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         Sierra White
         Spring 2012

                                  Dear Briana.
I know I told you this was a simple project I needed you to take a look at but I
  also hope you truly read everything I wrote. It is a collection of poems that
 remind me of you in a way with your relationships, there are also poems that
           point out how no matter what everything can get better!
  I hope you enjoy this “Book of poems” and I cannot wait till we are finally
                            able to meet as friends!
  For the poems written by me there will be an explication or a breakdown of
                      the poem, and the reason I wrote it.
For poems written by others, there will just be an Explication, a breakdown of
                                   the poem.

       Here I go out the door
       Where I have no idea,
Lets have a few adventures this year.
   To the Car with keys in hand,
      “Where?” you may ask.
        To Explore the land,
           Start the Engine,
        Drive down the road,
             Where to go,
            I do not know
       I look at the gas gauge
          And to my dismay,
        The adventure today
      A trip to the Gas station
          Where I must pay.

Where was written as a spur of the moment poem that has been experienced
  by everyone at one point in time. I know in conversations you and I have
  discussed going on trips together and driving to see different places. This
             poem explains one reason this is so difficult for us.
The poem is also something that I wrote because each day you want to go do
something, unless you have the gas to go anywhere. Its probably not going to

Written in the year 2012 by the unpublished author Sierra White Where is a simplistic poem
  that tells of an everyday adventure everyone experiences a few times a week. As you begin
 to read the poem the first four words are structured in a un uniform pattern that take your
      eyes on an adventure of their own. Just the start off with simple counting makes you
     wonder where this poem will go. There are a few different tones through this poem; it
starts out with anticipation where the person is not sure where exactly they will be going for
 the day. That anticipation turns to excitement at the idea of exploring the land both known
          and unknown places. Near the end of the poem the tone turns to dismay and
 disappointment at the fact that she cannot go on much of trip because of the need for gas.
The speaker of this poem could be a person of any age, while the author is only 16 and just
  most likely just starting to experience the fun of paying for her own gas. This poem could
    be focused towards anyone of any age looking for an adventure. The title of the poem
   really explains the poem to the reader, no one knows exactly where they will go once they
  leave their house. They have an idea, maybe a destination they have to reach but once they
    leave their comfort of their home the question of , where, I s open to any answer. The
    rhyme scheme of this poem is not organized, it has a random effect and again leads you
     wondering where the poem will go next. The structure in in one main body, no broken
                             stanzas just one long body of the poem.

           I know they‟re here
            But where is here
          Are they in a corner
               Or on a shelf,
  Did I lend them to someone else?
            I love those shoes
        They make me feel free
             Little Red Shoes,
             COME TO ME!
              Mom is yelling
     “Its time to go out the door”
  I scan the floor looking for them,
     Then I spot them once again.
Just sitting there looking for a friend,
     On my feet they go with ease
         These little red shoes,
            make me feel free

    The Red Shoes, I believe I might have told you about these shoes, the
  converse with the heart on the ankle that I almost had you bedazzle. This
                  poem is written for two different reasons.
   First, I know your amazing sense of style and the number of shoes you
    have, at times it is difficult to decide on which pair to wear each day!
The second because having shoes that make you feel like a different person is
 something both of us like to have. I know you have shoes that you love and
 have bedazzled to make them your own creation, and I know I do the same
                        thing to some pairs of my shoes.

     This poem was written sometime in the fall of 2010 by the young author Sierra
White. At the time she was only 15 and still figuring out her identity and how she was
applying herself to her own sense of style. This poem tells about her favorite pair of
    shoes and one of the many times she had misplaced her shoes in her room. The
  speaker is that of a teenager talking to her shoes, like most of us do at a time when
      we loose something we need, for instance our shoes, keys wallet or any other
 inanimate object. The tone of the poem is playful and fun, but it also has a sense of
 urgency where the speaker actually calls out to the pair of shoes out of desperation.
            The rhyme scheme to this poem is AABCCDEDEFGHHHEDE
 While this is a sporatic rhyme scheme with no general Patten this is a typical trait of
           White, she never particularly enjoyed having exact rhyme schemes.
The poem is not broken into stanzas and paragraphs for organization, instead it has a
   simple body, all of the lines group together in the center. This pattern causes the
 reader to continue on with the poem, it also shows the story line of this poem. The
title of this poem tells people what the subject of the poem it, it may not mean much
  to a person who would just read the poem. After taking a moment to read the story
 behind the title you realize that White wrote the poem because the red shoes were a
      part of her personality and it seemingly made her feel like a different person.
                        BY: SIERRA WHITE

 Those three words that make us                Phone calls,
             survive.                            Emails,
 They make us look forward to the          Skype through I-pads
        next day we talk.
                                        Miles won't get between us.
       Miles Don't Matter
                                   Friends don't understand why we try
                                        The truth is we don't deny
No matter the distance between our
              hands                          The trust we feel
 No matter the time between our           The Miles we don't see.
 No matter the miles between us.      Miles Don't matter if the love is
     We don't let it stop us.                     strong

Miles don't stop the Love we have.

Oh the Miles don‟t matter. Something we have delightfully learned over the
past 3 years of knowing each other. While we have talked everyday, we have
never met. We have used skype to video chat, emails and cellphones talking
        and none other than school to bring us together sometimes.
I also want you to know I wrote this so that when either of us go to college
we don‟t loose touch, because the miles don‟t matter and our relationship is
                 something I never ever want to disappear!

      This poem is one that speaks volumes in the matter of long distance
  relationships. The Title of this poem, Miles Don‟t Matter, helps explain the
     meaning of the poem. In this poem you see a set of three stands each
 between three and four lines. While the last sentence of the poem is more of
a statement it closes the poem. The speaker of this poem would most likely be
 a young teenager or a person who has been in a long distance relationship at
   any age. It is noticeable that there is one point in the poem where it talks
about technology, this makes me believe that the speaker, is a teenager or adult
 who is very knowledgeable with technology. When you look at the poem you
  can see the true love between two people who are willing to put in the time
                      and energy for the relationship to last.

     Roses are Red               and they draw blood too
     Violets are Blue               Violets look pretty
 How is that romantic?            And have nice colors,
      I have no clue          But no fragrance to encourage
People hear those words            Romance in a poem
   They always think,                 I don’t think so
    Oh what a poet.                 I will take daisies
   Romance and love               And pretty flamingos.
that’s the way to show it
  I do not understand
    nor do I want to.
   Roses have thorns

                              How is that romantic?
 A common question we asked each other about certain things boys have done
to us. I wrote this poem as a small joke, because of conversations we have had
    on Valentines day, and other days where we just couldn‟t make sense of
                                  certain things.
 This is also a Poem to remind you that look above and beyond every boy that
   comes along because sometimes they just try and stick with the same old
             routine instead of doing something new and interesting.

   The poem “Romantic How?” has a unique personality. Yes poems can have
 personalities! In a way there seems to be a situation where the speaker may be
talking to a good friend or acquaintance explaining why he/she does not think
   certain things are romantic. You are given multiple images as you read this
    poem, the first two lines “Roses are Red/Violets are Blue” you are given a
visual picture of flowers that most people receive on special occasions. Those
  first two lines also bring forth the typical beginning to a romantic poem. As
you continue on the poem you see lines that state “Roses have thorns/and they
draw blood too. / Violets look pretty / And have nice colors/ but no fragrance
 to encourage. ” Reading those lines you do not see as romantic of a picture as
 you did with the first two lines of the poem. This poem is not organized into
 separate stanzas but instead a large body, the tone of this poem is playing ful
 and joking. You are able to notice this tone especially when you get to the last
               two lines. “I will take daisies/ and pretty flamingos.”

       Faithful till the end
Ready to talk when you need them
  Insure that you stay on track
       Everyready to listen
      Never Put you down
   Depend on you for things
    Sunshine on cloudy days

Honestly this was written just for a Creative Writing project, but now that I
          look at it. I know where I got the words for each line.
You and I are true friends Briana and I hope nothing will ever pull us apart!

  This poem is not only a sweet poem but it is known as an acrostic
   poem meaning there is a word spelled from the first letter in each
 line. In this poem you can see that word is friends. As you read this
 poem you see what the author views true friendship as. The tone of
this poem would be serious and sweet at the same time. As you read
you only see positive things, giving you an image of what true friends
    should be like for example, “Ever ready to listen/ Never put you
    down” those are two statements that tell you what that person
                         expects from a friend.
                    SIERRA WHITE

  White and black               Add them together
   Night and day          And you create something, See
  They do not mix
    Or do they                 When you only look
                                At one or another
What do you call gray        You are missing a world
   Or twilight time             Unlike any other
 Why don’t you read
In-between the lines           Mix things together,
                              Create something new
 Things are different          See the whole world
     Yes I agree              In a new point of view

I wrote this poem to remind us that despite our differences we get along so
well. We both know that our personalities probably would never mesh if we
would have met anywhere but through Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School.
As two friends that have differences we are able to find things to talk about
 and enjoy with each other. We look at things that don‟t normally mix and
                       make it go together perfectly.
                                For example,
                          POPTART=LOVE :-D

When you first read the title of this poem the first thought that may jump into
your mind is that of a recipe for a cookie mix. That‟s not what the title of this
poem is talking about. In this poem you are given a set of stanzas that create a
tone of seriousness but at the same time happiness. This speaker of this poem
would be seen as and older person who has had years of expierence explaining
  to a younger child or even teen that you should see things just in black and
 white. A few of the images that you are given in this poem include that of a
  sky in between the daytime and the night time. The colors white and black
 mixed together to create the color gray. The title of this poem gives you the
   symbolism that you can mix anything together, people, colors, or time of
                  day, to create something new and different.

  From here on you will see classical and some modern poems that are for
experience both of us have shared. I know that just by reading them you will
            be able to understand why I choose the poems I did.

    Heart, we will forget him,
        You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
      I will forget the light.
 When you have done pray tell me,
  Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
  Haste! „lest while you‟re lagging
      I may remember him!
“ Heart,    We Will Forget Him,” is written by Emily Dickinson and the title describes the main theme of
       this poem. While this poem is only a few lines long you are able to receive the impression that
   Dickinson had recently been through a breakup that left her trying to forget the relationship. When
     you read this poem you see the speaker is a female, possible of any age that has a broken and hurt
   heart. The speaker is talking directly to their heart creating personification within this poem. While
reading this poem you are able to see that the speaker is talking about a man that she requests her heart
to forget, and the speaker tells the heart exactly what to forget. In the like “You (the heart) must forget
 the warmth he gave” the impression that the speaker lover made her feel warm and secure is brought
   to you mind. There is also a mental image of a man possible giving a women his coat or holding her
      close on a cold night to create the image of warmth. In the next like “I will forget the light” the
  speaker puts in how she herself will attempt to forget the man whom she was so fond of. This brings
           forth a mental image of someone important and you is placed first above everyone else.
      The tone of this poem is sorrow, but at the same time hopefulness. There is sorrow in this poem
 because the speaker is attempting to forget someone who made and impression on her heart mind and
 soul in a way that she will have a hard time forgetting. There is a hopeful tone to this poem in the last
    few lines, “Then I, my thought will dim./Haste! „least while you‟re lagging / I may remember him!”
  You see a person who is willing to remember who they want their heart to forget, or she is willing to
    try and stop her feelings of love, but until them she wants to remember all of the good things that
The Rhyme scheme of this poem is ABCBDAEA, with the organization being one body not separating
 the lines into separate stanzas. This creates a more unified look to the poem showing that the thought
             process between the speaker and her heart are connected and flowing continuously.

     My mistress‟ eyes are nothing like the sun
       Coral is far more red than her lips‟ red,
 If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun,
If hairs be wires, black wires grow upon her head.
    I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
        But no such roses see I in her cheeks,
   And in some perfumes is there more delight,
 Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
      I love to hear her speak: yet well I know
    That music hath a far more pleasing sound,
          I grant I never saw a goddess go,
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground,
    And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare,
        As any she belied with false compare.

  William Shakespeare is known for his works as a playwright and a poet. In his poem “My Mistress‟ Eyes”
   you see something that some may call unromantic and in one way or another mean. That is because they
 may not be looking at the right lines within this poem. In this poem the speaker is someone who is in love
    with a mistress whom others may look at ill. The speaker would seem to be an older gentleman who is
 probably speaking with a good friend who he is able to trust. In the poem the speaker is explaining what
                                  his mistress looks like and why he fancies her.
This poem is filled with images all based around a single subject, the speakers mistress. In this poem you are
 given exactly what the mistress looks like, in the first line of the poem, “My mistress‟ eyes are nothing like
the sun.” The speaker starts off by saying that the eyes that normally are bright and cheerful in a person are
not like that for his mistress. Then he continues by describing how she looks, he states that Coral is redder
    than her lips, and that her chest is paler than snow. As he says this you start to see am image of a pale
women who is not very attractive in today‟s standard. Then the speaker goes on describing the way her black
     hair, looks more like wires placed on her head. She has no blush to her cheeks and her breath is not
 something you would want to smell, he also states that while he loves to hear her speak the sound is worse
  than music. Through most of the poem you see a women who no one could possible fall in love with or
who no one could fancy, but then you continue reading. In the last few lines of the poem the speaker states
how he things his love with his mistress is rare and no one is able to compare with his love. This shows that
     no matter what you look like or who you see there is someone who appreciates you for who you are.
 The rhyme scheme in this poem is ABABCDCDEFEFGG, this poem is also organized into a single body
  instead of separate paragraphs also known as stanzas. By having this poem as a body instead of multiple
 short paragraphs you are able to see how the entire poem is talking about one person and how everything
                                          flow together within the poem.

      flower was offered to me:
  Such a flower as May never bore.
 But I said "I‟ve a Pretty Rose-tree",
 And I passed the sweet flower o‟er.
    I went to my Pretty Rose-tree
   To tend her by day and by night.
But my Rose turn‟d away with jealousy:
And her thorns were my only delight.
“My Pretty Rose Tree” is a poem who main subject is a rose tree. The rose tree is not a literal
   rose tree that grows in a flower garden but a women who can be compared to a rose tree for
     how the speaker treated her. The speaker in this poem would seem to be a man who lost
 something who was dear to him and is trying to figure out what happened and why he no longer
 has the, pretty rose, he loved to dearly. In this poem you see a few images the first you see is in
  the second line where the speaker was given a flower, and in the third line it describes how the
 flower was so pretty it was never seen before. You also see how the speaker tended to this rose
tree night and day, and in the end the Rose he was tending to decide to lash out with jealousy and
 only let him have her thorns. Through the course of the poem you see a story of a love broken
                                          apart by jealously.
    The tone of this poem is confusing, in the beginning of the poem you see a happiness that
   someone offered him a flower that had beauty and radiance, but he decided to turn away that
 flower because he had his own rose tree. Then the poem turns to confusion because all while he
 turned down the flower offered to him the speakers Rose decided to leave out of jealously. The
 speaker is questioning where the relationship went wrong between him and his Rose, because he
was there and tended to the every need both night and day but in the end she decidedly left. The
poem has a very night pattern to it with the rhyme scheme of ABABACAC. While there are only
two stanzas the split of the stanzas comes at the point where the tone of the poem also changes.

        Everyone should have
           a friend like you
    You are so much fun to be with
   And you are such a good person
    You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
     You have a wonderful ability
    To know when to offer advice
   And when to sit in quiet support
            Time after time
      You've come to my rescue
        And brightend so many
          Of my routine days
          And time after time
      I've realized how fortunate
     I am that my life includes you
        I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
        But so far it looks like
        You are one of a kind!

 This poem is not written by a classical author who is known across the world
but by a person who I believe was looking at our relationship as she wrote this
poem. This poem speaks volumes to anyone who has a friend and who wants
   to let them know how much of a friend they are. Instead of there being
  multiple stanzas there is one large body paragraph built up of all the line in
  the poem. As you read the poem you see a picture being drawn of all the
 qualities you may want in a friend, from the quiet support, to brightening up
the day. The tone of the poem is a tone of truthfulness and love. As a person
reads this names may start coming to mind of people who fulfill the meaning
of “A friend Like You.”The Rhyme Scheme of this poem is simple, there is no
  real rhyme scheme. As a poem on friendship the words flow together with
                    there not needing to be a rhyme scheme.

As a final note, I know there are not many poems here, but as our friendship
grows so will this book of Poems, I love you like a Sister Bri! And you know

         Where I found different poems I choose;

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Poetry explication project Final

  • 1. POETRY EXPLICATION PROJECT Sierra White Spring 2012
  • 2. TO BRIANA Dear Briana. I know I told you this was a simple project I needed you to take a look at but I also hope you truly read everything I wrote. It is a collection of poems that remind me of you in a way with your relationships, there are also poems that point out how no matter what everything can get better! I hope you enjoy this “Book of poems” and I cannot wait till we are finally able to meet as friends! For the poems written by me there will be an explication or a breakdown of the poem, and the reason I wrote it. For poems written by others, there will just be an Explication, a breakdown of the poem.
  • 3. WHERE? BY: SIERRA WHITE One, Two Three Four Here I go out the door Where I have no idea, Lets have a few adventures this year. To the Car with keys in hand, “Where?” you may ask. To Explore the land, Start the Engine, Drive down the road, Where to go, I do not know I look at the gas gauge And to my dismay, The adventure today A trip to the Gas station Where I must pay.
  • 4. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN Where was written as a spur of the moment poem that has been experienced by everyone at one point in time. I know in conversations you and I have discussed going on trips together and driving to see different places. This poem explains one reason this is so difficult for us. The poem is also something that I wrote because each day you want to go do something, unless you have the gas to go anywhere. Its probably not going to happen.
  • 5. WHERE? EXPLICATION Written in the year 2012 by the unpublished author Sierra White Where is a simplistic poem that tells of an everyday adventure everyone experiences a few times a week. As you begin to read the poem the first four words are structured in a un uniform pattern that take your eyes on an adventure of their own. Just the start off with simple counting makes you wonder where this poem will go. There are a few different tones through this poem; it starts out with anticipation where the person is not sure where exactly they will be going for the day. That anticipation turns to excitement at the idea of exploring the land both known and unknown places. Near the end of the poem the tone turns to dismay and disappointment at the fact that she cannot go on much of trip because of the need for gas. The speaker of this poem could be a person of any age, while the author is only 16 and just most likely just starting to experience the fun of paying for her own gas. This poem could be focused towards anyone of any age looking for an adventure. The title of the poem really explains the poem to the reader, no one knows exactly where they will go once they leave their house. They have an idea, maybe a destination they have to reach but once they leave their comfort of their home the question of , where, I s open to any answer. The rhyme scheme of this poem is not organized, it has a random effect and again leads you wondering where the poem will go next. The structure in in one main body, no broken stanzas just one long body of the poem.
  • 6. THE RED SHOES BY SIERRA WHITE I know they‟re here But where is here Are they in a corner Or on a shelf, Did I lend them to someone else? I love those shoes They make me feel free Little Red Shoes, COME TO ME! Mom is yelling “Its time to go out the door” I scan the floor looking for them, Then I spot them once again. Just sitting there looking for a friend, On my feet they go with ease These little red shoes, make me feel free
  • 7. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN The Red Shoes, I believe I might have told you about these shoes, the converse with the heart on the ankle that I almost had you bedazzle. This poem is written for two different reasons. First, I know your amazing sense of style and the number of shoes you have, at times it is difficult to decide on which pair to wear each day! The second because having shoes that make you feel like a different person is something both of us like to have. I know you have shoes that you love and have bedazzled to make them your own creation, and I know I do the same thing to some pairs of my shoes.
  • 8. THE RED SHOES EXPLICATION This poem was written sometime in the fall of 2010 by the young author Sierra White. At the time she was only 15 and still figuring out her identity and how she was applying herself to her own sense of style. This poem tells about her favorite pair of shoes and one of the many times she had misplaced her shoes in her room. The speaker is that of a teenager talking to her shoes, like most of us do at a time when we loose something we need, for instance our shoes, keys wallet or any other inanimate object. The tone of the poem is playful and fun, but it also has a sense of urgency where the speaker actually calls out to the pair of shoes out of desperation. The rhyme scheme to this poem is AABCCDEDEFGHHHEDE While this is a sporatic rhyme scheme with no general Patten this is a typical trait of White, she never particularly enjoyed having exact rhyme schemes. The poem is not broken into stanzas and paragraphs for organization, instead it has a simple body, all of the lines group together in the center. This pattern causes the reader to continue on with the poem, it also shows the story line of this poem. The title of this poem tells people what the subject of the poem it, it may not mean much to a person who would just read the poem. After taking a moment to read the story behind the title you realize that White wrote the poem because the red shoes were a part of her personality and it seemingly made her feel like a different person.
  • 9. MILES DON’T MATTER BY: SIERRA WHITE Those three words that make us Phone calls, survive. Emails, They make us look forward to the Skype through I-pads next day we talk. Miles won't get between us. Miles Don't Matter Friends don't understand why we try The truth is we don't deny No matter the distance between our hands The trust we feel No matter the time between our The Miles we don't see. touch No matter the miles between us. Miles Don't matter if the love is We don't let it stop us. strong Miles don't stop the Love we have.
  • 10. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN Oh the Miles don‟t matter. Something we have delightfully learned over the past 3 years of knowing each other. While we have talked everyday, we have never met. We have used skype to video chat, emails and cellphones talking and none other than school to bring us together sometimes. I also want you to know I wrote this so that when either of us go to college we don‟t loose touch, because the miles don‟t matter and our relationship is something I never ever want to disappear!
  • 11. MILES DON’T MATTER EXPLICATION This poem is one that speaks volumes in the matter of long distance relationships. The Title of this poem, Miles Don‟t Matter, helps explain the meaning of the poem. In this poem you see a set of three stands each between three and four lines. While the last sentence of the poem is more of a statement it closes the poem. The speaker of this poem would most likely be a young teenager or a person who has been in a long distance relationship at any age. It is noticeable that there is one point in the poem where it talks about technology, this makes me believe that the speaker, is a teenager or adult who is very knowledgeable with technology. When you look at the poem you can see the true love between two people who are willing to put in the time and energy for the relationship to last.
  • 12. ROMANTIC HOW? Roses are Red and they draw blood too Violets are Blue Violets look pretty How is that romantic? And have nice colors, I have no clue But no fragrance to encourage People hear those words Romance in a poem They always think, I don’t think so Oh what a poet. I will take daisies Romance and love And pretty flamingos. that’s the way to show it I do not understand nor do I want to. Roses have thorns
  • 13. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN How is that romantic? A common question we asked each other about certain things boys have done to us. I wrote this poem as a small joke, because of conversations we have had on Valentines day, and other days where we just couldn‟t make sense of certain things. This is also a Poem to remind you that look above and beyond every boy that comes along because sometimes they just try and stick with the same old routine instead of doing something new and interesting.
  • 14. ROMANTIC HOW EXPLICATION The poem “Romantic How?” has a unique personality. Yes poems can have personalities! In a way there seems to be a situation where the speaker may be talking to a good friend or acquaintance explaining why he/she does not think certain things are romantic. You are given multiple images as you read this poem, the first two lines “Roses are Red/Violets are Blue” you are given a visual picture of flowers that most people receive on special occasions. Those first two lines also bring forth the typical beginning to a romantic poem. As you continue on the poem you see lines that state “Roses have thorns/and they draw blood too. / Violets look pretty / And have nice colors/ but no fragrance to encourage. ” Reading those lines you do not see as romantic of a picture as you did with the first two lines of the poem. This poem is not organized into separate stanzas but instead a large body, the tone of this poem is playing ful and joking. You are able to notice this tone especially when you get to the last two lines. “I will take daisies/ and pretty flamingos.”
  • 15. FRIENDS BY: SIERRA WHITE Faithful till the end Ready to talk when you need them Insure that you stay on track Everyready to listen Never Put you down Depend on you for things Sunshine on cloudy days
  • 16. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN Honestly this was written just for a Creative Writing project, but now that I look at it. I know where I got the words for each line. You and I are true friends Briana and I hope nothing will ever pull us apart!
  • 17. FRIENDS EXPLICATION This poem is not only a sweet poem but it is known as an acrostic poem meaning there is a word spelled from the first letter in each line. In this poem you can see that word is friends. As you read this poem you see what the author views true friendship as. The tone of this poem would be serious and sweet at the same time. As you read you only see positive things, giving you an image of what true friends should be like for example, “Ever ready to listen/ Never put you down” those are two statements that tell you what that person expects from a friend.
  • 18. MIX THEM TOGETHER SIERRA WHITE White and black Add them together Night and day And you create something, See They do not mix Or do they When you only look At one or another What do you call gray You are missing a world Or twilight time Unlike any other Why don’t you read In-between the lines Mix things together, Create something new Things are different See the whole world Yes I agree In a new point of view
  • 19. WHY WAS IT WRITTEN I wrote this poem to remind us that despite our differences we get along so well. We both know that our personalities probably would never mesh if we would have met anywhere but through Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School. As two friends that have differences we are able to find things to talk about and enjoy with each other. We look at things that don‟t normally mix and make it go together perfectly. For example, POPTART=LOVE :-D
  • 20. MIX THEM TOGETHER EXPLICATION When you first read the title of this poem the first thought that may jump into your mind is that of a recipe for a cookie mix. That‟s not what the title of this poem is talking about. In this poem you are given a set of stanzas that create a tone of seriousness but at the same time happiness. This speaker of this poem would be seen as and older person who has had years of expierence explaining to a younger child or even teen that you should see things just in black and white. A few of the images that you are given in this poem include that of a sky in between the daytime and the night time. The colors white and black mixed together to create the color gray. The title of this poem gives you the symbolism that you can mix anything together, people, colors, or time of day, to create something new and different.
  • 21. CLASSICAL/MODERN POEMS From here on you will see classical and some modern poems that are for experience both of us have shared. I know that just by reading them you will be able to understand why I choose the poems I did. Enjoy!
  • 22. HEART, WE WILL FORGET HIM BY: EMILY DICKINSON Heart, we will forget him, You and I, tonight! You must forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light. When you have done pray tell me, Then I, my thoughts, will dim. Haste! „lest while you‟re lagging I may remember him!
  • 23. “ Heart, We Will Forget Him,” is written by Emily Dickinson and the title describes the main theme of this poem. While this poem is only a few lines long you are able to receive the impression that Dickinson had recently been through a breakup that left her trying to forget the relationship. When you read this poem you see the speaker is a female, possible of any age that has a broken and hurt heart. The speaker is talking directly to their heart creating personification within this poem. While reading this poem you are able to see that the speaker is talking about a man that she requests her heart to forget, and the speaker tells the heart exactly what to forget. In the like “You (the heart) must forget the warmth he gave” the impression that the speaker lover made her feel warm and secure is brought to you mind. There is also a mental image of a man possible giving a women his coat or holding her close on a cold night to create the image of warmth. In the next like “I will forget the light” the speaker puts in how she herself will attempt to forget the man whom she was so fond of. This brings forth a mental image of someone important and you is placed first above everyone else. The tone of this poem is sorrow, but at the same time hopefulness. There is sorrow in this poem because the speaker is attempting to forget someone who made and impression on her heart mind and soul in a way that she will have a hard time forgetting. There is a hopeful tone to this poem in the last few lines, “Then I, my thought will dim./Haste! „least while you‟re lagging / I may remember him!” You see a person who is willing to remember who they want their heart to forget, or she is willing to try and stop her feelings of love, but until them she wants to remember all of the good things that happened. The Rhyme scheme of this poem is ABCBDAEA, with the organization being one body not separating the lines into separate stanzas. This creates a more unified look to the poem showing that the thought process between the speaker and her heart are connected and flowing continuously.
  • 24. MY MISTRESS’ EYES WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE My mistress‟ eyes are nothing like the sun Coral is far more red than her lips‟ red, If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun, If hairs be wires, black wires grow upon her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks, And in some perfumes is there more delight, Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak: yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound, I grant I never saw a goddess go, My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground, And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare, As any she belied with false compare.
  • 25. MY MISTRESS’ EYES EXPLICATION William Shakespeare is known for his works as a playwright and a poet. In his poem “My Mistress‟ Eyes” you see something that some may call unromantic and in one way or another mean. That is because they may not be looking at the right lines within this poem. In this poem the speaker is someone who is in love with a mistress whom others may look at ill. The speaker would seem to be an older gentleman who is probably speaking with a good friend who he is able to trust. In the poem the speaker is explaining what his mistress looks like and why he fancies her. This poem is filled with images all based around a single subject, the speakers mistress. In this poem you are given exactly what the mistress looks like, in the first line of the poem, “My mistress‟ eyes are nothing like the sun.” The speaker starts off by saying that the eyes that normally are bright and cheerful in a person are not like that for his mistress. Then he continues by describing how she looks, he states that Coral is redder than her lips, and that her chest is paler than snow. As he says this you start to see am image of a pale women who is not very attractive in today‟s standard. Then the speaker goes on describing the way her black hair, looks more like wires placed on her head. She has no blush to her cheeks and her breath is not something you would want to smell, he also states that while he loves to hear her speak the sound is worse than music. Through most of the poem you see a women who no one could possible fall in love with or who no one could fancy, but then you continue reading. In the last few lines of the poem the speaker states how he things his love with his mistress is rare and no one is able to compare with his love. This shows that no matter what you look like or who you see there is someone who appreciates you for who you are. The rhyme scheme in this poem is ABABCDCDEFEFGG, this poem is also organized into a single body instead of separate paragraphs also known as stanzas. By having this poem as a body instead of multiple short paragraphs you are able to see how the entire poem is talking about one person and how everything flow together within the poem.
  • 26. MY PRETTY ROSE TREE WILLIAM BLAKE A flower was offered to me: Such a flower as May never bore. But I said "I‟ve a Pretty Rose-tree", And I passed the sweet flower o‟er. Then I went to my Pretty Rose-tree To tend her by day and by night. But my Rose turn‟d away with jealousy: And her thorns were my only delight.
  • 27. “My Pretty Rose Tree” is a poem who main subject is a rose tree. The rose tree is not a literal rose tree that grows in a flower garden but a women who can be compared to a rose tree for how the speaker treated her. The speaker in this poem would seem to be a man who lost something who was dear to him and is trying to figure out what happened and why he no longer has the, pretty rose, he loved to dearly. In this poem you see a few images the first you see is in the second line where the speaker was given a flower, and in the third line it describes how the flower was so pretty it was never seen before. You also see how the speaker tended to this rose tree night and day, and in the end the Rose he was tending to decide to lash out with jealousy and only let him have her thorns. Through the course of the poem you see a story of a love broken apart by jealously. The tone of this poem is confusing, in the beginning of the poem you see a happiness that someone offered him a flower that had beauty and radiance, but he decided to turn away that flower because he had his own rose tree. Then the poem turns to confusion because all while he turned down the flower offered to him the speakers Rose decided to leave out of jealously. The speaker is questioning where the relationship went wrong between him and his Rose, because he was there and tended to the every need both night and day but in the end she decidedly left. The poem has a very night pattern to it with the rhyme scheme of ABABACAC. While there are only two stanzas the split of the stanzas comes at the point where the tone of the poem also changes.
  • 28. A FRIEND LIKE YOU BY: NATASHA Everyone should have a friend like you You are so much fun to be with And you are such a good person You crack me up with laughter And touch my heart with your kindness You have a wonderful ability To know when to offer advice And when to sit in quiet support Time after time You've come to my rescue And brightend so many Of my routine days And time after time I've realized how fortunate I am that my life includes you I really do believe that Everybody should have a friend like you But so far it looks like You are one of a kind!
  • 29. A FRIEND LIKE YOU EXPLICATION This poem is not written by a classical author who is known across the world but by a person who I believe was looking at our relationship as she wrote this poem. This poem speaks volumes to anyone who has a friend and who wants to let them know how much of a friend they are. Instead of there being multiple stanzas there is one large body paragraph built up of all the line in the poem. As you read the poem you see a picture being drawn of all the qualities you may want in a friend, from the quiet support, to brightening up the day. The tone of the poem is a tone of truthfulness and love. As a person reads this names may start coming to mind of people who fulfill the meaning of “A friend Like You.”The Rhyme Scheme of this poem is simple, there is no real rhyme scheme. As a poem on friendship the words flow together with there not needing to be a rhyme scheme.
  • 30. CLOSING As a final note, I know there are not many poems here, but as our friendship grows so will this book of Poems, I love you like a Sister Bri! And you know it. Sierra
  • 31. BIBLIOGRAPHY Where I found different poems I choose; 1. 2. 3.