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Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
(A Report for Vita Company.)
(Producers of all kinds of natural beverage drinks like Coconut water juice, Pineapple water juice,
apple water juice and many more kinds of fruits water juices and energy drinks)
Henry Chinazor Mmeje, 200632013.
Master’s Degree Assignment, Fall
Semester, 2020 Presented to Dr. Uju
Violet Alola for Developments in
Marketing Management (EBA511).
Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.
November, 2020.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
1.2 Introduction and Product Portrayal
1.3 Product Profile
1.4 Market Research and Analysis
2.0 Market Description
2.1 Market Segmentation and Targeting
2.2 Competitive Analysis
2.3 SWOT Analysis
2.4 Competitor Analysis
2.5 PESTEL analysis
2.6 Distinct Competency
3.0 Market Plan
3.1 Pricing Strategies and Setting the pricing objectives
3.2 Determining Demand
3.3 Estimating costs
3.4 Types of cost and level of production
3.5 Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offer
3.6 Selecting a pricing method and Promotional Strategies
3.7 Advertising
3.8 Personal Selling
3.9 Promotional Tools/Public Relation/
Distribution Channel/ Services and warranties
4.0 Manufacturing and Operations
4.1 Locations
4.2 Human Resource
4.3 Technological Aspects
5.0 Financial Analysis and Documentation
5.1 Sales Forecasting
5.2 Profit and Loss Projection
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
1. Executive Summary
This report is to advertise another Coconut Water item for Vita Organization in various
urban areas of Istanbul, Turkey. I have arranged this possibility report on that premise.
The name of this new item is designated "Vita Coco". Since the organization recently
created this item, I have choose to compose a promoting report for their benefit for this
item for the Istanbul market since the item is a lot of accessible in my nation and not
accessible here in Istanbul.
Vita Coco is a sort of soda pop that gives the shoppers prepared green coconut water in
bottles. For the promoting motivation behind the item, I have chosen to dispatch three
product offerings. The Vita Coco would be dispatched in the Istanbul market at 250 ml.
500 ml. also, 1 Liter container. I have set a sensible cost for the item so a wide range of
individuals can bear to purchase this soda. 1 have followed the Objective Costing
estimating approach. I would increase an upper hand, as this is a first hit on the lookout.
I have focused on a colossal market portion for the item. Istanbul of Turkey is an
enormous populated nation. Heaps of individuals are searching for such an item. Green
Coconuts are not accessible constantly. For instance: an individual strolling in the city.
Out of nowhere he feels parched. Presently on the off chance that he wishes to drink
green coconut water he can't discover it without any problem. It isn't constantly found in
the perfect spot at the perfect time. In the event that I dispatch this item on the lookout,
an individual ready to drink green coconut water can have it from a close by shop. At
present this is preposterous. My objective market incorporates wellbeing cognizant
individuals, debilitated individuals, sportsperson and numerous different shoppers, which
I have divided from the Demographical, Topographical, and Psycho graphical and social
I have arranged a monetary documentation for this plausibility report of another item. As
I am presenting the item in three classes at 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 Liter containers, I have
arranged the Make back the initial investment Examination for every one of the product
offering. I have arranged the practicality report for five-year premise. For 250mls the equal
the initial investment point is at 4158004 Units. That implies in the event that I deal
4158004 Units every year, I will make neither benefit nor misfortune. So to make benefit
I need to drive a market interest in such a manner with the goal that in excess of 4158004
Units are sold each year. Clearly the unit cost will in the long run descend in view of the
law of Minimal Expense. At that point the make back the initial investment point will
likewise descend. In any case, that is from the since quite a while ago run point of view.
So at first I may endure misfortune at the end of the day I would acquire enough benefit.
The buyers will initially taste the item by burning-through the 250ml containers. So I may
increase a short run benefit from that.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
For 500mls the equal the initial investment point is 4914004.914 units every year.
So I need to offer more than 4914004.914 units to procure benefit. I realize that
after the item is very much advanced, individuals will at last burn-through a greater
amount of 500mls, as pet containers are more popular. The value is with the end
goal that individuals will go to the 500mls in light of the fact that I am giving them
at most minimal conceivable market cost.
For 1 Liter containers I have an alternate arrangement. We realize numerous
individuals won't devour the 1 Liter bundle. So I have allocated more benefit on
them per unit. My objective is to sell less amount of items yet accomplishing higher
benefit. For 1 Liter jugs I have assessed the make back the initial investment point
at 1724137.931 containers every year. As appeared, I have arranged the selling
cost in such a manner so that, to be in a benefit acquiring zone I need to sell least
measure of units looking at the other 2 product offerings.
I have given an intricate conversation on money related synopsis at the later phase
of the achievability report. I have followed the Objective Costing Evaluating
Strategy; which implies an ideal cost is set initially dependent on client
contemplations, at that point target costs will guarantee that the cost is met. I chose
the market cost previously. At that point I determined the assessed unit cost and
fixed cost. At that point I chose how much net revenue is conceivable on every one
of the product offering. I have relegated three diverse overall revenues for three
product offerings. This value setting depends on the momentum statistical
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
New Product
1.2 Introduction and Product Portrayal
‘Vita Coco' is an item that serve diverse portion of client. The item is green coconut
water, which is novel in the momentum market. The green coconut water will be
handled and sold in glass container of advantageous sizes of 250 ml, 500 ml and
1 liter. The green coconut water will be a lot of invigorating and offer extraordinary
help to the debilitated and wellbeing cognizant individuals. The objective market is
enormous with various sections. The normal deals are high. The advancement
cost is TL2.5 million roughly.
1.3 Item Profile
Name of the Item: Vita Coco
Sort of Item: Green Coconut Water
Fixings: Unadulterated normal green coconut water,
Sugar, mineral salts, nutrients C.
Holder: Trendy glass bottle. Compartment size: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter
Item Cost: 250 ml for 10TL, 500 ml for 15TL and 1 liter for 18TL.
Assessed Solidness: A year from date of fabricated
Machines to use: Trend setting innovation imported from Japan, China and
Brand Motto: Natural Coco… Bester Common Boost.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
2. Market Research and Analysis
The organization needs to create and present another Item. Along these lines, I
have assembled data through inside and out exploration and readings. I made a
study of the market to have an unmistakable thought regarding my market, my
client interest, needs and needs. This data encourages me to think about the
current market and prospects of my new item.
2.1 Market Description
Istanbul of Turkey is a business city of about 15.52 million individuals as of
December 2019. The absolute market size of the soda pop industry is around 7
million and step by step it is expanding. I have a spread City wide market of various
advantageous item. Individuals are these days especially worried about the market
and item conditions. So I have a developing possibility of clients of "Vita Coco".
Among the populace I worked out couple of portions of clients who will lean toward
this item most.
2.2 Market Segmentation and Targeting
Market Segments
I have noticed and investigated the market and dependent on the idea of the
market I fragmented the market in the accompanying areas:
Geographic Segmentation:
 Esenyurt
 Avcılar
 Fatih & Aksaray
 Başakşehir
 Beylikdüzü
 Individuals
 Family
 Sportsman
 Business Purchaser
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Psycho graphics:
 Higher class
 Higher mid class
 Middle class
 Sick individuals
 Health cognizant
 Sophisticated who take the new item from the market
Target market and projections:
Breaking down all the sections, I chose to focus available as per the item
classification. The objective clients of "Vita Coco" are wiped out individuals,
wellbeing cognizant individuals, athletes and travelers. The organization chose to
charge 10TL for 250 ml bottles, 15TL for 500 ml bottles and 20TL for 1 Liter jugs,
on the off chance that I consider cost versus taste got, at that point I can see that
taste got is more in esteem. In this manner charging the referenced costs are
advocated. The accompanying diagram gives an away from of my objective
Target Market:
Health Cognizant – 32%
Sick individuals – 43%
Vacationer – 3%
General individuals – 22%
I isolated my objective market into four diverse fragment dependent on their
geographic, segment, psychographic and conduct qualities.
Health Cognizant:
Wellbeing cognizant individuals fundamentally the games individual are one of my
biggest objective market. In this portion, I will get a ton of likely client. 33% of
Istanbul complete populace is youthful. This is a huge number that I must be worry
about and give the item, which is good for them. About 70% of this youngsters are
wellbeing cognizant. They spend about 500TL in a month by and large.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Sick Individuals: Sick individuals are one of the significant contemplations. More
than 1 million kids experience the ill effects of the runs that need fluid food. Children
as well as the grown-up might experience the ill effects of those kinds of issues as
Travelers: Consistently countless sightseers visit Istanbul. I need to give them
"Vita Coco".
General Customers: Other than the above sections, the overall clients will get a
huge part of my objective market.
Market Needs:
"Vita Coco" needs to fulfill its clients need. That is the reason it is essential to
recognize the market needs. My first thought is to give the best item to its clients.
That is the reason I offered three distinct sizes of jug with various costs for its
diverse portion of clients.
250 ml: The least cost for the country mid social class and people.
500 ml: Its objective the debilitated individuals and vacationer.
1 liter: For a little family.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
2.3 Competitive Analysis
The Soft drink business is a serious one. Numerous soft drink pop organizations
have procured a huge bit of the market. Be that as it may, the interesting highlights
of "Vita Coco" will take it a long ways past the range of the contender. Since,
nobody has yet pondered selling green coconut water in such a specific manner.
To assess my possibility of "Vita Coco" in the current market, we have examined
the market circumstance in different manners. Following are some exhibit of the
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
2.4 SWOT analysis:
The item presence later on is relying upon its qualities, shortcoming, openings and
dangers investigation:
1. Available input materials
2. Low production cost
3. Technological and marketing knowledge
4. Strong distribution channel
Easy manufacturing process
Reasonable price
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
It is easy to copy the idea by others
Taste differ from the natural green coconut water
Green coconut water cannot be preserved for longer period
1. Monopoly market
2. Enormous market
3. Popularity
4. Might get an opportunity to get sponsorships by Govt. to send out
1. High rivalry in future by duplicating the thought
2. Passage of new item
3. Options are avoidable in some fragment
4. Vulnerability of dispatching another item.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
2.5 Competitor Analysis
The major sodas and juice organizations of current market are:
• Coca cola
• Pepsi
• Limak
• Kekbis
• Danish
• Will
• Many Other Neighborhood and Unfamiliar Items and so forth
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
2.6 PESTEL analysis
The entire business climate can be separated into five unique layers. The
association frames the middle which is the main layer. It is encircled by contenders
and markets, trailed by the following stage, the business. To wrap things up, the
large scale climate is the general Layer which contains the wide range of various
layers. To examine the last-referenced stage, the PESTEL examination is a useful
apparatus as it brings up which issues may impact the organization and business
later on.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Political situation in Istanbul
The Turkish Istanbul government depends on vote based system which satisfy
authoritative errands, the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal President and
the Federal Cabinet. This bureau made out of clergymen is chosen by the
President which is at present Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
As definitely known, he is one of the mindful legislators who examine the current
Industrial and monetary turnaround plans and its conditions. This issue could
indirectly affect Vita Coco execution in Istanbul as the monetary results are
Economic situation in Istanbul
The desires for the Turkish Istanbul economy in 2021 are idealistic. As per the
President in the mid-year public culmination of 2020. One year from now and will
be a decent year as there will be various financial specialists from a few nations,
which plan to put their reserve funds in this protected city of Istanbul. Moreover,
these exchanges advantage Turkish economy since ventures could be financed
efficiently. Additionally, Turkish organizations can sell their merchandise and
enterprises less expensive as the conversion scale for the Lira diminishes due to
the more grounded ascend in US dollars.
Erdogan further expects that the economy will fill in 2021, the pay rates and
wages will expand, the monetary income will rise and the obligation to-GDP
proportion will diminish.
Social situation in Istanbul
Because of Demography, Turkey is faced with a deficiency of gifted work
furthermore upgraded work of impaired and more established laborers, ladies are
fundamental to neutralize this turn of events. Therefore, Vita Company ought to
know about a family-accommodating human asset strategy to help the nation and
its families.
Another issue is the function of settlers in Istanbul Turkey. As per a report, it is
basic to build the measure of gifted work from far off nations by encouraging
movement conditions. As an outcome, this future advancement may be favorable
for Vita Company as it empowers the organization to send unfamiliar
representatives to the Istanbul market with less exertion.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Technological situation in Istanbul
Istanbul Turkey is an inventive City/nation with various plans to improve the
way of life and an ecologically benevolent regular daily existence.
Accordingly, the city/nation is a worldwide player and holds a main situation
in mechanical and drink progress and we will be outstanding amongst other
commercial center for Vita Company to sell it Vita Coco items.
Environmental situation in Istanbul
To ensure the climate, Turkey has organizations, for example, the Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear
Safety. As this service gets an ever increasing number of errands, its
spending plan was dramatically increased by the Cabinet. Thusly, it tends
to be seen that the service is viewed as significantly affecting what's to
come. Moreover, this office is upheld by different associations minding out
the equivalent or comparative assignments, which gives proposals and is
likewise liable for natural issues, for example, atmosphere assurance.
Legal situation in Istanbul/Turkey
The Turkish Constitutional Court is the sole position that audits laws
established by the GNAT for consistence with the Constitution. Which is
likewise answerable for passing the government laws of the nation The
Republic of Turkey has a composed, classified constitution, contained in a
solitary archive, the Constitution, established in 1982. It is a unitary
constitution, with power packed in the focal government, which has
preeminent position.
The constitution was fundamentally revised on 27 April 2017 because of a
choice (on 16 April 2017) on considerable changes of the administration
framework. All the sacred changes got powerful on 9 July 2018. Turkey has
a semiofficial framework. Beforehand, the nation was administered by the
parliamentary framework, and through the established alterations, the
arrangement of administration has been changed to the current one, viable
from 9 July 2018. Appropriately, the President is chosen straightforwardly
by the votes of the electorate, and the individuals from parliament, the Grand
National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT), are chosen through relative portrayal,
subject to a limit under which ideological groups that get under 10% of the
absolute substantial public votes can't be doled out any seats.
The arrangement of administration has three branches, in particular the
leader, authoritative and legal branches, which are dependent upon the rule
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
of division of forces. More and full detail of the Turkish Legal/Legislative
framework can be found in the Legal frameworks in Turkey: outline (2020).
2.7 Distinct Competency:
These companies can try to entrance my market by launching new product lines
to compete me. Yet, I have distinct competitive advantage being that my product
is still brand new. The other companies will take some time to enter into the market.
Till then I can have a monopoly market condition. The other advantage that I have
is lower price. I will sell products in reasonably lower price than other competitors
Strategies against competitors:
To compete with the major competitors I can adopt the following measures:
Providing the best service to create high customer satisfaction
Reasonable and acceptable pricing
Promising and providing top quality product
Launching highly effective mass promotional activities
Continuous innovation and modification of the products
Creating and maintaining long term customer relationship
Creating “Brand Loyalty” among the target consumers
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
3. Market Plan
Pricing Strategies
I have chosen to set a sensible cost for my item when I will create it. I thought
about numerous elements in setting the estimating strategy. I will portray a six-
venture strategy:
3.1. Setting the pricing objectives:
The organization has chosen where it needs to situate its market offering. I have
picked my target to boost piece of the overall industry. I accept that a higher deals
volume will prompt lower unit costs and higher since quite a while ago run benefit.
I have set the lower cost since I accepted that the market is value delicate. My
general target is to catch the most extreme piece of the overall industry by setting
lower cost.
3.2. Determining Demand
Each cost will prompt distinctive degree of interest and consequently differently
affect organization's showcasing targets.
3.2. Determining Demand:
Each price will lead to different level of demand and therefore have a different
impact on company’s marketing objectives.
3.3. Estimating costs:
I have assessed the expense and need to charge a value that takes care of the
expense of creation, dispersion and selling the item, including a reasonable return
for its exertion and danger.
3.4. Types of cost and level of production:
There are two sorts of cost: a) fixed and b) variable. In my new item improvement
venture fixed expense is 20M Lira. Fixed expense incorporates apparatus, month
to month bills, and compensations of representatives, etc., paying little heed to
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
There are some factor costs like-cost of container, bundling, etc. These costs will
in general be steady per unit creation. I have assessed that per unit variable
expense is 8.5TL for 250 ml, 12.5TL for 500 ml and 18.6TL for 1 liter.
3.5. Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offer:
I have dissected my rivals' cost and discovered that Coca Cola charges 10TL for
250 ml bottle, Limak charges 9.5 for 250 ml thus numerous others.
3.6. Selecting a pricing method:
I have chosen the target costing method to set price for my product; pricing that
starts with an ideal selling price based on customer considerations, then target
cost will ensure that the price is met.
Promotional Strategies:
To acquire a strong position in the market, I need to give special emphasis on
effective promotional activities. In order to get the maximum market share I will
have to use all four tools of marketing promotion. Specially, advertising through
mass media will support us a lot.
3.7 Advertising:
At first I will give more accentuation on paper promotions and TV advertisements.
Since, promoting through these media is the best method to arrive at the clients
and position our item in their psyche. I am foreseeing that this will massively affect
the youngsters and different aficionados. Scarcely any neon signs and boards of
"Vita Coco" likewise can be set up in some center purposes of the city. I want to
arrive at 75% of our clients through viable promoting.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
3.8 Personal Selling:
In spite of the fact that individual selling aptitude isn't that much successful for
helpful items like "Vita Coco", I will move and prepare the business people of the
retail locations to persuade individuals to purchase our item when they come to
purchase any beverages thing. The business people will illuminate the purchasers
about the cool reviving taste of "Vita Coco" and about the nutritious angles. I trust
it will assume a critical function to build our deals
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
3.9 Promotional Tools:
I have additionally intended to apply some limited time devices. At first for now and
then I will convey my item at half rebate simply make my new item acquainted with
the clients. This will be the market-testing period for our item. Afterward, I may
apply the technique of giving endowments, fortunate coupons, visit tickets relying
upon the market and serious circumstances.
Public Relations:
I have likely arrangements to hold courses, submit social turn of events, supporting
social exercises, to orchestrate social capacities and portable game shows for
exposure reason.
Distribution Channel
In the underlying stage, I will disseminate the items with our sole circulation
channel. At the point when my market spreads out, I will disperse my items through
sellers. I will set my own sources in hardly any center market positions. At the point
when I go for mass advertising, I will gracefully my item cross country through
sellers. My vendors will take the items to each region of the nation. "Vita Coco" will
be accessible in all retail locations of the Istanbul City.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
Services and warranties
As I will be focusing on the top most consumer loyalty and building long haul client
connections, there is no option for me as opposed to offering top quality
assistance. Giving the clients opportune and moment quality assistance is my
essential concern. I will even want to open many client support focuses where I
will receive clients' complains. I will gather data, proposals, thoughts and
assessments of the clients through these focuses and will develop and alter our
item appropriately. I will likewise will change any surrendered item.
4. Manufacturing and Operations
4.1 Locations
I will set our assembling and other working zones in advantageous areas. I will
lean toward the areas to set up our assembling firms, stockrooms and inventories
in various center business purposes of the nation where it will be simpler to both
gather the crude materials and transport the last products to the market.
4.2 Human Resource
The governing body will be liable for the enlisting exercises. Selecting will be done
through composed tests followed by interviews.
4.3 Technological Aspects
To make and advance new quality items I have to utilize trend setting innovation.
I need innovative hardware imported from the far off nations. Also, talented
individuals to work them. I have just concentrated all the specialized angles and
arranged top notch of instruments and their expenses. The hardware will be
gathered when required.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
5. Financial Analysis and Documentation
5.1 Sales Forecasting
The accompanying Table shows my projected normal deals for the coming five
Expected Sales(Per year) 250 ml. Bottle 500 ml. bottle 1 Liter bottle
First Year 4000000 4500000 1500000
Second Year 4500000 5000000 1700000
Third Year 5500000 5800000 2000000
Fourth Year 6000000 6500000 2400000
Fifth Year 6300000 6700000 2500000
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
5.2 Profit and Loss Projection
For 250 ml.
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Total Sales 44440000 49995000 61105000 66660000 69993000
Total Cost (45200000) (48350000) (54650000) (57800000) (59690000)
Total Profit (760000) 1645000 6455000 8860000 10303000
Tax 40% — 658000 2582000 3544000 4121200
Net Profit (760000) 987000 3873000 5316000 6181800
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
For 500 ml.
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Total Sales 75015000 83350000 96686000 108355000 111689000
Total Cost (76700000) (83000000) (93080000) (101900000) (104420000)
Total Profit (1685000) 350000 3606000 6455000 7269000
Tax 40% — (140000) (1442400) (2582000) (2907600)
Net Profit (1685000) 210000 2163600 3873000 4361400
For 1 Liter
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Total Sales 54000000 61200000 72000000 86400000 90000000
Total Cost (56600000) (61480000) (68800000) (78560000) (81000000)
Total Profit (2600000) (280000) 3200000 7840000 9000000
Tax 40% — — (1280000) (3136000) (3600000)
Net Profit (2600000) (280000) 1920000 4704000 5400000
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
This report is intended to assist Vita Company in having the opportunity to
comprehend the Istanbul Turkish market and dispatching the new Vita Coco item.
Enough market Information was accumulated about the Istanbul Market and on
that bases proposals are made to the Vita Company on the best way to move
toward the Istanbul Market for an effectively dispatching of the new item to the
significant focused buyers and to make a way on the most proficient method to
enter the new market. Albeit, potential arrangements on the best way to
showcase the Vita Coco item were given by composing this promoting report.
This report was composed without the assent of the said organization, Hence It
was relentless to envision additional data about issues, for example, its potential
qualities and shortcomings, situating technique, serious methodology, objectives
and other applicable data about the organization which were completely founded
on suppositions and minds.
I believe a business super city like Istanbul of Turkey will be a superior showcasing
ground for this said organization's item, consequently I choose to compose an
advertising report for their benefit for this item for the Istanbul market since the
item is a lot of special and not yet accessible here in Istanbul and I firmly accept
that the item will sell significantly more than anticipated.
Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product
1. Vita Company Annual Report (2019) – The coco vita Project.
2. Inside View: Vita Coco.
3. Meet the Company Behind the Coconut Water Craze
(The story behind Vita Coco and the coconut water craze)
4. Vita Coco CEO on ‘owning the coconut’, staying independent, and class action
lawsuits: ‘Things have got totally out of hand’
5. Vita Coco Reinvests Incremental Profits Into Relief Efforts and Asks Other
Business Leaders To Do The Same
6. McDonald. M. and Wilson. H. (2011). Marketing Strategies: How to prepare
them, how to use them. UK: John Wiley & Sons
7. Für Gründer. “P“IM Marketing Mix. http://www.fuer-
8. Quick MBA. Porter´s generic strategies.
9. Riley, J. 2012. Pricing – Pricing strategies.
10. Keegan. W.J. (2001). Global Marketing Management. Seventh Edition. UK:
Pearson Education.
11. Legal systems in Turkey: overview
12. Turkey is your next food & drink market – here’s why (ITE FOOD AND DRINKS)
2017 Exhibition.

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Henry Chinazor Mmeje: Marketing Report for a New Product Launch.

  • 1. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 1 DEVELOPING A MARKETING REPORT FOR A NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH IN ISTANBUL CITY. (A Report for Vita Company.) (Producers of all kinds of natural beverage drinks like Coconut water juice, Pineapple water juice, apple water juice and many more kinds of fruits water juices and energy drinks) Henry Chinazor Mmeje, 200632013. Master’s Degree Assignment, Fall Semester, 2020 Presented to Dr. Uju Violet Alola for Developments in Marketing Management (EBA511). Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey. November, 2020.
  • 2. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 2 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.2 Introduction and Product Portrayal 1.3 Product Profile 1.4 Market Research and Analysis 2.0 Market Description 2.1 Market Segmentation and Targeting 2.2 Competitive Analysis 2.3 SWOT Analysis 2.4 Competitor Analysis 2.5 PESTEL analysis 2.6 Distinct Competency 3.0 Market Plan 3.1 Pricing Strategies and Setting the pricing objectives 3.2 Determining Demand 3.3 Estimating costs 3.4 Types of cost and level of production 3.5 Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offer 3.6 Selecting a pricing method and Promotional Strategies 3.7 Advertising 3.8 Personal Selling 3.9 Promotional Tools/Public Relation/ Distribution Channel/ Services and warranties 4.0 Manufacturing and Operations 4.1 Locations 4.2 Human Resource 4.3 Technological Aspects 5.0 Financial Analysis and Documentation 5.1 Sales Forecasting 5.2 Profit and Loss Projection Conclusion References
  • 3. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 3 1. Executive Summary This report is to advertise another Coconut Water item for Vita Organization in various urban areas of Istanbul, Turkey. I have arranged this possibility report on that premise. The name of this new item is designated "Vita Coco". Since the organization recently created this item, I have choose to compose a promoting report for their benefit for this item for the Istanbul market since the item is a lot of accessible in my nation and not accessible here in Istanbul. Vita Coco is a sort of soda pop that gives the shoppers prepared green coconut water in bottles. For the promoting motivation behind the item, I have chosen to dispatch three product offerings. The Vita Coco would be dispatched in the Istanbul market at 250 ml. 500 ml. also, 1 Liter container. I have set a sensible cost for the item so a wide range of individuals can bear to purchase this soda. 1 have followed the Objective Costing estimating approach. I would increase an upper hand, as this is a first hit on the lookout. I have focused on a colossal market portion for the item. Istanbul of Turkey is an enormous populated nation. Heaps of individuals are searching for such an item. Green Coconuts are not accessible constantly. For instance: an individual strolling in the city. Out of nowhere he feels parched. Presently on the off chance that he wishes to drink green coconut water he can't discover it without any problem. It isn't constantly found in the perfect spot at the perfect time. In the event that I dispatch this item on the lookout, an individual ready to drink green coconut water can have it from a close by shop. At present this is preposterous. My objective market incorporates wellbeing cognizant individuals, debilitated individuals, sportsperson and numerous different shoppers, which I have divided from the Demographical, Topographical, and Psycho graphical and social perspective. I have arranged a monetary documentation for this plausibility report of another item. As I am presenting the item in three classes at 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 Liter containers, I have arranged the Make back the initial investment Examination for every one of the product offering. I have arranged the practicality report for five-year premise. For 250mls the equal the initial investment point is at 4158004 Units. That implies in the event that I deal 4158004 Units every year, I will make neither benefit nor misfortune. So to make benefit I need to drive a market interest in such a manner with the goal that in excess of 4158004 Units are sold each year. Clearly the unit cost will in the long run descend in view of the law of Minimal Expense. At that point the make back the initial investment point will likewise descend. In any case, that is from the since quite a while ago run point of view. So at first I may endure misfortune at the end of the day I would acquire enough benefit. The buyers will initially taste the item by burning-through the 250ml containers. So I may increase a short run benefit from that.
  • 4. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 4 For 500mls the equal the initial investment point is 4914004.914 units every year. So I need to offer more than 4914004.914 units to procure benefit. I realize that after the item is very much advanced, individuals will at last burn-through a greater amount of 500mls, as pet containers are more popular. The value is with the end goal that individuals will go to the 500mls in light of the fact that I am giving them at most minimal conceivable market cost. For 1 Liter containers I have an alternate arrangement. We realize numerous individuals won't devour the 1 Liter bundle. So I have allocated more benefit on them per unit. My objective is to sell less amount of items yet accomplishing higher benefit. For 1 Liter jugs I have assessed the make back the initial investment point at 1724137.931 containers every year. As appeared, I have arranged the selling cost in such a manner so that, to be in a benefit acquiring zone I need to sell least measure of units looking at the other 2 product offerings. I have given an intricate conversation on money related synopsis at the later phase of the achievability report. I have followed the Objective Costing Evaluating Strategy; which implies an ideal cost is set initially dependent on client contemplations, at that point target costs will guarantee that the cost is met. I chose the market cost previously. At that point I determined the assessed unit cost and fixed cost. At that point I chose how much net revenue is conceivable on every one of the product offering. I have relegated three diverse overall revenues for three product offerings. This value setting depends on the momentum statistical research. .
  • 5. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 5 New Product 1.2 Introduction and Product Portrayal ‘Vita Coco' is an item that serve diverse portion of client. The item is green coconut water, which is novel in the momentum market. The green coconut water will be handled and sold in glass container of advantageous sizes of 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter. The green coconut water will be a lot of invigorating and offer extraordinary help to the debilitated and wellbeing cognizant individuals. The objective market is enormous with various sections. The normal deals are high. The advancement cost is TL2.5 million roughly. 1.3 Item Profile Name of the Item: Vita Coco Sort of Item: Green Coconut Water Fixings: Unadulterated normal green coconut water, Sugar, mineral salts, nutrients C. Holder: Trendy glass bottle. Compartment size: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter Item Cost: 250 ml for 10TL, 500 ml for 15TL and 1 liter for 18TL. Assessed Solidness: A year from date of fabricated Machines to use: Trend setting innovation imported from Japan, China and Germany Brand Motto: Natural Coco… Bester Common Boost.
  • 6. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 6 2. Market Research and Analysis The organization needs to create and present another Item. Along these lines, I have assembled data through inside and out exploration and readings. I made a study of the market to have an unmistakable thought regarding my market, my client interest, needs and needs. This data encourages me to think about the current market and prospects of my new item. 2.1 Market Description Istanbul of Turkey is a business city of about 15.52 million individuals as of December 2019. The absolute market size of the soda pop industry is around 7 million and step by step it is expanding. I have a spread City wide market of various advantageous item. Individuals are these days especially worried about the market and item conditions. So I have a developing possibility of clients of "Vita Coco". Among the populace I worked out couple of portions of clients who will lean toward this item most. 2.2 Market Segmentation and Targeting Market Segments I have noticed and investigated the market and dependent on the idea of the market I fragmented the market in the accompanying areas: Geographic Segmentation:  Esenyurt  Avcılar  Fatih & Aksaray  Başakşehir  Beylikdüzü Demographics:  Individuals  Family  Sportsman  Business Purchaser
  • 7. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 7 Psycho graphics:  Higher class  Higher mid class  Middle class Behavioral:  Sick individuals  Health cognizant  Sophisticated who take the new item from the market Target market and projections: Breaking down all the sections, I chose to focus available as per the item classification. The objective clients of "Vita Coco" are wiped out individuals, wellbeing cognizant individuals, athletes and travelers. The organization chose to charge 10TL for 250 ml bottles, 15TL for 500 ml bottles and 20TL for 1 Liter jugs, on the off chance that I consider cost versus taste got, at that point I can see that taste got is more in esteem. In this manner charging the referenced costs are advocated. The accompanying diagram gives an away from of my objective market. Target Market: Health Cognizant – 32% Sick individuals – 43% Vacationer – 3% General individuals – 22% I isolated my objective market into four diverse fragment dependent on their geographic, segment, psychographic and conduct qualities. Health Cognizant: Wellbeing cognizant individuals fundamentally the games individual are one of my biggest objective market. In this portion, I will get a ton of likely client. 33% of Istanbul complete populace is youthful. This is a huge number that I must be worry about and give the item, which is good for them. About 70% of this youngsters are wellbeing cognizant. They spend about 500TL in a month by and large.
  • 8. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 8 Sick Individuals: Sick individuals are one of the significant contemplations. More than 1 million kids experience the ill effects of the runs that need fluid food. Children as well as the grown-up might experience the ill effects of those kinds of issues as well. Travelers: Consistently countless sightseers visit Istanbul. I need to give them "Vita Coco". General Customers: Other than the above sections, the overall clients will get a huge part of my objective market. Market Needs: "Vita Coco" needs to fulfill its clients need. That is the reason it is essential to recognize the market needs. My first thought is to give the best item to its clients. That is the reason I offered three distinct sizes of jug with various costs for its diverse portion of clients. 250 ml: The least cost for the country mid social class and people. 500 ml: Its objective the debilitated individuals and vacationer. 1 liter: For a little family.
  • 9. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 9 2.3 Competitive Analysis The Soft drink business is a serious one. Numerous soft drink pop organizations have procured a huge bit of the market. Be that as it may, the interesting highlights of "Vita Coco" will take it a long ways past the range of the contender. Since, nobody has yet pondered selling green coconut water in such a specific manner. To assess my possibility of "Vita Coco" in the current market, we have examined the market circumstance in different manners. Following are some exhibit of the examination:
  • 10. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 10 2.4 SWOT analysis: The item presence later on is relying upon its qualities, shortcoming, openings and dangers investigation: Strengths: 1. Available input materials 2. Low production cost 3. Technological and marketing knowledge 4. Strong distribution channel Easy manufacturing process Reasonable price
  • 11. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 11 Weaknesses: It is easy to copy the idea by others Taste differ from the natural green coconut water Green coconut water cannot be preserved for longer period Opportunities: 1. Monopoly market 2. Enormous market 3. Popularity 4. Might get an opportunity to get sponsorships by Govt. to send out Threats: 1. High rivalry in future by duplicating the thought 2. Passage of new item 3. Options are avoidable in some fragment 4. Vulnerability of dispatching another item. .
  • 12. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 12 2.5 Competitor Analysis The major sodas and juice organizations of current market are: • Coca cola • Pepsi • Limak • Kekbis • Danish • Will • Many Other Neighborhood and Unfamiliar Items and so forth
  • 13. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 13 2.6 PESTEL analysis The entire business climate can be separated into five unique layers. The association frames the middle which is the main layer. It is encircled by contenders and markets, trailed by the following stage, the business. To wrap things up, the large scale climate is the general Layer which contains the wide range of various layers. To examine the last-referenced stage, the PESTEL examination is a useful apparatus as it brings up which issues may impact the organization and business later on.
  • 14. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 14 Political situation in Istanbul The Turkish Istanbul government depends on vote based system which satisfy authoritative errands, the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal President and the Federal Cabinet. This bureau made out of clergymen is chosen by the President which is at present Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. As definitely known, he is one of the mindful legislators who examine the current Industrial and monetary turnaround plans and its conditions. This issue could indirectly affect Vita Coco execution in Istanbul as the monetary results are questionable Economic situation in Istanbul The desires for the Turkish Istanbul economy in 2021 are idealistic. As per the President in the mid-year public culmination of 2020. One year from now and will be a decent year as there will be various financial specialists from a few nations, which plan to put their reserve funds in this protected city of Istanbul. Moreover, these exchanges advantage Turkish economy since ventures could be financed efficiently. Additionally, Turkish organizations can sell their merchandise and enterprises less expensive as the conversion scale for the Lira diminishes due to the more grounded ascend in US dollars. Erdogan further expects that the economy will fill in 2021, the pay rates and wages will expand, the monetary income will rise and the obligation to-GDP proportion will diminish. Social situation in Istanbul Because of Demography, Turkey is faced with a deficiency of gifted work furthermore upgraded work of impaired and more established laborers, ladies are fundamental to neutralize this turn of events. Therefore, Vita Company ought to know about a family-accommodating human asset strategy to help the nation and its families. Another issue is the function of settlers in Istanbul Turkey. As per a report, it is basic to build the measure of gifted work from far off nations by encouraging movement conditions. As an outcome, this future advancement may be favorable for Vita Company as it empowers the organization to send unfamiliar representatives to the Istanbul market with less exertion.
  • 15. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 15 Technological situation in Istanbul Istanbul Turkey is an inventive City/nation with various plans to improve the way of life and an ecologically benevolent regular daily existence. Accordingly, the city/nation is a worldwide player and holds a main situation in mechanical and drink progress and we will be outstanding amongst other commercial center for Vita Company to sell it Vita Coco items. Environmental situation in Istanbul To ensure the climate, Turkey has organizations, for example, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. As this service gets an ever increasing number of errands, its spending plan was dramatically increased by the Cabinet. Thusly, it tends to be seen that the service is viewed as significantly affecting what's to come. Moreover, this office is upheld by different associations minding out the equivalent or comparative assignments, which gives proposals and is likewise liable for natural issues, for example, atmosphere assurance. Legal situation in Istanbul/Turkey The Turkish Constitutional Court is the sole position that audits laws established by the GNAT for consistence with the Constitution. Which is likewise answerable for passing the government laws of the nation The Republic of Turkey has a composed, classified constitution, contained in a solitary archive, the Constitution, established in 1982. It is a unitary constitution, with power packed in the focal government, which has preeminent position. The constitution was fundamentally revised on 27 April 2017 because of a choice (on 16 April 2017) on considerable changes of the administration framework. All the sacred changes got powerful on 9 July 2018. Turkey has a semiofficial framework. Beforehand, the nation was administered by the parliamentary framework, and through the established alterations, the arrangement of administration has been changed to the current one, viable from 9 July 2018. Appropriately, the President is chosen straightforwardly by the votes of the electorate, and the individuals from parliament, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT), are chosen through relative portrayal, subject to a limit under which ideological groups that get under 10% of the absolute substantial public votes can't be doled out any seats. The arrangement of administration has three branches, in particular the leader, authoritative and legal branches, which are dependent upon the rule
  • 16. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 16 of division of forces. More and full detail of the Turkish Legal/Legislative framework can be found in the Legal frameworks in Turkey: outline (2020). 2.7 Distinct Competency: These companies can try to entrance my market by launching new product lines to compete me. Yet, I have distinct competitive advantage being that my product is still brand new. The other companies will take some time to enter into the market. Till then I can have a monopoly market condition. The other advantage that I have is lower price. I will sell products in reasonably lower price than other competitors do. Strategies against competitors: To compete with the major competitors I can adopt the following measures: Providing the best service to create high customer satisfaction Reasonable and acceptable pricing Promising and providing top quality product Launching highly effective mass promotional activities Continuous innovation and modification of the products Creating and maintaining long term customer relationship Creating “Brand Loyalty” among the target consumers
  • 17. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 17 3. Market Plan Pricing Strategies I have chosen to set a sensible cost for my item when I will create it. I thought about numerous elements in setting the estimating strategy. I will portray a six- venture strategy: 3.1. Setting the pricing objectives: The organization has chosen where it needs to situate its market offering. I have picked my target to boost piece of the overall industry. I accept that a higher deals volume will prompt lower unit costs and higher since quite a while ago run benefit. I have set the lower cost since I accepted that the market is value delicate. My general target is to catch the most extreme piece of the overall industry by setting lower cost. 3.2. Determining Demand Each cost will prompt distinctive degree of interest and consequently differently affect organization's showcasing targets. 3.2. Determining Demand: Each price will lead to different level of demand and therefore have a different impact on company’s marketing objectives. 3.3. Estimating costs: I have assessed the expense and need to charge a value that takes care of the expense of creation, dispersion and selling the item, including a reasonable return for its exertion and danger. 3.4. Types of cost and level of production: There are two sorts of cost: a) fixed and b) variable. In my new item improvement venture fixed expense is 20M Lira. Fixed expense incorporates apparatus, month to month bills, and compensations of representatives, etc., paying little heed to yield.
  • 18. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 18 There are some factor costs like-cost of container, bundling, etc. These costs will in general be steady per unit creation. I have assessed that per unit variable expense is 8.5TL for 250 ml, 12.5TL for 500 ml and 18.6TL for 1 liter. 3.5. Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offer: I have dissected my rivals' cost and discovered that Coca Cola charges 10TL for 250 ml bottle, Limak charges 9.5 for 250 ml thus numerous others. 3.6. Selecting a pricing method: I have chosen the target costing method to set price for my product; pricing that starts with an ideal selling price based on customer considerations, then target cost will ensure that the price is met. Promotional Strategies: To acquire a strong position in the market, I need to give special emphasis on effective promotional activities. In order to get the maximum market share I will have to use all four tools of marketing promotion. Specially, advertising through mass media will support us a lot. 3.7 Advertising: At first I will give more accentuation on paper promotions and TV advertisements. Since, promoting through these media is the best method to arrive at the clients and position our item in their psyche. I am foreseeing that this will massively affect the youngsters and different aficionados. Scarcely any neon signs and boards of "Vita Coco" likewise can be set up in some center purposes of the city. I want to arrive at 75% of our clients through viable promoting.
  • 19. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 19 3.8 Personal Selling: In spite of the fact that individual selling aptitude isn't that much successful for helpful items like "Vita Coco", I will move and prepare the business people of the retail locations to persuade individuals to purchase our item when they come to purchase any beverages thing. The business people will illuminate the purchasers about the cool reviving taste of "Vita Coco" and about the nutritious angles. I trust it will assume a critical function to build our deals
  • 20. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 20 3.9 Promotional Tools: I have additionally intended to apply some limited time devices. At first for now and then I will convey my item at half rebate simply make my new item acquainted with the clients. This will be the market-testing period for our item. Afterward, I may apply the technique of giving endowments, fortunate coupons, visit tickets relying upon the market and serious circumstances. Public Relations: I have likely arrangements to hold courses, submit social turn of events, supporting social exercises, to orchestrate social capacities and portable game shows for exposure reason. Distribution Channel In the underlying stage, I will disseminate the items with our sole circulation channel. At the point when my market spreads out, I will disperse my items through sellers. I will set my own sources in hardly any center market positions. At the point when I go for mass advertising, I will gracefully my item cross country through sellers. My vendors will take the items to each region of the nation. "Vita Coco" will be accessible in all retail locations of the Istanbul City.
  • 21. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 21 Services and warranties As I will be focusing on the top most consumer loyalty and building long haul client connections, there is no option for me as opposed to offering top quality assistance. Giving the clients opportune and moment quality assistance is my essential concern. I will even want to open many client support focuses where I will receive clients' complains. I will gather data, proposals, thoughts and assessments of the clients through these focuses and will develop and alter our item appropriately. I will likewise will change any surrendered item. 4. Manufacturing and Operations 4.1 Locations I will set our assembling and other working zones in advantageous areas. I will lean toward the areas to set up our assembling firms, stockrooms and inventories in various center business purposes of the nation where it will be simpler to both gather the crude materials and transport the last products to the market. 4.2 Human Resource The governing body will be liable for the enlisting exercises. Selecting will be done through composed tests followed by interviews. 4.3 Technological Aspects To make and advance new quality items I have to utilize trend setting innovation. I need innovative hardware imported from the far off nations. Also, talented individuals to work them. I have just concentrated all the specialized angles and arranged top notch of instruments and their expenses. The hardware will be gathered when required.
  • 22. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 22 5. Financial Analysis and Documentation 5.1 Sales Forecasting The accompanying Table shows my projected normal deals for the coming five years: Expected Sales(Per year) 250 ml. Bottle 500 ml. bottle 1 Liter bottle First Year 4000000 4500000 1500000 Second Year 4500000 5000000 1700000 Third Year 5500000 5800000 2000000 Fourth Year 6000000 6500000 2400000 Fifth Year 6300000 6700000 2500000
  • 23. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 23 5.2 Profit and Loss Projection For 250 ml. Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sales 44440000 49995000 61105000 66660000 69993000 Total Cost (45200000) (48350000) (54650000) (57800000) (59690000) Total Profit (760000) 1645000 6455000 8860000 10303000 Tax 40% — 658000 2582000 3544000 4121200 Net Profit (760000) 987000 3873000 5316000 6181800
  • 24. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 24 For 500 ml. Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sales 75015000 83350000 96686000 108355000 111689000 Total Cost (76700000) (83000000) (93080000) (101900000) (104420000) Total Profit (1685000) 350000 3606000 6455000 7269000 Tax 40% — (140000) (1442400) (2582000) (2907600) Net Profit (1685000) 210000 2163600 3873000 4361400 For 1 Liter Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sales 54000000 61200000 72000000 86400000 90000000 Total Cost (56600000) (61480000) (68800000) (78560000) (81000000) Total Profit (2600000) (280000) 3200000 7840000 9000000 Tax 40% — — (1280000) (3136000) (3600000) Net Profit (2600000) (280000) 1920000 4704000 5400000
  • 25. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 25 Conclusion This report is intended to assist Vita Company in having the opportunity to comprehend the Istanbul Turkish market and dispatching the new Vita Coco item. Enough market Information was accumulated about the Istanbul Market and on that bases proposals are made to the Vita Company on the best way to move toward the Istanbul Market for an effectively dispatching of the new item to the significant focused buyers and to make a way on the most proficient method to enter the new market. Albeit, potential arrangements on the best way to showcase the Vita Coco item were given by composing this promoting report. This report was composed without the assent of the said organization, Hence It was relentless to envision additional data about issues, for example, its potential qualities and shortcomings, situating technique, serious methodology, objectives and other applicable data about the organization which were completely founded on suppositions and minds. I believe a business super city like Istanbul of Turkey will be a superior showcasing ground for this said organization's item, consequently I choose to compose an advertising report for their benefit for this item for the Istanbul market since the item is a lot of special and not yet accessible here in Istanbul and I firmly accept that the item will sell significantly more than anticipated.
  • 26. Henry Chinazor Mmeje (200632013): Marketing Report for New Vita Coco Product 26 References 1. Vita Company Annual Report (2019) – The coco vita Project. 2. Inside View: Vita Coco. top-jobs/1763/inside-view-vita-coco 3. Meet the Company Behind the Coconut Water Craze (The story behind Vita Coco and the coconut water craze) craze/story?id=37010231 4. Vita Coco CEO on ‘owning the coconut’, staying independent, and class action lawsuits: ‘Things have got totally out of hand’ the-coconut-and-moving-beyond-coconut-water 5. Vita Coco Reinvests Incremental Profits Into Relief Efforts and Asks Other Business Leaders To Do The Same Reinvests-Incremental-Profits-Into-Relief-Efforts-and-Asks-Other-Business- Leaders-To-Do-The-Same 6. McDonald. M. and Wilson. H. (2011). Marketing Strategies: How to prepare them, how to use them. UK: John Wiley & Sons 7. Für Gründer. “P“IM Marketing Mix. http://www.fuer- 8. Quick MBA. Porter´s generic strategies. 9. Riley, J. 2012. Pricing – Pricing strategies. 10. Keegan. W.J. (2001). Global Marketing Management. Seventh Edition. UK: Pearson Education. 11. Legal systems in Turkey: overview 2851?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true 12. Turkey is your next food & drink market – here’s why (ITE FOOD AND DRINKS) 2017 Exhibition. and-Eurasia/Turkey-is-your-next-food-drink-market 13. 7 TOP TRENDS IN THE TURKISH FOOD & DRINK SECTOR. drink-sector