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Lewis W. Jett, Department of Horticulture, University of     Frequently asked questions about high tunnels          1
in collaboration with                                        Constructing a high tunnel                             4
David Coltrain
    Kansas State University                                  Producing tomatoes in a high tunnel                    7
Jay Chism, James Quinn, and Andrew Read                      High tunnel temperature management                    13
     University of Missouri-Columbia
                                                             Cropping systems for tomatoes in high tunnels         15
Editorial staff
MU Extension and Agricultural Information                    High tunnel tomato pest management                    17
   Dale Langford, editor
   Dennis Murphy, illustrator                                Marketing & economics of high tunnel tomatoes         21

On the World Wide Web                                        Appendix: Sources of supply
Find this and other MU Extension publications on the             Drip irrigation supplies                          26
World Wide Web at                                                Tomato seed                                       26
                                                                 High tunnels                                      27
Photographs                                                      Biological pest controls                          27
Except where noted, all photographs are by Lewis W. Jett.

Research reported in this publication was funded in part
by a grant from the Initiative for Future Agriculture and
Food Systems (IFAFS), U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Thanks are due to Mr. Tim Reinbott, supervisor of the
University of Missouri Bradford Research and Extension
Center for his assistance with this research.
                                                                   For further information, address questions to
                                                                   Dr. Lewis W. Jett
                               College of
                               Agriculture                         Extension State Vegetable Crops Specialist
                               Food and                            Department of Horticulture
                               Resources                           University of Missouri
                                                                   Columbia, MO 65211
      Copyright 2004 by the University of Missouri
                  Board of Curators
Frequently Asked Questions About High Tunnels

What is a high tunnel?                               ary unit, you will need to amend the soil each
     A high tunnel is a solar-heated, plastic-       season or year with compost or other organic
covered greenhouse with no electrical or auto-       sources to maintain soil quality and fertility.
mated ventilation. It can be used to extend the
crop production season for many horticultural
                                                     When can I plant vegetables in a high
crops. Crops that are produced within high tun-      tunnel?
nels are grown in the ground with drip                    Placing a high tunnel on your farm is
irrigation.                                          roughly equivalent to raising the average annu-
                                                     al air temperatures in your area by 10–15
Where can I purchase a high tunnel?                  degrees F. Therefore, you can schedule plant-
    There are several manufacturers of high          ing based on field planting dates in the USDA
tunnels. See the Appendix for a list of high tun-    hardiness zone directly south of your farm. See
nel manufacturers.                                   inside back cover for zone map.

How much does a high tunnel cost?                    Should I grow vegetables in a
     High tunnels can be built at a cost of about    greenhouse or a high tunnel?
$0.75 to $1.50 per square foot. This includes            Input costs for greenhouse vegetable pro-
the frame structure and the plastic cover. As a      duction are significantly higher than those for
rule of thumb, you should expect to pay at least     high tunnel vegetable production. Greenhouse
an additional 25 percent for end wall lumber,        establishment costs approximate $6 per square
site preparation, water lines and other acces-       foot, almost five times the cost of a high tunnel.
                                                     Do I need a building permit for my
What are the typical dimensions of a                 high tunnel?
high tunnel?                                             Generally speaking, high tunnels are con-
    Dimensions of a commercial high tunnel           sidered to be nonpermanent structures.
range from 10 to 30 feet wide by 9 to 12 feet        However, you may need to check with your
high by 96 to 100 feet long.                         local zoning regulations.
Where should I place a high tunnel on                What is the optimal orientation for a
my farm?                                             high tunnel?
    A high tunnel should be placed on a level,            When orienting a high tunnel, in contrast
well-drained, accessible site. High tunnels can      to a greenhouse, sunlight is less important than
be moveable, but if you wish to have a station-      good ventilation. A high tunnel should be ori-

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
    High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

             ented in a direction that is perpendicular to the     Other choices include peppers, summer squash,
             prevailing winds on your farm. Remember, all          cucumbers, melons, herbs, eggplant, and snap
             ventilation is manual, so you depend on the           or pole beans.
             wind to ventilate your house.
                 Generally, for locations south of 40 degrees
                                                                   What are some examples of cropping
             north latitude (central Illinois, northern            patterns for a high tunnel?
             Missouri, southern Nebraska), high tunnels                At least two crops per year can be produced
             should be oriented north–south. This orienta-         using a high tunnel. In central Missouri, for
             tion maximizes light interception and is per-         example, tomatoes can be planted as early as
             pendicular to the prevailing westerly winds.          March within a high tunnel, and harvest can
                                                                   begin in mid-June. Depending on the variety
             Should I use a single or double layer of              and type of tomato chosen, harvest can con-
             plastic for my high tunnel?                           tinue through July. At this point, the tomatoes
                 A double layer of plastic will almost double      can be removed, the soil fertilized and tilled,
             the insulation properties of the high tunnel.         and a second crop of peppers, cucumbers or
             However, adding another layer of plastic              beans can be established for fall harvest. If you
             reduces light intensity. An inflation fan will be     wish to keep tomatoes in the high tunnel,
             needed to blow air into the area between the          spring-planted tomatoes will bear fruit through
             two layers to reduce moisture buildup and             October in Missouri. A cool-season vegetable
             increase the insulation properties of the cover.      can be planted in late November and then be
             The outer layer of plastic is 6 mil and the inner     either harvested or overwintered in the high
             layer is typically 4 mil.                             tunnel.

             Can a high tunnel be mobile?                          How are tomatoes grown within a
                  Yes. One of the primary objectives of a high     high tunnel?
             tunnel is to lengthen the harvest period.                  Tomatoes are grown on raised beds with
             Movable high tunnels may be relocated to              organic or plastic mulch. The raised bed (at
             existing plots of cropland to accelerate early        least 6 inches high) will facilitate drainage and
             growth or extend the growing season for that          keep the root system warmer. Plastic mulch
             crop. However, they are less airtight than sta-       (black, clear, or infrared-transmitting) will also
             tionary high tunnels. Consult Eliot Coleman’s         increase soil temperatures. Drip irrigation is
             Winter Harvest Manual for additional informa-         used to water and fertilize the tomatoes
             tion on design of movable high tunnels.               through the growing season. Row covers, a
                                                                   lightweight fabric, must be used to provide
             What type of plastic is used to cover a               early frost protection. The tomatoes can be
             high tunnel?                                          either staked or caged.
                 Six-mil, four-year, greenhouse-grade poly-
             ethylene is a suitable material for covering a
                                                                   How many tomatoes can I plant in a
             high tunnel.                                          20' x 96' high tunnel?
                                                                       The optimal spacing for tomatoes in a high
             How high should the sidewalls be for a                tunnel is 6 square feet per plant. Therefore,
             high tunnel?                                          approximately 300 plants can be planted per
                 A sidewall 5 feet high is superior to a 3-foot    house.
             sidewall with respect to air circulation. For
             tomatoes, a sidewall at least 5 feet high will per-
                                                                   Is pollination of tomatoes adversely
             mit air to move above the crop canopy.                affected by the high tunnel?
                                                                        No. Tomatoes are self-pollinated. Research
             What warm-season vegetables can be                    at the University of Missouri has shown no pol-
             produced in a high tunnel?                            lination problems with tomatoes in a high tun-
                  Warm-season vegetables are sensitive to          nel. Air movement, which reduces humidity
             frost. Many types of vegetables can be grown          and vibrates the flower, is important for good
             successfully in a high tunnel. Many growers           pollination. If you have to keep the vents closed
             have used high tunnels for early tomatoes.            for an extended period, you may want to shake

                                                                                      University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                    Frequently Asked Questions

the cages or stakes to facilitate pollination. If     Can I use pesticides within a high tunnel?
you are using row covers, they should be                   Some pesticides can be used within a high
removed when the plants are flowering and the         tunnel, but growers must read the label specifi-
sidewalls are rolled up. If temperatures are pro-     cally for each crop. Current regulations main-
jected to fall to 55 degrees F or less, the row       tain that when high tunnel sidewall vents are
covers should remain on the plants. High side-        rolled up, the high tunnel may be treated as a
walls improve cross-ventilation within the high       field crop. Opening just the end walls is not suf-
tunnel.                                               ficient for applying pesticides within a high
                                                      tunnel. When the sides are down, the high tun-
What is an average yield for high                     nel should be treated as a greenhouse. Keep the
tunnel tomatoes?                                      sidewall vents open for the length of the reentry
    High tunnel tomatoes average about 10–12          interval (REI).
pounds of tomatoes per plant over a four-week
harvest period (mid-June to mid-July). The
                                                      Are certain tomato cultivars best
percentage of unmarketable fruit is much lower        suited for high tunnel production?
for high tunnel tomatoes than for field                    Any field or garden tomato will perform
tomatoes.                                             well in a high tunnel. If the objective is to pro-
                                                      duce early tomatoes, the best choice would be a
Do I need to spray tomatoes in a high                 hybrid, determinate cultivar that concentrates
tunnel for disease and insect control?                its fruit-set within a narrow window (4–6
    High tunnels provide a protected environ-         weeks). Indeterminate types will perform well
ment for crop growth. However, this does not          in a high tunnel. However, these types of toma-
mean that you will not have any harmful dis-          toes continue to set fruit through the summer
eases or insects. Protecting the crop from rain       and fall and will not yield a large quantity of
will significantly reduce disease problems.           fruit per harvest. Indeterminate tomatoes are
However, you should scout your crop for any           well suited for late summer and fall tomatoes.
sign of disease. Pay close attention to the rows
nearest the baseboards or doors. Insects
                                                      Can high-bicarbonate irrigation water
encountered on tomatoes in the Universitiy of         be a problem for high tunnel tomatoes?
Missouri high tunnel trials include aphids                 Using irrigation water that is high in calci-
(Myzus persicae), hornworms (Protoparce quin-         um and magnesium can increase the pH of the
quemaculata) and fruitworms (Helicoverpa zea).        soil over time and cause nutrient imbalances.
Many of these insects can be controlled by bio-       Test the water for pH and bicarbonate levels.
logical methods (beneficial insects) or using         Using sulfur fertilizers or injecting acids into
biological insecticides (Bt insecticides) or by       irrigation water can neutralize the bicarbonates.
exclusion (closing vents at night).

                        For more information about high tunnels
   Coleman, Eliot. 1998. The Winter Harvest Manual. (Four Season Farm, 609 Weir Cove Road,
       Harborside, ME 04642)
   Web site for the Central Great Plains High Tunnel Collaborative Project
   Pennsylvania State University Web site for high tunnel horticulture research
   Noble Foundation high tunnel research projects

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
                High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

                                                              Constructing a High Tunnel

                                  High tunnels are solar-heated, plastic-        sandy loam soil. Deep soil facilitates the forma-
                             covered structures that provide a protected         tion of raised beds; tomatoes have a large root
                             environment for high-value crops. These pro-        volume requiring deep, well-drained soils. Do
                             tective structures consist of a series of evenly    not place the high tunnel in a frost pocket
                             spaced bows that provide structural support for     where either air or water drainage is a problem.
                             the polyethylene covering. Most commercial          Make site adjustments to allow for surface
                             units are available in widths ranging from 14 to    water runoff. Drainage pipe can be buried
                             30 feet, and may vary from 48 to 96 feet long.      around the perimeter of each high tunnel to
                             At the University of Missouri, a “Polar” high       prevent water from seeping into the structure.
                             tunnel kit was purchased from Stuppy                Select a parcel of land that is larger than what is
                             Greenhouse Manufacturing, Inc. (Kansas City,        immediately needed to allow for expansion if
                             Mo.). The dimensions of this structure are 20       necessary. Additional areas may also be needed
                             feet wide by 12 feet high with bows spaced four     to accommodate service or storage buildings.
                             feet apart and 5-foot high sidewalls (Figure 1).    Care should be taken to avoid locations where
                             This structure can be up to 100 feet long.          trees or buildings may cast shadows on the
                                                                                 solar-heated structures.
                             Selecting the site                                       High tunnels should be oriented to facili-
                                  The first step in constructing a high tunnel   tate good air movement across the structure.
                             is site selection. The site should be relatively    For maximum light interception, high tunnels
                             level to reduce the cost of grading. If possible,   above 40 degrees north latitude (northern
                             select a site that has deep, well-drained loam or   Missouri) should be oriented east–west. For
                                                                                 locations below that line, north–south is the
                                                                                 optimum orientation. The deciding factor
                                                                                 should be prevailing wind direction on your
                                                                                 farm. The long axis of the high tunnel should
                                                                                 be perpendicular to prevailing winds during
                                                                                 spring and summer. Cold, winter winds from
                                                                                 the northwest should contact the end wall.
                                                                                 Windbreaks on the north sides of high tunnels
                                                                                 may be applicable in some areas.
                                                                                      Access to the high tunnel is also important
                                                                                 when considering location. Because high tun-
                                                                                 nels require manual labor to vent, the structures
Figure 1. High tunnel components include sidewall, end wall, bows and purlin.
                                                                                 should be in a convenient location to minimize
                                                                                 labor cost.

                                             Side posts                              Begin constructing your high tunnel by
                                             at 4- or 6-foot spacing
                                                                                 positioning and squaring the four corner posts.
              Guide strings after                                                Use a hand-held level to make sure the posts
              moving out half the diameter                                       are set vertically in the ground. To check for a
              of the column
                                                                                 square layout of the corner posts, measure each
                                   Diagonal measure
                                                                                 diagonal. The lengths of the two diagonals
                                                                                 should be within half an inch of each other.
                                                                                     Use the Pythagorean theorem to set the
                                                                                 high tunnel square: the square of the diagonal
    Batten boards
                                                                                 should equal to the sum of the squares of the
                                                                                 two sides of the high tunnel. The diagonal of a
Figure 2. Design layout for high tunnel. (Source: Nagengast, 2003).
                                                                                 20' x 96' high tunnel is 98.06 feet. Measuring

                                                                                                    University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                            Constructing a High Tunnel

this distance for both diagonals will ensure that          structure, there may be
your corner posts are set 90 degrees to each               one to four purlins per
other. You may wish to cement the corner posts             tunnel (Figure 4).
to add structural integrity to the high tunnel.
Set all posts to a depth of 24 inches. Metal posts         Baseboard and hip
can be driven into the ground by using a metal             board installation
fence post driver or by placing a trailer hitch
ball on top of the post to protect the post ends                Baseboards fastened
and striking the ball with a heavy hammer.                 to the support posts
     Run a string line from one corner post                strengthen the founda- Figure 5. Baseboard and hip board attached to side
down the long axis of the tunnel to the corner             tion of the high tunnel. posts.
post on the other end, drive the remaining side            A 2" x 6" pressure-treat-
posts in the ground to the proper depth (Figure            ed board makes a good
2). The top of each post should be the same dis-           baseboard for most
tance from the string line to ensure the proper            applications. Use post or
depth and to keep the bows level.                          conduit clamps to attach
                                                           the baseboard to the
Installing the bows                                        side posts (Figure 5).
     Most manufactured high tunnel bows are                     Hip boards add
delivered in two or three pieces. Stuppy’s                 strength to the tunnel
“Polar” unit is delivered in three sections.               and serve as a top point Figure 6. Plastic attached to hip board.
Assemble a bow by joining two bow sections                 for rolling up the side-
with a ridge connecter to form an arch. Attach             walls. Hip boards should be located 5 feet above
the complete bows to the side posts. At least two          the baseboards for maximum ventilation.
people are needed to insert the bows into the              Attach the hip board in the same manner as the
side posts. After the bows are in place, the cen-          baseboard. Then attach a 1" x 3" board along
ter purlin can be attached to each bow with a              the top of the hip board. This will serve as the
purlin bracket (Figure 3). The center purlin sits          attachment point for the polyethylene cover-
on top of the bows in the Stuppy “Polar” design,           ing. Pull the polyethylene over the 1" x 3"
but some manufacturers’ purlins will be                    board and then install another 1" x 3" board to
attached under the high tunnel bows. Additional            sandwich the plastic film between the two
purlins may be added to give extra stability to            boards (Figure 6).
the high tunnel. Depending on the width of the
                                                           End wall construction
                                                               End wall designs are numerous (Figure 7).
                                                           University of Missouri Research High Tunnels
                                                           are framed so that end wall panels can be
                                                           removed. Removable end walls allow larger
                                                           equipment, such as utility tractors, to be oper-
                                                           ated inside the tunnel (Figure 8). Four 8' x 8'
                                                           panels are installed on each tunnel. It is also
Figure 3. A purlin bracket (left) is used to connect the   necessary to construct a storage rack near the
two bow sections. The center purlin of the Stuppy          tunnel locations to allow for easy storage of the
“Polar Cub” design (right) sits on top of the bows .

Figure 4. Purlins can number from one to four on a         Figure 7. Various end wall designs used on commercial high tunnels.
high tunnel.

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
               High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

                                                       panels when they are        plastic to the 2" x 6" hip
                                                       removed for the sum-        board with the 1" x 3"
                                                       mer months (Figure 9).      boards. The cover
                                                       Attached to each panel      should come over the
                                                       are two handles that        top of the upper 1" x 3"
                                                       make the panels easier      board and under the
                                                       to lift. Each panel is      other board as previous-
                                                       held in place by four       ly described. Keep the Figure 10. Wiggle (zigzag)
                                                       modified      angle-iron    plastic tight as you wire is used to secure the
                                                       gate latches (Figure 8).    secure the covering.       plastic to the frame.
                                                           The edge of the              During end wall
                                                       angle iron attached to      construction, attach aluminum channel lock on
                                                       the end wall framing        top of the two end wall bows. This channel
                                                       was ground down to          allows the plastic covering to be attached to the
                                                       make the panels easier      bows by using a 13-gauge, high tensile wire
Figure 8. End wall panels are held in place by modi-
                                                       to remove.                  called wiggle wire, which locks the polyethyl-
fied angle-iron brackets.                                                          ene in place (Figure 10).
                                                       Covering the high                Attach the sidewall plastic to a 3⁄4"-diameter
                                                       tunnel                      PVC pipe to allow the sidewalls to be rolled up
                                                                                   (Figure 11). Attach the sidewall plastic to the
                                                          Plastic films for        roll-up pipe with a second PVC pipe that has
                                                      covering high tunnels        been ripped in half and screwed to the roll-up
                                                      should be 6-mil green-       pipe.
                                                      house-grade plastic with
                                                      UV light resistance.         Handles for the roll-up sidewalls
Figure 9. End wall panels can be removed (left) and   Greenhouse-grade                  Figure 11 shows the roll-up sidewall handle
stored (right) during the summer.                     polyethylene films usu-      design. The PVC pipe handle is easily moved to
                             ally carry a manufacturer’s guaranteed life span      roll the sidewalls up and down or lock the side-
                             of three or four years under normal conditions.       walls in place. Always roll up the sidewalls in a
                                   Covering the high tunnel should be              direction that prevents water from accumulat-
                             attempted only when there is little or no wind.       ing in the roll.
                             Before covering the high tunnel, rough edges
                             on the structure should be taped or smoothed
                             to prevent tearing of the plastic film. Unroll the
                             plastic along one side of the structure and
                             unfold it. For a 20-foot-wide high tunnel, you
                             will need a piece of plastic at least 32 feet wide.
                             Try not to let excessive moisture from rainfall
                             or morning dew settle on the film before instal-
                             lation. Tie a rope to one corner of the plastic
                             and at 20-foot intervals down the sidewall edge.      Figure 11. A 3⁄4-inch PVC t-handle (left) rolls the side-
                             With the plastic wrapped around a tennis ball,        wall vents up (open) or down (closed).
                             a rope can be attached to pull it slowly over the
                             frame. The plastic is easier to handle and pull
                             over the bows when it is dry. Once the film is                     For further information
                             pulled over the structure, make sure it is square       Nagengast, D. 2003. Siting and building the
                             by checking to see that all creases run in a              hoophouse. In: The Hoophouse Handbook
                             straight line. Attach the film to the frame in            (L. Byczynski ed.) Fairplain Publications,
                             four or five places to secure it temporarily while        Lawrence, Kan.
                             it is being permanently attached. Attach the

                                                                                                          University of Missouri Extension
                                                                             Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

             Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

     Many vegetable crops can be successfully         Table 1. Plastic mulch effects on soil temperature.
grown in a high tunnel. Tomatoes are particu-                   Mulch type
                                                                                      Soil temperature increase
larly well adapted to production within a high                                          (+) or decrease (–) (F)
tunnel because tomatoes can be trained to grow          Black                                    +5
vertically by trellising or staking. Early-season       Clear                                  +8–14
tomatoes also reward growers with premium               Infrared transmitting (IRT)            +5–10
prices because of the difficulty of consistently        White                                    -2
harvesting field tomatoes before July in the
                                                      Note: Soil temperature at the 2-inch depth.
central Great Plains.                                 Source: Penn State University Center for Plasticulture
                                                      and University of Missouri.
Production inputs
     A permanent high tunnel should be placed         Organic mulches create a favorable environ-
on fertile, unshaded, well-drained soils with a       ment for many beneficial insects while increas-
pH in the range of 6.0–7.0. Because high tun-         ing organic matter. However, some organic
nels are manually vented, they should be placed       mulches (straw or hay) can significantly lower
in an accessible location. The soil should be         soil temperature and thus would not be effec-
tilled to a depth of 6–8 inches, and nutrients        tive for warming the soil in the spring.
should be applied based on a recent soil test.        Compost (being dark colored) can increase soil
Tomatoes should be established on a raised bed.       temperatures, but not as effectively as black
     Raised beds will significantly enhance           plastic mulch. Organic mulches can be applied
tomato rooting by increasing soil warming,            when soil temperatures have increased.
drainage and volume. Tomatoes are a relatively
deep-rooted vegetable. An ideal raised bed is         Irrigation
                                                                                                                  Figure 12. Raised bed
about 8–10 inches high and 30–36 inches wide               Because the high tunnel excludes natural               with black plastic mulch
at the top. Typically, a 20' x 96' high tunnel will   rainfall, irrigation must be provided. Drip irri-           (1-mil, embossed). Drip
accommodate five rows of tomatoes. Raised             gation for tomatoes significantly improves mar-             tape is placed under the
                                                                                                                  plastic mulch.
beds can be made with power tillers or compact        ketable yield and overall quality. A uniform
bed shapers attached to small tractors. After the     application of water reduces fruit cracking and
raised beds are formed, fertilizer, drip tape and     other physiological problems such as blossom
plastic mulch can be applied (Figure 12).             end rot. The drip tape (a 3⁄4-inch small, collapsi-
                                                      ble tube) should be buried slightly below the
Mulch                                                 soil surface 2–3 inches to the side of the plant
     For early tomato production, black, clear        with the drippers on the top. Eight- or 10-mil
or IRT (infrared transmitting) mulch can be           tape is acceptable with drippers spaced 4–12
applied to increase soil temperatures and to          inches apart. A drip system operates at 8–15 psi
reduce weed emergence and soil evaporation.           pressure. (See the Appendix for a list of region-
For maximum effectiveness, black plastic mulch        al drip irrigation suppliers).
should be in good contact with the surface of              Tomatoes use a large volume of water, espe-
the bed for effective transfer of heat. Embossed      cially during fruit sizing. The fruit is about 95
plastic mulch will fit tightly over the bed. Clear    percent water. From fruit set to harvest, 1.5-3
plastic will increase soil temperatures signifi-      quarts of water per plant may be needed each day.
cantly more than black plastic, but weeds will             Soil moisture can be monitored with a ten-
emerge under the clear film (Table 1). White          siometer, a device that measures soil moisture
plastic (white on black or white) will signifi-       tension in centibars (cb). The drier the soil, the
cantly lower soil temperatures and can be used        higher the centibar reading from the tensiome-
for high tunnel tomato production in late sum-        ter. Place the tensiometer in the center of each
mer or fall.                                          raised bed. When 50 percent of the available
     Organic mulches such as straw, hay or            soil water is depleted, irrigation should occur
compost can be used for high tunnel tomatoes.         (see Table 2).

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
                   High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

Table 2. Using a tensiometer to monitor soil moisture and irrigate tomatoes.                    preplant nitrogen is necessary. However, if your
         Soil texture           Soil tension (cb)          Soil moisture status                 soil organic matter is less than 3 percent, and
 Sand, loamy sand                      5–10                                                     you have not been supplementing the soil with
                                                    Soil at field capacity. Irrigation is not   organic residues, you should apply the equiva-
 Sandy loam, loam, silt loam             8
 Clay loam, clay                       20–40
                                                                                                lent of 1.4 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000
                                                                                                square feet (equivalent to 60 pounds per acre) at
 Sand, loamy sand                      20–40
                                                    Irrigate tomatoes (50% of soil water        or before transplanting (Table 3). Additional
 Sandy loam, loam, silt loam           40–60        is depleted). Provide approximately         nitrogen can be applied by the drip system at a
                                                    2 quarts per plant.
 Clay loam, clay                       50–100                                                   weekly rate of 8–10 pounds per acre starting
                                                                                                two weeks after transplanting. For example,
                                    An additional advantage of drip irrigation                  assume a 20' x 96' (1,920 ft2) high tunnel has
                                in a high tunnel is the ability to inject water-                five rows of tomatoes spaced 18" x 48". The
                                soluble nutrients through the drip line as the                  total plant population in the high tunnel is 320
                                plant needs them. Generally, large quantities of                plants. Providing 8–10 pounds of nitrogen per
                                phosphorus and potassium should not be                          acre is equivalent to applying 19–24 ounces of
                                applied through the drip system. Rather, based                  calcium nitrate (15.5N-0-0-19Ca) per 1,000
                                on a recent soil test, all the needed phosphorus                square feet (Table 4). A 20' x 90' high tunnel
                                and most of the potassium can be applied at                     containing 320 plants require 36–46 ounces of
                                planting or between cropping cycles within a                    calcium nitrate per week.
                                high tunnel. Additional potassium can be                             Taking tissue samples periodically through
                                applied during harvest. About 40–50 percent of                  the growing season may be useful. Randomly
                                the total nitrogen requirements for tomatoes                    select 10–12 plants per house. Break the fifth or
                                can be applied before planting, and the balance                 sixth limb from the top of the plant and place
                                can be applied through the drip system over the                 the entire limb in a brown paper bag.
                                course of the growing season. Nitrogen                          Preferably dry the sample before sending to a
                                requirements for tomatoes depend on the soil                    diagnostic lab for analysis.
                                quality (i.e., organic matter) and previous crop-
                                ping history. Generally, for each 1 percent                     Row covers
                                organic matter content of your soil, you can                         Row covers are an important component of
                                assume that there are 20 pounds of residual                     successful high tunnel tomato production. Row
                                nitrogen per acre. Therefore, if you have                       covers      are    lightweight,    spun-bonded
                                organic matter levels greater than 3 percent, no                polypropylene blankets that are supported
                                                                                                loosely over the crop row or canopy. In the
Table 3. Nitrogen rates for several granular commercial fertilizer analyses (pre-               field, a light to medium-weight (0.5–0.9 oz/yd2)
plant).                                                                                         row cover will increase air temperature around
    N required      N per 1,000 ft2      10-10-10         13-13-13            20-20-20          the crop by 2–6 degrees F, while protecting the
  (lb per acre)          (oz)          (oz/1,000 ft2)   (oz/1,000 ft2)      (oz/1,000 ft2)
                                                                                                crop from adverse weather and insect injury.
        50                18                184              141                  92
                                                                                                Using row covers in a high tunnel can signifi-
        60                 22                220             170                 110            cantly increase the average daily temperature.
        75                 28                275             212                 138            For early tomato production, row covers can be
        100                37                367             283                 184            two to three times more effective in a tunnel
        125                46                459             353                 230            than they are in the field. A medium-weight
                                                                                                (single or double layer) row cover should be
Table 4. Amount of several water-soluble fertilizers required to supply nitrogen
                                                                                                placed over the plants after transplanting in
                                                                                                March. Do not keep row covers on the toma-
   N required                            15.5-0-0†         34-0-0‡            20-20-20
    (lb/acre)       N/1,000 ft2 (oz)   (oz/1,000 ft2)   (oz/1,000 ft2)      (oz/1,000 ft2)      toes too long. During flowering, you will need
         2                  1                 5                2                   4            to remove the covers to ensure adequate polli-
         4                  1                  10               4                   7           nation. If temperatures become cold during
         6                  2                  14               7                  11
                                                                                                flowering, the row covers can be reapplied.
                                                                                                     In contrast to field conditions, wind cur-
         8                  3                  19               9                  15
                                                                                                rents do not remove trapped thermal energy
        10               4              24                     11                  19           under the row cover within a high tunnel, and
Notes: †Calcium nitrate ‡Ammonium nitrate                                                       the row cover acts as an insulating layer over

                                                                                                                   University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                       Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

the plant. Another option is the use of plastic                    prolonged temperatures below 55 degrees or
low tunnels that act as mini-greenhouses (18-                      above 90 degrees, flowers can drop from the
24" high) with a single or double layer of plas-                   plant. High humidity (higher than 80%) can
tic (1-mil). Low tunnels can significantly                         also adversely affect pollination, producing cat-
increase air temperatures but must be vented to                    faced (misshapen) fruit. The period between
prevent excessively high temperatures.                             flowering and harvest is about 45 days for most
    Row covers can be kept on the plants from                      tomato cultivars.
the time of transplanting (mid to late March)                            Because temperature and humidity affect
until the appearance of the first flower cluster.                  tomato pollination, yield and fruit quality, the
At this point, they can be removed and kept in                     high tunnel environment should be monitored
reserve in the event of freezing temperatures. If                  carefully. In early spring, the period of venting
the sidewall vents are rolled up (i.e., ambient                    is usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If left
temperatures are warmer than 60 degrees) the                       unvented, a high tunnel can reach extremely
row covers can be removed at any time. Row                         high temperatures (Figure 13). A 60-degree day
covers should be kept on tomato plants if the                      can produce 100-degree temperatures within
night temperatures fall below 50 degrees.                          the high tunnel. The amount of venting
                                                                   required depends on prevailing winds and sun-
Tomato plant characteristics                                       light intensity. The goal should be to keep day-
     The tomato is a warm-season vegetable                         time temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees
crop that is sensitive to frost and will be killed                 and relative humidity below 80 percent. If there
by freezing temperatures. Tomato plants have                       is a forecast of frost, close the vents in midafter-
either a determinate or an indeterminate                           noon and place row covers on the plants.
growth habit. Determinate tomato vines pro-
duce side shoots that terminate in a flower clus-                  High tunnel tomato culture
ter, and the plant reaches a height of 3–4 feet.
Therefore, yield is concentrated over a 4- to 6-                   Producing transplants
week period. Indeterminate tomato plants con-                           In a high tunnel, tomatoes are usually estab-
tinue to produce additional vines and flower                       lished by transplants. The critical first step in
clusters throughout the growing season and                         transplant production is to purchase quality seed
may reach 5–7 feet in height.                                      of a cultivar that possesses characteristics you
     Tomato plants do not need a specific day                      prefer. One ounce of tomato seed contains              Note:
length to flower. The flowers are self-pollinat-                   6,000–12,000 seeds. (See the Appendix for a list       1 oz/gallon = 75 ppm
ed, but physical vibration of the flower by shak-                  of tomato seed suppliers.) The optimum germi-
ing the plant, wind movement, or insect polli-                     nation temperature for tomato seed is 75               To determine the parts
                                                                                                                          per million (ppm) of a
nation will promote pollination. The optimum                       degrees F, and the optimum temperature range           specific fertilizer nutri-
temperatures for pollination are 68–75 degrees                     for growth of the transplant is 60–70 degrees.         ent, multiply the per-
F at night and 60–90 degrees during the day. At                    Seeds should be sown in a germination flat or          centage of the nutrient
                                                                   50- to 72-cell tray 5-7 weeks before you antici-       by 75. The product will
                                                                                                                          be ppm of the nutrient
                                                                   pate transplanting. Container size is important        per ounce of the fertil-
             120                    vent                vent       for early tomato production. Research has              izer dissolved in 100
                                                                   revealed that the container for a tomato seedling      gallons of water.
              80                                                   should be at least 2.25 inches in diameter. For        For example, if you
              70                                                                                                          wish to prepare a 200
                                                                   example, if the seed is sown in a 72-cell tray, the
 Temp (ºF)

                                                                                                                          ppm nitrogen solution
              50                                                   seedlings can be replanted in a 606 Compack
              40                                                                                                          of 20-20-20,
              30                                                   (2.25" x 2" cell) flat beginning at the two-true-
                                                                                                                          0.20(75) = 15. Thus,
              20                                                   leaf stage. Low light or excessive watering,           in 1 ounce of 20-20-20
               0                                                   nitrogen or temperature will cause excessive           (dissolved in 100 gal-
                            12 .



                                                                   “leggy” growth. Transplants should be fertilized




                            10 .




                                                                                                                          lons of water), there









                                       Time                        with 100–200 ppm of nitrogen per watering.             are 15 ppm of nitrogen.
                                                                                                                          To make a 200 ppm
                                           Outside   High tunnel   For example, approximately 1 pound of 20-20-           solution, (200 ppm
                                                                   20 can be dissolved in 100 gallons of water for a      15 ppm/oz) 13.3
Figure 13. Daily temperature fluctuations in an
unvented (single plastic layer) high tunnel, Columbia,             fertilizer source. A good tomato transplant            ounces of 20-20-20 will
Mo. (3/27/02).                                                     should be stocky. Tomato transplants can be            be needed.

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
                High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

                             conditioned or “hardened off” before trans-                              First flower
                             planting. Hardening of tomato plants enables                             cluster
                             the plants to survive the shock of transplanting
                             within the high tunnel in early spring. Plants
                             that are not properly hardened will be slow to         Leave this sucker
                             start growth after transplanting. Hardening of         (below first flower
                             tomato transplants can be accomplished by tak-         Do not prune
                             ing plants from the greenhouse about 10 days           higher on
                                                                                                                         Remove all other
                                                                                    the plant
                             before transplanting and exposing them to out-                                              suckers below
                             side temperatures (no cooler than 55 degrees)
                             and wind for a few hours each day.

                                  Tomato plants can be transplanted when
                             soil temperatures reach 60 degrees F at a depth
                             of 2 inches. A starter solution of fertilizer (e.g.,   Figure 16. Remove all but one sucker below the first
                             9-45-15) should be used to promote root devel-         flower cluster to achieve balance between vine and
                             opment. Three pounds of the dry material is            fruit growth.
                             mixed per 50 gallons of water and one-half pint        tunnel, one of the preferred ways to train toma-
                             is applied to each plant. For early tomato pro-        toes for early harvest is the stake-and-weave
                             duction, row covers, raised beds, drip irrigation      system. Drive a 48–52" x 1" square wooden
                             and plastic mulch are essential. You may wish to       stake (or metal rebar) that is driven between
                             invest in portable backup heaters if you feel the      every other tomato plant (Figure 14). When the
                             risk of a freeze is great.                             tomato plants reach a height of 12 inches, the
                                  A tomato plant in a high tunnel should            first string can be applied. Nylon plastic twine
                             occupy 4–6 square feet of land. Early-yielding         is the best source of string. Every 6 inches of
                                                                                    new growth will require a new string to provide
                                                                                    support for the tomato vine and fruit load.
                                                                                    Caging tomatoes is another option for training.
                                                                                    If you choose to trellis tomatoes from the roof
                                                                                    frame, make certain your high tunnel frame can
                                                                                    support the crop load. Otherwise, tensile wire
                                                                                    supported by metal posts can be used to trellis
                                                                                    the vines.
                                                                String tool              Pruning, the removal of suckers or axillary
                                                                                    shoots that grow between the leaf and the main
                                                                                    stem, will accelerate early harvest and improve
                                                                                    disease tolerance by enhancing air circulation
                                                                                    around the plant (Figure 15). While pruning
                                                                                    may be too labor intensive for field production,
                                                                                    tomatoes in a high tunnel should be pruned if
Figure 14. Staking and stringing of tomato plants will improve fruit quality and    the objective is early harvest. Pruning will not
early marketable yield.                                                             increase total marketable yield. The purpose of
                             cultivars that do not produce a large vine can be      pruning is to achieve a balance between vine
                             spaced closer than midseason cultivars or those        and fruit growth. Remove all suckers up to the
                             that tend to have vigorous vines.                      one below the first flower cluster, resulting in
                                                                                    two stems per plant (Figure 16). Prune when
                             Training and pruning                                   the suckers are less than 4 inches long, and do
                                 Training tomatoes within a high tunnel is          not prune the plants if they are wet. After prun-
                             very important. When tomato are staked, light          ing, you may wish to apply a labeled fungicide
Figure 15. Pruning           interception and disease tolerance are improved        to protect against disease outbreak.
(suckering) tomato
plants accelerates early     and the plant is more likely to set early fruit,            See Table 5 for a guide to troubleshooting
harvest.                     and disease tolerance is improved. For a high          problems with tomatoes in high tunnels.

                                                                                                          University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                             Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

Table 5. Troubleshooting tomato problems in a high tunnel.

             Problem                                 Possible cause                                                     Solution

                                    Temperatures are either too cool or too warm.          Proper venting for temperature management
 Flowers falling off plants
                                    Thrips                                                 See Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers
 Flowers fuse together              Too cool.                                              Proper temperature management
 Fruit catfaced or misshapen        Pollination disorder.                                  Humidity may be too high or temperature too low.
                                    If the upper leaves experience cupping or
                                    rolling, check for aphids. Aphids produce sticky       Aphids can be controlled by using registered, labeled organic or
                                    excrement that attracts flies and ants and is          synthetic pesticides and releasing beneficial insects.
                                    colonized by a dark fungus.
 Cupping or rolling of leaves
                                    Some early-season cultivars roll or cup their
                                    leaves when they have a heavy fruit load.
                                    Water stress (excess or deficiency)                    Irrigation management
                                    Temperatures are too high or low, or humidity          Temperature management. Do not keep row covers on plants too
                                    is excessive.                                          long.
 Poor fruit set
                                    Flowers are not being vibrated enough for              Roll up sidewalls if temperature permits. Shake tomato stakes to
                                    pollination.                                           promote pollen release. Use bumblebees.
                                                                                           Disease that is promoted by high humidity and cool, cloudy
 Fruit has gray mold on the
                                    Gray mold (Botrytis) fungus                            weather. Vent high tunnel properly. Use labeled fungicides, and
 stem end
                                                                                           increase air circulation around the fruit.
                                                                                           Bt insecticides should be applied every 8–14 days beginning at
 Border rows have fruit with
                                    Worm feeding                                           flowering. If worms are visible, you may wish to use another
 holes. Foliage feeding.
                                                                                           labeled pesticide.
 Stem lesions cause the
                                    Disease                                                Have plants diagnosed by your local extension specialist.
 plant to wilt.
                                                                                           If picking during hot weather, use a shade cloth. Late fall tomatoes
 Fruit fails to ripen               Temperature
                                                                                           may not ripen because of low light and temperatures.
                                                                                           Blossom end rot is caused by a localized deficiency of calcium to
                                                                                           the developing fruit. Make sure your soil has medium to high
 Black spots on bottom of                                                                  calcium levels; water uniformly; do not overapply NH4 fertilizers or
                                    Blossom end rot
                                                                                           overprune. Calcium can be applied through the drip system. Do
                                                                                           not apply foliar calcium.
 Fruit cracking                     Irregular watering                                     Mulch and water uniformly.

Table 6. Some tomato varieties for high tunnel production.
                          Days to             Disease
         Variety                                                                                         Comments
                          harvest            resistance
 BHN 543                       72               F12 V1      Midseason early; Excellent size, shape and quality.
 Carolina Gold                 75            F12 V1 GW      Yellow (tangerine) colored fruit; Vigorous vine. Excellent quality.
 Florida 47                    75               F12 V1      Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit; Good quality; Vine slightly less vigorous than Fl 91.
 Florida 91                    72               F12 V1      Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit. Heat-set variety with good disease tolerance.
 Floralina                     72               F123 V1     Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit. Very good taste.
 Merced                        69               F12 V1      Early; Good quality. Has a tendency to crack in the field but not the high tunnel.
 Mountain Fresh                78               F12 V1      Excellent midseason variety; Very good quality. Vigorous vine. Good disease tolerance.
 Mountain Spring               70               F12 V1      Early; Excellent fruit size.
 Sunleaper                     70               F12 V1      Heat-set variety good for summer and fall production.
 Trust                                          F12 V1      Excellent quality and yield
 Big Beef                      73               F12 V1      Excellent yield
 1Thislist is not intended to include every variety that may perform well in a high tunnel.
 F = Fusarium wilt race 1, 2, 3       V = Verticillium wilt    GW = Gray wall

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
     High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

              Figure 17. Tomatoes can be packed in single- (15 lb) or multiple-layer (20–25 lb) boxes for market.

              Variety selection                                            or shipping containers for tomatoes vary.
                                                                           Typically tomatoes are packed in 20- to 25-
                  The essential first step in successful high-             pound boxes or single layer, 15-pound boxes
              tunnel tomato production is selection of a suit-             (Figure 17).
              able variety. Table 6 lists several varieties that                 Do not refrigerate vine-ripe tomatoes or
              have performed well in high tunnel trials at the             allow the fruit to be exposed to temperatures
              University of Missouri.                                      higher than 85 degrees. If tomatoes are held in
                                                                           storage, the temperatukre should be 50–75
              Harvest and postharvest handling                             degrees F with 85–90 percent relative humidi-
                   Tomatoes can be harvested for vine-ripe                 ty. On hot days, pulp temperature of tomatoes
              fruit about 45 days after flowering. However,                can be 20 degrees warmer than air tempera-
              tomatoes continue to ripen when picked at any                tures. Picking fruit early in the morning or in
              stage from mature green onward. If high tunnel               the evening reduces field heat. Shade cloth can
              tomato production is extended into late fall,                significantly lower temperatures in the high
              mature green fruit can be harvested before a                 tunnel during harvest in late June and July.
              hard freeze and allowed to ripen at room tem-                Tomatoes can be packed immediately after har-
              perature. Mature green fruit can also be har-                vest without washing, or growers can clean the
              vested and allowed to ripen at room tempera-                 fruit with chlorinated water. If the fruit is
              ture. Mature green fruit exhibits a color break              washed, do not use ice or cold water, and the
              in the shape of a star at the blossom end.                   water should be properly chlorinated for sani-
              Another way to gauge maturity is to cut the                  tation (125 ppm). The pH of the wash water
              fruit, and if the seeds are cut, the tomato is not           should be 6.5–7.0. A washing and sizing unit
              ready to harvest.                                            can be used to clean and size harvested fruit.
                   Tomatoes are graded as USDA No. 1, No.                  Avoid storing vine-ripe tomatoes with fruits
              2, and No. 3. Within each grade class, tomatoes              such as apples or cantaloupes. These fruits
              can be sized as jumbo (more than 3.5" diame-                 emit ethylene, a gas hormone that accelerates
              ter); extra large (2.75" to 3.5"); large (2.5" to            ripening of tomatoes and can reduce their shelf
              2.75") and medium/small (less than 2.5"). Boxes              life.

                                Also from Extension Publications 1-800-292-0969
                                                   MU publication MX 384, Midwest Vegetable
                                                   Production Guide for Commercial Growers, 177 pp.
                                                    This comprehensive guide, revised annually, gives a wealth
                                                    of information on how to protect your vegetable crops from
                                                     insect and disease pests. It contains reference sections for
                                                      planting, spraying, cultivating, harvesting and storing more
                                                      than 30 vegetables common to the Midwest.
                                                      In addition, dozens of tables give information on varieties,
                                                       maturity dates, handling and storage life, estimated yields
                                                       per acre and more for each vegetable.

                                                                                                  University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                          High Tunnel Temperature Management

                  High Tunnel Temperature Management

     Temperature management is one of the                         Extremely high temperatures (above 90
most critical components of successful high                 degrees) can cause tomato flowers of some cul-
tunnel tomato production. Early-season toma-                tivars to abscise and will prevent the tomato
toes can be successfully grown in the central               from developing a uniform red color. High
Midwest without supplemental heat. Using                    temperatures cause the tomato leaves to turn
raised beds, plastic mulch and row covers in the            brown at the margins; the plant looks almost as
high tunnel will significantly increase average             if it has been in a furnace. Using shade fabric
daily temperatures. Adding a second layer of                (30–50%) from late June through July harvest
polyethylene covering will reduce heat loss and             will significantly lower
the formation of condensate on the inside sur-              temperatures within the
face of the cover. Growers who wish to use                  high tunnel.
heaters may find them useful in protecting the                    Shade cloth can be
crop during a hard freeze and in accelerating               applied externally over
growth of the tomatoes.                                     the high tunnel in June
     The optimum temperature for growth of                  and removed in early fall
the tomato plant is 70–75 degrees F. Average                (Figure 18). The shade
daily temperatures should not be lower than 65              cloth should not cover
degrees. Temperatures below 55 degrees dur-                 the sidewall vents. To
ing flowering can reduce fruit set and produce              calculate the width of
misshapen fruit. Growers must monitor tem-                  shade cloth needed, use Figure 18. Shade cloth applied over the high tunnel
                                                                                      moderates midsummer temperatures.
peratures carefully by placing a minimum/max-               the following formula
imum thermometer in the center of each high                 for a semicircular (arched) structure:
tunnel at the height of the tomato canopy.                                         ((W/2) x 3.14) – (Hsw x 2),
Shade the thermometer to avoid false high
readings due to direct exposure to sunlight.                where W = width of the high tunnel and Hsw =
     For early-tomato production, April is the              height of the sidewalls.
most variable month for temperature within the                  Figures 19–25 show daily temperature
high tunnel. Often, the vents are adjusted three            cycles throughout the 2003 growing season as
or more times per day to maintain an optimum                recorded in the University of Missouri high
temperature. Roof vents or vents at the top of              tunnel trials.
the end walls may be useful in preventing exces-
sive heat and humidity buildup within the high                           100
            120                                                           60
                                                             Temp (ºF)

             80                                                           30
Temp (ºF)

             40                                                            0
                                                                               1      5      9       13    17        21
             20                                                                             Time (hours)

              0                                                                                 Outside         High tunnel

                            Time (hours)                    Figure 20. March 15, 2003. Tomatoes were trans-
                  Outside        Inside         Inside
                                                            planted. Ambient conditions were sunny and warm.
                               (no rowcover)   (rowcover)   All vents were closed. The average 24-hour tempera-
                                                            ture in the high tunnel was 56 degrees F relative to
Figure 19. January 16-20, 2003. Row covers (double          51 degrees F ambient temperature. The growing
layer; lightweight) were used to overwinter lettuce         degree day (gdd) base temperature for tomatoes
with excellent results.                                     below which growth is negligible is 51 degrees F.

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
     High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

                               80                                                                                    90
                               70                                                                                    80                                           Vents
                               60                                                                                    70
               Temp (ºF)

                                                                                                         Temp (ºF)
                               20                                                                                    20
                               10                                                                                    10
                                0                                                                                     0
                                     1       5      9       13                17        21                                1         5          9       13    17      21
                                                   Time (hours)                                                                               Time (hours)
                                                       Outside                    High tunnel                                                     Outside      High tunnel

               Figure 21. March 30, 2003. Ambient conditions: Cool,                                      Figure 22. April 4, 2003. Warm morning, then turning
               sunny with vents closed. Twenty-four hour tempera-                                        colder through the day. Winds WNW; vents opened
               ture average within the high tunnel was 48 degrees F                                      on east side and closed at 3 p.m.
               compared with 36 degrees F ambient conditions.

                               120                                                                                   90
                                80                                                                                   60
                   Temp (ºF)

                                                                                                         Temp (ºF)   40
                                40                                                                                   30
                                 0                                                                                    0
                                     1        5     9       13                17         21                               1         5          9       13    17      21
                                                   Time (hours)                                                                               Time (hours)
                                         Outside      High tunnel                  High tunnel                                                    Outside      High tunnel
                                                                                   & row cover
              Figure 23. April 21, 2003. Flowering of tomatoes                                           Figure 24. May 31, 2003. Ambient conditions: Cloudy,
              observed. Ambient conditions: Cloudy, cool morning;                                        cool. Vents open until 6 p.m.
              Sunny afternoon. Vents closed. Single layer of light-
              weight row cover used.

                                                            Temp (ºF)

                                                                              1         5         9       13              17         21
                                                                                                 Time (hours)

                                                                                   Outside         High tunnel                 High tunnel/
                                                                                                                               shade cloth
                                                           Figure 25. July 4, 2003. Tomato harvest. Shade cloth
                                                           (47% black) significantly lowered temperatures and
                                                           improved ripening of high tunnel tomatoes.

                                                                                                                                              University of Missouri Extension
                                                                                                                                       Cropping Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels

  Cropping Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels
            Seed tomatoes

                                                                                                                                               Seed lettuce
                                                               Relay tomatoes                                          Transplant              for transplants
                                             Seed carrots
            Seed lettuce

                                                                                into lettuce and                       basil
                                                                                                                                                       Relay lettuce Seed beets,
                            for transplant

                                                                                                                       into tomatoes                                 carrots, spinach,
                                                                                                                                                       transplants   brocoli, kale &
                                                                                                                              Relay 2nd tomato         into tomatoes
                                                                                                                              crop (grape)                           lettuce

                                                                                                                                                                       under row covers
                                                                                                                              into basil

       Jan.            Feb. March April                                                                 May June               July        Aug. Sept. Oct.         Nov.     Dec.
 Harvest                                                                                                                   Harvest            Harvest basil       Harvest      Harvest
  lettuce                                                                                          Harvest lettuce                                                 grape        lettuce
                                                                                                     & carrots            tomatoes

                                                                                                                                                       Remove basil
        Intercropping system                                                                                                                              plants

Figure 26. A hypothetical intercropping system for tomatoes in a high tunnel in central Missouri.

     Intercropping is the growing of two or                                                                                  be relay planted into the existing lettuce bed
more crops within the same production area                                                                                   (Figure 28). Because the root systems of lettuce
during part of the life cycle of each crop.                                                                                  and tomatoes do not compete, fertilization prac-
Intercropping in a high tunnel allows growers                                                                                tices for the tomato can be used for both crops
to produce many vegetables within a limited                                                                                  without diminishing the yield of either. Lettuce
space and thus improve the output of the high                                                                                harvest begins in April and extends through
tunnel. Interplanting one vegetable with anoth-                                                                              mid-June. Peak yields of lettuce occur before
er after the first vegetable has become estab-                                                                               tomatoes set fruit. Tomato harvest begins in
lished is called relay intercropping (Figure 26).                                                                            mid-June and extends through July. The lettuce
                                                                                                                             does not accumulate nitrates. Both crops are
Cropping system I                                                                                                            able to maximize yields without competing with
Tomatoes interplanted with lettuce                                                                                           each other.
    Starting in January, leaf lettuce can be direct
seeded onto preformed raised beds within the
high tunnel (Figure 27). Each raised bed is
24–30 inches wide by 6–10 inches high. The let-
tuce is direct seeded as two or three rows per
bed, 6–8 inches apart. In March, tomatoes can
                                                                                                                             Figure 28. Lettuce, carrots and basil are among the crops that can be intercropped
  Tomato                                                                                                                     successfully with tomatoes in a high tunnel.
                                                                                                                             Cropping system II
                                                                                                                             Tomatoes interplanted with carrots
 Carrot &
 lettuce                                                                                                                          Carrots can be seeded as soon as soil tem-
 understory                                                                                                                  peratures reach 45 degrees F. For example, car-
                                                                                                                             rots can be seeded from February through early
                                                                                                                             April in a high tunnel. Tomatoes can be relay
                                                            6-8 in.
                       6-8 in.
                                                                                                                             interplanted into the carrot bed with no loss in
                                                                                                            6-10 in.

                                                                                                                             yield of either crop. The carrots can be harvest-
                                                                                                                             ed one month to one week before harvest of the
            24-30 inch width                                                                                                 tomatoes begins.
Figure 27. Cool-season crops can be interplanted with
tomatoes in preformed raised beds.

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
     High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide

              Cropping system III                                                        90
              Tomatoes interplanted with basil                                           80

                                                                     Percent emergence
                   Basil is often listed as a companion plant
              that repels tomato hornworm. It can be relay
              planted (from transplants) into existing tomato
              beds in early July after the carrot or lettuce har-
              vest has concluded. Basil is a warm-season herb
              that grows well in hot weather. Harvest of basil                           10
              will typically run from early August through                                0
              October. The tomatoes can be left in place or

                                                                                                                                  Sp oc




                                                                                                                                    br li
                                                                                                                                    ec co







              removed after peak harvest in late July. Grape


                                                                                                                                       ia li




              or cherry tomatoes can be planted into the
              existing beds with basil.                                                                              Row covers       No row covers

                                                                     Figure 29. Row covers for winter crops significantly
              Cropping system IV                                     improve germination.
              Overwintering cool-season vegetables                   Source: Data from University of Missouri Research
                                                                     High Tunnels, 2003.
                   After final harvest of tomatoes in mid to
              late November, a 100-day cool-season produc-           nel (Figure 29). The lettuce, spinach, miscella-
              tion window opens in the high tunnel. Hardy            neous salad greens and kale can be harvested
              vegetables such as broccoli (specialty and head-       before mid-March in central Missouri. Other
              ing), kale, spinach, tatsoi, carrots, beets and let-   cool-season vegetables may require a longer
              tuce can be direct seeded, germinated and over-        season.
              wintered under row covers within the high tun-

                                                                                                             University of Missouri Extension
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170
High tunel tomato production m00170

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High tunel tomato production m00170

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents Authors Lewis W. Jett, Department of Horticulture, University of Frequently asked questions about high tunnels 1 Missouri-Columbia in collaboration with Constructing a high tunnel 4 David Coltrain Kansas State University Producing tomatoes in a high tunnel 7 Jay Chism, James Quinn, and Andrew Read High tunnel temperature management 13 University of Missouri-Columbia Cropping systems for tomatoes in high tunnels 15 Editorial staff MU Extension and Agricultural Information High tunnel tomato pest management 17 Dale Langford, editor Dennis Murphy, illustrator Marketing & economics of high tunnel tomatoes 21 On the World Wide Web Appendix: Sources of supply Find this and other MU Extension publications on the Drip irrigation supplies 26 World Wide Web at Tomato seed 26 High tunnels 27 Photographs Biological pest controls 27 Except where noted, all photographs are by Lewis W. Jett. Acknowledgments Research reported in this publication was funded in part by a grant from the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS), U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thanks are due to Mr. Tim Reinbott, supervisor of the University of Missouri Bradford Research and Extension Center for his assistance with this research. For further information, address questions to Dr. Lewis W. Jett College of Agriculture Extension State Vegetable Crops Specialist Food and Department of Horticulture Natural Resources University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Copyright 2004 by the University of Missouri E-mail: Board of Curators
  • 3. Frequently Asked Questions About High Tunnels What is a high tunnel? ary unit, you will need to amend the soil each A high tunnel is a solar-heated, plastic- season or year with compost or other organic covered greenhouse with no electrical or auto- sources to maintain soil quality and fertility. mated ventilation. It can be used to extend the crop production season for many horticultural When can I plant vegetables in a high crops. Crops that are produced within high tun- tunnel? nels are grown in the ground with drip Placing a high tunnel on your farm is irrigation. roughly equivalent to raising the average annu- al air temperatures in your area by 10–15 Where can I purchase a high tunnel? degrees F. Therefore, you can schedule plant- There are several manufacturers of high ing based on field planting dates in the USDA tunnels. See the Appendix for a list of high tun- hardiness zone directly south of your farm. See nel manufacturers. inside back cover for zone map. How much does a high tunnel cost? Should I grow vegetables in a High tunnels can be built at a cost of about greenhouse or a high tunnel? $0.75 to $1.50 per square foot. This includes Input costs for greenhouse vegetable pro- the frame structure and the plastic cover. As a duction are significantly higher than those for rule of thumb, you should expect to pay at least high tunnel vegetable production. Greenhouse an additional 25 percent for end wall lumber, establishment costs approximate $6 per square site preparation, water lines and other acces- foot, almost five times the cost of a high tunnel. sories. Do I need a building permit for my What are the typical dimensions of a high tunnel? high tunnel? Generally speaking, high tunnels are con- Dimensions of a commercial high tunnel sidered to be nonpermanent structures. range from 10 to 30 feet wide by 9 to 12 feet However, you may need to check with your high by 96 to 100 feet long. local zoning regulations. Where should I place a high tunnel on What is the optimal orientation for a my farm? high tunnel? A high tunnel should be placed on a level, When orienting a high tunnel, in contrast well-drained, accessible site. High tunnels can to a greenhouse, sunlight is less important than be moveable, but if you wish to have a station- good ventilation. A high tunnel should be ori- College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 4. 2 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide ented in a direction that is perpendicular to the Other choices include peppers, summer squash, prevailing winds on your farm. Remember, all cucumbers, melons, herbs, eggplant, and snap ventilation is manual, so you depend on the or pole beans. wind to ventilate your house. Generally, for locations south of 40 degrees What are some examples of cropping north latitude (central Illinois, northern patterns for a high tunnel? Missouri, southern Nebraska), high tunnels At least two crops per year can be produced should be oriented north–south. This orienta- using a high tunnel. In central Missouri, for tion maximizes light interception and is per- example, tomatoes can be planted as early as pendicular to the prevailing westerly winds. March within a high tunnel, and harvest can begin in mid-June. Depending on the variety Should I use a single or double layer of and type of tomato chosen, harvest can con- plastic for my high tunnel? tinue through July. At this point, the tomatoes A double layer of plastic will almost double can be removed, the soil fertilized and tilled, the insulation properties of the high tunnel. and a second crop of peppers, cucumbers or However, adding another layer of plastic beans can be established for fall harvest. If you reduces light intensity. An inflation fan will be wish to keep tomatoes in the high tunnel, needed to blow air into the area between the spring-planted tomatoes will bear fruit through two layers to reduce moisture buildup and October in Missouri. A cool-season vegetable increase the insulation properties of the cover. can be planted in late November and then be The outer layer of plastic is 6 mil and the inner either harvested or overwintered in the high layer is typically 4 mil. tunnel. Can a high tunnel be mobile? How are tomatoes grown within a Yes. One of the primary objectives of a high high tunnel? tunnel is to lengthen the harvest period. Tomatoes are grown on raised beds with Movable high tunnels may be relocated to organic or plastic mulch. The raised bed (at existing plots of cropland to accelerate early least 6 inches high) will facilitate drainage and growth or extend the growing season for that keep the root system warmer. Plastic mulch crop. However, they are less airtight than sta- (black, clear, or infrared-transmitting) will also tionary high tunnels. Consult Eliot Coleman’s increase soil temperatures. Drip irrigation is Winter Harvest Manual for additional informa- used to water and fertilize the tomatoes tion on design of movable high tunnels. through the growing season. Row covers, a lightweight fabric, must be used to provide What type of plastic is used to cover a early frost protection. The tomatoes can be high tunnel? either staked or caged. Six-mil, four-year, greenhouse-grade poly- ethylene is a suitable material for covering a How many tomatoes can I plant in a high tunnel. 20' x 96' high tunnel? The optimal spacing for tomatoes in a high How high should the sidewalls be for a tunnel is 6 square feet per plant. Therefore, high tunnel? approximately 300 plants can be planted per A sidewall 5 feet high is superior to a 3-foot house. sidewall with respect to air circulation. For tomatoes, a sidewall at least 5 feet high will per- Is pollination of tomatoes adversely mit air to move above the crop canopy. affected by the high tunnel? No. Tomatoes are self-pollinated. Research What warm-season vegetables can be at the University of Missouri has shown no pol- produced in a high tunnel? lination problems with tomatoes in a high tun- Warm-season vegetables are sensitive to nel. Air movement, which reduces humidity frost. Many types of vegetables can be grown and vibrates the flower, is important for good successfully in a high tunnel. Many growers pollination. If you have to keep the vents closed have used high tunnels for early tomatoes. for an extended period, you may want to shake University of Missouri Extension
  • 5. 3 Frequently Asked Questions the cages or stakes to facilitate pollination. If Can I use pesticides within a high tunnel? you are using row covers, they should be Some pesticides can be used within a high removed when the plants are flowering and the tunnel, but growers must read the label specifi- sidewalls are rolled up. If temperatures are pro- cally for each crop. Current regulations main- jected to fall to 55 degrees F or less, the row tain that when high tunnel sidewall vents are covers should remain on the plants. High side- rolled up, the high tunnel may be treated as a walls improve cross-ventilation within the high field crop. Opening just the end walls is not suf- tunnel. ficient for applying pesticides within a high tunnel. When the sides are down, the high tun- What is an average yield for high nel should be treated as a greenhouse. Keep the tunnel tomatoes? sidewall vents open for the length of the reentry High tunnel tomatoes average about 10–12 interval (REI). pounds of tomatoes per plant over a four-week harvest period (mid-June to mid-July). The Are certain tomato cultivars best percentage of unmarketable fruit is much lower suited for high tunnel production? for high tunnel tomatoes than for field Any field or garden tomato will perform tomatoes. well in a high tunnel. If the objective is to pro- duce early tomatoes, the best choice would be a Do I need to spray tomatoes in a high hybrid, determinate cultivar that concentrates tunnel for disease and insect control? its fruit-set within a narrow window (4–6 High tunnels provide a protected environ- weeks). Indeterminate types will perform well ment for crop growth. However, this does not in a high tunnel. However, these types of toma- mean that you will not have any harmful dis- toes continue to set fruit through the summer eases or insects. Protecting the crop from rain and fall and will not yield a large quantity of will significantly reduce disease problems. fruit per harvest. Indeterminate tomatoes are However, you should scout your crop for any well suited for late summer and fall tomatoes. sign of disease. Pay close attention to the rows nearest the baseboards or doors. Insects Can high-bicarbonate irrigation water encountered on tomatoes in the Universitiy of be a problem for high tunnel tomatoes? Missouri high tunnel trials include aphids Using irrigation water that is high in calci- (Myzus persicae), hornworms (Protoparce quin- um and magnesium can increase the pH of the quemaculata) and fruitworms (Helicoverpa zea). soil over time and cause nutrient imbalances. Many of these insects can be controlled by bio- Test the water for pH and bicarbonate levels. logical methods (beneficial insects) or using Using sulfur fertilizers or injecting acids into biological insecticides (Bt insecticides) or by irrigation water can neutralize the bicarbonates. exclusion (closing vents at night). For more information about high tunnels Coleman, Eliot. 1998. The Winter Harvest Manual. (Four Season Farm, 609 Weir Cove Road, Harborside, ME 04642) Web site for the Central Great Plains High Tunnel Collaborative Project Pennsylvania State University Web site for high tunnel horticulture research Noble Foundation high tunnel research projects College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 6. 4 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide Constructing a High Tunnel High tunnels are solar-heated, plastic- sandy loam soil. Deep soil facilitates the forma- covered structures that provide a protected tion of raised beds; tomatoes have a large root environment for high-value crops. These pro- volume requiring deep, well-drained soils. Do tective structures consist of a series of evenly not place the high tunnel in a frost pocket spaced bows that provide structural support for where either air or water drainage is a problem. the polyethylene covering. Most commercial Make site adjustments to allow for surface units are available in widths ranging from 14 to water runoff. Drainage pipe can be buried 30 feet, and may vary from 48 to 96 feet long. around the perimeter of each high tunnel to At the University of Missouri, a “Polar” high prevent water from seeping into the structure. tunnel kit was purchased from Stuppy Select a parcel of land that is larger than what is Greenhouse Manufacturing, Inc. (Kansas City, immediately needed to allow for expansion if Mo.). The dimensions of this structure are 20 necessary. Additional areas may also be needed feet wide by 12 feet high with bows spaced four to accommodate service or storage buildings. feet apart and 5-foot high sidewalls (Figure 1). Care should be taken to avoid locations where This structure can be up to 100 feet long. trees or buildings may cast shadows on the solar-heated structures. Selecting the site High tunnels should be oriented to facili- The first step in constructing a high tunnel tate good air movement across the structure. is site selection. The site should be relatively For maximum light interception, high tunnels level to reduce the cost of grading. If possible, above 40 degrees north latitude (northern select a site that has deep, well-drained loam or Missouri) should be oriented east–west. For locations below that line, north–south is the optimum orientation. The deciding factor should be prevailing wind direction on your farm. The long axis of the high tunnel should be perpendicular to prevailing winds during spring and summer. Cold, winter winds from the northwest should contact the end wall. Windbreaks on the north sides of high tunnels may be applicable in some areas. Access to the high tunnel is also important when considering location. Because high tun- nels require manual labor to vent, the structures Figure 1. High tunnel components include sidewall, end wall, bows and purlin. should be in a convenient location to minimize labor cost. Construction Side posts Begin constructing your high tunnel by at 4- or 6-foot spacing positioning and squaring the four corner posts. Guide strings after Use a hand-held level to make sure the posts moving out half the diameter are set vertically in the ground. To check for a of the column square layout of the corner posts, measure each Diagonal measure diagonal. The lengths of the two diagonals should be within half an inch of each other. Use the Pythagorean theorem to set the high tunnel square: the square of the diagonal Batten boards should equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides of the high tunnel. The diagonal of a Figure 2. Design layout for high tunnel. (Source: Nagengast, 2003). 20' x 96' high tunnel is 98.06 feet. Measuring University of Missouri Extension
  • 7. 5 Constructing a High Tunnel this distance for both diagonals will ensure that structure, there may be your corner posts are set 90 degrees to each one to four purlins per other. You may wish to cement the corner posts tunnel (Figure 4). to add structural integrity to the high tunnel. Set all posts to a depth of 24 inches. Metal posts Baseboard and hip can be driven into the ground by using a metal board installation fence post driver or by placing a trailer hitch ball on top of the post to protect the post ends Baseboards fastened and striking the ball with a heavy hammer. to the support posts Run a string line from one corner post strengthen the founda- Figure 5. Baseboard and hip board attached to side down the long axis of the tunnel to the corner tion of the high tunnel. posts. post on the other end, drive the remaining side A 2" x 6" pressure-treat- posts in the ground to the proper depth (Figure ed board makes a good 2). The top of each post should be the same dis- baseboard for most tance from the string line to ensure the proper applications. Use post or depth and to keep the bows level. conduit clamps to attach the baseboard to the Installing the bows side posts (Figure 5). Most manufactured high tunnel bows are Hip boards add delivered in two or three pieces. Stuppy’s strength to the tunnel “Polar” unit is delivered in three sections. and serve as a top point Figure 6. Plastic attached to hip board. Assemble a bow by joining two bow sections for rolling up the side- with a ridge connecter to form an arch. Attach walls. Hip boards should be located 5 feet above the complete bows to the side posts. At least two the baseboards for maximum ventilation. people are needed to insert the bows into the Attach the hip board in the same manner as the side posts. After the bows are in place, the cen- baseboard. Then attach a 1" x 3" board along ter purlin can be attached to each bow with a the top of the hip board. This will serve as the purlin bracket (Figure 3). The center purlin sits attachment point for the polyethylene cover- on top of the bows in the Stuppy “Polar” design, ing. Pull the polyethylene over the 1" x 3" but some manufacturers’ purlins will be board and then install another 1" x 3" board to attached under the high tunnel bows. Additional sandwich the plastic film between the two purlins may be added to give extra stability to boards (Figure 6). the high tunnel. Depending on the width of the End wall construction End wall designs are numerous (Figure 7). University of Missouri Research High Tunnels are framed so that end wall panels can be removed. Removable end walls allow larger equipment, such as utility tractors, to be oper- ated inside the tunnel (Figure 8). Four 8' x 8' panels are installed on each tunnel. It is also Figure 3. A purlin bracket (left) is used to connect the necessary to construct a storage rack near the two bow sections. The center purlin of the Stuppy tunnel locations to allow for easy storage of the “Polar Cub” design (right) sits on top of the bows . Figure 4. Purlins can number from one to four on a Figure 7. Various end wall designs used on commercial high tunnels. high tunnel. College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 8. 6 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide panels when they are plastic to the 2" x 6" hip removed for the sum- board with the 1" x 3" mer months (Figure 9). boards. The cover Attached to each panel should come over the are two handles that top of the upper 1" x 3" make the panels easier board and under the to lift. Each panel is other board as previous- held in place by four ly described. Keep the Figure 10. Wiggle (zigzag) modified angle-iron plastic tight as you wire is used to secure the gate latches (Figure 8). secure the covering. plastic to the frame. The edge of the During end wall angle iron attached to construction, attach aluminum channel lock on the end wall framing top of the two end wall bows. This channel was ground down to allows the plastic covering to be attached to the make the panels easier bows by using a 13-gauge, high tensile wire Figure 8. End wall panels are held in place by modi- to remove. called wiggle wire, which locks the polyethyl- fied angle-iron brackets. ene in place (Figure 10). Covering the high Attach the sidewall plastic to a 3⁄4"-diameter tunnel PVC pipe to allow the sidewalls to be rolled up (Figure 11). Attach the sidewall plastic to the Plastic films for roll-up pipe with a second PVC pipe that has covering high tunnels been ripped in half and screwed to the roll-up should be 6-mil green- pipe. house-grade plastic with UV light resistance. Handles for the roll-up sidewalls Figure 9. End wall panels can be removed (left) and Greenhouse-grade Figure 11 shows the roll-up sidewall handle stored (right) during the summer. polyethylene films usu- design. The PVC pipe handle is easily moved to ally carry a manufacturer’s guaranteed life span roll the sidewalls up and down or lock the side- of three or four years under normal conditions. walls in place. Always roll up the sidewalls in a Covering the high tunnel should be direction that prevents water from accumulat- attempted only when there is little or no wind. ing in the roll. Before covering the high tunnel, rough edges on the structure should be taped or smoothed to prevent tearing of the plastic film. Unroll the plastic along one side of the structure and unfold it. For a 20-foot-wide high tunnel, you will need a piece of plastic at least 32 feet wide. Try not to let excessive moisture from rainfall or morning dew settle on the film before instal- lation. Tie a rope to one corner of the plastic and at 20-foot intervals down the sidewall edge. Figure 11. A 3⁄4-inch PVC t-handle (left) rolls the side- With the plastic wrapped around a tennis ball, wall vents up (open) or down (closed). a rope can be attached to pull it slowly over the frame. The plastic is easier to handle and pull over the bows when it is dry. Once the film is For further information pulled over the structure, make sure it is square Nagengast, D. 2003. Siting and building the by checking to see that all creases run in a hoophouse. In: The Hoophouse Handbook straight line. Attach the film to the frame in (L. Byczynski ed.) Fairplain Publications, four or five places to secure it temporarily while Lawrence, Kan. it is being permanently attached. Attach the University of Missouri Extension
  • 9. 7 Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel Many vegetable crops can be successfully Table 1. Plastic mulch effects on soil temperature. grown in a high tunnel. Tomatoes are particu- Mulch type Soil temperature increase larly well adapted to production within a high (+) or decrease (–) (F) tunnel because tomatoes can be trained to grow Black +5 vertically by trellising or staking. Early-season Clear +8–14 tomatoes also reward growers with premium Infrared transmitting (IRT) +5–10 prices because of the difficulty of consistently White -2 harvesting field tomatoes before July in the Note: Soil temperature at the 2-inch depth. central Great Plains. Source: Penn State University Center for Plasticulture and University of Missouri. Production inputs A permanent high tunnel should be placed Organic mulches create a favorable environ- on fertile, unshaded, well-drained soils with a ment for many beneficial insects while increas- pH in the range of 6.0–7.0. Because high tun- ing organic matter. However, some organic nels are manually vented, they should be placed mulches (straw or hay) can significantly lower in an accessible location. The soil should be soil temperature and thus would not be effec- tilled to a depth of 6–8 inches, and nutrients tive for warming the soil in the spring. should be applied based on a recent soil test. Compost (being dark colored) can increase soil Tomatoes should be established on a raised bed. temperatures, but not as effectively as black Raised beds will significantly enhance plastic mulch. Organic mulches can be applied tomato rooting by increasing soil warming, when soil temperatures have increased. drainage and volume. Tomatoes are a relatively deep-rooted vegetable. An ideal raised bed is Irrigation Figure 12. Raised bed about 8–10 inches high and 30–36 inches wide Because the high tunnel excludes natural with black plastic mulch at the top. Typically, a 20' x 96' high tunnel will rainfall, irrigation must be provided. Drip irri- (1-mil, embossed). Drip accommodate five rows of tomatoes. Raised gation for tomatoes significantly improves mar- tape is placed under the plastic mulch. beds can be made with power tillers or compact ketable yield and overall quality. A uniform bed shapers attached to small tractors. After the application of water reduces fruit cracking and raised beds are formed, fertilizer, drip tape and other physiological problems such as blossom plastic mulch can be applied (Figure 12). end rot. The drip tape (a 3⁄4-inch small, collapsi- ble tube) should be buried slightly below the Mulch soil surface 2–3 inches to the side of the plant For early tomato production, black, clear with the drippers on the top. Eight- or 10-mil or IRT (infrared transmitting) mulch can be tape is acceptable with drippers spaced 4–12 applied to increase soil temperatures and to inches apart. A drip system operates at 8–15 psi reduce weed emergence and soil evaporation. pressure. (See the Appendix for a list of region- For maximum effectiveness, black plastic mulch al drip irrigation suppliers). should be in good contact with the surface of Tomatoes use a large volume of water, espe- the bed for effective transfer of heat. Embossed cially during fruit sizing. The fruit is about 95 plastic mulch will fit tightly over the bed. Clear percent water. From fruit set to harvest, 1.5-3 plastic will increase soil temperatures signifi- quarts of water per plant may be needed each day. cantly more than black plastic, but weeds will Soil moisture can be monitored with a ten- emerge under the clear film (Table 1). White siometer, a device that measures soil moisture plastic (white on black or white) will signifi- tension in centibars (cb). The drier the soil, the cantly lower soil temperatures and can be used higher the centibar reading from the tensiome- for high tunnel tomato production in late sum- ter. Place the tensiometer in the center of each mer or fall. raised bed. When 50 percent of the available Organic mulches such as straw, hay or soil water is depleted, irrigation should occur compost can be used for high tunnel tomatoes. (see Table 2). College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 10. 8 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide Table 2. Using a tensiometer to monitor soil moisture and irrigate tomatoes. preplant nitrogen is necessary. However, if your Soil texture Soil tension (cb) Soil moisture status soil organic matter is less than 3 percent, and Sand, loamy sand 5–10 you have not been supplementing the soil with Soil at field capacity. Irrigation is not organic residues, you should apply the equiva- Sandy loam, loam, silt loam 8 required. Clay loam, clay 20–40 lent of 1.4 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (equivalent to 60 pounds per acre) at Sand, loamy sand 20–40 Irrigate tomatoes (50% of soil water or before transplanting (Table 3). Additional Sandy loam, loam, silt loam 40–60 is depleted). Provide approximately nitrogen can be applied by the drip system at a 2 quarts per plant. Clay loam, clay 50–100 weekly rate of 8–10 pounds per acre starting two weeks after transplanting. For example, An additional advantage of drip irrigation assume a 20' x 96' (1,920 ft2) high tunnel has in a high tunnel is the ability to inject water- five rows of tomatoes spaced 18" x 48". The soluble nutrients through the drip line as the total plant population in the high tunnel is 320 plant needs them. Generally, large quantities of plants. Providing 8–10 pounds of nitrogen per phosphorus and potassium should not be acre is equivalent to applying 19–24 ounces of applied through the drip system. Rather, based calcium nitrate (15.5N-0-0-19Ca) per 1,000 on a recent soil test, all the needed phosphorus square feet (Table 4). A 20' x 90' high tunnel and most of the potassium can be applied at containing 320 plants require 36–46 ounces of planting or between cropping cycles within a calcium nitrate per week. high tunnel. Additional potassium can be Taking tissue samples periodically through applied during harvest. About 40–50 percent of the growing season may be useful. Randomly the total nitrogen requirements for tomatoes select 10–12 plants per house. Break the fifth or can be applied before planting, and the balance sixth limb from the top of the plant and place can be applied through the drip system over the the entire limb in a brown paper bag. course of the growing season. Nitrogen Preferably dry the sample before sending to a requirements for tomatoes depend on the soil diagnostic lab for analysis. quality (i.e., organic matter) and previous crop- ping history. Generally, for each 1 percent Row covers organic matter content of your soil, you can Row covers are an important component of assume that there are 20 pounds of residual successful high tunnel tomato production. Row nitrogen per acre. Therefore, if you have covers are lightweight, spun-bonded organic matter levels greater than 3 percent, no polypropylene blankets that are supported loosely over the crop row or canopy. In the Table 3. Nitrogen rates for several granular commercial fertilizer analyses (pre- field, a light to medium-weight (0.5–0.9 oz/yd2) plant). row cover will increase air temperature around N required N per 1,000 ft2 10-10-10 13-13-13 20-20-20 the crop by 2–6 degrees F, while protecting the (lb per acre) (oz) (oz/1,000 ft2) (oz/1,000 ft2) (oz/1,000 ft2) crop from adverse weather and insect injury. 50 18 184 141 92 Using row covers in a high tunnel can signifi- 60 22 220 170 110 cantly increase the average daily temperature. 75 28 275 212 138 For early tomato production, row covers can be 100 37 367 283 184 two to three times more effective in a tunnel 125 46 459 353 230 than they are in the field. A medium-weight (single or double layer) row cover should be Table 4. Amount of several water-soluble fertilizers required to supply nitrogen (fertigation). placed over the plants after transplanting in March. Do not keep row covers on the toma- N required 15.5-0-0† 34-0-0‡ 20-20-20 (lb/acre) N/1,000 ft2 (oz) (oz/1,000 ft2) (oz/1,000 ft2) (oz/1,000 ft2) toes too long. During flowering, you will need 2 1 5 2 4 to remove the covers to ensure adequate polli- 4 1 10 4 7 nation. If temperatures become cold during 6 2 14 7 11 flowering, the row covers can be reapplied. In contrast to field conditions, wind cur- 8 3 19 9 15 rents do not remove trapped thermal energy 10 4 24 11 19 under the row cover within a high tunnel, and Notes: †Calcium nitrate ‡Ammonium nitrate the row cover acts as an insulating layer over University of Missouri Extension
  • 11. 9 Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel the plant. Another option is the use of plastic prolonged temperatures below 55 degrees or low tunnels that act as mini-greenhouses (18- above 90 degrees, flowers can drop from the 24" high) with a single or double layer of plas- plant. High humidity (higher than 80%) can tic (1-mil). Low tunnels can significantly also adversely affect pollination, producing cat- increase air temperatures but must be vented to faced (misshapen) fruit. The period between prevent excessively high temperatures. flowering and harvest is about 45 days for most Row covers can be kept on the plants from tomato cultivars. the time of transplanting (mid to late March) Because temperature and humidity affect until the appearance of the first flower cluster. tomato pollination, yield and fruit quality, the At this point, they can be removed and kept in high tunnel environment should be monitored reserve in the event of freezing temperatures. If carefully. In early spring, the period of venting the sidewall vents are rolled up (i.e., ambient is usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If left temperatures are warmer than 60 degrees) the unvented, a high tunnel can reach extremely row covers can be removed at any time. Row high temperatures (Figure 13). A 60-degree day covers should be kept on tomato plants if the can produce 100-degree temperatures within night temperatures fall below 50 degrees. the high tunnel. The amount of venting required depends on prevailing winds and sun- Tomato plant characteristics light intensity. The goal should be to keep day- The tomato is a warm-season vegetable time temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees crop that is sensitive to frost and will be killed and relative humidity below 80 percent. If there by freezing temperatures. Tomato plants have is a forecast of frost, close the vents in midafter- either a determinate or an indeterminate noon and place row covers on the plants. growth habit. Determinate tomato vines pro- duce side shoots that terminate in a flower clus- High tunnel tomato culture ter, and the plant reaches a height of 3–4 feet. Therefore, yield is concentrated over a 4- to 6- Producing transplants week period. Indeterminate tomato plants con- In a high tunnel, tomatoes are usually estab- tinue to produce additional vines and flower lished by transplants. The critical first step in clusters throughout the growing season and transplant production is to purchase quality seed may reach 5–7 feet in height. of a cultivar that possesses characteristics you Tomato plants do not need a specific day prefer. One ounce of tomato seed contains Note: length to flower. The flowers are self-pollinat- 6,000–12,000 seeds. (See the Appendix for a list 1 oz/gallon = 75 ppm ed, but physical vibration of the flower by shak- of tomato seed suppliers.) The optimum germi- ing the plant, wind movement, or insect polli- nation temperature for tomato seed is 75 To determine the parts per million (ppm) of a nation will promote pollination. The optimum degrees F, and the optimum temperature range specific fertilizer nutri- temperatures for pollination are 68–75 degrees for growth of the transplant is 60–70 degrees. ent, multiply the per- F at night and 60–90 degrees during the day. At Seeds should be sown in a germination flat or centage of the nutrient 50- to 72-cell tray 5-7 weeks before you antici- by 75. The product will be ppm of the nutrient Open pate transplanting. Container size is important per ounce of the fertil- Close 120 vent vent for early tomato production. Research has izer dissolved in 100 100 90 revealed that the container for a tomato seedling gallons of water. 80 should be at least 2.25 inches in diameter. For For example, if you 70 wish to prepare a 200 example, if the seed is sown in a 72-cell tray, the Temp (ºF) 60 ppm nitrogen solution 50 seedlings can be replanted in a 606 Compack 40 of 20-20-20, 30 (2.25" x 2" cell) flat beginning at the two-true- 0.20(75) = 15. Thus, 20 leaf stage. Low light or excessive watering, in 1 ounce of 20-20-20 10 0 nitrogen or temperature will cause excessive (dissolved in 100 gal- 12 . . . . am “leggy” growth. Transplants should be fertilized am . pm pm . . . 10 . . . . am pm lons of water), there am pm am pm am pm 12 10 2 2 6 6 8 8 4 4 Time with 100–200 ppm of nitrogen per watering. are 15 ppm of nitrogen. To make a 200 ppm Outside High tunnel For example, approximately 1 pound of 20-20- solution, (200 ppm 20 can be dissolved in 100 gallons of water for a 15 ppm/oz) 13.3 Figure 13. Daily temperature fluctuations in an unvented (single plastic layer) high tunnel, Columbia, fertilizer source. A good tomato transplant ounces of 20-20-20 will Mo. (3/27/02). should be stocky. Tomato transplants can be be needed. College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 12. 10 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide conditioned or “hardened off” before trans- First flower planting. Hardening of tomato plants enables cluster the plants to survive the shock of transplanting within the high tunnel in early spring. Plants that are not properly hardened will be slow to Leave this sucker start growth after transplanting. Hardening of (below first flower cluster). tomato transplants can be accomplished by tak- Do not prune ing plants from the greenhouse about 10 days higher on Remove all other the plant before transplanting and exposing them to out- suckers below side temperatures (no cooler than 55 degrees) and wind for a few hours each day. Transplanting Tomato plants can be transplanted when soil temperatures reach 60 degrees F at a depth of 2 inches. A starter solution of fertilizer (e.g., Figure 16. Remove all but one sucker below the first 9-45-15) should be used to promote root devel- flower cluster to achieve balance between vine and opment. Three pounds of the dry material is fruit growth. mixed per 50 gallons of water and one-half pint tunnel, one of the preferred ways to train toma- is applied to each plant. For early tomato pro- toes for early harvest is the stake-and-weave duction, row covers, raised beds, drip irrigation system. Drive a 48–52" x 1" square wooden and plastic mulch are essential. You may wish to stake (or metal rebar) that is driven between invest in portable backup heaters if you feel the every other tomato plant (Figure 14). When the risk of a freeze is great. tomato plants reach a height of 12 inches, the A tomato plant in a high tunnel should first string can be applied. Nylon plastic twine occupy 4–6 square feet of land. Early-yielding is the best source of string. Every 6 inches of new growth will require a new string to provide support for the tomato vine and fruit load. Caging tomatoes is another option for training. If you choose to trellis tomatoes from the roof frame, make certain your high tunnel frame can support the crop load. Otherwise, tensile wire supported by metal posts can be used to trellis the vines. String tool Pruning, the removal of suckers or axillary shoots that grow between the leaf and the main stem, will accelerate early harvest and improve disease tolerance by enhancing air circulation around the plant (Figure 15). While pruning may be too labor intensive for field production, tomatoes in a high tunnel should be pruned if Figure 14. Staking and stringing of tomato plants will improve fruit quality and the objective is early harvest. Pruning will not early marketable yield. increase total marketable yield. The purpose of cultivars that do not produce a large vine can be pruning is to achieve a balance between vine spaced closer than midseason cultivars or those and fruit growth. Remove all suckers up to the that tend to have vigorous vines. one below the first flower cluster, resulting in two stems per plant (Figure 16). Prune when Training and pruning the suckers are less than 4 inches long, and do Training tomatoes within a high tunnel is not prune the plants if they are wet. After prun- very important. When tomato are staked, light ing, you may wish to apply a labeled fungicide Figure 15. Pruning interception and disease tolerance are improved to protect against disease outbreak. (suckering) tomato plants accelerates early and the plant is more likely to set early fruit, See Table 5 for a guide to troubleshooting harvest. and disease tolerance is improved. For a high problems with tomatoes in high tunnels. University of Missouri Extension
  • 13. 11 Producing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel Table 5. Troubleshooting tomato problems in a high tunnel. Problem Possible cause Solution Temperatures are either too cool or too warm. Proper venting for temperature management Flowers falling off plants Thrips See Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers Flowers fuse together Too cool. Proper temperature management Fruit catfaced or misshapen Pollination disorder. Humidity may be too high or temperature too low. If the upper leaves experience cupping or rolling, check for aphids. Aphids produce sticky Aphids can be controlled by using registered, labeled organic or excrement that attracts flies and ants and is synthetic pesticides and releasing beneficial insects. colonized by a dark fungus. Cupping or rolling of leaves Some early-season cultivars roll or cup their Genetics leaves when they have a heavy fruit load. Water stress (excess or deficiency) Irrigation management Temperatures are too high or low, or humidity Temperature management. Do not keep row covers on plants too is excessive. long. Poor fruit set Flowers are not being vibrated enough for Roll up sidewalls if temperature permits. Shake tomato stakes to pollination. promote pollen release. Use bumblebees. Disease that is promoted by high humidity and cool, cloudy Fruit has gray mold on the Gray mold (Botrytis) fungus weather. Vent high tunnel properly. Use labeled fungicides, and stem end increase air circulation around the fruit. Bt insecticides should be applied every 8–14 days beginning at Border rows have fruit with Worm feeding flowering. If worms are visible, you may wish to use another holes. Foliage feeding. labeled pesticide. Stem lesions cause the Disease Have plants diagnosed by your local extension specialist. plant to wilt. If picking during hot weather, use a shade cloth. Late fall tomatoes Fruit fails to ripen Temperature may not ripen because of low light and temperatures. Blossom end rot is caused by a localized deficiency of calcium to the developing fruit. Make sure your soil has medium to high Black spots on bottom of calcium levels; water uniformly; do not overapply NH4 fertilizers or Blossom end rot fruit overprune. Calcium can be applied through the drip system. Do not apply foliar calcium. Fruit cracking Irregular watering Mulch and water uniformly. Table 6. Some tomato varieties for high tunnel production. Days to Disease Variety Comments harvest resistance Determinate BHN 543 72 F12 V1 Midseason early; Excellent size, shape and quality. Carolina Gold 75 F12 V1 GW Yellow (tangerine) colored fruit; Vigorous vine. Excellent quality. Florida 47 75 F12 V1 Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit; Good quality; Vine slightly less vigorous than Fl 91. Florida 91 72 F12 V1 Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit. Heat-set variety with good disease tolerance. Floralina 72 F123 V1 Large, smooth, crack-resistant fruit. Very good taste. Merced 69 F12 V1 Early; Good quality. Has a tendency to crack in the field but not the high tunnel. Mountain Fresh 78 F12 V1 Excellent midseason variety; Very good quality. Vigorous vine. Good disease tolerance. Mountain Spring 70 F12 V1 Early; Excellent fruit size. Sunleaper 70 F12 V1 Heat-set variety good for summer and fall production. Indeterminate Trust F12 V1 Excellent quality and yield Big Beef 73 F12 V1 Excellent yield 1Thislist is not intended to include every variety that may perform well in a high tunnel. F = Fusarium wilt race 1, 2, 3 V = Verticillium wilt GW = Gray wall College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 14. 12 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide Figure 17. Tomatoes can be packed in single- (15 lb) or multiple-layer (20–25 lb) boxes for market. Variety selection or shipping containers for tomatoes vary. Typically tomatoes are packed in 20- to 25- The essential first step in successful high- pound boxes or single layer, 15-pound boxes tunnel tomato production is selection of a suit- (Figure 17). able variety. Table 6 lists several varieties that Do not refrigerate vine-ripe tomatoes or have performed well in high tunnel trials at the allow the fruit to be exposed to temperatures University of Missouri. higher than 85 degrees. If tomatoes are held in storage, the temperatukre should be 50–75 Harvest and postharvest handling degrees F with 85–90 percent relative humidi- Tomatoes can be harvested for vine-ripe ty. On hot days, pulp temperature of tomatoes fruit about 45 days after flowering. However, can be 20 degrees warmer than air tempera- tomatoes continue to ripen when picked at any tures. Picking fruit early in the morning or in stage from mature green onward. If high tunnel the evening reduces field heat. Shade cloth can tomato production is extended into late fall, significantly lower temperatures in the high mature green fruit can be harvested before a tunnel during harvest in late June and July. hard freeze and allowed to ripen at room tem- Tomatoes can be packed immediately after har- perature. Mature green fruit can also be har- vest without washing, or growers can clean the vested and allowed to ripen at room tempera- fruit with chlorinated water. If the fruit is ture. Mature green fruit exhibits a color break washed, do not use ice or cold water, and the in the shape of a star at the blossom end. water should be properly chlorinated for sani- Another way to gauge maturity is to cut the tation (125 ppm). The pH of the wash water fruit, and if the seeds are cut, the tomato is not should be 6.5–7.0. A washing and sizing unit ready to harvest. can be used to clean and size harvested fruit. Tomatoes are graded as USDA No. 1, No. Avoid storing vine-ripe tomatoes with fruits 2, and No. 3. Within each grade class, tomatoes such as apples or cantaloupes. These fruits can be sized as jumbo (more than 3.5" diame- emit ethylene, a gas hormone that accelerates ter); extra large (2.75" to 3.5"); large (2.5" to ripening of tomatoes and can reduce their shelf 2.75") and medium/small (less than 2.5"). Boxes life. Also from Extension Publications 1-800-292-0969 MU publication MX 384, Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers, 177 pp. This comprehensive guide, revised annually, gives a wealth of information on how to protect your vegetable crops from insect and disease pests. It contains reference sections for planting, spraying, cultivating, harvesting and storing more than 30 vegetables common to the Midwest. In addition, dozens of tables give information on varieties, maturity dates, handling and storage life, estimated yields per acre and more for each vegetable. University of Missouri Extension
  • 15. 13 High Tunnel Temperature Management High Tunnel Temperature Management Temperature management is one of the Extremely high temperatures (above 90 most critical components of successful high degrees) can cause tomato flowers of some cul- tunnel tomato production. Early-season toma- tivars to abscise and will prevent the tomato toes can be successfully grown in the central from developing a uniform red color. High Midwest without supplemental heat. Using temperatures cause the tomato leaves to turn raised beds, plastic mulch and row covers in the brown at the margins; the plant looks almost as high tunnel will significantly increase average if it has been in a furnace. Using shade fabric daily temperatures. Adding a second layer of (30–50%) from late June through July harvest polyethylene covering will reduce heat loss and will significantly lower the formation of condensate on the inside sur- temperatures within the face of the cover. Growers who wish to use high tunnel. heaters may find them useful in protecting the Shade cloth can be crop during a hard freeze and in accelerating applied externally over growth of the tomatoes. the high tunnel in June The optimum temperature for growth of and removed in early fall the tomato plant is 70–75 degrees F. Average (Figure 18). The shade daily temperatures should not be lower than 65 cloth should not cover degrees. Temperatures below 55 degrees dur- the sidewall vents. To ing flowering can reduce fruit set and produce calculate the width of misshapen fruit. Growers must monitor tem- shade cloth needed, use Figure 18. Shade cloth applied over the high tunnel moderates midsummer temperatures. peratures carefully by placing a minimum/max- the following formula imum thermometer in the center of each high for a semicircular (arched) structure: tunnel at the height of the tomato canopy. ((W/2) x 3.14) – (Hsw x 2), Shade the thermometer to avoid false high readings due to direct exposure to sunlight. where W = width of the high tunnel and Hsw = For early-tomato production, April is the height of the sidewalls. most variable month for temperature within the Figures 19–25 show daily temperature high tunnel. Often, the vents are adjusted three cycles throughout the 2003 growing season as or more times per day to maintain an optimum recorded in the University of Missouri high temperature. Roof vents or vents at the top of tunnel trials. the end walls may be useful in preventing exces- sive heat and humidity buildup within the high 100 90 tunnel. 80 70 120 60 50 Temp (ºF) 100 40 80 30 Temp (ºF) 20 60 10 40 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 20 Time (hours) 0 Outside High tunnel 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 Time (hours) Figure 20. March 15, 2003. Tomatoes were trans- Outside Inside Inside planted. Ambient conditions were sunny and warm. (no rowcover) (rowcover) All vents were closed. The average 24-hour tempera- ture in the high tunnel was 56 degrees F relative to Figure 19. January 16-20, 2003. Row covers (double 51 degrees F ambient temperature. The growing layer; lightweight) were used to overwinter lettuce degree day (gdd) base temperature for tomatoes with excellent results. below which growth is negligible is 51 degrees F. College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 16. 14 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide 80 90 70 80 Vents closed 60 70 60 50 50 40 Temp (ºF) Temp (ºF) 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 1 5 9 13 17 21 Time (hours) Time (hours) Outside High tunnel Outside High tunnel Figure 21. March 30, 2003. Ambient conditions: Cool, Figure 22. April 4, 2003. Warm morning, then turning sunny with vents closed. Twenty-four hour tempera- colder through the day. Winds WNW; vents opened ture average within the high tunnel was 48 degrees F on east side and closed at 3 p.m. compared with 36 degrees F ambient conditions. 120 90 80 100 70 80 60 50 60 Temp (ºF) Temp (ºF) 40 40 30 20 20 10 0 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 1 5 9 13 17 21 Time (hours) Time (hours) Outside High tunnel High tunnel Outside High tunnel & row cover Figure 23. April 21, 2003. Flowering of tomatoes Figure 24. May 31, 2003. Ambient conditions: Cloudy, observed. Ambient conditions: Cloudy, cool morning; cool. Vents open until 6 p.m. Sunny afternoon. Vents closed. Single layer of light- weight row cover used. 100 90 80 70 60 50 Temp (ºF) 40 30 20 10 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 Time (hours) Outside High tunnel High tunnel/ shade cloth Figure 25. July 4, 2003. Tomato harvest. Shade cloth (47% black) significantly lowered temperatures and improved ripening of high tunnel tomatoes. University of Missouri Extension
  • 17. 15 Cropping Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels Cropping Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels Seed tomatoes Seed lettuce Relay tomatoes Transplant for transplants Seed carrots Seed lettuce into lettuce and basil Relay lettuce Seed beets, for transplant into tomatoes carrots, spinach, transplants brocoli, kale & Relay 2nd tomato into tomatoes crop (grape) lettuce carrots under row covers into basil Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Harvest Harvest Harvest basil Harvest Harvest lettuce Harvest lettuce grape lettuce & carrots tomatoes tomatoes Remove basil Intercropping system plants Figure 26. A hypothetical intercropping system for tomatoes in a high tunnel in central Missouri. Intercropping is the growing of two or be relay planted into the existing lettuce bed more crops within the same production area (Figure 28). Because the root systems of lettuce during part of the life cycle of each crop. and tomatoes do not compete, fertilization prac- Intercropping in a high tunnel allows growers tices for the tomato can be used for both crops to produce many vegetables within a limited without diminishing the yield of either. Lettuce space and thus improve the output of the high harvest begins in April and extends through tunnel. Interplanting one vegetable with anoth- mid-June. Peak yields of lettuce occur before er after the first vegetable has become estab- tomatoes set fruit. Tomato harvest begins in lished is called relay intercropping (Figure 26). mid-June and extends through July. The lettuce does not accumulate nitrates. Both crops are Cropping system I able to maximize yields without competing with Tomatoes interplanted with lettuce each other. Starting in January, leaf lettuce can be direct seeded onto preformed raised beds within the high tunnel (Figure 27). Each raised bed is 24–30 inches wide by 6–10 inches high. The let- tuce is direct seeded as two or three rows per bed, 6–8 inches apart. In March, tomatoes can Figure 28. Lettuce, carrots and basil are among the crops that can be intercropped Tomato successfully with tomatoes in a high tunnel. plants Cropping system II Tomatoes interplanted with carrots Carrot & lettuce Carrots can be seeded as soon as soil tem- understory peratures reach 45 degrees F. For example, car- rots can be seeded from February through early April in a high tunnel. Tomatoes can be relay 6-8 in. 6-8 in. interplanted into the carrot bed with no loss in 6-10 in. yield of either crop. The carrots can be harvest- ed one month to one week before harvest of the 24-30 inch width tomatoes begins. Figure 27. Cool-season crops can be interplanted with tomatoes in preformed raised beds. College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • 18. 16 High Tunnel Tomato Production Guide Cropping system III 90 Tomatoes interplanted with basil 80 Percent emergence 70 Basil is often listed as a companion plant 60 that repels tomato hornworm. It can be relay 50 planted (from transplants) into existing tomato 40 beds in early July after the carrot or lettuce har- 30 vest has concluded. Basil is a warm-season herb 20 that grows well in hot weather. Harvest of basil 10 will typically run from early August through 0 October. The tomatoes can be left in place or Sp oc Be Le Sp Br Ka Ta br li ec co o t e i t le tu na so cc removed after peak harvest in late July. Grape ts ia li ce ch i o lty or cherry tomatoes can be planted into the existing beds with basil. Row covers No row covers Figure 29. Row covers for winter crops significantly Cropping system IV improve germination. Overwintering cool-season vegetables Source: Data from University of Missouri Research High Tunnels, 2003. After final harvest of tomatoes in mid to late November, a 100-day cool-season produc- nel (Figure 29). The lettuce, spinach, miscella- tion window opens in the high tunnel. Hardy neous salad greens and kale can be harvested vegetables such as broccoli (specialty and head- before mid-March in central Missouri. Other ing), kale, spinach, tatsoi, carrots, beets and let- cool-season vegetables may require a longer tuce can be direct seeded, germinated and over- season. wintered under row covers within the high tun- University of Missouri Extension