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Attacking Childhood Obesity in Children and Subpopulation
Attacking the Challenge of the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity
Issue and Subpopulation
Liberty University/Health 507 section
Word Count: XXXX
Dr.Sharlee Burch
· Childhood/adolescent obesity affects millions with rates
continuing to rise
· 43 million are affected by this debilitating problem.
· Individuals at greater risk are non-white subpopulation
females with income below 130% poverty level.
· Higher educated individuals are at lessened risk than those
with little or no education.
· Fast paced lifestyles contribute to growing number of obese
· Busy schedules encourage families to consume convenient fast
food that is readily available with little nutritional value.
· Lifestyles require more than one household income which
limits family meal times together.
· Instant and poor nutritional content of meals are prepared for
the sake of time and convenience.
· Limited health education regarding food choices and physical
activity add contributory factors to childhood obesity
· Physical activity time is limited due to busy testing schedules
and school curriculum/demands for high testing performance
among students.
· School vending typically has poor nutritional value, high
sugar and fat content. Resistance to change in vending snacks
from students and school staff may be added barriers for
· Funding is limited and lowers nutritional content that match
up to what is recommended. Value enhanced food costs more
than instant fast foods which require minimal or no preparation.
· Subpopulation Hispanic children/adolescents are at greatest
risk for developing obesity
· Males represent 25.3% and females represent 21.8% of
· Cultural and economic factors contribute to high rates of
consumption of high fat/starch/carbohydrate food content.
These factors also lead to increased heart disease, hypertension
and diabetes in this subpopulation.
· Type II Diabetes Mellitus and other chronic illness are
increasing in youth
· Insulin Resistance, a precursor to Type II Diabetes, is
increasing among youth, along with other chronic illnesses,
such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease.
· Increased preventative medical visits among youth, especially
subpopulations, are risk factors that may lead to early
death/morbidity in the new generations to come.
· Lack of health education, physical activity, and poor
nutritional availability or poor choices aid in the epidemic of
obesity in youth and subpopulations.
· Food is expensive, good nutritionally valued food is MORE
expensive. Hard economic times place hardship on food choices
made by families.
· Transportation is expensive and difficult for some to travel to
farmer’s markets beyond walking distance. Perishable foods/or
fresh fruits and vegetables require frequent visits to the grocery
store or farmer’s market.
· Health education and rationale for knowledge is limited within
schools and competes with core curriculum requirements
mandated by pass rates for funding. Physical activity available
is limited to bare minimum allotted time by legislative mandate.
· Fast food is convenient, available and tempting to consume on
a regular basis.
· High fat and sugar content, preservatives and sodium
contribute to the prevalence of childhood obesity as it contains
flavor that entices large portions to be consumed.
· Current efforts in progress are being developed and
implemented to decrease childhood obesity rates
· Nutritional content and healthier options are available in many
fast food restaurants.
· Physical activity is encouraged and offered in many after
school programs via grant incentives.
· Local organizations, such as Turning Point and other
coalitions, have developed farmer’s market availability and
health prevention education within schools and communities.
· Some state Nutrition and Fitness organizations (via grant)
offer youth BMI evaluation for schools. Reports within public
health organizations are available.
· Many schools are conforming to lower sugar/fat content and
better food options within school lunch rooms and vending.
· Many schools have chosen to adopt tobacco free policies
which benefit youth and all citizens. Smoking exacerbates
chronic illness, which, if accompanied by obesity-could lead to
early death.
· Obesity currently costs the U.S. $254 billion in productivity
and $60 billion in treatment/medical expenditures.
Biblical Applications
· Say to him: ‘Long life to you! Good health to you and your
household! And good health to all that is yours! 1 Samuel 25:6
· Health has been desired among biblical beings since the
beginning of time.
· Good health is a measure of contentment and happiness.
· This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your
bones. Proverbs 3:8.
· Health and nourishment of our bodies is an ultimate goal
which enables holistic balance and tranquility.
· Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in
them too. You restored me to health and let me live. Isaiah 38:1
· The Lord provides spirit in all that he delivers us to restore
our health for life.
· On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a
doctor, but the sick. Matthew 9:12.
· Healthy individuals will be free of illness while those who are
unhealthy may
undergo illness that requires medical attention.
· Medical needs are greater for those that are sick rather than
the healthy one who takes advantage of healthful lifestyle.
· Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all
may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3
John 1:2
· Health is a well wish by many to those who are loved and
· Spiritual and bodily holistic health is of utmost value to those
who desire good health and balance of both.
· Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy
Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You
are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor
God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
· God wants us to be healthy by taking care of our physical
body as well as our spiritual body.
· He paid the price for our eternal lives; therefore, honoring
Him with spirituality and goodness to our bodies is essential in
honoring Him. He provides all we need to sustain health.
1. World Health Organization. Health Effects among Obesity in
Children. WHO Website. 2012. Available at:
ts/en/. Last accessed on October 4, 2014.
1. Center for Disease Control. Childhood Obesity Facts. CDC
Website. 2012. Available at: Last accessed
October 4, 2014.
1. Oklahoma State Department of Health. Obesity and
Prevention. OSDH website. 2010. Available at:
Last accessed October 4, 2014.
1. National Institute of Health. Obesity in Children. NIH
website. 2013. Available at:
Last accessed October 4, 2014.
1. Niles NJ. Basics of the U.S. Health Care System. Sudbury,
MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2012.
1. The Holy Bible. New International Version. Available at
Last accessed October 4, 2014.
1. American Diabetes Association. Number of Youth with Type
II Diabetes Expected to Rise Substantially by 2050. American
Diabetes Association website. 2013. Available at:
of-youth-with-diabetes-projected-to-rise-by-2050.html. Last
accessed October 4, 2014.
MBA Capstone Project Guidelines
Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as
a practitioner-scholar to meet the needs and future challenges as
a business leader. Your program culminates in the capstone
project, which forms the primary focus of MBA6900, the final
course you will take in the program. The capstone project is
intended to provide you the opportunity to demonstrate your
MBA program outcomes by:
· Planning and executing the strategic and tactical elements of a
comprehensive project.
· Integrating and demonstrating skills and techniques you have
learned throughout the MBA program.
· Communicating project outcomes both in written form and in a
formal presentation.
· Completing your MBA program with an experience that
reinforces and integrates the components that have preceded it.
The following information outlines the requirements and work
associated with the capstone project for MBA6028 and
Capstone Project Examples
Examples of project types that might be proposed to meet these
requirements include but are not limited to:
· Preparation of a strategic plan for an organization.
· A strategic analysis of all or a selected part of an
· Development of a case study of all or a selected part of an
· Development of an intervention, such as a workshop or
training activity, that is broad- based enough to demonstrate the
program-level outcomes.
· Development of a consulting report on a problematic issue
within an organization, provided that the issue is broad-based
enough to demonstrate program-level outcomes.
You may propose other structures for the capstone project so
long as you are able to identify how the proposed project
satisfies the requirement of demonstrating the program-level
outcomes. When choosing your topic, keep in mind that your
capstone project must result in recommendations, next steps, or
some other type of actionable, evidence-based take-aways for
the reader or subject of the project.
Capstone Project Requirements
The capstone course project must demonstrate your achievement
of the MBA program outcomes. The following table is taken
from the proficient column of the final capstone grading rubric.
It outlines the expectations for demonstrating each program
Program Outcome:
Proficient Column:
1. Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of
business systems,
processes, and technology within and across core disciplines.
Applies foundational knowledge (theories, models, and
practices) and an understanding of core business systems,
processes, and technology within and across core disciplines.
2. Integrate information across disciplines and from differing
Integrates most relevant supportive and conflicting information
(data, insights, best
practices) across disciplines from differing primary functional
perspectives individually
and holistically.
3. Think critically and analytically to
provide evidence-based solutions to business challenges and
Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on relevant,
sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights, analyses,
best practices) to solve business challenges and opportunities.
4. Apply innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to
business practice and planning.
Applies innovative, strategic, and sustainable (long-term)
approaches to business practice and planning.
5. Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally
diverse environments.
Applies leadership and collaboration principles and strategies
for virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments.
6. Integrate principles of ethics and
integrity into business decisions.
Integrates principles of ethics and integrity into business
decisions by assessing ethical implications and resolving ethical
conflicts and dilemmas.
7. Communicate clearly and effectively in
a business environment.
Communicates clearly and effectively in a business environment
by applying professional speaking, effective presentation, and
persuasion skills to create a clear and compelling case for
business solutions.
MBA Capstone Project Guidelines
When proposing a capstone project in MBA6028, you will be
required to identify how the proposed project addresses the
demonstration of program outcomes 1, 2, 5, and 6. Outcomes 3,
4, and 7 are demonstrated by the quality of the final deliverable.
The project will be completed individually, not in teams. In
addition, the capstone project must meet these criteria:
· The organization must be real, not fictitious. This may be an
organization to which you have direct access for data gathering
or one for which you will gather data via published sources. In
either case, it must be an organization for which you can gather
the data needed to complete the project. If need be, you may be
allowed to use a disguised name for the organization in the
project report, but you must disclose to the instructor what
actual organization is being used as the setting for the project.
· The scope of effort required should be such that, once planned
in MBA6028, the project can be completed in a single, six-week
iteration of MBA6900; extensions will be granted only in
unusual situations.
MBA6028 Capstone Planning Requirements and Timeline
Since the six-week duration of a single MBA course may not
provide enough time for both planning and delivering the
capstone project, planning for the project begins in MBA6028 –
Business Integration Skills. Typically, this course is taken in
the period immediately before the capstone course. During
MBA6028, you will complete a proposal for the project that you
will deliver in MBA6900. Specific milestones for this proposal
· Unit 1 – You will post a discussion with a preliminary
summary of and rationale for what you are considering as a
project, for feedback from colleagues and your instructor.
· Unit 3 – You will submit a draft proposal for the project to
your instructor for feedback. (Appendix A below contains a
template to prepare the proposal and Appendix B illustrates an
example of a completed draft.)
· Unit 5 – You will submit the final proposal in Unit 5 to the
instructor for grading. (Appendix C below contains an outline
you may adapt to prepare your proposal.)
Note: Successful completion of an acceptable proposal will
facilitate a smooth transition into your capstone course and help
you make timely progress toward your degree completion. Be
sure to contact your instructor with any questions or challenges
you have completing your proposal.
MBA6900 Capstone Deliverables
Once you have successfully completed MBA6028, you will
move on to your final course, MBA6900. In MBA6900, you will
complete the following:
Unit 1 Capstone Project Summary – You will develop a brief
summary of your capstone project to help your instructor
become familiar with your capstone project and provide
appropriate guidance. This project summary will specify the
topic and scope of your project, including a rough outline of
your final capstone project and a project plan that briefly
outlines what you plan to do each week to ensure timely
completion of your capstone.
Units 2, 4, and 5 Progress Reports – In each unit, you will
prepare a brief report of the status of your project, based on
your plan. You may also submit parts of your project for
Unit 3 Capstone Project Draft – You will submit a draft of your
capstone project for feedback on your progress toward
demonstrating your program outcomes, based on the final
Capstone Project and Presentation Scoring Guide.
Unit 6 Capstone Project and Presentation – You will submit
your final Capstone Project and Presentation assignment. You
will deliver two work products to complete this project:
· Written Report – The final written project report will be a
formal document prepared for the key stakeholders of your
project. The structure and length of the document will vary
according to the type of project being undertaken, but the report
is expected to be substantial: approximately 20-40 pages in
· Oral Presentation – This formal oral presentation will be
supported by an MS PowerPoint presentation including slides
with notes. The oral presentation will be recorded using Adobe
Connect, and uploaded to the MBA6900 courseroom for review
by your colleagues and a formal review by the instructor. This
presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length
and will serve to present all facets of the capstone project.
Appendix D below contains the scoring guide rubric with
grading criteria for your final capstone deliverable. Be sure to
review the criteria often throughout your project to ensure you
are fulfilling the expectations for demonstrating your program
Appendix A – Proposal Rough Draft Template
Target Organization
Identify the organization that will be the setting or focus of the
Brief Project Description
Describe the project in sufficient detail that the instructor can
get a good understanding of what you propose to do.
Access and Data Availability
Describe what access you have to this organization and your
sources of data.
Program Outcomes
Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business
systems, processes, and technology within and across core
Describe how the proposed project will enable you to
demonstrate your achievement of this outcome.
Integrate information across disciplines and from differing
Describe how the proposed project will enable you to
demonstrate your achievement of this outcome.
Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse
Describe how the proposed project will enable you to
demonstrate your achievement of this outcome.
Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business
Describe how the proposed project will enable you to
demonstrate your achievement of this outcome.
Estimate expected length.
Estimate the length, in double-spaced pages, of the deliverable
you expect to produce.
You may use the above table and merely replace the instructions
in the Description column with your entries. Or, if you prefer,
you may prepare a document in an alternative format that
addresses all of the entries shown in the table.
Appendix B – Sample Proposal Rough Draft
Target Organization
R. D. Tech, Inc.
Brief Project Description
The project will be a comprehensive case study of this
manufacturer of stainless steel processing equipment for the
food and dairy industry.
Access and Data Availability
I am employed by R. D. Tech and have permission to gather the
required data. In the actual case document, the company name
will be disguised.
Program Outcomes
Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business
systems, processes, and technology within and across core
The case study will cover all organizational components and
functions, including marketing, operations, finance, and
administration. It will examine the company’s upstream and
downstream supply chain, and the information and materials
flows involved.
Integrate information across disciplines and from differing
The case will examine the interrelationships among the different
organizational functions in light of the challenges the company
is facing. It will present the perspectives of major points of
view, including the Marketing, Finance, and Operations teams,
as well as senior Management.
Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse
The case will assess issues involved in the company’s
investigation of overseas market prospects, including the
establishment of overseas branches.
Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business
The company is considering a change to its full employment
policy, as dairies in its local two-state area consolidate and it
considers expansion abroad. The ethical issues of changing the
implied contract with employees will be examined as part of the
Estimate expected length.
Approximately 35-45 pages, double-spaced.
Appendix C – Proposal Content and Format
· Introduction—In this section, identify the organization and
whether you have access to it directly. Describe the exact nature
of the project you propose to do and why you want to do this
particular project.
· Target Organization.
· Nature of the Project.
· Rationale for the Project.
· Outcome Demonstration – Describe how this project will
allow you to demonstrate each MBA program outcome. The four
section titles below refer to the outcomes that are listed in the
Prospectus Template.
· Apply Foundational Knowledge.
· Integrate Information.
· Lead and Collaborate.
· Integrate Principles.
· Data Sources – Identify where you will get the data needed to
complete the project, whether via direct access to the
organization or via published sources. Be as detailed as
possible, since the instructor must evaluate whether you have
access to enough data to make the project feasible.
· Projected Timeline – Provide a timeline for the project, to be
completed no later than the end of MBA6900. Tasks should
include any preliminary activity needed to get permissions (if
needed), data gathering, data analysis, report writing,
presentation preparation, and anything else that would form a
significant part of the work needed to complete the project.
Appendix D – Capstone Project and Presentation Grading
Apply foundational
knowledge and an understanding of
business systems,
processes, and technology within
and across core disciplines.
References but does not apply
fundamental, practical foundational knowledge and a
functional understanding of business systems, processes, and
Applies fundamental,
practical foundational knowledge and a functional
understanding of a limited set of business systems, processes,
and technology within
but not across core disciplines.
Applies foundational knowledge
(theories, models, and practices) and an understanding of core
systems, processes, and technology within and across core
Applies a balance of theoretical and
practical foundational knowledge (theories, models,
and practices) and an in-depth understanding of a full range of
business systems,
processes, and technology within and across core disciplines.
Recognizes and justifies approach to integrating foundational
knowledge, business systems, processes, and technology within
and across core disciplines.
information across disciplines from differing perspectives.
Analyzes information from a
singular discipline or
perspective or poorly analyzes
information across disciplines from few differing primary
functional perspectives.
Analyzes but does not integrate limited
information (data,
insights, best practices) across
disciplines from few differing primary functional perspectives
individually but not
Integrates most relevant supportive
and conflicting
information (data, insights, best
practices) across disciplines from differing primary functional
individually and holistically.
Evaluates supportive and
information (data, insights, best
practices) integrating insights across disciplines from multiple,
diverse functional
and strategic perspectives individually and
Develop logical,
well-supported, evidence-based
solutions to business challenges and opportunities.
Develops unsupported (emotional
testimonials, anecdotes, lack of evidence) solutions and
solutions that
are not logically connected to business challenges and
Develops unsupported (emotional
testimonials, anecdotes, lack of evidence) solutions or solutions
that are
not logically connected to business challenges and
Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on
relevant, sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights,
best practices) to solve business challenges and opportunities.
Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on
relevant, sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights,
best practices) to systematically solve business challenges and
relevant to all applicable
stakeholders and
cross-functional departments.
Apply innovative,
strategic, and sustainable approaches to
business practice and planning.
Does not apply or poorly applies elements of innovative,
and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning.
Applies some elements of innovative, strategic, and sustainable
approaches to business practice and planning.
Applies innovative, strategic, and sustainable (long- term)
approaches to
business practice and planning.
Integrates and justifies innovative, strategic, and sustainable
term) approaches business practice and planning that
challenge the status quo while recognizing change management
Assess leadership
and collaboration opportunities in
virtual, global, and
culturally diverse environments.
Does not describe or poorly describes
leadership or collaboration strategies.
Describes leadership and
collaboration principles and strategies that may or may not be
appropriate to virtual, global, and culturally diverse
Applies leadership and collaboration
principles and strategies for virtual, global, and culturally
Assesses leadership and collaboration
principles, strategies, and opportunities in virtual, global, and
culturally diverse environments and integrates flexible
perspectives and collaborative
approaches in business.
principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions.
Does not assess or poorly assesses
principles of ethics
and integrity.
Assesses principles of ethics and
integrity by
analyzing ethical implications but may
overlook important ethical considerations.
Integrates principles of ethics and
integrity into
business decisions by assessing ethical
implications and resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas.
Integrates principles of ethics and
integrity into
business decisions by assessing ethical
implications, resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas, and
making right and just decisions for the organization and the
larger business
clearly and effectively in a
business environment.
Does not communicate appropriately in a
business environment.
Communicates in a business environment with
heavy jargon and inconsistent application of professional
speaking, effective presentation, and persuasion skills to create
unconvincing case for business solutions.
Communicates clearly and effectively in a
business environment by applying professional
speaking, effective presentation, and persuasion skills to create
a clear and
compelling case for business solutions.
Communicates clearly and effectively in a
business environment by adapting to specific audiences’
knowledge/needs, utilizing presentation best practices, and
persuasion with cross-functional stakeholders to create a clear
compelling case for business solutions.
HLTH 507
Bulleted Policy Issues Paper Instructions
Describe a health problem that negatively impacts a particular
subpopulation in the United States, identify the root cause(s),
and give examples where application of Biblical principles have
led or should lead to improved health status. Through this
paper, you will gain experience in identifying and describing a
particular population and identifying potential root causes for
difficulties that may be affecting this population. You will
become familiar with the various aspects of the public health
and health care delivery systems in the U.S., and those
populations who continue to suffer. By developing root causes
and potential solutions, you will enhance your understanding
and ability to make sound judgments and recommendations
related to public health problems. By correlating with Scriptural
principles, you will understand the continued impact of sin on
The Bulleted Policy Issues Paper is the foundation for
Discussion Board Forum 2 in Module/Week 4, the Policy
Recommendation Outline in Module/Week 6, and the Policy
Recommendation Paper in Module/Week 8. Please read the
specific directions for each assignment carefully.
Paper Description:
You will explore in detail a health problem that negatively
impacts a particular subpopulation, such as the poor, those
without health insurance, those marginalized in society (due to
race, economic status, immigration status, illness, or other
reasons), or another group. The problem may deal with legal
issues, ethical issues, professionalism, access to care, quality
and appropriateness of care received (or lack thereof), persistent
illness, inability to be fully integrated in society due to a
particular health problem, or some other issue of your choosing.
Identify the root cause(s) contributing to this problem, and give
at least 2 examples where application of Biblical principles
have led or should lead to improved health status. Remember
the issues and areas you studied and discussed in Module/Week
1. Build off of those areas and arguments to make your case.
Your audience for this Bulleted Policy Issues Paper is a policy
maker who is too busy to read more than a two-page summary
of the issue. This is not a paper to be published in a journal; it
is a paper that will lead to policy change in its final form (the
Bulleted Policy Recommendation Paper due later in this
course). See the document “How to Write a Bulleted Paper” and
sample papers in the Assignment Instructions Folder.
This paper is to be short—800–1000 words—and must be
written in bullets. While an additional sentence may be
necessary to expand upon or explain the primary bullet, more
than 3 sentences in a bullet are too many. Think short and be
concise. Present your argument, justify it with 2–4 sub-bullets,
and then move on to your next point. Use Times New Roman 12
pt. font with 1” margins and double spaces between primary
Title and References Pages:
The Bulleted Policy Issue Paper is to have an AMA style title
and reference page, neither of which will be counted in the
word count. On the reference page, you must provide at least 3
references, 2 of which may not be assigned readings or the
Due Date:
The Bulleted Policy Issue Paper is to be submitted by 11:59
p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.
Page 1 of 2

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Evidence based Practice
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Attacking Childhood Obesity in Children and Subpopulation .docx

  • 1. Attacking Childhood Obesity in Children and Subpopulation 1 Attacking the Challenge of the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Issue and Subpopulation Children student email Liberty University/Health 507 section Word Count: XXXX Dr.Sharlee Burch Date
  • 2. Background · Childhood/adolescent obesity affects millions with rates continuing to rise · 43 million are affected by this debilitating problem. · Individuals at greater risk are non-white subpopulation females with income below 130% poverty level. · Higher educated individuals are at lessened risk than those with little or no education. · Fast paced lifestyles contribute to growing number of obese children/adolescents · Busy schedules encourage families to consume convenient fast food that is readily available with little nutritional value. · Lifestyles require more than one household income which limits family meal times together. · Instant and poor nutritional content of meals are prepared for the sake of time and convenience. · Limited health education regarding food choices and physical activity add contributory factors to childhood obesity · Physical activity time is limited due to busy testing schedules and school curriculum/demands for high testing performance among students. · School vending typically has poor nutritional value, high sugar and fat content. Resistance to change in vending snacks from students and school staff may be added barriers for change. · Funding is limited and lowers nutritional content that match up to what is recommended. Value enhanced food costs more than instant fast foods which require minimal or no preparation. · Subpopulation Hispanic children/adolescents are at greatest risk for developing obesity · Males represent 25.3% and females represent 21.8% of obesity. · Cultural and economic factors contribute to high rates of
  • 3. consumption of high fat/starch/carbohydrate food content. These factors also lead to increased heart disease, hypertension and diabetes in this subpopulation. Issues · Type II Diabetes Mellitus and other chronic illness are increasing in youth · Insulin Resistance, a precursor to Type II Diabetes, is increasing among youth, along with other chronic illnesses, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease. · Increased preventative medical visits among youth, especially subpopulations, are risk factors that may lead to early death/morbidity in the new generations to come. · Lack of health education, physical activity, and poor nutritional availability or poor choices aid in the epidemic of obesity in youth and subpopulations. · Food is expensive, good nutritionally valued food is MORE expensive. Hard economic times place hardship on food choices made by families. · Transportation is expensive and difficult for some to travel to farmer’s markets beyond walking distance. Perishable foods/or fresh fruits and vegetables require frequent visits to the grocery store or farmer’s market. · Health education and rationale for knowledge is limited within schools and competes with core curriculum requirements mandated by pass rates for funding. Physical activity available is limited to bare minimum allotted time by legislative mandate. · Fast food is convenient, available and tempting to consume on a regular basis. · High fat and sugar content, preservatives and sodium contribute to the prevalence of childhood obesity as it contains flavor that entices large portions to be consumed. · Current efforts in progress are being developed and
  • 4. implemented to decrease childhood obesity rates · Nutritional content and healthier options are available in many fast food restaurants. · Physical activity is encouraged and offered in many after school programs via grant incentives. · Local organizations, such as Turning Point and other coalitions, have developed farmer’s market availability and health prevention education within schools and communities. · Some state Nutrition and Fitness organizations (via grant) offer youth BMI evaluation for schools. Reports within public health organizations are available. · Many schools are conforming to lower sugar/fat content and better food options within school lunch rooms and vending. · Many schools have chosen to adopt tobacco free policies which benefit youth and all citizens. Smoking exacerbates chronic illness, which, if accompanied by obesity-could lead to early death. · Obesity currently costs the U.S. $254 billion in productivity and $60 billion in treatment/medical expenditures. Biblical Applications · Say to him: ‘Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! 1 Samuel 25:6 · Health has been desired among biblical beings since the beginning of time. · Good health is a measure of contentment and happiness. · This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Proverbs 3:8. · Health and nourishment of our bodies is an ultimate goal which enables holistic balance and tranquility. · Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in
  • 5. them too. You restored me to health and let me live. Isaiah 38:1 · The Lord provides spirit in all that he delivers us to restore our health for life. · On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Matthew 9:12. · Healthy individuals will be free of illness while those who are unhealthy may undergo illness that requires medical attention. · Medical needs are greater for those that are sick rather than the healthy one who takes advantage of healthful lifestyle. · Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1:2 · Health is a well wish by many to those who are loved and cherished · Spiritual and bodily holistic health is of utmost value to those who desire good health and balance of both. · Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. · God wants us to be healthy by taking care of our physical body as well as our spiritual body. · He paid the price for our eternal lives; therefore, honoring Him with spirituality and goodness to our bodies is essential in honoring Him. He provides all we need to sustain health. References 1. World Health Organization. Health Effects among Obesity in Children. WHO Website. 2012. Available at:
  • 6. ts/en/. Last accessed on October 4, 2014. 1. Center for Disease Control. Childhood Obesity Facts. CDC Website. 2012. Available at: Last accessed October 4, 2014. 1. Oklahoma State Department of Health. Obesity and Prevention. OSDH website. 2010. Available at: a_Health_Improvement_Planning_Team_(OHIP)_/index.html. Last accessed October 4, 2014. 1. National Institute of Health. Obesity in Children. NIH website. 2013. Available at: Last accessed October 4, 2014. 1. Niles NJ. Basics of the U.S. Health Care System. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2012. 1. The Holy Bible. New International Version. Available at Last accessed October 4, 2014. 1. American Diabetes Association. Number of Youth with Type II Diabetes Expected to Rise Substantially by 2050. American Diabetes Association website. 2013. Available at: of-youth-with-diabetes-projected-to-rise-by-2050.html. Last accessed October 4, 2014.
  • 7. MBA Capstone Project Guidelines Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a practitioner-scholar to meet the needs and future challenges as a business leader. Your program culminates in the capstone project, which forms the primary focus of MBA6900, the final course you will take in the program. The capstone project is intended to provide you the opportunity to demonstrate your MBA program outcomes by: · Planning and executing the strategic and tactical elements of a comprehensive project. · Integrating and demonstrating skills and techniques you have learned throughout the MBA program. · Communicating project outcomes both in written form and in a formal presentation. · Completing your MBA program with an experience that reinforces and integrates the components that have preceded it. The following information outlines the requirements and work associated with the capstone project for MBA6028 and MBA6900. Capstone Project Examples Examples of project types that might be proposed to meet these requirements include but are not limited to: · Preparation of a strategic plan for an organization. · A strategic analysis of all or a selected part of an organization. · Development of a case study of all or a selected part of an organization. · Development of an intervention, such as a workshop or training activity, that is broad- based enough to demonstrate the program-level outcomes. · Development of a consulting report on a problematic issue
  • 8. within an organization, provided that the issue is broad-based enough to demonstrate program-level outcomes. You may propose other structures for the capstone project so long as you are able to identify how the proposed project satisfies the requirement of demonstrating the program-level outcomes. When choosing your topic, keep in mind that your capstone project must result in recommendations, next steps, or some other type of actionable, evidence-based take-aways for the reader or subject of the project. Capstone Project Requirements The capstone course project must demonstrate your achievement of the MBA program outcomes. The following table is taken from the proficient column of the final capstone grading rubric. It outlines the expectations for demonstrating each program outcome. Program Outcome: Proficient Column: 1. Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. Applies foundational knowledge (theories, models, and practices) and an understanding of core business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. 2. Integrate information across disciplines and from differing perspectives. Integrates most relevant supportive and conflicting information (data, insights, best practices) across disciplines from differing primary functional
  • 9. perspectives individually and holistically. 3. Think critically and analytically to provide evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities. Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on relevant, sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights, analyses, best practices) to solve business challenges and opportunities. 4. Apply innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning. Applies innovative, strategic, and sustainable (long-term) approaches to business practice and planning. 5. Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. Applies leadership and collaboration principles and strategies for virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. 6. Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions. Integrates principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions by assessing ethical implications and resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas. 7. Communicate clearly and effectively in a business environment. Communicates clearly and effectively in a business environment by applying professional speaking, effective presentation, and persuasion skills to create a clear and compelling case for business solutions. MBA Capstone Project Guidelines
  • 10. 9 When proposing a capstone project in MBA6028, you will be required to identify how the proposed project addresses the demonstration of program outcomes 1, 2, 5, and 6. Outcomes 3, 4, and 7 are demonstrated by the quality of the final deliverable. The project will be completed individually, not in teams. In addition, the capstone project must meet these criteria: · The organization must be real, not fictitious. This may be an organization to which you have direct access for data gathering or one for which you will gather data via published sources. In either case, it must be an organization for which you can gather the data needed to complete the project. If need be, you may be allowed to use a disguised name for the organization in the project report, but you must disclose to the instructor what actual organization is being used as the setting for the project. · The scope of effort required should be such that, once planned in MBA6028, the project can be completed in a single, six-week iteration of MBA6900; extensions will be granted only in unusual situations. MBA6028 Capstone Planning Requirements and Timeline Since the six-week duration of a single MBA course may not provide enough time for both planning and delivering the capstone project, planning for the project begins in MBA6028 – Business Integration Skills. Typically, this course is taken in the period immediately before the capstone course. During MBA6028, you will complete a proposal for the project that you will deliver in MBA6900. Specific milestones for this proposal include: · Unit 1 – You will post a discussion with a preliminary summary of and rationale for what you are considering as a
  • 11. project, for feedback from colleagues and your instructor. · Unit 3 – You will submit a draft proposal for the project to your instructor for feedback. (Appendix A below contains a template to prepare the proposal and Appendix B illustrates an example of a completed draft.) · Unit 5 – You will submit the final proposal in Unit 5 to the instructor for grading. (Appendix C below contains an outline you may adapt to prepare your proposal.) Note: Successful completion of an acceptable proposal will facilitate a smooth transition into your capstone course and help you make timely progress toward your degree completion. Be sure to contact your instructor with any questions or challenges you have completing your proposal. MBA6900 Capstone Deliverables Once you have successfully completed MBA6028, you will move on to your final course, MBA6900. In MBA6900, you will complete the following: Unit 1 Capstone Project Summary – You will develop a brief summary of your capstone project to help your instructor become familiar with your capstone project and provide appropriate guidance. This project summary will specify the topic and scope of your project, including a rough outline of your final capstone project and a project plan that briefly outlines what you plan to do each week to ensure timely completion of your capstone. Units 2, 4, and 5 Progress Reports – In each unit, you will prepare a brief report of the status of your project, based on your plan. You may also submit parts of your project for feedback. Unit 3 Capstone Project Draft – You will submit a draft of your capstone project for feedback on your progress toward
  • 12. demonstrating your program outcomes, based on the final Capstone Project and Presentation Scoring Guide. Unit 6 Capstone Project and Presentation – You will submit your final Capstone Project and Presentation assignment. You will deliver two work products to complete this project: · Written Report – The final written project report will be a formal document prepared for the key stakeholders of your project. The structure and length of the document will vary according to the type of project being undertaken, but the report is expected to be substantial: approximately 20-40 pages in length. · Oral Presentation – This formal oral presentation will be supported by an MS PowerPoint presentation including slides with notes. The oral presentation will be recorded using Adobe Connect, and uploaded to the MBA6900 courseroom for review by your colleagues and a formal review by the instructor. This presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length and will serve to present all facets of the capstone project. Appendix D below contains the scoring guide rubric with grading criteria for your final capstone deliverable. Be sure to review the criteria often throughout your project to ensure you are fulfilling the expectations for demonstrating your program outcomes. Appendix A – Proposal Rough Draft Template Element Description Target Organization Identify the organization that will be the setting or focus of the
  • 13. project. Brief Project Description Describe the project in sufficient detail that the instructor can get a good understanding of what you propose to do. Access and Data Availability Describe what access you have to this organization and your sources of data. Program Outcomes Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. Describe how the proposed project will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of this outcome. Integrate information across disciplines and from differing perspectives. Describe how the proposed project will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of this outcome. Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. Describe how the proposed project will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of this outcome. Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions.
  • 14. Describe how the proposed project will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of this outcome. Estimate expected length. Estimate the length, in double-spaced pages, of the deliverable you expect to produce. You may use the above table and merely replace the instructions in the Description column with your entries. Or, if you prefer, you may prepare a document in an alternative format that addresses all of the entries shown in the table. Appendix B – Sample Proposal Rough Draft Element Description Target Organization R. D. Tech, Inc. Brief Project Description The project will be a comprehensive case study of this manufacturer of stainless steel processing equipment for the food and dairy industry. Access and Data Availability I am employed by R. D. Tech and have permission to gather the required data. In the actual case document, the company name will be disguised.
  • 15. Program Outcomes Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. The case study will cover all organizational components and functions, including marketing, operations, finance, and administration. It will examine the company’s upstream and downstream supply chain, and the information and materials flows involved. Integrate information across disciplines and from differing perspectives. The case will examine the interrelationships among the different organizational functions in light of the challenges the company is facing. It will present the perspectives of major points of view, including the Marketing, Finance, and Operations teams, as well as senior Management. Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. The case will assess issues involved in the company’s investigation of overseas market prospects, including the establishment of overseas branches. Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions. The company is considering a change to its full employment policy, as dairies in its local two-state area consolidate and it considers expansion abroad. The ethical issues of changing the implied contract with employees will be examined as part of the case.
  • 16. Estimate expected length. Approximately 35-45 pages, double-spaced. Appendix C – Proposal Content and Format · Introduction—In this section, identify the organization and whether you have access to it directly. Describe the exact nature of the project you propose to do and why you want to do this particular project. · Target Organization. · Nature of the Project. · Rationale for the Project. · Outcome Demonstration – Describe how this project will allow you to demonstrate each MBA program outcome. The four section titles below refer to the outcomes that are listed in the Prospectus Template. · Apply Foundational Knowledge. · Integrate Information. · Lead and Collaborate. · Integrate Principles. · Data Sources – Identify where you will get the data needed to complete the project, whether via direct access to the organization or via published sources. Be as detailed as possible, since the instructor must evaluate whether you have access to enough data to make the project feasible. · Projected Timeline – Provide a timeline for the project, to be completed no later than the end of MBA6900. Tasks should include any preliminary activity needed to get permissions (if needed), data gathering, data analysis, report writing, presentation preparation, and anything else that would form a
  • 17. significant part of the work needed to complete the project. Appendix D – Capstone Project and Presentation Grading Criteria Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient
  • 18. Distinguished Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. References but does not apply fundamental, practical foundational knowledge and a functional understanding of business systems, processes, and technology. Applies fundamental, practical foundational knowledge and a functional understanding of a limited set of business systems, processes, and technology within but not across core disciplines. Applies foundational knowledge (theories, models, and practices) and an understanding of core business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. Applies a balance of theoretical and practical foundational knowledge (theories, models, and practices) and an in-depth understanding of a full range of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. Recognizes and justifies approach to integrating foundational knowledge, business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines. Integrate information across disciplines from differing perspectives. Analyzes information from a singular discipline or perspective or poorly analyzes information across disciplines from few differing primary functional perspectives. Analyzes but does not integrate limited
  • 19. information (data, insights, best practices) across disciplines from few differing primary functional perspectives individually but not holistically. Integrates most relevant supportive and conflicting information (data, insights, best practices) across disciplines from differing primary functional perspectives individually and holistically. Evaluates supportive and conflicting information (data, insights, best practices) integrating insights across disciplines from multiple, diverse functional and strategic perspectives individually and holistically. Develop logical, well-supported, evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities. Develops unsupported (emotional testimonials, anecdotes, lack of evidence) solutions and solutions that are not logically connected to business challenges and opportunities. Develops unsupported (emotional testimonials, anecdotes, lack of evidence) solutions or solutions that are not logically connected to business challenges and opportunities. Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on relevant, sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights, analyses, best practices) to solve business challenges and opportunities. Develops logical, well-supported, solutions based on
  • 20. relevant, sound, logical, and credible evidence (data, insights, analyses, best practices) to systematically solve business challenges and opportunities relevant to all applicable stakeholders and cross-functional departments. Apply innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning. Does not apply or poorly applies elements of innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning. Applies some elements of innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to business practice and planning. Applies innovative, strategic, and sustainable (long- term) approaches to business practice and planning. Integrates and justifies innovative, strategic, and sustainable (long- term) approaches business practice and planning that appropriately challenge the status quo while recognizing change management implications. Assess leadership and collaboration opportunities in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. Does not describe or poorly describes leadership or collaboration strategies.
  • 21. Describes leadership and collaboration principles and strategies that may or may not be appropriate to virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. Applies leadership and collaboration principles and strategies for virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments. Assesses leadership and collaboration principles, strategies, and opportunities in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments and integrates flexible perspectives and collaborative approaches in business. Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions. Does not assess or poorly assesses principles of ethics and integrity. Assesses principles of ethics and integrity by analyzing ethical implications but may overlook important ethical considerations. Integrates principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions by assessing ethical implications and resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas. Integrates principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions by assessing ethical implications, resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas, and making right and just decisions for the organization and the larger business community. Communicate clearly and effectively in a business environment.
  • 22. Does not communicate appropriately in a business environment. Communicates in a business environment with heavy jargon and inconsistent application of professional speaking, effective presentation, and persuasion skills to create an unconvincing case for business solutions. Communicates clearly and effectively in a business environment by applying professional speaking, effective presentation, and persuasion skills to create a clear and compelling case for business solutions. Communicates clearly and effectively in a business environment by adapting to specific audiences’ knowledge/needs, utilizing presentation best practices, and integrating persuasion with cross-functional stakeholders to create a clear and compelling case for business solutions. HLTH 507 Bulleted Policy Issues Paper Instructions Overview: Describe a health problem that negatively impacts a particular subpopulation in the United States, identify the root cause(s), and give examples where application of Biblical principles have led or should lead to improved health status. Through this paper, you will gain experience in identifying and describing a particular population and identifying potential root causes for difficulties that may be affecting this population. You will become familiar with the various aspects of the public health and health care delivery systems in the U.S., and those populations who continue to suffer. By developing root causes and potential solutions, you will enhance your understanding and ability to make sound judgments and recommendations
  • 23. related to public health problems. By correlating with Scriptural principles, you will understand the continued impact of sin on society. The Bulleted Policy Issues Paper is the foundation for Discussion Board Forum 2 in Module/Week 4, the Policy Recommendation Outline in Module/Week 6, and the Policy Recommendation Paper in Module/Week 8. Please read the specific directions for each assignment carefully. Paper Description: You will explore in detail a health problem that negatively impacts a particular subpopulation, such as the poor, those without health insurance, those marginalized in society (due to race, economic status, immigration status, illness, or other reasons), or another group. The problem may deal with legal issues, ethical issues, professionalism, access to care, quality and appropriateness of care received (or lack thereof), persistent illness, inability to be fully integrated in society due to a particular health problem, or some other issue of your choosing. Identify the root cause(s) contributing to this problem, and give at least 2 examples where application of Biblical principles have led or should lead to improved health status. Remember the issues and areas you studied and discussed in Module/Week 1. Build off of those areas and arguments to make your case. Your audience for this Bulleted Policy Issues Paper is a policy maker who is too busy to read more than a two-page summary of the issue. This is not a paper to be published in a journal; it is a paper that will lead to policy change in its final form (the Bulleted Policy Recommendation Paper due later in this course). See the document “How to Write a Bulleted Paper” and sample papers in the Assignment Instructions Folder. This paper is to be short—800–1000 words—and must be written in bullets. While an additional sentence may be necessary to expand upon or explain the primary bullet, more than 3 sentences in a bullet are too many. Think short and be concise. Present your argument, justify it with 2–4 sub-bullets,
  • 24. and then move on to your next point. Use Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1” margins and double spaces between primary bullets. Title and References Pages: The Bulleted Policy Issue Paper is to have an AMA style title and reference page, neither of which will be counted in the word count. On the reference page, you must provide at least 3 references, 2 of which may not be assigned readings or the Bible. Due Date: The Bulleted Policy Issue Paper is to be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2. Page 1 of 2