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How to make remote working
a permanent lifestyle
*How to travel and work 365 days
a year without going insane
@thedesignnomad /
Travelling for 7 years
Just got back from a roadtrip in ! Belize
40 countries and counting!
In the last year:
" New Zealand
# Australia
$ France
% Italy
& UK
' Iceland
! Belize
) Belgium
* Netherlands
+ Denmark
, Sweden
- Switzerland
We design awesome products for users
and businesses around the world
Team of 8 people from 7 countries
Just turned 5 years old
Clients in 5 continents, 48 countries
Millions of users globally
now💥 😭
now💥 😭
* disclaimer: this is not my best lettering work
But first, what’s a digital nomad?
But first, what’s a digital nomad?
Someone who can work without the
need to be in a specific physical location
Someone who posts really
annoying photos like these ones
(sorry 😅)
(and who works digitally 7)
Why be remote?
Defaults to diversity
Global experience
Choose where you live and work
Not be tied one spot and having to be constrained to that
Build a routine and lifestyle that works best for you
Create a life that you run,
not one that runs you
The Realistic
Misconceptions &
I just gotta figure out
how to get ‘work’ going
Once you’ve gotten ‘work’,
you still have to figure how
to keep it going
The ‘life’ part can be just
as (if not, more) tough
My life is going to be
perfect and amazing
This lifestyle has ups and downs
- the highs are amazing, but the
lows can be REALLY tough
(an “Instagram” life)
or if that ship has sailed, then:
how to make remote working a permanent lifestyle
How to travel and
work 365 days a year
without going insane
1How do I
get started?
P A R T 1 O F 3
This is the most daunting step
It’s a brand new world full of unknowns
It impacts your entire life
Of course it’s scary!
But it doesn’t have to be scary all at once
You’ve got 2 options:
Get a remote job
Be your own boss
Strike 4D yay!
Let’s figure out what works best for you
Which option do I choose?
how do I get started?
P A R T 1 O F 3
I’m okay with instability
I value stability
I don’t mind selling
I hate the thought of selling
I prefer figuring
things out on my own
I prefer learning with
guidance / mentorship
I don’t mind working
across different roles
I like focusing on
doing the work
A few things to think about
I don’t mind selling
I hate the thought of selling3 JOB
I’m okay with instability
I value stability1BOSS
I prefer figuring
things out on my own
I prefer learning with
guidance / mentorship2 JOBBOSS
I don’t mind working
across different roles
I like focusing on
doing the work4 JOBBOSS
A few things to think about
I prefer being
accountable to myself
I prefer being
accountable to someone
I want to be a
jack of all trades
I want to be really
good at one thing
I’m able to cope with
emotional stress well
I’d prefer as little stress
as possible in my life
I like managing
people or projects
I hate managing
anything but myself
A few things to think about
I prefer being
accountable to myself
I prefer being
accountable to someone
I want to be a
jack of all trades
I want to be really
good at one thing
I’m able to cope with
emotional stress well
I’d prefer as little stress
as possible in my life
I like managing
people or projects
I hate managing
anything but myself
A few things to think about
The real question is:
Do you want to be your own boss?
If yes, go for it! /
If not, go get a remote job ☺
How to get a remote job
how do I get started?
P A R T 1 O F 3
As with applying for any job…
Show your value and experience
Show you’ll be a valuable employee
Invest deeply into a few options, don’t gun for as many as possible
Understand the desired outcome the business has for your role
How to get a remote job
Understand the power of social proof
Make sure your LinkedIn is decked out and has recommendations
Any references you have will really help you
How to get a remote job
Tough competition
High demand (remote job-seekers), low supply (remote jobs)
Competing on a world stage now
Do NOT make this about how much you want a remote job
How to get a remote job
Do something different to stand out and be remembered
Show your effort, interest and commitment
Stand out from the crowd
How to get a remote job
Show you understand the challenges of remote
working + you’re fully ready and equipped to handle it
How to get a remote job
Are you planning to travel?
How will you work?
Are you good at self-
managing and organising?
Will you communicate often
and clearly with your team?
Do you take initiative and
ownership, or will someone
have to watch over you?
Are you responsible
and reliable?
Do you have a handle on
timezones and online
How to be your own boss
how do I get started?
P A R T 1 O F 3
What business do you want to be in?
“I need to be
earning cash asap”
“I should be able to get this
without too much difficulty”
“I feel this has a high
potential to succeed”
“I’m prepared to
face competition”
“I think this could
be really big”
“Will most of my
work be managing?”
What business do you want to be in?
Almost definitely not solo
Multiple skillsets
Management / selling focused
Product based
Product-based: B2B
Almost definitely not solo
Multiple skillsets
Marketing / selling focused
Product based
Product-based: B2C
Mostly solo
Usually one hard skillset
Production focused
Service or time-based
Service-based: Freelancer
No longer solo
Multiple skillsets
Management focused
Service or time-based
Service-based: Agency
How to get started
(for Freelancer / Agencies only, sorry product people)
You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses
You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
Who are your customers?
You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses
You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
What do they really want?
What do they value?
What frustrates them?
How do they think?
Pretend you’re an actor in a film
Who’s your character?
Mimic them
Research them
Talk to them
Be a creep without getting arrested
Leia Organa
“Darth Vader destroyed Alderaan (my home planet),
and is taking over The Galaxy. I will not sit still for this!
I need to defeat him. But how?!
If only there was a way to destroy the Death Star and
defeat the Empire once and for all…”
A G E T E C H - S A V V Y F R U S T R AT I O N ( S ) G O A L ( S )
/ 5
21 5
The Empire destroyed
her home planet
She doesn’t know how to
destroy the Death Star
# K E Y W O R D
* because she’s
from the future To defeat the Empire
To restore democracy
within the Galactic
Representative snapshot of your target audience
It should not represent one sole customer
Perhaps a different demographic is a better fit for you?
How to find customers?
You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses
You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
Coworking spaces
Make an effort to stay in touch
Keep directing people to your website!
LinkedIn is a really powerful tool
Build a compelling profile
Reach out to people and get to know them
Again! This is a not a ‘hit-as-many-as-possible’ approach
Take time to build a relationship and trust
You should always be communicating and proving your value
People work with people who they trust to get results
You need to show you can get results
And you need them to trust you
What your value proposition?
You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses
You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
WHAT services are you offering?
HOW do you work?
WHY should I hire you?
WHY should I buy from you?
WHY should I work with you?
I sell UX & UI design
services to startups
We work in close collaboration with
startups to create intuitive and engaging
products their users will love
Value proposition isn’t about what you’re doing, or how you work
It’s about the value that the client or customer will receive
How to build trust?
You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses
You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
Show your work
A clear methodology of working
External proof!
This is a game of leveraging!
Find customer Do great work Leverage that
Add to portfolio
Get a recommendation
Update your website
& LinkedIn
Find customer Do great work Leverage that
Add to portfolio
Get a recommendation
Update your website
& LinkedIn
Find customer Do great work Leverage that
Add to portfolio
Get a recommendation
Update your website
& LinkedIn
Find customer Do great work Leverage that
Add to portfolio
Get a recommendation
Update your website
& LinkedIn
This is a game of leveraging!
2How do I
keep things going?
P A R T 2 O F 3
So now you’ve gotten some work
The rest is simple right?
Wrong! (sorry 🙊)
Working remotely has challenges more than getting work
Whether you’re a remote employee or an entrepreneur
Remember that many things you never
thought about will be things you’ll have to
Whether it’s timezones, or cultural
Over or underworking
Internet or infrastructure issues
Routine or discipline issues
Working as a remote worker
P A R T 1 O F 3
how do I keep things going?
So many unknowns!
Don’t panic!
Common Issues,
Simple Rules & Guidelines
Time management
“Wait, you want all of
this by your morning?”
“Argh I don’t think they
understand what I’m saying”
“Their morning
deadline is 2am for me”
Work relationships
“Wait, is my boss
unhappy with me?”
Typical problems at work get exaggerated in a remote setting
“My wifi isn’t working,
I’m screwed”
Visual communication
“Wait, I don’t understand,
can you sketch it out?”
Lack of easy / immediate
access to things
“I need X now but where do I find
it, and why is no one online?”
And of course, there are new problems too
Do these things to mitigate them
Test the wifi
(run a ping test)
Have data as a
Find a coworking
Always use
Always switch
your video on
Back things up!
Type things down; don’t rely on memory
Schedule things in advance
Set reminders to keep things visible
Explicitly talk or ask if there’s something wrong
Speak up!
Do these things to mitigate them
Tools We Use
& How They Work
For any
and all files
Google Docs
For any live documents and
systematic organisation docs
For all internal
For project
For design mockups,
prototyping and feedback
For any visual / strategic
planning + virtual workshops
Tools We Use
Sales pipeline
and invoices
Tracking anything!
Email plugin
Repository & Conventions
Running a team as a boss
(or like a boss)
P A R T 1 O F 3
how do I keep things going?
Working remotely is already tricky
Running a team remotely is trickier
Lack of visibility
“What’s happening
with the team?”
Team culture
“Where’s the
team spirit?”
Team organisation
“No one seems to know their
role and place in the team”
Managing a remote team brings new problems to solve
“We need this by
tomorrow but it’s the
wrong timezone”
Single points of failure
“X has gone missing,
we’re all dooomed”
Central point to keep track of things
Visualise as much as you can
Organise consistently
Label for easy reference
Centralise information
Have some overlap with your team
Or with your clients
Have it fixed as much as you can
Dedicate the other time to work
Plan your time
Keep things accessible all the time
Access shouldn’t be only when a
specific person is online!
Some labelling conventions are
good; keeps everyone on the
same page
Keep things accessible
(& backed up)
Explicitly lay out
how you work
Everyone on the
same page
You don’t have to
repeat yourself
Structure how
you work
Always put meetings down
So you never have to rely on
remembering or manual timezone
calculations being right
Plot in everything - including non-
work events and quiet work time
Schedule & let the tech
do the timezone math
Full team standup
Mondays to Fridays
3pm SGT
Rain or shine
Go through all projects statuses
before doing stand-up (done
yesterday, doing today, obstacles)
Sales Team Catch-up
Every Monday & Wednesday
Go through statuses on everything
Set to recur every 1 - 4 weeks
So nothing slips or gets forgotten
It’s a system that prevents reliance
on people to remember things
All those real-life lunches, coffees,
water-cooler chats don’t happen
naturally remotely
But they’re important
So schedule them in!
Schedule fun
hang out time!
People aren’t around to
notice things unsaid
Make the unnoticeable
and invisible explicit and
Say things explicitly
Recommended Reading
3How do I
‘sustain the sane’?
P A R T 3 O F 3
The point of this lifestyle is to live a lifestyle you like
It defeats the purpose if you’re stressed out and don’t enjoy it
This means routines and boundaries help you!
This means being consistent and conscious about things outside of work
Feeling isolated
“I feel lonely”
Feeling unsupported
“This is hard, but I’ve no
one to talk to about it?
Want for community
“I don’t feel I’m part of
something bigger than myself”
Feeling overwhelmed
“There is so much to
keep track of….”
Cultural shock
Getting used to new
“I don’t know how to
do anything here”
Common digital nomad problems
How do I ‘sustain the sane’?
P A R T 3 O F 3
Plan, Organise
& Systemise
Your Travel Plans
Standardised Packing Lists
& Essential Travel Info
Cables &
Battery Pack
& Visas
Passport (yay
Everything You Need To Survive Flights
How do I ‘sustain the sane’?
P A R T 3 O F 3
Work-life Routine
Yay freedom! You get to decide
But because there are no rules set for you
It’s too easy to let one thing or the other slip
Unless you put in some simple rules for yourself
Some routine isn’t a bad thing!
Plan out your work time
Plan out your personal time
Plan out your days off (e.g. weekend)
Stick to it!
Think sustainable and long-term
Travel only on the weekends
New Zealand
Quiet work
Personal time
Team overlap Team overlap
Personal time
Quiet work Quiet work
Team overlap
Personal time
Create a
schedule for
P A R T 3 O F 3
Staying Sane & Healthy
How do I ‘sustain the sane’?
In general
Go slow!
Travel slow - 1 month at one spot is the minimum
Start out working remotely at home, then start travelling
Find a good place to stay, you need to feel safe and secure
If you’re tired of travelling, stop
If you want to travel again, start
Listen to what your body and brain are telling you
Social health
Don’t forget friends and family back home
Carve out and schedule time to stay in touch
Get out there and meet new people
But it’s admittedly tough to build long friendships / relationships on the road
But keep trying
Take initiative
Find places people hang out at
Be friendly!
Physical health
Working out regularly on the go is tough, but it’s important
Digital work is a sedentary lifestyle
Take walks, do body-weight workouts, find a gym
Eat healthy! Don’t operate on holiday mode
Financial health
Get travel insurance!
And other insurance too
Make sure you’re saving
Make sure you’re still contributing to your
country’s social and healthcare system (e.g. CPF)
Pay your taxes!!
Psychological health
Feeling lonely and isolated is one of the biggest digital nomad problems
Humans are social creatures!
Feeling overwhelmed will likely happen
Any taboo about it not being okay to have
a tough time psychologically is bullshit
Talk to someone - a therapist, a
psychologist, a psychiatrist
You have remote options
Consistency is important
1 2 3 4 5Remember these
5 things if nothing else!
1Getting started is
only half the battle
Work-life balance is extra
important when you’re remote
3Organise and systemise to
keep sane amongst the chaos
4Reflect and introspect,
stay connected
5Have fun!
M E L E W I . N E T
Want moaaaar insights?
M E L E W I . N E T / N E W S L E T T E R
Remote Businesses
Community Group
M E L E W I . N E T

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How to Work & Travel 365 Days a Year Without Going Insane

  • 1. How to make remote working a permanent lifestyle A S A P I O S E S S I O N *How to travel and work 365 days a year without going insane @thedesignnomad /
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. Travelling for 7 years Just got back from a roadtrip in ! Belize 40 countries and counting! In the last year: " New Zealand # Australia $ France % Italy & UK ' Iceland ( USA ! Belize ) Belgium * Netherlands + Denmark , Sweden - Switzerland
  • 7. Melewi T H E T R A V E L L I N G D E S I G N S T U D I O
  • 8. We design awesome products for users and businesses around the world Team of 8 people from 7 countries Just turned 5 years old Clients in 5 continents, 48 countries Millions of users globally
  • 14. 2010 now * disclaimer: this is not my best lettering work
  • 15. 2010 now But first, what’s a digital nomad?
  • 16. 2010 now But first, what’s a digital nomad? Someone who can work without the need to be in a specific physical location Someone who posts really annoying photos like these ones (sorry 😅) (and who works digitally 7)
  • 18. 2010 now Defaults to diversity Global experience Choose where you live and work Not be tied one spot and having to be constrained to that Build a routine and lifestyle that works best for you
  • 19. 2010 now Create a life that you run, not one that runs you
  • 21. 2010 now Misconception 1 Truth I just gotta figure out how to get ‘work’ going Once you’ve gotten ‘work’, you still have to figure how to keep it going The ‘life’ part can be just as (if not, more) tough 2of
  • 22. 2010 now Misconception 2 Truth My life is going to be perfect and amazing This lifestyle has ups and downs - the highs are amazing, but the lows can be REALLY tough 2of (an “Instagram” life)
  • 23. or if that ship has sailed, then: how to make remote working a permanent lifestyle How to travel and work 365 days a year without going insane
  • 24. 1How do I get started? P A R T 1 O F 3
  • 25. 1 This is the most daunting step It’s a brand new world full of unknowns It impacts your entire life Of course it’s scary! But it doesn’t have to be scary all at once
  • 26. 1 You’ve got 2 options: Get a remote job Be your own boss Strike 4D yay! Let’s figure out what works best for you
  • 27. Which option do I choose? how do I get started? P A R T 1 O F 3
  • 28. I’m okay with instability I value stability I don’t mind selling I hate the thought of selling I prefer figuring things out on my own I prefer learning with guidance / mentorship I don’t mind working across different roles I like focusing on doing the work 1 3 2 4 BOSS JOB BOSS BOSSBOSS JOB JOB JOB A few things to think about
  • 29. I don’t mind selling I hate the thought of selling3 JOB I’m okay with instability I value stability1BOSS I prefer figuring things out on my own I prefer learning with guidance / mentorship2 JOBBOSS I don’t mind working across different roles I like focusing on doing the work4 JOBBOSS A few things to think about
  • 30. I prefer being accountable to myself I prefer being accountable to someone I want to be a jack of all trades I want to be really good at one thing I’m able to cope with emotional stress well I’d prefer as little stress as possible in my life I like managing people or projects I hate managing anything but myself 5 7 6 8 BOSS JOB BOSS BOSSBOSS JOB JOB JOB A few things to think about
  • 31. I prefer being accountable to myself I prefer being accountable to someone I want to be a jack of all trades I want to be really good at one thing I’m able to cope with emotional stress well I’d prefer as little stress as possible in my life I like managing people or projects I hate managing anything but myself 5 7 6 8 BOSS BOSS JOB JOB A few things to think about
  • 32. The real question is: Do you want to be your own boss?
  • 33. If yes, go for it! / If not, go get a remote job ☺
  • 34. How to get a remote job how do I get started? P A R T 1 O F 3
  • 35. As with applying for any job… Show your value and experience Show you’ll be a valuable employee Invest deeply into a few options, don’t gun for as many as possible Understand the desired outcome the business has for your role How to get a remote job
  • 36. Understand the power of social proof Make sure your LinkedIn is decked out and has recommendations Any references you have will really help you How to get a remote job
  • 37. Tough competition High demand (remote job-seekers), low supply (remote jobs) Competing on a world stage now Do NOT make this about how much you want a remote job How to get a remote job
  • 38. Do something different to stand out and be remembered Show your effort, interest and commitment Stand out from the crowd How to get a remote job
  • 39. Show you understand the challenges of remote working + you’re fully ready and equipped to handle it How to get a remote job Are you planning to travel? How will you work? Are you good at self- managing and organising? Will you communicate often and clearly with your team? Do you take initiative and ownership, or will someone have to watch over you? Are you responsible and reliable? Do you have a handle on timezones and online communication?
  • 40. How to be your own boss how do I get started? P A R T 1 O F 3
  • 41. What business do you want to be in?
  • 42. Immediacy “I need to be earning cash asap” Easiness “I should be able to get this without too much difficulty” Potential “I feel this has a high potential to succeed” Competition “I’m prepared to face competition” Scalability “I think this could be really big” Managing “Will most of my work be managing?” What business do you want to be in?
  • 43. Almost definitely not solo Multiple skillsets Management / selling focused Product based Product-based: B2B IMMEDIACY EASINESS POTENTIAL COMPETITION SCALABILITY MANAGING
  • 44. Almost definitely not solo Multiple skillsets Marketing / selling focused Product based Product-based: B2C IMMEDIACY EASINESS POTENTIAL COMPETITION SCALABILITY MANAGING
  • 45. Mostly solo Usually one hard skillset Production focused Service or time-based Service-based: Freelancer IMMEDIACY EASINESS POTENTIAL COMPETITION SCALABILITY MANAGING
  • 46. No longer solo Multiple skillsets Management focused Service or time-based IMMEDIACY EASINESS POTENTIAL COMPETITION SCALABILITY MANAGING Service-based: Agency
  • 47. How to get started (for Freelancer / Agencies only, sorry product people)
  • 48. You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
  • 49. Who are your customers? You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
  • 50. What do they really want? What do they value? What frustrates them? How do they think?
  • 51. Pretend you’re an actor in a film Who’s your character? Mimic them Research them Talk to them Be a creep without getting arrested
  • 52. Leia Organa “Darth Vader destroyed Alderaan (my home planet), and is taking over The Galaxy. I will not sit still for this! I need to defeat him. But how?! If only there was a way to destroy the Death Star and defeat the Empire once and for all…” N A M E Q U O T E A G E T E C H - S A V V Y F R U S T R AT I O N ( S ) G O A L ( S ) / 5 21 5 The Empire destroyed her home planet She doesn’t know how to destroy the Death Star # K E Y W O R D Bold Leader Courageous Princess * because she’s from the future To defeat the Empire To restore democracy within the Galactic senate
  • 53. Representative snapshot of your target audience It should not represent one sole customer Perhaps a different demographic is a better fit for you?
  • 54. How to find customers? You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
  • 55. Meetups Coworking spaces Cafes Make an effort to stay in touch Keep directing people to your website!
  • 56. LinkedIn is a really powerful tool Build a compelling profile Reach out to people and get to know them Again! This is a not a ‘hit-as-many-as-possible’ approach Take time to build a relationship and trust
  • 57. You should always be communicating and proving your value People work with people who they trust to get results You need to show you can get results And you need them to trust you
  • 58. What your value proposition? You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
  • 59. WHAT services are you offering? HOW do you work? WHY should I hire you? WHY should I buy from you? WHY should I work with you?
  • 60. ‘WHAT’ I sell UX & UI design services to startups ‘WHY’ We work in close collaboration with startups to create intuitive and engaging products their users will love
  • 61. Value proposition isn’t about what you’re doing, or how you work It’s about the value that the client or customer will receive
  • 62. How to build trust? You’re selling your services to a segment of businesses You’re asking them to trust you and pay you
  • 64. A clear methodology of working
  • 66. This is a game of leveraging! Find customer Do great work Leverage that Add to portfolio Get a recommendation Update your website & LinkedIn
  • 67. Find customer Do great work Leverage that Add to portfolio Get a recommendation Update your website & LinkedIn Find customer Do great work Leverage that Add to portfolio Get a recommendation Update your website & LinkedIn Find customer Do great work Leverage that Add to portfolio Get a recommendation Update your website & LinkedIn This is a game of leveraging!
  • 68. 2How do I keep things going? P A R T 2 O F 3
  • 69. 2 So now you’ve gotten some work The rest is simple right? Wrong! (sorry 🙊) Working remotely has challenges more than getting work Whether you’re a remote employee or an entrepreneur
  • 70. 2 Remember that many things you never thought about will be things you’ll have to Whether it’s timezones, or cultural misunderstandings Over or underworking Internet or infrastructure issues Routine or discipline issues
  • 71. Working as a remote worker P A R T 1 O F 3 how do I keep things going?
  • 74. Time management “Wait, you want all of this by your morning?” Communication “Argh I don’t think they understand what I’m saying” Deadlines “Their morning deadline is 2am for me” Work relationships “Wait, is my boss unhappy with me?” Typical problems at work get exaggerated in a remote setting
  • 75. Unpredictable infrastructure “My wifi isn’t working, I’m screwed” Visual communication “Wait, I don’t understand, can you sketch it out?” Lack of easy / immediate access to things “I need X now but where do I find it, and why is no one online?” And of course, there are new problems too
  • 76. Do these things to mitigate them Test the wifi (run a ping test) Have data as a backup Find a coworking space Always use earphones Always switch your video on Back things up! Often!
  • 77. Over-communicate Type things down; don’t rely on memory Schedule things in advance Set reminders to keep things visible Explicitly talk or ask if there’s something wrong Speak up! Do these things to mitigate them
  • 78. Tools We Use & How They Work
  • 79. Dropbox For any and all files Google Docs For any live documents and systematic organisation docs Slack For all internal conversations Notion For project management Invision For design mockups, prototyping and feedback RealtimeBoard For any visual / strategic planning + virtual workshops Tools We Use Hubspot Sales pipeline Harvest Time-tracking and invoices Trello Tracking anything! MixMax Email plugin
  • 85. Calls
  • 86. Running a team as a boss (or like a boss) P A R T 1 O F 3 how do I keep things going?
  • 87. Working remotely is already tricky Running a team remotely is trickier
  • 88. Lack of visibility “What’s happening with the team?” Team culture “Where’s the team spirit?” Team organisation “No one seems to know their role and place in the team” Managing a remote team brings new problems to solve Roadblocks “We need this by tomorrow but it’s the wrong timezone” Single points of failure “X has gone missing, we’re all dooomed”
  • 89. Central point to keep track of things Visualise as much as you can Organise consistently Label for easy reference Centralise information Melewi
  • 90. Have some overlap with your team Or with your clients Have it fixed as much as you can Dedicate the other time to work Plan your time Melewi
  • 91. Keep things accessible all the time Access shouldn’t be only when a specific person is online! Some labelling conventions are good; keeps everyone on the same page Keep things accessible (& backed up) Melewi
  • 92. Melewi Explicitly lay out how you work Everyone on the same page You don’t have to repeat yourself Structure how you work
  • 93. Always put meetings down So you never have to rely on remembering or manual timezone calculations being right Plot in everything - including non- work events and quiet work time Schedule & let the tech do the timezone math
  • 94. Full team standup Mondays to Fridays 3pm SGT Rain or shine Go through all projects statuses before doing stand-up (done yesterday, doing today, obstacles) Melewi Schedule consistent catch-ups
  • 95. Sales Team Catch-up Every Monday & Wednesday Go through statuses on everything Melewi Schedule consistent catch-ups
  • 96. Set to recur every 1 - 4 weeks So nothing slips or gets forgotten It’s a system that prevents reliance on people to remember things Melewi Schedule consistent catch-ups
  • 97. All those real-life lunches, coffees, water-cooler chats don’t happen naturally remotely But they’re important So schedule them in! Schedule fun hang out time!
  • 98. People aren’t around to notice things unsaid Make the unnoticeable and invisible explicit and available Melewi Say things explicitly
  • 100. 3How do I ‘sustain the sane’? P A R T 3 O F 3
  • 101. 3 The point of this lifestyle is to live a lifestyle you like It defeats the purpose if you’re stressed out and don’t enjoy it This means routines and boundaries help you! This means being consistent and conscious about things outside of work
  • 102. Feeling isolated “I feel lonely” Feeling unsupported “This is hard, but I’ve no one to talk to about it? Want for community “I don’t feel I’m part of something bigger than myself” Feeling overwhelmed “There is so much to keep track of….” Cultural shock “What???!” Getting used to new “I don’t know how to do anything here” Common digital nomad problems
  • 103. How do I ‘sustain the sane’? P A R T 3 O F 3 Plan, Organise & Systemise
  • 105. Standardised Packing Lists & Essential Travel Info
  • 106. Kindle Lipbalm Cables & Earphones Battery Pack Earphone Adaptor Pen Tickets & Visas Passport (yay Singapore!) Everything You Need To Survive Flights
  • 107. How do I ‘sustain the sane’? P A R T 3 O F 3 Work-life Routine
  • 108. Yay freedom! You get to decide But because there are no rules set for you It’s too easy to let one thing or the other slip Unless you put in some simple rules for yourself Some routine isn’t a bad thing!
  • 109. Plan out your work time Plan out your personal time Plan out your days off (e.g. weekend) Stick to it! Think sustainable and long-term
  • 110. Travel only on the weekends
  • 111. : Singapore " New Zealand ; Europe Quiet work Personal time Team overlap Team overlap Personal time Quiet work Quiet work Team overlap Personal time Create a schedule for yourself
  • 112. P A R T 3 O F 3 Staying Sane & Healthy How do I ‘sustain the sane’?
  • 114. Go slow! Travel slow - 1 month at one spot is the minimum Start out working remotely at home, then start travelling Find a good place to stay, you need to feel safe and secure If you’re tired of travelling, stop If you want to travel again, start Listen to what your body and brain are telling you
  • 116. Don’t forget friends and family back home Carve out and schedule time to stay in touch Get out there and meet new people But it’s admittedly tough to build long friendships / relationships on the road But keep trying Take initiative Find places people hang out at Be friendly!
  • 118. Working out regularly on the go is tough, but it’s important Digital work is a sedentary lifestyle Take walks, do body-weight workouts, find a gym Eat healthy! Don’t operate on holiday mode
  • 120. Get travel insurance! And other insurance too Make sure you’re saving Make sure you’re still contributing to your country’s social and healthcare system (e.g. CPF) Pay your taxes!!
  • 122. Feeling lonely and isolated is one of the biggest digital nomad problems Humans are social creatures!
  • 123. Feeling overwhelmed will likely happen Any taboo about it not being okay to have a tough time psychologically is bullshit Talk to someone - a therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist You have remote options Consistency is important
  • 125. 1 2 3 4 5Remember these 5 things if nothing else!
  • 126. 1Getting started is only half the battle O N E
  • 127. Work-life balance is extra important when you’re remote T W O 2
  • 128. 3Organise and systemise to keep sane amongst the chaos T H R E E
  • 129. 4Reflect and introspect, stay connected F O U R
  • 131. @thedesignnomad M E L E W I . N E T
  • 132. Want moaaaar insights? M E L E W I . N E T / N E W S L E T T E R
  • 134. @thedesignnomad M E L E W I . N E T