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np group
Company Overview 2010
Company Overview 2010

Welcome to the np group.
Our business is people.
                                We are an award-winning top 100* provider
Overview                   2    of search and contract resource solutions within
                                the technology and communications sectors.
                                The np group is market leader for the delivery
How we work                4
                                of specialist ICT skills through the unique
                                ‘campaign delivery’ model and has a proven
                                track record of successful international
Methodology                6
                                campaigns across EMEA, North America,
                                Latin America and Asia Pacific for world-class
Information Security       9    organisations including Logica, Cisco & Deloitte.

                                This is an overview of the services we offer and
Networking Telecoms        10
& Unified Communications        how we go about delivering them. If you would
                                like to know more please don’t hesitate to get
Windows                    11
                                in touch with us.
& Distributed Computing
                                *Source: Recruitment International Top 100 Report
Enterprise Apps &          12
Software Development

I.T. Management &          13
Business Consulting

Green Technology           14

Clients                    15

Get in touch               16
Overview                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Overview

   People often ask why
   np group consistently
   outperform average
   market growth. What
   makes us different?

We believe that it is a formula                       Adding Value to Relationships
which marries 5 key factors                           Since 2000 np group has developed a high-value
                                                      campaign-based international sales engagement
in a model which is applied                                                                                  np group has been finding professionals for
                                                      model that has successfully delivered successive
throughout the group:                                 campaigns across Europe, North America, the
                                                                                                             permanent and contract opportunities for 12 years,
                                                                                                             and in the case of a large proportion of our staff,
                                                      Middle East, Asia and Australia. This capacity
People First                                          to deliver rests on an ability to foster good
                                                                                                             somewhat longer. At the centre of what we do, we        Interview to offer ratio*
                                                                                                             recognise the nature of the engagement between
np group markets itself on the basis that its         relationships with clients, relationships which
                                                                                                             consultant and candidate, and what makes for
clients cannot be the best without the best people.   enable np group to add value as trusted
                                                                                                             the most productive and long term relationship.
It therefore aims to employ those people in every     advisors from the initial briefing onwards.
                                                                                                             As a business we are consultative, we aim
sector in which it operates, and thus seeks out
                                                                                                             to fully understand your circumstances and
individuals who demonstrate knowledge of specific     Proactive Identification of Candidates
                                                                                                             experience with a view to advising you based
niches as well as creativity, determination, vision   Candidates with in-demand skills can be                on our experience.
and entrepreneurial flair.                            extremely difficult to source. Yet np group utilises
                                                      its knowledge of niche markets to pro-actively         We specialise in the following markets:
Results-Driven                                        identify candidates using targeted headhunting
                                                                                                             • Networking Telecoms & Unified Communications
Although np group operates in diverse markets,        and networking. This approach is employed
                                                                                                             • Windows & Distributed Computing
it fosters and promotes a high-energy consultative    throughout the group for all assignments,
                                                                                                             • Information Security
culture throughout the firm. Teamwork and high        whatever the skills required, for both
                                                                                                             • Enterprise Applications & Software Development
achievement are encouraged, rewarded and              contract and permanent vacancies.
                                                                                                             • IT Management & Business Consulting
celebrated at every level. Importantly the group
                                                                                                             • Green Technology
has no bureaucratic middle-management to draw         Focusing on Candidate-Driven Markets
                                                                                                                                                                     np delivers industry leading efficiency
salaries without contributing revenue, which          np group sources and supplies the highest                                                                      for clients achieving an average 66%
                                                                                                             Within these markets we are extremely well
enables it to operate a remuneration structure        quality talent in candidate-short markets,                                                                     interview to offer ratio*, an 80% submittal
                                                                                                             networked and have long-term relationships with
that attracts the best consultants available.         employing a model that has proven to be robust                                                                 to interview ratio and 71% offer to
                                                                                                             our clients and contacts, this translates to us being
                                                      and transferable to any geographical, commercial                                                               acceptance ratio.
                                                                                                             able to provide access to prime opportunities in
                                                      or industrial sector. This is further enhanced with    an increasingly global industry.                        *Analysis from the past two years of client campaigns
                                                      our off-shore data mining capabilities, enabling
                                                      a significant time saving in long-list preparation
                                                      and resulting in faster time-to-hire efficiency.
How We Work                                                                                                                                                                                                       How We Work

                                                                                                                Campaign Resourcing

    Our vision is to “be the leading                                                                            np group is practised in the successful delivery
                                                                                                                of bespoke search campaigns, and owes its
                                                                                                                success to a methodology that is tailored to suit

    global provider of specialist                                                                               any challenge, whether it be the hire of a single
                                                                                                                executive level candidate or an entire team of

    technology resource via                                                                                     people with rare and in-demand skills.

                                                                                                                A key element of the campaign methodology                     major campaigns
    the differentiated campaign                                                                                 lies in np’s organisational structure. Each project
                                                                                                                is led by an experienced campaign director, who
                                                                                                                                                                              delivered across Europe,
                                                                                                                                                                              Middle East, Africa,
                                                                                                                is responsible for creating a suitably qualified
                                                                                                                project team consisting of a core of campaign                 United States and Asia
                                                                                                                executives and subject matter experts drawn from
                                                                                                                within np’s divisional specialisms. The campaign
                                                                                                                                                                              over the past 18 months.
                                                                                                                team are experienced and thoroughly trained
                                                                                                                search consultants who own the responsibility             Professional Services & Virtual Bench
How we pursue this vision                               Teamwork culture
                                                                                                                for candidate identification, acquisition and delivery.
is influenced by a set of core                          Cultivate an environment where people from              Each project is different but the structure follows       Due to the sophisticated nature of an evolving client
                                                        diverse cultures and backgrounds can achieve their      the same process, from the initial consultation and
values. These are the standards                         potential with equal access to all opportunities. At
                                                                                                                                                                          market, np group has seen a development in regard
                                                                                                                production of statement of works (SOW), through           to how resource services are wrapped and supplied
that guide how we service our                           all times, work in the best interests of the company,   to the management of the campaign day/s and               today. We have experienced a greater demand for
customers, the ideals that form                         celebrate successes and learn from failures to          offer management process.                                 our business to synchronise and reflect our clients
                                                        ensure the best possible group performance.
how we work together and                                                                                                                                                  service provision and buying habits, necessitating

                                                                                                                Market intelligence, speed to hire and geographical
reflect our corporate ambitions.                                                                                reach remain primary business drivers for many of
                                                                                                                                                                          the need for us to develop a detailed understanding
                                                                                                                                                                          of client strategies and resource models in order
Every day we set out to achieve                                                                                 np group’s clients, allowing them to realise their        that we are able to adopt an innovative approach
these goals in all our actions:                                                                                 corporate visions, whether they involve international     to their real needs.
                                                                                                                expansion into new territories, rapid growth in new
Client Best Practice                                                                                            or existing vertical markets, the development of          np group’s Professional Services model is targeted
Build trust and loyalty with every client and                          Quarters                                 competencies and expertise in new or existing             to provide an alternative solution for businesses
                                                                                                                technologies, or the sourcing of key senior
every candidate by understanding their goals                           in advance                               executives who can direct the next stages of their
                                                                                                                                                                          wishing to engage strategic, functional or technical
and ambitions and by developing long-term                                                                                                                                 consulting whilst still retaining risk, responsibility
relationships. Maintain the highest standards                                                                   corporate development. np group are able to meet          and project ownership. This can be considered
of professional ethics in all aspects of work,                                                                  these demands utilising a further key element to          as ‘lite consulting’, providing a cost effective way
be honest, honourable and open at all times.                                                                    the campaign methodology, an offshore datamining          to engage resource on a pre-defined and fixed
                                                                                                                and research capability, providing a proven and           work-package basis, that does not require the
Respect for the individual                                                                                      vital extra dimension to the initial stages of            stand-on-the-shoulders learning and associated
                                                                                                                candidate identification that affords np group            high end consulting costs of the large integrated
Treat everyone, regardless of position or
circumstance, with dignity, honour and respect.
                                                        We plan carefully with                                  customers the opportunity to work with one                consulting organisations, boutiques, ITO’s or
                                                                                                                supplier across international boundaries and
Take time to focus on the individual, listen to their
concerns, regard their point of view, explain issues
                                                        our client’s to structure                               time-zones in a way that is scalable, has integrity,
                                                                                                                                                                          advisory practices.

                                                                                                                and compliments their own internal processes
and answer questions.                                   business critical hiring                                in respect of selection and induction.
                                                                                                                                                                          np group’s Virtual Bench model is designed to
                                                                                                                                                                          provide those organisations who run utilisation
                                                        programs for many                                                                                                 and bench models a way in which they can
                                                                                                                                                                          regularly engage known subject matter expertise,
                                                        quarters in advance.                                                                                              on a pre-agreed and fixed rate basis, complimenting
                                                                                                                                                                          and enhancing their own staff capability.
Methodology                                                                                                                                                                                                         Methodology

Professional Services & Virtual Bench (Continued)

The Virtual Bench in operation today mitigates all
of the traditional concerns of engaging contract
resource, and has allowed np group’s clients to
quickly ramp up to support client opportunity,
explore new market regions, ensure an effective
continuation of service delivery, keep core talent
focused on business critical activity, reduce the
cost of employment at peak points of demand and
enable the creation of revenue through developing
new international service lines.

Each Virtual Bench solution is particular to the client
and their needs, np group utilises the very same              of our work is on
campaign methodology to staff the bench skill-
pools effectively and works in conjunction with
                                                              a retained, campaign
the client to architect the optimum service model.            or RPO basis.                                       Contingency Recruitment

                                                                                                                  np group recognises that not all appointments             From a flexible resource perspective, np group
Retained Executive Search                                                                                         are strategic in nature. Whether its clients require      recognise the need for quality, reliability, speed
                                                                                                                  full time employees, contractors or interim               of supply, in-country compliancy and ease of
Under retained recruitment conditions, np group           ideal candidates, who are then subjected to             executives to meet the challenges of achieving            engagement; we invest a significant amount
acts as a fully ‘outsourced’ recruitment arm of a         a comprehensive screening and interview process.        specific tactical objectives within fixed time            of time populating in-demand skill pools across
client’s organisation and conducts a recruitment          Once a short list is determined, np group will work     periods then we can help.                                 the range of regions we supply, and endeavour
process on the client’s behalf. The recruitment           closely with the client to arrange interviews,                                                                    to only use contractors known to us and/or who
process is tailored to meet the client’s specific         undertake reference checks - providing certain          We are fortunate to be able to call upon a vast           have an excellent reputation, one established
needs, through detailed consultation and constant         anonymity to the search assignment, along with          network of associates that have proven expertise          over time with top-class clients, backed up
communication with the client.                            the tertiary benefit of protecting the client’ s most   within every conceivable vertical market and              with demonstrable referencing.
                                                          precious asset of time.                                 technology sector.
Every retained assignment that np group
undertakes is supported with a detailed written           The standard fee structure commensurate with            Our resourcing methodology can be easily adjusted
proposal, which we refer to as a Statement of             a retained assignment results with the client           to suit the contingency style of recruitment, utilising
Works (SOW). This outlines the scope of work              paying one-third of the fee at commencement             our network, a range of technologies and online
agreed in the consultation, fee structure and             of the assignment; one-third upon delivery of           resources in order to secure key individual
responsibility of both parties to each other for the      a short list; and the balance upon successful           executives or technologists, or for the recruitment
duration of the assignment. In such engagements           placement of the ideal candidate – which is             of entire project delivery teams.
np group is held accountable for the recruitment          generally known as a performance based retainer.
process by the client, with regular update and            In this way the client is paying for a ‘service’
feedback sessions built in to ensure collaboration        in recognition of the time and materials that
and a successful outcome.                                 are expended in conducting the assignment.

On appointment, a senior account manager is               For high level positions or business critical hires
designated to the client for the duration of the          this is recognised as the most efficient way to
assignment, which is supported by escalation to           secure talent, as recruitment agencies engaged
senior np group management being made available           on a non-exclusive contingent basis generally
to the client. The recruitment process that we use is     do not apportion the necessary resources and
rigorous and a detailed search is conducted to find       energy to the assignment.


              Information Security
            IT Security has gone through some significant        The group’s continued development of this
            changes over the past few years. From an initial     specialist division is testament to its dedication and
            educational programme, through to the global         focus in this critical area of resource management
            acceptance of the importance of securing one’s       and our success can be attributed to the fact that
            information. A company’s information is now seen     its highly experienced consultants are experienced
            as one of the most valuable assets and as the        security professionals recruited from the industry,
            business environment further embraces the            known in market, genuinely understand client
            internet, especially with the current focus on       requirements and speak the same language.
            Cloud Computing, so the need for reliable            Accordingly, they perennially ensure the timely
            security increases.                                  delivery of top quality candidates who are
                                                                 meticulously pre-screened to ensure suitability.
            Moreover, the IT Security market terminology         np group’s unique campaign methodology has
            has shifted from that of ‘Security’, to a focus      enabled global organisations to effectively and
            on Information Security and Risk Management.         efficiently grow their own security capabilities
            This has been largely due to the introduction of     to deliver projects on time, achieve regulatory
            regulations such as PCI DSS, Sarbanes Oxley,         compliance, maintain good business practice
            the Prudential Source Book (PSB) and changes         and ensure brand protection.
            in Corporate Governance. Risk Management,
            and we must include all areas of risk – financial,   Strong commercial acumen, a proven track
            legal, technology, security, compliance etc, is      record, industry market awareness and strategic
            clearly a specialist area that requires specialist   client management has enabled np group to
            skills and support. np group has spent the last      become one of the most respected recruitment
            12 years building market knowledge to best           agencies in a highly competitive candidate driven
            support our clients in the field of Information      market. np group’s specialist information security
            Security and Risk Management.                        division focuses purely on security and risk,
                                                                 providing professional staff with industry-
                                                                 recognised qualifications and accreditations.
Practices                                                                                                                                                                                                       Practices

                                                                                                                Windows &
                                                                                                                Distributed Computing
                                                                                                              Virtualisation, storage, datacentre consolidation      np group’s Windows & Distributed Computing
                                                                                                              and the advent of the ‘cloud’ have had a significant   division works within the vendor, consulting,
                                                                                                              impact on the Windows & Distributed Computing          integration and end user communities, focussing
                                                                                                              market.                                                on the provision of functional and technical subject
                                                                                                                                                                     matter experts spanning all levels of competence.
                                                                                                              Virtualisation has transformed how IT is               We are well placed to be able to deliver support
                                                                                                              managed, what is bought, how it is deployed,           based resource from 1st line through to escalated
                                                                                                              how companies plan and how they are charged.           expertise, as well as climbing up the value chain to
                                                                                                              As a result, virtualisation has created a new wave     the solution architects and programme managers
                                                                                                              of competition amongst infrastructure vendors          of truly global projects.

  Networking Telecoms
                                                                                                              that has resulted in considerable market disruption
                                                                                                              and consolidation – and more is set to come.
                                                                                                              Although the easy server consolidations have

  & Unified Communications                                                                                    in the main been done, it is as a stalking horse
                                                                                                              for Cloud Computing that Virtualisation is now
                                                                                                              fuelling growth, with Platform as a Service and
                                                                                                              Infrastructure as a Service in the public and
np group is a Cisco global PSS advanced services       architect, design and implement solutions.             private Cloud Computing models.

partner organisation. During the last 12 years np      np group’s UC division works on an international
group has delivered leading-edge networking            basis with vendors, channel partners (systems          The value of Cloud computing services is forecast
technology expertise including MPLS, QoS, VoIP,        integrators, professional services and                 to grow 28% CAGR over the next 4 years from
IPT, IMS and IPTV. Our knowledge of the Cisco          consultancies), end-users (telecoms and internet       $56bn 2009 to $150bn 2013 (Gartner study Jan
market has enabled us to partner with clients who      service providers), and enterprise end-users.          1st, 2010). More importantly, spending on cloud

are expanding their organisations globally,                                                                   computing will accelerate throughout the forecast
delivering CCNA, CCNP, CCDP, CCVP and CCIE                                                                    period, capturing 25% of IT spending growth in
networking consultants in all regions.                                                                        2012 and nearly a third of growth the following
                                                                                                              year. Datacentre consolidation continues to be
Within np group’s networking division, OSS team                                                               a popular strategy showing powerful economic
works with many OSS consultancies and resellers                                                               characteristics. Major organisations are reaping
to strengthen their delivery capabilities. This                                                               the benefits of consolidation, as can be best
enables go-to-market strategies and strong vendor                                                             outlined in the following two examples;
partnerships. np group has placed consultants                                                                                                                        Gartner study published Jan 1st, 2010 forecasts

whose niche skills are within EMC SMARTS,                                                                                                                            the value of Cloud computing services will see
                                                                                                              Hewlett Packard cutting its 85 global datacentres      28% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
Infovista, Micromuse, Netcool, Quallaby Proviso                                                               down to 6, 3 of which are mirrored disaster
and Concord Arena.                                                                                                                                                   over a 4 year period from $46.41 billion in
                                                                                                              recovery sites. HP expects to save the                 2008 to $150.1 billion in 2013.
                                                                                                              company $1 billion annually with this move.
So far, unified communications infrastructure has
made a limited impact in the enterprise, however,
                                                       February 9th 2010
                                                                                                              IBM consolidating 3,900 servers into 30 virtualised
global spend is forecast to rise to approximately $1   Cisco forecast a 39-fold increase from 2009 to
                                                                                                              mainframes running under Linux. The company
billion by 2013. This growth will be fuelled by a      2014 in global data traffic, or a compound annual
                                                                                                              anticipates an 80% reduction in energy usage
number of factors as organisations continue to         growth rate (CAGR) of 108%. Two major global
                                                                                                              whilst significantly shrinking its current 8 million
streamline and create competitive edge, but will be    trends are driving this increase – the proliferation
                                                                                                              square feet of datacentre space.
underpinned by the skilled people that conceive,       of mobile-ready devices and widespread mobile
                                                       video content consumption.
Practices                                                                                                                                                                                                  Practices

   Enterprise Apps &                                                                                       I.T. Management &
   Software Development                                                                                    Business Consulting
In today’s corporate environment, enterprise           Front and back office solutions are covered in                                                           For recruiting needs a level under the CIO, we
                                                                                                        The need for full automation, organised workflows,
applications are complex, scalable, distributed,       disciplines such as online shopping and online                                                           have experts with deep experience in infrastructure,
                                                                                                        need of expert opinion, business expansion,
component-based, and mission-critical. They            payment processing, billing systems, security,                                                           applications/software development, enterprise
                                                                                                        market uncertainty, process improvements,
may be deployed on a variety of platforms across       content management, CRM, ERP, Business                                                                   systems, project management, sourcing, and
                                                                                                        business transformation, government regulations,
corporate networks, intranets, or the Internet.        Intelligence, HR Management, Manufacturing                                                               architecture and information security.
                                                                                                        and increasing complexities of businesses have
They are data-centric, user-friendly, and must meet    and Enterprise Application Integration;
                                                                                                        contributed to the need of IT management and

                                                                                                                                                                US$ 393.5
stringent requirements for security, administration,   programming languages include Java, C,
                                                                                                        consulting. The need to align IT with business
and maintenance. In short, they are highly complex     C++, C#, Perl, JavaScript, Visual Basic, .NET,
                                                                                                        objectives, assistance on critical IT related tools,
systems, with thousands of competing vendors.          PHP, Ajax, Python and Ruby.
                                                                                                        regulatory requirements, and the new technologies

                                                        14.8%                                                                                                   billion
                                                                                                        such as Cloud Computing and SOA are lending to
Designing and developing such enterprise                                                                the ever increasing importance and influence of IT
applications means satisfying hundreds or                                                               at board level, which is also providing an impetus to
thousands of separate requirements. What’s                                                              the Global IT Consulting Services market.

more, every development decision you make
to satisfy each requirement affects many other                                                          np group’s strength in recruiting top-performing
requirements, often in ways that are difficult to                                                       senior technology and operations executives is a
understand or predict – and the failure to meet                                                         part of our heritage. For 12 years, np group has
any of these requirements can mean the failure                                                          helped organisations build world-class leadership       Celent report published Jan 2010 forecasts CAGR
of the entire project!                                                                                  teams by leveraging our network of leading              in global FS IT spending of 4.9% 2010-12, in
                                                                                                        technology executives. Our Business Consulting          comparison to global decline of -2.5% in 2009.
np group’s Enterprise Application & Software                                                            & IT Management division structure allows us to         Asia Pac will be the fastest growth of all regions
Development Division works within the vendor,                                                           continually focus on and track talent in all industry   at 6.2% CAGR 2010-12. Celent expects global
consulting, integration and end user communities,                                                       sectors, where we draw upon our team members            spending by financial services institutions on IT
focussing on the provision of functional and                                                            functional specialty areas.                             products and services to grow to US$ 393.5 billion
technical subject matter experts spanning the          Celent report published in Jan 2010 forecasts                                                            by 2012.
full development life cycle.                           14.8% growth in 2010 on external software
                                                       spending by financial services institutions
                                                       in the Asia-Pacific region.
Practices                                                                                                                                                      Clients

  Green Technology

Corporate IT organisations are feeling increasing
pressure, and finding growing opportunities,
to improve their sustainability practices. Driven
by a combination of cost savings imperatives,
corporate green initiatives, and technology refresh
opportunities, enterprise IT businesses are going
green, and looking for help to do so. IT services
providers are responding by building capabilities,
forming alliances, and positioning their resources
to capture mindshare and market share of user         group clients
                                                      and counting...
companies putting green IT initiatives in place.

This market can be referred to as green IT                              Awards & Accreditations
services, and defined as consulting services
that help enterprise IT organisations reduce their    including many
                                                      global leading
companies’ environmental impact by assessing,
planning, and implementing initiatives that make
the procurement, operation, and disposal of IT
assets more environmentally responsible.
np group’s Green Technology division focuses
on the provision of resources that span the
assessment to implementation life cycle within                          Skills For Growth                                Recruitment and Employment Confederation
the consulting, integration and end user                                Apprenticeships Award Winner 2010
communities, focussing on the provision of
functional and technical subject matter experts.                        For more information please visit our website:
Get In Touch

Contact Us

np group’s Head Office is situated in London, with
further Office Locations in Singapore, Vietnam,
Hong Kong, and Beijing. For a confidential
discussion regarding your own career options
or to discover how np can unlock your
business potential through access
to specialist resource, please select the
appointment location and make contact,
we’ll be interested to hear from you.
For more information please visit
our website:

np London

350 Euston Road,
Ground Floor, Regents Place,
London NW1 3AX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7953 0000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7953 0001

np Singapore                                         np Hong Kong

Samsung Hub                                          21/F ICBC Tower,
3 Church Street, Level 8                             Citibank Plaza, 3 Garden Road,
Singapore 049483                                     Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Tel: +65 6408 0126                                   Tel: +85 239 606 468
Fax: +65 6408 3801                                   Email:

np Vietnam                                           np Beijing

Floor 11, TMA Tower,                                 11/F Beijing Kerry Centre,
Quang Trung Software City,                           North Tower, 1 Guanghua Road,
Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, District 12, HCMC               Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: +848 3823 3152                                  100020, China
Fax: +848 3823 6288                                  Tel: +86 10 6599 9103
Email:                            Email:

                                                     © Copyright np group 2010. Design by Tens & Units

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Npg Company Overview 140211

  • 2. Company Overview 2010 Welcome to the np group. Our business is people. We are an award-winning top 100* provider Overview 2 of search and contract resource solutions within the technology and communications sectors. The np group is market leader for the delivery How we work 4 of specialist ICT skills through the unique ‘campaign delivery’ model and has a proven track record of successful international Methodology 6 campaigns across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific for world-class Information Security 9 organisations including Logica, Cisco & Deloitte. This is an overview of the services we offer and Networking Telecoms 10 & Unified Communications how we go about delivering them. If you would like to know more please don’t hesitate to get Windows 11 in touch with us. & Distributed Computing *Source: Recruitment International Top 100 Report Enterprise Apps & 12 Software Development I.T. Management & 13 Business Consulting Green Technology 14 Clients 15 Get in touch 16
  • 3. Overview Overview People often ask why np group consistently outperform average market growth. What makes us different? 66% We believe that it is a formula Adding Value to Relationships Candidates which marries 5 key factors Since 2000 np group has developed a high-value campaign-based international sales engagement in a model which is applied np group has been finding professionals for model that has successfully delivered successive throughout the group: campaigns across Europe, North America, the permanent and contract opportunities for 12 years, and in the case of a large proportion of our staff, Middle East, Asia and Australia. This capacity People First to deliver rests on an ability to foster good somewhat longer. At the centre of what we do, we Interview to offer ratio* recognise the nature of the engagement between np group markets itself on the basis that its relationships with clients, relationships which consultant and candidate, and what makes for clients cannot be the best without the best people. enable np group to add value as trusted the most productive and long term relationship. It therefore aims to employ those people in every advisors from the initial briefing onwards. As a business we are consultative, we aim sector in which it operates, and thus seeks out to fully understand your circumstances and individuals who demonstrate knowledge of specific Proactive Identification of Candidates experience with a view to advising you based niches as well as creativity, determination, vision Candidates with in-demand skills can be on our experience. and entrepreneurial flair. extremely difficult to source. Yet np group utilises its knowledge of niche markets to pro-actively We specialise in the following markets: Results-Driven identify candidates using targeted headhunting • Networking Telecoms & Unified Communications Although np group operates in diverse markets, and networking. This approach is employed • Windows & Distributed Computing it fosters and promotes a high-energy consultative throughout the group for all assignments, • Information Security culture throughout the firm. Teamwork and high whatever the skills required, for both • Enterprise Applications & Software Development achievement are encouraged, rewarded and contract and permanent vacancies. • IT Management & Business Consulting celebrated at every level. Importantly the group • Green Technology has no bureaucratic middle-management to draw Focusing on Candidate-Driven Markets np delivers industry leading efficiency salaries without contributing revenue, which np group sources and supplies the highest for clients achieving an average 66% Within these markets we are extremely well enables it to operate a remuneration structure quality talent in candidate-short markets, interview to offer ratio*, an 80% submittal networked and have long-term relationships with that attracts the best consultants available. employing a model that has proven to be robust to interview ratio and 71% offer to our clients and contacts, this translates to us being and transferable to any geographical, commercial acceptance ratio. able to provide access to prime opportunities in or industrial sector. This is further enhanced with an increasingly global industry. *Analysis from the past two years of client campaigns our off-shore data mining capabilities, enabling a significant time saving in long-list preparation and resulting in faster time-to-hire efficiency.
  • 4. How We Work How We Work 54 Campaign Resourcing Our vision is to “be the leading np group is practised in the successful delivery of bespoke search campaigns, and owes its success to a methodology that is tailored to suit global provider of specialist any challenge, whether it be the hire of a single executive level candidate or an entire team of technology resource via people with rare and in-demand skills. A key element of the campaign methodology major campaigns the differentiated campaign lies in np’s organisational structure. Each project is led by an experienced campaign director, who delivered across Europe, Middle East, Africa, methodology.” is responsible for creating a suitably qualified project team consisting of a core of campaign United States and Asia executives and subject matter experts drawn from within np’s divisional specialisms. The campaign over the past 18 months. team are experienced and thoroughly trained search consultants who own the responsibility Professional Services & Virtual Bench How we pursue this vision Teamwork culture for candidate identification, acquisition and delivery. is influenced by a set of core Cultivate an environment where people from Each project is different but the structure follows Due to the sophisticated nature of an evolving client diverse cultures and backgrounds can achieve their the same process, from the initial consultation and values. These are the standards potential with equal access to all opportunities. At market, np group has seen a development in regard production of statement of works (SOW), through to how resource services are wrapped and supplied that guide how we service our all times, work in the best interests of the company, to the management of the campaign day/s and today. We have experienced a greater demand for customers, the ideals that form celebrate successes and learn from failures to offer management process. our business to synchronise and reflect our clients ensure the best possible group performance. how we work together and service provision and buying habits, necessitating 4 Market intelligence, speed to hire and geographical reflect our corporate ambitions. reach remain primary business drivers for many of the need for us to develop a detailed understanding of client strategies and resource models in order Every day we set out to achieve np group’s clients, allowing them to realise their that we are able to adopt an innovative approach these goals in all our actions: corporate visions, whether they involve international to their real needs. expansion into new territories, rapid growth in new Client Best Practice or existing vertical markets, the development of np group’s Professional Services model is targeted Build trust and loyalty with every client and Quarters competencies and expertise in new or existing to provide an alternative solution for businesses technologies, or the sourcing of key senior every candidate by understanding their goals in advance executives who can direct the next stages of their wishing to engage strategic, functional or technical and ambitions and by developing long-term consulting whilst still retaining risk, responsibility relationships. Maintain the highest standards corporate development. np group are able to meet and project ownership. This can be considered of professional ethics in all aspects of work, these demands utilising a further key element to as ‘lite consulting’, providing a cost effective way be honest, honourable and open at all times. the campaign methodology, an offshore datamining to engage resource on a pre-defined and fixed and research capability, providing a proven and work-package basis, that does not require the Respect for the individual vital extra dimension to the initial stages of stand-on-the-shoulders learning and associated candidate identification that affords np group high end consulting costs of the large integrated Treat everyone, regardless of position or circumstance, with dignity, honour and respect. We plan carefully with customers the opportunity to work with one consulting organisations, boutiques, ITO’s or supplier across international boundaries and Take time to focus on the individual, listen to their concerns, regard their point of view, explain issues our client’s to structure time-zones in a way that is scalable, has integrity, advisory practices. and compliments their own internal processes and answer questions. business critical hiring in respect of selection and induction. np group’s Virtual Bench model is designed to provide those organisations who run utilisation programs for many and bench models a way in which they can regularly engage known subject matter expertise, quarters in advance. on a pre-agreed and fixed rate basis, complimenting and enhancing their own staff capability.
  • 5. Methodology Methodology Professional Services & Virtual Bench (Continued) 72% The Virtual Bench in operation today mitigates all of the traditional concerns of engaging contract resource, and has allowed np group’s clients to quickly ramp up to support client opportunity, explore new market regions, ensure an effective continuation of service delivery, keep core talent focused on business critical activity, reduce the cost of employment at peak points of demand and enable the creation of revenue through developing new international service lines. Each Virtual Bench solution is particular to the client and their needs, np group utilises the very same of our work is on campaign methodology to staff the bench skill- pools effectively and works in conjunction with a retained, campaign the client to architect the optimum service model. or RPO basis. Contingency Recruitment np group recognises that not all appointments From a flexible resource perspective, np group Retained Executive Search are strategic in nature. Whether its clients require recognise the need for quality, reliability, speed full time employees, contractors or interim of supply, in-country compliancy and ease of Under retained recruitment conditions, np group ideal candidates, who are then subjected to executives to meet the challenges of achieving engagement; we invest a significant amount acts as a fully ‘outsourced’ recruitment arm of a a comprehensive screening and interview process. specific tactical objectives within fixed time of time populating in-demand skill pools across client’s organisation and conducts a recruitment Once a short list is determined, np group will work periods then we can help. the range of regions we supply, and endeavour process on the client’s behalf. The recruitment closely with the client to arrange interviews, to only use contractors known to us and/or who process is tailored to meet the client’s specific undertake reference checks - providing certain We are fortunate to be able to call upon a vast have an excellent reputation, one established needs, through detailed consultation and constant anonymity to the search assignment, along with network of associates that have proven expertise over time with top-class clients, backed up communication with the client. the tertiary benefit of protecting the client’ s most within every conceivable vertical market and with demonstrable referencing. precious asset of time. technology sector. Every retained assignment that np group undertakes is supported with a detailed written The standard fee structure commensurate with Our resourcing methodology can be easily adjusted proposal, which we refer to as a Statement of a retained assignment results with the client to suit the contingency style of recruitment, utilising Works (SOW). This outlines the scope of work paying one-third of the fee at commencement our network, a range of technologies and online agreed in the consultation, fee structure and of the assignment; one-third upon delivery of resources in order to secure key individual responsibility of both parties to each other for the a short list; and the balance upon successful executives or technologists, or for the recruitment duration of the assignment. In such engagements placement of the ideal candidate – which is of entire project delivery teams. np group is held accountable for the recruitment generally known as a performance based retainer. process by the client, with regular update and In this way the client is paying for a ‘service’ feedback sessions built in to ensure collaboration in recognition of the time and materials that and a successful outcome. are expended in conducting the assignment. On appointment, a senior account manager is For high level positions or business critical hires designated to the client for the duration of the this is recognised as the most efficient way to assignment, which is supported by escalation to secure talent, as recruitment agencies engaged senior np group management being made available on a non-exclusive contingent basis generally to the client. The recruitment process that we use is do not apportion the necessary resources and rigorous and a detailed search is conducted to find energy to the assignment.
  • 6. Practices Practices Information Security IT Security has gone through some significant The group’s continued development of this changes over the past few years. From an initial specialist division is testament to its dedication and educational programme, through to the global focus in this critical area of resource management acceptance of the importance of securing one’s and our success can be attributed to the fact that information. A company’s information is now seen its highly experienced consultants are experienced as one of the most valuable assets and as the security professionals recruited from the industry, business environment further embraces the known in market, genuinely understand client internet, especially with the current focus on requirements and speak the same language. Cloud Computing, so the need for reliable Accordingly, they perennially ensure the timely security increases. delivery of top quality candidates who are meticulously pre-screened to ensure suitability. Moreover, the IT Security market terminology np group’s unique campaign methodology has has shifted from that of ‘Security’, to a focus enabled global organisations to effectively and on Information Security and Risk Management. efficiently grow their own security capabilities This has been largely due to the introduction of to deliver projects on time, achieve regulatory regulations such as PCI DSS, Sarbanes Oxley, compliance, maintain good business practice the Prudential Source Book (PSB) and changes and ensure brand protection. in Corporate Governance. Risk Management, and we must include all areas of risk – financial, Strong commercial acumen, a proven track legal, technology, security, compliance etc, is record, industry market awareness and strategic clearly a specialist area that requires specialist client management has enabled np group to skills and support. np group has spent the last become one of the most respected recruitment 12 years building market knowledge to best agencies in a highly competitive candidate driven support our clients in the field of Information market. np group’s specialist information security Security and Risk Management. division focuses purely on security and risk, providing professional staff with industry- recognised qualifications and accreditations.
  • 7. Practices Practices Windows & Distributed Computing Virtualisation, storage, datacentre consolidation np group’s Windows & Distributed Computing and the advent of the ‘cloud’ have had a significant division works within the vendor, consulting, impact on the Windows & Distributed Computing integration and end user communities, focussing market. on the provision of functional and technical subject matter experts spanning all levels of competence. Virtualisation has transformed how IT is We are well placed to be able to deliver support managed, what is bought, how it is deployed, based resource from 1st line through to escalated how companies plan and how they are charged. expertise, as well as climbing up the value chain to As a result, virtualisation has created a new wave the solution architects and programme managers of competition amongst infrastructure vendors of truly global projects. 28% Networking Telecoms that has resulted in considerable market disruption and consolidation – and more is set to come. Although the easy server consolidations have & Unified Communications in the main been done, it is as a stalking horse for Cloud Computing that Virtualisation is now fuelling growth, with Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service in the public and np group is a Cisco global PSS advanced services architect, design and implement solutions. private Cloud Computing models. CAGR partner organisation. During the last 12 years np np group’s UC division works on an international group has delivered leading-edge networking basis with vendors, channel partners (systems The value of Cloud computing services is forecast technology expertise including MPLS, QoS, VoIP, integrators, professional services and to grow 28% CAGR over the next 4 years from IPT, IMS and IPTV. Our knowledge of the Cisco consultancies), end-users (telecoms and internet $56bn 2009 to $150bn 2013 (Gartner study Jan market has enabled us to partner with clients who service providers), and enterprise end-users. 1st, 2010). More importantly, spending on cloud 39 are expanding their organisations globally, computing will accelerate throughout the forecast delivering CCNA, CCNP, CCDP, CCVP and CCIE period, capturing 25% of IT spending growth in networking consultants in all regions. 2012 and nearly a third of growth the following year. Datacentre consolidation continues to be Within np group’s networking division, OSS team a popular strategy showing powerful economic works with many OSS consultancies and resellers characteristics. Major organisations are reaping to strengthen their delivery capabilities. This the benefits of consolidation, as can be best enables go-to-market strategies and strong vendor outlined in the following two examples; partnerships. np group has placed consultants Gartner study published Jan 1st, 2010 forecasts growth whose niche skills are within EMC SMARTS, the value of Cloud computing services will see Hewlett Packard cutting its 85 global datacentres 28% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) Infovista, Micromuse, Netcool, Quallaby Proviso down to 6, 3 of which are mirrored disaster and Concord Arena. over a 4 year period from $46.41 billion in recovery sites. HP expects to save the 2008 to $150.1 billion in 2013. company $1 billion annually with this move. So far, unified communications infrastructure has made a limited impact in the enterprise, however, February 9th 2010 IBM consolidating 3,900 servers into 30 virtualised global spend is forecast to rise to approximately $1 Cisco forecast a 39-fold increase from 2009 to mainframes running under Linux. The company billion by 2013. This growth will be fuelled by a 2014 in global data traffic, or a compound annual anticipates an 80% reduction in energy usage number of factors as organisations continue to growth rate (CAGR) of 108%. Two major global whilst significantly shrinking its current 8 million streamline and create competitive edge, but will be trends are driving this increase – the proliferation square feet of datacentre space. underpinned by the skilled people that conceive, of mobile-ready devices and widespread mobile video content consumption.
  • 8. Practices Practices Enterprise Apps & I.T. Management & Software Development Business Consulting In today’s corporate environment, enterprise Front and back office solutions are covered in For recruiting needs a level under the CIO, we The need for full automation, organised workflows, applications are complex, scalable, distributed, disciplines such as online shopping and online have experts with deep experience in infrastructure, need of expert opinion, business expansion, component-based, and mission-critical. They payment processing, billing systems, security, applications/software development, enterprise market uncertainty, process improvements, may be deployed on a variety of platforms across content management, CRM, ERP, Business systems, project management, sourcing, and business transformation, government regulations, corporate networks, intranets, or the Internet. Intelligence, HR Management, Manufacturing architecture and information security. and increasing complexities of businesses have They are data-centric, user-friendly, and must meet and Enterprise Application Integration; contributed to the need of IT management and US$ 393.5 stringent requirements for security, administration, programming languages include Java, C, consulting. The need to align IT with business and maintenance. In short, they are highly complex C++, C#, Perl, JavaScript, Visual Basic, .NET, objectives, assistance on critical IT related tools, systems, with thousands of competing vendors. PHP, Ajax, Python and Ruby. regulatory requirements, and the new technologies 14.8% billion such as Cloud Computing and SOA are lending to Designing and developing such enterprise the ever increasing importance and influence of IT applications means satisfying hundreds or at board level, which is also providing an impetus to thousands of separate requirements. What’s the Global IT Consulting Services market. growth more, every development decision you make to satisfy each requirement affects many other np group’s strength in recruiting top-performing requirements, often in ways that are difficult to senior technology and operations executives is a understand or predict – and the failure to meet part of our heritage. For 12 years, np group has any of these requirements can mean the failure helped organisations build world-class leadership Celent report published Jan 2010 forecasts CAGR of the entire project! teams by leveraging our network of leading in global FS IT spending of 4.9% 2010-12, in technology executives. Our Business Consulting comparison to global decline of -2.5% in 2009. np group’s Enterprise Application & Software & IT Management division structure allows us to Asia Pac will be the fastest growth of all regions Development Division works within the vendor, continually focus on and track talent in all industry at 6.2% CAGR 2010-12. Celent expects global consulting, integration and end user communities, sectors, where we draw upon our team members spending by financial services institutions on IT focussing on the provision of functional and functional specialty areas. products and services to grow to US$ 393.5 billion technical subject matter experts spanning the Celent report published in Jan 2010 forecasts by 2012. full development life cycle. 14.8% growth in 2010 on external software spending by financial services institutions in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 9. Practices Clients Green Technology Corporate IT organisations are feeling increasing pressure, and finding growing opportunities, to improve their sustainability practices. Driven by a combination of cost savings imperatives, corporate green initiatives, and technology refresh opportunities, enterprise IT businesses are going green, and looking for help to do so. IT services providers are responding by building capabilities, forming alliances, and positioning their resources to capture mindshare and market share of user group clients and counting... companies putting green IT initiatives in place. This market can be referred to as green IT Awards & Accreditations services, and defined as consulting services that help enterprise IT organisations reduce their including many global leading companies’ environmental impact by assessing, planning, and implementing initiatives that make the procurement, operation, and disposal of IT assets more environmentally responsible. organisations. np group’s Green Technology division focuses on the provision of resources that span the assessment to implementation life cycle within Skills For Growth Recruitment and Employment Confederation the consulting, integration and end user Apprenticeships Award Winner 2010 communities, focussing on the provision of functional and technical subject matter experts. For more information please visit our website:
  • 10. Get In Touch Contact Us np group’s Head Office is situated in London, with further Office Locations in Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Beijing. For a confidential discussion regarding your own career options or to discover how np can unlock your business potential through access to specialist resource, please select the appointment location and make contact, we’ll be interested to hear from you. For more information please visit our website: np London 350 Euston Road, Ground Floor, Regents Place, London NW1 3AX Tel: +44 (0)20 7953 0000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7953 0001 Email: np Singapore np Hong Kong Samsung Hub 21/F ICBC Tower, 3 Church Street, Level 8 Citibank Plaza, 3 Garden Road, Singapore 049483 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Tel: +65 6408 0126 Tel: +85 239 606 468 Fax: +65 6408 3801 Email: Email: np Vietnam np Beijing Floor 11, TMA Tower, 11/F Beijing Kerry Centre, Quang Trung Software City, North Tower, 1 Guanghua Road, Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, District 12, HCMC Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: +848 3823 3152 100020, China Fax: +848 3823 6288 Tel: +86 10 6599 9103 Email: Email: © Copyright np group 2010. Design by Tens & Units