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Hatchet Wild Quotes
Have you ever wondered what you could learn if you needed to survive in the Wild? Well in the book Hatchet, Brian already answered that for
himself when he crash landed in the wild and survived in the wild. He shows what he has learned and how he has changed in chapter 11, when he
realizes that his hearing and seeing has increased since living in the wild and in chapter 16, when he shows that he has learned to manage his food
in order to survive in the wild. And the upcoming paragraphs are about how the things that Brian learned helped him through surviving in the
wild. For the first skill ,I am going to talk about, that Brian has learned is in Chapter 11, the text states, "But perhaps more than his body was the
change in his mind, or in
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Hatchet Quotes
Have you ever been stranded in the wilderness? I know someone who has. He is cunning, resourceful, and also brave. His name is Brian, and he is
the main character of Hatchet. The author, Gary Paulson, has written a very good one this time. In this story Brain is a cunning individual. " He
brought some dried grass in , tapped sparks onto it , and watched them die." ( pg 82 ). He is cunning in this sentence for how smart he was with
his materials. Another example is "he would need a large woodpile to get through the night" ( pg 90 ). He is cunning in the sentence above
because of how he is thinking. "He had sat a whole night and shaped the limbs carefully until the bow looked beautiful" ( pg 117 ). This sentence
shows cunning by how he made a bow out of his bear hands. "He had spent two days making arrows ; the shafts were willow , straight and with
the bark pealed, and he fire–hardened the points and split a couple of them to make forked points, as he had done with the spear" ( pg 117 ). In this
cunning experience he has showed how smart he is by making a bow. Not only is Brian cunning he is also resourceful. ... Show more content on ...
"Brian made certain the fire was bunked with new wood , then went out of the shelter and searched for a good fuel supply"( pg 90 ). He is using
one of the resources around him for his needs. Another one is "He worked all through the morning at the wood, breaking down dead limbs and
breaking or chopping them in smaller pieces and storing them neatly in the overhang" ( pg 99 ). He is using the overhang as resourcefulness.
Finally , "With his bow with an arrow fashioned by his own hands he had done food , had found a way to live" ( pg 119 ). He is using the bow ( as
resourceful ) to find a way to live ( food ). Not only is he cunning and resourceful but he is
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Hatchet Gary Paulsen Quotes
In the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, a thirteen year old boy named Brian is flying in a plane to visit his father, when the pilot has a heart attack
and the plane crashes. Brian survives the crash and is forced to live in the wilderness of the Canadian forest. Throughout this book, the author,
Gary Paulsen, shows time and time again that no matter how rough things get, never give up. "He ripped at it until it released... somehow he
pulled himself out" (29). This is an example from the beginning of the story from when Brian crash landed in a lake and tore himself out. This
quote supports my thesis and does so by showing that Brian doesn't care what happens, he is going to survive what is thrown at him. He it inside
of a plane that is sinking
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Pros And Cons Of Floodplains
A floodplain or flood plain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river that stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing
valley walls and experiences flooding during periods of high discharge. Or in simple words we can say – an area of low–lying ground adjacent to
a river, formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding.
Flood plains are made by a meander eroding sideways as they travel downstream. When a river breaks its banks and floods, it leaves behind layers
of alluvium (silt). These gradually build up to create the floor of the flood plain. Floodplains can support particularly rich ecosystems, both in
quantity and diversity.
Floodplains are where land and water meet. The two environments merge ... Show more content on ...
This reduces a river's discharge and so makes it less likely to flood. Afforestation also prevents mass wasting which reduces the amount of soil
entering the river and keeps the river's capacity high. When combined with floodplain zoning, afforestation can be very effective at reducing the
risk of flooding. It creates new habitats for animals and improving water quality by filtering pollutants out of rainwater. The issue with
afforestation is that it requires quite a lot of space to be effective and could prove unpopular among famers on the floodplain as they won't be too
happy with trees sapping nutrients from the soil. This issue can be combated somewhat by creating riparian buffers, thin vegetated strips of land
that run adjacent to a river's channel.
– Wetland Restoration– involves creating conditions that are favorable for the development of wetlands (marshes or swamps). Wetlands are able to
store large volumes of water which helps to reduce the discharge in a river. Wetlands don't reduce flooding where they are located but rather
downstream of the river. They have the added benefit of creating new habitats for animals and greatly increasing biodiversity. They reduce the
area of land available for farming though which makes them unpopular among
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Fish Dam Research Paper
There are obviously going to be multiple impacts on the environment because of the dam's construction. However, what most people don't know is
what they actually are.
Many fish cannot pass through the dam. This impacts their breeding and migration. While many will argue that some fish can make it through,
there are still dangers for the fish on the other side. After water enters the dam, oxygen is sucked out of it. This little bit of oxygen is essential for
fish to survive in the water, and without it, they suffocate and die.
When a dam is put into use, pooling up water on one side, many trees drown. This then results in the trees releasing their remaining carbon
dioxide in mass quantities. This gas not only contributes to much of the world's
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The Effects Of Water Quality On The Reedy Fork Creek And...
Descriptive Statistics
The spatiotemporal pattern of water quality in the Reedy Fork and Buffalo Creek watersheds exhibits a trend of river deterioration, mainly due to
Fecal Coliform. Our study suggests that most of the pollution sources were related to human activities. Looking at table 2a to 5b, it is clear that,
F.Col, coliform is the dominant parameter with the highest means in all the sites, both at the Reedy Fork and Buffalo Creek watersheds. However,
there are higher mean values of this nutrient in the Buffalo Creek watershed than the Reedy Fork creek watershed. This is clearly visible by
looking at the variation in mean variable concentrations for the individual sites through the years under study from the graphs.
In comparison to the States Standards in table 10, Fecal Coliform for sites 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, and 18, all in the urbanize Buffalo Creek watershed have
mean values of 1613.95, 1189.52, 2447.38, 3167.71, 1410.86, 1178.30 CFU/100ml respectively which are within the states watch zone for the
1999 to 2002 parameters. Subsequently, above normal levels were recorded for Buffalo Creek Watershed sites 9, 12, 15, 18 for 2003 to 2008, sites
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 for 2009 to 2010, and sites 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 for 2011 to 2013with fecal coliform concentrations
of 1459.56, 1078.11,1340.28,1113.34; 1890.46, 1517.04, 4115.75, 1863.17, 1475.29, 2078.82, 2165.17, 1314.42, 1389.96, 4427.21, 4684.38,
2026.25; and 1172.76, 1928.00, 2507.14,
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How To Have A Water Pipe Burst
Having a water pipe burst can be so annoying. At first, you might not even recognize you have a leak until dampness manifest on the surface of a
wall or if it's a underground leak moistness coming up from the floor. Left unchecked, this can lead to further expensive damages including
mildew, mold as well as prominent structural repairs. Here are some reasons a pipe could burst – * Extreme Temperatures: Most people think of
cold weather when it comes to pipes bursting; however, intense summer heat can wreak havoc on them as well. * Previous Repairs: If you have
had to fix a crack or broken water line in the past by attempting to join two different metal materials together, most likely you will have to replace
it in the future. This
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Analysis Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen
The book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is about a boy, Brian, who had many struggles with survival after he was stranded in a Cessna 406 with his
dead pilot who just had a heart attack. He had trouble with his surrounding as he used his intellect to prevail in difficult survival situations. Brian
had trouble with blood–thirsty insects, chaotic animals, finding food and many more obstacles. Brian struggles with many challenges throughout
the book, but overcomes them all. One of the obstacles he overcomes is the swarms of ravenous insects that come out at sunset and sunrise. To
show how excruciatingly painful the bugs were, the narrator states, "...and with the heat came clouds of insects–thick,swarming hordes of
mosquitoes that flocked to his body, ... Show more content on ...
They would trick his eyes into thinking nothing was there, when in reality the foolbirds were sitting mere inches away from his head. The only
way Brian could see them is if they had just flew away or "exploded" and were to far away from him. To show how much the animals tormented
Brain, the narrator describes the situation, "Then there were the foolbirds. They exasperated him to the point where they were close to driving him
insane. The birds were everywhere, five or six in a flock, and their camouflage was so perfect that it was possible for Brian to sit and rest, leaning
against a tree, with one of them standing right in front of him in a willow clump, two feet away–hidden–only to explode into a deafening flight
just when Bian least expected it" (Paulsen,130–131). One day when hunting for the foolbirds, he got really frustrated when a foolbird a few inches
away exploded when it flew away. When the bird was escaping over the lake, the sun's rays reflected off of the bird and Brian had an epiphany
about hunting them. Instead of looking for the colors and feathers of the bird, he had to look for the pear–ish shape of them. After realizing his
mistake, he also understood that when hunting for the birds that he would have to approach their side rather then straight ahead. The next few
birds he saw he got close to, but he only caught his first foolbird a couple of sighting
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The Pueblo Flood That Changed My View And Outlook On Water...
The Pueblo Flood, something that anyone who is a native of Colorado has heard about before. When thinking about the flood, it has always been
assumed at least for myself that was something that took place and not much thought was given to it until this became the topic of choice for this
paper. The Pueblo flood occurred on the Evening of June 5, 1921. The flood that changed the town of Pueblo forever and is still even to this day
the deadliest flood in Colorado's History. However, what is not well known is the fact that there was not one flood but three, the devastation that
overtook the town was monumental. The firsthand accounts were heartbreaking, the experience of learning about the flood has truly changed my
view and outlook on water tremendously. The Pueblo flood facts are as follows; the flood occurred in 1921 in the month of June. The first flood
occurred due to heavy rain that fell over a small area called Dry Creek which lies just above Pueblo, The Rise in the River caused the banks to
overflow, this occurred on the evening of June 2nd. The Second Flood, which is known as the main flood took place on the night of June 3rd and
will be the main focus of this paper. The Third flood occurred on the morning of June 5th due to the breaking of the Schaeffer Reservoir in an area
known as Beaver Creek. The exact amount the height of the flood waters got to will never truly be known, but there is evidence though out Pueblo
even to this day that documents how high
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Ellicott City Flood Case Study
In the Washington DC area, it is not at all uncommon to see flash flood warnings scroll across the television screen, but nothing comes of it other
than some rain. This past weekend, however, during Memorial Day weekend, Ellicott City, Maryland, which sits just outside of the beltway,
experienced a horrible flash flood. The death toll still has yet to be announced, as cleanup and the search for survivors has just begun. Two waves
of intense flooding hit the town unexpectedly, and with little warning. The town is a quaint little area with cute shops and storefronts, which sits in
a valley, and the main street cuts a swath between two higher vistas. Several storms had been forecast earlier that day, and heavy rain was
expected, but no one could have predicted such devastation, in such a short amount of time. This is the second massive flash flood to hit this area
in as many years, leaving business owners, and residents alike, stunned and heartbroken. ... Show more content on ...
The closest hospital to Ellicott City is Howard County General Hospital, which is part of the Johns Hopkins Medical System. According to the
Maryland Quality Healthcare Reports, Howard County General Hospital has 266 beds, and Emergency Room facilities, but is not a trauma
center("Maryland Health Care Quality Reports," n.d.). The hospital is approximately 13 miles south of Ellicott City. Howard County Emergency
Management has 14 Fire and Rescue Station houses, and one located in Ellicott City proper ("Howard County, Maryland > Departments > Fire
and Rescue > Fire Stations," n.d.). Just ten days prior to the flood, a town hall meeting was held to discuss flood plans, and disaster management
options, as well as to discuss the All–Hazards Mitigation Plan and Flood Mitigation Plan. At the meeting, officials listed the potential dangers, and
ranked them according to potential for damage. No surprise to anyone, at the top of the list, ranking number one, was
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Hatchet Quotes
Have you ever think about you are in the wild by alone? Then, what do you think about that? Most of people usually think that is impossible or
terrible. However, main character of Hatchet survive in the wild by only hatchet. The book of Hatchet written by Gary Paulsen is a story about
surviving in the wild as alone. Through his story, Gary Paulsen tells the readers that big courage need in every hard situation.
The story begins when the plane fell from virtue. While Brian Robeson, thirteen years old, is going to his father who divorced with his mother,
The pilot in the plane died by a heart attack. Despite, he tried to put down the plane instead of the pilot, the plane made a emergency landing at
one lake, located in the forest. ... Show more content on ...
He experience surviving in the wild forest alone, having emotional distress from divorce with his father and his mother. Despite, he suffered
distress during surviving, he grow to more mature than before and have a lot of patience boy. Although, he get terrific experience in the wild, he
become great person. He shows getting hope in the serious and hard situation make excellent people and learning to grow develop to great people.
The pilot drive the plane that Brian took in. Suddenly, he died in the plane because of a fatal heart attack. In someside, we can look him by Brian
Robenson's guardian angel because, he instruct how to drive the plane until he died. Also, he shows sudden situation in brian's life. Then, he make
chance that Brian Robenson think about other people's fate. Finally, Brian Robenson's parents are always in Brian Robenson's mind when Brian
Robenson survived in the wild forest. His father appear in his dream, and he instruct how to make the fire to his son. His father's wound and
confusion by the divorce with his mother also exist in Brian Robenson's sense. He thought about his mother said to him "kid scout boy" when he
felt most despair. However, when he knew his mother's negative, his think about his mother full with hate and resentment. After 54days, he
forgive his mother and become mature which can keep his mother's
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Persuasive Essay On Clean Water
A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that falls in it drains off or goes to a common outlet (USGS, 2016). Unknown to many, a
watershed could be as small as a footprint, but also as large as a lake. The word watershed is interchangeable with drainage basins or catchment
(USGS, 2016). Watersheds are important because it controls the flow of rivers and the water that gets to a certain place and this is how we get our
fresh water. If the watershed is ruined or destroyed, then the price of water and clean water will then get worse, the prices will become higher to
fix damages and the water could be unsafe to drink. When I say ruined it means that water flow and clean rivers will change path or dry up. Since
the major issue is that the bodies of water emptying into our watershed are polluted, the plan we have come up with is to make the rivers clean by
putting nets up and down the major rivers in Colorado and collecting garbage. To be specific, a problem faced by our watershed t is the buildup of
plastics and Styrofoam. In fact, out of 50 billion bottles sold every year only 20% are recycled (Scholtus, 2009). This number is stunning due to
the recycling programs we have and all the proper ways to get rid of plastic water bottles (Scholtus 2009). With the excess amount of plastics and
Styrofoam that end up in our watershed, areas might end up getting clogged and thus changing the path of a stream. Not to mention, such change
in the flow of water is also
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Hatchet By Gary Paulsen
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is a novel about a 13 year old boy named Brian Robeson, who crashes in a small bush plane in remote canadian
wilderness and the journey of survival he had to overcome against nature and wildlife.This novel proves how hard times can better a person that
overcomes those times. First Brian starts his journey when he leaves his mother to go live with his dad with a hatchet his mother gave him as a
gift and suddenly finds himself stranded in a rough rugged canadian wilderness. With just the single hatchet and the clothes on his back. He
doesn't realize it then but he was luckily crashed by a lake for water and wildlife in and around the lake. Secondly brian has little to eat and has
been minorly injured in the crash
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Flood Of 1927: The Worst Natural Disaster In Arkansas History
The most destructive flood and the worst natural disaster in Arkansas history was the Flood of 1927, also known as the: Great flood of 1927,
Mississippi River Flood of 1927, and 1927 Flood. The flood "...had social and political ramifications which changed the way Arkansas, as well as
the nation, viewed relief from natural disasters and the responsibility of government in aiding the victims, echoing the Hurricane Katrina disaster
in the present day" (Hendricks).
During the summer of 1926, heavy rains were beginning to swell to extraordinary levels in the basin of the Mississippi river. Also contributing to
the swelling of the Mississippi River, was snow melting in Canada during the spring of 1927. The waters did not lessen until the following year.
The flooding took place on the lower area of the Mississippi River valley during April 1927. During that month, the levee at Mounds landing in
Mississippi was breached, from this point on the entire levee system among the river weakened and gave way to the huge volumes of water. The
Mississippi River suffered thirteen levee breaks, "...there were twenty–six breaks on the Arkansas River, sixty–seven on the White River, and
twelve on the St. Francis" (Whayne 312). ... Show more content on ...
The areas near the river were drenched with six to thirty feet of water that engulfed everything in its path, including farm animals, Arkansans, and
cities. Crops would not be planted because lands in Arkansas still remined under water that year. The bodies of animals were starting to rot, and
mosquitoes began breeding. The increase of these mosquitoes caused malaria and typhoid to enter the refugee camps, which were already under
the threat of dysentery and smallpox. Disease became a public concern after the aftermath of the
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How Does Gary Paulsen Use Repetition In Hatchet
The author, Gary Paulsen, uses at least 3 literary techniques in his novel Hatchet: repetition, imagery, and personification. Gary Paulsen uses
repetition to express Brian's thoughts. In the beginning of Hatchet, he repeats the word alone to show Brain alone in the woods after the plane
crash having no one or nothing except for the hatchet. Through the middle and ending of Hatchet, Gary Paulsen keeps repeating the word
tomorrow. In the middle of the novel, he uses the word tomorrow to show how Brian thinks the more things he does tomorrow the more things he
would get done. In the end he uses the word because he is still thinking about getting saved and go home to his normal life. The second literary
technique that is used by Gary
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The Levels Of The Somerset Levels Flooded
During the Autumn/Winter of 2013/14, an unusually high frequency of depressions moved across the Somerset Levels, causing both fluvial and
pluvial flooding on a prodigious scale. The two main rivers which flow through the Levels (River Tone/Parrett), burst their banks, spilling into the
already heavily saturated flood plain. An emergency was declared and subsequently allowed the Somerset council to request financial and
physical aid to the region. This essay highlights the key reasons the Somerset Levels flooded, as well evaluating the main management solutions
that were put forward during the peak of the flooding. The Somerset levels expand 170,000 acres across parts of the north and centre of the county
(BBC News, 2014). The majority of the soil consists of clay and further inland, peat. As the Levels sit, on average, just three metres above sea
level, it's also prone to coastal flooding. Every year the area experiences some form of flooding due to its impermeable calcareous clays, which
drains water very slowly (Soilscapes, n.d.). The Autumn/Winter period saw a record–breaking Jet Stream, fuelled by a diving cold Polar Vortex
across the US. With this, brought powerful storms across the UK, which produced rapid cyclogenesis in the mid–Atlantic (MetOffice, 2014). This
pattern lasted several months, exacerbating the flooding issues across the Somerset Levels. Not only was the flooding caused by natural
circumstances, manmade ingenuity also played a significant role;
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Essay on Watershed Management Plan for Portland, Oregon
Watershed Management Plan: Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon is one of the most sustainable cities in the U.S and is well–known for its urban
appeal. Various bureaus within the city have consistently found ways to incorporate sustainability at a time when managing economic pressures
and increased demands for natural resources have otherwise been challenging. It comes as no surprise then, that efforts in restoring watershed
health play a large role in the city's overall agenda. Every watershed within Portland's jurisdiction serves an important purpose; and, while
individual management plans do exist, a comprehensive plan has been created to give perspective of watershed health on a city–wide scale. Not
only does this allow the city to ... Show more content on ...
Levees were built, wetlands were drained and filled, and waterways were channelized (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). As a
result, the overall health of the watershed diminished. There is an urgent need to improve water quality of the Columbia Slough Watershed. Urban
development has resulted in an extensive loss of vegetation and habitat which has resulted in increased water temperature and decreased capacity
to filter pollutants and sediments from runoff (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). The watershed also serves as an important wildlife
corridor, especially for migrating salmon. However, upstream passage of salmon is prevented due to levees. Johnson Creek Much like the
Columbia Slough, the Johnson Creek Watershed has also been severely altered and urban development has contributed to its poor health. In the
1930s, a trapezoidal channel in 15 of the 25 stream miles was created to control flooding (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005).
However, this action did the complete opposite. Disconnected from its floodplain, stormwater runoff has overwhelmed the confined stream
channel and has flooded 37 times since 1942 (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). Algae growth due to altered flow and growth of
invasive species has severely degraded the Johnson Creek Watershed. Creek sediments are contaminated with pesticides and stream banks have
eroded (City of Portland
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College Station Area Is The Huge Inconvenience Of The...
One of the more dominant problems within the Bryan, College Station area, is the extensive amount of flooding that takes place every year.
Whenever it rains, the town and a large number of major areas gets engulfed by uncontrollable amounts of water. The streets and roadways get
backed up with so much excess water that they must close off certain parts of town to ensure the safety of the people who live there. Flooding in
Bryan, College Station is an enormous inconvenience to the people who live there. This issue can be solved by simply collecting more tax money,
fixing the drainage system, and by coming up with procedures or regulations for future constructions, so people can build their new
establishments on higher grounds. It has been stated by the Weather Channel that, "In June of 2016, the Brazos River crested just over 4 feet
above its previous record flood stage at Richmond, Texas" (Tom Moore). Beings that Collage Station is located in a Bryan Valley, the area is
mostly flat terrain with occasional hills and slow absorbing soil, packed with large amounts of establishments that can easily become prone to
flooding. During the times of intense rain, the water builds up and exceeds the limit for drainage in the area. Bridges, roads, walkways, and
parking lots, get engulfed with the water, making it impossible to get through. Highway 6, near College Station, is one of the major roads that
people use to commute from place to place, and to get home, when it closed down to
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Summary Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen
In the book Hatchet there is a young boy named Brian Robeson. This story is written by Gary Paulsen. He gets a hatchet on his way to the airport.
His parents split up and now Brian has to visit his father in Canada. While on a bush plane the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies on the plane.
Brian is now alone on the plane, but eventually it crashes. Brian is now stuck in the Canadian woods with no food, no shelter, and no one to call
for help. There is also a secret circling in his mind. He will meet animals and have some decisions to make. A massive tornado hits and destroys
all his effort. He eventually finds the survival pack and has everything he dreams of. A pilot suddenly comes to his rescue after finding out he had
played with an emergency
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Descriptive Essay About Ahmed Dattan
THE COUPLE'S ESCAPE First date? Living in Ahmedabad? Are you afraid that your companion wouldn't like the place where you are taking
him/her? Don't worry its natural. If you are not nervous then probably the girl you are taking out on this date is already you girlfriend or she is
your sister. In Ahmedabad you can find anything and everything (literally). Be it a quite spot to take your companion or the restaurant for your
first date, Ahmedabad has it all. Now it totally depends on you where exactly you want to take the other person on a date. I will guide you to the
10 best date destinations in Ahmedabad so that you don't disappoint your date.
Do you know that Thol is a village and I am recommending you to go there? Oh come on! It's much more than that. Thol is a bird sanctuary, there
is even a lake in the middle. All in all this beautiful scenery is a perfect place to bring your to be girlfriend/boyfriend. If you ask me how then the
answer to that is start you date around 9PM, take him/her out to the best food zones in Ahmedabad, go for a long ride and then take her to Thol.
Thol can only be enjoyed in the early hours of the morning because by the time afternoon rolls around your armpits will be sweating.
Are both of you food addicts? Or do you both share the love of food. Then vishalla is the place to take your loved one out on a date. Now, vishalla
is a heritage restaurant just like chowki dhani in Jaipur. Take your companion out for dinner here. You
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The Merced River Is The Southernmost Watercourse Of The...
Study sites
The Merced River is the southernmost watercourse of the California Central Valley presently inhabited by Chinook salmon whose abundance has
decreased by 75% since 1950 (Yoshiyama et al., 2000). From its headwaters located in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, the Merced River
flows west to join the San Joaquín River (river km 190) and drains a watershed approximately 3,297 km2 in size. Meanwhile, the elevation
declines from 3,048 m to about 18.3 m. Only the first 82 river km are reachable by anadromous fish with access terminating at Crocker–Huffman
Dam. We estimated the percent contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources for juvenile Chinook salmon across four longitudinally–
positioned sites: Merced River ... Show more content on ...
Restoration planning identified the rehabilitation of the floodplain functions that foster recruitment of riparian vegetation and the quality of
riparian habitat. Fall–run Chinook salmon is an important management species in the Merced River, and numerous state and federal resource
programs include increasing its abundance in their goals. The vision has been to enhance channel, floodplain and riparian ecosystem processes
and critical habitats for juvenile and adult salmonids, in coordination with local communities and stakeholders, to promote the recovery of healthy
and diverse Chinook salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in the Merced River, while helping to meet the abundance goals of
the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.
Robinson's restoration reach is approximately 2.4 km long and is located 16 km downstream of Crocker–Huffman Dam. The project included a
very complex suite of actions to restore Robinson's reach which was degraded as a result of mining activities and recent flood impacts. Channel
reconfiguration and the creation of a large floodplain with native vegetation increased the river channel's ability to transport and deposit sediments
under the river's current flow regime; hence improving channel dynamics and salmon passage concerns. These actions within the channel
produced improvements for salmon spawning and rearing through the creation of
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Personal Narrative: My Journey To The United States
"Stay quiet", are the words that came from the coyote, an individual which smuggles people across borders, as they placed me a five year old onto
an inflatable pool donut. The donut was floating on the rapid waters of the Rio Grande which my mom, sister, and I were getting ready to cross
not knowing what awaited us on the other side. While they place me on the donut both my mom and sister followed directly behind it making sure
I was safe. As they swam across being guided by the coyote I was pulled acrossed feeling the rapid water pushing and pulling on my small feet.
Even though these waters had claimed the lives of many immigrants my family were ready to attempt the cross for a better life. Eventually what
felt like hours turn into seconds as we made it to the other side being pressured to change clothes to continue on the journey to a new land. As a
teenager I have very vague memories of my childhood yet big moments I remember in fine detail. My family immigrating to the United States is
one that has stuck with me my entire life. This memory defines me in that it's a pivotal moment that has been part of me defining what I can and
can't be. As a child I knew not that immigrating to a new country would reset my way of life in that everything would be new and my family
would have ... Show more content on ...
As a new student in a foreign land I had to comply with the norms which were almost alien like to my adolescent mind. Some of the major norms
that separated Mexico and the U.S. included speaking and writing English. I was able to slowly adapt over the years at school by being enrolled in
an all Spanish class until fourth grade where I was moved onto a bilingual class and then finally fifth grade when the school concluded that I was
ready for an all English class. This was an accomplishment for both my family and myself in that it showed progress, adaptability, and resiliency
because I became bilingual which made me
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How Water Quality Is Important For The Health Of The...
Water quality is important to consider for streams, especially in an urban setting. It is important to understand water quality not only for the health
of the ecosystem, but also for humans who drink the water and use the water for recreational purposes. In the city, it is difficult to maintain
adequate water quality standards because of factors like excessive pollutants from road runoff, sediments, nutrients, and organic waste. The water
levels are often sporadic and will vary by land use such as a parking lot versus a park. A way to combat this problem is to manage or restore the
riparian zone by adding vegetation, encouraging infiltration, and reducing runoff rates. Five sites in Austin, Texas were sampled, assessed, and
analyzed to ... Show more content on ...
If the site was not successful or had moderate success, future steps were suggested in order for the restoration to be effective.
The Colorado River
The Colorado River had the highest water quality of all tested sites. The dissolved oxygen at this site was 8.92 mg/L and could be attributed to a
number of different reasons (Table 1). The sample was taken when the sun was high and water dwelling plants had been photosynthesizing for a
number of hours. The water was flowing fairly quickly and there was a small riffle at the area where the reading was taken which could have
increased dissolved oxygen of the water. The river had a rocky gravel bottom which provided plenty of habitat for the macroinvertebrates that
reside in the river. The variety of macroinvertebrates that were found were indicators of high water quality; species included caddisflies, mayflies,
stoneflies, and dragonfly larvae. The macroinvertebrates were all very large specimens, indicating a healthy environment and plenty of resources
to support their growth.
The site examined was downstream of the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Plant. The high water quality at the Colorado River site could be partially
attributed to the Plant's ability to sanitize and reuse wastes and prevent contamination through leakages of unclean water. The water at the
Colorado River site was cool despite only mediocre tree cover. The flow was quick in thinner parts of the river and slowed when it widened out,
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When I Love To Read Literature
Sometimes all it takes to turn the person who hates to read, into the person who loves to read. I know that this has been the case for me at least.
When I was a child I hated to read more than anything, but over time I learned to appreciate it more and more. I believe that there are three
authors, who were able to influence a young child who hated to read, and created a young adult who doesn't mind reading and on occasion does it
for fun. Those three authors are Gary Paulsen, John Flanagan, and Stephen Hunter. The first author to have an effect on my reading habits has to
be Gary Paulsen. Gary Paulsen was the other of many books, but the ones I remember the best are his Hatchet series, and his book the rifle. The
books main character Brian Robeson, who is flying in a small airplane to join his father for a few months, but once in the air the pilot of Brian's
plane unexpectedly suffers a heart attack. The young Brian is just lucky enough to manage to crash land the plane into a large pond in the
Canadian ... Show more content on ...
Bob Lee Swagger was in the story was a retired USMC sniper from the Vietnam War era. He is also based on real life Vietnam War veteran Carlos
Hathcock. In the first book of the series Swagger is recruited by an organization with the understanding that he was going to help them stop an
enemy sniper from attacking the president of the United States, but Swagger learns that he is being set up only a little too late. The organization is
actually the group who wanted to make the hit, only the president wasn't the true target. The true target was a visiting dignitary, who represents a
country that the organization has been committing war crimes in. The story shows Swagger avoiding the FBI while traveling across the US, in
search of the clues he needs in order to prove his innocence. The rest of the series shows more of Swagger's life, which I always full of
excitement, and
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University Of New South Wales
University of New South Wales
CVEN9611 –Urban Hydraulic Structures Assignment
Stefan Felder
Submitted by:
Garth Cooper
Student Number – z3189074 Question 1
Toowoomba City is located 125km from Brisbane in Queensland on the Western side of the Great Dividing Range. It consists of two main creek
catchments, east creek and west creek catchments. In January 2011 there was a main flooding event which caused a large flood event that is
described as an "Inland Tsunami". Figure 1 – Catchment map of Toowoomba identifying major hydraulic features. Source [1]
The factors that contributed to the major storm was:
There was an initial rainfall even of 90mm which occurred over 24 hours before which caused the catchments to be fully saturated. As a result any
major rainfall events would be converted directly into surface water runoff
Most of the catchments depicted in Figure 1 where fully urbanised which caused surfaces in the catchment to be impervious; that is very little
runoff would infiltrate into the ground
There were intense rainfall events that occurred over the Gowrie creek catchment; with an event greater than a 100 year ARI storm experienced at
the rainfall gauges
Due to the large intensities of rainfalls caused both East and West creeks to fill up. Due to both creeks flowing in the same direction no drainage
could occur to Gworiee creek causing inundation shown in Appendix Figure 2 – Recorded Maximum rainfall intensities and Serveries in
Toowoomba, 10
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Hatchet Gary Paulsen Quotes
Do you think you would survive by yourself in the middle of the woods for 54 days? The question that I asked you is because of the novel Hatchet
and this novel is written by Gary Paulsen. Out of all of the things in the story that stood out to me was the AHA moments because I think they
help brian the most. The two biggest AHA moments was when he had to put his food up higher and that he can't be lazy. In this paragraph I am
going to talk about what Brian had to go through when he was in the plane crash. The first major AHA moment from Brian was'' above the door to
the shelter up the rock face about ten feet was a small ledge that could make a natural storage place unreachable to animals except that it was
unreachable to him as well a ladder of course he needed a ladder''from chapter 14. This quote is explaining that Brian is having to put his food
some were so he will still have food to eat. If he does not put the food in a safe place and out of reach from animals then the animal will eat the
food. The idea of putting the food in a higher place was a good idea because animals can't get to it and this will help him keep ... Show more
content on ...
The second major quote from Brian was '' He'd been lazy but now he knew the secound most important thing about nature what drives nature food
was first but the work for the food went on and on. Nothing in the nature was lazy.He had tried to take a shortcut and paid for it with some turtle
eggs.This quote is trying to tell us that in order to survive in the woods you can't be lazy. Brian is having to search for his food because he is not at
home to where he can just open the frig and put out a hot dog and cook it he has to look for his food and kill it and all of that stuff in order to eat.
If brian is lazy then how will he get food so that is why he said nature is not lazy nature get their own food if they don't then they can
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Ecological Integrity And Nature Integrity
iscuss what is meant by "ecological integrity" and relate this concept to rivers. In your answer describe the components of a river we could use to
'measure' integrity Ecological integrity? Ecological integrity 1.3 pdf Ecological integrity perceived as the 'maintenance of all internal and external
processes and attributes interacting with the environment in such a way that the biotic community corresponds to the natural state of the type–
specific aquatic habitat, according to the principles of self–regulation, resilience and resistance'. 1.3 pdf Human exercises may make changes to
natural land and may modify the structure, synthesis, capacity and composition of an environment. This can make it more troublesome or even
incomprehensible for an ecosystem.–ebm/ecological_integrity/ Furthermore, ecological integrity the segments that must be available are the living beings and
groups of creatures, and also physical components, for example, water, soils, and courses of action, photosynthesis, backwoods progression and
supplement cycling, which are normal in environments that are undisturbed or insignificantly bothered by human activity. An ecological system or
species has integrity or is viable when its dominant ecological characteristics (e.g., elements of composition, structure, function, and ecological
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Who Is The Character In The Hatchet
"Adults are locked into car payments and divorces and work. They haven't got time to think fresh." Gary Paulsen Brian Robeson is the main
character in Hatchet; he undergoes a hard transition when his mother files for a divorce. He starts out as a city boy from New York and turns into a
man of the wild. His love for nature grows strong as he was in the forest longer. At the beginning of the novel he was very impatient, but as he
matures he learned how to be more patient. Brian's mother wants to get a divorce from her husband, she is having an affair with a man who Brian
calls "the man with short blond hair." She has no idea Brian knows she was cheating. he just calls it "The Secret." Brian's father does not want to
get a divorce from his
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The Species Richness Of Aquatic Macro Invertebrates Among...
Figure 1. The species richness of aquatic macro–invertebrates among three stream types. The same number of species was found in the forest and
urban streams. There was an insignificantly higher number of species found in the agriculture stream. Figure 2. The biotic index of the three types
of streams was calculated by the sum of total tolerance values divided by the sum of total number of individuals. The forest stream had the lowest
FBI value, followed by the urban stream and the agriculture stream. Figure 3. The relative frequency of the functional feeding groups of each
stream type. The total number of individuals for each stream was 368, 1334, and 510 for the forest, agriculture, and urban streams, respectively.
The major ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, there is a trend in the number of species found in each stream type based on the riparian habitat. As the amount of organic pollution
increased, there should have been a decrease in the species richness of the streams. Species richness also has an effect on the processing of leaf
material. Less species richness due to organic pollution forces the litter breakdown to be dependent on microbial activity rather than shredders
(Masese et al. 2014). In addition, microbial breakdown of leaf litter is accelerated by the presence of nutrients, which is high in agricultural
streams (Masese et al. 2014). Therefore, the species richness of the agricultural stream should have been low and leaf processing would be
controlled by bacteria. Although the agricultural stream had the highest species richness, the relative frequency of shredders was very low
compared to the other functional feeding groups shown in Figure 3. Likewise, due to the organic pollution present in urban streams, it would be
expected to have a low species richness and thus any leaf material would be processed by microbes as well. Furthermore, the forest stream should
have had the highest species richness, which would in turn impact leaf processing by having the shredders drive leaf litter breakdown rather than
microbes. The Family Biotic Index describes the water quality of a stream by averaging the tolerance values of all the individuals that were
sampled (Hilsenhoff 1988). Based on the equation,
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How Does Mary Oliver Use Imagery In Crossing The Swamp
In "Crossing the Swamp", Mary Oliver uses the Swamp as a metaphor for life's struggles when she states "Here is swamp, here is struggle" and
continues to expound on this metaphor throughout the poem. She relates the physical characteristics of the swamp to going through a struggle and
her use of literary devices helps to drive this metaphor. Through her use of tone and imagery, Oliver is able to show the transition of the
relationship between the speaker and the swamp(struggles) from one of hopelessness to one of hopefulness. At the beginning of the poem, the tone
is very hopeless. The swamp seems "endless" to the speaker, suggesting that they think the struggles they are facing will never be overcome.
Similarly, the swamp is "thick" and
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Public Green Spaces At The Mouth Of Mill Creek
Cincinnati 's riverfront is misused and neglected. Once the backbone of the city 's economic activity, much of it now lies vacant and abandoned.
Scarred by the derelict remains of its industrial past and cut–off from the city by roads and railways, these sites are largely forgotten by the public
and show little signs of their untapped potential.
The landscape is in clear need of repair.
In some other locations, sections of the waterfront have been converted into riverfront parks. While such public green spaces are an important
factor in the success of a city, we should not be content with merely building a standard park. Cities should use the elements given to them in their
landscape to create placemaking spaces unique to ... Show more content on ...
In reality, there is no evidence of residential or recreational activities taking place in the area. In some places the riverfront was used as a
construction material dump site, with evidence of the waste being burned on site.
Non–commercial use is hampered by a lack of accessible and legal ways into the site. The site is currently almost completely blocked off by
railroads and raised roadways, with the exception of a private road entrance on the east end, making trespassing required to access the riverfront.
In addition, the banks along the river are steep and highly susceptible to erosion. No access to the water is possible with these conditions.
The site is completely within the flood zone and temporary flood protection only exists a fourth of a mile beyond the site. The area along the river
and mill creek is in the floodway, meaning even minor flooding affects the area. The rest of the site is within the 100–year floodplain, meaning it
has annual flood probability of 1%.
The landscape itself can serve as protection from flooding. By raising the elevation along the riverfront, water is held back from the city. This can
be done with a series of berms. When looking at FEMA's flood maps we can see that already there are two natural exceptions to the floodplain.
On the site there are two existing berms excluded from the floodplain zone providing protection to the area beyond them.
Innately, the landscape can be employed as
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Mekong...
As you most likely know, the Mekong river is quite essential to human and animal life in its river basin. There are more than a few ways that us
humans are dependent on the Mekong river. Some of these are food, water and increasingly, electricity. All of the previously mentioned needs
seem important but one clashes with the others. Hydropower is à renewable energy source which is rising in popularity. Since hydropower is à
renewable energy source it is not believed to be harmful to the environment. According to an expert on the topic, Professor Philip Hirsch,
Hydropower is Laos' gateway to getting rich. As stated by Xaypaseuth Phomsoupha, building these dams helps with providing à better life for the
Lao population. But the disadvantages ... Show more content on ...
When the flow and force of à river is switched, sediment is blocked. This sediment plays à key role in agriculture around the mekong river.
Sediment is important in farming as it adds nutrients to the soil and protects the mainland from being eroded by salt water from the sea. As salinity
rates are increasing because of the excessive dams along this river, the plants grown here are changing as mentioned in an Al Jazeera English
video on youtube. There is another natural force that is unsettled by damming on the Mekong. This is the fish migrations as the dams block the
migrating fish, many of which are only found in this river. Four out of ten of the world's greatest freshwater fish are found in the Mekong river,
these are being threatened by dams directly as the fish that they consume are being stopped from migrating and therefore they have à lower chance
of getting their needed amount of nutrition. This also directly affects us humans as mentioned earlier. Around 2.1 million tonnes of fish are found
on the Mekong river, these feed close to 60 million people. Approximately 600 species of fish on the Mekong river are migratory, these make up
about 70% of the fish catch. When these fish are blocked, the amount of fish caught are much
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Evaluation Of Water Related Climate Change Adaptation...
The aim of this research is to develop a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of water–related climate change adaptation interventions at
the local community level in Thai Binh province. This will help authorities at high levels, NGO officers, local residents and other beneficiaries as
they can evaluate the "effectiveness" of water–related interventions. The robust indicators will help to adjust the adaptation targets for given times,
to ensure the accountability to stakeholders, to provide evidence for the effects of intervention, to motivate all partners, to fundraise, and to reveal
the shortcomings in the implementation of water–related adaptation interventions {Hobson, 2014 #328}.
This research will apply the sustainable livelihood framework and the local community participation to develop the indicators. The sustainable
livelihood framework approach will consider comprehensively and scientifically the livelihood components of local residents. The authorities at
the higher levels, therefore, can more easily listen to and understand the local voices and have much more respect and corporation with the local
residents. In addition, the local community participation methods will reveal the local residents' perspectives of their needs, priorities and visions.
The local residents will also be able to understand the effects of adaptation interventions, to gain the skills in observation of changes and to
improve their adaptive capacity to adverse impacts of climate
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Essay On Climate Change
Action to minimize risk of flooding to infrastructure under future climate change
Adaptation options for risk reduction under future climate change
Adaptation options how under future climate change sever event of flooding risk reduction could be achieved . Assessing different adaptation
options to under future climate change sever event of of flooding risk to infrastructure as well as structural and non–structural measures. Climate
change extreme event flooding risk to under future climate change demonstrates adaptation measures with or without climate change and assesses
of adaptation and also identifying options that can help to manage indirect flood under climate change an 'impacts–based' adaptation assessment
(Carter et al., ... Show more content on ...
Reduction of the peak flows
This adaptation option aims at reducing the flood hazard through a reduction and a delaying of peak flows during extreme events. Peak reduction
is achieved by setting up areas within aside the river network that can be flooded in a controlled manner when the river stage reaches critical
levels. In addition, peak flows are reduced by reservoirs, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS, Pasche et al., 2008), retarding basins,
infiltration basins, and through targeted land management plans such as afforestation and river restoration (Reinhardt et al., 2011).
Reduction of vulnerability
It includes all adaptation options which can be modelled through a progressive reduction of the vulnerability, including the implementation of
early warning systems, dry and wet flood proofing, and floating buildings, among others (Strangfeld and Stopp, 2014; Kreibich et al., 2015;
Pappenberger et al., 2015)
Novel agent based model (ABM)
A novel agent based model (ABM) Climate change and climate change severity of surface water flooding increasing for the current and future
climate change to analyze used under various scenarios of climate change. The model captures and model the movement and magnitude of surface
water flooding, changing surface water flood risk, and how adaptation and insurance decisions could affect future surface water flood risk in that
dynamic (Dubbelboer et al., 2015a; Forthcoming; Jenkins et
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Hatchet Quotes
Hatchet Essay: MM, AM, CC Intro Have you ever gotten lost in the grocery store? How did that feel? Was it scary? Now imagine getting stranded
in the wilderness. This is a question that I wonder all because of this addictive book called Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. This book is about a 13 year
old boy, that has to survive on an island for 54 days, all by himself, after a tragic plane crash. This helped Brian become stronger, and more
independent in different ways. This gave Brain a stronger chance of survival, even through all of the changes that has happened throughout the
past couple months. Throughout this entire mess, I think these are most of the ways that Brian has changed. In fact, Brian has grown stronger
physically and mentally. He knows ... Show more content on ...
Although these changes were hard, it helped Brian change in a good way, it helped Brian survive this tragic incident. The first change that stood
out most to me in Brian would be strength. An excellent example of this would be the quote on chapter 17, after the tornado took everything away.
He had to start completely new. In this chapter the quote clearly states, "Tomorrow, he thought, as he lay back in the darkness. Tomorrow maybe
the fish would be back and he would make a spear and new bow and get some food. Tomorrow he would find food and refine the camp and bring
things back to sanity from the one completely insane day" The quote clearly shows growth in Brian, it shows how he has grown strength, even
after everything that he had was destroyed he was still willing to get back up on his feet, with a positive attitude, he was not just going to give up.
This is very different from the Brian from the beginning of the book. That Brian would have cried, and given up as soon as the tornado hit. But
now, Brian has learned from his mistakes. He knows now that giving up, and sitting there feeling sorry for yourself won't help you survive.
Because if he would have just given up, he wouldn't have survived long enough to get rescued by the plane. Brian decided to make the smart
choice, in order to survive. Brian has become smarter, stronger, and more patience with things. All in
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Watershed Poster Summary
Poster Summary: I chose to review the poster entitled Discovery of the Arkansas Darter in Cow Creek Watershed, Cherokee County, SE Kansas
presented by Dr. James Whitney of Pittsburg State University. Dr. Whitney and others conducted a survey of the fish communities of the Cow
Creek watershed in southeastern Kansas. A total of 29 sites were surveyed within the watershed which is highly modified as the result of
agriculture. Sites were surveyed from February to November of 2017 using back pack electrofishing as well as seining. The Arkansas Darter
(Etheostoma cragini), a state threatened species, was collected at 3 of the 29 sites during the study. Previously, the species was only known within
the region from the Spring River mainstem and Shoal ... Show more content on ...
The creators of this poster did an excellent job in creating a presentation that allowed for the viewers gaze to easily flow across the content of the
poster in a manner that aided in the viewers ability to interpret the poster. The aspect of this poster that I found most appealing was the use of
images and the minimal amount of text used. Posters with excessive text appear daunting to the viewer and the meaning of the results is easily lost
under the mass of text. I particularly found the neatly constructed map at the center of the poster to be helpful in aiding my understanding of the
significance of this range expansion. Also, the placement of this map in the center of the poster immediately draws the viewers attention to a
depiction of the key results that the authors are trying to convey. The only poorly constructed aspect of this poster was the images of the Arkansas
Darter. These images were dark and somewhat out of focus which made them difficult to analyze. Overall this was a very well put together poster
that was easily interpreted and pleasing to
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How Did Charles Correa's Contribution To The Art Of...
Charles Correa began his career when India became independent. He always worked towards designing building which had Indian ethics and
western modernity at the same time. Correa drew inspiration from the historical buildings and vernacular architecture. He inculcated western
modern designs of abstractions and transformed them into Indian imagination. His work depicts a certain playfulness of colour panes, light and
shadows. Awarded by the Royal Institute for British Architects, Charles Correa believed that the architecture has lost it's true essence and is now
all about whims and odd fashion. In all his projects, Correa demonstrated a strong relationship between the environment and the emotion related
to it, ... Show more content on ...
He taught us how a big project like Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya could be designed with such simplicity. Correa designed a museum for the letters,
books, values which were an integral part of Gandhi's lifestyle. Correa had a major task in hand to build a place which spoke of Gandhi's life,
values and his philosophy. With some very simple objects as his very last possessions – his glasses, footwear and the three monkeys, to Correa, it
was the challenge to depict the Zen philosophy followed by Gandhi in his design. Such was the design of Correa that it depicted elegance, austere
beauty, beaming with natural light and cool breeze. The structure was very simply designed and felt of walking through an Indian village with
random closed and open spaces but it had a beautiful pattern which communicated that experience– lightness and transparency. The materials used
are clay tiles, white walls, exposed red brick; very simple and minimal for such a grand man. It is quite evident for the visitors as well, wherein
one experiences sudden peace and clarity. The principles followed then by Gandhi and his people were very clear and straight which has been
reflected in the ashram. Wherever one sees to, the tranquillity and transparency is observed. Started by Gandhi, the minimalism or the advent of it
has been taken forward by Charles Correa quite
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Comparing Gary Paulsen's Hatchet And Eragon
For summer reading, I read Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, and Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. I chose to do this report about Hatchet, because I felt
that it had more impact on me as I was reading it. I also like reading survival themed novels. Hatchet is a story about survival. 13 year old Brian
Robson, a city boy, gets his whole life turned around when a plane that he is flying in crashes, leaving him stranded in the harsh Alaskan
wilderness, with nothing but a hatchet to aid him in his quest for survival. The social setting of this book has a huge impact on this story. To start,
his parents are filing for divorce. This often leaves Brian mad, sad, and confused. He wanted to know why his parents are getting divorced.
Throughout the novel, Brian
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Ap World History Essay
How were the needs for water and economic structures in some of the earliest of world's civilizations cities and states met around 3100 BCE–100
CE and how did they get there? The cities and states back then depended on working waterways and architectural growth in order for their
population to thrive. The larger the population, the greater the need for more easily and readily available water. When we think of a large
population, we often think of the word civilization and if they had certain traditions that may have been passed down. Some of the first known
civilizations were that of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt which were located along the well–known Nile, Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. They had
traditions just like any other culture, but the Mesopotamians wrote them down allowing historians a glimpse into their culture and their need for
water. By looking at these civilizations today, we can talk about the political and economic factors of how water supplies were regulated around
Mesopotamia and ... Show more content on ...
"In addition to demonstrating that people could transport and store food effectively, the presence of cities also indicates that people were
producing enough surplus food to allow for a specialization of labor" (Wheeler 1). So in short, we could say that if everyone was a farmer with
this new access to water and new technology, then no one would be building the city or preparing for the future. There would be no storage bins
for grains, no roads and no one to govern the city and create written laws or policies for their growth. Supplying the city with water wasn't just a
technical issue, but it also affected the economical, legal and political development of any ancient
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Hatchet Wild Quotes

  • 1. Hatchet Wild Quotes Have you ever wondered what you could learn if you needed to survive in the Wild? Well in the book Hatchet, Brian already answered that for himself when he crash landed in the wild and survived in the wild. He shows what he has learned and how he has changed in chapter 11, when he realizes that his hearing and seeing has increased since living in the wild and in chapter 16, when he shows that he has learned to manage his food in order to survive in the wild. And the upcoming paragraphs are about how the things that Brian learned helped him through surviving in the wild. For the first skill ,I am going to talk about, that Brian has learned is in Chapter 11, the text states, "But perhaps more than his body was the change in his mind, or in ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Hatchet Quotes Have you ever been stranded in the wilderness? I know someone who has. He is cunning, resourceful, and also brave. His name is Brian, and he is the main character of Hatchet. The author, Gary Paulson, has written a very good one this time. In this story Brain is a cunning individual. " He brought some dried grass in , tapped sparks onto it , and watched them die." ( pg 82 ). He is cunning in this sentence for how smart he was with his materials. Another example is "he would need a large woodpile to get through the night" ( pg 90 ). He is cunning in the sentence above because of how he is thinking. "He had sat a whole night and shaped the limbs carefully until the bow looked beautiful" ( pg 117 ). This sentence shows cunning by how he made a bow out of his bear hands. "He had spent two days making arrows ; the shafts were willow , straight and with the bark pealed, and he fire–hardened the points and split a couple of them to make forked points, as he had done with the spear" ( pg 117 ). In this cunning experience he has showed how smart he is by making a bow. Not only is Brian cunning he is also resourceful. ... Show more content on ... "Brian made certain the fire was bunked with new wood , then went out of the shelter and searched for a good fuel supply"( pg 90 ). He is using one of the resources around him for his needs. Another one is "He worked all through the morning at the wood, breaking down dead limbs and breaking or chopping them in smaller pieces and storing them neatly in the overhang" ( pg 99 ). He is using the overhang as resourcefulness. Finally , "With his bow with an arrow fashioned by his own hands he had done food , had found a way to live" ( pg 119 ). He is using the bow ( as resourceful ) to find a way to live ( food ). Not only is he cunning and resourceful but he is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Hatchet Gary Paulsen Quotes In the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, a thirteen year old boy named Brian is flying in a plane to visit his father, when the pilot has a heart attack and the plane crashes. Brian survives the crash and is forced to live in the wilderness of the Canadian forest. Throughout this book, the author, Gary Paulsen, shows time and time again that no matter how rough things get, never give up. "He ripped at it until it released... somehow he pulled himself out" (29). This is an example from the beginning of the story from when Brian crash landed in a lake and tore himself out. This quote supports my thesis and does so by showing that Brian doesn't care what happens, he is going to survive what is thrown at him. He it inside of a plane that is sinking ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of Floodplains A floodplain or flood plain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river that stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls and experiences flooding during periods of high discharge. Or in simple words we can say – an area of low–lying ground adjacent to a river, formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding. Flood plains are made by a meander eroding sideways as they travel downstream. When a river breaks its banks and floods, it leaves behind layers of alluvium (silt). These gradually build up to create the floor of the flood plain. Floodplains can support particularly rich ecosystems, both in quantity and diversity. Floodplains are where land and water meet. The two environments merge ... Show more content on ... This reduces a river's discharge and so makes it less likely to flood. Afforestation also prevents mass wasting which reduces the amount of soil entering the river and keeps the river's capacity high. When combined with floodplain zoning, afforestation can be very effective at reducing the risk of flooding. It creates new habitats for animals and improving water quality by filtering pollutants out of rainwater. The issue with afforestation is that it requires quite a lot of space to be effective and could prove unpopular among famers on the floodplain as they won't be too happy with trees sapping nutrients from the soil. This issue can be combated somewhat by creating riparian buffers, thin vegetated strips of land that run adjacent to a river's channel. – Wetland Restoration– involves creating conditions that are favorable for the development of wetlands (marshes or swamps). Wetlands are able to store large volumes of water which helps to reduce the discharge in a river. Wetlands don't reduce flooding where they are located but rather downstream of the river. They have the added benefit of creating new habitats for animals and greatly increasing biodiversity. They reduce the area of land available for farming though which makes them unpopular among ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Fish Dam Research Paper There are obviously going to be multiple impacts on the environment because of the dam's construction. However, what most people don't know is what they actually are. Many fish cannot pass through the dam. This impacts their breeding and migration. While many will argue that some fish can make it through, there are still dangers for the fish on the other side. After water enters the dam, oxygen is sucked out of it. This little bit of oxygen is essential for fish to survive in the water, and without it, they suffocate and die. When a dam is put into use, pooling up water on one side, many trees drown. This then results in the trees releasing their remaining carbon dioxide in mass quantities. This gas not only contributes to much of the world's ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Effects Of Water Quality On The Reedy Fork Creek And... Descriptive Statistics The spatiotemporal pattern of water quality in the Reedy Fork and Buffalo Creek watersheds exhibits a trend of river deterioration, mainly due to Fecal Coliform. Our study suggests that most of the pollution sources were related to human activities. Looking at table 2a to 5b, it is clear that, F.Col, coliform is the dominant parameter with the highest means in all the sites, both at the Reedy Fork and Buffalo Creek watersheds. However, there are higher mean values of this nutrient in the Buffalo Creek watershed than the Reedy Fork creek watershed. This is clearly visible by looking at the variation in mean variable concentrations for the individual sites through the years under study from the graphs. In comparison to the States Standards in table 10, Fecal Coliform for sites 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, and 18, all in the urbanize Buffalo Creek watershed have mean values of 1613.95, 1189.52, 2447.38, 3167.71, 1410.86, 1178.30 CFU/100ml respectively which are within the states watch zone for the 1999 to 2002 parameters. Subsequently, above normal levels were recorded for Buffalo Creek Watershed sites 9, 12, 15, 18 for 2003 to 2008, sites 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 for 2009 to 2010, and sites 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 for 2011 to 2013with fecal coliform concentrations of 1459.56, 1078.11,1340.28,1113.34; 1890.46, 1517.04, 4115.75, 1863.17, 1475.29, 2078.82, 2165.17, 1314.42, 1389.96, 4427.21, 4684.38, 2026.25; and 1172.76, 1928.00, 2507.14, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. How To Have A Water Pipe Burst Having a water pipe burst can be so annoying. At first, you might not even recognize you have a leak until dampness manifest on the surface of a wall or if it's a underground leak moistness coming up from the floor. Left unchecked, this can lead to further expensive damages including mildew, mold as well as prominent structural repairs. Here are some reasons a pipe could burst – * Extreme Temperatures: Most people think of cold weather when it comes to pipes bursting; however, intense summer heat can wreak havoc on them as well. * Previous Repairs: If you have had to fix a crack or broken water line in the past by attempting to join two different metal materials together, most likely you will have to replace it in the future. This ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Analysis Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen The book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is about a boy, Brian, who had many struggles with survival after he was stranded in a Cessna 406 with his dead pilot who just had a heart attack. He had trouble with his surrounding as he used his intellect to prevail in difficult survival situations. Brian had trouble with blood–thirsty insects, chaotic animals, finding food and many more obstacles. Brian struggles with many challenges throughout the book, but overcomes them all. One of the obstacles he overcomes is the swarms of ravenous insects that come out at sunset and sunrise. To show how excruciatingly painful the bugs were, the narrator states, "...and with the heat came clouds of insects–thick,swarming hordes of mosquitoes that flocked to his body, ... Show more content on ... They would trick his eyes into thinking nothing was there, when in reality the foolbirds were sitting mere inches away from his head. The only way Brian could see them is if they had just flew away or "exploded" and were to far away from him. To show how much the animals tormented Brain, the narrator describes the situation, "Then there were the foolbirds. They exasperated him to the point where they were close to driving him insane. The birds were everywhere, five or six in a flock, and their camouflage was so perfect that it was possible for Brian to sit and rest, leaning against a tree, with one of them standing right in front of him in a willow clump, two feet away–hidden–only to explode into a deafening flight just when Bian least expected it" (Paulsen,130–131). One day when hunting for the foolbirds, he got really frustrated when a foolbird a few inches away exploded when it flew away. When the bird was escaping over the lake, the sun's rays reflected off of the bird and Brian had an epiphany about hunting them. Instead of looking for the colors and feathers of the bird, he had to look for the pear–ish shape of them. After realizing his mistake, he also understood that when hunting for the birds that he would have to approach their side rather then straight ahead. The next few birds he saw he got close to, but he only caught his first foolbird a couple of sighting ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Pueblo Flood That Changed My View And Outlook On Water... The Pueblo Flood, something that anyone who is a native of Colorado has heard about before. When thinking about the flood, it has always been assumed at least for myself that was something that took place and not much thought was given to it until this became the topic of choice for this paper. The Pueblo flood occurred on the Evening of June 5, 1921. The flood that changed the town of Pueblo forever and is still even to this day the deadliest flood in Colorado's History. However, what is not well known is the fact that there was not one flood but three, the devastation that overtook the town was monumental. The firsthand accounts were heartbreaking, the experience of learning about the flood has truly changed my view and outlook on water tremendously. The Pueblo flood facts are as follows; the flood occurred in 1921 in the month of June. The first flood occurred due to heavy rain that fell over a small area called Dry Creek which lies just above Pueblo, The Rise in the River caused the banks to overflow, this occurred on the evening of June 2nd. The Second Flood, which is known as the main flood took place on the night of June 3rd and will be the main focus of this paper. The Third flood occurred on the morning of June 5th due to the breaking of the Schaeffer Reservoir in an area known as Beaver Creek. The exact amount the height of the flood waters got to will never truly be known, but there is evidence though out Pueblo even to this day that documents how high ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Ellicott City Flood Case Study In the Washington DC area, it is not at all uncommon to see flash flood warnings scroll across the television screen, but nothing comes of it other than some rain. This past weekend, however, during Memorial Day weekend, Ellicott City, Maryland, which sits just outside of the beltway, experienced a horrible flash flood. The death toll still has yet to be announced, as cleanup and the search for survivors has just begun. Two waves of intense flooding hit the town unexpectedly, and with little warning. The town is a quaint little area with cute shops and storefronts, which sits in a valley, and the main street cuts a swath between two higher vistas. Several storms had been forecast earlier that day, and heavy rain was expected, but no one could have predicted such devastation, in such a short amount of time. This is the second massive flash flood to hit this area in as many years, leaving business owners, and residents alike, stunned and heartbroken. ... Show more content on ... The closest hospital to Ellicott City is Howard County General Hospital, which is part of the Johns Hopkins Medical System. According to the Maryland Quality Healthcare Reports, Howard County General Hospital has 266 beds, and Emergency Room facilities, but is not a trauma center("Maryland Health Care Quality Reports," n.d.). The hospital is approximately 13 miles south of Ellicott City. Howard County Emergency Management has 14 Fire and Rescue Station houses, and one located in Ellicott City proper ("Howard County, Maryland > Departments > Fire and Rescue > Fire Stations," n.d.). Just ten days prior to the flood, a town hall meeting was held to discuss flood plans, and disaster management options, as well as to discuss the All–Hazards Mitigation Plan and Flood Mitigation Plan. At the meeting, officials listed the potential dangers, and ranked them according to potential for damage. No surprise to anyone, at the top of the list, ranking number one, was ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Hatchet Quotes Have you ever think about you are in the wild by alone? Then, what do you think about that? Most of people usually think that is impossible or terrible. However, main character of Hatchet survive in the wild by only hatchet. The book of Hatchet written by Gary Paulsen is a story about surviving in the wild as alone. Through his story, Gary Paulsen tells the readers that big courage need in every hard situation. The story begins when the plane fell from virtue. While Brian Robeson, thirteen years old, is going to his father who divorced with his mother, The pilot in the plane died by a heart attack. Despite, he tried to put down the plane instead of the pilot, the plane made a emergency landing at one lake, located in the forest. ... Show more content on ... He experience surviving in the wild forest alone, having emotional distress from divorce with his father and his mother. Despite, he suffered distress during surviving, he grow to more mature than before and have a lot of patience boy. Although, he get terrific experience in the wild, he become great person. He shows getting hope in the serious and hard situation make excellent people and learning to grow develop to great people. The pilot drive the plane that Brian took in. Suddenly, he died in the plane because of a fatal heart attack. In someside, we can look him by Brian Robenson's guardian angel because, he instruct how to drive the plane until he died. Also, he shows sudden situation in brian's life. Then, he make chance that Brian Robenson think about other people's fate. Finally, Brian Robenson's parents are always in Brian Robenson's mind when Brian Robenson survived in the wild forest. His father appear in his dream, and he instruct how to make the fire to his son. His father's wound and confusion by the divorce with his mother also exist in Brian Robenson's sense. He thought about his mother said to him "kid scout boy" when he felt most despair. However, when he knew his mother's negative, his think about his mother full with hate and resentment. After 54days, he forgive his mother and become mature which can keep his mother's ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Persuasive Essay On Clean Water A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that falls in it drains off or goes to a common outlet (USGS, 2016). Unknown to many, a watershed could be as small as a footprint, but also as large as a lake. The word watershed is interchangeable with drainage basins or catchment (USGS, 2016). Watersheds are important because it controls the flow of rivers and the water that gets to a certain place and this is how we get our fresh water. If the watershed is ruined or destroyed, then the price of water and clean water will then get worse, the prices will become higher to fix damages and the water could be unsafe to drink. When I say ruined it means that water flow and clean rivers will change path or dry up. Since the major issue is that the bodies of water emptying into our watershed are polluted, the plan we have come up with is to make the rivers clean by putting nets up and down the major rivers in Colorado and collecting garbage. To be specific, a problem faced by our watershed t is the buildup of plastics and Styrofoam. In fact, out of 50 billion bottles sold every year only 20% are recycled (Scholtus, 2009). This number is stunning due to the recycling programs we have and all the proper ways to get rid of plastic water bottles (Scholtus 2009). With the excess amount of plastics and Styrofoam that end up in our watershed, areas might end up getting clogged and thus changing the path of a stream. Not to mention, such change in the flow of water is also ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is a novel about a 13 year old boy named Brian Robeson, who crashes in a small bush plane in remote canadian wilderness and the journey of survival he had to overcome against nature and wildlife.This novel proves how hard times can better a person that overcomes those times. First Brian starts his journey when he leaves his mother to go live with his dad with a hatchet his mother gave him as a gift and suddenly finds himself stranded in a rough rugged canadian wilderness. With just the single hatchet and the clothes on his back. He doesn't realize it then but he was luckily crashed by a lake for water and wildlife in and around the lake. Secondly brian has little to eat and has been minorly injured in the crash ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Flood Of 1927: The Worst Natural Disaster In Arkansas History The most destructive flood and the worst natural disaster in Arkansas history was the Flood of 1927, also known as the: Great flood of 1927, Mississippi River Flood of 1927, and 1927 Flood. The flood "...had social and political ramifications which changed the way Arkansas, as well as the nation, viewed relief from natural disasters and the responsibility of government in aiding the victims, echoing the Hurricane Katrina disaster in the present day" (Hendricks). During the summer of 1926, heavy rains were beginning to swell to extraordinary levels in the basin of the Mississippi river. Also contributing to the swelling of the Mississippi River, was snow melting in Canada during the spring of 1927. The waters did not lessen until the following year. The flooding took place on the lower area of the Mississippi River valley during April 1927. During that month, the levee at Mounds landing in Mississippi was breached, from this point on the entire levee system among the river weakened and gave way to the huge volumes of water. The Mississippi River suffered thirteen levee breaks, "...there were twenty–six breaks on the Arkansas River, sixty–seven on the White River, and twelve on the St. Francis" (Whayne 312). ... Show more content on ... The areas near the river were drenched with six to thirty feet of water that engulfed everything in its path, including farm animals, Arkansans, and cities. Crops would not be planted because lands in Arkansas still remined under water that year. The bodies of animals were starting to rot, and mosquitoes began breeding. The increase of these mosquitoes caused malaria and typhoid to enter the refugee camps, which were already under the threat of dysentery and smallpox. Disease became a public concern after the aftermath of the ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. How Does Gary Paulsen Use Repetition In Hatchet The author, Gary Paulsen, uses at least 3 literary techniques in his novel Hatchet: repetition, imagery, and personification. Gary Paulsen uses repetition to express Brian's thoughts. In the beginning of Hatchet, he repeats the word alone to show Brain alone in the woods after the plane crash having no one or nothing except for the hatchet. Through the middle and ending of Hatchet, Gary Paulsen keeps repeating the word tomorrow. In the middle of the novel, he uses the word tomorrow to show how Brian thinks the more things he does tomorrow the more things he would get done. In the end he uses the word because he is still thinking about getting saved and go home to his normal life. The second literary technique that is used by Gary ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Levels Of The Somerset Levels Flooded During the Autumn/Winter of 2013/14, an unusually high frequency of depressions moved across the Somerset Levels, causing both fluvial and pluvial flooding on a prodigious scale. The two main rivers which flow through the Levels (River Tone/Parrett), burst their banks, spilling into the already heavily saturated flood plain. An emergency was declared and subsequently allowed the Somerset council to request financial and physical aid to the region. This essay highlights the key reasons the Somerset Levels flooded, as well evaluating the main management solutions that were put forward during the peak of the flooding. The Somerset levels expand 170,000 acres across parts of the north and centre of the county (BBC News, 2014). The majority of the soil consists of clay and further inland, peat. As the Levels sit, on average, just three metres above sea level, it's also prone to coastal flooding. Every year the area experiences some form of flooding due to its impermeable calcareous clays, which drains water very slowly (Soilscapes, n.d.). The Autumn/Winter period saw a record–breaking Jet Stream, fuelled by a diving cold Polar Vortex across the US. With this, brought powerful storms across the UK, which produced rapid cyclogenesis in the mid–Atlantic (MetOffice, 2014). This pattern lasted several months, exacerbating the flooding issues across the Somerset Levels. Not only was the flooding caused by natural circumstances, manmade ingenuity also played a significant role; ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Essay on Watershed Management Plan for Portland, Oregon Watershed Management Plan: Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon is one of the most sustainable cities in the U.S and is well–known for its urban appeal. Various bureaus within the city have consistently found ways to incorporate sustainability at a time when managing economic pressures and increased demands for natural resources have otherwise been challenging. It comes as no surprise then, that efforts in restoring watershed health play a large role in the city's overall agenda. Every watershed within Portland's jurisdiction serves an important purpose; and, while individual management plans do exist, a comprehensive plan has been created to give perspective of watershed health on a city–wide scale. Not only does this allow the city to ... Show more content on ... Levees were built, wetlands were drained and filled, and waterways were channelized (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). As a result, the overall health of the watershed diminished. There is an urgent need to improve water quality of the Columbia Slough Watershed. Urban development has resulted in an extensive loss of vegetation and habitat which has resulted in increased water temperature and decreased capacity to filter pollutants and sediments from runoff (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). The watershed also serves as an important wildlife corridor, especially for migrating salmon. However, upstream passage of salmon is prevented due to levees. Johnson Creek Much like the Columbia Slough, the Johnson Creek Watershed has also been severely altered and urban development has contributed to its poor health. In the 1930s, a trapezoidal channel in 15 of the 25 stream miles was created to control flooding (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). However, this action did the complete opposite. Disconnected from its floodplain, stormwater runoff has overwhelmed the confined stream channel and has flooded 37 times since 1942 (City of Portland Environmental Services, 2005). Algae growth due to altered flow and growth of invasive species has severely degraded the Johnson Creek Watershed. Creek sediments are contaminated with pesticides and stream banks have eroded (City of Portland ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. College Station Area Is The Huge Inconvenience Of The... One of the more dominant problems within the Bryan, College Station area, is the extensive amount of flooding that takes place every year. Whenever it rains, the town and a large number of major areas gets engulfed by uncontrollable amounts of water. The streets and roadways get backed up with so much excess water that they must close off certain parts of town to ensure the safety of the people who live there. Flooding in Bryan, College Station is an enormous inconvenience to the people who live there. This issue can be solved by simply collecting more tax money, fixing the drainage system, and by coming up with procedures or regulations for future constructions, so people can build their new establishments on higher grounds. It has been stated by the Weather Channel that, "In June of 2016, the Brazos River crested just over 4 feet above its previous record flood stage at Richmond, Texas" (Tom Moore). Beings that Collage Station is located in a Bryan Valley, the area is mostly flat terrain with occasional hills and slow absorbing soil, packed with large amounts of establishments that can easily become prone to flooding. During the times of intense rain, the water builds up and exceeds the limit for drainage in the area. Bridges, roads, walkways, and parking lots, get engulfed with the water, making it impossible to get through. Highway 6, near College Station, is one of the major roads that people use to commute from place to place, and to get home, when it closed down to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Summary Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen In the book Hatchet there is a young boy named Brian Robeson. This story is written by Gary Paulsen. He gets a hatchet on his way to the airport. His parents split up and now Brian has to visit his father in Canada. While on a bush plane the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies on the plane. Brian is now alone on the plane, but eventually it crashes. Brian is now stuck in the Canadian woods with no food, no shelter, and no one to call for help. There is also a secret circling in his mind. He will meet animals and have some decisions to make. A massive tornado hits and destroys all his effort. He eventually finds the survival pack and has everything he dreams of. A pilot suddenly comes to his rescue after finding out he had played with an emergency ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Descriptive Essay About Ahmed Dattan THE COUPLE'S ESCAPE First date? Living in Ahmedabad? Are you afraid that your companion wouldn't like the place where you are taking him/her? Don't worry its natural. If you are not nervous then probably the girl you are taking out on this date is already you girlfriend or she is your sister. In Ahmedabad you can find anything and everything (literally). Be it a quite spot to take your companion or the restaurant for your first date, Ahmedabad has it all. Now it totally depends on you where exactly you want to take the other person on a date. I will guide you to the 10 best date destinations in Ahmedabad so that you don't disappoint your date. THOL Do you know that Thol is a village and I am recommending you to go there? Oh come on! It's much more than that. Thol is a bird sanctuary, there is even a lake in the middle. All in all this beautiful scenery is a perfect place to bring your to be girlfriend/boyfriend. If you ask me how then the answer to that is start you date around 9PM, take him/her out to the best food zones in Ahmedabad, go for a long ride and then take her to Thol. Thol can only be enjoyed in the early hours of the morning because by the time afternoon rolls around your armpits will be sweating. VISHALLA Are both of you food addicts? Or do you both share the love of food. Then vishalla is the place to take your loved one out on a date. Now, vishalla is a heritage restaurant just like chowki dhani in Jaipur. Take your companion out for dinner here. You ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Merced River Is The Southernmost Watercourse Of The... METHODS Study sites The Merced River is the southernmost watercourse of the California Central Valley presently inhabited by Chinook salmon whose abundance has decreased by 75% since 1950 (Yoshiyama et al., 2000). From its headwaters located in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, the Merced River flows west to join the San Joaquín River (river km 190) and drains a watershed approximately 3,297 km2 in size. Meanwhile, the elevation declines from 3,048 m to about 18.3 m. Only the first 82 river km are reachable by anadromous fish with access terminating at Crocker–Huffman Dam. We estimated the percent contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources for juvenile Chinook salmon across four longitudinally– positioned sites: Merced River ... Show more content on ... Restoration planning identified the rehabilitation of the floodplain functions that foster recruitment of riparian vegetation and the quality of riparian habitat. Fall–run Chinook salmon is an important management species in the Merced River, and numerous state and federal resource programs include increasing its abundance in their goals. The vision has been to enhance channel, floodplain and riparian ecosystem processes and critical habitats for juvenile and adult salmonids, in coordination with local communities and stakeholders, to promote the recovery of healthy and diverse Chinook salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in the Merced River, while helping to meet the abundance goals of the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. Robinson's restoration reach is approximately 2.4 km long and is located 16 km downstream of Crocker–Huffman Dam. The project included a very complex suite of actions to restore Robinson's reach which was degraded as a result of mining activities and recent flood impacts. Channel reconfiguration and the creation of a large floodplain with native vegetation increased the river channel's ability to transport and deposit sediments under the river's current flow regime; hence improving channel dynamics and salmon passage concerns. These actions within the channel produced improvements for salmon spawning and rearing through the creation of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Personal Narrative: My Journey To The United States "Stay quiet", are the words that came from the coyote, an individual which smuggles people across borders, as they placed me a five year old onto an inflatable pool donut. The donut was floating on the rapid waters of the Rio Grande which my mom, sister, and I were getting ready to cross not knowing what awaited us on the other side. While they place me on the donut both my mom and sister followed directly behind it making sure I was safe. As they swam across being guided by the coyote I was pulled acrossed feeling the rapid water pushing and pulling on my small feet. Even though these waters had claimed the lives of many immigrants my family were ready to attempt the cross for a better life. Eventually what felt like hours turn into seconds as we made it to the other side being pressured to change clothes to continue on the journey to a new land. As a teenager I have very vague memories of my childhood yet big moments I remember in fine detail. My family immigrating to the United States is one that has stuck with me my entire life. This memory defines me in that it's a pivotal moment that has been part of me defining what I can and can't be. As a child I knew not that immigrating to a new country would reset my way of life in that everything would be new and my family would have ... Show more content on ... As a new student in a foreign land I had to comply with the norms which were almost alien like to my adolescent mind. Some of the major norms that separated Mexico and the U.S. included speaking and writing English. I was able to slowly adapt over the years at school by being enrolled in an all Spanish class until fourth grade where I was moved onto a bilingual class and then finally fifth grade when the school concluded that I was ready for an all English class. This was an accomplishment for both my family and myself in that it showed progress, adaptability, and resiliency because I became bilingual which made me ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. How Water Quality Is Important For The Health Of The... Water quality is important to consider for streams, especially in an urban setting. It is important to understand water quality not only for the health of the ecosystem, but also for humans who drink the water and use the water for recreational purposes. In the city, it is difficult to maintain adequate water quality standards because of factors like excessive pollutants from road runoff, sediments, nutrients, and organic waste. The water levels are often sporadic and will vary by land use such as a parking lot versus a park. A way to combat this problem is to manage or restore the riparian zone by adding vegetation, encouraging infiltration, and reducing runoff rates. Five sites in Austin, Texas were sampled, assessed, and analyzed to ... Show more content on ... If the site was not successful or had moderate success, future steps were suggested in order for the restoration to be effective. The Colorado River The Colorado River had the highest water quality of all tested sites. The dissolved oxygen at this site was 8.92 mg/L and could be attributed to a number of different reasons (Table 1). The sample was taken when the sun was high and water dwelling plants had been photosynthesizing for a number of hours. The water was flowing fairly quickly and there was a small riffle at the area where the reading was taken which could have increased dissolved oxygen of the water. The river had a rocky gravel bottom which provided plenty of habitat for the macroinvertebrates that reside in the river. The variety of macroinvertebrates that were found were indicators of high water quality; species included caddisflies, mayflies, stoneflies, and dragonfly larvae. The macroinvertebrates were all very large specimens, indicating a healthy environment and plenty of resources to support their growth. The site examined was downstream of the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Plant. The high water quality at the Colorado River site could be partially attributed to the Plant's ability to sanitize and reuse wastes and prevent contamination through leakages of unclean water. The water at the Colorado River site was cool despite only mediocre tree cover. The flow was quick in thinner parts of the river and slowed when it widened out, giving ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. When I Love To Read Literature Sometimes all it takes to turn the person who hates to read, into the person who loves to read. I know that this has been the case for me at least. When I was a child I hated to read more than anything, but over time I learned to appreciate it more and more. I believe that there are three authors, who were able to influence a young child who hated to read, and created a young adult who doesn't mind reading and on occasion does it for fun. Those three authors are Gary Paulsen, John Flanagan, and Stephen Hunter. The first author to have an effect on my reading habits has to be Gary Paulsen. Gary Paulsen was the other of many books, but the ones I remember the best are his Hatchet series, and his book the rifle. The books main character Brian Robeson, who is flying in a small airplane to join his father for a few months, but once in the air the pilot of Brian's plane unexpectedly suffers a heart attack. The young Brian is just lucky enough to manage to crash land the plane into a large pond in the Canadian ... Show more content on ... Bob Lee Swagger was in the story was a retired USMC sniper from the Vietnam War era. He is also based on real life Vietnam War veteran Carlos Hathcock. In the first book of the series Swagger is recruited by an organization with the understanding that he was going to help them stop an enemy sniper from attacking the president of the United States, but Swagger learns that he is being set up only a little too late. The organization is actually the group who wanted to make the hit, only the president wasn't the true target. The true target was a visiting dignitary, who represents a country that the organization has been committing war crimes in. The story shows Swagger avoiding the FBI while traveling across the US, in search of the clues he needs in order to prove his innocence. The rest of the series shows more of Swagger's life, which I always full of excitement, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. University Of New South Wales University of New South Wales CVEN9611 –Urban Hydraulic Structures Assignment Stefan Felder Submitted by: Garth Cooper Student Number – z3189074 Question 1 Toowoomba City is located 125km from Brisbane in Queensland on the Western side of the Great Dividing Range. It consists of two main creek catchments, east creek and west creek catchments. In January 2011 there was a main flooding event which caused a large flood event that is described as an "Inland Tsunami". Figure 1 – Catchment map of Toowoomba identifying major hydraulic features. Source [1] The factors that contributed to the major storm was: There was an initial rainfall even of 90mm which occurred over 24 hours before which caused the catchments to be fully saturated. As a result any major rainfall events would be converted directly into surface water runoff Most of the catchments depicted in Figure 1 where fully urbanised which caused surfaces in the catchment to be impervious; that is very little runoff would infiltrate into the ground There were intense rainfall events that occurred over the Gowrie creek catchment; with an event greater than a 100 year ARI storm experienced at the rainfall gauges Due to the large intensities of rainfalls caused both East and West creeks to fill up. Due to both creeks flowing in the same direction no drainage could occur to Gworiee creek causing inundation shown in Appendix Figure 2 – Recorded Maximum rainfall intensities and Serveries in Toowoomba, 10 ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Hatchet Gary Paulsen Quotes Do you think you would survive by yourself in the middle of the woods for 54 days? The question that I asked you is because of the novel Hatchet and this novel is written by Gary Paulsen. Out of all of the things in the story that stood out to me was the AHA moments because I think they help brian the most. The two biggest AHA moments was when he had to put his food up higher and that he can't be lazy. In this paragraph I am going to talk about what Brian had to go through when he was in the plane crash. The first major AHA moment from Brian was'' above the door to the shelter up the rock face about ten feet was a small ledge that could make a natural storage place unreachable to animals except that it was unreachable to him as well a ladder of course he needed a ladder''from chapter 14. This quote is explaining that Brian is having to put his food some were so he will still have food to eat. If he does not put the food in a safe place and out of reach from animals then the animal will eat the food. The idea of putting the food in a higher place was a good idea because animals can't get to it and this will help him keep ... Show more content on ... The second major quote from Brian was '' He'd been lazy but now he knew the secound most important thing about nature what drives nature food was first but the work for the food went on and on. Nothing in the nature was lazy.He had tried to take a shortcut and paid for it with some turtle eggs.This quote is trying to tell us that in order to survive in the woods you can't be lazy. Brian is having to search for his food because he is not at home to where he can just open the frig and put out a hot dog and cook it he has to look for his food and kill it and all of that stuff in order to eat. If brian is lazy then how will he get food so that is why he said nature is not lazy nature get their own food if they don't then they can ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Ecological Integrity And Nature Integrity iscuss what is meant by "ecological integrity" and relate this concept to rivers. In your answer describe the components of a river we could use to 'measure' integrity Ecological integrity? Ecological integrity 1.3 pdf Ecological integrity perceived as the 'maintenance of all internal and external processes and attributes interacting with the environment in such a way that the biotic community corresponds to the natural state of the type– specific aquatic habitat, according to the principles of self–regulation, resilience and resistance'. 1.3 pdf Human exercises may make changes to natural land and may modify the structure, synthesis, capacity and composition of an environment. This can make it more troublesome or even incomprehensible for an ecosystem.–ebm/ecological_integrity/ Furthermore, ecological integrity the segments that must be available are the living beings and groups of creatures, and also physical components, for example, water, soils, and courses of action, photosynthesis, backwoods progression and supplement cycling, which are normal in environments that are undisturbed or insignificantly bothered by human activity. An ecological system or species has integrity or is viable when its dominant ecological characteristics (e.g., elements of composition, structure, function, and ecological ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Who Is The Character In The Hatchet "Adults are locked into car payments and divorces and work. They haven't got time to think fresh." Gary Paulsen Brian Robeson is the main character in Hatchet; he undergoes a hard transition when his mother files for a divorce. He starts out as a city boy from New York and turns into a man of the wild. His love for nature grows strong as he was in the forest longer. At the beginning of the novel he was very impatient, but as he matures he learned how to be more patient. Brian's mother wants to get a divorce from her husband, she is having an affair with a man who Brian calls "the man with short blond hair." She has no idea Brian knows she was cheating. he just calls it "The Secret." Brian's father does not want to get a divorce from his ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Species Richness Of Aquatic Macro Invertebrates Among... Figure 1. The species richness of aquatic macro–invertebrates among three stream types. The same number of species was found in the forest and urban streams. There was an insignificantly higher number of species found in the agriculture stream. Figure 2. The biotic index of the three types of streams was calculated by the sum of total tolerance values divided by the sum of total number of individuals. The forest stream had the lowest FBI value, followed by the urban stream and the agriculture stream. Figure 3. The relative frequency of the functional feeding groups of each stream type. The total number of individuals for each stream was 368, 1334, and 510 for the forest, agriculture, and urban streams, respectively. The major ... Show more content on ... Therefore, there is a trend in the number of species found in each stream type based on the riparian habitat. As the amount of organic pollution increased, there should have been a decrease in the species richness of the streams. Species richness also has an effect on the processing of leaf material. Less species richness due to organic pollution forces the litter breakdown to be dependent on microbial activity rather than shredders (Masese et al. 2014). In addition, microbial breakdown of leaf litter is accelerated by the presence of nutrients, which is high in agricultural streams (Masese et al. 2014). Therefore, the species richness of the agricultural stream should have been low and leaf processing would be controlled by bacteria. Although the agricultural stream had the highest species richness, the relative frequency of shredders was very low compared to the other functional feeding groups shown in Figure 3. Likewise, due to the organic pollution present in urban streams, it would be expected to have a low species richness and thus any leaf material would be processed by microbes as well. Furthermore, the forest stream should have had the highest species richness, which would in turn impact leaf processing by having the shredders drive leaf litter breakdown rather than microbes. The Family Biotic Index describes the water quality of a stream by averaging the tolerance values of all the individuals that were sampled (Hilsenhoff 1988). Based on the equation, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. How Does Mary Oliver Use Imagery In Crossing The Swamp In "Crossing the Swamp", Mary Oliver uses the Swamp as a metaphor for life's struggles when she states "Here is swamp, here is struggle" and continues to expound on this metaphor throughout the poem. She relates the physical characteristics of the swamp to going through a struggle and her use of literary devices helps to drive this metaphor. Through her use of tone and imagery, Oliver is able to show the transition of the relationship between the speaker and the swamp(struggles) from one of hopelessness to one of hopefulness. At the beginning of the poem, the tone is very hopeless. The swamp seems "endless" to the speaker, suggesting that they think the struggles they are facing will never be overcome. Similarly, the swamp is "thick" and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Public Green Spaces At The Mouth Of Mill Creek [Introduction] Cincinnati 's riverfront is misused and neglected. Once the backbone of the city 's economic activity, much of it now lies vacant and abandoned. Scarred by the derelict remains of its industrial past and cut–off from the city by roads and railways, these sites are largely forgotten by the public and show little signs of their untapped potential. The landscape is in clear need of repair. In some other locations, sections of the waterfront have been converted into riverfront parks. While such public green spaces are an important factor in the success of a city, we should not be content with merely building a standard park. Cities should use the elements given to them in their landscape to create placemaking spaces unique to ... Show more content on ... In reality, there is no evidence of residential or recreational activities taking place in the area. In some places the riverfront was used as a construction material dump site, with evidence of the waste being burned on site. Non–commercial use is hampered by a lack of accessible and legal ways into the site. The site is currently almost completely blocked off by railroads and raised roadways, with the exception of a private road entrance on the east end, making trespassing required to access the riverfront. In addition, the banks along the river are steep and highly susceptible to erosion. No access to the water is possible with these conditions. The site is completely within the flood zone and temporary flood protection only exists a fourth of a mile beyond the site. The area along the river and mill creek is in the floodway, meaning even minor flooding affects the area. The rest of the site is within the 100–year floodplain, meaning it has annual flood probability of 1%. [Proposal] The landscape itself can serve as protection from flooding. By raising the elevation along the riverfront, water is held back from the city. This can be done with a series of berms. When looking at FEMA's flood maps we can see that already there are two natural exceptions to the floodplain. On the site there are two existing berms excluded from the floodplain zone providing protection to the area beyond them. Innately, the landscape can be employed as ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Mekong... As you most likely know, the Mekong river is quite essential to human and animal life in its river basin. There are more than a few ways that us humans are dependent on the Mekong river. Some of these are food, water and increasingly, electricity. All of the previously mentioned needs seem important but one clashes with the others. Hydropower is à renewable energy source which is rising in popularity. Since hydropower is à renewable energy source it is not believed to be harmful to the environment. According to an expert on the topic, Professor Philip Hirsch, Hydropower is Laos' gateway to getting rich. As stated by Xaypaseuth Phomsoupha, building these dams helps with providing à better life for the Lao population. But the disadvantages ... Show more content on ... When the flow and force of à river is switched, sediment is blocked. This sediment plays à key role in agriculture around the mekong river. Sediment is important in farming as it adds nutrients to the soil and protects the mainland from being eroded by salt water from the sea. As salinity rates are increasing because of the excessive dams along this river, the plants grown here are changing as mentioned in an Al Jazeera English video on youtube. There is another natural force that is unsettled by damming on the Mekong. This is the fish migrations as the dams block the migrating fish, many of which are only found in this river. Four out of ten of the world's greatest freshwater fish are found in the Mekong river, these are being threatened by dams directly as the fish that they consume are being stopped from migrating and therefore they have à lower chance of getting their needed amount of nutrition. This also directly affects us humans as mentioned earlier. Around 2.1 million tonnes of fish are found on the Mekong river, these feed close to 60 million people. Approximately 600 species of fish on the Mekong river are migratory, these make up about 70% of the fish catch. When these fish are blocked, the amount of fish caught are much ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Evaluation Of Water Related Climate Change Adaptation... The aim of this research is to develop a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of water–related climate change adaptation interventions at the local community level in Thai Binh province. This will help authorities at high levels, NGO officers, local residents and other beneficiaries as they can evaluate the "effectiveness" of water–related interventions. The robust indicators will help to adjust the adaptation targets for given times, to ensure the accountability to stakeholders, to provide evidence for the effects of intervention, to motivate all partners, to fundraise, and to reveal the shortcomings in the implementation of water–related adaptation interventions {Hobson, 2014 #328}. This research will apply the sustainable livelihood framework and the local community participation to develop the indicators. The sustainable livelihood framework approach will consider comprehensively and scientifically the livelihood components of local residents. The authorities at the higher levels, therefore, can more easily listen to and understand the local voices and have much more respect and corporation with the local residents. In addition, the local community participation methods will reveal the local residents' perspectives of their needs, priorities and visions. The local residents will also be able to understand the effects of adaptation interventions, to gain the skills in observation of changes and to improve their adaptive capacity to adverse impacts of climate ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Essay On Climate Change Action to minimize risk of flooding to infrastructure under future climate change Adaptation options for risk reduction under future climate change Adaptation options how under future climate change sever event of flooding risk reduction could be achieved . Assessing different adaptation options to under future climate change sever event of of flooding risk to infrastructure as well as structural and non–structural measures. Climate change extreme event flooding risk to under future climate change demonstrates adaptation measures with or without climate change and assesses of adaptation and also identifying options that can help to manage indirect flood under climate change an 'impacts–based' adaptation assessment (Carter et al., ... Show more content on ... Reduction of the peak flows This adaptation option aims at reducing the flood hazard through a reduction and a delaying of peak flows during extreme events. Peak reduction is achieved by setting up areas within aside the river network that can be flooded in a controlled manner when the river stage reaches critical levels. In addition, peak flows are reduced by reservoirs, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS, Pasche et al., 2008), retarding basins, infiltration basins, and through targeted land management plans such as afforestation and river restoration (Reinhardt et al., 2011). Reduction of vulnerability It includes all adaptation options which can be modelled through a progressive reduction of the vulnerability, including the implementation of early warning systems, dry and wet flood proofing, and floating buildings, among others (Strangfeld and Stopp, 2014; Kreibich et al., 2015; Pappenberger et al., 2015) Novel agent based model (ABM) A novel agent based model (ABM) Climate change and climate change severity of surface water flooding increasing for the current and future climate change to analyze used under various scenarios of climate change. The model captures and model the movement and magnitude of surface water flooding, changing surface water flood risk, and how adaptation and insurance decisions could affect future surface water flood risk in that dynamic (Dubbelboer et al., 2015a; Forthcoming; Jenkins et ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Hatchet Quotes Hatchet Essay: MM, AM, CC Intro Have you ever gotten lost in the grocery store? How did that feel? Was it scary? Now imagine getting stranded in the wilderness. This is a question that I wonder all because of this addictive book called Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. This book is about a 13 year old boy, that has to survive on an island for 54 days, all by himself, after a tragic plane crash. This helped Brian become stronger, and more independent in different ways. This gave Brain a stronger chance of survival, even through all of the changes that has happened throughout the past couple months. Throughout this entire mess, I think these are most of the ways that Brian has changed. In fact, Brian has grown stronger physically and mentally. He knows ... Show more content on ... Although these changes were hard, it helped Brian change in a good way, it helped Brian survive this tragic incident. The first change that stood out most to me in Brian would be strength. An excellent example of this would be the quote on chapter 17, after the tornado took everything away. He had to start completely new. In this chapter the quote clearly states, "Tomorrow, he thought, as he lay back in the darkness. Tomorrow maybe the fish would be back and he would make a spear and new bow and get some food. Tomorrow he would find food and refine the camp and bring things back to sanity from the one completely insane day" The quote clearly shows growth in Brian, it shows how he has grown strength, even after everything that he had was destroyed he was still willing to get back up on his feet, with a positive attitude, he was not just going to give up. This is very different from the Brian from the beginning of the book. That Brian would have cried, and given up as soon as the tornado hit. But now, Brian has learned from his mistakes. He knows now that giving up, and sitting there feeling sorry for yourself won't help you survive. Because if he would have just given up, he wouldn't have survived long enough to get rescued by the plane. Brian decided to make the smart choice, in order to survive. Brian has become smarter, stronger, and more patience with things. All in ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Watershed Poster Summary Poster Summary: I chose to review the poster entitled Discovery of the Arkansas Darter in Cow Creek Watershed, Cherokee County, SE Kansas presented by Dr. James Whitney of Pittsburg State University. Dr. Whitney and others conducted a survey of the fish communities of the Cow Creek watershed in southeastern Kansas. A total of 29 sites were surveyed within the watershed which is highly modified as the result of agriculture. Sites were surveyed from February to November of 2017 using back pack electrofishing as well as seining. The Arkansas Darter (Etheostoma cragini), a state threatened species, was collected at 3 of the 29 sites during the study. Previously, the species was only known within the region from the Spring River mainstem and Shoal ... Show more content on ... The creators of this poster did an excellent job in creating a presentation that allowed for the viewers gaze to easily flow across the content of the poster in a manner that aided in the viewers ability to interpret the poster. The aspect of this poster that I found most appealing was the use of images and the minimal amount of text used. Posters with excessive text appear daunting to the viewer and the meaning of the results is easily lost under the mass of text. I particularly found the neatly constructed map at the center of the poster to be helpful in aiding my understanding of the significance of this range expansion. Also, the placement of this map in the center of the poster immediately draws the viewers attention to a depiction of the key results that the authors are trying to convey. The only poorly constructed aspect of this poster was the images of the Arkansas Darter. These images were dark and somewhat out of focus which made them difficult to analyze. Overall this was a very well put together poster that was easily interpreted and pleasing to ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. How Did Charles Correa's Contribution To The Art Of... CHARLES CORREA Charles Correa began his career when India became independent. He always worked towards designing building which had Indian ethics and western modernity at the same time. Correa drew inspiration from the historical buildings and vernacular architecture. He inculcated western modern designs of abstractions and transformed them into Indian imagination. His work depicts a certain playfulness of colour panes, light and shadows. Awarded by the Royal Institute for British Architects, Charles Correa believed that the architecture has lost it's true essence and is now all about whims and odd fashion. In all his projects, Correa demonstrated a strong relationship between the environment and the emotion related to it, ... Show more content on ... He taught us how a big project like Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya could be designed with such simplicity. Correa designed a museum for the letters, books, values which were an integral part of Gandhi's lifestyle. Correa had a major task in hand to build a place which spoke of Gandhi's life, values and his philosophy. With some very simple objects as his very last possessions – his glasses, footwear and the three monkeys, to Correa, it was the challenge to depict the Zen philosophy followed by Gandhi in his design. Such was the design of Correa that it depicted elegance, austere beauty, beaming with natural light and cool breeze. The structure was very simply designed and felt of walking through an Indian village with random closed and open spaces but it had a beautiful pattern which communicated that experience– lightness and transparency. The materials used are clay tiles, white walls, exposed red brick; very simple and minimal for such a grand man. It is quite evident for the visitors as well, wherein one experiences sudden peace and clarity. The principles followed then by Gandhi and his people were very clear and straight which has been reflected in the ashram. Wherever one sees to, the tranquillity and transparency is observed. Started by Gandhi, the minimalism or the advent of it has been taken forward by Charles Correa quite ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Comparing Gary Paulsen's Hatchet And Eragon For summer reading, I read Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, and Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. I chose to do this report about Hatchet, because I felt that it had more impact on me as I was reading it. I also like reading survival themed novels. Hatchet is a story about survival. 13 year old Brian Robson, a city boy, gets his whole life turned around when a plane that he is flying in crashes, leaving him stranded in the harsh Alaskan wilderness, with nothing but a hatchet to aid him in his quest for survival. The social setting of this book has a huge impact on this story. To start, his parents are filing for divorce. This often leaves Brian mad, sad, and confused. He wanted to know why his parents are getting divorced. Throughout the novel, Brian ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Ap World History Essay How were the needs for water and economic structures in some of the earliest of world's civilizations cities and states met around 3100 BCE–100 CE and how did they get there? The cities and states back then depended on working waterways and architectural growth in order for their population to thrive. The larger the population, the greater the need for more easily and readily available water. When we think of a large population, we often think of the word civilization and if they had certain traditions that may have been passed down. Some of the first known civilizations were that of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt which were located along the well–known Nile, Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. They had traditions just like any other culture, but the Mesopotamians wrote them down allowing historians a glimpse into their culture and their need for water. By looking at these civilizations today, we can talk about the political and economic factors of how water supplies were regulated around Mesopotamia and ... Show more content on ... "In addition to demonstrating that people could transport and store food effectively, the presence of cities also indicates that people were producing enough surplus food to allow for a specialization of labor" (Wheeler 1). So in short, we could say that if everyone was a farmer with this new access to water and new technology, then no one would be building the city or preparing for the future. There would be no storage bins for grains, no roads and no one to govern the city and create written laws or policies for their growth. Supplying the city with water wasn't just a technical issue, but it also affected the economical, legal and political development of any ancient ... Get more on ...