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Hello! I’m Caitlin.
I am here to tell you
    a story about     …about Creative
     Learning…        Communication…

We love our steaks, roasts, pies, sausages,
stews, meatballs, tacos and hamburgers!
How are
What breeds                       cattle
 of cattle                       raised?

                              What are the
   Are any
    other      How many
  products     cattle feed
 made from    Sydney every
   cattle?        day?
We have thought a lot about
BEEF production issues!

The Caroline Chisholm College
Agriculture Team raises steers every
year to learn about:
• Cattle selection -Breeding & Genetics
• Cattle physiology
• Nutrition & feeding regimes
• Disease & pest management
• Water & shelter requirements
• Stock transport & Biosecurity
• Abattoir logistics (slaughtering)
• Consumer preferences & marketing
• Environmental concerns such as
methane emissions, soil degradation,
weeds & biodiversity
   There are 48,866 beef cattle properties in
    Australia, with a national herd of 28
    million head. In total, Australian beef cattle
    farmers produce 2.1 million tonnes of beef
    and veal each year.
                  - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Livestock Products, Australia, June 2010.

   Between 2010 and 2015 adult cattle
    processing is forecast to rise by 13%, to
    9.5 million head (reaching 2.4 million
    tonnes by 2015).
                - Meat & Livestock Australia, Industry Projections, Mid-year update, June 2010.
   Australians spend $6.4 billion on beef. In terms of
    volume, beef is the second most popular fresh
    meat consumed through the food service industry
    (after chicken).
                                - Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australian Beef Industry.

   Australia exports 927,000 tonnes of beef and veal
    in 2009, worth $4.3 billion. The major export
    markets for beef and veal are Japan (38%), the
    United States (27%) and Korea (12%).
    - Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Red Meat Export Statistics 2010 and
                                  Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australia’s Beef Industry.

   Australian live cattle exports in 2009 were worth
    $665.5 million – predominantly exporting to
    Indonesia (72%), China (11%) and Israel (3%).
                       - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Livestock Products, Australia, June 2010.
   Australia is the second largest beef exporter in the
    world (behind Brazil).
                                - Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australia’s Beef Industry.
Thanks to our Agriculture teachers – who always
think outside the square - we were involved in the
Art4Agriculture Archibull Award in 2011. We wanted
to show how Australian Farmers are actively SOLVING
production, animal welfare, and environmental
PROBLEMS using best practice, targeted research and
development, and advanced technologies.
…discussing our
favourite puzzles &
games to align
with the PROBLEM
SOLVING concept.
The iconic Rubiks
Cube just lent
itself to a Bovine
twist, & so
Moobiks Cube.
Our concept became an Interactive Artwork
 aiming to highlight how Australian Farmers
are SOLVING production, animal welfare, and
         environmental PROBLEMS.
Dealing with     Animal Welfare       Pest and        Pasture & Feed
  Climatic       requirements –   Disease control     Management –
 Variability –      from the      – Biosecurity for    crop species
droughts and     paddock to the   animals, plants      selection and
   floods            abattoir        and People       stocking rates
The beef industry is large and diverse, and beef is
  produced under widely varying climatic and
  environmental conditions. Beef is produced on
  properties that vary in size, management
  regimes and enterprise mixes.
Farmers select the breeds of cattle that are best
  adapted to the conditions in their region to
  maximize production.
Cool climate cattle are European breeds (Bos
  taurus) and hot climate cattle breeds come from
  Asia (Bos indicus).
Australian farmers hybridise cattle to create high
  production, heat tolerant breeds.
Cattle are bred for structural strength,
    highest muscle yield, best fat distribution,
    as well as temperament and mothering
    ability (means healthier calves)
Cattle can be cross-bred to mix in desired
    traits, or line-bred to maintain breed
Artificial Insemination and embryo transfer
    are biotechnologies that speed up the
    process of selective breeding
            To amazing
Australian lean beef is an important source of protein, essential
vitamins and minerals, and is more nutrient dense than poultry,
pork or fish. It provides iron, zinc and vitamin B12.

 The Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines recommend that lean
 beef be consumed 3-4 times per week as part of a healthy
 balanced diet.
         Are YOU getting enough BEEF?
Who needs
  Master Chef
  when you’ve
 got Beef Apps?

Introducing “Beef Essentials Version 1.0.2.”

                  You can get it on iTunes now!
From anti-aging creams and surgical
sutures to chocolate milkshakes and

…we have injected products from cattle
into nearly every corner of our lives…
PRODUCTS FROM LIVERS                          chymotrypsin - contact surgery , diastase (starch
heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene   digestion ), glucagon - treat hypoglycemia ; insulin -
liver extract - treatment of anemia           diabetes mellitus, pancreatin , trypsin
intrinsic factor - pernicious anemia                                            PRODUCTS FROM
Vitamin B12 - prevention of B-complex                   bovine thrombin -       OVARIES
deficiencies                                            clotting agent for      estrogen
                               fetal bovine serum       blood                   progesterone

bovine collagen - used         - tissue cultures        PRODUCTS FROM BLOOD
as injections to fill scars    whole serum -            plasma protein; albumin - RH factor typing;
bovine fibrinolysin -          vaccine                  Fraction I – hemophilia; Fraction V - kills
ointment for necrotic          manufacturing            viruses; iron for anemia; thrombin -
tissue                                                  coagulant; protein extracts

                                                                     PRODUCT FROM STOMACHS
                                                                     pepsin - aid in protein
  PRODUCTS FROM THYROIDS               PRODUCTS FROM BONES           rennet - aid in milk digestion
  bovine thyroid replacement           bone marrow - blood disorders
                                       bone meal - calcium and phosphorous

   pill capsules -                                              PRODUCTS FROM LUNGS
   GELATIN                                                      heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents
         bovine super oxide    antibodies
         - dismutase cream                                  PRODUCTS FROM ADRENALS
                               (immunoglobins)              cortisone - for arthritis, skin allergies,
         Orgotein- cosmetic    beef insulin
         skin cream to                                      anti-inflammatory medicine
         prevent tissue                                     epinephrine - aid in raising blood
         aging.                                             pressure, heart disorders, and allergies
PRODUCTS FROM LIVERS                          chymotrypsin - contact surgery , diastase (starch
heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene   digestion ), glucagon - treat hypoglycemia ; insulin -
liver extract - treatment of anemia           diabetes mellitus, pancreatin , trypsin
intrinsic factor - pernicious anemia                                            PRODUCTS FROM
Vitamin B12 - prevention of B-complex                   bovine thrombin -       OVARIES
deficiencies                                            clotting agent for      estrogen
                               fetal bovine serum       blood                   progesterone

bovine collagen - used         - tissue cultures        PRODUCTS FROM BLOOD
as injections to fill scars    whole serum -            plasma protein; albumin - RH factor typing;
bovine fibrinolysin -          vaccine                  Fraction I – hemophilia; Fraction V - kills
ointment for necrotic          manufacturing            viruses; iron for anemia; thrombin -
tissue                                                  coagulant; protein extracts

                                                                     PRODUCT FROM STOMACHS
                                                                     pepsin - aid in protein
  PRODUCTS FROM THYROIDS               PRODUCTS FROM BONES           rennet - aid in milk digestion
  bovine thyroid replacement           bone marrow - blood disorders
                                       bone meal - calcium and phosphorous

   pill capsules -                                              PRODUCTS FROM LUNGS
   GELATIN                                                      heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents
         bovine super oxide    antibodies
         - dismutase cream                                  PRODUCTS FROM ADRENALS
                               (immunoglobins)              cortisone - for arthritis, skin allergies,
         Orgotein- cosmetic    beef insulin
         skin cream to                                      anti-inflammatory medicine
         prevent tissue                                     epinephrine - aid in raising blood
         aging.                                             pressure, heart disorders, and allergies
WHAT???? Jellies,
marshmallows and tablets
 are made from cattle????
        Gelatin is a protein called a
      hydrocolloid and is obtained by the
     partial hydrolysis of collagen derived
    from the skin, white connective tissue
             and bones of animals.

     There are no plant sources of gelatin,
     and there is no chemical relationship
     between gelatin and other materials
     referred to as vegetable gelatin, such
    as seaweed extracts. It is used to make
    jellies, lollies, medicines (tablets), and
    is a thickener in most processed food.
The Australian Federal Government has initiated
development of National Animal Welfare Standards
and Guidelines for Cattle.
These new Standards (legislated and enforceable =
must) and Guidelines (non-legislative =should)
support cattle welfare at the farm level in Australia,
in transit, and all the way through to processing at
Animal health, welfare and biosecurity are
important at all stages of the livestock production
Producers have a duty of care to their livestock
and each can have adverse impacts on
productivity and reflect badly on the whole

Meat & Livestock Australia , and the greater red
meat industry, have implemented measures along
the supply chain to ensure the safety, quality and
integrity of Australian beef.

The National Livestock Inventory Scheme (NLIS) is
an electronic tagging system to track cattle from
“Paddock to Plate” to limit cattle theft, monitor the
well-being of animals, and ensure meat safety for
human consumption.
We are lucky in Australia to be surrounded by a huge protective
moat – we are “Girt by Sea”! – it naturally keeps out most pests
and pathogens.
With imports and globalisation comes the risk of bringing in
dangerous bacteria, fungi, moulds, viruses, weeds and insects
that can damage our agricultural production enterprises. We
spend lots of money and time reinforcing Australia’s Biosecurity.
Australia supplies
disease-free beef
products to the world!
If Australians eat an average 35.7 kg of beef per person, per year
and the population of Sydney on August 31st 2011 is
approximately 4,486,281. (Extrapolated from a population of 4,336,374 on May
15th 2009 and a population of 4,480,729 on July 20th 2011) …then…

4336374 x 35.7 kg =           154808551.8 kg of beef eaten per year
                  =           424133 kg per day of beef for Sydney

Cattle weighing 300-400 kg are the preferred weight class for
the Sydney market and only 60% of the cow is the meat yield.
Factoring this in means:

                 350 x 0.6 = 210 kg per cow is the dressed weight

Therefore , 424133 kg per day of beef divided by 210 kg per
head of cattle        = 2020 cows per day
A review of available literature on the Australian beef
industry has highlighted a number of recurring issues in
environmental management. For grazing stock, the
following issues were highlighted:
  Land management of improved pasture systems, eg.
issues such as the quality, quantity and stability of plant
species within the grazing system;
 Land degradation from soil and water erosion due to
overgrazing and clearing of native vegetation;
 Need for effective management of woody vegetation to
prevent loss of biodiversity and dryland salinity;
   Nutrient management also due to soil loss; and,
   Weed and pest control.
A review of available literature on the Australian beef
industry has highlighted a number of recurring issues in
environmental management. For grazing stock, the
following issues were highlighted:
Land  management of improved pasture systems, eg.
issues such as the quality, quantity and stability of plant
species within the grazing system;
Land degradation from soil and water erosion due to
overgrazing and clearing of native vegetation;
Need for effective management of woody vegetation to
prevent loss of biodiversity and dryland salinity;
Nutrient   management also due to soil loss; and,
Weed   and pest control.
   There has been considerable growth in
    organised land management groups such as
    Landcare in recent years.
   These groups address the issues such as land
    degradation, water quality, salinity, soil
    fertility and feral animal control on a local
    basis by working together.
   Farmers are also supported by a network of
    organisations in marketing, infrastructure and
    research and development – eg. CSIRO, MLA,
    and government agencies.
   Farmers manage landuse through
    controlling animal stocking rates.
   Innovative irrigation and stock
    watering methods are used
   Research to reduce cattle methane
    production through feed selection
    and breeding is lowering CO2
   Weed and feral species control is
    actually the most costly & time
    consuming environmental problem!
When Australians think of
the image of a farmer
they see a worried
person…and when a
person is worried they
may not be thinking
clearly about the future
…and perhaps are not
coming up with positive
solutions. Sometimes
they just want to blame
  - Poll highlights public opinion of farmers, ABC radio
  transcript, AM - Wednesday, 23 July , 2003 08:25:28
                                  Reporter: Louise Willis
Alison is actively involved in the family farming business in Crookwell
Southern NSW, running a stud and commercial Angus cattle operation,

Alison is a great example of the modern, problem-solving farmer- with a
degree in Rural Business and experience in cattle management, Alison also
runs her own business called AJM Livestock Solutions. She provides a variety
of services, consultancy and training to beef producers and uses the latest
technology to capture and manage cattle data. Alison assists other farmers
and stakeholders in the cattle industry to comply with the National
Livestock Identification System.

Alison visited Caroline Chisholm College to share her passion and wisdom
about farming beef cattle in Australia in the 21 st Century, coping with
climate variability, drought, flood and biosecurity issues.

I have a real story to share about agriculture, I am passionate about
agriculture, the beef industry and rural and regional communities, I love
working with people and I love seeing people strive to achieve the things
that they are passionate about.
The Beef cattle industry is supported by a network of structures and organisations. These
structures support the industry in areas such as marketing, infrastructure and research and
development. Supportive bodies include peak bodies, government agencies, beef marketing
organisations and R & D institutions. A summary of this structure is presented below.

Links to related web sites:
Ausmeat website
Australian Lot Feeders Association website
Cattle Council of Australia website
Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality website
Meat and Livestock Australia website
CSIRO Livestock Industries website
Beef Industry Centre (BIC), Armidale
Cattle Council of Australia
Australian Lot Feeders Association
Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Land and Water Australia

            Flooding Rains


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How many ways can you tell the story of beef by Caitlin Vella

  • 1.
  • 2. Hello! I’m Caitlin. I am here to tell you a story about …about Creative Learning… Communication… …and about Australian beef!
  • 3. We love our steaks, roasts, pies, sausages, stews, meatballs, tacos and hamburgers!
  • 4. How are What breeds cattle of cattle raised? makes “Beef”? What are the environmental issues? Are any other How many products cattle feed made from Sydney every cattle? day?
  • 5. We have thought a lot about BEEF production issues! The Caroline Chisholm College Agriculture Team raises steers every year to learn about: • Cattle selection -Breeding & Genetics • Cattle physiology • Nutrition & feeding regimes • Disease & pest management • Water & shelter requirements • Stock transport & Biosecurity • Abattoir logistics (slaughtering) • Consumer preferences & marketing strategies • Environmental concerns such as methane emissions, soil degradation, weeds & biodiversity
  • 6. There are 48,866 beef cattle properties in Australia, with a national herd of 28 million head. In total, Australian beef cattle farmers produce 2.1 million tonnes of beef and veal each year.  - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Livestock Products, Australia, June 2010.  Between 2010 and 2015 adult cattle processing is forecast to rise by 13%, to 9.5 million head (reaching 2.4 million tonnes by 2015).  - Meat & Livestock Australia, Industry Projections, Mid-year update, June 2010.
  • 7. Australians spend $6.4 billion on beef. In terms of volume, beef is the second most popular fresh meat consumed through the food service industry (after chicken).  - Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australian Beef Industry.  Australia exports 927,000 tonnes of beef and veal in 2009, worth $4.3 billion. The major export markets for beef and veal are Japan (38%), the United States (27%) and Korea (12%).  - Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Red Meat Export Statistics 2010 and Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australia’s Beef Industry.  Australian live cattle exports in 2009 were worth $665.5 million – predominantly exporting to Indonesia (72%), China (11%) and Israel (3%).  - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Livestock Products, Australia, June 2010.  Australia is the second largest beef exporter in the world (behind Brazil).  - Meat & Livestock Australia, Fast Facts 2009: Australia’s Beef Industry.
  • 8. Thanks to our Agriculture teachers – who always think outside the square - we were involved in the Art4Agriculture Archibull Award in 2011. We wanted to show how Australian Farmers are actively SOLVING production, animal welfare, and environmental PROBLEMS using best practice, targeted research and development, and advanced technologies.
  • 9. …discussing our favourite puzzles & games to align with the PROBLEM SOLVING concept. The iconic Rubiks Cube just lent itself to a Bovine twist, & so became… …the Moobiks Cube.
  • 10. Our concept became an Interactive Artwork aiming to highlight how Australian Farmers are SOLVING production, animal welfare, and environmental PROBLEMS.
  • 11.
  • 12. Dealing with Animal Welfare Pest and Pasture & Feed Climatic requirements – Disease control Management – Variability – from the – Biosecurity for crop species droughts and paddock to the animals, plants selection and floods abattoir and People stocking rates
  • 13. The beef industry is large and diverse, and beef is produced under widely varying climatic and environmental conditions. Beef is produced on properties that vary in size, management regimes and enterprise mixes. Farmers select the breeds of cattle that are best adapted to the conditions in their region to maximize production. Cool climate cattle are European breeds (Bos taurus) and hot climate cattle breeds come from Asia (Bos indicus). Australian farmers hybridise cattle to create high production, heat tolerant breeds.
  • 14. Cattle are bred for structural strength, highest muscle yield, best fat distribution, as well as temperament and mothering ability (means healthier calves) Cattle can be cross-bred to mix in desired traits, or line-bred to maintain breed quality Artificial Insemination and embryo transfer are biotechnologies that speed up the process of selective breeding
  • 15. From ancestral beasts To amazing diversity
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Australian lean beef is an important source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and is more nutrient dense than poultry, pork or fish. It provides iron, zinc and vitamin B12. The Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines recommend that lean beef be consumed 3-4 times per week as part of a healthy balanced diet. Are YOU getting enough BEEF?
  • 19. Who needs Master Chef when you’ve got Beef Apps? Introducing “Beef Essentials Version 1.0.2.” You can get it on iTunes now!
  • 20.
  • 21. From anti-aging creams and surgical sutures to chocolate milkshakes and marshmallows... …we have injected products from cattle into nearly every corner of our lives…
  • 22. PRODUCTS FROM PANCREAS PRODUCTS FROM LIVERS chymotrypsin - contact surgery , diastase (starch heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene digestion ), glucagon - treat hypoglycemia ; insulin - liver extract - treatment of anemia diabetes mellitus, pancreatin , trypsin intrinsic factor - pernicious anemia PRODUCTS FROM Vitamin B12 - prevention of B-complex bovine thrombin - OVARIES deficiencies clotting agent for estrogen fetal bovine serum blood progesterone bovine collagen - used - tissue cultures PRODUCTS FROM BLOOD as injections to fill scars whole serum - plasma protein; albumin - RH factor typing; bovine fibrinolysin - vaccine Fraction I – hemophilia; Fraction V - kills ointment for necrotic manufacturing viruses; iron for anemia; thrombin - tissue coagulant; protein extracts PRODUCT FROM STOMACHS pepsin - aid in protein digestion PRODUCTS FROM THYROIDS PRODUCTS FROM BONES rennet - aid in milk digestion bovine thyroid replacement bone marrow - blood disorders bone meal - calcium and phosphorous pill capsules - PRODUCTS FROM LUNGS GELATIN heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene bovine super oxide antibodies - dismutase cream PRODUCTS FROM ADRENALS (immunoglobins) cortisone - for arthritis, skin allergies, Orgotein- cosmetic beef insulin skin cream to anti-inflammatory medicine prevent tissue epinephrine - aid in raising blood aging. pressure, heart disorders, and allergies
  • 23. PRODUCTS FROM PANCREAS PRODUCTS FROM LIVERS chymotrypsin - contact surgery , diastase (starch heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene digestion ), glucagon - treat hypoglycemia ; insulin - liver extract - treatment of anemia diabetes mellitus, pancreatin , trypsin intrinsic factor - pernicious anemia PRODUCTS FROM Vitamin B12 - prevention of B-complex bovine thrombin - OVARIES deficiencies clotting agent for estrogen fetal bovine serum blood progesterone bovine collagen - used - tissue cultures PRODUCTS FROM BLOOD as injections to fill scars whole serum - plasma protein; albumin - RH factor typing; bovine fibrinolysin - vaccine Fraction I – hemophilia; Fraction V - kills ointment for necrotic manufacturing viruses; iron for anemia; thrombin - tissue coagulant; protein extracts PRODUCT FROM STOMACHS pepsin - aid in protein digestion PRODUCTS FROM THYROIDS PRODUCTS FROM BONES rennet - aid in milk digestion bovine thyroid replacement bone marrow - blood disorders bone meal - calcium and phosphorous pill capsules - PRODUCTS FROM LUNGS GELATIN heparin - anti-coagulant, prevents gangrene bovine super oxide antibodies - dismutase cream PRODUCTS FROM ADRENALS (immunoglobins) cortisone - for arthritis, skin allergies, Orgotein- cosmetic beef insulin skin cream to anti-inflammatory medicine prevent tissue epinephrine - aid in raising blood aging. pressure, heart disorders, and allergies
  • 24.
  • 25. WHAT???? Jellies, marshmallows and tablets are made from cattle???? Gelatin is a protein called a hydrocolloid and is obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen derived from the skin, white connective tissue and bones of animals. There are no plant sources of gelatin, and there is no chemical relationship between gelatin and other materials referred to as vegetable gelatin, such as seaweed extracts. It is used to make jellies, lollies, medicines (tablets), and is a thickener in most processed food.
  • 26.
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  • 28.
  • 29. The Australian Federal Government has initiated development of National Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle. These new Standards (legislated and enforceable = must) and Guidelines (non-legislative =should) support cattle welfare at the farm level in Australia, in transit, and all the way through to processing at abattoirs.
  • 30. Animal health, welfare and biosecurity are important at all stages of the livestock production chain. Producers have a duty of care to their livestock and each can have adverse impacts on productivity and reflect badly on the whole industry. Meat & Livestock Australia , and the greater red meat industry, have implemented measures along the supply chain to ensure the safety, quality and integrity of Australian beef. The National Livestock Inventory Scheme (NLIS) is an electronic tagging system to track cattle from “Paddock to Plate” to limit cattle theft, monitor the well-being of animals, and ensure meat safety for human consumption.
  • 31. We are lucky in Australia to be surrounded by a huge protective moat – we are “Girt by Sea”! – it naturally keeps out most pests and pathogens. With imports and globalisation comes the risk of bringing in dangerous bacteria, fungi, moulds, viruses, weeds and insects that can damage our agricultural production enterprises. We spend lots of money and time reinforcing Australia’s Biosecurity.
  • 33.
  • 34. If Australians eat an average 35.7 kg of beef per person, per year and the population of Sydney on August 31st 2011 is approximately 4,486,281. (Extrapolated from a population of 4,336,374 on May 15th 2009 and a population of 4,480,729 on July 20th 2011) …then… 4336374 x 35.7 kg = 154808551.8 kg of beef eaten per year = 424133 kg per day of beef for Sydney Cattle weighing 300-400 kg are the preferred weight class for the Sydney market and only 60% of the cow is the meat yield. Factoring this in means: 350 x 0.6 = 210 kg per cow is the dressed weight Therefore , 424133 kg per day of beef divided by 210 kg per head of cattle = 2020 cows per day
  • 35.
  • 36. A review of available literature on the Australian beef industry has highlighted a number of recurring issues in environmental management. For grazing stock, the following issues were highlighted:  Land management of improved pasture systems, eg. issues such as the quality, quantity and stability of plant species within the grazing system;  Land degradation from soil and water erosion due to overgrazing and clearing of native vegetation;  Need for effective management of woody vegetation to prevent loss of biodiversity and dryland salinity;  Nutrient management also due to soil loss; and,  Weed and pest control.
  • 37. A review of available literature on the Australian beef industry has highlighted a number of recurring issues in environmental management. For grazing stock, the following issues were highlighted: Land management of improved pasture systems, eg. issues such as the quality, quantity and stability of plant species within the grazing system; Land degradation from soil and water erosion due to overgrazing and clearing of native vegetation; Need for effective management of woody vegetation to prevent loss of biodiversity and dryland salinity; Nutrient management also due to soil loss; and, Weed and pest control.
  • 38. There has been considerable growth in organised land management groups such as Landcare in recent years.  These groups address the issues such as land degradation, water quality, salinity, soil fertility and feral animal control on a local basis by working together.  Farmers are also supported by a network of organisations in marketing, infrastructure and research and development – eg. CSIRO, MLA, and government agencies.
  • 39. Farmers manage landuse through controlling animal stocking rates.  Innovative irrigation and stock watering methods are used  Research to reduce cattle methane production through feed selection and breeding is lowering CO2 emissions!  Weed and feral species control is actually the most costly & time consuming environmental problem! 
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. When Australians think of the image of a farmer they see a worried person…and when a person is worried they may not be thinking clearly about the future …and perhaps are not coming up with positive solutions. Sometimes they just want to blame people. - Poll highlights public opinion of farmers, ABC radio transcript, AM - Wednesday, 23 July , 2003 08:25:28 Reporter: Louise Willis
  • 43.
  • 44. Alison is actively involved in the family farming business in Crookwell Southern NSW, running a stud and commercial Angus cattle operation, Myanga. Alison is a great example of the modern, problem-solving farmer- with a degree in Rural Business and experience in cattle management, Alison also runs her own business called AJM Livestock Solutions. She provides a variety of services, consultancy and training to beef producers and uses the latest technology to capture and manage cattle data. Alison assists other farmers and stakeholders in the cattle industry to comply with the National Livestock Identification System. Alison visited Caroline Chisholm College to share her passion and wisdom about farming beef cattle in Australia in the 21 st Century, coping with climate variability, drought, flood and biosecurity issues. I have a real story to share about agriculture, I am passionate about agriculture, the beef industry and rural and regional communities, I love working with people and I love seeing people strive to achieve the things that they are passionate about.
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  • 51. The Beef cattle industry is supported by a network of structures and organisations. These structures support the industry in areas such as marketing, infrastructure and research and development. Supportive bodies include peak bodies, government agencies, beef marketing organisations and R & D institutions. A summary of this structure is presented below. Links to related web sites: Ausmeat website Australian Lot Feeders Association website Cattle Council of Australia website Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality website Meat and Livestock Australia website CSIRO Livestock Industries website Beef Industry Centre (BIC), Armidale Cattle Council of Australia Australian Lot Feeders Association Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Land and Water Australia
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  • 55. Evolution Flooding Rains Droughts