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Are we confident that our light is bright
Vol. 46 November 30, 2021 Number 46
Steve Higginbotham
One of the most humbling thoughts one may ever entertain is the fact
that our omnipotent God has chosen to depend upon us. The very thought
that our God, who spoke the universe into existence, formed man from the
dust of the ground and holds the cosmos and our lives together, would
allow me to partner with Him in His good purposes. For those who may say,
"Maybe God would use you or someone else, but He would never use me.
You see, I’m just an ordinary person," let me remind you that...
• Moses was just a shepherd, yet God used him to deliver His people
(Ex. 3:1).
• Gideon was just a thresher of wheat, yet God used him to defeat an
enormous army with just 300 men (Judges 6:11).
• Daniel was a young refugee in a foreign land, yet God used him to
demonstrate his power to stop the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22).
• Rahab was a harlot, yet God used her to be in the ancestry of Jesus
(Matthew 1:5).
• Paul was a tentmaker, yet God used him to be one of the greatest
missionaries the world has ever known (Acts 26:16-18).
• Peter was a fisherman, yet God used him as one of the great
apostles (Matthew 10:1-4).
• Esther was an Israelite orphan, yet God used her to become a queen
and save His people (Esther 2-4).
...And then there's your story. You don't think you could ever have a story?
My question is, "Why not?" Has God stopped working in the affairs of men?
Does He no longer use people to accomplish His purposes? If you are
willing, why would God not use you as an instrument of His providence?
Just take it in for a moment. Consider the thought. Imagine your life
being used as a tool in the hands of God to accomplish His good purposes!
Just what do you think an all-knowing, all-powerful God could do
with an ordinary life like yours and mine? I know what He's done in the
past, and I know what He can do in the future if we will make our lives
available to Him.
As we begin the New Year, let us ask God to use us as tools in His
providence. Who knows, you may have been brought to this very place "for
such a time as this!"
Mike Childers ............. 397-6453
Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557
Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917
Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193
Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552
William Harris ............ 416-8149
Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136
Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357
Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957
Michael Wilson........... 891-0891
Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108
Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196
Renee Childers
Office.......................... 842-6116
Fax .............................. 842-7091
Worship........................9:00 a.m.
Bible class..................10:15 a.m.
Worship......................11:15 a.m.
Singing or Devotional
Last Sunday of the Month
Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m.
1606 East Main Street
P. O. Box 1761
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
“Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee”
(Deut. 17:10)
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It is true that the world is ours if we are in Christ
(Ephesians 1:3). We have all that we need for life and
godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We have the hope of eternal
life (John 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:6-8). We even have the
promise of an abundant life (John10:10). Why would
we not be thankful to God always?
Some are not thankful because they do not
realize what was given for them. Jesus is the “lamb of
God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John
1:29). We all need the Great Physician (Matthew
9:12) to heal us of our sin sickness (Ecclesiastes 7:20;
Romans 3:23). How is it that everyone sins, but some
do not realize their need for Christ? That’s simple, sin
is a transgression of God’s law (1 John 3:4) and God’s
law is found in God’s Word (Matthew 7:24-27; John
12:48; James 1:25). Therefore, if one will not read and
study God’s word they will not see their true need
until it is too late. How sad it is to think that so many
are not able to express the joy of true thanksgiving, by
knowing their sins are taken away and that Heaven is
awaiting them on the other side of death.
May we all take the time to remember that
God has said, “be still and know that I am God, I will
be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the
earth” (Psalm 46:10). May this holiday season cause
us to realize the need for thanksgiving year-round.
God has blessed man so and He will continue to bless
all those who will accept His gift. “The wages of sin is
death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). For that we should
Give Thanks to God Always.
Community Outreach Program
Christmas Angels Project
The Community Outreach
Program would like to invite you to
adopt a child in need for the
Christmas Holidays. There are
ziplock bags in the foyer with the
child’s name, wish list, and
instructions. Once you have chosen a Christmas angel,
it is IMPERATIVE that you register the angel with a
C.O.P. representative. Thank you for your help. GIFTS
Sr. Youth Devotional
The monthly Sr. Youth
Devo. will be held at Kent &
Missy Nichols’ home this
Sunday, Nov. 28 at 5:00 pm.
See Missy for what to bring.
Our sympathy is extended to David Ramseyer in
the loss of his mother, Nancy Haywood, on Nov. 18.
Funeral services were held Nov. 22 at Pegues in
Tupelo. We will miss sister Nancy here at East Main.
Sr. Saints’ Fellowship
The Senior Saints are invited to the multipurpose room
this Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6:00 pm for a meal. Doug
Wallace is providing the turnip greens. There is a food
sign-up list posted on the bulletin board across from the
library for other items needed for the meal.
Parents of the Youth
Parents, we are hosting the
annual holiday luncheon for our
senior saints in the multipurpose
room this Sun., Dec. 5 at noon
following worship services. Please
sign the list posted in the foyer
under the TV screen on the wall for what you can bring
for the luncheon. Please sign up for two items. Thanks!
Thank You Note
Thank you all for all the prayers, phone calls, and
all your support! If it was not for good Christians like
you, we couldn’t have gone this far. Please continue to
pray for Willie Bob Gates and family!
With love,
The Gates family
December 2021
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Trish Scribner
Brain Freeze
2 Cor. 1-4
Sr. Adults—
fellowship meal at
building @ 6 pm
2 Cor. 5-9
Brenda Beckner
Laura Bennett
Laney McMillen
Grady & Debbie
2 Cor. 10-13
Doug & Mary
Ann Wallace
Galatians 1-3
Sr. Saints Holiday
Area Wide Youth
Meeting @ West
Main 5:00 p.m.
Galatians 4-6
Linda Parker
Michael Wilson
John & Hollie
Ephesians 1-3
Austin McMillen
Ephesians 4-6
Brain Freeze
Philippians 1-4
Hilda Ratliff
Ladies’ fellowship
Colossians 1-4
Wanda Bishop
1 Thess. 1-5
Michelle Clifton
Mikki Gilliland
Donny McKay
2 Thess. 1-3
1 Timothy 1-6
Larry Long
Nic Nichols
2 Timothy 1-4
Ladies’ Ornament
Swap & finger
foods @ 6 pm
Brain Freeze
Hebrews 1-5
Men’s Tool Swap
& chili supper @
6 pm
Hebrews 6-9
Wesley &
Raleigh Bass
Sr. Youth—TGIF
“Dirty Santa”
Hebrews 10-11
Hebrews 12-13
Caroling @ 5:30
James 1-5
Ian Willis
1 Peter 1-5
Greg Lyle
2 Peter 1-3
Suzanne Long
Brain Freeze
1 John 1-5
2 John-Jude
Revelation 1-3
Revelation 4-5
Rev. 6-7
Kyle Smith
Hayden Tindall
Rev. 8-11
Marla Harris
Rev. 12-14
Ander Bass
Brain Freeze
Rev. 15-17
Asher Bass
Kent & Missy
Rev. 18-20
Terry Kingsley
New Year’s Eve
Rev. 21-22
Daily Bible Reading
December 1........................................2 Corinthians 1-4
December 2........................................2 Corinthians 5-9
December 3....................................2 Corinthians 10-13
December 4..............................................Galatians 1-3
December 5..............................................Galatians 4-6
December 6.............................................Ephesians 1-3
December 7.............................................Ephesians 4-6
Birthdays &
Birthdays: Katherine Mansel (Dec. 1), Trish
Scribner (Dec. 1), Brenda Beckner (Dec. 3),
Laura Bennett (Dec. 3), Laney McMillen (Dec.
3), Amanda Dickinson (Dec. 6), Linda Parker (Dec.
6), Michael Wilson (Dec. 6), Austin McMillen (Dec.
7). Anniversaries: Grady & Debbie Vines (Dec. 3),
Doug & Mary Ann Wallace (Dec. 4), John & Hollie
Bowlin (Dec. 6).
Our Sick
Carester Hallmark is in NMMC with breathing
issues. Patricia Dillingham, Mary Ann Wallace’s
cousin’s wife, is in NMMC. Susan Reed’s husband,
Jerry, continues in the Columbus hospital. Continue to
remember Brenda Lindley, Stephanie & Andy Bald-
wyn, and Susan Reed’s mother-in-law who are
recuperating from Covid. Hugh Scribner is recovering
from the flu. Lori Blansett’s father, Larry Cobb, has
been moved to NMMC’s hospice floor, room 5534.
On-Going Illnesses
Mary Lou Walden, Evelyn Thompson, Annie
Martin, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis, Frankie Estes,
Shirley Lyons, Barbara Bishop, Caroline Willis, Carol
Hood, Bill Goff, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley,
Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Steve
Higginbotham, Stella Pittman, April & Olivia
Pounders, Glenda Barnette, Debbie McCoy, Michelle
Bellew, Larry Kennedy, Brian Carver, Duke Loden,
Mary Puckett, Marvin Chamblee, Brent Norris
Nursing Homes
Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy, Bob McClure
Righteous Desires
Alex Blackwelder
Above is our youth calendar for December. Please make
every effort to be part of what you can this holiday
We’ve just moved from a period of thanksgiving to
the hope of Christmas presents (only if we’ve been nice
☺). Desires are an interesting thing, aren’t they? What
might seem desirable to me may not seem desirable to
you. Some desires can be good. New Year’s resolutions
are founded on the desire to improve ourselves
somehow. But sometimes, we can desire things that are
not good for us. James 4:14-15 say, “But each person is
tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and
sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”
Sinful desires conceive the act of sin. If you think
about something long enough, you’ll end up doing it. It
says we’re lured by our own desires. Does that mean that
I am the one who sabotages my relationship with God?
Absolutely! The only person that will keep you out of
Heaven is you. We need to make sure our decisions and
desires are God honoring!
I love you all! Please let me know if I can help you!
Men to Serve Sunday, Dec. 5, 2021 a.m.
Announcements..........................................Mark Hitt
Bible Reading.......................................Britton Smith
Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers
Lord’s Supper
Roger Sanderson
Lead Singing.................................Alex Blackwelder
Closing Prayer................................Jimmy Spearman
Ushers ..................Terry Kingsley & Andy Baldwyn
Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m.
Sunday 11:15 a.m. service
Opening Prayer ....................................Larry Presley
Closing Prayer..................................... Dale Dulaney
Lead Singing....................................Eddie Simmons
Sr. Saints’ Fellowship
The Senior Saints are invited to the multipurpose room
this Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6:00 pm for a meal. Doug
Wallace is providing the turnip greens. There is a food
sign-up list posted on the bulletin board across from the
library for other items needed for the meal.
Parents of the Youth
Parents, we are hosting the
annual holiday luncheon for our
senior saints in the multipurpose
room this Sun., Dec. 5 at noon
following worship services. Please
sign the list posted in the foyer under the TV screen on
the wall for what you can bring for the luncheon. Please
sign up for two items. Thanks!
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Opening Prayer ......................................... Joe Minor
Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes
The elders kindly request that men leading in public
worship wear the best dress clothes they have.
Contact Michael Wilson (891-0891) if unable to serve.
Attendance & Contribution
Mid-Week, 11-24-21 .................................................. 125
Sunday 1st
Worship, 11-28-21 .................................. 173*
Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 172
Sunday 2nd
Worship.................................................... 108
Contribution (budget $7,900) ................................ $9,941
*This does not include the livestreamed views.
Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter
The youth of East Main invite our
Senior Saints
(age 65 and above)
to a holiday luncheon prepared in your
Sunday, Dec. 5th
Immediately following worship services
at noon in the multipurpose room.
Please sign the list posted on the bulletin board
across from the library if you plan to attend.

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East main informer, 11 30-21

  • 1. 0………. 4 --article continued from page 1— Are we confident that our light is bright Vol. 46 November 30, 2021 Number 46 FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Steve Higginbotham One of the most humbling thoughts one may ever entertain is the fact that our omnipotent God has chosen to depend upon us. The very thought that our God, who spoke the universe into existence, formed man from the dust of the ground and holds the cosmos and our lives together, would allow me to partner with Him in His good purposes. For those who may say, "Maybe God would use you or someone else, but He would never use me. You see, I’m just an ordinary person," let me remind you that... • Moses was just a shepherd, yet God used him to deliver His people (Ex. 3:1). • Gideon was just a thresher of wheat, yet God used him to defeat an enormous army with just 300 men (Judges 6:11). • Daniel was a young refugee in a foreign land, yet God used him to demonstrate his power to stop the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22). • Rahab was a harlot, yet God used her to be in the ancestry of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). • Paul was a tentmaker, yet God used him to be one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever known (Acts 26:16-18). • Peter was a fisherman, yet God used him as one of the great apostles (Matthew 10:1-4). • Esther was an Israelite orphan, yet God used her to become a queen and save His people (Esther 2-4). ...And then there's your story. You don't think you could ever have a story? My question is, "Why not?" Has God stopped working in the affairs of men? Does He no longer use people to accomplish His purposes? If you are willing, why would God not use you as an instrument of His providence? Just take it in for a moment. Consider the thought. Imagine your life being used as a tool in the hands of God to accomplish His good purposes! Just what do you think an all-knowing, all-powerful God could do with an ordinary life like yours and mine? I know what He's done in the past, and I know what He can do in the future if we will make our lives available to Him. As we begin the New Year, let us ask God to use us as tools in His providence. Who knows, you may have been brought to this very place "for such a time as this!" ELDERS Mike Childers ............. 397-6453 Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557 Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917 Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193 DEACONS Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552 William Harris ............ 416-8149 Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136 Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357 Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957 Michael Wilson........... 891-0891 MINISTERS Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108 Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196 SECRETARY Renee Childers Office.......................... 842-6116 Fax .............................. 842-7091 E-MAIL WEB PAGE SUNDAY SERVICES Worship........................9:00 a.m. Bible class..................10:15 a.m. Worship......................11:15 a.m. Singing or Devotional Last Sunday of the Month MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m. 1606 East Main Street P. O. Box 1761 Tupelo, Mississippi 38802 “Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee” (Deut. 17:10)
  • 2. --article continued from page 1— It is true that the world is ours if we are in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). We have all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We have the hope of eternal life (John 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:6-8). We even have the promise of an abundant life (John10:10). Why would we not be thankful to God always? Some are not thankful because they do not realize what was given for them. Jesus is the “lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). We all need the Great Physician (Matthew 9:12) to heal us of our sin sickness (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23). How is it that everyone sins, but some do not realize their need for Christ? That’s simple, sin is a transgression of God’s law (1 John 3:4) and God’s law is found in God’s Word (Matthew 7:24-27; John 12:48; James 1:25). Therefore, if one will not read and study God’s word they will not see their true need until it is too late. How sad it is to think that so many are not able to express the joy of true thanksgiving, by knowing their sins are taken away and that Heaven is awaiting them on the other side of death. May we all take the time to remember that God has said, “be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10). May this holiday season cause us to realize the need for thanksgiving year-round. God has blessed man so and He will continue to bless all those who will accept His gift. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). For that we should Give Thanks to God Always. ~~~~~~~~~ Community Outreach Program Christmas Angels Project The Community Outreach Program would like to invite you to adopt a child in need for the Christmas Holidays. There are ziplock bags in the foyer with the child’s name, wish list, and instructions. Once you have chosen a Christmas angel, it is IMPERATIVE that you register the angel with a C.O.P. representative. Thank you for your help. GIFTS MUST BE RETURNED BY DECEMBER 6, 2021. Sr. Youth Devotional The monthly Sr. Youth Devo. will be held at Kent & Missy Nichols’ home this Sunday, Nov. 28 at 5:00 pm. See Missy for what to bring. Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to David Ramseyer in the loss of his mother, Nancy Haywood, on Nov. 18. Funeral services were held Nov. 22 at Pegues in Tupelo. We will miss sister Nancy here at East Main. Sr. Saints’ Fellowship The Senior Saints are invited to the multipurpose room this Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6:00 pm for a meal. Doug Wallace is providing the turnip greens. There is a food sign-up list posted on the bulletin board across from the library for other items needed for the meal. Parents of the Youth Parents, we are hosting the annual holiday luncheon for our senior saints in the multipurpose room this Sun., Dec. 5 at noon following worship services. Please sign the list posted in the foyer under the TV screen on the wall for what you can bring for the luncheon. Please sign up for two items. Thanks! Thank You Note Thank you all for all the prayers, phone calls, and all your support! If it was not for good Christians like you, we couldn’t have gone this far. Please continue to pray for Willie Bob Gates and family! With love, The Gates family December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Katherine Mansel Trish Scribner Brain Freeze 2 Cor. 1-4 2 Sr. Adults— fellowship meal at building @ 6 pm 2 Cor. 5-9 3 Brenda Beckner Laura Bennett Laney McMillen Grady & Debbie Vines 2 Cor. 10-13 4 Doug & Mary Ann Wallace Galatians 1-3 5 Sr. Saints Holiday Luncheon Area Wide Youth Meeting @ West Main 5:00 p.m. Galatians 4-6 6 Amanda Dickinson Linda Parker Michael Wilson John & Hollie Bowlin Ephesians 1-3 7 Austin McMillen Ephesians 4-6 8 Brain Freeze Philippians 1-4 9 Hilda Ratliff Ladies’ fellowship Colossians 1-4 10 Wanda Bishop 1 Thess. 1-5 11 Michelle Clifton Mikki Gilliland Donny McKay 2 Thess. 1-3 12 1 Timothy 1-6 13 Larry Long Nic Nichols 2 Timothy 1-4 14 Ladies’ Ornament Swap & finger foods @ 6 pm Titus-Philemon 15 Lynn Sanderson Brain Freeze Hebrews 1-5 16 Twinette Wallace Men’s Tool Swap & chili supper @ 6 pm Hebrews 6-9 17 Wesley & Raleigh Bass Sr. Youth—TGIF “Dirty Santa” Hebrews 10-11 18 Hebrews 12-13 19 Youth—Christmas Caroling @ 5:30 pm James 1-5 20 Rommie Dilworth Ian Willis 1 Peter 1-5 21 Greg Lyle 2 Peter 1-3 22 Suzanne Long Brain Freeze 1 John 1-5 23 2 John-Jude 24 Revelation 1-3 25 Revelation 4-5 26 Rev. 6-7 27 Kyle Smith Hayden Tindall Rev. 8-11 28 Marla Harris Rev. 12-14 29 Ander Bass Brain Freeze Rev. 15-17 30 Asher Bass Shauna McMickin Kent & Missy Nichols Rev. 18-20 31 Terry Kingsley New Year’s Eve Fellowship-whole congregation Rev. 21-22
  • 3. Daily Bible Reading December 1........................................2 Corinthians 1-4 December 2........................................2 Corinthians 5-9 December 3....................................2 Corinthians 10-13 December 4..............................................Galatians 1-3 December 5..............................................Galatians 4-6 December 6.............................................Ephesians 1-3 December 7.............................................Ephesians 4-6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays: Katherine Mansel (Dec. 1), Trish Scribner (Dec. 1), Brenda Beckner (Dec. 3), Laura Bennett (Dec. 3), Laney McMillen (Dec. 3), Amanda Dickinson (Dec. 6), Linda Parker (Dec. 6), Michael Wilson (Dec. 6), Austin McMillen (Dec. 7). Anniversaries: Grady & Debbie Vines (Dec. 3), Doug & Mary Ann Wallace (Dec. 4), John & Hollie Bowlin (Dec. 6). Our Sick Carester Hallmark is in NMMC with breathing issues. Patricia Dillingham, Mary Ann Wallace’s cousin’s wife, is in NMMC. Susan Reed’s husband, Jerry, continues in the Columbus hospital. Continue to remember Brenda Lindley, Stephanie & Andy Bald- wyn, and Susan Reed’s mother-in-law who are recuperating from Covid. Hugh Scribner is recovering from the flu. Lori Blansett’s father, Larry Cobb, has been moved to NMMC’s hospice floor, room 5534. On-Going Illnesses Mary Lou Walden, Evelyn Thompson, Annie Martin, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis, Frankie Estes, Shirley Lyons, Barbara Bishop, Caroline Willis, Carol Hood, Bill Goff, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley, Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Steve Higginbotham, Stella Pittman, April & Olivia Pounders, Glenda Barnette, Debbie McCoy, Michelle Bellew, Larry Kennedy, Brian Carver, Duke Loden, Mary Puckett, Marvin Chamblee, Brent Norris Nursing Homes Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy, Bob McClure EMYG News Righteous Desires Alex Blackwelder Above is our youth calendar for December. Please make every effort to be part of what you can this holiday season! We’ve just moved from a period of thanksgiving to the hope of Christmas presents (only if we’ve been nice ☺). Desires are an interesting thing, aren’t they? What might seem desirable to me may not seem desirable to you. Some desires can be good. New Year’s resolutions are founded on the desire to improve ourselves somehow. But sometimes, we can desire things that are not good for us. James 4:14-15 say, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” Sinful desires conceive the act of sin. If you think about something long enough, you’ll end up doing it. It says we’re lured by our own desires. Does that mean that I am the one who sabotages my relationship with God? Absolutely! The only person that will keep you out of Heaven is you. We need to make sure our decisions and desires are God honoring! I love you all! Please let me know if I can help you!
  • 4. Men to Serve Sunday, Dec. 5, 2021 a.m. Announcements..........................................Mark Hitt Bible Reading.......................................Britton Smith Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers Lord’s Supper Roger Sanderson Lead Singing.................................Alex Blackwelder Closing Prayer................................Jimmy Spearman Ushers ..................Terry Kingsley & Andy Baldwyn Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m. Sunday 11:15 a.m. service Opening Prayer ....................................Larry Presley Closing Prayer..................................... Dale Dulaney Lead Singing....................................Eddie Simmons Sr. Saints’ Fellowship The Senior Saints are invited to the multipurpose room this Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6:00 pm for a meal. Doug Wallace is providing the turnip greens. There is a food sign-up list posted on the bulletin board across from the library for other items needed for the meal. Parents of the Youth Parents, we are hosting the annual holiday luncheon for our senior saints in the multipurpose room this Sun., Dec. 5 at noon following worship services. Please sign the list posted in the foyer under the TV screen on the wall for what you can bring for the luncheon. Please sign up for two items. Thanks! Wednesday, December 8, 2021 Opening Prayer ......................................... Joe Minor Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes The elders kindly request that men leading in public worship wear the best dress clothes they have. Contact Michael Wilson (891-0891) if unable to serve. Attendance & Contribution Mid-Week, 11-24-21 .................................................. 125 Sunday 1st Worship, 11-28-21 .................................. 173* Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 172 Sunday 2nd Worship.................................................... 108 Contribution (budget $7,900) ................................ $9,941 *This does not include the livestreamed views. Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter The youth of East Main invite our Senior Saints (age 65 and above) to a holiday luncheon prepared in your honor Sunday, Dec. 5th Immediately following worship services at noon in the multipurpose room. Please sign the list posted on the bulletin board across from the library if you plan to attend.