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How I Built a Power Debugger
Out of the Standard Library and
Things I Found on the Internet
Doug Hellmann
PyCon US 2016
I Built a Power Debugger!
Doug Hellmann
PyCon US 2016
I Built a Power Debugger!
Doug Hellmann
PyCon US 2016
• Record calls with data
• Remote monitoring, local
• Browse history
• Learn new tools
class Publisher(object):
def __init__(self, endpoint,
self.context = zmq.Context()
self.pub_socket = 
self.pub_socket.identity = 'publisher'
self.pub_socket.hwm = high_water_mark
def send(self, msg_type, data):
msg = [
def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
co = frame.f_code
filename = co.co_filename
if filename in (__file__,):
# Ignore ourself
self._send_notice(frame, event, arg)
return self.trace_calls
def _send_notice(self, frame, event, arg):
co = frame.f_code
func_name = co.co_name
line_no = frame.f_lineno
filename = os.path.abspath(co.co_filename)
for d in IGNORE_DIRS:
if filename.startswith(d):
# …
# …
interesting_locals = {
n: v
for n, v in frame.f_locals.items()
if (not inspect.ismodule(v)
and not inspect.isfunction(v)
and not inspect.ismethod(v)
and (n[:2] != '__' and n[-2:] != '__'))
# …
# …
{'func_name': func_name,
'line_no': line_no,
'filename': filename,
'arg': arg,
'locals': interesting_locals,
'timestamp': time.time(),
'run_id': self.run_id,
$ smiley help
usage: smiley [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
[-q] [-h] [--debug]
smiley spies on your apps as they run
optional arguments:
--version show program's version number
and exit
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity of output.
--log-file LOG_FILE Specify a file to log output.
-q, --quiet suppress output except warnings
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug show tracebacks on errors
complete print bash completion command
help print detailed help for another command
monitor Listen for running programs and show
their progress.
run Run another program with monitoring
$ smiley help run
usage: smiley run [-h] [--socket SOCKET] command
[command ...]
Run another program with monitoring enabled.
positional arguments:
command the command to spy on
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--socket SOCKET URL for the socket where the listener
will be (tcp://
$ smiley help monitor
usage: smiley monitor [-h] [--socket SOCKET]
Listen for running programs and show their progress.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--socket SOCKET URL for the socket where to monitor on
def _process_message(self, msg):
print 'MESSAGE:', msg
msg_type, msg_payload = msg
if msg_type == 'start_run':
print (‘Starting new run:',
elif msg_type == 'end_run':
print 'Finished run'
line = linecache.getline(msg_payload['filename'],
if msg_type == 'return':
print '%s:%4s: return>>> %s' % (
msg_payload[‘line_no'], msg_payload['arg'])
print '%s:%4s: %s' % (
msg_payload[‘line_no'], line)
if msg_payload.get('locals'):
for n, v in sorted(msg_payload['locals'].items()):
print '%s %s = %s' % (
' ' * len(msg_payload['filename']),
def gen(m):
for i in xrange(m):
yield i
def c(input):
print 'input =', input
data = list(gen(input))
print 'Leaving c()'
def b(arg):
val = arg * 5
print 'Leaving b()'
return val
def a():
print 'args:', sys.argv
print 'Leaving a()'
$ smiley monitor
Waiting for incoming data
MESSAGE: ['start_run', {u'command_line': [u''], u'run_id':
Starting new run: [u'']
MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.142863,
u'line_no': 1,
u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/',
u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self':
u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line':
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys
command_line =
self =
<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.143175,
u'line_no': 1,
u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/',
u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self':
u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line':
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys
command_line =
self =
<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.143499, u'line_no': 3, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg':
$ smiley monitor
Waiting for incoming data
MESSAGE: ['start_run', {u'command_line': [u''], u'run_id':
Starting new run: [u'']
MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.142863,
u'line_no': 1,
u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/',
u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self':
u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line':
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys
command_line =
self =
<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.143175,
u'line_no': 1,
u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/',
u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self':
u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line':
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys
command_line =
self =
<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.143499, u'line_no': 3, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg':
MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.144927, u'line_no': 21, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 21: def a():
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.145128, u'line_no': 22, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 22: print 'args:',
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.145343, u'line_no': 23, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 23: b(2)
def start_run(self, run_id, cwd, description,
"Record the beginning of a run."
with transaction(self.conn) as c:
INSERT INTO run (id, cwd, description,
(:id, :cwd, :description, :start_time)
{'id': run_id,
'cwd': cwd,
'description': description,
'start_time': start_time}
def _process_message(self, msg):
msg_type, msg_payload = msg
if msg_type == 'start_run':
command_line = ' ‘.join(
msg_payload.get('command_line', []))
self._cwd = msg_payload.get('cwd', '')
if self._cwd:
self._cwd = (self._cwd.rstrip(os.sep) +
elif msg_type == 'end_run':'Finished run')
• Replay past runs
• Complex data types
flickr/Chris Marquardt
import json
import traceback
import types
def _json_special_types(obj):
if isinstance(obj, types.TracebackType):
return traceback.extract_tb(obj)
if isinstance(obj, type):
# We don't want to return classes
return repr(obj)
data = dict(vars(obj))
data['__class__'] = obj.__class__.__name__
data['__module__'] = obj.__class__.__module__
except Exception as err:
data = repr(obj)
return data
def dumps(data):
return json.dumps(data, default=_json_special_types)
class EventProcessor(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def start_run(self, run_id, cwd, description,
"""Called when a 'start_run' event is seen.
def end_run(self, run_id, end_time, message,
"""Called when an 'end_run' event is seen.
def trace(self, run_id, event,
func_name, line_no, filename,
trace_arg, local_vars,
"""Called when any other event type is seen.
def get_runs(self):
"Return the runs available to browse."
with transaction(self.conn) as c:
id, cwd, description, start_time,
end_time, error_message
FROM run
return c.fetchall()
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
self.out = output.OutputFormatter(
self.db = db.DB(parsed_args.database)
run_details = self.db.get_run(parsed_args.run_id)
for t in self.db.get_trace(parsed_args.run_id):
t.run_id, t.event, t.func_name,
t.line_no, t.filename, t.trace_arg,
t.local_vars, t.timestamp,
None) # run_details.traceback
MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.144927, u'line_no': 21, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 21: def a():
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.145128, u'line_no': 22, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 22: print 'args:',
MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e',
u'timestamp': 1436367235.145343, u'line_no': 23, u'filename': u'/Users/
dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None,
u'locals': {}}]
/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 23: b(2)
class DBLineCache(object):
def __init__(self, db, run_id):
self._db = db
self._run_id = run_id
self._files = {}
def getline(self, filename, line_no):
if filename not in self._files:
body = self._db.get_cached_file(
self._run_id, filename)
self._files[filename] = body.splitlines()
return self._files[filename][line_no]
except IndexError:
# Line number is out of range
return ''
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
# Fix import path
cwd = os.getcwd()
if (cwd not in sys.path and
os.curdir not in sys.path):
sys.path.insert(0, cwd)
# Fix command line args
sys.argv = parsed_args.command
# Run the app
p = publisher.Publisher(parsed_args.socket)
t = tracer.Tracer(p)
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
# Fix import path
cwd = os.getcwd()
if (cwd not in sys.path and
os.curdir not in sys.path):
sys.path.insert(0, cwd)
# Fix command line args
sys.argv = parsed_args.command
# Run the app
if parsed_args.mode == 'remote':
p = publisher.Publisher(parsed_args.socket)
p = db.DB(parsed_args.database)
t = tracer.Tracer(p)
3.Command line interface
5.Complex objects
6.EventProcessor API
7.Replay command
8.Store source files
9.Local database
3.Command line interface
5.Complex objects
6.EventProcessor API
7.Replay command
8.Store source files
9.Local database
UI Tools
class FileController(RestController):
@expose(generic=True, template='file.html')
def get_one(self, run_id, file_id):
filename, body = 
run = request.db.get_run(run_id)
lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, body)
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos=True)
styled_body = highlight(body, lexer, formatter)
return {
'run_id': run_id,
'run': run,
'filename': filename,
'body': body,
'styled_body': styled_body,
class StyledLineCache(object):
def __init__(self, db, run_id):
self._db = db
self._run_id = run_id
self._files = {}
EXPECTED_PREFIX = '<div class="highlight"><pre>'
EXPECTED_SUFFIX = '</pre></div>'
def getline(self, filename, line_no):
if filename not in self._files:
body = self._db.get_cached_file(self._run_id,
styled_body = apply_style(filename, body,
start = len(self.EXPECTED_PREFIX)
end = -1 * (len(self.EXPECTED_SUFFIX) + 1)
middle_body = styled_body[start:end].rstrip('n')
self._files[filename] = middle_body.splitlines()
return self._files[filename][line_no-1]
except IndexError:
# Line number is out of range
return ''
✓ Web UI
✓ Profiling Data
✓ Call Graph
✓ Syntax Highlighting
• Only Changed Variables
• Comments
def _mk_seq(d):
return sorted(
(k, pformat(v, width=20))
for k, v in d.iteritems()
def get_variable_changes(older, newer):
s_a = _mk_seq(older)
s_b = _mk_seq(newer)
matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, s_a, s_b)
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes():
if tag in {'insert', 'replace'}:
for i in s_b[j1:j2]:
yield i
Other Features
Web UI
Other Features
Web UI
• Performance
• Standard I/O
• Compare runs
flickr/Mike Mozart
Freenode: dhellmann
How I Built a Power Debugger Out of the Standard Library and Things I Found on the Internet

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How I Built a Power Debugger Out of the Standard Library and Things I Found on the Internet

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  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Features • Record calls with data • Remote monitoring, local analysis • Browse history • Learn new tools flickr/Kangrex
  • 8.
  • 9. class Publisher(object): def __init__(self, endpoint, high_water_mark=10000): self.context = zmq.Context() self.pub_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.pub_socket.bind(endpoint) self.pub_socket.identity = 'publisher' self.pub_socket.hwm = high_water_mark def send(self, msg_type, data): msg = [ msg_type, json.dumps(data, default=self._json_special_types), ] self.pub_socket.send_multipart(msg)
  • 10. def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg): co = frame.f_code filename = co.co_filename if filename in (__file__,): # Ignore ourself return self._send_notice(frame, event, arg) return self.trace_calls
  • 11. def _send_notice(self, frame, event, arg): co = frame.f_code func_name = co.co_name line_no = frame.f_lineno filename = os.path.abspath(co.co_filename) for d in IGNORE_DIRS: if filename.startswith(d): return # …
  • 12. # … interesting_locals = { n: v for n, v in frame.f_locals.items() if (not inspect.ismodule(v) and not inspect.isfunction(v) and not inspect.ismethod(v) and (n[:2] != '__' and n[-2:] != '__')) } # …
  • 13. # … self.publisher.send( event, {'func_name': func_name, 'line_no': line_no, 'filename': filename, 'arg': arg, 'locals': interesting_locals, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'run_id': self.run_id, })
  • 14. $ smiley help usage: smiley [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-q] [-h] [--debug] smiley spies on your apps as they run optional arguments: --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose Increase verbosity of output. --log-file LOG_FILE Specify a file to log output. -q, --quiet suppress output except warnings -h, --help show this help message and exit --debug show tracebacks on errors Commands: complete print bash completion command help print detailed help for another command monitor Listen for running programs and show their progress. run Run another program with monitoring enabled.
  • 15. $ smiley help run usage: smiley run [-h] [--socket SOCKET] command [command ...] Run another program with monitoring enabled. positional arguments: command the command to spy on optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --socket SOCKET URL for the socket where the listener will be (tcp://
  • 16. $ smiley help monitor usage: smiley monitor [-h] [--socket SOCKET] Listen for running programs and show their progress. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --socket SOCKET URL for the socket where to monitor on (tcp://
  • 17. def _process_message(self, msg): print 'MESSAGE:', msg msg_type, msg_payload = msg if msg_type == 'start_run': print (‘Starting new run:', msg_payload.get(‘command_line')) elif msg_type == 'end_run': print 'Finished run' else: line = linecache.getline(msg_payload['filename'], msg_payload['line_no']).rstrip() if msg_type == 'return': print '%s:%4s: return>>> %s' % ( msg_payload['filename'], msg_payload[‘line_no'], msg_payload['arg']) else: print '%s:%4s: %s' % ( msg_payload['filename'], msg_payload[‘line_no'], line) if msg_payload.get('locals'): for n, v in sorted(msg_payload['locals'].items()): print '%s %s = %s' % ( ' ' * len(msg_payload['filename']), n, v, ) print
  • 18. def gen(m): for i in xrange(m): yield i def c(input): print 'input =', input data = list(gen(input)) print 'Leaving c()' def b(arg): val = arg * 5 c(val) print 'Leaving b()' return val def a(): print 'args:', sys.argv b(2) print 'Leaving a()' a()
  • 19. $ smiley monitor Waiting for incoming data MESSAGE: ['start_run', {u'command_line': [u''], u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e'}] Starting new run: [u''] MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.142863, u'line_no': 1, u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self': u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line': [u'']}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys command_line = [u''] self = <smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10> MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.143175, u'line_no': 1, u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self': u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line': [u'']}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys command_line = [u''] self = <smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10> MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.143499, u'line_no': 3, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg':
  • 20. $ smiley monitor Waiting for incoming data MESSAGE: ['start_run', {u'command_line': [u''], u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e'}] Starting new run: [u''] MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.142863, u'line_no': 1, u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self': u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line': [u'']}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys command_line = [u''] self = <smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10> MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.143175, u'line_no': 1, u'filename': u'/Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg': None, u'locals': {u'self': u'<smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10>', u'command_line': [u'']}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 1: import sys command_line = [u''] self = <smiley.tracer.Tracer object at 0x103caff10> MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.143499, u'line_no': 3, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'<module>', u'arg':
  • 21. MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.144927, u'line_no': 21, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 21: def a(): MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.145128, u'line_no': 22, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 22: print 'args:', sys.argv MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.145343, u'line_no': 23, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 23: b(2)
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. def start_run(self, run_id, cwd, description, start_time): "Record the beginning of a run." with transaction(self.conn) as c: c.execute( """ INSERT INTO run (id, cwd, description, start_time) VALUES (:id, :cwd, :description, :start_time) """, {'id': run_id, 'cwd': cwd, 'description': description, 'start_time': start_time} )
  • 25. def _process_message(self, msg): msg_type, msg_payload = msg if msg_type == 'start_run': command_line = ' ‘.join( msg_payload.get('command_line', [])) self._cwd = msg_payload.get('cwd', '') if self._cwd: self._cwd = (self._cwd.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep) self.db.start_run( run_id=msg_payload.get('run_id'), cwd=self._cwd, description=command_line, start_time=msg_payload.get('timestamp'), )
  • 26. elif msg_type == 'end_run':'Finished run') self.db.end_run( run_id=msg_payload['run_id'], end_time=msg_payload.get('timestamp'), message=msg_payload.get('message'), traceback=msg_payload.get('traceback'), ) else: self.db.trace( run_id=msg_payload['run_id'], event=msg_type, func_name=msg_payload.get('func_name'), line_no=msg_payload.get('line_no'), filename=msg_payload.get('filename'), trace_arg=msg_payload.get('arg'), locals=msg_payload.get('locals'), timestamp=msg_payload.get('timestamp'), )
  • 27. • Replay past runs • Complex data types flickr/Chris Marquardt
  • 28. import json import traceback import types def _json_special_types(obj): if isinstance(obj, types.TracebackType): return traceback.extract_tb(obj) if isinstance(obj, type): # We don't want to return classes return repr(obj) try: data = dict(vars(obj)) data['__class__'] = obj.__class__.__name__ data['__module__'] = obj.__class__.__module__ except Exception as err: data = repr(obj) return data def dumps(data): return json.dumps(data, default=_json_special_types)
  • 29. ?
  • 30. class EventProcessor(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def start_run(self, run_id, cwd, description, start_time): """Called when a 'start_run' event is seen. """ @abc.abstractmethod def end_run(self, run_id, end_time, message, traceback): """Called when an 'end_run' event is seen. """ @abc.abstractmethod def trace(self, run_id, event, func_name, line_no, filename, trace_arg, local_vars, timestamp): """Called when any other event type is seen. """
  • 31. def get_runs(self): "Return the runs available to browse." with transaction(self.conn) as c: c.execute( """ SELECT id, cwd, description, start_time, end_time, error_message FROM run """ ) return c.fetchall()
  • 32. def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.out = output.OutputFormatter( linecache.getline) self.db = db.DB(parsed_args.database) run_details = self.db.get_run(parsed_args.run_id) self.out.start_run(, run_details.cwd, run_details.description, run_details.start_time, ) for t in self.db.get_trace(parsed_args.run_id): self.out.trace( t.run_id, t.event, t.func_name, t.line_no, t.filename, t.trace_arg, t.local_vars, t.timestamp, ) self.out.end_run(, run_details.end_time, run_details.error_message, None) # run_details.traceback
  • 33. MESSAGE: ['call', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.144927, u'line_no': 21, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 21: def a(): MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.145128, u'line_no': 22, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 22: print 'args:', sys.argv MESSAGE: ['line', {u'run_id': u'e87302b2-402a-4243-bb27-69a467d4bd8e', u'timestamp': 1436367235.145343, u'line_no': 23, u'filename': u'/Users/ dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/', u'func_name': u'a', u'arg': None, u'locals': {}}] /Users/dhellmann/Devel/smiley/scratch/ 23: b(2)
  • 34. class DBLineCache(object): def __init__(self, db, run_id): self._db = db self._run_id = run_id self._files = {} def getline(self, filename, line_no): if filename not in self._files: body = self._db.get_cached_file( self._run_id, filename) self._files[filename] = body.splitlines() try: return self._files[filename][line_no] except IndexError: # Line number is out of range return ''
  • 35. def take_action(self, parsed_args): # Fix import path cwd = os.getcwd() if (cwd not in sys.path and os.curdir not in sys.path): sys.path.insert(0, cwd) # Fix command line args sys.argv = parsed_args.command # Run the app p = publisher.Publisher(parsed_args.socket) t = tracer.Tracer(p)
  • 36. def take_action(self, parsed_args): # Fix import path cwd = os.getcwd() if (cwd not in sys.path and os.curdir not in sys.path): sys.path.insert(0, cwd) # Fix command line args sys.argv = parsed_args.command # Run the app if parsed_args.mode == 'remote': p = publisher.Publisher(parsed_args.socket) else: p = db.DB(parsed_args.database) t = tracer.Tracer(p)
  • 37. 1.ZMQ 2.Tracing 3.Command line interface 4.Database 5.Complex objects 6.EventProcessor API 7.Replay command 8.Store source files 9.Local database
  • 38. 1.ZMQ 2.Tracing 3.Command line interface 4.Database 5.Complex objects 6.EventProcessor API 7.Replay command 8.Store source files 9.Local database
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. class FileController(RestController): @expose(generic=True, template='file.html') @nav.active_section('runs') def get_one(self, run_id, file_id): filename, body = request.db.get_cached_file_by_id(run_id, file_id) run = request.db.get_run(run_id) lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, body) formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos=True) styled_body = highlight(body, lexer, formatter) return { 'run_id': run_id, 'run': run, 'filename': filename, 'body': body, 'styled_body': styled_body, }
  • 44.
  • 45. class StyledLineCache(object): def __init__(self, db, run_id): self._db = db self._run_id = run_id self._files = {} EXPECTED_PREFIX = '<div class="highlight"><pre>' EXPECTED_SUFFIX = '</pre></div>' def getline(self, filename, line_no): if filename not in self._files: body = self._db.get_cached_file(self._run_id, filename) styled_body = apply_style(filename, body, linenos=False) start = len(self.EXPECTED_PREFIX) end = -1 * (len(self.EXPECTED_SUFFIX) + 1) middle_body = styled_body[start:end].rstrip('n') self._files[filename] = middle_body.splitlines() try: return self._files[filename][line_no-1] except IndexError: # Line number is out of range return ''
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. ✓ Web UI ✓ Profiling Data ✓ Call Graph ✓ Syntax Highlighting • Only Changed Variables • Comments
  • 51. def _mk_seq(d): return sorted( (k, pformat(v, width=20)) for k, v in d.iteritems() ) def get_variable_changes(older, newer): s_a = _mk_seq(older) s_b = _mk_seq(newer) matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, s_a, s_b) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes(): if tag in {'insert', 'replace'}: for i in s_b[j1:j2]: yield i
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 61. • Performance • Standard I/O • GUI • Compare runs flickr/Mike Mozart