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               Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010
               Selectors/Editors: Sally Clarke, Anne Dyson, Peter Jeffery, Veronica Lake, Chris Palazollo and
               Flora Smith
               Administration: Sally Clarke
                 Original text:
               Poets in this issue:
                 Tatjana Debeljacki

               Tatjana Debeljacki
               Renee Pettitt-Schipp
               Derek Fenton
               Jacqui Merckenschlager
               Max Merckenschlager
               Tanya Jaw
               Kevin Gillam
               Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne
               J.R. McRae
               Coral Carter
               Christopher Konrad
               Geoff Stevens
               Ron Okely
               Cynthia Rowe
               Jan Napier
               Paula Jones
               Laurel Lamperd
               Flora Smith
               Meryl Manoy
               Mardi May
               Elio Novello
               Gary De Piazzi
               Tineke Van der Eecken
               Dean Meredith
               Patricia Sully
               Liana Joy Christensen
               Shey Marque
               Sue Clennell
               Janet Jackson
               Rose van Son
               Allan Padgett
               Jonothon Twist
               Graeme Butler
               Sally Clarke

                                                    The Time of Birth

                                               I will conquer the fear of flying
                                            I will jump with the parachute of kiss
                                         While walking I'll dance to the drum rhythm
                                            Dream in the clothes of the penguin
                                                     Thumb through the book
                                                   Goodbye my sixteen years
                                                    with premises in the mind
                                                       that I will carry them
                                                             in my fifties
                                                          real and modest
                                                     and at least once a day
                                                        I will laugh out loud
                                                            Really enjoy
                                                    In intimately woven world
                                         When the moon passes its seventh round
                                                    And Jupiter falls on Mars
                                                  Our world will be the leader
                                           And love will be the path for the stars
                                                That would be the time when
                                                          Aquarius is born
                                         To my grandchildren, grand-grandchildren
                                                  I will tell stories about times
                                                  When people were people.

                       Tatjana Debeljacki                                                       12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                     Page 2 of 22


           Advance Australia

           For a moment our money seemed to fail us,
           zooming in on the Wall Street banker
           despair distilled
           the American flag grew quiet, hung
           the nation shut its mouth
           a nation almost questioned its
           God Given Right
           a nation almost

           On Golden Soil with Wealth for Toil
           we paused
           watching the nightly news
           closing our purses tightly
           staying in.
           We almost asked
           - a different way?
           We almost asked
           Stimulus Package, China's strength
           a mining boom or sheer good luck,
           we recovered.

           Relieved, we grabbed our credit cards and

           the moment
           was gone.

                    Renee Pettitt-Schipp


           Thin winged
           your flight suggests a world where
           fairies hide in tangled roots
           and dragons guard bright secrets.
           But you share yours,
           splaying sudden colour
           at the edge of a flower,
           then closing modestly

           At the headland I
           sat under the shade of a
           Banyan tree to
           watch the finches
           bath and play.
           In the distance
           slow coconuts crawled
           up the beach.

           And there you were
           white winged in
           layers of shadow,
           your life
           measured by the beat
           of fragile wings,
           for reasons unseen,
           intentionally setting a path against the breeze,
           you dance in the dark
           never meaning to make
           the sea.

                    Renee Pettit-Schipp


           A Passport To Poetry

           Now that I am finally retired
           can I describe myself as a poet
           on my arrival and departure forms,     12/11/2010
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           or will my demeanour just show it?

           Will a pensive look and a beret do it
           or a pen always tucked behind my ear?
           What about a notebook inscribed "Poesy"
           or an eye with a hint of a tear?

           Now that I've had some poems published
           does it finally give me the right
           to proudly proclaim my profession
           by putting it into black and white?

           Perhaps I could get some business cards
           describing me as a purveyor of verse
           or even an artistic tattoo,
           just a great poet's name, tasteful and terse.

           Better still I can go onto Facebook:
           so everyone in cloud cuckoo land can see,
           like all of the others who live there,
           I can be whatever I want to be!

                     Derek Fenton

           The Retiring Kind

           What will you do in retirement,
           is what so many people say.
           Will your eyes still retain their glint

           during the next thirty year stint?
           How will you survive without pay?
           What will you do in retirement?

           But for whom is this question meant?
           Is it for me, or for them, they pray?
           Will your eyes still retain their glint?

           Perhaps it's disillusionment
           which they suspect is on the way.
           What will you do in retirement?

           Without work where's your fulfilment,
           how will you occupy your day?
           Will your eyes still retain their glint?

           For me, poetry is enchantment,
           a bright beacon to light up my way.
           So I'll be fine in retirement,
           and my eyes will retain their glint!

                     Accepted by Quadrant.

                     Derek Fenton


           Remembering the Eiderdown

           Duck down beneath its feathery folds,
           warm and wonderfully light,
           a cloud cave of dark comfort,
           a haven from harsh adult laughter,
           a place to lose ourselves in giggle and tickle
           until, emerging exhausted,
           we sink deep into duck down pillows.

                     Included in ‘Captured Moments' 2010

                     Jacqui Merckenschlager


           Before Batman And Sparrow

           Rollers and breakers,
           the restless ebb and flow of city,    12/11/2010
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           drifted through dreams in a Melbourne hostel.

           Have others camped along the Coorong
           used similar psychology,
           heard thunder of hidden shores
           as distant, drugging midnight traffic?

           Before Batman and sparrow,
           did robin and reed-warbler
           grace Yarra's untamed edge?
           Did platypus slip down her tributaries
           and flounder over her waterfall
           toward a pristine bay?

           Before crystal condominiums
           grew along her bank of bridges,
           that ferries limbo and
           passing fingers lightly brush,
           which limbs draped their shading strands?
           Which heads ducked beneath them
           in barks, before barques, before liners?

           Were there river box and blue cranes
           before docks and steel containers?

           Before Batman and sparrow,
           Indian taxi-drivers with GPS navigation,
           grinkaries with Angle tongues
           and citriodoras planted in median strips,
           what trees were hollowed for nests
           by beaks with sulphur crests
           of lovers who dream
           that this is normal?

                    1. John Batman is considered by many to be the founder of Melbourne
                    2. A grinkari (plural grinkaries): pronounced “krink-ree” is a white fella
                    3. Eucalyptus citriodora is the botanical name for lemon-scented gum

                    Highly Commended in Bundaberg Festival Of Arts Poetry Competition.
                    Included in ‘Captured Moments'. 2010.

                    Max Merckenschlager


           Someone is sitting in the shade today
           because someone planted a tree a long time ago
                              Warren Buffett

           I give you my face
           Since I can't see yours
           Small and finely cut
           Black and white

           Unreachable to
           Your hands
           As others want
           To gaze upon the thing
           they do not love

           My face - a mosaic
           Leaving imprints on walls
           As it moves
           From bed to bed

           Capturing gazes
           mimicking smiles
           Skipping from
           Head to head

           Casting possibilities
           Until it returns
           You send word

           I lost my wife
           Thanks to the
           Pin-up girl
           You were instead                                        12/11/2010
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                    Tanya Jaw


           proper hops

           the Chinese checker board was crafted from
           American pine and the balls made a kind of music
           in their rubber floral bag and Nan let my

           little sister do a hop when there wasn't one and
           the balls glistened like jaffas only none were
           orange and my favourite was getting a four-hole

           hop into the corner of the star and Nan had come
           to babysit us and all the balls mixed up in the
           middle of the game made me feel all tangled and

           bursting and there was red and white and blue and
           green and yellow and black and the paint on the star
           was faded and gone more dusty brown than paint

           and I was always green and Nan said it didn't matter
           about proper hops or who won but it did to me

                    Kevin Gillam

           thin poems

           thin poems
           are like shoot-
           ing stars,
           across the
           blackboard of
           sky, like
           French knitting,
           emerging me-
           from the
           cotton reel
           of thought, like
           hope, forever
           casting out,

                    Kevin Gillam


           Belly Envy

           Searching for infertility cures
           Google returns a bonus search box:
           The trick of the tiny belly.

           But I want a belly-full
           a rounded, heaving, stretch-marked
           globe of a belly,
           life teaming underneath
           a thinning skin.

           Not a bonus box
           to store my yearning in
           whilst my stomach shrinks
           to a wrinkled empty sac.

           I want to puke every morning
           and still grow.

           And whilst I'm at it,
           I want Google to get rid of Sylvia Plath
           and her O so Barren Woman.

           I want her madness to stop stealing my show.         12/11/2010
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                     Accepted for Polari Journal, October 2010

                     Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne



           The sand wavers near the water,
           Pushed to the brink
           Where tracks wash out.
           Skin slides down the elements tracking the sun,
           Cloth waves loose
           Flirting with bodies beneath.

           He's different.
           Up on the grass
           He lets the wind cut through his shirt,
           Long sleeves to hide the tracks
           Where he's been.

                     Published, illustrated, online


           The European Wolf

           Prowling round my perimeters
           A great, grey predatory male
           With scars on his flank,
           A coarseness to his muzzle
           And one skewed tooth.

           I see him in the woods.
           He stops -
           Holding my eyes captive
           Whilst he devours.
           I have no defence against those eyes,
           Hunted to the brink of extinction
           Their flame dark and intense -
           The forest fire consuming lesser fires
           Cradled in man made girdles of rock.

           I saw him mount his mate.
           Her with the soft back pelt,
           Feed her cubs to keep his blood alive,
           Haunches quivering with his impact.
           She milked his strength,
           Snapped at him over her shoulder,
           Fire flashing from the razor teeth
           Bared from beneath her curled lip.

           When I saw her, months later, with cubs,
           He was gone,
           Melded into the forest,
           A grey grieving hung
           Like perpetual winter in the air.
           I still see him,
           His seed frozen in time - star sown,
           Scattered across an expanding universe
           Seeking a womb's continuance,
           Finding the dead thighs of stars
           Whose light, still travelling,
           Glittered in the eyes of his mate.

           I am now in a foreign, sweltering city,
           Dreaming - to the distant whine
           Of traffic and mosquitoes -
           His cubs hunt their prey,
           Savour fresh blood on their muzzles, range
           In their forest, marking their territory and mine,
           Keeping me bound by their ancestral laws,
           A stranger prowling
           The perimeters of their being.
           I still see him
           Clear nights when the sky is fierce with stars
           I still feel the light of his eyes
           Searching after death for the womb house of his kind.                      12/11/2010
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           I still see him ...



           Nineteen years

           How the heart knows its own business.
           How it guides its feet through food, shelter,
           Boredom, fear, bliss, tears, madness.
           Just how crazed that pilot to come so far
           From any place to land, or even safely crash.
           Yet I know I do not need a diamond or pearls
           When raindrops sparkle from the tips of every twig.
           I know I do not need a dress when flowers ride
           The darkest day in white and yellow and pink.
           I do not need a veil when night will come
           To shroud the day, even the day that was never found.
           I know I do not need love
           When I have not lain with you
           These nineteen years.


           The Burn

           The burn must be timely,
           At a sensible interval
           Since the previous burn,
           Taking into account the weather,
           Especially the prevailing winds.
           And pray for a little finishing rain
           When things go belly-up.
           The burn must be hot,
           But not too hot, and fast.
           Fire must be wielded selectively,
           Or else some species
           Will not recover from the burn.

           Fires raged out of control
           And too fierce,
           Up and down the wild tracks
           I had made of my life,
           And cauterizing everything.
           Stumping my love for
           Everything, killing feeling
           For years. Ash drenched
           With too late tears made wasteland
           Of years. What little grew,
           Grew painful, twisting in darkness,
           Waxing in the twilight of
           Getting on with it, over it.

           Fire can no longer reach
           The estranged and tender canopy of
           My love for you. The defences are
           Too thick for kerosene, for acid,
           For flames. Too harshly nurtured,
           Too ancient for reason.

           Too toughened by tears and guilt.
           Too shamed for shame.
           I cannot burn again?
           On the altar of my kindling,
           Pyromania be Thy name.



           the summer sky blues

           strikes me eye blue
           arch over me blue
           smother me blue
           stun me blue          12/11/2010
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           always blue
           painstaikingly blue
           perpetual blue
           unrelenting blue
           blue blue
           blue blue blue
           blue blue blue blue
           yes mate it's blue
           blue again blue
           without doubt blue
           fuck me blue
           don't tell me it's blue
           i love a sunburnt country blue
           head for the beach blue
           run around after balls blue
           sunbake until you are red blue
           no cloud blue
           air con hum blue
           beer o'clock blue
           swimming pool splash blue
           all compass points blue
           morning smoko blue
           lunch barbie blue
           knock off blue
           long afternoon with blowflies blue
           only crows in the sky at midday blue
           snakes out and about blue
           when will it end blue
           this blue
           never ending blue
           wake me when it's over blue

                    Coral Carter

           I see an older woman

           I see an older woman
           on the other side
           of Graeme Street
           older like me
           hold me
           stop me running
           stop me grasping her
           stop me hugging her
           stop me inviting her
           home for a cup of tea
           a chat where
           steam rises
           spoons tink
           sugar glints
           I tell the dog at number 27
           don't bark
           just don't bark

                    Coral Carter


           Upon Peasant Poets

           Thinking about Hesiod
           seasonal calendars, planting crops
           good gods, bad men and muses: it's not such a bad thing
           is it to be a peasant poet?
           keeps the establishment on their toes
           brings out the country in the urb
           crooked thinking along narrow roads.

           Chopping wood (another worthy occupation)
           in these days of PC may cost you your intellectual life
           I still drink wine from Margaret River vineyards and
           my cheese too springs from the rhetoric rural: O
           how idyllic the drive along Caves Road
           I'm thinking about Hesiod and the cycles of the gods
           golden days and iron age and the fall of iniquitous man.             12/11/2010
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                    Christopher Konrad

           Death in Tiananmen Square

           If all I had was the sand beneath
           the wind around this Esperance sea view
           that would be enough to live out my entire karma

           Of course that would be seen as ignorance and hubris
           by those caught up in revolt and the suffering of man: they
           would have to recall me, refit me and educate me into the right way of the world

           Of course this would not do as our brothers and sisters
           are strafed with misery and loss
           I would have to read great tomes and I would have to atone
           to learn anew all about the sins of omission

           If only I could teach the way of salt misted through the air
           of gulls swept by southern winds
           if only, somehow, I could tell them that hunger is my lot too
           then perhaps they would not feel so disastrously towards me

           Maybe then their ire would not scorch my skin

                    Christopher Konrad


           Buried Alive

           Trapped in the living world
           so claustrophobic
           the lift out of order
           not going up for years.

           We wrote our messages
           on scraps of prayer
           alternating hope
           and desperation.

           Then one day
           we found the escalator worked
           but had two buttons only
           on its facia.

           G. and B.
           Ground, which we must leave
           and Basement
           where we were meant for

           all along.

                    Geoff Stevens

           Golden Top

           Lost to the real world
           you walk the night corn
           moonlit heads nodding
           with prediction
           light from the window
           drawing you towards
           the dark farmhouse
           with its scintillating charm
           so you may prostrate yourself
           on its raven-poached
           doorstep of destruction
           where suicide notes proliferate
           and all delivery visits
           have been cancelled
           by prior arrangement

                    Geoff Stevens

           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                     12/11/2010
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           Mary Ann on Walking

           I say to Mary Ann

           ‘My father never owned a motor car
           He walked nearly everywhere he went
           They awarded him an AOM
           for walking every Sunday for fifty years
           from Shenton Park Station to Hollywood Hospital
           to visit sick veterans from the bush
           With failing eyesight at ninety four
           every lamp post was an adversary'

           Today we sat in a seminar on Alzheimers
           Keeping Alzheimers at bay

           Healthy diet
                     Fruit and veg rich in poly phenols
                               Omega 3 essential fatty acids
                               from oily fish
                     Thirty minutes walk a day
                               Cycling or swimming
           A good night's sleep
           You'll be fine

           ‘But I can't walk,' says Mary Ann
           ‘I'm lucky to make it to the letter box and back'

           ‘Ah ha

           For you there are
                             Board Games and

           She sends me an e-mail.
           ‘You know what I picked up on the net on walking?
           There was this guy who said:
                   When he turned sixty-five
                   my grandfather started walking five miles a day
                   He is now ninety-five and
                   we don't know where he is'

                    Ron Okely


           romantic notes

           i pump the passion
           let him leave a toothbrush
           at my place, i wear his t-shirt
           makes him feel connected

           i send him sweets for Valentine's
           he nibbles treats off my tummy

           i channel energy into tennis
           promise après-ski action
           slip romantic notes into
           his pocket, get sudsy in the
           shower and, when summer
           cold hits, show my devotion

           i turn my pad into luxury
           retreat but – but despite
           all my effort he refuses
           to pick up the phone

                    Cynthia Rowe

           It Must Be Nice...

           It must be nice
           to have a son, she says,
           a boy in your family

           But I have a brother, I say             12/11/2010
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           No, you come from a family of girls

           But you've met my brother
           He's not a real brother

           But he is a real brother, I say
           Not exactly ... he's adopted

           But he's always been there, I say
           was there before I appeared

           Still, it must be nice
           to have a son, she says,
           a boy born into your family

                    Cynthia Rowe


           Nostalgia Bombs

           Hand him a cup of Jamaican Blue
           flavoured by cinnamon and sleight of hand.
           Offer the old man a slice of sponge
           calypsoed with sunshine and Kingston cream.
           Now see forgotten yesterdays
           explode upon Pop's face.

                    Jan Napier


           Jasmine Tea

           Flowers lull
           ripe as snow berries
           on the patterned fence.

           In a blue kitchen
           the white teapot
           plumps dry blossoms.

           The small china cup
           warms my hand
           becomes heavy.

           Spring cleans the palate
           at the window
           jasmine blooms.

                    Paula Jones

           The Big Bang

           It fossilises me
           the loud nature of it
           raw and gaping truth
           as told by white coats
           and bubbling glass tubes.

           We all began in fury
           in the heat and anger
           of a million nuclear bombs
           which explains a lot about
           this world, don't you think.

           I'd like to imagine it more
           like the blowing of a balloon
           the rhythm of giving air
           and growing the earth and sea
           in long, measured breaths.

           And the longer we exist
           the bigger we become in space
           suspended and glowing blue
           amongst the spilled stars,
           lighter than air itself.     12/11/2010
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           It is inevitable in time
           like rubber stretched
           to ultimate capacity
           that when the curve is full
           it will take the fast escape.

                    Paula Jones


           Child Rearing

           The baby awoke
           all snuffy and puffy-eyed
           rattling the bars of the cot
           pleading to get into bed
           with me.

           Finally we slept.

           At five-thirty
           the toddler awoke
           ready to begin the day.

           Creeping out of bed
           afraid of waking the baby
           grabbing a dressing gown
           and fur-lined boots
           I tiptoe into the toddler's room
           holding my finger to my lips
           for silence.

           The toddler laughed
           and called my name.

           A putting on of jumpers
           and socks and slippers
           on plump little feet
           I carry her against my breast
           her little body
           like a warm sausage

           We stood on the verandah
           and watched the sun
           a glow in the east
           it was about to rise
           over the edge of our world.

                    Laurel Lamperd


           Remembering Piaf

           She stood on the table my friend said.
           This tiny woman stood on the table
           and started singing, just like that.
           Just like that with no musicians.
           It was magic my friend said magic.
           A whole café suddenly silent.
           Even the noise from the kitchen
           the kitchen noises of pots and pans
           subsided and stopped.
           The chef stopped shouting
           at the kitchen hands.
           Waiters stood silently by the door.
           Hairs rose on the back of my neck she said.
           Her hand went to her neck
           and she rubbed it
           rubbed it abstractedly remembering Piaf
           how she stood on the table
           and started singing.

                    Flora Smith     12/11/2010
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           Printing Paranoia

           My printer has a mind of its own
           it chooses its own format.
           I type a page of my new poem –
           expect a copy like that.

           But no! the length of line is changed
           the header is bizarre
           the horizontal rearranged
           to perpendicular!

           Perhaps this could be rectified
           by changing margin settings
           or “align left “ to “ justify”-
           it's really most upsetting.

           Let's have another go at this
           I click on print icon –
           but no! the bugger still insists-
           I see we've got a fight on.

           Maybe the manual can help
           maybe the trouble-shooter
           but no! this idiosyncrasy
           is unique to my computer.

           Enjambments worked out very well
           the typed page looks just fine.
           Press “print” again – bloody hell -
           it's mangled up the lines!

           To add insult to injury
           it makes my name convertible
           I ‘m fed up and frustrated
           to find I'm printed vertical.

                     M         M
                     e         a
                     r         n
                     y         o
                     l         y



                                                    In the silence of mind
                                                      a tongue-less bell,
                                                    vibrates with memory;

                                                      a tremor of intention,
                                                   the shaking hand whose
                                                     pen taps like a dancer
                                                    across an empty stage;

                                                 the stuttering tongue that
                                                  trips over conversation,
                                                     limbering up for the
                                                   synaptic           leap

                                                    from thought to voice;
                                                       this one-way trip
                                                    a hazardous crossing
                                                        with no return.

                    Mardi May

           In Shanghai

           the cityscape
           is a tangram puzzle

           tangram of a bird
           in full flight                       12/11/2010
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           tangram of a snake
           rippling across the land

           a planed and angled
           jigsaw of living

           its skyline soaring
           into distant futures

           these tottering towers
           building blocks

           of a child who
           knows no limitation.

                    Mardi May


           Different Times

           Imagine Wall Street's disdain,
           if St Francis of Assisi
           lead his simple life
           in our time and domain.

           The ‘Lilies of the Field' was once OK,
           but the Stock Market's today's main ‘Field of Play'.
           “Forget about living in a community, my son.
           You now live in an economy, ad nauseam.”

                    Elio Novello



           The moon is
           not an
           eye you cannot see nor an
           oval to scream while children
           play tomorrow

           chasing balls that

           -ver return            elusive as

                    Gary De Piazzi

           The Worm Within

           Rainbows at noon, pyjamas reeking
           from last night's turmoil and the
           world settles as if cleansed.
           With dimmed eyes he refuses to see
           caught by demons in the mind
           rainbows don't visit his world.

           Manacled to yesterdays blurted
           to surprise those around him.
           Everybody stops to stare, smile
           the knowing smile and go on
           as he settles back into himself.

           Age birthed the worm devouring
           today, feeding on instances until
           all that remains is yesterdays.
           But this too the worm will claim
           as it feeds back on itself
           stealing who he is, who he w

                    Gary De Piazzi          12/11/2010
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           Like a person

           You made me feel like a person again.
           With hands to read
           legs to stroke
           breasts to hold,
           and eyes to be seen.

           Someone with feelings,
           and words to give meaning.
           A brain to understand,
           and to be understood.

           You made me feel like a person again.
           Not the one who brings the children to school
           pays part of the mortgage
           and keeps the dishes clean.

           Unimportant, you say?
           Understand, you say?
           Love, you say?

           You don't realize
           you leave me
           more needy
           more wanting

           more dependent
           more alone.

           So I take it back:
           all of what's mine;
           the eyes, the legs, the hands, the breasts.
           I'll think with my brain
           before I give again.

                    Tineke Van der Eecken

           Come right

           He sits clenched
           his muscle hard
           brain frozen
           to one thought.

           It'll blow over:
           she'll come right.

           She wrestles and stirs
           sick of him
           sick of the two of them sliding down.
           Sick of not finding resolve
           of staring at their open wound.

           Of nothing changed
           since then.

           That one time:
           his eyes were alive
           his feelings expressed
           emotions shared.
           For someone.

           For someone else.

           It'll blow over,
           she had thought.
           He'll come right.

           Now years have passed
           And here they are:
           Eyes with no light
           All of that unspoken,

                    Tineke Van der Eecken     12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                             Page 16 of 22


           The Wild-Wild West

           Every day's a gold rush
           And you can't trust no-one
           Coz they're all double-negatives
           And hanging's a spectator sport
           And writing's for tombstones
           And real men down whiskey
           And everyone's your friend
           And its drinks all round

           The gunslinger's in the belltower
           And women hike up their skirts
           And wear boots over fishnets
           But it's not like the movies
           Where the sheriffs aren't crooked
           And the villains all don black
           And everyone's your friend
           And its drinks all round

           It's a dry argument in a dustbowl
           And you can't take a bath
           Coz the town's got no water
           So you wash once a month
           With a jug and a basin
           And the bedbugs don't mind
           And everyone's your friend
           And its drinks all round

           The preacher's daughter's no virgin
           Lucky your horse knows the way
           Coz you're a wreck in a desert
           And the flowers are all cactus
           And your hat's full of holes
           From all those near misses
           And everyone's your friend
           And its drinks all round

           Yeah everyone's your friend
           And its drinks all round

                    Dean Meredith

           So Write

           Just write
           And it will be
           Just right
           Not for critics
           Afraid to live
           Not for publishers
           Afraid to print
           Write for you and
           Hearts that think
           And pure pages
           Thirsty for ink
           Forget about faults
           And be free
           Share with us
           Help us feel
           Help us see
           Just write
           And let it be
           Just right

                    Dean Meredith


           All of life

           I cannot live your tidy half-life; the saccharine deceit
           of cleanliness and godliness and goodliness
           that smothers authenticity
           and causes those who don't, or can't, pretend
           to feel inadequate              12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                                             Page 17 of 22

           I've never been able to erect the polite palisade of veneers and facades
           that keeps you safely in the tepid shallows
           of life and love and neighbourliness
           and gives you credence in one another's eyes
           so I have always gone too far beyond the pale;
           waded in beyond my depth
           sinking ever lower beneath the heavy weight of censure
           until at last in the deepest depth of my despair
           I found a desperate deliverance from mediocrity:
           a voice with which I can proclaim I'm proud to be a misfit;
           a fringe-dweller, a citizen of the periphery;
           an imposter in the demi-death you call life
           lost among the niceties; voiceless, improper, exposed
           I don't belong on your self-constructed pedestals
           of smug conceit; amidst the smooth concealment of the
           petty jealousies, fickle affiliations and profound betrayals
           that undermine the foundations of your precarious platforms

           I have been half-dead so long
           I hunger for all of life; ugly, bitter, unpredictable;
           lyrical, luminous, laced with fears, caressed by joys
           too hot, too cold; exposed to all the elements
           I shall howl, lupine, to the full moon
           and whisper to her slender, sickle sister
           I'll scream, I'll weep, I'll roar and gnash my teeth
           and wring my hands and forfeit sleep
           and laugh aloud till tears do fall
           and sing, and sing my caterwaul
           I'll plumb the depths and scale the heights
           of woe and joy and secular delights

           Vive la difference!
           Vive la liberté!
           I have found my voice
           I am free to be me.

                    Patricia Sully


           The Red Caterpillar Learns to Fly

           The Buddhists say
           ‘As it is'
           So why wait for

           The red caterpillar minus
           a leg or two simply
           took to the yellow sky
           and flew

                    Liana Joy Christensen


           Dentures are no fun
           I don't give a toss about
           dental floss
           Brain plaque's the thing
           that scares me
           If some medical giant
           invents neuro-floss
           in the service of humanity's
           mental hygiene
           I will be the first
           to erect a post-mortem plaque
           in brass

                    Liana Joy Christensen


           the other Other games

           echoes of inappropriate laughter                              12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                       Page 18 of 22

           from a gourmet dinner party
           hosted in downtown Ethiopia
           bounce around the streets of Delhi
           turned high caste playground
           where the urchins dwell
           not quite untouchable
           amid the garden spring clean
           verge pick-up in remembrance
           of the royal marriage arranged
           to appease the wicked step-mother
           game-face on
           bearing her ample dowry

           an allegiance of ants collecting crumbs
           and having outgrown the old
           begin a postmodern colony
           now that there is no Other
           and in our new found unity
           close our eyes for the blind tasting
           finger tips almost touching
           misread the flavours etched
           in Commonwealth Braille
           chips still on the block
           pining for gold
           worshipping the gun

                    Shey Marque


           Poppy Day

           Drafted into killing yards
           herded through mud, boots
           slosh, squelch, and stick,
           rooted to the land.
           France, with her name precariously
           safety pinned to her pocket,
           watches their progress.
           Only the young trees fall.

                    Published previously by Speedpoets

                    Sue Clennell


           Art for fuck's sake

           I get a beer and lean on the bar
           I can smell the pheromones
           He's been sweating into that t-shirt all afternoon
           I want to touch
           but he doesn't even smile
           I think he'd be intense in bed
           A really good hard fuck
           But he's so serious
           He doesn't flirt
           And I don't know where to start

           We're too scared to say what we want to say
           to the person we want to say it to
           because what if they don't like it
           They might laugh at us
           or never speak to us again
           and we'd feel foolish
           and that would (it seems) be worse
           than our unrequited desire

           So we write it instead
           Publish it
           Perform it
           Trying timidly to deliver our message
           in the ridiculous hope that our target
           who we suspect likes us too
           although maybe that's just a mirage
           will be emboldened
           to touch us        12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                                 Page 19 of 22

           somewhere more intimate than
           the shoulder
           Somewhere like the waist
           That's always nice
           Or ask us to dance
           or buy us a drink
           or invite us to a movie or
           just you know back to their place to uh look at their books

                     Janet Jackson

           poems at 64

           so men find
           a lover
           men who write poems of joy
           have found
           a lover
           men who at 64 write poems of exaltation
           at the wonder of the universe
           have found
           a lover


           women who at 64 write poems of quiet splendour
           have found
           have rejected
           male company
           in favour of
           have rejected
           the soft-skinned, hard-cored cock
           in favour of their own

                     Janet Jackson


           Ganymede carried off by the Eagle (1634-1693)

           in his red red dress
           thongs on his feet
           laced to the knee
           plumes tie his hair
           purple ripe plums
           fill his head

           Ganymede embraces the eagle
           flies wings on horseback
           reins in the moon
           the sea
           a distant purple
           below them

                     Rose van Son


           The Pineapple of Love

           I carve off the rough and prickled

                              of your tortured soul.

           The surface, emerging
                    wet and glistening, leaks pungent
                             sweet juices and hints of desire, of love.

           I reach out         desperate
                    for words of comfort and
                    for arms of desire and                  12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                                  Page 20 of 22

                     for wet lips of need.

           The golden jubilee, new swollen
                   fruit, sweet, and gushing
                   nectar, singing a poet's call
                   for vigour and rigour,
                   sap erupting -

                                upon my lips
                                sugars of sunshine lit by
                                         life, hope and sticky farewells

                     stain my biting teeth, jaws and mind,
                     savouring sparkling flesh as
                              I gaze upon each passing
                                         day -

           and wonder as I wander, if
                   life and love
                              could ever
                                       bleed so sweet.

                     Allan Padgett

           O Happy Night

           The house you're living in ............

                     doesn't make you happy.

           The dog next door barks at
                   the rat eating your swollen seedy
                   pomegranates and tears your
                   fretful dialogue with the vapid
                   night to pieces and that ............

           doesn't make you happy.

           A raft of IEDs rips a few more
                      hundred bodies to pieces.

           Another suburb of settlers brings
                    another round of strife
                    and diplomatic solutions that
                    smell of bandaids and dettol
                    and that ...........

           doesn't make you happy.

           The night eats your sleep as
                    the dog licks your neck
                    and his eyes sob into yours
                    so you smile and hug your sorrow.

           And that ............ makes you happy.

                     Allan Padgett


           Poem 2:

           when the Tessa went down,
           her buoys went missing so subtley,
           that it looked like suicide, and nobody mourned;
           any delusion of love in that crackling
           glance to her deck, was a house of cards,
           shattered as she crashed through a sea of comparison-
           sky blue, and clouds cut of the chill steep wind
           slightly chopping into crests, like curt statements
           salt-eyed with a moons wisdom, mountains below
           and rivers above, to serenade torn facades
           finally facing the rumbling silence of words
           from the sun- addressing a greedy whim,
           as the people made quick disgust their form,
           they jumped, recalled: the Tessa was warned
           more than once, and a fleet
           of such we flaunted                   12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                    Page 21 of 22

                    Jonothon Twist



           Brown dog rolling in surf
           to the horizon went
           and barking madly on the
           beach of our lives
           brought glimpses of it back
           with him
           announced in his happy
           surf splashing antics
           running and swimming
           memory deep.

           Brown dog in the driveway
           came to meet us wagging
           barking his welcome song
           opening our pathway
           echoing homely dreams and happiness
           as round and round dancing

           in canine contentedness
           he sang to us
           the chorus of our lives.

                    Graeme Butler


           Another Stolen First Line

                              from Dancing in Odessa
                                       by Ilya Kaminsky

                    We lived North of the future...

           were born there
           into summer twilight evenings;
           cold winter nights, frost and snow
           underlay our present,
           hard-to-ignore cuckoo call,
           hazy bluebell woods, deciduous trees,
           gold autumn Cotswold stone,
           that way of thinking...

           yet we have lived here
           more years than there,
           accept another language,
           red earth, drought-ridden summers,
           bask in sea/beach clarity,
           hard-to-ignore antipodean flora/fauna,
           gum trees you can see the sky through,
           red callistemon, parakeet, kookaburra...

           we will not go back.

                    Sally Clarke

           web poetry

           I am the text gatherer,
           poets entrust me with
           deepest thought
           heartfelt emotion
           life observation.

           Netted, I haul them in
           provide temporary shelter
           untangle formatted lines—
           demanding capitals
           bold, large
           long, short,     12/11/2010
Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010                    Page 22 of 22

           modest, minute,
           calling colourful attention,
           some already exposed
           seeking more sunlight.

           I tidy,
           apply uniformity
           try to understand
           where they are coming from
           laugh, cry, sigh
           fall in and out of love.

           Come the deadline,
           they must be weighed,
           measured up.

           I kiss and release
           into the wider world.

                    Sally Clarke

           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     12/11/2010

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Http pages creatrixissue11poetry

  • 1. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 1 of 22 back to Creatrix Issue 11 Main Page Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Selectors/Editors: Sally Clarke, Anne Dyson, Peter Jeffery, Veronica Lake, Chris Palazollo and Flora Smith Administration: Sally Clarke Original text: Poets in this issue: Tatjana Debeljacki Tatjana Debeljacki Renee Pettitt-Schipp Derek Fenton Jacqui Merckenschlager Max Merckenschlager Tanya Jaw Kevin Gillam Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne J.R. McRae Cuttlewoman Coral Carter Christopher Konrad Geoff Stevens Ron Okely Cynthia Rowe Jan Napier Paula Jones Laurel Lamperd Flora Smith Meryl Manoy Mardi May Elio Novello Gary De Piazzi Tineke Van der Eecken Dean Meredith Patricia Sully Liana Joy Christensen Shey Marque Sue Clennell Janet Jackson Rose van Son Allan Padgett Jonothon Twist Graeme Butler Sally Clarke The Time of Birth I will conquer the fear of flying I will jump with the parachute of kiss While walking I'll dance to the drum rhythm Dream in the clothes of the penguin Thumb through the book Goodbye my sixteen years with premises in the mind that I will carry them in my fifties real and modest and at least once a day I will laugh out loud Really enjoy In intimately woven world When the moon passes its seventh round And Jupiter falls on Mars Our world will be the leader And love will be the path for the stars That would be the time when Aquarius is born To my grandchildren, grand-grandchildren I will tell stories about times When people were people. Tatjana Debeljacki 12/11/2010
  • 2. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 2 of 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Advance Australia For a moment our money seemed to fail us, zooming in on the Wall Street banker despair distilled the American flag grew quiet, hung the nation shut its mouth a nation almost questioned its God Given Right a nation almost questioned. On Golden Soil with Wealth for Toil we paused watching the nightly news closing our purses tightly staying in. We almost asked - a different way? We almost asked then Stimulus Package, China's strength a mining boom or sheer good luck, we recovered. Relieved, we grabbed our credit cards and the moment was gone. Renee Pettitt-Schipp Butterfly Thin winged your flight suggests a world where fairies hide in tangled roots and dragons guard bright secrets. But you share yours, splaying sudden colour at the edge of a flower, then closing modestly into yourself. At the headland I sat under the shade of a Banyan tree to watch the finches bath and play. In the distance slow coconuts crawled up the beach. And there you were white winged in layers of shadow, your life measured by the beat of fragile wings, yet for reasons unseen, intentionally setting a path against the breeze, you dance in the dark never meaning to make the sea. Renee Pettit-Schipp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Passport To Poetry Now that I am finally retired can I describe myself as a poet on my arrival and departure forms, 12/11/2010
  • 3. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 3 of 22 or will my demeanour just show it? Will a pensive look and a beret do it or a pen always tucked behind my ear? What about a notebook inscribed "Poesy" or an eye with a hint of a tear? Now that I've had some poems published does it finally give me the right to proudly proclaim my profession by putting it into black and white? Perhaps I could get some business cards describing me as a purveyor of verse or even an artistic tattoo, just a great poet's name, tasteful and terse. Better still I can go onto Facebook: so everyone in cloud cuckoo land can see, like all of the others who live there, I can be whatever I want to be! Derek Fenton The Retiring Kind What will you do in retirement, is what so many people say. Will your eyes still retain their glint during the next thirty year stint? How will you survive without pay? What will you do in retirement? But for whom is this question meant? Is it for me, or for them, they pray? Will your eyes still retain their glint? Perhaps it's disillusionment which they suspect is on the way. What will you do in retirement? Without work where's your fulfilment, how will you occupy your day? Will your eyes still retain their glint? For me, poetry is enchantment, a bright beacon to light up my way. So I'll be fine in retirement, and my eyes will retain their glint! Accepted by Quadrant. Derek Fenton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remembering the Eiderdown Duck down beneath its feathery folds, warm and wonderfully light, a cloud cave of dark comfort, a haven from harsh adult laughter, a place to lose ourselves in giggle and tickle until, emerging exhausted, we sink deep into duck down pillows. Included in ‘Captured Moments' 2010 Jacqui Merckenschlager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before Batman And Sparrow Rollers and breakers, the restless ebb and flow of city, 12/11/2010
  • 4. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 4 of 22 drifted through dreams in a Melbourne hostel. Have others camped along the Coorong used similar psychology, heard thunder of hidden shores as distant, drugging midnight traffic? Before Batman and sparrow, did robin and reed-warbler grace Yarra's untamed edge? Did platypus slip down her tributaries and flounder over her waterfall toward a pristine bay? Before crystal condominiums grew along her bank of bridges, that ferries limbo and passing fingers lightly brush, which limbs draped their shading strands? Which heads ducked beneath them in barks, before barques, before liners? Were there river box and blue cranes before docks and steel containers? Before Batman and sparrow, Indian taxi-drivers with GPS navigation, grinkaries with Angle tongues and citriodoras planted in median strips, what trees were hollowed for nests by beaks with sulphur crests of lovers who dream that this is normal? Footnotes 1. John Batman is considered by many to be the founder of Melbourne 2. A grinkari (plural grinkaries): pronounced “krink-ree” is a white fella 3. Eucalyptus citriodora is the botanical name for lemon-scented gum Highly Commended in Bundaberg Festival Of Arts Poetry Competition. Included in ‘Captured Moments'. 2010. Max Merckenschlager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago Warren Buffett I give you my face Since I can't see yours Small and finely cut Black and white Unreachable to Your hands As others want To gaze upon the thing they do not love My face - a mosaic Leaving imprints on walls As it moves From bed to bed Capturing gazes mimicking smiles Skipping from Head to head Casting possibilities Until it returns You send word I lost my wife Momentarily Thanks to the Pin-up girl You were instead 12/11/2010
  • 5. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 5 of 22 Tanya Jaw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proper hops the Chinese checker board was crafted from American pine and the balls made a kind of music in their rubber floral bag and Nan let my little sister do a hop when there wasn't one and the balls glistened like jaffas only none were orange and my favourite was getting a four-hole hop into the corner of the star and Nan had come to babysit us and all the balls mixed up in the middle of the game made me feel all tangled and bursting and there was red and white and blue and green and yellow and black and the paint on the star was faded and gone more dusty brown than paint and I was always green and Nan said it didn't matter about proper hops or who won but it did to me Kevin Gillam thin poems thin poems are like shoot- ing stars, arcing across the blackboard of sky, like French knitting, emerging me- thodically from the cotton reel of thought, like hope, forever casting out, unreeling, unreeling Kevin Gillam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Belly Envy Searching for infertility cures Google returns a bonus search box: The trick of the tiny belly. But I want a belly-full a rounded, heaving, stretch-marked globe of a belly, life teaming underneath a thinning skin. Not a bonus box to store my yearning in whilst my stomach shrinks to a wrinkled empty sac. I want to puke every morning and still grow. And whilst I'm at it, I want Google to get rid of Sylvia Plath and her O so Barren Woman. I want her madness to stop stealing my show. 12/11/2010
  • 6. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 6 of 22 Accepted for Polari Journal, October 2010 Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tracks] The sand wavers near the water, Pushed to the brink Where tracks wash out. Skin slides down the elements tracking the sun, Cloth waves loose Flirting with bodies beneath. He's different. Up on the grass He lets the wind cut through his shirt, Long sleeves to hide the tracks Where he's been. Published, illustrated, online J.R.McRae The European Wolf Prowling round my perimeters A great, grey predatory male With scars on his flank, A coarseness to his muzzle And one skewed tooth. I see him in the woods. He stops - Holding my eyes captive Whilst he devours. I have no defence against those eyes, Hunted to the brink of extinction Their flame dark and intense - The forest fire consuming lesser fires Cradled in man made girdles of rock. I saw him mount his mate. Her with the soft back pelt, Feed her cubs to keep his blood alive, Haunches quivering with his impact. She milked his strength, Snapped at him over her shoulder, Fire flashing from the razor teeth Bared from beneath her curled lip. When I saw her, months later, with cubs, He was gone, Melded into the forest, A grey grieving hung Like perpetual winter in the air. I still see him, His seed frozen in time - star sown, Scattered across an expanding universe Seeking a womb's continuance, Finding the dead thighs of stars Whose light, still travelling, Glittered in the eyes of his mate. I am now in a foreign, sweltering city, Dreaming - to the distant whine Of traffic and mosquitoes - His cubs hunt their prey, Savour fresh blood on their muzzles, range In their forest, marking their territory and mine, Keeping me bound by their ancestral laws, A stranger prowling The perimeters of their being. I still see him Clear nights when the sky is fierce with stars I still feel the light of his eyes Searching after death for the womb house of his kind. 12/11/2010
  • 7. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 7 of 22 I still see him ... J.R.McRae ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nineteen years How the heart knows its own business. How it guides its feet through food, shelter, Boredom, fear, bliss, tears, madness. Just how crazed that pilot to come so far From any place to land, or even safely crash. Yet I know I do not need a diamond or pearls When raindrops sparkle from the tips of every twig. I know I do not need a dress when flowers ride The darkest day in white and yellow and pink. I do not need a veil when night will come To shroud the day, even the day that was never found. I know I do not need love When I have not lain with you These nineteen years. cuttlewoman The Burn The burn must be timely, At a sensible interval Since the previous burn, Taking into account the weather, Especially the prevailing winds. And pray for a little finishing rain When things go belly-up. The burn must be hot, But not too hot, and fast. Fire must be wielded selectively, Or else some species Will not recover from the burn. Fires raged out of control And too fierce, Up and down the wild tracks I had made of my life, And cauterizing everything. Stumping my love for Everything, killing feeling For years. Ash drenched With too late tears made wasteland Of years. What little grew, Grew painful, twisting in darkness, Waxing in the twilight of Getting on with it, over it. Fire can no longer reach The estranged and tender canopy of My love for you. The defences are Too thick for kerosene, for acid, For flames. Too harshly nurtured, Too ancient for reason. Too toughened by tears and guilt. Too shamed for shame. I cannot burn again? On the altar of my kindling, Pyromania be Thy name. cuttlewoman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the summer sky blues strikes me eye blue arch over me blue smother me blue stun me blue 12/11/2010
  • 8. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 8 of 22 always blue painstaikingly blue perpetual blue unrelenting blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue yes mate it's blue blue again blue without doubt blue fuck me blue don't tell me it's blue i love a sunburnt country blue head for the beach blue run around after balls blue sunbake until you are red blue no cloud blue air con hum blue beer o'clock blue swimming pool splash blue all compass points blue morning smoko blue lunch barbie blue knock off blue long afternoon with blowflies blue only crows in the sky at midday blue snakes out and about blue when will it end blue this blue never ending blue wake me when it's over blue Coral Carter I see an older woman I see an older woman on the other side of Graeme Street older like me but hobbles hold me stop me running stop me grasping her stop me hugging her stop me inviting her home for a cup of tea a chat where steam rises spoons tink sugar glints instead I tell the dog at number 27 don't bark just don't bark Coral Carter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon Peasant Poets Thinking about Hesiod seasonal calendars, planting crops good gods, bad men and muses: it's not such a bad thing is it to be a peasant poet? keeps the establishment on their toes brings out the country in the urb crooked thinking along narrow roads. Chopping wood (another worthy occupation) in these days of PC may cost you your intellectual life I still drink wine from Margaret River vineyards and my cheese too springs from the rhetoric rural: O how idyllic the drive along Caves Road I'm thinking about Hesiod and the cycles of the gods golden days and iron age and the fall of iniquitous man. 12/11/2010
  • 9. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 9 of 22 Christopher Konrad Death in Tiananmen Square If all I had was the sand beneath the wind around this Esperance sea view that would be enough to live out my entire karma Of course that would be seen as ignorance and hubris by those caught up in revolt and the suffering of man: they would have to recall me, refit me and educate me into the right way of the world Of course this would not do as our brothers and sisters are strafed with misery and loss I would have to read great tomes and I would have to atone to learn anew all about the sins of omission If only I could teach the way of salt misted through the air of gulls swept by southern winds if only, somehow, I could tell them that hunger is my lot too then perhaps they would not feel so disastrously towards me Maybe then their ire would not scorch my skin Christopher Konrad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buried Alive Trapped in the living world so claustrophobic the lift out of order not going up for years. We wrote our messages on scraps of prayer alternating hope and desperation. Then one day we found the escalator worked but had two buttons only on its facia. G. and B. Ground, which we must leave and Basement where we were meant for all along. Geoff Stevens Golden Top Lost to the real world you walk the night corn moonlit heads nodding with prediction light from the window drawing you towards the dark farmhouse with its scintillating charm so you may prostrate yourself on its raven-poached doorstep of destruction where suicide notes proliferate and all delivery visits have been cancelled by prior arrangement Geoff Stevens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/11/2010
  • 10. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 10 of 22 Mary Ann on Walking I say to Mary Ann ‘My father never owned a motor car He walked nearly everywhere he went They awarded him an AOM for walking every Sunday for fifty years from Shenton Park Station to Hollywood Hospital to visit sick veterans from the bush With failing eyesight at ninety four every lamp post was an adversary' Today we sat in a seminar on Alzheimers Keeping Alzheimers at bay Healthy diet Fruit and veg rich in poly phenols Omega 3 essential fatty acids from oily fish Exercise Thirty minutes walk a day Cycling or swimming A good night's sleep You'll be fine ‘But I can't walk,' says Mary Ann ‘I'm lucky to make it to the letter box and back' ‘Ah ha For you there are Crosswords Board Games and Freecell' She sends me an e-mail. ‘You know what I picked up on the net on walking? There was this guy who said: When he turned sixty-five my grandfather started walking five miles a day He is now ninety-five and we don't know where he is' Ron Okely ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ romantic notes i pump the passion let him leave a toothbrush at my place, i wear his t-shirt makes him feel connected i send him sweets for Valentine's he nibbles treats off my tummy i channel energy into tennis promise après-ski action slip romantic notes into his pocket, get sudsy in the shower and, when summer cold hits, show my devotion i turn my pad into luxury retreat but – but despite all my effort he refuses to pick up the phone Cynthia Rowe It Must Be Nice... It must be nice to have a son, she says, a boy in your family But I have a brother, I say 12/11/2010
  • 11. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 11 of 22 No, you come from a family of girls But you've met my brother He's not a real brother But he is a real brother, I say Not exactly ... he's adopted But he's always been there, I say was there before I appeared Still, it must be nice to have a son, she says, a boy born into your family Cynthia Rowe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nostalgia Bombs Hand him a cup of Jamaican Blue flavoured by cinnamon and sleight of hand. Offer the old man a slice of sponge calypsoed with sunshine and Kingston cream. Now see forgotten yesterdays explode upon Pop's face. Jan Napier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jasmine Tea Flowers lull ripe as snow berries on the patterned fence. In a blue kitchen the white teapot plumps dry blossoms. The small china cup warms my hand becomes heavy. Spring cleans the palate at the window jasmine blooms. Paula Jones The Big Bang It fossilises me the loud nature of it raw and gaping truth as told by white coats and bubbling glass tubes. We all began in fury in the heat and anger of a million nuclear bombs which explains a lot about this world, don't you think. I'd like to imagine it more like the blowing of a balloon the rhythm of giving air and growing the earth and sea in long, measured breaths. And the longer we exist the bigger we become in space suspended and glowing blue amongst the spilled stars, lighter than air itself. 12/11/2010
  • 12. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 12 of 22 It is inevitable in time like rubber stretched to ultimate capacity that when the curve is full it will take the fast escape. Paula Jones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Child Rearing The baby awoke all snuffy and puffy-eyed rattling the bars of the cot pleading to get into bed with me. Finally we slept. At five-thirty the toddler awoke ready to begin the day. Creeping out of bed afraid of waking the baby grabbing a dressing gown and fur-lined boots I tiptoe into the toddler's room holding my finger to my lips for silence. The toddler laughed and called my name. Mummy. A putting on of jumpers and socks and slippers on plump little feet I carry her against my breast her little body like a warm sausage We stood on the verandah and watched the sun a glow in the east signalling it was about to rise over the edge of our world. Laurel Lamperd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remembering Piaf She stood on the table my friend said. This tiny woman stood on the table and started singing, just like that. Just like that with no musicians. It was magic my friend said magic. A whole café suddenly silent. Even the noise from the kitchen the kitchen noises of pots and pans subsided and stopped. The chef stopped shouting at the kitchen hands. Waiters stood silently by the door. Hairs rose on the back of my neck she said. Her hand went to her neck and she rubbed it rubbed it abstractedly remembering Piaf how she stood on the table and started singing. Flora Smith 12/11/2010
  • 13. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 13 of 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Printing Paranoia My printer has a mind of its own it chooses its own format. I type a page of my new poem – expect a copy like that. But no! the length of line is changed the header is bizarre the horizontal rearranged to perpendicular! Perhaps this could be rectified by changing margin settings or “align left “ to “ justify”- it's really most upsetting. Let's have another go at this I click on print icon – but no! the bugger still insists- I see we've got a fight on. Maybe the manual can help maybe the trouble-shooter but no! this idiosyncrasy is unique to my computer. Enjambments worked out very well the typed page looks just fine. Press “print” again – bloody hell - it's mangled up the lines! To add insult to injury it makes my name convertible I ‘m fed up and frustrated to find I'm printed vertical. M M e a r n y o l y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speech In the silence of mind thought, a tongue-less bell, vibrates with memory; a tremor of intention, the shaking hand whose pen taps like a dancer across an empty stage; the stuttering tongue that trips over conversation, limbering up for the synaptic leap from thought to voice; this one-way trip a hazardous crossing with no return. Mardi May In Shanghai the cityscape is a tangram puzzle tangram of a bird in full flight 12/11/2010
  • 14. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 14 of 22 tangram of a snake rippling across the land a planed and angled jigsaw of living its skyline soaring into distant futures these tottering towers building blocks of a child who knows no limitation. Mardi May ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Different Times Imagine Wall Street's disdain, if St Francis of Assisi lead his simple life in our time and domain. The ‘Lilies of the Field' was once OK, but the Stock Market's today's main ‘Field of Play'. “Forget about living in a community, my son. You now live in an economy, ad nauseam.” Elio Novello ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parody The moon is not an eye you cannot see nor an oval to scream while children play tomorrow chasing balls that ne- -ver return elusive as dreams. Gary De Piazzi The Worm Within Rainbows at noon, pyjamas reeking from last night's turmoil and the world settles as if cleansed. With dimmed eyes he refuses to see caught by demons in the mind rainbows don't visit his world. Manacled to yesterdays blurted to surprise those around him. Everybody stops to stare, smile the knowing smile and go on as he settles back into himself. Age birthed the worm devouring today, feeding on instances until all that remains is yesterdays. But this too the worm will claim as it feeds back on itself stealing who he is, who he w Gary De Piazzi 12/11/2010
  • 15. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 15 of 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like a person You made me feel like a person again. With hands to read legs to stroke breasts to hold, and eyes to be seen. Someone with feelings, and words to give meaning. A brain to understand, and to be understood. You made me feel like a person again. Not the one who brings the children to school pays part of the mortgage cooks, and keeps the dishes clean. Unimportant, you say? Understand, you say? Love, you say? You don't realize you leave me more needy more wanting more dependent more alone. So I take it back: all of what's mine; the eyes, the legs, the hands, the breasts. I'll think with my brain before I give again. Tineke Van der Eecken Come right He sits clenched his muscle hard brain frozen to one thought. It'll blow over: she'll come right. She wrestles and stirs sick of him sick of the two of them sliding down. Sick of not finding resolve of staring at their open wound. Of nothing changed since then. That one time: his eyes were alive his feelings expressed emotions shared. For someone. For someone else. It'll blow over, she had thought. He'll come right. Now years have passed And here they are: Eyes with no light All of that unspoken, Unshared. Tineke Van der Eecken 12/11/2010
  • 16. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 16 of 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Wild-Wild West Every day's a gold rush And you can't trust no-one Coz they're all double-negatives And hanging's a spectator sport And writing's for tombstones And real men down whiskey And everyone's your friend And its drinks all round The gunslinger's in the belltower And women hike up their skirts And wear boots over fishnets But it's not like the movies Where the sheriffs aren't crooked And the villains all don black And everyone's your friend And its drinks all round It's a dry argument in a dustbowl And you can't take a bath Coz the town's got no water So you wash once a month With a jug and a basin And the bedbugs don't mind And everyone's your friend And its drinks all round The preacher's daughter's no virgin Lucky your horse knows the way Coz you're a wreck in a desert And the flowers are all cactus And your hat's full of holes From all those near misses And everyone's your friend And its drinks all round Yeah everyone's your friend And its drinks all round Dean Meredith So Write Just write And it will be Just right Not for critics Afraid to live Not for publishers Afraid to print Write for you and Hearts that think And pure pages Thirsty for ink Forget about faults And be free Share with us Help us feel Help us see Just write And let it be Just right Dean Meredith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All of life I cannot live your tidy half-life; the saccharine deceit of cleanliness and godliness and goodliness that smothers authenticity and causes those who don't, or can't, pretend to feel inadequate 12/11/2010
  • 17. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 17 of 22 I've never been able to erect the polite palisade of veneers and facades that keeps you safely in the tepid shallows of life and love and neighbourliness and gives you credence in one another's eyes so I have always gone too far beyond the pale; waded in beyond my depth sinking ever lower beneath the heavy weight of censure until at last in the deepest depth of my despair I found a desperate deliverance from mediocrity: a voice with which I can proclaim I'm proud to be a misfit; a fringe-dweller, a citizen of the periphery; an imposter in the demi-death you call life lost among the niceties; voiceless, improper, exposed I don't belong on your self-constructed pedestals of smug conceit; amidst the smooth concealment of the petty jealousies, fickle affiliations and profound betrayals that undermine the foundations of your precarious platforms I have been half-dead so long I hunger for all of life; ugly, bitter, unpredictable; lyrical, luminous, laced with fears, caressed by joys too hot, too cold; exposed to all the elements I shall howl, lupine, to the full moon and whisper to her slender, sickle sister I'll scream, I'll weep, I'll roar and gnash my teeth and wring my hands and forfeit sleep and laugh aloud till tears do fall and sing, and sing my caterwaul I'll plumb the depths and scale the heights of woe and joy and secular delights Vive la difference! Vive la liberté! I have found my voice I am free to be me. Patricia Sully ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Red Caterpillar Learns to Fly The Buddhists say ‘As it is' So why wait for metamorphosis? The red caterpillar minus a leg or two simply took to the yellow sky and flew Liana Joy Christensen Plaque Dentures are no fun nonetheless I don't give a toss about dental floss Brain plaque's the thing that scares me If some medical giant invents neuro-floss in the service of humanity's mental hygiene I will be the first to erect a post-mortem plaque in brass Liana Joy Christensen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the other Other games echoes of inappropriate laughter 12/11/2010
  • 18. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 18 of 22 from a gourmet dinner party hosted in downtown Ethiopia bounce around the streets of Delhi turned high caste playground where the urchins dwell not quite untouchable amid the garden spring clean verge pick-up in remembrance of the royal marriage arranged to appease the wicked step-mother game-face on bearing her ample dowry an allegiance of ants collecting crumbs and having outgrown the old begin a postmodern colony now that there is no Other and in our new found unity close our eyes for the blind tasting finger tips almost touching misread the flavours etched in Commonwealth Braille chips still on the block pining for gold worshipping the gun Shey Marque ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poppy Day Drafted into killing yards herded through mud, boots slosh, squelch, and stick, rooted to the land. France, with her name precariously safety pinned to her pocket, watches their progress. Only the young trees fall. Published previously by Speedpoets Sue Clennell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Art for fuck's sake I get a beer and lean on the bar I can smell the pheromones He's been sweating into that t-shirt all afternoon I want to touch but he doesn't even smile I think he'd be intense in bed A really good hard fuck But he's so serious He doesn't flirt And I don't know where to start We're too scared to say what we want to say to the person we want to say it to because what if they don't like it They might laugh at us or never speak to us again and we'd feel foolish and that would (it seems) be worse than our unrequited desire So we write it instead Publish it Perform it Trying timidly to deliver our message in the ridiculous hope that our target who we suspect likes us too although maybe that's just a mirage will be emboldened to touch us 12/11/2010
  • 19. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 19 of 22 somewhere more intimate than the shoulder Somewhere like the waist That's always nice Or ask us to dance or buy us a drink or invite us to a movie or just you know back to their place to uh look at their books Janet Jackson poems at 64 so men find a lover men who write poems of joy have found a lover men who at 64 write poems of exaltation at the wonder of the universe have found a lover whereas women who at 64 write poems of quiet splendour have found themselves have rejected male company in favour of books have rejected the soft-skinned, hard-cored cock in favour of their own familiar fingers Janet Jackson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ganymede carried off by the Eagle (1634-1693) in his red red dress thongs on his feet laced to the knee plumes tie his hair purple ripe plums fill his head Ganymede embraces the eagle neck-to-neck flies wings on horseback reins in the moon the sea a distant purple below them Rose van Son ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pineapple of Love I carve off the rough and prickled edges of your tortured soul. The surface, emerging wet and glistening, leaks pungent sweet juices and hints of desire, of love. I reach out desperate for words of comfort and for arms of desire and 12/11/2010
  • 20. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 20 of 22 for wet lips of need. The golden jubilee, new swollen fruit, sweet, and gushing nectar, singing a poet's call for vigour and rigour, sap erupting - upon my lips sugars of sunshine lit by life, hope and sticky farewells stain my biting teeth, jaws and mind, savouring sparkling flesh as I gaze upon each passing day - and wonder as I wander, if life and love could ever bleed so sweet. Allan Padgett O Happy Night The house you're living in ............ doesn't make you happy. The dog next door barks at the rat eating your swollen seedy pomegranates and tears your fretful dialogue with the vapid night to pieces and that ............ doesn't make you happy. A raft of IEDs rips a few more hundred bodies to pieces. Another suburb of settlers brings another round of strife and diplomatic solutions that smell of bandaids and dettol and that ........... doesn't make you happy. The night eats your sleep as the dog licks your neck and his eyes sob into yours so you smile and hug your sorrow. And that ............ makes you happy. Allan Padgett ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poem 2: when the Tessa went down, her buoys went missing so subtley, that it looked like suicide, and nobody mourned; any delusion of love in that crackling glance to her deck, was a house of cards, shattered as she crashed through a sea of comparison- sky blue, and clouds cut of the chill steep wind slightly chopping into crests, like curt statements salt-eyed with a moons wisdom, mountains below and rivers above, to serenade torn facades finally facing the rumbling silence of words from the sun- addressing a greedy whim, as the people made quick disgust their form, they jumped, recalled: the Tessa was warned more than once, and a fleet of such we flaunted 12/11/2010
  • 21. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 21 of 22 Jonothon Twist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jake (1) Brown dog rolling in surf to the horizon went and barking madly on the beach of our lives brought glimpses of it back with him announced in his happy surf splashing antics running and swimming memory deep. (2) Brown dog in the driveway came to meet us wagging barking his welcome song opening our pathway echoing homely dreams and happiness as round and round dancing in canine contentedness he sang to us the chorus of our lives. Graeme Butler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another Stolen First Line from Dancing in Odessa by Ilya Kaminsky We lived North of the future... were born there into summer twilight evenings; cold winter nights, frost and snow underlay our present, hard-to-ignore cuckoo call, hazy bluebell woods, deciduous trees, gold autumn Cotswold stone, that way of thinking... yet we have lived here more years than there, accept another language, red earth, drought-ridden summers, bask in sea/beach clarity, hard-to-ignore antipodean flora/fauna, gum trees you can see the sky through, red callistemon, parakeet, kookaburra... we will not go back. Sally Clarke web poetry I am the text gatherer, poets entrust me with deepest thought heartfelt emotion life observation. Netted, I haul them in provide temporary shelter untangle formatted lines— demanding capitals bold, large long, short, 12/11/2010
  • 22. Poetry Creatrix - Issue 11, December 2010 Page 22 of 22 modest, minute, calling colourful attention, some already exposed seeking more sunlight. I tidy, realign, apply uniformity accommodate centred, right-justified tabulation, try to understand where they are coming from laugh, cry, sigh fall in and out of love. Come the deadline, they must be weighed, measured up. I kiss and release into the wider world. Sally Clarke ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/11/2010