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     Engage, enable, action!
     Real results for real commitment at AXIS Telekom
      1st April 2013

                                                AXIS Telekom is the fastest growing national
                                                GSM mobile operator in Indonesia. The
                                                company provides 2G, 3G and BlackBerry
                                                Services nation-wide and covers the world
     •	   Owned by Saudi Telecom,               through 418 international roaming partners in
          the largest network and
          infrastructure mobile services
                                                165 countries
          company in Middle East
          and North Africa, and Maxis
          Communications Berhad
          (Maxis), the leading mobile
          communications services             Challenges of a diverse market
          provider in Malaysia.               Spanning two years, AXIS               In order to run a telco on a sales
     •	   The telco has approximately         Telekom worked with Hay Group,         and marketing operating model,
          800 employees focused on            a global consulting firm, to           people management is a key
          customer service, and business      analyse and build employee             driver of success. This is why AXIS
          and technology development.         committment at AXIS.                   takes a real interest in its employ-
     •	   The company claims that its                                                ees’ opinions and implement-
          pre-paid and post-paid GSM          Competing for market share in          ing ideas that could lead to true
          services are the most affordable,   Indonesia’s booming telecommu-         growth and development.
          reliable and transparent in         nications industry is a challenge
          the Indonesian urban centre
                                              not to be sniffed at. Launched in      In addition to the challenges of
     •	   Adherence to and respect for
                                              2008, AXIS has since carved out a      operating in a fast-paced niche
          corporate governance and            niche for itself with a strong focus   segment, AXIS will face a
          values, and code of conduct are     on Indonesia’s urban centres and       transition test as its first Director
          core to the AXIS culture.           a subscriber base comprising           of Human Resources since
     •	   Currently No.3 in the Indonesian    mainly digital-savvy Generation        establishment, Wahyudin
          telco sector, it remains focused    Y-ers.                                 Adikusumah, is set to retire by the
          on entrenching its position                                                end of 2014. Mr Adikusumah is
          in its niche segment through        Currently, AXIS has more than          credited as one of the key
          innovation, customer-centricity     70% population coverage in             architects of setting the culture
          and packages tailored to the        Indonesia, covering Java, Bali,        for the company.
          Gen-Y market.                       Lombok, North Sumatra, West
                                              Sumatra and Riau. The company          Understanding the AXIS culture
                                              achieved this by introducing a         The company’s growth is depen-
                                              different approach in the market-      dent on its ability to innovate.
                                              ing of its products and service        Its strategy of transparency and
                                              offerings by being simple, easy-       progressiveness when dealing
                                              to-understand and straight-for-        with customers makes it a game-
                                              ward tariff plans. Their promise is    changer in a market where
                                              to “to make it easy for customers      business practices can be
                                              to get what they want, when they       described as traditional and even
                                              want it.”                              staid.

                               Our Goal:             Our Strategy:            Campaign Idea:
                           TO ATTRACT                TO SHOW OFF
                           NEW TALENTS
                           To re-establish and
                                                     OUR STRENGTHS
                                                        Our achievements
                           reinforce AXIS as a           & growth
                           unique, innovative           Our stakeholder
                           and dynamic                   supports
                           organization in order

                                                        Our humane
                           to attract motivated,
                           creative, ambitious
                           and hard-working             Our emotional

                                                                              LIFE WITH A
                           talents to grow               approach
                           together in AXIS in          Our direct                TWIST
                           driving better business       communication


                           AXIS’s employer value proposition in action

“Our focus on innovation translates to a focus on our                experienced candidates were typically from
people. We hire and groom people whom we see as                      companies that were often diametrically different
being good fits with our company ethos and vision,”                  from AXIS in culture and practices.
said Mr Adikusumah .
                                                                     He added, “This is one of the major reasons why we
Establishing employee loyalty hasn’t been a major                    decided to embark on this Employee Effectiveness
problem for AXIS – its turnover rates of three to five               diagnostics project with Hay Group. Another push
percent are one of the lowest in the region and                      factor was our commitment to business sustainability.
possibly the lowest in Indonesia– but retaining the                  You cannot sustain market growth and capture mind
best people is.                                                      share without first cementing employee loyalty.”

Mr Adikusumah also lamented the fact that many of                    “To do that, you need to put your money where your
the company’s brightest and best were poached, par-                  mouth is. If you conduct an employee survey to get
ticularly in mid-career. This created a perennial                    opinion and comment on what is great about the
hiring conundrum for AXIS. Replacing those mid-                      company and on what needs fixing, then you have
career talent was not simple when the pool of                        to follow up with real action to improve what is good
                                                                     and fix what needs fixing.”

               “ Our focus on innovation translates to a focus on our people.
                 We hire and groom people whom we see as being good fits
                 with our company ethos and vision. “
                 Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah
                 Director of Human resources, AXIS TELEKOM

Bridging the generation gap
AXIS is not alone in the recruitment generation-gap           ƒƒ Not only must there be a Career Management System,
challenge. By 2020, Indonesia will have the third fastest-       there must be clear communications to employees
growing workforce in the world. The population will stand        about the objectives, measurements and expectations
at 262 million, 60% of which will be living in cities.           of them.
                                                              ƒƒ Awards and recognition: be it a certificate
As such, the workplace in Indonesia is facing a generation-
                                                                 of appreciation or a restaurant voucher,
al adjustment of values, learning and working styles that
                                                                 acknowledgement of good work must be
will have a huge impact on how leaders think and act.
                                                                 instantaneous and consistently delivered across the
In preparation for this seismic shift, what can companies        organization.
in Indonesia do to ensure continued growth? What are the      ƒƒ Engage employees in discussions about their
gaps between employee expectations and our HR tools?             career aspirations and development needs – today’s
How can these gaps be bridged?                                   younger generation want an active hand in planning
A Hay Group study, Managing across Generations in Indo-          their future rather than being passive recipients of
nesia – Mind The Gap (February 2013), revealed interest-         management’s will.
ing insights on managing employees in Indonesia:              ƒƒ The leadership skills of managers and the climate they
                                                                 generate are of paramount importance in motivating
                                                                 and retaining employees.
ƒƒ Benefits are a very important motivating factor for
   all three generations, that is, the Baby Boomers,
   Generation X and Generation Y. This is a
   phenomenon seldom reported in other countries and
   seems to be a peculiarity of the Indonesian market.
ƒƒ The reasons employees join a company are usually not
   the same reason for their leaving. With the exception
   of competitive pay, employees join a company because
   they are attracted to the employer brand or corporate
   reputation. However, once they are on board,
   competitive pay becomes a hygiene factor.
ƒƒ The experience of the older generation is a valuable
   resource. Tap on their willingness to share and mentor
   their younger colleagues and companies will be
   assured that institutional knowledge is kept within
   their confines.

“ This is one of the major reasons why we decided to
  embark on this Employee Effectiveness diagnostics
  project with Hay Group. Another push factor was our
  commitment to business sustainability. You cannot
  sustain market growth and capture mind share without
  first cementing employee loyalty.”
  Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah

Heart of the AXIS model: Commitment to change
Hay Group developed a model for AXIS that realizes             worth of implementation time and not every 12
the full potential of its Employee Effectiveness value         months as a matter of course.
                                                               The reason for this is that action plans need time to
ƒƒ Employee surveys give voice to employee opinion             bear fruit. And it is only after results start to emerge
   and highlight the company’s strengths and                   that employees can give lucid comments on whether
   weaknesses;                                                 or not a plan has met its objective. Otherwise,
ƒƒ Workshops attach accountability and ownership               companies will run the risk of capturing the teething
   to the task of addressing issues to improve                 pains of executing a new initiative and not the results.
   company performance;
ƒƒ 12-month implementation periods set                         Mr Adikusumah said, “This model suits us to a T
   benchmarks against which those action plans can             because it crystallizes our commitment to regular self-
   be assessed.                                                assessment and to our growth engine, which is
                                                               getting people who innovate. This survey gives us
Figure 1 charts the components of one cycle in the             insight not only into how engaged our employees
model. AXIS will complete three of these cycles over a         are feeling but also how tthey are being supported to
period of about four years.                                    succeed.”

The approach that a company takes to engagement                “We are not interested in conducting employee
and enablement is a major component of Hay Group’s             surveys for the sake of it. When nothing is done
value proposition. In the AXIS model, the second               subsequent to the surveys, they become an
survey was scheduled to take place after 12 months’            administrative chore and employees become
                                                               disillusioned,” he added.

  Figure 1: Cycle of AXIS’s employee effectiveness diagnostics

                                             Employee survey
                                               •	   Strong internal communications to
                                                    publicize survey
                                               •	   Survey framework customized to AXIS’
                                                    requirements for optimal capture of the
                                                    employee voice
                                               •	   Survey form automated to flash on
                                                    employees’ workstation screens on day of


       •	   Series of three workshops to implement
            action plans based on survey results:                   Implemention
       •	   Identify board sponsors for particular areas
            of improvement/action item;                              •	   All action plans communicated with
       •	   Each board sponsor to identify champion/                      employees
            change manager and a supporting team to                  •	   Change management teams have 12
            implement action item                                         months to implement their action plans
       •	   Board sponsor together with change                       •	   Employee survey conducted again after
            manager and team members to share                             12 months from implementation
            action plans with the entire change team,
            ie: other board sponsors and their change
            management teams.

  Promoting employee effectiveness survey at Axis Telekom

                          Desktop wallpaper on all employees’ computer screens
                          during survey period

                                                  Left: Posters and standing banners on all internal working
                                                  areas during survey period
                                                  Top: article in internal employee magazine

“The transparency in this company is
unconventional but refreshing and I
appreciate the fact that my opinion really
does matter.”
tan ka fung
General manager, it ESS

From insights to action plans to execution
AXIS’ progressiveness as an employer in favor                 Mr Adikusumah said, “Thanks to this survey, we
of openness and transparency had required                     know that we cannot let up on our efforts to train
some employees to adjust, but the seemingly                   employees to do their jobs better. In addition, we
unconventional strategy has paid dividends.                   need to continue building eomployees’ commitment
                                                              to the company and what we do for our customers.
To ensure that there is clarity, a strong internal
                                                              For us, Hay Group’s emphasis on engagement and
communications campaign was launched, explaining
                                                              enablement has been the most powerful and realistic
the reasons for the survey and the motivation for the
                                                              solution for us; it helps us to pinpoint and connect
entire Effective Employee diagnostics process. As a
                                                              employees’ feelings to corporate practices.”
result, the survey achieved a 94% participation rate
across all departments.                                       He added, “The level of transparency that we operate
                                                              under assures employees that their opinions are
The survey results (Figure 2) highlighted that the
                                                              important. The results have been put to practical use
company was strong in managing performance,
                                                              by the HR team; we are already working on improving
collaboration and had a clear and promising direction,
                                                              our training cycle as well as our communications
when compared to high-performing companies in
Indonesia. However, training and commitment to the
company did not fare as well.

                   Figure 2: A snapshot of effectiveness at AXIS.

                                                     versus indicative norm
                  Collaboration                               +13%
                  Clear & promising direction                 +5%
                  Quality & customer focus                     -2%                 Note: The questions asked in the
                                                                                   survey were grouped into 16
                  Employee engagement                          -7%
                                                                                   dimensions. To the right are all
                  Performance management                      +4%                  dimensions listed, as well as the
                  Authority & empowerment                     +1%                  comparison to high-performing (HP)
                                                                                   companies. The HP comparison shows
                  Resources                                    0%
                                                                                   how AXIS exceeds the HP benchmark.
                  Work, structure, process                     -1%
                  Respect & recognition                        0%
                  Confidence in leadership                     -3%
                  Training                                    -11%
                  Development opportunities                    0%
                  Pay & benefits                               0%
                  Employee enablement                         +2%

“I like the teamwork and integrity between
departments. If we agree on something, then I
am always assured that it will be carried out to
the best of our abilities.”
region sales manager, bali & Nusa tenggara

Engaging and enabling employees for success

Many organizations focus on the concept of employee engagement and with good reason. Continuous change and
the need to do more with less make it essential that employees are aligned with organizational objectives, and are
willing to contribute discretionary effort.

But our research suggests that engaging employees alone is not sufficient to promote maximum individual and
organizational performance. To get the most from employees, leaders must not only motivate their employees but
also enable them to channel their extra efforts productively by providing the necessary support for success.

Therefore the focus is shifted from employee engagement to effectiveness - Hay Group’s unique value proposition.

  Hay Group’s Total Effectiveness Framework

 n   Clear and promising direction
     Confidence in leaders

 n   Quality and customer focus
 n   Respect and recognition               n   Commitment
 n   Development opportunities             n   Discretionary effort                       Financial success
 n   Pay and benefits

              Drivers                                      Employee                     Customer satisfaction
 n   Performance management
     Authority and empowerment
                                                                                        Employee performance
 n   Resources
 n   Training                              n   Optimized roles
 n   Collaboration                         n   Supportive environment
 n   Work, structure and process

     As Hay Group studies have shown, there is a significant financial benefit from ensuring
     employees are enabled

                                      Employee               Employee        Customer             Financial
                                     performance             retention      satisfaction           success

                                 Increase in
                                 employees above                         Customer
                                                        Reduction in     satisfaction
                                 peformance             turnover rates                       Revenue growth
                                 expectations                            rates

             engagement only          10%                  -40%             71%                 x2.5
            High engagement
           + high enablement          50%                  -54%             89%                 x4.5
                                          Based on linkage case studies using Hay Group’s global normative database

     “ This survey gives us insight not only into how
       engaged our employees are feeling but also how they
       are being supported to succeed.”
       Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah
       director of human resources AXIS TELEKOM

                                Looking ahead
“ Team dynamics are             AXIS’ senior management believes the               “The results of the engagement study
 already very strong.           employee effectiveness survey will                 are proof of the AXIS culture that
 This process of                help them in the long run to bench-                we have been nurturing for the past
                                mark against Indonesia’s, even Asia’s,             eight years; this is not something that
 developing action              high-performing companies. They are                happened overnight. What we have
 plans through                  confident that the Employee Effective-             achieved is making sure that what we
                                ness diagnostics project will keep the             preach is actually implemented and
 workshops and                                                                     that it is having the desired positive
                                company’s dynamism levels high.
 communicating that                                                                effect on our employees.
 with all staff will no         In future surveys, AXIS will continue to
                                ask the same core questions so as to               Our people are at the core of what we
 doubt encourage                allow for year-on-year comparisons. The            do. It is very important for them to be
 even more cross-               leadership recognizes that, while it was           effective; for them to be able to achieve,
 functional teamwork.”          tough to get to the top, it is even                for them to be creative, innovative and
                                tougher to stay there! Mr Adikusumah               enabled to deliver our brand promise to
 Purnama Gandapradja            believes that this longitudinal view will          our customers.”
 Senior Manager HR Services &
 Employee relations             only benefit the company because “it
                                will be the management’s report card,              Putting it in place laid the foundation
                                as submitted by the employees.”                    for sustainability in many aspects –
                                                                                   retaining top talent, seamless business
                                He commented that that Hay Group’s                 continuity grounded in employee
                                Employee Effectiveness diagnostic                  loyalty regardless of who’s in charge,
                                project validated the Board of Directors’          and continued development of the
                                focus and efforts on creating a positive           company’s growth engine of
                                office culture.                                    innovation.

                                Want to know more about total employee effectiveness?

                                Nidthia Chelvam
                                Managing Consultant

                                About Hay Group
                                Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into
                                reality and to help people and organizations realize their potential. Visit

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HayGroup Engage Enable Action_Apr2013

  • 1. 1 Engage, enable, action! Real results for real commitment at AXIS Telekom ƒƒ 1st April 2013 AXIS Telekom is the fastest growing national GSM mobile operator in Indonesia. The company provides 2G, 3G and BlackBerry Services nation-wide and covers the world • Owned by Saudi Telecom, through 418 international roaming partners in the largest network and infrastructure mobile services 165 countries company in Middle East and North Africa, and Maxis Communications Berhad (Maxis), the leading mobile communications services Challenges of a diverse market provider in Malaysia. Spanning two years, AXIS In order to run a telco on a sales • The telco has approximately Telekom worked with Hay Group, and marketing operating model, 800 employees focused on a global consulting firm, to people management is a key customer service, and business analyse and build employee driver of success. This is why AXIS and technology development. committment at AXIS. takes a real interest in its employ- • The company claims that its ees’ opinions and implement- pre-paid and post-paid GSM Competing for market share in ing ideas that could lead to true services are the most affordable, Indonesia’s booming telecommu- growth and development. reliable and transparent in nications industry is a challenge the Indonesian urban centre not to be sniffed at. Launched in In addition to the challenges of market. • Adherence to and respect for 2008, AXIS has since carved out a operating in a fast-paced niche corporate governance and niche for itself with a strong focus segment, AXIS will face a values, and code of conduct are on Indonesia’s urban centres and transition test as its first Director core to the AXIS culture. a subscriber base comprising of Human Resources since • Currently No.3 in the Indonesian mainly digital-savvy Generation establishment, Wahyudin telco sector, it remains focused Y-ers. Adikusumah, is set to retire by the on entrenching its position end of 2014. Mr Adikusumah is in its niche segment through Currently, AXIS has more than credited as one of the key innovation, customer-centricity 70% population coverage in architects of setting the culture and packages tailored to the Indonesia, covering Java, Bali, for the company. Gen-Y market. Lombok, North Sumatra, West Sumatra and Riau. The company Understanding the AXIS culture achieved this by introducing a The company’s growth is depen- different approach in the market- dent on its ability to innovate. ing of its products and service Its strategy of transparency and offerings by being simple, easy- progressiveness when dealing to-understand and straight-for- with customers makes it a game- ward tariff plans. Their promise is changer in a market where to “to make it easy for customers business practices can be to get what they want, when they described as traditional and even want it.” staid.
  • 2. 2 Our Goal: Our Strategy: Campaign Idea: TO ATTRACT TO SHOW OFF NEW TALENTS To re-establish and OUR STRENGTHS  Our achievements THE QUALITY reinforce AXIS as a & growth unique, innovative  Our stakeholder and dynamic supports organization in order OF  Our humane to attract motivated, factors creative, ambitious and hard-working  Our emotional LIFE WITH A talents to grow approach together in AXIS in  Our direct TWIST driving better business communication performance 1 AXIS’s employer value proposition in action “Our focus on innovation translates to a focus on our experienced candidates were typically from people. We hire and groom people whom we see as companies that were often diametrically different being good fits with our company ethos and vision,” from AXIS in culture and practices. said Mr Adikusumah . He added, “This is one of the major reasons why we Establishing employee loyalty hasn’t been a major decided to embark on this Employee Effectiveness problem for AXIS – its turnover rates of three to five diagnostics project with Hay Group. Another push percent are one of the lowest in the region and factor was our commitment to business sustainability. possibly the lowest in Indonesia– but retaining the You cannot sustain market growth and capture mind best people is. share without first cementing employee loyalty.” Mr Adikusumah also lamented the fact that many of “To do that, you need to put your money where your the company’s brightest and best were poached, par- mouth is. If you conduct an employee survey to get ticularly in mid-career. This created a perennial opinion and comment on what is great about the hiring conundrum for AXIS. Replacing those mid- company and on what needs fixing, then you have career talent was not simple when the pool of to follow up with real action to improve what is good and fix what needs fixing.” “ Our focus on innovation translates to a focus on our people. We hire and groom people whom we see as being good fits with our company ethos and vision. “ Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah Director of Human resources, AXIS TELEKOM
  • 3. 3 Bridging the generation gap AXIS is not alone in the recruitment generation-gap ƒƒ Not only must there be a Career Management System, challenge. By 2020, Indonesia will have the third fastest- there must be clear communications to employees growing workforce in the world. The population will stand about the objectives, measurements and expectations at 262 million, 60% of which will be living in cities. of them. ƒƒ Awards and recognition: be it a certificate As such, the workplace in Indonesia is facing a generation- of appreciation or a restaurant voucher, al adjustment of values, learning and working styles that acknowledgement of good work must be will have a huge impact on how leaders think and act. instantaneous and consistently delivered across the In preparation for this seismic shift, what can companies organization. in Indonesia do to ensure continued growth? What are the ƒƒ Engage employees in discussions about their gaps between employee expectations and our HR tools? career aspirations and development needs – today’s How can these gaps be bridged? younger generation want an active hand in planning A Hay Group study, Managing across Generations in Indo- their future rather than being passive recipients of nesia – Mind The Gap (February 2013), revealed interest- management’s will. ing insights on managing employees in Indonesia: ƒƒ The leadership skills of managers and the climate they generate are of paramount importance in motivating and retaining employees. ƒƒ Benefits are a very important motivating factor for all three generations, that is, the Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. This is a phenomenon seldom reported in other countries and seems to be a peculiarity of the Indonesian market. ƒƒ The reasons employees join a company are usually not the same reason for their leaving. With the exception of competitive pay, employees join a company because they are attracted to the employer brand or corporate reputation. However, once they are on board, competitive pay becomes a hygiene factor. ƒƒ The experience of the older generation is a valuable resource. Tap on their willingness to share and mentor their younger colleagues and companies will be assured that institutional knowledge is kept within their confines. “ This is one of the major reasons why we decided to embark on this Employee Effectiveness diagnostics project with Hay Group. Another push factor was our commitment to business sustainability. You cannot sustain market growth and capture mind share without first cementing employee loyalty.” Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES, AXIS TELEKOM
  • 4. 4 Heart of the AXIS model: Commitment to change Hay Group developed a model for AXIS that realizes worth of implementation time and not every 12 the full potential of its Employee Effectiveness value months as a matter of course. proposition: The reason for this is that action plans need time to ƒƒ Employee surveys give voice to employee opinion bear fruit. And it is only after results start to emerge and highlight the company’s strengths and that employees can give lucid comments on whether weaknesses; or not a plan has met its objective. Otherwise, ƒƒ Workshops attach accountability and ownership companies will run the risk of capturing the teething to the task of addressing issues to improve pains of executing a new initiative and not the results. company performance; ƒƒ 12-month implementation periods set Mr Adikusumah said, “This model suits us to a T benchmarks against which those action plans can because it crystallizes our commitment to regular self- be assessed. assessment and to our growth engine, which is getting people who innovate. This survey gives us Figure 1 charts the components of one cycle in the insight not only into how engaged our employees model. AXIS will complete three of these cycles over a are feeling but also how tthey are being supported to period of about four years. succeed.” The approach that a company takes to engagement “We are not interested in conducting employee and enablement is a major component of Hay Group’s surveys for the sake of it. When nothing is done value proposition. In the AXIS model, the second subsequent to the surveys, they become an survey was scheduled to take place after 12 months’ administrative chore and employees become disillusioned,” he added. Figure 1: Cycle of AXIS’s employee effectiveness diagnostics Employee survey • Strong internal communications to publicize survey • Survey framework customized to AXIS’ requirements for optimal capture of the employee voice • Survey form automated to flash on employees’ workstation screens on day of survey Workshops • Series of three workshops to implement action plans based on survey results: Implemention • Identify board sponsors for particular areas of improvement/action item; • All action plans communicated with • Each board sponsor to identify champion/ employees change manager and a supporting team to • Change management teams have 12 implement action item months to implement their action plans • Board sponsor together with change • Employee survey conducted again after manager and team members to share 12 months from implementation action plans with the entire change team, ie: other board sponsors and their change management teams.
  • 5. 5 Promoting employee effectiveness survey at Axis Telekom Desktop wallpaper on all employees’ computer screens during survey period Left: Posters and standing banners on all internal working areas during survey period Top: article in internal employee magazine “The transparency in this company is unconventional but refreshing and I appreciate the fact that my opinion really does matter.” tan ka fung General manager, it ESS
  • 6. 6 From insights to action plans to execution AXIS’ progressiveness as an employer in favor Mr Adikusumah said, “Thanks to this survey, we of openness and transparency had required know that we cannot let up on our efforts to train some employees to adjust, but the seemingly employees to do their jobs better. In addition, we unconventional strategy has paid dividends. need to continue building eomployees’ commitment to the company and what we do for our customers. To ensure that there is clarity, a strong internal For us, Hay Group’s emphasis on engagement and communications campaign was launched, explaining enablement has been the most powerful and realistic the reasons for the survey and the motivation for the solution for us; it helps us to pinpoint and connect entire Effective Employee diagnostics process. As a employees’ feelings to corporate practices.” result, the survey achieved a 94% participation rate across all departments. He added, “The level of transparency that we operate under assures employees that their opinions are The survey results (Figure 2) highlighted that the important. The results have been put to practical use company was strong in managing performance, by the HR team; we are already working on improving collaboration and had a clear and promising direction, our training cycle as well as our communications when compared to high-performing companies in tactics.” Indonesia. However, training and commitment to the company did not fare as well. Figure 2: A snapshot of effectiveness at AXIS. versus indicative norm Collaboration +13% Clear & promising direction +5% Quality & customer focus -2% Note: The questions asked in the survey were grouped into 16 Employee engagement -7% dimensions. To the right are all Performance management +4% dimensions listed, as well as the Authority & empowerment +1% comparison to high-performing (HP) companies. The HP comparison shows Resources 0% how AXIS exceeds the HP benchmark. Work, structure, process -1% Respect & recognition 0% Confidence in leadership -3% Training -11% Development opportunities 0% Pay & benefits 0% Employee enablement +2% “I like the teamwork and integrity between departments. If we agree on something, then I am always assured that it will be carried out to the best of our abilities.” Octavia region sales manager, bali & Nusa tenggara
  • 7. 7 Engaging and enabling employees for success Many organizations focus on the concept of employee engagement and with good reason. Continuous change and the need to do more with less make it essential that employees are aligned with organizational objectives, and are willing to contribute discretionary effort. But our research suggests that engaging employees alone is not sufficient to promote maximum individual and organizational performance. To get the most from employees, leaders must not only motivate their employees but also enable them to channel their extra efforts productively by providing the necessary support for success. Therefore the focus is shifted from employee engagement to effectiveness - Hay Group’s unique value proposition. Hay Group’s Total Effectiveness Framework n Clear and promising direction Confidence in leaders n n Quality and customer focus Engagement n Respect and recognition n Commitment n Development opportunities n Discretionary effort Financial success n Pay and benefits Drivers Employee Customer satisfaction effectiveness n Performance management Authority and empowerment Enablement n Employee performance n Resources n Training n Optimized roles n Collaboration n Supportive environment n Work, structure and process As Hay Group studies have shown, there is a significant financial benefit from ensuring employees are enabled Employee Employee Customer Financial performance retention satisfaction success Increase in employees above Customer Reduction in satisfaction peformance turnover rates Revenue growth expectations rates High engagement only 10% -40% 71% x2.5 High engagement + high enablement 50% -54% 89% x4.5 Based on linkage case studies using Hay Group’s global normative database “ This survey gives us insight not only into how engaged our employees are feeling but also how they are being supported to succeed.” Mr Wahyudin Adikusumah director of human resources AXIS TELEKOM
  • 8. 8 Looking ahead “ Team dynamics are AXIS’ senior management believes the “The results of the engagement study already very strong. employee effectiveness survey will are proof of the AXIS culture that This process of help them in the long run to bench- we have been nurturing for the past mark against Indonesia’s, even Asia’s, eight years; this is not something that developing action high-performing companies. They are happened overnight. What we have plans through confident that the Employee Effective- achieved is making sure that what we ness diagnostics project will keep the preach is actually implemented and workshops and that it is having the desired positive company’s dynamism levels high. communicating that effect on our employees. with all staff will no In future surveys, AXIS will continue to ask the same core questions so as to Our people are at the core of what we doubt encourage allow for year-on-year comparisons. The do. It is very important for them to be even more cross- leadership recognizes that, while it was effective; for them to be able to achieve, functional teamwork.” tough to get to the top, it is even for them to be creative, innovative and tougher to stay there! Mr Adikusumah enabled to deliver our brand promise to Purnama Gandapradja believes that this longitudinal view will our customers.” Senior Manager HR Services & Employee relations only benefit the company because “it will be the management’s report card, Putting it in place laid the foundation as submitted by the employees.” for sustainability in many aspects – retaining top talent, seamless business He commented that that Hay Group’s continuity grounded in employee Employee Effectiveness diagnostic loyalty regardless of who’s in charge, project validated the Board of Directors’ and continued development of the focus and efforts on creating a positive company’s growth engine of office culture. innovation. Want to know more about total employee effectiveness? Contact Nidthia Chelvam Managing Consultant e| About Hay Group Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality and to help people and organizations realize their potential. Visit