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Starving Audience Persona Intro
❑ When we incorporated The Starving Audience Framework into our own
business it humbled us by revealing that most of what we had been talking
about was our self and we were not getting into the head and heart of our ideal
client - the one who we exist to help. The client is the hero while we are just the
❑ The good news is that the framework that came from our pain was created. It is
built on proven and tested principles that can also change your businesses
marketing results.
❑ This document is designed to help you apply the extensive research that has
been completed for your brand.
❑ Do not feel overwhelmed that there is so much information here. We will guide
you through the next steps of implementing your new language on your
website, marketing funnel, ads and emails. By the end of this process, you will
have the outline and framework for your website that you know will work and
that you can feel proud of.
❑ The outline is structured to connect with potential customers turning them from
browsers into buyers.
❑ Once the process is done, you can hand what we have created to a web
designer who will gladly use their talent to build or rebuild your site. Most web
designers have a great eye and can build stunning sites, it is the story part and
the words that they struggle with the most. This is now solved.
Starving Audience Persona Intro
❑ Part One of the Starving Audience Framework is included in
the body of this document. This is an accurate profile of your
ideal customer profile and beginning language that will be
incorporated in all your online and offline marketing.
❑ Next Step: We will schedule a call to walk you through your
persona and explain in detail what it all means.
❑ Part Two is in process and will be the second delivery. This will
be for your website or marketing funnel accompanied with wire
frames which can be used by your web designer. It will also
include content for a short email sequence, beginning ad copy
with call to action and Facebook ad research.
❑ How easily can you target online?
❑ Which social channels dominate?
❑ List interests, experts, publications,
associations and groups
❑ Can they afford your solution?
❑ Whats the size of the niche?
❑ Can you quantify the ROI?
❑ Is there potential for recurring revenue?
❑ Is there an explicit need?
❑ Is there search volume?
❑ Is the market growing?
❑ Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster?
❑ Who would you help for free?
❑ What do folks tell you you’re good at?
❑ What comes easy?
❑ Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider?
❑ How competitive is your niche?
❑ What messaging is being used in the
Buyer Framework
Female MalePassion
✓ Who would you help for free?
✓ What do folks tell you you're good at?
✓ What comes easy?
✓ Female Buying supplements for herself.
✓ I am good at helping people with natural
✓ Help them providing with basic information and
guidance on diet plan, workouts, weight loss and
fat burner.
✓ Male Buying supplements for himself.
✓ I am good at helping people with natural
✓ Help them providing with basic information and
guidance on diet plan, workouts, weight loss and fat
✓ Is there an explicit need?
✓ Is there search volume?
✓ Is the market growing?
✓ Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster?
✓ Yes, to keep up good health, stay fit, lose weight
and burn the fat. As well as to maintain body
shape and look good.
✓ Yes, 40-50K (Highest in April, June & July)
✓ Yes, Market is growing as there is a ongoing
demand for healthy life supplements.
✓ Yes, I can solve it better and faster but not
necessarily cheaper
✓ Yes, to fight with severe health issues from
unhygienic food, people have shown interest in
raising health awareness to improve muscles,
strength and recovery health.
✓ Yes, 40-50K (Highest in April, June & July)
✓ Yes, Market is increasing as there is a continuous
demand for healthy life supplements.
✓ Yes, I can solve it better and faster but not
necessarily cheaper
Buyer Persona Framework
Female MaleProfit
✓ Can they afford your solution?
✓ What's the size of the niche?
✓ Can you quantify the ROI?
✓ Is there potential for MMR (Money Market
Rate) or recurring revenue?
✓ Yes, as we focus on quality supplements that
gives consistent results.
✓ 4.5 - 5M (As per Facebook Audience Insight)
✓ Yes. By generating more sales.
✓ Yes, by giving affiliate and future offers with
blog subscription.
✓ Yes, as we focus on quality supplements that gives
consistent results.
✓ 1 - 1.5M (As per Facebook Audience Insight).
✓ Yes. By generating more sales.
✓ Yes, by giving affiliate offers and future offers with
blog subscription.
✓ Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider?
✓ How competitive is the niche?
✓ What messaging is being used in the market?
✓ Yes, because of the natural supplements and
reasonable price with good results and no side
✓ There are lot of Health Supplements available in the
market and it is very competitive.
✓ "7 Essential Supplements for Women - Everyday
Health The best supplements for women at any age
| Care/of Vitamins
Best Vitamins for Women: Essential Supplements
for Women's Health
Women's Health Supplements | NOW Foods These
Are The Supplements Health Experts Actually Use
12 Supplements That Will Change Your Life |
woman & home
✓ Yes, because of the natural supplements and
reasonable price with good results and no side
✓ There are lot of Health Supplements available in
the market and it is very competitive.
✓ "10 Best Supplements for Men 2018 - Creatine,
Whey ... - Men's Health
The 5 best vitamins and supplements to support
men's health - Care/of5 Best Vitamins &
Supplements for Men | Vitacost Blog
The 7 Best Supplements for Men to Buy in 2019 –
Very well Fit
Male Supplements & More - Health Food Store |
Healthy Life
Buyer Persona Framework
Female MalePathway
✓ How easily can you target online?
✓ Which social channels dominate?
✓ List interests, experts, publications,
associations and groups.
✓ With specific interest group we can target this
segment on Facebook, Google and Instagram
✓ Facebook, YouTube, Twitter
✓ Hair Product
Reading Books
Household Products
Beauty Products
Health/Fitness Products
Mobile accessories
Pet Lover
Baby Products
✓ With specific interest group we can target this
segment on Facebook, Google and Instagram.
✓ Facebook, YouTube, Twitter
✓ Reading Books
Household Products
Health/Fitness Products
Mobile accessories
Pet Lover
Sports Activities
Buyer Persona Framework
Name Paulette
Gender Female
Age 38
Location United Kingdom
Income GBP 35-40k Per Annum
Marital Status Married
Social Media Groups Facebook, LinkedIn,
Publications N/A
Associations N/A
Brands Apple, Jade Roller &
Gua Sha, Experts
(Gurus) N/A
Tools (Software) N/A
Activities Swimming
Opinions, Behaviors, Events N/A
Paulette is a resident of United Kingdom. She is
married and a working woman. She has a list of
hobbies that includes swimming, music, outdoor
games and reading books. She has been suffering
from several health issues. She spent a lot of time
in searching on internet for products that can help
her cure them. She tried few products and
adopted few supplements in her routine and she
was glad to see improvements in her health.
She has been hopeful to lose her weight and
improve health. She continued looking for various
products as she is health conscious and more
focused on how to stay fit and healthy. She also
makes sure that the product she adopts doesn’t
leave her with any side effects and is more organic.
After seeing results in short time, she also
recommended this to her husband as these
products are not giving any side effects and
always helps keeping a good health.
Buyer Persona Snapshot
Female buying for herself
Buyer Goal Grid
Female buying for herself
Pains & Frustrations Goals & Desires
Supplements that leaves no side effects and gives
result in weight loss and elevate the energy level.
She desires to stay healthy and fit and maintain
her body well. She wonders how soon she can
control her sugar level. She has always worked
hard to achieve her goals. However, health issues
are something that takes time and not cures
overnight, but weight loss and energy is her main
desire to reach as soon as possible. She wants to
be sure that she is taking right supplements with
no side effects
Fears & Implications
Disappointed as she is struggling with some
health issues such as sugar, fatigue & overeating.
She is worried and looking for the right product
that can help her to control her weight and
improve her energy level. She is frustrated when
things don’t work out the way she wants as even
after trying a few supplements. She could not see
much improvements; as a result, she gets
nervous. She wants to get rid of health issues.
She fears when she is not finding the right
supplement that cures her overeating habit and
control on sugar level. She is worried as days are
passing, and nothing works out. She has become
more health conscious now as she has to struggle
a lot due to these health issues. She also started
doing workouts, but she feels exhausted just in a
while so she fears when she will get the effective
supplements that she can use without worrying
about anything else.
Dreams & Aspirations
She dreams to stay fit and healthy with attractive
body shape. She wants to stop struggling with
severe health issues. She did a lot of research
before implementing any supplements. She even
makes sure to consult with her GP for any queries
regarding the dosage of the supplement. She will
feel more confident when her dream comes true.
She wishes to have her body in good shape and
with no more health issues.
Away Towards
Buyer Persona Overview
The Analyst
Motivated by: Facts & Figures. They
love to analyse, think things
through, plan ahead systematic
ways of doing things.
They can’s stand: Being late, when
people don’t follow the rules or do
things the “right way” (grammar
police!), not understanding things
completely before jumping in.
The Pioneer
Motivated by: A challenge or goal.
They thrive off of pressure to
achieve. “In it to WIN it” attitude.
Natural born
leaders/entrepreneurs. Willing to
work beyond where most will.
They can’t stand: confrontation,
people who are overly loud or
pressure to perform.
The Amuser
Motivated by: FUN & Recognition!
They love to dance, talk, sing and
have a good time everywhere they
go! They are often times
disorganized & a little messy, but
their positivity and optimistic
outlook on life is contagious!
They can’t stand: RULES, being told
what to do, or being on a schedule!
The Refined
Motivated by: Helping others. They
enjoy being a part of something
bigger than themselves! LOVE
SMALL gatherings and entertaining.
They have a calm demeanor and
are often “introverts”
They can’t stand: confrontation,
people who are overly loud or
pressure to perform.
This is an outline of the 4 buyers personas
Buyer Persona Language
The Analyst
Words Used by the Persona:
Work Successfully
Clean Eating
Metabolism has resulted
Cost Savings
Clean Diet
Product Cheaper Compared
Different Brand Advertised
Great stuff
Belly Fat Burner
Health Benefits
Fitness Industry
High-Quality Supplements
The Pioneer
Words Used by the Persona:
Good Product
Lifts Energy
Muscle Growth
Perfect Supplement
Eating Right
Fitting better in my clothes
More Energetic
Ketogenic Diets
Keto Lifestyle
Your 2 buyers personas
RE Thermometer
(Result & Emotions)
Increase Matrix + Timeline Decrease Matrix + Timeline
More compliments
Energy Level
Work Productivity
Quality Lifestyle
Thought Process
Muscle Mass
Well Being
Mental Focus
Daily Energy
Good Health
50% or more
Hard to measure
2 x
225% more
Hard to measure
70 % or more
2 x
Hard to measure
25 % or more
Hard to measure
Hard to measure
2 x
2 x
50 % or more
50 % or more
50 % or more
50 % or more
Health Risks
Body Fat
Over Eating
Food Bills
Medical Expenses
Boring workouts
75% or more
75% or more
30 lbs. per month
50% or more
Hard to measure
Hard to measure
25% or more
50% or more
75% or more
25% or more
50% or more
50% or more
Hard to measure
50% or more
50% or more
50% or more
Core Solution Weight LossCore Business Healthy Life Supplements
What is your client's biggest goal or desire?
⚫ Wants to stay healthy, lose weight and maintain her energy and
body shape.
What's your client's biggest dream or aspiration?
⚫ Dreams to have an attractive body shape that boost her
confidence level
What's your client's biggest pain or frustration?
⚫ Struggling with many health issues and frustrated most when
other supplements don't work
I help working moms to sustain their weight
and detox that stubborn belly fat so that they
can stay energetic all the time without feeling
Attention Currency
The Starving Audience Framework
BQualify Objection Handling Buying
Product Benefits
Case Studies /
Solution Supplement
1 2
7 8 9
The Solution Framework
Want to have something to
sustain the weight
Get aware about the supplement
features and natural ingredients
Get aware about the different types of
supplements available
Get aware about supplements which can
help to loss weight
Don't know about the
available supplement types
Worried about taking
supplement is safe or not
Safe Supplements
Supplement Types
Not have trust on the brand
Understood the brand's popularity from
reviews and testimonials
Read reviews from the users to
authenticate the product
Now aware about the exact product
which is the perfect cause for the
Not knowing the product's popularity
Not aware with the product specifications
Brand Trustworthiness
Case Studies / Testimonials
Product Benefits
The Solution Framework
Deciding to go ahead and buy
Qualified with the purchase mindset
Customer is not qualified
Having objections on price, safety,
payment security, delivery, shipping tim
product quality, etc.
Objection Handling
The Solution Framework
Losing weight
Over Weight
Develop advanced fitness skills and
inspire everyone
Join a group, community or enlist a
Ride the motivation to take the
Become aware of the solution
Symptoms Key to success
Obsessed with Fitness and Health
Don't want to gain weight again
Slow Progress
Struggling with body fat, want to
loose weight
Core Solution Weight Loss
The Business Growth Pyramid
The Value Ladder
Attract and Capture
Nurturing and Engage
Weekly Diet Chart
Tips for a healthy life
Create Awareness
Build the Audience
Email Nurturing Sequence
Offer Announcements
Social Media
Build and add value to the
Health Supplements
Get Commission
Engaging Social Media Content
Affiliate Offers
Future Offers
Create recurring
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas
✓ A 7-Day ketogenic diet plan for moms to lose extra fat
and improve energy without wasting time on boring
✓ A simple and easy to follow weekly ketogenic diet plan
for all the working women to improve health and well-
being without losing your energy.
✓ Tweak your routine diet with 100% nutritious eating
plan for moms to stay fit and burn the body fat
without any side effects.
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements
✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month
✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the
7-Day Weekly Diet Plan
Lead Magnet – Idea 1
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas
✓ Easy and effective weight loss exercise plan for all the
busy moms to lose their unwanted fat without
struggling with time.
✓ 3 simple and easy to follow exercises for all the
working moms to sustain their weight without boring
workouts at the gym.
✓ Tweak your routine workouts, follow these exciting
exercises for all the working women to stay energized
and slim without any strict diet.
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements
✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month
✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the
Weight Loss Exercise
Lead Magnet – Idea 2
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas
✓ Tasty diet food recipes for all the working moms to
maintain their weight and keep them energetic all the
time without any taste issues.
✓ 30 days weight loss recipes for all the working women
to sustain their weight without boring workouts at
the gym.
✓ Prepare your weight loss recipes more exciting and
tasty to reduce your belly fat without any strict diet.
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements
✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month
✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the
Weight Loss Recipes
Lead Magnet – Idea 3
Language Framework
Spoke with Nirav, will add this afterwards
What’s Next…
Schedule your call to review the persona

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Healthy Life Supplements - Starving Audience Framework

  • 1.
  • 2. Starving Audience Persona Intro ❑ When we incorporated The Starving Audience Framework into our own business it humbled us by revealing that most of what we had been talking about was our self and we were not getting into the head and heart of our ideal client - the one who we exist to help. The client is the hero while we are just the guide. ❑ The good news is that the framework that came from our pain was created. It is built on proven and tested principles that can also change your businesses marketing results. ❑ This document is designed to help you apply the extensive research that has been completed for your brand. ❑ Do not feel overwhelmed that there is so much information here. We will guide you through the next steps of implementing your new language on your website, marketing funnel, ads and emails. By the end of this process, you will have the outline and framework for your website that you know will work and that you can feel proud of. ❑ The outline is structured to connect with potential customers turning them from browsers into buyers. ❑ Once the process is done, you can hand what we have created to a web designer who will gladly use their talent to build or rebuild your site. Most web designers have a great eye and can build stunning sites, it is the story part and the words that they struggle with the most. This is now solved.
  • 3. Starving Audience Persona Intro ❑ Part One of the Starving Audience Framework is included in the body of this document. This is an accurate profile of your ideal customer profile and beginning language that will be incorporated in all your online and offline marketing. ❑ Next Step: We will schedule a call to walk you through your persona and explain in detail what it all means. ❑ Part Two is in process and will be the second delivery. This will be for your website or marketing funnel accompanied with wire frames which can be used by your web designer. It will also include content for a short email sequence, beginning ad copy with call to action and Facebook ad research.
  • 4. Pathway ❑ How easily can you target online? ❑ Which social channels dominate? ❑ List interests, experts, publications, associations and groups Profit ❑ Can they afford your solution? ❑ Whats the size of the niche? ❑ Can you quantify the ROI? ❑ Is there potential for recurring revenue? Problem ❑ Is there an explicit need? ❑ Is there search volume? ❑ Is the market growing? ❑ Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster? Passion ❑ Who would you help for free? ❑ What do folks tell you you’re good at? ❑ What comes easy? Presence ❑ Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider? ❑ How competitive is your niche? ❑ What messaging is being used in the market? Buyer Framework
  • 5. Female MalePassion ✓ Who would you help for free? ✓ What do folks tell you you're good at? ✓ What comes easy? ✓ Female Buying supplements for herself. ✓ I am good at helping people with natural supplements. ✓ Help them providing with basic information and guidance on diet plan, workouts, weight loss and fat burner. ✓ Male Buying supplements for himself. ✓ I am good at helping people with natural supplements. ✓ Help them providing with basic information and guidance on diet plan, workouts, weight loss and fat burner. Problem ✓ Is there an explicit need? ✓ Is there search volume? ✓ Is the market growing? ✓ Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster? Female ✓ Yes, to keep up good health, stay fit, lose weight and burn the fat. As well as to maintain body shape and look good. ✓ Yes, 40-50K (Highest in April, June & July) ✓ Yes, Market is growing as there is a ongoing demand for healthy life supplements. ✓ Yes, I can solve it better and faster but not necessarily cheaper Male ✓ Yes, to fight with severe health issues from unhygienic food, people have shown interest in raising health awareness to improve muscles, strength and recovery health. ✓ Yes, 40-50K (Highest in April, June & July) ✓ Yes, Market is increasing as there is a continuous demand for healthy life supplements. ✓ Yes, I can solve it better and faster but not necessarily cheaper Buyer Persona Framework
  • 6. Female MaleProfit ✓ Can they afford your solution? ✓ What's the size of the niche? ✓ Can you quantify the ROI? ✓ Is there potential for MMR (Money Market Rate) or recurring revenue? ✓ Yes, as we focus on quality supplements that gives consistent results. ✓ 4.5 - 5M (As per Facebook Audience Insight) ✓ Yes. By generating more sales. ✓ Yes, by giving affiliate and future offers with blog subscription. ✓ Yes, as we focus on quality supplements that gives consistent results. ✓ 1 - 1.5M (As per Facebook Audience Insight). ✓ Yes. By generating more sales. ✓ Yes, by giving affiliate offers and future offers with blog subscription. Presence ✓ Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider? ✓ How competitive is the niche? ✓ What messaging is being used in the market? Female ✓ Yes, because of the natural supplements and reasonable price with good results and no side effects. ✓ There are lot of Health Supplements available in the market and it is very competitive. ✓ "7 Essential Supplements for Women - Everyday Health The best supplements for women at any age | Care/of Vitamins Best Vitamins for Women: Essential Supplements for Women's Health Women's Health Supplements | NOW Foods These Are The Supplements Health Experts Actually Use 12 Supplements That Will Change Your Life | woman & home Male ✓ Yes, because of the natural supplements and reasonable price with good results and no side effects. ✓ There are lot of Health Supplements available in the market and it is very competitive. ✓ "10 Best Supplements for Men 2018 - Creatine, Whey ... - Men's Health The 5 best vitamins and supplements to support men's health - Care/of5 Best Vitamins & Supplements for Men | Vitacost Blog The 7 Best Supplements for Men to Buy in 2019 – Very well Fit Male Supplements & More - Health Food Store | Healthy Life Buyer Persona Framework
  • 7. Female MalePathway ✓ How easily can you target online? ✓ Which social channels dominate? ✓ List interests, experts, publications, associations and groups. ✓ With specific interest group we can target this segment on Facebook, Google and Instagram ✓ Facebook, YouTube, Twitter ✓ Hair Product Reading Books Household Products Beauty Products Health/Fitness Products Shoes Clothing Music Mobile accessories Pet Lover Baby Products ✓ With specific interest group we can target this segment on Facebook, Google and Instagram. ✓ Facebook, YouTube, Twitter ✓ Reading Books Household Products Health/Fitness Products Shoes Clothing Music Mobile accessories Pet Lover Sports Activities Buyer Persona Framework
  • 8. Name Paulette Gender Female Age 38 Location United Kingdom Income GBP 35-40k Per Annum Marital Status Married Demographics Social Media Groups Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Publications N/A Associations N/A Brands Apple, Jade Roller & Gua Sha, Experts (Gurus) N/A Tools (Software) N/A Activities Swimming Opinions, Behaviors, Events N/A Psychographics Paulette is a resident of United Kingdom. She is married and a working woman. She has a list of hobbies that includes swimming, music, outdoor games and reading books. She has been suffering from several health issues. She spent a lot of time in searching on internet for products that can help her cure them. She tried few products and adopted few supplements in her routine and she was glad to see improvements in her health. She has been hopeful to lose her weight and improve health. She continued looking for various products as she is health conscious and more focused on how to stay fit and healthy. She also makes sure that the product she adopts doesn’t leave her with any side effects and is more organic. After seeing results in short time, she also recommended this to her husband as these products are not giving any side effects and always helps keeping a good health. Buyer Persona Snapshot Female buying for herself
  • 9. Buyer Goal Grid Female buying for herself Pains & Frustrations Goals & Desires Supplements that leaves no side effects and gives result in weight loss and elevate the energy level. She desires to stay healthy and fit and maintain her body well. She wonders how soon she can control her sugar level. She has always worked hard to achieve her goals. However, health issues are something that takes time and not cures overnight, but weight loss and energy is her main desire to reach as soon as possible. She wants to be sure that she is taking right supplements with no side effects Fears & Implications Disappointed as she is struggling with some health issues such as sugar, fatigue & overeating. She is worried and looking for the right product that can help her to control her weight and improve her energy level. She is frustrated when things don’t work out the way she wants as even after trying a few supplements. She could not see much improvements; as a result, she gets nervous. She wants to get rid of health issues. She fears when she is not finding the right supplement that cures her overeating habit and control on sugar level. She is worried as days are passing, and nothing works out. She has become more health conscious now as she has to struggle a lot due to these health issues. She also started doing workouts, but she feels exhausted just in a while so she fears when she will get the effective supplements that she can use without worrying about anything else. Dreams & Aspirations She dreams to stay fit and healthy with attractive body shape. She wants to stop struggling with severe health issues. She did a lot of research before implementing any supplements. She even makes sure to consult with her GP for any queries regarding the dosage of the supplement. She will feel more confident when her dream comes true. She wishes to have her body in good shape and with no more health issues. Now Eventual Away Towards
  • 10. Buyer Persona Overview The Analyst Motivated by: Facts & Figures. They love to analyse, think things through, plan ahead systematic ways of doing things. They can’s stand: Being late, when people don’t follow the rules or do things the “right way” (grammar police!), not understanding things completely before jumping in. The Pioneer Motivated by: A challenge or goal. They thrive off of pressure to achieve. “In it to WIN it” attitude. Natural born leaders/entrepreneurs. Willing to work beyond where most will. They can’t stand: confrontation, people who are overly loud or pressure to perform. The Amuser Motivated by: FUN & Recognition! They love to dance, talk, sing and have a good time everywhere they go! They are often times disorganized & a little messy, but their positivity and optimistic outlook on life is contagious! They can’t stand: RULES, being told what to do, or being on a schedule! The Refined Motivated by: Helping others. They enjoy being a part of something bigger than themselves! LOVE SMALL gatherings and entertaining. They have a calm demeanor and are often “introverts” They can’t stand: confrontation, people who are overly loud or pressure to perform. This is an outline of the 4 buyers personas
  • 11. Buyer Persona Language The Analyst Words Used by the Persona: Work Successfully Clean Eating Metabolism has resulted Cost Savings Clean Diet Product Cheaper Compared Different Brand Advertised Great stuff Belly Fat Burner Health Benefits Fitness Industry High-Quality Supplements The Pioneer Words Used by the Persona: Good Product Lifts Energy Muscle Growth Perfect Supplement Eating Right Fitting better in my clothes More Energetic Ketogenic Diets Keto Lifestyle Your 2 buyers personas
  • 12. RE Thermometer (Result & Emotions) Increase Matrix + Timeline Decrease Matrix + Timeline Fitness More compliments Confidence Energy Level Attractiveness Work Productivity Quality Lifestyle Thought Process Muscle Mass Well Being Mental Focus Strength Speed Performance Daily Energy Metabolism Good Health 50% or more Hard to measure 2 x 225% more Hard to measure 70 % or more 2 x Hard to measure 25 % or more Hard to measure Hard to measure 2 x 2 x 50 % or more 50 % or more 50 % or more 50 % or more Health Risks Body Fat Weight Depression Dissatisfaction Dependency Laziness Hunger Over Eating Food Bills Stress Medical Expenses Anxiety Appetite Carbs Boring workouts 75% or more 75% or more 30 lbs. per month 50% or more Hard to measure Hard to measure 25% or more 50% or more 75% or more 25% or more 50% or more 50% or more Hard to measure 50% or more 50% or more 50% or more Core Solution Weight LossCore Business Healthy Life Supplements 20 10 0 -10 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 10 0 -10 30 40 50 60 70 80
  • 13. What is your client's biggest goal or desire? ⚫ Wants to stay healthy, lose weight and maintain her energy and body shape. What's your client's biggest dream or aspiration? ⚫ Dreams to have an attractive body shape that boost her confidence level What's your client's biggest pain or frustration? ⚫ Struggling with many health issues and frustrated most when other supplements don't work I help working moms to sustain their weight and detox that stubborn belly fat so that they can stay energetic all the time without feeling hungry Attention Currency
  • 14. The Starving Audience Framework BQualify Objection Handling Buying Product Benefits Case Studies / Testimonials Brand Trustworthiness Solution Supplement Types Safe SupplementsA 1 2 456 3 7 8 9 IdentifySellAutomate
  • 15. Identify The Solution Framework Want to have something to sustain the weight Get aware about the supplement features and natural ingredients Get aware about the different types of supplements available Get aware about supplements which can help to loss weight Don't know about the available supplement types Worried about taking supplement is safe or not 1 2 3 Safe Supplements Supplement Types Solution To From
  • 16. Not have trust on the brand Understood the brand's popularity from reviews and testimonials Read reviews from the users to authenticate the product Now aware about the exact product which is the perfect cause for the problem Not knowing the product's popularity Not aware with the product specifications 4 5 6 Sell Brand Trustworthiness Case Studies / Testimonials Product Benefits To From The Solution Framework
  • 17. Automate Deciding to go ahead and buy Qualified with the purchase mindset Customer is not qualified Having objections on price, safety, payment security, delivery, shipping tim product quality, etc. 7 8 9 Buying Objection Handling Qualify To From The Solution Framework Losing weight Over Weight
  • 18. Inspire Develop advanced fitness skills and inspire everyone Follow Join a group, community or enlist a friend Interest Ride the motivation to take the actions Aware Become aware of the solution Symptoms Key to success Obsessed with Fitness and Health Don't want to gain weight again Slow Progress Struggling with body fat, want to loose weight Core Solution Weight Loss The Business Growth Pyramid
  • 19. The Value Ladder Attract and Capture Retention Convert Nurturing and Engage Formats Blogs Weekly Diet Chart Tips for a healthy life Goals Create Awareness Build the Audience Pricing Free Formats Email Nurturing Sequence Offer Announcements Social Media Retargeting Goals Build and add value to the community Pricing Free Formats Health Supplements Goals Get Commission Formats Engaging Social Media Content Affiliate Offers Future Offers Goals Create recurring revenue
  • 20. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas ✓ A 7-Day ketogenic diet plan for moms to lose extra fat and improve energy without wasting time on boring exercise. ✓ A simple and easy to follow weekly ketogenic diet plan for all the working women to improve health and well- being without losing your energy. ✓ Tweak your routine diet with 100% nutritious eating plan for moms to stay fit and burn the body fat without any side effects. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements ✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month ✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the time. 7-Day Weekly Diet Plan Lead Magnet – Idea 1
  • 21. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas ✓ Easy and effective weight loss exercise plan for all the busy moms to lose their unwanted fat without struggling with time. ✓ 3 simple and easy to follow exercises for all the working moms to sustain their weight without boring workouts at the gym. ✓ Tweak your routine workouts, follow these exciting exercises for all the working women to stay energized and slim without any strict diet. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements ✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month ✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the time Weight Loss Exercise Lead Magnet – Idea 2
  • 22. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title Ideas ✓ Tasty diet food recipes for all the working moms to maintain their weight and keep them energetic all the time without any taste issues. ✓ 30 days weight loss recipes for all the working women to sustain their weight without boring workouts at the gym. ✓ Prepare your weight loss recipes more exciting and tasty to reduce your belly fat without any strict diet. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements ✓ Guaranteed 20% weight lose in 1 month ✓ No more hunger problem and Feel energetic all the time Weight Loss Recipes Lead Magnet – Idea 3
  • 23. Language Framework Spoke with Nirav, will add this afterwards
  • 24. What’s Next… Schedule your call to review the persona