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            S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
               Syracuse University ~ Master’s Capstone 2010


        EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................ 4
        HEALTH IN AMERICA TODAY.............. 5
        HEALTHY MONDAY’S TARGET............ 11
        CONNECTIVE CORRIDOR...................... 12
        RESEARCH....................................................... 14
        INSIGHTS........................................................... 15
        CREATIVE STRATEGY................................ 20
        EXECUTIONS................................................. 22
        MEDIA & EXTENSIONS...........................31


                                                  casa ca sa
 Founded in May 2010, Casa Nueva is comprised of Nick Cicero, Mike Daugherty, Ryan Smith,
 and Pooja. Casa Nueva, meaning “House of New,” seeks new and exciting brands young and old
 to create thought-provoking and creatively driven campaigns.



      Out of all the days that make up a week, Monday serves as the best opportunity to start from scratch. Much
like New years, people see Monday as a time to start over, plan ahead and begin healthy habits.
      Healthy Monday was able to capitalize on this idea. By leveraging Monday as the perfect day to start healthy
habits, HM was able to create lasting programs whose goal is to promote physical and emotion health. These
programs are designed to bring schools, businesses, and communities together under one common goal. Healthy
Monday provides these programs to organizations and gives them the freedom to tailor the programs to the needs
of the people.
      What is missing from Healthy Monday is a clear and identifiable link between the programs and the Healthy
Monday umbrella. What Casa Nueva was able to do is provide a perfect platform for facilitating this link. By
combining a Healthy Monday proprietary application and the Connective Corridor in downtown Syracuse, we were
able to create a perfect venue to promote Healthy Monday. The Connective Corridor provides all the tools needed
to participate in Healthy Monday, and we found a way to highlight these. In addition, we used Foursquare as a model
to create badges that reward people for participating in the programs.
      Now there is a system that houses all the programs under the Healthy Monday umbrella. Using these
programs with the businesses and organizations around the Connective Corridor we provide the potential to bring
an entire community together. What started as a simple concept, has now transformed into a movement that can be
extended to every city in the United States.

        In January of 2010, First Lady Michele Obama, the     overweight or obese. These trends are due in large part
U.S Department of Health & Human Service (HHS)                to some detrimental lifestyle choices, chief of those being
secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.S. Surgeon General          an increase in food intake, increasingly sedentary lifestyles
Regina Benjamin announced plans to help Americans lead        and environments that make it difficult for individuals to
healthier lives through better nutrition, regular physical    make healthy choices, and rather easy to consume extra
activity, and encourage communities                                                           calories, all contributors to
nationwide to support healthy                                                                 the obesity epidemic facing
choices. Behind the initiative                                                                our country at present.
set fourth by the First lady,
The Surgeon General’s Vision                                                                     The obesity epidemic
for a Healthy and Fit Nation,                                                                 threatens the progress
sheds light on the alarming                                                                   American’s have made in
trend of overweight and                                                                       increasing our quality of life
obese Americans, asking for                                                                    and expectancy throughout
a rallying around a grassroots                                                                 our brief history, and
effort to commit to changes                                                                    curbing this trend will
that promote the health and                                                                    require a committed
wellness of our families and                                                                    peoples and organizations
communities.                                                                                    across the nation working
        According to Dr.                                                          together to take action. This change
Benjamin’s report, the prevalence of obesity has more than    requires parents, neighbors, the medical community,
doubled among adults, and almost tripled among children       employers, schools and individuals to take a coordinated
and adolescents from 1980 to 2008. Currently two-             and comprehensive approach in combating obesity that
thirds of adults and nearly one in every three children are   threatens our nation.

 In her recommendation in The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy
 and Fit Nation, Dr. Benjamin outlines a few ways we can combat obesity
 and overweight epidemic currently plaguing our nation:

 Improving our Communities - neighborhoods and communities
 must become actively involved in creating healthier environments. The
 availability of supermarkets and recreational facilities couple with the
 limitation of advertisements for less healthy food and beverages are all
 ways to sustain a better healthier living environment.

 Healthy Choices and Healthy Home Environments
 – identifies that change begins with individual choices Americans
 make each day for themselves, their families and those around them.
 Reducing consumption of sodas and juices with added sugars; eating
 more fruits, vegetables and whole grains; limiting television and
 becoming more physically active will help to achieve and maintain a
 healthier lifestyle.

 Creating Healthy Child Care Settings

 Creating Healthy Schools

 Creating Healthy Work Sites

 Mobilizing Medical Communities
                                                        “Americans will be more likely to change their behavior if they have a
                                                        meaningful reward – something more tan just reaching a certain weight or
                                                        dress size.”
                                                                                   - U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin
Elements of Wellness Programs
While wellness programs should be tailored to the specific needs
and capabilities of each individual/organization, some standard
elements of many wellness programs include:
                                                                 Barriers to Implementation
-      Health education/awareness                                These five obstacles are just a few of the reason wellness programs
-      Weight loss                                               aren’t implemented more:
-      Nutrition/healthy eating
-      Fitness                                                   Reasons Against Implementation of workplace wellness programs according to
-      Biking/walking to work                                    the 2004 National Worksite Health Promotion Survey:
-      Lunchtime exercise classes
                                                                        - Lack of employee interest                                 64%
-      Stress management
                                                                        - Insufficient staff resources                              50%
-      Smoking cessation                                                - Inadequate funds                                          48%
-      Alcohol & drug abuse counseling                                  - Failure to engage high-risk employees                     48%
-      Preventative education                                           - Inability to elicit the support of upper management       38%

US Health Fast Facts:
- Two-thirds of adults and nearly one in three children are overweight or obese
- 70% of American Indian/Alaskan Native Adults are overweight or obese.
- The prevalence of obesity in the U.S. more than doubled (from 15% to 34%)
among adults and more than tripled (from 5% to 17%) among children and
adolescents from 1980 to 2008.
- An obese teenager has over 70% greater risk of becoming an obese adult.
- Obesity is more common among non-Hispanic black teenagers (29%) than
Hispanic teenagers (17.5%) or non-Hispanic white teenager (14.5%).

SOURCE: Quintessential Careers Workplace Wellness Programs

Healthy Monday is a non-profit public health organization associated with the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and
Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications, dedicated to promoting
sustainable health behaviors. The goal of Healthy Monday is to position Monday, the proverbial first day
of the work week, as a day in which programs can be developed and implemented to sustain healthy
lifestyle behaviors that can end preventable and chronic disease. HM works with a wide network
of organizations to develop health behavior change programs in schools and universities, companies,
organizations, workplaces, and communities at large.



Monday has the special significance as the beginning of the week and people see at as an opportunity
to start over. People are more likely to start diets, exercise programs, quit smoking, and schedule
doctor’s appointments on Monday than any other day. People are also looking for programs to help
motivate them to pursue healthy habits. In order to be effective these Monday programs must be
supplemented by positive reinforcement throughout the week. The “Case of the Mondays” stigma has
become less visible recently, with an increase of people seeing Monday as a day for a fresh start.

                                Healthy Cooking

                                                  Current Healthy Monday Zen Classes

                                                                                       Wellness Marathon


AARP                                                      Online Fitness Communities
-Recently announced Fat2Fit program targeted              -Many people are forming online
towards seniors.                                          communities about healthy living
-Online contest/community where users are asked to        -There are many websites now to
share weight loss goals and track progress.               track health and wellness goals, get
-Winners are chosen for weekly prizes, with the grand     advice about health, and find new and
prize being a year-long gym membership with personal      interesting wellness routines
trainer.                                                  -Examples
-A unique twist to this program: Winners aren’t
selected simply by how much they’ve lost. Instead,
they’re chosen by a panel of health experts evaluating
weight loss, and meaningful online contributions to the
Fat2Fit community.                                    

The Biggest Loser                                         Local School and Health Groups
-Started as a TV show on NBC                              -Say Yes to Education/Syracuse City Schools
-Popularity of the show has exploded the brand, with      incorporates wellness and healthy eating in
product lines extending into health videos, fitness       after-school programs
equipment, and even Wellness Spas.                        -Onondaga County Health Department has
                                                          sporadic health awareness initiatives (case by
                                                          case basis)
                                                          -American Heart Association
                                                          -American Red Cross
                       Syracuse Residents
                       • Health Conscious People
                       • College Educated or More 18 - 49

                       • I Try to Eat Healthier on certain days
                       • I’m Usually the First to Try New Health Foods
                       • Friends Ask my Advice about Health/ Nutrition
                       • Internet Increased Desire to Learn/Search
                       • Internet is the New Way I Socialize
                       • Use Internet for Med. Services/Info. in last 30 Days
                            source: simmons choices 3

 Syracuse Population: 139,896 (2006, 5% decrease since 2000 Census)


Looking at the Syracuse University area, and the city at large, there’s a distinct link marrying the
two. The Connective Corridor is a free bus service from Centro, connecting SU and the Syracuse
downtown area, funded by National Grid. Students, as well as the community at large can ride free of
charge from the University area to downtown on a route that highlights the cultural and economical
gems the University community and downtown
area has to offer. The connective corridor
highlights two key areas where the Syracuse
community congregates to work, dine, exercise,
and socialize: Downtown and University Hill.

These areas are home to a variety of healthy
eating choices, as well as the rich cultural
surrounding that makes a walk outside or a
Monday Mile all the more appealing. There is
also the ability to advertise Healthy Monday on
this bus route, allowing for information to be
distributed to passengers riding between the

DOWNTOWN: Armory Square has replaced South Salina Street as the main retail and dining area
of Downtown Syracuse. Armory Square has around 30 dining establishments, around 20 pubs,
bars and clubs, and over 50 other retail stores. Similarly, but on a smaller scale, there is the Hanover
Square area.

UNIVERSITY HILL: Marshall Street, along with its terminus South Crouse Avenue, is lined with
stores, bars, and restaurants, primarily catering to the student population on “The Hill”, as well as the
over 25,000 people who work there daily. East Genesee Street at the northwestern corner of the
neighborhood has several retail establishments, as well.


      -Health reports, articles in health magazines, websites
      -Surgeon General Report on Health
      -Reviewing previous Healthy Monday campaigns

      -Survey on Syracuse Healthy Preferences
           -Survey created on and sent solely through Social
           Networking Sites (Twitter and Facebook).
           -55 respondents from the Syracuse Area
           -20 students, 35 community members.
           -questions focused on healthy living choices, and internet awareness/
      -Telephone and In-Person Interviews
           -Six Interviews were conducted via telephone


     The Syracuse Community (and nation at large) is increasing mobile communications in ways
     other than Talking/Texting.

           -Everyday conversations are moving online, and many of the same things we talk
                about in person have become more acceptable to share.

           -22% of all time spent online is spent conversing through social media
               (Nielson, 2010).

           -In our local study, 85% of respondents said Facebook was a daily part of their
                 social life, with over 60% feeling similarly about Twitter

           -The same study showed that friend recommendations influence 50% of
                respondent’s choices in a restaurant.

INSIGHTS continued

        NEED FOR NEW
        People are turning to new online sources to track weight loss goals, find healthy
        tips, and find general health information.

             -Celebrity health icons like Dr. Oz, Sanjay Gupta, and even Jillian Michaels
                  all have a growing presence online in the forms of blogs, video diaries,
                  and full websites dedicated to the products/services they endorse.

             -The internet allows simple and easy monitoring of healthy living, with the
                  ability for graphic displays to better reinforce their positive progress.

             -Our Syracuse research study showed that nearly 60% of respondents talk with
                  their friends about healthy eating and living when socializing

             -The same study showed that over 80% of respondents self-identified
                  themselves as “health conscious”

INSIGHTS continued

        The Connective Corridor is a facilitating link between Syracuse University and the
        greater Syracuse Community The route is more than just cultural and educational
        locations; there are more than 25 different eateries spread within a mile from the city
        center, and a number of trails and monuments to take a nice walk or jog.

             -Students use the corridor to get downtown, and to the other campuses of
                  SU (School of Drama, School of Architecture, VPA/The Warehouse).

             -Community members can ride the bus for free as well

             -This corridor has a special exemption that would allow for Healthy Monday
                   to distribute information and/or advertise in the bus.


     Strengths                       Weaknesses
          • Strong Core Vision           • Vague program details
          • High profile advocates       • Low staffing
          • Strong Brand Name            • Low budget
          • Passionate Founder

     Opportunities             Threats
         • Partnerships             • Other internal
         • Social Media               Wellness programs
         • Hometown connection      • Other non profits
         • Technology               • Uninterested


      • Develop Healthy Monday programs for the city of Syracuse.
      • Partner with local businesses, government agencies, non-profits and media.
      • Implement a program in which faculty and students can play an active roll
      • If possible, create a program that easily translates to other cities.

      • Along with the growth of online fitness communities online, and the unique nature
      of the area surrounding the connective corridor, we have created a fun and interesting
      mobile application using Foursquare to start a social branded experience for
      Healthy Monday.

      • Our research has shown that healthy lifestyles and behaviors are more successful
      when they are presented in innovative and interesting ways. In primary research of
      Syracuse residents, we found that Syracusians are talking about healthy living with
      their friends, and would be more likely to participate in a healthy program if they saw
      friends participating.

      • Coupled with local media support, and the infinite users online and around
      the world, this application and strategy can be a kickstart to the larger objective of
      spreading the Healthy Monday brand to as many individuals as possible.

Foursquare is a location-based social networking website, software for mobile devices, and
also a game. It is a service that helps find where your friends are hanging out and offers tips
shared from other users about local points of interest. Users “check-in” at venues using a
mobile website, text messaging or a device-specific application. You earn badges by checking
in at locations with certain tags, for check-in frequency
or for other patterns such as time of check-in, or other
defined parameters. (, 2010)

Their founder, Dennis Crowley is an alumni of Syracuse
University, and already is forging city and statewide
partnerships through the Pennsylvania Tourism Board, The
New York Times, San Francisco Gate, Zagat’s Restaurant
Guide, and even the TV network Bravo.

The site has taken off, with half a million users in March 2010, more and more are signing
up by the day. The geo-location game, combined with increased social interaction has
created not a fad, but a platform upon which businesses local and international can uniquely
and interactively create a branded experience.

                    To promote a number of programs under the Health Monday umbrella
                    we plan on releasing a proprietary application. Potential users will be able
                    to download the App at In addition, the Healthy
                    Monday App will be provided on When people are in
                    the Connective Corridor area, a “Healthy Monday” location will pop up
                    on foursquare. Once the user clicks on the icon they will be prompted to
                    download the Healthy Monday App.

                    The HM App utilizes geo-location technology where
                    the program automatically locates your relative
                    position. If you’re in the Connective Corridor,
                    the App will detect that. This technology can be
                    extended to other parts of the country that wish to
                    implement a similar initiative.

Once the HM App locates your position you will be promoted to the
main menu screen. Here you can choose one of four Healthy Monday
Programs: Meatless Monday, Mile Monday, Stress less Monday, and Move
it Monday. You can select the program of your choice by either clicking
or pressing the appropriate icon. A database of all participating wellness
venues (restaurants, gyms, spas, etc) will provide the backbone to the
The Program
The purpose of the Meatless Monday section is to promote a day in
which people can take a break from eating meat. Users will be able to
select from a variety of restaurants as well as select from a number of
meatless dishes. In addition, users will be awarded badges according to
the number of meals they eat.

The Procedure
Users who want to participate in Meatless Monday will select the
appropriate icon on the main menu screen. At this point they will be
                      prompted to an interactive map of the Connective
                      Corridor. Small flags on the map will designate the
                      participating Meatless Monday restaurants. You can select a flag to learn
                      the name of the restaurant or you can scroll through restaurant names
                      directly below the interactive map.

                      After selecting a restaurant users will be lead to a screen highlighting
                      the venue. At this point you can select from the meatless dishes that
                      are provided at the restaurant as well as read user generated tips below.
                      Once you select a meatless dish you will be given the option to give a
                      “Shout”, comprised of 140 characters. Depending on user preferences
                      the “Shout” will be integrated into Twitter and Facebook. Points will be
                      accumulated according the frequency of Meatless meals consumed by
                      each user.

                  User Value
                  • Social Interaction between friends

                  • New and fun way to live a healthy

                  • Access to discounts

                  Businesses Value
                  • New way to promote business

                  • Increase foot traffic into the store/

                  • Foursquare Analytics provides
                  customer info

The Program
The purpose of Mile Monday is to promote a day in which people can utilize
the Connective Corridor as a place to exercise through walking. As part
of the program, designated checkpoints with mark the Mile Monday route
through the Connective Corridor. Based on their location in Corridor, they
can map their route

The Procedure
Users who want to participate in Mile Monday will select the appropriate
icon on the main menu screen. At this point users will be prompted to an
interactive map of the Connective Corridor. A flag will highlight the nearest
Mile Monday marker. Users will be able to select the marker closest to their
location or choose from a list of locations directly below the map.

Once you select a starting point, a pop up window will appear that will ask
the user to confirm the starting location. Following the confirmation notice,
a new map will appear highlighting the route to take to the next marker.
Once you get to the next marker, the geo-location technology will provide a new pop up window on
the main menu of the application. After clicking on the pop up window, you will be led to another
map which highlights your current position with a flag. Below the map you will be asked if you wish to
continue. If you choose yes the program will continue accumulating your distance and if you choose
no your grand total will be calculated and you will be able to see how far you’ve traveled for that
Monday. Users can start and stop the Mile Monday program whenever they like. The distance traveled
will be recorded and users will be rewarded with badges as they accumulate miles.


              User Value
              • Designated course(users more likely to
              participate, much like a bike or walking trail
              in a park)

              • Track your miles walked and save them for
              next time

              • Connection with community, friends, and

              • Competitive Resource

                                               <<< Checkpoint Marker placed on city streets

The Program
The purpose of Stress Less Monday is to promote a day in which people can relax and let
loose by going to yoga classes, getting a massage, or going to a spa. The Stress Less program
on the Healthy Monday App builds a connection between people in the Syracuse area and
participating business along the Connective Corridor. Users will be able to select from a
variety of venues and locations throughout the area.

                          The Procedure
                          Users who want to participate in Stress less Monday will select the
                          appropriate icon on the main menu screen. At this point they will be
                          promoted to a interactive map of the Connective Corridor. Small
                          flags on the map will designate the participating Stress less venues.
                          You can select a flag to learn the name of the venue or you can scroll
                          through venue names directly below the interactive map. Stress less
                          venues include spas, massage parlors, yoga clubs, etc. Users will select
                          the Stress Less venue of their choice and they will accumulate points
                          based on the number of times they attend a Stress Less venue.

The Program
The purpose of the Move It is to promote a day in which people
can get in shape by attending fitness centers and workout
facilities. The Move It program on the Healthy Monday App
builds a connection between people in the Syracuse area and
participating businesses along the Connective Corridor. Users
will be able to select from a variety of venues and locations
throughout the area.


The Healthy Monday application will be used by Health conscious, tech savvy people who frequent the
area surrounding the Connective Corridor. Our target includes students, teachers, hospital employees,
and business men/women. Users will have Android, Blackberry, or iPhone.

Our target is currently involved with healthy activities or looking to get involved with healthy activities.
Not only are our users health conscious but they enjoy competitive activities and ways to connect with
their community. They will become aware of the Healthy Monday: Healthy City Challenge App through
word of mouth, pamphlets being handed out around the Connective Corridor, and a variety of PR
A database of Healthy Monday venues with be provided with the help of the participating
wellness venues and the Office of Community Engagement and Economic Development at
Syracuse University. The managing of the database will be the primary responsibility of student
interns and graduate assistants.

WHO BUILDS THE APP?                        


    TV - WSTM 3
    Every Monday morning a press release will be sent to a news channel where
    an anchor will give a 25-30 plug for Healthy Monday. The plug will consist of a
    Healthy Monday Tip of the day as well as a promo for the Healthy Monday App
    that is building a link between the community and the businesses in the Connective
    Corridor area.

    Radio - Hot 107.9
    The Morning Show with Marty and Shannon will do a 25-30 plug for Healthy
    Monday. The plug will consist of a Healthy Monday Tip of the day as well as a promo
    for the Healthy Monday App that is building a link between the community and the
    businesses in the Connective Corridor area.

                                                                        The Health and Wellness section of the
                                                                        newspaper will host Healthy Monday tips of the
                                                                        week, and also will take editorial content from
                                                                        Healthy Monday.

                                                                                         HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                                                           Acai berries are the latest
                                                                                           weight loss fad. These so
                                                                                           called Super Foods that you
                                                                                           take as a supplement to lose
                                                                         Trisha Torrey weight have been getting a lot
                                                                       of international attention; they are all over the
                                                                       internet in blogs and success stories of people
                                                                       who have apparently used the pills and lost a ton
                  HEALTH & WELLNESS
                       Acai berries are the latest
                                                                       of weight. But the Verdict is still out.
                                                                                                             Continued D1
                       weight loss fad. These so
                       called Super Foods that you
                       take as a supplement to lose
     Trisha Torrey weight have been getting
     a lot of international attention; they are
     all over the internet in blogs and success
     stories of people who have apparently used
                                                                       Tips of the week are brought to you by Healthy Monday. Download
     the pills and lost a ton of weight. But the
     Verdict is still out.              Continued D1
     Tips of the week are brought to you by Healthy Monday. Download
                                                                       the new Healthy Moday City Challeng App, and share ‘What the
     the new Healthy Moday City Challeng App, and share ‘What the
     Health’ you’re up to together with your social-network.           Health’ you’re up to, competeing with your social-network.

Information handouts will be distributed every Monday by student interns and
graduate assistants in areas of the Connective corridor. These Handouts will explain
the Healthy Monday Application and how people can effectively utilize the program.
Locations will be health-centric.

These are some of the local media outlets, all appear willing to help a group like Healthy
Monday, if solid fleshed out content was produced and created. We spoke to the
following people below, who confirmed that they would participate if such a program was

Local Media Contact Info
    WSTM (Local NBC TV)                           Lou Gulino       
 Clear Channel Radio Hot 107.9              Geoff (Deaf Geoff) Herbert
       The Post-Standard                         Amber Smith       
   Natur-Tyme (Health Store)                     Wendy Myerson   
  The Post-Standard/                     Trisha Torrey  
 Health Link (SUNY Upstate Initiative)               Cindy Carrie   

Other Major Media Outlets (local)
Daily Orange (University)                Newspaper
News 10 Now                              TV                         WCNY FM 91.3                  Radio                             Online                     WCNY 24 (PBS)                 TV
Syracuse Post-Standard                   Newspaper                  WSYR 9 (ABC)                  TV
WAER FM 88.3 (NPR)                       Radio                      WSYT 68 (FOX)                 TV
CNY Business Journal                     Newspaper                  WTVH 5 (CBS)                  TV
Syracuse New Times                       Newspaper


     We hope you feel our plan will benefit Healthy Monday, and we want to thank
     you for reading. The process doesn’t need to stop here. We are truly passionate
     about these ideas for Healthy Monday and we look forward to collaborating with
     you in the hopes we can make these ideas come to life.

     This campaign was produced and created for the Advertising Masters Capstone
     at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. None of this would
     have been possible without the dedication of all the Newhouse faculty, staff
     and students. Special thanks to Dr. James Tsao, Sid Lerner, Fiona Chew, Heather
     Gawornski-Salerno, Peggy Neu


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Healthy Monday/Foursquare Campaign Book

  • 1. Healthy Monday S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications Syracuse University ~ Master’s Capstone 2010 Syracuse
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................ 4 HEALTH IN AMERICA TODAY.............. 5 HEALTHY MONDAY’S TARGET............ 11 CONNECTIVE CORRIDOR...................... 12 RESEARCH....................................................... 14 INSIGHTS........................................................... 15 CREATIVE STRATEGY................................ 20 EXECUTIONS................................................. 22 MEDIA & EXTENSIONS...........................31 2
  • 3. AGENCY PROFILE casa ca sa nueva Founded in May 2010, Casa Nueva is comprised of Nick Cicero, Mike Daugherty, Ryan Smith, and Pooja. Casa Nueva, meaning “House of New,” seeks new and exciting brands young and old to create thought-provoking and creatively driven campaigns. Nick Mike Ryan 3
  • 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Out of all the days that make up a week, Monday serves as the best opportunity to start from scratch. Much like New years, people see Monday as a time to start over, plan ahead and begin healthy habits. Healthy Monday was able to capitalize on this idea. By leveraging Monday as the perfect day to start healthy habits, HM was able to create lasting programs whose goal is to promote physical and emotion health. These programs are designed to bring schools, businesses, and communities together under one common goal. Healthy Monday provides these programs to organizations and gives them the freedom to tailor the programs to the needs of the people. What is missing from Healthy Monday is a clear and identifiable link between the programs and the Healthy Monday umbrella. What Casa Nueva was able to do is provide a perfect platform for facilitating this link. By combining a Healthy Monday proprietary application and the Connective Corridor in downtown Syracuse, we were able to create a perfect venue to promote Healthy Monday. The Connective Corridor provides all the tools needed to participate in Healthy Monday, and we found a way to highlight these. In addition, we used Foursquare as a model to create badges that reward people for participating in the programs. Now there is a system that houses all the programs under the Healthy Monday umbrella. Using these programs with the businesses and organizations around the Connective Corridor we provide the potential to bring an entire community together. What started as a simple concept, has now transformed into a movement that can be extended to every city in the United States. 4
  • 5. HEALTH IN AMERICA TODAY In January of 2010, First Lady Michele Obama, the overweight or obese. These trends are due in large part U.S Department of Health & Human Service (HHS) to some detrimental lifestyle choices, chief of those being secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.S. Surgeon General an increase in food intake, increasingly sedentary lifestyles Regina Benjamin announced plans to help Americans lead and environments that make it difficult for individuals to healthier lives through better nutrition, regular physical make healthy choices, and rather easy to consume extra activity, and encourage communities calories, all contributors to nationwide to support healthy the obesity epidemic facing choices. Behind the initiative our country at present. set fourth by the First lady, The Surgeon General’s Vision The obesity epidemic for a Healthy and Fit Nation, threatens the progress sheds light on the alarming American’s have made in trend of overweight and increasing our quality of life obese Americans, asking for and expectancy throughout a rallying around a grassroots our brief history, and effort to commit to changes curbing this trend will that promote the health and require a committed wellness of our families and peoples and organizations communities. across the nation working According to Dr. together to take action. This change Benjamin’s report, the prevalence of obesity has more than requires parents, neighbors, the medical community, doubled among adults, and almost tripled among children employers, schools and individuals to take a coordinated and adolescents from 1980 to 2008. Currently two- and comprehensive approach in combating obesity that thirds of adults and nearly one in every three children are threatens our nation. 5
  • 6. HEALTH IN AMERICA TODAY In her recommendation in The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation, Dr. Benjamin outlines a few ways we can combat obesity and overweight epidemic currently plaguing our nation: Improving our Communities - neighborhoods and communities must become actively involved in creating healthier environments. The availability of supermarkets and recreational facilities couple with the limitation of advertisements for less healthy food and beverages are all ways to sustain a better healthier living environment. Healthy Choices and Healthy Home Environments – identifies that change begins with individual choices Americans make each day for themselves, their families and those around them. Reducing consumption of sodas and juices with added sugars; eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains; limiting television and becoming more physically active will help to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Creating Healthy Child Care Settings Creating Healthy Schools Creating Healthy Work Sites Mobilizing Medical Communities “Americans will be more likely to change their behavior if they have a meaningful reward – something more tan just reaching a certain weight or dress size.” - U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin 6
  • 7. Elements of Wellness Programs While wellness programs should be tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of each individual/organization, some standard elements of many wellness programs include: Barriers to Implementation - Health education/awareness These five obstacles are just a few of the reason wellness programs - Weight loss aren’t implemented more: - Nutrition/healthy eating - Fitness Reasons Against Implementation of workplace wellness programs according to - Biking/walking to work the 2004 National Worksite Health Promotion Survey: - Lunchtime exercise classes - Lack of employee interest 64% - Stress management - Insufficient staff resources 50% - Smoking cessation - Inadequate funds 48% - Alcohol & drug abuse counseling - Failure to engage high-risk employees 48% - Preventative education - Inability to elicit the support of upper management 38% US Health Fast Facts: - Two-thirds of adults and nearly one in three children are overweight or obese - 70% of American Indian/Alaskan Native Adults are overweight or obese. - The prevalence of obesity in the U.S. more than doubled (from 15% to 34%) among adults and more than tripled (from 5% to 17%) among children and adolescents from 1980 to 2008. - An obese teenager has over 70% greater risk of becoming an obese adult. - Obesity is more common among non-Hispanic black teenagers (29%) than Hispanic teenagers (17.5%) or non-Hispanic white teenager (14.5%). SOURCE: Quintessential Careers Workplace Wellness Programs 7
  • 8. WHAT IS HEALTHY MONDAY? Healthy Monday is a non-profit public health organization associated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications, dedicated to promoting sustainable health behaviors. The goal of Healthy Monday is to position Monday, the proverbial first day of the work week, as a day in which programs can be developed and implemented to sustain healthy lifestyle behaviors that can end preventable and chronic disease. HM works with a wide network of organizations to develop health behavior change programs in schools and universities, companies, organizations, workplaces, and communities at large. Healthy Monday 8
  • 9. SO WHY MONDAYS? Monday has the special significance as the beginning of the week and people see at as an opportunity to start over. People are more likely to start diets, exercise programs, quit smoking, and schedule doctor’s appointments on Monday than any other day. People are also looking for programs to help motivate them to pursue healthy habits. In order to be effective these Monday programs must be supplemented by positive reinforcement throughout the week. The “Case of the Mondays” stigma has become less visible recently, with an increase of people seeing Monday as a day for a fresh start. Healthy Cooking Current Healthy Monday Zen Classes Wellness Marathon 9
  • 10. OTHER HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BRANDS AARP Online Fitness Communities -Recently announced Fat2Fit program targeted -Many people are forming online towards seniors. communities about healthy living -Online contest/community where users are asked to -There are many websites now to share weight loss goals and track progress. track health and wellness goals, get -Winners are chosen for weekly prizes, with the grand advice about health, and find new and prize being a year-long gym membership with personal interesting wellness routines trainer. -Examples -A unique twist to this program: Winners aren’t selected simply by how much they’ve lost. Instead, they’re chosen by a panel of health experts evaluating weight loss, and meaningful online contributions to the Fat2Fit community. The Biggest Loser Local School and Health Groups -Started as a TV show on NBC -Say Yes to Education/Syracuse City Schools -Popularity of the show has exploded the brand, with incorporates wellness and healthy eating in product lines extending into health videos, fitness after-school programs equipment, and even Wellness Spas. -Onondaga County Health Department has sporadic health awareness initiatives (case by case basis) -American Heart Association -American Red Cross 10
  • 11. TARGET Syracuse Residents • Health Conscious People • College Educated or More 18 - 49 PSYCHOGRAPHICS: • I Try to Eat Healthier on certain days • I’m Usually the First to Try New Health Foods • Friends Ask my Advice about Health/ Nutrition • Internet Increased Desire to Learn/Search • Internet is the New Way I Socialize • Use Internet for Med. Services/Info. in last 30 Days source: simmons choices 3 Syracuse Population: 139,896 (2006, 5% decrease since 2000 Census) SOURCE: 11
  • 12. THE CONNECTIVE CORRIDOR Looking at the Syracuse University area, and the city at large, there’s a distinct link marrying the two. The Connective Corridor is a free bus service from Centro, connecting SU and the Syracuse downtown area, funded by National Grid. Students, as well as the community at large can ride free of charge from the University area to downtown on a route that highlights the cultural and economical gems the University community and downtown area has to offer. The connective corridor highlights two key areas where the Syracuse community congregates to work, dine, exercise, and socialize: Downtown and University Hill. These areas are home to a variety of healthy eating choices, as well as the rich cultural surrounding that makes a walk outside or a Monday Mile all the more appealing. There is also the ability to advertise Healthy Monday on this bus route, allowing for information to be distributed to passengers riding between the destinations. 12
  • 13. DOWNTOWN: Armory Square has replaced South Salina Street as the main retail and dining area of Downtown Syracuse. Armory Square has around 30 dining establishments, around 20 pubs, bars and clubs, and over 50 other retail stores. Similarly, but on a smaller scale, there is the Hanover Square area. UNIVERSITY HILL: Marshall Street, along with its terminus South Crouse Avenue, is lined with stores, bars, and restaurants, primarily catering to the student population on “The Hill”, as well as the over 25,000 people who work there daily. East Genesee Street at the northwestern corner of the neighborhood has several retail establishments, as well. 13
  • 14. RESEARCH Secondary -Health reports, articles in health magazines, websites -Surgeon General Report on Health -Reviewing previous Healthy Monday campaigns Primary -Survey on Syracuse Healthy Preferences -Survey created on and sent solely through Social Networking Sites (Twitter and Facebook). -55 respondents from the Syracuse Area -20 students, 35 community members. -questions focused on healthy living choices, and internet awareness/ preferences -Telephone and In-Person Interviews -Six Interviews were conducted via telephone 14
  • 15. INSIGHTS MOVE TO MOBILE The Syracuse Community (and nation at large) is increasing mobile communications in ways other than Talking/Texting. -Everyday conversations are moving online, and many of the same things we talk about in person have become more acceptable to share. -22% of all time spent online is spent conversing through social media (Nielson, 2010). -In our local study, 85% of respondents said Facebook was a daily part of their social life, with over 60% feeling similarly about Twitter -The same study showed that friend recommendations influence 50% of respondent’s choices in a restaurant. 15
  • 16. INSIGHTS continued NEED FOR NEW People are turning to new online sources to track weight loss goals, find healthy tips, and find general health information. -Celebrity health icons like Dr. Oz, Sanjay Gupta, and even Jillian Michaels all have a growing presence online in the forms of blogs, video diaries, and full websites dedicated to the products/services they endorse. -The internet allows simple and easy monitoring of healthy living, with the ability for graphic displays to better reinforce their positive progress. -Our Syracuse research study showed that nearly 60% of respondents talk with their friends about healthy eating and living when socializing -The same study showed that over 80% of respondents self-identified themselves as “health conscious” 16
  • 17. INSIGHTS continued CONNECTED BY A CORRIDOR The Connective Corridor is a facilitating link between Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse Community The route is more than just cultural and educational locations; there are more than 25 different eateries spread within a mile from the city center, and a number of trails and monuments to take a nice walk or jog. -Students use the corridor to get downtown, and to the other campuses of SU (School of Drama, School of Architecture, VPA/The Warehouse). -Community members can ride the bus for free as well -This corridor has a special exemption that would allow for Healthy Monday to distribute information and/or advertise in the bus. 17
  • 18. SWOT Strengths Weaknesses • Strong Core Vision • Vague program details • High profile advocates • Low staffing • Strong Brand Name • Low budget • Passionate Founder Opportunities Threats • Partnerships • Other internal • Social Media Wellness programs • Hometown connection • Other non profits • Technology • Uninterested community 18
  • 20. TASK • Develop Healthy Monday programs for the city of Syracuse. • Partner with local businesses, government agencies, non-profits and media. • Implement a program in which faculty and students can play an active roll • If possible, create a program that easily translates to other cities. CREATIVE STRATEGY HEALTHY MONDAY: HEALTHY CITY CHALLENGE • Along with the growth of online fitness communities online, and the unique nature of the area surrounding the connective corridor, we have created a fun and interesting mobile application using Foursquare to start a social branded experience for Healthy Monday. • Our research has shown that healthy lifestyles and behaviors are more successful when they are presented in innovative and interesting ways. In primary research of Syracuse residents, we found that Syracusians are talking about healthy living with their friends, and would be more likely to participate in a healthy program if they saw friends participating. • Coupled with local media support, and the infinite users online and around the world, this application and strategy can be a kickstart to the larger objective of spreading the Healthy Monday brand to as many individuals as possible. 20
  • 21. WHAT IS FOURSQUARE? Foursquare is a location-based social networking website, software for mobile devices, and also a game. It is a service that helps find where your friends are hanging out and offers tips shared from other users about local points of interest. Users “check-in” at venues using a mobile website, text messaging or a device-specific application. You earn badges by checking in at locations with certain tags, for check-in frequency or for other patterns such as time of check-in, or other defined parameters. (, 2010) Their founder, Dennis Crowley is an alumni of Syracuse University, and already is forging city and statewide partnerships through the Pennsylvania Tourism Board, The New York Times, San Francisco Gate, Zagat’s Restaurant Guide, and even the TV network Bravo. The site has taken off, with half a million users in March 2010, more and more are signing up by the day. The geo-location game, combined with increased social interaction has created not a fad, but a platform upon which businesses local and international can uniquely and interactively create a branded experience. 21
  • 22. HEALTHY MONDAY: HEALTHY CITY CHALLENGE To promote a number of programs under the Health Monday umbrella we plan on releasing a proprietary application. Potential users will be able to download the App at In addition, the Healthy Monday App will be provided on When people are in the Connective Corridor area, a “Healthy Monday” location will pop up on foursquare. Once the user clicks on the icon they will be prompted to download the Healthy Monday App. The HM App utilizes geo-location technology where the program automatically locates your relative position. If you’re in the Connective Corridor, the App will detect that. This technology can be extended to other parts of the country that wish to implement a similar initiative. Once the HM App locates your position you will be promoted to the main menu screen. Here you can choose one of four Healthy Monday Programs: Meatless Monday, Mile Monday, Stress less Monday, and Move it Monday. You can select the program of your choice by either clicking or pressing the appropriate icon. A database of all participating wellness venues (restaurants, gyms, spas, etc) will provide the backbone to the application. 22
  • 23. MEATLESS MONDAY The Program The purpose of the Meatless Monday section is to promote a day in which people can take a break from eating meat. Users will be able to select from a variety of restaurants as well as select from a number of meatless dishes. In addition, users will be awarded badges according to the number of meals they eat. The Procedure Users who want to participate in Meatless Monday will select the appropriate icon on the main menu screen. At this point they will be prompted to an interactive map of the Connective Corridor. Small flags on the map will designate the participating Meatless Monday restaurants. You can select a flag to learn the name of the restaurant or you can scroll through restaurant names directly below the interactive map. After selecting a restaurant users will be lead to a screen highlighting the venue. At this point you can select from the meatless dishes that are provided at the restaurant as well as read user generated tips below. Once you select a meatless dish you will be given the option to give a “Shout”, comprised of 140 characters. Depending on user preferences the “Shout” will be integrated into Twitter and Facebook. Points will be accumulated according the frequency of Meatless meals consumed by each user. 23
  • 24. MEATLESS MONDAY User Value • Social Interaction between friends • New and fun way to live a healthy lifestyle • Access to discounts Businesses Value • New way to promote business • Increase foot traffic into the store/ restaurant • Foursquare Analytics provides customer info 24
  • 25. MILE MONDAY The Program The purpose of Mile Monday is to promote a day in which people can utilize the Connective Corridor as a place to exercise through walking. As part of the program, designated checkpoints with mark the Mile Monday route through the Connective Corridor. Based on their location in Corridor, they can map their route The Procedure Users who want to participate in Mile Monday will select the appropriate icon on the main menu screen. At this point users will be prompted to an interactive map of the Connective Corridor. A flag will highlight the nearest Mile Monday marker. Users will be able to select the marker closest to their location or choose from a list of locations directly below the map. Once you select a starting point, a pop up window will appear that will ask the user to confirm the starting location. Following the confirmation notice, a new map will appear highlighting the route to take to the next marker. Once you get to the next marker, the geo-location technology will provide a new pop up window on the main menu of the application. After clicking on the pop up window, you will be led to another map which highlights your current position with a flag. Below the map you will be asked if you wish to continue. If you choose yes the program will continue accumulating your distance and if you choose no your grand total will be calculated and you will be able to see how far you’ve traveled for that Monday. Users can start and stop the Mile Monday program whenever they like. The distance traveled will be recorded and users will be rewarded with badges as they accumulate miles. 25
  • 26. MILE MONDAY User Value • Designated course(users more likely to participate, much like a bike or walking trail in a park) • Track your miles walked and save them for next time • Connection with community, friends, and colleagues • Competitive Resource <<< Checkpoint Marker placed on city streets 26
  • 27. STRESS LESS MONDAY The Program The purpose of Stress Less Monday is to promote a day in which people can relax and let loose by going to yoga classes, getting a massage, or going to a spa. The Stress Less program on the Healthy Monday App builds a connection between people in the Syracuse area and participating business along the Connective Corridor. Users will be able to select from a variety of venues and locations throughout the area. The Procedure Users who want to participate in Stress less Monday will select the appropriate icon on the main menu screen. At this point they will be promoted to a interactive map of the Connective Corridor. Small flags on the map will designate the participating Stress less venues. You can select a flag to learn the name of the venue or you can scroll through venue names directly below the interactive map. Stress less venues include spas, massage parlors, yoga clubs, etc. Users will select the Stress Less venue of their choice and they will accumulate points based on the number of times they attend a Stress Less venue. 27
  • 28. MOVE IT MONDAY The Program The purpose of the Move It is to promote a day in which people can get in shape by attending fitness centers and workout facilities. The Move It program on the Healthy Monday App builds a connection between people in the Syracuse area and participating businesses along the Connective Corridor. Users will be able to select from a variety of venues and locations throughout the area. 28
  • 30. WHO PLAYS? The Healthy Monday application will be used by Health conscious, tech savvy people who frequent the area surrounding the Connective Corridor. Our target includes students, teachers, hospital employees, and business men/women. Users will have Android, Blackberry, or iPhone. Our target is currently involved with healthy activities or looking to get involved with healthy activities. Not only are our users health conscious but they enjoy competitive activities and ways to connect with their community. They will become aware of the Healthy Monday: Healthy City Challenge App through word of mouth, pamphlets being handed out around the Connective Corridor, and a variety of PR activities. WHO MANAGES? A database of Healthy Monday venues with be provided with the help of the participating wellness venues and the Office of Community Engagement and Economic Development at Syracuse University. The managing of the database will be the primary responsibility of student interns and graduate assistants. WHO BUILDS THE APP? 30
  • 31. COMMUNICATING IN THE COMMUNITY TV - WSTM 3 Every Monday morning a press release will be sent to a news channel where an anchor will give a 25-30 plug for Healthy Monday. The plug will consist of a Healthy Monday Tip of the day as well as a promo for the Healthy Monday App that is building a link between the community and the businesses in the Connective Corridor area. Radio - Hot 107.9 The Morning Show with Marty and Shannon will do a 25-30 plug for Healthy Monday. The plug will consist of a Healthy Monday Tip of the day as well as a promo for the Healthy Monday App that is building a link between the community and the businesses in the Connective Corridor area. 31
  • 32. NEWSPAPER - SYRACUSE POST STANDARD The Health and Wellness section of the newspaper will host Healthy Monday tips of the week, and also will take editorial content from Healthy Monday. HEALTH & WELLNESS Acai berries are the latest weight loss fad. These so called Super Foods that you take as a supplement to lose Trisha Torrey weight have been getting a lot of international attention; they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used the pills and lost a ton HEALTH & WELLNESS Acai berries are the latest of weight. But the Verdict is still out. Continued D1 weight loss fad. These so called Super Foods that you take as a supplement to lose Trisha Torrey weight have been getting a lot of international attention; they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used Tips of the week are brought to you by Healthy Monday. Download the pills and lost a ton of weight. But the Verdict is still out. Continued D1 Tips of the week are brought to you by Healthy Monday. Download the new Healthy Moday City Challeng App, and share ‘What the the new Healthy Moday City Challeng App, and share ‘What the Health’ you’re up to together with your social-network. Health’ you’re up to, competeing with your social-network. 32
  • 33. Brochure Information handouts will be distributed every Monday by student interns and graduate assistants in areas of the Connective corridor. These Handouts will explain the Healthy Monday Application and how people can effectively utilize the program. Locations will be health-centric. 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. Media These are some of the local media outlets, all appear willing to help a group like Healthy Monday, if solid fleshed out content was produced and created. We spoke to the following people below, who confirmed that they would participate if such a program was implemented. Local Media Contact Info WSTM (Local NBC TV) Lou Gulino Clear Channel Radio Hot 107.9 Geoff (Deaf Geoff) Herbert The Post-Standard Amber Smith Natur-Tyme (Health Store) Wendy Myerson The Post-Standard/ Trisha Torrey Health Link (SUNY Upstate Initiative) Cindy Carrie Other Major Media Outlets (local) Daily Orange (University) Newspaper News 10 Now TV WCNY FM 91.3 Radio Online WCNY 24 (PBS) TV Syracuse Post-Standard Newspaper WSYR 9 (ABC) TV WAER FM 88.3 (NPR) Radio WSYT 68 (FOX) TV CNY Business Journal Newspaper WTVH 5 (CBS) TV Syracuse New Times Newspaper 35 SOURCE:
  • 36. SPECIAL THANKS We hope you feel our plan will benefit Healthy Monday, and we want to thank you for reading. The process doesn’t need to stop here. We are truly passionate about these ideas for Healthy Monday and we look forward to collaborating with you in the hopes we can make these ideas come to life. This campaign was produced and created for the Advertising Masters Capstone at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. None of this would have been possible without the dedication of all the Newhouse faculty, staff and students. Special thanks to Dr. James Tsao, Sid Lerner, Fiona Chew, Heather Gawornski-Salerno, Peggy Neu 36