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8 Habits of
Highly Successful
Living Out Your
Own Faith
Others' Time12 15 16 30
groups band
together to form
Colorado launches,
featuring a free video
course educating parents
on how to homeschool in
The first executive
director is hired,
and the Colorado
Conference is
sponsored by
School is
The first Colorado
Father Son Retreat
is co-hosted by
CHEC joins
Independent School’s
enrollment is moved
First Homeschool Day at
the Capitol is sponsored
in response to a national
battle for parent-
led homeschooling.
CHEC also works to
pass Senate Bill 94-4,
improving the original
1988 homeschool law
Generations becomes
a subsidiary of CHEC
(reaching families
worldwide with a biblical
vision for family and life)
The first
magazine is
The first CHEC
Legislative Liaison is
Father Son
CHEC Board
Day at the Capitol
1997 is
The first
Seminar is
Homeschool is launched,
reaching 50,000+
families worldwide
thank you, Lord!
This page: Day at the Capitol Event.
Photography by Tobias Steeves, AWAAphotos (
CHEC Homeschool Update IVolume 1, 2020 IIssue 106
Feature Articles
6	 Celebrating the
		 Island of Freedom
8	 Contributions of the
		 Pilgrims to America
12	 8 Habits of Highly
15	 Living Out
		 Your Own Faith
16	Bilingual
28	 3 Strategies for
		 Language Disorders
CHEC Events
10	 Day at the Capitol
		 PRESENTED BY CHEC 21-25	 Rocky Mountain
4 	 Director’s Desk
18	 Homeschool Leaders
26	 Legislative Liaison

30	Best of Blog	
32	 Resource Review
34	 Partner’s Page
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134
720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC (2432)
April 16th
See Page 10
So, how was your
day? It's a
common question my wife
and I ask each other at the
end of the day.
My kids have picked up on it and now they
have started to greet me in the evenings with
the same question. Occasionally, my answer is,
“I had a great day!” But I have been convicted
by the fact that frequently my response is much
less enthusiastic and positive. Why? Because
there are often a myriad of ways that I feel that
the day could have gone better.
As my wife and I reflect on our own child-
hoods, we agree that the overall tone of
happiness in our homes factored heavily into
why we grew up thinking that homeschooling
was great. We agree that the attitudes of our
parents were decidedly influential in shaping
that tone. As a matter of fact, our mothers are
two of the most constantly joyful and optimis-
tic people that we know. No wonder we thought
homeschooling was great!
Shaping the tone of my home, even in simple ways, like
how I answer the question, “So, how was your day?”
is an area where I want to grow. Here are three truths
that God has used to challenge me toward a more faith-
filled optimism about life in the coming year.
Truth #1: Christ has Overcome
the World
Life is hard. Sometimes, homeschooling makes life
harder. But Jesus proclaims to us in John 16:33
NKJV that there is a reality which trumps the dif-
ficulties of life. In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Christians have the best reason to be in a good
mood because we know that Christ has defeated sin,
death, and all of the symptoms of Adam’s curse that
cause us pain on a daily basis. Whatever problem
you have today, Christ has overcome it! So what is
up with our bad attitudes? They are a result of failing
to live by faith in the conquering Son of God. Christ
has already won the race of life for us. We are just
running the victory lap.
You know that excited feeling you get just before a
much-anticipated getaway with your wife or hus-
band? That is the feeling that Christians have during
life on earth when they believe that Heaven, and the
wiping away of all tears, is just around the corner.
How Was
We need to remember, when life is tough, that we
are going on “vacation” tomorrow!
Truth #2: Trials result in trans-
formed character, hope, and a
deeper sense of God’s love and
Romans 8:28 teaches us that God uses every event
for good in the lives of those who love Him. But,
James 1:2–4, Romans 5:3–5, and Hebrews 12:6–11
break down in detail how this good results from
trials and what God’s endgame is — growth in
Christlike character, the experience of God’s faithful-
ness, and the hope and knowledge of God’s love
that flows from that experience. This is a purpose
that is so good that Paul and James say we should
“rejoice” and “count it all joy” when trials come.
I’ll have to be honest; my flesh likes hearing this
about as much as a child likes to be told, “Eat
your vegetables because they are good for you!”
Sometimes my flesh screams back, “Seriously? Can
I just skip to dessert?” But Christians are those who
live not according to the flesh, but according to the
Spirit. One of my church elders told me that trials
to a Christian are like blood in the water to a shark.
They should actually make us excited!
your day?

C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 04
Truth #3: We have every reason
for attitudes of gratitude
When I think about whether or not I had a good day,
I often have a tendency to prioritize and obsess
about uncompleted tasks, the things I wish had
gone better, or the uncertainties that loom ahead.
The reality is that the physical and spiritual bless-
ings of God, His answers to my prayers, the proofs
of His faithfulness, and His daily mercies are all
around me. There really isn’t any good reason for
a less than enthusiastic response to the question,
“So, how was your day?”
When my attitude is bad, it is usually because I am
just not grateful. Grateful for Christ. Grateful to be a
son of God. Grateful for forgiveness. Grateful for my
beautiful wife. Grateful for my sweet children. Grate-
ful for my mother and father. Grateful for my church.
Grateful for a home on earth. Grateful for a home
in Heaven. Grateful for work. Grateful for health.
Grateful for God’s constant provision. The list goes
on and on. Have you ever taken your family out of
the house for a really fun day, only to return home
“ “
and have one child get upset about a comparatively
small thing that they wanted and didn’t get? Do you
catch my drift?
It is not just that we should be “glass half full”
instead of “glass half empty” kind of people. Our
cup is actually running over and spilling all over the
place according to Psalm 23:5. We need to be grate-
ful and joyful about it!
I invite you to join me in the quest to affect the
tone in our homes this year through a faith-filled
optimism that springs from the truth that Christ has
overcome the world and all of its problems. Trials
are only eventually causing good in our lives, and
we have every reason to define our lives with an
attitude of gratitude. The next time our spouse or
child asks us, “So, how was your day?”, join me in
responding with, “It was AMAZING!” 
Steve Craig is the
Executive Director for
Christian Home
Educators of Colorado.
He and his wife Tara are
2nd generation
homeschoolers and have
a passion to inspire others toward biblical
discipleship in the home. Steve and Tara live in
Parker with their five children: Carson,
Christiana, Angelina, Jewel, and Ariel.
See a sample and to purchase online:
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Celebrating the
Acouple of decades
ago I published
one of my first books,
The Second Mayflower.
It elaborated on the
idea that a new, legal,
educational choice
called homeschooling
was an important
“island of freedom”
for Christian parents to
seriously consider for
raising their children.
Akin to the first Mayflower, which brought
the Pilgrims freedom from anti-Christian
persecution and the ability to disciple families
according to biblical principles 400 years ago,
this “second Mayflower” would do the same for
contemporary Christian families who sought
biblically-based homeschooling as the best
educational choice for their children.
Fast forward to today, and the latest statistics
are out for that island of freedom called home
education. Pew Research provides some defini-
tive numbers for the homeschooling population in
America, now at 4,500,000 students. When Christian
Home Educators of Colorado opened its doors 30
years ago, that number was 275,000. That’s an
increase of 15-fold in 30 years! God is good.
At the present rate of growth, there will be 20 million
homeschooled children in this country by the year
2040. Evangelical Christians make up 46% of the
homeschool population, although that’s still only
10% of the total evangelical population.
In a world of bad news, I have to say this is good news!
In my recent book, The Story of Freedom, I push for
families to seek freedom from powerful governments
which seem to want to dictate how we raise our
children, how we immunize them, how we educate
them, how we teach them about sexuality, and so
forth. Extremely powerful governments have been
very insistent on controlling the education of children
for the last two hundred years!
Americans are so blessed to have this island
of freedom, but this is not always the case for
homeschooling families in foreign countries. This is
why at least two sets of homeschooling parents are
in prison (or work camps) in Cuba today. This is why
Pastor Wang Yi and many other Chinese Christians
are in prison in communist China. The Washington
Examiner reported that, “Many Christian parents
[in China] can face fines or other consequences
for bringing their children to church or raising their
children in faith at home. Likewise, teachers are
not supposed to share their religious beliefs with
children, and schools cannot use religious materials
as textbooks.
Truthfully, there is no difference between China and
America in regards to the battle for home education.
The battle for liberty and faith in the modern world
centers around this issue: whether or not parents can
direct the education of their own children while rais-
ing them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The battle is the same in America, Germany, China,
and Cuba. It is not just a political battle. It is a spiri-
tual battle. This calls for the most courage, the most
faith, and the most resoluteness of caring, Christian
parents in America and throughout the world.
By God’s grace, we have been given islands of freedom
in this country for our families. The Lord has carved out
opportunities for families to take control of the educa-
tion, the health care choices, etc. for their own children.
We do not have to send our children to schools that will
not teach that the beginning of knowledge is the fear of
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 06
God (Proverbs 1:7), and where Christ is not preeminent
in every subject (Colossians 1:17). We are not forced to
enroll our children into schools which teach humanist,
nihilistic ethics, the radical homosexual agenda, and
the destructive patterns of transgenderism. Praise God,
we enjoy a measure of liberty on this island of freedom!
If there was ever a time that Christian families need
to take back their right to liberty from the one-size-
fits-all, monolithic statist schools, that would be now.
The ideologies taught in American institutions have
become increasingly and obviously self-destructive,
both to knowledge and morality.
Some Christians have concerns that we are “separat-
ing” from the systems that are admittedly growing
worse and worse. They seem to think that their
children have a duty to save the public school sys-
tems by bearing witness to the Gospel in the secular
classrooms. When it comes to these matters, I like to
say, “What does the Bible say? What does Jesus tell
us to do?” He doesn’t recommend that our 12-year-
old kids are responsible for “saving” the public
school institution. Rather, He has commanded us in
Ephesians 6:4b (NKJV), Bring them up in the training
and admonition of the Lord. We are NOT commanded
to send our children out to be raised in the “training
and admonition of Caesar.” The Pilgrims separated
themselves from the secular European world and their
legacy for us continues today.
Moreover, the Word of God is to be thoroughly
integrated into our children’s education, as they walk
by the way, as they rise up, and as they lie down. The
Word of God is to be as a frontlet before their eyes, in
the history class, the literature class, and the science
class. The government is not committed to this form
of paideia (or education). That’s what God actually
wants for our children, as plainly communicated to us
through Scripture.
There will be significant spiritual and often political
pushback if you begin to make certain decisions
regarding your children’s education. That is because
there is a battle raging over the hearts and minds of
the next generation. It is a major power struggle. May
God give all of us the courage and the faith to engage
and never grow weary. 
Kevin Swanson is the
former Executive
Director of CHEC, and
the current Executive
Director of Genera-
tions, an affiliate ministry of CHEC. Listen to the
compelling stories of our own day as they play out
on Kevin’s daily radio podcast, at
There's a lot to think about when you are just
getting started.
CHEC hosts our Homeschool Introductory Seminars to
help you make sure you get started on the right track —
to give you the vision, legal knowledge, and scheduling/
curriculum/record-keeping help you need
to homeschool with confidence.
Join us for one of our all-day seminars
on April 18 or August 8!
Sign up at
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 7
Contributions of the
to “daily renew our repentance with our God, especially
for our sins known, and generally for our unknown
trespasses … .”
Second, the Pilgrims were sepa-
ratists and believed in the local,
self-governing, independent,
congregational form of church
government. The Pilgrims ...
... had gained the intelligence that comes from
the diligent study of the Bible and … were honest
and earnest believers in the Christ of the New
Testament. Such were the men and the women
who were thus driven out of their native England,
yet hunted and intercepted in their flight, as if
they were criminals escaping from justice. Why
did they suffer the spoiling of their goods, arrest,
imprisonment, and exile?
They had caught from the Bible the idea of a
church independent of the pope and the queen
alike, independent of Parliament as well as of
prelates (politicians), and dependent only on
Christ. It was their mission to work out and
organize that idea. (Leonard Bacon, Genesis of
the New England Churches, 1874)
Individual self government and independent self-gov-
erning churches produced a free, independent, local
civil government under the Mayflower Compact.
This new year, 2020
AD, marks the 400th
anniversary of the
Pilgrims landing in what
would later become the
United States of America.
As we remember their
courage and sacrifice
for the cause of Christ —
not just at Thanksgiving
but year-round — let us
also glean wisdom and
guidance from their
steadfast belief in biblical
principals and trust in
Almighty God whom
they followed into an
unknown future which
inevitably blessed us all.
This excerpt is from the
third in a series of articles
written by James Rose,
an expert on the Pilgrims,
along with his wife,
Barbara. They included
Old World English words
and phrases typical of
the Pilgrim time.
What do you know
about the Pilgrims?
Their lives were more than
merely fleeing religious
persecution in England and
the worldly influences on
their families in Holland. They
lived with a purpose wholly
devoted to Christ and the
Gospel, which had a profound
effect on future Americans.
First, the Pilgrims believed in “Ref-
ormation without tarrying for any”
— as demonstrated by an individual
and personal responsibility to obey
God’s Word.
To the Pilgrim, it meant “voluntary conformity” to the
rules and principles given in the New Testament, without
waiting for others to obey, without waiting for the Church
to change, and especially not waiting for the king to reform
the church.
Reformation presupposes repentance, and the pastor of the
Pilgrims, Rev. John Robinson, exhorted the Pilgrim church
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 08
Third, they cast aside commu-
nism in labor and supply for
individual enterprise.
Did you know that the Pilgrims signed a contract with
some London businessmen to obtain “their meat,
drink, and apparel and all provisions out of the com-
mon stock and goods of the said colony?” Agreeing
to the condition that all property [should] be publicly
owned and that every person would get an equal
share of their common labor and supplies — a form
of communism/socialism in labor and supply — was
the only way they could obtain the funds to acquire
the religious liberty they wanted.
The Pilgrims strove for two years to keep this part of the
contract, but the result was such dissention, discord,
and want that their Governor cast off communism and
established INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. He assigned
all the unmarried folks and orphans to live with more
complete families, assigned each family their own
plot of ground as their private property, and left every
household to “shift for itself or suffer want.”
Governor Bradford listed nine reasons why com-
munism in labor and supply did not work:
1.	 Taking away private property and sharing
everything in common did not make them
happy and flourishing — as if they were wiser
than God.
2.	 Communism in labor and supply breeds much
confusion and discontent.
3.	 It retards [delays] employment.
4.	 The younger, able, and stronger men com-
plained that they should spend their time and
strength to work for other men’s wives and
children without recompense or reward.
5.	 The most able men thought it unjust not to
receive more food or clothing than he that was
weak and less productive.
6.	 The older and “graver” or serious and solemn
men did not like to be ranked as equal to the
younger men in labor, food, or clothing and saw
such equality as an “indignity and disrespect”.
7.	 Neither husbands nor wives wanted to be com-
manded to serve other men by fixing their food
or washing their clothes — they saw this as a
form of slavery.
8.	 The idea of all persons sharing alike, doing
alike, being alike did not agree with “those rela-
tions that God hath set among men.”
9.	 Communal property and communism in labor
and supply diminished the mutual respect that
should be practiced between people.
The Governor wisely displaced communism/so-
cialism for individual enterprise and industry and
productivity increased enormously. But God intended
the Pilgrims learn to trust Him, not their own wisdom,
by permitting a drought and heatwave to descend
on the land for nearly two months during spring
time. The corn withered away and the ground was
parched, so the Pilgrims “set apart a day of humili-
ation” and sought the Lord by humble and fervent
prayer in their great distress — and the rains came. 
Let us now then live up to the high
standard of faith and fortitude,
individual enterprise, living as families,
and caring for our private property as
demonstrated by the Pilgrims. May we
seek to raise up the next generation of
Christians who continue faithful work
under Almighty God’s protective hand.
The authors, James and Barbara Rose, wrote for the
American Christian History Institute. Permission to
reprint was given by the estate of James Rose. For
related articles, see
Shop now at
CHEC Products
for Colorado
Colorado Civics
Flag Etiquette
The Future
Handbook for Godly
Government and the
US Constitution
$12 or $8 for PDF
Graduation Diploma
Certificate ($6.50),
Hardback Cover ($23),
or Both ($28)
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 9
APRIL 7, 2017
8:45 am Opening of the House 
Senate Legislature
9:30 am Liberty Celebration
Constitution 101 class
($10, 7th-12th graders)
11:15 am Lunch break
(pre-order Chick-Fil-A!)
Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps
1:30 pm Constitution 101 class
(identical to 9:30 am; $10)
Free time!
Meet with your legislator
Self-guided Capitol tour
Denver Aquarium field trip
(discounted for CHEC!)
6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore!
Also, Don’t Miss:
Joy of Homeschooling!
Participate in the Banner  Sign Contest
Showcased in the Capitol all week!
Future Statesman Program
Purchase a workbook of civics activities 
learning for the whole family!
Register for Free @
Stand for Homeschool Freedom!
APRIL 7, 2017
8:45 am Opening of the House 
Senate Legislature
9:30 am Liberty Celebration
Constitution 101 class
($10, 7th-12th graders)
11:15 am Lunch break
(pre-order Chick-Fil-A!)
Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps
1:30 pm Constitution 101 class
(identical to 9:30 am; $10)
Free time!
Meet with your legislator
Self-guided Capitol tour
Denver Aquarium field trip
(discounted for CHEC!)
6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore!
Also, Don’t Miss:
Joy of Homeschooling!
Participate in the Banner  Sign Contest
Showcased in the Capitol all week!
Future Statesman Program
Purchase a workbook of civics activities 
learning for the whole family!
Register for Free @
Stand for Homeschool Freedom!
APRIL 16, 2020
Interactive Booths
Visit these fun booths with the whole
family to engage in learning together:
▪ US Constitution Quiz
▪ Capitol Day Photo Booth
▪ The History of Homeschooling in the
US  Colorado
▪ Flag History  Etiquette
▪ Biblical Jurisdictions
▪ Fun Facts about TABOR
▪ Colorado History
▪ Capitol Building Self-Guided Tour
Rick Green, a former Texas
State Representative, is a lawyer,
successful entrepreneur, founder
of Patriot Academy, and speaker
for WallBuilders. His goal is to
help Americans to become salt
and light in every area of life.
Enjoy your right
to homeschool
by making a stand
on this day!
Rally Speaker: Rick Green
 Homeschool Liberty Essay Contest
(Grand Prize $200!)
 Musician Auditions for the Rally
 Homeschool Stories: Posters
celebrating homeschool students and
Register for free at
9:00am 	 Opening of the
	 House  Senate
9:30am 	 Family Activities:
	 Interactive Learning Booths
	 Historical Drama
	 American Liberty Workshop
11:15am 	 Lunches Served
	 (Pre-order Chick-Fil-A
	 when you register)
Noon 	 March around the Capitol
12:15pm 	 Rally on the West Steps
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checkout to save 25% on these 3 curriculum resources!
Learn how Great Britain was conquered and subsequently
abandoned by the Romans. Read of the first missionaries who took
the Gospel to western Europe. See how the Gospel spread to Britain
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Europe through the influence of British and Irish missionaries.
Become familiar with the many persecutions God’s people faced
over the centuries, and how these sufferings continued to build
Grade History
Experiencing Christian
History Set
In this Literature course, students will read three classic works of
literature written from a Christian perspective, including Johanna
Spyri’s timeless classic Heidi, an abridged and simplified version of
John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, and Brother Andrew’s famous
missionary story God’s Smuggler.
Great Christian Stories
for Children Set
Grade Literature
For the 5th-7th grade student, Generations introduces a biblical
worldview into the field of science in the most winsome way
possible. Captured in this introduction to animal biology are
the most amazing facts and the most interesting facets of God’s
creation. The course is filled with Scripture and with a sense of
wonder and praise, which is only fitting for a Christian child’s
education. Prayers of praise and hymns play an important part
in the course. Critical elements of the biblical worldview in the
scientific field are laid out, to counter the false view of science that
has become increasingly destructive in the present day.
Grade Science/Worldview
God Made Animals Set
A Biblical Worldview Biology Course
the church. Finally, behold the
work of God in the Reformation
in France, and the courageous
French Huguenots who carried the
light of the Gospel to their fellow
Applies to online purchases only for the following sets: God Made Animals Set,
Experiencing Christian History Set, Great Christian Stories for Children Set. Offer
expires Mar. 15, 2020.
hat is a successful
homeschool? What does it
look like? Is it defined by
children who score highly
on standardized tests?
Is it one in which everyone can’t wait to start
school each day? As we begin a new calendar
year, let’s examine habits that lead to highly
successful homeschooling.
HABIT #1: Keep the Heart
in Homeschooling
Christian homeschooling is distinctive in that,
in its ideal form, it is Christ-centered, parent-
directed, and free from government control.
When all three of these factors are in place, the
homeschool rests on a solid foundation.
Christ-centered. The most important thing we
should teach our children is to love God and to
serve Him in body, soul, and spirit. If we believe
that God is everywhere and knows the number
of hairs on our heads, shouldn’t we expect that
He will show up in our children’s education? If
we have bright kids with weak character, what
have we gained? We want to help our students to
parents teaching the children, not just plugging them
into a canned curriculum on a free computer.
Homeschooling has been astonishingly suc-
cessful due to these three elements we’re
calling the Heart of Homeschooling: parent-
directed, Christ-centered education, free of
government control. When these three aspects of
the heart of homeschooling are removed, we return to
the old assembly line ways of educating children and
the phenomenal successes of homeschooling vanish.
HABIT #2: Keep Your
Priorities Straight
Don’t allow your children’s education to become an
idol. Cultivating your personal relationship with the
Father is essential and must be your top priority. Next
is your marriage; as important as your children are,
your relationship with your spouse must come next.
Don’t center your home on your children; a child-
centered home is not a healthy home.
Your parenting/homeschooling/discipling responsi-
bilities come next. If you still have time for additional
ministry outside the home, that’s great, but know
when to say “no.” You will have to say “no” to many
worthwhile activities, including some learning op-
portunities for your children. Learn how to keep
the home in homeschooling.
excel, but they need to know the Lord more than they
need to know calculus and sentence-diagramming.
We are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:7–9 and
Psalm 78 to teach our children God’s ways. Knowing
and serving God is not an elective — this is the core
curriculum. Everything else is an elective. A secular
curriculum that ignores God is a weak substitute for
Christian materials that acknowledge the One Who
created us from nothing.
Parent-directed. Education is not stuffing informa-
tion into a child’s head. Education is discipling him
or her. A one-size-fits-all approach may work well
for building cars in a factory, but not for educating
children. When the parent selects teaching materi-
als based on the child’s unique abilities and needs,
the child thrives. We should follow the model Jesus
used with His disciples, teaching them as they walked
together, ate together, talked together, and rested
Free from government control. No one except
God loves or understands a child better than his
parents. A government-controlled, school-at-home
approach cannot provide the optimum education for
the child because it cannot provide the individual-
ized methods for the child’s needs in the ways that a
parent can. Homeschooling succeeds not because it
is at home, but because of parental involvement —
Highly Successful
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 012
HABIT #3: Keep
on Learning
Some of you loved every minute of school and even
played school in the summertime. Others, for whatever
reason, didn’t thrive. Whether you thrived or dived in
school, you will now get the education you missed. You
learn what you teach — by repetition and by trying to
think of ways to teach it to a struggling child.
Parents who homeschool soon learn that
homeschooling is not simply an academic choice but
a unique lifestyle that allows every family member
to be all that they were designed to be. Both parents
and children are daily learning to serve and follow the
Lord. As parents we learn that we are not only teach-
ers, but students; not only disciplers, but disciples.
Set aside time and resources to “in-service” yourself.
Subscribe to homeschooling magazines. Sign up for
free encouragement from internet sites specifically
for homeschoolers. Budget for the books you need
as a teacher for your own professional development.1
And do whatever is necessary to get yourself and
your spouse to attend your state’s annual homeschool
conference; you will return refreshed and recharged!
HABIT #4: Become a
Student of Your Child
Study your child. What is his temperament?2
What is
her learning style?3
What is his love language?4
Is my
child ready to learn this particular skill?
One of our sons taught himself to read at age four;
another was still not reading at age ten. We set aside the
phonics materials, continuing with his other subjects.
When we returned to reading instruction six months
later, he could read. It was simply a readiness issue. An-
other son rapidly progressed to third grade math while
in kindergarten but got stuck on division. He stayed at
the same math level for two years until his readiness
level finally caught up and he moved on again.
HABIT #5: Seek Support
Avoid the Lone Ranger Mom Syndrome. Genesis 2:18
reminds us that it is not good for man to be alone. It
is not good for homeschoolers to operate in isolation
either. Connect on as many levels as possible to
ensure your homeschool
success. At the personal
level, you may find
a mentor who can
suggest solutions
for everything from
teaching challenges
to developing house-
hold management
skills that support the
homeschool lifestyle.
At the local level, join a support
group — both for your sake and for
your children’s. If necessary, start one that
works for you.5
At the state level, connect with your
state organization ( for conferences and
other special events. At the national level, utilize the
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA.
com) as a valuable resource.
HABIT #6: Realize Every
Homeschool Will
Look Different
Don’t compare yourself or your homeschool with
others. You are God’s choice as your child’s parent,
whether he is your child by birth, by adoption, or by
marriage. Be realistic in your expectations, both of
your children and of yourself. You can do this! God
does not call us to do what He does not enable us to
do. You’ve already taught your children the tough stuff
— walking, talking, and potty training. The rest is not
the overwhelming difficulty you might worry it is.6
HABIT #7: Enjoy
the Journey
Have fun together. Don’t get grim about learning.
Don’t school at home — instead, learn at home.
Explore your subjects together.
Develop a habit of happiness. Bobb Biehl says, “Hap-
piness is having what you want and wanting what you
have. By focusing your thinking on what you have
that you want, you will be a lot happier than focusing
your thinking on what you want but don’t have.”7
Apostle Paul wrote from a Philippian jail, for I have
learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be
recommended reading
•	 The Heart of Homeschooling by Chris Klicka
•	 You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully
by Ruth Beechick
•	 Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children
Shapes Our Souls by Gary Thomas
•	 Home Grown Kids by Raymond Moore
•	 Management for Moms by Marcia Washburn
content (Philippians 4:11b KJV). God has provided
everything you need for your present happiness.
HABIT #8: Trust God for
the Results
There will be days when you know in your heart that
homeschooling is the only way you would ever have it.
There will also be days when you question your deci-
sion to homeschool. It is easy to become discouraged
when we focus on ourselves. But when we focus on
God and His provision, our hope is restored.
Do your best, but don’t assume total responsibility
for every choice your child makes. God is the perfect
parent and look what His kids do sometimes! Focus
on God’s grace for your home. Parenting puts you on
your knees — homeschooling keeps you there! 
Footnotes · 1
Swanson, Kevin. Upgrade: Ten Secrets to the Best
Education for Your Child. 2
LaHaye, Tim. Why You Act the Way You
Do. 3
Duffy, Cathy. 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum.
Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages. 5
Washburn, Marcia.
Activity Days for Homeschool Groups  Families. www.Marcia- 6
Washburn, Marcia. The Ideal Homeschooling
Mother. 7
Biehl, Bobb. Focusing by
© 2020 by Marcia K. Washburn,
homeschooling mother of five
sons. To invite Marcia to speak for
your group, or for more of her
articles, books, or her free
newsletter, please visit
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 13
SET FREE . (877) 978-1663
The Van Dyke family, members since 2012
Last year, I had the
privilege to be
ordained as a pastor in
Christ's church.
Since then, I’ve had to repeatedly ask myself the
question, “Does my life set forth an example of love,
faith, and purity?” (1 Timothy 4:12) as I’ve sought
to lead in the church wisely. When it comes to leader-
ship, we all know how important it is that a pastor’s
life be reflective of what they say, and everyone
knows the bankruptcy and foolishness of the old
phrase “Do as I say, and not as I do.”
If this is true in the context of church leadership, it is
also true in the home. Dads, do you understand that
you may undo your own instruction to your children if
you contradict it by your example?
Richard Baxter’s classic work for church leaders, The
Reformed Pastor, makes this very point. Throughout
this book, Baxter would frequently rebuke ministers
who would preach one way and then live the oppo-
site. In one portion of this humbling, soul-searching
work, Baxter wrote:
“Take heed to yourselves, lest your example
contradict your doctrine .... This is the way
to make men think that the Word of God
is but an idle tale .... He that means as he
speaks, will surely do as he speaks. One
proud, surly, lordly word, one needless
contention, one covetous action, may cut the
throat of many a sermon, and blast the fruit
of all that you have been doing.”1
Dads, take Baxter’s words and apply them to your in-
struction in the home. Do you understand that when
you teach your children to speak kindly and gently to
one another, you may undo that very biblical instruc-
tion by your harsh and angry words toward your wife?
If you teach your children that they should confess
their sins to the Lord, but you never show them by
your example of confessing your sins to Him, is it any
surprise that they don’t take the Word of God seri-
ously? If you teach your children that the Gospel is
the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16), but they
see no fruit of the Gospel’s power in your own life, is
it surprising that they think the Word of God is, in the
words of Baxter, “an idle tale?”
Obviously, every dad reading this article will know
that he falls short. We are sinners ... all of us. There-
fore, an essential example we are to set before our
children when we do fall short of our own teaching is
this: to repent.
Yes, your example really does matter. But your
children aren’t going to get a perfect father. What they
need is a humble, repentant father. They need a father
who cries out to Jesus and says, “Lord Jesus, have
mercy on me!” While we should set a pattern of godly
living before them, when we fail, let’s set one of the
most important patterns of all: the example of faith
and repentance. 
Footnotes · 1
Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor (Edinburgh:
Banner of Truth, 1974), 63.
Joshua Schwisow serves as
one of the pastors at
Reformation Church of
Elizabeth, Colorado (Reforma- He is the
husband to his wife Jessica
and father to Jerusha, Charlotte, Norah, and Samuel.
He can be contacted at
Living Out
Our Own
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 15
Growing up on
forty acres in
southwestern Colorado,
my childhood was “wild
and free” before that was
considered a legitimate
homeschool style.
My family loved Jesus and was known for
hospitality. When missionaries came through
our local community church, we often hosted
them. Thus I spent many a Monday morning
sipping tea and chatting with people from places
like India, Kenya, and Papua New Guinea. That’s
a type of homeschool socialization you don’t get
in public school!
I was raised by my mother, of Mexican-American
ancestory, who loved showcasing our heritage.
Spanish was her first language, but she lost it
when she started her own education in public
school. Although she wasn’t able to pass down
the language, she made sure we felt connected
to our heritage through music, food, and yearly
trips to California to spend time with our relatives
who were originally from Mexico.
When I chatted with people who spoke two languages,
I would wish I knew Spanish. I wished my grandpar-
ents hadn’t stopped speaking Spanish to my mom.
These experiences birthed in me a desire to live
bilingually, so I decided that I would revive the Span-
ish language in my own home.
Other than Christ being the primary answer to
all of life’s problems, if there is one other thing
homeschooling taught me, it’s that the answers to
practical problems are often found when we put into
action what we have learned. If I wanted to teach my
future children Spanish, I first needed to learn it my-
self. Being homeschooled afforded me the freedom to
start studying Spanish in middle school, as opposed
to waiting until high school when the public schools
typically offer foreign language.
Continuing my Spanish studies in college, I gradu-
ated with degrees in education and Spanish, with a
certificate to teach “English as a Second Language”.
Afterwards, I had the opportunity to travel the world,
teach English, and thoroughly enjoy life in my early 20s.
With my late 20s came marriage, kids, and the
beginning of a new adventure: homeschooling my
own children … in two languages! It turned out to
be much harder than I anticipated. Finding resources
in our minority language was a particular struggle. I
also didn’t know anyone else who was homeschooling
bilingually that could help me navigate what seemed
like unchartered territory.
What do homeschool families do when they can’t find
something? They create it! And so, Bilingual Together
was born as an online place where people can find
community, encouragement, and educational resourc-
es to stay the course (or begin it!) of raising bilingual
children while homeschooling in two languages.
I can clearly see God’s hand in my life — from Mon-
day morning tea with missionaries as a child, to poetry
tea time in Spanish with my three children. When we
live bilingually, what we are giving to our children
— what my parents gave to me — is a lavish gift for
which I am very thankful. 
Lauren Stengele is a non-native
Spanish speaker, language teacher,
and bilingual homeschooling mom.
She is passionate about providing
resources and encouraging families
to raise bilingual children. If you want to know
more about her journey, or how you can
incorporate a minority language into your
homeschool, you can find her online at
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 016
experience whilegetting
Biblical Equipping for Excellence in Life and Service
KansasCity,MO 816-322-0110 | FortMorgan,CO 970-427-4600 | Warrenton,MO 214-668-6127
Homeschool parents
across the country share
with me their fears and
concerns: “What if I’m
not doing enough?”
“Will he get into college?” “What should she
know?” “What if he doesn’t like me when he
grows up?” “How do I homeschool and get
dinner on the table in the same day?” And many
more! As a group leader (and leader of group
leaders), I have found that most of the needs
they share typically fall into these four catego-
ries: information, equipping, importance, and
encouragement. Let’s consider how we can help
meet their needs by addressing these four areas
within our local groups.
They need to be informed. On a state and
local level, how do we provide information about
homeschooling in general, or about opportuni-
ties in our area? Here are a few methods to
disseminate information — maybe you can
think of more things your group does:
•	 Introductory meetings to explain the
basics of homeschooling in your state
•	 Kick-off meeting (for the new school year)
•	 Monthly informational meetings
•	 Newsletters and articles (print or digital/online)
•	 Social media pages and a web presence
They need to be equipped. This is a step beyond
informed — the focus is on providing tools to help
them succeed in their goals. Equipping could include:
•	 Coaching for harder to teach high school
•	 Consultations for struggling learners
•	 Educational opportunities/classes
•	 Field trips
•	 Monthly meetings with practical topics
•	 Providing Bible, Spelling Bee, or STEM
•	 Resource centers with books, seminars
•	 Sports activities
•	 Workshops/in-service training (occasionally at
parent group meetings)
Listen to your parents at meetings and during park
days — what are some of their concerns? What are
their fears about homeschooling? What can you offer
within your group to help them feel empowered to
stay their course?
of Homeschool Families
They need to be needed, to feel valued within
your local homeschool community. Some folks
will volunteer; others will respond only when asked,
but will be happy to help with:
•	 Activities for dads
•	 Book sale or seminar
•	 Hospitality ministry for a family in need —
cards or meals by individual families; larger
chores such as cleaning or lawn care as a group
•	 Involvement in a common cause — helping a
caring pregnancy center or political issue
•	 Resourcecenterforsharedbooks,curriculum,dvds
•	 Sports or co-op programs
•	 Volunteer/service projects
Finally, they need to be encouraged. I often tell new
homeschooling parents that it’s not their job to teach
their kids everything they need to know. It’s their job
to teach basic subjects such as the 3 R’s, equip them
with study skills to learn other subjects, then encour-
age them with opportunities to use and build on what
they know. Well, it works the same way for us as
leaders. It’s not my job as a group leader to do all the
equipping and encouraging. It’s my job to teach them
how to encourage one another. In our homeschool
group, we do this through:
Do you have aterrific groupleader? Nominatethem for theLeadership
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 018
•	 Brunch for special needs parents
•	 Mentoring group for new
•	 Mini-retreats covering relevant
•	 Moms Night Out
•	 Phone calls and snail-mail notes
(it’s all about the personal touch
— even if it’s just a postcard)
•	 Social media groups
What other avenues of encouragement
come naturally to your group? This
support doesn’t have to come from
just the leader, but could be a ministry
by members blessing each other as
they can throughout the year.
It’s all about relationship — about
building community. While inform-
ing and equipping can often happen
online and in remote internet groups,
homeschool moms’ inclusion and
encouragement needs are primarily
met best face-to-face, “in real life.”
What we are offering is personal
relationships. When they are involved
and encouraged, they feel important
and valued — they feel like they are
family — and people are loyal to
family. How can you encourage your
families to “do life” together? Here’s
an online article further detailing this
changing-gift-friendship-2/ 
Vicki Bentley is a wife, mom,
great-grandma, and encourager.
She is the author of Home Educa-
tion 101: A Mentoring Program
for New Homeschoolers, as well
as many other homeschool and
homemaking resources (see She
is also a support group leader,
national speaker, and HSLDA’s
Toddlers to Tweens Consultant
and Group Services Director
Learn more and register at
March 27–28, 2020 • Glen Eyrie Retreat Center
Exclusively for homeschool
group leaders part of the
CHEC Homeschool
Group Network
Serving Christ. Creating Peace.
Come for a relaxing weekend filling up with those biblical
truths on the lovely Glen Eyrie grounds. Through speaker
sessions, round table discussions, and plenty of networking/
fellowship time, you’ll be equipped with biblically-based
skills that will help you thrive in your role as a homeschooling
parent and leader.
Mike Donnelly, HSLDA
Avoiding Legal Surprises: Strong groups are a bulwark for homeschooling freedom.
But some leaders don’t know what they don’t know. You can guard your group against legal
surprise. In this workshop, Mike will help you understand key issues that may impact your
group, including civil rights, child abuse prevention, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Dan Wetzel, One Foundation Counseling
Biblical Conflict Resolution: God’s Word calls believers to live at peace, so much as it is
possible with them. It is not surprising then, that the Bible contains clear instructions regarding
conflict resolution. The session will provide a brief introduction to four primary biblical
principles for peacemaking, and is based upon the principles found in Ken Sande’s landmark
book, The Peacemaker.
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 19
Don’t fit your child to a curriculum.
Find a curriculum that fits your child. Because we know each child is
uniquely created in the image of God, AOP offers several curriculum
options to support as many unique learners as possible.
Watch what happens when your child loves learning. Find your fit
today at
JUNE 14-16, 2018
Rocky Mountain 
Homeschool Conference
JUNE 25-27, 2020
Register Now at
Homeschooling is a
So come to the
Kendrick Brothers movies Author of Unplanned Pastor  Author of Jesus is Enough
Rocky Mountain 
Homeschool Conference
Watch Overcomer
and enjoy a special
QA with writer and
director Stephen
Relax and enjoy
this fun evening,
hosted by author
and speaker Ginger
Join Dr. Carlton
McLeod for lunch as
he reveals a Manhood
Manifesto to help you
grow as a Christian
Designed for
children ages 6–12,
each program
is professionally
run with adult
Teens and young
adults will be
challenged and
equipped in specially
designed workshops
and activities
The Marks of Pseudo-Christian Cults
Escapism: Avoiding the Snares of
Battle for Our Children
The Ultimate Proof of Creation
How Fighting for Freedom Over
There Preserves Freedom Here
10 Principles to Empower You and
Your Kids to Stand for Freedom
QA - Ask a Pediatrician
Reaching the Heart of Your Child
Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the
Homeschool Dad and Husband
Tech from Toddlers to Teens
Make Jesus Great Again In
I'll Start Being a Good Mom Just as
Soon as I Finish Pulling My Hair Out
Attention Obsessive Compulsive
Perfectionist Control Freaks: Chill Out!
20 Things to Teach Your Children
Before They Leave Home
Teach Your Children How to Think
With Mentoring
The Once-a-Year Plan: Taking the
Overwhelm Out of Homeschool Planning
Meal Planning/Recipe Swap
How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
Hold That Thought: Strategies for
Building Working Memory
How to Keep Toddlers Entertained and
Occupy the Teens at the Same Time
Top 10 Myths about Homeschooling Math
Building a Framework: Strategies for
High School Success
He set my feet upon a rock. (Psalm 40:1 ESV)
His divine power has granted to us all things that
pertain to life and godliness. (1 Peter 1:3 ESV)
A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when
he is fully trained will be like his teacher. (Luke 6:40 ESV)
Here's a sampling of sessions you'll find at the conference...
Pre-Conference on Wednesday, June 24th
All general sessions, workshops, and exhibit hall
$60 for the entire family
Free for CHEC Independent
School Members: see website
for details
$29 for the entire family
The Crowne Plaza Convention Center
is located just off I-70 at Chambers Road.
Make it a fun family weekend by staying
at the hotel (exclusive limited-time
rate of $145.00+tax for attendees).
Get a full hot breakfast buffet at
the Terrace Restaurant (for room
occupants), then walk across the
grand atrium to attend the conference!
Learn about the
speakers on the app!
Download the CHEC
Homeschool app from
iTunes or Google Play
Vicki Bentley Bill George Bill Jack Brandee
Carolyn Martin Chuck Black Jennifer Taylor
Joe Tyler Dara Halgdier Dianne Craft Ginger Hubbard Dr. Jason Lisle Jonathan Brush John Sowash Judy Carlson Teri Spray
Karen Potter Kerry Beck Kevin Swanson Kim Sorgius Dr. Lainna
Marilyn Boyer Mike Donnelly Gary Bloom Jan Bloom
Rick Boyer Steve Riddell Steve Vaughan Tara Roehl Zan Tyler Marcia Washburn Tom Clark Norm Wakefield
CHEC envisions families honoring Jesus Christ by embracing home discipleship that is Christ centered,
parent directed, and free from government control.
I 877.842.CHEC
I Call Monday—Friday, 10am to 5pm
Christian Home Educators of Colorado
Conference SpeaKers
he Pew Forum’s latest survey
on the landscape of Christianity in the United
States reveals that the number of adults iden-
tifying themselves as Christians plummeted by
12% in the last decade.1
As the number of adults
not identifying with any type of religion increased
(up 17% in the last decade), it is no wonder that
religious liberty is under attack across this na-
tion. With Denver, Colorado ranking as the 32nd
most post-Christian city in the United States last
year — according to Barna2
— and Colorado
Springs is the base to hundreds of Christian
ministries, it is no wonder our state finds itself as
ground zero for the battle over religious liberty.
Though the US Supreme Court found that the
Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC)
expressed “hostility to religion”3
when they
prosecuted Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece
Cakeshop for not making a cake which violated
his beliefs, Mr. Phillips is currently being sued
in Denver District Court for continuing to follow
his conscience.4
Because the CCRC continues
to prosecute business owners for their religious
beliefs, Lorie Smith, a Christian entrepreneur and
the owner of 303 Creative5
, filed a preemptive
lawsuit to stop them from coming after her for
running her business in line with her beliefs.6
Jack and Lorie each refuse to separate their
beliefs from their life’s work and should be an
example to us all.
Recently, Pew Forum found that one in ten Protestant
Christian teens are homeschooled.7
While this is good
news, our enthusiasm should be tempered as we see
what is happening in New York. The private school
and homeschool laws in NY require they provide a
“substantially equivalent” education to public schools.8
Due to concerns brought by a local advocacy group
over the “minimal secular material” in some private
schools, the NY Department of Education created new
regulations to inspect and evaluate the education given
in all private schools.9
Until now, private schools had
broad autonomy determining the content of what they
taught. Christian schools are rightly concerned that NY
will force the teaching of topics that violate their con-
science. Homeschoolers in NY are concerned as well
because the wording in the homeschool law is identical
to the private school law under current scrutiny.
In Colorado, our private school and homeschool laws
require we provide a “sequential program of instruc-
tion.” It would only take a simple word change to put
us in the same situation as our fellow homeschoolers
in NY. Rumors abound that the homeschool law is
being looked at for revisions this year. Given the
attitudes of our bureaucrats, lawmakers, and judges
during this past year’s session — and even before
— we must make every effort to stop government
overreach into our families.
Erwin W. Lutzer in his book, When A Nation Forgets
God, clearly articulates where we are headed:
“When truth is rejected in the public sphere,
the state will either turn to some semblance of
natural law or more ominously, to lies. Secular
values will be imposed on society, and it will
be done in the name of ‘freedom.’”
Now is the time. The choice is clear: bondage or
liberty. Our aim should be to bring truth to bear on all
things. Join me in advocating for your fundamental,
God-given rights this legislative session, before it’s
too late! For more information on how you can
answer this call to action, go to:
freedom/. 
Footnotes · 1
of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace. 2
research/post-christian-cities-2019. 3
opinions/17pdf/16-111_new2_22p3.pdf. 4
to-end-latest-harassment-over-his-beliefs. 5 6 7
is-a-regular-part-of-the-public-school-day. 8
new-york-substantially-equivalent-provision. 9
yeshivas/1584361001. All links accessed 11.27.19.
Carolyn Martin, CHEC Homeschool
Legislative Liaison, and her
husband, Todd, began
homeschooling their three children
in upstate New York before moving
to Colorado in 2004. Her passion is to see
homeschooling remain free from government
intrusion for future generations.
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 026
You must guard your own
Every family in Colorado has an opportunity to make a difference
for their liberty now — and for future generations.
Sign up at for:
 Legislative updates (sent every other Wednesday, January – May)
 Prayer updates (sent every Monday, January – May) that include requests for
help with special projects (research, bill review, and more)
• Practical full year study on establishing and operating a business enterprise built on
a biblical foundation.
• Easily teachable – just follow the steps with simple level assignments
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• Instruction from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes on wisdom, character, and work
• Study through the process of starting and running a business while building
an actual business plan
• Grasp and understand basic economics, money management, and personal finance.
• Use the knowledge gained to ACTUALLY start and operate a REAL family business.
• 17 lessons divided into 36 weeks at four hours per week, about 45 minutes per day
• 136-140 hours of study
• Includes reading, research, follow up tests, worksheets, and quizzes
See a sample and
to purchase online:
The Curriculum/Study Guide for the Book,
One with Everything: anatomy of a hot dog stand and other great family businesses
The Curriculum/Study Guide for the Book,
anatomy of a hot dog stand and other great family businesses
!AME_HalfPg_OWEcombo_CHECupdate–V2-19_F1.indd 1 3/20/19 3:34 PM
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 27
When babies are born,
they communicate in cries to get their needs met.
We lovingly meet their needs and wait to hear their
first words. Sometimes, those words take longer
to hear or may come in a different form. My own
daughter has a global developmental delay. Even
though we know why she has a communication
disorder, waiting for her to be able to communicate
is frustrating to us, and I know it frustrates her as
well. Finding strategies to help your child with a
communication or language disorder helps lessen
their frustration, and yours.
Sign Language
We started using functional sign language
with my daughter for simple statements such
as “more,” “finished,” “work,” “all done,” and
“stop” then we moved on to colors, animals,
and everyday language. Giving my daughter
a way to communicate her needs helped her
to have a voice. We used the television show,
Signing Times. The songs and characters made
learning enjoyable, and it kept her attention.
Pictures and Schedules
To a child with language deficits which involve
speaking, receiving, and processing oral
communication, busy schedules or even everyday
life can be overwhelming. My daughter would be
to respond to what I say and time to put her words
together. Thus, when I ask my daughter a question, I
give her extra time to answer. Using verbal and visual
cues helps her organize her thoughts and her language.
I can see on my daughter’s face that she knows what
to say but needs help getting it out. If she still needs
assistance, giving her options or verbal cues help her to
produce her answer.
Having a communication disorder has no time frame
and it takes patience for everyone involved. Give lots
of praise and give your child grace, time, and love.
Using these strategies to give your child a voice and the
opportunity to work through the frustrations of learning
to communicate gives them more than just tools for
language. It speaks to them a language of love. 
This article is adapted from a post on, where the
author, Dawn Spence, is a Teaching
Manager. She is a homeschooling
mother of three, and left her special
education teaching career to stay home and teach
her own children. She is a gifted instructor who
has the ability to bring out the teacher in everyone,
especially showing parents how to modify
curriculum to meet the specific learning needs of
their child.
overwhelmed, which would then lead to an emotional
meltdown. I had to learn that her frustration with the
difficulties of communicating and not understanding
our schedule, was compounded by our expectations
of needing her to respond quicker than she was able.
To minimize the meltdowns, she needed a better
understanding of the order to her day. We made picture
schedules of her day. We took pictures and laminated
them, posting these around the house. Her day in
pictures, and what was expected of her, became a tool
that gave her day meaning. I also took pictures of her
doctors, therapists, and places that we would visit less
frequently. If our schedule was different from a typical
day, such as a semi-annual doctor visit, seeing the
picture would help reduce her anxiety.
I found situations that included new things she
might not expect meant she would need more tools
of preparation. For example, I used hands-on tools
in anticipation of going to the dentist. She practiced
brushing off her “sugar bugs” which helped minimize
her anxiety regarding the dental appointment. The more
we talked and practiced for the visit, the more relaxed
and successful it became.
Giving Time
My daughter struggles with understanding what others
say to her as well as with expressing herself back
to them. I know that she needs me to give her time
3 Strategies for
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 028
Coram Deo
A free online event that will refresh your excitement for the journey, equip you
with practical management tools, and transform your vision for education and
discipleship. Get ready to re-enter your homeschool week with confidence – your best
year of Christ-like teaching is right around the corner!
Speakers include
Todd Wilson,
Rachael Carman,
Andrew Pudewa,
 many more!
✓Video sessions with top speakers ✓Online exhibit hall with exclusive
Register now at
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 29
Visit for weekly
encouragement, with articles like:
 5 Things I'm Thankful My Parents Did
 What Records Should I Keep?
 Discipling Your Children in the
Family Economy
 How to Plan for High School
My cousin, Lori Jane, was in elementary
school when her teacher asked each student
to draw a picture of their mother.
After school, Lori ran home, excited to show her picture to her mother. My aunt
was very surprised to see a drawing of a clock as her image. Lori Jane explained,
“Mommy, I drew you as a clock because time is so important to you!”
We have all heard the drills of “redeeming the time,” “making every minute count,”
“don’t waste the opportunity,” that help us with utilizing our own time. But what about
how we use the time of others?
It is obvious that if a corporate executive is 15 minutes late for a meeting with 12 oth-
ers, over three hours of time is easily lost. But how about our time as homeschooling
moms? What happens when we stay on the phone past the time we scheduled our
school day to start? Or when we bump a prior commitment to our children for our
own convenience — how is this respecting their time?
Lillian Dickson wrote, “Life is like a silver coin. You can spend it any way you wish,
but you can only spend it once.”
Conversations and counsel are invaluable, but I challenge you, as much as possible,
to respect the time of your children as much as you respect the time of your doc-
tor. Keep your word as far as is possible, and they will learn to respect your time and
the time of others. 
Lorrie Langemann is a veteran homeschool mother of nine children, the youngest
of whom just graduated from college. She now teaches music lessons and invests
in the lives of younger homeschooling moms. She may be contacted via email at
Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out, but if you
find them on products, you can still clip and send them to
CHEC! (Every one is worth $0.10 to CHEC!) Make sure each
one has a visible product acronym and expiration date.
Now, it’s going all digital. Brands will change from a clip-
able Box Top to a Box Tops label. Just download the Box
Tops app, create an account to link to “Christian Home
Educators of Colorado,” and then scan your receipt. The app
will automatically find participating
products and add cash right to CHEC's
earnings online — no clipping or
mailing required!
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 030
Living in the computer age, many parents want
their kids to learn to write computer code. There are
several subscription services that cater to this includ-
ing Bitsbox ( and Thimble (Thimble.
io). Bitsbox is geared toward elementary and middle
school kids, teaching them to write apps and modify
computer games. Thimble is for 13-year-olds and up
and has hands-on electronic projects such as build-
ing and coding a robot or weather station. Both of
these boxes come with online tutorials and support.
They can be used as an “elective” or as a supplement
to another computer science curriculum.
I loved my children’s reactions to these crates. It was
like Christmas morning each month when the crates
arrived. My 10-year-old son stated that part of the
appeal of these crates was not knowing what the
box contains until he opens it. It’s like receiving and
opening a present! Everything else was set aside and
the kids tore into the projects, working for hours until
they were completed.
The instructions are designed for kids to work on the
projects independently. There are tutorials for each
crate online if the child needs further help completing
the projects. Online video tutorials are also available
for additional projects a child can complete that go
along with the theme of the crates. After spending
The Kiwi crate is designed for early elementary, the
Tinker crate is for 9- to 16-year-olds, and the Eureka
crate is for ages 14 to 104! The crates have everything
needed to complete the projects — even markers,
screwdrivers, and glue. The Kiwi crates had multiple
projects each month and covered topics such as light,
the solar system, and whales. The Tinker box covered
similar topics on a deeper level with more compli-
cated projects. The Eureka box contained projects
without any curriculum accompanying them, but the
engineering involved in these projects was stunning.
My 14-year-old son made a working articulated desk
lamp, a really fun pinball machine, and functioning
KiwiCo is just one of many subscription box compa-
nies. If you have avid Lego builders in your house,
boxes from Booster Brick ( might
be right for you. Each month a box arrives with over
250 Lego bricks divided into a premier challenge,
minifig challenge, microbuild challenge, blindfold
challenge, and a “spotlight” piece. These 5 challenges
are woven together by a story booklet. These boxes
are geared towards 4- to 12-year-olds. Booster Brick
also sponsors contests for their subscribers and there
is an online community for young Lego enthusiasts.
On a whim this
past summer,
I decided to try out a
subscription box service.
The commitment was
short, and it seemed like
a fun way to supplement
our curriculum during a
time of year when the
kids would rather be
playing than studying.
There are numerous subscription boxes to
choose from including Legos, computer
programming challenges, art projects, etc. I
went with KiwiCo which offers art or science
project boxes (which they call “crates”) and was
very pleased with the experiment. My kids love
getting their crates each month and they are
more than willing to work on “school” outside of
school hours when a KiwiCo crate has arrived.
We tried out three different levels of KiwiCo (Ki- through their line of science crates.
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 032
several hours working through the projects, I
asked my children to narrate to me what they had
been working on, and try to explain the scientific
principles behind the projects. Each Kiwi crate
is accompanied by a comic book, so the science
learning continued as I sat down with my 6-year-
old and read to her.
I never thought I would be a subscription box per-
son. I like to shop and pick out my own curriculum
and supplemental materials. But the boxes we tried
out were extremely well done, and unlike many of
the science kits I’ve purchased in the past, my kids
actually completed all the projects with enthusi-
asm. I’ve only mentioned a small fraction of the
educational subscription boxes that are available.
If you’re looking for something to augment your
learning and nurture your children’s curiosity, I rec-
ommend looking into subscription boxes and find
the one that’s right for you. Since you get to keep
all of the crate “goodies”, maybe your students will
come up with their own creative inventions beyond
the box’s specified projects.
Most of the companies allow people to subscribe
for one month to try out their service before invest-
ing in a longer commitment. This allows families to
make sure the content will be appropriate for their
children. After the amazing success of our summer
trial, I am now signed up for KiwiCo Crates for a
full year. 
Editor’s note: Bits Box will be an exhibitor at the
Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference June 25-
27, 2020. They will have a variety of their boxes with
hands-on activities if you want to experience what
their subscription service is all about.
Cindy Puhek resides in Colorado
Springs and has been married to
Peter for more than two decades.
They are well into their second
decade of homeschooling their
six children who range in age from toddler to
high schooler. Cindy holds a master's degree in
chemistry and has written dozens of articles to
encourage others in their homeschooling
journeys. You can visit her blog at
Held on pre-conference
Wednesday onsite at the
Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference
(Wednesday, June 24, 2020)
Sign up to sell your items: Log them
into our online entry system, then drop
them off and our volunteer team will sell
them while you shop. Then, get your earn-
ings in the mail — simple and pain-free!
BONUS: You can volunteer and get
first-pick early shopping time!
...and did you know that volunteers make new friends, enjoy fun perks,
and find volunteer slots that fit easily into their conference schedule?
Now you do! We'd love to have you be part of the team this year. We have spots for:
• Used Curriculum Sale (held on Wednesday, pre-conference) – Help with book
drop-off and sorting, sale management, and cleanup
• Workshop Moderators – Choose workshops to host, greet and introduce
speakers, and count room attendance
• Children’s Activities – Help facilitate special programs for children
• Registration/Information/Misc. Support – Set-up, tear-down, registration,
errands, and more!
Please note: Some age restrictions apply. Conference volunteers must be registered for the full event.
Did you know it takes
more than 200 volunteers
to run the Rocky Mountain
Homeschol conference?
Learn more at
Learn more about each position and sign up at
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 33
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 034
30 years! My
shoulders sagged
when I read this
comment from a
friend, “You’ve been
involved with CHEC
for 3 decades!” The
mention of time,
or adult children’s
birth years, usually
reminds me of how
old I am.
As I continued to ponder my friend’s
comment, I was reminded (by God, I’m
sure) that with the passing of time comes
maturity and fruit. It was just that way
in 1994, I had a front-row seat to the launch of our first
website, the start of Introductory Seminars, the opening
of the CHEC Independent School, and the codifying of
CHEC’s vision for family discipleship. As Vendor Chair-
man, I now had the use of email correspondence and
electronic payments, and my family, with number six
added, included middle and high schoolers! The older
kids took on more challenging roles when volunteer-
ing with CHEC, including cleaning the office, working
at the conference in the Youth Volunteer program, and
helping me in the Exhibit Hall. (Shane, my oldest, and
his friend Scott Lundberg created what may have been
the world’s largest duct tape ball with tape they gathered
from taped-down electrical wires CHEC had set up
throughout the conference facility.)
I remember a 1996 brainstorming session that ended
with such lofty and impossible goals as developing a
donor program, hiring a marketing director, increasing
public policy involvement, hiring paid staff — includ-
ing a full-time Executive Director — and reaching not
just Colorado, but the world with the message of family
Together, we’re motivating parents to disciple the next generation of Christians.
Thank you for partnering with us!
with my work as a volunteer and then eventually as a
staff member of CHEC.
My first involvement with CHEC began in 1994 as the
Vendor Chairman at the annual homeschool conference.
At the time, I had four littles with one on the way! We
learned to homeschool in a variety of locations as my
husband and I measured the Exhibit Hall, went to com-
mittee meetings, and participated in lots of mail stuffing
parties (where one of my kids lost his favorite blanket).
I remember handwritten spreadsheets, snail mail ven-
dor applications, and payments made only by check.
Communication occurred via the telephone (landlines,
of course) and vendors had to mail their products to
the Vendor Committee to be approved. CHEC was a
fast-growing, fledgling homeschool organization back
then, and it was exciting to be part of a team that loved
the Lord and loved homeschooling as much as I did!
As the technological world changed, so did Christian
Home Educators of Colorado. Joining the CHEC Board
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 35
discipleship. Always the pessimist, these objectives
seemed daunting, but I was surrounded by excited
visionaries who firmly believed nothing was impos-
sible if God was for it.
And God was for it! When I became one of those
part-time paid staff, the Kelly family homeschool, once
conducted around the kitchen table or on the living
room couch, now included days around the CHEC
board table while four secretaries carried on the day-
to-day operations. (Caitlyn, my youngest, remembers
reading via flashlight during those long winter months
on our one-hour car ride back and forth to Parker.)
Over the years, I’ve watched three Executive Directors
— each with their own strengths — move CHEC and
CHEC’s vision forward. And under their leadership,
things have exploded!
Fast forward to today, and the tools necessary to
provide the information, resources, and support
homeschooling families need, now includes not only
a Marketing Director, but a marketing team; not only
a Homeschool Legislative Liaison, but a volunteer
homeschool freedom group; not only an office with
local paid staff, but a cadre of talented homeschool
moms and grads who live outside the Denver metro
area and even out-of-state, working remotely. Zoom
video meetings are now common and Google Docs,
QuickBooks online, a custom database, and virtual
terminals rule the day.
And what about that vision of reaching the world with
the message of family discipleship? Well, it’s also be-
come a reality with Homeschool Summits! So far, our
five virtual events have reached more than 100,000
families from over 100 countries, giving these families
the ability to listen to the best communicators, chal-
lenging them to live as God would have us.
Today, I sit in awe during CHEC board meetings, sur-
rounded by godly friends who have stayed the course
all these years, while those “unrealistic” ideas contin-
ue to flow. I have worn a lot of hats with CHEC, but the
best part of longevity is being able to look around the
table and realize I’ve now been
joined by the next generation
… each one full of that same
excitement and vision I started
with. What a privilege to be part
of God’s work long enough to
see the fruit.
For 30 years, CHEC has been at the forefront of the battle for home education and discipleship.
CHEC serves thousands of families every year through our events, Homeschool Update magazine,
the CHEC Independent School, and more. We receive phone calls throughout the week that give
us a chance to provide advice, encouragement, and an extra “boost” to homeschoolers when the
going is tough. CHEC depends on your generous donation to both continue and expand our
Go to to donate to any of these funds:
• General Fund
• Colorado Homeschool Freedom Fund
• Event Scholarship Fund
• Sign Language Interpreting Fund
• Casterline Single Moms Fund
• Struggling Learners Fund
And those littles … well, they are now all adults,
active in their local church, homeschooling their own
children, serving as missionaries here and in Zambia,
and the youngest even working for CHEC, too. The
passing of time, with CHEC as a key component in
our family’s life, has brought maturity and fruit! Praise
God! 
Brenda Kelly is the Office Manager, Bookkeeper, and
wise counsel for CHEC and the Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference. She lives on a rural
property in eastern Colorado
with her husband, Les, her ag-
ing mother, at times her adult
children and grandbabies,
and always dogs of specialty
breeds with lots of puppies to
sell! You may contact her at
Enjoy the security, privacy, and all-access benefits
that come with family enrollment in the
CHEC Independent School!
Learn more at
Security Privacy All-Access
• CHEC Conference Admission
• Homeschool Summits Membership
• Homeschool Introductory
Seminar Admission
• High School  Beyond
Seminar Admission
• Teacher  Student ID Cards
• Report Card Template
• High School Transcript Template
• Homeschool Planners
• Discount on CHEC Graduation
• Discount on HSLDA Membership
Enrollment open for the
2019-2020 school year!
Exclusive use of the entire Horn Creek Camp!
• Numerous amenities  mountain activities
• Challenging biblical messages
• Delicious family-style meals
• First-class lodging
Bill Roach, President
George Sechrist, Vice President
Brenda Kelly
Chad Roach
Ian Serff
Steven Vaughan
Steve Craig, Executive Director
Kevin Swanson, Director of
Mike Cheney, Director of AME
The CHEC Homeschool Update is published
triannually by Christian Home Educators of Colorado,
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210, Parker, CO 80134.
The purpose of the Homeschool Update is to
provide information, resources, and leadership
for home educating families while effectively
communicating the activities, opportunities, and
needs of Christian Home Educators of Colorado.
The Homeschool Update is free to all who
request it. Donations are gladly accepted.
The views expressed by contributors and
advertisers in this news magazine do not
necessarily reflect those of CHEC.
Permission is granted to reprint any portion of
this magazine, except where noted, provided
the following credit is given: “Reprinted from
the CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, Issue
#106,2020; 720-842-4852,”
Shari McMinn,
Creative Designer:
Sarah Lee Bryant,
Advertising Policy:
Ads are published on a space-available, first-come,
first-served basis and are subject to approval.
Payment must be made by the deadline to reserve
ad space. New advertisers must include complete
product description. We reserve the right to refuse
any ad submitted.
CHEC’s mailing list is not sold or rented.
Advertising in this magazine provides an excellent
opportunity to reach homeschooling families
likely to be interested in your product or service.
Questions may be directed to
Circulation: V1  V3: 5,500  V2: 6,500
Next Advertising Deadline: March 1, 2020
For advertising opportunities with CHEC,
go to
Copyright © 2020 by CHEC
June 25-27
Homeschool Family Days
· February 23, Free day at the Denver Museum of
Nature and Science
· March 20, Homeschool Day at Skate City Littleton
· April 7, Free day at the Denver Botanic Gardens at
Chatfield Farms
· May 14, Inside the Orchestra for homeschoolers
· June 2, Free Night at The Children’s Museum
August 27-30
March 14
May 22  23April 16
March 27-28 April 18, August 8
Online, March 2-6
Visit to learn more!
see the full
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 038
MAY 22 OR MAY 23, 2020
celebrate YOUR
SCHOOL graduation
■ Pomp and Circumstance music playing as graduates
and parents enter
■ Special music sung during the ceremony
■ Commencement address and charge to the graduates
■ Parents’ presentation of the diplomas
Your registration includes participation in the ceremony,
a cap and gown, a printed diploma and cover, and ceremony
programs. (Optional photo/video package also available.)
plan now to join the celebration!
Register at
Christian Home Educators of Colorado
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210
Parker, Colorado 80134
Change Service Requested
Dear families: If you no longer want to receive this magazine, please contact
the CHEC office and ask to be removed from our mailing list. Thank you.
720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC
Homeschool mom
of 6 and wife to Eric
A day of worship,sharing burdens and joys,
and building one another up in the Word
Ladies, are you feeling weary? Then this is for you:
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Homeschool Update Magazine - 2020, Volume 1, Issue 106

  • 1. 2020 IVOLUME 1 IISSUE 106 T H E H E A R T O F H O M E S C H O O L I N G 8 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers Living Out Your Own Faith Bilingual Homeschooling Respecting Others' Time12 15 16 30 ARTICLES INSIDE THIS ISSUE INCLUDE YEARS OF GOD'S FAITHFULNESS IN 1990-2020 Colorado
  • 2. 1990 Several homeschool groups band together to form CHEC 2019 Colorado launches, featuring a free video course educating parents on how to homeschool in Colorado 1991 The first executive director is hired, and the Colorado Homeschool Conference is sponsored by CHEC 2001 The CHEC Independent School is launched 2003 The first Colorado Father Son Retreat is co-hosted by CHEC 2010 CHEC joins Facebook 2014 The CHEC Independent School’s enrollment is moved online 1994 First Homeschool Day at the Capitol is sponsored in response to a national battle for parent- led homeschooling. CHEC also works to pass Senate Bill 94-4, improving the original 1988 homeschool law 2007 Generations becomes a subsidiary of CHEC (reaching families worldwide with a biblical vision for family and life) 1995 The first Homeschool Update magazine is published 2016 The first CHEC Homeschool Legislative Liaison is hired Father Son Retreat CHEC Board Day at the Capitol 1997 is launched 1998 The first Homeschool Introductory Seminar is hosted 2017 Homeschool is launched, reaching 50,000+ families worldwide 30 YEARSof CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS OF COLORADO 1990-2020Celebrating thank you, Lord!
  • 3. This page: Day at the Capitol Event. Photography by Tobias Steeves, AWAAphotos ( CHEC Homeschool Update IVolume 1, 2020 IIssue 106 INSIDE Feature Articles 6 Celebrating the Island of Freedom BY KEVIN SWANSON 8 Contributions of the Pilgrims to America BY JAMES AND BARBARA ROSE 12 8 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers BY MARCIA WASHBURN 15 Living Out Your Own Faith BY JOSHUA SCHWISOW 16 Bilingual Homeschooling BY LAUREN STENGELE 28 3 Strategies for Language Disorders BY DAWN SPENCE CHEC Events 10 Day at the Capitol PRESENTED BY CHEC 21-25 Rocky Mountain HomeschoolConference PRESENTED BY CHEC Columns 4 Director’s Desk 18 Homeschool Leaders 26 Legislative Liaison 30 Best of Blog 32 Resource Review 34 Partner’s Page 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134 720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC (2432) April 16th See Page 10
  • 4. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK So, how was your day? It's a common question my wife and I ask each other at the end of the day. My kids have picked up on it and now they have started to greet me in the evenings with the same question. Occasionally, my answer is, “I had a great day!” But I have been convicted by the fact that frequently my response is much less enthusiastic and positive. Why? Because there are often a myriad of ways that I feel that the day could have gone better. As my wife and I reflect on our own child- hoods, we agree that the overall tone of happiness in our homes factored heavily into why we grew up thinking that homeschooling was great. We agree that the attitudes of our parents were decidedly influential in shaping that tone. As a matter of fact, our mothers are two of the most constantly joyful and optimis- tic people that we know. No wonder we thought homeschooling was great! Shaping the tone of my home, even in simple ways, like how I answer the question, “So, how was your day?” is an area where I want to grow. Here are three truths that God has used to challenge me toward a more faith- filled optimism about life in the coming year. Truth #1: Christ has Overcome the World Life is hard. Sometimes, homeschooling makes life harder. But Jesus proclaims to us in John 16:33 NKJV that there is a reality which trumps the dif- ficulties of life. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Christians have the best reason to be in a good mood because we know that Christ has defeated sin, death, and all of the symptoms of Adam’s curse that cause us pain on a daily basis. Whatever problem you have today, Christ has overcome it! So what is up with our bad attitudes? They are a result of failing to live by faith in the conquering Son of God. Christ has already won the race of life for us. We are just running the victory lap. You know that excited feeling you get just before a much-anticipated getaway with your wife or hus- band? That is the feeling that Christians have during life on earth when they believe that Heaven, and the wiping away of all tears, is just around the corner. How Was We need to remember, when life is tough, that we are going on “vacation” tomorrow! Truth #2: Trials result in trans- formed character, hope, and a deeper sense of God’s love and faithfulness Romans 8:28 teaches us that God uses every event for good in the lives of those who love Him. But, James 1:2–4, Romans 5:3–5, and Hebrews 12:6–11 break down in detail how this good results from trials and what God’s endgame is — growth in Christlike character, the experience of God’s faithful- ness, and the hope and knowledge of God’s love that flows from that experience. This is a purpose that is so good that Paul and James say we should “rejoice” and “count it all joy” when trials come. I’ll have to be honest; my flesh likes hearing this about as much as a child likes to be told, “Eat your vegetables because they are good for you!” Sometimes my flesh screams back, “Seriously? Can I just skip to dessert?” But Christians are those who live not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. One of my church elders told me that trials to a Christian are like blood in the water to a shark. They should actually make us excited! BY STEVE CRAIG your day? C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 04 DIRECTOR'S DESK
  • 5. Truth #3: We have every reason for attitudes of gratitude When I think about whether or not I had a good day, I often have a tendency to prioritize and obsess about uncompleted tasks, the things I wish had gone better, or the uncertainties that loom ahead. The reality is that the physical and spiritual bless- ings of God, His answers to my prayers, the proofs of His faithfulness, and His daily mercies are all around me. There really isn’t any good reason for a less than enthusiastic response to the question, “So, how was your day?” When my attitude is bad, it is usually because I am just not grateful. Grateful for Christ. Grateful to be a son of God. Grateful for forgiveness. Grateful for my beautiful wife. Grateful for my sweet children. Grate- ful for my mother and father. Grateful for my church. Grateful for a home on earth. Grateful for a home in Heaven. Grateful for work. Grateful for health. Grateful for God’s constant provision. The list goes on and on. Have you ever taken your family out of the house for a really fun day, only to return home WHEN LIFE IS TOUGH, WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT WE ARE GOING ON 'VACATION' TOMORROW. “ “ and have one child get upset about a comparatively small thing that they wanted and didn’t get? Do you catch my drift? It is not just that we should be “glass half full” instead of “glass half empty” kind of people. Our cup is actually running over and spilling all over the place according to Psalm 23:5. We need to be grate- ful and joyful about it! I invite you to join me in the quest to affect the tone in our homes this year through a faith-filled optimism that springs from the truth that Christ has overcome the world and all of its problems. Trials are only eventually causing good in our lives, and we have every reason to define our lives with an attitude of gratitude. The next time our spouse or child asks us, “So, how was your day?”, join me in responding with, “It was AMAZING!”  Steve Craig is the Executive Director for Christian Home Educators of Colorado. He and his wife Tara are 2nd generation homeschoolers and have a passion to inspire others toward biblical discipleship in the home. Steve and Tara live in Parker with their five children: Carson, Christiana, Angelina, Jewel, and Ariel. See a sample and to purchase online: money-101-earn-give-save-spend A STUDY GUIDE/CURRICULUMReal, Basic, Relevant Money Skills for Our Children Taught from a Biblical Foundation for Grades 9-12. Covering topics on: What is money? How does it work? What should I spend it on? Why should I save money and how do I do that? The format is logical, simple to follow, and applicable to real life! Here'saBrand-NewResourceforYourFamily: AreyourKidsConfusedAboutMoney? !AME_HalfPg_Money101_CHECupdate–V2-19_F1.indd 1 3/20/19 3:32 PMVo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 5 DIRECTOR'S DESK
  • 6. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK ISLAND OF FREEDOM Celebrating the Acouple of decades ago I published one of my first books, The Second Mayflower. It elaborated on the idea that a new, legal, educational choice called homeschooling was an important “island of freedom” for Christian parents to seriously consider for raising their children. Akin to the first Mayflower, which brought the Pilgrims freedom from anti-Christian persecution and the ability to disciple families according to biblical principles 400 years ago, this “second Mayflower” would do the same for contemporary Christian families who sought biblically-based homeschooling as the best educational choice for their children. Fast forward to today, and the latest statistics are out for that island of freedom called home education. Pew Research provides some defini- tive numbers for the homeschooling population in America, now at 4,500,000 students. When Christian Home Educators of Colorado opened its doors 30 years ago, that number was 275,000. That’s an increase of 15-fold in 30 years! God is good. At the present rate of growth, there will be 20 million homeschooled children in this country by the year 2040. Evangelical Christians make up 46% of the homeschool population, although that’s still only 10% of the total evangelical population. In a world of bad news, I have to say this is good news! In my recent book, The Story of Freedom, I push for families to seek freedom from powerful governments which seem to want to dictate how we raise our children, how we immunize them, how we educate them, how we teach them about sexuality, and so forth. Extremely powerful governments have been very insistent on controlling the education of children for the last two hundred years! Americans are so blessed to have this island of freedom, but this is not always the case for homeschooling families in foreign countries. This is why at least two sets of homeschooling parents are in prison (or work camps) in Cuba today. This is why Pastor Wang Yi and many other Chinese Christians are in prison in communist China. The Washington Examiner reported that, “Many Christian parents [in China] can face fines or other consequences for bringing their children to church or raising their children in faith at home. Likewise, teachers are not supposed to share their religious beliefs with children, and schools cannot use religious materials as textbooks. Truthfully, there is no difference between China and America in regards to the battle for home education. The battle for liberty and faith in the modern world centers around this issue: whether or not parents can direct the education of their own children while rais- ing them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The battle is the same in America, Germany, China, and Cuba. It is not just a political battle. It is a spiri- tual battle. This calls for the most courage, the most faith, and the most resoluteness of caring, Christian parents in America and throughout the world. By God’s grace, we have been given islands of freedom in this country for our families. The Lord has carved out opportunities for families to take control of the educa- tion, the health care choices, etc. for their own children. We do not have to send our children to schools that will not teach that the beginning of knowledge is the fear of BY KEVIN SWANSON C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 06 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 7. God (Proverbs 1:7), and where Christ is not preeminent in every subject (Colossians 1:17). We are not forced to enroll our children into schools which teach humanist, nihilistic ethics, the radical homosexual agenda, and the destructive patterns of transgenderism. Praise God, we enjoy a measure of liberty on this island of freedom! If there was ever a time that Christian families need to take back their right to liberty from the one-size- fits-all, monolithic statist schools, that would be now. The ideologies taught in American institutions have become increasingly and obviously self-destructive, both to knowledge and morality. Some Christians have concerns that we are “separat- ing” from the systems that are admittedly growing worse and worse. They seem to think that their children have a duty to save the public school sys- tems by bearing witness to the Gospel in the secular classrooms. When it comes to these matters, I like to say, “What does the Bible say? What does Jesus tell us to do?” He doesn’t recommend that our 12-year- old kids are responsible for “saving” the public school institution. Rather, He has commanded us in Ephesians 6:4b (NKJV), Bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. We are NOT commanded to send our children out to be raised in the “training and admonition of Caesar.” The Pilgrims separated themselves from the secular European world and their legacy for us continues today. Moreover, the Word of God is to be thoroughly integrated into our children’s education, as they walk by the way, as they rise up, and as they lie down. The Word of God is to be as a frontlet before their eyes, in the history class, the literature class, and the science class. The government is not committed to this form of paideia (or education). That’s what God actually wants for our children, as plainly communicated to us through Scripture. There will be significant spiritual and often political pushback if you begin to make certain decisions regarding your children’s education. That is because there is a battle raging over the hearts and minds of the next generation. It is a major power struggle. May God give all of us the courage and the faith to engage and never grow weary.  Kevin Swanson is the former Executive Director of CHEC, and the current Executive Director of Genera- tions, an affiliate ministry of CHEC. Listen to the compelling stories of our own day as they play out on Kevin’s daily radio podcast, at “ “ THE BATTLE FOR LIBERTY AND FAITH IN THE MODERN WORLD CENTERS AROUND WHETHER OR NOT PARENTS CAN DIRECT THE EDUCATION OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN. gg There's a lot to think about when you are just getting started. CHEC hosts our Homeschool Introductory Seminars to help you make sure you get started on the right track — to give you the vision, legal knowledge, and scheduling/ curriculum/record-keeping help you need to homeschool with confidence. Join us for one of our all-day seminars on April 18 or August 8! NEW TO HOMESCHOOLING? CHEC.ORG/EVENTS Recordingsavailable anytime! Sign up at Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 7 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 8. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK PILGRIMSTO AMERICA Contributions of the to “daily renew our repentance with our God, especially for our sins known, and generally for our unknown trespasses … .” Second, the Pilgrims were sepa- ratists and believed in the local, self-governing, independent, congregational form of church government. The Pilgrims ... ... had gained the intelligence that comes from the diligent study of the Bible and … were honest and earnest believers in the Christ of the New Testament. Such were the men and the women who were thus driven out of their native England, yet hunted and intercepted in their flight, as if they were criminals escaping from justice. Why did they suffer the spoiling of their goods, arrest, imprisonment, and exile? They had caught from the Bible the idea of a church independent of the pope and the queen alike, independent of Parliament as well as of prelates (politicians), and dependent only on Christ. It was their mission to work out and organize that idea. (Leonard Bacon, Genesis of the New England Churches, 1874) Individual self government and independent self-gov- erning churches produced a free, independent, local civil government under the Mayflower Compact. BY JAMES AND BARBARA ROSE This new year, 2020 AD, marks the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing in what would later become the United States of America. As we remember their courage and sacrifice for the cause of Christ — not just at Thanksgiving but year-round — let us also glean wisdom and guidance from their steadfast belief in biblical principals and trust in Almighty God whom they followed into an unknown future which inevitably blessed us all. This excerpt is from the third in a series of articles written by James Rose, an expert on the Pilgrims, along with his wife, Barbara. They included Old World English words and phrases typical of the Pilgrim time. What do you know about the Pilgrims? Their lives were more than merely fleeing religious persecution in England and the worldly influences on their families in Holland. They lived with a purpose wholly devoted to Christ and the Gospel, which had a profound effect on future Americans. First, the Pilgrims believed in “Ref- ormation without tarrying for any” — as demonstrated by an individual and personal responsibility to obey God’s Word. To the Pilgrim, it meant “voluntary conformity” to the rules and principles given in the New Testament, without waiting for others to obey, without waiting for the Church to change, and especially not waiting for the king to reform the church. Reformation presupposes repentance, and the pastor of the Pilgrims, Rev. John Robinson, exhorted the Pilgrim church C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 08 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 9. Third, they cast aside commu- nism in labor and supply for individual enterprise. Did you know that the Pilgrims signed a contract with some London businessmen to obtain “their meat, drink, and apparel and all provisions out of the com- mon stock and goods of the said colony?” Agreeing to the condition that all property [should] be publicly owned and that every person would get an equal share of their common labor and supplies — a form of communism/socialism in labor and supply — was the only way they could obtain the funds to acquire the religious liberty they wanted. The Pilgrims strove for two years to keep this part of the contract, but the result was such dissention, discord, and want that their Governor cast off communism and established INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. He assigned all the unmarried folks and orphans to live with more complete families, assigned each family their own plot of ground as their private property, and left every household to “shift for itself or suffer want.” Governor Bradford listed nine reasons why com- munism in labor and supply did not work: 1. Taking away private property and sharing everything in common did not make them happy and flourishing — as if they were wiser than God. 2. Communism in labor and supply breeds much confusion and discontent. 3. It retards [delays] employment. 4. The younger, able, and stronger men com- plained that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without recompense or reward. 5. The most able men thought it unjust not to receive more food or clothing than he that was weak and less productive. 6. The older and “graver” or serious and solemn men did not like to be ranked as equal to the younger men in labor, food, or clothing and saw such equality as an “indignity and disrespect”. 7. Neither husbands nor wives wanted to be com- manded to serve other men by fixing their food or washing their clothes — they saw this as a form of slavery. 8. The idea of all persons sharing alike, doing alike, being alike did not agree with “those rela- tions that God hath set among men.” 9. Communal property and communism in labor and supply diminished the mutual respect that should be practiced between people. The Governor wisely displaced communism/so- cialism for individual enterprise and industry and productivity increased enormously. But God intended the Pilgrims learn to trust Him, not their own wisdom, by permitting a drought and heatwave to descend on the land for nearly two months during spring time. The corn withered away and the ground was parched, so the Pilgrims “set apart a day of humili- ation” and sought the Lord by humble and fervent prayer in their great distress — and the rains came.  Let us now then live up to the high standard of faith and fortitude, individual enterprise, living as families, and caring for our private property as demonstrated by the Pilgrims. May we seek to raise up the next generation of Christians who continue faithful work under Almighty God’s protective hand. The authors, James and Barbara Rose, wrote for the American Christian History Institute. Permission to reprint was given by the estate of James Rose. For related articles, see Shop now at CHEC Products Homeschool Guidebook for Colorado $34.99 Colorado Civics Curriculum $34.99 Flag Etiquette Workbook $13.75 The Future Statesman’s Handbook for Godly Government and the US Constitution $12 or $8 for PDF Graduation Diploma Certificate ($6.50), Hardback Cover ($23), or Both ($28) Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 9 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 10. APRIL 7, 2017 8:45 am Opening of the House Senate Legislature 9:30 am Liberty Celebration or Constitution 101 class ($10, 7th-12th graders) 11:15 am Lunch break (pre-order Chick-Fil-A!) Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps 1:30 pm Constitution 101 class (identical to 9:30 am; $10) or Free time! Meet with your legislator Self-guided Capitol tour Denver Aquarium field trip (discounted for CHEC!) 6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore! Also, Don’t Miss: Joy of Homeschooling! Participate in the Banner Sign Contest Showcased in the Capitol all week! Future Statesman Program Purchase a workbook of civics activities learning for the whole family! Register for Free @ Stand for Homeschool Freedom! APRIL 7, 2017 8:45 am Opening of the House Senate Legislature 9:30 am Liberty Celebration or Constitution 101 class ($10, 7th-12th graders) 11:15 am Lunch break (pre-order Chick-Fil-A!) Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps 1:30 pm Constitution 101 class (identical to 9:30 am; $10) or Free time! Meet with your legislator Self-guided Capitol tour Denver Aquarium field trip (discounted for CHEC!) 6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore! Also, Don’t Miss: Joy of Homeschooling! Participate in the Banner Sign Contest Showcased in the Capitol all week! Future Statesman Program Purchase a workbook of civics activities learning for the whole family! Register for Free @ Stand for Homeschool Freedom! THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2020 Interactive Booths Visit these fun booths with the whole family to engage in learning together: ▪ US Constitution Quiz ▪ Capitol Day Photo Booth ▪ The History of Homeschooling in the US Colorado ▪ Flag History Etiquette ▪ Biblical Jurisdictions ▪ Fun Facts about TABOR ▪ Colorado History ▪ Capitol Building Self-Guided Tour Rick Green, a former Texas State Representative, is a lawyer, successful entrepreneur, founder of Patriot Academy, and speaker for WallBuilders. His goal is to help Americans to become salt and light in every area of life. Enjoy your right to homeschool everyday by making a stand on this day! Rally Speaker: Rick Green  Homeschool Liberty Essay Contest (Grand Prize $200!)  Musician Auditions for the Rally  Homeschool Stories: Posters celebrating homeschool students and graduates Register for free at Schedule 9:00am Opening of the House Senate 9:30am Family Activities: Interactive Learning Booths Historical Drama American Liberty Workshop 11:15am Lunches Served (Pre-order Chick-Fil-A when you register) Noon March around the Capitol 12:15pm Rally on the West Steps VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS ON:
  • 11. View All Our Curriculum at New Christian Curriculum Resources From Generations and Kevin Swanson Order at GET 25% OFF! Use coupon code GENCURRICULUM25OFF at checkout to save 25% on these 3 curriculum resources! Learn how Great Britain was conquered and subsequently abandoned by the Romans. Read of the first missionaries who took the Gospel to western Europe. See how the Gospel spread to Britain and Ireland, and then returned with great force to continental Europe through the influence of British and Irish missionaries. Become familiar with the many persecutions God’s people faced over the centuries, and how these sufferings continued to build 6th -8th Grade History Experiencing Christian History Set In this Literature course, students will read three classic works of literature written from a Christian perspective, including Johanna Spyri’s timeless classic Heidi, an abridged and simplified version of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, and Brother Andrew’s famous missionary story God’s Smuggler. Great Christian Stories for Children Set 6th -8th Grade Literature For the 5th-7th grade student, Generations introduces a biblical worldview into the field of science in the most winsome way possible. Captured in this introduction to animal biology are the most amazing facts and the most interesting facets of God’s creation. The course is filled with Scripture and with a sense of wonder and praise, which is only fitting for a Christian child’s education. Prayers of praise and hymns play an important part in the course. Critical elements of the biblical worldview in the scientific field are laid out, to counter the false view of science that has become increasingly destructive in the present day. 5th -7th Grade Science/Worldview God Made Animals Set A Biblical Worldview Biology Course the church. Finally, behold the work of God in the Reformation in France, and the courageous French Huguenots who carried the light of the Gospel to their fellow Frenchmen. Applies to online purchases only for the following sets: God Made Animals Set, Experiencing Christian History Set, Great Christian Stories for Children Set. Offer expires Mar. 15, 2020.
  • 12. hat is a successful homeschool? What does it look like? Is it defined by children who score highly on standardized tests? Is it one in which everyone can’t wait to start school each day? As we begin a new calendar year, let’s examine habits that lead to highly successful homeschooling. HABIT #1: Keep the Heart in Homeschooling Christian homeschooling is distinctive in that, in its ideal form, it is Christ-centered, parent- directed, and free from government control. When all three of these factors are in place, the homeschool rests on a solid foundation. Christ-centered. The most important thing we should teach our children is to love God and to serve Him in body, soul, and spirit. If we believe that God is everywhere and knows the number of hairs on our heads, shouldn’t we expect that He will show up in our children’s education? If we have bright kids with weak character, what have we gained? We want to help our students to parents teaching the children, not just plugging them into a canned curriculum on a free computer. Homeschooling has been astonishingly suc- cessful due to these three elements we’re calling the Heart of Homeschooling: parent- directed, Christ-centered education, free of government control. When these three aspects of the heart of homeschooling are removed, we return to the old assembly line ways of educating children and the phenomenal successes of homeschooling vanish. HABIT #2: Keep Your Priorities Straight Don’t allow your children’s education to become an idol. Cultivating your personal relationship with the Father is essential and must be your top priority. Next is your marriage; as important as your children are, your relationship with your spouse must come next. Don’t center your home on your children; a child- centered home is not a healthy home. Your parenting/homeschooling/discipling responsi- bilities come next. If you still have time for additional ministry outside the home, that’s great, but know when to say “no.” You will have to say “no” to many worthwhile activities, including some learning op- portunities for your children. Learn how to keep the home in homeschooling. excel, but they need to know the Lord more than they need to know calculus and sentence-diagramming. We are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:7–9 and Psalm 78 to teach our children God’s ways. Knowing and serving God is not an elective — this is the core curriculum. Everything else is an elective. A secular curriculum that ignores God is a weak substitute for Christian materials that acknowledge the One Who created us from nothing. Parent-directed. Education is not stuffing informa- tion into a child’s head. Education is discipling him or her. A one-size-fits-all approach may work well for building cars in a factory, but not for educating children. When the parent selects teaching materi- als based on the child’s unique abilities and needs, the child thrives. We should follow the model Jesus used with His disciples, teaching them as they walked together, ate together, talked together, and rested together. Free from government control. No one except God loves or understands a child better than his parents. A government-controlled, school-at-home approach cannot provide the optimum education for the child because it cannot provide the individual- ized methods for the child’s needs in the ways that a parent can. Homeschooling succeeds not because it is at home, but because of parental involvement — Highly Successful 88 HOMESCHOOLERS HABITS of BY MARCIA WASHBURN W C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 012 MANAGEMENT FOR MOMS
  • 13. HABIT #3: Keep on Learning Some of you loved every minute of school and even played school in the summertime. Others, for whatever reason, didn’t thrive. Whether you thrived or dived in school, you will now get the education you missed. You learn what you teach — by repetition and by trying to think of ways to teach it to a struggling child. Parents who homeschool soon learn that homeschooling is not simply an academic choice but a unique lifestyle that allows every family member to be all that they were designed to be. Both parents and children are daily learning to serve and follow the Lord. As parents we learn that we are not only teach- ers, but students; not only disciplers, but disciples. Set aside time and resources to “in-service” yourself. Subscribe to homeschooling magazines. Sign up for free encouragement from internet sites specifically for homeschoolers. Budget for the books you need as a teacher for your own professional development.1 And do whatever is necessary to get yourself and your spouse to attend your state’s annual homeschool conference; you will return refreshed and recharged! HABIT #4: Become a Student of Your Child Study your child. What is his temperament?2 What is her learning style?3 What is his love language?4 Is my child ready to learn this particular skill? One of our sons taught himself to read at age four; another was still not reading at age ten. We set aside the phonics materials, continuing with his other subjects. When we returned to reading instruction six months later, he could read. It was simply a readiness issue. An- other son rapidly progressed to third grade math while in kindergarten but got stuck on division. He stayed at the same math level for two years until his readiness level finally caught up and he moved on again. HABIT #5: Seek Support Avoid the Lone Ranger Mom Syndrome. Genesis 2:18 reminds us that it is not good for man to be alone. It is not good for homeschoolers to operate in isolation either. Connect on as many levels as possible to ensure your homeschool success. At the personal level, you may find a mentor who can suggest solutions for everything from teaching challenges to developing house- hold management skills that support the homeschool lifestyle. At the local level, join a support group — both for your sake and for your children’s. If necessary, start one that works for you.5 At the state level, connect with your state organization ( for conferences and other special events. At the national level, utilize the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA. com) as a valuable resource. HABIT #6: Realize Every Homeschool Will Look Different Don’t compare yourself or your homeschool with others. You are God’s choice as your child’s parent, whether he is your child by birth, by adoption, or by marriage. Be realistic in your expectations, both of your children and of yourself. You can do this! God does not call us to do what He does not enable us to do. You’ve already taught your children the tough stuff — walking, talking, and potty training. The rest is not the overwhelming difficulty you might worry it is.6 HABIT #7: Enjoy the Journey Have fun together. Don’t get grim about learning. Don’t school at home — instead, learn at home. Explore your subjects together. Develop a habit of happiness. Bobb Biehl says, “Hap- piness is having what you want and wanting what you have. By focusing your thinking on what you have that you want, you will be a lot happier than focusing your thinking on what you want but don’t have.”7 The Apostle Paul wrote from a Philippian jail, for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be recommended reading • The Heart of Homeschooling by Chris Klicka • You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully by Ruth Beechick • Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls by Gary Thomas • Home Grown Kids by Raymond Moore • Management for Moms by Marcia Washburn content (Philippians 4:11b KJV). God has provided everything you need for your present happiness. HABIT #8: Trust God for the Results There will be days when you know in your heart that homeschooling is the only way you would ever have it. There will also be days when you question your deci- sion to homeschool. It is easy to become discouraged when we focus on ourselves. But when we focus on God and His provision, our hope is restored. Do your best, but don’t assume total responsibility for every choice your child makes. God is the perfect parent and look what His kids do sometimes! Focus on God’s grace for your home. Parenting puts you on your knees — homeschooling keeps you there!  Footnotes · 1 Swanson, Kevin. Upgrade: Ten Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child. 2 LaHaye, Tim. Why You Act the Way You Do. 3 Duffy, Cathy. 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum. 4 Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages. 5 Washburn, Marcia. Activity Days for Homeschool Groups Families. www.Marcia- 6 Washburn, Marcia. The Ideal Homeschooling Mother. 7 Biehl, Bobb. Focusing by Asking. © 2020 by Marcia K. Washburn, homeschooling mother of five sons. To invite Marcia to speak for your group, or for more of her articles, books, or her free newsletter, please visit Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 13 MANAGEMENT FOR MOMS
  • 14. HEALTH CARE YOUR SET FREE . (877) 978-1663 The Van Dyke family, members since 2012
  • 15. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK TEACHING Last year, I had the privilege to be ordained as a pastor in Christ's church. Since then, I’ve had to repeatedly ask myself the question, “Does my life set forth an example of love, faith, and purity?” (1 Timothy 4:12) as I’ve sought to lead in the church wisely. When it comes to leader- ship, we all know how important it is that a pastor’s life be reflective of what they say, and everyone knows the bankruptcy and foolishness of the old phrase “Do as I say, and not as I do.” If this is true in the context of church leadership, it is also true in the home. Dads, do you understand that you may undo your own instruction to your children if you contradict it by your example? Richard Baxter’s classic work for church leaders, The Reformed Pastor, makes this very point. Throughout this book, Baxter would frequently rebuke ministers who would preach one way and then live the oppo- site. In one portion of this humbling, soul-searching work, Baxter wrote: “Take heed to yourselves, lest your example contradict your doctrine .... This is the way to make men think that the Word of God is but an idle tale .... He that means as he speaks, will surely do as he speaks. One proud, surly, lordly word, one needless contention, one covetous action, may cut the throat of many a sermon, and blast the fruit of all that you have been doing.”1 Dads, take Baxter’s words and apply them to your in- struction in the home. Do you understand that when you teach your children to speak kindly and gently to one another, you may undo that very biblical instruc- tion by your harsh and angry words toward your wife? If you teach your children that they should confess their sins to the Lord, but you never show them by your example of confessing your sins to Him, is it any surprise that they don’t take the Word of God seri- ously? If you teach your children that the Gospel is the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16), but they see no fruit of the Gospel’s power in your own life, is it surprising that they think the Word of God is, in the words of Baxter, “an idle tale?” Obviously, every dad reading this article will know that he falls short. We are sinners ... all of us. There- fore, an essential example we are to set before our children when we do fall short of our own teaching is this: to repent. Yes, your example really does matter. But your children aren’t going to get a perfect father. What they need is a humble, repentant father. They need a father who cries out to Jesus and says, “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me!” While we should set a pattern of godly living before them, when we fail, let’s set one of the most important patterns of all: the example of faith and repentance.  Footnotes · 1 Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1974), 63. Joshua Schwisow serves as one of the pastors at Reformation Church of Elizabeth, Colorado (Reforma- He is the husband to his wife Jessica and father to Jerusha, Charlotte, Norah, and Samuel. He can be contacted at BY JOSHUA SCHWISOW Living Out Our Own Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 15 DAD TO DAD
  • 16. BY LAUREN STENGELE Growing up on forty acres in southwestern Colorado, my childhood was “wild and free” before that was considered a legitimate homeschool style. My family loved Jesus and was known for hospitality. When missionaries came through our local community church, we often hosted them. Thus I spent many a Monday morning sipping tea and chatting with people from places like India, Kenya, and Papua New Guinea. That’s a type of homeschool socialization you don’t get in public school! I was raised by my mother, of Mexican-American ancestory, who loved showcasing our heritage. Spanish was her first language, but she lost it when she started her own education in public school. Although she wasn’t able to pass down the language, she made sure we felt connected to our heritage through music, food, and yearly trips to California to spend time with our relatives who were originally from Mexico. When I chatted with people who spoke two languages, I would wish I knew Spanish. I wished my grandpar- ents hadn’t stopped speaking Spanish to my mom. These experiences birthed in me a desire to live bilingually, so I decided that I would revive the Span- ish language in my own home. Other than Christ being the primary answer to all of life’s problems, if there is one other thing homeschooling taught me, it’s that the answers to practical problems are often found when we put into action what we have learned. If I wanted to teach my future children Spanish, I first needed to learn it my- self. Being homeschooled afforded me the freedom to start studying Spanish in middle school, as opposed to waiting until high school when the public schools typically offer foreign language. Continuing my Spanish studies in college, I gradu- ated with degrees in education and Spanish, with a certificate to teach “English as a Second Language”. Afterwards, I had the opportunity to travel the world, teach English, and thoroughly enjoy life in my early 20s. With my late 20s came marriage, kids, and the beginning of a new adventure: homeschooling my own children … in two languages! It turned out to be much harder than I anticipated. Finding resources in our minority language was a particular struggle. I also didn’t know anyone else who was homeschooling bilingually that could help me navigate what seemed like unchartered territory. What do homeschool families do when they can’t find something? They create it! And so, Bilingual Together was born as an online place where people can find community, encouragement, and educational resourc- es to stay the course (or begin it!) of raising bilingual children while homeschooling in two languages. I can clearly see God’s hand in my life — from Mon- day morning tea with missionaries as a child, to poetry tea time in Spanish with my three children. When we live bilingually, what we are giving to our children — what my parents gave to me — is a lavish gift for which I am very thankful.  Lauren Stengele is a non-native Spanish speaker, language teacher, and bilingual homeschooling mom. She is passionate about providing resources and encouraging families to raise bilingual children. If you want to know more about her journey, or how you can incorporate a minority language into your homeschool, you can find her online at PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK Homeschooling BILINGUAL C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 016 GEN2
  • 17. Addanytwominors totheBibleand Theologymajor. Becomeequipped tocombinevarious vocationswithabroader ministryperspectiveinministryperspectivein themodernmarketplace. EarnaBAinPastoral MinistryandaMasterof Divinityinjustfiveyears. Enjoythecollege experience whilegetting equippedthroughthe rigorofseminary,rigorofseminary, savingtimeandmoney. Warrior’s ChoiceInter- Disciplinary Degrees 5-year Bachelor’s MDivDegree Combined Agroundbreaking programwhichbuilds onthe36-hourMaster ofArtsinBibleand Theology.Designedto becompletedinaslittle asfouryearsonlineasfouryearsonline oron-campus. Doctorof Philosophy (PhD)Bible Theology Biblical Equipping for Excellence in Life and Service Early Collegefor Homeschool Students Earncollegecredit whileinhighschool bystudyingonline. Calvary’sblended modelallowshomeschool studentstofast-tracktheir earlycollegeatafearlycollegeatafractionof thecostofnormaltuition. KansasCity,MO 816-322-0110 | FortMorgan,CO 970-427-4600 | Warrenton,MO 214-668-6127
  • 18. Homeschool parents across the country share with me their fears and concerns: “What if I’m not doing enough?” “Will he get into college?” “What should she know?” “What if he doesn’t like me when he grows up?” “How do I homeschool and get dinner on the table in the same day?” And many more! As a group leader (and leader of group leaders), I have found that most of the needs they share typically fall into these four catego- ries: information, equipping, importance, and encouragement. Let’s consider how we can help meet their needs by addressing these four areas within our local groups. They need to be informed. On a state and local level, how do we provide information about homeschooling in general, or about opportuni- ties in our area? Here are a few methods to disseminate information — maybe you can think of more things your group does: • Introductory meetings to explain the basics of homeschooling in your state • Kick-off meeting (for the new school year) • Monthly informational meetings • Newsletters and articles (print or digital/online) • Social media pages and a web presence They need to be equipped. This is a step beyond informed — the focus is on providing tools to help them succeed in their goals. Equipping could include: • Coaching for harder to teach high school subjects • Consultations for struggling learners • Educational opportunities/classes • Field trips • Monthly meetings with practical topics • Providing Bible, Spelling Bee, or STEM competitions • Resource centers with books, seminars • Sports activities • Workshops/in-service training (occasionally at parent group meetings) Listen to your parents at meetings and during park days — what are some of their concerns? What are their fears about homeschooling? What can you offer within your group to help them feel empowered to stay their course? PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK of Homeschool Families The They need to be needed, to feel valued within your local homeschool community. Some folks will volunteer; others will respond only when asked, but will be happy to help with: • Activities for dads • Book sale or seminar • Hospitality ministry for a family in need — cards or meals by individual families; larger chores such as cleaning or lawn care as a group • Involvement in a common cause — helping a caring pregnancy center or political issue • Resourcecenterforsharedbooks,curriculum,dvds • Sports or co-op programs • Volunteer/service projects Finally, they need to be encouraged. I often tell new homeschooling parents that it’s not their job to teach their kids everything they need to know. It’s their job to teach basic subjects such as the 3 R’s, equip them with study skills to learn other subjects, then encour- age them with opportunities to use and build on what they know. Well, it works the same way for us as leaders. It’s not my job as a group leader to do all the equipping and encouraging. It’s my job to teach them how to encourage one another. In our homeschool group, we do this through: FOUR NEEDS BY VICKI BENTLEY Do you have aterrific groupleader? Nominatethem for theLeadership nominate C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 018 HOMESCHOOL LEADERS
  • 19. • Brunch for special needs parents • Mentoring group for new homeschoolers • Mini-retreats covering relevant topics • Moms Night Out • Phone calls and snail-mail notes (it’s all about the personal touch — even if it’s just a postcard) • Social media groups What other avenues of encouragement come naturally to your group? This support doesn’t have to come from just the leader, but could be a ministry by members blessing each other as they can throughout the year. It’s all about relationship — about building community. While inform- ing and equipping can often happen online and in remote internet groups, homeschool moms’ inclusion and encouragement needs are primarily met best face-to-face, “in real life.” What we are offering is personal relationships. When they are involved and encouraged, they feel important and valued — they feel like they are family — and people are loyal to family. How can you encourage your families to “do life” together? Here’s an online article further detailing this idea: changing-gift-friendship-2/  Vicki Bentley is a wife, mom, great-grandma, and encourager. She is the author of Home Educa- tion 101: A Mentoring Program for New Homeschoolers, as well as many other homeschool and homemaking resources (see She is also a support group leader, national speaker, and HSLDA’s Toddlers to Tweens Consultant and Group Services Director ( HOMESCHOOL GROUP leaders Learn more and register at RETREAT March 27–28, 2020 • Glen Eyrie Retreat Center Exclusively for homeschool group leaders part of the CHEC Homeschool Group Network Serving Christ. Creating Peace. Upbuilding. Come for a relaxing weekend filling up with those biblical truths on the lovely Glen Eyrie grounds. Through speaker sessions, round table discussions, and plenty of networking/ fellowship time, you’ll be equipped with biblically-based skills that will help you thrive in your role as a homeschooling parent and leader. Mike Donnelly, HSLDA Avoiding Legal Surprises: Strong groups are a bulwark for homeschooling freedom. But some leaders don’t know what they don’t know. You can guard your group against legal surprise. In this workshop, Mike will help you understand key issues that may impact your group, including civil rights, child abuse prevention, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Dan Wetzel, One Foundation Counseling Biblical Conflict Resolution: God’s Word calls believers to live at peace, so much as it is possible with them. It is not surprising then, that the Bible contains clear instructions regarding conflict resolution. The session will provide a brief introduction to four primary biblical principles for peacemaking, and is based upon the principles found in Ken Sande’s landmark book, The Peacemaker. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 19 HOMESCHOOL LEADERS
  • 20. Don’t fit your child to a curriculum. Find a curriculum that fits your child. Because we know each child is uniquely created in the image of God, AOP offers several curriculum options to support as many unique learners as possible. Watch what happens when your child loves learning. Find your fit today at
  • 21. 2020 isionV JUNE 14-16, 2018 D E N V E R C O LO R A D O Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference JUNE 25-27, 2020 D E N V E R C O LO R A D O Register Now at RESOURCESTRAINING ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 22. JOURNEY Homeschooling is a ...AND IT’S INCREDIBLE IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TRAINING, RESOURCES, AND ENCOURAGEMENT ALONG THE WAY. So come to the S P O N S O R E D B Y DR. CARLTON MCLEODABBY JOHNSONSTEPHEN KENDRICK Kendrick Brothers movies Author of Unplanned Pastor Author of Jesus is Enough KEYNOTE SpeaKers Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference
  • 23. Watch Overcomer and enjoy a special QA with writer and director Stephen Kendrick Relax and enjoy this fun evening, hosted by author and speaker Ginger Hubbard Join Dr. Carlton McLeod for lunch as he reveals a Manhood Manifesto to help you grow as a Christian man Designed for children ages 6–12, each program is professionally run with adult supervision Teens and young adults will be challenged and equipped in specially designed workshops and activities CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES MOVIE NIGHT MOM'S NIGHT OUT FATHER-SON LUNCH YOUTH FEATURES BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW The Marks of Pseudo-Christian Cults Escapism: Avoiding the Snares of Media Battle for Our Children The Ultimate Proof of Creation How Fighting for Freedom Over There Preserves Freedom Here 10 Principles to Empower You and Your Kids to Stand for Freedom QA - Ask a Pediatrician FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Reaching the Heart of Your Child Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband Tech from Toddlers to Teens Make Jesus Great Again In Everything I'll Start Being a Good Mom Just as Soon as I Finish Pulling My Hair Out Attention Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionist Control Freaks: Chill Out! 20 Things to Teach Your Children Before They Leave Home HOMESCHOOL HOW-TOS Teach Your Children How to Think With Mentoring The Once-a-Year Plan: Taking the Overwhelm Out of Homeschool Planning Meal Planning/Recipe Swap How to Think Like an Entrepreneur Hold That Thought: Strategies for Building Working Memory How to Keep Toddlers Entertained and Occupy the Teens at the Same Time Top 10 Myths about Homeschooling Math Building a Framework: Strategies for High School Success Training Resources Encouragement USED CURRICULUM SALE COGNITIVE LEARNING HEALTH SCREENINGS EXHIBIT HALL SHOPPING He set my feet upon a rock. (Psalm 40:1 ESV) His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (1 Peter 1:3 ESV) A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher. (Luke 6:40 ESV) Here's a sampling of sessions you'll find at the conference... Pre-Conference on Wednesday, June 24th
  • 24. FULL CONFERENCE PASS LIMITED TIME EARLY REGISTRATION PRICE! All general sessions, workshops, and exhibit hall SHOPPING PASS ONLY INDIVIDUAL $60 for the entire family Free for CHEC Independent School Members: see website for details INDIVIDUAL $29 for the entire family $ 50 $ 19 The Crowne Plaza Convention Center is located just off I-70 at Chambers Road. Make it a fun family weekend by staying at the hotel (exclusive limited-time rate of $145.00+tax for attendees). Get a full hot breakfast buffet at the Terrace Restaurant (for room occupants), then walk across the grand atrium to attend the conference! STAY ONSITE AND ENJOY YOUR CONFERENCE GETAWAY FREE PARKING FOR ALL! Learn about the speakers on the app! Download the CHEC Homeschool app from iTunes or Google Play Antoinette Lagrossa Vicki Bentley Bill George Bill Jack Brandee Gillham Carolyn Martin Chuck Black Jennifer Taylor Joe Tyler Dara Halgdier Dianne Craft Ginger Hubbard Dr. Jason Lisle Jonathan Brush John Sowash Judy Carlson Teri Spray Karen Potter Kerry Beck Kevin Swanson Kim Sorgius Dr. Lainna Callentine Marilyn Boyer Mike Donnelly Gary Bloom Jan Bloom Rachael Carmen Rick Boyer Steve Riddell Steve Vaughan Tara Roehl Zan Tyler Marcia Washburn Tom Clark Norm Wakefield REGISTER AT CHEC envisions families honoring Jesus Christ by embracing home discipleship that is Christ centered, parent directed, and free from government control. I 877.842.CHEC I Call Monday—Friday, 10am to 5pm Christian Home Educators of Colorado Conference SpeaKers This Pricing ExpiresFebruary29th!
  • 25.
  • 26. Your Christian Beliefs ARE NOT WELCOMEBY CAROLYN MARTIN PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK he Pew Forum’s latest survey on the landscape of Christianity in the United States reveals that the number of adults iden- tifying themselves as Christians plummeted by 12% in the last decade.1 As the number of adults not identifying with any type of religion increased (up 17% in the last decade), it is no wonder that religious liberty is under attack across this na- tion. With Denver, Colorado ranking as the 32nd most post-Christian city in the United States last year — according to Barna2 — and Colorado Springs is the base to hundreds of Christian ministries, it is no wonder our state finds itself as ground zero for the battle over religious liberty. Though the US Supreme Court found that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) expressed “hostility to religion”3 when they prosecuted Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Cakeshop for not making a cake which violated his beliefs, Mr. Phillips is currently being sued in Denver District Court for continuing to follow his conscience.4 Because the CCRC continues to prosecute business owners for their religious beliefs, Lorie Smith, a Christian entrepreneur and the owner of 303 Creative5 , filed a preemptive lawsuit to stop them from coming after her for running her business in line with her beliefs.6 Jack and Lorie each refuse to separate their beliefs from their life’s work and should be an example to us all. Recently, Pew Forum found that one in ten Protestant Christian teens are homeschooled.7 While this is good news, our enthusiasm should be tempered as we see what is happening in New York. The private school and homeschool laws in NY require they provide a “substantially equivalent” education to public schools.8 Due to concerns brought by a local advocacy group over the “minimal secular material” in some private schools, the NY Department of Education created new regulations to inspect and evaluate the education given in all private schools.9 Until now, private schools had broad autonomy determining the content of what they taught. Christian schools are rightly concerned that NY will force the teaching of topics that violate their con- science. Homeschoolers in NY are concerned as well because the wording in the homeschool law is identical to the private school law under current scrutiny. In Colorado, our private school and homeschool laws require we provide a “sequential program of instruc- tion.” It would only take a simple word change to put us in the same situation as our fellow homeschoolers in NY. Rumors abound that the homeschool law is being looked at for revisions this year. Given the attitudes of our bureaucrats, lawmakers, and judges during this past year’s session — and even before — we must make every effort to stop government overreach into our families. Erwin W. Lutzer in his book, When A Nation Forgets God, clearly articulates where we are headed: “When truth is rejected in the public sphere, the state will either turn to some semblance of natural law or more ominously, to lies. Secular values will be imposed on society, and it will be done in the name of ‘freedom.’” Now is the time. The choice is clear: bondage or liberty. Our aim should be to bring truth to bear on all things. Join me in advocating for your fundamental, God-given rights this legislative session, before it’s too late! For more information on how you can answer this call to action, go to: freedom/.  Footnotes · 1 of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace. 2 research/post-christian-cities-2019. 3 opinions/17pdf/16-111_new2_22p3.pdf. 4 press-release-details/masterpiece-cakeshop-owner-asks-court- to-end-latest-harassment-over-his-beliefs. 5 6 7 is-a-regular-part-of-the-public-school-day. 8 new-york-substantially-equivalent-provision. 9 news/local/rockland/2019/07/03/equivalency-education-regulations- yeshivas/1584361001. All links accessed 11.27.19. Carolyn Martin, CHEC Homeschool Legislative Liaison, and her husband, Todd, began homeschooling their three children in upstate New York before moving to Colorado in 2004. Her passion is to see homeschooling remain free from government intrusion for future generations. C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 026 LEGISLATIVE LIAISON
  • 27. You must guard your own COLORADO HOMESCHOOL FREEDOM! Every family in Colorado has an opportunity to make a difference for their liberty now — and for future generations. Sign up at for:  Legislative updates (sent every other Wednesday, January – May)  Prayer updates (sent every Monday, January – May) that include requests for help with special projects (research, bill review, and more) BusinessStructure • Practical full year study on establishing and operating a business enterprise built on a biblical foundation. • Easily teachable – just follow the steps with simple level assignments • Relevant – learning occurs through application • Instruction from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes on wisdom, character, and work • Study through the process of starting and running a business while building an actual business plan • Grasp and understand basic economics, money management, and personal finance. • Use the knowledge gained to ACTUALLY start and operate a REAL family business. • 17 lessons divided into 36 weeks at four hours per week, about 45 minutes per day • 136-140 hours of study • Includes reading, research, follow up tests, worksheets, and quizzes See a sample and to purchase online: The Curriculum/Study Guide for the Book, One with Everything: anatomy of a hot dog stand and other great family businesses The Curriculum/Study Guide for the Book, anatomy of a hot dog stand and other great family businesses !AME_HalfPg_OWEcombo_CHECupdate–V2-19_F1.indd 1 3/20/19 3:34 PM Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 27
  • 28. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK When babies are born, they communicate in cries to get their needs met. We lovingly meet their needs and wait to hear their first words. Sometimes, those words take longer to hear or may come in a different form. My own daughter has a global developmental delay. Even though we know why she has a communication disorder, waiting for her to be able to communicate is frustrating to us, and I know it frustrates her as well. Finding strategies to help your child with a communication or language disorder helps lessen their frustration, and yours. Sign Language We started using functional sign language with my daughter for simple statements such as “more,” “finished,” “work,” “all done,” and “stop” then we moved on to colors, animals, and everyday language. Giving my daughter a way to communicate her needs helped her to have a voice. We used the television show, Signing Times. The songs and characters made learning enjoyable, and it kept her attention. Pictures and Schedules To a child with language deficits which involve speaking, receiving, and processing oral communication, busy schedules or even everyday life can be overwhelming. My daughter would be to respond to what I say and time to put her words together. Thus, when I ask my daughter a question, I give her extra time to answer. Using verbal and visual cues helps her organize her thoughts and her language. I can see on my daughter’s face that she knows what to say but needs help getting it out. If she still needs assistance, giving her options or verbal cues help her to produce her answer. Having a communication disorder has no time frame and it takes patience for everyone involved. Give lots of praise and give your child grace, time, and love. Using these strategies to give your child a voice and the opportunity to work through the frustrations of learning to communicate gives them more than just tools for language. It speaks to them a language of love.  This article is adapted from a post on, where the author, Dawn Spence, is a Teaching Manager. She is a homeschooling mother of three, and left her special education teaching career to stay home and teach her own children. She is a gifted instructor who has the ability to bring out the teacher in everyone, especially showing parents how to modify curriculum to meet the specific learning needs of their child. overwhelmed, which would then lead to an emotional meltdown. I had to learn that her frustration with the difficulties of communicating and not understanding our schedule, was compounded by our expectations of needing her to respond quicker than she was able. To minimize the meltdowns, she needed a better understanding of the order to her day. We made picture schedules of her day. We took pictures and laminated them, posting these around the house. Her day in pictures, and what was expected of her, became a tool that gave her day meaning. I also took pictures of her doctors, therapists, and places that we would visit less frequently. If our schedule was different from a typical day, such as a semi-annual doctor visit, seeing the picture would help reduce her anxiety. I found situations that included new things she might not expect meant she would need more tools of preparation. For example, I used hands-on tools in anticipation of going to the dentist. She practiced brushing off her “sugar bugs” which helped minimize her anxiety regarding the dental appointment. The more we talked and practiced for the visit, the more relaxed and successful it became. Giving Time My daughter struggles with understanding what others say to her as well as with expressing herself back to them. I know that she needs me to give her time BY DAWN SPENCE STRUGGLING LEARNERS 3 Strategies for LANGUAGE DISORDERS C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 028 STRUGGLING LEARNERS
  • 29. Coram Deo FINANCIAL A free online event that will refresh your excitement for the journey, equip you with practical management tools, and transform your vision for education and discipleship. Get ready to re-enter your homeschool week with confidence – your best year of Christ-like teaching is right around the corner! Speakers include Todd Wilson, Rachael Carman, Andrew Pudewa, many more! ✓Video sessions with top speakers ✓Online exhibit hall with exclusive discounts Register now at THE 6TH HOMESCHOOL SUMMITS EVENT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 29
  • 30. BEST OF CHEC.ORG/BLOG Visit for weekly encouragement, with articles like:  5 Things I'm Thankful My Parents Did  What Records Should I Keep?  Discipling Your Children in the Family Economy  How to Plan for High School My cousin, Lori Jane, was in elementary school when her teacher asked each student to draw a picture of their mother. After school, Lori ran home, excited to show her picture to her mother. My aunt was very surprised to see a drawing of a clock as her image. Lori Jane explained, “Mommy, I drew you as a clock because time is so important to you!” We have all heard the drills of “redeeming the time,” “making every minute count,” “don’t waste the opportunity,” that help us with utilizing our own time. But what about how we use the time of others? It is obvious that if a corporate executive is 15 minutes late for a meeting with 12 oth- ers, over three hours of time is easily lost. But how about our time as homeschooling moms? What happens when we stay on the phone past the time we scheduled our school day to start? Or when we bump a prior commitment to our children for our own convenience — how is this respecting their time? Lillian Dickson wrote, “Life is like a silver coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once.” Conversations and counsel are invaluable, but I challenge you, as much as possible, to respect the time of your children as much as you respect the time of your doc- tor. Keep your word as far as is possible, and they will learn to respect your time and the time of others.  Lorrie Langemann is a veteran homeschool mother of nine children, the youngest of whom just graduated from college. She now teaches music lessons and invests in the lives of younger homeschooling moms. She may be contacted via email at BY LORRIE LANGEMANN THE OLD BOX TOPS CLIPS Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out, but if you find them on products, you can still clip and send them to CHEC! (Every one is worth $0.10 to CHEC!) Make sure each one has a visible product acronym and expiration date. THE NEW BOX TOPS LABELS Now, it’s going all digital. Brands will change from a clip- able Box Top to a Box Tops label. Just download the Box Tops app, create an account to link to “Christian Home Educators of Colorado,” and then scan your receipt. The app will automatically find participating products and add cash right to CHEC's earnings online — no clipping or mailing required! DONATE BOX TOPS TO CHEC ONLINE it's changing! OTHERS' TIME Respecting PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 030
  • 31.
  • 32. CURRICULUM REVIEW Living in the computer age, many parents want their kids to learn to write computer code. There are several subscription services that cater to this includ- ing Bitsbox ( and Thimble (Thimble. io). Bitsbox is geared toward elementary and middle school kids, teaching them to write apps and modify computer games. Thimble is for 13-year-olds and up and has hands-on electronic projects such as build- ing and coding a robot or weather station. Both of these boxes come with online tutorials and support. They can be used as an “elective” or as a supplement to another computer science curriculum. I loved my children’s reactions to these crates. It was like Christmas morning each month when the crates arrived. My 10-year-old son stated that part of the appeal of these crates was not knowing what the box contains until he opens it. It’s like receiving and opening a present! Everything else was set aside and the kids tore into the projects, working for hours until they were completed. The instructions are designed for kids to work on the projects independently. There are tutorials for each crate online if the child needs further help completing the projects. Online video tutorials are also available for additional projects a child can complete that go along with the theme of the crates. After spending The Kiwi crate is designed for early elementary, the Tinker crate is for 9- to 16-year-olds, and the Eureka crate is for ages 14 to 104! The crates have everything needed to complete the projects — even markers, screwdrivers, and glue. The Kiwi crates had multiple projects each month and covered topics such as light, the solar system, and whales. The Tinker box covered similar topics on a deeper level with more compli- cated projects. The Eureka box contained projects without any curriculum accompanying them, but the engineering involved in these projects was stunning. My 14-year-old son made a working articulated desk lamp, a really fun pinball machine, and functioning headphones. KiwiCo is just one of many subscription box compa- nies. If you have avid Lego builders in your house, boxes from Booster Brick ( might be right for you. Each month a box arrives with over 250 Lego bricks divided into a premier challenge, minifig challenge, microbuild challenge, blindfold challenge, and a “spotlight” piece. These 5 challenges are woven together by a story booklet. These boxes are geared towards 4- to 12-year-olds. Booster Brick also sponsors contests for their subscribers and there is an online community for young Lego enthusiasts. Subscription On a whim this past summer, I decided to try out a subscription box service. The commitment was short, and it seemed like a fun way to supplement our curriculum during a time of year when the kids would rather be playing than studying. There are numerous subscription boxes to choose from including Legos, computer programming challenges, art projects, etc. I went with KiwiCo which offers art or science project boxes (which they call “crates”) and was very pleased with the experiment. My kids love getting their crates each month and they are more than willing to work on “school” outside of school hours when a KiwiCo crate has arrived. We tried out three different levels of KiwiCo (Ki- through their line of science crates. BOXESBY CINDY PUHEK CURRICULUM REVIEW PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 032 RESOURCE REVIEW
  • 33. several hours working through the projects, I asked my children to narrate to me what they had been working on, and try to explain the scientific principles behind the projects. Each Kiwi crate is accompanied by a comic book, so the science learning continued as I sat down with my 6-year- old and read to her. I never thought I would be a subscription box per- son. I like to shop and pick out my own curriculum and supplemental materials. But the boxes we tried out were extremely well done, and unlike many of the science kits I’ve purchased in the past, my kids actually completed all the projects with enthusi- asm. I’ve only mentioned a small fraction of the educational subscription boxes that are available. If you’re looking for something to augment your learning and nurture your children’s curiosity, I rec- ommend looking into subscription boxes and find the one that’s right for you. Since you get to keep all of the crate “goodies”, maybe your students will come up with their own creative inventions beyond the box’s specified projects. Most of the companies allow people to subscribe for one month to try out their service before invest- ing in a longer commitment. This allows families to make sure the content will be appropriate for their children. After the amazing success of our summer trial, I am now signed up for KiwiCo Crates for a full year.  Editor’s note: Bits Box will be an exhibitor at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference June 25- 27, 2020. They will have a variety of their boxes with hands-on activities if you want to experience what their subscription service is all about. Cindy Puhek resides in Colorado Springs and has been married to Peter for more than two decades. They are well into their second decade of homeschooling their six children who range in age from toddler to high schooler. Cindy holds a master's degree in chemistry and has written dozens of articles to encourage others in their homeschooling journeys. You can visit her blog at Held on pre-conference Wednesday onsite at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference (Wednesday, June 24, 2020) Sign up to sell your items: Log them into our online entry system, then drop them off and our volunteer team will sell them while you shop. Then, get your earn- ings in the mail — simple and pain-free! BONUS: You can volunteer and get first-pick early shopping time! ...and did you know that volunteers make new friends, enjoy fun perks, and find volunteer slots that fit easily into their conference schedule? Now you do! We'd love to have you be part of the team this year. We have spots for: • Used Curriculum Sale (held on Wednesday, pre-conference) – Help with book drop-off and sorting, sale management, and cleanup • Workshop Moderators – Choose workshops to host, greet and introduce speakers, and count room attendance • Children’s Activities – Help facilitate special programs for children • Registration/Information/Misc. Support – Set-up, tear-down, registration, errands, and more! Please note: Some age restrictions apply. Conference volunteers must be registered for the full event. CHEC USED CURRICULUM SALE Did you know it takes more than 200 volunteers to run the Rocky Mountain Homeschol conference? Homeschool Conference Learn more at Learn more about each position and sign up at Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 33 RESOURCE REVIEW
  • 34. C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 034 30 years! My shoulders sagged when I read this comment from a friend, “You’ve been involved with CHEC for 3 decades!” The mention of time, or adult children’s birth years, usually reminds me of how old I am. As I continued to ponder my friend’s comment, I was reminded (by God, I’m sure) that with the passing of time comes maturity and fruit. It was just that way in 1994, I had a front-row seat to the launch of our first website, the start of Introductory Seminars, the opening of the CHEC Independent School, and the codifying of CHEC’s vision for family discipleship. As Vendor Chair- man, I now had the use of email correspondence and electronic payments, and my family, with number six added, included middle and high schoolers! The older kids took on more challenging roles when volunteer- ing with CHEC, including cleaning the office, working at the conference in the Youth Volunteer program, and helping me in the Exhibit Hall. (Shane, my oldest, and his friend Scott Lundberg created what may have been the world’s largest duct tape ball with tape they gathered from taped-down electrical wires CHEC had set up throughout the conference facility.) I remember a 1996 brainstorming session that ended with such lofty and impossible goals as developing a donor program, hiring a marketing director, increasing public policy involvement, hiring paid staff — includ- ing a full-time Executive Director — and reaching not just Colorado, but the world with the message of family PARTNER with CHEC Together, we’re motivating parents to disciple the next generation of Christians. Thank you for partnering with us! with my work as a volunteer and then eventually as a staff member of CHEC. My first involvement with CHEC began in 1994 as the Vendor Chairman at the annual homeschool conference. At the time, I had four littles with one on the way! We learned to homeschool in a variety of locations as my husband and I measured the Exhibit Hall, went to com- mittee meetings, and participated in lots of mail stuffing parties (where one of my kids lost his favorite blanket). I remember handwritten spreadsheets, snail mail ven- dor applications, and payments made only by check. Communication occurred via the telephone (landlines, of course) and vendors had to mail their products to the Vendor Committee to be approved. CHEC was a fast-growing, fledgling homeschool organization back then, and it was exciting to be part of a team that loved the Lord and loved homeschooling as much as I did! As the technological world changed, so did Christian Home Educators of Colorado. Joining the CHEC Board Through the YEARSBY BRENDA KELLY PARTNER'S PAGE
  • 35. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 0 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 35 discipleship. Always the pessimist, these objectives seemed daunting, but I was surrounded by excited visionaries who firmly believed nothing was impos- sible if God was for it. And God was for it! When I became one of those part-time paid staff, the Kelly family homeschool, once conducted around the kitchen table or on the living room couch, now included days around the CHEC board table while four secretaries carried on the day- to-day operations. (Caitlyn, my youngest, remembers reading via flashlight during those long winter months on our one-hour car ride back and forth to Parker.) Over the years, I’ve watched three Executive Directors — each with their own strengths — move CHEC and CHEC’s vision forward. And under their leadership, things have exploded! Fast forward to today, and the tools necessary to provide the information, resources, and support homeschooling families need, now includes not only a Marketing Director, but a marketing team; not only a Homeschool Legislative Liaison, but a volunteer homeschool freedom group; not only an office with local paid staff, but a cadre of talented homeschool moms and grads who live outside the Denver metro area and even out-of-state, working remotely. Zoom video meetings are now common and Google Docs, QuickBooks online, a custom database, and virtual terminals rule the day. And what about that vision of reaching the world with the message of family discipleship? Well, it’s also be- come a reality with Homeschool Summits! So far, our five virtual events have reached more than 100,000 families from over 100 countries, giving these families the ability to listen to the best communicators, chal- lenging them to live as God would have us. Today, I sit in awe during CHEC board meetings, sur- rounded by godly friends who have stayed the course all these years, while those “unrealistic” ideas contin- ue to flow. I have worn a lot of hats with CHEC, but the best part of longevity is being able to look around the table and realize I’ve now been joined by the next generation … each one full of that same excitement and vision I started with. What a privilege to be part of God’s work long enough to see the fruit. For 30 years, CHEC has been at the forefront of the battle for home education and discipleship. CHEC serves thousands of families every year through our events, Homeschool Update magazine, the CHEC Independent School, and more. We receive phone calls throughout the week that give us a chance to provide advice, encouragement, and an extra “boost” to homeschoolers when the going is tough. CHEC depends on your generous donation to both continue and expand our mission. Go to to donate to any of these funds: • General Fund • Colorado Homeschool Freedom Fund • Event Scholarship Fund • Sign Language Interpreting Fund • Casterline Single Moms Fund • Struggling Learners Fund And those littles … well, they are now all adults, active in their local church, homeschooling their own children, serving as missionaries here and in Zambia, and the youngest even working for CHEC, too. The passing of time, with CHEC as a key component in our family’s life, has brought maturity and fruit! Praise God!  Brenda Kelly is the Office Manager, Bookkeeper, and wise counsel for CHEC and the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. She lives on a rural property in eastern Colorado with her husband, Les, her ag- ing mother, at times her adult children and grandbabies, and always dogs of specialty breeds with lots of puppies to sell! You may contact her at PARTNER'S PAGE
  • 36. Enjoy the security, privacy, and all-access benefits that come with family enrollment in the CHEC Independent School! Learn more at Security Privacy All-Access Benefits INCLUDED IN YOUR ALL-ACCESS BENEFITS... • CHEC Conference Admission • Homeschool Summits Membership • Homeschool Introductory Seminar Admission • High School Beyond Seminar Admission • Teacher Student ID Cards • Report Card Template • High School Transcript Template • Homeschool Planners • Discount on CHEC Graduation Ceremony • Discount on HSLDA Membership Enrollment open for the 2019-2020 school year!
  • 37. Exclusive use of the entire Horn Creek Camp! • Numerous amenities mountain activities • Challenging biblical messages • Delicious family-style meals • First-class lodging
  • 38. CHEC BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Bill Roach, President George Sechrist, Vice President Brenda Kelly Chad Roach Ian Serff Steven Vaughan CHEC DIRECTORS: Steve Craig, Executive Director Kevin Swanson, Director of Generations Mike Cheney, Director of AME The CHEC Homeschool Update is published triannually by Christian Home Educators of Colorado, 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210, Parker, CO 80134. The purpose of the Homeschool Update is to provide information, resources, and leadership for home educating families while effectively communicating the activities, opportunities, and needs of Christian Home Educators of Colorado. The Homeschool Update is free to all who request it. Donations are gladly accepted. The views expressed by contributors and advertisers in this news magazine do not necessarily reflect those of CHEC. Permission is granted to reprint any portion of this magazine, except where noted, provided the following credit is given: “Reprinted from the CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, Issue #106,2020; 720-842-4852,” Editor: Shari McMinn, Creative Designer: Sarah Lee Bryant, Advertising Policy: Ads are published on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis and are subject to approval. Payment must be made by the deadline to reserve ad space. New advertisers must include complete product description. We reserve the right to refuse any ad submitted. CHEC’s mailing list is not sold or rented. Advertising in this magazine provides an excellent opportunity to reach homeschooling families likely to be interested in your product or service. Questions may be directed to Circulation: V1 V3: 5,500  V2: 6,500 Next Advertising Deadline: March 1, 2020 For advertising opportunities with CHEC, go to Copyright © 2020 by CHEC NEXT with CHEC June 25-27 Homeschool Family Days · February 23, Free day at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science · March 20, Homeschool Day at Skate City Littleton · April 7, Free day at the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms · May 14, Inside the Orchestra for homeschoolers · June 2, Free Night at The Children’s Museum August 27-30 March 14 May 22 23April 16 March 27-28 April 18, August 8 Online, March 2-6 Visit to learn more! see the full calendar online! Speaker Leslie Ludy! C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 0 6 , 2 02 038
  • 39. HOMESCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY MAY 22 OR MAY 23, 2020 celebrate YOUR STUDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL graduation WHAT’S INCLUDED: ■ Pomp and Circumstance music playing as graduates and parents enter ■ Special music sung during the ceremony ■ Commencement address and charge to the graduates ■ Parents’ presentation of the diplomas WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE COORDINATION! Your registration includes participation in the ceremony, a cap and gown, a printed diploma and cover, and ceremony programs. (Optional photo/video package also available.) plan now to join the celebration! Register at
  • 40. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID DENVER CO PERMIT #792 Christian Home Educators of Colorado 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134 Change Service Requested Dear families: If you no longer want to receive this magazine, please contact the CHEC office and ask to be removed from our mailing list. Thank you. 720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC Refresh Homeschool mom of 6 and wife to Eric SPEAKER LESLIE LUDY A day of worship,sharing burdens and joys, and building one another up in the Word Ladies, are you feeling weary? Then this is for you: ($25/person early bird pricing through February 28) Saturday, March 14, 2020, 8:30am - 5:30pm Bethany Evangelical Free Church (6240 S Broadway, Centennial) Register at