                                             investors to represent their context and needs, while
get done yesterday, what do you plan to get done
                                                             other seats may represent the organization’s
today, and is anything in your way? When held daily,
                                                             industry, the environment, a social movement, or
these meetings establish a fast-pace and regular
                                                             whatever else is appropriate given the organization’s
cadence for the team, while enhancing transparency
                                                             work in the world. The board also defines how it will
and peer-to-peer accountability. They provide a
                                                             fill each seat, and whenever practical defers to

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                     6
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

outside groups representing its contexts to fill          people involved then become stewards of this new
relevant seats. Two final board seats hold a lead link    entity. Like healthy parents supporting a child’s
appointed by the board to lead the organization, and      journey, their job is get their own desires out of the
a rep link elected to the board from the broadest         way so that the organization can express its unique
circle within the organization.                           purpose and deepest creative potential in life.

With these diverse perspectives in place and a            This focus on an evolutionary potential beyond
process to integrate them, the board is now poised to     serving human ego is a deep but subtle shift
tackle questions both difficult and deep. What does       embedded within Holacracy. Its processes help to
the world need this organization to be, and what does     differentiate the organizational entity from the people
it need to be in the world? What is its unique            connected to it, while also integrating them more
purpose, its contribution to bringing something novel     effectively into a new relationship grounded in mutual
to life, to furthering creativity and evolution? The      freedom and support. Where today’s progressive
needs of shareholders and other stakeholders remain       people-centric view of organizations can become
important constraints, however with Holacracy             narcissistic and self-limiting, Holacracy’s focus offers
installed it is this deeper evolutionary purpose that     a more liberating ground – inviting people to serve
ultimately rules and pulls the organization forward.      something larger than themselves, larger even than
The board’s job is to guide the organization on its       the collective, for the sake of evolution’s further
own path in life on behalf of the evolutionary process    unfolding. This is the ultimate aim of Holacracy – to
itself, not control it on behalf of stakeholders.         liberate the organization to become a direct
                                                          expression of evolution in action, creativity
Organization Beyond Ego                                   unleashed, free from the shackles of serving human
Holacracy’s purpose-driven paradigm echoes from           ego.
the board throughout the rest of the organization, with
each circle pursuing a circle-specific purpose that       Subtle Language Practice
represents one aspect necessary to realize the            Working together without human ego getting in the
organization’s overall purpose. Every circle in a         way requires as much change to an organization’s
company practicing Holacracy is thus driven by an         human culture as it does to its structure and
evolutionary purpose. This is a shift beyond even the     processes. These transformations go hand-in-hand,
stakeholder-driven paradigm employed by many              each a reflection of the other, both supporting a
progressive companies today, which holds that an          deeper shift to a new tier of human organization.
organization exists primarily to serve all its            Just as Holacracy’s governance and operational
stakeholders, not just the shareholders. While this       methods shift an organization’s tangible processes,
approach is more inclusive, it still sees the             Holacracy offers a powerful tool to deepen and
organization as simply a collective construct all about   transform its cultural space as well: new language.
serving the people – human ego still dominates the
                                                          Language is an expression of our underlying mindset
                                                          and mental models; it both reflects and reinforces our
Holacracy integrates the need to honor reasonable         thinking and meaning-making. Holacracy suggests
constraints of stakeholder groups, while still            new ways to think about organization, and
maintaining the organization’s independence from          consciously practicing new language patterns helps
them. Rather than treating the organization as            facilitate an underlying shift in mindset. This “subtle
property, even shared property, Holacracy helps it        language practice” of Holacracy shows up in many
find its own purpose – not just a purpose that’s “all     ways – we talk about integrating perspectives, not
about the people”, but one that is genuinely              debating opinions; roles we fill, not what we are; an
evolutionary, about helping the world move forward        organization’s     investors,     not    its    owners;
for the sake of the future. This approach recognizes      accountabilities, not responsibilities; descriptive role
the organization as its own individual living system,     names, not VP’s, SVP’s, or other status-based titles;
akin to a new form of life. The stakeholders and          next-actions, not what-by-when’s. The list goes on,

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                7
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

each an expression of the new consciousness that
underlies Holacracy, and a tool for reinforcing it
individually and collectively.                               “ Why comeevery time I ask for a pair of hands,
                                                                    is it
                                                                          with a brain attached?
Holacracy’s subtle language practice enhances a                    - Henry Ford, Pioneer of Mass Production, c. 1908
group’s ability to perceive the mechanisms of ego
and tease apart the real information behind them,
making it easier to integrate the usefulness of ego
                                                             “ Holacracy inspiresminds, andtotheir souls –with
                                                               their hands, their
                                                                                  workers      contribute
while setting aside its hold on the organization. In
                                                               for what Ford paid just for the hands.
                                                                  - Jeroen Maes, Holacracy Consultant, c. 2008
addition to Holacracy’s language shifts, many existing
theories and models can also be used to complement
this aim by providing new distinctions and embedding
them in the culture. Over time, the right shift in           with these new methods in place, the organization
language helps humans get out of their own way, and          will still be using many of the same operational
moves the organization closer to becoming a true             processes to get its work done – the same budgeting
agent of evolution.                                          processes, hiring processes, project management
                                                             processes, etc., all based on a predict and control
Conclusion                                                   model.      Holacracy simply starts an evolutionary
                                                             process; the real transformation will only occur with
Holacracy is a complete and practical system for
                                                             regular sustained practice over time, as the
evolving our fundamental approach to organization
                                                             organization evolves its many specific processes to
and management.           It embeds dynamic steering
                                                             take advantage of the new capacities now available.
principles into the core of the organization, and
                                                             Like sports, meditation, or medicine, Holacracy is a
installs a more organic structure of semi-
                                                             practice – mastering it will take sustained effort,
autonomous, self-organizing teams. It distributes
                                                             patience, and discipline, along with significant
governance across all teams, and adds bi-directional
double-links to carry feedback and control across
organizational layers. It distributes authority using an     Looking forward, Holacracy’s new paradigm offers
integrative decision-making process that gives               opportunities for deeper societal transformation if a
everyone a voice, without the tyranny of consensus,          significant number of organizations make the leap.
while still allowing for autocratic control and individual   HolacracyOne has already developed formal bylaws
action. It reframes operational processes around             which establish Holacracy as an entity’s legally-
rapid action and dynamic responsiveness in tight             enforceable governance system. Adopting them
feedback loops, with regular tactical meetings               makes Holacracy’s board structure and purpose-
focused on quickly identifying next-actions and              driven paradigm a legal reality, not just an espoused
removing obstacles. And it aligns the organization           ideal. It also encodes Holacracy’s organic structure,
around a larger evolutionary purpose beyond ego,             distributed governance, and integrative decision-
anchored at the board level and then broken down             making systems into the formal power structure of the
and distributed throughout the company and its               company.
culture. Each aspect of Holacracy supports and is
supported by the others. Taken together they offer           The bylaws also pave the way for a legally-grounded
not just an incremental improvement but a                    alternative to much of what our broader societal
fundamental transformation, a vertical leap to a new         governments currently try to achieve. With Holacracy
tier of organization.                                        in place, an organization can be created specifically
                                                             to steward and govern a shared context and better
Actually getting there is another matter.           For      integrate the organizations working within that
organizations seeking to transform with Holacracy,           context via a double-link between the context and
adopting its core structure and practices marks the          each of its member organizations. The broader
beginning of the journey, not the end. At first, even        organization would have its own purpose, would
                                                             govern itself with Holacracy, and could itself grow into

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                         8
Holacracy One
Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy

a larger holarchy, doubly-linked with yet-broader
contexts. Overall, this would create a new distributed                   Next-Steps with Holacracy
governance meshwork with bi-directional control and                         Introducing HolacracyOne
feedback processes embedded throughout.             Its
fractal structure would overlay current governmental          There are many ways to move forward with Holacracy
                                                              or get involved in the growing Holacracy movement:
paradigms and easily span across national
boundaries – it has the potential to unite the world in       Attend an Event:          HolacracyOne hosts regular
a truly global governance paradigm, and allow                 trainings and events, from short webinars to full
coordinated and cohesive action in the face of                certification trainings. A great next-step is to attend a
                                                              live 2-day workshop to build deeper understanding
daunting global challenges.                                   and gain first-hand experience of Holacracy in action;
                                                              or, if you can’t make it in-person, consider joining an
Whether the motivation is to improve a single                 interactive online version of the workshop instead.
organization or transform world governance,                   From there, those looking for deeper expertise can
Holacracy’s potential will only be realized through the       attend a 5-day advanced practitioner training to earn
                                                              the Certified Holacracy Practitioner credential.
work of bold pioneers ready and willing to take action
and make it real. And the timing for such couldn’t be         Join the Community of Practice:               Individuals
better – we stand at a unique moment in history with          working with Holacracy or exploring its underlying
a world poised for transformation. The power of               paradigm are invited to join the Holacracy Community
                                                              of Practice. Hosted by HolacracyOne, this active
organizations today is unmatched, and their capacity          online community engages in further exploration and
for driving further evolution has never been greater.         learning around Holacracy’s principles and practices,
Holacracy offers a way forward – it’s up to us to make        while experts provide support for those new to
it happen.                                                    Holacracy or improving their practice. Members are
                                                              invited to participate in highly-interactive topic-driven
                                                              dialogs each month, including regular conference
About the Author                                              calls; using novel technology, these events include
                  Brian    Robertson     is  a   seasoned     small-group break-out discussions within a larger
                  entrepreneur and business leader, with      conference call framework, leading to a highly
                                                              engaging experience for all involved.
                  a history of pioneering transformative
                  organizational techniques that challenge    Get Help Adopting: HolacracyOne can help you
                  conventional limits. His primary work       learn more about Holacracy, apply it to your
                  that led to Holacracy took place at         organization, or find a licensed Holacracy consultant
Ternary Software, an outsourced software development          to help guide the way. Whatever your needs, we’re
company he founded in 2001 and led as CEO through             here to provide support and facilitate your success in
2007.     During Mr. Robertson’s tenure as CEO, the           creating      a     next-generation,     leading-edge
company earned numerous awards and ranked among the           organization. Give us a call so we can understand
50 fastest growing private firms in the region over several   your situation and what keeps you up at night. Let us
years. Mr. Robertson left Ternary in 2008 to focus his full   help you determine if Holacracy’s practices make
attention on HolacracyOne, an organization he co-founded      sense for your organization. We can provide the
with other organizational pioneers to further develop         resources, framework, and set of tools for a
Holacracy and support its adoption across the globe. To       successful       and        sustainable      Holacracy
contact him, please visit       implementation.

                                                              For more information about Holacracy and the many
                                                              ways to get involved, please visit HolacracyOne’s
                                                              website at

 Permission to share, publish, or distribute this work is
 granted under the terms of the Creative Commons
 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
 license. For details or for a summary of key terms, please

©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC                                                                            9

Most organizations have problems.
Most of these problems can be traced back to communication and interpersonal
relationship differences.
Human Sigma Made in France optimizes organizations for being in
“The Communication Zone™
Using the tools of The Communication Zone ™, the Human Sigma Made in France
                                     Zone™                            France™
approach help “ALL EMPLOYEES become more effective in their professional roles,
          helps        EMPLOYEES”
as well as in their personal lives.
Individuals learn about their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots and as a result
have an increased sense of self mastery, self worth and self confidence. They
                              self-mastery, self-worth  self-confidence.
communicate better and their teamwork will improve.
They develop new skills that they can use with collea gues, teammates, those they
lead and manage, and those who lead and manage them, customers, suppliers,
allies, as well as their family members and friends.
Teams also learn their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. They increase their
ability to move to high performance quickly, to avoid their blind spots and
compensate for their weaknesses.
The Communication Zone™ is a zone where we are in sync with others, are
mutually understood, communication is easy and effective, miscommunication is
minimized, and conflicts are handled proactively.
All behavior communicates something and as a result every aspect of our behavior
contributes to our communication. Individual differences influence our
communications and there are three aspects to getting into The Communication
   The Key to The Communication Zone™ — Understanding Yourself and Others
   The Door into The Communication Zone™ — Making space for others,
    responding to them in ways that allow them to use their strengths and natural
   Entering The Communication Zone™ — Shifting your communication to meet
    others at their view of the world

Dr. Linda V. Berens introduces us to the next evolution of Temperament —the four
new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™, Theorist™ and Catalyst™.
Dr. Berens has developed a resource used by thousands to better understand
themselves and others. Engaging graphics and easy to-read text lead readers on a
                                             easy-to read
journey of self discovery.
Also used widely by trainers, career professionals, coaches, managers and others to
lead individuals, groups and teams through the dynamics of Temperament.
Linda Berens is renowned for taking Temperament Theory, which has been used for
over 25 centuries and describes the core values, motivations and needs of
individuals, and translating it into practical business applications.
Many corporate organizational development leaders recognize that understanding
Temperament can enhance nearly every aspect of corporate performance, from
leadership development to employee motivation and retention to creativity and
innovation to navigating change.

The challenge has been that the old names—Rational, Guardian, Artisan and
Idealist—contribute to some bias in organizations.
“We found people resonate with words they identify with,” says Berens. “Who
wouldn’t want to be called ‘Rational’ when the opposite is ‘irrational’ and being an
‘Idealist’ may not be highly valued in the ‘real’ world of balance sheets and
shareholder value.”
Over the years, people have called the four temperaments by many names.

Dr. Berens and her team selected the new names based on three core ideas —the   the
names had to be active, describe a contribution to organizations and get to the
talent as well as the core values of each temperament pattern.
The next evolution of Temperament —the four new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™,
 he                   Temperament—the
Theorist™ and Catalyst™.
Organizations can be viewed as a form of network in which webs of people interact.
In such a network, the health of the organization—its ability to grow, adapt, and
excel—can literally be reliant on a single “node” in the network, the individual.

 This notion helps explain why large organizations often find it harder than small
ones to adapt.
As the size and complexity of the network grows, the ability for organizational
alignment, effective communication and collaborative interpersonal relationships
Communication Zone performance-boosting workshops can help your organization
address several fundamental challenges by focusing on the challenge of improving
and optimizing individual performance in the following critical areas:
     Effectively communicating for meaning
     Interacting and collaborating with others
     Responsibly resolving conflicts
     Instilling and nurturing creativity
     Providing effective feedback
Esteban plays the role of the “Wise man (CEO) in the “Hertz Story
                                         man”              Hertz Story”.

   The Key to The Communication Zone™ - Understanding Yourself and Others
      o Looking through the Window (“Johari Window and seeing a “wiseman
                                     Johari Window”)             wiseman”
   The Door into The Communication Zone™ — Making space for others,
    responding to them in ways that allow them to use their strengths and natural
       o Seeing the four animals(Temperaments) or “Schools of Thought”,
          teamed together in a forest full of 16 “matrix” trees (“MBTI” type patterns
          or one of the 5 satellites of the self-discovery process).

      o   Understanding how the four animals pool their natural gifts and talents to
          use “Global Organizational Learning and Development” or the GOLD
          that they find under the rainbow in the story, to build the CLOUD or story
          that integrates both customer service (a Customer Persona is linked in
          to each of the four Temperament) and employee development.
o   Consequently, all customer service initiatives, sales training &
          management training are double linked into Training and Individual
          development and the employee/customer encounter. This allows the
          “real-time” translation of strategy into action engaging both employees
          throughout the enterprise in the process with their respective customers.

   Entering The Communication Zone™ — Shifting your communication to meet
    others at their view of the world
       o Here the story is built using the new meeting and decision making tools
          offered by the new operating system that is “Holacracy
       o The Balanced Score Card is the tool that the wise man (also CEO – who
          must be the first in the story to look through the window where he will see himself
          first as a “Wiseman” (him/herself) before seeing the wise man that is the CEO) uses
          to guide others to build his vision through storytelling.
o   This entire process takes place in real time, builds a new culture, a
          “holacracy” and gives everyone roles and accountabilities in the story.

The story then links into C stomer Experience initiatives and Employer of Choice
criteria through the building of the “Cloud” which refers to cloud computing or
pooling all resources as in the Hertz “Centre of Excellence Concept” and all training and
 ooling      resources                 “Centre               Concept ”
development structures in the field.
Catalyst™                                   Stabilizer™

                                                    (a.k.a. Guardian/SJ/Gold)
         (a.k.a. Idealist/NF/Blue)
                                            Stabilizing prevents groups and
To catalyze is to engage with others in a   institutions from falling apart. It is
way that promotes their identity without    fundamental to creating an environment
losing one’s own identity. Catalyzing is    where one can be secure in a sense of
natural to those who need to have a         belonging. It provides the means to
meaning and purpose to their lives. It is   economic security and behaving in a
the means to self-actualization.            responsible way.

               Theorist™                                  Improviser™

       (a.k.a. Rational/NT/Green)
                                                   (a.k.a. Artisan/SP/Orange)
 Understanding and developing theories
   provides the basis for mastery and       To improvise is to vary your actions to get
competence. It is fundamental to success     a result using whatever is at hand. In an
    in business as well as in school.        ever changing environment, improvising
    Businesses are built on scientific          is greatly needed. It is the ultimate
 discoveries and innovations. Theory is      expression of the freedom to respond to
the means to understanding an objective       the needs of the moment. It is also the
     truth on which to build a path to          means to create pleasant aesthetic
              achievement.                                  experiences.
                              TIMIZE            PERFORMANCE
Esteban plays the role of the “Wise man” (CEO) in the “Hertz Story”.
Dr. Linda Berens and Temperament Theory:
Dr. Linda V. Berens introduces us to the next evolution of Temperament—the four new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™, Theorist™ and Catalyst™.
Dr. Berens has developed a resource used by thousands to better understand themselves and others.

Engaging graphics and easy-to-read text lead readers on a journey of self-discovery.
Also used widely by trainers, career professionals, coaches, managers and others to lead individuals, groups and teams through the dynamics of Temperament.
Linda Berens is renowned for taking Temperament Theory, which has been used for over 2 centuries and describes the core values, motivations and needs of
individuals, and translating it into practical business applications.
Many corporate organizational development leaders recognize that understanding Temperament can enhance nearly every aspect of corporate performance,
from leadership development to employee motivation and retention to creativity and innovation to navigating change.
The challenge has been that the old names—Rational, Guardian, Artisan and Idealist—contribute to some bias in organizations.

“We found people resonate with words they identify with,” says Berens. “Who wouldn’t want to be called ‘Rational’ when the opposite is ‘irrational’ and being an
‘Idealist’ may not be highly valued in the ‘real’ world of balance sheets and shareholder value.”
Over the years, people have called the four temperaments by many names. Dr. Berens and her team selected the new names based on three core
ideas—the names had to be active, describe a contribution to organizations and get to the talent as well as the core values of each temperament

Interaction Style Theory – How we influence and interact with others.

It should be no surprise that “healthy” organizations outperform their categories on a number of performance metrics, not the least of which is
financial. There are a number of attributes that describe healthy companies. Human Sigma Made in France™ believes that three of the most critical
elements include the ability to execute consistently; the capacity for organizational resilience; and the ability to renew an organization’s purpose and

The Human Sigma Made In France™ approach is designed with this thinking in mind. The ability to understand and fully leverage the talents and
strengths of everyone in the organization and increase the level of collaboration to meet business objectives increases substantially when
individuals and teams recognize:

   1. Navigating human interpersonal dynamics of whatever sort requires the ability to recognize what each party both “needs” and wants out of
      the interaction.

   2. Creating cultural change starts with an understanding of the behaviors that currently influence the culture—and what works and what needs
      to change.

   3. Collaboration is a mind-set, not an event. Teams work together best when they learn to.

   4. The future is often not what we think—or hope—it will be.

   5. The way we work is changing. What opportunities and perils are presented changing work habits and styles?
Organizations succeed and prosper based on the capacity of their leadership and that of the teams that support these leaders. Even the best
strategies can fail if companies do not have a cadre of leaders with the right capabilities at the right levels within an organization.

Many organizations fail to recognize the leadership capacity that changing business or regulatory environments will require, let alone treat
leadership as the starting point of strategy. This oversight condemns many such endeavors to disappointment.

What is meant by "leadership"? While good managers often can deliver predictable results or the occasional incremental improvement, leaders
generate breakthroughs in performance. They create unexpected value that significantly drives them and their organizations to higher levels.

Human Sigma Made in Frances’s personalized method can help leaders with their own development as well as implementation of desired
organizational initiatives.

In addition to attention to the levels of expertise needed, Human Sigma Made in France™ also takes into consideration other aspects of the
organizational system as well as external forces. These will determine the appropriate application areas. For example e, if the systemic structures
such as standard procedures and practices, reward systems, and staff meetings are counter to the underlying philosophy and framework, the time
and money invested may not be as well spent. Human Sigma Made in France™ then guides leadership towards conducting staff meetings using a
philosophy and language consistent with the goals of the implementation plan for which Holacracy provides the new operating system for business
meetings and decision making.
Human Sigma Made In France™ recognizes that people are unique, complex, and adaptive self-organizing systems. My focus is to provide
organizations with a cost-effective approach to using personality differences information as a foundation and common thread for their corporate
initiatives and trainings.

Unlike many uses of personality typologies that use a "test and tell" approach and then label and stereotype, Human Sigma Made In France™
methodology provides a way of viewing the individual as evolving and growing, thus increasing their adaptability.

Organizations can be viewed as a form of network in which webs of people interact. In such a network, the health of the organization—its ability to
grow, adapt, and excel—can literally be reliant on a single “node” in the network, the individual.

 This notion helps explain why large organizations often find it harder than small ones to adapt. As the size and complexity of the network grows, the
ability for organizational alignment, effective communication and collaborative interpersonal relationships diminishes.

As a “Communication Zone™” Certified Facilitator, Human Sigma Made in France™ addresses several fundamental challenges by focusing on the
challenge of improving and optimizing individual performance in the following critical areas:

Levels of Expertise for Sustainability A sustainable organization-wide implementation of this approach as a common language requires having
several levels of in-house expertise. We have found the levels outlined below are critical to sustaining effective use of the language. Ongoing
external expertise is also required to ensure accurate design, effective coaching and consistent results. “Human Sigma Made In France” is uniquely
positioned to provide this training and expertise to achieve desired results in a cost-effective way.

Individual Level As the language of typology is introduced into the organization, individuals throughout the organization become more self-aware
and develop knowledge of self and others as well as the skills to use this information to communicate more effectively.

Champion Level As enthusiasm builds, some people are drawn to the framework and keep it actively alive. They become the ones who call the
language to mind when conflict arises. As middle managers typically fill this role they will ensure sustainability and lessen the potential for
resistance by those who often feel squeezed between demands of those above them and the people they are managing.
Facilitator/Trainer Level To implement this knowledge on a broad scale, it is more cost effective and more sustainable if some of these
enthusiasts become facilitators who may be MBTI® certified or licensed to use other Type Theory compatible tools. The more facilitators, the faster
the implementation process.

Organization Development/Intervention Level This role can be played by Human Sigma Made in France™ as well as internally by a key
training and development professional. Given the nature of systems, changing them from within usually requires some outside intervention since it
is hard to “see” the system of which one is a part.

Subject Matter Expert Level This is the role of Human Sigma Made in France™ - I train your facilitators, consult on design, and coach your
internal expert as well as your executives and the facilitators.
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™
Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™&  Holacracy™

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Human Sigma Made In France, The Communication Zone™& Holacracy™

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae – March 2010 Simon PENNY tells the “Human Sigma Made in France Story”: France™ Twelve months ago I was “suddenly & unexpectedly” made redundant by Hertz Europe when the Corporate Customer Experience Program for Experience which I was the Director of Mobilization, Communication and Learning was indefinitely postponed due to the economic crisis. Extremely motivated by the Customer Experience concept that the Hertz Corporation was pursuing and inspired by the Program Champion's vision and theatre approach, I decided that I would continue working independently on my vision of building an integrated customer & employee experience by using storytelling as a tool to deliver strategic initiatives in real time. I set myself the double objective of building a concept that firstly I would be proud to present to the Hertz Customer Experience Champion and that proud secondly also satisfied all the “HR Branding” requirements essential to Hertz's quest to become a “First in Class Employer of Choice” in the rental car industry.
  • 2. My concept is called Human Sigma Made in France™ and is about overlaying the same basic business processes of Lean & Six Sigma onto the human systems of the business by providing a consistent method to integrate and monitor the effectiveness of the “employee-customer” encounter. A new operating system - Holacracy - provides the disciplined process necessary to manage and improve this experience - engaging employees in the process which is laid out as a story which writes itself in real-time as strategy evolves. I set myself the objective of building an employee engagement concept that would be something that I would be proud to present to the Hertz Customer Experience Champion and that also satisfied all the “HR Branding” requirements essential to Hertz's quest to become a “First in Class Employer of Choice” in the world wide rental car industry. Hertz Corporation HR Branding objective: The Hertz Corporation is the world's largest general use car rental brand, operating from approximately 8,100 locations in 147 countries worldwide. Hertz is the number one airport car rental brand (RAC) in the U.S. and at 69 major airports in Europe, and operates both corporate and licensee locations in cities and airports in North America, Europe, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, the Company has licensee locations in cities and airports in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Hertz also operates one of the world's largest equipment rental businesses, Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation (HERC), offering a diverse line of equipment, including tools and supplies, as well as new and used equipment for sale, to customers ranging from major industrial companies to local contractors and consumers through more than 360 branches in the United States, Canada, France and Spain. Hertz is a 90-year old company with a rich legacy of industry leadership and service and with a mission to be the most efficient, high quality, customer focused company in the rental markets the company serves and moves into. In support of this mission, company is undergoing a 2+year worldwide reorganisation program (which commenced at the beginning of 2007) in order to operate more efficiently, as well as further improve customer service and employee satisfaction. Employer of choice branding initiative The Company has a stated objective to become an "Employer of Choice" in order to both attract and retain the best talent in the industry. The company has commenced a number of far-reaching initiatives to develop the company as a ' best in class' employer, and measures employee views of progress through bi-annual employee pulse surveys. Furthermore, a specialist task force within the HR group is leading a Global Employee Retention Project to address seven key areas relating to employee retention: Attracting new employees; Recruiting new employees; Integrating new employees; Rewarding employees; Growth & Career Opportunities; Managing & Engaging employees; and Separating from employees.
  • 3. To support this objective, the HR team would like to create one common identity — closely aligned with the overall identity of the global organisation — which helps convey to both internal and external audiences worldwide that Hertz is indeed an exciting and rewarding company to work for. Human Resources team branding initiative Also, as part of the overall global reorganisation of Hertz, departmental functions have been transformed to global centre’s of excellence, whereas previously the functions operated on a country or regional basis The HR function is a key example of this initiative. Previously, the HR teams in each of Hertz's company owned (corporate) countries have operated fairly autonomously, each with country-driven approaches to their own markets, and with RAC and HERC teams operating separately. Now, however, as a result of the reorganisation of the HR function, all HR employees from all countries across both RAC and HERC are part of one global HR team, which is organised into closely linked, pan geographic HR disciplines. Now that the HR function has regrouped, it needs to create one common identity for the function itself so that its messages and visual manifestation are consistent around the globe. Furthermore, this activity needs to form part of the larger employer of choice branding requirement. The overall project objectives are two-fold. Firstly, the team needs to help convey one consistent, vibrant and dynamic image of Hertz as an employer of choice to both internal and external audiences such as job candidates and recruitment companies. To support this, the output of the project needs to help further cultivate pride of the company and foster appreciation amongst both internal and external audiences (eg job candidates) that Hertz is an employer of choice. Secondly, the team would like to communicate and convey HR as one function, one team and one voice, as opposed to individual practice areas each conveying their own messaging. The HR function should be clear to the business, with one mission communicated in a fresh, lively and engaging manner. The aim is to foster internal and external understanding of the HR function, its vision and its offerings. In continuing my work, I have always held as objective that my final product must be able to be presented, in true theatrical style, to a client who “plays the role” of the Hertz Corporation Customer Experience Champion or even CEO of Hertz. So in true theatrical fashion I ask you, when you watch this presentation, to play the role of the Hertz Corporation’s Customer Experience Champion and to hither formulate any questions, queries, concerns, satisfaction or delight that you may “experience” from this perspective. Since leaving Hertz I have acquired two additional skill sets or qualifications as part of my plight to launch "Human Sigma Made in France™":
  • 4. 1. Certified Communication Zone Facilitator - (USA – April 2009). In May 2009 I was certified as a Communication Zone Facilitator – “A Common Language for Understanding Personality Differences” The Human Sigma Made in France™" approach to understanding personality differences provides a common language for understanding our natural personality diversity. Through this multifaceted approach, we can begin to understand how people have fundamental temperament differences that can lead to “stands”, value agendas and fixed ways of interacting. These differences also determine how they learn, make decisions, and develop. Our approach describes natural preferences that lead to various ways of perceiving and ways of deciding that are often critical for an organization’s success, yet, if not understood, can be the primary source of miscommunications. Effective application of this approach is not through a flavor-of-the-month workshop. It is not enough that people take a personality instrument and find out their “type.” In fact, such use of instruments will probably have unintended negative consequences.
  • 5. To be truly effective, this approach needs to be introduced in a strategic way that aligns with organizational objectives. It needs to be introduced as a common language, available to all and readily under stood. •Know Themselves — using the Temperament, Interaction Styles, and Cognitive Dynamics models •Make Space for Others — by appreciating what others need in a communication and doing those things that don’t interfere •Shift Their Communications — by communicating in the style the client most likely wants and using the words they most easily understand
  • 6. 2 . Certified Holacracy Workshop Facilitator – (USA – January - 2010). In January 2010 I became a certified "Holacracy" workshop facilitator. Holacracy is a new operating system for 21st Century Companies – Holacracy provides the new meeting and decision making processes needed to successfully implement and integrate all current organizational, transformational and developmental projects that Hertz sought to integrate into a Global Customer Experience Program managed as a theatre.. Customer Holacracy is for me a way forward to total integration of all existing projects towards a final objective outlined in the Company’s Vision, Mission and Value Statements. What is Holacracy? Holacracy is a practice for organizations that are looking to embed f practice ooking flexibility and effectiveness in their core processes, such as meetings, decision ity decision- making processes and the organizational structure. The way in which Holacracy manages this is by combining an innovative syst system of meeting practices with a number of operating principles. The result? A flexible and effective operating system with embedded adaptive capacity.
  • 7. Who is Holacracy for? Organizations that waste a Lot of energy and agility through ineffective meetings, unclear decision-making processes and a rigid organizational Structure will have much to gain from Holacracy. Holacracy can make a difference in dealing with the following questions: How do we make decisions? Who makes which decisions? How do we make changes in policy and structure? Dynamic steering enables an organization to adapt quickly and flexibly to change in and around the organization. It does so by shifting the focus away from predicting and controlling, toward building internal adaptive capacity, so the organization (-al structure) can deal with problems and opportunities in a proactive manner. In this way, Holacracy enables a much more agile way of decision making; one that’s much more in alignment with human nature. In fact, this way of steering the organization is quite similar to the way you steer a bicycle.
  • 8. The essence of Holacracy: Dynamic Steering Holacracy in practice: What’s in it for you? When an organization or team has worked with Holacracy for some time: 1. It becomes more sensitive to internal and external change, so it takes less time to become aware of problems and opportunities as they arise. And the earlier they show up on the radar, the sooner they can be dealt with. 2. It becomes more capable of rapidly integrating new insights and changes into all layers of the organization. Holacracy facilitates the transition to a dynamically steering organization, by embedding into the structure of the organization the capacity to effectively transform needs and tensions. Holacracy enables this by making it crystal clear who takes decisions on what, so there is explicit agreement on how to deal with surprises as they occur. The result is that information and awareness flow naturally to those places in the organization where decisions are most effectively taken.
  • 9. Holacracy creates an organization able to learn, because tensions that arise from a changing environment are used as direct input into the continuing development of the organization (-al structure). This process takes place at all layers, creating a resilient organization that embraces change, rather than resisting and fighting it. Such an organization can be compared to an engine which actually becomes better and stronger as sand is put in. Holacracy:  is about exploring a new tier of organization and culture that is only recently available to us and one that allows an organization to deal with tensions as they arise.  is a new organizational operating system that is a "Practice" not just a model or theory.  It includes a more organic organizational structure and provides concrete meeting and decision making processes.  The big difference is that Holacracy takes individual "egos" out of the workplace because its approach is from a new ground that is about the organization’s "Evolutionary Purpose", not about the individual employee or the people.  What's more Holacracy uses "dynamic steering" to deliver the goods in “real-time”.. Holacracy provides a “new business operating system” that is designed to be used with Lean Sigma and the 4 Lenses of the Communication Zone provide the communication skills and individual understanding- the dynamic steering process kindles employee engagement and does the rest!
  • 10. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy Holacracy One Liberating the soul of organizations™ Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy th by Brian J. Robertson – August 6 , 2009 How to achieve this shift is the leading-edge question Contents in many leading-edge movements. Several new Background & Framing ........................ 1 practices and techniques have emerged in response, Introducing Holacracy™....................... 1 though it has proven difficult to realize whole-system Beyond Predict & Control..................... 2 change by applying isolated new practices within an Organic Structure................................. 3 old organizational paradigm. Likewise, efforts to Distributed Governance ....................... 4 attain this shift via leadership development initiatives Lean Operations .................................. 5 have also proven limited, sometimes leaving more A Purpose-Driven Board ...................... 6 cynicism than progress. Organization Beyond Ego .................... 7 Conclusion ........................................... 8 To really achieve the promises of this emerging new paradigm, we will need a new organizational operating system – a fundamental upgrade to the Background & Framing core structure and processes we use to govern, organize, and execute our work. We’ll need to install Over the past two decades, dozens of thought- self-sustaining practices that manifest new capacities leaders have pointed the way to new capacities st throughout an organization, even when a majority of organizations must develop to thrive amidst our 21 the individuals within haven’t yet made the leap to century challenges. Peter Senge highlights the need this new mindset. for systems thinking and learning organizations. Gary Hamel describes radically new management In response to these challenges and needs, a new methods. Meg Wheatley calls for self-organization approach has emerged: a complete organizational and a living systems mindset. And Jim Collins shows operating system called Holacracy™. the impact of leaders who get their ego out of the way. These visionaries and many more are Introducing Holacracy™ highlighting the limits of our conventional views of Holacracy is a comprehensive practice for governing organization and leadership, and offering a glimpse and running our organizations. With its of new possibilities available to us – if we’re able to transformative structure and processes, Holacracy make the leap. integrates the collective wisdom of people throughout And making that leap is proving to be one huge the company, while aligning the organization with its challenge. Fully realizing such a shift requires broader purpose and a more organic way of embodying these leading-edge principles and ideas operating. The result is dramatically increased agility, in actual practices, across the whole organization. It transparency, innovation, and accountability. is one thing to read a book or attend a workshop and Holacracy takes the principles, ideas, and emerging leave inspired with a new vision of what’s possible in mindset articulated by cutting-edge thought leaders, organization. It’s another thing entirely to go back and instills them in the actual structures and into a broader organizational context, with its processes of the organization. It grounds them in conventional structures, processes, and patterns still practice and brings them to life. at play, and shift the whole system to actually operate The approach Holacracy takes to realizing this shift is from that new paradigm. Absorbing the mindset is comprehensive and transformative, yet equally just the beginning – the challenge then becomes honors conventional fundamentals. It is not enough moving from inspired theory held by a few, to to simply throw out current methods, however stabilized practice across an entire organization. obsolete – we must replace them with new methods which still achieve the value of the conventional, plus ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 1
  • 11. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy much more. Static predict-and-control management pursuing a general aim by adapting continuously in methods must give way to a more dynamic and light of real data about present reality. adaptable approach. This requires shifting rigid top- down power hierarchies into a more responsive Organizationally, dynamic steering means organic structure, and then using that new structure establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer to distribute governance and capture learning points throughout the company’s operations. This throughout the entire organization. That means allows planning and decision-making processes to surfacing a great deal of feedback, so slow meetings focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and and painful decision-making must be replaced with then letting reality inform the next step, rather than an approach that rapidly integrates key perspectives agonizing about what “might” happen in an effort to from multiple people. The organization’s operational conjure up a theoretical “best” decision that still processes can then take advantage of this newfound doesn’t quite get it right. Dynamic steering frees agility to harness innovation and deliver superior teams to move swiftly from discussion and planning results. To avoid all of this falling apart in a clash of to actually testing decisions in reality and learning egos, the organization will need a compelling from the results. Plans which start out imperfect purpose that invites everyone to serve something become well-aligned with actual needs through a larger than themselves, and a purpose-driven board continual process of facing reality and incorporating to anchor it. Sustaining this over time will require feedback. new language and meaning-making in the culture, to This mindset shift is core to Holacracy, however help uproot deeply-entrenched mental models that actually transitioning from static control to dynamic are limiting in light of the new reality Holacracy offers. steering takes quite a bit more than just new principles. Holacracy embeds this shift into the core Beyond Predict & Control of an organization by installing a more organic Most modern leadership and management structure, along with concrete decision-making and techniques are based on a predict-and-control management processes which embody dynamic paradigm. This mindset asks those in leadership steering principles. This provides several immediate roles to anticipate and design the best path to benefits, such as ultra-efficient meetings, and sparks achieve pre-defined goals in advance, and then a process of organizational evolution to generate control for any deviations to the prescribed plan. This deeper learning and transformation over time. approach matured through the first half of the twentieth century and worked well enough in the relatively simple and static environments faced by organizations of that era. Today, our predict-and- The Development of Holacracy control techniques are struggling to keep up with the Holacracy was initially pioneered hands-on in an award-winning technology company between 2001 agility and innovation required in a landscape of rapid and 2006. The company’s leadership continually change and dynamic complexity. They’re also failing experimented with new methods of organizing and to ignite the passion and creativity of a new working together, and integrated ideas and generation of workers demanding greater meaning techniques from many cutting-edge movements and thought-leaders. The resulting system made its and purpose in their work. public debut in 2006 via interviews and writings, including an article in the Wall Street Journal. In today’s environment, steering an organization with Holacracy has continued to evolve and spread in the predict-and-control methods is akin to riding a bicycle years since under the stewardship of HolacracyOne, by pointing in the right direction, then holding the an organization created to further develop the method and bring it to the world. It is now an handlebars rigid and pedaling, eyes closed. international movement with many certified Holacracy helps an organization find more dynamic practitioners and consultants supporting its growth methods for steering its work, to gradually shift the and catalyzing its adoption. company from predict-and-control, to experiment- and-adapt, and finally to true sense-and-respond. Like riding a bicycle, dynamic steering involves ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 2
  • 12. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy Organic Structure together into a “holarchy” – a natural hierarchy of increasing scope. Thus, more broadly focused When large-scale predict-and-control corporations th circles can encompass multiple sub-circles. For first emerged in the 19 century, they needed a way example, a department circle might include multiple to apply their control paradigm across a large number team sub-circles, and multiple department circles of people. That gave rise to the organizational might themselves integrate together in a yet-broader structure still commonly in use today: the typical top- whole-company circle. down power hierarchy, where work is organized, directed, and managed by those above and Double Linking performed to spec by those below. While this structure lends itself quite well to more static predict- Each circle within this organizational holarchy is and-control steering, an organization trying to scale linked to its broader circle by two individuals who dynamic steering beyond a single team will need a work within both connected circles. One of these more adaptable alternative. The challenge is finding links, called a “Lead Link”, is appointed by the a structure which provides both local responsiveness broader circle to carry its needs to the sub-circle and whole-system alignment, and works across ten (similar to a traditional manager). The other half of people or ten thousand. this double-link, called a “Representative Link” or “Rep Link”, is elected by the sub-circle via a unique Holacracy provides the needed upgrade. Its election process, and represents the context of the structure is built of “circles”, where each circle has a sub-circle within the broader circle. Both links take specific scope, and integrates the work of multiple part in the governance and operations of both members within that scope around a given purpose. connected circles. Thus, a circle might wrap a specific project, product, department, business line, or a general function of the organization. Each circle has the autonomy and Double Linking authority to define and evolve the roles, Department Circle accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to appoints a Lead Link to organize and govern its operations in service of its serve on its sub-circle Department purpose. Circle Despite this autonomy, circles are not fully independent of each other: they are organized Team Circle Team Circle appoints a From Hierarchy to Holarchy Rep Link to serve on its broader circle CEO General Company Circle This double-linking structure continues throughout Department Lead … the organizational holarchy, one layer at a time, Department Circle creating bidirectional pathways for alignment and Team Lead Team Lead feedback. Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Team Members Team Members Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader Team Team context, while guarding the autonomy and Circle Circle sustainability of the sub-circle within that A traditional structure can be converted to an initial environment. Rather than managers trying to fulfill holarchy by drawing a circle around each layer on the both needs and ending up stuck in the middle, org chart, then clarifying the scope & purpose of each. ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 3
  • 13. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy Holacracy separates these roles and gives each a governance meetings of each circle, during which its clear focus and voice in the organizational structure. members refine the operating structure of the circle based on new information and experiences that arise Distributed Governance while getting the work done. Each person working In every organization, on virtually every team, there within the circle’s scope takes part and has a voice, are questions that must be answered for the while the broader circle is represented via its members to work together effectively. For example: appointed lead link, and sub-circles are represented What activities are needed to achieve the group’s via their elected rep links. These meetings happen goals and who will perform them? How much regularly, replacing the all-too-familiar need for large autonomy will each team member have, and within and disruptive “reorganizations” with rapid and what limits or requirements? How will various incremental adaptation in light of real data. decisions facing the team get made? How will tasks On a human level, regular governance meetings can be defined and assigned? What overarching transform the emotional tone on a team. Lack of guidelines or policies will be followed? clarity around governance leaves everyone with These are all questions of governance, about how implicit expectations about who should be doing what the group will organize together – their answers and how they should be doing it. Without a defined define authorities and expectations within the group. governance process the tendency is to make up Conventionally, an explicit governance framework to negative stories about others or toss around blame answer these questions exists only at the top, but when these unspoken assumptions clash, neither of these questions are just as relevant on the shop floor which help move the organization forward. With as they are in the board room. And the people governance meetings introduced, team members working on the front lines are often better positioned now have a forum for channeling the frustration of to drive continual improvements within their context misaligned expectations into organizational learning and monitor the results day-to-day. But without an and continual improvement. Playing politics loses its explicit governance process for each team these utility, and personal drama gives way to a more opportunities to improve organizational patterns will authentic discussion of how to consciously evolve the remain largely at the top. organization in light of its goals and broader purpose in the world. This is where we see most organizations today, with a lack of capacity to harness input and capture Integrating Perspectives learning throughout the organization. All too often, Holacracy’s governance meetings surface input and this leaves workers in a space of vulnerability and ideas from multiple people, and where there are disconnection, with no healthy or useful outlet for multiple people there are multiple perspectives. As improving the status quo. At the same time, those at with any team, integrating diverse views provides a the top who hold the reigns face a space of more accurate and complete map of reality, allowing overwhelming complexity and overload, with more more informed decisions and better navigation of the challenges and information than they can effectively territory ahead. Yet, on most teams, critical process. In contrast, Holacracy distributes the job of perspectives are often ignored or dismissed when evolving the organization across the entire company. they’re not shared by the leader or by the majority – This decreases the overload at the top and the it’s like flying an airplane and ignoring the fuel gauge disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new just because other instruments don’t report a capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the problem. When people tune into different information organization. in service of evolving the organization, there is significant value in integrating their views. Governance Meetings With Holacracy installed, each circle throughout the At the same time, attempting to integrate every organizational holarchy has the autonomy to govern perspective of every team member into every operations within its scope. This happens in explicit decision would be just as dysfunctional as outvoting ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 4
  • 14. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy the fuel gauge. Most decisions faced day-to-day are time, all circle members have the ability to fall-back relatively simple and pose minimal risk – they are on the integrative decision-making process to further most effectively made by one person autocratically. refine these grants and limits of authority, as tensions Always seeking consensus would be a crippling naturally arise during the course of work. The waste of time, and a recipe for ego to take over and structure and rules of the process ensure that these dominate the organization’s broader purpose. Thus, tensions are channeled towards achieving the circle’s there is also significant value in delegating autocratic purpose, and that any destructive behavior has no authority to an individual and deferring to their best space or impact. The effect of this is at once judgment rather than using an integrative process. profoundly impersonal – it’s about the purpose, not The challenge lies in determining when to use each. the people – and yet it enables uncommonly deep levels of trust and connection among the participants. To address these seeming contradictions, Holacracy makes a distinction between governance and Lean Operations operations. Governance meetings use Holacracy’s structured integrative decision-making process to Governance meetings provide a forum for each circle give everyone a voice and rapidly integrate multiple to consciously evolve its approach to getting work perspectives. However, rather than using this group done operationally. While that’s a great start, the process to make specific decisions to resolve tactical circle must also transform how it manages these issues, the outputs of the integrative process are operational projects and processes before it can always about governance – about how the circle will leave its predict-and-control heritage behind. To truly structure itself so that tactical decision-making is steer dynamically, a circle also needs operational smooth and effective, without the need for a whole- management and meeting practices that are fast, circle decision-making process. Thus, integrative efficient, and lightweight. These must stay grounded decision-making in Holacracy is used to define space in real data and next-actions to help everyone for autocratic control and individual action in specific involved face reality at every moment and adapt areas, along with appropriate boundaries on such rapidly. control. There is no single answer to exactly what this shift means for every circle – the natural expression of Roles & Accountabilities these dynamic management principles will depend on One key output of the integrative process used in a the nature of the work undertaken. However, circle’s governance meetings are the roles and Holacracy does provide default answers in the form accountabilities needed to break down the work of of template meetings and management methods for the circle. For example, a circle in charge of leaner operations, including two new regular delivering trainings could use the integrative decision- meetings for each circle: a tactical meeting and a making process to define a role which is about stand-up meeting. Both are operationally focused, handling the logistics for its events. It might then designed to synchronize the circle members around delegate the accountability and the authority for the next-actions each will take and remove any researching and selecting venues for events to roadblocks to effective execution. These default whomever fills this role. However, the circle might templates embody Holacracy’s principles and work also add a limit to this authority, perhaps requiring the well enough for most circles most of the time, and role-holder also ensure any venue so chosen meets adopting them begins the shift to leaner and more key requirements determined by the event’s dynamic operations. They provide a starting point presenter and the circle’s marketing role. which the circle can further evolve over time using its governance process. With roles, accountabilities, and authorities defined concretely using an integrative process, the circle Most meetings in Holacracy are held with a different empowers its members to go get the circle’s work frequency or heartbeat, meant to align with natural done and make specific decisions in service of that rhythms of getting work done in the circle. Stand-up work outside of a governance meeting. At the same meetings are typically daily, tactical meetings weekly, ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 5
  • 15. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy and governance meetings are usually monthly. Many forum for celebrating progress and focus everyone on circles will also need a meeting at a less-frequent accomplishing the most important work to move the heartbeat to focus on bigger-picture issues, such as a team forward. quarterly or annual strategy meeting. A Purpose-Driven Board Weekly Tactical Meetings In most for-profit companies today, control of the Weekly tactical meetings are fast-paced forums to organization vests ultimately with the shareholders or synchronize team members for the week and triage their representatives, such as a Board of Directors. any issues which are preventing forward progress. The purpose of the organization is legally defined as They start with a process of surfacing information, generating financial returns for these shareholders, including a review of metrics and other real data to and the directors and managers are there to align the get a picture of the circle’s current reality. Then an organization with this aim. This approach served well agenda is built on the fly of specific tactical topics for for a time, however in recent years we’ve seen the the meeting, based on what’s relevant now that limits of this model in very tangible ways – from huge requires discussion or synchronization across circle accounting scandals and fraud, to the large-scale members. The circle proceeds through each item in externalization of social and environmental impacts. turn, with a hard rule that they must finish the entire Our core model for organizational purpose and list within the time allotted, without exception – and board-level control needs an upgrade. even moderately-skilled circles using this meeting process are able to do so reliably and effectively. Economic profit is one of the best metrics for any organization to monitor, for-profit or non-profit. It is The speed of tactical meetings is enabled by the one measure of whether the organization is creating driving focus and key output of the meeting, which is more value in the world than it is consuming. a list of next-actions and the owner of each. Each However, profit is just a metric, not a purpose. But topic is discussed as briefly as possible to identify with a board composed entirely of shareholder what the next action should be, and then the representatives, profit is very likely to get mistaken discussion is done and the meeting moves on. This for such. Likewise, many non-profits face the clear and simple output grounds the meeting and opposite challenge and miss the importance of profit keeps it moving. If circle members feel tension about entirely. Organizations running with Holacracy are deeper patterns at play, they don’t need to discuss first and foremost purpose-driven, regardless of their them here – they can bring them to a governance tax structure, with all activities ultimately flowing from meeting with confidence that the integrative process and for the sake of realizing the organization’s will address them. Likewise, questions about larger broader purpose. strategic issues can be deferred to a strategy meeting, without distracting from the speed and focus To truly embody this shift, ultimate control of the of the tactical meeting. organization can no longer vest with shareholders alone; or, in the case of non-profits, with any other Daily Stand-up Meetings single membership or constituency group. Instead, Holacracy vests ultimate control of the organization A stand-up meeting is a quick synchronization across fully with its board, and the board holds one circle members, lasting 15 minutes or less, and representative for each major context the literally done with everyone standing up. They organization works within or substantially affects. typically focus on each person in turn answering One board seat holds a representative elected by the three simple questions for their peers: What did you investors to represent their context and needs, while get done yesterday, what do you plan to get done other seats may represent the organization’s today, and is anything in your way? When held daily, industry, the environment, a social movement, or these meetings establish a fast-pace and regular whatever else is appropriate given the organization’s cadence for the team, while enhancing transparency work in the world. The board also defines how it will and peer-to-peer accountability. They provide a fill each seat, and whenever practical defers to ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 6
  • 16. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy outside groups representing its contexts to fill people involved then become stewards of this new relevant seats. Two final board seats hold a lead link entity. Like healthy parents supporting a child’s appointed by the board to lead the organization, and journey, their job is get their own desires out of the a rep link elected to the board from the broadest way so that the organization can express its unique circle within the organization. purpose and deepest creative potential in life. With these diverse perspectives in place and a This focus on an evolutionary potential beyond process to integrate them, the board is now poised to serving human ego is a deep but subtle shift tackle questions both difficult and deep. What does embedded within Holacracy. Its processes help to the world need this organization to be, and what does differentiate the organizational entity from the people it need to be in the world? What is its unique connected to it, while also integrating them more purpose, its contribution to bringing something novel effectively into a new relationship grounded in mutual to life, to furthering creativity and evolution? The freedom and support. Where today’s progressive needs of shareholders and other stakeholders remain people-centric view of organizations can become important constraints, however with Holacracy narcissistic and self-limiting, Holacracy’s focus offers installed it is this deeper evolutionary purpose that a more liberating ground – inviting people to serve ultimately rules and pulls the organization forward. something larger than themselves, larger even than The board’s job is to guide the organization on its the collective, for the sake of evolution’s further own path in life on behalf of the evolutionary process unfolding. This is the ultimate aim of Holacracy – to itself, not control it on behalf of stakeholders. liberate the organization to become a direct expression of evolution in action, creativity Organization Beyond Ego unleashed, free from the shackles of serving human Holacracy’s purpose-driven paradigm echoes from ego. the board throughout the rest of the organization, with each circle pursuing a circle-specific purpose that Subtle Language Practice represents one aspect necessary to realize the Working together without human ego getting in the organization’s overall purpose. Every circle in a way requires as much change to an organization’s company practicing Holacracy is thus driven by an human culture as it does to its structure and evolutionary purpose. This is a shift beyond even the processes. These transformations go hand-in-hand, stakeholder-driven paradigm employed by many each a reflection of the other, both supporting a progressive companies today, which holds that an deeper shift to a new tier of human organization. organization exists primarily to serve all its Just as Holacracy’s governance and operational stakeholders, not just the shareholders. While this methods shift an organization’s tangible processes, approach is more inclusive, it still sees the Holacracy offers a powerful tool to deepen and organization as simply a collective construct all about transform its cultural space as well: new language. serving the people – human ego still dominates the Language is an expression of our underlying mindset organization. and mental models; it both reflects and reinforces our Holacracy integrates the need to honor reasonable thinking and meaning-making. Holacracy suggests constraints of stakeholder groups, while still new ways to think about organization, and maintaining the organization’s independence from consciously practicing new language patterns helps them. Rather than treating the organization as facilitate an underlying shift in mindset. This “subtle property, even shared property, Holacracy helps it language practice” of Holacracy shows up in many find its own purpose – not just a purpose that’s “all ways – we talk about integrating perspectives, not about the people”, but one that is genuinely debating opinions; roles we fill, not what we are; an evolutionary, about helping the world move forward organization’s investors, not its owners; for the sake of the future. This approach recognizes accountabilities, not responsibilities; descriptive role the organization as its own individual living system, names, not VP’s, SVP’s, or other status-based titles; akin to a new form of life. The stakeholders and next-actions, not what-by-when’s. The list goes on, ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 7
  • 17. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy each an expression of the new consciousness that underlies Holacracy, and a tool for reinforcing it individually and collectively. “ Why comeevery time I ask for a pair of hands, they is it with a brain attached? ” Holacracy’s subtle language practice enhances a - Henry Ford, Pioneer of Mass Production, c. 1908 group’s ability to perceive the mechanisms of ego and tease apart the real information behind them, making it easier to integrate the usefulness of ego “ Holacracy inspiresminds, andtotheir souls –with their hands, their workers contribute all while setting aside its hold on the organization. In for what Ford paid just for the hands. ” - Jeroen Maes, Holacracy Consultant, c. 2008 addition to Holacracy’s language shifts, many existing theories and models can also be used to complement this aim by providing new distinctions and embedding them in the culture. Over time, the right shift in with these new methods in place, the organization language helps humans get out of their own way, and will still be using many of the same operational moves the organization closer to becoming a true processes to get its work done – the same budgeting agent of evolution. processes, hiring processes, project management processes, etc., all based on a predict and control Conclusion model. Holacracy simply starts an evolutionary process; the real transformation will only occur with Holacracy is a complete and practical system for regular sustained practice over time, as the evolving our fundamental approach to organization organization evolves its many specific processes to and management. It embeds dynamic steering take advantage of the new capacities now available. principles into the core of the organization, and Like sports, meditation, or medicine, Holacracy is a installs a more organic structure of semi- practice – mastering it will take sustained effort, autonomous, self-organizing teams. It distributes patience, and discipline, along with significant governance across all teams, and adds bi-directional practice. double-links to carry feedback and control across organizational layers. It distributes authority using an Looking forward, Holacracy’s new paradigm offers integrative decision-making process that gives opportunities for deeper societal transformation if a everyone a voice, without the tyranny of consensus, significant number of organizations make the leap. while still allowing for autocratic control and individual HolacracyOne has already developed formal bylaws action. It reframes operational processes around which establish Holacracy as an entity’s legally- rapid action and dynamic responsiveness in tight enforceable governance system. Adopting them feedback loops, with regular tactical meetings makes Holacracy’s board structure and purpose- focused on quickly identifying next-actions and driven paradigm a legal reality, not just an espoused removing obstacles. And it aligns the organization ideal. It also encodes Holacracy’s organic structure, around a larger evolutionary purpose beyond ego, distributed governance, and integrative decision- anchored at the board level and then broken down making systems into the formal power structure of the and distributed throughout the company and its company. culture. Each aspect of Holacracy supports and is supported by the others. Taken together they offer The bylaws also pave the way for a legally-grounded not just an incremental improvement but a alternative to much of what our broader societal fundamental transformation, a vertical leap to a new governments currently try to achieve. With Holacracy tier of organization. in place, an organization can be created specifically to steward and govern a shared context and better Actually getting there is another matter. For integrate the organizations working within that organizations seeking to transform with Holacracy, context via a double-link between the context and adopting its core structure and practices marks the each of its member organizations. The broader beginning of the journey, not the end. At first, even organization would have its own purpose, would govern itself with Holacracy, and could itself grow into ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 8
  • 18. Holacracy One Organization Evolved: Introducing Holacracy a larger holarchy, doubly-linked with yet-broader contexts. Overall, this would create a new distributed Next-Steps with Holacracy governance meshwork with bi-directional control and Introducing HolacracyOne feedback processes embedded throughout. Its fractal structure would overlay current governmental There are many ways to move forward with Holacracy or get involved in the growing Holacracy movement: paradigms and easily span across national boundaries – it has the potential to unite the world in Attend an Event: HolacracyOne hosts regular a truly global governance paradigm, and allow trainings and events, from short webinars to full coordinated and cohesive action in the face of certification trainings. A great next-step is to attend a live 2-day workshop to build deeper understanding daunting global challenges. and gain first-hand experience of Holacracy in action; or, if you can’t make it in-person, consider joining an Whether the motivation is to improve a single interactive online version of the workshop instead. organization or transform world governance, From there, those looking for deeper expertise can Holacracy’s potential will only be realized through the attend a 5-day advanced practitioner training to earn the Certified Holacracy Practitioner credential. work of bold pioneers ready and willing to take action and make it real. And the timing for such couldn’t be Join the Community of Practice: Individuals better – we stand at a unique moment in history with working with Holacracy or exploring its underlying a world poised for transformation. The power of paradigm are invited to join the Holacracy Community of Practice. Hosted by HolacracyOne, this active organizations today is unmatched, and their capacity online community engages in further exploration and for driving further evolution has never been greater. learning around Holacracy’s principles and practices, Holacracy offers a way forward – it’s up to us to make while experts provide support for those new to it happen. Holacracy or improving their practice. Members are invited to participate in highly-interactive topic-driven dialogs each month, including regular conference About the Author calls; using novel technology, these events include Brian Robertson is a seasoned small-group break-out discussions within a larger entrepreneur and business leader, with conference call framework, leading to a highly engaging experience for all involved. a history of pioneering transformative organizational techniques that challenge Get Help Adopting: HolacracyOne can help you conventional limits. His primary work learn more about Holacracy, apply it to your that led to Holacracy took place at organization, or find a licensed Holacracy consultant Ternary Software, an outsourced software development to help guide the way. Whatever your needs, we’re company he founded in 2001 and led as CEO through here to provide support and facilitate your success in 2007. During Mr. Robertson’s tenure as CEO, the creating a next-generation, leading-edge company earned numerous awards and ranked among the organization. Give us a call so we can understand 50 fastest growing private firms in the region over several your situation and what keeps you up at night. Let us years. Mr. Robertson left Ternary in 2008 to focus his full help you determine if Holacracy’s practices make attention on HolacracyOne, an organization he co-founded sense for your organization. We can provide the with other organizational pioneers to further develop resources, framework, and set of tools for a Holacracy and support its adoption across the globe. To successful and sustainable Holacracy contact him, please visit implementation. For more information about Holacracy and the many ways to get involved, please visit HolacracyOne’s website at Permission to share, publish, or distribute this work is granted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States license. For details or for a summary of key terms, please see: ©2009 Brian J. Robertson – Some Rights Reserved Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC 9
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  • 23. HUMAN SIGMA MADE IN FRANCE ™– INTEGRATING THE EMPLOYEE AND CUSTOMER ENCOUNTER WITH THE COMMUNICATION ZONE™ & HOLACRACY™ Most organizations have problems. Most of these problems can be traced back to communication and interpersonal relationship differences.
  • 24. Human Sigma Made in France optimizes organizations for being in France™ “The Communication Zone™ The Using the tools of The Communication Zone ™, the Human Sigma Made in France Zone™ France™ approach help “ALL EMPLOYEES become more effective in their professional roles, helps EMPLOYEES” as well as in their personal lives. Individuals learn about their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots and as a result learn have an increased sense of self mastery, self worth and self confidence. They self-mastery, self-worth self-confidence. communicate better and their teamwork will improve. They develop new skills that they can use with collea gues, teammates, those they colleagues, lead and manage, and those who lead and manage them, customers, suppliers, allies, as well as their family members and friends. Teams also learn their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. They increase their ability to move to high performance quickly, to avoid their blind spots and to compensate for their weaknesses. The Communication Zone™ is a zone where we are in sync with others, are mutually understood, communication is easy and effective, miscommunication is minimized, and conflicts are handled proactively. All behavior communicates something and as a result every aspect of our behavior contributes to our communication. Individual differences influence our communications and there are three aspects to getting into The Communication Communication Zone™: Zone™  The Key to The Communication Zone™ — Understanding Yourself and Others  The Door into The Communication Zone™ — Making space for others, responding to them in ways that allow them to use their strengths and natural preferences  Entering The Communication Zone™ — Shifting your communication to meet others at their view of the world Dr. Linda V. Berens introduces us to the next evolution of Temperament —the four —the new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™, Theorist™ and Catalyst™. Theorist™ Dr. Berens has developed a resource used by thousands to better understand themselves and others. Engaging graphics and easy to-read text lead readers on a easy-to read journey of self discovery. self-discovery.
  • 25. Also used widely by trainers, career professionals, coaches, managers and others to lead individuals, groups and teams through the dynamics of Temperament. Linda Berens is renowned for taking Temperament Theory, which has been used for over 25 centuries and describes the core values, motivations and needs of individuals, and translating it into practical business applications. Many corporate organizational development leaders recognize that understanding Temperament can enhance nearly every aspect of corporate performance, from leadership development to employee motivation and retention to creativity and innovation to navigating change. The challenge has been that the old names—Rational, Guardian, Artisan and Idealist—contribute to some bias in organizations. “We found people resonate with words they identify with,” says Berens. “Who wouldn’t want to be called ‘Rational’ when the opposite is ‘irrational’ and being an ‘Idealist’ may not be highly valued in the ‘real’ world of balance sheets and shareholder value.”
  • 26. Over the years, people have called the four temperaments by many names. Dr. Berens and her team selected the new names based on three core ideas —the the names had to be active, describe a contribution to organizations and get to the talent as well as the core values of each temperament pattern. core The next evolution of Temperament —the four new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™, he Temperament—the Theorist™ and Catalyst™.
  • 27. The Self Discovery Process: OPTIMIZE INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE Organizations can be viewed as a form of network in which webs of people interact. In such a network, the health of the organization—its ability to grow, adapt, and excel—can literally be reliant on a single “node” in the network, the individual. This notion helps explain why large organizations often find it harder than small ones to adapt. As the size and complexity of the network grows, the ability for organizational alignment, effective communication and collaborative interpersonal relationships diminishes. Communication Zone performance-boosting workshops can help your organization address several fundamental challenges by focusing on the challenge of improving and optimizing individual performance in the following critical areas:  Effectively communicating for meaning  Interacting and collaborating with others  Responsibly resolving conflicts  Instilling and nurturing creativity  Providing effective feedback
  • 28. Esteban plays the role of the “Wise man (CEO) in the “Hertz Story man” Hertz Story”.  The Key to The Communication Zone™ - Understanding Yourself and Others o Looking through the Window (“Johari Window and seeing a “wiseman Johari Window”) wiseman” (yourself).
  • 29. The Door into The Communication Zone™ — Making space for others, responding to them in ways that allow them to use their strengths and natural preferences o Seeing the four animals(Temperaments) or “Schools of Thought”, teamed together in a forest full of 16 “matrix” trees (“MBTI” type patterns or one of the 5 satellites of the self-discovery process). o Understanding how the four animals pool their natural gifts and talents to use “Global Organizational Learning and Development” or the GOLD that they find under the rainbow in the story, to build the CLOUD or story that integrates both customer service (a Customer Persona is linked in to each of the four Temperament) and employee development.
  • 30. o Consequently, all customer service initiatives, sales training & management training are double linked into Training and Individual development and the employee/customer encounter. This allows the “real-time” translation of strategy into action engaging both employees throughout the enterprise in the process with their respective customers.  Entering The Communication Zone™ — Shifting your communication to meet others at their view of the world o Here the story is built using the new meeting and decision making tools offered by the new operating system that is “Holacracy o The Balanced Score Card is the tool that the wise man (also CEO – who must be the first in the story to look through the window where he will see himself first as a “Wiseman” (him/herself) before seeing the wise man that is the CEO) uses to guide others to build his vision through storytelling.
  • 31. o This entire process takes place in real time, builds a new culture, a “holacracy” and gives everyone roles and accountabilities in the story. The story then links into C stomer Experience initiatives and Employer of Choice Customer criteria through the building of the “Cloud” which refers to cloud computing or pooling all resources as in the Hertz “Centre of Excellence Concept” and all training and ooling resources “Centre Concept ” development structures in the field.
  • 32. Catalyst™ Stabilizer™ (a.k.a. Guardian/SJ/Gold) (a.k.a. Idealist/NF/Blue) Stabilizing prevents groups and To catalyze is to engage with others in a institutions from falling apart. It is way that promotes their identity without fundamental to creating an environment losing one’s own identity. Catalyzing is where one can be secure in a sense of natural to those who need to have a belonging. It provides the means to meaning and purpose to their lives. It is economic security and behaving in a the means to self-actualization. responsible way. Theorist™ Improviser™ (a.k.a. Rational/NT/Green) (a.k.a. Artisan/SP/Orange) Understanding and developing theories provides the basis for mastery and To improvise is to vary your actions to get competence. It is fundamental to success a result using whatever is at hand. In an in business as well as in school. ever changing environment, improvising Businesses are built on scientific is greatly needed. It is the ultimate discoveries and innovations. Theory is expression of the freedom to respond to the means to understanding an objective the needs of the moment. It is also the truth on which to build a path to means to create pleasant aesthetic achievement. experiences.
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  • 35. Esteban plays the role of the “Wise man” (CEO) in the “Hertz Story”.
  • 36. Dr. Linda Berens and Temperament Theory: Dr. Linda V. Berens introduces us to the next evolution of Temperament—the four new terms: Improviser™, Stabilizer™, Theorist™ and Catalyst™. Dr. Berens has developed a resource used by thousands to better understand themselves and others. Engaging graphics and easy-to-read text lead readers on a journey of self-discovery. Also used widely by trainers, career professionals, coaches, managers and others to lead individuals, groups and teams through the dynamics of Temperament. Linda Berens is renowned for taking Temperament Theory, which has been used for over 2 centuries and describes the core values, motivations and needs of individuals, and translating it into practical business applications. Many corporate organizational development leaders recognize that understanding Temperament can enhance nearly every aspect of corporate performance, from leadership development to employee motivation and retention to creativity and innovation to navigating change. The challenge has been that the old names—Rational, Guardian, Artisan and Idealist—contribute to some bias in organizations. “We found people resonate with words they identify with,” says Berens. “Who wouldn’t want to be called ‘Rational’ when the opposite is ‘irrational’ and being an ‘Idealist’ may not be highly valued in the ‘real’ world of balance sheets and shareholder value.”
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  • 38. Over the years, people have called the four temperaments by many names. Dr. Berens and her team selected the new names based on three core ideas—the names had to be active, describe a contribution to organizations and get to the talent as well as the core values of each temperament pattern. Interaction Style Theory – How we influence and interact with others. It should be no surprise that “healthy” organizations outperform their categories on a number of performance metrics, not the least of which is financial. There are a number of attributes that describe healthy companies. Human Sigma Made in France™ believes that three of the most critical elements include the ability to execute consistently; the capacity for organizational resilience; and the ability to renew an organization’s purpose and behaviors. The Human Sigma Made In France™ approach is designed with this thinking in mind. The ability to understand and fully leverage the talents and strengths of everyone in the organization and increase the level of collaboration to meet business objectives increases substantially when individuals and teams recognize: 1. Navigating human interpersonal dynamics of whatever sort requires the ability to recognize what each party both “needs” and wants out of the interaction. 2. Creating cultural change starts with an understanding of the behaviors that currently influence the culture—and what works and what needs to change. 3. Collaboration is a mind-set, not an event. Teams work together best when they learn to. 4. The future is often not what we think—or hope—it will be. 5. The way we work is changing. What opportunities and perils are presented changing work habits and styles?
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  • 43. Organizations succeed and prosper based on the capacity of their leadership and that of the teams that support these leaders. Even the best strategies can fail if companies do not have a cadre of leaders with the right capabilities at the right levels within an organization. Many organizations fail to recognize the leadership capacity that changing business or regulatory environments will require, let alone treat leadership as the starting point of strategy. This oversight condemns many such endeavors to disappointment. What is meant by "leadership"? While good managers often can deliver predictable results or the occasional incremental improvement, leaders generate breakthroughs in performance. They create unexpected value that significantly drives them and their organizations to higher levels. Human Sigma Made in Frances’s personalized method can help leaders with their own development as well as implementation of desired organizational initiatives. In addition to attention to the levels of expertise needed, Human Sigma Made in France™ also takes into consideration other aspects of the organizational system as well as external forces. These will determine the appropriate application areas. For example e, if the systemic structures such as standard procedures and practices, reward systems, and staff meetings are counter to the underlying philosophy and framework, the time and money invested may not be as well spent. Human Sigma Made in France™ then guides leadership towards conducting staff meetings using a philosophy and language consistent with the goals of the implementation plan for which Holacracy provides the new operating system for business meetings and decision making.
  • 44. Human Sigma Made In France™ recognizes that people are unique, complex, and adaptive self-organizing systems. My focus is to provide organizations with a cost-effective approach to using personality differences information as a foundation and common thread for their corporate initiatives and trainings. Unlike many uses of personality typologies that use a "test and tell" approach and then label and stereotype, Human Sigma Made In France™ methodology provides a way of viewing the individual as evolving and growing, thus increasing their adaptability. Organizations can be viewed as a form of network in which webs of people interact. In such a network, the health of the organization—its ability to grow, adapt, and excel—can literally be reliant on a single “node” in the network, the individual. This notion helps explain why large organizations often find it harder than small ones to adapt. As the size and complexity of the network grows, the ability for organizational alignment, effective communication and collaborative interpersonal relationships diminishes. As a “Communication Zone™” Certified Facilitator, Human Sigma Made in France™ addresses several fundamental challenges by focusing on the challenge of improving and optimizing individual performance in the following critical areas: Levels of Expertise for Sustainability A sustainable organization-wide implementation of this approach as a common language requires having several levels of in-house expertise. We have found the levels outlined below are critical to sustaining effective use of the language. Ongoing external expertise is also required to ensure accurate design, effective coaching and consistent results. “Human Sigma Made In France” is uniquely positioned to provide this training and expertise to achieve desired results in a cost-effective way. Individual Level As the language of typology is introduced into the organization, individuals throughout the organization become more self-aware and develop knowledge of self and others as well as the skills to use this information to communicate more effectively. Champion Level As enthusiasm builds, some people are drawn to the framework and keep it actively alive. They become the ones who call the language to mind when conflict arises. As middle managers typically fill this role they will ensure sustainability and lessen the potential for resistance by those who often feel squeezed between demands of those above them and the people they are managing.
  • 45. Facilitator/Trainer Level To implement this knowledge on a broad scale, it is more cost effective and more sustainable if some of these enthusiasts become facilitators who may be MBTI® certified or licensed to use other Type Theory compatible tools. The more facilitators, the faster the implementation process. Organization Development/Intervention Level This role can be played by Human Sigma Made in France™ as well as internally by a key training and development professional. Given the nature of systems, changing them from within usually requires some outside intervention since it is hard to “see” the system of which one is a part. Subject Matter Expert Level This is the role of Human Sigma Made in France™ - I train your facilitators, consult on design, and coach your internal expert as well as your executives and the facilitators.