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“We are
what we
Is our body
designed to
Let us compare
our body with
a carnivore as
   well as a
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison     Carnivore         Herbivore         Human

               Reduced to
               allow wide       Well-developed Well-developed
 Muscles       mouth gap

             minimal side-to-    good side-to-   good side-to-
Jaw Motion     side motion        side motion     side motion
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison     Carnivore        Herbivore          Human

                              Broad, flattened Broad, flattened
  Teeth:        Short and
                                and spade        and spade
 Incisors        pointed
                                  shaped           shaped

                               Dull and short
             Long, sharp and
  Teeth:                     (sometimes long      Short and
              curved to tear
 Canines                      for defense), or     blunted
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison    Carnivore       Herbivore   Human

                 Sharp        Flattened   Flattened

             None; swallows   Extensive   Extensive
Chewing        food whole     chewing     chewing
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison     Carnivore        Herbivore            Human
              Acidic saliva:   Alkaline saliva:   Alkaline saliva:
              Carbohydrate     Carbohydrate       Carbohydrate
  Saliva        digesting         digesting          digesting
              enzymes not         enzymes            enzymes
                 present           present            present

 Stomach < pH 1 (to digest
             tough animal
Acidity with muscle, bone,        pH 4 to 5          pH 4 to 5
 food in it      etc.)
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison   Carnivore         Herbivore         Human

Length of
             3 to 6 times    > 10 times body   10 to 11 times
  Small      body length          length        body length

             Simple, short
  Colon      and smooth
                             Long, complex     Long, complex
The Comparative Anatomy of
Comparison      Carnivore          Herbivore          Human

                No skin pores;
                                     Perspires        Perspires
Perspiration   through tongue
                                 through millions through millions
                                   of skin pores    of skin pores
                 to cool body

                                 Flattened nails
   Nails        Sharp claws
                                 or blunt hooves
                                                   Flattened nails
Let us look
  at the
value of a
Can vegetarian
 food ensure a
balanced diet for
 good health ?
Most popular myth:

If I don’t eat meat, I would
suffer from lack of protein!
Elephant is a powerful animal…

 …yet he never eats meat!
Researchers at Max Planck
 Institute, Germany have
“Most vegetables, fruits,
seeds, nuts, and grains
are excellent sources of
  complete proteins.”
• Albert Einstein

           • Isaac Newton
• Mahatma Gandhi
• Plato

     • Socrates
• Pythagoras

        • Leonardo Da Vinci
• Bill Pearl
 (Mr. Universe)

                  • Andreas Cahling
                   (Mr. International)
• Al Beckles
 (Top body builder of 60s)

                 • Jack LaLanne
                   (Elite fitness trainer)
• Larry Bird
 (All-time great basketball player)

                   • Greg Chappell
                      (Former Australian cricketer)
• Carl Lewis
• Edwin Moses
 (400m hurdles -
 world record holder)
• Billy Jean King
 (Tennis champion of 70s)

             • Martina Navratilova
               (Tennis champion)
“I brainwashed youngsters into
 doing wrong. I want to say sorry
to children everywhere for selling
     out to concerns who make
 millions by murdering animals.”

The original Ronald McDonald, Geoff Giuliano
 - on quitting his job and becoming vegetarian
Effects of Meat on Health
Heart Disease
    The Number One

 Responsible for approx.
50% of all deaths in Britain
As early as 1961, the
 Journal of the American
 Medical Association had

“90% - 97% of heart disease
   can be prevented by a
     vegetarian diet.”
Excess protein cannot be stored

They must be excreted through
 the kidneys, which is a very
        taxing process.
 The Number
  Two Killer
Cooked meat and fish
   contains carcinogens,
  which sometimes attack
 the cell’s genetic material
(DNA), alter it and develop
Harmful Chemicals

 Meat contains 14 times
more chemicals & pesticides
     than plant foods.
Annual health-care costs directly
   resulting from the US meat-centered

   Between $23.6 billion
     and $61.4 billion

Revealed in 1995 by Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a group
        of 4,500 medical doctors
20 million people die
annually as a result of
UN Secretary General recently
      admitted that…..

 “...meat consumption
in rich countries is key
    cause for hunger
  around the world.”

16 kg grain
                         20 people

1 kg beef                 2 people
Vast quantities of food which could feed humans
      is fed to livestock raised to produce meat.

Eighty percent of the corn and 95% of the oats grown
in the U.S. is eaten by livestock.
The percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain
through livestock is calculated by experts as 90%.
Producing one pound of beef requires 16 pounds of
edible grain and soyabeans, which could be used to
feed the hungry.”
John Robbins' book “Diet for a New America”
“One acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds
 of potatoes, or 250 pounds of beef. Fifty-six
 percent of all U.S. farmland is devoted to beef
 One hundred million people could be
 adequately fed using the land freed if
 Americans reduced their intake of meat by a
 mere 10%.”

John Robbins' book “Diet for a New America”
The average American
consumes in a 72-year
   approximately 11
  cattle, 3 lambs and
    sheep, 23 hogs,
   45 turkeys, 1,100
   chickens and 862
    pounds of fish!
According to the Population Reference Bureau

      “If everyone adopted a
   vegetarian diet, current food
 production would theoretically
   feed 10 billion people, more
  than the projected population
        for the year 2050.”

    of Hell
Hens are so
 tightly packed
  in the battery
cages, that they
cannot move an
   inch during
Hens are forced
  to lay up to
 200-220 eggs
  every year,
   leading to
bones, feather
    loss etc.
This is
Male chicks
     are of no
   value for the
slaughter houses.
Male chicks are either packed in
garbage plastic bags to suffocate to
death or thrown away in trash cans.
The recent trend is to grind the
male chicks alive and use it as high
  fertility manure for the farms.
In the U.S. alone,
6,60,000 animals are
   killed for meat
      every hour.
In the U.S. alone,
6,60,000 animals are
   killed for meat
      every hour.

   The average per
 capita consumption
 of meat in the U.S.,
Canada and Australia
  is 200 pounds per
Manure fumes and rotting carcasses will force workers to wear gas masks
Number of meat, and egg
producing animals slaughtered
     each year in World:

over 24.1 billion
“We have enslaved
                  the rest of animal
                  creation and have
                   treated so badly
                that, if they were to
                      formulate a
                religion, they would
                 depict the Devil in
William Ralph       human form.”
Eggs are of two kinds

•   1st Eggs which are hatched out to chicks.
     – Coming into physical contact with the cocks

•   2nd Eggs which cannot.
     – Just as women expels the menstrual matter every
       month, hens lay egg periodically
These eggs are expulsion of unwanted
matter from the hen’s uterus. To make
more money out of these eggs,
commercial promoters are now
describing them as vegetarian eggs,
“ahinsak” eggs. But these are not
vegetable products.
As soon as the hens lay eggs
these hens are roll out of the
grader net and these hens are
deprived of the instinctive
satisfaction of brooding over
the eggs.

This is done because a hen
which does not sit on the egg
lays another egg quickly.
TV Exposes Suffering of “Spent Hens”

                •• •• Many hensburiedconstantlyfor
                        whereby they arealive or brutally
                        They are are crowded program
                          The investigative TV in the
                          They are kept starvedcapacity
                                        egg laying awake
                     • “Kolbotek” showed shocking
                           Whenby one leg“rest” their
                                  theircannot even wing
                      up to two weeks to or one
                    cages that theyday and night under
                         throughout these are sent to the
                    flutter garbagethatwhat happens to
                      hormones, so cans. Workers are
                        into their light. when they
                        video footage ofThisthedone to
                         artificial wings. In is tense
                        laying henshouses
                          slaughter after each can
                    crowd they peck will of live more
                      finally fed, the piles produce
                        stomp on they at they and no
                         make them eat more other,
                    getso thatproduce eggs.irritated pile
                      more andthey may start laying as
                        chickens to squash down the
                        longer larger eggs.After the
                          wounded, become In Israel,
                    and suffer of fertility, they are to a
                      last thesoon. they more chickens
                        so burst tortures.
                        in they can add are subject no
                         eggs U.S.,
                      longer of called “forced to the
                        process economic value
                        on top
                      egg producers
Video Show
“Truly man is the
                    king of beasts …

                    for his brutality
                    exceeds theirs.”

Leonardo da Vinci
“While our bodies
                        are the living
                          graves of
                      murdered animals,
                      how can we expect
                          any ideal
                        conditions on
George Bernard Shaw
“Man suppresses in
              himself, unnecessarily,
                the highest spiritual
                  capacity - that of
                 sympathy and pity
              toward living creatures
               like himself - and by
                  violating his own
                  feelings becomes
Leo Tolstoy             cruel.”
It’s a fact that
 meat eating
respect for all
 kinds of life
including that
  of humans.
Can we deny that
brutality against
animals makes us
more brutal too?
“Those that
             kill animals, to
             eat their flesh,
                  tend to
             massacre their
All of our actions including our
   choice of food have karmic
  consequences. By inflicting
injury, pain and death, one must
   in the future experience the
        sufferings caused.
By killing
animals, not only
will we be bereft
  of the human
form but we will
 have to take an
  animal form
      and …
…somehow or
other be killed
 by the same
type of animal
we have killed.
This is the law
  of nature.
The Sanskrit word
mamsa means "meat."
     It is said:
 mam sah khadati
   iti mamsah.
   That is, "I am now
 eating the flesh of an
animal who will some
  day in the future be
   eating my flesh."
 The purchaser of flesh performs
      violence by his wealth;
   He who eats flesh does so by
          enjoying its taste;
The killer does himsa by actually
   tying and killing the animal.
- all of these are to be considered
explains …
“In human society, if one
   kills a man he has to be
 hanged (or punished). That
    is the law of the state.
Because of ignorance people
     do not perceive that
   there is a complete state
       controlled by the
Supreme Lord. Every living
     creature is the son of
 the Supreme Lord, and He
    does not tolerate even
  an ant’s being killed. One
       has to pay for it.”
“Meat-eating and
intoxication excite the senses
    more and more, and the
     conditioned soul falls
victim to women. In order to
    keep women, money is
    required, and to acquire
        money, one begs,
borrows or steals. Indeed, he
   commits abominable acts
 that cause him to suffer both
  in this life and in the next.”
       -Srila Prabhupada
Even the heads of religions
 indulge in killing animals
   while trying to pass as
   saintly persons. This
 mockery and hypocrisy in
       human society
   bring about unlimited
    calamities; therefore
occasionally there are great
wars. Masses of such people
go out onto battlefields and
      kill themselves”-
      Srila Prabhupada
“Those who are
 animal killers, their
brain is dull as stone.
Therefore meat-eating
should be stopped. In
  order to revive the
  finer tissues of the
 brain to understand
   subtle things, one
     must give up
   -Srila Prabhupada
Quotes From Some
 World Famous
“I do feel that
                   spiritual progress
                 does demand at some
                 stage that we should
                    cease to kill our
                  fellow creatures for
                    the satisfaction
                      of our bodily
Mahatma Gandhi           wants.”
“Our task must be
                  to widen our circle
                   of compassion to
                   embrace all living
                  creatures including

Albert Einstein
“Until he extends
                  the circle of his
                compassion to all
                living things, man
                  will not himself
                    find peace”.

Marco Ferrini
“Non-violence leads
                to the highest ethics,
                 which is the goal of
                 all evolution. Until
                 we stop harming all
                 other living beings,
                we are still savages”.

Thomas Edison
“To say we love God
                and at the same time
                  exercise cruelty
                 towards a creature
               moving by life derived
                   from God is a
               contradiction in itself.”

John Woolman
“If a man aspires
                   towards a
               righteous life, his
                   first act of
              abstinence is from
              injury to animals.”

Leo Tolstoy
  in the
Foods such as milk products,
grains, fruits and vegetables
“increase the duration of life,
 purify one’s existence, and
    give strength, health,
happiness, and satisfaction.”
On the contrary…

Foods such as meat & fish are
    described as “putrid,
 decomposed, and unclean”
Plants and
 the trees
 also have

Isn’t eating
jivo jivasya jivanam
One living entity is food
    for another in the
 struggle for existence.
If we eat our
 designated food in a
way prescribed by the
Lord we are freed of
        all sins.
Krishna instructs
   Arjuna …
“The devotees of the Lord are
 released from all kinds of sins
 because they eat food which is
    offered first for sacrifice.
  Others, who prepare food for
personal sense enjoyment, verily
          eat only sin.”
      (Bhagavad-gita 3.13)
Srila Prabhupada
“Human beings are
    As a matter of
    gratitude, they
provided with food
should feel obliged
 grains, vegetables,
to the Lord milk by
 fruits, and for their
supply of foodstuff,
   the grace of the
 and they must first
  Lord, but it is the
 duty of thefood in
 offer Him human
  sacrifice and then
       beings to
      partake the
  acknowledge the
 mercy of the Lord.
Krishna instructs:

 “If one offers
 Me with love
and devotion a
 leaf, a flower,
fruit or water, I
will accept it.”
(Bhagavad-gita 9.26)
Offer Food to


Nourishment   Nourishment
  of Body       of Soul

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  • 1.
  • 4. Is our body designed to consume meat? Let us compare our body with a carnivore as well as a herbivore
  • 7. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human Reduced to Facial allow wide Well-developed Well-developed Muscles mouth gap minimal side-to- good side-to- good side-to- Jaw Motion side motion side motion side motion
  • 8. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human Broad, flattened Broad, flattened Teeth: Short and and spade and spade Incisors pointed shaped shaped Dull and short Long, sharp and Teeth: (sometimes long Short and curved to tear Canines for defense), or blunted flesh none
  • 9. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human Teeth: Sharp Flattened Flattened Molars None; swallows Extensive Extensive Chewing food whole chewing chewing
  • 10. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human Acidic saliva: Alkaline saliva: Alkaline saliva: Carbohydrate Carbohydrate Carbohydrate Saliva digesting digesting digesting enzymes not enzymes enzymes present present present Stomach < pH 1 (to digest tough animal Acidity with muscle, bone, pH 4 to 5 pH 4 to 5 food in it etc.)
  • 11. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human Length of 3 to 6 times > 10 times body 10 to 11 times Small body length length body length Intestine Simple, short Colon and smooth Long, complex Long, complex
  • 12. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating Comparison Carnivore Herbivore Human No skin pores; Perspires Perspires perspires Perspiration through tongue through millions through millions of skin pores of skin pores to cool body Flattened nails Nails Sharp claws or blunt hooves Flattened nails
  • 13. Health & Nutrition
  • 14. Let us look at the nutritional value of a vegetarian diet
  • 15. Can vegetarian food ensure a balanced diet for good health ?
  • 16. Most popular myth: If I don’t eat meat, I would suffer from lack of protein!
  • 17. Elephant is a powerful animal… …yet he never eats meat!
  • 18. Researchers at Max Planck Institute, Germany have shown: “Most vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains are excellent sources of complete proteins.”
  • 20. • Albert Einstein • Isaac Newton
  • 22. • Plato • Socrates
  • 23. • Pythagoras • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 24. • Bill Pearl (Mr. Universe) • Andreas Cahling (Mr. International)
  • 25. • Al Beckles (Top body builder of 60s) • Jack LaLanne (Elite fitness trainer)
  • 26. • Larry Bird (All-time great basketball player) • Greg Chappell (Former Australian cricketer)
  • 28. • Edwin Moses (400m hurdles - world record holder)
  • 29. • Billy Jean King (Tennis champion of 70s) • Martina Navratilova (Tennis champion)
  • 30. “I brainwashed youngsters into doing wrong. I want to say sorry to children everywhere for selling out to concerns who make millions by murdering animals.” The original Ronald McDonald, Geoff Giuliano - on quitting his job and becoming vegetarian
  • 32. Effects of Meat on Health
  • 33. Heart Disease The Number One Killer Responsible for approx. 50% of all deaths in Britain
  • 34. As early as 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association had said “90% - 97% of heart disease can be prevented by a vegetarian diet.”
  • 35. Excess protein cannot be stored They must be excreted through the kidneys, which is a very taxing process.
  • 36. Cancer The Number Two Killer
  • 37. Cooked meat and fish contains carcinogens, which sometimes attack the cell’s genetic material (DNA), alter it and develop cancer
  • 38. Harmful Chemicals Meat contains 14 times more chemicals & pesticides than plant foods.
  • 39. Annual health-care costs directly resulting from the US meat-centered diet: Between $23.6 billion and $61.4 billion Revealed in 1995 by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a group of 4,500 medical doctors
  • 41. 20 million people die annually as a result of malnutrition.
  • 42.
  • 43. UN Secretary General recently admitted that….. “...meat consumption in rich countries is key cause for hunger around the world.”
  • 44. Access?? 16 kg grain 20 people 1 kg beef 2 people
  • 45. Vast quantities of food which could feed humans is fed to livestock raised to produce meat. Eighty percent of the corn and 95% of the oats grown in the U.S. is eaten by livestock. The percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock is calculated by experts as 90%. Producing one pound of beef requires 16 pounds of edible grain and soyabeans, which could be used to feed the hungry.” John Robbins' book “Diet for a New America”
  • 46. “One acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, or 250 pounds of beef. Fifty-six percent of all U.S. farmland is devoted to beef production. One hundred million people could be adequately fed using the land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by a mere 10%.” John Robbins' book “Diet for a New America”
  • 47. The average American consumes in a 72-year lifetime approximately 11 cattle, 3 lambs and sheep, 23 hogs, 45 turkeys, 1,100 chickens and 862 pounds of fish!
  • 48.
  • 49. According to the Population Reference Bureau “If everyone adopted a vegetarian diet, current food production would theoretically feed 10 billion people, more than the projected population for the year 2050.”
  • 51. Inside Slaughterhouse Visions of Hell !!
  • 52. Hens are so tightly packed in the battery cages, that they cannot move an inch during their encagement.
  • 53. Hens are forced to lay up to 200-220 eggs every year, leading to weakened bones, feather loss etc.
  • 54. This is the reality.
  • 55. Male chicks are of no commercial value for the slaughter houses.
  • 56. Male chicks are either packed in garbage plastic bags to suffocate to death or thrown away in trash cans.
  • 57. The recent trend is to grind the male chicks alive and use it as high fertility manure for the farms.
  • 58.
  • 59. In the U.S. alone, 6,60,000 animals are killed for meat every hour.
  • 60. In the U.S. alone, 6,60,000 animals are killed for meat every hour. The average per capita consumption of meat in the U.S., Canada and Australia is 200 pounds per year!
  • 61. Manure fumes and rotting carcasses will force workers to wear gas masks
  • 62.
  • 63. Number of meat, and egg producing animals slaughtered each year in World: over 24.1 billion
  • 64. “We have enslaved the rest of animal creation and have treated so badly that, if they were to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in William Ralph human form.”
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. Eggs are of two kinds • 1st Eggs which are hatched out to chicks. – Coming into physical contact with the cocks • 2nd Eggs which cannot. – Just as women expels the menstrual matter every month, hens lay egg periodically
  • 69. These eggs are expulsion of unwanted matter from the hen’s uterus. To make more money out of these eggs, commercial promoters are now describing them as vegetarian eggs, “ahinsak” eggs. But these are not vegetable products.
  • 70. As soon as the hens lay eggs these hens are roll out of the grader net and these hens are deprived of the instinctive satisfaction of brooding over the eggs. This is done because a hen which does not sit on the egg lays another egg quickly.
  • 71. TV Exposes Suffering of “Spent Hens” •• •• Many hensburiedconstantlyfor whereby they arealive or brutally They are are crowded program The investigative TV in the They are kept starvedcapacity egg laying awake • “Kolbotek” showed shocking Whenby one leg“rest” their theircannot even wing up to two weeks to or one cages that theyday and night under thrown throughout these are sent to the diminishes flutter garbagethatwhat happens to hormones, so cans. Workers are into their light. when they video footage ofThisthedone to artificial wings. In is tense laying henshouses slaughter after each can crowd they peck will of live more finally fed, the piles produce stomp on they at they and no make them eat more other, getso thatproduce eggs.irritated pile more andthey may start laying as chickens to squash down the longer larger eggs.After the wounded, become In Israel, and suffer of fertility, they are to a last thesoon. they more chickens so burst tortures. in they can add are subject no eggs U.S., longer of called “forced to the process economic value on top moulting,” egg producers
  • 72.
  • 73. Video Show MEET YOUR MEAT
  • 74. “Truly man is the king of beasts … for his brutality exceeds theirs.” Leonardo da Vinci
  • 75. “While our bodies are the living graves of murdered animals, how can we expect any ideal conditions on George Bernard Shaw earth?”
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  • 82. “Man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity - that of sympathy and pity toward living creatures like himself - and by violating his own feelings becomes Leo Tolstoy cruel.”
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  • 84. It’s a fact that meat eating reduces respect for all kinds of life including that of humans.
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  • 87. Can we deny that brutality against animals makes us more brutal too?
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  • 89. “Those that kill animals, to eat their flesh, tend to massacre their own.” Pythagoras
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  • 92. All of our actions including our choice of food have karmic consequences. By inflicting injury, pain and death, one must in the future experience the sufferings caused.
  • 93. By killing animals, not only will we be bereft of the human form but we will have to take an animal form and …
  • 94. …somehow or other be killed by the same type of animal we have killed. This is the law of nature.
  • 95. The Sanskrit word mamsa means "meat." It is said: mam sah khadati iti mamsah. That is, "I am now eating the flesh of an animal who will some day in the future be eating my flesh."
  • 96. Mahabharata The purchaser of flesh performs violence by his wealth; He who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste; The killer does himsa by actually tying and killing the animal. - all of these are to be considered meat-eaters.
  • 98. “In human society, if one kills a man he has to be hanged (or punished). That is the law of the state. Because of ignorance people do not perceive that there is a complete state controlled by the Supreme Lord. Every living creature is the son of the Supreme Lord, and He does not tolerate even an ant’s being killed. One has to pay for it.”
  • 99. “Meat-eating and intoxication excite the senses more and more, and the conditioned soul falls victim to women. In order to keep women, money is required, and to acquire money, one begs, borrows or steals. Indeed, he commits abominable acts that cause him to suffer both in this life and in the next.” -Srila Prabhupada
  • 100. Even the heads of religions indulge in killing animals while trying to pass as saintly persons. This mockery and hypocrisy in human society bring about unlimited calamities; therefore occasionally there are great wars. Masses of such people go out onto battlefields and kill themselves”- Srila Prabhupada
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  • 104. “Those who are animal killers, their brain is dull as stone. Therefore meat-eating should be stopped. In order to revive the finer tissues of the brain to understand subtle things, one must give up meat-eating. -Srila Prabhupada
  • 105. Quotes From Some World Famous Personalities
  • 106. “I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily Mahatma Gandhi wants.”
  • 107. “Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures including animals.” Albert Einstein
  • 108. “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace”. Marco Ferrini
  • 109. “Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages”. Thomas Edison
  • 110. “To say we love God and at the same time exercise cruelty towards a creature moving by life derived from God is a contradiction in itself.” John Woolman
  • 111. “If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” Leo Tolstoy
  • 112. Lord Krishna describes in the Gita…
  • 113. Foods such as milk products, grains, fruits and vegetables “increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence, and give strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction.”
  • 114. On the contrary… Foods such as meat & fish are described as “putrid, decomposed, and unclean”
  • 115. Plants and the trees also have souls! Isn’t eating them killing?
  • 116. jivo jivasya jivanam One living entity is food for another in the struggle for existence.
  • 117. If we eat our designated food in a way prescribed by the Lord we are freed of all sins.
  • 118. Krishna instructs Arjuna …
  • 119. “The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.” (Bhagavad-gita 3.13)
  • 120. Srila Prabhupada explains: “Human beings are As a matter of gratitude, they provided with food should feel obliged grains, vegetables, to the Lord milk by fruits, and for their supply of foodstuff, the grace of the and they must first Lord, but it is the duty of thefood in offer Him human sacrifice and then beings to partake the acknowledge the remnants.” mercy of the Lord.
  • 121. Krishna instructs: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” (Bhagavad-gita 9.26)
  • 122. Offer Food to Krishna Krishna Prasadam Nourishment Nourishment of Body of Soul