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About the Author 
Andrea is a marketing funnel optimisation specialist at HubSpot, Dublin. 
She is a member of the international marketing team, where she manages 
email marketing and lead nurture workflows, as well as list segmentation 
and improved targeting. Her data-driven testing informs the team’s strategic 
decisions and contributes to improving the number of leads generated and the 
quality of those leads. 
Table of Terrifying Content 
Chapter 1: Dangerous Liaisons: Choosing the wrong clients 4 
Stories from Bryan Adams (PH Creative) and Patrick Armitage (BlogMutt) 
Chapter 2: Creepy Scope: When projects go beyond the original timetable 7 
Stories from Ed Marsh (Consilium Global Business) and Emma Jones (Katapult) 
Chapter 3: Watch Your Back! The importance of having a backup plan 10 
Stories from Sarah McIntyre (Bright Inbound Marketing), Alistair Norman (Tomorrow People) 
and Pau Valdés (InboundCycle) 
Chapter 4: Falling Behind... Keeping up with industry changes 14 
Stories from Matt Hodkinson (Influence Agents) and James Welch (Online Ventures Group) 
Chapter 5: Strategy Tragedy: When strategies fall apart 17 
Stories from David Bowler (Incisive Edge) and Ricardo Molina (Brightbull) 
Chapter 6: Client Catastrophes: When clients get in the way 20 
Stories from Bernie Borges (Find and Convert), James Cox (Tracepoint) and Chuck 
Malcomson (Screwpile) 
*BONUS* Email Wails! - classic email fail contributions 
Kelly Kranz (OverGo Studio) 7 
Roberto MoragĂłn (INCRENTA) 12 
Guy Levine (Return on Digital) 18 
Jeremy Knight (Equinet Media) 23 
Laura Hogan (OverGo Studio) 28 
...and a special submission from Klaas Klunders (Marketing Penguin) 34
It pains me to remember this client -- on the outside they 
appeared to be a great match, but in reality, it was an evil 
pairing. So we began to work together, and despite the amazing 
results we were achieving for them, it was never enough. 
Time after time we would display exemplary results – and it was 
never satisfactory. Regardless of what results we got for them 
on a monthly basis, they wanted more. They wanted to know 
why it wasn’t better, how we could improve the next month and 
how we could compensate them for any lost opportunities. It 
was insanity. They had no grasp of reality. Our team were close 
to killing themselves during the work and it took months for us 
to recover our morale even after I had stepped in and delicately 
moved them on to another agency 
Today at PH Creative, we have a firm rule which arose from 
too many similar experiences like this with nightmare clients. 
In order to work with us, a client must provide two out of 
three of the following criteria: fame, fortune or fun. It’s just not 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Always ensure the scope of work and the boundaries of the 
deliverables are set in stone along with setting client expectations 
firmly in reality
 Under promise, over deliver and don’t be afraid 
to fire clients if they become too demanding and will not up their 
budget to compensate for the loss of sanity. 
Bryan Adams 
“Under promise, over 
deliver and don’t be afraid 
to fire clients if they become 
too demanding and will 
not up their budget to 
compensate for the loss of 
In a previous life, I worked at an agency commissioned to develop 6 
an e-commerce website for a client. Awesome, except for one 
terrifying problem: I never developed, nor did our agency ever 
develop, an e-commerce site before! We were experiencing the 
agency equivalent of the “bus jump” scene in “Speed”. I was 
Sandra Bullock, blowing by warning signs, gas pedal floored, 
white-knuckling it, trying to jump our collective knowledge gap in 
e-commerce while the rest of the agency braced for impact. 
That knowledge gap was the need to sync tax tables, shipping 
and handling fees, bundled pricing, fulfillment, backend CRM 
integration, accessorising and check-out capabilities in one 
seamless customer experience. Over the course of the project, 
we went through three programmers, our client quit, and we went 
tens of thousands of dollars over budget doing whatever it took to 
deliver a functioning website held together by spit and duct tape. 
And just like in “Speed,” we successfully jumped the gap but not 
without extensive damage wrought on office morale, our bottom 
line, and the relationship with the client. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
This mistake could’ve been avoided if we stayed true to our 
expertise and played to our strengths. Our agency did great 
branding, messaging and design work. Our web development 
capabilities were serviceable but not nearly at the level our 
client required. Everyone knew it. But we got greedy and fooled 
ourselves. Going dramatically over budget wasn’t the only pain 
we felt. Nerves were frayed. Other client work suffered, and our 
team’s collective confidence took a hit. 
Patrick Armitage 
“Agencies that say 
they’re a “jack of all 
trades” are a master of 
none. Sometimes saying 
“no” is more profitable 
than saying “yes”. 
With great intentions of making life easier for one of our 
clients, we set up a lead nurture email workflow for their 
new web leads. However, we did this without asking if 
that was how their sales process worked – a hazardous 
mistake. We simply assumed this was something that 
they’d want. As you can probably guess, this was 
absolutely not what the client wanted and they almost 
fired us immediately – a gruesome end. As it turned out, 
the client’s process was to follow up personally with each 
lead – and between getting our nurture emails and the 
client’s personal emails, these leads were getting very 
confused, sending the client into a fit of rage with us and 
we were terrified we were going to lose their business. 
Thankfully, we were able to talk them around by begging 
for mercy! 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Simple; Smarketing. If we knew that our client’s sales 
process was to follow up with leads personally and right 
away then we could have planned his lead nurturing 
campaigns better. Now we always connect with the 
client’s sales team first to understand their process. And 
we get their approval on any emails that go out with their 
signature on it. Lesson learned! 
Kelly Kranz 
“If we knew that our client’s 
sales process was to follow 
up with leads personally and 
right away then we could 
have planned his lead 
nurturing campaigns better.” 
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of inbound and its 
possibilities for clients but this can be a dangerous thing. With 
new clients, we have often been eager to set their pulse racing 
and have set ambitious goals to drive a step change in marketing 
performance and ROI. 
With all good intentions, we have pulled out all the stops and put 
in lots of extra time in order to meet those original goals. Of course, 
the problem with such over-servicing is that unless the client is 
aware of all the extra work, it is taken for granted which undervalues 
our efforts and our inbound proposition as a whole. 
Avoid this nightmare 
On reflection, during the early stages of offering inbound services 
we could have perhaps been more prudent in our goal setting and 
managing client expectations. Further, it’s vital to ensure that clients 
have a clear view of all the work you’re putting in so that they 
understand the full value of your expertise; this builds a platform for 
a strong relationship moving forward. 
Emma Jones 
“It’s vital to set clear 
goals and manage client 
expectations from the 
outset to ensure that they 
understand the full value of 
your expertise, and 
have a clear view of the work 
involved.” TRICK OR 
When we at Consilium Global Business first started working with this 
ghoulish client, we did not realise what a mistake it would be not to set 
up agreements on what we would deliver and what the client would 
deliver. We began the project, naively thinking that the client would 
step in when required to move the project forward. 
Unfortunately, as time went on, it became clear that the devilish client 
was not prioritising the relationship, or the job we were trying to do. 
Tasks that only they could complete were not getting done and the 
project continued to drag on and on. A 90-day project turned into a 
180-day nightmare. 
Avoid this nightmare 
I’ve learned that a reasonable mutual SLA should be established 
with auto publish deadlines (or extra-project work surcharges) 
outlined before we begin a project. This way, both client and 
agency know what they are responsible for and the project goes 
much smoother. 
Ed Marsh 
“We did not realise what a mistake it would be not 
to set up agreements on what we would deliver 
and what the client would deliver.” 
As the Inbound Manager at Increnta, I was sending our most 
important customer an email with the annual report. I decided to 
open YouTube to make it a little more fun. And boy did it! I played my 
favourite guilty pleasure song “La Macarena” on repeat. 
After listening to it over and over again, I got lost in my own 
world and became careless, and swiftly realised I had just sent 
the ridiculous video to the customer. My heart started racing 
immediately, my hands started getting all clammy and I could feel 
the sweat trickling down my forehead. I thought “Dear God! We’re 
going to lose our biggest account!” 
While writing a letter of apology, the most important email of my 
life arrived in my inbox. It was the customer, congratulating me on 
the campaign and adding that La Macarena was his favourite song. 
My sigh of relief was audible from three streets away! 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Always check your emails before hitting send if you donÂŽt want 
your dreams to become nightmares. Remember that messages 
via email can easily be misinterpreted, and you never know how 
someone might react. Important communications should always 
be made in person or via telephone if possible to avoid this kind of 
Roberto MoragĂłn 
“Remember that 
messages via 
email can easily be 
misinterpreted, and 
you never know how 
someone might react.” 
Being a small agency, I have a roster of freelancers that I use 
for various elements of an inbound marketing program. These 
include writers, graphic designers, web developers etc. and they 
are all over the world. I was working on an entire HubSpot COS 
website rebuild with a freelancer who was usually fast and reliable. 
However, as the go-live deadline approached, they disappeared 
and did not respond to any form of communication I attempted. 
The tensions and panic grew. Whatever could have caused this 
mysterious disappearance? 
They did respond finally, and when I politely pointed out that the 
site was scheduled to be going live at the end of the week, they 
imploded and were astonishingly unprofessional. Needless to say, 
that relationship ended there and then. So I was stuck without a site 
and without a developer. Luckily I had another resource with another 
HubSpot partner who quickly took over the project and had it back on 
track without any further delays. What could have been a disaster was 
saved at the last moment. 
The lesson here is to always have a back-up plan. I’ve found 
in some instances that using other Hubspot agency partners as 
resources can work better than freelancers. The Hubspot partner 
community is somewhat unique in that we often do collaborate 
on projects. This can be done transparently with the client or not, 
depending on your comfort level and who “owns” the customer 
Sarah McIntyre 
“The tensions and panic 
grew ... the lesson here 
is to always have a 
back-up plan.” 
On a dark, dark day, there was a dark, dark building and 
in the dark, dark building there was a dark and suspicious 
internet connection. 
We had spent weeks planning and finalising a concept for 
a new marketing campaign and were preparing for the final 
presentation. They were travelling to our offices from afar 
- and when I say “they”, I mean all of the key stakeholders. 
But on their arrival, once pleasantries were out of the 
way, we discovered the internet had gone down - again! 
Our presentation, along with our entire company, lives on 
the cloud. We couldn’t do anything - not even print it off. 
Nightmare! The horror on our faces was something you 
would never forget. 
Many agencies operate within a serviced building where 
one internet connection line feeds all. Our advice would 
be to always outsource third party services if what you’re 
offered from the managed building is hindering your 
business’ performance. We live in the digital age - and for 
a digital marketing agency to be offline is scarier than any 
trick or treater to appear at my doorstep!” 
Alistair Norman 
“Always outsource third party services if what you’re offered from the 
managed building is hindering your business’ performance.” 
A few years ago, when we started out, the team was composed 
of two people. There were a lot of plans, expectations, ideas... 
and also quite a lot of time invested in finding clients. With 
the first customers, things were looking great and we kept on 
expanding, reaching into new market segments and growing 
fast. Then, a new member came into the group but we kept 
growing. The three of us were doing all the executive work, 
which I was combining with our own marketing and sales. The 
cracks were beginning to show. But suddenly, out of nowhere, 
the third member of our group decided to leave the agency
We had no idea what to do and had the responsibility of 
continuing to provide the best service to our customers. There 
were too many projects per person, and it quickly became clear 
that it was impossible to do all these tasks. We were sucked into 
a black hole of keeping the level of service to a high standard – 
but we were chained to our desks for more hours and days than 
I care to remember. It was hell. But then we hired a new person, 
and another, and another. We have grown, we have learned, and 
we are having fun every day. We never want to see those old 
days again. 
Pau Valdés 
Avoid this Nightmare 
“It’s a good idea 
not to overload 
the workforce. To 
have some spare 
capacity to deal with 
unexpected events is 
a lifesaver.” 
It’s a good idea not to overload the workforce. To have some spare capacity to deal with unexpected events 
is a lifesaver. Today, some of our executives are involved with projects full time, but some others remain 
busy 80% of their time, so they can always be available to absorb extra work if needed.
Back in the olden days of our agency, we were approached 
by quite a high profile client to undertake some SEO work 
for them. They kindly sent us some reports from their current 
agency with a list of some of the issues they were having. 
We spent hours crafting the perfect proposal, referencing all 
the issues the client faced, how bad their current situation 
was, and how a new strategy was desperately needed. 
However, due to whatever wickedness was at play that day, 
our emails got mixed up and we sent it directly to the client’s 
current agency. It felt like Halloween had come early! No 
email retraction was going to save us from this mess! It was 
like a vampire had come along and sucked the life out of us. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Five years on from this unfortunate error, not only do 
we make sure we never mix up email addresses, but we 
also take care to profile each prospect carefully to stop 
any potential horror stories. We discuss level of inbound 
knowledge, size of team, buy-in from the board, parties who 
will be involved, growth plans for the company, if they are 
detail or big-picture oriented and most importantly, is there 
anyone who we should not contact! 
Guy Levine 
“We take care to profile each 
prospect carefully to stop 
any potential horror stories.” 
When we first started conducting our own inbound campaigns, 18 
we took the standard business owner stance and ignored all 
the advice about niching. It could have been RIP for us then and 
there. There seemed to be a great deal of fear in targeting a very 
specific industry or buyer persona, at the expense of all the other, 
non-conforming business profiles that we could also help. 
As a result of my own aversion to get specific, we welcomed a 
broad and poorly-targeted array of prospects into our marketing 
and sales funnel, each of which were subjected to a generic “blah” 
of follow-up information. Unsurprisingly, (with hindsight) conversion 
rates were hauntingly low, and we found ourselves talking to 
“prospects” who weren’t really qualified to buy our services. Big 
Avoid this Nightmare 
How we address this issue is exactly how we approach all 
campaigns now, both for ourselves and with clients (yes, we eat 
our own dog food). We start every engagement by identifying 
the primary and ideal buyer personas, and create content-led 
campaigns that not only attract the right leads, but which also 
pre-qualify and nurture those leads through to sales readiness. 
Conversions have improved, and we have a more satisfied 
client-base as a result of the subject matter expertise we can 
provide across the board. 
Matt Hodkinson 
“We start every 
engagement by 
identifying the primary 
and ideal buyer personas, 
and create content-led 
As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing more horrifying than the 
thought of falling behind. We at Online Ventures Group always 
strive to be at the cutting-edge in everything we do, from the 
software we create and use, to the marketing tactics we implement 
for our clients. 
We have all heard the almost-cliche ‘content is king’. We all know 
quality content is integral to advertising campaigns of all sizes, 
content marketing especially. Our horror story is that we didn’t 
embrace content marketing earlier and fell behind our industry 
peers. Now that we utilise content marketing as our main tool to 
reach business objectives, our clients are enjoying a much larger 
return on their investments. If only we implemented it years ago. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
My advice to other agencies would be to trust your gut. If you hear 
rumblings of ‘the next big thing’, do you research and do it quickly. 
Then turn it into an plan and implement it double-quick. The feeling 
of being left behind is awful. But the feeling of knowing you are 
ahead of the curve and seeing the result is one you will never 
James Welch 
“Trust your gut. If you hear rumblings of ‘the 
next big thing’, do your research and do it 
“In the early days of setting up a customer re-engagement mail a 
couple of years ago we had something of a mishap. It could have 
been a complete freaking nightmare had it not been for how cool the 
customer remained, even as some interesting and sinister responses 
to our unfortunate mistake poured in
Imagine if you will, we’ve gone through all of the work defining a key 
persona for the client. We’ll call her Laura, OK? Well, as I copy write 
the re-engagement mail, as you would expect, I’m considering exactly 
what matters to Laura, how would she be thinking about things, how 
would this offer be best received by her? 
Yes – I wrote ‘Hi Laura’ at the top of the mail, fully intending to replace 
it with first name personalization later. And yes I did, I sent it! I called 
over 2,500 people Laura. I break out in a cold sweat just thinking 
about it, to this day. You can imagine, there were a fair few replies 
along the lines of “I’m only Laura at the weekend” and some, it should 
Jeremy Knight 
“Never, ever send 
anything without 
proofing properly, ever.” 
be said that were not so humorous. I still have nightmares about it
 (for a while I think my wife thought 
I was having an affair as I groaned “no Laura, no Laura” in my sleep).” 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Of course - it is obvious (but oh so easy to overlook if you are rushing at deadlines and, ultimately cutting 
corners); never, ever send anything without proofing properly, ever. Today we always ensure we’ve had a 
second person in the agency check the work of a colleague before anything is sent out and, I’m delighted 
to say, nothing like that has ever happened again.....has it, Laura?
A B2B client had invested heavily in their brand, seeking to 
penetrate various market sectors through multiple channels. They 
made some initial traction, albeit by taking a scatter-gun approach 
to building brand equity. The trade name they were leveraging was 
competitive and ultimately unprotected. Whilst successfully winning 
some early market share, it eventually backfired on the company, 
with the proliferation of cross sector messaging costing them a 
significant portion of their marketing budget. The company ended 
up in a state of disarray and as a result, the head of marketing 
lost their job. Unfortunately for the client, despite having spent 
considerable sums on marketing-reach, they ended up needing to 
start from scratch. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
When the client came to Incisive Edge, they had inconsistencies 
with messaging and their value proposition coupled with justified 
concerns from the costly lessons they had learned. They required a 
strategic approach to align and integrate marketing with sales and 
to stop deploying activities in isolation. 
Our approach to consistent multi-channel digital and content 
marketing positioned them as a sector specific thought leader 
and put our client back on the road to recovery. We measurably 
energised their sales and marketing operations driving return on 
investment through clarity. 
David Bowler 
“It requires a strategic 
approach to align & 
integrate marketing & 
We once developed a top-of-the-range inbound marketing 
campaign for a client who had difficulty letting us manage the 
execution of it. An inbound marketing campaign performs best 
when applied consistently, and especially by those who have 
experience in implementing the steps involved. The internal 
team in this particular case had no prior experience in such a 
thing. The delivery was choppy and slow, but thankfully we were 
lucky, and it all worked out in the end. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Always execute and bring your ideas to fruition yourself. No one 
will ever translate vision into reality in the way you can. 
Ricardo Molina 
“No one will ever translate vision into reality in the way you can.” 
“I’ll tell you a story that left me quaking in my boots, a story 
that haunts me to this day. We’ve all made mistakes when it 
comes to dabbling in a little bit of HTML or CSS in order to 
add personalisation or a favourite colour. Oh, I wish it had 
been a meaningless string of code that I sent! Instead, I sent 
a ghastly un-personalised email for a client that unfortunately 
referred to everyone as “Hey First Name”. Needless to say, 
the client was pretty unhappy with that result
 I was sure that 
was going to be the day I met a grisly end!” 
Avoid this Nightmare 
This mistake can be avoided by not only having someone 
look over your emails, but also having them sent to you as a 
test as if you are a contact in your system. 
Laura Hogan 
“This mistake can be avoided by not only having someone 
look over your emails, but also having them sent to you as a 
test as if you are a contact in your system.” 
One of the deadliest traps for agencies is the client who is 
obsessed with only one thing
Modern SEO is about an inbound marketing strategy and 
that includes being discovered through search engines as 
well as other online channels including social. It requires a 
strong messaging strategy, a documented content strategy, an 
employee advocacy strategy and a comprehensive review of 
the client’s website architecture, authority and linkback status. A 
plan needs to be made about what needs to get viciously axed 
and what needs to be added to the cauldron to brew the right 
enchantment for visitors. 
We’ll never enter into a client engagement again that is 
one-dimensionally focused on just “search engine optimization.” 
The notion of “improving search engine rankings” is so 2010. 
It’s an obsolete concept. Alas, there are some clients that are 
cursed with not seeing the whole picture of marketing. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
The new SEO is very multi-faceted. We’ll only work with clients 
that understand the breadth of modern inbound marketing with 
a willingness to collaborate on all the success factors.” 
Bernie Borges 
“The notion of “improving search engine 
rankings” is so 2010. It’s an obsolete 
We worked with a client who bought HubSpot software, but 
wouldn’t invest in any strategy work (beware of such devilish 
creatures – they bring with them untold horrors known as 
‘unrealistic expectations’). Despite our forewarning, they 
didn’t follow our advice to start the process with research 
and planning. They insisted they knew the customer and their 
market, and jumped straight to the execution phase. .. much 
like the grim reaper! They published some content they thought 
would be interesting and waited for the leads to roll in. The 
results were predictably horrifying and they were shocked to 
find they weren’t closing a deal each week at the end of the first 
Eventually we convinced them to do a content strategy session, 
which was informed by a workshop, several persona interviews 
and an independent assessment of the marketplace. The 
recommendations we presented were far different than the 
content they’d produced and after investing in the process, they 
realised what they should have done from the get-go. 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Want to avoid the same terrifying fate? Spend at least a month 
doing research, strategy development, client interviews, persona 
development, internal workshops – amass all the data you have 
before you start production. It’s the best way to ensure your 
content isn’t dead on arrival! 
James Cox 
“Spend at least a month 
doing research, strategy 
development, client 
interviews, persona 
development, and internal 
Earlier this year, Screwpile was working with a surgical practice 
helping them grow their business. We’ll call the owner Dr. 
Frankenstein. Dr. Frankenstein came to us with a problem; he 
was frustrated that his website was not helping the practice 
attract new patients as well as he felt it could. Typically we 
measure success with inbound medical marketing in three 
important categories: increases in website traffic; number of 
leads generated; number of new patients closed. 
After a few months of inbound medical marketing efforts, things 
were really looking up. Traffic had grown from under 1,000 
visits a month to well over 11,000 visits per month. Leads had 
increased as well. Before the engagement Dr. Frankenstein’s 
office had been getting only a handful of leads every month from 
the website. We’re talking 2-3. As their inbound marketing efforts 
ramped up, all those website visitors began to convert into leads 
as well. Now, they were getting upwards of 50 every month from 
their website alone. 
Chuck Malcomson 
“Now we make sure to press 
hard during our consultative sales 
process to ensure that the 
prospect is a good fit for our 
The problem was that not enough of these leads were becoming new patients in Dr. Frankenstein’s 
office. Even though these leads were requesting consultations, the practice didn’t have an effective 
way to handle new patient leads and get them in office. Dr. Frankenstein’s office didn’t have the luxury 
of a team of appointment coordinators to effectively follow up. Even after delivering on what we 
promised the account ended up churning. Dr. Frankenstein just wasn’t able to dispose of that many 
Avoid this Nightmare 
Now we make sure to press hard during our consultative sales process to ensure that the prospect is 
a good fit for our services. Do they have someone available to follow up with inbound leads? Do they 
have a process in place to effectively connect with the highest percentage of inbound leads? If so, 
great. If not, we leave it at that.
Klaas Klunder 
Who is afraid of bad content? 
Let me tell you a scary tale 
Of a text written to no avail 
A blog without a ‘body’ but with a ‘tail’ 
And scarier even more 
It was filled with jargon galore 
This sucked the life right out of the story 
Never to see the morning glory 
But there was even more hell to pay 
The blog did not have a CTA 
So let me tell you in a single breath 
The blog was boring its readers to death 
Yes, the content was a sure hit and miss 
That lives forever in the abyss.
Click Here 

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  • 2. About the Author Andrea is a marketing funnel optimisation specialist at HubSpot, Dublin. She is a member of the international marketing team, where she manages email marketing and lead nurture workflows, as well as list segmentation and improved targeting. Her data-driven testing informs the team’s strategic decisions and contributes to improving the number of leads generated and the quality of those leads. @andydidwhat
  • 3. Table of Terrifying Content Chapter 1: Dangerous Liaisons: Choosing the wrong clients 4 Stories from Bryan Adams (PH Creative) and Patrick Armitage (BlogMutt) Chapter 2: Creepy Scope: When projects go beyond the original timetable 7 Stories from Ed Marsh (Consilium Global Business) and Emma Jones (Katapult) Chapter 3: Watch Your Back! The importance of having a backup plan 10 Stories from Sarah McIntyre (Bright Inbound Marketing), Alistair Norman (Tomorrow People) and Pau ValdĂ©s (InboundCycle) Chapter 4: Falling Behind... Keeping up with industry changes 14 Stories from Matt Hodkinson (Influence Agents) and James Welch (Online Ventures Group) Chapter 5: Strategy Tragedy: When strategies fall apart 17 Stories from David Bowler (Incisive Edge) and Ricardo Molina (Brightbull) Chapter 6: Client Catastrophes: When clients get in the way 20 Stories from Bernie Borges (Find and Convert), James Cox (Tracepoint) and Chuck Malcomson (Screwpile) *BONUS* Email Wails! - classic email fail contributions Kelly Kranz (OverGo Studio) 7 Roberto MoragĂłn (INCRENTA) 12 Guy Levine (Return on Digital) 18 Jeremy Knight (Equinet Media) 23 Laura Hogan (OverGo Studio) 28 ...and a special submission from Klaas Klunders (Marketing Penguin) 34
  • 5. 5 A BOTTOMLESS PIT OF DISSATISFACTION It pains me to remember this client -- on the outside they appeared to be a great match, but in reality, it was an evil pairing. So we began to work together, and despite the amazing results we were achieving for them, it was never enough. Time after time we would display exemplary results – and it was never satisfactory. Regardless of what results we got for them on a monthly basis, they wanted more. They wanted to know why it wasn’t better, how we could improve the next month and how we could compensate them for any lost opportunities. It was insanity. They had no grasp of reality. Our team were close to killing themselves during the work and it took months for us to recover our morale even after I had stepped in and delicately moved them on to another agency Today at PH Creative, we have a firm rule which arose from too many similar experiences like this with nightmare clients. In order to work with us, a client must provide two out of three of the following criteria: fame, fortune or fun. It’s just not negotiable. Avoid this Nightmare Always ensure the scope of work and the boundaries of the deliverables are set in stone along with setting client expectations firmly in reality
 Under promise, over deliver and don’t be afraid to fire clients if they become too demanding and will not up their budget to compensate for the loss of sanity. Bryan Adams PH CREATIVE @PHCREATIVE “Under promise, over deliver and don’t be afraid to fire clients if they become too demanding and will not up their budget to compensate for the loss of sanity.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 6. In a previous life, I worked at an agency commissioned to develop 6 an e-commerce website for a client. Awesome, except for one terrifying problem: I never developed, nor did our agency ever develop, an e-commerce site before! We were experiencing the agency equivalent of the “bus jump” scene in “Speed”. I was Sandra Bullock, blowing by warning signs, gas pedal floored, white-knuckling it, trying to jump our collective knowledge gap in e-commerce while the rest of the agency braced for impact. That knowledge gap was the need to sync tax tables, shipping and handling fees, bundled pricing, fulfillment, backend CRM integration, accessorising and check-out capabilities in one seamless customer experience. Over the course of the project, we went through three programmers, our client quit, and we went tens of thousands of dollars over budget doing whatever it took to deliver a functioning website held together by spit and duct tape. And just like in “Speed,” we successfully jumped the gap but not without extensive damage wrought on office morale, our bottom line, and the relationship with the client. Avoid this Nightmare This mistake could’ve been avoided if we stayed true to our expertise and played to our strengths. Our agency did great branding, messaging and design work. Our web development capabilities were serviceable but not nearly at the level our client required. Everyone knew it. But we got greedy and fooled ourselves. Going dramatically over budget wasn’t the only pain we felt. Nerves were frayed. Other client work suffered, and our team’s collective confidence took a hit. Patrick Armitage BLOGMUTT @PAT_ARMITAGE JUMPING FROM A SPEEDING BUS “Agencies that say they’re a “jack of all trades” are a master of none. Sometimes saying “no” is more profitable than saying “yes”. TRICK OR TWEET
  • 7. 7 With great intentions of making life easier for one of our clients, we set up a lead nurture email workflow for their new web leads. However, we did this without asking if that was how their sales process worked – a hazardous mistake. We simply assumed this was something that they’d want. As you can probably guess, this was absolutely not what the client wanted and they almost fired us immediately – a gruesome end. As it turned out, the client’s process was to follow up personally with each lead – and between getting our nurture emails and the client’s personal emails, these leads were getting very confused, sending the client into a fit of rage with us and we were terrified we were going to lose their business. Thankfully, we were able to talk them around by begging for mercy! Avoid this Nightmare Simple; Smarketing. If we knew that our client’s sales process was to follow up with leads personally and right away then we could have planned his lead nurturing campaigns better. Now we always connect with the client’s sales team first to understand their process. And we get their approval on any emails that go out with their signature on it. Lesson learned! Kelly Kranz OVERGO STUDIO @KELLYKRANZ THE MYSTERY OF THE MULTIPLYING EMAILS “If we knew that our client’s sales process was to follow up with leads personally and right away then we could have planned his lead nurturing campaigns better.” EMAIL WAIL TRICK OR TWEET
  • 9. 9 It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of inbound and its possibilities for clients but this can be a dangerous thing. With new clients, we have often been eager to set their pulse racing and have set ambitious goals to drive a step change in marketing performance and ROI. With all good intentions, we have pulled out all the stops and put in lots of extra time in order to meet those original goals. Of course, the problem with such over-servicing is that unless the client is aware of all the extra work, it is taken for granted which undervalues our efforts and our inbound proposition as a whole. Avoid this nightmare On reflection, during the early stages of offering inbound services we could have perhaps been more prudent in our goal setting and managing client expectations. Further, it’s vital to ensure that clients have a clear view of all the work you’re putting in so that they understand the full value of your expertise; this builds a platform for a strong relationship moving forward. Emma Jones Katapult @_katapult OVER-SERVICE AT YOUR PERIL “It’s vital to set clear goals and manage client expectations from the outset to ensure that they understand the full value of your expertise, and have a clear view of the work involved.” TRICK OR TWEET -
  • 10. 10 When we at Consilium Global Business first started working with this ghoulish client, we did not realise what a mistake it would be not to set up agreements on what we would deliver and what the client would deliver. We began the project, naively thinking that the client would step in when required to move the project forward. Unfortunately, as time went on, it became clear that the devilish client was not prioritising the relationship, or the job we were trying to do. Tasks that only they could complete were not getting done and the project continued to drag on and on. A 90-day project turned into a 180-day nightmare. Avoid this nightmare I’ve learned that a reasonable mutual SLA should be established with auto publish deadlines (or extra-project work surcharges) outlined before we begin a project. This way, both client and agency know what they are responsible for and the project goes much smoother. Ed Marsh CONSILIUM GLOBAL @EDBMARSH MUTUALLY AGREE, OR DIE “We did not realise what a mistake it would be not to set up agreements on what we would deliver and what the client would deliver.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 11. 11 As the Inbound Manager at Increnta, I was sending our most important customer an email with the annual report. I decided to open YouTube to make it a little more fun. And boy did it! I played my favourite guilty pleasure song “La Macarena” on repeat. After listening to it over and over again, I got lost in my own world and became careless, and swiftly realised I had just sent the ridiculous video to the customer. My heart started racing immediately, my hands started getting all clammy and I could feel the sweat trickling down my forehead. I thought “Dear God! We’re going to lose our biggest account!” While writing a letter of apology, the most important email of my life arrived in my inbox. It was the customer, congratulating me on the campaign and adding that La Macarena was his favourite song. My sigh of relief was audible from three streets away! Avoid this Nightmare Always check your emails before hitting send if you donÂŽt want your dreams to become nightmares. Remember that messages via email can easily be misinterpreted, and you never know how someone might react. Important communications should always be made in person or via telephone if possible to avoid this kind of mishap. Roberto MoragĂłn INCRENTA @INCRENTA CAN YOU HEAR THE MUSIC? “Remember that messages via email can easily be misinterpreted, and you never know how someone might react.” EMAIL WAIL TRICK OR TWEET
  • 13. 13 Being a small agency, I have a roster of freelancers that I use for various elements of an inbound marketing program. These include writers, graphic designers, web developers etc. and they are all over the world. I was working on an entire HubSpot COS website rebuild with a freelancer who was usually fast and reliable. However, as the go-live deadline approached, they disappeared and did not respond to any form of communication I attempted. The tensions and panic grew. Whatever could have caused this mysterious disappearance? They did respond finally, and when I politely pointed out that the site was scheduled to be going live at the end of the week, they imploded and were astonishingly unprofessional. Needless to say, that relationship ended there and then. So I was stuck without a site and without a developer. Luckily I had another resource with another HubSpot partner who quickly took over the project and had it back on track without any further delays. What could have been a disaster was saved at the last moment. AVOID THIS NIGHTMARE The lesson here is to always have a back-up plan. I’ve found in some instances that using other Hubspot agency partners as resources can work better than freelancers. The Hubspot partner community is somewhat unique in that we often do collaborate on projects. This can be done transparently with the client or not, depending on your comfort level and who “owns” the customer relationship. Sarah McIntyre BRIGHT INBOUND MARKETING @BRIGHTINBOUND FREELANCER FAIL “The tensions and panic grew ... the lesson here is to always have a back-up plan.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 14. 14 TECHNOLOGY IS MY BEST FRIEND, AND MY ENEMY On a dark, dark day, there was a dark, dark building and in the dark, dark building there was a dark and suspicious internet connection. We had spent weeks planning and finalising a concept for a new marketing campaign and were preparing for the final presentation. They were travelling to our offices from afar - and when I say “they”, I mean all of the key stakeholders. But on their arrival, once pleasantries were out of the way, we discovered the internet had gone down - again! Our presentation, along with our entire company, lives on the cloud. We couldn’t do anything - not even print it off. Nightmare! The horror on our faces was something you would never forget. AVOID THIS NIGHTMARE Many agencies operate within a serviced building where one internet connection line feeds all. Our advice would be to always outsource third party services if what you’re offered from the managed building is hindering your business’ performance. We live in the digital age - and for a digital marketing agency to be offline is scarier than any trick or treater to appear at my doorstep!” Alistair Norman TOMORROW PEOPLE @ALISTAIRNORMAN “Always outsource third party services if what you’re offered from the managed building is hindering your business’ performance.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 15. 15 A TICKING TIME BOMB WILL ALWAYS EXPLODE A few years ago, when we started out, the team was composed of two people. There were a lot of plans, expectations, ideas... and also quite a lot of time invested in finding clients. With the first customers, things were looking great and we kept on expanding, reaching into new market segments and growing fast. Then, a new member came into the group but we kept growing. The three of us were doing all the executive work, which I was combining with our own marketing and sales. The cracks were beginning to show. But suddenly, out of nowhere, the third member of our group decided to leave the agency
 uh oh. We had no idea what to do and had the responsibility of continuing to provide the best service to our customers. There were too many projects per person, and it quickly became clear that it was impossible to do all these tasks. We were sucked into a black hole of keeping the level of service to a high standard – but we were chained to our desks for more hours and days than I care to remember. It was hell. But then we hired a new person, and another, and another. We have grown, we have learned, and we are having fun every day. We never want to see those old days again. Pau ValdĂ©s INBOUNDCYCLE @INBOUNDCYCLE Avoid this Nightmare “It’s a good idea not to overload the workforce. To have some spare capacity to deal with unexpected events is a lifesaver.” TRICK OR TWEET It’s a good idea not to overload the workforce. To have some spare capacity to deal with unexpected events is a lifesaver. Today, some of our executives are involved with projects full time, but some others remain busy 80% of their time, so they can always be available to absorb extra work if needed.
  • 16. 16 PROSPECT PROFILING PREVENTS PROJECT PARALYSIS Back in the olden days of our agency, we were approached by quite a high profile client to undertake some SEO work for them. They kindly sent us some reports from their current agency with a list of some of the issues they were having. We spent hours crafting the perfect proposal, referencing all the issues the client faced, how bad their current situation was, and how a new strategy was desperately needed. However, due to whatever wickedness was at play that day, our emails got mixed up and we sent it directly to the client’s current agency. It felt like Halloween had come early! No email retraction was going to save us from this mess! It was like a vampire had come along and sucked the life out of us. Avoid this Nightmare Five years on from this unfortunate error, not only do we make sure we never mix up email addresses, but we also take care to profile each prospect carefully to stop any potential horror stories. We discuss level of inbound knowledge, size of team, buy-in from the board, parties who will be involved, growth plans for the company, if they are detail or big-picture oriented and most importantly, is there anyone who we should not contact! Guy Levine RETURN ON DIGITAL @GUYLEVINE “We take care to profile each prospect carefully to stop any potential horror stories.” EMAIL WAIL TRICK OR TWEET
  • 18. BE EVERYTHING TO SOMEONE OR BE NOTHING TO EVERYONE When we first started conducting our own inbound campaigns, 18 we took the standard business owner stance and ignored all the advice about niching. It could have been RIP for us then and there. There seemed to be a great deal of fear in targeting a very specific industry or buyer persona, at the expense of all the other, non-conforming business profiles that we could also help. As a result of my own aversion to get specific, we welcomed a broad and poorly-targeted array of prospects into our marketing and sales funnel, each of which were subjected to a generic “blah” of follow-up information. Unsurprisingly, (with hindsight) conversion rates were hauntingly low, and we found ourselves talking to “prospects” who weren’t really qualified to buy our services. Big mistake! Avoid this Nightmare How we address this issue is exactly how we approach all campaigns now, both for ourselves and with clients (yes, we eat our own dog food). We start every engagement by identifying the primary and ideal buyer personas, and create content-led campaigns that not only attract the right leads, but which also pre-qualify and nurture those leads through to sales readiness. Conversions have improved, and we have a more satisfied client-base as a result of the subject matter expertise we can provide across the board. HERE LIES Matt Hodkinson INFLUENCE AGENTS @MATT_HODKINSON “We start every engagement by identifying the primary and ideal buyer personas, and create content-led campaigns.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 19. 19 As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing more horrifying than the thought of falling behind. We at Online Ventures Group always strive to be at the cutting-edge in everything we do, from the software we create and use, to the marketing tactics we implement for our clients. We have all heard the almost-cliche ‘content is king’. We all know quality content is integral to advertising campaigns of all sizes, content marketing especially. Our horror story is that we didn’t embrace content marketing earlier and fell behind our industry peers. Now that we utilise content marketing as our main tool to reach business objectives, our clients are enjoying a much larger return on their investments. If only we implemented it years ago. Avoid this Nightmare My advice to other agencies would be to trust your gut. If you hear rumblings of ‘the next big thing’, do you research and do it quickly. Then turn it into an plan and implement it double-quick. The feeling of being left behind is awful. But the feeling of knowing you are ahead of the curve and seeing the result is one you will never forget. James Welch ONLINE VENTURES GROUP @JAMESWELCH_NET RUN! HE’S BEHIND YOU!! “Trust your gut. If you hear rumblings of ‘the next big thing’, do your research and do it quickly.” TRICK OR TWEET ‘
  • 20. 20 EMAIL WAIL “In the early days of setting up a customer re-engagement mail a couple of years ago we had something of a mishap. It could have been a complete freaking nightmare had it not been for how cool the customer remained, even as some interesting and sinister responses to our unfortunate mistake poured in
 Imagine if you will, we’ve gone through all of the work defining a key persona for the client. We’ll call her Laura, OK? Well, as I copy write the re-engagement mail, as you would expect, I’m considering exactly what matters to Laura, how would she be thinking about things, how would this offer be best received by her? Yes – I wrote ‘Hi Laura’ at the top of the mail, fully intending to replace it with first name personalization later. And yes I did, I sent it! I called over 2,500 people Laura. I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it, to this day. You can imagine, there were a fair few replies along the lines of “I’m only Laura at the weekend” and some, it should Jeremy Knight EQUINET MEDIA @THEJEREMYKNIGHT “Never, ever send anything without proofing properly, ever.” IS THAT YOU, LAURA? TRICK OR TWEET be said that were not so humorous. I still have nightmares about it
 (for a while I think my wife thought I was having an affair as I groaned “no Laura, no Laura” in my sleep).” Avoid this Nightmare Of course - it is obvious (but oh so easy to overlook if you are rushing at deadlines and, ultimately cutting corners); never, ever send anything without proofing properly, ever. Today we always ensure we’ve had a second person in the agency check the work of a colleague before anything is sent out and, I’m delighted to say, nothing like that has ever happened again.....has it, Laura?
  • 22. 22 A B2B client had invested heavily in their brand, seeking to penetrate various market sectors through multiple channels. They made some initial traction, albeit by taking a scatter-gun approach to building brand equity. The trade name they were leveraging was competitive and ultimately unprotected. Whilst successfully winning some early market share, it eventually backfired on the company, with the proliferation of cross sector messaging costing them a significant portion of their marketing budget. The company ended up in a state of disarray and as a result, the head of marketing lost their job. Unfortunately for the client, despite having spent considerable sums on marketing-reach, they ended up needing to start from scratch. Avoid this Nightmare When the client came to Incisive Edge, they had inconsistencies with messaging and their value proposition coupled with justified concerns from the costly lessons they had learned. They required a strategic approach to align and integrate marketing with sales and to stop deploying activities in isolation. Our approach to consistent multi-channel digital and content marketing positioned them as a sector specific thought leader and put our client back on the road to recovery. We measurably energised their sales and marketing operations driving return on investment through clarity. David Bowler INCISIVE EDGE @INCISIVEEDGE SHOT IN THE FOOT WITH A SCATTER GUN APPROACH “It requires a strategic approach to align & integrate marketing & sales.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 23. 23 THE CHOPPY SEA OF INEXPERIENCE We once developed a top-of-the-range inbound marketing campaign for a client who had difficulty letting us manage the execution of it. An inbound marketing campaign performs best when applied consistently, and especially by those who have experience in implementing the steps involved. The internal team in this particular case had no prior experience in such a thing. The delivery was choppy and slow, but thankfully we were lucky, and it all worked out in the end. Avoid this Nightmare Always execute and bring your ideas to fruition yourself. No one will ever translate vision into reality in the way you can. Ricardo Molina BRIGHTBULL @BRIGHTBULL “No one will ever translate vision into reality in the way you can.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 24. 24 EMAIL WAIL “I’ll tell you a story that left me quaking in my boots, a story that haunts me to this day. We’ve all made mistakes when it comes to dabbling in a little bit of HTML or CSS in order to add personalisation or a favourite colour. Oh, I wish it had been a meaningless string of code that I sent! Instead, I sent a ghastly un-personalised email for a client that unfortunately referred to everyone as “Hey First Name”. Needless to say, the client was pretty unhappy with that result
 I was sure that was going to be the day I met a grisly end!” Avoid this Nightmare This mistake can be avoided by not only having someone look over your emails, but also having them sent to you as a test as if you are a contact in your system. Laura Hogan OVERGO STUDIO @LALALAURAHOGAN HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED “This mistake can be avoided by not only having someone look over your emails, but also having them sent to you as a test as if you are a contact in your system.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 26. 26 One of the deadliest traps for agencies is the client who is obsessed with only one thing
 SEO. Modern SEO is about an inbound marketing strategy and that includes being discovered through search engines as well as other online channels including social. It requires a strong messaging strategy, a documented content strategy, an employee advocacy strategy and a comprehensive review of the client’s website architecture, authority and linkback status. A plan needs to be made about what needs to get viciously axed and what needs to be added to the cauldron to brew the right enchantment for visitors. We’ll never enter into a client engagement again that is one-dimensionally focused on just “search engine optimization.” The notion of “improving search engine rankings” is so 2010. It’s an obsolete concept. Alas, there are some clients that are cursed with not seeing the whole picture of marketing. Avoid this Nightmare The new SEO is very multi-faceted. We’ll only work with clients that understand the breadth of modern inbound marketing with a willingness to collaborate on all the success factors.” Bernie Borges FIND AND CONVERT @BERNIEBORGES THE WALKING DEAD SEO PRACTICES “The notion of “improving search engine rankings” is so 2010. It’s an obsolete concept.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 27. 27 STRATEGY IS THE SKELETON OF SUCCESS We worked with a client who bought HubSpot software, but wouldn’t invest in any strategy work (beware of such devilish creatures – they bring with them untold horrors known as ‘unrealistic expectations’). Despite our forewarning, they didn’t follow our advice to start the process with research and planning. They insisted they knew the customer and their market, and jumped straight to the execution phase. .. much like the grim reaper! They published some content they thought would be interesting and waited for the leads to roll in. The results were predictably horrifying and they were shocked to find they weren’t closing a deal each week at the end of the first month. Eventually we convinced them to do a content strategy session, which was informed by a workshop, several persona interviews and an independent assessment of the marketplace. The recommendations we presented were far different than the content they’d produced and after investing in the process, they realised what they should have done from the get-go. Avoid this Nightmare Want to avoid the same terrifying fate? Spend at least a month doing research, strategy development, client interviews, persona development, internal workshops – amass all the data you have before you start production. It’s the best way to ensure your content isn’t dead on arrival! James Cox TRACEPOINT @JAMESBUZZCOX “Spend at least a month doing research, strategy development, client interviews, persona development, and internal workshops.” TRICK OR TWEET
  • 28. 28 DR. FRANKENSTEIN IS READY TO SEE YOU Earlier this year, Screwpile was working with a surgical practice helping them grow their business. We’ll call the owner Dr. Frankenstein. Dr. Frankenstein came to us with a problem; he was frustrated that his website was not helping the practice attract new patients as well as he felt it could. Typically we measure success with inbound medical marketing in three important categories: increases in website traffic; number of leads generated; number of new patients closed. After a few months of inbound medical marketing efforts, things were really looking up. Traffic had grown from under 1,000 visits a month to well over 11,000 visits per month. Leads had increased as well. Before the engagement Dr. Frankenstein’s office had been getting only a handful of leads every month from the website. We’re talking 2-3. As their inbound marketing efforts ramped up, all those website visitors began to convert into leads as well. Now, they were getting upwards of 50 every month from their website alone. Chuck Malcomson SCREWPILE @SCREWPILECOMM “Now we make sure to press hard during our consultative sales process to ensure that the prospect is a good fit for our services.” TRICK OR TWEET The problem was that not enough of these leads were becoming new patients in Dr. Frankenstein’s office. Even though these leads were requesting consultations, the practice didn’t have an effective way to handle new patient leads and get them in office. Dr. Frankenstein’s office didn’t have the luxury of a team of appointment coordinators to effectively follow up. Even after delivering on what we promised the account ended up churning. Dr. Frankenstein just wasn’t able to dispose of that many patients.” Avoid this Nightmare Now we make sure to press hard during our consultative sales process to ensure that the prospect is a good fit for our services. Do they have someone available to follow up with inbound leads? Do they have a process in place to effectively connect with the highest percentage of inbound leads? If so, great. If not, we leave it at that.
  • 30. 30 Klaas Klunder MARKETING PENGUIN @MKTPENGUIN Who is afraid of bad content? Let me tell you a scary tale Of a text written to no avail A blog without a ‘body’ but with a ‘tail’ And scarier even more It was filled with jargon galore This sucked the life right out of the story Never to see the morning glory But there was even more hell to pay The blog did not have a CTA So let me tell you in a single breath The blog was boring its readers to death Yes, the content was a sure hit and miss That lives forever in the abyss.