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How Can We Increase Backlinks in Google?

                                 Presented By:
Apart from the Activities given below:

 Directories

 Articles

 Blog

 Press Release

 Social Bookmarking

 Two way and three way link exchange

   Topic Overview
   Defining Backlinks
   Backlinks through Classifieds
   Forum Posting
   Getting Links through Social Media Profiles
   Guest Blogging
   Testimonial
   Dead or Broken Link Building
   Article Exchange
   Design Galleries
   Video Creation
   WebRing Creation
   Web 2.0 Activities
     > Hubpages

     > Squidoo

     > Link Wheel

   Link Baiting
   eBook Submission
   Link Through Controversial Topics
   List Posts
   Facebook Notes
   Business Listing
   Question & Answer
Topic Overview

How can we get backlinks for Google except these:
Social Bookmarking
Press Release
Two way & Three way link exchange
Defining Backlinks
 A “Backlink” is an incoming link to a particular website or web
  page. In the search engine optimization (SEO), the number of
  backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that
  website or page. It creates visibility to the website over the internet.
 It can be checked with beneath commands:
 Go to, then type link: which
  shows all “Permanent/Authentic” links which have been long time
  being live on other websites.
 “” – to check total no. of links(both Permanent
   and Temporary links) pointing to the website.
Backlinks Through Classifieds:
 Free classifieds advertising is one the most powerful tool of online
  advertising over the internet. You can promote your business at
  thousands of free classifieds websites. You can sell your old stuff or
  you can advertise your business free of cost by submitting free
  classifieds advertisements. Also many peoples are will to buy
  different items. So classifieds adverting is right place to sell online.

1) Advantages:
   You can reach a wider range of people to fill the position you are trying to fill.
   By posting jobs in the classifieds you can make your business more known to a greater
    number of people.
   You do not necessarily have to have a website to be able to make these types of job
   Provides a valuable backlink to your business website.
   You can promote your business at thousands of free classifieds websites.
   You can sell your old and used stuff.
Backlinks Through Classifieds:

2) Disadvantages:
Difficulty in Attracting Customers
Salespersons and Customers are Isolated
ad will expire quickly
The ad will drop lower and lower in the rankings until it is not generating
any traffic at all
The ads must constantly be replaced.
Advertising on one site is not enough to produce great results.
Forum Posting

Forums are great ways to get traffic, but make sure you are giving helpful
advice first. Only use your posts when they are relevant, and don’t spam and
get yourself kicked out. Forums can be a great source of traffic and links if you
use it correctly.

Forum or discussion board is basically a message board which is used to
discuss about any topic by posting your message. But one thing should keep in
mind, your post should be relevant to category and topic otherwise you could
be banned from that forum.

Why forum link is effective?
You are getting one-way link for free of cost and one way links always bless
your keyword with good ranking in SERP (search engine result pages).
Forums are always well cached by search engine.
You can control your anchor text from your own user control panel.
You can use deep links without any issue.
Things to Keep in Mind

Things to keep in mind while forum posting
Always post relevant message and should be useful to other users.
Don’t try to add link in your post.
Don’t put your signature link from first post even if they are providing it will
indicate you as spammer.
Don’t put Affiliate referral link in your signature because most of the forum’s
admin don’t like it.
Always make your real profile on forum and fill the entire required field.
Don’t copy and paste from others forum always write your content by your
Getting Links through Social Media Profiles

Have you fully filled out your YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Digg,
Delicious and every other social media profile you have? Make
sure you include links, bio, and a picture.

By filling complete info while creating profiles in these sites can
provide you one profile link each.
Guest Blogging
Is it worth my link building efforts? As I said, one of my favorite methods, this is a must
do task – whilst it can take time, these can go a long way in terms of exposing your
company and gaining highly trusted backlinks.
Link building effectiveness: 8/10

This has to be one of my favorite methods – simply writing a great piece of content
around a subject with is either helpful or informative can spread like wildfire – especially if
they are published on popular and related websites to you. My advice would be to prove
you know your subject well and then approach blogs and news websites and ask (nicely!)
if you could provide them a piece of content which links back to you.

In simple terms, a guest blog is when you write a blog post and post it on someone else’s
blog. Doing this has its advantages like increasing traffic and blog promotion.
Personally, the thing I like about guest blogging is that it shows how bloggers nowadays
are willing to help each other out. Indeed, no man is an island, even in the blogging world.

Remember the blogs you publish as guest posts have to be unique and not
published elsewhere.
Is it worth my link building efforts? I’m on the fence with this approach but from
experience have seen it work thus the reason for the high score.
Link building effectiveness: 7/10

Not a widely recognized link building method but it can be very affective. Let’s
say a company you work with has delivered on a certain project, obviously you’ll
want to let them know about it by sending them some comments. I’d advise that
you send a nice paragraph which includes your name, position and link to your
website in a HTML format – that way they can easier add it to their website.
Dead or Broken Link Building
Broken link building is the process of finding your competitors broken pages (404 pages),
discovering which sites are pointing to these pages, and then getting the webmasters of
the “pointing sites” to link to a relevant page on your site instead of the competitor’s
broken page. Simple, right?

Run the following search queries on Google:
         Go to Google and run the following search queries:
         “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc
         “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc
         “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc

For live example you can visit the following link:
Article Exchange
You’ve heard about link exchange and guest posting, there is a new method called Article
Exchange. With article exchange you can get new visitors to your blog. First understand
what actually Article Exchange is?

What is Article Exchange
It is same as link exchange, but the difference is that in link exchange we exchange blog
links and here we will exchange articles or posts. How? I’ll tell you!
First, write some fresh and original articles that you will submit on other blogs.
Now, in that article give 1-2 links to your own quality blog posts under proper keywords.
Now, create a list of blogs that comes under the same niche of your blog.
Email the authors of those blogs and tell them about the concept of Article Exchange.
Also tell them about benefits of article exchange.
If they accept your request, you will loose one article from your side and get one article
from other side. It means nothing to loose but all to gain
Do, this for 5-6 blogs.
Design Galleries
Is it worth my link building efforts? This method is very good as many of the design sites
accept custom anchor text and the majority of them are very trusted. The down side is
there are no guarantees your site will be included in to the gallery.
How do I find these types of websites? Do a Google search for ‘design galleries’,
‘website design galleries’ or the above example.
Link building effectiveness: 5/10

This is very similar to testimonials in terms of a method which isn’t used much but works
well. If you have a very visually pleasing and well designed website, consider submitting it
to design galleries such as:
Doing a simple Google search for ‘css design galleries’ will expose you to many more
sites like the above.
Design Galleries
Video Creation
Is it worth my link building efforts? Whilst the effort to create engaging videos is high, I
would say from an SEO and conversion point of view, they are really effective.
How do I find these types of websites? Do a Google search for ‘video websites’.
Link building effectiveness: 8/10

As yourself this – when was the last time you sat and read a full page of web copy? 99% of the time
the answer to this is “probably never” – using video is a method which is interactive and can host
these on YouTube, Vimeo, Blip and so on. With this in mind, if the video is helpful, informative or
gives free information, these can be embedded on other websites with links back to your own site.

Video has become a major part of our online lives, from watching music videos to past sporting
events – nearly every topic imaginable can be watched!

Now, video is becoming an ever increasing must have for any website and can be used as a SEO
strategy. Simply uploading a video to YouTube and crossing your fingers for it to rank well in Google is
a familiar story and unfortunately won’t work (unless you are targeting an ultra long tail key phrase).
Video Creation
   Below I have created a 3 step approach to video SEO and the things you must be
   1. Creating the video:
   Once the video has been created there are several things you need to do before it
    can go online.
   1.1: Video filename
   Firstly, you need to make sure you save the file with a friendly filename. Let’s say we
    have created a video about ‘video SEO’, an appropriate filename for this would be
   1.2: Define the video
   Next, you can give your video further details. Simple, right click on the video file and
    select properties, once the window has appeared click on details:
Video Creation
Video Creation
   Now you have this panel open, you fill out the following fields:
   Title
   Tags
   Comments:
   Year
   Publisher
   Author URL
   Copyright
   There are many other fields to fill out but I would say the above is the minimum.
    These work on a similar level to META tags – you define a file with relevant
   1.3: Filesize
   Now you have all of the above defined, I would advise that you try and reduce the file
    size of the video for uploading and buffering reasons. Remember speed matters from
    a search and usability point-of-view.
   2. Launching the video:
   Now your video file is ready to upload, there are a few things you need to do before
    releasing it to the world:
Video Creation
   2.1: Channel URL
When setting up your channel, you may have the option to choose the URL name. This can be
    a great way to include keywords our brand name for reputation management purposes.
 2.2: Content
Like link building, having links coming from relevant or themed pages is imperative for any
    good SEO campaign. My advice with any channel you setup would be to include as much
    relevant content as possible which looks natural and user focused.

Because you have defined elements within the video (see point 1) it’s massively important that
   this data matches, or is related, to the content surrounding the video.

    Take a look at the Top Gear YouTube channel (
    This is a great example of a well constructed channel with relevant information, branding,
    and crucially, great keyword placement.
 2.3: Video information
Adding a video header, description, category and keywords to support the channel topic and
    initial information which was added to the video is vital.
Notice the header – this includes the artist’s name and song title
Video Creation

   Now check out these details, the description could be a little longer but perfectly describes the
Video Creation
Video Creation

   3. Promoting the video:
   3.1: Transcript
   If you decide to include the video on your website, generate a transcript! This could
    lead to a great page of content which will help with your SEO efforts.
   3.2: Video sitemap
   If you do decide to include the video on your website, create a video sitemap. Here is
    a great guide written by Google on how these work and how to construct a video
    sitemap, click here.
   Here’s the link from the video:
   3.3: Google places
   If you’re using a video hosting platform like YouTube, don’t forget to add your videos
    to your Google Places listing. This can be another great way to distribute your video
    content to potential customers.
   3.4: Share your videos
   I’ve no doubt that you will have a Twitter or Facebook account – share your videos on
    these platforms – this can be a great way to get information in front of customers and
    link to your channel.
Video Creation

   3. Promoting the video:
   3.1: Transcript
   If you decide to include the video on your website, generate a transcript! This could
    lead to a great page of content which will help with your SEO efforts.
   3.2: Video sitemap
   If you do decide to include the video on your website, create a video sitemap. Here is
    a great guide written by Google on how these work and how to construct a video
    sitemap, click here.
   Here’s the link from the video:
   3.3: Google places
   If you’re using a video hosting platform like YouTube, don’t forget to add your videos
    to your Google Places listing. This can be another great way to distribute your video
    content to potential customers.
   3.4: Share your videos
   I’ve no doubt that you will have a Twitter or Facebook account – share your videos on
    these platforms – this can be a great way to get information in front of customers and
    link to your channel.
Video Creation
   Things to consider:
   Self hosting vs. external hosting
   With videos, you have two main options – you can either host the video on your server or
    host it externally using a video uploading service like YouTube. Personally I would use the
    external hosting option. With this you will get a smart video player and they are easy to
    embed onto a website. The only downside would be potential adverts at the end of the
    video to other related topics and channels. Saying that, there are video sites that have paid
    options which will remove any ads within the video.
   Video platforms
   There are many video hosting services, here are my top recommendations and services to
   Dailymotion
   Metacafe
   Vimeo
   Wistea
   YouTube
   So to summarise, using video for SEO purposes is a great strategy, but like most SEO
    tasks requires time, effort and a little patience.
Web Ring Creation

WebRing is one of the best ways to find great sites. Similar sites are grouped together in
rings and each site is linked to another by a simple navigation bar. Rings form a
concentration of sites, allowing visitors to quickly find what they are looking for. Each ring
is created and maintained by an individual web site owner called the ring Manager. Ring
Manager determines the look and feel of the ring, approve and manage member sites,
and encourage other sites to join. Ring Manager help to develop virtual communities
based on the ring topic. WebRing is free and easy. To find, join, or create a ring, just
follow the links on WebRing Home.

As you use WebRing, please keep in mind that most of the pages you see are not
hosted by WebRing. As a result, WebRing has no control over or access to most of the
pages that are linked together through WebRing.
Web Ring Examples

    Live Example of Web Ring:
Web Ring Examples

    WebRing Site:
Web 2.0 Activities

  Web 2.0 refers to Internet activities, applications, or sites that are
  interactive, shared, or collaborative. If you think about your own ‘net use
  over the course of the past five years, you’ll realize that most of it is Web

  Important Activities:
  1)Hubpages creations
  2)Squidoo Lens creation
  3)Link Wheel Creation
Hubpages Creation
 "Hubpages" a well-known, familiar term & the best website around the
 world for all types of writers both novice to expert. You can access it
 through the link "". It's the place of writing, publishing
 & earning. You can write anything as your wish (except adult materials
 and copied contents). Several affiliate programs are the best reward if you
 are in hubpages. You can make an account by clicking "sigh in" option at
 the upper right corner of this page or click here to sigh up. Hubpages is
 free and best to write, to publish and to earn!!

 Although you can publish articles on almost any topic, there are few things
 you have to remember before publishing any hub. Those rules are:
 You are not allowed spamming or gambling or providing gambling links.
 You can't publish any nudity or explicit content or any links to adult or
 pornographic sites.
 Care about your title because it should be matched to your content. Obviously,
 title must not be descriptive.
 Don't try to publish unfinished hubs or strictly personal hubs.
 Never create or publish copied contents. Hubpages hate copied content.
Squidoo Lens
Squidoo is a community website where people can create pages (lenses)
depending on their choice and interest and increase website traffic to their site.
You can Get Website Traffic on your page. Squidoo was developed in 2005 by
Seth Godin and in just first six months it reached more than 1, 00,000 pages.
Benefits of Squidoo
1. Squidoo lenses get indexed very quickly. It is not uncommon to make a
lense and find it in Google search returns in 48 hours. New websites have been
known to wait MONTHS to feel some Google love!

2. Google LOVES Squidoo. Google places a lot of value in the pages here on
Squidoo. Most lenses will climb to the top of the results for their keywords
(given that the lens is made properly).

3. Squidoo shares revenue from advertisements with it's lensmasters.
(Yes, you can make money from your Squidoo lenses)

4. Uh... It's FREE. Do I have to explain why a free and powerful tool is a
benefit? Didn't think so.

5. Squidoo and Article Marketing go together like peas 'n carrots! The
"Bum" met the "Squid" and they fell in love (and Google adores them both!)
How to create Squidoo Lens?
Basic Steps:
1. Click on "Make a new Lens" on the right hand side. This will then ask what is
your Lens about.
This can be changed later.
2. We suggest leaving the existing selected button for now.
3. Select a unique name. This is the same as a normal web page name and
must be unique to Squidoo. Under the menu select a topic, there is a number of
overall categories, select the best for your Lens. Non-adult Lens will normally
use the G rating. Squidoo is under taking to remove the possiblity to own adult
Lens, please check first.
4. After your Lens name has been accepted. Enter 3 keywords for your Lens,
again you can update this info later.

Live Demo Link:
Link Wheel
Link wheel is a very effective SEO strategy that can be used by anyone to improve the
rankings of their sites. Essentially, a link wheel leverages the power of highly ranked Web
2.0 sites to build targeted backlinks back to your sites.

Link Wheel is a very powerful link building concept because it tries to imitate the natural
internet pattern and search engines always love natural link building. Rather than getting
links from unrelated websites and dubious sources, link wheel tries to get their links from
related niches on the internet. Moreover, link wheels have the ability to multiply your links
count over a period of time.

This works because certain Web 2.0 properties like Hubpages, Squidoo, WordPress and
others allow you to publish your own content on these sites AND allow you to add your
own backlinks to this content as well.

Google loves these sites and often times your posted content can rank very well on their
own. Getting links to your own site from 5-10 of these types of sites is very powerful, and
forms the basis of the link wheel strategy.
How Link Wheel Works?
Link wheels are nothing but a group of websites that are interconnected which try to
improve the ranking of a target website by linking to target website. For example if you
have 50 websites in your link wheel and the website you are targeting is
"", then:
Site 1 links to Site 2 and back to the ""
Site 2 links to Site 3 and back to the ""
Site 3 links to Site 4 and back to the ""
Site 13 links to Site 14 and back to the ""
Site 14 links to Site 1 and back to the ""
Graphical Presentation of Link Wheel:
Link Wheel Sites:
Here is the short list of sites which can be used for creating a link wheel:
Promoting Link Wheel
If you’ve created linkwheel it’s time to promote it so that it’ll help your primary site rank
better on Google and other search engine.

Take RSS feed of every site in your linkwheel and ping it using or

Bookmark your websites in the linkwheel using or
Find wordpress multiuser sites and submit article with links to your one of the site in the

Promote your sites in social networks like Facebook, Orkut, Friendster with help of feeds.
Promote your link wheel sites on relevant forums without spamming (use signature and
forum profiles)
Link from Questions and Answers communities

 Question-Answer portals such as Naver and Yahoo! Answers are quickly
 becoming rich sources of knowledge on many topics which are not well
 served by general web search engines.
Link Baiting

  Developing linkable content, a term I use loosely, for a site has always been a
  great way to develop links. Instead of the typical written content I'm talking about
  anything online that people can link to – tools, widgets, cartoons, surveys,
  statistics, charts, interactive games, etc.

  To attract organic links, we have to provide something worthy of linking to. So
  get cracking on creating that next sweet infographic, viral video, informative
  newsletter, or fantastic blog post!

  Why Link Bait?
  People now generally avoids reading articles, blogs and so many contents
  published on the web. Idea is quite simple we have to attract the community by
  creating some piece of viral content that people will want to link to and share
  across the web, typically through forms of social media.
Link Bait Techniques

  1) Infographics
  2) Videos [Funny, Outside the Box)
  3) Top x Lists
  4) Controversial Topics
  5) Complete Guides and Reports
  6) Interesting Polls and Surveys
  7) Topic Specific Recaps and Roundups
  8) Interviews
  9) Free Tools and Software
  10) Awards
  11) Giveaways, Freebies, and Sweepstakes
  12) First to Discuss
  13) Widgets
  14) First to Cover Breaking News
  15) Inside Look/Previews
eBook Submission

  Write one small ebook on your niche or if you have any then upload to various
  ebook uploading sites.

  You can use these below sites:
Links Through Controversial Topics

Have you ever heard of criticizing a movie, a article, a blog, or a big
celebrity. Well, you will get lots of people with similar interests and
they will love to bitch about these. You can always tell an actual
story of a product that you hate and why is it so that you hate it.

Creating a Controversy is not always a good method, but you will be
amazed to know that many famous blogs are only made on this
topic. Like Perezhilton, Moejackson you can see how funny and
informative these can be. You will surely get a decent traffic and
List Posts
This is the most effective way to create quality backlinks. You can write list articles, for
example, list of best windows7 wallpapers, Photoshop tutorials, Firefox extensions etc.

These are for sure more time consuming in comparison in writing to other articles but
surely paid you with some quality backlinks and loads of traffic.

For live Example:
Getting Links Through Facebook Notes
Facebook notes are like a mini blog platform within Facebook. You can create Facebook
notes which link to your blog posts. You can write complete blog posts or you can write
a teaser in Facebook notes and tell people to go to your blog or website to learn more.

How do I write a new note?
To write a note, please take the following steps: Go to the Home Page. Click "Notes" in
the applications menu on the left side of the page. You may have to...
To write a note, please take the following steps: Go to the Home Page.
Click "Notes" in the applications menu on the left side of the page. You may have to
click "More" to expand the applications menu if you do not immediately see "Notes"
listed. Alternatively, type "Notes" into the search box at the top of the page and follow
the link that appears.
Click the "Write a New Note" button located at the top right side of the page.
Follow the on-screen instructions to write your note. To control who can see your note,
use the drop-down privacy menu near the bottom of the page.
When you're done writing, click "Publish" to generate a story about your note and save
the note in your My Notes section.
Pros & Cons of Facebook Notes
We can get links as well as targeted traffic for the website through it.

We get “nofollow” links in notes

You can explore more here:
Business Listing
Business listing is a powerful way for local business owners to be found on the web.
Listing your business profile, information's, images and other valuable informations
related to any business product.

Whether you are a retail business owner who relies on walk-in traffic or you are a local
business who wants more customers to call you, it is advisable to list your trademark in
both magazines and business directory listing sites. Although, searching in online
business directory is becoming more popular compare to searching in
magazines/information books, but by advertising in both ways, you are insured that you
give the opportunity to all kind of customers to come across your trademark. Thus, it is
advisable to list you trademark in more than one online site, because as a matter of fact
you will have more visitor
Here are few sites which can be used for listing:
 (Directory)
Business Listing Pros & Cons

1. Reach More Nearby Customers
2. More Affordable than Printed Ads
3. Local Directory Listings are On-Target
4. Easily Consolidate Your Local Listing Efforts
5. Extra Features to Boost Sales


1. Time taking
2. Need complete contact details for verification
3. Mostly no Anchor links
Thank you for your attention.

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How backlinks can be increased in google

  • 1. How Can We Increase Backlinks in Google? Presented By: Raghwendra
  • 2. Apart from the Activities given below:  Directories  Articles  Blog  Press Release  Social Bookmarking  Two way and three way link exchange
  • 3. Contents  Topic Overview  Defining Backlinks  Backlinks through Classifieds  Forum Posting  Getting Links through Social Media Profiles  Guest Blogging  Testimonial  Dead or Broken Link Building  Article Exchange  Design Galleries  Video Creation
  • 4. Contents  WebRing Creation  Web 2.0 Activities > Hubpages > Squidoo > Link Wheel  Link Baiting  eBook Submission  Link Through Controversial Topics  List Posts  Facebook Notes  Business Listing  Question & Answer
  • 5. Topic Overview How can we get backlinks for Google except these: Directory Article Blog Social Bookmarking Press Release Two way & Three way link exchange
  • 6. Defining Backlinks  A “Backlink” is an incoming link to a particular website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO), the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page. It creates visibility to the website over the internet.  It can be checked with beneath commands:  Go to, then type link: which shows all “Permanent/Authentic” links which have been long time being live on other websites. Or  “” – to check total no. of links(both Permanent and Temporary links) pointing to the website.
  • 7. Backlinks Through Classifieds:  Free classifieds advertising is one the most powerful tool of online advertising over the internet. You can promote your business at thousands of free classifieds websites. You can sell your old stuff or you can advertise your business free of cost by submitting free classifieds advertisements. Also many peoples are will to buy different items. So classifieds adverting is right place to sell online. 1) Advantages:  You can reach a wider range of people to fill the position you are trying to fill.  By posting jobs in the classifieds you can make your business more known to a greater number of people.  You do not necessarily have to have a website to be able to make these types of job postings.  Provides a valuable backlink to your business website.  You can promote your business at thousands of free classifieds websites.  You can sell your old and used stuff.
  • 8. Backlinks Through Classifieds: 2) Disadvantages: Difficulty in Attracting Customers Salespersons and Customers are Isolated ad will expire quickly The ad will drop lower and lower in the rankings until it is not generating any traffic at all The ads must constantly be replaced. Advertising on one site is not enough to produce great results.
  • 9. Forum Posting Forums are great ways to get traffic, but make sure you are giving helpful advice first. Only use your posts when they are relevant, and don’t spam and get yourself kicked out. Forums can be a great source of traffic and links if you use it correctly. Forum or discussion board is basically a message board which is used to discuss about any topic by posting your message. But one thing should keep in mind, your post should be relevant to category and topic otherwise you could be banned from that forum. Why forum link is effective? You are getting one-way link for free of cost and one way links always bless your keyword with good ranking in SERP (search engine result pages). Forums are always well cached by search engine. You can control your anchor text from your own user control panel. You can use deep links without any issue.
  • 10. Things to Keep in Mind Things to keep in mind while forum posting Always post relevant message and should be useful to other users. Don’t try to add link in your post. Don’t put your signature link from first post even if they are providing it will indicate you as spammer. Don’t put Affiliate referral link in your signature because most of the forum’s admin don’t like it. Always make your real profile on forum and fill the entire required field. Don’t copy and paste from others forum always write your content by your own.
  • 11. Getting Links through Social Media Profiles Have you fully filled out your YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious and every other social media profile you have? Make sure you include links, bio, and a picture. By filling complete info while creating profiles in these sites can provide you one profile link each.
  • 12. Guest Blogging Summary: Is it worth my link building efforts? As I said, one of my favorite methods, this is a must do task – whilst it can take time, these can go a long way in terms of exposing your company and gaining highly trusted backlinks. Link building effectiveness: 8/10 This has to be one of my favorite methods – simply writing a great piece of content around a subject with is either helpful or informative can spread like wildfire – especially if they are published on popular and related websites to you. My advice would be to prove you know your subject well and then approach blogs and news websites and ask (nicely!) if you could provide them a piece of content which links back to you. In simple terms, a guest blog is when you write a blog post and post it on someone else’s blog. Doing this has its advantages like increasing traffic and blog promotion. Personally, the thing I like about guest blogging is that it shows how bloggers nowadays are willing to help each other out. Indeed, no man is an island, even in the blogging world. Remember the blogs you publish as guest posts have to be unique and not published elsewhere.
  • 13. Testimonials Summary: Is it worth my link building efforts? I’m on the fence with this approach but from experience have seen it work thus the reason for the high score. Link building effectiveness: 7/10 Not a widely recognized link building method but it can be very affective. Let’s say a company you work with has delivered on a certain project, obviously you’ll want to let them know about it by sending them some comments. I’d advise that you send a nice paragraph which includes your name, position and link to your website in a HTML format – that way they can easier add it to their website.
  • 14. Dead or Broken Link Building Broken link building is the process of finding your competitors broken pages (404 pages), discovering which sites are pointing to these pages, and then getting the webmasters of the “pointing sites” to link to a relevant page on your site instead of the competitor’s broken page. Simple, right? Run the following search queries on Google: Go to Google and run the following search queries: “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc “keyword” -inurl:pdf -inurl:ppt -inurl:doc For live example you can visit the following link:
  • 15. Article Exchange You’ve heard about link exchange and guest posting, there is a new method called Article Exchange. With article exchange you can get new visitors to your blog. First understand what actually Article Exchange is? What is Article Exchange It is same as link exchange, but the difference is that in link exchange we exchange blog links and here we will exchange articles or posts. How? I’ll tell you! First, write some fresh and original articles that you will submit on other blogs. Now, in that article give 1-2 links to your own quality blog posts under proper keywords. Now, create a list of blogs that comes under the same niche of your blog. Email the authors of those blogs and tell them about the concept of Article Exchange. Also tell them about benefits of article exchange. If they accept your request, you will loose one article from your side and get one article from other side. It means nothing to loose but all to gain Do, this for 5-6 blogs.
  • 16. Design Galleries Summary: Is it worth my link building efforts? This method is very good as many of the design sites accept custom anchor text and the majority of them are very trusted. The down side is there are no guarantees your site will be included in to the gallery. How do I find these types of websites? Do a Google search for ‘design galleries’, ‘website design galleries’ or the above example. Link building effectiveness: 5/10 This is very similar to testimonials in terms of a method which isn’t used much but works well. If you have a very visually pleasing and well designed website, consider submitting it to design galleries such as:     Doing a simple Google search for ‘css design galleries’ will expose you to many more sites like the above.
  • 18. Video Creation Summary: Is it worth my link building efforts? Whilst the effort to create engaging videos is high, I would say from an SEO and conversion point of view, they are really effective. How do I find these types of websites? Do a Google search for ‘video websites’. Link building effectiveness: 8/10 As yourself this – when was the last time you sat and read a full page of web copy? 99% of the time the answer to this is “probably never” – using video is a method which is interactive and can host these on YouTube, Vimeo, Blip and so on. With this in mind, if the video is helpful, informative or gives free information, these can be embedded on other websites with links back to your own site. Video has become a major part of our online lives, from watching music videos to past sporting events – nearly every topic imaginable can be watched! Now, video is becoming an ever increasing must have for any website and can be used as a SEO strategy. Simply uploading a video to YouTube and crossing your fingers for it to rank well in Google is a familiar story and unfortunately won’t work (unless you are targeting an ultra long tail key phrase).
  • 19. Video Creation  Below I have created a 3 step approach to video SEO and the things you must be doing.  1. Creating the video:  Once the video has been created there are several things you need to do before it can go online.  1.1: Video filename  Firstly, you need to make sure you save the file with a friendly filename. Let’s say we have created a video about ‘video SEO’, an appropriate filename for this would be video-seo.wmv  1.2: Define the video  Next, you can give your video further details. Simple, right click on the video file and select properties, once the window has appeared click on details:
  • 21. Video Creation  Now you have this panel open, you fill out the following fields:  Title  Tags  Comments:  Year  Publisher  Author URL  Copyright  There are many other fields to fill out but I would say the above is the minimum. These work on a similar level to META tags – you define a file with relevant information.  1.3: Filesize  Now you have all of the above defined, I would advise that you try and reduce the file size of the video for uploading and buffering reasons. Remember speed matters from a search and usability point-of-view.  2. Launching the video:  Now your video file is ready to upload, there are a few things you need to do before releasing it to the world:
  • 22. Video Creation  2.1: Channel URL When setting up your channel, you may have the option to choose the URL name. This can be a great way to include keywords our brand name for reputation management purposes.  2.2: Content Like link building, having links coming from relevant or themed pages is imperative for any good SEO campaign. My advice with any channel you setup would be to include as much relevant content as possible which looks natural and user focused. Because you have defined elements within the video (see point 1) it’s massively important that this data matches, or is related, to the content surrounding the video. Take a look at the Top Gear YouTube channel ( This is a great example of a well constructed channel with relevant information, branding, and crucially, great keyword placement.  2.3: Video information Adding a video header, description, category and keywords to support the channel topic and initial information which was added to the video is vital. Notice the header – this includes the artist’s name and song title
  • 23. Video Creation  Now check out these details, the description could be a little longer but perfectly describes the video.
  • 25. Video Creation  3. Promoting the video:  3.1: Transcript  If you decide to include the video on your website, generate a transcript! This could lead to a great page of content which will help with your SEO efforts.  3.2: Video sitemap  If you do decide to include the video on your website, create a video sitemap. Here is a great guide written by Google on how these work and how to construct a video sitemap, click here.  Here’s the link from the video:  3.3: Google places  If you’re using a video hosting platform like YouTube, don’t forget to add your videos to your Google Places listing. This can be another great way to distribute your video content to potential customers.  3.4: Share your videos  I’ve no doubt that you will have a Twitter or Facebook account – share your videos on these platforms – this can be a great way to get information in front of customers and link to your channel.
  • 26. Video Creation  3. Promoting the video:  3.1: Transcript  If you decide to include the video on your website, generate a transcript! This could lead to a great page of content which will help with your SEO efforts.  3.2: Video sitemap  If you do decide to include the video on your website, create a video sitemap. Here is a great guide written by Google on how these work and how to construct a video sitemap, click here.  Here’s the link from the video:  3.3: Google places  If you’re using a video hosting platform like YouTube, don’t forget to add your videos to your Google Places listing. This can be another great way to distribute your video content to potential customers.  3.4: Share your videos  I’ve no doubt that you will have a Twitter or Facebook account – share your videos on these platforms – this can be a great way to get information in front of customers and link to your channel.
  • 27. Video Creation  Things to consider:  Self hosting vs. external hosting  With videos, you have two main options – you can either host the video on your server or host it externally using a video uploading service like YouTube. Personally I would use the external hosting option. With this you will get a smart video player and they are easy to embed onto a website. The only downside would be potential adverts at the end of the video to other related topics and channels. Saying that, there are video sites that have paid options which will remove any ads within the video.  Video platforms  There are many video hosting services, here are my top recommendations and services to use:   Dailymotion  Metacafe  Vimeo  Wistea  YouTube  So to summarise, using video for SEO purposes is a great strategy, but like most SEO tasks requires time, effort and a little patience.
  • 28. Web Ring Creation WebRing is one of the best ways to find great sites. Similar sites are grouped together in rings and each site is linked to another by a simple navigation bar. Rings form a concentration of sites, allowing visitors to quickly find what they are looking for. Each ring is created and maintained by an individual web site owner called the ring Manager. Ring Manager determines the look and feel of the ring, approve and manage member sites, and encourage other sites to join. Ring Manager help to develop virtual communities based on the ring topic. WebRing is free and easy. To find, join, or create a ring, just follow the links on WebRing Home. As you use WebRing, please keep in mind that most of the pages you see are not hosted by WebRing. As a result, WebRing has no control over or access to most of the pages that are linked together through WebRing. FAQs.
  • 29. Web Ring Examples Live Example of Web Ring:
  • 30. Web Ring Examples WebRing Site:
  • 31. Web 2.0 Activities Web 2.0 refers to Internet activities, applications, or sites that are interactive, shared, or collaborative. If you think about your own ‘net use over the course of the past five years, you’ll realize that most of it is Web 2.0. Important Activities: 1)Hubpages creations 2)Squidoo Lens creation 3)Link Wheel Creation
  • 32. Hubpages Creation "Hubpages" a well-known, familiar term & the best website around the world for all types of writers both novice to expert. You can access it through the link "". It's the place of writing, publishing & earning. You can write anything as your wish (except adult materials and copied contents). Several affiliate programs are the best reward if you are in hubpages. You can make an account by clicking "sigh in" option at the upper right corner of this page or click here to sigh up. Hubpages is free and best to write, to publish and to earn!! Limitations: Although you can publish articles on almost any topic, there are few things you have to remember before publishing any hub. Those rules are: You are not allowed spamming or gambling or providing gambling links. You can't publish any nudity or explicit content or any links to adult or pornographic sites. Care about your title because it should be matched to your content. Obviously, title must not be descriptive. Don't try to publish unfinished hubs or strictly personal hubs. Never create or publish copied contents. Hubpages hate copied content.
  • 33. Squidoo Lens Squidoo is a community website where people can create pages (lenses) depending on their choice and interest and increase website traffic to their site. You can Get Website Traffic on your page. Squidoo was developed in 2005 by Seth Godin and in just first six months it reached more than 1, 00,000 pages.
  • 34. Benefits of Squidoo 1. Squidoo lenses get indexed very quickly. It is not uncommon to make a lense and find it in Google search returns in 48 hours. New websites have been known to wait MONTHS to feel some Google love! 2. Google LOVES Squidoo. Google places a lot of value in the pages here on Squidoo. Most lenses will climb to the top of the results for their keywords (given that the lens is made properly). 3. Squidoo shares revenue from advertisements with it's lensmasters. (Yes, you can make money from your Squidoo lenses) 4. Uh... It's FREE. Do I have to explain why a free and powerful tool is a benefit? Didn't think so. 5. Squidoo and Article Marketing go together like peas 'n carrots! The "Bum" met the "Squid" and they fell in love (and Google adores them both!)
  • 35. How to create Squidoo Lens? Basic Steps: 1. Click on "Make a new Lens" on the right hand side. This will then ask what is your Lens about. This can be changed later. 2. We suggest leaving the existing selected button for now. 3. Select a unique name. This is the same as a normal web page name and must be unique to Squidoo. Under the menu select a topic, there is a number of overall categories, select the best for your Lens. Non-adult Lens will normally use the G rating. Squidoo is under taking to remove the possiblity to own adult Lens, please check first. 4. After your Lens name has been accepted. Enter 3 keywords for your Lens, again you can update this info later. Live Demo Link:
  • 36. Link Wheel Link wheel is a very effective SEO strategy that can be used by anyone to improve the rankings of their sites. Essentially, a link wheel leverages the power of highly ranked Web 2.0 sites to build targeted backlinks back to your sites. Link Wheel is a very powerful link building concept because it tries to imitate the natural internet pattern and search engines always love natural link building. Rather than getting links from unrelated websites and dubious sources, link wheel tries to get their links from related niches on the internet. Moreover, link wheels have the ability to multiply your links count over a period of time. This works because certain Web 2.0 properties like Hubpages, Squidoo, WordPress and others allow you to publish your own content on these sites AND allow you to add your own backlinks to this content as well. Google loves these sites and often times your posted content can rank very well on their own. Getting links to your own site from 5-10 of these types of sites is very powerful, and forms the basis of the link wheel strategy.
  • 37. How Link Wheel Works? Link wheels are nothing but a group of websites that are interconnected which try to improve the ranking of a target website by linking to target website. For example if you have 50 websites in your link wheel and the website you are targeting is "", then: Site 1 links to Site 2 and back to the "" Site 2 links to Site 3 and back to the "" Site 3 links to Site 4 and back to the "" ... Site 13 links to Site 14 and back to the "" Site 14 links to Site 1 and back to the "" Graphical Presentation of Link Wheel:
  • 38. Link Wheel Sites: Here is the short list of sites which can be used for creating a link wheel:
  • 39. Promoting Link Wheel If you’ve created linkwheel it’s time to promote it so that it’ll help your primary site rank better on Google and other search engine. Take RSS feed of every site in your linkwheel and ping it using or Bookmark your websites in the linkwheel using or Find wordpress multiuser sites and submit article with links to your one of the site in the linkwheel Promote your sites in social networks like Facebook, Orkut, Friendster with help of feeds. Promote your link wheel sites on relevant forums without spamming (use signature and forum profiles)
  • 40. Link from Questions and Answers communities Question-Answer portals such as Naver and Yahoo! Answers are quickly becoming rich sources of knowledge on many topics which are not well served by general web search engines.
  • 41. Link Baiting Developing linkable content, a term I use loosely, for a site has always been a great way to develop links. Instead of the typical written content I'm talking about anything online that people can link to – tools, widgets, cartoons, surveys, statistics, charts, interactive games, etc. To attract organic links, we have to provide something worthy of linking to. So get cracking on creating that next sweet infographic, viral video, informative newsletter, or fantastic blog post! Why Link Bait? People now generally avoids reading articles, blogs and so many contents published on the web. Idea is quite simple we have to attract the community by creating some piece of viral content that people will want to link to and share across the web, typically through forms of social media.
  • 42. Link Bait Techniques 1) Infographics 2) Videos [Funny, Outside the Box) 3) Top x Lists 4) Controversial Topics 5) Complete Guides and Reports 6) Interesting Polls and Surveys 7) Topic Specific Recaps and Roundups 8) Interviews 9) Free Tools and Software 10) Awards 11) Giveaways, Freebies, and Sweepstakes 12) First to Discuss 13) Widgets 14) First to Cover Breaking News 15) Inside Look/Previews
  • 43. eBook Submission Write one small ebook on your niche or if you have any then upload to various ebook uploading sites. You can use these below sites:
  • 44. Links Through Controversial Topics Have you ever heard of criticizing a movie, a article, a blog, or a big celebrity. Well, you will get lots of people with similar interests and they will love to bitch about these. You can always tell an actual story of a product that you hate and why is it so that you hate it. Creating a Controversy is not always a good method, but you will be amazed to know that many famous blogs are only made on this topic. Like Perezhilton, Moejackson you can see how funny and informative these can be. You will surely get a decent traffic and backlinks.
  • 45. List Posts This is the most effective way to create quality backlinks. You can write list articles, for example, list of best windows7 wallpapers, Photoshop tutorials, Firefox extensions etc. These are for sure more time consuming in comparison in writing to other articles but surely paid you with some quality backlinks and loads of traffic. For live Example:
  • 46. Getting Links Through Facebook Notes Facebook notes are like a mini blog platform within Facebook. You can create Facebook notes which link to your blog posts. You can write complete blog posts or you can write a teaser in Facebook notes and tell people to go to your blog or website to learn more. How do I write a new note? To write a note, please take the following steps: Go to the Home Page. Click "Notes" in the applications menu on the left side of the page. You may have to... To write a note, please take the following steps: Go to the Home Page. Click "Notes" in the applications menu on the left side of the page. You may have to click "More" to expand the applications menu if you do not immediately see "Notes" listed. Alternatively, type "Notes" into the search box at the top of the page and follow the link that appears. Click the "Write a New Note" button located at the top right side of the page. Follow the on-screen instructions to write your note. To control who can see your note, use the drop-down privacy menu near the bottom of the page. When you're done writing, click "Publish" to generate a story about your note and save the note in your My Notes section.
  • 47. Pros & Cons of Facebook Notes Pros: We can get links as well as targeted traffic for the website through it. Cons: We get “nofollow” links in notes You can explore more here:
  • 48. Business Listing Business listing is a powerful way for local business owners to be found on the web. Listing your business profile, information's, images and other valuable informations related to any business product. Whether you are a retail business owner who relies on walk-in traffic or you are a local business who wants more customers to call you, it is advisable to list your trademark in both magazines and business directory listing sites. Although, searching in online business directory is becoming more popular compare to searching in magazines/information books, but by advertising in both ways, you are insured that you give the opportunity to all kind of customers to come across your trademark. Thus, it is advisable to list you trademark in more than one online site, because as a matter of fact you will have more visitor Here are few sites which can be used for listing:       (Directory)
  • 49. Business Listing Pros & Cons Pros: 1. Reach More Nearby Customers 2. More Affordable than Printed Ads 3. Local Directory Listings are On-Target 4. Easily Consolidate Your Local Listing Efforts 5. Extra Features to Boost Sales Cons: 1. Time taking 2. Need complete contact details for verification 3. Mostly no Anchor links
  • 50. Thank you for your attention.