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Digital transforma�on: gaining momentum in healthcare 3
Table of contents
Table of figures
Key themes in digital transforma�on 4
A phased approach to digital transforma�on 5
Summary and recommenda�ons 10
Implemen�ng a digital strategy: an ecosystem approach 9
Figure 1: Forces driving digital transforma�on in healthcare 3
Figure 2: Key focus areas for healthcare's digital transforma�on 4
Figure 3: Digital transforma�on phases 5
Figure 4: Digital roadmap priori�za�on matrix 7
Figure 5: Digital health solu�on provider ecosystem 9
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The future of healthcare is in digitally reimagined
experiences for pa�ents and caregivers alike.
Digitaliza�on offers increased choice and convenience for
pa�ents, and improved outcomes for caregivers while
reducing costs and workloads.
The cri�cal ques�ons for a healthcare CEO considering digital transforma�on today are:
Digital transformation: gaining momentum in healthcare
What does “digital” mean to us? How do we see it impac�ng
the enterprise in the future?
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1 2
reform and
care (VBC)
Emerging data
Figure 1: Forces driving digital transforma�on in healthcare
Despite the promise, digital transforma�on faces several
headwinds. The shi� from fee-for-service to value-based
care is not as rapid as was expected. Falling
reimbursements in an accountable care era lead to
diminishing margins for health systems, leaving li�le for
discre�onary spending on technology spend for returns
in the distant future.
The healthcare sector is in the midst of consolida�on,
and the threat of disrup�ve non-tradi�onal players
looms large.
What are other leading enterprises
inves�ng in and how will that impact
our compe��ve posi�on?
As Greg Silves�, Head of Digital Health & Innova�on for
AbbVie, puts it: Digital is now cost of entry for
organizations looking to play an important role in the
future of healthcare.
Technology and execu�on risks in enterprise digital
transforma�on remain high due to various factors.
Con�nued underinvestment in technology over the
years means that scarce resources are being consumed
in addressing technical debt. As incumbents in every
sector get disrupted by a �dal wave of digitally enabled
compe�tors, the wri�ng on the wall is clear for many
healthcare enterprises - it's about survival.
The explosion of data sources, par�cularly genomics,
wearables, and sensor data, along with advanced
analy�cal capabili�es, is enabling new digital health
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The framework above describes at a high level the
objec�ves of a digital strategy. There are three broad
focus areas for digital transforma�on today:
A third focus area is the opera�ons of a healthcare
enterprise – how HR, legal, supply chain, and finance
can be improved through digitally transformed
According to a report by the American Hospitals
Associa�on (AHA) in 2017, more than 65 percent of
hospitals have implemented telehealth in at least one
care unit, while an addi�onal 13 percent plan to
implement telemedicine within the next year.
Key themes in digital transformation
Figure 2: Key focus areas for healthcare's digital transforma�on
Engage pa�ents Enable caregivers
Drive opera�ng
Strategic enablers: analy�cs, security, cloud
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The terms digital and digitalization are used interchangeably and often confusingly.
Digital refers to technologies that promise to automate and accelerate how a
business runs. Digitalization is the integration of digital technologies to reimagine
business processes and provide new revenue and value producing opportunities.
For health systems and health plans, engaging
pa�ents and enabling caregivers directly relate to
how care will be delivered in the future.
For pharma and life sciences companies, it may mean
focusing on drug discovery processes and introducing
digital therapeu�cs in the way drugs are prescribed
and consumed.
The concept of virtual hospital is gaining trac�on:
Intermountain’s virtual hospital Connect Care Pro
provides basic medical services as well as stroke
evalua�on, intensive care, newborn cri�cal care and
mental health services.
The Cleveland Clinic’s Distance Health program includes
synchronous virtual visits, e-visits, e-consults, remote
image uploads, and eHospital and eICU for remote
monitoring of acute care pa�ents.
Remote monitoring has gained a significant amount of
trac�on as a means to reduce caregiver workload and
save costs. Kaiser Permanente has launched
Bluetooth-enabled glucose meters to enable pa�ents to
have their readings automa�cally synced to their mobile
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A phased approach to digital transformation
Digital strategy
and enterprise
Where does digital
transforma�on fit in
overall enterprise
What are the current
digital ini�a�ves in
What is the universe
of digital opportunity
What is the right
priori�za�on and
sequencing of the
digital roadmap
What is the op�mal
opera�ng structure
to deliver on this
What are the key
gaps in talent ? What
are the key skills to
be developed
What is the role of
the internal
development teams?
What is the
governance structure
for digital
Who are the strategic
technology partners
to help execute the
What is the funding
structure and
funding sources?
How much is Capex
vs Opex?
What is the business
case for each
digitaliza�on use
What are the major
What is the level of
technical debt?
How do they map to
pa�ent engagement,
caregiver enablement,
or organiza�onal
What is the expected
level of investment
over a 3-year period?
What benefits have
these ini�a�ves
How do current
ini�a�ves compare
to industry
What are the goals
and objec�ves of a
digital strategy?
What are the risks
in not execu�ng on
a digital
assessment and
Priori�za�on &
model &
pla�orm &
partner selec�on
1 2 3 4 5 6
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Figure 3: Digital transforma�on phases
For these enterprises, digital strategy closely follows
that of industry leaders, driven mainly as IT ini�a�ve
focusing on one or two key areas. Leadership tends to
be conserva�ve about innova�on programs, and
prescrip�ve about near-term returns on investments.
Digital follower
These enterprises do not have a formal digital
transforma�on strategy. Digital investment decisions
tend to be driven by market pressures and funding
availability and are very o�en departmental ini�a�ves
that operate in isola�on. For such enterprises, IT
governance is as much a challenge as driving an
enterprise-wide IT-led digital strategy.
Digital opportunist
The digital transforma�on journey begins with
developing a vision for the enterprise and an assessment
of the current maturity level and enterprise-readiness
for digital transforma�on. This starts by addressing
fundamental ques�ons about digital aspira�ons for the
A simple categoriza�on such as the one below helps
benchmark aspira�on levels and align it with
enterprise-level expecta�ons.
Phase 1: Digital strategy and readiness assessment
For enterprises in this category, digital is a top enterprise
priority, supported by adequate funding and
cross-func�onal execu�ve sponsorship. These
enterprises tend to have a comprehensive digital
strategy for the enterprise that goes beyond a narrow
focus on telemedicine or process automa�on.
Digital pioneer
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6 of 11
Name and describe the digital ini�a�ves currently
deployed in the enterprise.
What have been the achievements of such efforts
to date?
How do you measure success (key metrics)?3
What investment has gone into these programs so
far (last 1-2 years)?
Do you have a view of the future state for your
What kind of resources do you need to get to
future state?
Is there a documented business plan/ case for
investment? If no: how do you plan to fund your
How does your ini�a�ve enable new care models
or change exis�ng care models?
What challenges do you foresee in the
development and adop�on of your ini�a�ve?
Who are your “first adopters”? How will their
experience and results be leveraged to
accelerate adop�on by other users?
What are the risks associated with your program
and how do you plan to mi�gate them?
What internal/ external technology capabili�es
are required to enable the transforma�on (or, to
implement your ini�a�ve)?
Enterprise readiness is another cri�cal factor to consider
before launching a program. Readiness assessment
requires evalua�ng current pa�ent and caregiver
experiences, the maturity level of support opera�ons,
and IT infrastructure readiness. A significant factor in IT
readiness is technical debt, which refers to the level of
investment required to upgrade the IT infrastructure to
meet the digital aspira�ons of the enterprise.
Other factors include free cash flow for investments,
capacity for large-scale change management, and a
reliable technology partner ecosystem among other
We also recommend reaching out to peers in the sector
who have launched digital transforma�on ini�a�ves,
refer to industry research, and engage poten�al
technology and consul�ng partners in gathering
industry insights based on their customer rela�onships.
Dr. Albert Chan, Chief Digital Officer, Su�er Health
Digital technologies should be able to anticipate needs
and reduce friction for providers and patients.“
A self-assessment of readiness levels starts by looking at
current in-flight ini�a�ves and the maturity levels of the
same. The indica�ve list of ques�ons below will help
establish a baseline to determine strategy going forward.
(We recommend administering these questions via an
internal survey)
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Phase 2: Roadmap development and prioritization
The priori�za�on matrix is a useful guide to
communicate with stakeholders involved in the
implementa�on of a digital roadmap. In addi�on to
providing clarity on digitaliza�on priori�es, it is helpful
as a tool for planning and budge�ng for the necessary
The priori�za�on matrix also serves as a useful por�olio
management tool, helping the enterprise understand
the scale and scope of the ini�a�ves, investment
alloca�ons, risk levels and payback periods.
The next stage in this process is priori�zing and
sequencing the roadmap for implementa�on. A
framework such as the one above is a useful guide.
Near-term Wins
Ready-to-deploy solu�ons
Enterprise roll-outs
Feature addi�ons e.g voice
Advanced analy�cs
Long-term bets
Emerging tech e.g blockchain
Start-up investments
Strategic enablers e.g CRM
Advanced analy�cs and AI
Figure 4: Digital roadmap priori�za�on matrix
Ed Marx, Chief Informa�on Officer, The Cleveland Clinic
No single platform can meet all the needs of digital
transformation. It's important to evaluate the critical
choices, and involve stakeholders from all functions in
the decision process.
“ “
Recognizing the challenges of developing and customizing
point solu�ons for a wide range of use cases, larger
technology firms have developed health cloud pla�orms
and are offering the pla�orms to end clients and the
developer ecosystem to build “last-mile” digital health
applica�ons on the pla�orms.
(Read our paper: Evaluating health clouds: a primer)
A digital roadmap may include a “wish list” of all the
possible digital solu�ons for an enterprise, and the list
may have to be ra�onalized and priori�zed to allow for
budget and resource alloca�ons.
The marketplace for ready-to-deploy solu�ons is also in
the early stages of maturity which implies many of these
solu�ons may not be available today, despite the thriving
ecosystem of digital health solu�on providers including
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8 of 11
Phase 3: Operating model definition and technology platform selection
In the decentralized model, individual departments or
func�ons autonomously drive digital transforma�on.
This approach delivers near-term results. It, however,
can result in opera�onal inefficiencies and higher
overall costs through duplicate spending and the
absence of scale economies.
As the name suggests, a hybrid model combines elements
of both centralized and decentralized approaches. This
approach is o�en an acceptable compromise in large
health systems where mul�ple ini�a�ves may already be
underway at departmental and func�onal levels. A hybrid
approach can deliver the benefits of a centralized policy,
technology selec�on, and architectural standards while
maintaining the autonomy and agility of individual groups.
HybridThe target opera�ng model of a digital transforma�on
program is an essen�al determinant of success. There
are three basic models for enterprises to choose from:
In the centralized model, the digital func�on and
resources are organiza�onally structured as an
opera�ng unit such as a Digital Center of Excellence
(COE). The COE drives the execu�on roadmap, controls
funding, and drives policy. This approach can deliver
the most op�mal use of resources and drive rapid
enterprise-wide adop�on; however, decision making
can be slow and departmental priori�es may be
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Implementing a digital strategy: an ecosystem approach
The custodians
We have the data
and the workflow:
Epic, Cerner
The innovators
We have a whole
new way of doing it:
Digital health
The arbitrageurs
We can do it for you
(and for less):
Amazon Web Services,
Accenture, Cognizant
The enablers
We built it, you can rent it:
Microso� Health Cloud,
Google Health Cloud, IBM
Watson Health
Figure 5: Digital health solu�on provider ecosystem
It takes a village, as the saying goes. Digital
transforma�on requires an ecosystem of strategic
The choice of partners could also determine if any of
them could be a lead provider and take on the role of
"ecosystem integrator." The framework above is used to
understand and categorize solu�on providers.
Many technology providers, especially in the Custodian
and Enabler categories, are expanding their range of
offerings, on their own or through ecosystem
partnerships, to increase their coverage of the needs of a
digital transforma�on program. Thus, an Epic might focus
on its MyChart feature to become the primary choice for
pa�ent access solu�ons while a Microso� Health Cloud
might focus more on a�rac�ng the developer ecosystem
to build solu�ons on the Microso� Health Cloud
(Source: The Big Unlock – Harnessing data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based Care Era)
Digital is not about technology: it’s an enabler for a
company’s strategy.“
Greg Silves�, Head of Digital Health and Innova�on, AbbVie
Regardless of the approach, a fundamental principle in
digital transforma�on is that it’s not about the
technology. Digital is more about reimagining
experiences and processes using technology and is
ul�mately about enabling business strategy.
The models will vary based on the enterprise. Some,
such as Intermountain Health, have purposefully
created stand-alone en��es to deliver digital health
solu�ons, whereas others, such as Partners Healthcare
and Cleveland Clinic have ac�ve innova�on programs to
iden�fy and nurture promising startup ideas, both
within and outside the enterprise. Others, like Kaiser
Permanente, have set up sizeable venture capital
funding arms that make significant investments in digital
health startups.The Arbitrageurs may include an AWS that brings sheer
scale to deliver cloud compu�ng capacity at a frac�on of
the costs for an enterprise data center. The category
also includes consul�ng firms who may leverage labor
cost arbitrage with offshore development centers to
deliver services at lower costs. The Innovators are
typically firms in the startup ecosystem that are
developing new solu�ons for previously underserved
needs, and in some cases reimagining the way exis�ng
needs are being served currently.
For healthcare enterprises, there is a yet another choice;
build out an in-house development capability, to
leverage exis�ng func�onali�es in their EHR systems as
a default choice, and selec�vely integrate promising
startups (while taking equity stakes in some or all of
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Digital transforma�on is primarily a cross-func�onal
business ini�a�ve that requires a tremendous culture
change. While CIOs o�en lead digital transforma�on, it
is not an IT ini�a�ve per se and the buy-in of mul�ple
stakeholders, especially among the caregiver
community, is cri�cal for success.
Many digital health programs lack a reimbursement
model which make it harder to jus�fy the
investments. In such cases, the returns must be o�en
computed in terms of strategic and intangible benefits
with a long-term view.
Digital transforma�on o�en begins as a departmental
ini�a�ve in large mul�-hospital systems. While this is
an excellent approach to experiment with innova�on,
a significant barrier to increased adop�on is the lack
of resources and execu�ve-level sponsorship for
enterprise-level deployment. This can lead to
sub-op�mal use of the technology, and a failure to
tap into learnings from across the enterprise.
Summary and recommendations
The technology solu�ons landscape for an enterprise
digital pla�orm is not mature, and no single pla�orm
can meet all the digitaliza�on needs of healthcare
enterprises substan�ally. This requires a best of
breed approach that creates governance and
technology integra�on challenges. One of the
significant challenges with this approach is to ensure
that systems integrate and interoperate with each
other to support digital transforma�on.
Technical debt accumulated over the years can divert
scarce resources from innova�on and digital
transforma�on towards addressing infrastructure
shortcomings and applica�on upgrades.
Despite the high ac�vity levels in the digital health
startup space, the number of viable and proven "last
mile" solu�ons for developing engaging and efficient
pa�ent and caregiver experiences is rela�vely limited.
Many digital health startups lack resources as well as
a cri�cal mass of live customer deployments, which
make it challenging and risky for healthcare
Digital health solu�ons need significant customiza�on
and o�en lack robust integra�on with EHR and other
systems. It becomes incumbent on the healthcare
enterprise to invest in configuring the solu�ons for the
enterprise’s needs and in building an API
infrastructure to integrate with systems of records.
For addi�onal insights, please visit our page on
healthcare digital transforma�on.
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1. American Hospital Associa�on. (2018, January 1). Fact Sheet: Telehealth. Retrieved from
2. Cleveland Clinic. (2016, May 02). Going the Distance with Virtual Medicine for Be�er Access and Experience.
Retrieved from h�ps://�er-access-experience/
3. Hansen, T. (2017, April 17). Mayo Clinic Turns to AI to Improve Brain Tumor Treatment. Retrieved from
4. Intermountain Healthcare. (2018, February 28). Intermountain Healthcare Opens New Hospital --- Without a
Building or Walls. Retrieved from
5. Kacik, A. (2018, March 22). As Ascension restructures, it hints at smaller hospital footprint. Retrieved from
6. Kaiser Permanente KPProud Mid-Atlan�c States. (2018, July 11). The Future of Medicine: Remote Pa�ent
Monitoring . Retrieved from
7. Mount Sinai. (2018, June 1). Mount Sinai and Renaly�xAI Launch Groundbreaking Ar�ficial Intelligence Solu�on For
Improved Kidney Disease Management and Pa�ent Care. Retrieved from
8. Padmanabhan, P. (2017). The Big Unlock: Harnessing Data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based
Care Era. Chicago: Archway Publishing
9. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, May 18). Digital health’s last mile problem. Retrieved from
10. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, July 25). Digital transforma�on and the law of small numbers. Retrieved from
11. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, August 15). What my backyard squirrel taught me about technical debt. Retrieved from
12. Partners Healthcare. (2017, May 17). Partners HealthCare and GE Healthcare launch 10-year collabora�on to
integrate Ar�ficial Intelligence into every aspect of the pa�ent journey. Retrieved from
Damo Consul�ng is a growth strategy and digital
transforma�on advisory firm that works with healthcare
enterprises and global technology companies. We help
develop and implement digital transforma�on strategies and
enable market growth strategies. We specialize in thought
leadership led brand transforma�on and ac�onable healthcare
market intelligence.
Email: info@damoconsul�
1000 Jorie Blvd #200, Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone : (630) 928-1111, Ext 204
Mariam Center, 7M - 302
3rd Floor, HRBR Layout, Bangalore - 560 043
About Damo Consulting
Website: www.damoconsul�
© 2018 Damo Consul�ng Inc. All rights reserved.

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Healthcare Digital Transformation - A primer for healthcare executives and technology solution providers

  • 1. A primer for healthcare execu�ves and technology solu�on providers Email: info@damoconsul� Website: www.damoconsul�
  • 2. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 2 of 11 Digital transforma�on: gaining momentum in healthcare 3 Table of contents Table of figures Key themes in digital transforma�on 4 A phased approach to digital transforma�on 5 Summary and recommenda�ons 10 Implemen�ng a digital strategy: an ecosystem approach 9 Figure 1: Forces driving digital transforma�on in healthcare 3 Figure 2: Key focus areas for healthcare's digital transforma�on 4 Figure 3: Digital transforma�on phases 5 Figure 4: Digital roadmap priori�za�on matrix 7 Figure 5: Digital health solu�on provider ecosystem 9 All rights reserved
  • 3. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� The future of healthcare is in digitally reimagined experiences for pa�ents and caregivers alike. Digitaliza�on offers increased choice and convenience for pa�ents, and improved outcomes for caregivers while reducing costs and workloads. The cri�cal ques�ons for a healthcare CEO considering digital transforma�on today are: Digital transformation: gaining momentum in healthcare What does “digital” mean to us? How do we see it impac�ng the enterprise in the future? 3 of 11 1 2 Payment reform and value-based care (VBC) Healthcare consumerism Virtualized care delivery models Emerging data sources Figure 1: Forces driving digital transforma�on in healthcare Despite the promise, digital transforma�on faces several headwinds. The shi� from fee-for-service to value-based care is not as rapid as was expected. Falling reimbursements in an accountable care era lead to diminishing margins for health systems, leaving li�le for discre�onary spending on technology spend for returns in the distant future. The healthcare sector is in the midst of consolida�on, and the threat of disrup�ve non-tradi�onal players looms large. What are other leading enterprises inves�ng in and how will that impact our compe��ve posi�on? 3 As Greg Silves�, Head of Digital Health & Innova�on for AbbVie, puts it: Digital is now cost of entry for organizations looking to play an important role in the future of healthcare. Technology and execu�on risks in enterprise digital transforma�on remain high due to various factors. Con�nued underinvestment in technology over the years means that scarce resources are being consumed in addressing technical debt. As incumbents in every sector get disrupted by a �dal wave of digitally enabled compe�tors, the wri�ng on the wall is clear for many healthcare enterprises - it's about survival. The explosion of data sources, par�cularly genomics, wearables, and sensor data, along with advanced analy�cal capabili�es, is enabling new digital health experiences. All rights reserved
  • 4. The framework above describes at a high level the objec�ves of a digital strategy. There are three broad focus areas for digital transforma�on today: A third focus area is the opera�ons of a healthcare enterprise – how HR, legal, supply chain, and finance can be improved through digitally transformed processes. According to a report by the American Hospitals Associa�on (AHA) in 2017, more than 65 percent of hospitals have implemented telehealth in at least one care unit, while an addi�onal 13 percent plan to implement telemedicine within the next year. Key themes in digital transformation Figure 2: Key focus areas for healthcare's digital transforma�on Engage pa�ents Enable caregivers Drive opera�ng efficiencies Strategic enablers: analy�cs, security, cloud info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 4 of 11 The terms digital and digitalization are used interchangeably and often confusingly. Digital refers to technologies that promise to automate and accelerate how a business runs. Digitalization is the integration of digital technologies to reimagine business processes and provide new revenue and value producing opportunities. For health systems and health plans, engaging pa�ents and enabling caregivers directly relate to how care will be delivered in the future. For pharma and life sciences companies, it may mean focusing on drug discovery processes and introducing digital therapeu�cs in the way drugs are prescribed and consumed. The concept of virtual hospital is gaining trac�on: Intermountain’s virtual hospital Connect Care Pro provides basic medical services as well as stroke evalua�on, intensive care, newborn cri�cal care and mental health services. The Cleveland Clinic’s Distance Health program includes synchronous virtual visits, e-visits, e-consults, remote image uploads, and eHospital and eICU for remote monitoring of acute care pa�ents. Remote monitoring has gained a significant amount of trac�on as a means to reduce caregiver workload and save costs. Kaiser Permanente has launched Bluetooth-enabled glucose meters to enable pa�ents to have their readings automa�cally synced to their mobile devices. All rights reserved
  • 5. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 5 of 11 A phased approach to digital transformation Digital strategy and enterprise vision Where does digital transforma�on fit in overall enterprise strategy? What are the current digital ini�a�ves in flight? What is the universe of digital opportunity areas? What is the right priori�za�on and sequencing of the digital roadmap opportuni�es? What is the op�mal opera�ng structure to deliver on this strategy? What are the key gaps in talent ? What are the key skills to be developed in-house? What is the role of the internal development teams? What is the governance structure for digital transforma�on? Who are the strategic technology partners to help execute the vision? What is the funding structure and funding sources? How much is Capex vs Opex? What is the business case for each digitaliza�on use case? What are the major technical dependencies? What is the level of technical debt? How do they map to pa�ent engagement, caregiver enablement, or organiza�onal efficiencies? What is the expected level of investment over a 3-year period? What benefits have these ini�a�ves delivered? How do current ini�a�ves compare to industry benchmarks? What are the goals and objec�ves of a digital strategy? What are the risks in not execu�ng on a digital transforma�on? Readiness assessment and benchmarking Digital roadmap development Priori�za�on & dependencies Opera�ng model & funding Technology pla�orm & partner selec�on 1 2 3 4 5 6 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Figure 3: Digital transforma�on phases For these enterprises, digital strategy closely follows that of industry leaders, driven mainly as IT ini�a�ve focusing on one or two key areas. Leadership tends to be conserva�ve about innova�on programs, and prescrip�ve about near-term returns on investments. Digital follower These enterprises do not have a formal digital transforma�on strategy. Digital investment decisions tend to be driven by market pressures and funding availability and are very o�en departmental ini�a�ves that operate in isola�on. For such enterprises, IT governance is as much a challenge as driving an enterprise-wide IT-led digital strategy. Digital opportunist The digital transforma�on journey begins with developing a vision for the enterprise and an assessment of the current maturity level and enterprise-readiness for digital transforma�on. This starts by addressing fundamental ques�ons about digital aspira�ons for the enterprise. A simple categoriza�on such as the one below helps benchmark aspira�on levels and align it with enterprise-level expecta�ons. Phase 1: Digital strategy and readiness assessment For enterprises in this category, digital is a top enterprise priority, supported by adequate funding and cross-func�onal execu�ve sponsorship. These enterprises tend to have a comprehensive digital strategy for the enterprise that goes beyond a narrow focus on telemedicine or process automa�on. Digital pioneer All rights reserved
  • 6. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 6 of 11 Name and describe the digital ini�a�ves currently deployed in the enterprise. What have been the achievements of such efforts to date? 1 2 How do you measure success (key metrics)?3 What investment has gone into these programs so far (last 1-2 years)? 4 Do you have a view of the future state for your ini�a�ve? 5 What kind of resources do you need to get to future state? 6 Is there a documented business plan/ case for investment? If no: how do you plan to fund your ini�a�ve? 7 How does your ini�a�ve enable new care models or change exis�ng care models? 8 What challenges do you foresee in the development and adop�on of your ini�a�ve? 9 Who are your “first adopters”? How will their experience and results be leveraged to accelerate adop�on by other users? 10 What are the risks associated with your program and how do you plan to mi�gate them? 11 What internal/ external technology capabili�es are required to enable the transforma�on (or, to implement your ini�a�ve)? 12 Enterprise readiness is another cri�cal factor to consider before launching a program. Readiness assessment requires evalua�ng current pa�ent and caregiver experiences, the maturity level of support opera�ons, and IT infrastructure readiness. A significant factor in IT readiness is technical debt, which refers to the level of investment required to upgrade the IT infrastructure to meet the digital aspira�ons of the enterprise. Other factors include free cash flow for investments, capacity for large-scale change management, and a reliable technology partner ecosystem among other things. We also recommend reaching out to peers in the sector who have launched digital transforma�on ini�a�ves, refer to industry research, and engage poten�al technology and consul�ng partners in gathering industry insights based on their customer rela�onships. Dr. Albert Chan, Chief Digital Officer, Su�er Health Digital technologies should be able to anticipate needs and reduce friction for providers and patients.“ A self-assessment of readiness levels starts by looking at current in-flight ini�a�ves and the maturity levels of the same. The indica�ve list of ques�ons below will help establish a baseline to determine strategy going forward. (We recommend administering these questions via an internal survey) “ All rights reserved
  • 7. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 7 of 11 Phase 2: Roadmap development and prioritization The priori�za�on matrix is a useful guide to communicate with stakeholders involved in the implementa�on of a digital roadmap. In addi�on to providing clarity on digitaliza�on priori�es, it is helpful as a tool for planning and budge�ng for the necessary investments. The priori�za�on matrix also serves as a useful por�olio management tool, helping the enterprise understand the scale and scope of the ini�a�ves, investment alloca�ons, risk levels and payback periods. The next stage in this process is priori�zing and sequencing the roadmap for implementa�on. A framework such as the one above is a useful guide. Near-term Wins Ready-to-deploy solu�ons Enterprise roll-outs Enhancements Feature addi�ons e.g voice Advanced analy�cs Long-term bets Emerging tech e.g blockchain Start-up investments Strategic enablers e.g CRM Advanced analy�cs and AI Game-changersMODERATEIMPACTHIGHIMPACT SHORT PAYBACK PERIOD LONG PAYBACK PERIOD MODERATE EFFORT HIGH EFFORT HIGHCOMPLEXITYMODERATECOMPLEXITY Figure 4: Digital roadmap priori�za�on matrix Ed Marx, Chief Informa�on Officer, The Cleveland Clinic No single platform can meet all the needs of digital transformation. It's important to evaluate the critical choices, and involve stakeholders from all functions in the decision process. “ “ Recognizing the challenges of developing and customizing point solu�ons for a wide range of use cases, larger technology firms have developed health cloud pla�orms and are offering the pla�orms to end clients and the developer ecosystem to build “last-mile” digital health applica�ons on the pla�orms. (Read our paper: Evaluating health clouds: a primer) A digital roadmap may include a “wish list” of all the possible digital solu�ons for an enterprise, and the list may have to be ra�onalized and priori�zed to allow for budget and resource alloca�ons. The marketplace for ready-to-deploy solu�ons is also in the early stages of maturity which implies many of these solu�ons may not be available today, despite the thriving ecosystem of digital health solu�on providers including startups. All rights reserved
  • 8. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 8 of 11 Phase 3: Operating model definition and technology platform selection In the decentralized model, individual departments or func�ons autonomously drive digital transforma�on. This approach delivers near-term results. It, however, can result in opera�onal inefficiencies and higher overall costs through duplicate spending and the absence of scale economies. Decentralized As the name suggests, a hybrid model combines elements of both centralized and decentralized approaches. This approach is o�en an acceptable compromise in large health systems where mul�ple ini�a�ves may already be underway at departmental and func�onal levels. A hybrid approach can deliver the benefits of a centralized policy, technology selec�on, and architectural standards while maintaining the autonomy and agility of individual groups. HybridThe target opera�ng model of a digital transforma�on program is an essen�al determinant of success. There are three basic models for enterprises to choose from: In the centralized model, the digital func�on and resources are organiza�onally structured as an opera�ng unit such as a Digital Center of Excellence (COE). The COE drives the execu�on roadmap, controls funding, and drives policy. This approach can deliver the most op�mal use of resources and drive rapid enterprise-wide adop�on; however, decision making can be slow and departmental priori�es may be neglected. Centralized All rights reserved
  • 9. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 9 of 11 Implementing a digital strategy: an ecosystem approach The custodians Healthcare Enterprises Healthcare Enterprises We have the data and the workflow: Epic, Cerner The innovators We have a whole new way of doing it: Digital health startups The arbitrageurs We can do it for you (and for less): Amazon Web Services, Accenture, Cognizant The enablers We built it, you can rent it: Microso� Health Cloud, Google Health Cloud, IBM Watson Health Figure 5: Digital health solu�on provider ecosystem It takes a village, as the saying goes. Digital transforma�on requires an ecosystem of strategic partnerships. The choice of partners could also determine if any of them could be a lead provider and take on the role of "ecosystem integrator." The framework above is used to understand and categorize solu�on providers. Many technology providers, especially in the Custodian and Enabler categories, are expanding their range of offerings, on their own or through ecosystem partnerships, to increase their coverage of the needs of a digital transforma�on program. Thus, an Epic might focus on its MyChart feature to become the primary choice for pa�ent access solu�ons while a Microso� Health Cloud might focus more on a�rac�ng the developer ecosystem to build solu�ons on the Microso� Health Cloud pla�orm. (Source: The Big Unlock – Harnessing data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based Care Era) Digital is not about technology: it’s an enabler for a company’s strategy.“ Greg Silves�, Head of Digital Health and Innova�on, AbbVie “ Regardless of the approach, a fundamental principle in digital transforma�on is that it’s not about the technology. Digital is more about reimagining experiences and processes using technology and is ul�mately about enabling business strategy. The models will vary based on the enterprise. Some, such as Intermountain Health, have purposefully created stand-alone en��es to deliver digital health solu�ons, whereas others, such as Partners Healthcare and Cleveland Clinic have ac�ve innova�on programs to iden�fy and nurture promising startup ideas, both within and outside the enterprise. Others, like Kaiser Permanente, have set up sizeable venture capital funding arms that make significant investments in digital health startups.The Arbitrageurs may include an AWS that brings sheer scale to deliver cloud compu�ng capacity at a frac�on of the costs for an enterprise data center. The category also includes consul�ng firms who may leverage labor cost arbitrage with offshore development centers to deliver services at lower costs. The Innovators are typically firms in the startup ecosystem that are developing new solu�ons for previously underserved needs, and in some cases reimagining the way exis�ng needs are being served currently. For healthcare enterprises, there is a yet another choice; build out an in-house development capability, to leverage exis�ng func�onali�es in their EHR systems as a default choice, and selec�vely integrate promising startups (while taking equity stakes in some or all of them). All rights reserved
  • 10. info@damoconsul�ng.netwww.damoconsul� 10 of 11 Digital transforma�on is primarily a cross-func�onal business ini�a�ve that requires a tremendous culture change. While CIOs o�en lead digital transforma�on, it is not an IT ini�a�ve per se and the buy-in of mul�ple stakeholders, especially among the caregiver community, is cri�cal for success. Many digital health programs lack a reimbursement model which make it harder to jus�fy the investments. In such cases, the returns must be o�en computed in terms of strategic and intangible benefits with a long-term view. Digital transforma�on o�en begins as a departmental ini�a�ve in large mul�-hospital systems. While this is an excellent approach to experiment with innova�on, a significant barrier to increased adop�on is the lack of resources and execu�ve-level sponsorship for enterprise-level deployment. This can lead to sub-op�mal use of the technology, and a failure to tap into learnings from across the enterprise. Summary and recommendations The technology solu�ons landscape for an enterprise digital pla�orm is not mature, and no single pla�orm can meet all the digitaliza�on needs of healthcare enterprises substan�ally. This requires a best of breed approach that creates governance and technology integra�on challenges. One of the significant challenges with this approach is to ensure that systems integrate and interoperate with each other to support digital transforma�on. Technical debt accumulated over the years can divert scarce resources from innova�on and digital transforma�on towards addressing infrastructure shortcomings and applica�on upgrades. Despite the high ac�vity levels in the digital health startup space, the number of viable and proven "last mile" solu�ons for developing engaging and efficient pa�ent and caregiver experiences is rela�vely limited. Many digital health startups lack resources as well as a cri�cal mass of live customer deployments, which make it challenging and risky for healthcare enterprises. Digital health solu�ons need significant customiza�on and o�en lack robust integra�on with EHR and other systems. It becomes incumbent on the healthcare enterprise to invest in configuring the solu�ons for the enterprise’s needs and in building an API infrastructure to integrate with systems of records. For addi�onal insights, please visit our page on healthcare digital transforma�on. All rights reserved
  • 11. 1. American Hospital Associa�on. (2018, January 1). Fact Sheet: Telehealth. Retrieved from h�ps:// 2. Cleveland Clinic. (2016, May 02). Going the Distance with Virtual Medicine for Be�er Access and Experience. Retrieved from h�ps://�er-access-experience/ 3. Hansen, T. (2017, April 17). Mayo Clinic Turns to AI to Improve Brain Tumor Treatment. Retrieved from h�ps:// 4. Intermountain Healthcare. (2018, February 28). Intermountain Healthcare Opens New Hospital --- Without a Building or Walls. Retrieved from h�ps:// g-or-walls/ 5. Kacik, A. (2018, March 22). As Ascension restructures, it hints at smaller hospital footprint. Retrieved from h�p://�cle/20180322/NEWS/180329953/ascension-amid-major-restructuring-hin�ng -at-smaller-hospital 6. Kaiser Permanente KPProud Mid-Atlan�c States. (2018, July 11). The Future of Medicine: Remote Pa�ent Monitoring . Retrieved from h�ps://kpproud-midatlan��ent-monitoring/ 7. Mount Sinai. (2018, June 1). Mount Sinai and Renaly�xAI Launch Groundbreaking Ar�ficial Intelligence Solu�on For Improved Kidney Disease Management and Pa�ent Care. Retrieved from h�ps://�xai-launch-groundbreaking-ar�ficial-int elligence-solu�on-for-improved-kidney-disease-management-and-pa�ent-care 8. Padmanabhan, P. (2017). The Big Unlock: Harnessing Data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based Care Era. Chicago: Archway Publishing 9. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, May 18). Digital health’s last mile problem. Retrieved from h�ps://�cle/3274446/health-care-industry/digital-health-s-last-mile-problem.html 10. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, July 25). Digital transforma�on and the law of small numbers. Retrieved from h�ps://�cle/3293056/ehr/digital-transforma�on-and-the-law-of-small-numbers.html 11. Padmanabhan, P. (2018, August 15). What my backyard squirrel taught me about technical debt. Retrieved from h�ps://�cle/3297743/health-care-industry/what-my-backyard-squirrel-taught-me-about-technical-de bt.html 12. Partners Healthcare. (2017, May 17). Partners HealthCare and GE Healthcare launch 10-year collabora�on to integrate Ar�ficial Intelligence into every aspect of the pa�ent journey. Retrieved from h�ps://�on.aspx References Damo Consul�ng is a growth strategy and digital transforma�on advisory firm that works with healthcare enterprises and global technology companies. We help develop and implement digital transforma�on strategies and enable market growth strategies. We specialize in thought leadership led brand transforma�on and ac�onable healthcare market intelligence. Email: info@damoconsul� USA 1000 Jorie Blvd #200, Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone : (630) 928-1111, Ext 204 INDIA Mariam Center, 7M - 302 3rd Floor, HRBR Layout, Bangalore - 560 043 About Damo Consulting Website: www.damoconsul� © 2018 Damo Consul�ng Inc. All rights reserved.