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                                               hidden strengths:
                                                                       Touching the intangibles

May 2012                 How can Indonesian companies retain shareholder value
                         throughout the M&A process?

 Open for business

 Despite uncertainties in the global stock markets, growth   The reason for this lies in the fact that most buyers focus
 through acquisition is a viable option for MNCs seeking     only financial and legal due diligence but ignore the
 growth in Asia and for Indonesian companies keen on         intangible capital, i.e. the non-monetary assets that drive
 pursuing local and global opportunities.                    deal profitability, which accounts for up to 75 per cent of
                                                             the value of any organization1.
 Globally, M&A deal values grew by 22 per cent in
 1H2011 compared to the same period in the previous year     Why? Mainly because information on the target
 – an indication that corporate takeovers remain highly      companies’ intangible capital is considered too difficult to
 active. In contrast, transactions in Indonesia had more     obtain2. And in a typical dash-to-the-finish M&A
 than doubled in value and volume in the ten-year period     transaction, it is easy to overlook the intangibles. However,
 from 2001 to 2011 (Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions &     as this paper will show, the tricky issue of managing the
 Alliances).                                                 intangibles is not insurmountable.

 Yet, M&As are inherently risky. Hay Group’s studies have
 shown that nearly 60 percent of deals transacted between
 1992 and 2006 left the buyers with eroded shareholder
                                                             1 Ocean Tomo Research LLC
 value. Clearly, the long-term value of M&As is not
 guaranteed.                                                 2 Hay Group research, ‘Dangerous Liaisons’, 2007

 ©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved                                                       
Harnessing the hidden

                                            Satisfaction not guaranteed

                                            Intangible capital refers primarily to the identifiable non-monetary
                                            assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured, thus
                                            making it hard to quantify and value. Unfamiliar to some, intangible
                                            capital can exist in different forms, with examples ranging from
                                            brand equity and client loyalty, to leadership attributes and corporate

                                            To identify the elements of intangible                    How can intangible capital be optimized?
                                            capital that deliver the greatest impact                  As can be seen from Figure 1, there are 17
                                            on post-merger integration, Hay Group                     types of intangible capital that need to be
                                            conducted a worldwide survey of 220 top                   taken care of. In M&A transaction, there
                                            executives involved in major M&A                          are a million things to take care of –
                                            activities across various business sectors.               financial, legal, human resources, clients
                                                                                                      and intangibles. What should executives
                                            This is what we found: Companies do not                   focus on in the intangibles space to
                                            adequately assess the value and ‘fit’ of a                maintain value?
                                            target’s intangible capital in the early stages
                                            of a transaction. Most M&A activities fail
                                            because of this. Consequently, mitigating
                                            such risks at the post-merger stage becomes

                     Figure 1: Hay Group’s model of intangible capital

                       Organizational capital                      Relational capital                            Human capital
                       Culture and market convergence              Brand                                         Leadership
                       ƒƒ Shared values, attitudes, beliefs and    ƒƒ External and internal image and            ƒƒ Clear vision established and
                          customs                                     reputation                                    communicated
                       Governance                                  ƒƒ All that touches the customer              ƒƒ Conflicts of interests coordinated and
                       ƒƒ Aligned business processes                  experience                                    balanced for all stakeholders
                       ƒƒ Clear and effective governance           Client intimacy                               ƒƒ Team commitment and employee
                       Agility                                     ƒƒ Knowledge of the client
                                                                   ƒƒ Market coverage                            Employees
                       ƒƒ Capacity to manage internal business
                          transformation                                                                         ƒƒ High potentials identified, developed
                                                                   Client loyalty                                   and rewarded
                       ƒƒ React quickly to new market demands
                                                                   ƒƒ Client satisfaction                        ƒƒ Demonstrate strong commitment and
                       Communication and teaming                   ƒƒ Low turnover and high rate of referrals       loyalty and valued by the organization
                       ƒƒ Willing to share information
                                                                   External networks                             Development and management
                       ƒƒ Simple channels/information flow
                                                                   ƒƒ Strong relationships with suppliers,       ƒƒ New skills, knowledge and
                       Energy and clarity                             distributors and other partners or            leadership styles acquired with
                       ƒƒ Communicated and understood                 centers of influence                          training and coaching
                          business strategy
                                                                   Internal networks                             Engagement
                       ƒƒ Clear direction for people to mobilize
                                                                   ƒƒ Effective internal communication           ƒƒ Employee empowerment and degree
                          their energy
                                                                   ƒƒ High impact cross functional teams            of attachment to the company
                       Organizational structure
                                                                   ƒƒ Enabling relationships across              Productivity
                       ƒƒ Effectiveness of the organization to        organizational and geographic
                          deliver the strategy                                                                   ƒƒ Efficient management of costs,
                                                                      boundaries                                    resources and time
                       Tacit ‘know-how’ and information
                       ƒƒ Willingness to innovate
                       ƒƒ Unpatented intellectual property

©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved

                                                       Figure 2: Intangible capital varies over time
Active Level of Intangible Capital


                                        The success of M&A largley depends on how
                                        buyers manage intangible capital over time                               Unhealthy

                                      Strategic planning    Target screening     Due diligence     Pre-closing    Post-merger integration

                                     Timeline of M&A

                                                       Nothing is constant                              Candour

                                                       The common mistake is assuming that              By relaying information to employees –
                                                       intangible capital retains its value             even if it means revealing negative but
                                                       throughout the course of M&A                     truthful details about the merger and ad-
                                                       integration. In reality, it fluctuates with      dressing immediate challenges – intangible
                                                       internal and external changes – typically        capital is activated through the assurance
                                                       decreasing over the course of a                  that comes from managing with candour.
                                                       transaction (Figure 2). A target firm’s          Thus employees develop a greater sense of
                                                       intangible capital is usually at its strongest   trust towards management, and are more
                                                       at the start of a transaction and typically      disposed to aligning their efforts with that
                                                       declines as throughout the process.              of the executive team’s.

                                                       Our research shows that in essence, it is the    What does this mean for us in Indonesia?
                                                       state and not the valuation of intangible        In Indonesia, where the practice of “giving
                                                       capital that drives a successful M&A. In         face” (menjaga gengsi) can run counter to
                                                       the multitude of tasks to be done during an      frank discussions, managing with candor
                                                       M&A transaction, is there any catalyst that      can be difficult for both employees and
                                                       can keep intangible capital in its active,       management. This brings us to our next
                                                       value-creating state? What are the most          point: courageous follow-through.
                                                       important drivers of intangible capital?

                                                       From Hay Group’s research into M&As
                                                       in Asia, we indentified identified four core
                                                       drivers that are responsible for activating
                                                       intangible capital:

                                                       •	        Candour
                                                       •	        Courageous follow-through
                                                       •	        Calculated risks
                                                       •	        Compatible Response

Harnessing the hidden

                                       Courageous follow-through                        Calculated risks

                                       Complexities and conflict are part and           Both parties are taking calculated risks in
                                       parcel of M&As. Leaders from merging             an M&A situation. Clearly, risk appetite
                                       entities must close ranks and not retreat        differs between companies and individuals
                                       from making tough decisions that                 – some being more aggressive and others
                                       inevitably crop up in the course of the          less so.
                                       transaction. Not making a decision is also a
                                       decision in itself.                              Regardless of scenario, the secret to
                                                                                        long-term gains and synergy in successful
                                       Managers need to display flexibility in          M&As resides sharing similar risk appe-
                                       accommodating changes, a strong ability          tite. Given that the most significant M&A
                                       for rallying employees to face challenges,       trend now is the move by an increasing
                                       and resilience when favouring one party’s        number of Asian companies into Western
                                       service line over the other. They must           markets through acquisitions, how can
                                       demonstrate perseverance in adapting to          knowing the risk appetite profiles help
                                       new circumstances, adopting a common             both buyers and target?
                                       fighting stance towards overcoming
                                       obstacles, and never taking “no” for an          One way is to use Geert Hofstede’s
                                       answer.                                          Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), which
                                                                                        we believe is a useful tool in measuring a
                                       What does this mean for companies in             nation’s or a group’s tolerance for uncer-
                                       Indonesia? Fortunately, employees here are       tainty and ambiguity – in other words, its
                                       more accustomed to a top-down approach.          appetite for risk.
                                       As long as a difficult decision is sanctioned
                                       by top management, employees will                In Hofstede’s study, UAI scores can range
                                       usually fall in line. But this does not mean     from 0 (pure risk takers) to 100 (pure risk
                                       that leaders should just issue edicts and        avoiders). At one end, Americans ranked
                                       ram changes through. Some appearance of          lowest, preferring fewer rules and controls,
                                       selling and explaining will still be necessary   and greater tolerance for a variety of ideas,
                                       for the long-term good of the transaction.       thoughts, and beliefs. At the other end,
                                                                                        Japan ranked highest in its UAI score,
                                                                                        implying high levels of control in order to
                                                                                        eliminate or avoid the unexpected.

©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved

There was no getting through: Why BenQ and Siemens hung up

When BenQ decided to acquire Siemens’ loss-making mobile phone unit in exchange for
more than 600 patents, it was confident that the deal would increase its profit share and
open-up new markets in Europe. After all, BenQ was combining its strengths in consumer
markets with Siemens’ reputation for high-quality products.

However, the venture failed within a year, no thanks to clashes in decision-making frame-
works and the speed of execution between the two entities. BenQ’s informal culture, which
was flexible and entrepreneurial, collided head-on with the formality and processes at
the 100-year-old Siemens, which has a culture of adhering to strict procedures. This led to
critical delays in the decision to introduce a new phone model into the market – a missed
opportunity that caused the venture to suffer a huge loss.

They said it wouldn’t work: Nissan and Renault

It was widely believed that cultural differences between the Japanese (Nissan) and the
French (Renault) would destroy the merger.

Moreover, the fact that Renault and Nissan targeted the same market segments sparked
fears of cannibalization. Renault’s technical expertise resided in its flair for design, whereas
Nissan was renowned for bland but reliable models and strong engineering skills. In short,
there was a glaring difference in the intangible capital that existed in both firms.

Nonetheless, the merger turned out to be a success. This was largely due to the structural
similarity between both organizations, which were bureaucratic and highly hierarchical.
They shared similar approaches in “compatible response” – or general time-frame towards
execution – both being highly collective organizations where decisions were made based
on general consensus. Even though Nissan and Renault had different intangible capital,
their successful merger demonstrated that the right active drivers could result in better
value creation, overcoming geographical and cultural differences between the two.

Harnessing the hidden

                                       So in a M&A transaction, parties that             be quick in action, or agree to be
                                       prefer to “wing it” and rely on “gut feel”        methodical – as long as they are in tandem.
                                       are going to conflict with those who
                                       demand more analysis, higher conformity           For example, we have seen conflicts arising
                                       and strict adherence to rules.                    rapidly when a bureaucratic decision-
                                                                                         making process holds one party back,
                                       The implication for Indonesian companies          frustrating the other side, which has a flat
                                       is this: in a deal, especially one that crosses   organizational structure. Sadly, it is
                                       multiple borders, the closer everyone’s           common to see incompatible decision-
                                       UAI, the better the outcome.                      making frameworks jeopardizing the
                                                                                         performance of a successful M&A
                                       Compatible response                               transaction.

                                       When it comes to successful M&As, both            What does this mean for companies in
                                       parties must respect the need for timely          Indonesia? Unfortunately, Indonesian
                                       and prudent response, so that decision-           managers have a tendency to delay making
                                       making does not become the Achilles’ heel         decisions in order to gather more (or
                                       for either party.                                 better) information. If this decision-
                                                                                         making style is not shared by the other
                                       By compatible response, we mean that              party, then it will be perceived as
                                       both parties ought to have a similar time-        hesitation and ultimately, backfire on the
                                       frame for execution. Both parties can either      deal.

©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved

                                                Ready, set, go!
                                                The M&A process is a race against time. There are many challenges
                                                to take care of, many difficult decisions to make, and often
                                                simultaneously. It is next to impossible to assess all of the various
                                                aspects of intangible capital during due diligence, and doing so
                                                could delay the transaction and destabilize the intangible capital
                                                even more.

                                                Instead of devoting what limited resources                                M&A is intrinsically a risky business; there
                                                we have to the valuation of intangible capi-                              is no safe bet. With increasing global
                                                tal, companies going through M&A should                                   M&A market activity, there are good deals
                                                focus on these core drivers outlined here                                 to be made to help companies in Indonesia
                                                that ensure an active state of intangible                                 achieve new growth.
                                                capital, and not leave a successful outcome
                                                to chance.                                                                Armed with the right insights to make the
                                                                                                                          best deal – a clear understanding of what
                                                Despite glaring differences, mergers can                                  you are buying and how it ‘fits’ with your
                                                still succeed when both parties ensure that                               existing company though intangible capital
                                                their intangible capital drivers are well                                 driver analysis – M&A can be a winning
                                                aligned and kept active. By unlocking this                                strategy for driving long-term growth for
                                                vital component, M&A partners will dis-                                   the future.
                                                cover what keeps mergers afloat, and realize
                                                the benefits of their respective intangible

                                                                                                                   Nidthia Chelvam, Managing Consultant for Hay
                                                                                                                   Group Indonesia, helps multi-national
                                                                                                                   companies and international organizations
                                                                                                                   transform their business strategies into results.

                                                                                                                   Nidthia also has extensive line and operational
                                                                                                                   management experience with global companies
                                                                                                                   across three continents.


The content in this report is provided solely for informational purposes. This report does not establish any client, advisory, fiduciary or professional relationship between Hay Group and you.
Neither Hay Group nor any other person is, in connection with this report, engaged in rendering accounting, advisory, auditing, consulting, legal, tax or other professional services or advice.

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Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with
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Haygroup Harnessing Hidden Strengths Touching The Intangibles May12

  • 1. 1 Harnessing hidden strengths: Touching the intangibles May 2012 How can Indonesian companies retain shareholder value throughout the M&A process? Open for business Despite uncertainties in the global stock markets, growth The reason for this lies in the fact that most buyers focus through acquisition is a viable option for MNCs seeking only financial and legal due diligence but ignore the growth in Asia and for Indonesian companies keen on intangible capital, i.e. the non-monetary assets that drive pursuing local and global opportunities. deal profitability, which accounts for up to 75 per cent of the value of any organization1. Globally, M&A deal values grew by 22 per cent in 1H2011 compared to the same period in the previous year Why? Mainly because information on the target – an indication that corporate takeovers remain highly companies’ intangible capital is considered too difficult to active. In contrast, transactions in Indonesia had more obtain2. And in a typical dash-to-the-finish M&A than doubled in value and volume in the ten-year period transaction, it is easy to overlook the intangibles. However, from 2001 to 2011 (Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions & as this paper will show, the tricky issue of managing the Alliances). intangibles is not insurmountable. Yet, M&As are inherently risky. Hay Group’s studies have shown that nearly 60 percent of deals transacted between 1992 and 2006 left the buyers with eroded shareholder 1 Ocean Tomo Research LLC value. Clearly, the long-term value of M&As is not guaranteed. 2 Hay Group research, ‘Dangerous Liaisons’, 2007 ©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved
  • 2. 2 Harnessing the hidden Satisfaction not guaranteed Intangible capital refers primarily to the identifiable non-monetary assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured, thus making it hard to quantify and value. Unfamiliar to some, intangible capital can exist in different forms, with examples ranging from brand equity and client loyalty, to leadership attributes and corporate governance. To identify the elements of intangible How can intangible capital be optimized? capital that deliver the greatest impact As can be seen from Figure 1, there are 17 on post-merger integration, Hay Group types of intangible capital that need to be conducted a worldwide survey of 220 top taken care of. In M&A transaction, there executives involved in major M&A are a million things to take care of – activities across various business sectors. financial, legal, human resources, clients and intangibles. What should executives This is what we found: Companies do not focus on in the intangibles space to adequately assess the value and ‘fit’ of a maintain value? target’s intangible capital in the early stages of a transaction. Most M&A activities fail because of this. Consequently, mitigating such risks at the post-merger stage becomes difficult. Figure 1: Hay Group’s model of intangible capital Organizational capital Relational capital Human capital Culture and market convergence Brand Leadership ƒƒ Shared values, attitudes, beliefs and ƒƒ External and internal image and ƒƒ Clear vision established and customs reputation communicated Governance ƒƒ All that touches the customer ƒƒ Conflicts of interests coordinated and ƒƒ Aligned business processes experience balanced for all stakeholders ƒƒ Clear and effective governance Client intimacy ƒƒ Team commitment and employee recognition Agility ƒƒ Knowledge of the client ƒƒ Market coverage Employees ƒƒ Capacity to manage internal business transformation ƒƒ High potentials identified, developed Client loyalty and rewarded ƒƒ React quickly to new market demands ƒƒ Client satisfaction ƒƒ Demonstrate strong commitment and Communication and teaming ƒƒ Low turnover and high rate of referrals loyalty and valued by the organization ƒƒ Willing to share information External networks Development and management ƒƒ Simple channels/information flow ƒƒ Strong relationships with suppliers, ƒƒ New skills, knowledge and Energy and clarity distributors and other partners or leadership styles acquired with ƒƒ Communicated and understood centers of influence training and coaching business strategy Internal networks Engagement ƒƒ Clear direction for people to mobilize ƒƒ Effective internal communication ƒƒ Employee empowerment and degree their energy ƒƒ High impact cross functional teams of attachment to the company Organizational structure ƒƒ Enabling relationships across Productivity ƒƒ Effectiveness of the organization to organizational and geographic deliver the strategy ƒƒ Efficient management of costs, boundaries resources and time Tacit ‘know-how’ and information ƒƒ Willingness to innovate ƒƒ Unpatented intellectual property ©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved
  • 3. 3 Figure 2: Intangible capital varies over time Active Level of Intangible Capital Healthy The success of M&A largley depends on how buyers manage intangible capital over time Unhealthy Strategic planning Target screening Due diligence Pre-closing Post-merger integration Timeline of M&A Nothing is constant Candour The common mistake is assuming that By relaying information to employees – intangible capital retains its value even if it means revealing negative but throughout the course of M&A truthful details about the merger and ad- integration. In reality, it fluctuates with dressing immediate challenges – intangible internal and external changes – typically capital is activated through the assurance decreasing over the course of a that comes from managing with candour. transaction (Figure 2). A target firm’s Thus employees develop a greater sense of intangible capital is usually at its strongest trust towards management, and are more at the start of a transaction and typically disposed to aligning their efforts with that declines as throughout the process. of the executive team’s. Our research shows that in essence, it is the What does this mean for us in Indonesia? state and not the valuation of intangible In Indonesia, where the practice of “giving capital that drives a successful M&A. In face” (menjaga gengsi) can run counter to the multitude of tasks to be done during an frank discussions, managing with candor M&A transaction, is there any catalyst that can be difficult for both employees and can keep intangible capital in its active, management. This brings us to our next value-creating state? What are the most point: courageous follow-through. important drivers of intangible capital? From Hay Group’s research into M&As in Asia, we indentified identified four core drivers that are responsible for activating intangible capital: • Candour • Courageous follow-through • Calculated risks • Compatible Response
  • 4. 4 Harnessing the hidden Courageous follow-through Calculated risks Complexities and conflict are part and Both parties are taking calculated risks in parcel of M&As. Leaders from merging an M&A situation. Clearly, risk appetite entities must close ranks and not retreat differs between companies and individuals from making tough decisions that – some being more aggressive and others inevitably crop up in the course of the less so. transaction. Not making a decision is also a decision in itself. Regardless of scenario, the secret to long-term gains and synergy in successful Managers need to display flexibility in M&As resides sharing similar risk appe- accommodating changes, a strong ability tite. Given that the most significant M&A for rallying employees to face challenges, trend now is the move by an increasing and resilience when favouring one party’s number of Asian companies into Western service line over the other. They must markets through acquisitions, how can demonstrate perseverance in adapting to knowing the risk appetite profiles help new circumstances, adopting a common both buyers and target? fighting stance towards overcoming obstacles, and never taking “no” for an One way is to use Geert Hofstede’s answer. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), which we believe is a useful tool in measuring a What does this mean for companies in nation’s or a group’s tolerance for uncer- Indonesia? Fortunately, employees here are tainty and ambiguity – in other words, its more accustomed to a top-down approach. appetite for risk. As long as a difficult decision is sanctioned by top management, employees will In Hofstede’s study, UAI scores can range usually fall in line. But this does not mean from 0 (pure risk takers) to 100 (pure risk that leaders should just issue edicts and avoiders). At one end, Americans ranked ram changes through. Some appearance of lowest, preferring fewer rules and controls, selling and explaining will still be necessary and greater tolerance for a variety of ideas, for the long-term good of the transaction. thoughts, and beliefs. At the other end, Japan ranked highest in its UAI score, implying high levels of control in order to eliminate or avoid the unexpected. ©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved
  • 5. 5 There was no getting through: Why BenQ and Siemens hung up When BenQ decided to acquire Siemens’ loss-making mobile phone unit in exchange for more than 600 patents, it was confident that the deal would increase its profit share and open-up new markets in Europe. After all, BenQ was combining its strengths in consumer markets with Siemens’ reputation for high-quality products. However, the venture failed within a year, no thanks to clashes in decision-making frame- works and the speed of execution between the two entities. BenQ’s informal culture, which was flexible and entrepreneurial, collided head-on with the formality and processes at the 100-year-old Siemens, which has a culture of adhering to strict procedures. This led to critical delays in the decision to introduce a new phone model into the market – a missed opportunity that caused the venture to suffer a huge loss. They said it wouldn’t work: Nissan and Renault It was widely believed that cultural differences between the Japanese (Nissan) and the French (Renault) would destroy the merger. Moreover, the fact that Renault and Nissan targeted the same market segments sparked fears of cannibalization. Renault’s technical expertise resided in its flair for design, whereas Nissan was renowned for bland but reliable models and strong engineering skills. In short, there was a glaring difference in the intangible capital that existed in both firms. Nonetheless, the merger turned out to be a success. This was largely due to the structural similarity between both organizations, which were bureaucratic and highly hierarchical. They shared similar approaches in “compatible response” – or general time-frame towards execution – both being highly collective organizations where decisions were made based on general consensus. Even though Nissan and Renault had different intangible capital, their successful merger demonstrated that the right active drivers could result in better value creation, overcoming geographical and cultural differences between the two.
  • 6. 6 Harnessing the hidden So in a M&A transaction, parties that be quick in action, or agree to be prefer to “wing it” and rely on “gut feel” methodical – as long as they are in tandem. are going to conflict with those who demand more analysis, higher conformity For example, we have seen conflicts arising and strict adherence to rules. rapidly when a bureaucratic decision- making process holds one party back, The implication for Indonesian companies frustrating the other side, which has a flat is this: in a deal, especially one that crosses organizational structure. Sadly, it is multiple borders, the closer everyone’s common to see incompatible decision- UAI, the better the outcome. making frameworks jeopardizing the performance of a successful M&A Compatible response transaction. When it comes to successful M&As, both What does this mean for companies in parties must respect the need for timely Indonesia? Unfortunately, Indonesian and prudent response, so that decision- managers have a tendency to delay making making does not become the Achilles’ heel decisions in order to gather more (or for either party. better) information. If this decision- making style is not shared by the other By compatible response, we mean that party, then it will be perceived as both parties ought to have a similar time- hesitation and ultimately, backfire on the frame for execution. Both parties can either deal. ©2012 Hay Group. All rights reserved
  • 7. 7 Ready, set, go! The M&A process is a race against time. There are many challenges to take care of, many difficult decisions to make, and often simultaneously. It is next to impossible to assess all of the various aspects of intangible capital during due diligence, and doing so could delay the transaction and destabilize the intangible capital even more. Instead of devoting what limited resources M&A is intrinsically a risky business; there we have to the valuation of intangible capi- is no safe bet. With increasing global tal, companies going through M&A should M&A market activity, there are good deals focus on these core drivers outlined here to be made to help companies in Indonesia that ensure an active state of intangible achieve new growth. capital, and not leave a successful outcome to chance. Armed with the right insights to make the best deal – a clear understanding of what Despite glaring differences, mergers can you are buying and how it ‘fits’ with your still succeed when both parties ensure that existing company though intangible capital their intangible capital drivers are well driver analysis – M&A can be a winning aligned and kept active. By unlocking this strategy for driving long-term growth for vital component, M&A partners will dis- the future. cover what keeps mergers afloat, and realize the benefits of their respective intangible capital. Contact Nidthia Chelvam, Managing Consultant for Hay Group Indonesia, helps multi-national companies and international organizations transform their business strategies into results. Nidthia also has extensive line and operational management experience with global companies across three continents. e| The content in this report is provided solely for informational purposes. This report does not establish any client, advisory, fiduciary or professional relationship between Hay Group and you. Neither Hay Group nor any other person is, in connection with this report, engaged in rendering accounting, advisory, auditing, consulting, legal, tax or other professional services or advice.
  • 8. Africa Frankfurt Middle East Cape Town Glasgow Dubai Johannesburg Helsinki Riyadh Pretoria Istanbul Kiev North America Asia Lille Atlanta Bangkok Lisbon Boston Beijing London Calgary Ho Chi Minh City Madrid Chicago Hong Kong Manchester Dallas Jakarta Milan Edmonton Kuala Lumpur Moscow Halifax Mumbai Oslo Kansas City New Delhi Paris Los Angeles Seoul Prague Montreal Shanghai Rome New York Metro Shenzhen Stockholm Ottawa Singapore Strasbourg Philadelphia Tokyo Vienna Regina Vilnius San Francisco Europe Warsaw Toronto Amsterdam Zeist Vancouver Athens Zurich Washington DC Metro Barcelona Berlin Latin America Pacific Bilbao Bogotá Auckland Birmingham Buenos Aires Brisbane Bratislava Caracas Melbourne Brussels Lima Perth Bucharest Mexico City Sydney Budapest San José Wellington Dublin Santiago Enschede São Paulo Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, organize people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best. Our focus is on making change happen and helping people and organizations realize their potential. We have over 2600 employees working in 85 offices in 48 countries. For more information please contact your local office through