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Will the Christian
Home School
Teaching Purity
In an Impure
The Battle is
Upon Us
Self-Care or
Soul-Care?4 8 20 30
Rocky Mountain 
Homeschool Conference
APRIL 25th, 2019 PAGE 2
8:45 am 	 Attend the Opening of the
	 Colorado House or Senate
9:30 am 	 Tour the Interactive Booths
11:15 am 	 Lunches Served
	 (Pre-order Chick-Fil-A
	 when you register)
Noon 	 Rally on the West Steps
APRIL 7, 2017
8:45 am Opening of the House 
Senate Legislature
9:30 am Liberty Celebration
Constitution 101 class
($10, 7th-12th graders)
11:15 am Lunch break
(pre-order Chick-Fil-A!)
Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps
1:30 pm Constitution 101 class
(identical to 9:30 am; $10)
Free time!
Meet with your legislator
Self-guided Capitol tour
Denver Aquarium field trip
(discounted for CHEC!)
6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore!
Also, Don’t Miss:
Joy of Homeschooling!
Participate in the Banner  Sign Contest
Showcased in the Capitol all week!
Future Statesman Program
Purchase a workbook of civics activities 
learning for the whole family!
Register for Free @
Stand for Homeschool Freedom!
APRIL 7, 2017
8:45 am Opening of the House 
Senate Legislature
9:30 am Liberty Celebration
Constitution 101 class
($10, 7th-12th graders)
11:15 am Lunch break
(pre-order Chick-Fil-A!)
Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps
1:30 pm Constitution 101 class
(identical to 9:30 am; $10)
Free time!
Meet with your legislator
Self-guided Capitol tour
Denver Aquarium field trip
(discounted for CHEC!)
6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore!
Also, Don’t Miss:
Joy of Homeschooling!
Participate in the Banner  Sign Contest
Showcased in the Capitol all week!
Future Statesman Program
Purchase a workbook of civics activities 
learning for the whole family!
Register for Free @
Stand for Homeschool Freedom!
APRIL 25TH, 2018
Visit these fun booths with the whole
family to engage in learning together:
▪ US Constitution Quiz
▪ Capitol Day Photo Booth
▪ The History of Homeschooling in the
US  Colorado
▪ Flag History  Etiquette
▪ Roles and Levels of Government
▪ Capitol Building Self-Guided Tour
▪ Biblical Jurisdictions
▪ American History
▪ Colorado History
Bill Jack leads trainings at TeenPact
Leadership Schools, is a faculty
advisor for Worldview Academy,
and has a passion to raise up a
generation that has the vision to
reach their culture with the gospel.
Enjoy your right
to homeschool
by making a stand
on this day!
Register for free at
Interactive Booths
Speaker Bill Jack
Front Cover: Day at the Capitol Event.
Photography by Tobias Steeves, AWAAphotos (
This page: Day at the Capitol Event.
Photography by Sarah Lee Bryant (
CHEC Homeschool Update IVolume 1, 2019 IIssue 103
Family Encouragement
8	 Teaching Purity in
		 an Impure World
10	 Home on the Range
12	 The Questions
		 You Can't Answer
15	 Your Faith Matters
16	 Making Sibling
30	 Self-Care or
CHEC Events
2	 Day at the Capitol
		 PRESENTED BY CHEC 23-26	Rocky Mountain
4 	 Director’s Desk
18	 Homeschool Leaders
20	 Legislative Liaison
 28	 Struggling Learners	
30	Best of Blog	
32	Curriculum Review
34	 Partner’s Page
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134
720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC (2432)
Aquestion like
this may come
across as provocative or
improbable in the minds
of those involved in
this movement, but the
trending statistics should
give us reasons for pause.
In AD 2000, there were about 4.3 million
students attending Catholic, sectarian (e.g.
Lutheran), and conservative Christian schools in
America. This dropped to 3.4 million by 2010.1
Enrollment in “conservative, evangelical” Chris-
tian schools dropped from 900,000 to 614,000
between 1995 and 2011.2
The overall percent-
age of children enrolled in private schools
dropped from 14% to 8% (between 1959 and
Despite the world producing an increas-
ingly secularized education, eliminating prayer
and the Ten Commandments, and introducing
various sexual perversions, American families
increasingly turned away from privatized Christian
The Decline of Christian
Meanwhile, the Christian influence in homeschooling
fared similarly, with the movement being defined
more so by a location change for the education of a
child. Although there were benefits to shifting a social
setting from a state-run institution to a home, this did
not automatically ensure a Christian education. There
were Wiccans, classical humanists, and Muslims
who homeschooled their children. The location of
the schooling did not dictate that the philosophy of
education and curriculum used was God honoring.
Thus, homeschooling produced a mixed bag of
philosophies, making it difficult to pin down the
movement during the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
According to a 2016 NCES survey, only 51% of
homeschoolers chose this alternative for religious
The majority were more concerned with the
public school environment (80%) and poor academic
offerings in other options (61%). When asked about
Will the
Christian Home School
the “most important reason” the family chose the
homeschooling option, only 16% pointed to “reli-
gious instruction.”5
Overall, interest in religious instruction among
homeschooling families dropped from 83% in the
2007 survey to 64% in the 2012 survey, and then
down to 51% in the 2016 survey.6
According to the
NCES data, within a period of nine years the com-
mitment to religious instruction dropped by about
Certainly, there are still some concerned and com-
mitted Christians left in America. There are Christian
leaders who continue to labor in the waning Christian
[institutional] school and Christian homeschooling
movements. However, it has come to the point that
there is no distinctive philosophical approach for
Christian education — nothing to rally around and
nothing to work for. It would be good therefore to
summarize the irreducible and essential elements that
constitute a Christian education movement against
secularism in our day.
Our Homeschool Update readers typically hear from CHEC Executive Director Steve Craig in this column. In this issue, we have
the privilege of an excellent message from Kevin Swanson, Executive Director of Generations, one of our affiliate ministries.
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 94
The Irreducible,
Essential Elements
1. We cannot concede that a “secular” educa-
tion is neutral, while Christian education is
biased. Every education has a worldview (religious)
foundation that includes a basic understanding of
reality, origins, ethics, and truth. When our children
are discipled in schools representing the wrong [anti-
Christian] worldview, they will often fail to carry on
the Christian faith of their parents and grandparents.
2. Christ must be presented as the source of all
wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). Christ
must be preeminent in all things — including science
and history (Colossians 1:18). There cannot be two
distinct forms of knowledge — the secular and the
sacred — in the Christian mind. While there are two
revelations of knowledge (natural revelation and special
revelation), they reveal the same truth concerning God,
man, and the world. To ignore Christ in discussions
on epistemology (the theory of truth) or metaphysics
(the theory of reality) is to imply there are sectors of
God’s creation in which He has no part or control. This
mindset is apostasy for Christians who purport to teach
knowledge in the schools or the textbooks.
3. According to the Holy Bible (Proverbs
15:33, Proverbs 22:4), humility and the
fear of God must serve as the foundation of
knowledge and learning. The world appeals to
pride and rejects the fear of God, the significance of
God, the glory of God, and even the existence of God
in education. For Christians, academic pride is the
destruction of knowledge.
4. The Word of God must be integrated
throughout a Christian education. The secular-
sacred divide does not exist in a Christian education.
Deuteronomy 6:7-9 presents the Word of God as a
“frontlet” before our eyes, on the posts and gates of
the house. This obliterates a “secular” education as a
separate kind of knowledge. There is nothing to which
the Word of God does not tie in.
5. The purpose of the Christian education
is not to glorify man, but to glorify God. The
integration of the worship of Christ in a classroom
may seem odd, only because Christian education has
been replaced by secular man-centered education in
public and private schools and home schools over
the last 150 years. The worship and praise of God
should not appear strange in the history textbook and
the science classroom. Teachers and speakers in our
[Christian homeschool] conferences and classrooms
should break out in praise and worship to the Father.
6. Faith and prayer are essential for the
success of a Christian education. We do not
encourage self-confidence, but instead God-confi-
dence in the Christian education and training. While
the disciples were busy rowing all night, and making
little progress at that, Jesus was in the mountains
praying. Then, He walked over the water, climbed into
the boat, and “immediately they were on the shore.”
His seminary was held in a boat, and His approach
to solving problems involved faith. He wanted the
disciples to exercise faith in all of their experiences
[as should we].
7. Christ-like discipleship and education
takes place in the context of life and always
requires life-integration. The one who hears the
Word but does not do the Word is like the man who
sees himself in the mirror and quickly forgets what
he looks like (James 1:23-24). Education cannot
be reduced to stuffing facts into the minds of the
students. If the knowledge learned does not produce
love and works that edify and build up, the knowledge
is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
Although education in America is in decline academi-
cally — at least according to recent reports — that
is not our main concern. With all the pressures on
us from the world, it is easy to lose sight on the
things that matter most. The first question to ask
ourselves as parents regarding our children’s
education is: “What would Jesus want us
to do?” When we seek His kingdom first in our
children’s education, He promises He will provide
for all our material needs (Matthew 6:33). If we seek
His kingdom first, our children will make the grades,
get into the right college, and earn a good living—
or whatever our hopes are for them as a result of
homeschooling [if that is the Lord's will for their life].
Our focus must be a curriculum and education that
is Christ-centered, Scripture-based, and puts God’s
Kingdom first! Let us focus on Christ-centered faith
and character in every hour and every class, beyond
anything else. We are looking for humility and the fear
of God, including worship and praise in the history
class and the science class. The academics are sec-
ondary. Then, we will look to God to bless our work.
As homeschooling families,
the call to a distinctively
Christian education is the
greatest need of the day.
Passing on the faith to our children should be the most
urgent desire, prayer, and commitment of every Christian
parent. May God bless your family with this thought in
mind, that the next generation might know them, the chil-
dren yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so
that they should set their hope in God (Psalm 78:6,7a). 
[1] [2] Ibid. [3] https://www.
Ewert_01.pdf. [4] [5]
Ibid. [6] Ibid. Also, reference
Kevin Swanson served as
the Executive Director for
CHEC from 1999-2009. He
has taught in Christian
schools, colleges, and
Christian homeschool conferences over the last 30
years. With his wife Brenda, they have homeschooled
their five children out on the eastern plains of
Colorado. Kevin has developed Christian curriculum
for high schools and college students, available at He has also written a number of
books on worldview, the Christian family, providential
history, popular culture, and Christian education.
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 5
1 Volume + Workbook, 10th-12th Grade,
History, 1-2 Credits
— features —
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• Full-color 1000+ page textbook covering
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Here is a new curriculum providing a unique
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Columbus in 1492 and ending with Donald Trump
in 2018. It is an epochal story of the rise and decline
of the most powerful nation on earth . . . the United
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This 10th-12th grade level American History
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A Christian approach to
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Order at
Presented by Kevin Swanson  Generations
Enjoy the security, privacy, and all-access benefits
that come with family enrollment in the
CHEC Independent School!
Join the CHEC Independent School!
Learn more at
Security Privacy All-Access
• CHEC Conference Admission
• Homeschool Summits Membership
• Homeschool Introductory
Seminar Admission
• High School  Beyond
Seminar Admission
• Teacher  Student ID Cards
• Report Card Template
• High School Transcript Template
• Homeschool Planners
Enrollment for the 2018–2019
school year closes April 30th!
In an Impure World
“Dad, what does
*!$#! mean?”
My son’s pronunciation of the crude sexual
term even at 10-years-old was flawless. I kept
my eyes on the road, driving as though he had
asked how ice cubes are made. I took a deep
breath and asked a few questions to give myself
time to think of a good reply. He answered in
brief. Then I provided him all the details, includ-
ing a biblical perspective.
This is not a question I would have asked my
dad. Shame, a dark cloud, even anger, would
come with asking about much less. No, not
Safety. Trust. These are characteristics I wanted
my son to see in me. Ask anything. It will be
okay. Don’t ask Google. Don’t ask your friends.
Your mom and I are here, and we’ll always tell
you the truth to the best of our ability.
Today, most moms and dads are better prepared
to talk about sex than their parents, but much
more is required of us because our culture is
forcing sexual messages at our children. It’s not
just words, either. Depending on the study, the
average age for kids to be exposed to pornography is
between the ages of 9 and 12.
Between 9 and 12 … and that’s the average! That
means a lot of kids who are younger are seeing porn,
too. Many kids are going from total innocence to
such hard-core-you-can’t-even-imagine porn. It
happened to my son. He was just 8 when another
8-year-old boy showed him porn on an iPod. This
friend came from a Christian home and didn’t even
have wifi because his parents wanted to protect him,
but of course, he found the Internet everywhere else,
from the library to McDonald’s.
Today the refrain is, “It’s not if a child will see porn,
but when.”
Parents rightfully want to preserve a child’s inno-
cence, but knowledge about sexuality doesn’t harm
their innocence. In fact, it can help preserve it. Many
parents fear that providing information about sex to
their children will make them curious. But every kid is
curious, and not talking about it leaves our children
unprepared. God created sex, and He made it to be
good. Our job as Christian parents is to teach our
children God’s plan for sex, even when our culture
seeks to warp that design.
Obviously, this topic is bigger than one article, but
here are some basic tips and great resources to help
you parent well in a sexualized culture.
Fight False Security
Fight the voice in your head that says, “This won’t
happen to my child.” No parent plans for their child
to be exposed to sexual content. It just happens …
often when least expected. Be on guard!
Start Now
Learn now, grow now, and plan now how you will
talk to your kids. Procrastination destroys good
intentions. You’ll be tempted to say it’s too early or
too late. Kill that thought because your 4-year-old
and your 16-year-old need your guidance. Recently,
a parent told me her 6-year-old child was exposed to
porn by another 6-year-old with a smart device.
Protect Your Devices
Install accountability and filtering software, like Cov-
enant Eyes (, on your devices. If
a device can’t be monitored with software and lacks
strong parental controls, don’t buy it. Unprotected
devices are an invitation to serious issues.
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 98
Also, filtering-only is not enough; accountability/
monitoring software is a must. Filters teach nothing,
except how to get around a filter. Accountability
creates conversations and opportunities for dis-
cipleship. Parents are their kids’ best resource, and
accountability software is simply a tool that helps
parents better engage their kids about what they see
and do online. [When parents are in close relation-
ship with their children and are also accountable
to the same software system, kids realize that their
parents aren’t just stalking their every move but care
about handling internet issues with wisdom.]
Read These Great Resources
Here are some amazing resources that will guide you
in training and discipling your kids.
1.	 Luke Gilkerson at has
a fantastic guide called Having the Talk. It pro-
vides seven lessons to introduce your child to
biblical sexuality and will give you confidence
and reduce confusion about what to say.
2.	 Hal and Melanie Young have a wealth of
resources on their site
Among them is a book they wrote called Love,
Honor, and Virtue: Gaining or Regaining a Bibli-
cal Attitude Toward Sexuality. It’s written to and
for teen guys to help them navigate our cultural
3.	 Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a great book
you can use with your young kids to help them
understand why pornography is dangerous and
how to reject it. You can find it at
4.	 Equipped: Raising Godly Digital Natives is an
easy read packed with tips that help you guide
your child in a pornified world. This free e-book
shows parents how to have honest conversa-
tions about self-image, sexuality, sin, and
shame, and provides proven methods for train-
ing children to be media literate. Get Equipped
and other free e-books at
ebooks. 
Sam Black is VP of Development for Covenant
Eyes. We are pleased to announce that Covenant
Eyes is a Premium Partner for CHEC’s 2019 Rocky
Mountain Homeschool Conference. Sam will be
speaking several times on topics of interest to
families regarding internet accountability.
Don't freak out!
We're here to help.
Come to a CHEC Homeschool Introductory
Seminar and get the vision, legal info, and
nuts and bolts you need to kick off your
▪ April 13: Castle Rock
▪ June 12: Onsite at the Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference
Interested in helping host a seminar in your home town?
Please contact!
Learn more at
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 9
Roy and Brandee Gillham live on their family’s working cattle
ranch near Peetz, Colorado in the far northeast corner of the
state. Their little cowpokes have been home discipled since
birth. This winter, their family endured a faith-testing experi-
ence when their youngest son, Waitley, battled and survived
a life-threatening lung infection. Praise the Lord!
ARoy and I met while working
on our degrees at Colorado State
University. Our first date was at
a church event where I gave
my life to Christ. We dated
for three and a half years,
then got married in July
2003. I was a certified
teacher and taught
one very long year of
public high school.
By the summer
of 2004, I was
ready to begin our
family. However,
God planned for
me instead to
teach four years
at the collegiate
level before we were
eventually blessed
by the birth of our
first son, Jake. A short 21 months later, Matt joined our
herd. Despite being a certified teacher with a passion for
teaching, like so many others I didn't believe my ability
was designed for teaching my own children.
Our plan was for me to go back to “work” as soon as our
youngest was in school. Unexpectedly, I was diagnosed
with cancer when my boys were only three and five. I
finished six months of chemotherapy just three weeks
before Jake was supposed to start kindergarten. Since
he was going to be a fourth generation Gillham at the
local school, I was not about to upset the apple cart.
Until I did!
By March 2014, I was feeling better and the Lord laid
Proverbs 22:6 on my heart: Train up a child in the way
he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart
from it. I didn’t realize at the time that this verse is often
considered the ‘homeschool mantra,’ but it led us to
consider home education. I already had experience
teaching preschool at home with my boys, so after Jake
finished his kindergarten year at the local school, we
began our journey of homeschooling.
Despite the doctors telling us we could have no more
children following my particular chemotherapy treat-
ment, we had our third son, Waitley, in April 2017. Now
our fourth son will arrive in April 2019!
Home on the
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 910
AMy lil’ cowpokes love that they can get all
of their book work completed in the morning with
me, have lunch, then head outside to work with my
cowboy husband. This is actually a huge motivator
for my boys to stay on task while doing their school
work with me. With my husband they are learning real
life lessons and work skills such as fence building,
machine repair and maintenance, livestock care,
horsemanship, and wise stewardship of the land. We
are blessed to get to do school and life together as a
family every single day.
For example, three years ago my two oldest boys
started an egg business. They became responsible
on their own for a flock of about 50 chickens (the
number changed due to our dogs!). They learned hard
work, marketing, and money management. This past
summer, I hired them to work for Mama  Sons Con-
struction Company. They learned to apply for the job,
negotiate wages, and show up to work — all to build a
chicken coop to house their egg-laying birds.
AI have been serving on the leadership team of
The Vine Homeschool Co-op for a few years, helping
our team plan and coordinate the activities for each
semester. I enjoy planning field trips for our group
as well as hosting and attending our monthly mom’s
night out. The Lord has given me the gifts of admin-
istration and leadership, and my heart is to bless the
families that participate in The Vine.
In addition to my local volunteer work, I have been
so blessed by CHEC and the Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference that I desired to give back. In
2017, I began coordinating the Leadership Luncheon
held during the conference. Recently, I began to
encourage other group leaders by launching an
interview series called “Leaders That Lead the Way.”
Further, I chose to participate in the Homeschool
Freedom Team (
homeschool-freedom/) as I am so thankful for our
freedom to homeschool in the state of Colorado. I
am amazed by those who went before us to make this
path available, and I am willing to stand up and do my
part to maintain that freedom.
I firmly believe we will never regret the time we invest
in our children and other home educating families
as we train the next generation to stand on the very
words of Jesus Christ. 
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 11
s homeschoolers,
our focus is on the
young people around
us. We parent them,
teach them, love them,
and clean up after
them. It is easy to
concentrate so much
on our children that
we forget that they
aren’t the only ones
having birthdays —
our parents are, too.
Sometimes, we fail to
notice important signs
that our parents need
our help.
▪ “Has this ever happened before?”
▪ “What medications and supplements does your
mother take? How often? What is the dosage?”
▪ “Does she have a DNR?”
▪ “Who is her primary care doctor?”
▪ “Do you have a Medical Power of Attorney?”
▪ “What is the name of her insurance provider?”
Suddenly, you realize how little you know about
the details of your mother’s life. You wish you
had started the conversation with her before this
emergency. You have no idea where to find the
information the medics are requesting, and besides,
you want to stay with her, not go searching through
her house to find it.
Most of us cannot imagine that the mother who
sings in the church choir and cheerfully organizes
dinners for the family reunion will ever lie helpless
on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance. But it
doesn’t take a statistician to tell us that she is get-
ting older each day and that few people are able to
completely care for themselves in their older years.
As Christians, we agree that we should honor our
parents. This may include many things: visits, cards,
phone calls, or help with home maintenance projects.
We teach our children to respect their elders, and we
talk about the promise of Heaven for believers. As they
get older, we address issues such as respect for life
from conception through natural death.
As part of the management of our family, there is an
important part of honoring our elders that we some-
times forget. Or, if we recognize its importance, we
hesitate to address it because it makes us uncom-
fortable. For the sake of our parents, ourselves, and
even our children, we need to address aging and
end-of-life issues.
Consider this scenario: your mother lives several
hours away, and you and your family try to visit her
several times each year. But this time, what started
as a typical visit quickly introduces you to a whole
new world of responsibilities and decisions.
While eating out at her favorite restaurant, your mother
complains of a sudden headache and then collapses.
You call 911 and the medics arrive promptly. That’s
when the questions begin.
The Questions
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 912
We tend to avoid discussions of illness, disability, and death
because they are unpleasant, or maybe we think it is bad luck
to talk about such things. But it is far better to discuss essen-
tials in advance than to scramble for life-saving information
when we are emotionally upset.
My own mother got it right. She loved me so much that she
compiled a Family Notebook of information (and informed
me of its location) that I would need when the inevitable
time came that she would need care or would graduate to
Heaven. She started the notebook while in her 50s, but I
didn’t need it until she was in her 80s when she came to live
with us. Meanwhile, I had the comfort of knowing it was there
whenever the need might arise.
Mother included financial, medical, and legal information that
she updated regularly. She stated her preferences for her own
memorial service. Everything was in order, such that we didn’t
even require an attorney to settle her estate after she died.
Here are some tips that could save you many anxious mo-
ments with your own parents.
▪ If your parents live at a distance, get acquainted with
their neighbors and exchange phone numbers. If your
mother doesn’t answer your calls, you will want to
know someone who can check on her. A neighbor was
the one who first alerted us to behavioral changes
in my mother-in-law that proved to be early signs of
dementia. This led to more frequent in-person visits
and, ultimately, to moving her in with us.
▪ Some families find it awkward to discuss legal matters
and final wishes. Perhaps you and your spouse can
take the lead by letting your siblings and parents know
that you are gathering important information for your
own Family Notebook. Encourage them to do the same.
▪ Explain to your parents how grateful you will be to have
all the information you need in one place if they become
incapacitated, or when they die. They need not show
you the details at this time if they wish to preserve their
privacy, but you will be glad to have it if one of them is
suddenly crippled by a stroke or heart attack and you
become the decision-maker on their behalf.
▪ Encourage your family members to prepare important
legal documents such as a will, a Medical Power of
Attorney [with a signed HIPPA form], and a Durable
Power of Attorney. Copies of these should be included
in the Family Notebook. If these documents do not
exist, the government makes all decisions regarding
your loved one’s medical and financial affairs, as well
as determining what will happen to any minor children.
Most people would prefer that someone who knows
their wishes would make those decisions, rather than a
government employee who doesn’t know the family.
These are not pleasant issues to think about, but every day
we spend on this planet we are growing older. Few of us will
escape without requiring some type of care. Take the time to
set your affairs in order and encourage those you love to do
the same. Your family will commend you for it when they are
the ones caring for you. 
© 2016–2018 by Marcia K. Washburn.
Through the years, Marcia has cared for four
adult relatives in her home. Her book,
Home-Based Eldercare: Stories and
Strategies for Caregivers, is available at and at
This article is adapted from one that originally appeared in
the August 2016 Christian Family Eldercare newsletter (see for more articles).
Making Connections for Struggling Learners
We teach healing intervention for you to
do at home with your child. We will
support you for a full school year!
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 13
Come learn what Scripture teaches about soul care
and how to value it in your life. Come worship together,
share burdens and joys, and build one another up in the Word.
Come and be refreshed!
WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 2019, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
WHERE: Bethany Evangelical Free Church
(6240 S Broadway, Centennial, CO 80121)
WHO: All adult ladies are welcome
(including nursing mamas and their infants)
REGISTER: $20 for early bird registration
(no refunds are offered on the registration cost, but you
may register at the door if space allows)
LUNCH: Pre-order a Chick-fil-a box salad when you
register (cost is $10), or bring your own lunch
Register at
As I was reading
through the
story of Noah this
morning, I had some
interesting thoughts
about the importance of
a father's faith and how
it can bring blessing and
protection to his entire
family. Men, our faith
Noah was a righteous man and was considered
blameless. So when God decided to purge
the earth of the evil that man had created, He
recognized Noah and made plans to save him.
However, we see that God ended up saving
more than just Noah. He also decided to save
Noah’s wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives.
It is interesting that Scripture does not men-
tion that any of these family members were
righteous and blameless or walking with God. So
why were they spared? Was it because God had to
repopulate the earth and needed them for that task?
God could have started all over with just Noah and
his wife.
Was it because the sons helped their father build the
ark and this was their reward? Was it the faith of the
sons and their wives that saved them? In Hebrews,
it only mentions that it was the faith of Noah that
actually saved his entire family from the pain and
destruction of the epic flood (Hebrews 11:7).
Do not think that I am advocating that a father’s faith
can provide eternal salvation for his family. For, you
see, the ark only saved them from the serious storms
of this life and the judgment of God for a period of
time. They all eventually died and were accountable
to God individually.
However, as men, we can never underestimate
the importance that our faith plays in the life
of our entire family. The faith and obedience of a
father can protect his family from many storms in this
life. It can provide that spiritual “hedge of protection”
that is wide enough to shelter others (Job 1:10).
Men, it is humbling and exciting to know that our
faith affects more than just our lives. When we
say yes to God and pursue Him, our families
are blessed. Let’s not take our role as fathers and
spiritual leaders of our families lightly. We can set
the tone, provide a covering, and affect generations
to come.
The stakes are high, so let’s put our trust in
God, circumcise our hearts to the Lord, and
live out who we are in Christ.
May we “find favor in the eyes of the Lord” and be
called “righteous and blameless among the people,”
just as Noah was. And may our families be invited
onto the ark in times of trouble and turmoil because
of our faith. 
Eric Jones is a homeschool dad, the Lead Pastor
of Evident Life Church in Gilbert, Arizona, and
the Director of the East Valley House of Prayer
(EVHOP). Eric and his wonderful wife, Velvet, have
been married for 20 years and are blessed with
one daughter and three sons. This article is used
with permission from the Alliance of Christian
Home Education Leadership article archives.
Your Faith
to Your Family
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 15
“Amos, did you
know that Jonah
was swallowed by
a big dog?”
This question came from my four-year-old sister
as she stood barefoot in my garden, her curly
brown hair a crazy mess in the wind. Today was
gardening day. Once a week I came to work
on the garden at the family's house, and my
arrival was usually greeted by several of my nine
younger siblings — most often my six-year-old
brother Jed — running out of the house with a
dozen questions for me to answer. On one such
occasion, Jed informed me that “Today was fun-
school,” and I was going to teach them.
“All right,” I said, “What do you want me to teach
“Give us another science lesson!” Jed said
I was a bit taken aback at this. Were I to teach
science, I would most likely lead my poor
students astray. Yet, not to be undone by my
brother's request, I asked, “Another? When did I
teach you science?”
“Don't you remember? That's what you told us about
last time, with James I and the Stuarts of England?”
“Ah!” I said, “But that’s not science, that's history.”
Jed shrugged. Apparently all subjects were the same
to him. “Can you tell us more?”
Growing up as a homeschool scholar in Denver, both
of my parents were non-stop teachers. They took
seriously the verse in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach at all
times. No matter what we were doing — gardening,
family devotions, dishwashing, deer-processing, na-
tional popcorn appreciation day, MMs — everything
was a good excuse to teach. Following my parent's
example, my older brothers would spend all of their
lunch break teaching us everything they had learned
that day in their high school studies.
This was one of the things I loved about
homeschooling: it blurred the line between life and
study with no compartmentalization about learning.
History, science, math, and making breakfast were
all interrelated subjects. To learn and to teach were
just as natural a part of everyday life as eating and
drinking. I discovered that anything I learned during
the course of my studies was not just a fact to be put
into short-term memory for an upcoming test; it would
become a part of my life as I shared it with all 11 of
my siblings. No piece of information was too small or
too menial.
I think it was this example of everybody teaching ev-
erybody random facts which led Maggie to approach
me that day in the garden.
“Amos, did you know that Jonah was swallowed by a
big dog?”
I smiled at this. Apparently she had learned this in
devotions and thought it was interesting, so she
was going to tell me about it, interrupting my history
lesson of the Jacobite Revolution, which was led by
the Stuarts.
“How's that, Maggie?” I asked.
Maggie giggled. “Because, in Hebrew, the word 'dag'
means 'fish,' so Jonah was swallowed by a big 'dag!'” 
Amos C. Wilson is a homeschool
graduate, born and raised in
Colorado. He now resides in
Manhattan, Kansas, with his
lovely wife Magali, and they are
expecting their first baby. He works as a general
contractor, and writes poetry along with Christian
fiction. Check him out on Facebook, or on his
Making Sibling
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 916
provides the
emotional fuel that
enables people to hold
longer, reach farther,
and dig deeper than
previously believed
John Maxwell says that encouragement is
51% of leadership. I believe that. As a leader,
your role is to give people hope, to build them
up, and help them believe in themselves in
a greater measure than they have before. In
short, to live a better life.
Do others see you
as an encourager?
Encouragement isn’t something that you do
from a checklist of “things to do today.” It’s a
way of life for a leader. Encouragement is not a
soft expression from a weak leader. The tough-
est of good leaders understand that it’s something
core [fundamental] to sustained influence. Es-
sentially, sincere encouragement comes from a deep
love of and belief in people and a desire to see them
experience life in a better way.
Encouragers naturally
draw people to them.
Let me raise the bar on the definition for encourage-
ment. As a leader in a local [group], if you are an
encourager, people will naturally migrate to you.
When they see you, they smile and instinctively walk
toward you. This is not about a charismatic person-
ality. It doesn’t matter if 5 people seek you out or 55
people seek you out. The point is that people will
literally move to you because you cause their life to
be a little brighter. I’m not talking about people who
want permission for something, an extension cord,
or keys to the storage area — but people who just
want to be around you!
Let’s be honest; life is wonderful, but it’s difficult.
True? Do you have any financial challenges? How’s
your health? Do you have kids? Life is good, but
it has plenty of challenges. Life will press people
down, so anyone who consistently lifts people up
Are you the leader of a
Christian Homeschool Group?
Be strengthened and encour-
aged through CHEC's private
Leaders' Facebook group,
conference luncheon, exclusive
email updates, and other oppor-
tunities. Want to stay connected
so you don't miss opportunities
to grow as a leader? Make sure
your group is part of the CHEC
Homeschool Group Network:
(sincerely) gains the ability to influence — mean-
ing to lead!
If you are a leader in a local [group] and people
don’t migrate to you, there is a reason. You need
to discover what it is. Ask someone you trust, who
loves you, and will tell the truth. For now, start
encouraging others. Do it sincerely and often. 
[This article was published May 26, 2016 on churchleaders.
com. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.]
Dr. Dan Reiland is Executive Pastor
at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville,
Georgia. He can be contacted at:
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 918
This classic go-to compendium
used by countless families in Colorado is now
completely updated and streamlined for you!
Whether you are just getting started, or you have years of
experience, don’t miss out on this fantastic resource!
The Guidebook is an
essential and invaluable
resource for your
children’s lives.
—Editor Shari McMinn
The family structure, home education,
parental rights, and religious liberty
are all under attack!
With this last election, Colorado turned in a direction that will take
us away from personal liberty and freedom. Now that big govern-
ment progressives are in positions of power throughout our state
government, the likelihood that our fundamental rights will
be eroded is a reality we must face.
In the last legislative session, several ‘blue’ states brought forth
legislation to further regulate homeschooling. California sought
home visits and the creation of an advisory commission to recom-
mend changes to the homeschool law. Hawaii legislators proposed
background checks for homeschool parents and child welfare
investigations. Thankfully, these attempts were stopped by a
multitude of dedicated homeschooling families who showed up and
raised their voices in opposition.
The assaults across the nation have not gone unnoticed by influ-
encers in Colorado. There will be an effort to increase oversight of
homeschoolers this year, and most assuredly, we will experience
attacks on parental rights and religious liberty. The bills infringing
on parental rights that were killed over the past several years are
likely to pass now with barely a whimper. An attempt to lower the
age of consent for minors to direct their own mental health care
will be made, with the only question being how much it should be
lowered, to age 10 or 12? It would not be surprising to see a bill
mandating vaccines which strips religious and personal exemptions
from the current statutes. In the face of this opposition, we must
continue to tell all who will listen that parents have a fundamental
right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children
without government intrusion.
As for religious liberty, our new governor said in an interview that
you have to “separate your individual moral beliefs with what you
believe in the public sphere,” propagating the idea that the first
amendment merely secures your right to private worship. This
leaves your God-given, unalienable right to live and act according
to your conscience shredded on the altar of political correctness.
If what we believe must be sequestered inside the four walls of
our churches and our homes, we will not be able to live the life
Jesus calls us to live. At the Capitol in Denver, I have personally
heard traditional Christian beliefs publicly admonished for not being
consistent with the goals of our state. The state claims its mission is
to “eradicate all discrimination.” In order to accomplish this, laws will
need to be strengthened to silence any opposition in the public sphere.
In this arena, we must stand strong on the truth of the living
God and remain true to our conscience, no matter where we
find ourselves.
We need all hands on deck to fight the battles that will surely come.
Participate with these action steps:
1. Prayer is our foundation. Join me in praying for the protection
of homeschooling families across this state and for the leaders of
our state to have a renewed understanding of the inalienable rights
given to each of us by our Creator (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
2. Strengthen your own understanding of the biblical
foundation for home education and discipleship. Here is
a helpful article to start with:
view/education-the-bible-has-more-to-say-than-you-think. Make sure
you are prepared to give an answer for why parents should be free to
homeschool their children.
3. Reach out to your legislators personally — we’ve made your
first step simple and quick by including a postcard for you to use
in the center fold of this issue. If the need arises, be ready to stand
with me at the Capitol and speak truth. (Visit for
helpful articles on navigating your outreach to legislators.)
4. Keep up with what’s happening at the Capitol by subscrib-
ing to the CHEC Blog at
5. Join me at the rally on Homeschool Day at the Capitol on
Thursday, April 25, 2019: visit for details.
Let’s show our representatives how
much we care about our freedom and
our posterity!
Carolyn Martin is a veteran homeschool mom who serves as
CHEC’s Legislative Liaison. She spends a lot of time at the
state Capitol in Denver to keep informed on legislative issues
of concern to home educators. If your homeschool group
would like her to speak regarding upcoming legislation and
future elections, please contact her via email,
Is Upon Us
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 920
Connecting with your state legislators is a crucial act of citizenship.
Your engagement with the political process begins with your relationship with your
representatives. We hope that you will take this opportunity to send a postcard to your Colorado
House Representative and Colorado State Senator.
Instructions for filling out the postcards provided in the center of this issue:
1. Print your legislator's name and title above the mailing addresss. (Find their names here: http:// Example: The Honorable insert Senator/Representative and full name
2. Write a message that is as personal as possible. Sample:
Dear insert Senator/Representative and full name,
Thank you for representing our community in the Colorado Assembly. We are a homeschooling family and we
encourage you to uphold our unalienable fundamental right to provide and direct the education and upbringing of
our children. Join me at Homeschool Day at the Capitol on April 25th at noon on the west steps.
Praying for your protection and strength during this session.
Sincerely, Your Name
3. Sign it! Include your email and/or phone number.
4. Stamp  mail: Make sure you add a $0.35 stamp.
That's it! This is a great first step in building a relationship with your state legislators, a
crucial act of citizenship. Contact Carolyn Martin ( if you'd like help making
future connections.
The homeschool freedom we enjoy today
in Colorado must be guarded carefully.
WE NEED YOU!Every family in Colorado has an opportunity to get involved,
either onsite at the Capitol or from home. You can:
 Help read and review proposed bills for their potential effect on home education,
parental rights, and religious liberty
 Donate to help with costs for legislative liaison work
 Subscribe to the CHEC blog for regular legislative updates from Carolyn
Martin every two weeks
 Subscribe to our email list for prayer updates and join the private Facebook
prayer group
Learn more and sign up for updates
Send these postcards to your legislators now!
A Biblical, non-insurance approach to health care
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membership level)
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Find more information at:
JUNE 14-16, 2018
Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference
Register now at
JUNE 13-15, 2019
The president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the highly
acclaimed Creation Museum, and America’s latest major tourist
attraction the Ark Encounter, Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand
Christian speakers in North America. Ken hosts the daily radio
program, “ANSWERS with Ken Ham,” heard on more than 900
stations in America and is one of the editors and contributing
authors for AiG’s Answers magazine.
Strong Faith
R.E.A.L. L.I.F.E. Homeschooling
Homeschooling Held Hostage
The SEVEN Most Important Things
We’ve Learned in 25 Years of Marriage
EPIC: The Fight for Faith and Family in
a New Age
Biblical Discernment in an Unbiblical
Pastor Kevin Swanson and his beautiful wife, Brenda, live with their five
children on the eastern plains of Colorado. Formerly Executive Director
of CHEC, Kevin currently hosts a daily family radio program called
“Generations” and serves as the Executive Director of Generations. Over
the years, his family has teamed up to produce radio programs and
news broadcasts, publish and distribute Christian books, and organize
evangelistic outreaches and conferences. He is the author of over 20
books and is the editor of the Christian Discipleship Curriculum, a bibli-
cally-based curriculum designed for the Christian family.
The Four Pillars of a Rock-Solid Education
Gospel-Based Character Training (by
the Book, God’s Book)
The Blessings and Challenges of
Raising Daughters
The Blessings  Challenges of Raising
The Homeschool High School — The
Success Factors that Matter Most
Understanding the Times — How Did
We Get into This Mess?
Gospel Reset
Developing a Truly Christian
Why the 20’s Generation Will Change
the Church  Culture
How to Raise Godly Children in an
Ungodly World
A family experience
Heidi St. John approaches marriage and parenting with humor and
grace. Her passion to encourage moms and set them free to be who
God has created them to be will encourage you. Heidi has been mar-
ried to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children
and two grandsons. The St. Johns’ homeschooled their children
through high school. Heidi is the author of seven books, including her
most recent, Prayers for the Battlefield: Staying MomStrong in the Fight
for Your Family and Your Faith. Join Heidi at MomStrong International,
an online ministry where women come together for Bible studies,
Scripture writing, and fellowship.
Developing a Plan for Highschool
Highschool Record Keeping and Help
Charting Your Way Through
Highschool for College, Workforce or
You Can Homeschool…If You Make it Through
Structuring a Healing Teaching Day
Dyslexia on a Budget
Autism / Asperger’s at Home
Restoring the Neurotransmitter Warehouse
Expectations: The Enemy of
Relationships and Gratitude
The Life Transforming Power of
Breaking Family Curses
Changing the Heart of a Rebel
Freedom from Anger
Strategy for Victory in Spiritual Warfare
The Compelling Case for
Go Home and Love Your Family
A Comparison of Classical Education
and the Charlotte Mason
Pedagogical Philosophy
Teaching History from a Christian
Strategies for Teaching Latin in the Home
College Years: Why Go to a Liberal Arts College?
Art History in the Homeschool
Building a Good Conscience in
Your Child
The Place of Literature in Character
Courtship and Dating: So What’s the Difference?
Doing Family Worship Without Being a Bible Scholar
Deadly Weakness in the Strong Man: Moral Lessons
Fathers Must Teach Their Sons
From Grumbling to Gratitude
Demystifying Learning Styles
History Starts Here: Digging into
the Past
Loving Geography—Even If You Can’t
Fold a Map!
Writing Boot Camp for the Almost-Graduated
Mixed Messages: Teaching Kids Media Discernment
Confessions of a Homeschool Graduate
Tearing Up Tracks Leading to
Artificial Authority (Matthew 23)
Seven Habits of Highly Suppressive
People (Romans 1:21-23)
What Were They Thinking? — What are You Thinking?
The Four Duties of a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus (II
Timothy 2:1-3)
Fortitudine Vincimus (By Endurance We Conquer)
The Resolute
Redeeming the Culture Through the
Visual Media
Can Hollywood Be Redeemed?
Technical Tips for Redeeming the
Culture Though Video
Speeding Toward a Socialist
Developing Discernment in Our
Culture of Deception
From Dinosaurs to Dung Beetles: Examining God’s
Environmental Clean-Up Systems
Amazing Animals and Attributes of the Amazon
Discovering the Wonders of Alaskan Creatures
Remind Me Why I Am
The Tone in the Home
Three Simple Strategies to Enhance
Memory Retention
Brain-Friendly Spelling Strategies
Reading Deeply in a Digital World
Road Signs…
Executive Functions of Speech
Diagnostic Speech Assessments
Road Signs to learning disabilities
The History of the Homeschooling
Education — Does God Have an
How Can I Defend My Faith?
Christians and Pop Culture (Evaluating the Arts)
The Second Generation Homeschooling Movement
Waiting for True Love
Biblical Discipleship Ministries
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All general sessions, workshops, and exhibit hall
$65 for the entire family
Free for CHEC Independent School
Members: see website for details
$29 for the entire family
The Crowne Plaza Convention Center
is located just off I-70 at Chambers Road.
Make it a fun family weekend by staying
at the hotel (exclusive limited-time
rate of $139.00 +tax for attendees).
Get a full hot breakfast buffet at
the Terrace Restaurant (for all
room occupants), then walk across the
grand atrium to attend the conference!
Free parking!
RockyMountainHomeschoolConference.comREGISTER AT
and more—
see website!
Hands-on learning is powerful — and homeschool
moms and dads, now it’s your turn! Come enjoy the
Make  Take Workshops with bring-it-home projects
that you can share and use in your family, homeschool,
or co-op. Available as add-ons ($5/person) to your full
conference pass; space is limited. Workshops include:
▪ Objectively Evaluating Your Student’s Writing
▪ Documenting Your Child’s Homeschool With a
Keepsake Journal
▪ Developing a Biblical Vision and Mission Statement
▪ Using Hands-on Activities to be a More
Effective Teacher
▪ Multiplication Made Easy
FOR 2019!
all new
CHEC envisions families honoring Jesus Christ by embracing home discipleship that is Christ
centered, parent directed, and free from government control. Join us! Donate at
ICall Monday—Friday, 10am to 5pm
Christian Home Educators of Colorado
This is all on top of shopping in the exhibit hall (don’t miss the Thursday Grand Opening
Party!), general sessions, and workshops! Visit the website to learn more!
Bring your whole family to the 1-hour AMAZING CHEMISTRY
SHOW filled with fire, explosions, foam, and fun for all ages. The
message of Jesus Christ is clearly communicated using powerful
illustrations! This event is immediately followed by the FAMILY
SCIENCE EXPERIENCE — a highly interactive event, allowing families
to explore over 150 individual hands-on science experiences at their
own pace. Everyone participates! ($10 add-on per family.)
Bring your kids for these incredibly fun activities filled
with learning opportunities! Designed for children
ages 6–12, each program is professionally run by
trusted organizations with adult supervision. Parents
may attend with their children at no charge. (Limited
space; available as add-ons to full conference pass.)
▪ Kids in the Book Live (Thursday, presented by Walk
Thru the Bible, $10/child)
▪ Children’s Creative Crafts (Friday, presented by
Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop, limited
space, $10/child)
▪ Learn with Legos (Saturday, presented by
Bricks4Kidz; limited space, $20/child)
Homeschooling Uncluttered
Alpha Omega Publications makes it easy, enjoyable, and affordable to teach your
children. With complete curriculum options that promote academic excellence
and Christian values, you never need to gather materials from the four corners
of your home for the next lesson. Instead, you can simply appreciate the time
you have together each new day. See how much you love learning with AOP.
Cloud-based technology is a game-changer
in the world of e-learning, removing barriers
and paving the way for successful learning,
especially for struggling middle and high school
students. There are many wonderful book-based
homeschooling materials, but students with
dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD often need the
help of assistive technology features to support
learning differences.
If you are spending “too many” hours with your
older students reading aloud or acting as a scribe,
it may be time to try something new. The digital
worlds of Google, Apple, and Microsoft all offer
accessibility features that are waiting to be found
and used on current devices.
The implementation of technology and figur-
ing out the best online pedagogy for a learner
with disabilities can get tricky. It’s important to
know your child’s strengths and weaknesses
and the task at hand in order to figure out which
features to try. Efforts to provide greater access to
engaging online content and supports can end up
leading to more distractions and possible power
I hope you’ll check out some of these features and
find the digital sweet spot for your child so, hopefully,
some of his or her struggles will turn into personal
strides. Once your struggling learner is better able to
understand the material to be learned and show what he
or she knows, you can sit back and watch the wonder
of lifelong learning happen, knowing that you have set
them up for success in this digital world.
Do you feel alone in this effort to figure out which tech
is best? Connecting with others can help! I’ve created
a group on Facebook for this very purpose: IST Tech
Savvy Solutions. Also, I host a free webinar series
at My complimentary
15-minute phone consults can be scheduled at www. Finally, my book which features
top tech picks is Assistive Technology in Special Educa-
tion: Resources to Support Literacy, Communication and
Learning Differences. 
Joan Green is a licensed and
certified speech-language
pathologist with many years of
experience helping children and
adults who have communication,
cognitive, literacy, and learning
challenges. Readers may learn more from her
website or contact her at
struggles between parent and child. Take a look at the
parental controls and restrictions on devices as well
as how to create a 'digital family contract.'1
These will
assist you with specific expectations when it comes to
using technology to keep everyone safe and productive.
Just think … as a homeschooling parent, you have the
ideal situation to determine, together with your student,
the nature of the technology tools and strategies for when
and how to use them. A collaborative mindset will be a
great lesson on its own that may foster a love of learning,
a [confident and appropriate] sense of autonomy, and
bring peace back into your home. [An accountability
app such as can help families safely
navigate online sites, track time usage, and enable family
conversations regarding appropriate internet use.]
Here are a few assistive tech tips for older students:
Reading: Take advantage of text-to-speech features
that read aloud the words on a screen. Also, visual
clutter and distracting notifications [that pop-up when
using technology] can be minimized. I’ve highlighted
five of my favorite resources for making reading easier
Writing: Speech recognition enables students to
dictate rather than type. The “voice typing” feature on
the toolbar in Google Docs is a great tool to explore.
Visit the CHEC Struggling
Learners web page at
Finding the Digital
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 928
Homeschool Summits is a project of
to bring Christian families the resources and
encouragement they need to homeschool with
confidence and pass on the faith to their children.
The free events are hosted online so you can watch practical,
encouraging speaker interviews and shop the vendor hall
from the comfort of your home!
Watch free sessions now!
An Attendee Says...
I have been too focused on external
behavior and not really targeting my kids'
hearts.... I started implementing some of the
advice [from the Summit] and I am noticing
a heart difference in my kids already! I was
so discouraged and this Summit was the
kick in the pants, plus a breath of fresh air,
that I desperately needed.
Our next free
online event,
Curriculum 2.0,
is coming
March 25-30!
It’s 10 a.m., and you haven’t showered or
gotten dressed. Your teeth are unbrushed, and
your coffee is cold. You have just reminded your
toddler for the 57th time not to put his hands
down the back of his pants. You expertly juggle
your newborn in one arm while dishing out a
moderately healthy snack for your toddler with
the other. You are a mother, and you feel bone-
weary. Our culture has offered up a solution for
the frazzled and frantic mom who never manages
a moment alone: self-care.
It’s almost impossible to visit a motherhood website,
blog, or play group without running into it. The
concept of self-care is simple: if the plane is going
down, you should put your oxygen mask on first
before assisting others. But if your motherhood plane
is about to crash and burn, God is the only source for
the oxygen you need to survive the fall.
Self-care encourages coffee runs, nap times
spent reading novels, pedicures, happy hour with
girlfriends, new clothes, massages, exercising, deco-
rating homes, and lavender bubble baths. There is
nothing inherently bad in this list, but the problem lies
in the elevation of these good things as necessities for
surviving (or even thriving in) motherhood.
Self-Care or
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 930
Why self-care isn’t enough
Self-care will never fill the void in your heart meant
for God alone. It is the diet soda of motherhood:
instead of offering satisfaction, it leaves you endlessly
thirsting for more. Self-care buys into the world’s
wisdom of putting your needs front and center, but the
Bible tells us that true satisfaction and joy only come
through Jesus. When motherhood feels overwhelm-
ing, instead of adding self-care to your already too
long to-do list, meet with your Provider-God for
soul-care sustenance.
Soul-care and self-care may look the same from the
outside. They both may involve getting physical rest,
reading good literature, eating well, creating art, and
exercising. But self-care comes from the attitude of
self, of building your kingdom, of idolizing your own
needs. Soul-care seeks to know God better through
both His Word and His world and humbly accepting
your human limitations.
Self-care can’t give the kind of life that your weary body
truly needs. Jesus calls you to come to Him to learn and
rest, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn
from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28–29).
4 Methods to Transform
Your Rest from Self-Care
to Soul-Care
1. Remember who you are
First, soul-care admits that God made you from dust.
Your body and your abilities are finite. The lists you
create for your days are often beyond the abilities of
your human body. Here’s the issue with self-care: you
are not God.
Self-care inherently focuses on what you can do for
yourself, but soul-care turns your eyes upward for
God’s provision. By establishing that you can’t be God,
it frees you to accept your weaknesses then receive
His unending strength. Soul-care flows from the
humble recognition that our physical bodies are finite
and ineffectual, but God gives us supernatural grace
that is everything we need for life and godliness.
2. Remember whose you are
God the Father created you; Jesus redeemed you; the
Holy Spirit sanctifies you. Self-care is about taking
ownership and control of your physical needs. Soul-
care entrusts your needs to the God who created you,
sustains you, and saves you.
3. Give your mind true
To be good soul-care, your method for rest must allow
you to learn more about God and draw nearer to Him.
Self-care aims to give physical and psychological
renewal, but soul-care accesses the true spiritual
oxygen your soul craves.
Last summer I spent a week in Colorado’s Summit
County for the first time. The first three days of the
trip, my body refused to transition to the scarcity of
oxygen. My mind was foggy and confused. I knew
I needed to be a watchful and wise mother in this
physically-dangerous environment, but my brain
couldn’t compute, wouldn’t focus.
This was actually a familiar feeling. As a mom, I often
feel muddled from lack of rest, unable to understand
how to practically apply wisdom to the intricate chal-
lenges of motherhood. I feel overwhelmed and unsure.
These are sure signs that I am depriving myself of
spiritual oxygen.
Moms, when you feel the need for self-care, the first
thing you should do is put your nose in your Bible and
breathe God’s Truth deeply into your soul. The Word
of God and the Truth of the Gospel will reorient your
thinking. They are the oxygen your brain needs to
correctly understand your circumstances.
4. Humble yourself to receive
spiritual transformation
Soul-care is about rest, but it’s also about sanctifica-
tion. Your regular self-care activities transform into
soul-care when they are a means of opening your heart
to the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to reveal Himself to you.
Recognize what a gift of amazing grace it is for the stony
places of your heart to be made into flesh. Confess your
sins and your utter inability to do life without God. Re-
mind yourself that in your weaknesses are opportunities
to receive God’s unending strength (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Let whatever activity you choose lead your heart to the
life-giving, life-changing awesomeness of God.
Dear Mom, if you’re exhausted, your soul will find
rest in God alone. If you feel weak, God will be your
strength. If your soul is desert-dry, God is the stream
of living water. When you feel attacked, God is your
refuge. When you lack wisdom, God provides it. When
motherhood is more than you can manage, don’t run
to self-care for the break the world says you deserve.
Instead, care for your soul by giving it more oxygen
from the pure, life-giving breath of God. 
[Republished with permission from]
Maggie Combs is a wife, mom of three
boys, writer, and speaker. When
motherhood overwhelmed her, God drew
her closer to him through writing her first
book, Unsupermommy: Release
Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to
God’s Superpower. Find more of her practical
application of the Gospel to motherhood at www. or on Instagram and Facebook.
Visit the CHEC Blog for
more encouragement
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 31
The filmmakers’ track has the campers working as the
film crew. They rotate through the positions and work
on everything from directing and sound recording,
to camera work and lighting. The campers gain an
impressive amount of experience in the fine arts of
camera angles, white noise, and the protocol used
on a set.
In 2018, the camp made a short film called Return on
Investment, based on the Parable of the Unforgiving
Servant and the Parable of the Talents. The campers
commented that attending the camp was one of the
best experiences of their lives. “We were not just
told what to do. We were shown what to do and
then we had a chance to actually do it!” one camper
The campers were impressed that there was a strong
focus on how to glorify God through film while mak-
ing a quality film which glorifies Him. Additionally,
there was great comradery among the campers as
they did goofy things such as deciding to speak with
fake foreign accents as the filming went into the late
hours of the night! Alumni from previous camps have
gone on to begin their own production companies
and work on multiple projects, including documenta-
ries and independent feature-length films.
Now in its 12th year, the camp has helped train
scores of artists in the craft of filmmaking. To avoid
spending time in a classroom during the camp itself,
campers complete intense online training before at-
tending camp. Then students attend the camp, which
is a weeklong immersion into either filmmaking or
acting (with separate tracks for each) as the campers
film a short, original script. Ken states that the goal of
the camp is to “equip the next generation of Christian
filmmakers with the training and skills necessary to
effectively use the visual media for the glory of God.
We believe the best way to do this is with the small
group, hands-on method we use.”
Rich Swingle is the coach for the acting portion of
the camp. Rich has an impressive resume of acting
credits in film, stage, and audio drama. He teaches
the acting campers how to ‘get into character’ and
then ‘get out of character.’ [That’s acting lingo for put-
ting on a character’s actions and attitude just like one
puts on a costume.] At the 2018 camp, Rich arranged
a video conference with the Kendrick brothers’ acting
coach who was working on the set of Overcomer at
that time. She taught the campers the same acting
tips she was teaching the Kendrick brothers’ actors.
The acting track campers became the stars of the
short film being created at the camp.
Summer camps
can be a great way
to augment our
children’s educations.
Getting outdoors with
hands-on experiences
brings learning to life.
We have some wonderful opportunities for
summer camps here in Colorado, including
the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers
Camp and the Alpha Omega camps and day
The Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmak-
ers Camp is held annually on the Western
Slope at Ministry Haven in Norwood, Colorado.
The camp was started by Ken Lawrence in 2007
after attending the San Antonio Christian Film
Festival. He felt Christian filmmakers needed
more hands-on training and instruction than
could be gained through a filmmakers confer-
ence or through workshops at a film festival. As
a result, he began inviting people experienced
in filmmaking to come as mentors to a weeklong
C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 932
This year, the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers
Camp will be held June 23–29, 2019. To find out
more information and to register, visit their website at
Alpha Omega Institute (www.DiscoverCreation.
org) is a ministry located in Grand Junction, Colo-
rado. They are dedicated to equipping Christians to
answer questions about creation, evolution, and the
Bible while helping participants understand the foun-
dational importance of Genesis to Christian doctrine.
One way they do this is by hosting creation vacation
adventures. Participants experience the wonders
of God’s creation while receiving in-depth teaching
about the scientific basis of creationism.
This year, the Alpha Omega Institute is taking a group
to Yellowstone during Labor Day weekend (August 30
– September 3). Experienced teachers and frequent
CHEC conference speakers, Dave and Mary Jo Nut-
ting, will lead a bus tour through Yellowstone National
Park. While visiting all the famous sites within the
park, the teachers will work to equip families to
survive “the evolutionary, naturalistic worldview
philosophies that are so prevalent in our society
today.” The accommodations are rustic bunkhouses
with nearby bath houses, but this helps keep this all-
inclusive learning adventure very reasonably priced.
Upon request, Alpha Omega Institute also takes
groups on weeklong River and Rock Adventures held
in Colorado near the Royal Gorge. Groups can also
arrange for guided day trips to the Colorado National
Monument or to the Dinosaur Museum, which are
both located in western Colorado.
If you have actors, actresses, and filmmakers in need
of hands-on movie making experience in your house,
or if you would like to spend your vacation being
equipped to combat false philosophies, we have
wonderful resources right here in Colorado. Consider
spending a week in June at the Rocky Mountain
Christian Filmmakers Camp making a short film, and
discover the power of this media for telling God’s
story. Or spend some time in Yellowstone with the
Alpha Omega Institute, uncovering the lies of evolu-
tion and the beauty of God’s truth. 
Cindy Puhek resides in Colorado
Springs and has been married to
Peter for more than two decades.
They are well into their second
decade of homeschooling their six
children who range in age from toddler to high
schooler. Cindy holds a master's degree in
chemistry and has written dozens of articles to
encourage others in their homeschooling
journeys. You can visit her blog at www.
One of the keys to a great education.
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C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 934
Our journey into
homeschooling was
quite accidental.
My eldest daughter
was 11-years-old and
was attending public
school. At that time,
our second child
came along and
we were planning
to follow the
same path.
pumpkin pie has about a million things (maybe I’m
exaggerating a little) that my daughter is allergic to.
The school staff assured her that there was nothing
in the pie my daughter was allergic to. So, they
headed home, where our little 3-year-old started
digging in. Just a few moments after shoving some
pie into her cute little face, she began sneezing.
She kept on sneezing for about 20 minutes (not
exaggerating). Then came the wheezing. Then…
well, I will leave it to your imagination. We decided
at that moment to keep her at home! Thus began our
journey into homeschooling.
It is now 15 years later. We’ve since had three more
kids, homeschooling each of them from the start.
We brought our eldest home after the seventh
grade. She’s since graduated high school and is
married. My pie-eating 3-year-old is now a happy
Together, we’re motivating parents to disciple the next generation of Christians.
Thank you for partnering with us!
We enrolled her, at 3-years-old, in a preschool
class for a couple of days a week. We didn’t think
much about some pretty severe food allergies she
had been diagnosed with because we figured the
school would take them as seriously as we did. After
detailing all of her allergies to the staff, including the
nurse, things went along okay for a while — until
November at least.
As Thanksgiving quickly approached that year, her
classmates worked diligently with their little hands
to create toddler-sized pumpkin pies to take home
and enjoy eating for the holiday. My wife picked
up our daughter from preschool that day and was
shocked when they gave her the handmade pie. If
you know my wife, you know she has a mind that
could be classified as a military-grade “allergy-
guided missile.” She knows from experience that
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 35
State Zip
Donation Amount $
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☐ Or go to and click
To set up an automatic monthly credit card or ACH/
bank transfer, call the office at 720-842-4852.
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134
For 28 years, CHEC has been at the forefront of the battle for home education and discipleship. CHEC serves thousands of families every year
through our events, Update magazine, widows fund, special needs fund, the CHEC Independent School, and more. We receive phone calls
throughout the week that give us a chance to provide advice, encouragement, and an extra “boost” to homeschoolers when the going is tough.
CHEC depends on your generous donation to both continue and expand our mission.
and healthy 18-year-old, thriving in her college
The first lesson we learned about
homeschooling was that nobody would
care for our kids like we do. We’ve learned
many other lessons since then — including
that Christ must be at the center of everything
we do, including school, and that relationships
are both an emphasis and a fruit of home edu-
cation. As we live life together, we must learn
and grow together. Our relationships have never
been closer, and this is the fruit of our Christian
faith being lived out together.
Early on in our journey, some friends suggested
we check out Christian Home Educators of
Colorado. There, we found like-minded believ-
ers who shared many of the same goals we
had for our family. When we were offered an op-
portunity to serve with CHEC, we were excited
to give back and jumped right in. This led to a
position on the Rocky Mountain Homeschool
Conference Committee and eventually to my
wife and I serving as Conference Coordina-
tors. As seasons of life changed, and family
demands grew, we passed the baton to a new
generation of leaders. But that didn’t end our
involvement with the organization.
I am a Computer Scientist by education and
profession, serving a large bank in Colorado as
an Enterprise Solution Architect. There was a
place at CHEC for me to bring my professional
experience to bear as the organization’s IT
Manager, where I now help with general office
technology needs, as well as the continued
feature build-out and support of the CHEC In-
dependent School website. I am grateful for the
work I get to do for CHEC because it allows me
to serve Christ through an organization whose
mission and vision I support and believe in.
Do you have professional experience or skills
you could use in service for Christ? I encour-
age you to prayerfully consider if you
could use them to contribute to the many
needs in the ministry of CHEC. You can
click on the Sign Up to Volunteer button
at 
Chris Galanek is an enterprise
solution architect in the
financial services industry,
where he focuses on providing
flexible and scalable solutions
and innovative thought leadership. He also
serves CHEC as IT Manager, and previously
served as Conference Coordinator for CHEC’s
annual homeschool conference. Chris has
been married to Jenny for 27 years, and they
have five children.
 Wednesday, February 20, Homeschool Pro-
gram with Bird Conservatory of the Rockies
 Friday, March 8, All About Raptors homeschool
day with Bird Conservatory of the Rockies
 Saturday, March 9, free clay sculpting class by
the Parker Art Guild
 Friday, March 15, Homeschool Skate at Skate
City Littleton (12-2 pm)Contact Diane Ellison at for more information
 Friday, April 12, Homeschool Skate at Skate
City Littleton
 Saturday, April 13, free graphite art class by the
Parker Art Guild
 Sunday, April 28, deadline for the Western
Governor’s Association “Celebrate the West”
art competition
Saturday, 9-4pm
Spring 2019
Metro Denver – Location
and Date to be announced
More information coming
soon at our website:
the Course
More than a dozen real, relevant talks, including:
• Wisdom, Character, Work, Wealth – What did Solomon learn
and what must we never forget?
• Helping Visionaries Count The Cost
• Money 101: Real Basic Relevant Skills for young people
• Own a job or own a business – what’s the difference?
• Grow your business/the power of your brand
• The Serial Entrepreneur – how to have more than 1 successful business
• Mentorship- Involve your children: why and how?
• Business exit strategies- how to finish well
Many sessions in QA format
Fantastic pricing on resources from AME and Generations
“He made the storm be still,
and the waves of the sea
were hushed. Then they
were glad that the waters
were quiet, and he
brought them to
their desired haven.
”– Psalm 107: 29-30
Do you enjoy typing, organizing, and office work? We're in need of several volunteers who can serve at the
CHEC Office in Parker on Mondays and/or Thursdays helping with data entry and preparing for events. Our
office team is a lot of fun to work with and there's usually some chocolate around to snack on while you help
the team! Complete form at
Did you know that every Box Top that you submit to CHEC is worth $0.10 and goes to support the
year-round ministry of CHEC? Simply collect then drop off at any CHEC event or at the CHEC office.
Collect, then deliver to CHEC.
Are you looking for a spring/summer family volunteer project? Or do you have a few hours each month free?
We're looking to build our volunteer teams for the Homeschool Day at the Capitol (April 25th), the Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference (June 13-15), and year-round in our Parker office. Complete the form at
Do you play a musical instrument, sing, act, or speak? We want you! We're looking
for homeschool students and graduates to be a part of our general sessions
at the upcoming Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. It's a tremendous
opportunity to bless homeschool families with your gifts and experience
performing in front of a large audience. We have openings for instrumentalists,
vocalists, and orators, and we'd love for you to participate! Learn more at
Want to join in behind the scenes with CHEC? We have a
tremendous team of volunteers who keep things going — and
with lots of openings now, we'd love for you to become a part!
Bill Roach, President
George Sechrist, Vice President
Brenda Kelly
Chad Roach
Ian Serff
Steven Vaughan
Steve Craig, Executive Director
Kevin Swanson, Director of
Mike Cheney, Director of AME
The CHEC Homeschool Update is published
triannually by Christian Home Educators of Colorado,
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210, Parker, CO 80134.
The purpose of the Homeschool Update is to
provide information, resources, and leadership
for home educating families while effectively
communicating the activities, opportunities, and
needs of Christian Home Educators of Colorado.
The Homeschool Update is free to all who
request it. Donations are gladly accepted.
The views expressed by contributors and
advertisers in this news magazine do not
necessarily reflect those of CHEC.
Permission is granted to reprint any portion of
this magazine, except where noted, provided
the following credit is given: “Reprinted from the
CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, Issue #103,
2019; 720-842-4852,”
Editor: Shari McMinn,
Creative Designer:
Sarah Lee Bryant,
Advertising Policy:
Ads are published on a space-available, first-come,
first-served basis and are subject to approval.
Payment must be made by the deadline to reserve
ad space. New advertisers must include complete
product description. We reserve the right to refuse
any ad submitted.
CHEC’s mailing list is not sold or rented.
Advertising in this magazine provides an excellent
opportunity to reach homeschooling families
likely to be interested in your product or service.
Questions may be directed to
Circulation: V1  V3: 5,500  V2: 6,500
Next Advertising Deadline: March 1, 2019
For advertising opportunities with CHEC,
go to
Copyright © 2019 by CHEC
Refresh: Ladies
Encouragement Day
Homeschool Intro Seminar
Homeschool Day
at the Capitol
Homeschool Graduation
Rocky Mountain
Homeschool Conference
July  August
Homeschool Intro Seminars
Casterline Widows' Banquet
What’s NEXT
with CHEC
Visit to learn more!
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Christian Home Educators of Colorado
19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210
Parker, Colorado 80134
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celebrate YOUR
SCHOOL graduation
■ Pomp and Circumstance as graduates and parents enter
■ Special music sung during the ceremony
■ Commencement address and charge to the graduates
■ Parents’ presentation of the diplomas
Your registration includes participation in the ceremony,
a cap and gown, a printed diploma and cover, and ceremony
programs. (Optional photo/video package also available.)
plan now to join the celebration!Register at

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Homeschool Update Magazine - 2019, Volume 1, Issue 104

  • 1. 2019 IVOLUME 1 IIS T H E H E A R T O F H O M E S C H O O L I N G Will the Christian Home School Disappear? Teaching Purity In an Impure World The Battle is Upon Us Self-Care or Soul-Care?4 8 20 30 ARTICLES INSIDE THIS ISSUE INCLUDE Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference SEE DETAILS ON PAGE 23 HOMESCHOOL DAY AT THE CAPITOL APRIL 25th, 2019 PAGE 2
  • 2. 8:45 am Attend the Opening of the Colorado House or Senate 9:30 am Tour the Interactive Booths 11:15 am Lunches Served (Pre-order Chick-Fil-A when you register) Noon Rally on the West Steps APRIL 7, 2017 8:45 am Opening of the House Senate Legislature 9:30 am Liberty Celebration or Constitution 101 class ($10, 7th-12th graders) 11:15 am Lunch break (pre-order Chick-Fil-A!) Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps 1:30 pm Constitution 101 class (identical to 9:30 am; $10) or Free time! Meet with your legislator Self-guided Capitol tour Denver Aquarium field trip (discounted for CHEC!) 6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore! Also, Don’t Miss: Joy of Homeschooling! Participate in the Banner Sign Contest Showcased in the Capitol all week! Future Statesman Program Purchase a workbook of civics activities learning for the whole family! Register for Free @ Stand for Homeschool Freedom! APRIL 7, 2017 8:45 am Opening of the House Senate Legislature 9:30 am Liberty Celebration or Constitution 101 class ($10, 7th-12th graders) 11:15 am Lunch break (pre-order Chick-Fil-A!) Noon Rally on the Capitol west steps 1:30 pm Constitution 101 class (identical to 9:30 am; $10) or Free time! Meet with your legislator Self-guided Capitol tour Denver Aquarium field trip (discounted for CHEC!) 6:00 pm Exclusive Evening Banquet with Chief Justice Roy Moore! Also, Don’t Miss: Joy of Homeschooling! Participate in the Banner Sign Contest Showcased in the Capitol all week! Future Statesman Program Purchase a workbook of civics activities learning for the whole family! Register for Free @ Stand for Homeschool Freedom! THURSDAY, APRIL 25TH, 2018 Schedule Visit these fun booths with the whole family to engage in learning together: ▪ US Constitution Quiz ▪ Capitol Day Photo Booth ▪ The History of Homeschooling in the US Colorado ▪ Flag History Etiquette ▪ Roles and Levels of Government ▪ Capitol Building Self-Guided Tour ▪ Biblical Jurisdictions ▪ American History ▪ Colorado History Bill Jack leads trainings at TeenPact Leadership Schools, is a faculty advisor for Worldview Academy, and has a passion to raise up a generation that has the vision to reach their culture with the gospel. Enjoy your right to homeschool everyday by making a stand on this day! Register for free at Interactive Booths Speaker Bill Jack HELD ON THURSDAY THIS YEAR!
  • 3. Front Cover: Day at the Capitol Event. Photography by Tobias Steeves, AWAAphotos ( This page: Day at the Capitol Event. Photography by Sarah Lee Bryant ( CHEC Homeschool Update IVolume 1, 2019 IIssue 103 INSIDE Family Encouragement 8 Teaching Purity in an Impure World BY SAM BLACK 10 Home on the Range INTERVIEW WITH THE GILLHAMS 12 The Questions You Can't Answer BY MARCIA WASHBURN 15 Your Faith Matters BY ERIC JONES 16 Making Sibling Memories BY AMOS WILSON 30 Self-Care or Soul-Care? BY MAGGIE COMBS CHEC Events 2 Day at the Capitol PRESENTED BY CHEC 23-26 Rocky Mountain HomeschoolConference PRESENTED BY CHEC Columns 4 Director’s Desk 18 Homeschool Leaders 20 Legislative Liaison 28 Struggling Learners 30 Best of Blog 32 Curriculum Review 34 Partner’s Page 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134 720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC (2432)
  • 4. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK Aquestion like this may come across as provocative or improbable in the minds of those involved in this movement, but the trending statistics should give us reasons for pause. In AD 2000, there were about 4.3 million students attending Catholic, sectarian (e.g. Lutheran), and conservative Christian schools in America. This dropped to 3.4 million by 2010.1 Enrollment in “conservative, evangelical” Chris- tian schools dropped from 900,000 to 614,000 between 1995 and 2011.2 The overall percent- age of children enrolled in private schools dropped from 14% to 8% (between 1959 and 2011).3 Despite the world producing an increas- ingly secularized education, eliminating prayer and the Ten Commandments, and introducing various sexual perversions, American families increasingly turned away from privatized Christian education. The Decline of Christian Homeschooling Meanwhile, the Christian influence in homeschooling fared similarly, with the movement being defined more so by a location change for the education of a child. Although there were benefits to shifting a social setting from a state-run institution to a home, this did not automatically ensure a Christian education. There were Wiccans, classical humanists, and Muslims who homeschooled their children. The location of the schooling did not dictate that the philosophy of education and curriculum used was God honoring. Thus, homeschooling produced a mixed bag of philosophies, making it difficult to pin down the movement during the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. According to a 2016 NCES survey, only 51% of homeschoolers chose this alternative for religious reasons.4 The majority were more concerned with the public school environment (80%) and poor academic offerings in other options (61%). When asked about DISAPPEAR? Will the Christian Home School the “most important reason” the family chose the homeschooling option, only 16% pointed to “reli- gious instruction.”5 Overall, interest in religious instruction among homeschooling families dropped from 83% in the 2007 survey to 64% in the 2012 survey, and then down to 51% in the 2016 survey.6 According to the NCES data, within a period of nine years the com- mitment to religious instruction dropped by about 40%. Certainly, there are still some concerned and com- mitted Christians left in America. There are Christian leaders who continue to labor in the waning Christian [institutional] school and Christian homeschooling movements. However, it has come to the point that there is no distinctive philosophical approach for Christian education — nothing to rally around and nothing to work for. It would be good therefore to summarize the irreducible and essential elements that constitute a Christian education movement against secularism in our day. BY KEVIN SWANSON Our Homeschool Update readers typically hear from CHEC Executive Director Steve Craig in this column. In this issue, we have the privilege of an excellent message from Kevin Swanson, Executive Director of Generations, one of our affiliate ministries. C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 94 DIRECTOR'S DESK
  • 5. The Irreducible, Essential Elements 1. We cannot concede that a “secular” educa- tion is neutral, while Christian education is biased. Every education has a worldview (religious) foundation that includes a basic understanding of reality, origins, ethics, and truth. When our children are discipled in schools representing the wrong [anti- Christian] worldview, they will often fail to carry on the Christian faith of their parents and grandparents. 2. Christ must be presented as the source of all wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). Christ must be preeminent in all things — including science and history (Colossians 1:18). There cannot be two distinct forms of knowledge — the secular and the sacred — in the Christian mind. While there are two revelations of knowledge (natural revelation and special revelation), they reveal the same truth concerning God, man, and the world. To ignore Christ in discussions on epistemology (the theory of truth) or metaphysics (the theory of reality) is to imply there are sectors of God’s creation in which He has no part or control. This mindset is apostasy for Christians who purport to teach knowledge in the schools or the textbooks. 3. According to the Holy Bible (Proverbs 15:33, Proverbs 22:4), humility and the fear of God must serve as the foundation of knowledge and learning. The world appeals to pride and rejects the fear of God, the significance of God, the glory of God, and even the existence of God in education. For Christians, academic pride is the destruction of knowledge. 4. The Word of God must be integrated throughout a Christian education. The secular- sacred divide does not exist in a Christian education. Deuteronomy 6:7-9 presents the Word of God as a “frontlet” before our eyes, on the posts and gates of the house. This obliterates a “secular” education as a separate kind of knowledge. There is nothing to which the Word of God does not tie in. 5. The purpose of the Christian education is not to glorify man, but to glorify God. The integration of the worship of Christ in a classroom may seem odd, only because Christian education has been replaced by secular man-centered education in THE WORSHIP AND PRAISE OF GOD SHOULD NOT APPEAR STRANGE IN THE HISTORY TEXTBOOK AND THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM. [WE] SHOULD BREAK OUT IN PRAISE AND WORSHIP TO THE FATHER. “ “ public and private schools and home schools over the last 150 years. The worship and praise of God should not appear strange in the history textbook and the science classroom. Teachers and speakers in our [Christian homeschool] conferences and classrooms should break out in praise and worship to the Father. 6. Faith and prayer are essential for the success of a Christian education. We do not encourage self-confidence, but instead God-confi- dence in the Christian education and training. While the disciples were busy rowing all night, and making little progress at that, Jesus was in the mountains praying. Then, He walked over the water, climbed into the boat, and “immediately they were on the shore.” His seminary was held in a boat, and His approach to solving problems involved faith. He wanted the disciples to exercise faith in all of their experiences [as should we]. 7. Christ-like discipleship and education takes place in the context of life and always requires life-integration. The one who hears the Word but does not do the Word is like the man who sees himself in the mirror and quickly forgets what he looks like (James 1:23-24). Education cannot be reduced to stuffing facts into the minds of the students. If the knowledge learned does not produce love and works that edify and build up, the knowledge is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Although education in America is in decline academi- cally — at least according to recent reports — that is not our main concern. With all the pressures on us from the world, it is easy to lose sight on the things that matter most. The first question to ask ourselves as parents regarding our children’s education is: “What would Jesus want us to do?” When we seek His kingdom first in our children’s education, He promises He will provide for all our material needs (Matthew 6:33). If we seek His kingdom first, our children will make the grades, get into the right college, and earn a good living— or whatever our hopes are for them as a result of homeschooling [if that is the Lord's will for their life]. Our focus must be a curriculum and education that is Christ-centered, Scripture-based, and puts God’s Kingdom first! Let us focus on Christ-centered faith and character in every hour and every class, beyond anything else. We are looking for humility and the fear of God, including worship and praise in the history class and the science class. The academics are sec- ondary. Then, we will look to God to bless our work. As homeschooling families, the call to a distinctively Christian education is the greatest need of the day. Passing on the faith to our children should be the most urgent desire, prayer, and commitment of every Christian parent. May God bless your family with this thought in mind, that the next generation might know them, the chil- dren yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God (Psalm 78:6,7a).  [1] [2] Ibid. [3] https://www. Ewert_01.pdf. [4] [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid. Also, reference Kevin Swanson served as the Executive Director for CHEC from 1999-2009. He has taught in Christian schools, colleges, and Christian homeschool conferences over the last 30 years. With his wife Brenda, they have homeschooled their five children out on the eastern plains of Colorado. Kevin has developed Christian curriculum for high schools and college students, available at He has also written a number of books on worldview, the Christian family, providential history, popular culture, and Christian education. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 5 DIRECTOR'S DESK
  • 6. 1 Volume + Workbook, 10th-12th Grade, History, 1-2 Credits NEW! — features — • Over 100+ lesser-known providential stories from American History • Full-color 1000+ page textbook covering American History from 1492 to 2018 • Hundreds of Scripture texts illuminating and analyzing American History from a biblical perspective • 1-2 Year Lesson Schedules • Tests, Exams, and Essay Assignments Here is a new curriculum providing a unique Christian worldview approach to the last five hundred yearsof Americanhistory,beginningwithChristopher Columbus in 1492 and ending with Donald Trump in 2018. It is an epochal story of the rise and decline of the most powerful nation on earth . . . the United States of America. This 10th-12th grade level American History course presents history as Christians must understand it — in light of God’s providential hand. Available as part of the 10th Grade Core Curriculum Pack. Finally… A Christian approach to American History Order at Presented by Kevin Swanson Generations
  • 7. Enjoy the security, privacy, and all-access benefits that come with family enrollment in the CHEC Independent School! Join the CHEC Independent School! Learn more at Security Privacy All-Access Benefits INCLUDED IN YOUR ALL-ACCESS BENEFITS... • CHEC Conference Admission • Homeschool Summits Membership • Homeschool Introductory Seminar Admission • High School Beyond Seminar Admission • Teacher Student ID Cards • Report Card Template • High School Transcript Template • Homeschool Planners Enrollment for the 2018–2019 school year closes April 30th!
  • 8. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK TEACHING PURITY In an Impure World “Dad, what does *!$#! mean?” My son’s pronunciation of the crude sexual term even at 10-years-old was flawless. I kept my eyes on the road, driving as though he had asked how ice cubes are made. I took a deep breath and asked a few questions to give myself time to think of a good reply. He answered in brief. Then I provided him all the details, includ- ing a biblical perspective. This is not a question I would have asked my dad. Shame, a dark cloud, even anger, would come with asking about much less. No, not safe. Safety. Trust. These are characteristics I wanted my son to see in me. Ask anything. It will be okay. Don’t ask Google. Don’t ask your friends. Your mom and I are here, and we’ll always tell you the truth to the best of our ability. Today, most moms and dads are better prepared to talk about sex than their parents, but much more is required of us because our culture is forcing sexual messages at our children. It’s not just words, either. Depending on the study, the average age for kids to be exposed to pornography is between the ages of 9 and 12. Between 9 and 12 … and that’s the average! That means a lot of kids who are younger are seeing porn, too. Many kids are going from total innocence to such hard-core-you-can’t-even-imagine porn. It happened to my son. He was just 8 when another 8-year-old boy showed him porn on an iPod. This friend came from a Christian home and didn’t even have wifi because his parents wanted to protect him, but of course, he found the Internet everywhere else, from the library to McDonald’s. Today the refrain is, “It’s not if a child will see porn, but when.” Parents rightfully want to preserve a child’s inno- cence, but knowledge about sexuality doesn’t harm their innocence. In fact, it can help preserve it. Many parents fear that providing information about sex to their children will make them curious. But every kid is curious, and not talking about it leaves our children unprepared. God created sex, and He made it to be good. Our job as Christian parents is to teach our children God’s plan for sex, even when our culture seeks to warp that design. Obviously, this topic is bigger than one article, but here are some basic tips and great resources to help you parent well in a sexualized culture. Fight False Security Fight the voice in your head that says, “This won’t happen to my child.” No parent plans for their child to be exposed to sexual content. It just happens … often when least expected. Be on guard! Start Now Learn now, grow now, and plan now how you will talk to your kids. Procrastination destroys good intentions. You’ll be tempted to say it’s too early or too late. Kill that thought because your 4-year-old and your 16-year-old need your guidance. Recently, a parent told me her 6-year-old child was exposed to porn by another 6-year-old with a smart device. Protect Your Devices Install accountability and filtering software, like Cov- enant Eyes (, on your devices. If a device can’t be monitored with software and lacks strong parental controls, don’t buy it. Unprotected devices are an invitation to serious issues. BY SAM BLACK C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 98 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 9. Also, filtering-only is not enough; accountability/ monitoring software is a must. Filters teach nothing, except how to get around a filter. Accountability creates conversations and opportunities for dis- cipleship. Parents are their kids’ best resource, and accountability software is simply a tool that helps parents better engage their kids about what they see and do online. [When parents are in close relation- ship with their children and are also accountable to the same software system, kids realize that their parents aren’t just stalking their every move but care about handling internet issues with wisdom.] Read These Great Resources Here are some amazing resources that will guide you in training and discipling your kids. 1. Luke Gilkerson at has a fantastic guide called Having the Talk. It pro- vides seven lessons to introduce your child to biblical sexuality and will give you confidence and reduce confusion about what to say. 2. Hal and Melanie Young have a wealth of resources on their site Among them is a book they wrote called Love, Honor, and Virtue: Gaining or Regaining a Bibli- cal Attitude Toward Sexuality. It’s written to and for teen guys to help them navigate our cultural minefield. 3. Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a great book you can use with your young kids to help them understand why pornography is dangerous and how to reject it. You can find it at 4. Equipped: Raising Godly Digital Natives is an easy read packed with tips that help you guide your child in a pornified world. This free e-book shows parents how to have honest conversa- tions about self-image, sexuality, sin, and shame, and provides proven methods for train- ing children to be media literate. Get Equipped and other free e-books at ebooks.  Sam Black is VP of Development for Covenant Eyes. We are pleased to announce that Covenant Eyes is a Premium Partner for CHEC’s 2019 Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Sam will be speaking several times on topics of interest to families regarding internet accountability. Don't freak out! We're here to help. Come to a CHEC Homeschool Introductory Seminar and get the vision, legal info, and nuts and bolts you need to kick off your homeschool. ▪ April 13: Castle Rock ▪ June 12: Onsite at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference Interested in helping host a seminar in your home town? Please contact! NEW TO HOMESCHOOLING? Learn more at “ “ ACCOUNTABILITY CREATES CONVERSATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISCIPLESHIP. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 9 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT
  • 10. Roy and Brandee Gillham live on their family’s working cattle ranch near Peetz, Colorado in the far northeast corner of the state. Their little cowpokes have been home discipled since birth. This winter, their family endured a faith-testing experi- ence when their youngest son, Waitley, battled and survived a life-threatening lung infection. Praise the Lord! INTERVIEW WITH THE GILLHAM FAMILY PLEASE SHARE WITH OUR READERS HOW YOU MET, STARTED YOUR FAMILY, AND THEN DECIDED TO HOME EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN. ARoy and I met while working on our degrees at Colorado State University. Our first date was at a church event where I gave my life to Christ. We dated for three and a half years, then got married in July 2003. I was a certified teacher and taught one very long year of public high school. By the summer of 2004, I was ready to begin our family. However, God planned for me instead to teach four years at the collegiate level before we were eventually blessed by the birth of our first son, Jake. A short 21 months later, Matt joined our herd. Despite being a certified teacher with a passion for teaching, like so many others I didn't believe my ability was designed for teaching my own children. Our plan was for me to go back to “work” as soon as our youngest was in school. Unexpectedly, I was diagnosed with cancer when my boys were only three and five. I finished six months of chemotherapy just three weeks before Jake was supposed to start kindergarten. Since he was going to be a fourth generation Gillham at the local school, I was not about to upset the apple cart. Until I did! By March 2014, I was feeling better and the Lord laid Proverbs 22:6 on my heart: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I didn’t realize at the time that this verse is often considered the ‘homeschool mantra,’ but it led us to consider home education. I already had experience teaching preschool at home with my boys, so after Jake finished his kindergarten year at the local school, we began our journey of homeschooling. Despite the doctors telling us we could have no more children following my particular chemotherapy treat- ment, we had our third son, Waitley, in April 2017. Now our fourth son will arrive in April 2019! Home on the range C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 910 FAMILY INTERVIEW
  • 11. YOUR FAMILY RANCHES IN A REMOTE AREA. HOW DO YOU COMBINE HOMESCHOOL WITH THE OTHER ASPECTS OF YOUR BUSY LIFE? AMy lil’ cowpokes love that they can get all of their book work completed in the morning with me, have lunch, then head outside to work with my cowboy husband. This is actually a huge motivator for my boys to stay on task while doing their school work with me. With my husband they are learning real life lessons and work skills such as fence building, machine repair and maintenance, livestock care, horsemanship, and wise stewardship of the land. We are blessed to get to do school and life together as a family every single day. For example, three years ago my two oldest boys started an egg business. They became responsible on their own for a flock of about 50 chickens (the number changed due to our dogs!). They learned hard work, marketing, and money management. This past summer, I hired them to work for Mama Sons Con- struction Company. They learned to apply for the job, negotiate wages, and show up to work — all to build a chicken coop to house their egg-laying birds. EXPLAIN YOUR LEADERSHIP ROLE IN YOUR LOCAL HOMESCHOOL SUPPORT GROUP AND THE HEART YOU HAVE FOR ENCOURAGING OTHER LEADERS THROUGH YOUR VOLUNTEER WORK WITH CHEC. AI have been serving on the leadership team of The Vine Homeschool Co-op for a few years, helping our team plan and coordinate the activities for each semester. I enjoy planning field trips for our group as well as hosting and attending our monthly mom’s night out. The Lord has given me the gifts of admin- istration and leadership, and my heart is to bless the families that participate in The Vine. In addition to my local volunteer work, I have been so blessed by CHEC and the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference that I desired to give back. In 2017, I began coordinating the Leadership Luncheon held during the conference. Recently, I began to encourage other group leaders by launching an interview series called “Leaders That Lead the Way.” Further, I chose to participate in the Homeschool Freedom Team ( homeschool-freedom/) as I am so thankful for our freedom to homeschool in the state of Colorado. I am amazed by those who went before us to make this path available, and I am willing to stand up and do my part to maintain that freedom. I firmly believe we will never regret the time we invest in our children and other home educating families as we train the next generation to stand on the very words of Jesus Christ.  Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 11 FAMILY INTERVIEW
  • 12. s homeschoolers, our focus is on the young people around us. We parent them, teach them, love them, and clean up after them. It is easy to concentrate so much on our children that we forget that they aren’t the only ones having birthdays — our parents are, too. Sometimes, we fail to notice important signs that our parents need our help. ▪ “Has this ever happened before?” ▪ “What medications and supplements does your mother take? How often? What is the dosage?” ▪ “Does she have a DNR?” ▪ “Who is her primary care doctor?” ▪ “Do you have a Medical Power of Attorney?” ▪ “What is the name of her insurance provider?” Suddenly, you realize how little you know about the details of your mother’s life. You wish you had started the conversation with her before this emergency. You have no idea where to find the information the medics are requesting, and besides, you want to stay with her, not go searching through her house to find it. Most of us cannot imagine that the mother who sings in the church choir and cheerfully organizes dinners for the family reunion will ever lie helpless on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance. But it doesn’t take a statistician to tell us that she is get- ting older each day and that few people are able to completely care for themselves in their older years. As Christians, we agree that we should honor our parents. This may include many things: visits, cards, phone calls, or help with home maintenance projects. We teach our children to respect their elders, and we talk about the promise of Heaven for believers. As they get older, we address issues such as respect for life from conception through natural death. As part of the management of our family, there is an important part of honoring our elders that we some- times forget. Or, if we recognize its importance, we hesitate to address it because it makes us uncom- fortable. For the sake of our parents, ourselves, and even our children, we need to address aging and end-of-life issues. Consider this scenario: your mother lives several hours away, and you and your family try to visit her several times each year. But this time, what started as a typical visit quickly introduces you to a whole new world of responsibilities and decisions. While eating out at her favorite restaurant, your mother complains of a sudden headache and then collapses. You call 911 and the medics arrive promptly. That’s when the questions begin. YOU CAN'T ANSWER The Questions BY MARCIA WASHBURN PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK A C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 912 MANAGEMENT FOR MOMS
  • 13. We tend to avoid discussions of illness, disability, and death because they are unpleasant, or maybe we think it is bad luck to talk about such things. But it is far better to discuss essen- tials in advance than to scramble for life-saving information when we are emotionally upset. My own mother got it right. She loved me so much that she compiled a Family Notebook of information (and informed me of its location) that I would need when the inevitable time came that she would need care or would graduate to Heaven. She started the notebook while in her 50s, but I didn’t need it until she was in her 80s when she came to live with us. Meanwhile, I had the comfort of knowing it was there whenever the need might arise. Mother included financial, medical, and legal information that she updated regularly. She stated her preferences for her own memorial service. Everything was in order, such that we didn’t even require an attorney to settle her estate after she died. Here are some tips that could save you many anxious mo- ments with your own parents. ▪ If your parents live at a distance, get acquainted with their neighbors and exchange phone numbers. If your mother doesn’t answer your calls, you will want to know someone who can check on her. A neighbor was the one who first alerted us to behavioral changes in my mother-in-law that proved to be early signs of dementia. This led to more frequent in-person visits and, ultimately, to moving her in with us. ▪ Some families find it awkward to discuss legal matters and final wishes. Perhaps you and your spouse can take the lead by letting your siblings and parents know that you are gathering important information for your own Family Notebook. Encourage them to do the same. ▪ Explain to your parents how grateful you will be to have all the information you need in one place if they become incapacitated, or when they die. They need not show you the details at this time if they wish to preserve their privacy, but you will be glad to have it if one of them is suddenly crippled by a stroke or heart attack and you become the decision-maker on their behalf. ▪ Encourage your family members to prepare important legal documents such as a will, a Medical Power of Attorney [with a signed HIPPA form], and a Durable Power of Attorney. Copies of these should be included in the Family Notebook. If these documents do not exist, the government makes all decisions regarding your loved one’s medical and financial affairs, as well as determining what will happen to any minor children. Most people would prefer that someone who knows their wishes would make those decisions, rather than a government employee who doesn’t know the family. These are not pleasant issues to think about, but every day we spend on this planet we are growing older. Few of us will escape without requiring some type of care. Take the time to set your affairs in order and encourage those you love to do the same. Your family will commend you for it when they are the ones caring for you.  © 2016–2018 by Marcia K. Washburn. Through the years, Marcia has cared for four adult relatives in her home. Her book, Home-Based Eldercare: Stories and Strategies for Caregivers, is available at and at This article is adapted from one that originally appeared in the August 2016 Christian Family Eldercare newsletter (see for more articles). A TEST OF A PEOPLE IS HOW IT BEHAVES TOWARD THE OLD. EVEN TYRANTS AND DICTATORS MAKE A POINT OF BEING FOND OF CHILDREN. BUT THE AFFECTION AND CARE FOR THE OLD, THE INCURABLE, THE HELPLESS ARE THE TRUE GOLD MINES OF A CULTURE. — ABRAHAM J. HESCHEL “ “ Making Connections for Struggling Learners We teach healing intervention for you to do at home with your child. We will support you for a full school year! Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 13 MANAGEMENT FOR MOMS
  • 14. Refresh....JOIN US FOR A DAY OF ENCOURAGEMENT FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHER HOMESCHOOLING LADIES IN THE AREA! ANDIE DAVIDSON SPEAKERS LISA WILSON Come learn what Scripture teaches about soul care and how to value it in your life. Come worship together, share burdens and joys, and build one another up in the Word. Come and be refreshed! WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 2019, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm WHERE: Bethany Evangelical Free Church (6240 S Broadway, Centennial, CO 80121) WHO: All adult ladies are welcome (including nursing mamas and their infants) REGISTER: $20 for early bird registration (no refunds are offered on the registration cost, but you may register at the door if space allows) LUNCH: Pre-order a Chick-fil-a box salad when you register (cost is $10), or bring your own lunch Register at
  • 15. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK MATTERS As I was reading through the story of Noah this morning, I had some interesting thoughts about the importance of a father's faith and how it can bring blessing and protection to his entire family. Men, our faith matters! Noah was a righteous man and was considered blameless. So when God decided to purge the earth of the evil that man had created, He recognized Noah and made plans to save him. However, we see that God ended up saving more than just Noah. He also decided to save Noah’s wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives. It is interesting that Scripture does not men- tion that any of these family members were righteous and blameless or walking with God. So why were they spared? Was it because God had to repopulate the earth and needed them for that task? God could have started all over with just Noah and his wife. Was it because the sons helped their father build the ark and this was their reward? Was it the faith of the sons and their wives that saved them? In Hebrews, it only mentions that it was the faith of Noah that actually saved his entire family from the pain and destruction of the epic flood (Hebrews 11:7). Do not think that I am advocating that a father’s faith can provide eternal salvation for his family. For, you see, the ark only saved them from the serious storms of this life and the judgment of God for a period of time. They all eventually died and were accountable to God individually. However, as men, we can never underestimate the importance that our faith plays in the life of our entire family. The faith and obedience of a father can protect his family from many storms in this life. It can provide that spiritual “hedge of protection” that is wide enough to shelter others (Job 1:10). Men, it is humbling and exciting to know that our faith affects more than just our lives. When we say yes to God and pursue Him, our families are blessed. Let’s not take our role as fathers and spiritual leaders of our families lightly. We can set the tone, provide a covering, and affect generations to come. The stakes are high, so let’s put our trust in God, circumcise our hearts to the Lord, and live out who we are in Christ. May we “find favor in the eyes of the Lord” and be called “righteous and blameless among the people,” just as Noah was. And may our families be invited onto the ark in times of trouble and turmoil because of our faith.  Eric Jones is a homeschool dad, the Lead Pastor of Evident Life Church in Gilbert, Arizona, and the Director of the East Valley House of Prayer (EVHOP). Eric and his wonderful wife, Velvet, have been married for 20 years and are blessed with one daughter and three sons. This article is used with permission from the Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership article archives. BY ERIC JONES Your Faith to Your Family Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 15 DAD TO DAD
  • 16. BY AMOS WILSON “Amos, did you know that Jonah was swallowed by a big dog?” This question came from my four-year-old sister as she stood barefoot in my garden, her curly brown hair a crazy mess in the wind. Today was gardening day. Once a week I came to work on the garden at the family's house, and my arrival was usually greeted by several of my nine younger siblings — most often my six-year-old brother Jed — running out of the house with a dozen questions for me to answer. On one such occasion, Jed informed me that “Today was fun- school,” and I was going to teach them. “All right,” I said, “What do you want me to teach you?” “Give us another science lesson!” Jed said excitedly. I was a bit taken aback at this. Were I to teach science, I would most likely lead my poor students astray. Yet, not to be undone by my brother's request, I asked, “Another? When did I teach you science?” “Don't you remember? That's what you told us about last time, with James I and the Stuarts of England?” “Ah!” I said, “But that’s not science, that's history.” Jed shrugged. Apparently all subjects were the same to him. “Can you tell us more?” Growing up as a homeschool scholar in Denver, both of my parents were non-stop teachers. They took seriously the verse in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach at all times. No matter what we were doing — gardening, family devotions, dishwashing, deer-processing, na- tional popcorn appreciation day, MMs — everything was a good excuse to teach. Following my parent's example, my older brothers would spend all of their lunch break teaching us everything they had learned that day in their high school studies. This was one of the things I loved about homeschooling: it blurred the line between life and study with no compartmentalization about learning. History, science, math, and making breakfast were all interrelated subjects. To learn and to teach were just as natural a part of everyday life as eating and drinking. I discovered that anything I learned during the course of my studies was not just a fact to be put into short-term memory for an upcoming test; it would become a part of my life as I shared it with all 11 of my siblings. No piece of information was too small or too menial. I think it was this example of everybody teaching ev- erybody random facts which led Maggie to approach me that day in the garden. “Amos, did you know that Jonah was swallowed by a big dog?” I smiled at this. Apparently she had learned this in devotions and thought it was interesting, so she was going to tell me about it, interrupting my history lesson of the Jacobite Revolution, which was led by the Stuarts. “How's that, Maggie?” I asked. Maggie giggled. “Because, in Hebrew, the word 'dag' means 'fish,' so Jonah was swallowed by a big 'dag!'”  Amos C. Wilson is a homeschool graduate, born and raised in Colorado. He now resides in Manhattan, Kansas, with his lovely wife Magali, and they are expecting their first baby. He works as a general contractor, and writes poetry along with Christian fiction. Check him out on Facebook, or on his blog: PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK Making Sibling MEMORIES C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 916 GEN2
  • 17.
  • 18. Encouragement provides the emotional fuel that enables people to hold longer, reach farther, and dig deeper than previously believed possible. John Maxwell says that encouragement is 51% of leadership. I believe that. As a leader, your role is to give people hope, to build them up, and help them believe in themselves in a greater measure than they have before. In short, to live a better life. Do others see you as an encourager? Encouragement isn’t something that you do from a checklist of “things to do today.” It’s a way of life for a leader. Encouragement is not a soft expression from a weak leader. The tough- est of good leaders understand that it’s something core [fundamental] to sustained influence. Es- sentially, sincere encouragement comes from a deep love of and belief in people and a desire to see them experience life in a better way. Encouragers naturally draw people to them. Let me raise the bar on the definition for encourage- ment. As a leader in a local [group], if you are an encourager, people will naturally migrate to you. When they see you, they smile and instinctively walk toward you. This is not about a charismatic person- ality. It doesn’t matter if 5 people seek you out or 55 people seek you out. The point is that people will literally move to you because you cause their life to be a little brighter. I’m not talking about people who want permission for something, an extension cord, or keys to the storage area — but people who just want to be around you! Let’s be honest; life is wonderful, but it’s difficult. True? Do you have any financial challenges? How’s your health? Do you have kids? Life is good, but it has plenty of challenges. Life will press people down, so anyone who consistently lifts people up PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK Are you the leader of a Christian Homeschool Group? Be strengthened and encour- aged through CHEC's private Leaders' Facebook group, conference luncheon, exclusive email updates, and other oppor- tunities. Want to stay connected so you don't miss opportunities to grow as a leader? Make sure your group is part of the CHEC Homeschool Group Network: Encouragement (sincerely) gains the ability to influence — mean- ing to lead! If you are a leader in a local [group] and people don’t migrate to you, there is a reason. You need to discover what it is. Ask someone you trust, who loves you, and will tell the truth. For now, start encouraging others. Do it sincerely and often.  [This article was published May 26, 2016 on churchleaders. com. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.] Dr. Dan Reiland is Executive Pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He can be contacted at: IS51%BY DR. DAN REILAND C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 918 HOMESCHOOL LEADERS
  • 19. This classic go-to compendium used by countless families in Colorado is now completely updated and streamlined for you! Whether you are just getting started, or you have years of experience, don’t miss out on this fantastic resource! NEED A MAP FOR YOUR HOMESCHOOLING JOURNEY? The Guidebook is an essential and invaluable resource for your children’s lives. —Editor Shari McMinn
  • 20. THE BATTLE BY CAROLYN MARTIN The family structure, home education, parental rights, and religious liberty are all under attack! With this last election, Colorado turned in a direction that will take us away from personal liberty and freedom. Now that big govern- ment progressives are in positions of power throughout our state government, the likelihood that our fundamental rights will be eroded is a reality we must face. In the last legislative session, several ‘blue’ states brought forth legislation to further regulate homeschooling. California sought home visits and the creation of an advisory commission to recom- mend changes to the homeschool law. Hawaii legislators proposed background checks for homeschool parents and child welfare investigations. Thankfully, these attempts were stopped by a multitude of dedicated homeschooling families who showed up and raised their voices in opposition. The assaults across the nation have not gone unnoticed by influ- encers in Colorado. There will be an effort to increase oversight of homeschoolers this year, and most assuredly, we will experience attacks on parental rights and religious liberty. The bills infringing on parental rights that were killed over the past several years are likely to pass now with barely a whimper. An attempt to lower the age of consent for minors to direct their own mental health care will be made, with the only question being how much it should be lowered, to age 10 or 12? It would not be surprising to see a bill mandating vaccines which strips religious and personal exemptions from the current statutes. In the face of this opposition, we must continue to tell all who will listen that parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children without government intrusion. As for religious liberty, our new governor said in an interview that you have to “separate your individual moral beliefs with what you believe in the public sphere,” propagating the idea that the first amendment merely secures your right to private worship. This leaves your God-given, unalienable right to live and act according to your conscience shredded on the altar of political correctness. If what we believe must be sequestered inside the four walls of our churches and our homes, we will not be able to live the life Jesus calls us to live. At the Capitol in Denver, I have personally heard traditional Christian beliefs publicly admonished for not being consistent with the goals of our state. The state claims its mission is to “eradicate all discrimination.” In order to accomplish this, laws will need to be strengthened to silence any opposition in the public sphere. In this arena, we must stand strong on the truth of the living God and remain true to our conscience, no matter where we find ourselves. We need all hands on deck to fight the battles that will surely come. Participate with these action steps: 1. Prayer is our foundation. Join me in praying for the protection of homeschooling families across this state and for the leaders of our state to have a renewed understanding of the inalienable rights given to each of us by our Creator (1 Timothy 2:1-4). 2. Strengthen your own understanding of the biblical foundation for home education and discipleship. Here is a helpful article to start with: view/education-the-bible-has-more-to-say-than-you-think. Make sure you are prepared to give an answer for why parents should be free to homeschool their children. 3. Reach out to your legislators personally — we’ve made your first step simple and quick by including a postcard for you to use in the center fold of this issue. If the need arises, be ready to stand with me at the Capitol and speak truth. (Visit for helpful articles on navigating your outreach to legislators.) 4. Keep up with what’s happening at the Capitol by subscrib- ing to the CHEC Blog at 5. Join me at the rally on Homeschool Day at the Capitol on Thursday, April 25, 2019: visit for details. Let’s show our representatives how much we care about our freedom and our posterity! Carolyn Martin is a veteran homeschool mom who serves as CHEC’s Legislative Liaison. She spends a lot of time at the state Capitol in Denver to keep informed on legislative issues of concern to home educators. If your homeschool group would like her to speak regarding upcoming legislation and future elections, please contact her via email, Is Upon Us PHOTOGRAPHYBYTOBIASSTEEVES,AWAAPHOTOS(AWAAPHOTOS.COM) C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 920 LEGISLATIVE LIAISON
  • 21. Connecting with your state legislators is a crucial act of citizenship. Your engagement with the political process begins with your relationship with your representatives. We hope that you will take this opportunity to send a postcard to your Colorado House Representative and Colorado State Senator. Instructions for filling out the postcards provided in the center of this issue: 1. Print your legislator's name and title above the mailing addresss. (Find their names here: http:// Example: The Honorable insert Senator/Representative and full name 2. Write a message that is as personal as possible. Sample: Dear insert Senator/Representative and full name, Thank you for representing our community in the Colorado Assembly. We are a homeschooling family and we encourage you to uphold our unalienable fundamental right to provide and direct the education and upbringing of our children. Join me at Homeschool Day at the Capitol on April 25th at noon on the west steps. Praying for your protection and strength during this session. Sincerely, Your Name 3. Sign it! Include your email and/or phone number. 4. Stamp mail: Make sure you add a $0.35 stamp. That's it! This is a great first step in building a relationship with your state legislators, a crucial act of citizenship. Contact Carolyn Martin ( if you'd like help making future connections. The homeschool freedom we enjoy today in Colorado must be guarded carefully. WE NEED YOU!Every family in Colorado has an opportunity to get involved, either onsite at the Capitol or from home. You can:  Help read and review proposed bills for their potential effect on home education, parental rights, and religious liberty  Donate to help with costs for legislative liaison work  Subscribe to the CHEC blog for regular legislative updates from Carolyn Martin every two weeks  Subscribe to our email list for prayer updates and join the private Facebook prayer group Learn more and sign up for updates at POSTCARD INSERTS ARE STAPLED HERE Send these postcards to your legislators now!
  • 22. A Biblical, non-insurance approach to health care As believers in Christ, we are called to glorify God in all that we do. Samaritan members bear each other’s burdens by sharing the cost of medical bills while praying for and encouraging one another. Members can choose between two membership options for sharing their medical needs: Samaritan Classic and Samaritan Basic. Monthly costs: (Ranges based on age, household size, and membership level) Individuals $100-$220 2 Person $200-$440 3+ People $250-$495 As of July 2018 Find more information at:
  • 23. KEVIN SWANSONHEIDI ST. JOHNKEN HAM JUNE 14-16, 2018 D E N V E R C O LO R A D O CON FER ENCE K E Y NOTE SPEA K ERS Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference Register now at JUNE 13-15, 2019 D E N V E R C O LO R A D O
  • 24. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS The president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and America’s latest major tourist attraction the Ark Encounter, Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Ken hosts the daily radio program, “ANSWERS with Ken Ham,” heard on more than 900 stations in America and is one of the editors and contributing authors for AiG’s Answers magazine. Strong Faith R.E.A.L. L.I.F.E. Homeschooling Homeschooling Held Hostage The SEVEN Most Important Things We’ve Learned in 25 Years of Marriage EPIC: The Fight for Faith and Family in a New Age Biblical Discernment in an Unbiblical Age Pastor Kevin Swanson and his beautiful wife, Brenda, live with their five children on the eastern plains of Colorado. Formerly Executive Director of CHEC, Kevin currently hosts a daily family radio program called “Generations” and serves as the Executive Director of Generations. Over the years, his family has teamed up to produce radio programs and news broadcasts, publish and distribute Christian books, and organize evangelistic outreaches and conferences. He is the author of over 20 books and is the editor of the Christian Discipleship Curriculum, a bibli- cally-based curriculum designed for the Christian family. The Four Pillars of a Rock-Solid Education Gospel-Based Character Training (by the Book, God’s Book) The Blessings and Challenges of Raising Daughters The Blessings Challenges of Raising Sons The Homeschool High School — The Success Factors that Matter Most Understanding the Times — How Did We Get into This Mess? Gospel Reset Developing a Truly Christian Worldview Why the 20’s Generation Will Change the Church Culture How to Raise Godly Children in an Ungodly World KEN HAM KEVIN SWANSON A family experience TO EQUIP YOU FOR YOUR HOME EDUCATION JOURNEY! RESOURCESTRAINING ENCOURAGEMENT Heidi St. John approaches marriage and parenting with humor and grace. Her passion to encourage moms and set them free to be who God has created them to be will encourage you. Heidi has been mar- ried to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and two grandsons. The St. Johns’ homeschooled their children through high school. Heidi is the author of seven books, including her most recent, Prayers for the Battlefield: Staying MomStrong in the Fight for Your Family and Your Faith. Join Heidi at MomStrong International, an online ministry where women come together for Bible studies, Scripture writing, and fellowship. HEIDI ST. JOHN PRESENTING THESE WORKSHOPS:
  • 25. FEATURED SPEAKERS CAROL BECKER Developing a Plan for Highschool Highschool Record Keeping and Help Charting Your Way Through Highschool for College, Workforce or Military You Can Homeschool…If You Make it Through Tomorrow DIANNE CRAFT Structuring a Healing Teaching Day Dyslexia on a Budget Autism / Asperger’s at Home Restoring the Neurotransmitter Warehouse S.M. DAVIS Expectations: The Enemy of Relationships and Gratitude The Life Transforming Power of Kindness Breaking Family Curses Changing the Heart of a Rebel Freedom from Anger Strategy for Victory in Spiritual Warfare MIKE DONNELLY The Compelling Case for Homeschooling Go Home and Love Your Family DOUG FAVELO A Comparison of Classical Education and the Charlotte Mason Pedagogical Philosophy Teaching History from a Christian Perspective Strategies for Teaching Latin in the Home College Years: Why Go to a Liberal Arts College? Art History in the Homeschool DENNIS NAOMI GUNDERSEN Building a Good Conscience in Your Child The Place of Literature in Character Building Courtship and Dating: So What’s the Difference? Doing Family Worship Without Being a Bible Scholar Deadly Weakness in the Strong Man: Moral Lessons Fathers Must Teach Their Sons From Grumbling to Gratitude TYLER HOGAN Demystifying Learning Styles History Starts Here: Digging into the Past Loving Geography—Even If You Can’t Fold a Map! Writing Boot Camp for the Almost-Graduated Mixed Messages: Teaching Kids Media Discernment Confessions of a Homeschool Graduate BILL JACK Tearing Up Tracks Leading to Destruction Artificial Authority (Matthew 23) Seven Habits of Highly Suppressive People (Romans 1:21-23) What Were They Thinking? — What are You Thinking? The Four Duties of a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus (II Timothy 2:1-3) Fortitudine Vincimus (By Endurance We Conquer) The Resolute KEN LAWRENCE Redeeming the Culture Through the Visual Media Can Hollywood Be Redeemed? Technical Tips for Redeeming the Culture Though Video DR. JOBE MARTIN Speeding Toward a Socialist America Developing Discernment in Our Culture of Deception From Dinosaurs to Dung Beetles: Examining God’s Environmental Clean-Up Systems Amazing Animals and Attributes of the Amazon Discovering the Wonders of Alaskan Creatures JENNA DEAN MARTIN Remind Me Why I Am Homeschooling? The Tone in the Home BRIDGET MOSLEY Three Simple Strategies to Enhance Memory Retention Brain-Friendly Spelling Strategies Reading Deeply in a Digital World Road Signs… TARA ROEHL Executive Functions of Speech Diagnostic Speech Assessments Road Signs to learning disabilities ISRAEL WAYNE The History of the Homeschooling Movement Education — Does God Have an Opinion? How Can I Defend My Faith? Christians and Pop Culture (Evaluating the Arts) The Second Generation Homeschooling Movement Waiting for True Love ...AND EVEN MORE SPEAKERS: DETAILS ON THE WEBSITE! Biblical Discipleship Ministries Mirren | Taryn | Jenna Dee | J 2212 Chisholm Trail | Rockwall, TX 75032 | P: 972-771-0568 | F: 972-771-058 | | FULL CONFERENCE PASS LIMITED TIME EARLY REGISTRATION PRICE! All general sessions, workshops, and exhibit hall SHOPPING PASS ONLY INDIVIDUAL $65 for the entire family Free for CHEC Independent School Members: see website for details INDIVIDUAL $29 for the entire family $ 55 $ 19 The Crowne Plaza Convention Center is located just off I-70 at Chambers Road. Make it a fun family weekend by staying at the hotel (exclusive limited-time rate of $139.00 +tax for attendees). Get a full hot breakfast buffet at the Terrace Restaurant (for all room occupants), then walk across the grand atrium to attend the conference! STAY ONSITE AND ENJOY YOUR CONFERENCE GETAWAY Free parking! RockyMountainHomeschoolConference.comREGISTER AT
  • 26. MAKE TAKE WORKSHOPS and more— see website! Hands-on learning is powerful — and homeschool moms and dads, now it’s your turn! Come enjoy the Make Take Workshops with bring-it-home projects that you can share and use in your family, homeschool, or co-op. Available as add-ons ($5/person) to your full conference pass; space is limited. Workshops include: ▪ Objectively Evaluating Your Student’s Writing ▪ Documenting Your Child’s Homeschool With a Keepsake Journal ▪ Developing a Biblical Vision and Mission Statement ▪ Using Hands-on Activities to be a More Effective Teacher ▪ Multiplication Made Easy FOR 2019! NEW VENUE: CROWNE PLAZA all new CHEC envisions families honoring Jesus Christ by embracing home discipleship that is Christ centered, parent directed, and free from government control. Join us! Donate at I877.842.CHEC ICall Monday—Friday, 10am to 5pm Christian Home Educators of Colorado S P O N S O R E D B Y This is all on top of shopping in the exhibit hall (don’t miss the Thursday Grand Opening Party!), general sessions, and workshops! Visit the website to learn more! CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Bring your whole family to the 1-hour AMAZING CHEMISTRY SHOW filled with fire, explosions, foam, and fun for all ages. The message of Jesus Christ is clearly communicated using powerful illustrations! This event is immediately followed by the FAMILY SCIENCE EXPERIENCE — a highly interactive event, allowing families to explore over 150 individual hands-on science experiences at their own pace. Everyone participates! ($10 add-on per family.) FAMILY NIGHT EXPERIENCE! AMAZING CHEMISTRY SHOW FRIDAY AT 6:30PM Bring your kids for these incredibly fun activities filled with learning opportunities! Designed for children ages 6–12, each program is professionally run by trusted organizations with adult supervision. Parents may attend with their children at no charge. (Limited space; available as add-ons to full conference pass.) ▪ Kids in the Book Live (Thursday, presented by Walk Thru the Bible, $10/child) ▪ Children’s Creative Crafts (Friday, presented by Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop, limited space, $10/child) ▪ Learn with Legos (Saturday, presented by Bricks4Kidz; limited space, $20/child)
  • 27. AOP Homeschooling Uncluttered Alpha Omega Publications makes it easy, enjoyable, and affordable to teach your children. With complete curriculum options that promote academic excellence and Christian values, you never need to gather materials from the four corners of your home for the next lesson. Instead, you can simply appreciate the time you have together each new day. See how much you love learning with AOP. Visitaop.comtodaytofindtheright homeschoolcurriculumforyourfamily.
  • 28. PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK Cloud-based technology is a game-changer in the world of e-learning, removing barriers and paving the way for successful learning, especially for struggling middle and high school students. There are many wonderful book-based homeschooling materials, but students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD often need the help of assistive technology features to support learning differences. If you are spending “too many” hours with your older students reading aloud or acting as a scribe, it may be time to try something new. The digital worlds of Google, Apple, and Microsoft all offer accessibility features that are waiting to be found and used on current devices. The implementation of technology and figur- ing out the best online pedagogy for a learner with disabilities can get tricky. It’s important to know your child’s strengths and weaknesses and the task at hand in order to figure out which features to try. Efforts to provide greater access to engaging online content and supports can end up leading to more distractions and possible power I hope you’ll check out some of these features and find the digital sweet spot for your child so, hopefully, some of his or her struggles will turn into personal strides. Once your struggling learner is better able to understand the material to be learned and show what he or she knows, you can sit back and watch the wonder of lifelong learning happen, knowing that you have set them up for success in this digital world. Do you feel alone in this effort to figure out which tech is best? Connecting with others can help! I’ve created a group on Facebook for this very purpose: IST Tech Savvy Solutions. Also, I host a free webinar series at My complimentary 15-minute phone consults can be scheduled at www. Finally, my book which features top tech picks is Assistive Technology in Special Educa- tion: Resources to Support Literacy, Communication and Learning Differences.  [1] Joan Green is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist with many years of experience helping children and adults who have communication, cognitive, literacy, and learning challenges. Readers may learn more from her website or contact her at struggles between parent and child. Take a look at the parental controls and restrictions on devices as well as how to create a 'digital family contract.'1 These will assist you with specific expectations when it comes to using technology to keep everyone safe and productive. Just think … as a homeschooling parent, you have the ideal situation to determine, together with your student, the nature of the technology tools and strategies for when and how to use them. A collaborative mindset will be a great lesson on its own that may foster a love of learning, a [confident and appropriate] sense of autonomy, and bring peace back into your home. [An accountability app such as can help families safely navigate online sites, track time usage, and enable family conversations regarding appropriate internet use.] Here are a few assistive tech tips for older students: Reading: Take advantage of text-to-speech features that read aloud the words on a screen. Also, visual clutter and distracting notifications [that pop-up when using technology] can be minimized. I’ve highlighted five of my favorite resources for making reading easier at Writing: Speech recognition enables students to dictate rather than type. The “voice typing” feature on the toolbar in Google Docs is a great tool to explore. BY JOAN GREEN STRUGGLING LEARNERS Visit the CHEC Struggling Learners web page at resources-struggling-learners Finding the Digital SWEET SPOT C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 928 STRUGGLING LEARNERS
  • 29. Homeschool Summits is a project of to bring Christian families the resources and encouragement they need to homeschool with confidence and pass on the faith to their children. The free events are hosted online so you can watch practical, encouraging speaker interviews and shop the vendor hall from the comfort of your home! Watch free sessions now! and An Attendee Says... I have been too focused on external behavior and not really targeting my kids' hearts.... I started implementing some of the advice [from the Summit] and I am noticing a heart difference in my kids already! I was so discouraged and this Summit was the kick in the pants, plus a breath of fresh air, that I desperately needed. “ “ Our next free online event, Curriculum 2.0, is coming March 25-30!
  • 30. BEST OF CHEC.ORG/BLOG CARE? PHOTOGRAPHYBYISTOCK BEST OF CHEC.ORG/BLOG It’s 10 a.m., and you haven’t showered or gotten dressed. Your teeth are unbrushed, and your coffee is cold. You have just reminded your toddler for the 57th time not to put his hands down the back of his pants. You expertly juggle your newborn in one arm while dishing out a moderately healthy snack for your toddler with the other. You are a mother, and you feel bone- weary. Our culture has offered up a solution for the frazzled and frantic mom who never manages a moment alone: self-care. It’s almost impossible to visit a motherhood website, blog, or play group without running into it. The concept of self-care is simple: if the plane is going down, you should put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others. But if your motherhood plane is about to crash and burn, God is the only source for the oxygen you need to survive the fall. Self-care encourages coffee runs, nap times spent reading novels, pedicures, happy hour with girlfriends, new clothes, massages, exercising, deco- rating homes, and lavender bubble baths. There is nothing inherently bad in this list, but the problem lies in the elevation of these good things as necessities for surviving (or even thriving in) motherhood. Self-Care or SOUL- BY MAGGIE COMBS C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 930
  • 31. Why self-care isn’t enough Self-care will never fill the void in your heart meant for God alone. It is the diet soda of motherhood: instead of offering satisfaction, it leaves you endlessly thirsting for more. Self-care buys into the world’s wisdom of putting your needs front and center, but the Bible tells us that true satisfaction and joy only come through Jesus. When motherhood feels overwhelm- ing, instead of adding self-care to your already too long to-do list, meet with your Provider-God for soul-care sustenance. Soul-care and self-care may look the same from the outside. They both may involve getting physical rest, reading good literature, eating well, creating art, and exercising. But self-care comes from the attitude of self, of building your kingdom, of idolizing your own needs. Soul-care seeks to know God better through both His Word and His world and humbly accepting your human limitations. Self-care can’t give the kind of life that your weary body truly needs. Jesus calls you to come to Him to learn and rest, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28–29). 4 Methods to Transform Your Rest from Self-Care to Soul-Care 1. Remember who you are First, soul-care admits that God made you from dust. Your body and your abilities are finite. The lists you create for your days are often beyond the abilities of your human body. Here’s the issue with self-care: you are not God. Self-care inherently focuses on what you can do for yourself, but soul-care turns your eyes upward for God’s provision. By establishing that you can’t be God, it frees you to accept your weaknesses then receive His unending strength. Soul-care flows from the humble recognition that our physical bodies are finite and ineffectual, but God gives us supernatural grace that is everything we need for life and godliness. 2. Remember whose you are God the Father created you; Jesus redeemed you; the Holy Spirit sanctifies you. Self-care is about taking ownership and control of your physical needs. Soul- care entrusts your needs to the God who created you, sustains you, and saves you. 3. Give your mind true oxygen To be good soul-care, your method for rest must allow you to learn more about God and draw nearer to Him. Self-care aims to give physical and psychological renewal, but soul-care accesses the true spiritual oxygen your soul craves. Last summer I spent a week in Colorado’s Summit County for the first time. The first three days of the trip, my body refused to transition to the scarcity of oxygen. My mind was foggy and confused. I knew I needed to be a watchful and wise mother in this physically-dangerous environment, but my brain couldn’t compute, wouldn’t focus. This was actually a familiar feeling. As a mom, I often feel muddled from lack of rest, unable to understand how to practically apply wisdom to the intricate chal- lenges of motherhood. I feel overwhelmed and unsure. These are sure signs that I am depriving myself of spiritual oxygen. Moms, when you feel the need for self-care, the first thing you should do is put your nose in your Bible and breathe God’s Truth deeply into your soul. The Word of God and the Truth of the Gospel will reorient your thinking. They are the oxygen your brain needs to correctly understand your circumstances. 4. Humble yourself to receive spiritual transformation Soul-care is about rest, but it’s also about sanctifica- tion. Your regular self-care activities transform into soul-care when they are a means of opening your heart to the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to reveal Himself to you. Recognize what a gift of amazing grace it is for the stony places of your heart to be made into flesh. Confess your sins and your utter inability to do life without God. Re- mind yourself that in your weaknesses are opportunities to receive God’s unending strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). Let whatever activity you choose lead your heart to the life-giving, life-changing awesomeness of God. Dear Mom, if you’re exhausted, your soul will find rest in God alone. If you feel weak, God will be your strength. If your soul is desert-dry, God is the stream of living water. When you feel attacked, God is your refuge. When you lack wisdom, God provides it. When motherhood is more than you can manage, don’t run to self-care for the break the world says you deserve. Instead, care for your soul by giving it more oxygen from the pure, life-giving breath of God.  [Republished with permission from] Maggie Combs is a wife, mom of three boys, writer, and speaker. When motherhood overwhelmed her, God drew her closer to him through writing her first book, Unsupermommy: Release Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to God’s Superpower. Find more of her practical application of the Gospel to motherhood at www. or on Instagram and Facebook. Visit the CHEC Blog for more encouragement at Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 31 BEST OF BLOG
  • 32. CURRICULUM REVIEW The filmmakers’ track has the campers working as the film crew. They rotate through the positions and work on everything from directing and sound recording, to camera work and lighting. The campers gain an impressive amount of experience in the fine arts of camera angles, white noise, and the protocol used on a set. In 2018, the camp made a short film called Return on Investment, based on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant and the Parable of the Talents. The campers commented that attending the camp was one of the best experiences of their lives. “We were not just told what to do. We were shown what to do and then we had a chance to actually do it!” one camper exclaimed. The campers were impressed that there was a strong focus on how to glorify God through film while mak- ing a quality film which glorifies Him. Additionally, there was great comradery among the campers as they did goofy things such as deciding to speak with fake foreign accents as the filming went into the late hours of the night! Alumni from previous camps have gone on to begin their own production companies and work on multiple projects, including documenta- ries and independent feature-length films. Now in its 12th year, the camp has helped train scores of artists in the craft of filmmaking. To avoid spending time in a classroom during the camp itself, campers complete intense online training before at- tending camp. Then students attend the camp, which is a weeklong immersion into either filmmaking or acting (with separate tracks for each) as the campers film a short, original script. Ken states that the goal of the camp is to “equip the next generation of Christian filmmakers with the training and skills necessary to effectively use the visual media for the glory of God. We believe the best way to do this is with the small group, hands-on method we use.” Rich Swingle is the coach for the acting portion of the camp. Rich has an impressive resume of acting credits in film, stage, and audio drama. He teaches the acting campers how to ‘get into character’ and then ‘get out of character.’ [That’s acting lingo for put- ting on a character’s actions and attitude just like one puts on a costume.] At the 2018 camp, Rich arranged a video conference with the Kendrick brothers’ acting coach who was working on the set of Overcomer at that time. She taught the campers the same acting tips she was teaching the Kendrick brothers’ actors. The acting track campers became the stars of the short film being created at the camp. Summer camps can be a great way to augment our children’s educations. Getting outdoors with hands-on experiences brings learning to life. We have some wonderful opportunities for summer camps here in Colorado, including the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp and the Alpha Omega camps and day excursions. The Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmak- ers Camp is held annually on the Western Slope at Ministry Haven in Norwood, Colorado. The camp was started by Ken Lawrence in 2007 after attending the San Antonio Christian Film Festival. He felt Christian filmmakers needed more hands-on training and instruction than could be gained through a filmmakers confer- ence or through workshops at a film festival. As a result, he began inviting people experienced in filmmaking to come as mentors to a weeklong camp. SUMMER CAMPSBY CINDY PUHEK CURRICULUM REVIEW C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 932 CURRICULUM REVIEW
  • 33. This year, the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp will be held June 23–29, 2019. To find out more information and to register, visit their website at Alpha Omega Institute (www.DiscoverCreation. org) is a ministry located in Grand Junction, Colo- rado. They are dedicated to equipping Christians to answer questions about creation, evolution, and the Bible while helping participants understand the foun- dational importance of Genesis to Christian doctrine. One way they do this is by hosting creation vacation adventures. Participants experience the wonders of God’s creation while receiving in-depth teaching about the scientific basis of creationism. This year, the Alpha Omega Institute is taking a group to Yellowstone during Labor Day weekend (August 30 – September 3). Experienced teachers and frequent CHEC conference speakers, Dave and Mary Jo Nut- ting, will lead a bus tour through Yellowstone National Park. While visiting all the famous sites within the park, the teachers will work to equip families to survive “the evolutionary, naturalistic worldview philosophies that are so prevalent in our society today.” The accommodations are rustic bunkhouses with nearby bath houses, but this helps keep this all- inclusive learning adventure very reasonably priced. Upon request, Alpha Omega Institute also takes groups on weeklong River and Rock Adventures held in Colorado near the Royal Gorge. Groups can also arrange for guided day trips to the Colorado National Monument or to the Dinosaur Museum, which are both located in western Colorado. If you have actors, actresses, and filmmakers in need of hands-on movie making experience in your house, or if you would like to spend your vacation being equipped to combat false philosophies, we have wonderful resources right here in Colorado. Consider spending a week in June at the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp making a short film, and discover the power of this media for telling God’s story. Or spend some time in Yellowstone with the Alpha Omega Institute, uncovering the lies of evolu- tion and the beauty of God’s truth.  Cindy Puhek resides in Colorado Springs and has been married to Peter for more than two decades. They are well into their second decade of homeschooling their six children who range in age from toddler to high schooler. Cindy holds a master's degree in chemistry and has written dozens of articles to encourage others in their homeschooling journeys. You can visit her blog at www. COMMUNITY One of the keys to a great education. More than 50,000 families worldwide find support, encouragement and fellowship in weekly Classical Conversations communities. Connect with a community today! Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 33 CURRICULUM REVIEW
  • 34. C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 934 SERVING Our journey into homeschooling was quite accidental. My eldest daughter was 11-years-old and was attending public school. At that time, our second child came along and we were planning to follow the same path. pumpkin pie has about a million things (maybe I’m exaggerating a little) that my daughter is allergic to. The school staff assured her that there was nothing in the pie my daughter was allergic to. So, they headed home, where our little 3-year-old started digging in. Just a few moments after shoving some pie into her cute little face, she began sneezing. She kept on sneezing for about 20 minutes (not exaggerating). Then came the wheezing. Then… well, I will leave it to your imagination. We decided at that moment to keep her at home! Thus began our journey into homeschooling. It is now 15 years later. We’ve since had three more kids, homeschooling each of them from the start. We brought our eldest home after the seventh grade. She’s since graduated high school and is married. My pie-eating 3-year-old is now a happy PARTNER with CHEC Together, we’re motivating parents to disciple the next generation of Christians. Thank you for partnering with us! We enrolled her, at 3-years-old, in a preschool class for a couple of days a week. We didn’t think much about some pretty severe food allergies she had been diagnosed with because we figured the school would take them as seriously as we did. After detailing all of her allergies to the staff, including the nurse, things went along okay for a while — until November at least. As Thanksgiving quickly approached that year, her classmates worked diligently with their little hands to create toddler-sized pumpkin pies to take home and enjoy eating for the holiday. My wife picked up our daughter from preschool that day and was shocked when they gave her the handmade pie. If you know my wife, you know she has a mind that could be classified as a military-grade “allergy- guided missile.” She knows from experience that HomeschoolersBY CHRIS GALANEK PARTNER'S PAGE
  • 35. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 9 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E 35 Name Address City State Zip Phone Donation Amount $ ☐ One time donation $ ☐ Monthly donation $ ☐ Or go to and click To set up an automatic monthly credit card or ACH/ bank transfer, call the office at 720-842-4852. PLEASE REMOVE THIS SECTION AND MAIL WITH YOUR DONATION TO: 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134 For 28 years, CHEC has been at the forefront of the battle for home education and discipleship. CHEC serves thousands of families every year through our events, Update magazine, widows fund, special needs fund, the CHEC Independent School, and more. We receive phone calls throughout the week that give us a chance to provide advice, encouragement, and an extra “boost” to homeschoolers when the going is tough. CHEC depends on your generous donation to both continue and expand our mission. and healthy 18-year-old, thriving in her college classes. The first lesson we learned about homeschooling was that nobody would care for our kids like we do. We’ve learned many other lessons since then — including that Christ must be at the center of everything we do, including school, and that relationships are both an emphasis and a fruit of home edu- cation. As we live life together, we must learn and grow together. Our relationships have never been closer, and this is the fruit of our Christian faith being lived out together. Early on in our journey, some friends suggested we check out Christian Home Educators of Colorado. There, we found like-minded believ- ers who shared many of the same goals we had for our family. When we were offered an op- portunity to serve with CHEC, we were excited to give back and jumped right in. This led to a position on the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference Committee and eventually to my wife and I serving as Conference Coordina- tors. As seasons of life changed, and family demands grew, we passed the baton to a new generation of leaders. But that didn’t end our involvement with the organization. I am a Computer Scientist by education and profession, serving a large bank in Colorado as an Enterprise Solution Architect. There was a place at CHEC for me to bring my professional experience to bear as the organization’s IT Manager, where I now help with general office technology needs, as well as the continued feature build-out and support of the CHEC In- dependent School website. I am grateful for the work I get to do for CHEC because it allows me to serve Christ through an organization whose mission and vision I support and believe in. Do you have professional experience or skills you could use in service for Christ? I encour- age you to prayerfully consider if you could use them to contribute to the many needs in the ministry of CHEC. You can click on the Sign Up to Volunteer button at  Chris Galanek is an enterprise solution architect in the financial services industry, where he focuses on providing flexible and scalable solutions and innovative thought leadership. He also serves CHEC as IT Manager, and previously served as Conference Coordinator for CHEC’s annual homeschool conference. Chris has been married to Jenny for 27 years, and they have five children. HOMESCHOOL FAMILY DAYS VIEW MORE EVENTS AT  Wednesday, February 20, Homeschool Pro- gram with Bird Conservatory of the Rockies  Friday, March 8, All About Raptors homeschool day with Bird Conservatory of the Rockies  Saturday, March 9, free clay sculpting class by the Parker Art Guild  Friday, March 15, Homeschool Skate at Skate City Littleton (12-2 pm)Contact Diane Ellison at for more information  Friday, April 12, Homeschool Skate at Skate City Littleton  Saturday, April 13, free graphite art class by the Parker Art Guild  Sunday, April 28, deadline for the Western Governor’s Association “Celebrate the West” art competition PARTNER'S PAGE
  • 36. Saturday, 9-4pm Spring 2019 Metro Denver – Location and Date to be announced More information coming soon at our website: sprconf2019 Charting the Course FORYOURFAMILYBUSINESS COMING SPRING 2019 More than a dozen real, relevant talks, including: • Wisdom, Character, Work, Wealth – What did Solomon learn and what must we never forget? • Helping Visionaries Count The Cost • Money 101: Real Basic Relevant Skills for young people • Own a job or own a business – what’s the difference? • Grow your business/the power of your brand • The Serial Entrepreneur – how to have more than 1 successful business • Mentorship- Involve your children: why and how? • Business exit strategies- how to finish well Many sessions in QA format Fantastic pricing on resources from AME and Generations “He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. ”– Psalm 107: 29-30 Mike Cheney Bill Roach Dale Johnson Steve Vaughan Ian Serff Shari McMinn Chad Roach Kevin Swanson SPEAKERS Dale Schamel Ken Murphy
  • 37. DATA ENTRY SPECIALISTS Do you enjoy typing, organizing, and office work? We're in need of several volunteers who can serve at the CHEC Office in Parker on Mondays and/or Thursdays helping with data entry and preparing for events. Our office team is a lot of fun to work with and there's usually some chocolate around to snack on while you help the team! Complete form at BOX TOPS Did you know that every Box Top that you submit to CHEC is worth $0.10 and goes to support the year-round ministry of CHEC? Simply collect then drop off at any CHEC event or at the CHEC office. Collect, then deliver to CHEC. VOLUNTEER SUPERSTARS Are you looking for a spring/summer family volunteer project? Or do you have a few hours each month free? We're looking to build our volunteer teams for the Homeschool Day at the Capitol (April 25th), the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference (June 13-15), and year-round in our Parker office. Complete the form at HOMESCHOOL TALENT Do you play a musical instrument, sing, act, or speak? We want you! We're looking for homeschool students and graduates to be a part of our general sessions at the upcoming Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. It's a tremendous opportunity to bless homeschool families with your gifts and experience performing in front of a large audience. We have openings for instrumentalists, vocalists, and orators, and we'd love for you to participate! Learn more at Want to join in behind the scenes with CHEC? We have a tremendous team of volunteers who keep things going — and with lots of openings now, we'd love for you to become a part! we need you! BIG NEED!
  • 38. CHEC BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Bill Roach, President George Sechrist, Vice President Brenda Kelly Chad Roach Ian Serff Steven Vaughan CHEC DIRECTORS: Steve Craig, Executive Director Kevin Swanson, Director of Generations Mike Cheney, Director of AME The CHEC Homeschool Update is published triannually by Christian Home Educators of Colorado, 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210, Parker, CO 80134. The purpose of the Homeschool Update is to provide information, resources, and leadership for home educating families while effectively communicating the activities, opportunities, and needs of Christian Home Educators of Colorado. The Homeschool Update is free to all who request it. Donations are gladly accepted. The views expressed by contributors and advertisers in this news magazine do not necessarily reflect those of CHEC. Permission is granted to reprint any portion of this magazine, except where noted, provided the following credit is given: “Reprinted from the CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, Issue #103, 2019; 720-842-4852,” Editor: Shari McMinn, Creative Designer: Sarah Lee Bryant, Advertising Policy: Ads are published on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis and are subject to approval. Payment must be made by the deadline to reserve ad space. New advertisers must include complete product description. We reserve the right to refuse any ad submitted. CHEC’s mailing list is not sold or rented. Advertising in this magazine provides an excellent opportunity to reach homeschooling families likely to be interested in your product or service. Questions may be directed to Circulation: V1 V3: 5,500  V2: 6,500 Next Advertising Deadline: March 1, 2019 For advertising opportunities with CHEC, go to Copyright © 2019 by CHEC March Refresh: Ladies Encouragement Day April Homeschool Intro Seminar Homeschool Day at the Capitol May Homeschool Graduation Ceremonies June Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference July August Homeschool Intro Seminars October Casterline Widows' Banquet What’s NEXT with CHEC 16 13 25 17-18 13-15 Visit to learn more! C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P DAT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 03 , 2 01 938
  • 39.
  • 40. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID DENVER CO PERMIT #792 Christian Home Educators of Colorado 19039 Plaza Drive, Suite 210 Parker, Colorado 80134 Change Service Requested Dear families: If you no longer want to receive this magazine, please contact the CHEC office and ask to be removed from our mailing list. Thank you. 720.842.4852 I1.877.842.CHEC HOMESCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY MAY 17TH AND 18TH IN ELIZABETH AND LITTLETON celebrate YOUR STUDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL graduation WHAT’S INCLUDED: ■ Pomp and Circumstance as graduates and parents enter ■ Special music sung during the ceremony ■ Commencement address and charge to the graduates ■ Parents’ presentation of the diplomas WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE COORDINATION! Your registration includes participation in the ceremony, a cap and gown, a printed diploma and cover, and ceremony programs. (Optional photo/video package also available.) Registration deadline APRIL 30 plan now to join the celebration!Register at