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HLT 362V Week 1 Assignment Workbook
Exercise 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 27 NEW
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Exercise 6
What are the frequency and percentage of the COPD patients in the
severe airflow limitation group who are employed in the Eckerblad et al.
(2014) study?
What percentage of the total sample is retired? What percentage of the
total sample is on sick leave?
What is the total sample size of this study? What frequency and
percentage of the total sample were still employed? Show your
calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole percent.
What is the total percentage of the sample with a smoking history—
either still smoking or former smokers? Is the smoking history for study
participants clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What are pack years of smoking? Is there a significant difference
between the moderate and severe airflow limitation groups regarding
pack years of smoking? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What were the four most common psychological symptoms reported by
this sample of patients with COPD?
What percentage of these subjects experienced these symptoms? Was
there a significant difference between the moderate and severe airflow
limitation groups for psychological symptoms?
What frequency and percentage of the total sample used short-acting β 2
-agonists? Show your calculations and round to the nearest whole
Is there a significant difference between the moderate and severe airflow
limitation groups regarding the use of short-acting β 2 -agonists?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
Was the percentage of COPD patients with moderate and severe airflow
limitation using short-acting β 2 -agonists what you expected? Provide a
rationale with documentation for your answer.
Are these findings ready for use in practice? Provide a rationale for your
Exercise 8
The number of nursing students enrolled in a particular nursing program
between the years of 2010 and 2016, respectively, were 563, 593, 606,
520, 563, 610, and 577. Determine the mean ( X ), median ( MD ), and
mode of the number of the nursing students enrolled in this program.
Show your calculations.
What is the mode for the variable inpatient complications in Table 2 of
the Winkler et al. (2014) study? What percentage of the study
participants had this complication?
Does the distribution of inpatient complications have a single mode, or
is this distribution bimodal or multimodal? Provide a rationale for your
4. As reported in Table 1 , what are the three most common
cardiovascular medical history events in this study, and why is it
clinically important to know the frequency of these events?
What are the mean and median lengths of stay (LOS) for the study
Are the mean and median for LOS similar or different? What might this
indicate about the distribution of the sample? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
Examine the study results and determine the mode for arrhythmias
experienced by the partici-pants. What was the second most common
arrhythmia in this sample?
Was the most common arrhythmia in Question 7 related to LOS? Was
this result statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What study variables were independently predictive of the 50 premature
ventricular contractions (PVCs) per hour in this study?
In Table 1 , what race is the mode for this sample? Should these study fi
ndings be generalized to American Indians with ACS? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
Exercise 9
What were the name and type of measurement method used to measure
Caring Practices in the Roch, Dubois, and Clarke (2014) study?
The data collected with the scale identified in Questions 1 were at what
level of measurement? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What were the subscales included in the CNPISS used to measure RNs ’
perceptions of their Caring Practices? Do these subscales seem relevant?
Document your answer.
Which subscale for Caring Practices had the lowest mean? What does
this result indicate?
What were the dispersion results for the Relational Care subscale of the
Caring Practices in Table 2 ? What do these results indicate?
Which subscale of Caring Practices has the lowest dispersion or
variation of scores? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Which subscale of Caring Practices had the highest mean? What do
these results indicate?
Compare the Overall rating for Organizational Climate with the Overall
rating of Caring Practices. What do these results indicate?
The response rate for the survey in this study was 45%. Is this a study
strength or limitation? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What conclusions did the researchers make regarding the caring
practices of the nurses in this study? How might these results affect your
Exercise 11
What demographic variables were measured at least at the interval level
of measurement?
What statistics were used to describe the length of labor in this study?
Were these appropriate?
What other statistic could have been used to describe the length of
labor? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Were the distributions of scores similar for the experimental and control
groups for the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Were the experimental and control groups similar in their type of
feeding? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What was the marital status mode for the subjects in the experimental
and control groups? Provide both the frequency and percentage for the
marital status mode for both groups.
Could a median be determined for the education data? If so, what would
the median be for education for the experimental and the control groups?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
Can the findings from this study be generalized to Black women?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
If there were 32 subjects in the experimental group and 36 subjects in
the control group, why is the income data only reported for 30 subjects
in the experimental group and 34 subjects in the control group?
Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale
for your answer.
Exercise 16
The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at
what level of measurement?
1. Nominal
2. Ordinal
3. Interval/ratio
4. Experimental
What was the mean posttest empowerment score for the control group?
Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the
experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale
for your answer.
Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control
group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research
results? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Which group’s test scores had the least amount of variability or
dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Did the empowerment variable or self-care self-efficacy variable
demonstrate the greatest amount of dispersion? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
The mean (X ̅) is a measure of a distribution while the SD is a measure
of its scores. Both X ̅ and SD are statistics.
What was the mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects?
What was the dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity
scores? Did the severity scores vary significantly between the control
and the experimental groups? Is this important? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
Which variable was least affected by the empowerment program?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
Was it important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs
for the study variables in Table 2 to promote the readers’ understanding
of the study results? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise 27
What is the mean age of the sample data?
What percentage of patients never used tobacco?
What is the standard deviation for age?
Are there outliers among the values of age? Provide a rationale for your
What is the range of age values?
What percentage of patients were taking infliximab?
What percentage of patients had rheumatoid arthritis as their primary
What percentage of patients had irritable bowel syndrome as their
primary diagnosis?
What is the 95% CI for age?
What percentage of patients had psoriatic arthritis as their primary
HLT 362V Week 1 Discussion Question 1 How
Can Graphics and Statistics be Used to
Misrepresent Data NEW
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How can graphics and/or statistics be used to misrepresent data? Where
have you seen this done?
HLT 362V Week 1 Discussion Question 2 What
Are The Characteristics Of A Population NEW
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What are the characteristics of a population for which it would be
appropriate to use mean/median/mode? When would the characteristics
of a population make them inappropriate to use?
HLT 362V Week 2 Assignment Workbook
Exercise 10,18, 26 NEW
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Exercise # 10
What demographic variables were measured at the nominal level of
measurement in the Oh et al. (2014) study? Provide a rationale for your
What statistics were calculated to describe body mass index (BMI) in
this study? Were these appropriate? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Were the distributions of scores for BMI similar for the intervention and
control groups? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Was there a significant difference in BMI between the intervention and
control groups? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Based on the sample size of N = 41, what frequency and percentage of
the sample smoked? What frequency and percentage of the sample were
nondrinkers (alcohol)? Show your calculations and round to the nearest
whole percent.
What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral
density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this
measurement method and document your response.
What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the
intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs?
Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?
The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the
baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table
2). Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of
the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the
therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program?
Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM
program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence,
and document your response.
Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale
for your answer.
Exercise # 18
Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal
and 99% of the male participants scored between (–53.68, 64.64), where
did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your
answer to two decimal places.
Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of
the scores in a distribution? a. 60.22
b. 11.94 c. 22.57 d. 53.66
Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal,
95% of the females’ scores around the mean were between what values?
Round your answer to two decimal places.
Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the
men’s scores around the mean were between what two values? Round
your answer to two decimal places.
Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus
men? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is
normal, where are 99% of the men’s mental health scores around the
mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places.
Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in
women is normal, where are 99%of the women’s scores around the
mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places.
Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive
body image scores around the mean were between what two values?
Round your answer to two decimal places.
Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal,
99% of the men’s scores around the mean were between what values?
Round your answer to two decimal places.
What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential
for generalizing the findings to the target population?
Exercise # 26
Plot the frequency distribution for “Age at Enrollment” by hand or by
using SPSS.
How would you characterize the skewness of the distribution in
Question 1—positively skewed, negatively skewed, or approximately
normal? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Compare the original skewness statistic and Shapiro-Wilk statistic with
those of the smaller dataset (n = 15) for the variable “Age at First
Arrest.” How did the statistics change, and how would you explain these
Plot the frequency distribution for “Years of Education” by hand or by
using SPSS.
How would you characterize the kurtosis of the distribution in Question
4————, mesokurtic, or platykurtic? Provide a rationale for your
What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you
characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at
What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you
characterize the magnitude of kurtosis for “Years of Education”?
Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times
Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results?
In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk
statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why
is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these
example data?
How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency
distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being
significant at p < 0.05?
HLT 362V Week 2 Discussion Question 1
Explain The Importance Of Random Sampling
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Explain the importance of random sampling. What problems/limitations
could prevent a truly random sampling and how can they be prevented?
HLT 362V Week 2 Discussion Question 2 How
Large Would Your Population NEW
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How large would your population have to be for a sample to be
appropriate (i.e., rather than measuring the whole population)?
HLT 362V Week 3 Assignment Workbook
Exercise 16, 17, 20, 31 and 32 NEW
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Exercise # 16: Understanding Independent Samples t-Test
What do degrees of freedom (df ) mean? Canbulat et al. (2015) did not
provide the dfs in their study. Why is it important to know the df for a t
ratio? Using the df formula, calculate the df for this study.
What are the means and standard deviations (SDs) for age for the Buzzy
intervention and control groups? What statistical analysis is conducted to
determine the difference in means for age for the two groups? Was this
an appropriate analysis technique? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What are the t value and p value for age? What do these results mean?
What are the assumptions for conducting the independent samples t-test?
Are the groups in this study independent or dependent? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
What is the null hypothesis for procedural self-reported pain measured
with the Wong Baker Faces Scale (WBFS) for the two groups? Was this
null hypothesis accepted or rejected in this study? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
Should a Bonferroni procedure be conducted in this study? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
What variable has a result of t = −6.135, p = 0.000? What does this
result mean?
In your opinion, is it an expected or unexpected finding that both t
values on Table 2 were found to be statistically significant. Provide a
rationale for your answer.
Describe one potential clinical benefit for pediatric patients to receive
the Buzzy intervention that combined cold and vibration during IV
Exercise # 17
Understanding Paired or Dependent Samples t-Test
What are the assumptions for conducting a paired or dependent samples
t-test in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by
the Lindseth et al. (2014) study?
In the introduction, Lindseth et al. (2014) described a “2-week washout
between diets.” What does this mean? Why is this important?
What is the paired t-test value for mood (irritability) between the
participants’ consump¬tion of high- versus low-aspartame diets? Is the
result statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer.
State the null hypothesis for mood (irritability) that was tested in this
study. Was this hypothesis accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
Which t value in Table 2 represents the greatest relative or standardized
difference between the high- and low-aspartame diets? Is this t value
statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Discuss why the larger t values are more likely to be statistically
Discuss the meaning of the results regarding depression for this study.
What is the clinical importance of this result?
What is the smallest, paired t-test value in Table 2? Why do you think
the smaller t values are not statistically significant?
Discuss the statistical and clinical importance of these study results
about the consump¬tion of aspartame. Document your answer with a
relevant source.
Are these study findings related to the consumption of high- and low-
aspartame diets ready for implementation in practice? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 20
Which patient scored the highest on the preoperative CVLT
Acquisition? What was his or her T score?
Which patient scored the lowest on postoperative CVLT Retrieval?
What was this patient’s T score?
Did the patient in Question 2 have more of a memory performance
decline than average on the CVLT Retrieval? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
What is the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T
score for CVLT Acquisition?
Is the preoperative Retrieval T score for Patient 5 above or below the
mean for the norm of the group? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Assuming that the distribution of the preoperative CVLT Retrieval T
scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between
what two values?
Assuming that the distribution of scores for the postoperative CVLT
Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T
scores between what two values?
The researchers state that it appears that the functional integrity of the
left temporal lobe, despite evidence of structural abnormality, plays a
considerable role when it comes to memory outcomes following left
ATL. Can the findings from this study be generalized to a larger
population? Provide a rationale for your answer.
If a patient had a raw score = 30, what would his/her postoperative
CVLT Retrieval T score be?
Did patients demonstrate more postoperative memory declines among
CVLT Retrieval T scores than CVLT Acquisition T scores?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 31: Calculating t-tests for Independent Samples
Do the example data meet the assumptions for the independent samples
t-test? Provide a rationale for your answer.
If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distributions of the dependent
variable, wages earned. What is the shape of the distribution? If using
SPSS, what is the result of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the
dependent variable?
What are the means for two group’s wages earned?
What is the independent samples t-test value?
Is the t-test significant at a = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your
If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining a t-test value at
least as extreme or as close to the one that was actually observed,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true?
Which group earned the most money post-treatment?
Write your interpretation of the results, as you would in an APA-
formatted journal.
What do the results indicate regarding the impact of the supported
employment voca¬tional rehabilitation on wages earned?
Was the sample size adequate to detect significant differences between
the two groups in this example? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 32: Calculating t-tests for Paired (Dependent) Samples
Do the data meet the assumptions for the paired samples t-test? Provide
a rationale for your
If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distributions of the two
variables. What are the shapes of the distributions? If using SPSS, what
are the results of the Shapiro-Wilk tests of normality for the two
What are the means for the baseline and post-treatment affective distress
scores, respectively?
What is the paired samples t-test value?
Is the t-test significant at α = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your
If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining a t-test value at
least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true?
On average, did the affective distress scores improve or deteriorate over
time? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA-
formatted journal.
What do the results indicate regarding the impact of the rehabilitation on
emotional dis¬tress levels?
What are the weaknesses of the design in this example?
HLT 362V Week 3 Discussion Question 1
Explain When a Z-Test Would Be Appropriate
Over a T-Test NEW
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Explain when a z-test would be appropriate over a t-test.
HLT 362V Week 3 Discussion Question 2
Researchers Routinely Choose An α-Level of
0.05 For Testing Their Hypotheses NEW
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Researchers routinely choose an α-level of 0.05 for testing their
hypotheses. What are some experiments for which you might want a
lower α -level (e.g. 0.01)? What are some situations in which you might
accept a higher level (e.g. 0.1)?
HLT 362V Week 4 Assignment Workbook
Exercise 18, 33 and 36 NEW
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Mayland et al. (2014) do not provide the degrees of freedom (df) in their
study. Use the degrees of freedom formulas provided at the beginning of
this exercise to calculate the group df and the error df.
What is the F value and p value for spiritual need—patient? What do
these results mean?
What is the post hoc result for facilities for the hospital with LCP vs. the
hospital without LCP (see Table 2)? Is this result statistically
significant? In your opinion, is this an expected finding?
What are the assumptions for use of ANOVA?
What variable on Table 3 has the result F = 10.6, p < 0.0001? What does
the result mean?
ANOVA was used for analysis by Mayland et al. (2014). Would t-tests
have also been appropriate? Provide a rationale for your answer.
What type post hoc analysis was performed? Is the post hoc analysis
performed more or less conservative than the Scheffé test?
State the null hypothesis for care for the three study groups (see Table
2). Should the null hypothesis be accepted or rejected? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
What are the post hoc results for care? Which results are statistically
significant? What do the results mean?
In your opinion, do the study findings presented in Tables 2 and 3 have
implications for end-of-life care? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 33: Calculating Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Post
Hoc Analyses Following ANOVA
Do the data meet criteria for homogeneity of variance? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distribution of the dependent
variable, hours worked. What is the shape of the distribution? If using
SPSS, what is the result of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the
dependent variable
What are the means for three groups’ hours worked on a job?
What are the F value and the group and error df for this set of data?
Is the F significant at α = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer.
If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining an F value at
least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true?
Which group worked the most weekly job hours post-treatment? Proved
a rationale for your answer.
Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA-
formatted journal.
Is there a difference in your final interpretation when comparing the
results of the LSD post hoc test versus Tukey HSD test?
If the researcher decided to combine the two Treatment as Usual groups
to represent an overall “Control” group, then there would be two groups
to compare: Supported Employment versus Control. What would be the
appropriate statistic to address the difference in hours worked between
the two groups?
Exercise # 36:
The researchers found a significant difference between the two groups
(control and treatment) for change in mobility of the women with
osteoarthritis (OA) over 12 weeks with the results of F(1, 22) 9.619, p
0.005. Discuss each aspect of these results.
State the null hypothesis for the Baird and Sands (2004) study that
focuses on the effect of the GI with PMR treatment on patients’ mobility
level. Should the null hypothesis be rejected for the difference between
the two groups in change in mobility scores over 12 weeks? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
The researchers stated that the participants in the intervention group
reported a reduction in mobility difficulty at week 12. Was this result
statistically significant, and if so at what probability?
If the researchers had set the level of significance or = 0.01, would the
results of p 0.001 still be statistically significant? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
If F(3, 60) 4.13, p 0.04, and = 0.01, is the result statistically significant?
Provide a rationale for your answer. …….. accepted or rejected?
Can ANOVA be used to test proposed relationships or predicted
correlations between variables in a single group? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
If a study had a result of F(2, 147) 4.56, p 0.003, how many groups were
in the study, and what was the sample size?
The researchers state that the sample for their study was 28 women with
a diagnosis of OA, and that 18 were randomly assigned to the
intervention group and 10 were randomly assigned to the control group.
Discuss the study strengths and/or weaknesses in this statement.
In your opinion, have the researchers established that guided imagery
(GI) with progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) reduces pain and
decreases mobility difficulties in women with OA?
The researchers stated that this was a 12-week longitudinal, randomized
clinical trial pilot study with 28 women over 65 years of age with the
diagnosis of OA. What are some of the possible problems or limitations
that might occur with this type of study?
HLT 362V Week 4 Discussion Question 1 If The
Result Of An ANOVA Experiment Was “not
Significant” NEW
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If the result of an ANOVA experiment was “not significant”, was the
experiment a failure? Provide reasoning and examples (real or
hypothetical) to support your argument.
HLT 362V Week 4 Discussion Question 2 What
Is An Interaction NEW
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What is an interaction? Describe an example; what are the variables
within your population (work, social, academic, etc.) for which you
might expect interactions?
HLT 362V Week 5 Assignment Workbook
Exercise 14 and 19, 23 24, 29 and 35 NEW
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Exercise # 14: Understanding Simple Linear Regression
According to the study narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al.
(2014) study, does the APLS UK formulae under- or overestimate the
weight of children younger than 1 year of age? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
Using the values a = 3.161 and b = 0.502 with the novel formula in
Figure 1, what is the predicted weight in kilograms (kg) for a child at 9
months of age? Show your calculations.
Using the values a = 3.161 and b = 0.502 with the novel formula in
Figure 1, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child at 2
months of age? Show your calculations.
In Figure 2, the formula for calculating y (weight in kg) is Weight in kg
= (0.176 × age in months) + 7.241. Identify the y intercept and the slope
in this formula.
Using the values a = 7.241 and b = 0.176 with the novel formula in
Figure 2, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child 3 years of
age? Show your calculations.
Using the values a = 7.241 and b = 0.176 with the novel formula in
Figure 2, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child 5 years of
age? Show your calculations.
In Figure 3, some of the actual mean weights represented by the blue
line with squares are above the dotted straight line for the novel formula,
but others are below the straight line. Is this an expected finding?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
In Figure 3, the novel formula is (Weight in kilograms = (0.331 × Age in
months) – 6.868. What is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child
10 years old? Show your calculations.
Was the sample size of this study adequate for conducting simple linear
regression? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Describe one potential clinical advantage and one potential clinical
problem with using the three novel formulas presented in Figures 1, 2,
and 3 in a PICU setting.
Exercise # 19: Understanding Pearson Chi-Square
According to the relevant study results section of the Darling-Fisher et
al. (2014) study, what categories are reported to be statistically
What level of measurement is appropriate for calculating the χ2 statistic?
Give two exam¬ples from Table 2 of demographic variables measured at
the level appropriate for χ2.
What is the χ2 for U.S. practice region? Is the χ2 value statistically
significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. X2= 29.68; p= <.00
What is the df for provider type? Provide a rationale for why the df for
provider type pre¬sented in Table 2 is correct.
Is there a statistically significant difference for practice setting between
the Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services (RAAPS)
users and nonusers? Provide a rationale for your answer.
State the null hypothesis for provider age in years for RAAPS users and
RAAPS nonusers.
Should the null hypothesis for provider age in years developed for
Question 6 be accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Describe at least one clinical advantage and one clinical challenge of
using RAAPS as described by Darling-Fisher et al. (2014).
How many null hypotheses are rejected in the Darling-Fisher et al.
(2014) study for the results presented in Table 2? Provide a rationale for
your answer.
A statistically significant difference is present between RAAPS users
and RAAPS nonusers for U.S. practice region, χ2 = 29.68. Does the χ2
result provide the location of the difference? Provide a rationale for your
Exercise # 23
What is the r value for the relationship between Hamstring strength
index 60°/s and the Shuttle run test? Is this r value significant? Provide
a rationale for your answer.
Consider r = 1.00 and r = -1.00. Which r value is stronger? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
Describe the direction of the relationship between the Hamstring
strength index 60°/s and the Shuttle run test.
Without using numbers, describe the relationship between the Hamstring
strength index 120°/s and the Triple hop index.
Which variable has the weakest relationship with the Quadriceps
strength index 120°/s? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Which of the following sets of variables has the strongest relationship?
a. Hamstring strength index 120°/s and the Hop index
b. Quadriceps strength index 60°/s and the Carioca test
c. Quadriceps strength index 120°/s and the Side step test
d. Quadriceps strength index 60°/s and the Triple hop index
In Table 5, two r values are reported as r = -0.498 and r = -0.528.
Describe each r value in words, indicating which would be more
statistically significant, and provide a rationale for your answer.
The researchers stated that the study showed a positive, significant
correlation between Quadriceps strength indices and pre- and
postoperative functional stability. Considering the data presented in the
Table 5, do you agree with their statement? Provide a rationale for your
The researchers stated that no significant relationship could be described
between Hamstring strength indices 60°/s and functional stability.
Given the data in Table 5, explain why not.
Consider the relationship reported for the Quadriceps strength index
120°/s and the Hop index (r = 0.744**, p = 0.000 ). What do these r
and p values indicate related to statistical significance and clinical
Exercise # 24
What is the r value listed for the relationship between variables 4 and 9?
Describe the correlation r = -0.32** using words. Is this a statistically
significant correlation? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Calculate the percentage of variance explained for r = 0.53. Is this
correlation clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer.
According to Table 2, r = 0.15 is listed as the correlation between which
two items? Describe this relationship. What is the effect size for this
relationship, and what size sample would be needed to detect this
relationship in future studies?
Calculate the percentage of variance explained for r = 0.15. Describe the
clinical importance of this relationship.
Which two variables in Table 2, have the weakest correlation, or r
value? Which relationship is the closest to this r value? Provide a
rationale for your answer.
Is the correlation between LOT-R Total scores and Avoidance-
Distraction coping style statistically significant? Is this relationship
relevant to practice? Provide rationales for your answers.
Is the correlation between variables 9 and 4 significant? Is this
correlation relevant to practice? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Consider two values, r = 0.08 and r = -0.58. Describe them in
relationship to each other. Describe the clinical importance of both r
Examine the Pearson r values for LOT-R Total, which measured
Optimism with the Task and Emotion Coping Styles. What do these
results indicate? How might you use this information in your practice?
One of the study goals was to examine the relationship between
optimism and psychopathology. Using the data in Table 2, formulate an
opinion regarding the overall correlation between optimism and
psychopathology. Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 29: Calculating Simple Linear Regression
If you have access to SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality
for the variable age (as demonstrated in Exercise 26). If you do not have
access to SPSS, plot the frequency distributions by hand. What do the
results indicate?
State the null hypothesis where age at enrollment is used to predict the
time for comple¬tion of an RN to BSN program.
What is b as computed by hand (or using SPSS)?
What is a as computed by hand (or using SPSS)?
Write the new regression equation.
How would you characterize the magnitude of the obtained R2 value?
Provide a rationale for your answer.
How much variance in months to RN to BSN program completion is
explained by knowing the student’s enrollment age?
What was the correlation between the actual y values and the predicted y
values using the new regression equation in the example?
Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA-
formatted journal.
Given the results of your analyses, would you use the calculated
regression equation to predict future students’ program completion time
by using enrollment age as x? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Exercise # 35: Calculating Pearson Chi-Square
Do the example data in Table 35-2 meet the assumptions for the Pearson
χ2 test? Provide a rationale for your answer.
2. Compute the χ2 test. What is the χ2 value? 11.931
Is the χ2 significant at α =0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer.
If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining the χ2 value at
least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true?
Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of
antibiotic users who tested positive for candiduria.
Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of
non-antibiotic users who tested negative for candiduria.
Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of
veterans with candiduria who had a history of antibiotic use.
Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of
veterans with candiduria who had no history of antibiotic use.
Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA-
formatted journal.
Was the sample size adequate to detect differences between the two
groups in this example? Provide a rationale for your answer.
HLT 362V Week 5 Discussion Question 1
Describe The Error in The Conclusion NEW
For more classes visit
Describe the error in the conclusion. Given: There is a linear correlation
between the number of cigarettes smoked and the pulse rate. As the
number of cigarettes increases the pulse rate increases. Conclusion:
Cigarettes cause the pulse rate to increase.
HLT 362V Week 5 Discussion Question 2 Now
That You Are Familiar With The Basic Concepts
Of Statistics NEW
For more classes visit
Now that you are familiar with the basic concepts of statistics, what are
some examples of when you have seen or heard statistics used

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  • 1. HLT 362V Week 1 Assignment Workbook Exercise 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 27 NEW For more classes visit Exercise 6 What are the frequency and percentage of the COPD patients in the severe airflow limitation group who are employed in the Eckerblad et al. (2014) study? What percentage of the total sample is retired? What percentage of the total sample is on sick leave? What is the total sample size of this study? What frequency and percentage of the total sample were still employed? Show your calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole percent. What is the total percentage of the sample with a smoking history— either still smoking or former smokers? Is the smoking history for study participants clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer. What are pack years of smoking? Is there a significant difference between the moderate and severe airflow limitation groups regarding pack years of smoking? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • 2. What were the four most common psychological symptoms reported by this sample of patients with COPD? What percentage of these subjects experienced these symptoms? Was there a significant difference between the moderate and severe airflow limitation groups for psychological symptoms? What frequency and percentage of the total sample used short-acting β 2 -agonists? Show your calculations and round to the nearest whole percent. Is there a significant difference between the moderate and severe airflow limitation groups regarding the use of short-acting β 2 -agonists? Provide a rationale for your answer. Was the percentage of COPD patients with moderate and severe airflow limitation using short-acting β 2 -agonists what you expected? Provide a rationale with documentation for your answer. Are these findings ready for use in practice? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise 8 The number of nursing students enrolled in a particular nursing program between the years of 2010 and 2016, respectively, were 563, 593, 606, 520, 563, 610, and 577. Determine the mean ( X ), median ( MD ), and mode of the number of the nursing students enrolled in this program. Show your calculations. What is the mode for the variable inpatient complications in Table 2 of the Winkler et al. (2014) study? What percentage of the study participants had this complication?
  • 3. Does the distribution of inpatient complications have a single mode, or is this distribution bimodal or multimodal? Provide a rationale for your answer. 4. As reported in Table 1 , what are the three most common cardiovascular medical history events in this study, and why is it clinically important to know the frequency of these events? What are the mean and median lengths of stay (LOS) for the study participants? Are the mean and median for LOS similar or different? What might this indicate about the distribution of the sample? Provide a rationale for your answer. Examine the study results and determine the mode for arrhythmias experienced by the partici-pants. What was the second most common arrhythmia in this sample? Was the most common arrhythmia in Question 7 related to LOS? Was this result statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. What study variables were independently predictive of the 50 premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) per hour in this study? In Table 1 , what race is the mode for this sample? Should these study fi ndings be generalized to American Indians with ACS? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise 9 What were the name and type of measurement method used to measure Caring Practices in the Roch, Dubois, and Clarke (2014) study?
  • 4. The data collected with the scale identified in Questions 1 were at what level of measurement? Provide a rationale for your answer. What were the subscales included in the CNPISS used to measure RNs ’ perceptions of their Caring Practices? Do these subscales seem relevant? Document your answer. Which subscale for Caring Practices had the lowest mean? What does this result indicate? What were the dispersion results for the Relational Care subscale of the Caring Practices in Table 2 ? What do these results indicate? Which subscale of Caring Practices has the lowest dispersion or variation of scores? Provide a rationale for your answer. Which subscale of Caring Practices had the highest mean? What do these results indicate? Compare the Overall rating for Organizational Climate with the Overall rating of Caring Practices. What do these results indicate? The response rate for the survey in this study was 45%. Is this a study strength or limitation? Provide a rationale for your answer. What conclusions did the researchers make regarding the caring practices of the nurses in this study? How might these results affect your practice? Exercise 11 What demographic variables were measured at least at the interval level of measurement?
  • 5. ************************************************** What statistics were used to describe the length of labor in this study? Were these appropriate? What other statistic could have been used to describe the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer. Were the distributions of scores similar for the experimental and control groups for the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer. Were the experimental and control groups similar in their type of feeding? Provide a rationale for your answer. What was the marital status mode for the subjects in the experimental and control groups? Provide both the frequency and percentage for the marital status mode for both groups. Could a median be determined for the education data? If so, what would the median be for education for the experimental and the control groups? Provide a rationale for your answer. Can the findings from this study be generalized to Black women? Provide a rationale for your answer. If there were 32 subjects in the experimental group and 36 subjects in the control group, why is the income data only reported for 30 subjects in the experimental group and 34 subjects in the control group?
  • 6. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise 16 The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement? 1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Interval/ratio 4. Experimental What was the mean posttest empowerment score for the control group? Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer. Which group’s test scores had the least amount of variability or dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer. Did the empowerment variable or self-care self-efficacy variable demonstrate the greatest amount of dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • 7. The mean (X ̅) is a measure of a distribution while the SD is a measure of its scores. Both X ̅ and SD are statistics. What was the mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects? What was the dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity scores? Did the severity scores vary significantly between the control and the experimental groups? Is this important? Provide a rationale for your answer. Which variable was least affected by the empowerment program? Provide a rationale for your answer. Was it important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs for the study variables in Table 2 to promote the readers’ understanding of the study results? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise 27 What is the mean age of the sample data? What percentage of patients never used tobacco? What is the standard deviation for age? Are there outliers among the values of age? Provide a rationale for your answer. What is the range of age values? What percentage of patients were taking infliximab? What percentage of patients had rheumatoid arthritis as their primary diagnosis?
  • 8. What percentage of patients had irritable bowel syndrome as their primary diagnosis? What is the 95% CI for age? What percentage of patients had psoriatic arthritis as their primary diagnosis? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 1 Discussion Question 1 How Can Graphics and Statistics be Used to Misrepresent Data NEW For more classes visit How can graphics and/or statistics be used to misrepresent data? Where have you seen this done?
  • 9. ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 1 Discussion Question 2 What Are The Characteristics Of A Population NEW For more classes visit What are the characteristics of a population for which it would be appropriate to use mean/median/mode? When would the characteristics of a population make them inappropriate to use? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 2 Assignment Workbook Exercise 10,18, 26 NEW
  • 10. For more classes visit Exercise # 10 What demographic variables were measured at the nominal level of measurement in the Oh et al. (2014) study? Provide a rationale for your answer. What statistics were calculated to describe body mass index (BMI) in this study? Were these appropriate? Provide a rationale for your answer. Were the distributions of scores for BMI similar for the intervention and control groups? Provide a rationale for your answer. Was there a significant difference in BMI between the intervention and control groups? Provide a rationale for your answer. Based on the sample size of N = 41, what frequency and percentage of the sample smoked? What frequency and percentage of the sample were nondrinkers (alcohol)? Show your calculations and round to the nearest whole percent. What measurement method was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) for the study participants? Discuss the quality of this measurement method and document your response. What statistic was calculated to determine differences between the intervention and control groups for the lumbar and femur neck BMDs? Were the groups significantly different for BMDs?
  • 11. The researchers stated that there were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the intervention and control groups (see Table 2). Are these groups heterogeneous or homogeneous at the beginning of the study? Why is this important in testing the effectiveness of the therapeutic lifestyle modification (TLM) program? Oh et al. (2014, p. 296) stated that “the adherence rate to the TLM program was 99.6%.” Discuss the importance of intervention adherence, and document your response. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 18 Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal and 99% of the male participants scored between (–53.68, 64.64), where did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your answer to two decimal places. Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of the scores in a distribution? a. 60.22 b. 11.94 c. 22.57 d. 53.66 Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal, 95% of the females’ scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the men’s scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places.
  • 12. Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus men? Provide a rationale for your answer. Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is normal, where are 99% of the men’s mental health scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in women is normal, where are 99%of the women’s scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive body image scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal, 99% of the men’s scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential for generalizing the findings to the target population? Exercise # 26 Plot the frequency distribution for “Age at Enrollment” by hand or by using SPSS. How would you characterize the skewness of the distribution in Question 1—positively skewed, negatively skewed, or approximately normal? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • 13. Compare the original skewness statistic and Shapiro-Wilk statistic with those of the smaller dataset (n = 15) for the variable “Age at First Arrest.” How did the statistics change, and how would you explain these differences? Plot the frequency distribution for “Years of Education” by hand or by using SPSS. How would you characterize the kurtosis of the distribution in Question 4————, mesokurtic, or platykurtic? Provide a rationale for your answer. What is the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? How would you characterize the magnitude of the skewness statistic for “Age at Enrollment”? What is the kurtosis statistic for “Years of Education”? How would you characterize the magnitude of kurtosis for “Years of Education”? Using SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for “Number of Times Fired from Job.” What would you conclude from the results? In the SPSS output table titled “Tests of Normality,” the Shapiro-Wilk statistic is reported along with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Why is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic inappropriate to report for these example data? How would you explain the skewness statistic for a particular frequency distribution being low and the Shapiro-Wilk statistic still being significant at p < 0.05? **************************************************
  • 14. HLT 362V Week 2 Discussion Question 1 Explain The Importance Of Random Sampling NEW For more classes visit Explain the importance of random sampling. What problems/limitations could prevent a truly random sampling and how can they be prevented? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 2 Discussion Question 2 How Large Would Your Population NEW
  • 15. For more classes visit How large would your population have to be for a sample to be appropriate (i.e., rather than measuring the whole population)? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 3 Assignment Workbook Exercise 16, 17, 20, 31 and 32 NEW For more classes visit Exercise # 16: Understanding Independent Samples t-Test What do degrees of freedom (df ) mean? Canbulat et al. (2015) did not provide the dfs in their study. Why is it important to know the df for a t ratio? Using the df formula, calculate the df for this study.
  • 16. What are the means and standard deviations (SDs) for age for the Buzzy intervention and control groups? What statistical analysis is conducted to determine the difference in means for age for the two groups? Was this an appropriate analysis technique? Provide a rationale for your answer. What are the t value and p value for age? What do these results mean? What are the assumptions for conducting the independent samples t-test? Are the groups in this study independent or dependent? Provide a rationale for your answer. What is the null hypothesis for procedural self-reported pain measured with the Wong Baker Faces Scale (WBFS) for the two groups? Was this null hypothesis accepted or rejected in this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. Should a Bonferroni procedure be conducted in this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. What variable has a result of t = −6.135, p = 0.000? What does this result mean? In your opinion, is it an expected or unexpected finding that both t values on Table 2 were found to be statistically significant. Provide a rationale for your answer. Describe one potential clinical benefit for pediatric patients to receive the Buzzy intervention that combined cold and vibration during IV insertion. Exercise # 17
  • 17. Understanding Paired or Dependent Samples t-Test What are the assumptions for conducting a paired or dependent samples t-test in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by the Lindseth et al. (2014) study? In the introduction, Lindseth et al. (2014) described a “2-week washout between diets.” What does this mean? Why is this important? What is the paired t-test value for mood (irritability) between the participants’ consump¬tion of high- versus low-aspartame diets? Is the result statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. State the null hypothesis for mood (irritability) that was tested in this study. Was this hypothesis accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer. Which t value in Table 2 represents the greatest relative or standardized difference between the high- and low-aspartame diets? Is this t value statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. Discuss why the larger t values are more likely to be statistically significant. Discuss the meaning of the results regarding depression for this study. What is the clinical importance of this result? What is the smallest, paired t-test value in Table 2? Why do you think the smaller t values are not statistically significant? Discuss the statistical and clinical importance of these study results about the consump¬tion of aspartame. Document your answer with a relevant source.
  • 18. Are these study findings related to the consumption of high- and low- aspartame diets ready for implementation in practice? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 20 Which patient scored the highest on the preoperative CVLT Acquisition? What was his or her T score? Which patient scored the lowest on postoperative CVLT Retrieval? What was this patient’s T score? Did the patient in Question 2 have more of a memory performance decline than average on the CVLT Retrieval? Provide a rationale for your answer. What is the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T score for CVLT Acquisition? Is the preoperative Retrieval T score for Patient 5 above or below the mean for the norm of the group? Provide a rationale for your answer. Assuming that the distribution of the preoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between what two values? Assuming that the distribution of scores for the postoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between what two values? The researchers state that it appears that the functional integrity of the left temporal lobe, despite evidence of structural abnormality, plays a considerable role when it comes to memory outcomes following left
  • 19. ATL. Can the findings from this study be generalized to a larger population? Provide a rationale for your answer. If a patient had a raw score = 30, what would his/her postoperative CVLT Retrieval T score be? Did patients demonstrate more postoperative memory declines among CVLT Retrieval T scores than CVLT Acquisition T scores? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 31: Calculating t-tests for Independent Samples Do the example data meet the assumptions for the independent samples t-test? Provide a rationale for your answer. If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distributions of the dependent variable, wages earned. What is the shape of the distribution? If using SPSS, what is the result of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the dependent variable? What are the means for two group’s wages earned? What is the independent samples t-test value? Is the t-test significant at a = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer. If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining a t-test value at least as extreme or as close to the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true? Which group earned the most money post-treatment? Write your interpretation of the results, as you would in an APA- formatted journal.
  • 20. What do the results indicate regarding the impact of the supported employment voca¬tional rehabilitation on wages earned? Was the sample size adequate to detect significant differences between the two groups in this example? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 32: Calculating t-tests for Paired (Dependent) Samples Do the data meet the assumptions for the paired samples t-test? Provide a rationale for your If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distributions of the two variables. What are the shapes of the distributions? If using SPSS, what are the results of the Shapiro-Wilk tests of normality for the two variables? What are the means for the baseline and post-treatment affective distress scores, respectively? What is the paired samples t-test value? Is the t-test significant at α = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer. If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining a t-test value at least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true? On average, did the affective distress scores improve or deteriorate over time? Provide a rationale for your answer. Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA- formatted journal. What do the results indicate regarding the impact of the rehabilitation on emotional dis¬tress levels?
  • 21. What are the weaknesses of the design in this example? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 3 Discussion Question 1 Explain When a Z-Test Would Be Appropriate Over a T-Test NEW For more classes visit Explain when a z-test would be appropriate over a t-test. HLT 362V Week 3 Discussion Question 2 Researchers Routinely Choose An α-Level of 0.05 For Testing Their Hypotheses NEW
  • 22. For more classes visit Researchers routinely choose an α-level of 0.05 for testing their hypotheses. What are some experiments for which you might want a lower α -level (e.g. 0.01)? What are some situations in which you might accept a higher level (e.g. 0.1)? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 4 Assignment Workbook Exercise 18, 33 and 36 NEW For more classes visit
  • 23. Mayland et al. (2014) do not provide the degrees of freedom (df) in their study. Use the degrees of freedom formulas provided at the beginning of this exercise to calculate the group df and the error df. What is the F value and p value for spiritual need—patient? What do these results mean? What is the post hoc result for facilities for the hospital with LCP vs. the hospital without LCP (see Table 2)? Is this result statistically significant? In your opinion, is this an expected finding? What are the assumptions for use of ANOVA? What variable on Table 3 has the result F = 10.6, p < 0.0001? What does the result mean? ANOVA was used for analysis by Mayland et al. (2014). Would t-tests have also been appropriate? Provide a rationale for your answer. What type post hoc analysis was performed? Is the post hoc analysis performed more or less conservative than the Scheffé test? State the null hypothesis for care for the three study groups (see Table 2). Should the null hypothesis be accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer. What are the post hoc results for care? Which results are statistically significant? What do the results mean? In your opinion, do the study findings presented in Tables 2 and 3 have implications for end-of-life care? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • 24. Exercise # 33: Calculating Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Post Hoc Analyses Following ANOVA Do the data meet criteria for homogeneity of variance? Provide a rationale for your answer. If calculating by hand, draw the frequency distribution of the dependent variable, hours worked. What is the shape of the distribution? If using SPSS, what is the result of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the dependent variable What are the means for three groups’ hours worked on a job? What are the F value and the group and error df for this set of data? Is the F significant at α = 0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer. If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining an F value at least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true? Which group worked the most weekly job hours post-treatment? Proved a rationale for your answer. Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA- formatted journal. Is there a difference in your final interpretation when comparing the results of the LSD post hoc test versus Tukey HSD test? If the researcher decided to combine the two Treatment as Usual groups to represent an overall “Control” group, then there would be two groups to compare: Supported Employment versus Control. What would be the appropriate statistic to address the difference in hours worked between the two groups?
  • 25. Exercise # 36: The researchers found a significant difference between the two groups (control and treatment) for change in mobility of the women with osteoarthritis (OA) over 12 weeks with the results of F(1, 22) 9.619, p 0.005. Discuss each aspect of these results. State the null hypothesis for the Baird and Sands (2004) study that focuses on the effect of the GI with PMR treatment on patients’ mobility level. Should the null hypothesis be rejected for the difference between the two groups in change in mobility scores over 12 weeks? Provide a rationale for your answer. The researchers stated that the participants in the intervention group reported a reduction in mobility difficulty at week 12. Was this result statistically significant, and if so at what probability? If the researchers had set the level of significance or = 0.01, would the results of p 0.001 still be statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. If F(3, 60) 4.13, p 0.04, and = 0.01, is the result statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. …….. accepted or rejected? Can ANOVA be used to test proposed relationships or predicted correlations between variables in a single group? Provide a rationale for your answer. If a study had a result of F(2, 147) 4.56, p 0.003, how many groups were in the study, and what was the sample size?
  • 26. The researchers state that the sample for their study was 28 women with a diagnosis of OA, and that 18 were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 10 were randomly assigned to the control group. Discuss the study strengths and/or weaknesses in this statement. In your opinion, have the researchers established that guided imagery (GI) with progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) reduces pain and decreases mobility difficulties in women with OA? The researchers stated that this was a 12-week longitudinal, randomized clinical trial pilot study with 28 women over 65 years of age with the diagnosis of OA. What are some of the possible problems or limitations that might occur with this type of study? ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 4 Discussion Question 1 If The Result Of An ANOVA Experiment Was “not Significant” NEW For more classes visit
  • 27. If the result of an ANOVA experiment was “not significant”, was the experiment a failure? Provide reasoning and examples (real or hypothetical) to support your argument. ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 4 Discussion Question 2 What Is An Interaction NEW For more classes visit What is an interaction? Describe an example; what are the variables within your population (work, social, academic, etc.) for which you might expect interactions? **************************************************
  • 28. HLT 362V Week 5 Assignment Workbook Exercise 14 and 19, 23 24, 29 and 35 NEW For more classes visit Exercise # 14: Understanding Simple Linear Regression According to the study narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al. (2014) study, does the APLS UK formulae under- or overestimate the weight of children younger than 1 year of age? Provide a rationale for your answer. Using the values a = 3.161 and b = 0.502 with the novel formula in Figure 1, what is the predicted weight in kilograms (kg) for a child at 9 months of age? Show your calculations. Using the values a = 3.161 and b = 0.502 with the novel formula in Figure 1, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child at 2 months of age? Show your calculations. In Figure 2, the formula for calculating y (weight in kg) is Weight in kg = (0.176 × age in months) + 7.241. Identify the y intercept and the slope in this formula.
  • 29. Using the values a = 7.241 and b = 0.176 with the novel formula in Figure 2, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child 3 years of age? Show your calculations. Using the values a = 7.241 and b = 0.176 with the novel formula in Figure 2, what is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child 5 years of age? Show your calculations. In Figure 3, some of the actual mean weights represented by the blue line with squares are above the dotted straight line for the novel formula, but others are below the straight line. Is this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer. In Figure 3, the novel formula is (Weight in kilograms = (0.331 × Age in months) – 6.868. What is the predicted weight in kilograms for a child 10 years old? Show your calculations. Was the sample size of this study adequate for conducting simple linear regression? Provide a rationale for your answer. Describe one potential clinical advantage and one potential clinical problem with using the three novel formulas presented in Figures 1, 2, and 3 in a PICU setting. Exercise # 19: Understanding Pearson Chi-Square According to the relevant study results section of the Darling-Fisher et al. (2014) study, what categories are reported to be statistically significant? What level of measurement is appropriate for calculating the χ2 statistic? Give two exam¬ples from Table 2 of demographic variables measured at the level appropriate for χ2.
  • 30. What is the χ2 for U.S. practice region? Is the χ2 value statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. X2= 29.68; p= <.00 What is the df for provider type? Provide a rationale for why the df for provider type pre¬sented in Table 2 is correct. Is there a statistically significant difference for practice setting between the Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services (RAAPS) users and nonusers? Provide a rationale for your answer. State the null hypothesis for provider age in years for RAAPS users and RAAPS nonusers. Should the null hypothesis for provider age in years developed for Question 6 be accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer. Describe at least one clinical advantage and one clinical challenge of using RAAPS as described by Darling-Fisher et al. (2014). How many null hypotheses are rejected in the Darling-Fisher et al. (2014) study for the results presented in Table 2? Provide a rationale for your answer. A statistically significant difference is present between RAAPS users and RAAPS nonusers for U.S. practice region, χ2 = 29.68. Does the χ2 result provide the location of the difference? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 23
  • 31. What is the r value for the relationship between Hamstring strength index 60°/s and the Shuttle run test? Is this r value significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. Consider r = 1.00 and r = -1.00. Which r value is stronger? Provide a rationale for your answer. Describe the direction of the relationship between the Hamstring strength index 60°/s and the Shuttle run test. Without using numbers, describe the relationship between the Hamstring strength index 120°/s and the Triple hop index. Which variable has the weakest relationship with the Quadriceps strength index 120°/s? Provide a rationale for your answer. Which of the following sets of variables has the strongest relationship? a. Hamstring strength index 120°/s and the Hop index b. Quadriceps strength index 60°/s and the Carioca test c. Quadriceps strength index 120°/s and the Side step test d. Quadriceps strength index 60°/s and the Triple hop index In Table 5, two r values are reported as r = -0.498 and r = -0.528. Describe each r value in words, indicating which would be more statistically significant, and provide a rationale for your answer. The researchers stated that the study showed a positive, significant correlation between Quadriceps strength indices and pre- and postoperative functional stability. Considering the data presented in the
  • 32. Table 5, do you agree with their statement? Provide a rationale for your answer. The researchers stated that no significant relationship could be described between Hamstring strength indices 60°/s and functional stability. Given the data in Table 5, explain why not. Consider the relationship reported for the Quadriceps strength index 120°/s and the Hop index (r = 0.744**, p = 0.000 ). What do these r and p values indicate related to statistical significance and clinical importance? Exercise # 24 What is the r value listed for the relationship between variables 4 and 9? Describe the correlation r = -0.32** using words. Is this a statistically significant correlation? Provide a rationale for your answer. Calculate the percentage of variance explained for r = 0.53. Is this correlation clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer. According to Table 2, r = 0.15 is listed as the correlation between which two items? Describe this relationship. What is the effect size for this relationship, and what size sample would be needed to detect this relationship in future studies? Calculate the percentage of variance explained for r = 0.15. Describe the clinical importance of this relationship.
  • 33. Which two variables in Table 2, have the weakest correlation, or r value? Which relationship is the closest to this r value? Provide a rationale for your answer. Is the correlation between LOT-R Total scores and Avoidance- Distraction coping style statistically significant? Is this relationship relevant to practice? Provide rationales for your answers. Is the correlation between variables 9 and 4 significant? Is this correlation relevant to practice? Provide a rationale for your answer. Consider two values, r = 0.08 and r = -0.58. Describe them in relationship to each other. Describe the clinical importance of both r values. Examine the Pearson r values for LOT-R Total, which measured Optimism with the Task and Emotion Coping Styles. What do these results indicate? How might you use this information in your practice? BONUS QUESTION One of the study goals was to examine the relationship between optimism and psychopathology. Using the data in Table 2, formulate an opinion regarding the overall correlation between optimism and psychopathology. Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 29: Calculating Simple Linear Regression If you have access to SPSS, compute the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for the variable age (as demonstrated in Exercise 26). If you do not have access to SPSS, plot the frequency distributions by hand. What do the results indicate?
  • 34. State the null hypothesis where age at enrollment is used to predict the time for comple¬tion of an RN to BSN program. What is b as computed by hand (or using SPSS)? What is a as computed by hand (or using SPSS)? Write the new regression equation. How would you characterize the magnitude of the obtained R2 value? Provide a rationale for your answer. How much variance in months to RN to BSN program completion is explained by knowing the student’s enrollment age? What was the correlation between the actual y values and the predicted y values using the new regression equation in the example? Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA- formatted journal. Given the results of your analyses, would you use the calculated regression equation to predict future students’ program completion time by using enrollment age as x? Provide a rationale for your answer. Exercise # 35: Calculating Pearson Chi-Square Do the example data in Table 35-2 meet the assumptions for the Pearson χ2 test? Provide a rationale for your answer. 2. Compute the χ2 test. What is the χ2 value? 11.931 Is the χ2 significant at α =0.05? Specify how you arrived at your answer.
  • 35. If using SPSS, what is the exact likelihood of obtaining the χ2 value at least as extreme as or as close to the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true? Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of antibiotic users who tested positive for candiduria. Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of non-antibiotic users who tested negative for candiduria. Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of veterans with candiduria who had a history of antibiotic use. Using the numbers in the contingency table, calculate the percentage of veterans with candiduria who had no history of antibiotic use. Write your interpretation of the results as you would in an APA- formatted journal. Was the sample size adequate to detect differences between the two groups in this example? Provide a rationale for your answer. ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 5 Discussion Question 1 Describe The Error in The Conclusion NEW
  • 36. For more classes visit Describe the error in the conclusion. Given: There is a linear correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the pulse rate. As the number of cigarettes increases the pulse rate increases. Conclusion: Cigarettes cause the pulse rate to increase. ************************************************** HLT 362V Week 5 Discussion Question 2 Now That You Are Familiar With The Basic Concepts Of Statistics NEW For more classes visit
  • 37. Now that you are familiar with the basic concepts of statistics, what are some examples of when you have seen or heard statistics used inappropriately? **************************************************