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Health Policy Project 2:
Precious Teasley
Southern New Hampshire University
Health Policy and Law 22TW5
Dr. Jim Dockins
July 21,2022
Health Policy Project 2: Continuation
Stakeholder Needs
Low compensation for immunization services is a problem for
physicians, so the government must ensure that they are
reimbursed adequately. Immunizations are too costly for
vulnerable populations whose medical insurance does not cover
them. Due to the exorbitant expense of these vaccines in private
hospitals and pharmacies, these individuals cannot access them.
Adult vaccines may also be unavailable due to the inability of
the most vulnerable individuals to travel to distant public health
centers in quest of vaccinations. For doctors and pharmacists to
purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies, a large
amount of funds is necessary. In addition, they require funding
for the purchase of new, high-tech storage facilities, as the
preservation of vaccines requires the usage of specific
substances. Pharmaceutical businesses need funding for disease-
related research and the installation of intricate systems for
creating and monitoring vaccinations. In addition, they need
cash to purchase huge, specialized storage containers so that
vaccines are accessible everywhere. To provide vaccines to the
public, health insurance companies require funding to meet the
vaccine administration needs of their consumers.
Taking the financial demands of stakeholders into account when
making decisions about low adult immunization rates can assist
assure optimal vaccine supply and distribution, enhanced
following and monitoring requirements, and vaccine
availability. Consideration of the requests will result in shared
provider contacts and public-private partnerships, which will
speed up adult immunization.
Financial Influence
The primary financial stakeholders are pharmaceutical
corporations, which conducted the research, developed the
vaccines, and brought them to market. The patient's financial
situation is gently adjusted despite the moral obligation of
pharmaceutical companies to ensure that the market can afford
their product; the patient, as the product's recipient, experiences
hidden impacts. It is essential to be aware of these elements in
order to develop an effective health policy. If the underlying
reasons for the problem are not addressed, it is impossible to
find a remedy. The role of government is to ensure equality for
all citizens while safeguarding commercial interests. Before the
government can assist the poor with their health issues, it must
decide who controls prices and costs (Chaudhary et al., 2020).
During the planning and decision-making process, not only the
patient and doctors but also the company must be protected and
Benefits and Disadvantages
In numerous ways, the issue is advantageous to the
stakeholders. They will be able to get monies quickly from
prom commitments made in the face of emergency illness
epidemics to purchase commodities such as drugs, technology,
or bednets, which was portrayed as an incentive for R&D. They
will be able to fund disease eradication efforts while
safeguarding the enterprises that produce the commodities.
Sadly, they will also have to deal with challenges such as
expensive end phases and lengthy phases, such as when
terminating programs. They will be able to enhance the living
conditions and economic security of the population that is
underserved and marginalized.
Competing Value Conflicts
Each year, thousands of people die in the United States and
around the world from vaccine-preventable diseases, placing a
major financial drain on healthcare systems. Adult
immunization rates in the United States are low, with
significant gaps between national adult immunization targets
and actual adult immunization rates. This is despite the fact that
immunization is one of the most effective primary preventative
treatments for enhancing health and well-being. To close these
gaps, national leaders must commit to a multifaceted national
strategy that includes: ensuring fair and appropriate payment for
adult immunization, improving access to recommended adult
vaccines by improving the infrastructure for adult vaccines in
the United States, and establishing public-private partnerships
to support effective immunization behaviors. In terms of low
adult immunization rates, numerous other nations face many of
the same issues as the United States. Successful methods for
adult vaccination coverage will reduce morbidity, death, and
healthcare costs. To realize the great health advantages of an
efficient adult immunization program, all medical and public
health stakeholders must now collaborate.
Vaccinations, on the other hand, are vital to the health of both
the person and the community. Vaccines aid in preventing the
spread of infectious, lethal, and severe diseases. They include
HPV, measles, polio, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping
cough, among others. Vaccination against smallpox was the first
to be developed. The present coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic
affects people's health, as well as their ability to learn, work,
and live normally. How to alter a school-based educational
system is one of the most serious concerns addressed by
COVID-19. At its peak, 188 or more countries, or over 91% of
all enrolled children worldwide, stopped their schools in an
effort to stop the spread of the virus (Di Pietro et al., 2020). All
kids are significantly affected by school closures, but the most
vulnerable are disproportionately affected because they are
more likely to face additional obstacles. Children and
adolescents with special educational needs, low -income and
single-parent households, immigrants, refugees, members of
ethnic minorities, and Indigenous peoples share these features.
Some do not have access to hands-on learning activities, social
and emotional assistance in the classroom, and supplementary
programs like school dinners.
They run the risk of falling further behind and isolating
themselves with the classroom doors shut. These pupils are
likely to suffer the most in terms of educational success and
school support if governments do not take enough measures to
promote educational fairness and inclusion. The subsequent
sections provide an overview of the actions made by OECD
Member Countries to address the different needs of pupils at
risk during the COVID-19 outbreak. This Policy Brief
investigates the issue of school reopenings, reviews nations'
current actions, and offers policy recommendations to ensure
that the epidemic does not prevent poor pupils from
participating in educational institutions.
Chaudhary, M., Sodani, P. R., & Das, S. (2020). Effect of
COVID-19 on the economy in India: Some reflections for policy
and program. Journal of Health Management, 22(2), 169-180.
Di Pietro, G., Biagi, F., Costa, P., Karpiński, Z., & Mazza, J.
(2020). The likely impact of COVID-19 on education:
Reflections based on the existing literature and recent
international datasets (Vol. 30275). Luxembourg: Publications
Office of the European Union.
DEP2004 Module 02 Assignment - Human Development
You are the Intake Coordinator for a mental health center. Your
role is to gather patient information using a questionnaire. This
data collection aims to provide a more holistic understanding of
the patient's human development to the medical team for proper
diagnosis and treatment.
The Board of Directors has requested a report that explains why
each question on the questionnaire is being asked. They want to
ensure that the questions encompass all aspects of a patient's
background. Your job is to review the questionnaire and write a
report that explains why each question is being asked and how
the information gathered from each question is helpful for the
medical team.
Consider what you have learned regarding human development
and how it is shaped throughout a person's lifespan, including
how a person was raised and how genetics and culture play a
Use professional language and include attribution for sources.
For each question:
· Identify the information that will be gathered from the patient.
· Explain how the information gathered is connected to human
development and how it will be useful to the medical team.
What is your age? Were you born premature or with any health
1. What was your birth weight? What is your current height and
2. What is your ethnic background?
3. Which city and which neighborhood did you grow up in?
4. How many schools have you attended and why?
5. Who lived in the home with you where you were raised?
6. What is your parent’s education level?
7. How would you classify your relationship with your parents?
a. Great/Healthy
b. Neutral
c. Not Good/Unhealthy/Dysfunctional
8. What was the income range of the person/people who raised
a. $0-$20,000/year
b. $20,000-40,000/year
c. $40,000-60,000/year
d. $60,000-80,000/year
e. More than $80,000/year
9. Have you ever been abused (sexually, physically, or
10. What challenges have you had to overcome in your life?
How do you think these challenges have impacted you?
11. What physical disabilities do you have?
12. What mental health conditions have you been diagnosed
with or feel you may have?
13. What grades did you earn in grades K-12?
14. Which extracurricular activities did you participate in?
15. What is your highest level of education?
16. List each job you have had and how long you worked there.
17. What religion were you raised in? What is your religion
18. Which of the following illnesses or diseases run in your
a. Diabetes
b. Heart Disease
c. High Blood Pressure
d. High Cholesterol
e. Mental Illness (depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar,
ADHD, schizophrenia, addiction and substance abuse, PTSD,
insomnia, other)
f. Cancer
19. How often do you socialize with friends each month?
20. Describe your diet and exercise throughout your life:
a. Birth to age 18
i. Healthy (range of fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and
ii. Neutral (some fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and
carbohydrates, but some junk food and fast food)
iii. Unhealthy (too many calories or not enough calories, low
levels of fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy, carbohydrates, high
levels of junk food and fast food)
21. How would you describe your personality? (i.e.
optimistic/pessimistic, angry/happy, easy-going/high strung,
22. Were you exposed to asbestos, lead paint, second-hand
smoke, or poor water quality growing up?
23. Did you go to annual medical, dental, and vision
appointments growing up? When were your last appointments
for these?
24. Have you experienced or witnessed domestic violence?
25. How many and which languages were spoken in your home
growing up?
26. Did your parents read to you as a child? What was your
access to books and toys?
27. Did your parents drink alcohol or use drugs while you were
growing up?
28. Did your mother drink or use drugs while pregnant with
29. Were you ever neglected or abandoned?
Imagine that you are a legisla!ve consultant hired to assess the
influence of stakeholders and interest groups on the health
policy issue you chose for your Project Two submission. Your
supervisor has asked that you present your findings to the
senior leadership of your organiza!on. This will help inform
their decisions on how best to approach their intended
organiza!on-wide posi!on statement regarding this issue.
Recall that in your Module Three Project Two Prepara!on
assignment, you chose one health policy issue and researched
nonfinancial impact on various stakeholders. Now, in this
assignment, you will con!nue your research on the chosen issue.
However, your research will now be aligned to the financial
implica!ons of the selected issue for various stakeholders. In
assignment, you will analyze the financial needs of stakeholders
and how they influence the financial prac!ces in healthcare.
Also, you will iden!fy the financial benefits and disadvantages
of a chosen issue for the stakeholders. Last, you will describe
how financial value conflicts between stakeholders can be
addressed with respect to the chosen issue.
Create a research report summarizing your findings on the
chosen health policy issue. This report will help you complete
Project Two submission.
You must cite at least two sources to support your claims. You
may cite no more than one source from the module resources;
all other resources must come from your own research. In other
words, you may cite no more than one resource from the
Resources sec!on of this module. For addi!onal help with
comple!ng this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide:
Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may
also use the Online Wri!ng Center, located in the Academic
Support module.
Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: Project
Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios Word Document
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Stakeholder Needs: Summarize the financial needs of any
three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect
to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding ques!ons
in your response:
A. What financial needs for the iden!fied key stakeholders
and/or interest groups affected by the issue need to
be considered, par!cularly for those in vulnerable popula!ons or
underserved areas?
B. Why is it important to consider these needs when making
decisions regarding this issue?
2. Financial Influence: Analyze how the iden!fied three key
stakeholders and/or interest groups influence current
financial prac!ces regarding your chosen issue. Consider the
following guiding ques!ons in your response:
A. Which of the iden!fied key stakeholders have significant or
obvious financial influences on health policies?
B. Which of the iden!fied key stakeholders have subtle or covert
financial influences on health policies?
C. Why is important to be aware of these influences when
making decisions related to health policies for this
3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Explain which of the iden!fied
key stakeholders and/or interest groups might financially
benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Consider the
following guiding ques!ons in your response:
A. How might the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest
groups benefit from this issue?
B. How might the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest
groups be disadvantaged by this issue?
C. How might those in vulnerable popula!ons or underserved
areas be financially benefited or disadvantaged by
this issue?
4. Compe!ng Value Conflicts: Describe how compe!ng financial
value conflicts between iden!fied key stakeholders
could be addressed with respect to your chosen issue. Consider
the following guiding ques!ons in your response:
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A. What financial value conflicts might the iden!fied key
stakeholders have with respect to this issue?
B. Why is it important to understand these value conflicts when
making decisions related to health policy?
C. How might the compe!!on between these financial value
conflicts affect both iden!fied stakeholders’
influence on the issue and how iden!fied stakeholders are
impacted by the issue itself?
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You
must also include an APA-style !tle page. Use 12-point Times
New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources
should be cited according to APA style.
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)
Improvement (70%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep!onally
clear, insigh#ul,
sophis!cated, or
crea!ve manner
Summarizes the
financial needs of
any three key
stakeholders and/or
interest groups with
respect to the
chosen issue
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
Does not a$empt
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep!onally
clear, insigh#ul,
sophis!cated, or
crea!ve manner
Analyzes the
influence of
iden!fied three key
stakeholders and/or
interest groups on
current financial
prac!ces regarding
the chosen issue
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
Does not a$empt
Benefits and
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep!onally
clear, insigh#ul,
sophis!cated, or
crea!ve manner
Explains which of
the iden!fied key
stakeholders and/or
interest groups
might financially
benefit or be
disadvantaged by
the chosen issue
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
Does not a$empt
Compe!ng Value
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep!onally
clear, insigh#ul,
sophis!cated, or
crea!ve manner
Describes ways to
address the
compe!ng financial
value conflicts
between iden!fied
key stakeholders
with respect to
your chosen issue
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
Does not a$empt
Ar!cula!on of
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep!onally
clear, insigh#ul,
sophis!cated, or
crea!ve manner
Clearly conveys
meaning with
correct grammar,
sentence structure,
and spelling,
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
Submission has
cri!cal errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, preven!ng
Module Seven Project Two Prepara!on Rubric
7/14/22, 3:48 PM
Page 2 of 3
demonstra!ng an
understanding of
audience and
spelling, nega!vely
understanding of
Scholarly Sources Incorporates more
than two scholarly,
current (within the
last five years)
sources, including
at least one
resource from
outside research, or
use of sources is
Incorporates two
scholarly, current
(within the last five
years) sources,
including at least
one resource from
outside research,
that support claims
Incorporates fewer
than two scholarly,
current (within the
last five years)
sources, does not
include at least one
resource from
outside research, or
not all sources
support claims
Does not
incorporate sources
APA Style Formats in-text
cita!ons and
reference list
according to APA
style with no errors
Formats in-text
cita!ons and
reference list
according to APA
style with fewer
than five errors
Formats in-text
cita!ons and
reference list
according to APA
style with five or
more errors
Does not format in-
text cita!ons and
reference list
according to APA
Total: 100%
7/14/22, 3:48 PM
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Health Policy Project 2
Precious Teasley
Southern New Hampshire University
Health Policy and Law 22TW5
Dr. Jim Dockins
June 25,2022
Health Policy Project 2
Health Policy Issue: The selected policy in Health Policy Issue
Option 3: Adult Immunization. Communicable diseases do not
affect children only but adults too in the process (Kim et al.,
2019). In this way, adults need to get immunized against
communicable diseases. The idea to peg the immunization on a
specific state job is done to eliminate or deal with people who
may resist getting an immunization. It is because of the
significance of immunization to control communicable illnesses
that I chose this policy option (National Vaccine Advisory
Committee, 2012). To someone who has not had the policy
before, the adult immunization policy will help explain the
significance of immunization to adults by providing information
on available vaccines and by debunking myths around the
vaccine to reduce or eliminate vaccine hesitancy.
Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: The stakeholders in this
issue include people aged 18 years and above, human rights
groups, state agencies, public health professionals, legislatures,
community pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, primary care
doctors, consumers, pharmacists, and other alternative places of
treatment, opinion leaders and media (Kim et al., 2019).
Vulnerable populations may be underserved by the issue
because they may not be able to receive information, or access
vaccination or their interests may not be considered when
developing and implementing the policy. Lack of information
may hinder the implementation of the policy because of the high
rate of vaccine hesitancy among the vulnerable populations.
Influence on Decision Making
Stakeholder Needs: Some of the stakeholder needs in the current
issue include vaccines, access, and the presence of medical
professionals to provide the vaccines or immunize the adults
(Williams et al., 2015). Access to information, access to safe
vaccines, access to vaccination centers, and training in some
instances. The need to understand the underlying effects of the
vaccine among others. In any public health practice,
information is very important as it helps the stakeholders to
understand the program and respond to it positively. Again, in
the current issue, some of the vulnerable populations may
include pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses (Kim
et al., 2019). The impacts of the vaccines on the vulnerable
populations and their concerns must be addressed before the
program is initiated.
Health Policy Influence: Human rights and civil rights groups
play an important role in influencing policy success in society.
Approval of the policy by the groups will increase the number
of adults getting vaccinated (National Vaccine Advisory
Committee, 2012). Secondly, the media will influence the
success of the policy since it will provide the information
required for other stakeholders to understand the policy and
accept or reject it. The adults or targeted group will also have a
huge impact on the success of the policy because they are the
persons directly impacted by the policy (Williams et al., 2015).
Their hesitancy to the vaccine will contribute to low policy
implementation success. Stakeholders with low influence on the
issue include pharmacies, pharmacists, and opinion leaders.
Benefits and Disadvantages: The issue will benefit adults with
communicable or who are at risk of acquiring communicable
illnesses. Secondly, public health professionals will also benefit
from the issue because they will be able to reduce the number of
communicable disease cases they deal with in the community
(Williams et al., 2015). Thirdly, the community will benefit
from the issue because the number of people with communicable
diseases will reduce significantly. Those who may be
disadvantaged include adults living with vulnerable illnesses
because their concerns may not be considered hence the vaccine
may negatively impact their health. The other group is pregnant
women who may not be able to receive the vaccine because of
its impacts on their unborn babies (National Vaccine Advisory
Committee, 2012). Finally, state agencies may be disadvantaged
because they may not be able to employ highly talented persons
who have not been immunized because of the policy.
Value Conflict Analysis: Adults who are directly impacted by
the policy may not see the value of immunization because they
may believe that they have developed sufficient immunity. Thi s
may pose a conflict with the public health professionals who
will be providing the vaccine and feel that the adult needs the
vaccine (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2012).
Secondly, another value interest may exist between the policy
legislatures and the implementers (public health professionals)
on the issues relating to vulnerable populations that need to be
considered during the policy implementation.
Kim, D. K., Hunter, P., & Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices†. (2019). Recommended adult
immunization schedule, United States, 2019. Annals of internal
medicine, 170(3), 182-192.
National Vaccine Advisory Committee. (2012). A pathway to
leadership for adult immunization: recommendations of the
National Vaccine Advisory Committee: approved by the
National Vaccine Advisory Committee on June 14, 2011. Public
health reports (Washington, DC: 1974), 127(Suppl 1), 1-42.
Williams, W. W., Lu, P. J., O'Halloran, A., Bridges, C. B., Kim,
D. K., Pilishvili, T., ... & Markowitz, L. E. (2015). Vaccination
coverage among adults, excluding influenza vaccination—the
United States, 2013. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,
64(4), 95.

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Guidelines1.Paper word count should be 1,000-1,250. Refer.docxGuidelines1.Paper word count should be 1,000-1,250. Refer.docx
Guidelines1.Paper word count should be 1,000-1,250. Refer.docx
Guided Response Respond to at least two of your classmates.  Ch.docx
Guided Response Respond to at least two of your classmates.  Ch.docxGuided Response Respond to at least two of your classmates.  Ch.docx
Guided Response Respond to at least two of your classmates.  Ch.docx
Guided ResponseReview the philosophies of education that your.docx
Guided ResponseReview the philosophies of education that your.docxGuided ResponseReview the philosophies of education that your.docx
Guided ResponseReview the philosophies of education that your.docx
Guided Response  When responding to your peers, suggest ways to.docx
Guided Response  When responding to your peers, suggest ways to.docxGuided Response  When responding to your peers, suggest ways to.docx
Guided Response  When responding to your peers, suggest ways to.docx
Guided Response As you read the responses of your classmates, con.docx
Guided Response As you read the responses of your classmates, con.docxGuided Response As you read the responses of your classmates, con.docx
Guided Response As you read the responses of your classmates, con.docx
Guided ResponseReview several of your classmates’ posts and res.docx
Guided ResponseReview several of your classmates’ posts and res.docxGuided ResponseReview several of your classmates’ posts and res.docx
Guided ResponseReview several of your classmates’ posts and res.docx
Guided ResponseYou must reply to at least one classmate. As y.docx
Guided ResponseYou must reply to at least one classmate. As y.docxGuided ResponseYou must reply to at least one classmate. As y.docx
Guided ResponseYou must reply to at least one classmate. As y.docx
Guided ResponseRespond to at least one classmate that has been .docx
Guided ResponseRespond to at least one classmate that has been .docxGuided ResponseRespond to at least one classmate that has been .docx
Guided ResponseRespond to at least one classmate that has been .docx

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Health Policy Project 2 Precious TeasleySouth

  • 1. Health Policy Project 2: Precious Teasley Southern New Hampshire University Health Policy and Law 22TW5 Dr. Jim Dockins July 21,2022 Health Policy Project 2: Continuation Stakeholder Needs Low compensation for immunization services is a problem for physicians, so the government must ensure that they are
  • 2. reimbursed adequately. Immunizations are too costly for vulnerable populations whose medical insurance does not cover them. Due to the exorbitant expense of these vaccines in private hospitals and pharmacies, these individuals cannot access them. Adult vaccines may also be unavailable due to the inability of the most vulnerable individuals to travel to distant public health centers in quest of vaccinations. For doctors and pharmacists to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies, a large amount of funds is necessary. In addition, they require funding for the purchase of new, high-tech storage facilities, as the preservation of vaccines requires the usage of specific substances. Pharmaceutical businesses need funding for disease- related research and the installation of intricate systems for creating and monitoring vaccinations. In addition, they need cash to purchase huge, specialized storage containers so that vaccines are accessible everywhere. To provide vaccines to the public, health insurance companies require funding to meet the vaccine administration needs of their consumers. Taking the financial demands of stakeholders into account when making decisions about low adult immunization rates can assist assure optimal vaccine supply and distribution, enhanced following and monitoring requirements, and vaccine availability. Consideration of the requests will result in shared provider contacts and public-private partnerships, which will speed up adult immunization. Financial Influence The primary financial stakeholders are pharmaceutical corporations, which conducted the research, developed the vaccines, and brought them to market. The patient's financial situation is gently adjusted despite the moral obligation of pharmaceutical companies to ensure that the market can afford their product; the patient, as the product's recipient, experiences hidden impacts. It is essential to be aware of these elements in order to develop an effective health policy. If the underlying reasons for the problem are not addressed, it is impossible to find a remedy. The role of government is to ensure equality for
  • 3. all citizens while safeguarding commercial interests. Before the government can assist the poor with their health issues, it must decide who controls prices and costs (Chaudhary et al., 2020). During the planning and decision-making process, not only the patient and doctors but also the company must be protected and assisted. Benefits and Disadvantages In numerous ways, the issue is advantageous to the stakeholders. They will be able to get monies quickly from prom commitments made in the face of emergency illness epidemics to purchase commodities such as drugs, technology, or bednets, which was portrayed as an incentive for R&D. They will be able to fund disease eradication efforts while safeguarding the enterprises that produce the commodities. Sadly, they will also have to deal with challenges such as expensive end phases and lengthy phases, such as when terminating programs. They will be able to enhance the living conditions and economic security of the population that is underserved and marginalized. Competing Value Conflicts Each year, thousands of people die in the United States and around the world from vaccine-preventable diseases, placing a major financial drain on healthcare systems. Adult immunization rates in the United States are low, with significant gaps between national adult immunization targets and actual adult immunization rates. This is despite the fact that immunization is one of the most effective primary preventative treatments for enhancing health and well-being. To close these gaps, national leaders must commit to a multifaceted national strategy that includes: ensuring fair and appropriate payment for adult immunization, improving access to recommended adult vaccines by improving the infrastructure for adult vaccines in the United States, and establishing public-private partnerships to support effective immunization behaviors. In terms of low adult immunization rates, numerous other nations face many of the same issues as the United States. Successful methods for
  • 4. adult vaccination coverage will reduce morbidity, death, and healthcare costs. To realize the great health advantages of an efficient adult immunization program, all medical and public health stakeholders must now collaborate. Vaccinations, on the other hand, are vital to the health of both the person and the community. Vaccines aid in preventing the spread of infectious, lethal, and severe diseases. They include HPV, measles, polio, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough, among others. Vaccination against smallpox was the first to be developed. The present coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic affects people's health, as well as their ability to learn, work, and live normally. How to alter a school-based educational system is one of the most serious concerns addressed by COVID-19. At its peak, 188 or more countries, or over 91% of all enrolled children worldwide, stopped their schools in an effort to stop the spread of the virus (Di Pietro et al., 2020). All kids are significantly affected by school closures, but the most vulnerable are disproportionately affected because they are more likely to face additional obstacles. Children and adolescents with special educational needs, low -income and single-parent households, immigrants, refugees, members of ethnic minorities, and Indigenous peoples share these features. Some do not have access to hands-on learning activities, social and emotional assistance in the classroom, and supplementary programs like school dinners. They run the risk of falling further behind and isolating themselves with the classroom doors shut. These pupils are likely to suffer the most in terms of educational success and school support if governments do not take enough measures to promote educational fairness and inclusion. The subsequent sections provide an overview of the actions made by OECD Member Countries to address the different needs of pupils at risk during the COVID-19 outbreak. This Policy Brief investigates the issue of school reopenings, reviews nations' current actions, and offers policy recommendations to ensure that the epidemic does not prevent poor pupils from
  • 5. participating in educational institutions. References Chaudhary, M., Sodani, P. R., & Das, S. (2020). Effect of COVID-19 on the economy in India: Some reflections for policy and program. Journal of Health Management, 22(2), 169-180. Di Pietro, G., Biagi, F., Costa, P., Karpiński, Z., & Mazza, J. (2020). The likely impact of COVID-19 on education: Reflections based on the existing literature and recent international datasets (Vol. 30275). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. DEP2004 Module 02 Assignment - Human Development Questionnaire Scenario You are the Intake Coordinator for a mental health center. Your role is to gather patient information using a questionnaire. This data collection aims to provide a more holistic understanding of the patient's human development to the medical team for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • 6. The Board of Directors has requested a report that explains why each question on the questionnaire is being asked. They want to ensure that the questions encompass all aspects of a patient's background. Your job is to review the questionnaire and write a report that explains why each question is being asked and how the information gathered from each question is helpful for the medical team. Consider what you have learned regarding human development and how it is shaped throughout a person's lifespan, including how a person was raised and how genetics and culture play a role. Use professional language and include attribution for sources. For each question: · Identify the information that will be gathered from the patient. · Explain how the information gathered is connected to human development and how it will be useful to the medical team. What is your age? Were you born premature or with any health conditions? 1. What was your birth weight? What is your current height and weight? 2. What is your ethnic background? 3. Which city and which neighborhood did you grow up in? 4. How many schools have you attended and why? 5. Who lived in the home with you where you were raised? 6. What is your parent’s education level? 7. How would you classify your relationship with your parents? a. Great/Healthy b. Neutral
  • 7. c. Not Good/Unhealthy/Dysfunctional 8. What was the income range of the person/people who raised you? a. $0-$20,000/year b. $20,000-40,000/year c. $40,000-60,000/year d. $60,000-80,000/year e. More than $80,000/year 9. Have you ever been abused (sexually, physically, or emotionally)? 10. What challenges have you had to overcome in your life? How do you think these challenges have impacted you? 11. What physical disabilities do you have? 12. What mental health conditions have you been diagnosed with or feel you may have? 13. What grades did you earn in grades K-12? 14. Which extracurricular activities did you participate in? 15. What is your highest level of education? 16. List each job you have had and how long you worked there. 17. What religion were you raised in? What is your religion now? 18. Which of the following illnesses or diseases run in your family: a. Diabetes b. Heart Disease c. High Blood Pressure d. High Cholesterol e. Mental Illness (depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar, ADHD, schizophrenia, addiction and substance abuse, PTSD, insomnia, other) f. Cancer 19. How often do you socialize with friends each month? 20. Describe your diet and exercise throughout your life: a. Birth to age 18 i. Healthy (range of fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and carbohydrates)
  • 8. ii. Neutral (some fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and carbohydrates, but some junk food and fast food) iii. Unhealthy (too many calories or not enough calories, low levels of fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy, carbohydrates, high levels of junk food and fast food) 21. How would you describe your personality? (i.e. optimistic/pessimistic, angry/happy, easy-going/high strung, etc.) 22. Were you exposed to asbestos, lead paint, second-hand smoke, or poor water quality growing up? 23. Did you go to annual medical, dental, and vision appointments growing up? When were your last appointments for these? 24. Have you experienced or witnessed domestic violence? 25. How many and which languages were spoken in your home growing up? 26. Did your parents read to you as a child? What was your access to books and toys? 27. Did your parents drink alcohol or use drugs while you were growing up? 28. Did your mother drink or use drugs while pregnant with you? 29. Were you ever neglected or abandoned? Overview Imagine that you are a legisla!ve consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on the health policy issue you chose for your Project Two submission. Your supervisor has asked that you present your findings to the
  • 9. senior leadership of your organiza!on. This will help inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organiza!on-wide posi!on statement regarding this issue. Recall that in your Module Three Project Two Prepara!on assignment, you chose one health policy issue and researched its nonfinancial impact on various stakeholders. Now, in this assignment, you will con!nue your research on the chosen issue. However, your research will now be aligned to the financial implica!ons of the selected issue for various stakeholders. In this assignment, you will analyze the financial needs of stakeholders and how they influence the financial prac!ces in healthcare. Also, you will iden!fy the financial benefits and disadvantages of a chosen issue for the stakeholders. Last, you will describe how financial value conflicts between stakeholders can be addressed with respect to the chosen issue. Prompt Create a research report summarizing your findings on the chosen health policy issue. This report will help you complete your Project Two submission. You must cite at least two sources to support your claims. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources;
  • 10. all other resources must come from your own research. In other words, you may cite no more than one resource from the Resources sec!on of this module. For addi!onal help with comple!ng this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Wri!ng Center, located in the Academic Support module. Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios Word Document Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: 1. Stakeholder Needs: Summarize the financial needs of any three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding ques!ons in your response: A. What financial needs for the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest groups affected by the issue need to be considered, par!cularly for those in vulnerable popula!ons or underserved areas? B. Why is it important to consider these needs when making decisions regarding this issue? 2. Financial Influence: Analyze how the iden!fied three key stakeholders and/or interest groups influence current financial prac!ces regarding your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding ques!ons in your response:
  • 11. A. Which of the iden!fied key stakeholders have significant or obvious financial influences on health policies? B. Which of the iden!fied key stakeholders have subtle or covert financial influences on health policies? C. Why is important to be aware of these influences when making decisions related to health policies for this issue? 3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Explain which of the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest groups might financially benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding ques!ons in your response: A. How might the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue? B. How might the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest groups be disadvantaged by this issue? C. How might those in vulnerable popula!ons or underserved areas be financially benefited or disadvantaged by this issue? 4. Compe!ng Value Conflicts: Describe how compe!ng financial value conflicts between iden!fied key stakeholders could be addressed with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding ques!ons in your response: !
  • 12. 7/14/22, 3:48 PM Page 1 of 3 A. What financial value conflicts might the iden!fied key stakeholders have with respect to this issue? B. Why is it important to understand these value conflicts when making decisions related to health policy? C. How might the compe!!on between these financial value conflicts affect both iden!fied stakeholders’ influence on the issue and how iden!fied stakeholders are impacted by the issue itself? Guidelines for Submission Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style !tle page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Stakeholder Needs Exceeds proficiency
  • 13. in an excep!onally clear, insigh#ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner Summarizes the financial needs of any three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to the chosen issue Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not a$empt criterion 20 Financial Influence Exceeds proficiency in an excep!onally clear, insigh#ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner Analyzes the influence of iden!fied three key stakeholders and/or
  • 14. interest groups on current financial prac!ces regarding the chosen issue Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not a$empt criterion 20 Benefits and Disadvantages Exceeds proficiency in an excep!onally clear, insigh#ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner Explains which of the iden!fied key stakeholders and/or interest groups might financially benefit or be disadvantaged by the chosen issue Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or
  • 15. omissions Does not a$empt criterion 20 Compe!ng Value Conflicts Exceeds proficiency in an excep!onally clear, insigh#ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner Describes ways to address the compe!ng financial value conflicts between iden!fied key stakeholders with respect to your chosen issue Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not a$empt criterion 15 Ar!cula!on of
  • 16. Response Exceeds proficiency in an excep!onally clear, insigh#ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and Submission has cri!cal errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preven!ng 10 Module Seven Project Two Prepara!on Rubric 7/14/22, 3:48 PM Page 2 of 3 demonstra!ng an
  • 17. understanding of audience and purpose spelling, nega!vely impac!ng readability understanding of ideas Scholarly Sources Incorporates more than two scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, including at least one resource from outside research, or use of sources is excep!onally insigh#ul Incorporates two scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, including at least one resource from outside research, that support claims Incorporates fewer than two scholarly, current (within the last five years)
  • 18. sources, does not include at least one resource from outside research, or not all sources support claims Does not incorporate sources 10 APA Style Formats in-text cita!ons and reference list according to APA style with no errors Formats in-text cita!ons and reference list according to APA style with fewer than five errors Formats in-text cita!ons and reference list according to APA style with five or more errors Does not format in- text cita!ons and reference list according to APA
  • 19. style 5 Total: 100% 7/14/22, 3:48 PM Page 3 of 3 Health Policy Project 2 Precious Teasley Southern New Hampshire University Health Policy and Law 22TW5 Dr. Jim Dockins June 25,2022
  • 20. Health Policy Project 2 Introduction Health Policy Issue: The selected policy in Health Policy Issue Option 3: Adult Immunization. Communicable diseases do not affect children only but adults too in the process (Kim et al., 2019). In this way, adults need to get immunized against communicable diseases. The idea to peg the immunization on a specific state job is done to eliminate or deal with people who may resist getting an immunization. It is because of the significance of immunization to control communicable illnesses that I chose this policy option (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2012). To someone who has not had the policy before, the adult immunization policy will help explain the significance of immunization to adults by providing information on available vaccines and by debunking myths around the vaccine to reduce or eliminate vaccine hesitancy. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: The stakeholders in this issue include people aged 18 years and above, human rights groups, state agencies, public health professionals, legislatures, community pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, primary care doctors, consumers, pharmacists, and other alternative places of treatment, opinion leaders and media (Kim et al., 2019). Vulnerable populations may be underserved by the issue because they may not be able to receive information, or access vaccination or their interests may not be considered when developing and implementing the policy. Lack of information
  • 21. may hinder the implementation of the policy because of the high rate of vaccine hesitancy among the vulnerable populations. Influence on Decision Making Stakeholder Needs: Some of the stakeholder needs in the current issue include vaccines, access, and the presence of medical professionals to provide the vaccines or immunize the adults (Williams et al., 2015). Access to information, access to safe vaccines, access to vaccination centers, and training in some instances. The need to understand the underlying effects of the vaccine among others. In any public health practice, information is very important as it helps the stakeholders to understand the program and respond to it positively. Again, in the current issue, some of the vulnerable populations may include pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses (Kim et al., 2019). The impacts of the vaccines on the vulnerable populations and their concerns must be addressed before the program is initiated. Health Policy Influence: Human rights and civil rights groups play an important role in influencing policy success in society. Approval of the policy by the groups will increase the number of adults getting vaccinated (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2012). Secondly, the media will influence the success of the policy since it will provide the information required for other stakeholders to understand the policy and accept or reject it. The adults or targeted group will also have a huge impact on the success of the policy because they are the persons directly impacted by the policy (Williams et al., 2015). Their hesitancy to the vaccine will contribute to low policy implementation success. Stakeholders with low influence on the issue include pharmacies, pharmacists, and opinion leaders. Benefits and Disadvantages: The issue will benefit adults with communicable or who are at risk of acquiring communicable illnesses. Secondly, public health professionals will also benefit from the issue because they will be able to reduce the number of communicable disease cases they deal with in the community (Williams et al., 2015). Thirdly, the community will benefit
  • 22. from the issue because the number of people with communicable diseases will reduce significantly. Those who may be disadvantaged include adults living with vulnerable illnesses because their concerns may not be considered hence the vaccine may negatively impact their health. The other group is pregnant women who may not be able to receive the vaccine because of its impacts on their unborn babies (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2012). Finally, state agencies may be disadvantaged because they may not be able to employ highly talented persons who have not been immunized because of the policy. Value Conflict Analysis: Adults who are directly impacted by the policy may not see the value of immunization because they may believe that they have developed sufficient immunity. Thi s may pose a conflict with the public health professionals who will be providing the vaccine and feel that the adult needs the vaccine (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2012). Secondly, another value interest may exist between the policy legislatures and the implementers (public health professionals) on the issues relating to vulnerable populations that need to be considered during the policy implementation. References Kim, D. K., Hunter, P., & Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices†. (2019). Recommended adult immunization schedule, United States, 2019. Annals of internal medicine, 170(3), 182-192. National Vaccine Advisory Committee. (2012). A pathway to leadership for adult immunization: recommendations of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee: approved by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee on June 14, 2011. Public health reports (Washington, DC: 1974), 127(Suppl 1), 1-42.
  • 23. Williams, W. W., Lu, P. J., O'Halloran, A., Bridges, C. B., Kim, D. K., Pilishvili, T., ... & Markowitz, L. E. (2015). Vaccination coverage among adults, excluding influenza vaccination—the United States, 2013. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 64(4), 95.