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Your Target Areas
We work with only
1 agent/team per
New Zealand
We are a data driven company.
Therefore, before we can talk about working together,
we must agree on what to do to grow a business,
based on the data we see :)
Direct Mail
Newspaper Ad
Home Builder Referral
Social Networks
Referral from agent
Search Engine
Know from community
Open Houses
Past Experiences
Real Estate Websites
How Buyers Find Their Agents
50% Relationships
& Referrals
56% Relationships
& Referrals
Of Homeowners list local market
knowledge as ways to evaluate an agent
Of Homeowners use general local
reputation as ways to evaluate an agent
Responsive + Trust + Local Market Knowledge
1. Reciprocity - The #1 method for influence in North
2. Commitment & Consistency
3. Social Proof
4. Authority
5. Liking
6. Scarcity
Service is Senior to Sales
1. Does this investment align with my personality and values?
2. Does this investment align with my marketing strategy & business
3. What do I need to do to execute this like others who were successful?
Am I willing to do this? Can I fit this into my calendar? Will I enjoy
Decision Making Framework - Investments
If you REALLY see yourself as being in the relationship and community building business and not
in it solely for the money or the next transaction, then Parkbench is an amazing opportunity! If,
however, you are thinking about this as just another fancy marketing ploy to get your name and
face out there, trust me this deal is not for you.This year, Parkbench will be my tool of contribution
with which I will build authentic relationships and community with people and businesses without
expectations for anything in return.
David Eshan, Local Leader in Asheville, NC
Our Story
Why Become a Local Leader®?
To get more meetings with buyers and sellers.
because more meetings = more deals.
To give value to people in your community.
because you know the law of reciprocity to be true.
To convert local businesses into referral generators
because they are a hugely untapped resource
Right now, you have 2 choices
Option 1 Option 2
1. You get it. You want to Join the
Parkbench Family and become a
Local Leader®
2. You want to save time
3. You know you can go over all the
finer details and ask questions
during the onboarding process
4. You want to lock in your area, talk
about next steps, and get started!
1. You like what you’re hearing so far,
but still don’t know how it all works.
2. You don’t know yet if it’s a good fit
for you and your business
3. You want a full presentation to see
all the features, the services, and
the benefits we offer our agents
4. You will be able to make a decision
Full Presentation Overview

• Find Out if It’s a Fit for You (as a Person) and for Your Business

• Our Promises to our Agents

• The Parkbench Neighborhood Website

• Our Proprietary Technology

• What You Can Give Homeowners & Business Owners

• Our Marketing Automation for You: Social Media + Email Marketing

• Our Support for our Agents

• What You Have To Do: the Prospect Interview®

• Our Terms & Pricing

• How To Get Started!
1. Relationship Based
2. Referral Based
3. Have a Geographic Farm
Who is Parkbench for?
Are These Your Struggles?
• You don’t want to buy & chase leads
• You don’t want to SPAM people with flyers

• You don’t want to be salesy and cheesy
Are These Your GOALS?
• You want to become THE go-to local realtor

• You want to grow your database and SOI quickly

• You want to stand out & differentiate from your competition

• You want more clients through relationships & referrals
Our Solution For You…
• It’s a complete business growth system called
Local Leader®

• That’s powered by a proprietary technology -
The Parkbench Neighbourhood Website
…and we only work with 1 realtor or team per neighborhood (actually).
1. Sponsor Your Local Parkbench Website and Own a Unique Item of Value To Give People.
2. Use our Scripts To Start Conversations and Give This Item of Value to the People Who Live
and Work in Your Target Market.
3. Interview the Homeowners, Business Owners, and Local Professionals and Feature Them on
the Website (Aka the Prospect Interview®).
4. Use our Scripts To Add Value, Build Relationships, Find Out if and When People Are Moving
(Aka Create Leads for Yourself) and Get Referred to Everyone in Your Community.
Our Step-by-Step Process
Outcome: Become THE go-to local realtor. Build your database and SOI
quickly. Stand out and differentiate. Get more clients through
relationships and referrals. GUARANTEED.
Who is Parkbench NOT for?
I am having a lot of fun building this simple to use site.  It’s getting me out
there and asking strangers to let me feature them in video.  Also getting me in
front of the camera.  Definitely learning a lot and having the time of my life.
Susan Cook, Local Leader in Ashburn, VA
Exclusive Right. Client Will Receive the Exclusive Right Within Client’s Business Category To Advertise (the “Advertisement”) Client’s Professional or Commercial Services or Products
(Collectively, “Professional Services”) on Either (but Not Both) (I) the Parkbench Webpage Associated With the Area; or (Ii) if and Only if the Area Has Been Subdivided in Accordance With
Section 3.4, Then on Each of the Parkbench Webpages Associated With Each Subdivided Area (Each Such Webpage in (I) and (Ii), an “Area Webpage”). Client’s “Exclusive Right” Means
That no Other Person Will Be Able To Advertise Their Professional Services on Client’s Area Webpage(S) if Such Professional Services Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category;
Except That, if Such Person’s Professional Services Do Not Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category, They May Be Permitted To Advertise Their Professional Services on Client’s Area
Webpage(S). Parkbench Reserves the Right in its Sole Discretion To Determine Whether a Person’s Professional Services Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category.
We Only Work With 1 Realtor Per Neighbourhood
You Get Total Exclusivity
This is the section in our terms. We’re serious.
We won’t screw you over (not to name any names).
But this is why we must get to know our agents to see if it’s a good fit
Personality Fit: Will You Enjoy Doing This?
• Service Oriented, Go-Giver, Like to Help People

• Social, Outgoing, Like to Meet New People

• Friendly, Personable, Like to Hear People’s Stories

• Self Motivated, Can Follow Instructions & Take Action

• Confident, Opportunistic, Can Close Opportunities
What drew me to Parkbench is that their philosophy falls right in line
with my own big "Why" - helping other people with passion and
being involved in my community.
Melanie McNamara, Local Leader in Holt, MI
Business Fit: Are You Willing & Able to Invest Time
& Money Into These Goals?
• Get more leads, clients, and referrals

• Get more buyers and sellers

• Increase revenue and profit

• Expand your Sphere of Influence

• Become the go to local real estate expert

• Build a high quality database that’s sellable
I started using Parkbench two months ago and I love it! Not only has it
been a great way to get out and meet other business owners and people
in my community, I've also gotten a solid lead from my first month!
Lori Hankins, Local Leader in Azle, TX
Marketing Fit: Is This Your Current Strategy?
• Focus in a Specific Geographic Area

• Stand Out, Be Different

• Do Relationship and Referral Based Marketing

• Give Back to the Community

• Get More Brand Exposure, Online and Offline

• Follow Up More Often, With Value To Give
Parkbench motivated me to become the DM "digital mayor" of my community.  No one else was
video interviewing local businesses and Parkbench had the platform for us to launch our mission.
 We've done over 75 successful interviews in the last year.  These interviews have helped us
build several new relationships, reconnecting with local professionals and give back to small
businesses in our marketplace.
Toril Schoepfer, Local Leader in Sumner, WA
What We Can Promise…
• Build High Quality Relationships With Anyone You Want

• Give Value To Your Community That Your Competition Cannot Replicate

• Book a prospect meeting in 1 minute

• Make homeowners want to meet with you, even before they need you

• Build an army of brand promoters & referral generators

• FUN!
I am now in my second year with Parkbench and it just keeps getting better and better.  Their
support is amazing, and I am talking personal as well as technical. They encourage me and
support me and give me that "lift" when being an entrepreneur becomes challenging.  We
collaborate on ideas to keep my business moving forward and as a result my business grows
and so do I. I am excited to continue my journey with them and am looking forward to an even
better year!
Sonia Montgomery, Local Leader in Cave Creek, AZ
Take a look at a
Neighborhood Home Page
Why Homeowners Love
• Save Time: Parkbench is a one stop shop to stay up to date with what’s
going on in the neighborhood, with a weekly email newsletter.

• Save Money: You can easily make Parkbench the #1 source for local
deals, sales, and specials. We’ll teach you how.
Parkbench has given me structure (a business plan around building relationships), a platform, and a purpose. Here’s
the value I offer to my local community:
News- I share local info pertinent to my community
Events- I share events I think my clients would be interested in
Deals- I allow my business owners to share their best incentives
Interviews- I make local business owners famous in my community
Local Directory- I can see and communicate with all the business owners in my community
Listings- I can publish, update and share my listings with my community
No other company has enabled me to grow my business like Parkbench. My community knows that I care about them
and their business first, and that’s the anchor that will grow my business. I look forward to growing with Parkbench!
Thomas Watson, Local Leader in Indian Trail, NC
Take a look at a
Business Profile Page
Why Businesses Love
• Get New Customers…………………………for FREE

• Promote Daily Specials & Product Sales….for FREE

• Get Positive Reviews………………………..for FREE

• Show Up Higher in the Search Engines…..for FREE
This is a great new platform I was introduced to by a local contact, Donna
Mechura. She interviewed me and gave me the opportunity to establish my
business on Parkbench. The set-up was fairly simple. I did have to learn how to
add photos, but it wasn't a huge learning curve. There was an issue with a
coupon I created, but Tom and the team hopped right on it. I do have to say I
appreciated the positive attitude and service oriented motivation! I look forward to
this platform's growth and being able to serve wherever I can!
Chris Jordan, Local Business Owner on in Bel Air, MD
You need admin access to see
Our Social Media Integrations
Subscribe to one of our
Weekly Email Newsletters
Our Support For Your
• Online Training Course by Grant Findlay-Shirras, Co-Founder & CEO

• Email (Avg. Response Time < 2 hours)

• Live Chat Online, between 9am-5pm EST (Avg. Response Time < 3 minutes)

• Weekly Group Coaching + Q&A Masterminds

• Inbound Phone Support (extra fees)

• Bi-Weekly or Weekly Coaching (extra fees)
Most software sells you and then lets you fend for yourself.  Parkbench is totally
different...we are amazed at their amazing follow up. They want us to succeed and they
do this by making sure we are properly trained with ongoing contact. Parkbench is a
singular company who understands that the busy real estate professional doesn't have
hours to watch boring videos and webinars.
Mary Murphy, Local Leader in Burlingame, CA
Recap: What You Get…
• Total Exclusivity, given to you
• An all-in-one resource to give your community, built for you
• An online news source to give homeowners, updated for you
• A free marketing platform to give local businesses, managed for you
• A Weekly Email Newsletter to give your database, created and sent for you
• Social Media Integrations That Automatically Post Local Content For You, done for
• Show up more often in the search engines, optimized for you
• 5-star support, offered to you
So what do you do?
Sorry you can’t pay us money, do nothing, and get clients :)
The Prospect Interview®
The Prospect Interview® - Step By Step
1. Create Your Lead List (we can help)
2. Book the meeting (we have scripts)
3. Plan for it (we have checklists)
4. Do the Prospect Interview (we have training)
5. Post it on (we have templates)
6. Promote it (we can help)
7. Follow up (we have strategies)
8. Repeat
I have made some great new friends in my own community that I would not
have otherwise had the pleasure of meeting. I am looking forward to many
Laurie O’Shea, Local Leader in Marston Mills, MA
How to Create Your Lead List (the basics)
1. Write down all the people you know that might want to be interviewed
2. Write down all the people you don’t know that might want to be interviewed
3. Research Local Business Owners to Interview (on Parkbench, Yelp, or Facebook)
4. Research Home Service Professionals to Interview (on Houzz, or Homestars)
5. Research Home Based Businesses to Interview (on Google, Etsy, Craigslist)
6. Research the Teachers, Principals, and Coaches to Interview (on Google)
7. Research Politicians, Fire, and Police Figureheads to Interview (on Google)
Parkbench has given me an excellent way to better connect with my local business community and
fellow chamber of commerce members. For example, from the day my site went live, Parkbench
provided me with a local business directory. This provided value to my prospective interviewees and
gave me a talking point that helped me reach out to them. I have also leveraged my existing
community Facebook page, which has 2,600 followers. Parkbench stories automatically show up on
my Facebook page (called Hastings Happenings), and then link readers back to my Parkbench site. I
highly recommend Parkbench!
Tom Bullington, Local Leader in Hastings, MN
How To Book A Prospect Interview®
“Hi, my name is ____,

And I’m the sponsor and ambassador for a new local website for ______,

Now this website encourages people to shop local

It helps people stay up to date with what’s going on in the neighborhood

And my goal is to help everyone get to know each other

As a result, I’m looking for cool ________,

to interview and feature on the website.

And this is absolutely free for you.

Would you like to be featured?

What do you think they say?
Hint: YES!
I have been using Parkbench for 3 months and am finding it to be an effective tool for me as a
real estate broker.  I obtained my license shortly after relocating to a new area, and was looking
for ways to help me learn the area and meet people quickly.  Parkbench provided a natural
avenue to accomplish that. The business owners I contact for interviews are appreciative of
(and surprised at) the fact that there is no charge to them for the opportunity to promote their
Ellie Flake, Local Leader in Durango, CO
How to Do a Prospect Meeting
We will teach you how to do everything
Blog PodcastVideo
Advanced: All three of them
How To Get Clients From The Prospect Interview
“Hey _____,
before we wrap this interview up,
as you may know, I’m a local realtor in the area.
So while I’m here, do you have any questions about the market that I can
answer for you?
And Have you had any thoughts of buying or selling anytime soon?”
What do you think happens every 5-10-15-20 interviews?
Hint: You Find Clients To Work With
Before my last interview, the business owner did her homework and knew more about me
than I did about her, and she was prepared to ask me about real estate after the interview
without me even having to bring it up.  I am going to their home this week for a listing
presentation, and hopefully sell them a piece of property to build a new home on.  I am
really excited to see where my new relationships take me and my business.
Lori Videan, Local Leader in Conway, SC
How To Get Referrals From Prospect Interviews®
“Hey _____, before I go,
Do you know anyone else who would like to be
What do you think happens next?
Hint: You Get Referrals!
Parkbench has been a great way to introduce myself to the local business owners in a
non-sales fashion, helping to bring them business as well as start a dialog with them and
possibly start new friendships. My most recent interview we were chatting afterward and I
actually created business for my parents when talking with the business owner I was able
to connect them and help both businesses meet a need.
Aspen Adans, Local Leader in Brenham, TX
How to get locals to promote YOU on social media!
Show The Online Course
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
Recap: What You Get…
• Total Exclusivity, given to you
• An all-in-one resource to give your community, built for you
• An online news source to give homeowners, updated for you
• A free marketing platform to give local businesses, managed for you
• A Weekly Email Newsletter to give your database, created and sent for you
• Social Media Integrations That Automatically Post Local Content For You, done for you
• Show up more often in the search engines, optimized for you
• 5-star support, offered to you
• A relationship building tool
• A sales & prospecting system
• Online Training Course
• Scripts & Templates
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
Parkbench allowed me to meet local people, gain
exclusive exposure. I interviewed a home inspector as
well who has a blog and he gave me a referral. The
relocation deal I’m working on, I got it specifically
because I told him that I have a network of over 900
realtors across North America who are neighborhood
Parkbench (showed) me a way to expand my sphere of
influence beyond family and friends. My ROI with
Parkbench was truly beyond (my) expectation. I’ll
definitely be renewing, and have no plans to invest in
any other marketing platforms.”
Katie R.
Meet The Digital Mayor for Arvada, Colorado
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
Our Terms
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
No ContractsOne Time Startup Fee Monthly Service Fee
based on population 

& median home price
depending on the 

package you choose
Seriously, no contracts

ever. We believe in our product
How to get started
1. Complete DocuSign + Pay Setup Fee = Exclusive Rights! Your Area Is Yours!
2. Go through online course
3. Have first onboarding call
4. Complete your lead list
5. Book some interviews
6. Have up to 8 onboarding calls in your first 30 days
7. Target: Complete at least 4 interviews in your first month
8. Promote your interviews online
9. Complete your profile
10. Have fun
11. Contact if you have questions
12. Use our live chat between 9am-5pm EST
13. Buy phone support if you want it
14. Buy business coaching if you want it
Join the Parkbench Family!
Join the largest network of community minded
realtors (hello referral opportunities!)
1. Does this investment align with my personality and values?
2. Does this investment align with my marketing strategy & business goals?
3. What do I need to do to execute this like others who were successful? Am I
willing to do this? Can I fit this into my calendar? Will I enjoy this?
Richard Branson Decision Making Questions…
What’s my downside?

Can I live with it?

How do I protect against it?

What’s the likely upside?

What’s the best case scenario?

Is this exciting enough?
It’s time to make a decision
The Value of Our Technology
Servers & Hosting $300.00 Neighborhood Info Page $200.00
Interview Submission
Custom Neighborhood
Website Design
$3,000.00 Blogging $2,600.00 Automated Email Setup $6,000.00
IDX Functionality $420.00
Research & Add Local
Content Aggregation
Custom, Mobile Responsive
Website Development
$6,000.00 Business & Users Profiles $12,000.00
Content analysis &
publishing technology
Business Directory
Research + Data Entry
User Generated Events
Research News, Events,
Deal Sources
Marketing Automation
User Generated Photos,
Videos, Blogs
Uploading sources of
Weekly Email Design $400.00 Reviews System $3,000.00 Customer Service $9,125.00
Weekly Email Publishing $400.00 Coupon System $12,000.00 Success Coach $2,400.00
SEO $9,600.00 Social Media Integrations $6,000.00 Bug Fixes $31,200.00
TOTAL VALUE: $227,926
The Most Important Number In Real Estate = The Turnover
Definition: on average, how many years do people live in their homes before they sell and move
This is WHY Relationships are more powerful than marketing
Sold Not Sold
Step 1. Figure out how many total homes sold in the last 12 months
Example: 210 homes sold in my zip code
Step 2. Figure out how many total homes there are to sell
Example: 3000 sellable homes
Step 3. Total Sold / Total Sellable = Absorption Rate
Example: 200 / 3000 = .07
Step 4. 1 / Absorption Rate = Turnover Rate
Example: 1 / .07 = 14.28 years
For Numbers People…
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
How Parkbench Helps Brokers & Team Leaders
1. Recruiting - When you have a unique marketing system and technology to give agents to help them build
their brand and make money, you have a unique selling proposition to help you recruit more agents
2. Training - When you have a proven marketing system to plug your agents into, with scripts, templates,
action steps, and support, your agents will be more successful, which makes you more money. AND, if you
don’t have to do the training, it saves you time (which is money)
3. Retention - When you have exclusivity to a marketing system and technology that your agents can’t get if
they leave you, then it genuinely makes them happier and more money to stay with you, which increases
4. Branding - When you own an all-in-one resource for your geographic farm area, and your team is out in
the community, interviewing people, to feature them, and help them, your team becomes branded as the
5. Transcations - If your agents are out in the community, building more relationships, following up more,
and prospecting more, you will make more money
6. Volume - if your agents can build relationships with people who buy and sell higher prices homes, then
your volume will go up over time
7. Profit - If your team’s strategy is more relationship and referral based, instead of advertising based, then
your team will profit more.
What Our Coaches Do For Our Agents
Just to clarify…
This is not lead generation. This is lead creation.
I understand not everyone wants to be in the spot light and has difficulty starting
conversations with strangers. It’s my opinion, if you want to have a truly successful
business you have to put God first. If you asked Jesus how he would conduct His
business, I feel He would say, by getting to know the people who need the business
he has.
He wouldn’t say by being pushy or convincing them they need what your selling.
He would want to have a real relationship with His customers and that is what
Parkbench and their Business coaches will teach you how to do.
Chava Adams, Local Leader in Midwest City, OK
We have amazing SEO!
You will show up in the search engines!
Because of our content,
and when you do Prospect Interviews!
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
Take a look at one of our
Premium Real Estate Profile Pages
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
Take a look at the
Lead Generation Capabilities
On every neighbourhood website
When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
• When you send out a "I'm launching a new neighborhood site for AREANAME" launch post on social media, people comment,
remembering that you're a realtor, and they either become a client or refer you business
• When you book an interview, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers you business
• During the Interview, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers you business
• When you share the interview on your social media, people comment, remembering that you're a realtor, and they either become a
client or refer you business
• When the interviewee has shared the interview on social media, people comment, notice that you're a realtor, like your page, see
your future posts about real estate, and they either become a client or refer you business
• When you follow up with the interviewee, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers
you business
• Because lots of homeowners see your brand on the website and they contact you, and become a client, or refer you business
• Because lots of homeowners see your brand on social media and they contact you, and become a client, or refer you business
• You call your database more, because you have something of value to offer, and then you naturally start talking about real estate,
and that person becomes a client or refers you business
• More people start visiting the website overtime, and then leads are generated through the website, and those people become clients.
• You truly develop more knowledge about your area, by doing interviews, and your confidence increases, so when you're in buyer
consultation meetings, or listing presentations, your close ratio increases, because of your increased knowledge and confidence, and
you win more clients and close more deals
• You build a larger database of professionals and small business owners who can serve your clients, so you actually offer a better
service to your clients, because you're a leader and influencer and connector in the community, turning your client into a raving fan
who promotes your brand and refers you business
All the ways Parkbench Agents get
leads, clients, and referrals

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How Real Estate Agents Get Referrals Using

  • 1.
  • 2. Your Target Areas We work with only 1 agent/team per area/neighborhood USA Australia Canada New Zealand
  • 3. We are a data driven company. Therefore, before we can talk about working together, we must agree on what to do to grow a business, based on the data we see :)
  • 4. Other 7% Direct Mail 2% Newspaper Ad 2% Home Builder Referral 3% Social Networks 3% Referral from agent 6% Search Engine 6% Know from community 7% Open Houses 7% Past Experiences 10% Real Estate Websites 20% Referrals 24% How Buyers Find Their Agents 50% Relationships & Referrals
  • 6. Of Homeowners list local market knowledge as ways to evaluate an agent 79%
  • 7. Of Homeowners use general local reputation as ways to evaluate an agent 66%
  • 8. Responsive + Trust + Local Market Knowledge
  • 9. 1. Reciprocity - The #1 method for influence in North America 2. Commitment & Consistency 3. Social Proof 4. Authority 5. Liking 6. Scarcity Service is Senior to Sales
  • 10. 1. Does this investment align with my personality and values? 2. Does this investment align with my marketing strategy & business goals? 3. What do I need to do to execute this like others who were successful? Am I willing to do this? Can I fit this into my calendar? Will I enjoy this? Decision Making Framework - Investments If you REALLY see yourself as being in the relationship and community building business and not in it solely for the money or the next transaction, then Parkbench is an amazing opportunity! If, however, you are thinking about this as just another fancy marketing ploy to get your name and face out there, trust me this deal is not for you.This year, Parkbench will be my tool of contribution with which I will build authentic relationships and community with people and businesses without expectations for anything in return. David Eshan, Local Leader in Asheville, NC
  • 12. Why Become a Local Leader®? To get more meetings with buyers and sellers. because more meetings = more deals. To give value to people in your community. because you know the law of reciprocity to be true. To convert local businesses into referral generators because they are a hugely untapped resource
  • 13. Right now, you have 2 choices Option 1 Option 2 1. You get it. You want to Join the Parkbench Family and become a Local Leader® 2. You want to save time 3. You know you can go over all the finer details and ask questions during the onboarding process 4. You want to lock in your area, talk about next steps, and get started! 1. You like what you’re hearing so far, but still don’t know how it all works. 2. You don’t know yet if it’s a good fit for you and your business 3. You want a full presentation to see all the features, the services, and the benefits we offer our agents 4. You will be able to make a decision later
  • 14. Full Presentation Overview • THE BIG IDEA! • Find Out if It’s a Fit for You (as a Person) and for Your Business • Our Promises to our Agents • The Parkbench Neighborhood Website • Our Proprietary Technology • What You Can Give Homeowners & Business Owners • Our Marketing Automation for You: Social Media + Email Marketing • Our Support for our Agents • What You Have To Do: the Prospect Interview® • Our Terms & Pricing • How To Get Started!
  • 16. 1. Relationship Based 2. Referral Based 3. Have a Geographic Farm Who is Parkbench for?
  • 17. Are These Your Struggles? • You don’t want to buy & chase leads • You don’t want to SPAM people with flyers
 • You don’t want to be salesy and cheesy
  • 18. Are These Your GOALS? • You want to become THE go-to local realtor • You want to grow your database and SOI quickly
 • You want to stand out & differentiate from your competition
 • You want more clients through relationships & referrals
  • 19. Our Solution For You… • It’s a complete business growth system called Local Leader® • That’s powered by a proprietary technology - The Parkbench Neighbourhood Website …and we only work with 1 realtor or team per neighborhood (actually).
  • 20. 1. Sponsor Your Local Parkbench Website and Own a Unique Item of Value To Give People. 2. Use our Scripts To Start Conversations and Give This Item of Value to the People Who Live and Work in Your Target Market. 3. Interview the Homeowners, Business Owners, and Local Professionals and Feature Them on the Website (Aka the Prospect Interview®). 4. Use our Scripts To Add Value, Build Relationships, Find Out if and When People Are Moving (Aka Create Leads for Yourself) and Get Referred to Everyone in Your Community. Our Step-by-Step Process Outcome: Become THE go-to local realtor. Build your database and SOI quickly. Stand out and differentiate. Get more clients through relationships and referrals. GUARANTEED.
  • 21. Who is Parkbench NOT for? I am having a lot of fun building this simple to use site.  It’s getting me out there and asking strangers to let me feature them in video.  Also getting me in front of the camera.  Definitely learning a lot and having the time of my life. Susan Cook, Local Leader in Ashburn, VA
  • 22. Exclusive Right. Client Will Receive the Exclusive Right Within Client’s Business Category To Advertise (the “Advertisement”) Client’s Professional or Commercial Services or Products (Collectively, “Professional Services”) on Either (but Not Both) (I) the Parkbench Webpage Associated With the Area; or (Ii) if and Only if the Area Has Been Subdivided in Accordance With Section 3.4, Then on Each of the Parkbench Webpages Associated With Each Subdivided Area (Each Such Webpage in (I) and (Ii), an “Area Webpage”). Client’s “Exclusive Right” Means That no Other Person Will Be Able To Advertise Their Professional Services on Client’s Area Webpage(S) if Such Professional Services Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category; Except That, if Such Person’s Professional Services Do Not Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category, They May Be Permitted To Advertise Their Professional Services on Client’s Area Webpage(S). Parkbench Reserves the Right in its Sole Discretion To Determine Whether a Person’s Professional Services Directly Relate to Client’s Business Category. We Only Work With 1 Realtor Per Neighbourhood You Get Total Exclusivity This is the section in our terms. We’re serious. We won’t screw you over (not to name any names). But this is why we must get to know our agents to see if it’s a good fit
  • 23. Personality Fit: Will You Enjoy Doing This? • Service Oriented, Go-Giver, Like to Help People • Social, Outgoing, Like to Meet New People • Friendly, Personable, Like to Hear People’s Stories • Self Motivated, Can Follow Instructions & Take Action • Confident, Opportunistic, Can Close Opportunities What drew me to Parkbench is that their philosophy falls right in line with my own big "Why" - helping other people with passion and being involved in my community. Melanie McNamara, Local Leader in Holt, MI
  • 24. Business Fit: Are You Willing & Able to Invest Time & Money Into These Goals? • Get more leads, clients, and referrals • Get more buyers and sellers • Increase revenue and profit • Expand your Sphere of Influence • Become the go to local real estate expert • Build a high quality database that’s sellable I started using Parkbench two months ago and I love it! Not only has it been a great way to get out and meet other business owners and people in my community, I've also gotten a solid lead from my first month! Lori Hankins, Local Leader in Azle, TX
  • 25. Marketing Fit: Is This Your Current Strategy? • Focus in a Specific Geographic Area • Stand Out, Be Different • Do Relationship and Referral Based Marketing • Give Back to the Community • Get More Brand Exposure, Online and Offline • Follow Up More Often, With Value To Give Parkbench motivated me to become the DM "digital mayor" of my community.  No one else was video interviewing local businesses and Parkbench had the platform for us to launch our mission.  We've done over 75 successful interviews in the last year.  These interviews have helped us build several new relationships, reconnecting with local professionals and give back to small businesses in our marketplace. Toril Schoepfer, Local Leader in Sumner, WA
  • 26. What We Can Promise… • Build High Quality Relationships With Anyone You Want • Give Value To Your Community That Your Competition Cannot Replicate • Book a prospect meeting in 1 minute • Make homeowners want to meet with you, even before they need you • Build an army of brand promoters & referral generators • FUN! I am now in my second year with Parkbench and it just keeps getting better and better.  Their support is amazing, and I am talking personal as well as technical. They encourage me and support me and give me that "lift" when being an entrepreneur becomes challenging.  We collaborate on ideas to keep my business moving forward and as a result my business grows and so do I. I am excited to continue my journey with them and am looking forward to an even better year! Sonia Montgomery, Local Leader in Cave Creek, AZ
  • 27. Take a look at a Neighborhood Home Page On
  • 28. Why Homeowners Love • Save Time: Parkbench is a one stop shop to stay up to date with what’s going on in the neighborhood, with a weekly email newsletter.
 • Save Money: You can easily make Parkbench the #1 source for local deals, sales, and specials. We’ll teach you how. Parkbench has given me structure (a business plan around building relationships), a platform, and a purpose. Here’s the value I offer to my local community: News- I share local info pertinent to my community Events- I share events I think my clients would be interested in Deals- I allow my business owners to share their best incentives Interviews- I make local business owners famous in my community Local Directory- I can see and communicate with all the business owners in my community Listings- I can publish, update and share my listings with my community No other company has enabled me to grow my business like Parkbench. My community knows that I care about them and their business first, and that’s the anchor that will grow my business. I look forward to growing with Parkbench! Thomas Watson, Local Leader in Indian Trail, NC
  • 29. Take a look at a Business Profile Page On
  • 30. Why Businesses Love • Get New Customers…………………………for FREE • Promote Daily Specials & Product Sales….for FREE • Get Positive Reviews………………………..for FREE • Show Up Higher in the Search Engines…..for FREE This is a great new platform I was introduced to by a local contact, Donna Mechura. She interviewed me and gave me the opportunity to establish my business on Parkbench. The set-up was fairly simple. I did have to learn how to add photos, but it wasn't a huge learning curve. There was an issue with a coupon I created, but Tom and the team hopped right on it. I do have to say I appreciated the positive attitude and service oriented motivation! I look forward to this platform's growth and being able to serve wherever I can! Chris Jordan, Local Business Owner on in Bel Air, MD
  • 31. You need admin access to see Our Social Media Integrations
  • 32. Subscribe to one of our Weekly Email Newsletters
  • 33. Our Support For Your • Online Training Course by Grant Findlay-Shirras, Co-Founder & CEO • Email (Avg. Response Time < 2 hours) • Live Chat Online, between 9am-5pm EST (Avg. Response Time < 3 minutes) • Weekly Group Coaching + Q&A Masterminds • Inbound Phone Support (extra fees) • Bi-Weekly or Weekly Coaching (extra fees) Most software sells you and then lets you fend for yourself.  Parkbench is totally different...we are amazed at their amazing follow up. They want us to succeed and they do this by making sure we are properly trained with ongoing contact. Parkbench is a singular company who understands that the busy real estate professional doesn't have hours to watch boring videos and webinars. Mary Murphy, Local Leader in Burlingame, CA
  • 34. Recap: What You Get… • Total Exclusivity, given to you • An all-in-one resource to give your community, built for you • An online news source to give homeowners, updated for you • A free marketing platform to give local businesses, managed for you • A Weekly Email Newsletter to give your database, created and sent for you • Social Media Integrations That Automatically Post Local Content For You, done for you • Show up more often in the search engines, optimized for you • 5-star support, offered to you
  • 35. So what do you do? Sorry you can’t pay us money, do nothing, and get clients :)
  • 37. The Prospect Interview® - Step By Step 1. Create Your Lead List (we can help) 2. Book the meeting (we have scripts) 3. Plan for it (we have checklists) 4. Do the Prospect Interview (we have training) 5. Post it on (we have templates) 6. Promote it (we can help) 7. Follow up (we have strategies) 8. Repeat I have made some great new friends in my own community that I would not have otherwise had the pleasure of meeting. I am looking forward to many more! Laurie O’Shea, Local Leader in Marston Mills, MA
  • 38. How to Create Your Lead List (the basics) 1. Write down all the people you know that might want to be interviewed 2. Write down all the people you don’t know that might want to be interviewed 3. Research Local Business Owners to Interview (on Parkbench, Yelp, or Facebook) 4. Research Home Service Professionals to Interview (on Houzz, or Homestars) 5. Research Home Based Businesses to Interview (on Google, Etsy, Craigslist) 6. Research the Teachers, Principals, and Coaches to Interview (on Google) 7. Research Politicians, Fire, and Police Figureheads to Interview (on Google) Parkbench has given me an excellent way to better connect with my local business community and fellow chamber of commerce members. For example, from the day my site went live, Parkbench provided me with a local business directory. This provided value to my prospective interviewees and gave me a talking point that helped me reach out to them. I have also leveraged my existing community Facebook page, which has 2,600 followers. Parkbench stories automatically show up on my Facebook page (called Hastings Happenings), and then link readers back to my Parkbench site. I highly recommend Parkbench! Tom Bullington, Local Leader in Hastings, MN
  • 39. How To Book A Prospect Interview® “Hi, my name is ____, And I’m the sponsor and ambassador for a new local website for ______, Now this website encourages people to shop local It helps people stay up to date with what’s going on in the neighborhood And my goal is to help everyone get to know each other As a result, I’m looking for cool ________, to interview and feature on the website. And this is absolutely free for you. Would you like to be featured? What do you think they say? Hint: YES! I have been using Parkbench for 3 months and am finding it to be an effective tool for me as a real estate broker.  I obtained my license shortly after relocating to a new area, and was looking for ways to help me learn the area and meet people quickly.  Parkbench provided a natural avenue to accomplish that. The business owners I contact for interviews are appreciative of (and surprised at) the fact that there is no charge to them for the opportunity to promote their business. Ellie Flake, Local Leader in Durango, CO
  • 40. How to Do a Prospect Meeting We will teach you how to do everything Blog PodcastVideo Advanced: All three of them
  • 41. How To Get Clients From The Prospect Interview “Hey _____, before we wrap this interview up, as you may know, I’m a local realtor in the area. So while I’m here, do you have any questions about the market that I can answer for you? And Have you had any thoughts of buying or selling anytime soon?” What do you think happens every 5-10-15-20 interviews? Hint: You Find Clients To Work With Before my last interview, the business owner did her homework and knew more about me than I did about her, and she was prepared to ask me about real estate after the interview without me even having to bring it up.  I am going to their home this week for a listing presentation, and hopefully sell them a piece of property to build a new home on.  I am really excited to see where my new relationships take me and my business. Lori Videan, Local Leader in Conway, SC
  • 42. How To Get Referrals From Prospect Interviews® “Hey _____, before I go, Do you know anyone else who would like to be featured? What do you think happens next? Hint: You Get Referrals! Parkbench has been a great way to introduce myself to the local business owners in a non-sales fashion, helping to bring them business as well as start a dialog with them and possibly start new friendships. My most recent interview we were chatting afterward and I actually created business for my parents when talking with the business owner I was able to connect them and help both businesses meet a need. Aspen Adans, Local Leader in Brenham, TX
  • 43. How to get locals to promote YOU on social media!
  • 44. Show The Online Course When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 45. Recap: What You Get… • Total Exclusivity, given to you • An all-in-one resource to give your community, built for you • An online news source to give homeowners, updated for you • A free marketing platform to give local businesses, managed for you • A Weekly Email Newsletter to give your database, created and sent for you • Social Media Integrations That Automatically Post Local Content For You, done for you • Show up more often in the search engines, optimized for you • 5-star support, offered to you • A relationship building tool • A sales & prospecting system • Online Training Course • Scripts & Templates When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 46. Parkbench allowed me to meet local people, gain exclusive exposure. I interviewed a home inspector as well who has a blog and he gave me a referral. The relocation deal I’m working on, I got it specifically because I told him that I have a network of over 900 realtors across North America who are neighborhood experts! Parkbench (showed) me a way to expand my sphere of influence beyond family and friends. My ROI with Parkbench was truly beyond (my) expectation. I’ll definitely be renewing, and have no plans to invest in any other marketing platforms.” Katie R. Meet The Digital Mayor for Arvada, Colorado When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 47. Our Terms When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?” No ContractsOne Time Startup Fee Monthly Service Fee based on population 
 & median home price depending on the 
 package you choose Seriously, no contracts
 ever. We believe in our product
  • 48. How to get started 1. Complete DocuSign + Pay Setup Fee = Exclusive Rights! Your Area Is Yours! 2. Go through online course 3. Have first onboarding call 4. Complete your lead list 5. Book some interviews 6. Have up to 8 onboarding calls in your first 30 days 7. Target: Complete at least 4 interviews in your first month 8. Promote your interviews online 9. Complete your profile 10. Have fun 11. Contact if you have questions 12. Use our live chat between 9am-5pm EST 13. Buy phone support if you want it 14. Buy business coaching if you want it
  • 50. Join the largest network of community minded realtors (hello referral opportunities!)
  • 51. 1. Does this investment align with my personality and values? 2. Does this investment align with my marketing strategy & business goals? 3. What do I need to do to execute this like others who were successful? Am I willing to do this? Can I fit this into my calendar? Will I enjoy this? Richard Branson Decision Making Questions… What’s my downside? Can I live with it? How do I protect against it? What’s the likely upside? What’s the best case scenario? Is this exciting enough? It’s time to make a decision
  • 53. The Value of Our Technology Servers & Hosting $300.00 Neighborhood Info Page $200.00 Interview Submission Automation $12,000.00 Custom Neighborhood Website Design $3,000.00 Blogging $2,600.00 Automated Email Setup $6,000.00 IDX Functionality $420.00 Research & Add Local Content $2,281.25 Content Aggregation Technology $32,000.00 Custom, Mobile Responsive Website Development $6,000.00 Business & Users Profiles $12,000.00 Content analysis & publishing technology $64,000.00 Business Directory Research + Data Entry $200.00 User Generated Events Calendar $6,000.00 Research News, Events, Deal Sources $100.00 Marketing Automation Setup $600.00 User Generated Photos, Videos, Blogs $6,000.00 Uploading sources of information $100.00 Weekly Email Design $400.00 Reviews System $3,000.00 Customer Service $9,125.00 Weekly Email Publishing $400.00 Coupon System $12,000.00 Success Coach $2,400.00 SEO $9,600.00 Social Media Integrations $6,000.00 Bug Fixes $31,200.00 TOTAL VALUE: $227,926
  • 54. The Most Important Number In Real Estate = The Turnover Rate Definition: on average, how many years do people live in their homes before they sell and move This is WHY Relationships are more powerful than marketing 93% 7% Sold Not Sold Step 1. Figure out how many total homes sold in the last 12 months Example: 210 homes sold in my zip code Step 2. Figure out how many total homes there are to sell Example: 3000 sellable homes Step 3. Total Sold / Total Sellable = Absorption Rate Example: 200 / 3000 = .07 Step 4. 1 / Absorption Rate = Turnover Rate Example: 1 / .07 = 14.28 years
  • 55. For Numbers People… When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 56. How Parkbench Helps Brokers & Team Leaders 1. Recruiting - When you have a unique marketing system and technology to give agents to help them build their brand and make money, you have a unique selling proposition to help you recruit more agents 2. Training - When you have a proven marketing system to plug your agents into, with scripts, templates, action steps, and support, your agents will be more successful, which makes you more money. AND, if you don’t have to do the training, it saves you time (which is money) 3. Retention - When you have exclusivity to a marketing system and technology that your agents can’t get if they leave you, then it genuinely makes them happier and more money to stay with you, which increases retention 4. Branding - When you own an all-in-one resource for your geographic farm area, and your team is out in the community, interviewing people, to feature them, and help them, your team becomes branded as the (AREA NAME) Team. 5. Transcations - If your agents are out in the community, building more relationships, following up more, and prospecting more, you will make more money 6. Volume - if your agents can build relationships with people who buy and sell higher prices homes, then your volume will go up over time 7. Profit - If your team’s strategy is more relationship and referral based, instead of advertising based, then your team will profit more.
  • 57. What Our Coaches Do For Our Agents
  • 58. Just to clarify… This is not lead generation. This is lead creation. I understand not everyone wants to be in the spot light and has difficulty starting conversations with strangers. It’s my opinion, if you want to have a truly successful business you have to put God first. If you asked Jesus how he would conduct His business, I feel He would say, by getting to know the people who need the business he has. He wouldn’t say by being pushy or convincing them they need what your selling. He would want to have a real relationship with His customers and that is what Parkbench and their Business coaches will teach you how to do. Chava Adams, Local Leader in Midwest City, OK
  • 59. We have amazing SEO! You will show up in the search engines! Because of our content, and when you do Prospect Interviews! When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 60. Take a look at one of our Premium Real Estate Profile Pages On When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 61. Take a look at the Lead Generation Capabilities On every neighbourhood website On When you’re ready, to save time, just say “OK, I get it, how do I get started?”
  • 62. • When you send out a "I'm launching a new neighborhood site for AREANAME" launch post on social media, people comment, remembering that you're a realtor, and they either become a client or refer you business • When you book an interview, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers you business • During the Interview, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers you business • When you share the interview on your social media, people comment, remembering that you're a realtor, and they either become a client or refer you business • When the interviewee has shared the interview on social media, people comment, notice that you're a realtor, like your page, see your future posts about real estate, and they either become a client or refer you business • When you follow up with the interviewee, you naturally start talking about real estate, and the interviewee becomes a client or refers you business • Because lots of homeowners see your brand on the website and they contact you, and become a client, or refer you business • Because lots of homeowners see your brand on social media and they contact you, and become a client, or refer you business • You call your database more, because you have something of value to offer, and then you naturally start talking about real estate, and that person becomes a client or refers you business • More people start visiting the website overtime, and then leads are generated through the website, and those people become clients. • You truly develop more knowledge about your area, by doing interviews, and your confidence increases, so when you're in buyer consultation meetings, or listing presentations, your close ratio increases, because of your increased knowledge and confidence, and you win more clients and close more deals • You build a larger database of professionals and small business owners who can serve your clients, so you actually offer a better service to your clients, because you're a leader and influencer and connector in the community, turning your client into a raving fan who promotes your brand and refers you business All the ways Parkbench Agents get leads, clients, and referrals