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6 The Hawaiian Islands INLETS:
Violent Crimes
Terrorism Trends
	 On	behalf	of	the	Federal	Bureau	of	Investigation	and	FBI	Honolulu	Division,	we	want	to	
welcome	 you	 to	 Honolulu,	 Hawaii,	 and	 extend	 you	 best	 wishes	 and	 a	 warm	 “aloha!”	 	 We	
appreciate	 you	 taking	 time	 out	 of	 your	 busy	 schedules	 to	 participate	 in	 the	 INtel	 and	 Law	
Enforcement	Training	Seminar	(INLETS).	 	This	seminar	is	hosted	by	the	FBI,	the	Hawaii	State	
Fusion	Center,	and	InfraGard,	a	non-proOit	organization.		
	 Our	team	members	have	put	together	a	seminar	we	believe	will	be	insightful,	innovative	
and	 topical,	 and	 we	 fully	 expect	 INLETS	 will	 provide	 a	 valuable	 learning	 and	 collaborative	
experience	 for	 each	 of	 you.	 	 As	 Special	 Agent	 in	 Charge	 of	 the	 FBI	 Honolulu	 Division,	 I	 am	
honored	to	be	afOiliated	with	this	seminar	and	to	continue	to	promote	this	program.		The	INLETS	
program’s	 success	 is	 directly	 related	 to	 the	 continuing	 participation,	 professionalism,	
collaboration,	and	high	standards	of	excellence	set	by	its	participants.	
	 Thank	 you,	 as	 well,	 to	 the	 hardworking	 teams,	 individuals,	 and	 sponsors	 who	 have	
dedicated	their	time	in	promoting	this	year’s	training	session.	
	 Again,	we	hope	you	will	enjoy	the	INLETS	seminar	and	our	beautiful	city	and	state!
1:00PM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM
3:00PM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM
Your Week at a Glance:
Break 12:00 NOON - LUNCH PROVIDED Closing Comments
and End of
Seminar5:00PM WORKSHOPS | 1:00PM-2:30 PM
A Tribute to
Evening Program
2:45 - 6:00PM
On behalf of the INLETS Planning Team, welcome to the Hawaiian Islands INLETS:
Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends. Your planning team comes from the FBI Field Offices
in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, the Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center
(MCAC, the state fusion center), and the local chapters of InfraGard: InfraGard Maryland
and Infragard National Capital Region - the host & fiduciary of this training platform.
This seminar is for you. You represent the local and state first responders, federal and
military entities, and stake-holder organizations who protect our communities.
In 2011, the FBI was scheduled to host the first-ever FBI profiler-led seminar in the
Washington, DC-area. Just weeks before it was to begin, the seminar was nearly cancelled
because the Federal government rescinded budgets. InfraGard Maryland and the MCAC
recognized the potential positive impact for local law enforcement and each provided the
financial support and resources to ensure the training would occur.
After reading the overwhelming surveys, emails, and notes from attendees, the INtel & Law
Enforcement Training Seminar (INLETS) was created in that original design. In 2014,
the InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR) became our
fiduciary. InfraGardNCR’s vision helped make this training expand to other regions.
In the past six years, roughly 5,000 attendees representing 500 agencies, 250 companies,
16 different InfraGard chapters from over 30 states and across four-time zones, including
five foreign countries, have participated in either a five-day seminar, “A Day on the
INLETS” (a one-day theme-focused program), or a single topic, lunch-time lecture we call a
“Brown Bag Briefing.” These programs have now been provided in seven states.
The planning team wishes to acknowledge American Military University, a Sustaining
Partner, for their continued and strong support of the INLETS program.
The planning team also extends their gratitude to Ed Arias, FBI Special Agent assigned to
the Honolulu field office, for his depth of knowledge and appreciation of Hawaiian history;
Dolores (Dee)Cook, for her dedication to Hawaii’s fusion center and the first responder
community; Paul Epstein, for his leadership and commitment to the Hawaii State Fusion
Center, and Russell Seeney, President of InfraGard Hawaii, a leader in furthering the
relationship between the private sector and the law enforcement community. Without their
support, this program would not have been possible.
Week at a Glance………………………………..……………………….. 3
Sponsors…………………………………………..………………………… 7	 	
Tribute to Heroes…………………………….………………………. 8-9
Multi-day Workshop Descriptions………………….………10-11
Daily Topic Descriptions ………………………………….……13-21
Presenter Bios …………………………………………….………….…24
in·let  noun (ˈin-let)
1. A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an
2. A connection between a bay and the ocean; often called
an "entrance" or a recession in the shore of a sea, lake or
3. An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.   
On The INLETS (INtel & Law Enforcement Training Seminar) is a collaborative training program connecting
those charged with protecting our communities with the instruction to help them do so.    
The singular focus is to further develop and support the analytical and investigative capability of law
enforcement and private sector stakeholders in the greater National Capital Region and beyond. 
Designed by components from the FBI field offices in Washington, DC and Baltimore, InfraGard, and the
Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC), the training topics are selected based on innovative
investigative techniques, current threats, emerging trends to the region, surveys, and specific requests.   The
program, which offers In-service and continuing education units, is presented by subject matter experts from
all levels of government and the private sector.
Originally established with the InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance, INLETS is now led by the InfraGard
National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR). Because of their leadership in hosting the program,
it is not dependent on federal funding. INLETS is offered in three formats, available to all interested law
enforcement, defense and intelligence entities, and InfraGard members who are security/risk professionals. 
A Day on the INLETS
An eight hour block of instruction composed of various presentations on pertinent, parallel topics.  Hosted by
InfraGard chapters throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, this day of instruction is provided quarterly.  Venues
have stretched from Quantico, VA, southern and western Maryland, to Wilmington, Delaware and southern New
Jersey.  Bringing the instruction to various geographic regions minimizes the financial and travel impact on the
attendees and further strengthens liaison and attendance with our partners - both private and public sectors,
across state lines.
The Annual Seminar on Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends
Held during the last week in June, in Annapolis, Maryland, the seminar offers a bevy of timely topics in three
formats of instruction: General sessions; focused presentation topics led by subject matter experts and offering
comprehensive overviews of current topics; and workshops, which provide an in-depth study of a single topic
over multiple days.
The INLETS Planning Team consists of FBI Washington, DC and Baltimore field office Special Agents (who serve
as Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) Coordinators and InfraGard Coordinators), InfraGard members from the
Maryland and National Capital Region chapters, and the MCAC’s External Relations Branch. InfraGardNCR also
serves as the fiduciary for INLETS.
For more information, including program schedules, please visit
InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR) is
proud to host the INLETS program.
How does their hosting impact the program? InfraGardNCR oversees
the logistics and financial responsibilities, which means the program is
not affected by federal budgetary constraints.
They host INLETS to ensure that this quality training is available
regardless of federal fiscal challenges and police training budgets, which
are often very limited.
InfraGardNCR and our private sector partners, led by American Military
University, as business entities, recognize and support your role in
protecting our communities through the products and services they
They also realize the challenges you face in obtaining quality training. So they support programs like this
where they financially contribute to defray costs, dramatically lowering the registration fee and enabling
you, our front line investigators, analysts and security professionals to attend INLETS training at the
lowest possible cost.
As a result, InfraGardNCR and the sponsoring partners listed below ensure attendees will hear from
subject matter experts on relevant, timely topics in a professional setting at the most affordable cost
compared to any training program. INLETS connects you to liaisons in the private sector and the law
enforcement, intelligence and defense communities. It also provides you tools and resources to assist
you both professionally and personally. We are grateful for their continued support.
Please make an opportunity to meet and thank those who have made this week possible.
Opening	Ceremonies	&	General	Sessions	|	1:00	pm	-	5:00	pm	
Presentation	of	Colors	
National	Anthem	
Welcoming	Comments	
San	Bernardino	Mass	Shooting	
Jarrod	Burguan	
Chief,	San	Bernardino	Police	Department		
Overview	of	the	San	Bernardino	mass	shooting	incident	of	December	2,	2015,	including	suspect	proOiles,	
investigation,	attack	timeline	and	lessons	learned.		Question	and	answer	session.	
Break			|			3:00	pm	-	3:15	pm	
Buried	Alive	
Roy	Hallums	
In	November	2004,	American	contractor	Roy	Hallums	was	kidnapped	when	gunmen	stormed	a	compound	in	Baghdad.	
A	month	later	it	was	reported	that	Hallums	was	alive	and	the	kidnappers	were	demanding	a	12	million	dollar	ransom.		
Hallums	had	been	imprisoned	in	a	cement	cell	built	under	the	farmhouse	Oloor,	with	a	breathing	tube	providing	him	air.	
On	 September	 7,	 2005,	 Delta	 Force	 operators	 loaded	 onto	 helicopters	 and	 Olew	 to	 the	 target	 farmhouse,	 swooping	
down	and	entering	the	buildings.	Inside,	they	found	that	the	kidnappers	had	Oled.	
Tribute	to	Heroes	Program		
Reception	&	Book	Signing					|					5:00	pm	-	6:00	pm	
Joining	us	for	a	meet	and	greet:	
Roy	Hallums,	with	his	personal	account:	 	 Mark	Geist,	with	his	personal	account:		
Buried	Alive	 	 	 	 	 	 13	Hours.	the	Secret	Soldiers	of	Benghazi		
Tribute	to	Heroes	Dinner	&	Program			|			6:00	pm	-	8:00	pm	
Remembrance	of	9/11	
ReOlection	on	Fallen	OfOicers	
Honored	Guest:	Mark	Geist
Proudly sponsored by:
SEPTEMBER 11, 2017
Proudly hosted by:
Concepts	of	Custodial	Interrogation		
Ralph	Cilento	
This	 workshop	 will	 present	 core	 instructional	 blocks	 from	 the	 NYPD’s	 5	 Day,	 college	 accredited,	
Interrogators	Course.	Questioning,	Formats,	Elicitation,	Rapport	Building	and	Electronically	Recording	
Interrogations	are	just	some	of	the	topics	that	will	be	covered	in	this	three	day	workshop.	 	Excerpts	of	
Interrogation	videos	will	be	shown	and	discussed	with	the	group	in	order	to	arrive	at	some	“best	practices”	
and	interrogation	tactics.		This	workshop	analyzes	the	pros	and	cons	of	the	most	popular	interrogation	techniques.	
ISIS	in	America:	Counterterrorism	Strategies	for	Law	Enforcement	
Brig	Barker	
Red	Rock	Global	Security	Group	will	instruct	on	the	Jihadist	Mindset,	Pre-
Attack	Flags	and	Indicators,	and	Radical	Propaganda.	understanding	the	
Jihadist,	his	mindset/ideology,	how	to	identify	indicators	prior	to	action,	and	
how	propaganda	plays	into	the	motivation	and	justiOication	for	attacks		
Social	Media	Exploitation		
Susi	Hajeski	
Learn	 about	 the	 beneOits	 and	 challenges	 of	 social	 media	 for	 Law	 Enforcement.	 Get	 hands-on	 experience	 with	
searching	 techniques	 of	 social	 media	 information	 to	 enhance	 the	 investigative	 process.	 Gain	 an	
awareness	of	the	landscape	of	social	media	today	and	learn	about	other	identiOiers	which	can	be	
obtained	with	legal	process.			Learn	about	the	future	of	social	media	and	the	implications	for	Law	
Enforcement.	 Get	 hands-on	 experience	 with	 innovative	 solutions	 to	 extract	 information	 out	 of	
social	 media	 accounts.	 Learn	 about	 obfuscation	 techniques	 and	 virtual	 currency	 which	 can	
enhance	 undercover	 operations.	 	 Attendees	 will	 gain	 hands-on	 experience	 working	 with	 social	
media	as	a	resource	in	a	command	post	environment.	The	exercise	will	emphasize	how	to	use	social	
media	as	a	ongoing	communication	tool	for	the	public	and	working	with	others	inside	and	outside	a	CP.		
The	focus	will	be	leveraging	social	media	as	an	intelligence	source	during	real-time	events.
Stalking	and	Workplace	Violence	to	Sole-Actor	Terrorism:		Enhancing	
Behavioral	Threat	Management	Systems	for	Identifying,	Assessing	&	
Managing	Targeted	Violence	
Cari	Robins,	Supervisory	Special	Agent	
FBI	Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	
Gene	Diesinger,	PhD	
Partner,	Sigma	Threat	Management	
This	workshop	will	present	the	most	recent	stalking	research,	trends	and	typologies	while	discussing	recent	stalking	
cases.	The	presentation	will	discuss	investigative,	interviewing,	and	prosecutorial	concepts	and	techniques.		
Critical	incidents,	in	a	variety	of	settings	(schools,	campuses,	workplaces,	houses	of	worship,	etc.)	have	raised	concerns	
about	both	the	safety	of	those	settings	and	the	communities	in	which	those	settings	exist.		Law	enforcement	agencies	
have	 worked	 diligently	 to	 enhance	 capabilities	 to	 respond	 to	 situations	 involving	 active,	 ongoing	 acts	 of	 violence.		
These	behaviors	may	range	from	tactics	of	bullying	and	intimidation,	to	stalking	and	harassment,	to	acts	of	violence	
that	devastate	a	campus,	workplace,	family,	or	community.			
This	 session	 will	 provide	 participants	 with	 a	 working	 understanding	 of	 issues	 related	 to	 targeted	 violence,	
implementing	 a	 multi-disciplinary	 and	 systematic	 approach	 to	 assessment	 and	 management	 of	 cases,	 conducting	
contextually	 based	 assessment	 of	 cases,	 developing	 integrated	 intervention	 and	 case	 management	 strategies,	 and	
increasing	engagement	in	the	safety	and	well-being	of	their	community.
In 2014, at the 4th annual Mid-Atlantic
INLETS, we added a sponsor table
called “Coffee & Conversation.”
Manned with a couple of volunteers, it
wasn’t Billy Graham and it wasn’t
Frasier Crane.
It was simply folks who were trained
listeners. A casual touch-point for attendees who were looking for a recommendation for a
place to eat, to share an idea, or to have a quiet conversation.
This year there has been a lot of national media scrutiny of law enforcement and our agenda
discusses significant life threatening and life changing moments; for fellow officers and for
innocent victims. So, we again have volunteers, who are trained listeners, available for
“coffee and conversation.”
Dean Scoville wrote in Police Magazine’s Police and PTSD, that “In the wake of a traumatic
incident, it is not uncommon for law enforcement officers to be plagued by insomnia, fatigue,
loss of appetite, recurring thoughts and nightmares, anxiety, depression, numbness, or fear
for their own safety. Worse, inability to maintain intimacy with their loved ones or increased
feelings of guilt can lead to severe depression or even suicidal thoughts.”
James Genovese, in an article titled Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its
Unique Challenges, writes, “Alcohol abuse… afflicts one-quarter of all police officers in the
US. Research has revealed a strong connection between occupational stress and alcohol
and drug abuse. Alcohol consumption among police officers is also correlated with officer
suicides and domestic violence.”
The Badge of Life study of police suicides by Ron Clark and Andy O’Hara reports in 2012
there were 126 police suicides. These victims were approximately 42 years of age and had
16 years on the job. 11% of them were also military veterans.
These volunteers are here for you, because you are there for the rest of us.
General	Sessions:	8:00	am	-	10:00	am		|	10:15	am	-Noon	
Terrorism	in	the	UK:	A	New	Scotland	Yard	study	of	the	Past,	Present,	and	Future	
Dominic	Murphy,	Detective	Superintendent		
Counter	Terrorist	Command	|	New	Scotland	Yard	
Detective	Superintendent	Murphy,	SO15	Counter	Terrorism	Command,	New	Scotland	Yard	will	use	
operational	examples	to	explain	the	way	in	which	terrorist	investigations	have	developed	from	the	
earliest	 days	 of	 the	 threat	 from	 Irish	 related	 terrorism	 to	 the	 modern	 day	 threats	 from	
international	 terrorism.	 He	 will	 explain	 the	 future	 threats	 and	 the	 ways	 in	 which	 Counter	
Terrorism	Policing	is	preparing	to	deal	with	these	threats.		
Major	Case	Management:	High-ProOile	Crimes	and	Homicide	
Jay	King,	Detective,		
Los	Angeles	Police	Department	
From	active	shooters	and	mass	casualty	events	to	civil	disobedience	and	assaults	on	ofOicers,	law	
enforcement	agencies	nationwide	continue	to	evolve	to	address	the	ever	increasing,	operational	
demands	placed	upon	them.		However,	gaining	control	of	the	chaos	and	restoring	order	is	only	the	
beginning.	 	The	ability	of	investigators	to	identify	and	capture	those	responsible,	and	present	an	
organized,	 comprehensive	 work	 product	 to	 prosecutors	 can	 be	 a	 demanding	 and	 often	 prolonged	
endeavor.		This	presentation	will	provide	an	overview	of	a	compartmentalized	method	of	case	management	that	is	
routinely	employed	by	the	Los	Angeles	Police	Department	(LAPD),	Robbery-Homicide	Division	(RHD)	to	investigate	
some	of	the	largest	and	most	complex	incidents	that	occur	in	the	City	each	year.		
Lunch					 	 	 |				 Noon	to	1:00	pm	
Workshops	-	Part	3			 |					 1:00	pm	-	2:30	pm	see	descriptions	on	pages	10	&	11	
Break			 	 	 	 |	 2:30	pm	-2:45	pm	
Focused	Seminars	 	 |			 2:45	pm	-	4:30	pm	 descriptions	below	
Major	Case	Management:	Sexual	Assault	
Jay	King,	LAPD,	leads	a	case	study	that	began	in	the	early	morning	hours	of	March	27,	2013,	where	a	10-
year-old	girl	vanished	from	her	home	in	Northridge,	CA.	The	LAPD	deployed	over	50	detectives	on	a	24-
hour	basis,	identiOied	the	primary	suspect,	arrested	his	accomplice,	located	three	crimes	scenes	and	two	
vehicles,	recovered	crucial	evidence,	and	followed	leads	to	San	Diego	where	they	learned	the	suspect	had	
crossed	 over	 to	 Mexico	 shortly	 after	 the	 crime.	 	 This	 presentation	 will	 provide	 an	 overview	 of	 the	
compartmentalized,	 case	 management	 strategy,	 which	 RHD	 implemented	 in	 this	 case	 and	 uses	 for	 all	
major	incidents.			
Technology	Resources:	Verizon’s	Emergency	Preparedness	/	Disaster	Recovery	
Todd	Biebel	(NJ	State	Police,	retired)	represents	Verizon	Wireless	as	a	Manager	of	Business	Continuity	/	Disaster	
Recovery	for	the	northeast	and	mid	west	sections	of	the	United	States,	conducting	communications	outreach	and	
response	initiatives	for	all	levels	of	emergency	response.				
FBI	Resources	for	LE:	the	Terrorist	Screening	Center,	ViCAP,	and	E-Guardian	
These	informational	presentations	will	provide	access	to	resources	for	real-time	investigation	assistance.	Analysts	
and	Investigators	can	beneOit	from	these	FBI-led	programs.	
Homegrown	Violent	Extremism:	DIRT	This	Digital	Immersion	Response	Training	(DIRT)	module	uses	virtual	
reality	to	provide	interactive	training	to	re-enforce	the	learning	points.		Seating	limited.
It	 is	 es'mated	 that	 over	 80%	 	 of	 	 our	 na'on’s	 cri'cal	 	 infrastructure	 is	 privately	 owned.	 	 The	 federal	
government	 alone	 cannot	 protect	 all	 these	 assets.	 	 	 It	 requires	 coordinated	 ac'on	 from	 numerous	
stakeholders	including	federal,	state,	and	local	government,	private	sector	companies	and	organiza'ons,	
federal,	state,	local,	and	tribal	law	enforcement,	academia,	and	concerned	ci'zens.		InfraGard	serves	as	the	
cri'cal	link	to	connect	infrastructure	owners	and	operators	with	the	en''es	that	strive	to	protect	those	
assets	from	a	myriad	of	threats,	both	naturally	occurring	and	man-made.		
InfraGard	is	its	own	501(c)(3)	non-profit	with	a	very	unique	rela'onship	with	the	FBI.		Started	twenty	years	
ago	as	a	means	to	engage	and	connect	private	sector	subject	maOer	experts	with	FBI	special	agents	and	
analysts,	it	has	grown	to	a	member-based	organiza'on	of	over	50,000	individuals	represen'ng	all	16	cri'cal	
infrastructure	 sectors	 and	 in	 posi'ons	 from	 the	 “boots	 on	 the	 ground”	 to	 the	 “C-Suite.”	 	 Organized	 by	
individual	member	alliances	(IMAs	or	chapters)	each	of	the	84	IMAs	is	linked	to	an	FBI	field	office.		Through	
informa'on	 sharing	 and	 exchange,	 'mely	 informa'on	 and	 intelligence	 is	 delivered,	 inves'ga'ons	 are	
ini'ated	 and/or	 enhanced,	 vital	 economic	 and	 na'onal	 security	 assets	 are	 protected,	 and	 las'ng	
rela'onships	are	formed	between	law	enforcement	and	infrastructure	owners/operators.			
One	of	the	chapters,	the	InfraGard	Na'onal	Capital	Region	Members	Alliance	(InfraGardNCR),	represents	
more	than	2,500	individuals	in	the	metropolitan	Washington,	DC	area.	 	It	is	through	their	leadership	and	
fiduciary	stewardship	that	INLETS	has	grown	and	con'nues	to	be	independent	of	government	funding.	
In	addi'onal	to	InfraGardNCR,	InfraGard	Maryland	representa'ves	have	key	roles	on	the	INLETS	planning	
team	and	add	more	private	sector	perspec've	to	the	INLETS	programming	efforts.	
Lastly,	as	INLETS	has	grown	outside	the	Washington,	DC	area,	InfraGardNCR	and	the	INLETS	planning	team	
have	 coordinated	 their	 efforts	 to	 ensure	 the	 local	 InfraGard	 chapter	 is	 a	 vested	 partner	 in	 the	 training	
Here	in	Honolulu,	the	InfraGard	Hawaii	Members	Alliance	has	joined	the	Hawaii	State	Fusion	Center	and	the	
FBI	Honolulu	office	to	mirror	the	east	coast	partnership	of	FBI,	fusion	center,	and	InfraGard.			
This	 series	 of	 training	 programs,	 designed	 to	 enhance	 and	 support	 the	 analy'cal	 and	 inves'ga've	
capabili'es	of	law	enforcement	and	private	sector	stakeholders,	is	an	example	of	the	successes	an	effec've	
public/private	partnership	can	have,	ensuring	our	na'on’s	first	responders	have	the	tools	and	training	they	
need	to	beOer	protect	our	country.
The	General	Sessions					|				8:00	am	-	10:00	am			|			10:15	am	-	12:00	pm	
Detecting	Deception		Statement	Analysis	
Matthew	Bowlin	
This	presentation	of	Statement	Analysis	will	offer	participants	an	introduction	to	main	concepts	
of	the	discipline.		These	concepts	will	offer	insight	to	deception,	stress,	and	areas	of	concern	when	
focusing	on	one's	statement.	
The	Bombing	of	the	USS	Cole	
Kirk	Lippold,	Commander,	US	Navy	(retired)	
The	 USS	 Cole	 bombing	 was	 a	 terrorist	 attack	 against	 the	 United	 States	 Navy	 guided-
missile	destroyer	USS	Cole	(DDG-67)	on	12	October	2000,	while	it	was	being	refueled	in	
Yemen's	Aden	harbor.	Seventeen	American	sailors	were	killed	and	39	injured[1]	in	the	
deadliest	attack	against	a	United	States	naval	vessel	since	1987.	
Lunch					 	 	 |				 Noon	to	1:45	pm	
Workshops	-	Part	2			 |					 12:45	pm	-	2:15	pm		see	descriptions	on	pages	10	&	11	
Enrichment	Visit			 	 |			 2:30	pm	-	8:00	pm	 details	below	
The	Enrichment	Visit:		Pearl	Harbor,	with	special	presentation		transportation	provided	
At	World	War	II	Valor	in	the	PaciOic	National	Monument,	home	of	the	USS	Arizona	Memorial,	we	will	learn	about	one	of	
the	most	pivotal	moments	in	US	history:	the	attack	on	Pearl	Harbor.	 	Renown	historian,	Daniel	Martinez	of	the	US	
National	Park	Service,	will	provide	a	special	discussion	on	the	events	leading	up	to	and	beyond	that	fateful	day.		Guest	
of	attendees	invited	to	attend.
Fusion centers across the country are information sharing centers, jointly
created and funded under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the
Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice. The centers are
designed to promote information sharing between agencies such as the FBI
and Department of Defense as well as state, local, territorial and tribal
governments. They provide analysis that supports the efforts of state and local
law enforcement agencies to prevent and investigate crime in their local
communities and address the most pressing national challenges, such as
gangs, border violence, narcotics, homicides and terrorism.
The Hawaii State Fusion Center (HSFC) includes federal, state, local,
territorial, and private sector partners who are committed to sharing actionable
intelligence for the safety and security of Hawaii and the nation.
HSFC is structured to empower front-line law enforcement, public safety, fire
service, emergency response, public health, critical infrastructure protection,
and private sector security personnel to understand local implications of
national intelligence, thus enabling local officials to better protect their
communities. In addition, the HSFC directly supports territorial partner
American Samoa and coordinates with the Guam-based Marianas Regional
Fusion Center, the sole Asia-Pacific regional fusion center partner.
HSFC is proud to partner with the FBI’s Honolulu office and the InfraGard
Hawaii Members Alliance to bring the INLETS program to our first responder
and private sector stakeholder community. It is through these partnerships that
we, collectively, better protect our communities, our state’s infrastructure and
assets, and strengthen our nation as a whole.
This training program, designed to enhance and support the analytical and
investigative capabilities of law enforcement and private sector stakeholders, is
an example of the success effective public/private partnerships can have,
ensuring our nation’s first responders have the tools and training they need to
better protect our country.
The General Sessions: 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Human	TrafOicking	
Monica	Rousey,	Victim	Assistance	Coordinator	
FBI	Honolulu	
An	FBI	subject	matter	expert	will	share	the	ways	to	mange	Human	TrafOicking	cases	which	can	be	
very	complex	with	fragile	victims	and	survivors.		This	block	of	instruction	will	cover	some	of	the	
investigative	and	interviewing	techniques	in	trafOicking	investigations.	
“Boy	in	the	Bunker”	Hostage	Crisis	
Mark	MacKizer,	Supervisory	Special	Agent	
	FBI	Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	
On	January	29,	2013,	a	hostage	crisis,	lasting	almost	seven	days,	began	in	the	
Wiregrass	 Region	 in	 Midland	 City,	 Alabama.	 Jimmy	 Lee	 Dykes,	 a	 65-year-old	
Vietnam	War-era	veteran	boarded	a	Dale	County	school	bus,	killed	the	driver,	and	took	a	
Oive-year-old	boy	hostage.	On	the	afternoon	of	February	4,	the	rescue	attempt	was	made.	
Lunch				 	 	 	 |				 Noon	to	1:00	pm	
Workshops	-	Part	3			 	 |					 1:00	pm	-	2:30	pm			see	descriptions	on	pages	10	&	11	
Break			 	 	 	 |	 2:30	pm	-2:45	pm	
Focused	Seminars	 	 |			 2:45	pm	-	4:30	pm	 descriptions	below	
Human	TrafOicking,	Investigative	Tools,	Techniques	and	Strategies	
Thomas	Stack	will	share	the	was	to	mange	Human	TrafOicking	cases	which	can	be	very	complex	and	labor	intensive.		
This	block	of	instruction	will	cover	some	of	the	investigative	techniques	used	in	building	a	successful	case.		
Homegrown	Violent	Extremism	
DIRT	This	Digital	Immersion	Response	Training	(DIRT)	module	uses	virtual	reality	to	provide	interactive	training	to	
re-enforce	the	learning	points.	Homegrown	Violent	Extremism	themes	will	be	taught,	observed	through	virtual	reality	
scenarios,	and	then	discussed.		Seating	limited.	
The	UK	Response	to	Mass	Fatality	Incidents	and	the	Implications	for	Victims	and	Policing
A	case	study	using	several	high	proOile	overseas	and	U.K.	based	terrorist	attacks	to	demonstrate	the	challenges	of	body	
recovery	in	hostile	and	safe	environments	from	the	start	of	an	attack	to	the	later	public	enquiry.
It	is	not	the	critic	who	counts;	not	the	man	who	
points	out	how	the	strong	man	
stumbles,	or	where	the	doer	of	
deeds	could	have	done	them	
better.	The	credit	belongs	to	
the	man	who	is	actually	in	the	arena,	whose	
face	is	marred	by	dust	and	sweat	and	blood;	
who	strives	valiantly;	who	errs,	who	
comes	short	again	and	again,	because	
there	is	no	effort	
without	error	and	
shortcoming;	but	
who	does	actually	strive	to	do	the	deeds;	
who	knows	great	enthusiasms,	the	great	
devotions;	who	spends	
himself	in	a	worthy	cause;	who	at	the	best	knows	
in	the	end	the	triumph	of	high	achievement,	and	
who	at	the	worst,	if	he	fails,	
at	least	fails	while	daring	
greatly,	so	that	his	place	
shall	never	be	with	those	cold	and	timid	
souls	who	neither	know	victory	nor	defeat.	
-Theodore	Roosevelt
The Man in the Arena
Continuing in 2017, American Military University (AMU) will be hosting 1-hour webinars without
cost to help law enforcement officers* stay current on topics covering:
• DarkNet Awareness
• DarkNet Investigations/Operations
• Digital Currency Awareness
• Social Media/Apps Part 5
• UAV/Drone Operations for Law Enforcement
• UAV/Drone Counter Measures
• Social Media Monitoring during Civil Disturbance
• Islamic Radicalization
• Domestic and International Kidnapping Investigations
• Drug Smuggling Tactics and Money Laundering (Digital Currency)
Webinar attendees may receive a 5% tuition grant for degree and certificate courses at AMU.
AMU is part of the accredited American Public University System and certified to operate by SCHEV.
*The webinars include law enforcement-sensitive information; therefore all registrants will undergo a verification process to ensure they are current law enforcement
officers, analysts, or law enforcement support personnel.
The General Sessions | 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Blunt	Force	&	Pattern	Injuries	
Tracey	Corey,	MD	
Medical	Examiner,	State	of	Kentucky	|	Consultant,	FBI	Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	
This	presentation	will	center	on	recognition	of	physical	evidence	on	bodies,	with	speciOic	details	
regarding	 differential	 recognition	 of	 patterns	 seen	 in	 homicides,	 suicides,	 and	 natural	 deaths.	
Common	patterns	seen	in	blunt	force	injuries,	sharp	force	injuries,	and	asphyxial	deaths	will	be	
The	Boston	Marathon	Bombing	Investigation:	A	Case	Study	&	Lessons	Learned	
Tim	Brown,	Supervisory	Special	Agent	
FBI	Counterterrorism	Division	
On	April	15,	2013,	two	pressure	cooker	bombs	exploded	in	the	vicinity	of	the	Boston	Marathon	
Oinish	line.	Three	people	died,	including	an	eight	year	old	boy,	and	over	260	people	were	injured.	
Eighteen	people	suffered	amputations	as	a	result	of	the	blasts.	Supervisory	Special	Agent	Brown	
will	 provide	 a	 detailed	 timeline	 of	 events,	 beginning	 with	 the	 response	 to	 the	 bombings	 and	
concluding	with	the	successful	prosecution	of	Dzhokhar	Tsarnaev.	 	SSA	Brown	will	speak	about	the	
challenges	he	faced	while	conducting	this	complex	terrorism	investigation,	the	importance	of	interagency	
cooperation,	and	the	lessons	learned	during	the	investigation	and	successful	prosecution	of	the	case.	
Closing	Comments	 |				12:00	Noon
! !
American Military University (AMU) is very proud to support the Hawaiian
Islands INLETS. The educational sessions and workshops you will attend
this week provide a unique opportunity to learn from fellow officers around
the nation and the globe. We support this event because we believe the
high-quality education offered during INLETS will help better prepare our
nation’s law enforcement agencies for responding to terrorism and violent
As a university, we encourage you to take advantage of the many learning
opportunities throughout the week. Learning happens in many places
outside the classroom too and one of the best ways to learn is through the
experience of others.
As you listen to presentations by national and international law enforcement
officers, consider how these events apply to you and your agency. Ask
yourself these questions:
• What can you take away from each session to help you and your
agency be better prepared?
• What lessons have others learned that can be applied to your job?
• What mistakes did other agencies make and how can you and your
agency avoid making similar ones?
• How can you share your INLETS experience and knowledge with
Terrorism and violent crimes know no boundaries. None of us can predict
the next tragedy, but we can be better prepared. Your attendance at this
conference is just one more step toward preparedness.
AMU thanks you for your tireless work to protect our communities and our
nation and we encourage you to never stop learning.
The	Maryland	Center	for	School	Safety	was	created	by	the	General	Assembly	in	
2013	to	work	with	public	school	and	law	enforcement	stakeholders	to	ensure	a	
comprehensive	 and	 coordinated	 approach	 to	 school	 safety,	 including	
disseminating	 information	 on	 best	 practices,	 providing	 training	 and	 technical	
assistance,	and	gathering	meaningful	data	on	school	safety	issues	to	ensure	our	
schools	are	a	safe	and	supportive	environment.		
Additionally,	 a	 Center	 Governing	 Board	 was	 established	 to	 develop	 an	
implementation	 plan	 to	 phase	 in	 establishment	 and	 operation	 of	 the	 Center;	
provide	general	oversight	and	direction	to	the	Center;	and	approve	the	annual	
budget	for	the	Center.	The	Governor	appointed	State	Superintendent	of	Schools,	
Dr.	Lillian	M.	Lowery,	as	chair.	 	A	representative	of	the	local	Superintendents	of	
Schools	and	Maryland	Association	of	Boards	of	Education	are	members	of	the	
Governing	Board.				
Mr.	Edward	A.	Clarke	was	hired	as	the	Oirst	Executive	Director	of	the	Maryland	
Center	 for	 School	 Safety.	 	 He	 brings	 thirty-seven	 years	 of	 combined	 law	
enforcement	and	school	safety	experience	to	the	position.		
The	 Center	 for	 School	 Safety	 is	 housed	 at	 the	 Maryland	 Coordination	 and	
Analysis	Center	(MCAC),	the	State's	Fusion	Center.		
Questions	or	comments	as	to	the	Center’s	Mission	can	be	addressed	to:	
AMERICA THE FREEAmerica will always be the land of the free.
Because it is the home of the brave men and women of our military forces.
We thank them – each and every one – for their service and sacrifice.
Timothy	D.	Brown	
Supervisory	Special	Agent,	Federal	Bureau	of	Investigation	
Supervisory	Special	Agent	Timothy	Brown	began	his	career	with	the	FBI	in	2008.	
After	 graduating	 from	 the	 FBI	 Academy,	 SSA	 Brown	 was	 assigned	 as	 a	 Special	
Agent	to	the	FBI	Joint	Terrorism	Task	Force	(JTTF)	in	the	Boston	Division.	On	April	
15,	2013,	SSA	Brown	responded	to	the	Boston	Marathon	bombings	and	later	that	
evening	 he	 was	 assigned	 as	 a	 Case	 Agent	 for	 the	 Boston	 Marathon	 bombing	
investigation	(BOSBOM).	SSA	Brown	served	as	a	lead	investigator	and	prosecution	
team	member	during	the	entire	course	of	the	BOSBOM	investigation	and	trial	of	
Dzhokhar	 Tsarnaev.	 SSA	 Brown	 is	 a	 recipient	 of	 the	 United	 States	 Attorney	
General’s	Award	for	Exceptional	Service	and	the	FBI	Director’s	Award.	SSA	Brown	
is	currently	assigned	to	the	FBI’s	Counterterrorism	Division	in	Washington,	D.C.	
Matt	Bowlin	
Special	Agent,	U.S.	Capitol	Police
Matthew	Bowlin	is	a	U.S.	Capitol	Police	Special	Agent	assigned	to	the	FBI’s	Behavioral	Threat	Assessment	Center	(BTAC),	
Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	II	(BAU-2)	at	the	National	Center	for	the	Analysis	of	Violent	Crime	(NCAVC),	Quantico,	Virginia	
since	February	2011.		At	the	NCAVC,	he	is	responsible	for	providing	behaviorally	based	operational	support	and	training	to	
federal,	state,	local,	tribal	and	international	law	enforcement	agencies.		SA	Bowlin’s	support	primarily	encompasses	threat	
assessments,	 threat	 management	 strategies,	 interview	 and	 interrogation	 strategies,	 media	 strategies,	 and	 unknown	
offender	proOiles.		
SA	Bowlin	began	his	law	enforcement	career	in	2000	with	the	Sanford	Police	Department	in	Sanford,	FL	as	a	patrol	ofOicer.		
During	his	time	there,	SA	Bowlin	experienced	many	facets	of	law	enforcement	due	to	diverse	assignments,	including	road	
patrol,	Airport	Operations,	Special	Tactical	Unit,	Investigations,	Juvenile	Services	Unit,	and	Bomb	Squad.		As	a	detailed	or	
full	time	member	of	each	of	these	units,	SA	Bowlin	assisted	with	multiple	undercover	narcotic	and	prostitution	operations,	
violent	 crime	 investigations,	 juvenile	 offender	 operations,	 arrest	 warrant	 round-ups,	 and	 community	 service	 outreach	
In	2003,	SA	Bowlin	began	his	career	with	the	U.S.	Capitol	Police	as	a	uniformed	police	ofOicer	where	he	worked	in	the	
Capitol	Division,	directly	ensuring	the	protection	of	the	Legislative	process,	Members	of	Congress,	staff,	and	visitors.	 	SA	
Bowlin	worked	on	the	Senate	Chambers	Section	and	the	First	Responders	Unit,	leading	to	additional	training	and	collateral	
assignments	 to	 an	 Investigations	 Division	 Task	 Force	 conducting	 counterterrorism,	 counterintelligence,	 and	 counter-
surveillance	 operations	 in	 Washington	 D.C.	 and	 during	 special	 events	 such	 as	 political	 party	 national	 committee	
conferences	and	Congressional	Delegations.		
SA	Bowlin	has	a	Bachelor	of	Science	degree	in	Administration	of	Criminal	Justice	from	Mountain	State	University.
Hollywood has emulated and imitated the BAU
for decades, both the big screen and the silver
screen have portrayed agents and the history of
the program with flare and fandom.
National Center for the
Analysis of Violent Crime
The primary mission of the National
Center for the Analysis of Violent
Crime (NCAVC) is to provide
behavioral-based investigative
support to law enforcement involved
in the investigation of unusual or
repetitive violent crimes, threats,
terrorism, cyber crimes, public
corruption, and other matters.
The NCAVC consists of five units:
• Behavioral Analysis Unit 1
(counterterrorism, arson and
bombing matters)
• Behavioral Analysis Unit 2 (threats,
cyber crime, and public corruption)
• Behavioral Analysis Unit 3 (crimes
against children)
• Behavioral Analysis Unit 4 (crimes
against adults, ViCAP)
• Behavioral Analysis Unit 5
(research, strategy, and instruction)
The NCAVC provides operational
support for a range of cases, such as
terrorism; threats of targeted
violence; active shooters; cyber
crime; public corruption; cases
involving child victims such
as, abduction or mysterious
disappearances, homicides, and
victimization; cases involving adult
victims, such as, serial, spree, mass,
and other murders; serial rape;
extortion; kidnapping; product
tampering; arson and bombing; and
weapons of mass destruction.
NCAVC provides the following
• Crime analysis
• Profiles of unknown offenders
• Offender motivation analysis
• Linkage analysis
• Investigative suggestions
• Multi-agency coordination
• Threat assessment management
• Interview strategies
• Search warrant affidavit
• Prosecution and trial strategies
• Expert testimony
• Critical incident analysis
The NCAVC also conducts extensive
research from a law enforcement
perspective, often in conjunction with
other law enforcement, government,
and academic organizations. Results
of research are provided in
publications, training classes,
seminars, and conferences.
The FBI’s BAU Program
FBI Honolulu Field Office
Tia Hoffer
Special Agent
Primary BAU Coordinator
FBI Washington Field Office
Primary BAU Coordinator
Erin L. Sheridan
Special Agent
Jarrod	Burguan	
Chief,	San	Bernardino	Police	Department	
Chief	Jarrod	Burguan	has	been	with	the	San	Bernardino	Police	Department	since	January	1992	and	has	been	serving	as	the	
City’s	 Police	 Chief	 since	 December	 2013.	 	 Throughout	 his	 career	 and	 rising	 through	 the	 ranks,	 he	 has	 worked	 in,	
supervised,	or	managed	units	in	every	division	of	the	Department.	
On	December	2,	2015,	San	Bernardino	was	the	site	of	a	mass	shooting	that	was	classiOied	as	a	terrorist	act.	 	The	crime	
garnered	worldwide	media	interest	as	it	was	determined	to	be	the	largest	terrorist	inspired	act	on	United	States	soil	since	
the	attacks	of	September	11,	2001.	 	14	people	were	killed	and	22	were	wounded.	 	Within	hours,	members	of	the	San	
Bernardino	 Police	 Department	 located	 the	 attackers	 and	 the	 world	 watched	 as	 local	 law	 enforcement	 engaged	 the	
attackers	in	a	gun	battle	that	wounded	two	ofOicers	and	killed	both	suspects.	 	Chief	Burguan	has	been	recognized	for	his	
leadership	in	that	incident	and	for	his	ability	to	communicate	information	to	the	public	in	the	many	press	conferences	
associated	with	the	investigation	and	local	response.	
Ralph	Cilento	
Lt./Commanding	OfOicer,	Detective	Bureau	Training	Unit,	New	York	City	Police	Department	

Ralph	Cilento	is	a	Lieutenant	with	more	than	twenty-two	years	of	experience	in	the	New	York	City	Police	Department.		He	
has	patrolled	some	of	the	toughest	streets	in	Manhattan	and	the	South	Bronx.		Lt.	Cilento	has	been	assigned	to	supervise	
investigations	 for	 more	 than	 ten	 years,	 commanding	 detectives	 in	 the	 44th	 Precinct	 Robbery	 Squad,	 48th	 Precinct	
Detective	Squad,	Bronx	Homicide	Squad	and	Major	Case	Squad.	Lt.	Cilento	is	the	NYPD’s	project	manager	and	authority	on	
Electronic	Recording	of	Custodial	Interrogations,	and	has	overseen	implementation	of	the	program	throughout	the	city.		He	
has	twice	testiOied	as	an	expert	witness	for	the	NYPD.		Lt.	Cilento	is	a	graduate	of	Pace	University.		In	his	current	position	as	
Commanding	OfOicer	of	the	NYPD’s	Detective	Bureau	Training	Unit,	he	is	responsible	for	developing	training	for	more	than	
3200	members	of	the	NYPD’s	elite	Detective	Bureau,	including	the	nationally	recognized	courses:	Homicide	Investigator’s	
Course,	Special	Victim’s	Investigator’s	Course,	and	the	Detective	Bureau	Interrogator’s	Course.	
Tracey	Corey,	MD	
Chief	Medical	Examiner	of	the	Commonwealth	of	Kentucky	(ret.)	
Dr.	Tracey	Corey	is	a	forensic	pathologist,	serving	as	the	Chief	Medical	Examiner	of	the	Commonwealth	of	Kentucky.		She	is	
also	Clinical	Professor	and	Division	Director	of	the	Division	of	Forensic	Pathology	at	the	University	of	Louisville,	School	of	
Dr.	 Corey	 has	 many	 publications	 in	 peer-reviewed	 forensic	 journals	 and	 has	 written	 chapters	 in	 medical	 and	 forensic	
textbooks.		Many	of	her	scientiOic	publications	have	involved	the	analysis	of	injury	in	children.		Dr.	Corey	is	one	of	four	co-
editors	of	the	international	publication	of	the	Encyclopedia	of	Forensic	and	Legal	Medicine.	 	She	has	served	on	Boards	of	
Directors	 and	 many	 national	 committees	 in	 the	 Oield	 of	 forensics	 for	 organizations	 such	 as	 the	 American	 Academy	 of	
Forensic	Sciences	and	the	National	Association	of	Medical	Examiners.	 	She	is	a	consultant	and	Research	Advisory	Board	
Member	for	the	Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	of	the	FBI.			
Outside	of	the	ofOice,	Dr.	Corey	is	the	mother	of	two	young	men,	the	daughter	of	two	retired	judges,	and	the	wife	of	a	Major	
within	the	Louisville	Metro	Police	Department.		Her	outside	interests	include	horseback	riding	and	competing	throughout	
the	Eastern	United	States	in	the	equine	sport	known	as	“eventing,”	on	her	off-the-track	thoroughbred	horses.		Recognized	
as	a	national	leader	in	forensic	pathology,	she	has	been	featured	on	national	news	shows	including	CBS	48	Hours,	NBC	
Dateline,	and	ABC	Good	Morning	America.
Gene	Deisinger,	PhD.
Managing	Partner,	SIGMA	Threat	Management	
Dr.	Gene	Deisinger	is	a	Managing	Partner	and	Co-Founder	of	SIGMA	Threat	Management	
Associates,	 a	 professional	 services	 Oirm	 involving	 internationally	 recognized	 experts	 in	
psychology	and	behavior,	law,	organizational	development,	security,	and	law	enforcement.		
Upon	his	retirement	in	November	2014,	Dr.	Deisinger	also	served	as	Deputy	Chief	of	Police	
&	Director	of	Threat	Management	Services	for	Virginia	Tech.		As	executive	ofOicer	for	the	
Virginia	 Tech	 Police	 Department,	 Major	 Deisinger	 provided	 leadership	 for	 law	
enforcement	operations	to	support	a	safe	and	secure	campus	environment.	
While	still	with	Virginia	Tech,	Dr.	Deisinger	served	as	a	subject	matter	expert	and	provided	primary	training	for	the	
National	Campus	Threat	Assessment	Training	Initiative	for	Institutions	of	Higher	Education,	a	program	offered	from	
2009	to	2011	through	the	US	Department	of	Justice.		From	2009	to	2012,	Dr.	Deisinger	was	appointed	as	a	Fellow	of	
the	US	Department	of	Education’s	Higher	Education	Center	for	Alcohol,	Drug	Abuse	and	Violence	Prevention.		In	2009,	
speciOically,	following	the	tragedy	at	Fort	hood,	Dr.	Deisinger	also	was	requested	to	assist	the	US	Army	in	enhancing	
force	 protection	 and	 threat	 management	 capabilities.	 	 He	 subsequently	 served	 as	 a	 subject	 matter	 expert	 for	 the	
Defense	Science	Board,	providing	testimony	to	enhance	understanding	of	targeted	violence	and	application	of	threat	
management	methodologies	in	military	settings.		Since	2012,	he	has	also	served	as	a	subject	matter	expert	for	the	US	
Department	of	Justice	and	Homeland	Security	in	their	efforts	to	prevent	violent	mass	casualty	incidents.	
Before	 accepting	 his	 position	 at	 Virginia	 Tech	 in	 2009,	 Dr.	 Deisinger	 was	 a	 founding	 member	 of	 the	 Iowa	 State	
University	Critical	Incident	Response	Team.	
Susi	Hajeski	
Senior	Computer	Scientist,	Federal	Bureau	of	Investigation	
Susi	 Hajeski,	 a	 20	 year	 veteran	 of	 the	 Federal	 Bureau	 of	 Investigation,	 is	 the	 Senior	 Computer	 Scientist	 for	 the	
Baltimore	 Field	 OfOice.	 	 She	 is	 an	 integral	 component	 of	 the	 Baltimore	 Cyber	 Task	 Force,	 coordinating	 cyber	
investigations	 with	 Law	 Enforcement	 and	 Intelligence	 Community	 partners,	 and	 leads	 a	 team	 of	 highly	 technical	
individuals	from	various	government	agencies	in	support	of	this	Task	Force.	Over	the	past	6	months,	Ms.	Hajeski	and	
her	 team	 have	 performed	 critical	 analysis	 of	 digital	 evidence	 in	 a	 major	 National	 Security	 investigation.	 The	
Department	of	Justice	has	repeatedly	requested	Ms.	Hajeski	to	testify	as	a	subject	matter	expert	in	computers	and	
Computer	Science.	 	In	addition	to	her	work	developing	complex	technical	solutions	to	further	FBI	investigations	in	
Maryland	and	Delaware,	she	applies	her	expertise	to	FBI	Cyber	Division	projects	which	develop	innovative	technical	
solutions	in	support	of	all	FBI	investigations.	Ms.	Hajeski	received	her	bachelor's	degree	in	Computer	Science	from	the	
University	of	Illinois.	
Jay	King	
Detective,	Los	Angeles	Police	Department	
Jay	King	joined	the	Los	Angeles	Police	Department	(LAPD)	in	August	1993	and	has	spent	the	majority	of	the	past	17-
years	investigating	sex	crimes	and	homicides.	 	He	was	accepted	into	Robbery-Homicide	Division	(RHD)	in	March	of	
2008	where	he	participated	in	a	number	of	high	proOile	investigations	including	the	murder	of	off-duty	Los	Angeles	
Sheriff’s	Deputy	Juan	Escalante,	the	hunt	for	the	"Grim	Sleeper"	serial	killer,	the	murder	of	Sherri	Rasmussen	by	former	
LAPD	Detective	Stephanie	Lazarus,	the	assault	on	Bryan	Stow	at	Dodger	Stadium,	the	"New	Years”	arson	series,	the	
Christopher	Dorner	multi-agency	task	force,	and	the	murder	of	Transportation	Security	Administration	(TSA)	Agent	
Gerardo	Hernandez	at	Los	Angeles	Airport	(LAX)	Terminal	3.	After	a	brief	tour	at	Major	Crimes	Division	(MCD),	Jay	
returned	 to	 the	 RHD	 Homicide	 Special	 Section	 as	 a	 Detective	 III	 in	 March	 2015.	 	 He	 also	 teaches	 at	 the	 California	
Commission	on	Peace	OfOicer	Standards	and	Training	(POST)	Robert	Presley	Institute	of	Criminal	Investigation	(ICI)	
Gang	Investigations	Course	and	at	the	LAPD	Homicide	Course.
Kirk	Lippold,		
Commander,	US	Navy	(retired)	
Before	serving	as	Commanding	OfOicer	of	USS	Cole	from	1999	to	2001,	Kirk	Lippold	was	Executive	ofOicer	on	USS	
Shiloh	(CG-67).	He	also	served	as	the	Operations	ofOicer	on	the	commissioning	crew	of	USS	Arleigh	Burke	(DDG-51),	
the	lead	ship	of	the	same	destroyer	class	as	the	USS	Cole.	He	was	division	ofOicer	aboard	USS	Yorktown	(CG-48)	and	
USS	Fairfax	County	(LST-1193).		
Following	his	departure	from	the	USS	Cole,	he	received	a	series	of	desk	positions	at	the	Pentagon.[5]	Working	in	the	
War	 on	 Terrorism	 Division	 of	 the	 Joint	 Chiefs	 of	 Staff,	 Directorate	 for	 Strategic	 Plans	 and	 Policy,	 Lippold	 "was	
instrumental"	in	the	creation	of	detainee	policy	in	the	immediate	aftermath	of	the	9/11	attacks.	
Lippold's	Oinal	U.S.	Navy	assignment	was	to	the	OfOice	of	the	Chief	of	Naval	Operations	in	the	International	Strategy	
Division.[4]	He	retired	as	a	Commander	in	May	2007	at	the	age	of	47	during	a	ceremony	at	the	United	States	Navy	
Memorial	in	Washington,	D.C.			Commander	Lippold	is	a	graduate	of	the	US	Naval	Academy.		
Mark	MacKizer	
Supervisory	Special	Agent,	Federal	Bureau	of	Investigation		
Mark	 L.	 MacKizer	 is	 a	 Supervisory	 Special	 Agent	 (SSA)	 with	 the	 FBI’s	 Behavioral	
Analysis	 Unit	 3	 (BAU	 3),	 which	 is	 responsible	 for	 providing	 behaviorally-based	
operational	 support	 and	 training	 to	 law	 enforcement	 agencies	 involved	 in	 the	
investigation	 of	 child	 abductions,	 mysterious	 disappearances	 of	 children,	 child	
homicide	and	child	sexual	victimization.		In	addition,	SSA	MacKizer	contributes	to	BAU	
3’s	quantitative	research	of	crimes	involving	child	victimization	in	an	effort	to	enhance	
operational	support	for	law	enforcement.	 	SSA	MacKizer’s	prior	assignments	within	
the	 FBI	 have	 included	 Evidence	 Response	 Team	 member,	 Crisis	 Management	
coordinator,	Violent	Gang	Safe	Streets	Task	Force	coordinator	and	team	leader	for	the	
FBI’s	 Southeast	 Region	 Child	 Abduction	 Rapid	 Deployment	 Team.	 SSA	 MacKizer	 has	
over	30	years	law	enforcement	experience,	including	26	years	as	an	FBI	Special	Agent,	
four	years	as	Special	Investigator	with	the	New	York	State	Attorney	General’s	OfOice	and	two	years	as	a	police	ofOicer	
with	the	Monroe	County,	NY	Sheriff’s	OfOice.	SSA	MacKizer	has	a	Master	of	Science	degree	in	Criminal	Justice	with	a	
minor	in	Psychology	from	the	State	University	of	New	York	College	at	Buffalo.	
Established	by	the	Department	
of	 Justice	 in	 1985,	 the	 Violent	
C r i m i n a l	 A p p r e h e n s i o n	
Program	(ViCAP)	serves	as	the	
national	 repository	 for	 violent	
crimes;	 speciOically	 homicides,	
sexual	 assaults,	 missing	
persons,	and	unidentiOied	human	remains.	 	Comprehensive	case	
information	 submitted	 to	 ViCAP	 is	 maintained	 in	 the	 national	
database	 and	 automatically	 compared	 to	 all	 other	 cases	 in	 the	
database	to	identify	similarities.		Individual	case	submissions	are	
analyzed	by	crime	analysts	through	the	application	of	analytical	
skills,	education,	specialized	training,	and	research.			
The	 primary	 mission	 of	 the	 ViCAP	 is	 to	 provide	 criminal	
investigative	 and	 analytical	 support	 to	 federal,	 state,	 and	 local	
law	enforcement	agencies.	 	This	support	includes	the	collection	
and	examination	of	case	information,	multi-agency	coordination,	
and	the	creation	of	analytical	products.		One	of	the	cornerstones	
of	the	program	is	the	continued	development	and	maintenance	of	
ViCAP	Web,	the	nationwide	investigative	database	of	homicides,	
sexual	 assaults,	 missing	 persons,	 and	 unidentiOied	 human	
remains.	ViCAP	Web	collects	information	regarding	the	following	
types	of	crimes,	whether	or	not	the	offender	has	been	arrested	or	
					●		Homicides	(and		attempts),	especially		those		that		involve	an	
abductions	 are	 apparently	 random,	 motiveless,	 or	 sexually	
oriented,	or	are	known	or	suspected	to	be	part	of	a	series.	
	●			Sexual			Assaults,		especially	those		committed	by	a		stranger,	
or		those	known	or	suspected	to	be	part	of	a	series.	
					●		Missing	Persons	where	the		circumstances		indicate	a		strong		
possibility	of	foul	play	and	the	victim	is	still	missing.		
					●		UnidentiOied	Human	Remains	where	the	manner	of	death	is	
known	or	suspected	to	be	homicide.
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program

The Highway Serial Killings Initiative
If there is such a thing as an ideal profession for a serial killer, it may well be as a long-haul truck
FBI Crime Analyst Christie Palazzolo is quick to point out that long-haul trucking is an honorable
profession and that the overwhelming majority of drivers are not murderers—but it does happen, and
the pattern is unmistakable.
More than a decade ago, analysts for the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)—
the only national database of serial crimes—began to see a marked increase in the number of bodies
recovered along the side of the road. A majority of the victims were truck-stop prostitutes, and it
turned out that many of the suspects were long-haul truckers. “We had an inordinate number of
victims and offenders from this rather specific population pool,” Palazzolo explained.
To make matters worse, these cases are extremely difficult to investigate. A long-haul driver can pick
up a prostitute at a truck stop in Georgia, rape and murder her, and dump her body on the side of the
road in Florida later that day. The victim has no connection to the area where she was found, and
there may be no forensic evidence to collect because the crime was committed hundreds of miles
away. The local police detectives investigating the case might have little experience dealing with a
crime of this nature and may be faced with few, if any, leads.
Since the Highway Serial Killings Initiative began in 2004, ViCAP analysts have compiled a list of more than
750 murder victims found along or near U.S. highways, as well as nearly 450 potential suspects.
The Office
for Victim Assistance (OVA) is to ensure that
v i c t i m s o f c r i m e s
investigated by the FBI are
afforded the opportunity to
receive notification and
services as required by
F e d e r a l l a w a n d t h e
A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l
Guidelines on Victim and
Witness Assistance. The FBI
is committed to ensuring
that victims are notified of
the rights to which they are
entitled and the assistance to help them cope with
the impact of crime.
Victim Specialists work in FBI Field Offices around the
country providing assistance to those who have
suffered physical, emotional and/or financial harm as
a result of a Federal crime. The OVA is also
comprised of: Terrorism and Special Jurisdiction
Victim Assistance Unit; Child Pornography Victim
Assistance Program; Child/Adolescent Forensic
Interviewing Program; Victim Assistance Program
Specialist Staff; Victim Notification System
Coordinator; and, Victim Assistance Rapid
Deployment Teams.
The OVA is directly responsible for several special
• The Terrorism and Special Jurisdictions program provides
emergency assistance to injured victims and families of
victims murdered in terrorist attacks within the U.S. and
outside the country and serves as a permanent point-of-
contact for terrorism victims within the FBI.
• The Child Pornography Victim Assistance program
coordinates assistance and notification services for child
victims of pornography and their guardians.
• The Forensic Child Interviewing Program ensures that
investigative interviews of child victims and witnesses of
federal crimes are tailored to the child's stage of
development and minimize any additional trauma to the
child. FBI child interview specialists directly assist with
some interviews and provide detailed training to special
agents and other law enforcement personnel on child
• The Field Office Victim Assistance Program places victim
specialists in FBI field offices across the country to
personally assist victims of federal crimes investigated by
the division or field office where they work.
• The Victim Notification System—available in both English
and Spanish—is an automated system that provides
victims with information about their cases.
Dominic	Murphy
Detective	Chief	Inspector,	Head	of	Digital	and	Forensic	Investigations	
SO15	Counter	Terrorism	Command,	New	Scotland	Yard
Detective	Chief	Inspector	Dominic	Murphy	is	a	serving	Metropolitan	Police	OfOicer	with	twenty-two	years	of	service.		
For	the	Oirst	Oive	years	of	his	service,	DCI	Murphy	worked	in	a	variety	of	frontline	uniformed	policing	roles.		Becoming	a	
detective	in	1998,	he	spent	periods	working	in	proactive	drugs	and	serious	
crime investigations in a busy city force. DCI Murphy spent the next three years working in homicide investigation and
covert human source handling. In 2003, DCI Murphy moved to Special Branch, working primarily in intelligence gathering
against international terrorism. In 2005, he joined the Anti-Terrorist Branch at New Scotland Yard, later to become the
Counter Terrorism Command. Having joined as a Constable, DCI Murphy has performed detective roles as Sergeant,
Inspector, and now as Chief Inspector. His current portfolio includes 170 officers and staff delivering Forensic/Scene
Management, Digital Media Examination, CCTV, and the UK Police National Bomb Data Centre.
During	his	time	at	New	Scotland	Yard,	DCI	Murphy	has	been	involved	in	responding	to	a	number	of	UK	terrorist	attacks,	
from	the	7/7	Bombings,	to	the	recent	beach	attack	in	Tunisia,	where	thirty	UK	citizens	lost	their	lives.		DCI	Murphy	is	
experienced	in	working	with	international	partners,	having	deployed	to	a	number	of	countries	including	Sudan,	Yemen,	
Saudi	 Arabia,	 Beirut	 and	 Australia	 in	 support	 of	 international	 CT	 investigations.	 	 DCI	 Murphy	 led	 elements	 of	 the	
international	body	recovery	response	to	the	In	Amenas	gas	facility	attack	in	Algeria	in	2013,	working	closely	with	the	
FBI	team	deployed	in-country.	
DCI	Murphy	has	lectured	internationally	on	the	UK's	system	for	Bomb	Scene	Management,	body	recovery,	and	counter	
terrorist	forensic	and	digital	investigations.
Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal
The FBI’s Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) is a gateway
providing law enforcement agencies, intelligence groups, and criminal
justice entities access to beneficial resources.
These resources will strengthen case development for investigators,
enhance information sharing between agencies, and be accessible
in one centralized location.
Along with these great resources being located in one centralized
location, authorized users will be able to gain access by logging in
using a single sign-on process—using one username and one
password for many different resources and services within the LEEP.
Here are a few examples of the services on the LEEP:
▪ Virtual Command Center/Special Interest Group (VCC/SIG)
▪ National Data Exchange (N-DEx)
▪ Intelink
▪ Regional Information Sharing Systems Network (RISSNET)
▪ National Gang Intelligence Center
▪ Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
▪ Malware Investigator
▪ eGuardian
▪ Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA)
▪ Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC)
For more information on the LEEP or to find out how to become a Service Provider (an agency that provides a
service/resource to the LEEP) or Identity Provider (an agency that partners with the LEEP, which give their users
easier access to the LEEP resources), please contact the FBI Support Center, available 24/7 to answer any
FBI Support Center contact information:
(888) 334-4536, toll-free domestic calls
(225) 334-4536, international calls
711, Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)
Christie	Palazzolo,	Crime	Analyst	
FBI	Behavioral	Analysis	Unit	
Christie	Palazzolo	joined	the	FBI’s	Violent	Criminal	Apprehension	Program	(ViCAP)	as	a	Crime	Analyst	in	2010.		She	
has	worked	numerous	homicide	cases	(including	serial	murder	investigations)	as	well	as	sexual	assault,	missing	
persons,	and	unidentiOied	remains	cases.		She	currently	manages	all	ViCAP	analytical	responsibilities	for	the	states	
of	Alaska,	California,	and	Hawaii.	 	Prior	to	this	assignment,	she	worked	as	a	police	ofOicer	in	the	Intelligence	and	
Liaison	 OfOice	 at	 FBI	 Headquarters.	 	 In	 2007,	 she	 received	 her	 Master’s	 in	 Criminology	 from	 the	 University	 of	
Pennsylvania	 in	 Philadelphia,	 PA.	 	 In	 2010,	 she	 completed	 a	 second	 Master’s	 in	 Strategic	 Intelligence	 from	 the	
National	Defense	Intelligence	College	at	the	Defense	Intelligence	Agency	(DIA)	in	Washington,	DC.
It is the mission of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children program
to provide a quick and effective response to all incidents of crimes
against children. The first few hours after a child is abducted are
critical, and that is why we established Child Abduction Rapid
Deployment (CARD) Teams in October 2005.
CARD Teams are designed to deploy teams of experienced personnel
to provide on-the-ground investigative, technical, and resource
assistance to state and local law enforcement. CARD Teams consist
of Violent Crimes Against Children investigators who have in-depth
experience in child abduction cases. The nationwide CARD Team
consists of more than 60 members, with five teams serving each region of the country. The teams work
closely with FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit representatives, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
coordinators, and Child Exploitation Task Force members.
In addition to their unique expertise, CARD Teams are capable of quickly
establishing an on-site command post to centralize investigative efforts and
operations. Other assets they bring to the table include a new mapping tool
to identify and locate registered sex offenders in the area, national and
international lead coverage, and the Child Abduction Response Plan to
guide investigative efforts.
CARD Teams are primarily involved in non-family child abductions, ransom
child abductions, and mysterious disappearances of children. They work
with state and local law enforcement to protect and save the lives of
innocent children.
▪ Investigating Child Abductions
▪ More on Non-Family Child Abductions
▪ Contact the FBI Field Office nearest you FIND THE PDF ON LINE
John E. Reid & Associates is a proud partner of On The
INLETS: Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends. As a member
of the Reid Preferred Group of Associations, an attendee of
the Annual Seminar is eligible for a discount to the Reid
Technique of Interviewing & Interrogation Seminars. For
more information and the special On The INLETS discount
code, please see Bruce Lohr during the seminar.
On the INLETS: the planning team
Each	annual	seminar	requires	a	12-month	planning	cycle	with	the	seminar	occurring	in	month	ten.		The	
planning	team	invests	about	3,000	hours	from	the	initial	meeting	in	September,	where	we	review	the	
suggested	topics	by	you,	the	attendees,	to	when	the	Oinal	Thank	You	letters	are	sent	in	August	to	those	
who	 helped	 make	 the	 event	 possible.	 	 And	 while	 each	 person	 contributes	 to	 the	 collective	 design	
elements	of	the	program,	they	are	speciOically	responsible	for	the	below	roles:
James	Deater	
American	Military	University	
Partner	Liaison	&	Resources	
On-Site	Logistics	
Carolynn	Grammas	
InfraGard	Maryland	Members	Alliance	
Administrative	Director	
Business	Continuity	
Darren	Heater	
DMH	Video	Productions	
On-Site	Production	Team,	Lead	Producer	
Creativity	and	Design	Concepts	
Ed	Kelley	
Executive	Pastor,	Bay	Area	Community	Church	
INLETS	Chaplain	
Coffee	&	Conversation	Lead	
Elizabeth	Kudirka	
InfraGard	Maryland	Members	Alliance	
Logistics	Coordinator	
Social	Media	and	Web	content	
Bruce	Lohr	
InfraGard	Maryland	Members	Alliance	
Education	Coordinator		
Above	&	Beyond	Award	Team	
Co-Producer:	Tribute	to	Heroes	program	
Veronica	Rittie	
FBI	Baltimore	Intern	
Print	Editor		
On-Site	logistics	
Steve	Shepherd	
FBI	Baltimore,	Special	Agent	
INLETS	Program	Manager	
Content	and	Design	
Master	of	Ceremonies	
Erin	Sheridan	
FBI	Washington	Field	OfRice,	Special	Agent	
Program	Content	and	Design	
BAU	Case	Consultation	Coordinator	
Kara	Sidener	
FBI	Washington	Field	OfRice,	Special	Agent	
Program	Content	and	Design		
InfraGardNCR	liaison	to	INLETS	
RC	Smith	
InfraGard	Maryland	Members	Alliance	
Benefactor	Coordinator	
Above	&	Beyond	Award	Committee	
Co-Producer:	Tribute	to	Heroes	program	
Kristina	Tanasichuk	
President,	InfraGard	National	Capital	Region	
Members	Alliance	
Business	Advisor	and	Fiduciary		
John	Vogt	
Corporal,	Natural	Resource	Police,	Maryland	
Coordination	&	Analysis	Center	
Enrichment	Visit	Coordinator	
On-Site	Logistics
The 8th Annual
Mid-Atlantic INLETS:
Violent Crimes
& Terrorism Trends
We want you to make an informed decision about the university that’s right for you. For more about the graduation rate and median debt of students who
completed each program, as well as other important information—visit

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Hawaiian Island INLETS 2017

  • 1. 6 The Hawaiian Islands INLETS: Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends SEPTEMBER 11-15, 2017 | THE WESTIN | HONOLULU
  • 2. 2 On behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and FBI Honolulu Division, we want to welcome you to Honolulu, Hawaii, and extend you best wishes and a warm “aloha!” We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in the INtel and Law Enforcement Training Seminar (INLETS). This seminar is hosted by the FBI, the Hawaii State Fusion Center, and InfraGard, a non-proOit organization. Our team members have put together a seminar we believe will be insightful, innovative and topical, and we fully expect INLETS will provide a valuable learning and collaborative experience for each of you. As Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Honolulu Division, I am honored to be afOiliated with this seminar and to continue to promote this program. The INLETS program’s success is directly related to the continuing participation, professionalism, collaboration, and high standards of excellence set by its participants. Thank you, as well, to the hardworking teams, individuals, and sponsors who have dedicated their time in promoting this year’s training session. Again, we hope you will enjoy the INLETS seminar and our beautiful city and state!
  • 4. 4 ALOHA! On behalf of the INLETS Planning Team, welcome to the Hawaiian Islands INLETS: Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends. Your planning team comes from the FBI Field Offices in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, the Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center (MCAC, the state fusion center), and the local chapters of InfraGard: InfraGard Maryland and Infragard National Capital Region - the host & fiduciary of this training platform. This seminar is for you. You represent the local and state first responders, federal and military entities, and stake-holder organizations who protect our communities. In 2011, the FBI was scheduled to host the first-ever FBI profiler-led seminar in the Washington, DC-area. Just weeks before it was to begin, the seminar was nearly cancelled because the Federal government rescinded budgets. InfraGard Maryland and the MCAC recognized the potential positive impact for local law enforcement and each provided the financial support and resources to ensure the training would occur. After reading the overwhelming surveys, emails, and notes from attendees, the INtel & Law Enforcement Training Seminar (INLETS) was created in that original design. In 2014, the InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR) became our fiduciary. InfraGardNCR’s vision helped make this training expand to other regions. In the past six years, roughly 5,000 attendees representing 500 agencies, 250 companies, 16 different InfraGard chapters from over 30 states and across four-time zones, including five foreign countries, have participated in either a five-day seminar, “A Day on the INLETS” (a one-day theme-focused program), or a single topic, lunch-time lecture we call a “Brown Bag Briefing.” These programs have now been provided in seven states. The planning team wishes to acknowledge American Military University, a Sustaining Partner, for their continued and strong support of the INLETS program. The planning team also extends their gratitude to Ed Arias, FBI Special Agent assigned to the Honolulu field office, for his depth of knowledge and appreciation of Hawaiian history; Dolores (Dee)Cook, for her dedication to Hawaii’s fusion center and the first responder community; Paul Epstein, for his leadership and commitment to the Hawaii State Fusion Center, and Russell Seeney, President of InfraGard Hawaii, a leader in furthering the relationship between the private sector and the law enforcement community. Without their support, this program would not have been possible. WE WELCOME YOU TO HONOLULU. AND TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS INLETS.
  • 5. 5 Week at a Glance………………………………..……………………….. 3 Sponsors…………………………………………..………………………… 7 Tribute to Heroes…………………………….………………………. 8-9 Multi-day Workshop Descriptions………………….………10-11 Daily Topic Descriptions ………………………………….……13-21 Presenter Bios …………………………………………….………….…24 A ‘TWO BOYS BAD’ CREATION
  • 6. !6 On The INLETS: in·let  noun (ˈin-let) 1. A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an estuary.   2. A connection between a bay and the ocean; often called an "entrance" or a recession in the shore of a sea, lake or river.  3. An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.    On The INLETS (INtel & Law Enforcement Training Seminar) is a collaborative training program connecting those charged with protecting our communities with the instruction to help them do so.     The singular focus is to further develop and support the analytical and investigative capability of law enforcement and private sector stakeholders in the greater National Capital Region and beyond.  Designed by components from the FBI field offices in Washington, DC and Baltimore, InfraGard, and the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC), the training topics are selected based on innovative investigative techniques, current threats, emerging trends to the region, surveys, and specific requests.   The program, which offers In-service and continuing education units, is presented by subject matter experts from all levels of government and the private sector. Originally established with the InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance, INLETS is now led by the InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR). Because of their leadership in hosting the program, it is not dependent on federal funding. INLETS is offered in three formats, available to all interested law enforcement, defense and intelligence entities, and InfraGard members who are security/risk professionals.  A Day on the INLETS An eight hour block of instruction composed of various presentations on pertinent, parallel topics.  Hosted by InfraGard chapters throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, this day of instruction is provided quarterly.  Venues have stretched from Quantico, VA, southern and western Maryland, to Wilmington, Delaware and southern New Jersey.  Bringing the instruction to various geographic regions minimizes the financial and travel impact on the attendees and further strengthens liaison and attendance with our partners - both private and public sectors, across state lines. The Annual Seminar on Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends Held during the last week in June, in Annapolis, Maryland, the seminar offers a bevy of timely topics in three formats of instruction: General sessions; focused presentation topics led by subject matter experts and offering comprehensive overviews of current topics; and workshops, which provide an in-depth study of a single topic over multiple days. The INLETS Planning Team consists of FBI Washington, DC and Baltimore field office Special Agents (who serve as Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) Coordinators and InfraGard Coordinators), InfraGard members from the Maryland and National Capital Region chapters, and the MCAC’s External Relations Branch. InfraGardNCR also serves as the fiduciary for INLETS. For more information, including program schedules, please visit
  • 7. 7 A WORD ABOUT OUR SPONSORS: InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR) is proud to host the INLETS program. How does their hosting impact the program? InfraGardNCR oversees the logistics and financial responsibilities, which means the program is not affected by federal budgetary constraints. They host INLETS to ensure that this quality training is available regardless of federal fiscal challenges and police training budgets, which are often very limited. InfraGardNCR and our private sector partners, led by American Military University, as business entities, recognize and support your role in protecting our communities through the products and services they provide. They also realize the challenges you face in obtaining quality training. So they support programs like this where they financially contribute to defray costs, dramatically lowering the registration fee and enabling you, our front line investigators, analysts and security professionals to attend INLETS training at the lowest possible cost. As a result, InfraGardNCR and the sponsoring partners listed below ensure attendees will hear from subject matter experts on relevant, timely topics in a professional setting at the most affordable cost compared to any training program. INLETS connects you to liaisons in the private sector and the law enforcement, intelligence and defense communities. It also provides you tools and resources to assist you both professionally and personally. We are grateful for their continued support. Please make an opportunity to meet and thank those who have made this week possible.
  • 8. !8 MONDAY: Opening Ceremonies & General Sessions | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Presentation of Colors National Anthem Invocation Welcoming Comments San Bernardino Mass Shooting Jarrod Burguan Chief, San Bernardino Police Department Overview of the San Bernardino mass shooting incident of December 2, 2015, including suspect proOiles, investigation, attack timeline and lessons learned. Question and answer session. Break | 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm Buried Alive Roy Hallums In November 2004, American contractor Roy Hallums was kidnapped when gunmen stormed a compound in Baghdad. A month later it was reported that Hallums was alive and the kidnappers were demanding a 12 million dollar ransom. Hallums had been imprisoned in a cement cell built under the farmhouse Oloor, with a breathing tube providing him air. On September 7, 2005, Delta Force operators loaded onto helicopters and Olew to the target farmhouse, swooping down and entering the buildings. Inside, they found that the kidnappers had Oled. Tribute to Heroes Program Reception & Book Signing | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Joining us for a meet and greet: Roy Hallums, with his personal account: Mark Geist, with his personal account: Buried Alive 13 Hours. the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Tribute to Heroes Dinner & Program | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Remembrance of 9/11 ReOlection on Fallen OfOicers Honored Guest: Mark Geist
  • 10. !10 ABOUT THE MULTI-DAY WORKSHOPS: THE MULTI-DAY WORKSHOPS ARE 4.5 HOURS OF TRAINING PROVIDED OVER THREE DAYS. ALL TOPICS PRESENTED DURING THIS SEMINAR WERE SELECTED BASED ON RESULTS OF EVALUATIONS, REQUESTS, AND SURVEYS. TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY 1:00PM - 2:30PM Concepts of Custodial Interrogation Ralph Cilento This workshop will present core instructional blocks from the NYPD’s 5 Day, college accredited, Interrogators Course. Questioning, Formats, Elicitation, Rapport Building and Electronically Recording Interrogations are just some of the topics that will be covered in this three day workshop. Excerpts of Interrogation videos will be shown and discussed with the group in order to arrive at some “best practices” and interrogation tactics. This workshop analyzes the pros and cons of the most popular interrogation techniques. ISIS in America: Counterterrorism Strategies for Law Enforcement Brig Barker Red Rock Global Security Group will instruct on the Jihadist Mindset, Pre- Attack Flags and Indicators, and Radical Propaganda. understanding the Jihadist, his mindset/ideology, how to identify indicators prior to action, and how propaganda plays into the motivation and justiOication for attacks Social Media Exploitation Susi Hajeski Learn about the beneOits and challenges of social media for Law Enforcement. Get hands-on experience with searching techniques of social media information to enhance the investigative process. Gain an awareness of the landscape of social media today and learn about other identiOiers which can be obtained with legal process. Learn about the future of social media and the implications for Law Enforcement. Get hands-on experience with innovative solutions to extract information out of social media accounts. Learn about obfuscation techniques and virtual currency which can enhance undercover operations. Attendees will gain hands-on experience working with social media as a resource in a command post environment. The exercise will emphasize how to use social media as a ongoing communication tool for the public and working with others inside and outside a CP. The focus will be leveraging social media as an intelligence source during real-time events.
  • 11. !11 ... THE MULTI-DAY WORKSHOPS (CON’T.) Stalking and Workplace Violence to Sole-Actor Terrorism: Enhancing Behavioral Threat Management Systems for Identifying, Assessing & Managing Targeted Violence Cari Robins, Supervisory Special Agent FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit Gene Diesinger, PhD Partner, Sigma Threat Management This workshop will present the most recent stalking research, trends and typologies while discussing recent stalking cases. The presentation will discuss investigative, interviewing, and prosecutorial concepts and techniques. Critical incidents, in a variety of settings (schools, campuses, workplaces, houses of worship, etc.) have raised concerns about both the safety of those settings and the communities in which those settings exist. Law enforcement agencies have worked diligently to enhance capabilities to respond to situations involving active, ongoing acts of violence. These behaviors may range from tactics of bullying and intimidation, to stalking and harassment, to acts of violence that devastate a campus, workplace, family, or community. This session will provide participants with a working understanding of issues related to targeted violence, implementing a multi-disciplinary and systematic approach to assessment and management of cases, conducting contextually based assessment of cases, developing integrated intervention and case management strategies, and increasing engagement in the safety and well-being of their community.
  • 12. !12 In 2014, at the 4th annual Mid-Atlantic INLETS, we added a sponsor table called “Coffee & Conversation.” Manned with a couple of volunteers, it wasn’t Billy Graham and it wasn’t Frasier Crane. It was simply folks who were trained listeners. A casual touch-point for attendees who were looking for a recommendation for a place to eat, to share an idea, or to have a quiet conversation. This year there has been a lot of national media scrutiny of law enforcement and our agenda discusses significant life threatening and life changing moments; for fellow officers and for innocent victims. So, we again have volunteers, who are trained listeners, available for “coffee and conversation.” Why? Dean Scoville wrote in Police Magazine’s Police and PTSD, that “In the wake of a traumatic incident, it is not uncommon for law enforcement officers to be plagued by insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, recurring thoughts and nightmares, anxiety, depression, numbness, or fear for their own safety. Worse, inability to maintain intimacy with their loved ones or increased feelings of guilt can lead to severe depression or even suicidal thoughts.” James Genovese, in an article titled Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its Unique Challenges, writes, “Alcohol abuse… afflicts one-quarter of all police officers in the US. Research has revealed a strong connection between occupational stress and alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol consumption among police officers is also correlated with officer suicides and domestic violence.” The Badge of Life study of police suicides by Ron Clark and Andy O’Hara reports in 2012 there were 126 police suicides. These victims were approximately 42 years of age and had 16 years on the job. 11% of them were also military veterans. These volunteers are here for you, because you are there for the rest of us.
  • 13. !13 Tuesday General Sessions: 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am -Noon Terrorism in the UK: A New Scotland Yard study of the Past, Present, and Future Dominic Murphy, Detective Superintendent Counter Terrorist Command | New Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent Murphy, SO15 Counter Terrorism Command, New Scotland Yard will use operational examples to explain the way in which terrorist investigations have developed from the earliest days of the threat from Irish related terrorism to the modern day threats from international terrorism. He will explain the future threats and the ways in which Counter Terrorism Policing is preparing to deal with these threats. Major Case Management: High-ProOile Crimes and Homicide Jay King, Detective, Los Angeles Police Department From active shooters and mass casualty events to civil disobedience and assaults on ofOicers, law enforcement agencies nationwide continue to evolve to address the ever increasing, operational demands placed upon them. However, gaining control of the chaos and restoring order is only the beginning. The ability of investigators to identify and capture those responsible, and present an organized, comprehensive work product to prosecutors can be a demanding and often prolonged endeavor. This presentation will provide an overview of a compartmentalized method of case management that is routinely employed by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Robbery-Homicide Division (RHD) to investigate some of the largest and most complex incidents that occur in the City each year. Lunch | Noon to 1:00 pm Workshops - Part 3 | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm see descriptions on pages 10 & 11 Break | 2:30 pm -2:45 pm Focused Seminars | 2:45 pm - 4:30 pm descriptions below Major Case Management: Sexual Assault Jay King, LAPD, leads a case study that began in the early morning hours of March 27, 2013, where a 10- year-old girl vanished from her home in Northridge, CA. The LAPD deployed over 50 detectives on a 24- hour basis, identiOied the primary suspect, arrested his accomplice, located three crimes scenes and two vehicles, recovered crucial evidence, and followed leads to San Diego where they learned the suspect had crossed over to Mexico shortly after the crime. This presentation will provide an overview of the compartmentalized, case management strategy, which RHD implemented in this case and uses for all major incidents. Technology Resources: Verizon’s Emergency Preparedness / Disaster Recovery Todd Biebel (NJ State Police, retired) represents Verizon Wireless as a Manager of Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery for the northeast and mid west sections of the United States, conducting communications outreach and response initiatives for all levels of emergency response. FBI Resources for LE: the Terrorist Screening Center, ViCAP, and E-Guardian These informational presentations will provide access to resources for real-time investigation assistance. Analysts and Investigators can beneOit from these FBI-led programs. Homegrown Violent Extremism: DIRT This Digital Immersion Response Training (DIRT) module uses virtual reality to provide interactive training to re-enforce the learning points. Seating limited.
  • 14. !14 It is es'mated that over 80% of our na'on’s cri'cal infrastructure is privately owned. The federal government alone cannot protect all these assets. It requires coordinated ac'on from numerous stakeholders including federal, state, and local government, private sector companies and organiza'ons, federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement, academia, and concerned ci'zens. InfraGard serves as the cri'cal link to connect infrastructure owners and operators with the en''es that strive to protect those assets from a myriad of threats, both naturally occurring and man-made. InfraGard is its own 501(c)(3) non-profit with a very unique rela'onship with the FBI. Started twenty years ago as a means to engage and connect private sector subject maOer experts with FBI special agents and analysts, it has grown to a member-based organiza'on of over 50,000 individuals represen'ng all 16 cri'cal infrastructure sectors and in posi'ons from the “boots on the ground” to the “C-Suite.” Organized by individual member alliances (IMAs or chapters) each of the 84 IMAs is linked to an FBI field office. Through informa'on sharing and exchange, 'mely informa'on and intelligence is delivered, inves'ga'ons are ini'ated and/or enhanced, vital economic and na'onal security assets are protected, and las'ng rela'onships are formed between law enforcement and infrastructure owners/operators. One of the chapters, the InfraGard Na'onal Capital Region Members Alliance (InfraGardNCR), represents more than 2,500 individuals in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. It is through their leadership and fiduciary stewardship that INLETS has grown and con'nues to be independent of government funding. In addi'onal to InfraGardNCR, InfraGard Maryland representa'ves have key roles on the INLETS planning team and add more private sector perspec've to the INLETS programming efforts. Lastly, as INLETS has grown outside the Washington, DC area, InfraGardNCR and the INLETS planning team have coordinated their efforts to ensure the local InfraGard chapter is a vested partner in the training program. Here in Honolulu, the InfraGard Hawaii Members Alliance has joined the Hawaii State Fusion Center and the FBI Honolulu office to mirror the east coast partnership of FBI, fusion center, and InfraGard. This series of training programs, designed to enhance and support the analy'cal and inves'ga've capabili'es of law enforcement and private sector stakeholders, is an example of the successes an effec've public/private partnership can have, ensuring our na'on’s first responders have the tools and training they need to beOer protect our country.
  • 15. !15 Wednesday The General Sessions | 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Detecting Deception Statement Analysis Matthew Bowlin This presentation of Statement Analysis will offer participants an introduction to main concepts of the discipline. These concepts will offer insight to deception, stress, and areas of concern when focusing on one's statement. The Bombing of the USS Cole Kirk Lippold, Commander, US Navy (retired) The USS Cole bombing was a terrorist attack against the United States Navy guided- missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was being refueled in Yemen's Aden harbor. Seventeen American sailors were killed and 39 injured[1] in the deadliest attack against a United States naval vessel since 1987. Lunch | Noon to 1:45 pm Workshops - Part 2 | 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm see descriptions on pages 10 & 11 Enrichment Visit | 2:30 pm - 8:00 pm details below The Enrichment Visit: Pearl Harbor, with special presentation transportation provided At World War II Valor in the PaciOic National Monument, home of the USS Arizona Memorial, we will learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history: the attack on Pearl Harbor. Renown historian, Daniel Martinez of the US National Park Service, will provide a special discussion on the events leading up to and beyond that fateful day. Guest of attendees invited to attend.
  • 16. !16 Fusion centers across the country are information sharing centers, jointly created and funded under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice. The centers are designed to promote information sharing between agencies such as the FBI and Department of Defense as well as state, local, territorial and tribal governments. They provide analysis that supports the efforts of state and local law enforcement agencies to prevent and investigate crime in their local communities and address the most pressing national challenges, such as gangs, border violence, narcotics, homicides and terrorism. The Hawaii State Fusion Center (HSFC) includes federal, state, local, territorial, and private sector partners who are committed to sharing actionable intelligence for the safety and security of Hawaii and the nation. HSFC is structured to empower front-line law enforcement, public safety, fire service, emergency response, public health, critical infrastructure protection, and private sector security personnel to understand local implications of national intelligence, thus enabling local officials to better protect their communities. In addition, the HSFC directly supports territorial partner American Samoa and coordinates with the Guam-based Marianas Regional Fusion Center, the sole Asia-Pacific regional fusion center partner. HSFC is proud to partner with the FBI’s Honolulu office and the InfraGard Hawaii Members Alliance to bring the INLETS program to our first responder and private sector stakeholder community. It is through these partnerships that we, collectively, better protect our communities, our state’s infrastructure and assets, and strengthen our nation as a whole. This training program, designed to enhance and support the analytical and investigative capabilities of law enforcement and private sector stakeholders, is an example of the success effective public/private partnerships can have, ensuring our nation’s first responders have the tools and training they need to better protect our country.
  • 17. !17 Thursday The General Sessions: 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Human TrafOicking Monica Rousey, Victim Assistance Coordinator FBI Honolulu An FBI subject matter expert will share the ways to mange Human TrafOicking cases which can be very complex with fragile victims and survivors. This block of instruction will cover some of the investigative and interviewing techniques in trafOicking investigations. “Boy in the Bunker” Hostage Crisis Mark MacKizer, Supervisory Special Agent FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit On January 29, 2013, a hostage crisis, lasting almost seven days, began in the Wiregrass Region in Midland City, Alabama. Jimmy Lee Dykes, a 65-year-old Vietnam War-era veteran boarded a Dale County school bus, killed the driver, and took a Oive-year-old boy hostage. On the afternoon of February 4, the rescue attempt was made. Lunch | Noon to 1:00 pm Workshops - Part 3 | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm see descriptions on pages 10 & 11 Break | 2:30 pm -2:45 pm Focused Seminars | 2:45 pm - 4:30 pm descriptions below Human TrafOicking, Investigative Tools, Techniques and Strategies Thomas Stack will share the was to mange Human TrafOicking cases which can be very complex and labor intensive. This block of instruction will cover some of the investigative techniques used in building a successful case. Homegrown Violent Extremism DIRT This Digital Immersion Response Training (DIRT) module uses virtual reality to provide interactive training to re-enforce the learning points. Homegrown Violent Extremism themes will be taught, observed through virtual reality scenarios, and then discussed. Seating limited. The UK Response to Mass Fatality Incidents and the Implications for Victims and Policing A case study using several high proOile overseas and U.K. based terrorist attacks to demonstrate the challenges of body recovery in hostile and safe environments from the start of an attack to the later public enquiry.
  • 19. !19 It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt The Man in the Arena
  • 20. Continuing in 2017, American Military University (AMU) will be hosting 1-hour webinars without cost to help law enforcement officers* stay current on topics covering: • DarkNet Awareness • DarkNet Investigations/Operations • Digital Currency Awareness • Social Media/Apps Part 5 • UAV/Drone Operations for Law Enforcement • UAV/Drone Counter Measures • Social Media Monitoring during Civil Disturbance • Islamic Radicalization • Domestic and International Kidnapping Investigations • Drug Smuggling Tactics and Money Laundering (Digital Currency) Webinar attendees may receive a 5% tuition grant for degree and certificate courses at AMU. TO REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR SERIES VISIT INPUBLICSAFETY.COM/WEBINAR OR CONTACT INSTRUCTOR JIM DEATER AT JDEATER@APUS.EDU. LAW ENFORCEMENT WEBINAR SERIES 2017CERTIFIED IN-SERVICE TRAINING WITHOUT COST AMU is part of the accredited American Public University System and certified to operate by SCHEV. *The webinars include law enforcement-sensitive information; therefore all registrants will undergo a verification process to ensure they are current law enforcement officers, analysts, or law enforcement support personnel.
  • 21. !21 Friday The General Sessions | 8:00 am - 10:00 am | 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Blunt Force & Pattern Injuries Tracey Corey, MD Medical Examiner, State of Kentucky | Consultant, FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit This presentation will center on recognition of physical evidence on bodies, with speciOic details regarding differential recognition of patterns seen in homicides, suicides, and natural deaths. Common patterns seen in blunt force injuries, sharp force injuries, and asphyxial deaths will be highlighted. The Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation: A Case Study & Lessons Learned Tim Brown, Supervisory Special Agent FBI Counterterrorism Division On April 15, 2013, two pressure cooker bombs exploded in the vicinity of the Boston Marathon Oinish line. Three people died, including an eight year old boy, and over 260 people were injured. Eighteen people suffered amputations as a result of the blasts. Supervisory Special Agent Brown will provide a detailed timeline of events, beginning with the response to the bombings and concluding with the successful prosecution of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. SSA Brown will speak about the challenges he faced while conducting this complex terrorism investigation, the importance of interagency cooperation, and the lessons learned during the investigation and successful prosecution of the case. Closing Comments | 12:00 Noon CONTACT&US:& 888+820+1401& 703+647+7419&! & Company&Office:& 1800&Diagonal&Road,&Suite&600& Alexandria,&VA&22314& ! Our&Mission& We&provide&training&and&consulting&services& that&enhance&the&safety&and&well+being& of&organizations&and&individuals&around&the&world.& Built&on&a&foundation&of&research&and& honed&by&decades&of&proven&experience,&& our&services&define,&reflect,&and&enhance& the&standards&of&the&profession.& ! Marisa&R.&Randazzo,&Ph.D.&&&Gene&Deisinger,&Ph.D.& Co+Founders&&&Managing&Partners& & ! ! !
  • 22. !22 WHAT YOU CAN LEARN FROM INLETS American Military University (AMU) is very proud to support the Hawaiian Islands INLETS. The educational sessions and workshops you will attend this week provide a unique opportunity to learn from fellow officers around the nation and the globe. We support this event because we believe the high-quality education offered during INLETS will help better prepare our nation’s law enforcement agencies for responding to terrorism and violent crimes. As a university, we encourage you to take advantage of the many learning opportunities throughout the week. Learning happens in many places outside the classroom too and one of the best ways to learn is through the experience of others. As you listen to presentations by national and international law enforcement officers, consider how these events apply to you and your agency. Ask yourself these questions: • What can you take away from each session to help you and your agency be better prepared? • What lessons have others learned that can be applied to your job? • What mistakes did other agencies make and how can you and your agency avoid making similar ones? • How can you share your INLETS experience and knowledge with colleagues? Terrorism and violent crimes know no boundaries. None of us can predict the next tragedy, but we can be better prepared. Your attendance at this conference is just one more step toward preparedness. AMU thanks you for your tireless work to protect our communities and our nation and we encourage you to never stop learning.
  • 23. 23 ABOUT THE MARYLAND CENTER FOR SCHOOL SAFETY The Maryland Center for School Safety was created by the General Assembly in 2013 to work with public school and law enforcement stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to school safety, including disseminating information on best practices, providing training and technical assistance, and gathering meaningful data on school safety issues to ensure our schools are a safe and supportive environment. Additionally, a Center Governing Board was established to develop an implementation plan to phase in establishment and operation of the Center; provide general oversight and direction to the Center; and approve the annual budget for the Center. The Governor appointed State Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Lillian M. Lowery, as chair. A representative of the local Superintendents of Schools and Maryland Association of Boards of Education are members of the Governing Board. Mr. Edward A. Clarke was hired as the Oirst Executive Director of the Maryland Center for School Safety. He brings thirty-seven years of combined law enforcement and school safety experience to the position. The Center for School Safety is housed at the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC), the State's Fusion Center. Questions or comments as to the Center’s Mission can be addressed to: MR. CLARKE AT EDWARD.CLARKE@MCAC.MARYLAND.GOV OR 301-370-3497 MAKING SURE AMERICATHE BEAUTIFUL REMAINS AMERICA THE FREEAmerica will always be the land of the free. Because it is the home of the brave men and women of our military forces. We thank them – each and every one – for their service and sacrifice. ©"2014"Lockheed"Martin"Corporation""VC377_055"""
  • 24. !24 PRESENTER BIOS Timothy D. Brown Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation Supervisory Special Agent Timothy Brown began his career with the FBI in 2008. After graduating from the FBI Academy, SSA Brown was assigned as a Special Agent to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in the Boston Division. On April 15, 2013, SSA Brown responded to the Boston Marathon bombings and later that evening he was assigned as a Case Agent for the Boston Marathon bombing investigation (BOSBOM). SSA Brown served as a lead investigator and prosecution team member during the entire course of the BOSBOM investigation and trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. SSA Brown is a recipient of the United States Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Service and the FBI Director’s Award. SSA Brown is currently assigned to the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in Washington, D.C. Matt Bowlin Special Agent, U.S. Capitol Police Matthew Bowlin is a U.S. Capitol Police Special Agent assigned to the FBI’s Behavioral Threat Assessment Center (BTAC), Behavioral Analysis Unit II (BAU-2) at the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC), Quantico, Virginia since February 2011. At the NCAVC, he is responsible for providing behaviorally based operational support and training to federal, state, local, tribal and international law enforcement agencies. SA Bowlin’s support primarily encompasses threat assessments, threat management strategies, interview and interrogation strategies, media strategies, and unknown offender proOiles. SA Bowlin began his law enforcement career in 2000 with the Sanford Police Department in Sanford, FL as a patrol ofOicer. During his time there, SA Bowlin experienced many facets of law enforcement due to diverse assignments, including road patrol, Airport Operations, Special Tactical Unit, Investigations, Juvenile Services Unit, and Bomb Squad. As a detailed or full time member of each of these units, SA Bowlin assisted with multiple undercover narcotic and prostitution operations, violent crime investigations, juvenile offender operations, arrest warrant round-ups, and community service outreach efforts. In 2003, SA Bowlin began his career with the U.S. Capitol Police as a uniformed police ofOicer where he worked in the Capitol Division, directly ensuring the protection of the Legislative process, Members of Congress, staff, and visitors. SA Bowlin worked on the Senate Chambers Section and the First Responders Unit, leading to additional training and collateral assignments to an Investigations Division Task Force conducting counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and counter- surveillance operations in Washington D.C. and during special events such as political party national committee conferences and Congressional Delegations. SA Bowlin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration of Criminal Justice from Mountain State University.
  • 25. !25 Hollywood has emulated and imitated the BAU for decades, both the big screen and the silver screen have portrayed agents and the history of the program with flare and fandom. National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime The primary mission of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) is to provide behavioral-based investigative support to law enforcement involved in the investigation of unusual or repetitive violent crimes, threats, terrorism, cyber crimes, public corruption, and other matters. The NCAVC consists of five units: • Behavioral Analysis Unit 1 (counterterrorism, arson and bombing matters) • Behavioral Analysis Unit 2 (threats, cyber crime, and public corruption) • Behavioral Analysis Unit 3 (crimes against children) • Behavioral Analysis Unit 4 (crimes against adults, ViCAP) • Behavioral Analysis Unit 5 (research, strategy, and instruction) The NCAVC provides operational support for a range of cases, such as terrorism; threats of targeted violence; active shooters; cyber crime; public corruption; cases involving child victims such as, abduction or mysterious disappearances, homicides, and victimization; cases involving adult victims, such as, serial, spree, mass, and other murders; serial rape; extortion; kidnapping; product tampering; arson and bombing; and weapons of mass destruction. NCAVC provides the following services: • Crime analysis • Profiles of unknown offenders • Offender motivation analysis • Linkage analysis • Investigative suggestions • Multi-agency coordination • Threat assessment management • Interview strategies • Search warrant affidavit assistance • Prosecution and trial strategies • Expert testimony • Critical incident analysis The NCAVC also conducts extensive research from a law enforcement perspective, often in conjunction with other law enforcement, government, and academic organizations. Results of research are provided in publications, training classes, seminars, and conferences. The FBI’s BAU Program FBI Honolulu Field Office Tia Hoffer Special Agent Primary BAU Coordinator 808-673-2716 FBI Washington Field Office Primary BAU Coordinator Erin L. Sheridan Special Agent 202-278-2000
  • 26. !26 Jarrod Burguan Chief, San Bernardino Police Department Chief Jarrod Burguan has been with the San Bernardino Police Department since January 1992 and has been serving as the City’s Police Chief since December 2013. Throughout his career and rising through the ranks, he has worked in, supervised, or managed units in every division of the Department. On December 2, 2015, San Bernardino was the site of a mass shooting that was classiOied as a terrorist act. The crime garnered worldwide media interest as it was determined to be the largest terrorist inspired act on United States soil since the attacks of September 11, 2001. 14 people were killed and 22 were wounded. Within hours, members of the San Bernardino Police Department located the attackers and the world watched as local law enforcement engaged the attackers in a gun battle that wounded two ofOicers and killed both suspects. Chief Burguan has been recognized for his leadership in that incident and for his ability to communicate information to the public in the many press conferences associated with the investigation and local response. Ralph Cilento Lt./Commanding OfOicer, Detective Bureau Training Unit, New York City Police Department 
 Ralph Cilento is a Lieutenant with more than twenty-two years of experience in the New York City Police Department. He has patrolled some of the toughest streets in Manhattan and the South Bronx. Lt. Cilento has been assigned to supervise investigations for more than ten years, commanding detectives in the 44th Precinct Robbery Squad, 48th Precinct Detective Squad, Bronx Homicide Squad and Major Case Squad. Lt. Cilento is the NYPD’s project manager and authority on Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations, and has overseen implementation of the program throughout the city. He has twice testiOied as an expert witness for the NYPD. Lt. Cilento is a graduate of Pace University. In his current position as Commanding OfOicer of the NYPD’s Detective Bureau Training Unit, he is responsible for developing training for more than 3200 members of the NYPD’s elite Detective Bureau, including the nationally recognized courses: Homicide Investigator’s Course, Special Victim’s Investigator’s Course, and the Detective Bureau Interrogator’s Course. Tracey Corey, MD Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (ret.) Dr. Tracey Corey is a forensic pathologist, serving as the Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. She is also Clinical Professor and Division Director of the Division of Forensic Pathology at the University of Louisville, School of Medicine. Dr. Corey has many publications in peer-reviewed forensic journals and has written chapters in medical and forensic textbooks. Many of her scientiOic publications have involved the analysis of injury in children. Dr. Corey is one of four co- editors of the international publication of the Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. She has served on Boards of Directors and many national committees in the Oield of forensics for organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the National Association of Medical Examiners. She is a consultant and Research Advisory Board Member for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. Outside of the ofOice, Dr. Corey is the mother of two young men, the daughter of two retired judges, and the wife of a Major within the Louisville Metro Police Department. Her outside interests include horseback riding and competing throughout the Eastern United States in the equine sport known as “eventing,” on her off-the-track thoroughbred horses. Recognized as a national leader in forensic pathology, she has been featured on national news shows including CBS 48 Hours, NBC Dateline, and ABC Good Morning America.
  • 27. !27 Gene Deisinger, PhD. Managing Partner, SIGMA Threat Management Dr. Gene Deisinger is a Managing Partner and Co-Founder of SIGMA Threat Management Associates, a professional services Oirm involving internationally recognized experts in psychology and behavior, law, organizational development, security, and law enforcement. Upon his retirement in November 2014, Dr. Deisinger also served as Deputy Chief of Police & Director of Threat Management Services for Virginia Tech. As executive ofOicer for the Virginia Tech Police Department, Major Deisinger provided leadership for law enforcement operations to support a safe and secure campus environment. While still with Virginia Tech, Dr. Deisinger served as a subject matter expert and provided primary training for the National Campus Threat Assessment Training Initiative for Institutions of Higher Education, a program offered from 2009 to 2011 through the US Department of Justice. From 2009 to 2012, Dr. Deisinger was appointed as a Fellow of the US Department of Education’s Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention. In 2009, speciOically, following the tragedy at Fort hood, Dr. Deisinger also was requested to assist the US Army in enhancing force protection and threat management capabilities. He subsequently served as a subject matter expert for the Defense Science Board, providing testimony to enhance understanding of targeted violence and application of threat management methodologies in military settings. Since 2012, he has also served as a subject matter expert for the US Department of Justice and Homeland Security in their efforts to prevent violent mass casualty incidents. Before accepting his position at Virginia Tech in 2009, Dr. Deisinger was a founding member of the Iowa State University Critical Incident Response Team. Susi Hajeski Senior Computer Scientist, Federal Bureau of Investigation Susi Hajeski, a 20 year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is the Senior Computer Scientist for the Baltimore Field OfOice. She is an integral component of the Baltimore Cyber Task Force, coordinating cyber investigations with Law Enforcement and Intelligence Community partners, and leads a team of highly technical individuals from various government agencies in support of this Task Force. Over the past 6 months, Ms. Hajeski and her team have performed critical analysis of digital evidence in a major National Security investigation. The Department of Justice has repeatedly requested Ms. Hajeski to testify as a subject matter expert in computers and Computer Science. In addition to her work developing complex technical solutions to further FBI investigations in Maryland and Delaware, she applies her expertise to FBI Cyber Division projects which develop innovative technical solutions in support of all FBI investigations. Ms. Hajeski received her bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois. Jay King Detective, Los Angeles Police Department Jay King joined the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in August 1993 and has spent the majority of the past 17- years investigating sex crimes and homicides. He was accepted into Robbery-Homicide Division (RHD) in March of 2008 where he participated in a number of high proOile investigations including the murder of off-duty Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Juan Escalante, the hunt for the "Grim Sleeper" serial killer, the murder of Sherri Rasmussen by former LAPD Detective Stephanie Lazarus, the assault on Bryan Stow at Dodger Stadium, the "New Years” arson series, the Christopher Dorner multi-agency task force, and the murder of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Agent Gerardo Hernandez at Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Terminal 3. After a brief tour at Major Crimes Division (MCD), Jay returned to the RHD Homicide Special Section as a Detective III in March 2015. He also teaches at the California Commission on Peace OfOicer Standards and Training (POST) Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Gang Investigations Course and at the LAPD Homicide Course.
  • 28. !28 Kirk Lippold, Commander, US Navy (retired) Before serving as Commanding OfOicer of USS Cole from 1999 to 2001, Kirk Lippold was Executive ofOicer on USS Shiloh (CG-67). He also served as the Operations ofOicer on the commissioning crew of USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51), the lead ship of the same destroyer class as the USS Cole. He was division ofOicer aboard USS Yorktown (CG-48) and USS Fairfax County (LST-1193). Following his departure from the USS Cole, he received a series of desk positions at the Pentagon.[5] Working in the War on Terrorism Division of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy, Lippold "was instrumental" in the creation of detainee policy in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Lippold's Oinal U.S. Navy assignment was to the OfOice of the Chief of Naval Operations in the International Strategy Division.[4] He retired as a Commander in May 2007 at the age of 47 during a ceremony at the United States Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. Commander Lippold is a graduate of the US Naval Academy. Mark MacKizer Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mark L. MacKizer is a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit 3 (BAU 3), which is responsible for providing behaviorally-based operational support and training to law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation of child abductions, mysterious disappearances of children, child homicide and child sexual victimization. In addition, SSA MacKizer contributes to BAU 3’s quantitative research of crimes involving child victimization in an effort to enhance operational support for law enforcement. SSA MacKizer’s prior assignments within the FBI have included Evidence Response Team member, Crisis Management coordinator, Violent Gang Safe Streets Task Force coordinator and team leader for the FBI’s Southeast Region Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team. SSA MacKizer has over 30 years law enforcement experience, including 26 years as an FBI Special Agent, four years as Special Investigator with the New York State Attorney General’s OfOice and two years as a police ofOicer with the Monroe County, NY Sheriff’s OfOice. SSA MacKizer has a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from the State University of New York College at Buffalo. Established by the Department of Justice in 1985, the Violent C r i m i n a l A p p r e h e n s i o n Program (ViCAP) serves as the national repository for violent crimes; speciOically homicides, sexual assaults, missing persons, and unidentiOied human remains. Comprehensive case information submitted to ViCAP is maintained in the national database and automatically compared to all other cases in the database to identify similarities. Individual case submissions are analyzed by crime analysts through the application of analytical skills, education, specialized training, and research. The primary mission of the ViCAP is to provide criminal investigative and analytical support to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. This support includes the collection and examination of case information, multi-agency coordination, and the creation of analytical products. One of the cornerstones of the program is the continued development and maintenance of ViCAP Web, the nationwide investigative database of homicides, sexual assaults, missing persons, and unidentiOied human remains. ViCAP Web collects information regarding the following types of crimes, whether or not the offender has been arrested or identiOied: ● Homicides (and attempts), especially those that involve an abductions are apparently random, motiveless, or sexually oriented, or are known or suspected to be part of a series. ● Sexual Assaults, especially those committed by a stranger, or those known or suspected to be part of a series. ● Missing Persons where the circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play and the victim is still missing. ● UnidentiOied Human Remains where the manner of death is known or suspected to be homicide.
  • 29. !29 Violent Criminal Apprehension Program
 The Highway Serial Killings Initiative If there is such a thing as an ideal profession for a serial killer, it may well be as a long-haul truck driver. FBI Crime Analyst Christie Palazzolo is quick to point out that long-haul trucking is an honorable profession and that the overwhelming majority of drivers are not murderers—but it does happen, and the pattern is unmistakable. More than a decade ago, analysts for the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)— the only national database of serial crimes—began to see a marked increase in the number of bodies recovered along the side of the road. A majority of the victims were truck-stop prostitutes, and it turned out that many of the suspects were long-haul truckers. “We had an inordinate number of victims and offenders from this rather specific population pool,” Palazzolo explained. To make matters worse, these cases are extremely difficult to investigate. A long-haul driver can pick up a prostitute at a truck stop in Georgia, rape and murder her, and dump her body on the side of the road in Florida later that day. The victim has no connection to the area where she was found, and there may be no forensic evidence to collect because the crime was committed hundreds of miles away. The local police detectives investigating the case might have little experience dealing with a crime of this nature and may be faced with few, if any, leads. Since the Highway Serial Killings Initiative began in 2004, ViCAP analysts have compiled a list of more than 750 murder victims found along or near U.S. highways, as well as nearly 450 potential suspects.
  • 30. 30 The Office for Victim Assistance (OVA) is to ensure that v i c t i m s o f c r i m e s investigated by the FBI are afforded the opportunity to receive notification and services as required by F e d e r a l l a w a n d t h e A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l Guidelines on Victim and Witness Assistance. The FBI is committed to ensuring that victims are notified of the rights to which they are entitled and the assistance to help them cope with the impact of crime. Victim Specialists work in FBI Field Offices around the country providing assistance to those who have suffered physical, emotional and/or financial harm as a result of a Federal crime. The OVA is also comprised of: Terrorism and Special Jurisdiction Victim Assistance Unit; Child Pornography Victim Assistance Program; Child/Adolescent Forensic Interviewing Program; Victim Assistance Program Specialist Staff; Victim Notification System Coordinator; and, Victim Assistance Rapid Deployment Teams. The OVA is directly responsible for several special programs:  • The Terrorism and Special Jurisdictions program provides emergency assistance to injured victims and families of victims murdered in terrorist attacks within the U.S. and outside the country and serves as a permanent point-of- contact for terrorism victims within the FBI. • The Child Pornography Victim Assistance program coordinates assistance and notification services for child victims of pornography and their guardians. • The Forensic Child Interviewing Program ensures that investigative interviews of child victims and witnesses of federal crimes are tailored to the child's stage of development and minimize any additional trauma to the child. FBI child interview specialists directly assist with some interviews and provide detailed training to special agents and other law enforcement personnel on child interviewing. • The Field Office Victim Assistance Program places victim specialists in FBI field offices across the country to personally assist victims of federal crimes investigated by the division or field office where they work. • The Victim Notification System—available in both English and Spanish—is an automated system that provides victims with information about their cases. Dominic Murphy Detective Chief Inspector, Head of Digital and Forensic Investigations SO15 Counter Terrorism Command, New Scotland Yard Detective Chief Inspector Dominic Murphy is a serving Metropolitan Police OfOicer with twenty-two years of service. For the Oirst Oive years of his service, DCI Murphy worked in a variety of frontline uniformed policing roles. Becoming a detective in 1998, he spent periods working in proactive drugs and serious crime investigations in a busy city force. DCI Murphy spent the next three years working in homicide investigation and covert human source handling. In 2003, DCI Murphy moved to Special Branch, working primarily in intelligence gathering against international terrorism. In 2005, he joined the Anti-Terrorist Branch at New Scotland Yard, later to become the Counter Terrorism Command. Having joined as a Constable, DCI Murphy has performed detective roles as Sergeant, Inspector, and now as Chief Inspector. His current portfolio includes 170 officers and staff delivering Forensic/Scene Management, Digital Media Examination, CCTV, and the UK Police National Bomb Data Centre. During his time at New Scotland Yard, DCI Murphy has been involved in responding to a number of UK terrorist attacks, from the 7/7 Bombings, to the recent beach attack in Tunisia, where thirty UK citizens lost their lives. DCI Murphy is experienced in working with international partners, having deployed to a number of countries including Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Beirut and Australia in support of international CT investigations. DCI Murphy led elements of the international body recovery response to the In Amenas gas facility attack in Algeria in 2013, working closely with the FBI team deployed in-country. DCI Murphy has lectured internationally on the UK's system for Bomb Scene Management, body recovery, and counter terrorist forensic and digital investigations.
  • 31. !31 Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal The FBI’s Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) is a gateway providing law enforcement agencies, intelligence groups, and criminal justice entities access to beneficial resources. These resources will strengthen case development for investigators, enhance information sharing between agencies, and be accessible in one centralized location. Along with these great resources being located in one centralized location, authorized users will be able to gain access by logging in using a single sign-on process—using one username and one password for many different resources and services within the LEEP. Here are a few examples of the services on the LEEP: ▪ Virtual Command Center/Special Interest Group (VCC/SIG) ▪ National Data Exchange (N-DEx) ▪ Intelink ▪ Regional Information Sharing Systems Network (RISSNET) ▪ National Gang Intelligence Center ▪ Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) ▪ Malware Investigator ▪ eGuardian ▪ Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) ▪ Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC) For more information on the LEEP or to find out how to become a Service Provider (an agency that provides a service/resource to the LEEP) or Identity Provider (an agency that partners with the LEEP, which give their users easier access to the LEEP resources), please contact the FBI Support Center, available 24/7 to answer any questions. FBI Support Center contact information: (888) 334-4536, toll-free domestic calls (225) 334-4536, international calls 711, Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Christie Palazzolo, Crime Analyst FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit Christie Palazzolo joined the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) as a Crime Analyst in 2010. She has worked numerous homicide cases (including serial murder investigations) as well as sexual assault, missing persons, and unidentiOied remains cases. She currently manages all ViCAP analytical responsibilities for the states of Alaska, California, and Hawaii. Prior to this assignment, she worked as a police ofOicer in the Intelligence and Liaison OfOice at FBI Headquarters. In 2007, she received her Master’s in Criminology from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA. In 2010, she completed a second Master’s in Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense Intelligence College at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Washington, DC.
  • 32. !32
  • 33. !33 FBI BAU-3: CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN It is the mission of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children program to provide a quick and effective response to all incidents of crimes against children. The first few hours after a child is abducted are critical, and that is why we established Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) Teams in October 2005. CARD Teams are designed to deploy teams of experienced personnel to provide on-the-ground investigative, technical, and resource assistance to state and local law enforcement. CARD Teams consist of Violent Crimes Against Children investigators who have in-depth experience in child abduction cases. The nationwide CARD Team consists of more than 60 members, with five teams serving each region of the country. The teams work closely with FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit representatives, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime coordinators, and Child Exploitation Task Force members. In addition to their unique expertise, CARD Teams are capable of quickly establishing an on-site command post to centralize investigative efforts and operations. Other assets they bring to the table include a new mapping tool to identify and locate registered sex offenders in the area, national and international lead coverage, and the Child Abduction Response Plan to guide investigative efforts. CARD Teams are primarily involved in non-family child abductions, ransom child abductions, and mysterious disappearances of children. They work with state and local law enforcement to protect and save the lives of innocent children. Resources: ▪ Investigating Child Abductions ▪ More on Non-Family Child Abductions ▪ Contact the FBI Field Office nearest you FIND THE PDF ON LINE John E. Reid & Associates is a proud partner of On The INLETS: Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends. As a member of the Reid Preferred Group of Associations, an attendee of the Annual Seminar is eligible for a discount to the Reid Technique of Interviewing & Interrogation Seminars. For more information and the special On The INLETS discount code, please see Bruce Lohr during the seminar.
  • 34. !34 On the INLETS: the planning team Each annual seminar requires a 12-month planning cycle with the seminar occurring in month ten. The planning team invests about 3,000 hours from the initial meeting in September, where we review the suggested topics by you, the attendees, to when the Oinal Thank You letters are sent in August to those who helped make the event possible. And while each person contributes to the collective design elements of the program, they are speciOically responsible for the below roles: James Deater American Military University Partner Liaison & Resources On-Site Logistics Carolynn Grammas InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance Administrative Director Business Continuity Darren Heater DMH Video Productions On-Site Production Team, Lead Producer Creativity and Design Concepts Ed Kelley Executive Pastor, Bay Area Community Church INLETS Chaplain Coffee & Conversation Lead Elizabeth Kudirka InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance Logistics Coordinator Social Media and Web content Bruce Lohr InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance Education Coordinator Above & Beyond Award Team Co-Producer: Tribute to Heroes program Veronica Rittie FBI Baltimore Intern Print Editor On-Site logistics Steve Shepherd FBI Baltimore, Special Agent INLETS Program Manager Content and Design Master of Ceremonies Erin Sheridan FBI Washington Field OfRice, Special Agent Program Content and Design BAU Case Consultation Coordinator Kara Sidener FBI Washington Field OfRice, Special Agent Program Content and Design InfraGardNCR liaison to INLETS RC Smith InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance Benefactor Coordinator Above & Beyond Award Committee Co-Producer: Tribute to Heroes program Kristina Tanasichuk President, InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance Business Advisor and Fiduciary John Vogt Corporal, Natural Resource Police, Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center Enrichment Visit Coordinator On-Site Logistics
  • 35. 35 JUNE 18-22, 2018 | THE DOUBLETREE ANNAPOLIS The 8th Annual Mid-Atlantic INLETS: Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends SEE YOU NEXT YEAR ON THE INLETS ...FOR ANOTHER EXPLOSIVE WEEK!
  • 36. CYBERWARFAREHASANEW FIRSTLINEOFDEFENSE. LEARN FROM THE LEADER. We want you to make an informed decision about the university that’s right for you. For more about the graduation rate and median debt of students who completed each program, as well as other important information—visit PUBLICSAFETYATAMU.COM/INLETS B.S., CYBERSECURITY M.S., CYBERSECURITY STUDIES