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History of Higher Education in Italy
Higher Education Internationally: Italy
ED 678: The Foundations of Higher Education
The groundwork for higher education in Italy was set back in the Middle Ages, similar to other
Western European countries of the period. Clusters of students and scholars originally formed the
traditional university in Italy. Collectively they founded the first "universitates studiorum " in major
cities such as Bologna and Paris. However Bologna is thought to be the oldest living institution
established in the eleventh century. (MIUR, n.d.)
The University of Bologna claims that the organization of higher education in Italy began when the
masters of Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic devoted their studies to the ... Show more content on ...
(MIUR, n.d.)
Though the changes brought about by the Higher education reform of 1989 were undoubtedly
beneficial an even more substantial reform was passes ten years later and introduced in academic
year 2001–2002. The main purpose of the new reform was to grant full sovereignty to universities
for management and finance as well as for teaching and course planning. (Esposti, 118)
The new reform was implemented to guarantee both quantity and quality across the board. MURST
had determined that it was necessary to review the entire Higher education system as a whole, in
light of the current student needs expressed by very different users with different abilities and
motivations. Some of the goals set fourth by the new reform included: professional qualifications for
faculty and administrators, internationalization, student welfare, innovative teaching methods and
enhanced hands–on tutoring for students. (MIUR, n.d.)
Esposti claims that Europe views education as an "active tool in the labor market able to curb
unemployment especially among young people, to increase competitiveness and disseminate
technology (114)." It appears that Italy has strived to set a number of higher education objectives,
which seek to make Italy a strong adversary amongst the other industrialized countries of the
European Union. Lastly, to
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The History of Gothic Architecture in Italy Essay
Abbott Suger wanted to make Saint Denis a magnificent showplace as the royal Abbey church of
France and burial place of French kings. Ribbed vault which were capable of spanning large areas
was designed to make gothic churches larger.
These Gothic Churches were characterized by enlarged clerestory zone, windows enormous size
with inserted new zone and triforium below the ribbed vaults and supporting of an arcade of high
piers lining of the nave. These characteristics ensured the support of the greater stress of taller,
broader interiors and to create larger window areas as well as the external supports.
There was creation greater sense of unity between the spaces of the nave and the adjacent walkway
and ambulatory chapels. In the ... Show more content on ...
Collectively, they were a force to be reckoned with, and from these Guilds, or trades was born the
establishment of our modern system of our modern building labor force infrastructure. The
establishment of secret societies, such as the Freemasons also came about as a result of the building
of cathedrals using Gothic architecture.
"The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was
emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased
the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and
Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe.
The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the
Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of
the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose
Window, column figures and the gargoyle among many others. Within Europe, there was a
progression of architectural styles, many of which are still evident in the monuments today. The
major styles are considered as Carolingian (800–900 AD); Ottonian (1000s); Romanesque (1000s–
1100s); Gothic (late 1100s–1400s). While Romanesque is considered as the architectural style which
preceded the Gothic, many of the distinct Romanesque features found within the great cathedrals of
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Essay about The Political History of Italy
The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and
established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of
political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy– History). While the Greeks
controlled the south the Gauls, or Celtic people, ruled the north and the Po Valley. But the most
important group to settle in Italy was the Etruscans. Because of their advanced civilization, the
Etruscans were the only ones to establish political and cultural ideas before the Roman Empire
(Windows on Italy– History). At the end of the Etruscans rule, Rome began a unification of Italy and
established Latin to be the general language (Defusco). ... Show more content on ...
There was much concern about the growing cities in the north while the south remained to depend
on its agriculture for support. These concern have not yet been resolved to this day. To gain more
territories, Italy joined Germany and Austria in the Triple Alliance in 1882 to conquer Ethiopia and
Turkey (Defusco). At the outbreak of World War I, Italy remained neutral until 1915, when the
Allies promised Italy more territories (Defusco). At the end of the war Italy only received two of the
territories it was promised, which created a strong nationalistic view and disappointment amongst its
The war created many social and political problems throughout the country and by the election of
1919 things changed dramatically. The socialists and popular Catholic parties took over the
Parliament, which lead to the ideas of a revolution among the people (Defusco). One leader of this
revolution was Benito Mussolini, who founded a movement called Fascism. After four years of
revolution, Mussolini took over as the dictator of Italy and eliminated civil liberties, political parties,
and encouraged a totalitarian regime (Defusco). Mussolini soon joined forces with Hitler and World
War II came into affect. The Fascists later turned on Mussolini and Italy joined the Allies to fight
Germany. This reaction lead to a strong anti–Fascist movement called the Committee of National
Liberation (Defusco). By the year 1946 the idea for a republic was anonymous. Various parties were
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Italy : A Long And Rich History
Italy stands as the embodiment of unique cuisine, fashion, industry, and culture. Italy holds a long
and rich history, starting from how it became one country during ancient times. For thousands of
years, people have lived in Italy, relying on its vast amount of assets and resources. There was no
established group of settlers to arrive first, because the chief pioneers entailed many different types
of people who spoke different languages. Italy was at first preceded by several non–Italian cultures,
including Greeks. The Greeks occupied southern Italy, including areas around Sicily. This remained
a wealthy extent of land because of the tremendously fertile soil, which then caused the sprout of
new cities and civilization. These Greek cities ultimately stood taken over by Roman control. As far
as northern city–states, the Etruscans lived in areas influenced by Greek culture. The Etruscans
stayed well–known engineers, builders, and traders. Italy was always back and forth in the control of
foreign authorities, but finally landed in the power of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire took
over at about 450 B.C., but eventually collapsed. The land that now stands as Italy was ruled by
Julius Caesar. There were many civil wars before and after Julius Caesar's death. The land was then
restored by Octavian, Caesar's son, who later passed his throne to his son Tiberius. Although ancient
Italy had been taken over by diverse commands, it still held on to its vast culture and
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history As germany and italy Essay
How successful were Giolitti's government in promoting political stability in Italy in the years 1903
Giolitti's government was extremely unsuccessful in promoting political stability in Italy. It seemed
that the Italian liberal state suffered from political divisions all over the country; this was something
no other Liberal western power had experience in the years 1903 to 1914. However under the
'political divisions', Giolitti was trying to reform and modernise Italy during his periods in power as
Prime Minister. Giolitti and his government attempted to broaden support for Liberalism by
appealing to traditionally hostile groups such as the Catholics and the working–class, created a
grand trasformismo (a key concept used to ... Show more content on ...
Giolitti attempted to develop the economy of the south; on the other hand they did not want to be
helped as much.
Giolitti received a different sphere of success. He received moderate support in 1909 and in 1911.
Making him prime minister not twice but five times in later years to come. However, political
divisions still existed throughout Italy, showing how some of the Italian community lacked in
confidence towards Giolitti's government and it only seemed that in the years before 1914 political
divisions around the country appeared to be growing only further.
Giolitti sought to somehow defuse the discontent by social reforms, for example, the gradual
extension of the right to vote and to conciliate the major organized opposition groups in Italy, the
socialists and the Roman Catholics. In 1912 the introduction of the universal male suffrage extended
to nearly the entire adult male population, from 3.3 to 8.6 million men. On the hand, in the sough,
Giolitti's government were less accommodating and would often resort to traditional styled
repressing methods in the progress of a protest, as in the years 1903 and 1904. With the growing
prosperity in the north the alienation, lead to industrial discontent and under–development in the
While Giolitti attempted to win nationalist support through war,
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Descriptive Essay About Italy
Italy is a beautiful Country filled with architecture, history, and romance. Anywhere you go you can
find an interesting sculpture, museum, or gallery. Around every corner another story unravels itself
and you can see many locations that are simply amazing. The streets are chaos in every way from
the traffic to the large crowds of people who are trying to get from location A to location B;
however, they are also overwhelmed with lovely, kind people who are always wanting to help or
give advice. Although the locals are friendly, they always seem to be in a hurry and many do not feel
the need to apologize to every person they accidently bump into walking down the street. In
addition, some people may get annoyed easily with the tourists who do not understand their culture
or language. Generally speaking, Italians are just a foreign version of Americans with a different
background and culture. Although there are some similar features, this country is a must–see
destination because you will not see another place like Italy. The pictures above show only a small
fraction of Italy's personality. The picture of Venice translates that this country is unique and full of
romance. It is unique because of the water and the transportation. Venice is surrounded by four
hundred other islands and in order to reach those destinations people have to boat their way across.
Venice has their own version of roads in the lagoon and they have a strict set of rules for safety. Italy
is romantic
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Did Ladies Have A Renaissance Like The Men?
Taking after the Middle Ages in Europe, came the period known as the Renaissance. Renaissance
implies resurrection, and it implied the resurrection of antiquated Greek and Roman society for the
exclusive class living essentially in Italy around 1350–1650, and incidentally in England in the late
sixteenth century, and hardly in France and Northern Europe. Well known from these years were
numerous artisans like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and scholars like Machiavelli and
Erasmus. Renaissance researchers believe that current political and monetary practices began in the
Renaissance, while medievalists (researchers of the Middle Ages) imagine that the forerunners were
at that point present in Medieval Society. (Maulde–La–Clavière & R, 1901, p. 36) Another
equivalent purpose of dispute was whether ladies themselves added to and profited from the
Renaissance. As the prominent student of history Joan Kelly asked quite a few years back, did ladies
have a renaissance like the men did?
Ladies ' lives all through Europe amid the Middle Ages and Renaissance were unequivocally formed
by the irresolute states of mind of a capable Church whose ethical solutions were authorized not just
in the confession booth, additionally by the laws of the state. Eve was the villainess of Christian
history, the reason for unique sin and of man 's fall. God made her from Adam 's rib, subordinate.
(Brown, 2001, p. 27) Be that as it may, she was enticed by the serpent, and enticed Adam to sexual
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Essay about Cultural Awareness the Country of Italy
Italy has a rich history at about 600 BC the Etruscans established thriving small cities in and around
northern and central Italy; this would lay the foundation for what was to come much later. At around
260 BC, the first of what would be three major wars, called the Punic War took place between a
ferocious sworn enemy the city–state of Carthage, which was located in what, is today parts of
Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Italy, France, and Malta. Carthage was
powerful from northern Africa to parts of southern Europe it dominated. Upon the eventual defeat of
the Carthaginians at around 149 to 145 BC, lead to the annexation of all Carthaginian land and the
growth of what was to become an empire. Around 45 BC, ... Show more content on
He also was a trailblazer in promoting fascism, which is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,
which tends to view political violence and war as a means to build a stronger nation and thus
expanding by absorbing weaker countries. Mussolini sided with Hitler in early 1940, sealing his fate
with that of Germany which history tells us started World War II by first invading Poland in 1939
and then attacking both France and England. Germany eventually lost the war and Mussolini was
shot and killed on 27 April 1945 by communist partisans in a small village of Giulino di Mezzegra
the shooters name was Walter Audisio. After death, Mussolini had to endure more for his
wrongdoing by being spat upon shot, and kicked then hung from a meat hook from the roof of a gas
station. Civilians and passerby's then stoned the bodies. After Mussolini's downfall, the Christian
Democracy political party dominated Italy for 50 years today Italy has a President named Giorgio
Napolitano he is the 11th President in the history of the country and the longest serving President in
the country's history. The Prime Minister is Matteo Renzi who is 39 years of age making him Italy's
youngest leader since Mussolini. Italy has suffered many defeats in its history politically losing
much of its power and on the other hand has won many battles having gained much power and
worldly authority over many nations. Politics in the twenty first century is very public
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Italian Immigration In The Late 1800s
Italian immigration became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899 as 900,000 immigrants
fled to America because Italy suffered from overpopulation, poverty and natural disasters. In the
1870s, "Italian birthrates rose and death rates fell" (Digital History). In the poor southern provinces
of Italy, over population became severe. By the late 1890s, the illiteracy rate in southern Italy raised
to 70 percent, which was ten times the rate in England, France, or Germany. "The Italian
government was dominated by northerners, and southerners were hurt by high taxes and high
protective tariffs on northern industrial goods. Southerners also suffered from a scarcity of
cultivable land, soil erosion and deforestation, and a lack of coal and iron ... Show more content on ...
Many Italian immigrants were known as birds of passage because they came to the United States
seeking temporary work without any intention of living permanently. Because the economy was
suffering in Italy, the Italians were "unable to earn a livelihood in their home countries" (Digital
History). Most of the laborers who came to the United States were young men in their teens and
twenties, who left behind their parents, wives, and children to work and save money. Before 1900,
an estimated 78 percent of Italian immigrants were men. "Many of them traveled to America in the
early spring, worked until late fall, and then returned to the warmer climates of their southern
European homes winter" (Digital History). Because the Italians were looking for high wages and not
long term residency, they migrated to the cities where wages were relatively high despite the poor
living conditions. The Italians "lived as inexpensively as possible under conditions that native–born
families considered intolerable" (Digital History). The immigrants took heavy construction jobs
such as digging tunnels, laying railroad tracks, constructing bridges and roads, and erecting
skyscrapers. "As early as 1890, 90 percent of New York City's public works employees and 99
percent of Chicago's street workers were Italian" (Digital History). The Italians played a major role
in the development of big United States cities as they were the labor force of the construction jobs.
While the Italians migrated to these large cities together, they formed ethnic enclaves and left Italian
culture in these
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Marketing Plan For Whole Foods Market
Company/Product Background For this Global Marketing Foreign Market Entry and Marketing
Plan, we will be expanding the Whole Foods Market into Italy. Whole Foods Market is considered
to be a higher end, more organic store with higher priced products than other markets in the United
States. The motto of the brand is "America's Healthiest Grocery Store" (Whole Foods Market
History, 2016). They are concerned with what their customers are eating and overall health, so they
offer so many products that are both high quality and healthy. This company began with John
Mackey and Renee Lawson, who owned Safer Way Natural Foods in Austin, Texas. They joined
forces with Craig Weller and Mark Skiles who owned Clarksville Natural Grocery, and founded
Whole Foods Market in 1980 (Whole Foods Market History, 2016). Unfortunately, in 1981, there
was a disastrous flood that almost completely destroyed the first market. Without any insurance on
the property, many of the market's customers and community members helped to clean and restore
the space. Whole Foods Market was able to reopen the location in less than a month (Whole Foods
Market History, 2016). After a few years, Whole Foods Market started to expand their locations;
first through Texas, in the cities of Houston and Dallas in 1984. In 1988, the expansion continued
into Louisiana when Whole Foods Market bought Whole Foods Company in New Orleans. In 1989,
the growth was rapid and the company reached out to the west coast,
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Greek Influence On Italy
Italy is a nation that is present in southern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea. It is also known for its
cultural heritage and for its most famous architectural achievements. However, Italy is also
considered by many historians as one of the most sly and mysterious country in World War I. Many
would remember major powers such as Great Britain, Germany, and Russia, however, these small
countries contribute to major battles and events in history. Moreover, Italy infamously went from
being a neutral country to being a victim of war. Likewise, Italy has been in the same situation as
Belgium in which they follow a policy of neutrality but in the end are influenced by other countries
to join the war. Italy is considered by scholars as a key contributor ... Show more content on ...
Whether in times of Renaissance or when the Roman Empire began to flourish, Italy had remained
loyal to their culture. The culture of italy had originated from Greece which, no one had outdone
them until the reign of the Roman Empire. The culture of Greece had such a major impact that it can
be seen centuries later. Primarily, this can be authenticated as seen in the religion aspect in World
War I. Italy's main religion is catholicism which comprised ¾ of the population while the ¼ of the
people were cast out and were forgotten. The religion of Catholicism has been present since ancient
times and is still present today. Furthermore, Italy's culture was so great and extraordinary because
their culture was very unique unlike any other nation. As a result, many civilizations and nations had
been greatly influenced almost to the point of assimilation. Such unique aspects can be observed in
their art. Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Raphael, and Michelangelo are one of the many
influential artists in the world. Their famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Scream, Starry
Night, and The Creation of Adam have been so successful that they are the most recognizable pieces
of art today. Furthermore, artists of italy have been known to be very adroit at creating fascinating
sculptures like The Statue of David and The Madonna of Humility. However, music and drama had
the same degree of influence just as art had on its people and other nations. Music has been known
to play a major role in society since the beginning of the Middle Ages. For example, Andrea Amati
who had lived from the ages of 1500 until 1577, laid the basis of violin making. The art of drama
had originated in Greece but it was culturally diffused into the empire of Rome. It's main
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Comparison Of Chinatown And Little Italy
Chinatown and Little Italy
Have you ever taken a stroll down the lower eastside of Manhattan? It's a great place to be indeed.
The many smells of fine Chinese and Italian food flood the streets. Yes this is where the famous
Chinatown and Little Italy is located in New York City. There are more then just fine foods, shops,
and people. In fact there is a lot of history behind these two towns that many people do not know
about. How they came to be and what makes each town unique.
First you have the famous Chinatown. It is the largest Chinatown in the United States. It is favored
by Chinese immigrants and has an estimated population between 70,000 to 150,000 people alone.
During the mid eighteenth century some ... Show more content on ...
When the Exclusion Act was lifted in 1943, China was given a small immigration quota, and the
community continued to grow. It started expanding slowly throughout the '40s and '50s. Today
Chinatown is greatly crowded but is still growing. Chinatown now offers to many tourists and
residents like restaurants, booming fruit, fish markets, and shops of knickknacks. But its
overcrowding streets are the main offer it gives us.
Secondly, other then the famous Chinatown and its history there is another ethnic town that has
captured many peoples interest and that is the town of Little Italy. Italian immigrants first settled in
the Five Points neighborhood in the 1850s, spreading north into what is now Little Italy in the
1880s. Little Italy was once a safe haven for Italian immigrants during the nineteenth century. Little
Italy stretched from Broadway on the west to the east. Then from south Canal street to north Huston
street. New York City boasted several Italian enclaves that separated particularly Neapolitans,
Sicilians and Calabrains. These groups populated Little Italy the most. The first pizzeria in New
York was Gennaro Lombardi's that opened on Spring Street in 1905. Immigrants from southern Italy
celebrated the first Feast of San Gennaro along Mulberry Street in about 1926. Also Little Italy may
have been the birthplace of the Mafia in the United States. From the south, Little Italy has lately
been colonized by Chinatown. Its
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Cultural Differences Between Ancient Greece And Italy
The Mediterranean Region includes twenty–one countries spread between three continents. The
countries I chose are Greece and Italy. Both Greece and Italy have unique cultures. These countries
are known for their religion, art, language, and food. Although these cultural aspects are important
to both countries, food plays the most predominant role because food in both Greece and Italy,
brings family gatherings. Italy is known for having wine, cheese, and pasta while Greece is famous
for their herbs and spices. One of the most important foods that Greece and Italy have in common is
olives and olive oil. The history of olives and olive oil in Greece and Italy shows the importance of
Greek and Roman history through its origin, role in trade, its ... Show more content on ...
During ancient times, olives were crushed by foot, with a stone roller, or even in mechanical
presses. The Romans, however, while continuing to use traditional methods, were able to advance
the process of olive oil production by making stone mills with animals. They also advanced the
traditional beam press into a screw press. Both advancements made olive oil production faster, more
efficient, and more for popular demand. The book "Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome," written
by Marcus Apicius, a wealthy Roman merchant and epicure who was famous for his cookbooks,
states "to keep olives fresh from the tree, in a manner enabling you to make oil from them any time
you desire just place them in brine if you desire to make oil of them." This primary source helps
understand the history of the culture because it helps us realize the process that the Romans had
went through to get certain sources they used in their daily lives. Finally, olive oil is made in an
even simpler process today, through a hydraulic press. However, the process is still time and labor
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Viaggio Italy Research Paper
Viaggio Italiano
The southern European country of Italy is relatively small and is located in Europe. Italia is in fact
smaller than the state of Texas but don't underestimate this little European country. In spite of the
fact that Italy is smaller than Texas, it has a larger population of people and this was established
about a couple years back. "The CIA estimated the population of Italy in July 2015 to be
61,855,120, which put it at number 24 in population among the 238 countries, dependencies and
territories of the world." ("Italy" 387–406). Tourists and recent statistics on inhabitants are obviously
excluded from the population census, but the number of citizens in this European country remains
larger than The Lone Star State. Finding ... Show more content on ...
"A million square feet of Italian delicacies." (Rail 1). Although it's popular for food, it's also popular
for being the romance language, possession of lovely scenery, presentation of famous artworks,
historic value, and the abundance of history within its life. All of this is already realized, but what
isn't really known is just how amazing it must be to witness the true foundation of Italia. Individuals
would be greeted by a feeling of freedom and relaxation and what a magnificent feeling it must
come to experience. Why is it such a wonderful sensation? The speaking in foreign tongues people
hear is in all likelihood the strangest, but most real encounter. "It is a journey that will examine the
history of Italy, its complex politics and the whole spectrum of Italian culture" ("Activities in Italy"
1). The buildings and architecture one can discern, the cobblestone streets, and the chatter in foreign
tongues is bound to be a great memory. Perhaps the most important thing to understand when
visiting this beautiful, small country, is the history. The most interesting thing one could learn about
is certainly the Renaissance, and just the long history of Italy and how it got its shape and
recognition. Everyone who has lived and who'll live, they'll learn about this foreign country because
of the Renaissance. The Renaissance was Italy's golden age, and they are now living in a Post–
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Paris Bordone During The Italian Renaissance
During the Italian Renaissance, societal changes allowed for the introduction of high–class pieces of
artwork into the elite community. Artists such as Michelangelo, and Botticelli flourished during this
era, creating masterpieces that continue to relevant in this day, and age. One such painter, Paris
Bordone played a very influential role in the renaissance and produced numerous works such as
Annunciation, the Baptism of Christ, Bathsheba Bathing, with an African Servant, Chess Player, and
A Portrait of a Lady. Born on July 5th, 1500, Bordone lived in Treviso before moving to Venice in
his late adolescence. He applied for a brief apprenticeship with Renaissance giant Titian, and
branched out as a painter by the 1520's. There he began his career painting biblical portraits in Italy.
Somewhere between 1534–1535, Bordone first gained recognition as an "maestro" for painting a
canvas of the The Fisherman Presenting the Ring to Doge Gradenigo. This boosted his career, but
also showcased his limitations as his usage of perspective in his painting created dwarfed
backgrounds. However, this didn't detract his fame as he became a famous name in Venetian cultural
achievement. Bordone use of Mannerism lead to his crowning achievement, the Portrait of Giovanni
Jacopo Caraglio in 1552. This piece of art embodies the four ideals of the Renaissance, as well as
providing a critic of society. The Portrait of Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio was fabricated for master
goldsmith Giovanni Jacopo
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History Of Italy 's Liberation Day Essay
The events that occur to a country in the past shape how the country is today. In Italy there is a day
that represents a very important movement in history. Italy 's liberation day is celebrated to
remember the fallen fighting during WWII, and in the Resistance. This day was a day that marked a
dictatorship to fall, and a much needed improvement to occur on Italy. The date is April 25, Italy 's
Liberation Day. Every year on this day not only Italy but all around, people gather from far and near
to celebrate this holiday. On April 25 streets all over are crowded with thousands of people enjoying
what is happening around them. This is one of the most important days in Italy because it marks the
end of Mussolini regime. Parades, marches, concerts, food festivals, political rallies, and speeches
honoring the partisans are all taking place on this day. Schools and many public places are closed as
well. The one main tradition that exists and will always exist is the song Bella Ciao playing
throughout the town. This song was played during WWll and gave hope to all who were fighting.
Although this is a very festive day, the main purpose of April 25 in Italy is to honor those who have
served, and risked their lives in the Italian Resistance for others to have freedom in the future.
People all around can and will celebrate this day. Even people, who do not understand the real
meaning behind this holiday, still come together and enjoy themselves, because freedom is what the
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Italian Immigration Issue Analysis
The Italian public, led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, share a communal problem on the subject of
Immigration with the United States. Presidential hopefuls have headlined their campaigns with
powerful focus on immigration agenda. Additionally, Italy's immigration issues have been of great
concern in recent months, with both countries relating to the war against terrorism, and the
emigration movements from the Middle East. RAI news of Italy suggests that Trump's harsh agenda
has potential, it does comes with moral conflict(1). At the 2016 Bratislava Summit, Renzi appeared
furious at the EU's handling of immigration policy, stating if the EU doesn't deal with immigration, "
[Italy] will."(3) Obama and Renzi lead countries of "inclusive, growing ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the idea of having immigrants contribute to the economy is difficult based on the
operations of Italy's socialist economy, whereas in America there is potential for immigrants to
increase economic activity. There is speculation that immigrants in italy do not give back to their
economy, which is a leading factor in the failing Italian economy. A clear recommendation looking
forward would be to negotiate with the EU using the American support led by President–elect
Donald Trump, who holds a strict immigration policy. The Republic of Italy should only settle for
all countries in the EU taking on the migrant crisis, as well as financial compensation towards the
effort Italy has given in the crisis. Additionally, a number should be set declaring just how many
immigrants can be allowed into Italy based on financial and societal circumstances. Across the pond,
the United States must learn from mistakes created by Italy and the EU in order to make sure flaws
in the economy do not result from immigration. Although it is against morals, immigration needs to
have strict limitation. Machiavelli praised a leader who is more feared than loved in The Prince, and
while fear does not have to be intensified, it is necessary that the law serves the greater good of the
state. The Italian American friendship has deep ties through history and culture, so using this
philosophy from Machiavelli could lead the friendship towards finding a rightful resolution of the
immigration crisis both countries face. The bond between Italy and America is kept tight through
our history, our culture, and our progressive vision for the world. This bond is what gives the
relation such a resounding impact on the rest of the world. Renzi believes "we will never be tired of
being true [friends]"(2) speaking of Italy and America, and this could not be
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Finding a Little Bit More about Italy
Since I am interested in Italy, I decided to find out a little more about it. One of the first things I
would like to find out is some basic information about the country. Another thing I would like to
find out is what happened in Italy's history. Furthermore, it would also be interesting to learn about
the country's current leader. Information about the capital city is another thing that I want to
discover about Italy. In addition, I would like to find out about popular attractions that are located in
Italy. Finally, I want to learn about a famous person who was born in Italy. Those are some of things
I hope to learn from doing this project. The first thing I wanted to fine out was some basic
information about Italy I found out that Italy is location at the west central part of the country. Italy
is slightly large then the state of Arizona. The size of Italy is Sicily has a surface area of 25.708sq
km the boot–shaped Italian mainland extends. The population was estimated around 57,423,000 that
means there were more woman then menthe south rate is around .10%. The climate is similar to our
with cold winter and out warm summer bur with a lot of rain (Italy). The flag colors are green,
white, and red with vertical stripes that goes up and down. There coins are call euros and they are 1,
5,10,20,50,100,200 and 500 euros equal a dollar nine. There holidays are differences then are but
still very much alike. The groups are with German speaking in Latin in Rome.
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Similarities Between Italy And Canada
You would think that a country like Italy with over 10,000 years of history compared to a country
like Canada that has only been around for 150 years would be totally different, right? Well, Italy and
Canada actually have quite a few similarities. Firstly, they are both democratic countries, meaning
that they get to select their representatives of the government. Secondly, both Italy and Canada are
bordered by oceans from east to west, while also having a dramatic mountain ranges. If scenery is
what you're looking for in your travels, why not visit both Canada and Italy!
Aside from these similarities, Italy and Canada do have many differences. The most obvious being
the language barrier. Italy's official language is Italian, however some people
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Italian Wealth And The Renaissance (Draft)
Italian Wealth and the Renaissance (Draft)
The Renaissance was an intellectual and artistic movement from roughly the 14th to the 17th
century centered around humanism and individualism. After starting in Italy, the Renaissance and its
humanistic ideas spread North to places like Germany, Flanders, and England. Italy's wealth, caused
by its extensive trade, market economy, and elite–ruled political structure, served as a medium for
the dawn of the Renaissance.
Italian city–states accumulated much wealth through their large–scale trade operation. Italy had
many advantages when it came to trade. One of these advantages was location, as "geography ...
[gave] the Italian city–states the potential to acquire great wealth through trade" (Valente). ... Show
more content on ...
Italy's sophisticated market economy was based on supply and demand. Keeping this system
prevented Italian city–states from "plung[ing] into a barter–based economy during the Middle Ages"
(Valente), thus allowing it to maintain most of its pre–medieval wealth unlike most of Western
Europe. A barter–based economy had many limitations, such as the need for simultaneous want by
both parties involved and the lack of a satisfactory way to quantify goods' worth, making the market
economy a more desirable option. Another reason Italy managed to be an exception during the
Middle Ages was that "cities in Italy were independent of feudal lords or enjoyed generous
relationships with them" (Blackwell), giving city–states freedom to choose and develop their
economic system. Independence gives societies the opportunity to flourish, fully develop their
methods, and gain wealth. Finally, the market economy gave the opportunity for a new class to
become extremely wealthy: bankers. "The rise of new powerful banking institutions and of a new
class of bankers ... made the Renaissance possible" (Valente) because they both managed the wealth
of Italy and also gained wealth themselves. Banking institutions and bankers helped manage the
market economy that thrived in Italy.
Italy's wealthy–led political organization enabled rulers' channeling of money into the
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The Strategies Of Germany And Italy
Due to latest events media and citizens attention it's more than ever focused on migration but there
is a general ignorance about history and real numbers of people moving every year all over the
world and the reason why they move. European states can't ignore the fact that migration matters all
of them nowadays, just thinking about the fact that 11% of total population of developed regions are
international migrant. Being related to global circumstances and issues migration is not only a recent
fact: Koser (2007, 4) states that migration had a relevant role through history and it continues today.
In the past European population moved within and outside the Old Continent for several reasons
(religion, wars, exchanges, climate change, ... Show more content on ...
The recruitment was exclusively in the industrial for jobs with few qualifications. Things changed
by the end of 1980s when the number of people seeking asylum in Germany increased. Between
1988 and 1992 a total of 1.1 million asylum applications were lodged. (Oezcan, 2004) German and
Italian flow history is clearly connected, also due to the fact that those two countries are neighbors.
During the last century Italians citizens have emigrate all over the word, especially in the United
States and in Germany. From 1968 all the members of European Community had the right to free–
cross borders and many families rejoined workers in Germany. According to the U.S. department of
Commerce more than 40000 Italians immigrated to the United States from 1945 to 1969. In those
years there has been a high number of repatriated (about 50%) but in subsequent years this changed
and, due to the poverty in their country Italians migrated to U.S. and remained there. Nowadays
according to US CENSUS Bureau (2000) the 5.6% of Americans citizens declares to have Italian
descent. The approach of Italy to incoming migrants is changed over the years. Although in 1974 the
European Economic Community formally closed borders to migrants not from ECC Italy's
government did not follow suit. The influx of immigration was not immediately considered an issue
also in view of the fact that Italy had a very low rate of population and a lot
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Cultural Intelligence Of The United States And Italy
Globalization has made it paramount for businesses and individuals that want to venture into a
different country to have cultural intelligence of that country. Cultural intelligence is defined as
capability to successfully adapt to new cultural environments and unfamiliar settings attributable to
cultural context (Earley, Ang, and Tan 2006). Obtaining cultural knowledge allows business
relationships to flourish, provides feasibility and sustainability for the business. It also shows
cultural sensitivity, which is important when trying to win over locals of a specific area.
The United States and Italy
The United States and Italy are both advanced industrial countries, yet they differ in many areas
including culture and how business is conducted. The United States has very little cultural influence
on Italy; in fact it is the opposite. The element of diversity is deep within the United States that it
has become a melting pot filled with an array of music, food, language, and many other customs that
are not native. The relationship between the two countries has seen its adversity but they have
created a strong bilateral relationship which aids in strengthening the economy of both countries. In
the 2013 Italy–United States Summit then Ambassador David Thorne stated "Globalization is the
disruptive force, in both a positive and negative sense, that is challenging both of our countries
today and it is reshaping our traditional ways of thinking about the world." As markets
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Art History : Renaissance Italy Art
ART HISTORY: RENAISSANCE ITALY ART Yim Tsz Fung Jeremy SID: 430114898 Date
INTRODUCTION Italian Renaissance was a period of great cultural changes in Europe that started
in Italy in the 14th century and continued until the 16th century. Renaissance marked the evolution
between Medieval and the early modern Europe. The era of rebirth is known for the renewed
interests in the culture of traditional antique after the Dark Ages. In the renaissance, art was very
important as people expected it to have a significant effect on their lives. People anticipated art to
delight and entice them into holding and maintaining their beliefs. Art was also expected to guide
people of that time to engage in certain behaviors. Therefore, it was ... Show more content on ...
Renaissance art affected both the artists and their patrons with the expansion of current techniques
and artistic sensibilities. It made a great contribution to the development of literature, architecture,
science, philosophy and many other aspects of the society of those times. In the 15th century,
Europe underwent a lot of improvements. It evolved from medieval feudal sates that were governed
by wealthy landowners into town centers that were concentrated, functioning as powerful
economical nuclei. The cities took political and financial power and the middle classes, that mainly
consisted of artisans, merchants and bankers, had a significant responsibility in commerce with their
independence and wealth. This economic prosperity was in particular marked in Italy where several
palaces and villas were constructed to create a big demand for spendthrift domestic art and furniture.
These were the requirements for the newly wealthy and the established aristocratic patrons. For
example, the Farnese table of the metropolitan had a marble inlay and was commissioned for a rich
papal family. This represents the kind of monumental furniture mostly found in the newly
constructed spacious interiors of the superb palaces. Giotto was the first to start Italian Renaissance
art as a painter who broke with the tradition of Byzantine art and made advances in presenting the
human body in a
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Italy Research Paper
Italy is one of the world's most amazing countries, its full of sites, activities, so many things that you
could never be bored. Italy is located in southern Europe, it surrounds two if the world's smallest
countries. Italy's culture is amazing and unique, it has many unique qualities and features in its
culture. Italy has many regions along with it, just for one country. It has twenty regions. Italy also
has many more amazing facts and sites about its country and the people. Italy has an amazing
beautiful culture full of amazing history and traditions. Italy has one official language and its Italian.
Italian is originally called Italiana and the language has been around since the 900's. Italy's religion
is called Roman Cathoclism. The ... Show more content on ...
Each region has its own qualities and tradition and ways. Italy has an industrial economy. Italy's
economy is supported by enterprise. Each region has its very own history as well. Italy is located by
the Mediterranean sea so the climate is warm and is usually 90 degrees. Italy's government is
democracy and republic. In some regions people speak different languages mainly French, German,
and Ladin. Italy's money is called a euro a beautiful piece of paper. Italy has many amazing facts,
traits, historical events, and more. Italy has a population of 61.3 million people. People from all over
the world comes the visit Italiy's beautiful cities and tourist sites. The capital of Italy is Rome. Rome
is full of amazing history and historical sites. Like its language name Italy isn't the original name the
country. Italy comes from the name Italia. In conclusion, Italy is an amazing beautiful with amazing
cities and tourist sites. People come from all over the world to explore the beautiful country and its
history. Italy has relatable climate to Louisiana, we have some parts that get cold but usually
extremely hot and humid because we're surrounded by water. Italy also has the beautiful city of
Venice that attracts so much tourism. Italy is an amazing country with a lot of culture, many regions,
and history. Many people go there and there'd people that would love to go there such as my
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Humanism As The Foundation For The Italian Renaissance
What is Humanism? Why is Humanism often considered the foundation for the Italian Renaissance?
Why did Humanism take root in Italy? Why did Humanism drastically change the literature being
produced in Italy? These are the key questions to consider when attempting to understand why
Humanism a spark to a flame for many in fourteenth century Italy. For Humanism not only brought
the Renaissance to Italy, but created a whole new form of documentation, which has persevered
throughout time.
During the European Renaissance, knowledge was an eternal fountain for many countries. The most
beautiful and renowned art was being created. The study of Math and Science will forever be
changed as new advances mature. Technology was advancing and countries were in a race to see
who would have the next innovative war strategy or genius inventor. In modern comparison, it was
like the United States against Russia in the Arms Race. However, in Italy something truly innovative
was happening.
At the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, Italy was split into city–states, however knowledge was
always on the brim of expanding and in a few years, Italian intellect would be exponentially larger.
The start of this growth actually begins in Germany, 1439, Johannes Gutenburg, produces the first
printing press, forever changing the literary industry by making it easier to print more copies and
allowing manuscripts to be available to the public.
Now that the printing press had been created, publishing and
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The Most Exotic Locations On The Planet
Italy is one of the most exotic locations on the planet. Known to have some of the most strikingly
powerful and majestic art and architectural masterpieces ever created in history. Being home to
some of the most famous and recognizable artists and pieces of work out there, its beauty and fine
works is the main reason why hundreds of thousands of people travel there each year. To make
things even more enticing, every street, every corner, and every turn is a piece of history. Italy
excels when it comes to history, delivering a rich and powerful display of what it was and what it is
now. That is why I have chosen to write my research report on this location. Italy has always been
fascinating to me, and it has continued to become even ... Show more content on ...
With such a strongly built population and foundation it's no surprise that the population birth rate
only continues to grow.
Italy is not growing at a rapid rate like that of China or India; in fact it ranks 171 when being
compared to the rest of the world, having a growth rate of only 0.3%. As the population begins to
gradually grow, it is not just due to birth rates, in fact that's not even the reason why the country is
growing. Italy's birth rate is at 8.84% per every 1,000 of the population of the country, while Italy's
death rate is surprisingly higher, being at 10.1%. So where is this slight growth in population
coming from? Ranking 29th place when being compared to the world, Italy's net migration rate is
growing at 4.29% for every 1,000 of the countries population. Another factor that explains Italy's
growing population is that the life expectancy is ranked rather high when being compared to the
world. Coming in 11th place, the life expectancy for the citizens of Italy is around 82 years old,
which is 3 years better than the United States, which has a life expectancy rate of 79. The
urbanization rate of Italy is rather high as well, being around 68.8% of the total population and
having an annual rate of change of 0.39% annually. Its not entirely sure where all of these migrants
are coming from, Italy has been described
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Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and Renaissance...
Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing" takes place in Messina, a city–state of Renaissance
Italy. The Renaissance was a period in European history believed to have been between AD 1300
and AD 1600 with a feudal society of agricultural economy and church dominated culture. It was
during the Renaissance that Europe was transformed into a society dominated by central political
institutions with education, arts and music heavily influenced by the Christian religion. In Italy,
cities such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice flourished. These cities were able to finance
cultural achievements. Medieval Italian merchants developed commercial and financial techniques
such as bookkeeping and bills of exchange. Italian city–states were ... Show more content on ...
One of John's men enacts a scene at Hero's window with a woman who appears to be Hero. When
Claudio and Pedro observe this, they are easily deceived and Claudio angrily denounces Hero to be
hidden as though dead until Claudio regains his senses. When the constable, Dogberry, arrests John's
men, who then readily confess their guilt, Claudio is forced to admit his error in thinking Hero
would deceive him. He then mourns for her and agrees to marry her cousin. The cousin turns out to
be a disguised and forgiving Hero. After all this "ado" the two couples are married and Don John is
Don Pedro is a linking character, playing many key roles in the play. In many ways, he shows the
influence of the time period. Being the prince of Aragon, a region in northeast Spain, he carries the
title of respect "Don". He seems to be the stereotypical leader of the Renaissance times, enjoying
being in charge as well as possessing the ability to woo young women. He also shows the time
period in the situation with his brother Don John. Because he was born outside of marriage, Don
John has no official claim on any of his family's wealth or position. He then tries to overthrow Pedro
in battle.
Other characters positions also illustrate the time period. For example, Dogberry and Verges who are
the constable and deputy constable. Their rough habits and garbled speech show the mannerisms of
the Renaissance peasants. Hero's maidservants' occasional vulgar comments also demonstrate
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Analysis Of Giuseppe Mazzini's The Duties Of Man
Giuseppe Mazzini was instrumental in unifying the Italian nation as his ideals spread throughout
Italy's intellectual community. Although many of his attempts at rallying the common people to a
revolution failed, he circulated and popularized the idea of a fully unified Italy for the first time
since the fall of the Roman Empire. In his work "The Duties of Man," Mazzini establishes that he is
largely a romantic nationalist, since he draws heavily on history; however, he utilizes the power of
certain liberal nationalist sentiments such as individuals' rights in his own work. In this document,
Mazzini largely focuses on how the ideas circulated after the French Revolution regarding the rights
of man have corrupted the true nature of a nation by creating a culture of greed and egoism. While
he openly discourages the erasure and pursuit of these rights, he is quick to point out that
individuals' egoism and each nation's separation of class "... has grown and grows worse in nearly
every country, and especially where I write the price of the necessaries of life has gone on
continually rising, the wages of the working–man in many branches of industry falling and the
population multiplying" (87). He argues here that allowing any nation to be solely characterized by
the rights of its citizens causes a nation to define itself based on the millions of individuals, dividing
any community or society–which he believes is the backbone of the nation. In Mazzini's view, the
solution to this is by fostering a national culture of duty to one another. When he asks, "What is
Society but a collection of men who have agreed to bring the strength of the many in support of the
rights of each?" the audience is forced to question their own personal hierarchy between rights and
duties; for what is a nation if there is no work or duty in achieving and maintaining the rights of
every man within the nation (89)? It is through this investigation that Mazzini reveals his ideas of
what makes a nation a nation. By using familial themes, much like the Russian romantic nationalist,
Khomyakov, he is able to portray the nation's people more clearly as a brotherhood and the nation
itself as a maternal figure. Both Mazzini and Khomyakov promote
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Benito Mussolini: A Brief History Of Italy
A Brief History of the Countries–
Immediately following WWI, fascist right–wing dictators promised to stop the spread of
Bolshevism. Benito Mussolini, a manipulative politician and charismatic leader, blamed socialists
for Italy's state of weakness, and became Prime Minister after the "Blackshirts" March in October
1922. Mussolini used violence and intimidation to arrest 4,000, and reinstated the death penalty. In
October 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia and the League of Nations only passed economic sanctions;
Italy felt alienated, and as a result, signed the Rome–Berlin Axis and became allies with Germany.
On June 10, 1940, Italy entered the war by joining the German invasion of France. Italy had delayed
the start date of the German ... Show more content on ...
She was born to Edith Frank–Hollander and Otto Frank. Anne and her family considered themselves
Reform Jews, meaning they followed the traditional Jewish ideas without the strict customs.(Rol,)
When Hitler came to power in 1933, the Frank family fled from Germany. Otto Frank received a job
offer in Amsterdam for a company called Opekta–Works, and the family moved to the Netherlands.
In 1934, Anne started school a Montessori school, and proved an intelligent girl early on. On June
12, 1942, Anne's thirteenth birthday, Anne was given a diary, in which she wrote about her life, but
avoided the topic of war.(Rol,) In July 1942, Anne, her family, and four other Jews went into hiding
in the attic above Otto's business. On August 4, 1944, nearly two years after going into hiding, the
secret attic was betrayed and the eight Jews were taken to concentration camps. On March 1, 1945,
Anne Frank died of typhus in the concentration camp in Bergen–Belsen, however she lives on
through her diary, in which people are able to learn about how life was as a Jew in
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Research Paper On Italy
Italy is famous for its art, architecture, and, of course, food. Italy has great buildings that have lasted
years. These buildings include the Coliseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Pantheon. Italy is
also known for its food. Bread, ice cream, and pizza are two things Italy has created. The country of
Italy boasts takes pride in its loving culture, strong government, unique geography, enjoyable
climates, and thriving economy.
Italy has a great culture that revolves around family and food. The people like to stay strong in their
relationships. Every night, Italian families take a walk called Passeggiata (Nation Facts). This helps
people stay fit and spend time with family and friends. Religion also has a part in Italy's culture.
Most ... Show more content on ...
To begin, Italy's government is a republic. The capital is a very big part of Italy. The capital of Italy
is Rome. Rome is called the Eternal City because it is still around now ( Italy, like
the U.S., has an age at which you are allowed to vote. People in Italy are allowed to vote at age 18
(The World Factbook). The president terms are almost double the length of the U.S.'s. The
presidents of Italy serve a term of seven years long. The flag has three stripes going vertically. The
colors are red, green, and white, which are the national colors. The flag was adopted on June 19,
1946. The green stands for hope, the white stands for faith, and the red stands for
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The Messina Earthquake of 1908 Essay
Earthquakes have been recorded throughout history for thousands of years. Even before
seismographs in early times, there are records and accounts of mysterious ground shaking.
Earthquakes occur when rocks break along an underground fault (UPSeis, 2007). This, in return,
causes vibrations through the earth which causes ground shaking. The magnitude of the shaking
varies depending on how great the movement along the fault is; the greater the movement, the
bigger the earthquake. Some earthquakes are huge and cause significant damage, while others are
small and cause little or no damage what–so–ever. Earthquakes are unpredictable, and can happen at
any time. It is uncertain where an earthquake will strike, but there is a greater risk ... Show more
content on ...
The Messina earthquake lasted only thirty seconds, but in that time most of Messina, along with a
huge portion of Reggio Calabria, was almost entirely destroyed. The earthquake's epicenter occurred
along the Messina Straight and had a relatively shallow depth of about ten kilometers. Following the
earthquake, there were a series of two hundred ninety–three aftershocks reported that were recorded
over a course of about three months (RMS 2008).
As survivors from the quake rushed around in fear and confusion, they were greeted by yet another
disaster. Shortly after the earthquake, a tsunami occurred. The tsunami's waves struck the coastline
beginning at twenty feet. But as more waves hit the coast, the height of the tsunami grew to just
under forty feet, taking out everything that hadn't already been destroyed by the earthquake,
reducing the entire city to rubble. The tsunami stretched across sixty–two miles of coastline near
Messina, and another twenty–four miles of coastline near Calabria. The damage from the tsunami
was greater near the Calabria coast, where waves were higher and the water quickly swallowed
houses and bridges, and flooded rivers. The tsunami that occurred in Messina still holds the title for
one of the biggest tsunamis in today's history. Recently, however, geologists have revisited origin of
the tsunami, which is now widely debated. Some
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Boundless World History: Italy During The Renaissance
Source A
Boundless World History. "Italy during the Renaissance". Lumen. Boundless World History. 27 May
2018. (–– removed HTML ––)
The House of Medici had abundant power in Florence during the Renaissance, as well as other
members of the richest part of society
The rise of the merchant class in politics contributed to the prosperity of Italy in the late Middle
The growth of international trade boosted economy and also aided the affluence of Northern and
Central Italy in the late Middle Ages
Northern Italy did not have more resources than most of Europe, but it was able to prosper due to
the development rate through international trade
The rich merchants gained their roles in politics through financial skill, with Northern and Central ...
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Spotlight on Renaissance Europe. England: Hodder Wayland. 1986. 76.
While Florence was a republic, it was largely ruled over by a single family – the Medicis
They were the greatest bankers in Europe, and at the time wealth was more important than wealth in
determining status
Professional soldiers employed by Italians, or condottieri, could also rise to fame, and positions of
"In our change–loving Italy where nothing stands firm and no ancient dynasty exists, a servant can
easily become a king" – Pope Pius II
In Italy at that time, nothing was entirely stable, and rulers where always changing, and the
government was never standing firm
Because of this instability, many disagreements and even wars broke out throughout Italy, dividing it
into many states, which eventually became city–states
The major city–state were Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples
The large number of states created lots of opportunities for the condottieri
The quantity of wealthy courts and cities allowed writers, scholars and artists to rise up and flourish
The sixteenth century is often referred to as the age of "New Monarchies"
New Monarchies drew strength from their sense of nationhood, and more people were giving loyalty
to the sovereign, more than local
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The Jewish Community in Italy Essay
The Jewish Community in Italy
Problems with format
For centuries, there has been a Jewish community in parts of present–day Italy, dating back to the
Roman Empire. In addition to religious differences, Jews were faced with political challenges as
well. The Emperor was included in the pantheon of Roman tradition, which added a political
obligation to religious, and thus Roman citizens were required to ?conciliate the gods.? For Jews,
this requirement created many consequences.[1] According to estimates, there were five to seven
million Jews in the Roman Empire during this time. The relations between the Jews and the Romans
have always been complicated. For in 186 B.C. measures were taken against the Bacchanalia, but in
161 B.C., a ... Show more content on ...
In addition to those geographically in Italy, many Jews were subject to Roman rule. After the
tyrannical emperor Nero committed suicide and violent civil war, Vespasian, of the Flavian dynasty,
gained control. In Judea, Roman rule seemingly contradicted the common Jewish religious–
nationalist sentiments, but Roman rulers established various privileges for those with Hebraic
religious beliefs. Jews, throughout the Empire, were not required to engage in emperor worship,
since it was directly contrary to their monotheistic beliefs. Yet, the Jews and the Romans did clash
on various issues; one example took place during the reign of Caligula, when he ?ordered that a
golden statue of himself be placed in Jerusalem?s temple.?[5] After the Jews firmly resisted,
Caligula rescinded his order.
?In 66 A.D., as a result of the encouragement of militant Jews, the Jewish community initiated a war
of liberation. A five–month siege during 70 A.D., by the Romans, significantly hurt the Jews, and
soon after, the Romans captured and destroyed the Jerusalem temple.? Then, the Romans
transported approximately ten thousand Jews to Rome in order to build the Coliseum.? There was
another Hebrew revolt in Judea under the rule of Hadrian, but the Romans were victorious again.?
Most Palestinian Jews were sold into slavery, exiled to other lands, or killed.? Though the Jews in
Rome were enslaved, their culture
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Comparison Between Walt Disney's The Lady And The Tramp
Often in tales we hear of Italy as the country of love, further emphasised in Walt Disney's "The Lady
and The Tramp", where two mutts fall in love at first sight. Italy has touched the world, well known
for the birth of our modern pizza, and its variety of pastas and sauces, but there is so much more to
this country than its abundance of love and food. Outside of the fact that it is shaped as a boot, Italy
is a one of kind country that has made great strides in history in order to become what it is today.
Exploring the history of Italy, and learning about the daily life of the people who live there way of
its people one might just begin to fall in love. The Origins & History Italy as we know it today was
the result of a collision between
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Italian Family Research Paper
After researching my family history I found out that most of my family is Italian. Italy's flag is
really simple it has three stripes and they are green white red. According to encyclopedia Britannica
Italy's population is 59,993,000 as of 2014 and the capital of Italy is Rome. Italy has some
interesting customs and traditions also, did you know according to encyclopedia Britannica they eat
Sardinian stuffed eggplant? Even though my family is mostly Italian we don't do nearly as much
stuff as some Italian people do! If you think about Italy's a pretty interesting country. Italy has much
more cool back round information than the facts I already told you. According to encyclopedia
Britannica Italy is mostly made up of Roman Catholics, although there are some Muslims and
Protestants. Britannica also says that some of history's most dramatic parts in history. They are old
but still beautiful, like temples alters and city walls are still standing. Some important businesses
and industries in Italy according to Britannica are chemical and petrochemicals, craftsmen, artisans,
designers, builders, and farmers. The website Britannica states that in Italy they grow wheat, flour,
olives, ... Show more content on ...
One thing we do a lot of that is Italian is the food. Every Tuesday we have pizza. At least once a
week we have lasagna or pasta. We also have salad every night with dinner that we eat after the
main course like they do in Italy. My family (besides me) is kind of obsessed in football every year
we go to a neighbor's house for a party and watch the Super bowl, except they don't play a lot of
football in Italy. Another big thing we do have to do with food also is restaurants. Almost every
restaurant we go to is Italian and if it's not then we end up finding things on the menu that is Italian.
So I guess we do do quite a bit of Italian things after
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Little Italy Research Paper
Little Italy is unique because it is no longer the ethnic enclave it was 115 years ago. When
comparing Little Italy to other ethnic neighborhoods, we can immediately see differences. In
Chinatown, for example, there are many Chinese restaurants, businesses, and structures scattered
throughout the neighborhood. In addition, many Chinese people can be found visiting, working, and
even living in the enclave. When you see these Chinese individuals, they are often speaking the
Chinese language. Little Italy, however, is quite different from Chinatown. Unlike Chinatown, Little
Italy has lost its ethnic flavor. While Little Italy was once a neighborhood thriving with a heavy
Italian immigration base, overtime it has lost its identity.
The rapid growth of industry in Chicago created many opportunities for unskilled labor. These
industries ... Show more content on ...
There are Indians, Mexicans, Asians and many others diverse businesses established in Little Italy.
Chicago is known for its diversity. In Chicago all sorts of food, clothing, and music reflect
numerous cultures. There are numerous ethnic enclaves that have put Chicago on the map for its
diversity. However, not every ethnic enclave is what it seems. Compared to most ethnic enclaves in
Chicago, Little Italy is no longer what it was 115 years ago. You will not find a Chinatown or a
Paseo Boricua atmosphere – you will not see Italians – you will not hear the language – and you will
not have much access to authentic Italian foods. Little Italy is Italian in name only as it no longer fits
the definition of an ethnic enclave. Italians, like other immigrants living in enclaves, feel the need to
celebrate their culture and history. Although they no longer live in the area, many return in August to
celebrate their roots. Even though Little Italy is a mix of ethnic diversity, Italian–Americans still
share the sense of cultural pride shared by other ethnic
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Informative Speech Outline
Specific purpose: to inform my audience about the geography, history, economy, culture and cuisine
of Puglia (Apulia), Italy
Central Idea: Apuglia (a lesser known region in Italy) has some of the brightest seas and beautiful
landscapes, rich history, diverse culture, mouthwatering food and kindest people of Italy.
I. How many of you have heard of the Tuscany or Sicily regions of Italy? Or the bigger cities of
Italy: Rome, Milan, Naples or Venice?
A. Most people in the United States are very familiar with these regions and cities of Italy.
II. But how many of you have ever heard of the Puglia or Apulia (as it's pronounced in English)
region of Italy and some of its cities: Brindisi, Taranto, Bari, Grottalia and Villa ... Show more
content on ...
B. In the 4th century the Romans began their conquest of the territory and built the Via Appia (the
historic Roman road) to connect it to Rome.
C. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, Puglia was for a time under the influence
of Byzanthium, then was gradually occupied by the Lombards, the Franks and Saracens.
D. In the 10th century the Eastern Roman Empire defeated the Saracens and came in control, but the
cities of Puglia were already rising in power and wanted more autonomy.
E. In 1059 the Norman Roberto il Guiscardo occupied part of Southern Italy becoming Duke of
Puglia and Calabria, and since then the history of Puglia was the history of the Kingdom of Sicily.
F. The Normans gave way to the Swabians, then the Anjous and then the Aragonese.
G. The region suffered from bad government until the 18th century when it came under control of
the Bourbons.
H. In 1860 Puglia was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy and at that time was divided into only three
provinces: Bari, Foggia and Lecce.
1. Taranto and Brindisi were added in 1927.
2. And Barletta–Andria–Trani was established in 2004. (Transition: with such a rich history, it's no
wonder that Puglia has such a diverse culture.)
III. With such a rich history, it's no wonder that Puglia has such a diverse culture.
A. Because of its varied history and the different languages spoken in this region for centuries, there
are a number of very different dialects spoken
... Get more on ...

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History Of Higher Education In Italy

  • 1. History of Higher Education in Italy Higher Education Internationally: Italy ED 678: The Foundations of Higher Education The groundwork for higher education in Italy was set back in the Middle Ages, similar to other Western European countries of the period. Clusters of students and scholars originally formed the traditional university in Italy. Collectively they founded the first "universitates studiorum " in major cities such as Bologna and Paris. However Bologna is thought to be the oldest living institution established in the eleventh century. (MIUR, n.d.) The University of Bologna claims that the organization of higher education in Italy began when the masters of Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic devoted their studies to the ... Show more content on ... (MIUR, n.d.) Though the changes brought about by the Higher education reform of 1989 were undoubtedly beneficial an even more substantial reform was passes ten years later and introduced in academic year 2001–2002. The main purpose of the new reform was to grant full sovereignty to universities for management and finance as well as for teaching and course planning. (Esposti, 118) The new reform was implemented to guarantee both quantity and quality across the board. MURST had determined that it was necessary to review the entire Higher education system as a whole, in light of the current student needs expressed by very different users with different abilities and motivations. Some of the goals set fourth by the new reform included: professional qualifications for faculty and administrators, internationalization, student welfare, innovative teaching methods and enhanced hands–on tutoring for students. (MIUR, n.d.) Esposti claims that Europe views education as an "active tool in the labor market able to curb unemployment especially among young people, to increase competitiveness and disseminate technology (114)." It appears that Italy has strived to set a number of higher education objectives, which seek to make Italy a strong adversary amongst the other industrialized countries of the European Union. Lastly, to ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The History of Gothic Architecture in Italy Essay Abbott Suger wanted to make Saint Denis a magnificent showplace as the royal Abbey church of France and burial place of French kings. Ribbed vault which were capable of spanning large areas was designed to make gothic churches larger. These Gothic Churches were characterized by enlarged clerestory zone, windows enormous size with inserted new zone and triforium below the ribbed vaults and supporting of an arcade of high piers lining of the nave. These characteristics ensured the support of the greater stress of taller, broader interiors and to create larger window areas as well as the external supports. There was creation greater sense of unity between the spaces of the nave and the adjacent walkway and ambulatory chapels. In the ... Show more content on ... Collectively, they were a force to be reckoned with, and from these Guilds, or trades was born the establishment of our modern system of our modern building labor force infrastructure. The establishment of secret societies, such as the Freemasons also came about as a result of the building of cathedrals using Gothic architecture. "The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe. The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose Window, column figures and the gargoyle among many others. Within Europe, there was a progression of architectural styles, many of which are still evident in the monuments today. The major styles are considered as Carolingian (800–900 AD); Ottonian (1000s); Romanesque (1000s– 1100s); Gothic (late 1100s–1400s). While Romanesque is considered as the architectural style which preceded the Gothic, many of the distinct Romanesque features found within the great cathedrals of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay about The Political History of Italy The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy– History). While the Greeks controlled the south the Gauls, or Celtic people, ruled the north and the Po Valley. But the most important group to settle in Italy was the Etruscans. Because of their advanced civilization, the Etruscans were the only ones to establish political and cultural ideas before the Roman Empire (Windows on Italy– History). At the end of the Etruscans rule, Rome began a unification of Italy and established Latin to be the general language (Defusco). ... Show more content on ... There was much concern about the growing cities in the north while the south remained to depend on its agriculture for support. These concern have not yet been resolved to this day. To gain more territories, Italy joined Germany and Austria in the Triple Alliance in 1882 to conquer Ethiopia and Turkey (Defusco). At the outbreak of World War I, Italy remained neutral until 1915, when the Allies promised Italy more territories (Defusco). At the end of the war Italy only received two of the territories it was promised, which created a strong nationalistic view and disappointment amongst its people. The war created many social and political problems throughout the country and by the election of 1919 things changed dramatically. The socialists and popular Catholic parties took over the Parliament, which lead to the ideas of a revolution among the people (Defusco). One leader of this revolution was Benito Mussolini, who founded a movement called Fascism. After four years of revolution, Mussolini took over as the dictator of Italy and eliminated civil liberties, political parties, and encouraged a totalitarian regime (Defusco). Mussolini soon joined forces with Hitler and World War II came into affect. The Fascists later turned on Mussolini and Italy joined the Allies to fight Germany. This reaction lead to a strong anti–Fascist movement called the Committee of National Liberation (Defusco). By the year 1946 the idea for a republic was anonymous. Various parties were ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Italy : A Long And Rich History Italy stands as the embodiment of unique cuisine, fashion, industry, and culture. Italy holds a long and rich history, starting from how it became one country during ancient times. For thousands of years, people have lived in Italy, relying on its vast amount of assets and resources. There was no established group of settlers to arrive first, because the chief pioneers entailed many different types of people who spoke different languages. Italy was at first preceded by several non–Italian cultures, including Greeks. The Greeks occupied southern Italy, including areas around Sicily. This remained a wealthy extent of land because of the tremendously fertile soil, which then caused the sprout of new cities and civilization. These Greek cities ultimately stood taken over by Roman control. As far as northern city–states, the Etruscans lived in areas influenced by Greek culture. The Etruscans stayed well–known engineers, builders, and traders. Italy was always back and forth in the control of foreign authorities, but finally landed in the power of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire took over at about 450 B.C., but eventually collapsed. The land that now stands as Italy was ruled by Julius Caesar. There were many civil wars before and after Julius Caesar's death. The land was then restored by Octavian, Caesar's son, who later passed his throne to his son Tiberius. Although ancient Italy had been taken over by diverse commands, it still held on to its vast culture and ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. history As germany and italy Essay How successful were Giolitti's government in promoting political stability in Italy in the years 1903 –1914? Giolitti's government was extremely unsuccessful in promoting political stability in Italy. It seemed that the Italian liberal state suffered from political divisions all over the country; this was something no other Liberal western power had experience in the years 1903 to 1914. However under the 'political divisions', Giolitti was trying to reform and modernise Italy during his periods in power as Prime Minister. Giolitti and his government attempted to broaden support for Liberalism by appealing to traditionally hostile groups such as the Catholics and the working–class, created a grand trasformismo (a key concept used to ... Show more content on ... Giolitti attempted to develop the economy of the south; on the other hand they did not want to be helped as much. Giolitti received a different sphere of success. He received moderate support in 1909 and in 1911. Making him prime minister not twice but five times in later years to come. However, political divisions still existed throughout Italy, showing how some of the Italian community lacked in confidence towards Giolitti's government and it only seemed that in the years before 1914 political divisions around the country appeared to be growing only further. Giolitti sought to somehow defuse the discontent by social reforms, for example, the gradual extension of the right to vote and to conciliate the major organized opposition groups in Italy, the socialists and the Roman Catholics. In 1912 the introduction of the universal male suffrage extended to nearly the entire adult male population, from 3.3 to 8.6 million men. On the hand, in the sough, Giolitti's government were less accommodating and would often resort to traditional styled repressing methods in the progress of a protest, as in the years 1903 and 1904. With the growing prosperity in the north the alienation, lead to industrial discontent and under–development in the south. While Giolitti attempted to win nationalist support through war, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Descriptive Essay About Italy Italy is a beautiful Country filled with architecture, history, and romance. Anywhere you go you can find an interesting sculpture, museum, or gallery. Around every corner another story unravels itself and you can see many locations that are simply amazing. The streets are chaos in every way from the traffic to the large crowds of people who are trying to get from location A to location B; however, they are also overwhelmed with lovely, kind people who are always wanting to help or give advice. Although the locals are friendly, they always seem to be in a hurry and many do not feel the need to apologize to every person they accidently bump into walking down the street. In addition, some people may get annoyed easily with the tourists who do not understand their culture or language. Generally speaking, Italians are just a foreign version of Americans with a different background and culture. Although there are some similar features, this country is a must–see destination because you will not see another place like Italy. The pictures above show only a small fraction of Italy's personality. The picture of Venice translates that this country is unique and full of romance. It is unique because of the water and the transportation. Venice is surrounded by four hundred other islands and in order to reach those destinations people have to boat their way across. Venice has their own version of roads in the lagoon and they have a strict set of rules for safety. Italy is romantic ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Did Ladies Have A Renaissance Like The Men? Taking after the Middle Ages in Europe, came the period known as the Renaissance. Renaissance implies resurrection, and it implied the resurrection of antiquated Greek and Roman society for the exclusive class living essentially in Italy around 1350–1650, and incidentally in England in the late sixteenth century, and hardly in France and Northern Europe. Well known from these years were numerous artisans like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and scholars like Machiavelli and Erasmus. Renaissance researchers believe that current political and monetary practices began in the Renaissance, while medievalists (researchers of the Middle Ages) imagine that the forerunners were at that point present in Medieval Society. (Maulde–La–Clavière & R, 1901, p. 36) Another equivalent purpose of dispute was whether ladies themselves added to and profited from the Renaissance. As the prominent student of history Joan Kelly asked quite a few years back, did ladies have a renaissance like the men did? Ladies ' lives all through Europe amid the Middle Ages and Renaissance were unequivocally formed by the irresolute states of mind of a capable Church whose ethical solutions were authorized not just in the confession booth, additionally by the laws of the state. Eve was the villainess of Christian history, the reason for unique sin and of man 's fall. God made her from Adam 's rib, subordinate. (Brown, 2001, p. 27) Be that as it may, she was enticed by the serpent, and enticed Adam to sexual ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Essay about Cultural Awareness the Country of Italy Italy has a rich history at about 600 BC the Etruscans established thriving small cities in and around northern and central Italy; this would lay the foundation for what was to come much later. At around 260 BC, the first of what would be three major wars, called the Punic War took place between a ferocious sworn enemy the city–state of Carthage, which was located in what, is today parts of Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Italy, France, and Malta. Carthage was powerful from northern Africa to parts of southern Europe it dominated. Upon the eventual defeat of the Carthaginians at around 149 to 145 BC, lead to the annexation of all Carthaginian land and the growth of what was to become an empire. Around 45 BC, ... Show more content on ... He also was a trailblazer in promoting fascism, which is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, which tends to view political violence and war as a means to build a stronger nation and thus expanding by absorbing weaker countries. Mussolini sided with Hitler in early 1940, sealing his fate with that of Germany which history tells us started World War II by first invading Poland in 1939 and then attacking both France and England. Germany eventually lost the war and Mussolini was shot and killed on 27 April 1945 by communist partisans in a small village of Giulino di Mezzegra the shooters name was Walter Audisio. After death, Mussolini had to endure more for his wrongdoing by being spat upon shot, and kicked then hung from a meat hook from the roof of a gas station. Civilians and passerby's then stoned the bodies. After Mussolini's downfall, the Christian Democracy political party dominated Italy for 50 years today Italy has a President named Giorgio Napolitano he is the 11th President in the history of the country and the longest serving President in the country's history. The Prime Minister is Matteo Renzi who is 39 years of age making him Italy's youngest leader since Mussolini. Italy has suffered many defeats in its history politically losing much of its power and on the other hand has won many battles having gained much power and worldly authority over many nations. Politics in the twenty first century is very public ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Italian Immigration In The Late 1800s Italian immigration became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899 as 900,000 immigrants fled to America because Italy suffered from overpopulation, poverty and natural disasters. In the 1870s, "Italian birthrates rose and death rates fell" (Digital History). In the poor southern provinces of Italy, over population became severe. By the late 1890s, the illiteracy rate in southern Italy raised to 70 percent, which was ten times the rate in England, France, or Germany. "The Italian government was dominated by northerners, and southerners were hurt by high taxes and high protective tariffs on northern industrial goods. Southerners also suffered from a scarcity of cultivable land, soil erosion and deforestation, and a lack of coal and iron ... Show more content on ... Many Italian immigrants were known as birds of passage because they came to the United States seeking temporary work without any intention of living permanently. Because the economy was suffering in Italy, the Italians were "unable to earn a livelihood in their home countries" (Digital History). Most of the laborers who came to the United States were young men in their teens and twenties, who left behind their parents, wives, and children to work and save money. Before 1900, an estimated 78 percent of Italian immigrants were men. "Many of them traveled to America in the early spring, worked until late fall, and then returned to the warmer climates of their southern European homes winter" (Digital History). Because the Italians were looking for high wages and not long term residency, they migrated to the cities where wages were relatively high despite the poor living conditions. The Italians "lived as inexpensively as possible under conditions that native–born families considered intolerable" (Digital History). The immigrants took heavy construction jobs such as digging tunnels, laying railroad tracks, constructing bridges and roads, and erecting skyscrapers. "As early as 1890, 90 percent of New York City's public works employees and 99 percent of Chicago's street workers were Italian" (Digital History). The Italians played a major role in the development of big United States cities as they were the labor force of the construction jobs. While the Italians migrated to these large cities together, they formed ethnic enclaves and left Italian culture in these ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Marketing Plan For Whole Foods Market Company/Product Background For this Global Marketing Foreign Market Entry and Marketing Plan, we will be expanding the Whole Foods Market into Italy. Whole Foods Market is considered to be a higher end, more organic store with higher priced products than other markets in the United States. The motto of the brand is "America's Healthiest Grocery Store" (Whole Foods Market History, 2016). They are concerned with what their customers are eating and overall health, so they offer so many products that are both high quality and healthy. This company began with John Mackey and Renee Lawson, who owned Safer Way Natural Foods in Austin, Texas. They joined forces with Craig Weller and Mark Skiles who owned Clarksville Natural Grocery, and founded Whole Foods Market in 1980 (Whole Foods Market History, 2016). Unfortunately, in 1981, there was a disastrous flood that almost completely destroyed the first market. Without any insurance on the property, many of the market's customers and community members helped to clean and restore the space. Whole Foods Market was able to reopen the location in less than a month (Whole Foods Market History, 2016). After a few years, Whole Foods Market started to expand their locations; first through Texas, in the cities of Houston and Dallas in 1984. In 1988, the expansion continued into Louisiana when Whole Foods Market bought Whole Foods Company in New Orleans. In 1989, the growth was rapid and the company reached out to the west coast, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Greek Influence On Italy Italy is a nation that is present in southern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea. It is also known for its cultural heritage and for its most famous architectural achievements. However, Italy is also considered by many historians as one of the most sly and mysterious country in World War I. Many would remember major powers such as Great Britain, Germany, and Russia, however, these small countries contribute to major battles and events in history. Moreover, Italy infamously went from being a neutral country to being a victim of war. Likewise, Italy has been in the same situation as Belgium in which they follow a policy of neutrality but in the end are influenced by other countries to join the war. Italy is considered by scholars as a key contributor ... Show more content on ... Whether in times of Renaissance or when the Roman Empire began to flourish, Italy had remained loyal to their culture. The culture of italy had originated from Greece which, no one had outdone them until the reign of the Roman Empire. The culture of Greece had such a major impact that it can be seen centuries later. Primarily, this can be authenticated as seen in the religion aspect in World War I. Italy's main religion is catholicism which comprised ¾ of the population while the ¼ of the people were cast out and were forgotten. The religion of Catholicism has been present since ancient times and is still present today. Furthermore, Italy's culture was so great and extraordinary because their culture was very unique unlike any other nation. As a result, many civilizations and nations had been greatly influenced almost to the point of assimilation. Such unique aspects can be observed in their art. Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Raphael, and Michelangelo are one of the many influential artists in the world. Their famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Scream, Starry Night, and The Creation of Adam have been so successful that they are the most recognizable pieces of art today. Furthermore, artists of italy have been known to be very adroit at creating fascinating sculptures like The Statue of David and The Madonna of Humility. However, music and drama had the same degree of influence just as art had on its people and other nations. Music has been known to play a major role in society since the beginning of the Middle Ages. For example, Andrea Amati who had lived from the ages of 1500 until 1577, laid the basis of violin making. The art of drama had originated in Greece but it was culturally diffused into the empire of Rome. It's main ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Comparison Of Chinatown And Little Italy Chinatown and Little Italy Have you ever taken a stroll down the lower eastside of Manhattan? It's a great place to be indeed. The many smells of fine Chinese and Italian food flood the streets. Yes this is where the famous Chinatown and Little Italy is located in New York City. There are more then just fine foods, shops, and people. In fact there is a lot of history behind these two towns that many people do not know about. How they came to be and what makes each town unique. First you have the famous Chinatown. It is the largest Chinatown in the United States. It is favored by Chinese immigrants and has an estimated population between 70,000 to 150,000 people alone. During the mid eighteenth century some ... Show more content on ... When the Exclusion Act was lifted in 1943, China was given a small immigration quota, and the community continued to grow. It started expanding slowly throughout the '40s and '50s. Today Chinatown is greatly crowded but is still growing. Chinatown now offers to many tourists and residents like restaurants, booming fruit, fish markets, and shops of knickknacks. But its overcrowding streets are the main offer it gives us. Secondly, other then the famous Chinatown and its history there is another ethnic town that has captured many peoples interest and that is the town of Little Italy. Italian immigrants first settled in the Five Points neighborhood in the 1850s, spreading north into what is now Little Italy in the 1880s. Little Italy was once a safe haven for Italian immigrants during the nineteenth century. Little Italy stretched from Broadway on the west to the east. Then from south Canal street to north Huston street. New York City boasted several Italian enclaves that separated particularly Neapolitans, Sicilians and Calabrains. These groups populated Little Italy the most. The first pizzeria in New York was Gennaro Lombardi's that opened on Spring Street in 1905. Immigrants from southern Italy celebrated the first Feast of San Gennaro along Mulberry Street in about 1926. Also Little Italy may have been the birthplace of the Mafia in the United States. From the south, Little Italy has lately been colonized by Chinatown. Its ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Cultural Differences Between Ancient Greece And Italy The Mediterranean Region includes twenty–one countries spread between three continents. The countries I chose are Greece and Italy. Both Greece and Italy have unique cultures. These countries are known for their religion, art, language, and food. Although these cultural aspects are important to both countries, food plays the most predominant role because food in both Greece and Italy, brings family gatherings. Italy is known for having wine, cheese, and pasta while Greece is famous for their herbs and spices. One of the most important foods that Greece and Italy have in common is olives and olive oil. The history of olives and olive oil in Greece and Italy shows the importance of Greek and Roman history through its origin, role in trade, its ... Show more content on ... During ancient times, olives were crushed by foot, with a stone roller, or even in mechanical presses. The Romans, however, while continuing to use traditional methods, were able to advance the process of olive oil production by making stone mills with animals. They also advanced the traditional beam press into a screw press. Both advancements made olive oil production faster, more efficient, and more for popular demand. The book "Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome," written by Marcus Apicius, a wealthy Roman merchant and epicure who was famous for his cookbooks, states "to keep olives fresh from the tree, in a manner enabling you to make oil from them any time you desire just place them in brine if you desire to make oil of them." This primary source helps understand the history of the culture because it helps us realize the process that the Romans had went through to get certain sources they used in their daily lives. Finally, olive oil is made in an even simpler process today, through a hydraulic press. However, the process is still time and labor ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Viaggio Italy Research Paper Viaggio Italiano The southern European country of Italy is relatively small and is located in Europe. Italia is in fact smaller than the state of Texas but don't underestimate this little European country. In spite of the fact that Italy is smaller than Texas, it has a larger population of people and this was established about a couple years back. "The CIA estimated the population of Italy in July 2015 to be 61,855,120, which put it at number 24 in population among the 238 countries, dependencies and territories of the world." ("Italy" 387–406). Tourists and recent statistics on inhabitants are obviously excluded from the population census, but the number of citizens in this European country remains larger than The Lone Star State. Finding ... Show more content on ... "A million square feet of Italian delicacies." (Rail 1). Although it's popular for food, it's also popular for being the romance language, possession of lovely scenery, presentation of famous artworks, historic value, and the abundance of history within its life. All of this is already realized, but what isn't really known is just how amazing it must be to witness the true foundation of Italia. Individuals would be greeted by a feeling of freedom and relaxation and what a magnificent feeling it must come to experience. Why is it such a wonderful sensation? The speaking in foreign tongues people hear is in all likelihood the strangest, but most real encounter. "It is a journey that will examine the history of Italy, its complex politics and the whole spectrum of Italian culture" ("Activities in Italy" 1). The buildings and architecture one can discern, the cobblestone streets, and the chatter in foreign tongues is bound to be a great memory. Perhaps the most important thing to understand when visiting this beautiful, small country, is the history. The most interesting thing one could learn about is certainly the Renaissance, and just the long history of Italy and how it got its shape and recognition. Everyone who has lived and who'll live, they'll learn about this foreign country because of the Renaissance. The Renaissance was Italy's golden age, and they are now living in a Post– Renaissance ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Paris Bordone During The Italian Renaissance During the Italian Renaissance, societal changes allowed for the introduction of high–class pieces of artwork into the elite community. Artists such as Michelangelo, and Botticelli flourished during this era, creating masterpieces that continue to relevant in this day, and age. One such painter, Paris Bordone played a very influential role in the renaissance and produced numerous works such as Annunciation, the Baptism of Christ, Bathsheba Bathing, with an African Servant, Chess Player, and A Portrait of a Lady. Born on July 5th, 1500, Bordone lived in Treviso before moving to Venice in his late adolescence. He applied for a brief apprenticeship with Renaissance giant Titian, and branched out as a painter by the 1520's. There he began his career painting biblical portraits in Italy. Somewhere between 1534–1535, Bordone first gained recognition as an "maestro" for painting a canvas of the The Fisherman Presenting the Ring to Doge Gradenigo. This boosted his career, but also showcased his limitations as his usage of perspective in his painting created dwarfed backgrounds. However, this didn't detract his fame as he became a famous name in Venetian cultural achievement. Bordone use of Mannerism lead to his crowning achievement, the Portrait of Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio in 1552. This piece of art embodies the four ideals of the Renaissance, as well as providing a critic of society. The Portrait of Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio was fabricated for master goldsmith Giovanni Jacopo ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. History Of Italy 's Liberation Day Essay The events that occur to a country in the past shape how the country is today. In Italy there is a day that represents a very important movement in history. Italy 's liberation day is celebrated to remember the fallen fighting during WWII, and in the Resistance. This day was a day that marked a dictatorship to fall, and a much needed improvement to occur on Italy. The date is April 25, Italy 's Liberation Day. Every year on this day not only Italy but all around, people gather from far and near to celebrate this holiday. On April 25 streets all over are crowded with thousands of people enjoying what is happening around them. This is one of the most important days in Italy because it marks the end of Mussolini regime. Parades, marches, concerts, food festivals, political rallies, and speeches honoring the partisans are all taking place on this day. Schools and many public places are closed as well. The one main tradition that exists and will always exist is the song Bella Ciao playing throughout the town. This song was played during WWll and gave hope to all who were fighting. Although this is a very festive day, the main purpose of April 25 in Italy is to honor those who have served, and risked their lives in the Italian Resistance for others to have freedom in the future. People all around can and will celebrate this day. Even people, who do not understand the real meaning behind this holiday, still come together and enjoy themselves, because freedom is what the soldiers ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Italian Immigration Issue Analysis The Italian public, led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, share a communal problem on the subject of Immigration with the United States. Presidential hopefuls have headlined their campaigns with powerful focus on immigration agenda. Additionally, Italy's immigration issues have been of great concern in recent months, with both countries relating to the war against terrorism, and the emigration movements from the Middle East. RAI news of Italy suggests that Trump's harsh agenda has potential, it does comes with moral conflict(1). At the 2016 Bratislava Summit, Renzi appeared furious at the EU's handling of immigration policy, stating if the EU doesn't deal with immigration, " [Italy] will."(3) Obama and Renzi lead countries of "inclusive, growing ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the idea of having immigrants contribute to the economy is difficult based on the operations of Italy's socialist economy, whereas in America there is potential for immigrants to increase economic activity. There is speculation that immigrants in italy do not give back to their economy, which is a leading factor in the failing Italian economy. A clear recommendation looking forward would be to negotiate with the EU using the American support led by President–elect Donald Trump, who holds a strict immigration policy. The Republic of Italy should only settle for all countries in the EU taking on the migrant crisis, as well as financial compensation towards the effort Italy has given in the crisis. Additionally, a number should be set declaring just how many immigrants can be allowed into Italy based on financial and societal circumstances. Across the pond, the United States must learn from mistakes created by Italy and the EU in order to make sure flaws in the economy do not result from immigration. Although it is against morals, immigration needs to have strict limitation. Machiavelli praised a leader who is more feared than loved in The Prince, and while fear does not have to be intensified, it is necessary that the law serves the greater good of the state. The Italian American friendship has deep ties through history and culture, so using this philosophy from Machiavelli could lead the friendship towards finding a rightful resolution of the immigration crisis both countries face. The bond between Italy and America is kept tight through our history, our culture, and our progressive vision for the world. This bond is what gives the relation such a resounding impact on the rest of the world. Renzi believes "we will never be tired of being true [friends]"(2) speaking of Italy and America, and this could not be ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Finding a Little Bit More about Italy Since I am interested in Italy, I decided to find out a little more about it. One of the first things I would like to find out is some basic information about the country. Another thing I would like to find out is what happened in Italy's history. Furthermore, it would also be interesting to learn about the country's current leader. Information about the capital city is another thing that I want to discover about Italy. In addition, I would like to find out about popular attractions that are located in Italy. Finally, I want to learn about a famous person who was born in Italy. Those are some of things I hope to learn from doing this project. The first thing I wanted to fine out was some basic information about Italy I found out that Italy is location at the west central part of the country. Italy is slightly large then the state of Arizona. The size of Italy is Sicily has a surface area of 25.708sq km the boot–shaped Italian mainland extends. The population was estimated around 57,423,000 that means there were more woman then menthe south rate is around .10%. The climate is similar to our with cold winter and out warm summer bur with a lot of rain (Italy). The flag colors are green, white, and red with vertical stripes that goes up and down. There coins are call euros and they are 1, 5,10,20,50,100,200 and 500 euros equal a dollar nine. There holidays are differences then are but still very much alike. The groups are with German speaking in Latin in Rome. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Similarities Between Italy And Canada You would think that a country like Italy with over 10,000 years of history compared to a country like Canada that has only been around for 150 years would be totally different, right? Well, Italy and Canada actually have quite a few similarities. Firstly, they are both democratic countries, meaning that they get to select their representatives of the government. Secondly, both Italy and Canada are bordered by oceans from east to west, while also having a dramatic mountain ranges. If scenery is what you're looking for in your travels, why not visit both Canada and Italy! Aside from these similarities, Italy and Canada do have many differences. The most obvious being the language barrier. Italy's official language is Italian, however some people ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Italian Wealth And The Renaissance (Draft) Italian Wealth and the Renaissance (Draft) The Renaissance was an intellectual and artistic movement from roughly the 14th to the 17th century centered around humanism and individualism. After starting in Italy, the Renaissance and its humanistic ideas spread North to places like Germany, Flanders, and England. Italy's wealth, caused by its extensive trade, market economy, and elite–ruled political structure, served as a medium for the dawn of the Renaissance. Italian city–states accumulated much wealth through their large–scale trade operation. Italy had many advantages when it came to trade. One of these advantages was location, as "geography ... [gave] the Italian city–states the potential to acquire great wealth through trade" (Valente). ... Show more content on ... Italy's sophisticated market economy was based on supply and demand. Keeping this system prevented Italian city–states from "plung[ing] into a barter–based economy during the Middle Ages" (Valente), thus allowing it to maintain most of its pre–medieval wealth unlike most of Western Europe. A barter–based economy had many limitations, such as the need for simultaneous want by both parties involved and the lack of a satisfactory way to quantify goods' worth, making the market economy a more desirable option. Another reason Italy managed to be an exception during the Middle Ages was that "cities in Italy were independent of feudal lords or enjoyed generous relationships with them" (Blackwell), giving city–states freedom to choose and develop their economic system. Independence gives societies the opportunity to flourish, fully develop their methods, and gain wealth. Finally, the market economy gave the opportunity for a new class to become extremely wealthy: bankers. "The rise of new powerful banking institutions and of a new class of bankers ... made the Renaissance possible" (Valente) because they both managed the wealth of Italy and also gained wealth themselves. Banking institutions and bankers helped manage the market economy that thrived in Italy. Italy's wealthy–led political organization enabled rulers' channeling of money into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Strategies Of Germany And Italy Due to latest events media and citizens attention it's more than ever focused on migration but there is a general ignorance about history and real numbers of people moving every year all over the world and the reason why they move. European states can't ignore the fact that migration matters all of them nowadays, just thinking about the fact that 11% of total population of developed regions are international migrant. Being related to global circumstances and issues migration is not only a recent fact: Koser (2007, 4) states that migration had a relevant role through history and it continues today. In the past European population moved within and outside the Old Continent for several reasons (religion, wars, exchanges, climate change, ... Show more content on ... The recruitment was exclusively in the industrial for jobs with few qualifications. Things changed by the end of 1980s when the number of people seeking asylum in Germany increased. Between 1988 and 1992 a total of 1.1 million asylum applications were lodged. (Oezcan, 2004) German and Italian flow history is clearly connected, also due to the fact that those two countries are neighbors. During the last century Italians citizens have emigrate all over the word, especially in the United States and in Germany. From 1968 all the members of European Community had the right to free– cross borders and many families rejoined workers in Germany. According to the U.S. department of Commerce more than 40000 Italians immigrated to the United States from 1945 to 1969. In those years there has been a high number of repatriated (about 50%) but in subsequent years this changed and, due to the poverty in their country Italians migrated to U.S. and remained there. Nowadays according to US CENSUS Bureau (2000) the 5.6% of Americans citizens declares to have Italian descent. The approach of Italy to incoming migrants is changed over the years. Although in 1974 the European Economic Community formally closed borders to migrants not from ECC Italy's government did not follow suit. The influx of immigration was not immediately considered an issue also in view of the fact that Italy had a very low rate of population and a lot ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Cultural Intelligence Of The United States And Italy Globalization has made it paramount for businesses and individuals that want to venture into a different country to have cultural intelligence of that country. Cultural intelligence is defined as capability to successfully adapt to new cultural environments and unfamiliar settings attributable to cultural context (Earley, Ang, and Tan 2006). Obtaining cultural knowledge allows business relationships to flourish, provides feasibility and sustainability for the business. It also shows cultural sensitivity, which is important when trying to win over locals of a specific area. The United States and Italy The United States and Italy are both advanced industrial countries, yet they differ in many areas including culture and how business is conducted. The United States has very little cultural influence on Italy; in fact it is the opposite. The element of diversity is deep within the United States that it has become a melting pot filled with an array of music, food, language, and many other customs that are not native. The relationship between the two countries has seen its adversity but they have created a strong bilateral relationship which aids in strengthening the economy of both countries. In the 2013 Italy–United States Summit then Ambassador David Thorne stated "Globalization is the disruptive force, in both a positive and negative sense, that is challenging both of our countries today and it is reshaping our traditional ways of thinking about the world." As markets ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Art History : Renaissance Italy Art ART HISTORY: RENAISSANCE ITALY ART Yim Tsz Fung Jeremy SID: 430114898 Date INTRODUCTION Italian Renaissance was a period of great cultural changes in Europe that started in Italy in the 14th century and continued until the 16th century. Renaissance marked the evolution between Medieval and the early modern Europe. The era of rebirth is known for the renewed interests in the culture of traditional antique after the Dark Ages. In the renaissance, art was very important as people expected it to have a significant effect on their lives. People anticipated art to delight and entice them into holding and maintaining their beliefs. Art was also expected to guide people of that time to engage in certain behaviors. Therefore, it was ... Show more content on ... Renaissance art affected both the artists and their patrons with the expansion of current techniques and artistic sensibilities. It made a great contribution to the development of literature, architecture, science, philosophy and many other aspects of the society of those times. In the 15th century, Europe underwent a lot of improvements. It evolved from medieval feudal sates that were governed by wealthy landowners into town centers that were concentrated, functioning as powerful economical nuclei. The cities took political and financial power and the middle classes, that mainly consisted of artisans, merchants and bankers, had a significant responsibility in commerce with their independence and wealth. This economic prosperity was in particular marked in Italy where several palaces and villas were constructed to create a big demand for spendthrift domestic art and furniture. These were the requirements for the newly wealthy and the established aristocratic patrons. For example, the Farnese table of the metropolitan had a marble inlay and was commissioned for a rich papal family. This represents the kind of monumental furniture mostly found in the newly constructed spacious interiors of the superb palaces. Giotto was the first to start Italian Renaissance art as a painter who broke with the tradition of Byzantine art and made advances in presenting the human body in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Italy Research Paper Italy is one of the world's most amazing countries, its full of sites, activities, so many things that you could never be bored. Italy is located in southern Europe, it surrounds two if the world's smallest countries. Italy's culture is amazing and unique, it has many unique qualities and features in its culture. Italy has many regions along with it, just for one country. It has twenty regions. Italy also has many more amazing facts and sites about its country and the people. Italy has an amazing beautiful culture full of amazing history and traditions. Italy has one official language and its Italian. Italian is originally called Italiana and the language has been around since the 900's. Italy's religion is called Roman Cathoclism. The ... Show more content on ... Each region has its own qualities and tradition and ways. Italy has an industrial economy. Italy's economy is supported by enterprise. Each region has its very own history as well. Italy is located by the Mediterranean sea so the climate is warm and is usually 90 degrees. Italy's government is democracy and republic. In some regions people speak different languages mainly French, German, and Ladin. Italy's money is called a euro a beautiful piece of paper. Italy has many amazing facts, traits, historical events, and more. Italy has a population of 61.3 million people. People from all over the world comes the visit Italiy's beautiful cities and tourist sites. The capital of Italy is Rome. Rome is full of amazing history and historical sites. Like its language name Italy isn't the original name the country. Italy comes from the name Italia. In conclusion, Italy is an amazing beautiful with amazing cities and tourist sites. People come from all over the world to explore the beautiful country and its history. Italy has relatable climate to Louisiana, we have some parts that get cold but usually extremely hot and humid because we're surrounded by water. Italy also has the beautiful city of Venice that attracts so much tourism. Italy is an amazing country with a lot of culture, many regions, and history. Many people go there and there'd people that would love to go there such as my ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Humanism As The Foundation For The Italian Renaissance What is Humanism? Why is Humanism often considered the foundation for the Italian Renaissance? Why did Humanism take root in Italy? Why did Humanism drastically change the literature being produced in Italy? These are the key questions to consider when attempting to understand why Humanism a spark to a flame for many in fourteenth century Italy. For Humanism not only brought the Renaissance to Italy, but created a whole new form of documentation, which has persevered throughout time. During the European Renaissance, knowledge was an eternal fountain for many countries. The most beautiful and renowned art was being created. The study of Math and Science will forever be changed as new advances mature. Technology was advancing and countries were in a race to see who would have the next innovative war strategy or genius inventor. In modern comparison, it was like the United States against Russia in the Arms Race. However, in Italy something truly innovative was happening. At the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, Italy was split into city–states, however knowledge was always on the brim of expanding and in a few years, Italian intellect would be exponentially larger. The start of this growth actually begins in Germany, 1439, Johannes Gutenburg, produces the first printing press, forever changing the literary industry by making it easier to print more copies and allowing manuscripts to be available to the public. Now that the printing press had been created, publishing and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Most Exotic Locations On The Planet INTRO: Italy is one of the most exotic locations on the planet. Known to have some of the most strikingly powerful and majestic art and architectural masterpieces ever created in history. Being home to some of the most famous and recognizable artists and pieces of work out there, its beauty and fine works is the main reason why hundreds of thousands of people travel there each year. To make things even more enticing, every street, every corner, and every turn is a piece of history. Italy excels when it comes to history, delivering a rich and powerful display of what it was and what it is now. That is why I have chosen to write my research report on this location. Italy has always been fascinating to me, and it has continued to become even ... Show more content on ... With such a strongly built population and foundation it's no surprise that the population birth rate only continues to grow. Italy is not growing at a rapid rate like that of China or India; in fact it ranks 171 when being compared to the rest of the world, having a growth rate of only 0.3%. As the population begins to gradually grow, it is not just due to birth rates, in fact that's not even the reason why the country is growing. Italy's birth rate is at 8.84% per every 1,000 of the population of the country, while Italy's death rate is surprisingly higher, being at 10.1%. So where is this slight growth in population coming from? Ranking 29th place when being compared to the world, Italy's net migration rate is growing at 4.29% for every 1,000 of the countries population. Another factor that explains Italy's growing population is that the life expectancy is ranked rather high when being compared to the world. Coming in 11th place, the life expectancy for the citizens of Italy is around 82 years old, which is 3 years better than the United States, which has a life expectancy rate of 79. The urbanization rate of Italy is rather high as well, being around 68.8% of the total population and having an annual rate of change of 0.39% annually. Its not entirely sure where all of these migrants are coming from, Italy has been described ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and Renaissance... Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing" takes place in Messina, a city–state of Renaissance Italy. The Renaissance was a period in European history believed to have been between AD 1300 and AD 1600 with a feudal society of agricultural economy and church dominated culture. It was during the Renaissance that Europe was transformed into a society dominated by central political institutions with education, arts and music heavily influenced by the Christian religion. In Italy, cities such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice flourished. These cities were able to finance cultural achievements. Medieval Italian merchants developed commercial and financial techniques such as bookkeeping and bills of exchange. Italian city–states were ... Show more content on ... One of John's men enacts a scene at Hero's window with a woman who appears to be Hero. When Claudio and Pedro observe this, they are easily deceived and Claudio angrily denounces Hero to be hidden as though dead until Claudio regains his senses. When the constable, Dogberry, arrests John's men, who then readily confess their guilt, Claudio is forced to admit his error in thinking Hero would deceive him. He then mourns for her and agrees to marry her cousin. The cousin turns out to be a disguised and forgiving Hero. After all this "ado" the two couples are married and Don John is arrested. Don Pedro is a linking character, playing many key roles in the play. In many ways, he shows the influence of the time period. Being the prince of Aragon, a region in northeast Spain, he carries the title of respect "Don". He seems to be the stereotypical leader of the Renaissance times, enjoying being in charge as well as possessing the ability to woo young women. He also shows the time period in the situation with his brother Don John. Because he was born outside of marriage, Don John has no official claim on any of his family's wealth or position. He then tries to overthrow Pedro in battle. Other characters positions also illustrate the time period. For example, Dogberry and Verges who are the constable and deputy constable. Their rough habits and garbled speech show the mannerisms of the Renaissance peasants. Hero's maidservants' occasional vulgar comments also demonstrate ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Analysis Of Giuseppe Mazzini's The Duties Of Man Giuseppe Mazzini was instrumental in unifying the Italian nation as his ideals spread throughout Italy's intellectual community. Although many of his attempts at rallying the common people to a revolution failed, he circulated and popularized the idea of a fully unified Italy for the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire. In his work "The Duties of Man," Mazzini establishes that he is largely a romantic nationalist, since he draws heavily on history; however, he utilizes the power of certain liberal nationalist sentiments such as individuals' rights in his own work. In this document, Mazzini largely focuses on how the ideas circulated after the French Revolution regarding the rights of man have corrupted the true nature of a nation by creating a culture of greed and egoism. While he openly discourages the erasure and pursuit of these rights, he is quick to point out that individuals' egoism and each nation's separation of class "... has grown and grows worse in nearly every country, and especially where I write the price of the necessaries of life has gone on continually rising, the wages of the working–man in many branches of industry falling and the population multiplying" (87). He argues here that allowing any nation to be solely characterized by the rights of its citizens causes a nation to define itself based on the millions of individuals, dividing any community or society–which he believes is the backbone of the nation. In Mazzini's view, the solution to this is by fostering a national culture of duty to one another. When he asks, "What is Society but a collection of men who have agreed to bring the strength of the many in support of the rights of each?" the audience is forced to question their own personal hierarchy between rights and duties; for what is a nation if there is no work or duty in achieving and maintaining the rights of every man within the nation (89)? It is through this investigation that Mazzini reveals his ideas of what makes a nation a nation. By using familial themes, much like the Russian romantic nationalist, Khomyakov, he is able to portray the nation's people more clearly as a brotherhood and the nation itself as a maternal figure. Both Mazzini and Khomyakov promote ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Benito Mussolini: A Brief History Of Italy A Brief History of the Countries– Italy Immediately following WWI, fascist right–wing dictators promised to stop the spread of Bolshevism. Benito Mussolini, a manipulative politician and charismatic leader, blamed socialists for Italy's state of weakness, and became Prime Minister after the "Blackshirts" March in October 1922. Mussolini used violence and intimidation to arrest 4,000, and reinstated the death penalty. In October 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia and the League of Nations only passed economic sanctions; Italy felt alienated, and as a result, signed the Rome–Berlin Axis and became allies with Germany. On June 10, 1940, Italy entered the war by joining the German invasion of France. Italy had delayed the start date of the German ... Show more content on ... She was born to Edith Frank–Hollander and Otto Frank. Anne and her family considered themselves Reform Jews, meaning they followed the traditional Jewish ideas without the strict customs.(Rol,) When Hitler came to power in 1933, the Frank family fled from Germany. Otto Frank received a job offer in Amsterdam for a company called Opekta–Works, and the family moved to the Netherlands. In 1934, Anne started school a Montessori school, and proved an intelligent girl early on. On June 12, 1942, Anne's thirteenth birthday, Anne was given a diary, in which she wrote about her life, but avoided the topic of war.(Rol,) In July 1942, Anne, her family, and four other Jews went into hiding in the attic above Otto's business. On August 4, 1944, nearly two years after going into hiding, the secret attic was betrayed and the eight Jews were taken to concentration camps. On March 1, 1945, Anne Frank died of typhus in the concentration camp in Bergen–Belsen, however she lives on through her diary, in which people are able to learn about how life was as a Jew in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Research Paper On Italy Italy is famous for its art, architecture, and, of course, food. Italy has great buildings that have lasted years. These buildings include the Coliseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Pantheon. Italy is also known for its food. Bread, ice cream, and pizza are two things Italy has created. The country of Italy boasts takes pride in its loving culture, strong government, unique geography, enjoyable climates, and thriving economy. Italy has a great culture that revolves around family and food. The people like to stay strong in their relationships. Every night, Italian families take a walk called Passeggiata (Nation Facts). This helps people stay fit and spend time with family and friends. Religion also has a part in Italy's culture. Most ... Show more content on ... To begin, Italy's government is a republic. The capital is a very big part of Italy. The capital of Italy is Rome. Rome is called the Eternal City because it is still around now ( Italy, like the U.S., has an age at which you are allowed to vote. People in Italy are allowed to vote at age 18 (The World Factbook). The president terms are almost double the length of the U.S.'s. The presidents of Italy serve a term of seven years long. The flag has three stripes going vertically. The colors are red, green, and white, which are the national colors. The flag was adopted on June 19, 1946. The green stands for hope, the white stands for faith, and the red stands for ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Messina Earthquake of 1908 Essay Earthquakes have been recorded throughout history for thousands of years. Even before seismographs in early times, there are records and accounts of mysterious ground shaking. Earthquakes occur when rocks break along an underground fault (UPSeis, 2007). This, in return, causes vibrations through the earth which causes ground shaking. The magnitude of the shaking varies depending on how great the movement along the fault is; the greater the movement, the bigger the earthquake. Some earthquakes are huge and cause significant damage, while others are small and cause little or no damage what–so–ever. Earthquakes are unpredictable, and can happen at any time. It is uncertain where an earthquake will strike, but there is a greater risk ... Show more content on ... The Messina earthquake lasted only thirty seconds, but in that time most of Messina, along with a huge portion of Reggio Calabria, was almost entirely destroyed. The earthquake's epicenter occurred along the Messina Straight and had a relatively shallow depth of about ten kilometers. Following the earthquake, there were a series of two hundred ninety–three aftershocks reported that were recorded over a course of about three months (RMS 2008). As survivors from the quake rushed around in fear and confusion, they were greeted by yet another disaster. Shortly after the earthquake, a tsunami occurred. The tsunami's waves struck the coastline beginning at twenty feet. But as more waves hit the coast, the height of the tsunami grew to just under forty feet, taking out everything that hadn't already been destroyed by the earthquake, reducing the entire city to rubble. The tsunami stretched across sixty–two miles of coastline near Messina, and another twenty–four miles of coastline near Calabria. The damage from the tsunami was greater near the Calabria coast, where waves were higher and the water quickly swallowed houses and bridges, and flooded rivers. The tsunami that occurred in Messina still holds the title for one of the biggest tsunamis in today's history. Recently, however, geologists have revisited origin of the tsunami, which is now widely debated. Some ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Boundless World History: Italy During The Renaissance Source A Boundless World History. "Italy during the Renaissance". Lumen. Boundless World History. 27 May 2018. (–– removed HTML ––) The House of Medici had abundant power in Florence during the Renaissance, as well as other members of the richest part of society The rise of the merchant class in politics contributed to the prosperity of Italy in the late Middle Ages The growth of international trade boosted economy and also aided the affluence of Northern and Central Italy in the late Middle Ages Northern Italy did not have more resources than most of Europe, but it was able to prosper due to the development rate through international trade The rich merchants gained their roles in politics through financial skill, with Northern and Central ... Show more content on ... Spotlight on Renaissance Europe. England: Hodder Wayland. 1986. 76. While Florence was a republic, it was largely ruled over by a single family – the Medicis They were the greatest bankers in Europe, and at the time wealth was more important than wealth in determining status Professional soldiers employed by Italians, or condottieri, could also rise to fame, and positions of power "In our change–loving Italy where nothing stands firm and no ancient dynasty exists, a servant can easily become a king" – Pope Pius II In Italy at that time, nothing was entirely stable, and rulers where always changing, and the government was never standing firm Because of this instability, many disagreements and even wars broke out throughout Italy, dividing it into many states, which eventually became city–states The major city–state were Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples The large number of states created lots of opportunities for the condottieri The quantity of wealthy courts and cities allowed writers, scholars and artists to rise up and flourish The sixteenth century is often referred to as the age of "New Monarchies" New Monarchies drew strength from their sense of nationhood, and more people were giving loyalty to the sovereign, more than local ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Jewish Community in Italy Essay The Jewish Community in Italy Problems with format For centuries, there has been a Jewish community in parts of present–day Italy, dating back to the Roman Empire. In addition to religious differences, Jews were faced with political challenges as well. The Emperor was included in the pantheon of Roman tradition, which added a political obligation to religious, and thus Roman citizens were required to ?conciliate the gods.? For Jews, this requirement created many consequences.[1] According to estimates, there were five to seven million Jews in the Roman Empire during this time. The relations between the Jews and the Romans have always been complicated. For in 186 B.C. measures were taken against the Bacchanalia, but in 161 B.C., a ... Show more content on ... In addition to those geographically in Italy, many Jews were subject to Roman rule. After the tyrannical emperor Nero committed suicide and violent civil war, Vespasian, of the Flavian dynasty, gained control. In Judea, Roman rule seemingly contradicted the common Jewish religious– nationalist sentiments, but Roman rulers established various privileges for those with Hebraic religious beliefs. Jews, throughout the Empire, were not required to engage in emperor worship, since it was directly contrary to their monotheistic beliefs. Yet, the Jews and the Romans did clash on various issues; one example took place during the reign of Caligula, when he ?ordered that a golden statue of himself be placed in Jerusalem?s temple.?[5] After the Jews firmly resisted, Caligula rescinded his order. ?In 66 A.D., as a result of the encouragement of militant Jews, the Jewish community initiated a war of liberation. A five–month siege during 70 A.D., by the Romans, significantly hurt the Jews, and soon after, the Romans captured and destroyed the Jerusalem temple.? Then, the Romans transported approximately ten thousand Jews to Rome in order to build the Coliseum.? There was another Hebrew revolt in Judea under the rule of Hadrian, but the Romans were victorious again.? Most Palestinian Jews were sold into slavery, exiled to other lands, or killed.? Though the Jews in Rome were enslaved, their culture ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Comparison Between Walt Disney's The Lady And The Tramp Often in tales we hear of Italy as the country of love, further emphasised in Walt Disney's "The Lady and The Tramp", where two mutts fall in love at first sight. Italy has touched the world, well known for the birth of our modern pizza, and its variety of pastas and sauces, but there is so much more to this country than its abundance of love and food. Outside of the fact that it is shaped as a boot, Italy is a one of kind country that has made great strides in history in order to become what it is today. Exploring the history of Italy, and learning about the daily life of the people who live there way of its people one might just begin to fall in love. The Origins & History Italy as we know it today was the result of a collision between ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Italian Family Research Paper After researching my family history I found out that most of my family is Italian. Italy's flag is really simple it has three stripes and they are green white red. According to encyclopedia Britannica Italy's population is 59,993,000 as of 2014 and the capital of Italy is Rome. Italy has some interesting customs and traditions also, did you know according to encyclopedia Britannica they eat Sardinian stuffed eggplant? Even though my family is mostly Italian we don't do nearly as much stuff as some Italian people do! If you think about Italy's a pretty interesting country. Italy has much more cool back round information than the facts I already told you. According to encyclopedia Britannica Italy is mostly made up of Roman Catholics, although there are some Muslims and Protestants. Britannica also says that some of history's most dramatic parts in history. They are old but still beautiful, like temples alters and city walls are still standing. Some important businesses and industries in Italy according to Britannica are chemical and petrochemicals, craftsmen, artisans, designers, builders, and farmers. The website Britannica states that in Italy they grow wheat, flour, olives, ... Show more content on ... One thing we do a lot of that is Italian is the food. Every Tuesday we have pizza. At least once a week we have lasagna or pasta. We also have salad every night with dinner that we eat after the main course like they do in Italy. My family (besides me) is kind of obsessed in football every year we go to a neighbor's house for a party and watch the Super bowl, except they don't play a lot of football in Italy. Another big thing we do have to do with food also is restaurants. Almost every restaurant we go to is Italian and if it's not then we end up finding things on the menu that is Italian. So I guess we do do quite a bit of Italian things after ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Little Italy Research Paper Little Italy is unique because it is no longer the ethnic enclave it was 115 years ago. When comparing Little Italy to other ethnic neighborhoods, we can immediately see differences. In Chinatown, for example, there are many Chinese restaurants, businesses, and structures scattered throughout the neighborhood. In addition, many Chinese people can be found visiting, working, and even living in the enclave. When you see these Chinese individuals, they are often speaking the Chinese language. Little Italy, however, is quite different from Chinatown. Unlike Chinatown, Little Italy has lost its ethnic flavor. While Little Italy was once a neighborhood thriving with a heavy Italian immigration base, overtime it has lost its identity. The rapid growth of industry in Chicago created many opportunities for unskilled labor. These industries ... Show more content on ... There are Indians, Mexicans, Asians and many others diverse businesses established in Little Italy. Chicago is known for its diversity. In Chicago all sorts of food, clothing, and music reflect numerous cultures. There are numerous ethnic enclaves that have put Chicago on the map for its diversity. However, not every ethnic enclave is what it seems. Compared to most ethnic enclaves in Chicago, Little Italy is no longer what it was 115 years ago. You will not find a Chinatown or a Paseo Boricua atmosphere – you will not see Italians – you will not hear the language – and you will not have much access to authentic Italian foods. Little Italy is Italian in name only as it no longer fits the definition of an ethnic enclave. Italians, like other immigrants living in enclaves, feel the need to celebrate their culture and history. Although they no longer live in the area, many return in August to celebrate their roots. Even though Little Italy is a mix of ethnic diversity, Italian–Americans still share the sense of cultural pride shared by other ethnic ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Informative Speech Outline Specific purpose: to inform my audience about the geography, history, economy, culture and cuisine of Puglia (Apulia), Italy Central Idea: Apuglia (a lesser known region in Italy) has some of the brightest seas and beautiful landscapes, rich history, diverse culture, mouthwatering food and kindest people of Italy. Introduction I. How many of you have heard of the Tuscany or Sicily regions of Italy? Or the bigger cities of Italy: Rome, Milan, Naples or Venice? A. Most people in the United States are very familiar with these regions and cities of Italy. II. But how many of you have ever heard of the Puglia or Apulia (as it's pronounced in English) region of Italy and some of its cities: Brindisi, Taranto, Bari, Grottalia and Villa ... Show more content on ... B. In the 4th century the Romans began their conquest of the territory and built the Via Appia (the historic Roman road) to connect it to Rome. C. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, Puglia was for a time under the influence of Byzanthium, then was gradually occupied by the Lombards, the Franks and Saracens. D. In the 10th century the Eastern Roman Empire defeated the Saracens and came in control, but the cities of Puglia were already rising in power and wanted more autonomy. E. In 1059 the Norman Roberto il Guiscardo occupied part of Southern Italy becoming Duke of Puglia and Calabria, and since then the history of Puglia was the history of the Kingdom of Sicily. F. The Normans gave way to the Swabians, then the Anjous and then the Aragonese. G. The region suffered from bad government until the 18th century when it came under control of the Bourbons. H. In 1860 Puglia was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy and at that time was divided into only three provinces: Bari, Foggia and Lecce. 1. Taranto and Brindisi were added in 1927. 2. And Barletta–Andria–Trani was established in 2004. (Transition: with such a rich history, it's no wonder that Puglia has such a diverse culture.) III. With such a rich history, it's no wonder that Puglia has such a diverse culture. A. Because of its varied history and the different languages spoken in this region for centuries, there are a number of very different dialects spoken ... Get more on ...