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The Death Penalty Preserves Human Dignity Essay
America's million dollar question is should capital punishment be allowed? Americans have been
blindsided with decisions about the death penalty; in the past many have agreed with the punishment
due to lack of knowledge on the issue. Today, information on capital punishment is everywhere. I
agreed with most of America on the issue; it should be allowed because of its many beneficial
reasons. I believe in "just desert," that is criminals should receive the same punishment that they used
against their victims. If you murder someone intentionally you should receive the death penalty.
Finally, society feels relief as the capital punishment protects their own human dignity that are at risk
if the accused remains alive; society dignity more content...
When acts of manipulation and patronizing occur they violate the person's autonomy and status
resulting in a violation of dignity as well. We can evaluate and justify this violation because we
acquire self–conscious rationality; without rationality we would not have intrinsic value because we
would lack dignity.
Intrinsic value fits into Kant's categorical imperative because it presents the autonomy or free will
where people have with their own choice to complete moral duties. People are able to respect or
violate others' dignity and morals in return for doing the same to themselves. From Kant's belief we
see that a murderer violates another's human dignity when he commits the crime against him; in the
same sense the accused murders himself or violates his own intrinsic value implying the principal of
equality and the law of retaliation. Punishment becomes the moral duty that must be taken out for
the purposes of our own intrinsic value and justification. With this said the categorical imperative or
principal of punishment entails that the death penalty is right; if someone violates the moral duty, by
disrespecting another's dignity, the death penalty should apply to fulfill the moral duty of justice and
respect for the accused person's intrinsic value.
Even though Pojman is on the same side of the debate as Kant, he addresses the intrinsic value and
focuses more holding a person accountable for
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Human Dignity, By Francis Fukuyama
Fuller Buckminster once said "Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong
reasons." Due to the inventions in computers and the internet, people have lost the ability to interact
with one another face–to–face. In the article, "Authenticating," Brain Christian emphasizes on how
advancement in code programming has created a chat stimulated program called "Chatbots" which
mimics human behavior. However, one's attachment to these robotichumans have taken away the
opportunity one has in order to have a real life conversation. Similarly, Francis Fukuyama in his
article "Human Dignity," mentions how he is concerned with what it means to be a human. He talks
about Factor X which are inner traits such an emotions, and thoughts that distinguishes one person
from another. Even though, technology is essential in everyday life, the misuse of it, such as
constantly engaging in a conversation with a chatbot, can lead to abandoning the Factor X of
To begin with, online website that allows an individual to communicate with a computer automated
chat such as chatbots diminishes the Factor X in human beings. Factor X is referred to as stripping
away " a person's contingent and accidental characteristics, [in which] remains some essential human
quality underneath that is worthy of a certain minimal level of respect" (Fukuyama 186). Factor X
has everything connected together as whole rather than separate little pieces. Destabilizing the
Factor X of humanity is like
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The Dignity Of Human Life Essay
David Swenson, who was born in Sweden and was a professor of University of Minnesota. He is
well–known to the public for his publication of the article called "The Dignity of Human Life",
which was originally published in 1949 and currently still could be found in many philosophy books
(Klemke, 2008). The article of "The dignity of Human life" contains several different valuable
ideas of the subject to human life and also includes some great conclusions at the final. One of
David's conclusion is that people besides learning and acquiring practical skills from the formal
education or training. People also need something more than the practical skills, which is
something of a different nature and it is something someone concludes self. Swenson states that
youth requires developing a view of life in order to become a good person in moral and developed
personalities. The view of life is not acquired through training and learning provided by general
means of formal education or experience, but is obtained individually through thinking over
someone's life, self–exploring and subjective conviction. The reason for developing such view of
life is that view of life is the mean of giving one's life. "it is a principle of living, a spirit and an
attitude capable of maintaining its unity and identity with itself in all of life's complexities and
varying vicissitudes." Said by Swenson. It is the sense, dignity and worth. Otherwise, a life cannot
be considered to be as living in a human
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Human Rights And Human Dignity
According to Catholic Social Teaching, every human was born with a dignity and an inherent
value. Our dignity is founded upon the doctrine of imago Dei (Himes 31); we are made in the
image of God. Humans were able to receive God through incarnation, which reveals a lot about the
human race (Himes 31). If God chose to become human, and humans were able to receive the word,
then God is a part of us. A human's image and capability to receive God is worth more than anything
else and transcends human dignity. Therefore, we should respect other humans' transcendent dignity.
In doing so, we will also be respecting the human rights of a person too.
What are human rights and their connection with human dignity? The purpose of human rights is to
protect the dignity of the common good. The common good is referring to not just the majority, but
everyone, which means humans' dignity, will be protected and promoted by human rights. Two
ways this is done is through political and economical rights. Liberalism deals with freedom of
political liberties whereas Socialism is concerned with the equality of economic goods (Himes 34).
Both set of rights are to protect a human's dignity from threats. For example, political liberties would
be freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to liberty and security. While economic rights
would be rights to food, health, and education.
When humans can't meet their fundamental needs, their rights are compromised, like wages for a
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The Human Dignity In Western Philosophy Of Kant
For Kant 1724–1804, one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy,
the idea or concept of the human dignity is very important, because all human beings deserve the
same treatment. For Kant, each person occupies a special place in the Universe. In his Lecture on
Ethics, Kant said that each person have "an intrinsic worth." (Kant 239–240)
Human beings cannot be used as objects, by any person (not for others, not even for himself).
Humans always have to go towards an end, and this is precisely their dignity in virtue of which
rises above all else" (Kant 1989). Every person is born with dignity, and this is the most precious
aspect of the human being. The defense of dignity is the reason why, the human being is
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Human Life and Dignity: The Issue of Euthanasia
Introduction The value of human life and the dignity of the human person have never been so under
siege as in our time. Unprecedented scientific advancements, sophisticated technology and new ways
of thinking attempt not only to present alternative methods in "creating" new, less flawed and longer
lives based on human conveniences and preferences, such as cloning and stem cell therapy. They
also offer new options to end unnecessary or unwanted pain and suffering in the hopelessly ill and
useless lives through euthanasia or assisted suicide. Is a pain–free existence the measure of living?
Who is to decide when and how a life should start or end? Where does human dignity lie and who
is to defend it? In the eyes of the Catholic Church, promoting the dignity of the human person is
identical to defending human life (USCCB 2010). Pope Benedict XVI, in his Caritas in Veritate,
solidifies that sameness and continuity (Benedict 2009) by deploring a society that ... "asserts
values, such as the dignity of the person... but ...radically acts to the contrary ... in which human life
is devalued and violated... (Benedict)." The position of the Church has not budged and will never
budge on this teaching. From the start, it has viewed and revered human life as a sacred gift from
God that begins from the first moment of conception to the last moment of natural death. The
Church has unceasingly recognized the right to life as the most fundamental principle of all human
rights. It has not veered its
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The loss of Human Dignity with a Naturalistic World Throughout the centuries there have been
various theories that have tried unsuccessfully to account for human dignity and intrinsic value
without God. However, this paper will only focus on the theory of naturalism and its lack of a strong
argument for the existence of either. Therefore there must be a successful accounting of the presence
of God within the theory of naturalism to argue the existence of human dignity and intrinsic value
successfully according to JP Moreland. One cannot argue against philosophical theory without first
opening their eyes to the opposing debate. This argument is not about Christianity or the existence of
a particular religion but more content...
As stated by Charles Darwin noted in his Autobiography:
[Consider]......the view now held by most physicists, namely that the sun with all the planets will
in time grow too cold for life, unless indeed some great body dashes into the sun and thus give it
fresh life Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature that he
now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete
annihilation after such long–continued slow progress. The very basic meaning that Darwin is
stating is that we humans really have no value now but in the future as we continue to
progressively evolve, we will have value. The value we offer may not be in our current form but as
the new super evolved form, be it Homo sapiens or something more evolved. This paints a picture of
our un–evolved state offering as much value as mold does to penicillin in its unrefined state. In the
current form there is not much value, but transformed into a usable antibiotic, it becomes very
valuable to preventing serious illnesses. Mooreland would disagree adamantly with this analogy
due to the fact that we are all given value by our creation and there can be no lessening of worth
because one has not evolved, we are all created equally distant; therefore, establishing our worth
from day one, regardless of any special
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Dignity and Respect
Dignity and Respect. Dignity and respect is something everyone has a right to. I have chosen this
subject because it is an important part of nursing in that to be able to fulfil the role of a nurse is
firstly to respect the person you are caring for. Dignity is a feeling of being valued, respected, having
self–worth, supported and being able to show empathy and compassion for the people nurses look
after. So for me it's important to outline the principles in dignity and respect when looking after
people who are vulnerable. Firstly we will look at ethics in nursing regarding dignity and respect,
treating a person as an individual when in hospital can be an important part of any patients healing
process, and to make sure these more content...
Evidence based practice is based on evidence used to support practice and nurses must justify their
rationale, it is now formed as an integral part of management, education, strategy and policy.
Ongoing development and changes in healthcare delivery enable nurses to maintain standards of
nursing and develop their competence and performance. Through this the patients well–being is
maintained, respecting them through accessing up to date knowledge and skills that are essential in
an ever changing environment. Multi–disciplinary working:– This means people from different
disciplines all working together with the same goal or interest, it involves doctors, nurses, physios,
occupational therapists, social workers and many other agencies working in the best interest of the
patient. This ensures that continuing care is a smooth process from hospital admission and beyond.
Respecting work colleagues and working as a team, listening to their contributions and sharing your
knowledge will have an important impact on the patients care, maintain their dignity and respecting
this will give the best outcome for them. This aspect of the NMC code sets good standards and
guidelines for understanding the principles when providing nursing care, nurses have a
responsibility to deliver safe and effective care for the best interest of the patient, which is
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DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON The Catholic Church takes her teachings on the human
dignity from the Bible, especially from the book of Genesis. We read in the first chapters how God
created man and woman and gave to them the responsibility of fulfill the earth. We also read that
the woman was created from a man's rib to signify that she is "bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh." With this statement, Adam is also meaning that the woman has equal dignity than man, equal
rights, and duties. Through man and woman's creation, God has shown to the world his face
because they were created in his image and likeness. Therefore, the book of Genesis manifests man
and woman as persons with equal dignity and value that must be protected and promoted. The
protection of human dignity is clearly established in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. As
the Church states, "Human society is the object of the social teaching of the Church." It has been
considered as a powerful goal to promote the equal value of all people and respect their dignity in
every level of their existence. To achieve this goal, the Church has issued many different documents
and statements regarding the protection of people's dignity and rights. For instance, the
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church introduces topics that help people to live
in society. Some examples of those topics are human rights, participation, freedom, truth, and justice.
All of these themes manifest how important is the
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Importance Of Human Dignity
Human dignity, which is a person's self–worth, is a part of what makes humans want to live. It adds
meaning to one's life and without it, humans feel like nothing. As a result, humans all desire human
dignity and want to feel that way for as long as possible to feel valuable enough to keep on thriving.
Developing human dignity begins by understanding how human worth works and the violations of
human dignity.
First off, human dignity does not need to be created, but just nurtured. For instance, Donna Hicks
says, "I do not think that dignity is a need. It is an essential aspect of our humanity. We do not need
it, because we already have it" (29). The trait of human dignity comes naturally to humans and is not
something to be earned more content...
Hicks asserts that, "Treating people badly because they have done something wrong only
perpetuates the cycle of indignity. What is worse, we violate our own dignity in the process" (5).
Human dignity goes full circle in which violations of other's dignity comes to violating one's own
dignity. When one treats others badly, the victim of it is bound to treat them back just as badly and
others as well. Hicks also claims that, "Repeated violations of our dignity undermine not only our
self–worth but our capacity to be in relationships with others in ways that bring out our best and their
best" (20). The continued unknowingly violation of one's dignity can destroy one's mental
acknowledgement of self–worth and eliminate the want to promote human worth. No one would
want to connect with others because of the fear of being mistreated and that leads humans being too
distant to understand one another's thinking at all. Therefore, it is important to know how to act
respectfully and that violating someone else's dignity can affect everyone's dignity.
Finally, one can preserve one's human dignity better by honoring other people's dignity. Hicks says
" maintain our own dignity by fighting the internal force that tempt us to act badly, and how to
resolve conflicts and reconcile with people by recognizing their inherent worth" (3). To keep human
dignity from dying out, one has to
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Respect For Human Dignity Essay
Although I have not been in this profession for as long as others, I feel Provision 1.1 Respect for
Human Dignity is one of the most important ethical issues that we can have in this profession.
Respect for human dignity is a topic that we practice every day and run into during each shift
whether its allowing the patient to make their own decision about their medical treatment or simply
covering them with a blanket while performing patient care. As stated in the Code of Ethics,
Provision 1 states that "The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity,
worth, and unique attributes of every person" (ANA, 2015, pg. 1). No matter the person's age, race,
or cultural background, all persons deserve respect and the ability to make decisions involving their
healthcare. The Code of Ethics is used in everyday situations and should be thought as one of the
most important documents of our profession as it sets guidelines for our practice.
In the instance, in which the Provision 1.1 was violated during my time as a nurse, the patient's
dignity was not taken into consideration. During my hourly rounding, it was important for me to
investigate if my patient was clean of urination or bowel movement, as the patient more
It was inappropriate and unnecessary for the tech to reinforce that we were cleaning the patient
again. The tech could have just plainly stated, "I'm providing patient care in another room but will
be there as soon as I can." With this statement, the tech did not give out any information about what
she was doing in the moment for another patient. This could have saved her the anger that the
family had felt toward her after this incident. Although techs are not considered part of the ANA
Code of Ethics, I feel as though they should also be held to the same ethical standard because of
their involvement in every day tasks with the
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When Europeans began to colonize the New World at the end of the 15th century, they were well
aware of the institution of slavery. Slavery has been a part of human society since its beginning
and it continues to increase today. This kind of activities continues to growth in today's society in
different forms every country in the world. Mostly women are forced to practice prostitution,
children and adults may be required to work in farming or factories producing goods for global
corporate companies, sometimes all the members of the family are required to work without
receiving pay and they continue being in debt; or young girls are obligated to get married with
older men, these illegal practices still exist in our contemporary world. For more than two centuries,
the United States has worked to advance the cause of freedom. Still, our society remains imperfect,
and our people have more work to do to maintain these values. At home and around the globe, we
must continue to fight for human dignity and the inalienable rights of every person. In the past
Sexual trafficking became a growing issue in the United States of America as well as in developing
countries around the globe. In the United States of America inheritance of slavery exists from the
early seventeenth century. On the other hand, the period of American slavery started from the
fourteenth century, while the rich empires from Spain and Portugal started to take into custody
Africans for enslavement in Europe. When
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The Ambiguity Of Human Dignity
Medical professional codes have long prohibited physician involvement in assisting a patient's
suicide. However, despite ethical and legal prohibitions, calls for the liberalization of this ban have
grown in recent years.(1) When we discuss about the physician involvement, represented by
euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, it is very hard to avoid addressing about the human dignity.
There are two opposite opinions about human dignity at the end stage of life. One is that life should
be terminated due to human dignity, and the other is that life should not be terminated due to human
dignity. This paradoxical situation depends on the ambiguity of human dignity.(2) After establishing
concept of human dignity, this more content...
These are different from suspending or discontinuing the life–support treatment and direct cause of
death not indirect. Also these are distinguished from active euthanasia, physicians actually kill the
patients. Although the subjects choose the death are the patients, there are some worries about
expansion of euthanasia when physician assisted suicide is limitedly allowed.(1, 9,
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Human Dignity and Universal Health Care Essay
The universal health care was implemented in 1974 in Australia, providing health care and financial
protection to all global citizens. Thus allowing every human a right to a standard living without
separating citizens due to their disorder, illness or lifestyle. Human dignity can be explained as a
form of inherent and self–worth, however this can also have the potential to be taken away from
someone either by their actions or the society. I believe that the universal health care is extremely
important in relation to human dignity, especially to those who are unfortunate to not have the
money in order to receive the care or procedures in order to achieve their life to its fullest. This
however in some countries is not the case, more content...
This particular perspective will be dragged out to the understanding of the concept between human
dignity and health care justifying it through particular quadrants of one's dignity.
In martin Buijsen article "Autonomy, Human dignity, and the right to Health care: A Dutch
Perspective, (2010)", he argues the idea that every human is entitled to healthcare from the basis that
dignity is inherent. It is through Buijisen article and opinion that "autonomy human being to whom
dignity is inherent and which merits unconditional respect' he allows the readers to see the
overlapping thinking that has been formed through this particular perspective, initiating the values
that all humans should receive as we are all inherent and share the same values. Through his own
opinion demonstrating a 1A perspective that we are all "inherent and which merits unconditional
respect" ( Buijsen, 2010). This is further justified implying that it's not only healthy individuals that
have the right to receive health care but " new born babies" the " terminally ill" and the "dying" all
have a claim to the right of health care. It is not seen to those who can afford and those who can't,
but to be spread around evenly no matter what a particular individual may have done in their life.
Human dignity can diminish when particular social norms or attitudes do not relatively meet, for
instance an individual must acquire health care in order to
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Human Dignity: A Case Study
In addition, McDonnell & Farrell (2012) support parole system because according to evidence,
remedial approaches to imprisonment, such as treatment–based orders, rehabilitation and supervision
can significantly reduce reoffending rates compared to jails. Further, offering opportunities to
offender to live with their families and within community under supervision can restore a sense of
self–worth and hope (McDonnell & Farrell, 2012). Finally, to understand the human dignity as a
whole multidimensionality of human dignity will be considered and examined by studying each
perspective separately to figure out that by supporting single perspective which aspects of human
dignity (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) are being threatened? Further, human life is multidimensional and very
complex. Although every individual knows the facts but their relationship, needs, transcendence and
inabilities more content...
In relation, by not accepting parole system, aspect 1B and 2A can be violated by neglecting the
inherent dignity of human being having ability to think, decisions making capacities and by
demoralizing through lessening their sense of self–worth resulting from insufficient intellectual
skills (ACU, 2016, section. On the other hand, accepting parole system and rationale not
interrupting the inherent dignity of human beings and by not taking part in immoral actions while
on parole (ACU, 2016, section. On the other hand, by accepting parole system values aspect
1A and 2B can be protected by not violating the inherent dignity of the offender or human being and
by giving them a chance to behave morally good in society and change societies perception (ACU,
2016, section. Additionally, human dignity is multidimensional as the human person.
Similarly, multifaceted dignity of human persons ought be secured through actions and choices as
dignity can be
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Human Dignity is complex there is no solid definition but similar words such as value and worth
arise (ACU, 2014, 2.1.2) Many have different definition of what human dignity is these are two main
categories of what human dignity means to people: Category 1 Some understandings of human
dignity are based in the belief that it is something all humans already have, these are called
"Attributed Dignity" (Weisstub and DГaz Pintos, 2008, p 27) – Because we are human, OR –
Humans have special attributes making us better then all living things Category 2 Other
understandings of human dignity are based in the belief that human dignity is something that people
can acquire (or lose) this is known as" Intrinsic Dignity" (Weisstub and DГaz Pintos, 2008, p 27) –
Through their own sense of self worth OR – Through societies view and expectation of that person
These categories' are divide up into four sectors: 1A: Humans have inherent worth simply because
they are human. Many religious people hold this belief as we are all created in God's image. Others
claim we have priority over any other living thing on this earth. 1B: Humans have inherent worth
because they are distinctive and special. Through human abilities (independent though that is
rational and logical) makes us distinctive to any other species. 2A: People have dignity when I
believe in my own worth. This takes into account the individuals feelings, sense of pride and
encouraging individuals to live a righteous life. 2B:
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Reflection on Human Rights
Yasmin CastaГ±eda
Dr. Loskot
PHIL 201
October 29th, 2012
Reflective Essay on Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Every single human being on this planet has rights. These rights are given to us through birth, and
the day I was asked, what my human rights were, I found myself speechless. I did not know how to
answer the question, which at the time sounded so easy. I forgot about the question that had me so
puzzled, and just brushed it off, ironically six month later I get an assignment on the United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After reading this historic document, I realized how
important human rights are. I believe most people take human rights for granted, we know they
exist, but we don't even know what they more content...
The Declaration is an optimal model of the mutual relations of the country and the personality. The
rights and the freedoms of the citizens, and also their duties are an important social and political
institution. The Declaration unites all the listed above elements into a legal international control of
the defense of human rights becoming an essential socio–political document ever signed for the
protection of the world.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." These opening words of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights express a concept of man which underpins the
framework of human rights embodied in the Universal Declaration and the two international
covenants of Human Rights. Western political traditions is a concept that it derives from, is in
harmony with moral and social teachings to be found in many other traditions and patterns of belief.
Feldman, Jean–Philippe. "Hayek's Critique Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights".
Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Volume 9, Issue 4 (December 1999): 1145–6396.
Glendon, Mary Ann (2002). A world made new: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. Random House. ISBN
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Human Dignity And Human Rights Essay
HUMAN DIGNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTSHuman rights rest on human dignity. The dignity of
man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for.
–Robert Maynard
This paper is a study of human dignity and the judicial interpretation of Article 21 of the Indian
jurisdiction. This paper comprehensively examines the theories of philosophers in respect to human
dignity and human rights. Chapter I deal with the introductory part of human dignity. In this chapter,
an attempt is being made to trace the significance of human dignity with respect of human rights and
the obligations of states which have to be combined with a recovery of truly democratic states.
Chapter II of the paper explores the theories of philosophers and the development of the rights and
the role of dignity. In Chapter III we will observe the provisions of Article 21 of the Indian
constitution and I would argue in favor of the right to live with human dignity and how human
dignity is a dear value of our constitution by discussing some related cases. In Chapter IV we will
discuss the interpretation of dignity by various international institutions as the human dignity is not
only a fundamental right in itself, but it is also the rights in international law as well. Further, this
paper concludes by justifying the creativity of the Indian judiciary that has preserved the basic
human dignity and human rights of the citizens.
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Human Dignity Throughout Diversity
One of the major issues that still go on today is human dignity throughout diversity. People are being
treated insignificantly due to cultural or social differences. This happens daily on a worldwide scale.
This mistreatment occurs within many small to large establishments, from personal to political
statuses. There are, however, human services organizations and programs put in place to combat and
protect people's quality of life. The resources that these organizations provide help bring positive
change in the communities they serve. In my experience with being a pharmacy technician, not only
did I help provide medications, I had to help assists others in taking full advantage of the medication
benefits the state offers. Not many understood
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The Rights Of Human Dignity Essay
"The right to life is illusory without a right to the protection of the means by which alone life can
be lived. And, the right to life can only be taken away or abridged by a procedure established by
law, which has to be fair and reasonable, not fanciful or arbitrary such." (Olga Tellis vs Bombay
Municipal Corporation,1985 SCC (3) 545) Discuss the law relating to the right to live in India.
INTRODUCTION: To define the constitution ambit within which right to life with human dignity
especially right to life–livelihood and holistic approach is sine qua non of the constitutional
framework in India. All those things which go all along with the life and make it worth living
comes within this. The right to live basically does not mean the bare life as it was said by Georgio
Agamben in his HOMO–SACER book, the life is basically full of all those things which makes life
worth living and it includes the health aspect, the societal values in the status particularly in the
norms within the society; in all those things which make the life with dignity; hence it is not animal
life but a political one. Supreme Court in many judgments held that the life is not bare life devoid
of all things in society rather it includes the basic values which makes life worth living. In the words
of Mahatma Gandhi: "According to me, the economic constitution of India, and for the matter of that
of the world, should be such that no one under it should suffer from want of food and clothing. In
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Human Dignity Essay

  • 1. The Death Penalty Preserves Human Dignity Essay America's million dollar question is should capital punishment be allowed? Americans have been blindsided with decisions about the death penalty; in the past many have agreed with the punishment due to lack of knowledge on the issue. Today, information on capital punishment is everywhere. I agreed with most of America on the issue; it should be allowed because of its many beneficial reasons. I believe in "just desert," that is criminals should receive the same punishment that they used against their victims. If you murder someone intentionally you should receive the death penalty. Finally, society feels relief as the capital punishment protects their own human dignity that are at risk if the accused remains alive; society dignity more content... When acts of manipulation and patronizing occur they violate the person's autonomy and status resulting in a violation of dignity as well. We can evaluate and justify this violation because we acquire self–conscious rationality; without rationality we would not have intrinsic value because we would lack dignity. Intrinsic value fits into Kant's categorical imperative because it presents the autonomy or free will where people have with their own choice to complete moral duties. People are able to respect or violate others' dignity and morals in return for doing the same to themselves. From Kant's belief we see that a murderer violates another's human dignity when he commits the crime against him; in the same sense the accused murders himself or violates his own intrinsic value implying the principal of equality and the law of retaliation. Punishment becomes the moral duty that must be taken out for the purposes of our own intrinsic value and justification. With this said the categorical imperative or principal of punishment entails that the death penalty is right; if someone violates the moral duty, by disrespecting another's dignity, the death penalty should apply to fulfill the moral duty of justice and respect for the accused person's intrinsic value. Even though Pojman is on the same side of the debate as Kant, he addresses the intrinsic value and focuses more holding a person accountable for Get more content on
  • 2. Human Dignity, By Francis Fukuyama Fuller Buckminster once said "Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons." Due to the inventions in computers and the internet, people have lost the ability to interact with one another face–to–face. In the article, "Authenticating," Brain Christian emphasizes on how advancement in code programming has created a chat stimulated program called "Chatbots" which mimics human behavior. However, one's attachment to these robotichumans have taken away the opportunity one has in order to have a real life conversation. Similarly, Francis Fukuyama in his article "Human Dignity," mentions how he is concerned with what it means to be a human. He talks about Factor X which are inner traits such an emotions, and thoughts that distinguishes one person from another. Even though, technology is essential in everyday life, the misuse of it, such as constantly engaging in a conversation with a chatbot, can lead to abandoning the Factor X of humanity. To begin with, online website that allows an individual to communicate with a computer automated chat such as chatbots diminishes the Factor X in human beings. Factor X is referred to as stripping away " a person's contingent and accidental characteristics, [in which] remains some essential human quality underneath that is worthy of a certain minimal level of respect" (Fukuyama 186). Factor X has everything connected together as whole rather than separate little pieces. Destabilizing the Factor X of humanity is like Get more content on
  • 3. The Dignity Of Human Life Essay David Swenson, who was born in Sweden and was a professor of University of Minnesota. He is well–known to the public for his publication of the article called "The Dignity of Human Life", which was originally published in 1949 and currently still could be found in many philosophy books (Klemke, 2008). The article of "The dignity of Human life" contains several different valuable ideas of the subject to human life and also includes some great conclusions at the final. One of David's conclusion is that people besides learning and acquiring practical skills from the formal education or training. People also need something more than the practical skills, which is something of a different nature and it is something someone concludes self. Swenson states that youth requires developing a view of life in order to become a good person in moral and developed personalities. The view of life is not acquired through training and learning provided by general means of formal education or experience, but is obtained individually through thinking over someone's life, self–exploring and subjective conviction. The reason for developing such view of life is that view of life is the mean of giving one's life. "it is a principle of living, a spirit and an attitude capable of maintaining its unity and identity with itself in all of life's complexities and varying vicissitudes." Said by Swenson. It is the sense, dignity and worth. Otherwise, a life cannot be considered to be as living in a human Get more content on
  • 4. Human Rights And Human Dignity According to Catholic Social Teaching, every human was born with a dignity and an inherent value. Our dignity is founded upon the doctrine of imago Dei (Himes 31); we are made in the image of God. Humans were able to receive God through incarnation, which reveals a lot about the human race (Himes 31). If God chose to become human, and humans were able to receive the word, then God is a part of us. A human's image and capability to receive God is worth more than anything else and transcends human dignity. Therefore, we should respect other humans' transcendent dignity. In doing so, we will also be respecting the human rights of a person too. What are human rights and their connection with human dignity? The purpose of human rights is to protect the dignity of the common good. The common good is referring to not just the majority, but everyone, which means humans' dignity, will be protected and promoted by human rights. Two ways this is done is through political and economical rights. Liberalism deals with freedom of political liberties whereas Socialism is concerned with the equality of economic goods (Himes 34). Both set of rights are to protect a human's dignity from threats. For example, political liberties would be freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to liberty and security. While economic rights would be rights to food, health, and education. When humans can't meet their fundamental needs, their rights are compromised, like wages for a low–skilled Get more content on
  • 5. The Human Dignity In Western Philosophy Of Kant For Kant 1724–1804, one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy, the idea or concept of the human dignity is very important, because all human beings deserve the same treatment. For Kant, each person occupies a special place in the Universe. In his Lecture on Ethics, Kant said that each person have "an intrinsic worth." (Kant 239–240) Human beings cannot be used as objects, by any person (not for others, not even for himself). Humans always have to go towards an end, and this is precisely their dignity in virtue of which rises above all else" (Kant 1989). Every person is born with dignity, and this is the most precious aspect of the human being. The defense of dignity is the reason why, the human being is Get more content on
  • 6. Human Life and Dignity: The Issue of Euthanasia Introduction The value of human life and the dignity of the human person have never been so under siege as in our time. Unprecedented scientific advancements, sophisticated technology and new ways of thinking attempt not only to present alternative methods in "creating" new, less flawed and longer lives based on human conveniences and preferences, such as cloning and stem cell therapy. They also offer new options to end unnecessary or unwanted pain and suffering in the hopelessly ill and useless lives through euthanasia or assisted suicide. Is a pain–free existence the measure of living? Who is to decide when and how a life should start or end? Where does human dignity lie and who is to defend it? In the eyes of the Catholic Church, promoting the dignity of the human person is identical to defending human life (USCCB 2010). Pope Benedict XVI, in his Caritas in Veritate, solidifies that sameness and continuity (Benedict 2009) by deploring a society that ... "asserts values, such as the dignity of the person... but ...radically acts to the contrary ... in which human life is devalued and violated... (Benedict)." The position of the Church has not budged and will never budge on this teaching. From the start, it has viewed and revered human life as a sacred gift from God that begins from the first moment of conception to the last moment of natural death. The Church has unceasingly recognized the right to life as the most fundamental principle of all human rights. It has not veered its Get more content on
  • 7. The loss of Human Dignity with a Naturalistic World Throughout the centuries there have been various theories that have tried unsuccessfully to account for human dignity and intrinsic value without God. However, this paper will only focus on the theory of naturalism and its lack of a strong argument for the existence of either. Therefore there must be a successful accounting of the presence of God within the theory of naturalism to argue the existence of human dignity and intrinsic value successfully according to JP Moreland. One cannot argue against philosophical theory without first opening their eyes to the opposing debate. This argument is not about Christianity or the existence of a particular religion but more content... As stated by Charles Darwin noted in his Autobiography: [Consider]......the view now held by most physicists, namely that the sun with all the planets will in time grow too cold for life, unless indeed some great body dashes into the sun and thus give it fresh life Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature that he now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete annihilation after such long–continued slow progress. The very basic meaning that Darwin is stating is that we humans really have no value now but in the future as we continue to progressively evolve, we will have value. The value we offer may not be in our current form but as the new super evolved form, be it Homo sapiens or something more evolved. This paints a picture of our un–evolved state offering as much value as mold does to penicillin in its unrefined state. In the current form there is not much value, but transformed into a usable antibiotic, it becomes very valuable to preventing serious illnesses. Mooreland would disagree adamantly with this analogy due to the fact that we are all given value by our creation and there can be no lessening of worth because one has not evolved, we are all created equally distant; therefore, establishing our worth from day one, regardless of any special Get more content on
  • 8. Dignity and Respect Dignity and Respect. Dignity and respect is something everyone has a right to. I have chosen this subject because it is an important part of nursing in that to be able to fulfil the role of a nurse is firstly to respect the person you are caring for. Dignity is a feeling of being valued, respected, having self–worth, supported and being able to show empathy and compassion for the people nurses look after. So for me it's important to outline the principles in dignity and respect when looking after people who are vulnerable. Firstly we will look at ethics in nursing regarding dignity and respect, treating a person as an individual when in hospital can be an important part of any patients healing process, and to make sure these more content... Evidence based practice is based on evidence used to support practice and nurses must justify their rationale, it is now formed as an integral part of management, education, strategy and policy. Ongoing development and changes in healthcare delivery enable nurses to maintain standards of nursing and develop their competence and performance. Through this the patients well–being is maintained, respecting them through accessing up to date knowledge and skills that are essential in an ever changing environment. Multi–disciplinary working:– This means people from different disciplines all working together with the same goal or interest, it involves doctors, nurses, physios, occupational therapists, social workers and many other agencies working in the best interest of the patient. This ensures that continuing care is a smooth process from hospital admission and beyond. Respecting work colleagues and working as a team, listening to their contributions and sharing your knowledge will have an important impact on the patients care, maintain their dignity and respecting this will give the best outcome for them. This aspect of the NMC code sets good standards and guidelines for understanding the principles when providing nursing care, nurses have a responsibility to deliver safe and effective care for the best interest of the patient, which is Get more content on
  • 9. DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON The Catholic Church takes her teachings on the human dignity from the Bible, especially from the book of Genesis. We read in the first chapters how God created man and woman and gave to them the responsibility of fulfill the earth. We also read that the woman was created from a man's rib to signify that she is "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." With this statement, Adam is also meaning that the woman has equal dignity than man, equal rights, and duties. Through man and woman's creation, God has shown to the world his face because they were created in his image and likeness. Therefore, the book of Genesis manifests man and woman as persons with equal dignity and value that must be protected and promoted. The protection of human dignity is clearly established in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. As the Church states, "Human society is the object of the social teaching of the Church." It has been considered as a powerful goal to promote the equal value of all people and respect their dignity in every level of their existence. To achieve this goal, the Church has issued many different documents and statements regarding the protection of people's dignity and rights. For instance, the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church introduces topics that help people to live in society. Some examples of those topics are human rights, participation, freedom, truth, and justice. All of these themes manifest how important is the Get more content on
  • 10. Importance Of Human Dignity Human dignity, which is a person's self–worth, is a part of what makes humans want to live. It adds meaning to one's life and without it, humans feel like nothing. As a result, humans all desire human dignity and want to feel that way for as long as possible to feel valuable enough to keep on thriving. Developing human dignity begins by understanding how human worth works and the violations of human dignity. First off, human dignity does not need to be created, but just nurtured. For instance, Donna Hicks says, "I do not think that dignity is a need. It is an essential aspect of our humanity. We do not need it, because we already have it" (29). The trait of human dignity comes naturally to humans and is not something to be earned more content... Hicks asserts that, "Treating people badly because they have done something wrong only perpetuates the cycle of indignity. What is worse, we violate our own dignity in the process" (5). Human dignity goes full circle in which violations of other's dignity comes to violating one's own dignity. When one treats others badly, the victim of it is bound to treat them back just as badly and others as well. Hicks also claims that, "Repeated violations of our dignity undermine not only our self–worth but our capacity to be in relationships with others in ways that bring out our best and their best" (20). The continued unknowingly violation of one's dignity can destroy one's mental acknowledgement of self–worth and eliminate the want to promote human worth. No one would want to connect with others because of the fear of being mistreated and that leads humans being too distant to understand one another's thinking at all. Therefore, it is important to know how to act respectfully and that violating someone else's dignity can affect everyone's dignity. Finally, one can preserve one's human dignity better by honoring other people's dignity. Hicks says " maintain our own dignity by fighting the internal force that tempt us to act badly, and how to resolve conflicts and reconcile with people by recognizing their inherent worth" (3). To keep human dignity from dying out, one has to Get more content on
  • 11. Respect For Human Dignity Essay Although I have not been in this profession for as long as others, I feel Provision 1.1 Respect for Human Dignity is one of the most important ethical issues that we can have in this profession. Respect for human dignity is a topic that we practice every day and run into during each shift whether its allowing the patient to make their own decision about their medical treatment or simply covering them with a blanket while performing patient care. As stated in the Code of Ethics, Provision 1 states that "The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person" (ANA, 2015, pg. 1). No matter the person's age, race, or cultural background, all persons deserve respect and the ability to make decisions involving their healthcare. The Code of Ethics is used in everyday situations and should be thought as one of the most important documents of our profession as it sets guidelines for our practice. In the instance, in which the Provision 1.1 was violated during my time as a nurse, the patient's dignity was not taken into consideration. During my hourly rounding, it was important for me to investigate if my patient was clean of urination or bowel movement, as the patient more content... It was inappropriate and unnecessary for the tech to reinforce that we were cleaning the patient again. The tech could have just plainly stated, "I'm providing patient care in another room but will be there as soon as I can." With this statement, the tech did not give out any information about what she was doing in the moment for another patient. This could have saved her the anger that the family had felt toward her after this incident. Although techs are not considered part of the ANA Code of Ethics, I feel as though they should also be held to the same ethical standard because of their involvement in every day tasks with the Get more content on
  • 12. When Europeans began to colonize the New World at the end of the 15th century, they were well aware of the institution of slavery. Slavery has been a part of human society since its beginning and it continues to increase today. This kind of activities continues to growth in today's society in different forms every country in the world. Mostly women are forced to practice prostitution, children and adults may be required to work in farming or factories producing goods for global corporate companies, sometimes all the members of the family are required to work without receiving pay and they continue being in debt; or young girls are obligated to get married with older men, these illegal practices still exist in our contemporary world. For more than two centuries, the United States has worked to advance the cause of freedom. Still, our society remains imperfect, and our people have more work to do to maintain these values. At home and around the globe, we must continue to fight for human dignity and the inalienable rights of every person. In the past Sexual trafficking became a growing issue in the United States of America as well as in developing countries around the globe. In the United States of America inheritance of slavery exists from the early seventeenth century. On the other hand, the period of American slavery started from the fourteenth century, while the rich empires from Spain and Portugal started to take into custody Africans for enslavement in Europe. When Get more content on
  • 13. The Ambiguity Of Human Dignity Introduction Medical professional codes have long prohibited physician involvement in assisting a patient's suicide. However, despite ethical and legal prohibitions, calls for the liberalization of this ban have grown in recent years.(1) When we discuss about the physician involvement, represented by euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, it is very hard to avoid addressing about the human dignity. There are two opposite opinions about human dignity at the end stage of life. One is that life should be terminated due to human dignity, and the other is that life should not be terminated due to human dignity. This paradoxical situation depends on the ambiguity of human dignity.(2) After establishing concept of human dignity, this more content... These are different from suspending or discontinuing the life–support treatment and direct cause of death not indirect. Also these are distinguished from active euthanasia, physicians actually kill the patients. Although the subjects choose the death are the patients, there are some worries about expansion of euthanasia when physician assisted suicide is limitedly allowed.(1, 9, Get more content on
  • 14. Human Dignity and Universal Health Care Essay Intro: The universal health care was implemented in 1974 in Australia, providing health care and financial protection to all global citizens. Thus allowing every human a right to a standard living without separating citizens due to their disorder, illness or lifestyle. Human dignity can be explained as a form of inherent and self–worth, however this can also have the potential to be taken away from someone either by their actions or the society. I believe that the universal health care is extremely important in relation to human dignity, especially to those who are unfortunate to not have the money in order to receive the care or procedures in order to achieve their life to its fullest. This however in some countries is not the case, more content... This particular perspective will be dragged out to the understanding of the concept between human dignity and health care justifying it through particular quadrants of one's dignity. In martin Buijsen article "Autonomy, Human dignity, and the right to Health care: A Dutch Perspective, (2010)", he argues the idea that every human is entitled to healthcare from the basis that dignity is inherent. It is through Buijisen article and opinion that "autonomy human being to whom dignity is inherent and which merits unconditional respect' he allows the readers to see the overlapping thinking that has been formed through this particular perspective, initiating the values that all humans should receive as we are all inherent and share the same values. Through his own opinion demonstrating a 1A perspective that we are all "inherent and which merits unconditional respect" ( Buijsen, 2010). This is further justified implying that it's not only healthy individuals that have the right to receive health care but " new born babies" the " terminally ill" and the "dying" all have a claim to the right of health care. It is not seen to those who can afford and those who can't, but to be spread around evenly no matter what a particular individual may have done in their life. Human dignity can diminish when particular social norms or attitudes do not relatively meet, for instance an individual must acquire health care in order to Get more content on
  • 15. Human Dignity: A Case Study In addition, McDonnell & Farrell (2012) support parole system because according to evidence, remedial approaches to imprisonment, such as treatment–based orders, rehabilitation and supervision can significantly reduce reoffending rates compared to jails. Further, offering opportunities to offender to live with their families and within community under supervision can restore a sense of self–worth and hope (McDonnell & Farrell, 2012). Finally, to understand the human dignity as a whole multidimensionality of human dignity will be considered and examined by studying each perspective separately to figure out that by supporting single perspective which aspects of human dignity (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) are being threatened? Further, human life is multidimensional and very complex. Although every individual knows the facts but their relationship, needs, transcendence and inabilities more content... In relation, by not accepting parole system, aspect 1B and 2A can be violated by neglecting the inherent dignity of human being having ability to think, decisions making capacities and by demoralizing through lessening their sense of self–worth resulting from insufficient intellectual skills (ACU, 2016, section. On the other hand, accepting parole system and rationale not interrupting the inherent dignity of human beings and by not taking part in immoral actions while on parole (ACU, 2016, section. On the other hand, by accepting parole system values aspect 1A and 2B can be protected by not violating the inherent dignity of the offender or human being and by giving them a chance to behave morally good in society and change societies perception (ACU, 2016, section. Additionally, human dignity is multidimensional as the human person. Similarly, multifaceted dignity of human persons ought be secured through actions and choices as dignity can be Get more content on
  • 16. Human Dignity is complex there is no solid definition but similar words such as value and worth arise (ACU, 2014, 2.1.2) Many have different definition of what human dignity is these are two main categories of what human dignity means to people: Category 1 Some understandings of human dignity are based in the belief that it is something all humans already have, these are called "Attributed Dignity" (Weisstub and DГaz Pintos, 2008, p 27) – Because we are human, OR – Humans have special attributes making us better then all living things Category 2 Other understandings of human dignity are based in the belief that human dignity is something that people can acquire (or lose) this is known as" Intrinsic Dignity" (Weisstub and DГaz Pintos, 2008, p 27) – Through their own sense of self worth OR – Through societies view and expectation of that person These categories' are divide up into four sectors: 1A: Humans have inherent worth simply because they are human. Many religious people hold this belief as we are all created in God's image. Others claim we have priority over any other living thing on this earth. 1B: Humans have inherent worth because they are distinctive and special. Through human abilities (independent though that is rational and logical) makes us distinctive to any other species. 2A: People have dignity when I believe in my own worth. This takes into account the individuals feelings, sense of pride and encouraging individuals to live a righteous life. 2B: Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection on Human Rights Yasmin CastaГ±eda Dr. Loskot PHIL 201 October 29th, 2012 Reflective Essay on Universal Declaration of Human Rights Every single human being on this planet has rights. These rights are given to us through birth, and the day I was asked, what my human rights were, I found myself speechless. I did not know how to answer the question, which at the time sounded so easy. I forgot about the question that had me so puzzled, and just brushed it off, ironically six month later I get an assignment on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After reading this historic document, I realized how important human rights are. I believe most people take human rights for granted, we know they exist, but we don't even know what they more content... The Declaration is an optimal model of the mutual relations of the country and the personality. The rights and the freedoms of the citizens, and also their duties are an important social and political institution. The Declaration unites all the listed above elements into a legal international control of the defense of human rights becoming an essential socio–political document ever signed for the protection of the world. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." These opening words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights express a concept of man which underpins the framework of human rights embodied in the Universal Declaration and the two international covenants of Human Rights. Western political traditions is a concept that it derives from, is in harmony with moral and social teachings to be found in many other traditions and patterns of belief. References Feldman, Jean–Philippe. "Hayek's Critique Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights". Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Volume 9, Issue 4 (December 1999): 1145–6396. Glendon, Mary Ann (2002). A world made new: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Random House. ISBN Get more content on
  • 18. Human Dignity And Human Rights Essay HUMAN DIGNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTSHuman rights rest on human dignity. The dignity of man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for. –Robert Maynard 1.1 INTRODUCTION This paper is a study of human dignity and the judicial interpretation of Article 21 of the Indian jurisdiction. This paper comprehensively examines the theories of philosophers in respect to human dignity and human rights. Chapter I deal with the introductory part of human dignity. In this chapter, an attempt is being made to trace the significance of human dignity with respect of human rights and the obligations of states which have to be combined with a recovery of truly democratic states. Chapter II of the paper explores the theories of philosophers and the development of the rights and the role of dignity. In Chapter III we will observe the provisions of Article 21 of the Indian constitution and I would argue in favor of the right to live with human dignity and how human dignity is a dear value of our constitution by discussing some related cases. In Chapter IV we will discuss the interpretation of dignity by various international institutions as the human dignity is not only a fundamental right in itself, but it is also the rights in international law as well. Further, this paper concludes by justifying the creativity of the Indian judiciary that has preserved the basic human dignity and human rights of the citizens. Get more content on
  • 19. Human Dignity Throughout Diversity One of the major issues that still go on today is human dignity throughout diversity. People are being treated insignificantly due to cultural or social differences. This happens daily on a worldwide scale. This mistreatment occurs within many small to large establishments, from personal to political statuses. There are, however, human services organizations and programs put in place to combat and protect people's quality of life. The resources that these organizations provide help bring positive change in the communities they serve. In my experience with being a pharmacy technician, not only did I help provide medications, I had to help assists others in taking full advantage of the medication benefits the state offers. Not many understood Get more content on
  • 20. The Rights Of Human Dignity Essay "The right to life is illusory without a right to the protection of the means by which alone life can be lived. And, the right to life can only be taken away or abridged by a procedure established by law, which has to be fair and reasonable, not fanciful or arbitrary such." (Olga Tellis vs Bombay Municipal Corporation,1985 SCC (3) 545) Discuss the law relating to the right to live in India. INTRODUCTION: To define the constitution ambit within which right to life with human dignity especially right to life–livelihood and holistic approach is sine qua non of the constitutional framework in India. All those things which go all along with the life and make it worth living comes within this. The right to live basically does not mean the bare life as it was said by Georgio Agamben in his HOMO–SACER book, the life is basically full of all those things which makes life worth living and it includes the health aspect, the societal values in the status particularly in the norms within the society; in all those things which make the life with dignity; hence it is not animal life but a political one. Supreme Court in many judgments held that the life is not bare life devoid of all things in society rather it includes the basic values which makes life worth living. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi: "According to me, the economic constitution of India, and for the matter of that of the world, should be such that no one under it should suffer from want of food and clothing. In Get more content on