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How To Increase Dopamine Naturally? Best 9
Ways to Boost Dopamine
● Introduction
● What is dopamine? And, where is dopamine produced in the brain?
● What is the main function of the dopamine neurotransmitter in the brain?
● How does the dopamine synthesis pathway occur in your brain?
❖ 1. Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathways
❖ 2. Mesocortical Dopamine Pathways
❖ 3. Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathways
❖ 4. Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Pathways
● What activities trigger dopamine? Why is dopamine addictive?
● What happens when dopamine levels are high?
● What causes low dopamine?
● What happens if dopamine levels are too low? What are the symptoms of low dopamine?
● How to Increase Dopamine Naturally?
❖ 1. Avoid junk foods
❖ 2. Healthy foods that increase dopamine
❖ 3. Exercise releases dopamine
❖ 4. Get good sleep
❖ 5. Supplements that increase dopamine
❖ 6. Drugs that increase dopamine
❖ 7. Music release dopamine
❖ 8. Reduce stress from your life
❖ 9. Engage in good pleasurable activities
● Conclusion
❖ Q 1. Which hormone is responsible for addiction?
❖ Q 2. Is dopamine happy hormone?
❖ Q 3. Is dopamine released during sex?
❖ Q 4. How to increase dopamine while studying
Did you know that dopamine is known as a “Happy Hormone”? You must have felt
a lack of motivation, lack of energy, lack of interest, hopelessness, and fatigue in
your life. It is because of low dopamine. Here, you will learn how to increase
dopamine naturally.
Knowing how to increase dopamine naturally is challenging and sometimes easier
for most people.
Because some dopamine-boosting activities provide you attention but most of the
activities give you addiction.
You need to understand the activities that differentiate attention and addiction.
In today’s time, we all are trapped or engaged in certain activities such as shopping
offers, social media apps, video games, smartphones, porn videos, YouTube,
Netflix, eating junk foods, etc.
Suppose you visit a shopping mall and you see that various offers are running on
products like –
Buy only Rs. 99/-
These exclusive offers and deals force your mind to buy products.
Because these things make us happy, feel relaxed and give us a pleasurable feeling.
These types of activities (such as shopping, social media apps, video games. etc.)
strongly trigger dopamine in your brain. Due to the influence of dopamine, you
feel happy and pleasurable.
But this kind of way to increase dopamine may give a harmful effect on your body.
It could be a mental problem, stress, obesity, insomnia, etc.
You may also have been exposed to dopamine addiction due to a high surge of
We spend most of our time on these activities instead of giving more attention to
exercise, health, diet, working on goals, and reading books.
If you increase your dopamine in natural ways. In that case, you become happier,
smarter, more productive, more creative, more focused, and more social. Therefore,
we should have a sufficient amount of dopamine in our brains.
In this article, we will discover how to increase dopamine levels naturally. But
before that, we will know about –
● dopamine hormone, its function and dopamine synthesis pathway
● high dopamine symptoms and dopamine addiction
● low dopamine symptoms and dopamine deficiency
So, Let’s start topic –
What is dopamine? And, where is dopamine produced in
the brain?
Your body makes several chemicals. Dopamine is an important one among them.
Dopamine is considered a happy neuro-hormone because it releases in the happiest
or most pleasurable moment. It acts as a chemical messenger or neurotransmitter
that helps to pass information from one nerve cell to another.
This dopamine neuro-hormone is a catecholamine that contains a catechol ring and
an amine group ring.
The first step in dopamine synthesis is from tyrosine amino acid.
In the nerves ending, when tyrosine enters the synaptic knob and it gets converted
into DOPA in presence of tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme.
Eventually, it forms dopamine with help of the DOPA decarboxylase enzyme.
↓T. Hydroxylase
DOPA (Dihydroxyphenylalanine)
↓ D. Decarboxylase
This dopamine gets stored in presynaptic vesicles of neurons.
The highest concentration of dopamine is present in the subcortical structures of
the brain.
Dopamine is generally produced from the specific nucleus that is present in the
midbrain. This area is called VTA (ventral tegmental nucleus or area) and
substantia nigra.
These areas are called dopamine-rich nuclei and are also known as Dopamine
What is the main function of the dopamine
neurotransmitter in the brain?
The main function of the dopamine neurotransmitter is movement, motivation
memory and emotional responses.
Let’s see how?
When dopamine is released from the VTA nucleus, it goes to its target sites such as
the basal ganglia (nuclei) and limbic system.
Basal ganglia are a group of nuclei that are present in the centre of your brain.
They are mainly responsible to control your body’s movement and regulate muscle
If there is a slight elevation of dopamine in the basal ganglia region, you may have
full of excitement and interest in following motor skill activities such as
● Sports – cricket, football, etc.
● Increase physical performance in athletes
● Increase motivation
● Increase memory
While, Limbic system is comprised of four main structures – the hypothalamus,
amygdala, thalamus, and hippocampus. This system helps to control our
behavioural and emotional responses.
Your limbic system gets quickly influenced by dopamine in certain situations. For
● If someone gives you a gift suddenly
● If you get an unexpected reward
● If there is a huge hike in your salary
● If you are getting pleasure from sex, video games, using smartphones,
gambling, etc.
How does the dopamine synthesis pathway occur in
your brain?
When the action potential generates, exocytosis of synaptic vesicles takes place.
After releasing dopamine, it binds to dopamine GPCR (G-protein coupled
receptor) receptor-like D1 (most specific), D2, D3, D4, and D5.
Before binding on dopamine receptors, dopamine travel in a particular area of the
brain. That area is known as the Dopaminergic pathway.
It has four significant pathways that help to convey important information. Every
path has its own function and responsibility.
1. Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathways
If we break the term “mesolimbic”.
“Meso” means a mid-area of the brain that refers to the VTA nucleus and “limbic”
means involvement of the subcortical structure of a limbic system that is also
present in the midbrain.
This pathway covers the midbrain area. Dopamine transmits from VTA (ventral
tegmental area) to the ventral striatum area.
This area is strongly associated with pleasure, reward, and addiction. Whenever
you encounter activities like an unexpected reward, pleasure, motivation, etc. In
that case, your dopamine influence and kick this area.
It is also called the “Reward Pathway”.
2. Mesocortical Dopamine Pathways
Similarly, if we split the mesocortical term.
“Meso” means a mid-area of the brain that refers to the VTA nucleus and “cortical”
means a cortex of the brain that is more specific to the prefrontal cortex.
This pathway also begins from a mid-area of the brain at VTA, and their action
potential generates till the prefrontal cortex.
When dopamine reaches the prefrontal cortex that helps in coordinating executive
functions like – attention, planning, skills, learning, reasoning, problem-solving,
If there is any dysfunction in this area, you will develop a lack of concentration,
depression, and an inability to decide.
3. Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathways
This pathway connects the midbrain to the forebrain area to facilitate dopamine
In this pathway, dopamine travels in the basal ganglia region from the substantia
nigra (basal ganglia structure of midbrain) to the dorsal striatum (basal ganglia
structure of forebrain).
It is also a dopamine-rich area that contains 80% dopamine in the brain.
It is an important area that controls motor functions like walking, running, sitting,
jumping, etc.
If there is less dopamine supply in this area, it may lead to Parkinson’s disorder,
tardive dyskinesia, tremors, etc.
4. Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Pathways
This pathway transmits dopamine from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. In
this area, dopamine regulates the secretion of the prolactin hormone.
A high dopamine level inhibits prolactin release whereas a low dopamine level
increases the secretion of prolactin.
If there is an increased prolactin level, it can affect menstrual cycles, galactorrhea,
sexual desire, fertility, etc.
What activities trigger dopamine? Why is dopamine
Suppose your favourite food is pizza, and you are extremely craving that food.
When you visit pizza hut and get a smoky smell of Pizza. In that case, your brain
starts to increase dopamine.
Generally, your dopamine is released when you do any pleasurable or
dopamine-booting activities like –
● Craving for a tasty meal
● Winning a prize
● Having sex
● Gossip with friends
● Playing video games
● Watching YouTube, Netflix, etc.
It makes you feel better, euphoric, and happy. It also releases in non-pleasurable
activities but less amount. So, the level of pleasure feeling depends on your
day-to-day activities.
Your dopamine usually fluctuates between high and low dopamine levels
throughout the day.
● Low dopamine activity – less likely to work, study, exercise, eat a healthy
diet or any uncomfortable situation. Here, you will be more alert, motivated,
concentrated and aware.
● Moderate dopamine level activity – unexpected rewards like promotions,
salary hikes, surprise gifts, etc.
● High dopamine level activity – shopping, video games, social media,
gambling, sex, eating junk foods (like a burger, pizza, or cold drinks). You
will have craving, dependency and habituation.
● Extreme high dopamine level activity – uncertain substances like cocaine,
heroin, alcohol, nicotine, etc.
High dopamine-boosting activities may cause dopamine addiction. Suppose you
play fantasy games (such as Dream 11) or trade in the stock market, it gives you a
reward after winning and you feel very happy.
This reward stimulates your dopamine and kicks you to repeat this activity because
you get pleasure.
What happens when dopamine levels are high?
Dopamine levels are usually high in those activities where you feel pleasure and
Although, many activities influence your dopamine level. For example, if you are
playing a video game like PUBG and you are quite engaging. Even if you are
skipping the meal. You don’t know the end result of this activity.
However, this video game is giving you intense pleasure because of the high
dopamine level surge. The high level of dopamine makes you feel good, and this
good feeling provokes you to repeat those activities.
Some drug substances (like cocaine, heroin, amphetamine, nicotine, alcohol, etc.)
kick your dopamine at a high level
It makes you feel at the top of the world.
But too much level of dopamine may be a big problem for you. It may lead to
mania, schizophrenia, delusion, hallucination, addiction, etc.
Despite knowing the fact that it gives a harmful effect, high (substance user)
people use it repeatedly because they are habitual of it. Eventually, they get an
Too much dopamine stimulation is not good and hampers your quality of life. You
may have high dopamine symptoms such as –
● Anxiety
● Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
● Hyperkinetic activity (increased energy)
● Mania
● Stress
Sometimes, these mental disorders (schizophrenia, mania, etc.) generally happen,
when there is a disturbance in brain physiology (changes in the structure of the
VTA nucleus, basal ganglia or limbic system). This may cause overstimulation of
dopamine levels.
What causes low dopamine?
The low level of dopamine is also not good for us.
There are a lot of reasons that cause low dopamine in our brains. It could indicate a
neurological disease such as –
● Parkinson disease
● Depression
● Restless leg syndrome
● ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder)
Normally, when we get older, then our body starts to decrease dopamine
neurotransmitters from the VTA nucleus. Eventually, we get dopamine deficiency.
You may also have low dopamine if someone has faced a bad situation or a big loss
in his life, e.g., the death of a person in family member, failure in exams or
financial loss. This may cause a drastic decrease in dopamine levels.
If there are any structural changes in parts of the brain especially the VTA nucleus,
basal ganglia, limbic system or any traumatic brain injury. In that case, it could
also be a cause of dopamine deficiency.
What happens if dopamine levels are too low? What are
the symptoms of low dopamine?
If you think you have a low level of dopamine, you may have struggled in
enthusiasm, movement, and motivation.
As we discussed earlier, dopamine is generally released from the VTA nucleus of
the brain, eventually, it binds to the basal ganglia and limbic system.
Basal ganglia are mainly responsible for movement whereas the limbic system has
the main role in managing all emotional activities like pleasure, reward,
motivation, etc.
Whenever you have low dopamine levels in these areas (such as basal ganglia and
limbic system), you may have experienced low dopamine symptoms, such as –
Low dopamine symptoms
Dopamine deficiency in basal ganglia Dopamine deficiency in limbic system
· Fatigue or tired · Lack of interest in many activities
· Loss of normal movement · Lack of energy
· Increase muscle stiffness · Lack of motivation
· Resting tremor · Low sex drive
· Impaired posture and balance · Lack of attention or concentration
· Sleep disturbance (insomnia)
How to Increase Dopamine Naturally?
If you’re wondering how to increase dopamine naturally, I have mentioned the 9
best ways to increase dopamine levels naturally –
1. Avoid junk foods
Although, eating junk foods (such as burgers, chips, cold drinks etc.) can increase
dopamine levels rapidly for short time. You will feel short-term enjoyment and
But over time, long-term eating junk foods can disturb the function of your brain.
Eventually, it leads to dopamine deficiency.
This type of junk food produces a stronger craving sensation that causes food
addiction. It also increases obesity which brings many other medical conditions.
As per a study, high saturated fat (or High-fat diets) foods can decrease the
dopamine level in your brain. These foods are strongly linked to obesity, diabetes,
and cardiovascular diseases.
2. Healthy foods that increase dopamine
You would be thinking that how to increase dopamine with food. Here, you need to
add tyrosine-rich foods because tyrosine is a building block of dopamine
As we know dopamine is synthesized from tyrosine amino acid. Basically, tyrosine
is a non-essential amino acid that is produced in our body itself. We don’t need to
take tyrosine from food.
Sometimes, our body does not produce enough tyrosine which causes dopamine
deficiency. In that case, you need to take tyrosine-rich foods.
If you have dopamine deficiency, you need to take a high-protein diet that contains
tyrosine amino acids.
Certain foods help to increase the dopamine level in your brain. It includes –
● Animal foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, pork, beef, and lamb,
● Dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt etc.
● Fruits such as avocados, bananas and watermelon
● leafy green vegetables
● Nuts – peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
● Soybeans
3. Exercise releases dopamine
Physical exercise is an important way to increase mood boosting monoamine
hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and noradrenaline level in your
Regular physical workouts can decrease stress levels, anxiety, panic attacks and
mental illness like depression.
While, it improves mental health, mood, and memory. As per a study, exercise is
strongly associated with increased mood and cognitive function.
Therefore, you should give at least 30 mins exercise, running or yoga in your daily
4. Get good sleep
Two main hormones control the sleep-wake cycle. These are melatonin and orexin
(or hypocretin).
A sleep cycle is mainly controlled by the pineal gland. It secretes a “melatonin
This melatonin helps to maintain the circadian rhythm (or sleep-wake cycle).
Whereas, the orexin hormone promotes wakefulness that releases from the
Dopamine imbalance alters the melatonin and orexin hormones which leads to
sleep deprivation.
Sleep-wake disturbances can be seen commonly in Parkinson’s disease, depression
and narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleep) patients.
In these neurological conditions, dopamine deficiency can be seen.
Normally, dopamine is associated with wakefulness but you should have a good
time of sleep to reset your dopamine level.
Therefore, a person should sleep at least 7 to 9 hours for healthy brain functioning.
5. Supplements that increase dopamine
Most people wonder how to increase dopamine with supplements. A low
dopamine problem could be a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Some important supplements increase the dopamine level in your brain. These
include –
● Tyrosine supplement
Since tyrosine is a precursor of dopamine synthesis, you can add a tyrosine
supplement to your diet.
According to a study, tyrosine is a useful supplement that enhances your cognitive
function and increase dopamine level.
● Vitamin D3 supplement
Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) also helps in the dopamine synthesis
Vitamin D3 supplements should be used if someone has ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperkinetic Disease), especially in school-aged children.
● Riboflavin (B2) and Pyridoxine (B6)
An animal study published in BMC Neuroscience, 2018 stated that riboflavin and
pyridoxine are the most specific vitamins for neurodegenerative diseases such as
Parkinson’s disease.
These B2 and B6 vitamins are useful supplements in restoring dopamine and
decreasing oxidative stress.
● Plant extract-rich flavonoids
As per a study, polymethoxylated flavones, procyanidins and isoflavones are the
most common flavonoids that present in plants.
In this study, these flavonoids were found effective and helpful in the rat model of
Parkinson’s disease.
● Fish oil capsules
Manystudies suggest that fish oil supplements increase the dopamine level in the
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that boost your dopamine level and the
functioning of the brain.
You must add a fish oil supplements if you have a dopamine deficiency.
6. Drugs that increase dopamine
Knowing how to increase dopamine with drugs can be beneficial for those people,
who are suffering from neurological problems.
But some illegal narcotic drugs are also used to increase dopamine.
You must have seen some young adults do night parties, nightclubs or DJ dance
music. MDMA is a very common drug used by these parties.
MDMA is also known as “Ecstasy drug”, “Party drug” or “Rave drug”. It contains
This ecstasy drug rapidly speeds up your dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin
level. Although, it is a dangerous drug even at low doses.
A low dose of Ecstasy drug stimulates your brain, increases wakefulness, increases
memory and increases pleasure.
But at high doses, it may cause addiction and psychosis (hallucination).
Some other illegal drugs produce a much larger surge of dopamine releases such as
heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and LSD.
It gives intense euphoria or pleasure.
When someone takes this substance, he may get habitual which causes strong
dopamine addiction.
This addiction may develop into mental problems like schizophrenia, hallucination,
anxiety, mania or other psychosis.
But if you have dopamine deficiency problems or neurological problems. In that
case, you may have been prescribed certain prescription dopamine-boosting drugs
such as –
Prescription drugs that boosting dopamine level
Category Drug names
Ropinirole, levodopa,
carbidopa etc.
Depression Antidepressants Fluoxetine, amitriptyline,
ADHD CNS stimulants Methylphenidate,
Restless legs
Dopamine agonist Pramipexole
7. Music release dopamine
Listening to your favourite music is the easiest and most effective way to increase
Whenever you feel unmotivated, sad and lack energy. In that condition, if you
listen to your favourite music, you find pleasure, energetic and motivated because
it boosts your dopamine due to musical rhythm and synchronising beats.
It directly acts on the dopamine nucleus at the caudate-putamen and nucleus
accumbens areas of the brain.
In a 2018 study, researchers found raised dopamine and serotonin level in an
experimental study of rats after providing a musical environment to rats.
8. Reduce stress from your life
Every person is living with a busy and tight schedule, they must have had some
problems or stressful situations. It could be physical stress, financial stress,
academic stress, psychological stress or traumatic stress.
According to a study, any type of stress in our life can reduce the dopamine density
in the brain. Due to this, we get unenthusiastic, unmotivated, and lack energy.
Generally, stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, it increases the
noradrenaline and adrenaline level.
These things trigger the stress hormone called Cortisol. You cannot be happy in
stressful conditions and eventually, it decreases dopamine production.
It is difficult to avoid these stressful conditions but we should reduce the stress in
our life.
You can do meditation. It is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve
mental health.
It not only increases dopamine but also improves the memory and cognitive
function of our brain.
You can also engage in other activities that reduce stress such as exercising and
playing sports or get counselling from a psychiatrist.
9. Engage in good pleasurable activities
Pleasurable activities can give you a classical boost in dopamine production.
These activities can be video games, masturbation, thinking about sex, gambling
etc. Although, this can induce dopamine, but it can also give your dopamine
So, you should give your time to good pleasurable activities such as
● Planning your career
● Talking about goals
● Spend time outside
● Spending time with family or friends
● Learning a new language
● Watching movies
● Listen to music
● Having sex sometimes
Whatever you enjoy or do any pleasurable activities in your life because of the
dopamine neurotransmitter.
Whenever we think about how to increase dopamine levels. You may have
dopamine fluctuation. For example –
● You would be more attentive if there is a slight surge of dopamine
● You would be addicted if there is a high surge of dopamine
● You would be in depression if there is a low level of dopamine
Overall, the homeostasis of the dopamine hormone is very important in our life. It
should be neither high nor low.
Therefore, you should boost your dopamine naturally through exercise, a protein
diet, meditation, a healthy diet, etc.
You must consult your doctor if there is a dopamine deficiency.
I hope that you have learned something new from today’s article. If you found this
post to be informative, share it on social media.
Q 1. Which hormone is responsible for addiction?
The dopamine hormone is mainly responsible for addiction such as gaming,
gambling, sex, too much craving for junk food, illegal drug addiction etc.
Q 2. Is dopamine happy hormone?
Dopamine is generally considered a “Happy Hormone” or “Pleasure Hormone”
because it makes you feel good and pleasure.
Q 3. Is dopamine released during sex?
Doing sex is also a kind of pleasurable activity and it releases mood-boosting
hormone i.e., dopamine. Whenever dopamine is released, it decreases depression
and anxiety-like problems. These dopamine hormones help to activate sexual
stimulation and we really do feel pleasure.
Q 4. How to increase dopamine while studying
Dopamine has a big role in attention, concentration and the conscious mind. Most
students get bored when they do study. But if they study with interest, practical or
experiments, basic understanding and concept. In this condition, dopamine gets
increases. It makes you more attentive.
References –
Read more post…

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How to increase dopamine.pdf

  • 1. How To Increase Dopamine Naturally? Best 9 Ways to Boost Dopamine Posted By SUMIT SHARMA Contents ● Introduction ● What is dopamine? And, where is dopamine produced in the brain? ● What is the main function of the dopamine neurotransmitter in the brain? ● How does the dopamine synthesis pathway occur in your brain? ❖ 1. Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathways ❖ 2. Mesocortical Dopamine Pathways ❖ 3. Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathways ❖ 4. Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Pathways ● What activities trigger dopamine? Why is dopamine addictive?
  • 2. ● What happens when dopamine levels are high? ● What causes low dopamine? ● What happens if dopamine levels are too low? What are the symptoms of low dopamine? ● How to Increase Dopamine Naturally? ❖ 1. Avoid junk foods ❖ 2. Healthy foods that increase dopamine ❖ 3. Exercise releases dopamine ❖ 4. Get good sleep ❖ 5. Supplements that increase dopamine ❖ 6. Drugs that increase dopamine ❖ 7. Music release dopamine ❖ 8. Reduce stress from your life ❖ 9. Engage in good pleasurable activities ● Conclusion ● FAQ ❖ Q 1. Which hormone is responsible for addiction? ❖ Q 2. Is dopamine happy hormone? ❖ Q 3. Is dopamine released during sex? ❖ Q 4. How to increase dopamine while studying
  • 3. Introduction Did you know that dopamine is known as a “Happy Hormone”? You must have felt a lack of motivation, lack of energy, lack of interest, hopelessness, and fatigue in your life. It is because of low dopamine. Here, you will learn how to increase dopamine naturally. Knowing how to increase dopamine naturally is challenging and sometimes easier for most people. Because some dopamine-boosting activities provide you attention but most of the activities give you addiction. You need to understand the activities that differentiate attention and addiction. In today’s time, we all are trapped or engaged in certain activities such as shopping offers, social media apps, video games, smartphones, porn videos, YouTube, Netflix, eating junk foods, etc. Suppose you visit a shopping mall and you see that various offers are running on products like – BUY 2 GET 1 FREE…
  • 4. Buy only Rs. 99/- These exclusive offers and deals force your mind to buy products. Because these things make us happy, feel relaxed and give us a pleasurable feeling. These types of activities (such as shopping, social media apps, video games. etc.) strongly trigger dopamine in your brain. Due to the influence of dopamine, you feel happy and pleasurable. But this kind of way to increase dopamine may give a harmful effect on your body. It could be a mental problem, stress, obesity, insomnia, etc. You may also have been exposed to dopamine addiction due to a high surge of dopamine. We spend most of our time on these activities instead of giving more attention to exercise, health, diet, working on goals, and reading books. If you increase your dopamine in natural ways. In that case, you become happier, smarter, more productive, more creative, more focused, and more social. Therefore, we should have a sufficient amount of dopamine in our brains. In this article, we will discover how to increase dopamine levels naturally. But before that, we will know about – ● dopamine hormone, its function and dopamine synthesis pathway ● high dopamine symptoms and dopamine addiction ● low dopamine symptoms and dopamine deficiency So, Let’s start topic –
  • 5. What is dopamine? And, where is dopamine produced in the brain? Your body makes several chemicals. Dopamine is an important one among them. Dopamine is considered a happy neuro-hormone because it releases in the happiest or most pleasurable moment. It acts as a chemical messenger or neurotransmitter that helps to pass information from one nerve cell to another. This dopamine neuro-hormone is a catecholamine that contains a catechol ring and an amine group ring. The first step in dopamine synthesis is from tyrosine amino acid. In the nerves ending, when tyrosine enters the synaptic knob and it gets converted into DOPA in presence of tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme. Eventually, it forms dopamine with help of the DOPA decarboxylase enzyme. Tyrosine ↓T. Hydroxylase DOPA (Dihydroxyphenylalanine) ↓ D. Decarboxylase Dopamine This dopamine gets stored in presynaptic vesicles of neurons. The highest concentration of dopamine is present in the subcortical structures of the brain.
  • 6. Dopamine is generally produced from the specific nucleus that is present in the midbrain. This area is called VTA (ventral tegmental nucleus or area) and substantia nigra. These areas are called dopamine-rich nuclei and are also known as Dopamine factories. What is the main function of the dopamine neurotransmitter in the brain? The main function of the dopamine neurotransmitter is movement, motivation memory and emotional responses. Let’s see how? When dopamine is released from the VTA nucleus, it goes to its target sites such as the basal ganglia (nuclei) and limbic system.
  • 7. Basal ganglia are a group of nuclei that are present in the centre of your brain. They are mainly responsible to control your body’s movement and regulate muscle tone. If there is a slight elevation of dopamine in the basal ganglia region, you may have full of excitement and interest in following motor skill activities such as ● Sports – cricket, football, etc. ● Increase physical performance in athletes ● Increase motivation ● Increase memory While, Limbic system is comprised of four main structures – the hypothalamus, amygdala, thalamus, and hippocampus. This system helps to control our behavioural and emotional responses. Your limbic system gets quickly influenced by dopamine in certain situations. For example- ● If someone gives you a gift suddenly ● If you get an unexpected reward ● If there is a huge hike in your salary ● If you are getting pleasure from sex, video games, using smartphones, gambling, etc.
  • 8. How does the dopamine synthesis pathway occur in your brain? When the action potential generates, exocytosis of synaptic vesicles takes place. After releasing dopamine, it binds to dopamine GPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) receptor-like D1 (most specific), D2, D3, D4, and D5. Before binding on dopamine receptors, dopamine travel in a particular area of the brain. That area is known as the Dopaminergic pathway. It has four significant pathways that help to convey important information. Every path has its own function and responsibility. 1. Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathways
  • 9. If we break the term “mesolimbic”. “Meso” means a mid-area of the brain that refers to the VTA nucleus and “limbic” means involvement of the subcortical structure of a limbic system that is also present in the midbrain. This pathway covers the midbrain area. Dopamine transmits from VTA (ventral tegmental area) to the ventral striatum area. This area is strongly associated with pleasure, reward, and addiction. Whenever you encounter activities like an unexpected reward, pleasure, motivation, etc. In that case, your dopamine influence and kick this area. It is also called the “Reward Pathway”. 2. Mesocortical Dopamine Pathways Similarly, if we split the mesocortical term. “Meso” means a mid-area of the brain that refers to the VTA nucleus and “cortical” means a cortex of the brain that is more specific to the prefrontal cortex. This pathway also begins from a mid-area of the brain at VTA, and their action potential generates till the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine reaches the prefrontal cortex that helps in coordinating executive functions like – attention, planning, skills, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, etc. If there is any dysfunction in this area, you will develop a lack of concentration, depression, and an inability to decide. 3. Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathways
  • 10. This pathway connects the midbrain to the forebrain area to facilitate dopamine flow. In this pathway, dopamine travels in the basal ganglia region from the substantia nigra (basal ganglia structure of midbrain) to the dorsal striatum (basal ganglia structure of forebrain). It is also a dopamine-rich area that contains 80% dopamine in the brain. It is an important area that controls motor functions like walking, running, sitting, jumping, etc. If there is less dopamine supply in this area, it may lead to Parkinson’s disorder, tardive dyskinesia, tremors, etc. 4. Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Pathways This pathway transmits dopamine from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. In this area, dopamine regulates the secretion of the prolactin hormone. A high dopamine level inhibits prolactin release whereas a low dopamine level increases the secretion of prolactin. If there is an increased prolactin level, it can affect menstrual cycles, galactorrhea, sexual desire, fertility, etc. What activities trigger dopamine? Why is dopamine addictive? Suppose your favourite food is pizza, and you are extremely craving that food. When you visit pizza hut and get a smoky smell of Pizza. In that case, your brain starts to increase dopamine.
  • 11. Generally, your dopamine is released when you do any pleasurable or dopamine-booting activities like – ● Craving for a tasty meal ● Winning a prize ● Having sex ● Gossip with friends ● Playing video games ● Watching YouTube, Netflix, etc.
  • 12. It makes you feel better, euphoric, and happy. It also releases in non-pleasurable activities but less amount. So, the level of pleasure feeling depends on your day-to-day activities. Your dopamine usually fluctuates between high and low dopamine levels throughout the day. ● Low dopamine activity – less likely to work, study, exercise, eat a healthy diet or any uncomfortable situation. Here, you will be more alert, motivated, concentrated and aware. ● Moderate dopamine level activity – unexpected rewards like promotions, salary hikes, surprise gifts, etc. ● High dopamine level activity – shopping, video games, social media, gambling, sex, eating junk foods (like a burger, pizza, or cold drinks). You will have craving, dependency and habituation. ● Extreme high dopamine level activity – uncertain substances like cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine, etc. High dopamine-boosting activities may cause dopamine addiction. Suppose you play fantasy games (such as Dream 11) or trade in the stock market, it gives you a reward after winning and you feel very happy. This reward stimulates your dopamine and kicks you to repeat this activity because you get pleasure.
  • 13. What happens when dopamine levels are high? Dopamine levels are usually high in those activities where you feel pleasure and happiness. Although, many activities influence your dopamine level. For example, if you are playing a video game like PUBG and you are quite engaging. Even if you are skipping the meal. You don’t know the end result of this activity. However, this video game is giving you intense pleasure because of the high dopamine level surge. The high level of dopamine makes you feel good, and this good feeling provokes you to repeat those activities. Some drug substances (like cocaine, heroin, amphetamine, nicotine, alcohol, etc.) kick your dopamine at a high level It makes you feel at the top of the world. But too much level of dopamine may be a big problem for you. It may lead to mania, schizophrenia, delusion, hallucination, addiction, etc. Despite knowing the fact that it gives a harmful effect, high (substance user) people use it repeatedly because they are habitual of it. Eventually, they get an addiction. Too much dopamine stimulation is not good and hampers your quality of life. You may have high dopamine symptoms such as – ● Anxiety ● Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) ● Hyperkinetic activity (increased energy) ● Mania
  • 14. ● Stress Sometimes, these mental disorders (schizophrenia, mania, etc.) generally happen, when there is a disturbance in brain physiology (changes in the structure of the VTA nucleus, basal ganglia or limbic system). This may cause overstimulation of dopamine levels. What causes low dopamine? The low level of dopamine is also not good for us. There are a lot of reasons that cause low dopamine in our brains. It could indicate a neurological disease such as – ● Parkinson disease ● Depression ● Restless leg syndrome ● ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder) Normally, when we get older, then our body starts to decrease dopamine neurotransmitters from the VTA nucleus. Eventually, we get dopamine deficiency. You may also have low dopamine if someone has faced a bad situation or a big loss in his life, e.g., the death of a person in family member, failure in exams or financial loss. This may cause a drastic decrease in dopamine levels.
  • 15. If there are any structural changes in parts of the brain especially the VTA nucleus, basal ganglia, limbic system or any traumatic brain injury. In that case, it could also be a cause of dopamine deficiency. What happens if dopamine levels are too low? What are the symptoms of low dopamine? If you think you have a low level of dopamine, you may have struggled in enthusiasm, movement, and motivation. As we discussed earlier, dopamine is generally released from the VTA nucleus of the brain, eventually, it binds to the basal ganglia and limbic system. Basal ganglia are mainly responsible for movement whereas the limbic system has the main role in managing all emotional activities like pleasure, reward, motivation, etc. Whenever you have low dopamine levels in these areas (such as basal ganglia and limbic system), you may have experienced low dopamine symptoms, such as – Low dopamine symptoms Dopamine deficiency in basal ganglia Dopamine deficiency in limbic system · Fatigue or tired · Lack of interest in many activities · Loss of normal movement · Lack of energy
  • 16. · Increase muscle stiffness · Lack of motivation · Resting tremor · Low sex drive · Impaired posture and balance · Lack of attention or concentration · Sleep disturbance (insomnia) How to Increase Dopamine Naturally? If you’re wondering how to increase dopamine naturally, I have mentioned the 9 best ways to increase dopamine levels naturally –
  • 17. 1. Avoid junk foods Although, eating junk foods (such as burgers, chips, cold drinks etc.) can increase dopamine levels rapidly for short time. You will feel short-term enjoyment and pleasure. But over time, long-term eating junk foods can disturb the function of your brain. Eventually, it leads to dopamine deficiency. This type of junk food produces a stronger craving sensation that causes food addiction. It also increases obesity which brings many other medical conditions. As per a study, high saturated fat (or High-fat diets) foods can decrease the dopamine level in your brain. These foods are strongly linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
  • 18. 2. Healthy foods that increase dopamine You would be thinking that how to increase dopamine with food. Here, you need to add tyrosine-rich foods because tyrosine is a building block of dopamine production. As we know dopamine is synthesized from tyrosine amino acid. Basically, tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced in our body itself. We don’t need to take tyrosine from food. Sometimes, our body does not produce enough tyrosine which causes dopamine deficiency. In that case, you need to take tyrosine-rich foods. If you have dopamine deficiency, you need to take a high-protein diet that contains tyrosine amino acids. Certain foods help to increase the dopamine level in your brain. It includes – ● Animal foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, pork, beef, and lamb, ● Dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt etc. ● Fruits such as avocados, bananas and watermelon ● leafy green vegetables ● Nuts – peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds ● Soybeans
  • 19. 3. Exercise releases dopamine Physical exercise is an important way to increase mood boosting monoamine hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and noradrenaline level in your brain. Regular physical workouts can decrease stress levels, anxiety, panic attacks and mental illness like depression. While, it improves mental health, mood, and memory. As per a study, exercise is strongly associated with increased mood and cognitive function. Therefore, you should give at least 30 mins exercise, running or yoga in your daily life. 4. Get good sleep Two main hormones control the sleep-wake cycle. These are melatonin and orexin (or hypocretin). A sleep cycle is mainly controlled by the pineal gland. It secretes a “melatonin hormone.” This melatonin helps to maintain the circadian rhythm (or sleep-wake cycle). Whereas, the orexin hormone promotes wakefulness that releases from the hypothalamus. Dopamine imbalance alters the melatonin and orexin hormones which leads to sleep deprivation. Sleep-wake disturbances can be seen commonly in Parkinson’s disease, depression and narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleep) patients. In these neurological conditions, dopamine deficiency can be seen.
  • 20. Normally, dopamine is associated with wakefulness but you should have a good time of sleep to reset your dopamine level. Therefore, a person should sleep at least 7 to 9 hours for healthy brain functioning. 5. Supplements that increase dopamine Most people wonder how to increase dopamine with supplements. A low dopamine problem could be a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Some important supplements increase the dopamine level in your brain. These include – ● Tyrosine supplement Since tyrosine is a precursor of dopamine synthesis, you can add a tyrosine supplement to your diet. According to a study, tyrosine is a useful supplement that enhances your cognitive function and increase dopamine level. ● Vitamin D3 supplement Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) also helps in the dopamine synthesis pathway. Vitamin D3 supplements should be used if someone has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disease), especially in school-aged children. ● Riboflavin (B2) and Pyridoxine (B6)
  • 21. An animal study published in BMC Neuroscience, 2018 stated that riboflavin and pyridoxine are the most specific vitamins for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. These B2 and B6 vitamins are useful supplements in restoring dopamine and decreasing oxidative stress. ● Plant extract-rich flavonoids As per a study, polymethoxylated flavones, procyanidins and isoflavones are the most common flavonoids that present in plants. In this study, these flavonoids were found effective and helpful in the rat model of Parkinson’s disease. ● Fish oil capsules Manystudies suggest that fish oil supplements increase the dopamine level in the brain. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that boost your dopamine level and the functioning of the brain. You must add a fish oil supplements if you have a dopamine deficiency. 6. Drugs that increase dopamine Knowing how to increase dopamine with drugs can be beneficial for those people, who are suffering from neurological problems. But some illegal narcotic drugs are also used to increase dopamine.
  • 22. You must have seen some young adults do night parties, nightclubs or DJ dance music. MDMA is a very common drug used by these parties. MDMA is also known as “Ecstasy drug”, “Party drug” or “Rave drug”. It contains methamphetamine. This ecstasy drug rapidly speeds up your dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin level. Although, it is a dangerous drug even at low doses. A low dose of Ecstasy drug stimulates your brain, increases wakefulness, increases memory and increases pleasure. But at high doses, it may cause addiction and psychosis (hallucination). Some other illegal drugs produce a much larger surge of dopamine releases such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and LSD. It gives intense euphoria or pleasure. When someone takes this substance, he may get habitual which causes strong dopamine addiction. This addiction may develop into mental problems like schizophrenia, hallucination, anxiety, mania or other psychosis. But if you have dopamine deficiency problems or neurological problems. In that case, you may have been prescribed certain prescription dopamine-boosting drugs such as – Prescription drugs that boosting dopamine level Medical conditions Category Drug names
  • 23. Parkinson’s disease Antiparkinsonian drugs Ropinirole, levodopa, carbidopa etc. Depression Antidepressants Fluoxetine, amitriptyline, sertraline ADHD CNS stimulants Methylphenidate, Amphetamine Restless legs syndrome Dopamine agonist Pramipexole 7. Music release dopamine Listening to your favourite music is the easiest and most effective way to increase dopamine. Whenever you feel unmotivated, sad and lack energy. In that condition, if you listen to your favourite music, you find pleasure, energetic and motivated because it boosts your dopamine due to musical rhythm and synchronising beats. It directly acts on the dopamine nucleus at the caudate-putamen and nucleus accumbens areas of the brain. In a 2018 study, researchers found raised dopamine and serotonin level in an experimental study of rats after providing a musical environment to rats.
  • 24. 8. Reduce stress from your life Every person is living with a busy and tight schedule, they must have had some problems or stressful situations. It could be physical stress, financial stress, academic stress, psychological stress or traumatic stress. According to a study, any type of stress in our life can reduce the dopamine density in the brain. Due to this, we get unenthusiastic, unmotivated, and lack energy. Generally, stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, it increases the noradrenaline and adrenaline level. These things trigger the stress hormone called Cortisol. You cannot be happy in stressful conditions and eventually, it decreases dopamine production. It is difficult to avoid these stressful conditions but we should reduce the stress in our life. You can do meditation. It is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve mental health. It not only increases dopamine but also improves the memory and cognitive function of our brain. You can also engage in other activities that reduce stress such as exercising and playing sports or get counselling from a psychiatrist. 9. Engage in good pleasurable activities Pleasurable activities can give you a classical boost in dopamine production. These activities can be video games, masturbation, thinking about sex, gambling etc. Although, this can induce dopamine, but it can also give your dopamine addiction. So, you should give your time to good pleasurable activities such as
  • 25. ● Planning your career ● Talking about goals ● Spend time outside ● Spending time with family or friends ● Learning a new language ● Watching movies ● Listen to music ● Having sex sometimes Conclusion Whatever you enjoy or do any pleasurable activities in your life because of the dopamine neurotransmitter. Whenever we think about how to increase dopamine levels. You may have dopamine fluctuation. For example – ● You would be more attentive if there is a slight surge of dopamine ● You would be addicted if there is a high surge of dopamine ● You would be in depression if there is a low level of dopamine
  • 26. Overall, the homeostasis of the dopamine hormone is very important in our life. It should be neither high nor low. Therefore, you should boost your dopamine naturally through exercise, a protein diet, meditation, a healthy diet, etc. You must consult your doctor if there is a dopamine deficiency. I hope that you have learned something new from today’s article. If you found this post to be informative, share it on social media. FAQ Q 1. Which hormone is responsible for addiction? The dopamine hormone is mainly responsible for addiction such as gaming, gambling, sex, too much craving for junk food, illegal drug addiction etc. Q 2. Is dopamine happy hormone? Dopamine is generally considered a “Happy Hormone” or “Pleasure Hormone” because it makes you feel good and pleasure. Q 3. Is dopamine released during sex? Doing sex is also a kind of pleasurable activity and it releases mood-boosting hormone i.e., dopamine. Whenever dopamine is released, it decreases depression and anxiety-like problems. These dopamine hormones help to activate sexual stimulation and we really do feel pleasure.
  • 27. Q 4. How to increase dopamine while studying Dopamine has a big role in attention, concentration and the conscious mind. Most students get bored when they do study. But if they study with interest, practical or experiments, basic understanding and concept. In this condition, dopamine gets increases. It makes you more attentive. References – 1. 2. 3. 4. Read more post…