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research findings
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visual image and copy line
evaluation of test site
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An Arsy-Varsy way of doing things is doing things completely backward.
That is what we do at Arsy-Varsy advertising agency. We look to solve problems from all angles, we do not
follow a set procedure when it comes to our creative concept, we let our ideas take our clients,
and us, to solutions that are always unique.
Our team is made up of a select group of both strategists and creatives whom work together to
ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.
Homepage for the Homeless is an
online shopping portal that works in raising funds
for the youth homelessness charity, Ladder.
Online consumers are able to access a range
of stores through the portal with up to 15% of
their total spend going straight to Ladder, with no
extra cost to them. With only one extra click,
consumers are able to help tackle the issue of
youth homeless across Australia.
Homepage for the Homeless however is not
reaching its full potential. It is the main source
of funds for Ladder and therefore it is vital that
something is done. Low public awareness and
a lack of a traditional advertising are hindering
Ladders potential funds.
With an estimated 700,000 nonprofit
organizations in Australia (WARC, 2005), which
for the most part are small and dependent on
volunteer work, this creates a highly saturated
market category to be in, and therefore requires
a campaign that will make it stand out amongst
the noise.
According to the study ‘Giving Australia:
Research on Philanthropy in Australia’,
there are approximately 700,000 nonprofit
organizations in Australia. It also found that
Australians are very generous when
giving to charity, with charities receiving an
estimated $11billion from businesses and
individuals in 12 months, being $7.7billion
from individuals, and $3.3billion from
Statistics on social media usage in
Australia (Social Media News, 2013) show
that 12,800,000 people in Australia use
Facebook, 12,000,000 use YouTube and
1,600,000 Australians use Instagram.
Homepage for the Homeless falls into
the category of ‘community and welfare
service’, which receives one in eight of all
dollars donated by adult Australians.
This study found that within households
and individuals, 13.4million Australians
aged 18 and older have $5.7billion over
a year, meaning they gave an average of
$424 each, and a median of $100 each.
It was also found that 89.5% of women
donate, while 84.1% of men gave
donations. Though men were found to
give more, just less often.
This study also found an increased level
of professionalism from social networking,
with more Australians creating personal
and business related blogs. With 65% of
online Australians using social networks,
and 45% logging on daily.
The objectives of this campaign are based on our target market
1. To generate awareness of Homepage for the Homeless
amongst 75% of our target market by the end of our campaign.
2. To convince 50% of our target market by the end of our
campaign to set Homepage for the Homeless as their browser
3. To motivate 40% of our target audience to shop through
Homepage for the Homeless portal the next time they make a
target audience
The core target audience for ‘Be The Key’ is students, primarily at RMIT University. As we have no
budget to work with, we feel that we have best access to recourses that will effectively reach this target
audience. This audience was also selected on a key insight that 18-34 year olds make up roughly one
third of the total online audience (Nielson, 2012). As students do not have much in the way of disposable
income this is the perfect charity for them, as it incurs no additional costs to whatever they are already
spending online. This demographic also tends to be socially conscious, and will be able to empathize
with the cause due to the relative age of those Ladder are helping.
Through this campaign we aim to connect with those who are high users of social media, primarily
Instagram, and frequent online shoppers, so as to utilize existing habits. By use of an interactive element
in social media, we aim to create an online word of mouth, spreading through their online contacts and
Our other target audience is broader still. It is simply those who go to Australia Post to retrieve their
packages and mail. Again we are utilizing existing behaviours, as a high percentage of the packages
that go through Australia Post are online shopping deliveries. We therefore intend simply to inform these
pre-existing shoppers to go through the Homepage for the Homeless portal next time they shop online,
and which online stores that applies to.
Morgan Peters in a 20-year-old Communications student at RMIT, doing his first year after
transferring from Melbourne University. Morgan lives in Footscray with two other housemates of
approximately the same age. Due to living out of home he has a part time job, and not a great
deal of disposable income. But when he does spend he likes to spend on himself. He spends
much of his time socializing with friends, and it an active user of Facebook and Instagram to
keep track of friends and family, and regularly posts on both forums. Morgan is very into his
music, and makes regular purchases on iTunes, and buys clothes through The Iconic. He loves
to help out in the community when he can, but struggles to find time or the means to do so.
target audience
I am not aware of the existence of
Homepage for the Homeless.
I feel that I do not have the means
to do so.
I do not donate nor do I shop
through the online portal.
The next time I shop online, I will
shop through Homepage for the
Homeless portal.
I feel that now I have the means to
do so, at no extra cost to me.
I will set Homepage for the Homless
as their homepage and eventually
shop from there.
what does our target
audience think now?
By simply changing my homepage to Homepage for the Homeless, I can continue to
shop through the portal and do my part to help fight youth homelessness,
at no extra cost to me.
big idea
The theme of the campaign is -
"Be The Key"
This message will echo in the following form:
•	 It itself is a call to action.
•	 It positions an act of helping one another is as simple as opening a door.
•	 It focuses that every one have the ability to help make a difference.
•	 It allows a certain realisation of leadership - a place which empowers our target audience to take charge.
•	 It is a great catch phrase for other promotional means.
rmit open day
We will be conducting our first phrase of executions
during RMIT Open Day, on 10 August 2014. In 2013,
RMIT Open Day had an attendance of 40,000 people
across all 3 campuses (, 2014). Therefore,
by putting up posters and distributing flyers during the
open day, it is an ideal platform for us to maximize
awareness for Homepage for the Homeless within our
target audience. Posters will be positioned at highly
visible locations such as stairwells and doorways to
further increase exposure. Flyers will also be distributed
to the attendees to increase awareness.
tv hijack
At RMIT, we also intend to use the existing Homepage
for the Homeless YouTube video and play it on the
TV screens that are situated in common study areas
around the university. As students, we know that when
studying, we are more likely to be seeking for a way
to procrastinate, and what better way to procrastinate
than by online shopping. By ‘hijacking’ these screens,
students are exposed to information about the charity,
how to use the page and where they can shop.
In order to comply with our objectives, we will
launch a campaign with the theme - ‘Be the
Key’. The campaign will last for a week and
will be carried out in 4 executions.
i spy with
my eyes
This execution is somewhat of a ‘scavenger hunt’,
which is an interactive game that will be held in
the RMIT campus. We will encourage students to
participate in the game in which we will leave flyers
(or clues) that will motivate the student to find the
posters that have been put up. Upon finding it,
they are to take a selfie with it and share it on
Instagram with the hashtag #HFTH. In return, they
will be reward with a gift! University students have
on average 150-300 followers, making Instagram
an excellent platform for reach.
We have identified Australia Post as an ideal partner
to work with for this part of the campaign. Australia
Post is where people usually go to collect their online
purchases. With this in mind, we intend to utilize this
partnership by handing out flyers to their customers
who are picking up their parcels. This is to raise
awareness for Homepage for the Homeless, and
to motivate these people to change their consumer
image & copy line
visual image
Visually, we wanted our executions to resemble the Homepage for the Homeless website,
by using a similar colour scheme of grey. As grey is not a stand out colour, we emphasized
key points in our visuals with red font to stand out. We have also chosen to highlight the
keyhole shape and the image of keys. As ‘Be The Key’ is all about a call to action and
interactivity, we also chose to use images of hands across our two flyers and poster.
The copy used for our scavenger hunt pieces is about home and finding home, a direct
link to the cause. We also chose a consistent hash-tag “#HTFT”. The rest of the copy is
information about what the page does and how to use it. All kept simple and succinct, so
as to reflect the simplicity of using Homepage for the Homeless.
and copy lines
Flyer given out during RMIT Open Day and at Australia Post
Flyer for ‘I Spy with My Eyes’
A3 poster placed around building 9
1: RMIT Open Day
During the RMIT Open Day, we put
up 10 posters around building 9 and
handed out about 200 flyers to the
attendees. The posters were situated
in high traffic areas such as stairwells
and doorways to maximize exposure.
They were also left there in the following
week. The flyers were mainly given out
around building 9 and the courtyard.
2: TV Hijack
In the following week (12 August 2014),
we hijacked the TVs in the common
study area in RMIT building 9 with the
Homepage for the Homeless video. This
caught the attention of many students,
as the TVs are usually off. Most of them
had their laptops with them, so the video
had encourage them to check out the
Homepage for the Homeless website.
3: I Spy with My Eyes
On 13 August 2014, we carried out
the ‘scavenger hunt’ activity in RMIT
building 9. 60 flyers with ‘Help me
find my home’ were scattered around
tables in the common study area.
This prompted students to pick
it up to take a closer look at it.
23 students searched for the posters
that were put up, took a selfie with
it, and shared it on Instagram. They
were all rewarded with chocolates.
4: Australia Post
During the week (12 August 2014), we
also visited the Australia Post office
situated in Melbourne GPO to hand out
flyers to people who were collecting
their parcels from the post office. We
handed out 100 flyers, during which
we engaged in a conversation about
Homepage for the Homeless with
them. The flyers were also served as
a reminder for them to check out the
Homepage for the Homeless website
when they are able to access a laptop.
evaluation of test site
The idea of raising awareness for Homepage for the Homeless at the RMIT Open Day
and throughout the following week was ultimately extremely successful. Whilst exact
figures regarding direct sales on the Homepage for the Homeless portal cannot be
recorded, exposure can be loosely recorded.
1: RMIT Open Day
RMIT open day across all 3 campuses in
2013 had an attendance of 40,000 people
(, 2014). It can therefore be
estimated, that being the largest of the 3
campuses, the city campus received an
attendance of approximately 20,000 people.
Specifically in building 9 where the posters
and flyers were distributed, it can be
estimated that there was an exposure to
around 2000 people. By positioning the
posters in high visibility locations such as
stairwells and doorways, exposure was
further increased.
2: TV Hijack
Hijacking of the TVs in the common study
area was also a success as it caught the
attention of the students there. In a quiet
room where everyone is usually doing their
own things, playing the video abruptly had
caught them off guard and this intrigued them
to watch the full video. With that, they are
now aware of Homepage for the Homeless
and the next time they shop online, they will
remember to use the portal.
3: I Spy with My Eyes
The interactive concept of the ‘scavenger
hunt’ further boosts the success of this
campaign. By enabling potential consumers
with the option to share Homepage for the
Homeless via their social networking sites, not
only was the exposure further increased but it
also empowered these consumers into feeling
as though they were making a difference.
4: Australia Post
The concept of handing out flyers in the
busiest Australia Post outlet in Melbourne was
also extremely successful. By primarily
selecting consumers based on if they were
picking up packages and online purchases,
ensured the correct audience was being
selected. This location leveraged the idea of
Homepage for the Homeless, in which
consumers can selfishly purchase goods
online, whilst still helping tackling the issue of
youth homelessness, with no effect on their
own finances.
Create Minutes
Exploring creative options. Three ideas
minimum per person. Plus ideas for expansion.
Create WIP
Target Audience Research
Finalise SMP
Finalise 3 creative ideas
Pitch 3 creative ideas to representatives
Adjust chosen execution
Prepare for execution
Design Posters & Flyers
Print Posters & Flyers
RMIT Open Day Execution
RMIT Online Execution
Australia Post Execution
Campaign Report
Case Study Video
Prepare Team Pitch
Team Pitch
28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
We focused our campaign around RMIT Open Day, RMIT building 9 and Australia post
during the week from 10 August to 13 August 2014. The whole campaign required a zero budget.
further ideas
If we did have a budget, we would expand our social media campaign across
Facebook and Twitter, alongside our existing Instagram campaign, to boost ‘likes’ and
‘followers’ to create an initial boost for the campaign. As an online campaign, it would also be
worth purchasing ‘Google AdWords’, particularly in association with the pages existing retailers.
A major component of campaign is the partnership with Australia Post. As Australia Post is
already one of GPY&R’s current client, GPY&R can then leverage on their existing
relationship with Australia Post to get them to partner up with Homepage for the Homeless to
generate awareness. Additionally, Australia Post is a company that strives to contribute to the
community; therefore we believe that this partnership is ideal. Elements for the partnership can
include Homepage for the Homeless flyers placed at the post office counters, informative flyers
to be given out with each parcel collected and other informative posters inside the post offices.
Lack of awareness is the main problem for Homepage for the Homeless. Therefore, by using a
weeklong campaign aimed at university students and the general public repeatedly, awareness for
the portal was raised.
This was raised through the handing out of 100 flyers at Australia Post to people picking up packages
and mail. This will ideally translate to these people using the Homepage for the Homeless portal next
time they online shop.
Awareness was also raised by handing out 160 flyers at RMIT over the Open Day and the week
following. This translated into 23 people engaging in the ‘Scavenger Hunt’ and posting on Instagram
with the Homepage for the Homeless hashtag #HFTH. With each of these Instagram users having
between 150-300 followers, this creates an exposure of up to 6,900 Instagram users.
Through the playing of the Homepage for the Homeless YouTube clip in the common study area,
approximately 50 students were exposed, ideally translating to use of the page.
At Arsy-Varsy we aim for this campaign to educate and directly raise
awareness of Homepage for the Homeless to online shoppers and university
students. ‘Be The Key’ is designed in a way that doesn’t only target university
students’ aged 18-25, but is diverse enough to appeal to the broader online
shopping community. The line ‘Be The Key’ in itself is a call to action. With
the use of social media, it is also highly shareable, with the website address
across all executions. Therefore reinforcing direct awareness. Throughout
our campaign we have strived to balance the seriousness of the cause,
with the positive effects that using Homepage for the Homeless has. Our
campaign provides an interactive way to connect with Homepage for the
Homeless, while reinforcing the simplicity of using the portal.
Case study video:

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Hompage for the homless Report - ARSY VARSY

  • 1. Calista Goh . Ella Shepley. Mika Parow. Tan Yuling. Yoonsu Kim
  • 3. agency introduction problem research findings objective target audience SMP BIG IDEA visual image and copy line implementation evaluation of test site media timeline and further ideas results salutation links 1 2 3-4 5 6-8 9 10-13 14-18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  • 4. An Arsy-Varsy way of doing things is doing things completely backward. That is what we do at Arsy-Varsy advertising agency. We look to solve problems from all angles, we do not follow a set procedure when it comes to our creative concept, we let our ideas take our clients, and us, to solutions that are always unique. Our team is made up of a select group of both strategists and creatives whom work together to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients. 1
  • 5. the problem Homepage for the Homeless is an online shopping portal that works in raising funds for the youth homelessness charity, Ladder. Online consumers are able to access a range of stores through the portal with up to 15% of their total spend going straight to Ladder, with no extra cost to them. With only one extra click, consumers are able to help tackle the issue of youth homeless across Australia. Homepage for the Homeless however is not reaching its full potential. It is the main source of funds for Ladder and therefore it is vital that something is done. Low public awareness and a lack of a traditional advertising are hindering Ladders potential funds. With an estimated 700,000 nonprofit organizations in Australia (WARC, 2005), which for the most part are small and dependent on volunteer work, this creates a highly saturated market category to be in, and therefore requires a campaign that will make it stand out amongst the noise. 2
  • 7. According to the study ‘Giving Australia: Research on Philanthropy in Australia’, there are approximately 700,000 nonprofit organizations in Australia. It also found that Australians are very generous when giving to charity, with charities receiving an estimated $11billion from businesses and individuals in 12 months, being $7.7billion from individuals, and $3.3billion from businesses. Statistics on social media usage in Australia (Social Media News, 2013) show that 12,800,000 people in Australia use Facebook, 12,000,000 use YouTube and 1,600,000 Australians use Instagram. Homepage for the Homeless falls into the category of ‘community and welfare service’, which receives one in eight of all dollars donated by adult Australians. This study found that within households and individuals, 13.4million Australians aged 18 and older have $5.7billion over a year, meaning they gave an average of $424 each, and a median of $100 each. It was also found that 89.5% of women donate, while 84.1% of men gave donations. Though men were found to give more, just less often. This study also found an increased level of professionalism from social networking, with more Australians creating personal and business related blogs. With 65% of online Australians using social networks, and 45% logging on daily. 4
  • 8. The objectives of this campaign are based on our target market group: 1. To generate awareness of Homepage for the Homeless amongst 75% of our target market by the end of our campaign. 2. To convince 50% of our target market by the end of our campaign to set Homepage for the Homeless as their browser homepage. 3. To motivate 40% of our target audience to shop through Homepage for the Homeless portal the next time they make a purchase. 5 objectives
  • 9. target audience The core target audience for ‘Be The Key’ is students, primarily at RMIT University. As we have no budget to work with, we feel that we have best access to recourses that will effectively reach this target audience. This audience was also selected on a key insight that 18-34 year olds make up roughly one third of the total online audience (Nielson, 2012). As students do not have much in the way of disposable income this is the perfect charity for them, as it incurs no additional costs to whatever they are already spending online. This demographic also tends to be socially conscious, and will be able to empathize with the cause due to the relative age of those Ladder are helping. Through this campaign we aim to connect with those who are high users of social media, primarily Instagram, and frequent online shoppers, so as to utilize existing habits. By use of an interactive element in social media, we aim to create an online word of mouth, spreading through their online contacts and beyond. Our other target audience is broader still. It is simply those who go to Australia Post to retrieve their packages and mail. Again we are utilizing existing behaviours, as a high percentage of the packages that go through Australia Post are online shopping deliveries. We therefore intend simply to inform these pre-existing shoppers to go through the Homepage for the Homeless portal next time they shop online, and which online stores that applies to. 6
  • 10. Morgan Peters in a 20-year-old Communications student at RMIT, doing his first year after transferring from Melbourne University. Morgan lives in Footscray with two other housemates of approximately the same age. Due to living out of home he has a part time job, and not a great deal of disposable income. But when he does spend he likes to spend on himself. He spends much of his time socializing with friends, and it an active user of Facebook and Instagram to keep track of friends and family, and regularly posts on both forums. Morgan is very into his music, and makes regular purchases on iTunes, and buys clothes through The Iconic. He loves to help out in the community when he can, but struggles to find time or the means to do so. target audience profile 7
  • 11. NOW FUTURE THINK FEEL DO I am not aware of the existence of Homepage for the Homeless. I feel that I do not have the means to do so. I do not donate nor do I shop through the online portal. The next time I shop online, I will shop through Homepage for the Homeless portal. I feel that now I have the means to do so, at no extra cost to me. I will set Homepage for the Homless as their homepage and eventually shop from there. 8 what does our target audience think now?
  • 12. By simply changing my homepage to Homepage for the Homeless, I can continue to shop through the portal and do my part to help fight youth homelessness, at no extra cost to me. 9 SMP
  • 14. 11 The theme of the campaign is - "Be The Key" This message will echo in the following form: • It itself is a call to action. • It positions an act of helping one another is as simple as opening a door. • It focuses that every one have the ability to help make a difference. • It allows a certain realisation of leadership - a place which empowers our target audience to take charge. • It is a great catch phrase for other promotional means.
  • 15. 12 rmit open day We will be conducting our first phrase of executions during RMIT Open Day, on 10 August 2014. In 2013, RMIT Open Day had an attendance of 40,000 people across all 3 campuses (, 2014). Therefore, by putting up posters and distributing flyers during the open day, it is an ideal platform for us to maximize awareness for Homepage for the Homeless within our target audience. Posters will be positioned at highly visible locations such as stairwells and doorways to further increase exposure. Flyers will also be distributed to the attendees to increase awareness. tv hijack At RMIT, we also intend to use the existing Homepage for the Homeless YouTube video and play it on the TV screens that are situated in common study areas around the university. As students, we know that when studying, we are more likely to be seeking for a way to procrastinate, and what better way to procrastinate than by online shopping. By ‘hijacking’ these screens, students are exposed to information about the charity, how to use the page and where they can shop. In order to comply with our objectives, we will launch a campaign with the theme - ‘Be the Key’. The campaign will last for a week and will be carried out in 4 executions.
  • 16. 13 i spy with my eyes This execution is somewhat of a ‘scavenger hunt’, which is an interactive game that will be held in the RMIT campus. We will encourage students to participate in the game in which we will leave flyers (or clues) that will motivate the student to find the posters that have been put up. Upon finding it, they are to take a selfie with it and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #HFTH. In return, they will be reward with a gift! University students have on average 150-300 followers, making Instagram an excellent platform for reach. australia post We have identified Australia Post as an ideal partner to work with for this part of the campaign. Australia Post is where people usually go to collect their online purchases. With this in mind, we intend to utilize this partnership by handing out flyers to their customers who are picking up their parcels. This is to raise awareness for Homepage for the Homeless, and to motivate these people to change their consumer behaviortousetheportalthenexttimetheyshoponline.
  • 18. 15 visual image Visually, we wanted our executions to resemble the Homepage for the Homeless website, by using a similar colour scheme of grey. As grey is not a stand out colour, we emphasized key points in our visuals with red font to stand out. We have also chosen to highlight the keyhole shape and the image of keys. As ‘Be The Key’ is all about a call to action and interactivity, we also chose to use images of hands across our two flyers and poster. The copy used for our scavenger hunt pieces is about home and finding home, a direct link to the cause. We also chose a consistent hash-tag “#HTFT”. The rest of the copy is information about what the page does and how to use it. All kept simple and succinct, so as to reflect the simplicity of using Homepage for the Homeless. and copy lines
  • 19. 16 Flyer given out during RMIT Open Day and at Australia Post
  • 20. 17 Flyer for ‘I Spy with My Eyes’
  • 21. 18 A3 poster placed around building 9
  • 22. 19 implementation 1: RMIT Open Day During the RMIT Open Day, we put up 10 posters around building 9 and handed out about 200 flyers to the attendees. The posters were situated in high traffic areas such as stairwells and doorways to maximize exposure. They were also left there in the following week. The flyers were mainly given out around building 9 and the courtyard. 2: TV Hijack In the following week (12 August 2014), we hijacked the TVs in the common study area in RMIT building 9 with the Homepage for the Homeless video. This caught the attention of many students, as the TVs are usually off. Most of them had their laptops with them, so the video had encourage them to check out the Homepage for the Homeless website. 3: I Spy with My Eyes On 13 August 2014, we carried out the ‘scavenger hunt’ activity in RMIT building 9. 60 flyers with ‘Help me find my home’ were scattered around tables in the common study area. This prompted students to pick it up to take a closer look at it. 23 students searched for the posters that were put up, took a selfie with it, and shared it on Instagram. They were all rewarded with chocolates. 4: Australia Post During the week (12 August 2014), we also visited the Australia Post office situated in Melbourne GPO to hand out flyers to people who were collecting their parcels from the post office. We handed out 100 flyers, during which we engaged in a conversation about Homepage for the Homeless with them. The flyers were also served as a reminder for them to check out the Homepage for the Homeless website when they are able to access a laptop.
  • 23. 20 evaluation of test site The idea of raising awareness for Homepage for the Homeless at the RMIT Open Day and throughout the following week was ultimately extremely successful. Whilst exact figures regarding direct sales on the Homepage for the Homeless portal cannot be recorded, exposure can be loosely recorded. 1: RMIT Open Day RMIT open day across all 3 campuses in 2013 had an attendance of 40,000 people (, 2014). It can therefore be estimated, that being the largest of the 3 campuses, the city campus received an attendance of approximately 20,000 people. Specifically in building 9 where the posters and flyers were distributed, it can be estimated that there was an exposure to around 2000 people. By positioning the posters in high visibility locations such as stairwells and doorways, exposure was further increased. 2: TV Hijack Hijacking of the TVs in the common study area was also a success as it caught the attention of the students there. In a quiet room where everyone is usually doing their own things, playing the video abruptly had caught them off guard and this intrigued them to watch the full video. With that, they are now aware of Homepage for the Homeless and the next time they shop online, they will remember to use the portal. 3: I Spy with My Eyes The interactive concept of the ‘scavenger hunt’ further boosts the success of this campaign. By enabling potential consumers with the option to share Homepage for the Homeless via their social networking sites, not only was the exposure further increased but it also empowered these consumers into feeling as though they were making a difference. 4: Australia Post The concept of handing out flyers in the busiest Australia Post outlet in Melbourne was also extremely successful. By primarily selecting consumers based on if they were picking up packages and online purchases, ensured the correct audience was being selected. This location leveraged the idea of Homepage for the Homeless, in which consumers can selfishly purchase goods online, whilst still helping tackling the issue of youth homelessness, with no effect on their own finances.
  • 24. 21 media timeline Create Minutes Exploring creative options. Three ideas minimum per person. Plus ideas for expansion. Create WIP Target Audience Research Finalise SMP Finalise 3 creative ideas Pitch 3 creative ideas to representatives Adjust chosen execution Prepare for execution Design Posters & Flyers Print Posters & Flyers RMIT Open Day Execution RMIT Online Execution Australia Post Execution Campaign Report Case Study Video Prepare Team Pitch Team Pitch 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 JULY AUGUST TOTAL - 22 DAYS We focused our campaign around RMIT Open Day, RMIT building 9 and Australia post during the week from 10 August to 13 August 2014. The whole campaign required a zero budget. further ideas If we did have a budget, we would expand our social media campaign across Facebook and Twitter, alongside our existing Instagram campaign, to boost ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ to create an initial boost for the campaign. As an online campaign, it would also be worth purchasing ‘Google AdWords’, particularly in association with the pages existing retailers. A major component of campaign is the partnership with Australia Post. As Australia Post is already one of GPY&R’s current client, GPY&R can then leverage on their existing relationship with Australia Post to get them to partner up with Homepage for the Homeless to generate awareness. Additionally, Australia Post is a company that strives to contribute to the community; therefore we believe that this partnership is ideal. Elements for the partnership can include Homepage for the Homeless flyers placed at the post office counters, informative flyers to be given out with each parcel collected and other informative posters inside the post offices.
  • 25. 22 Lack of awareness is the main problem for Homepage for the Homeless. Therefore, by using a weeklong campaign aimed at university students and the general public repeatedly, awareness for the portal was raised. This was raised through the handing out of 100 flyers at Australia Post to people picking up packages and mail. This will ideally translate to these people using the Homepage for the Homeless portal next time they online shop. Awareness was also raised by handing out 160 flyers at RMIT over the Open Day and the week following. This translated into 23 people engaging in the ‘Scavenger Hunt’ and posting on Instagram with the Homepage for the Homeless hashtag #HFTH. With each of these Instagram users having between 150-300 followers, this creates an exposure of up to 6,900 Instagram users. Through the playing of the Homepage for the Homeless YouTube clip in the common study area, approximately 50 students were exposed, ideally translating to use of the page. results
  • 26. 23 At Arsy-Varsy we aim for this campaign to educate and directly raise awareness of Homepage for the Homeless to online shoppers and university students. ‘Be The Key’ is designed in a way that doesn’t only target university students’ aged 18-25, but is diverse enough to appeal to the broader online shopping community. The line ‘Be The Key’ in itself is a call to action. With the use of social media, it is also highly shareable, with the website address across all executions. Therefore reinforcing direct awareness. Throughout our campaign we have strived to balance the seriousness of the cause, with the positive effects that using Homepage for the Homeless has. Our campaign provides an interactive way to connect with Homepage for the Homeless, while reinforcing the simplicity of using the portal. varsy arsy salutation