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Essay On Locavore Movement
A Multilateral Movement
Every Tuesday, of every summer a local foods market pops up in Thiensville, Wisconsin just a ten
minute drive away. Every week my friends and I go at lunchtime to eat food grown on local farms.
Fruits and vegetables of every color and every flavor. Juices and tea made from local herbs. Even an
ice cream truck made with local dairy products. The locavore movement in all it's glory. I am proud
to be a proponent of a movement that has gained so much popularity in past years. Although
locavore practices have proven to be difficult to maintain and unpredictable in production, the
widely popular movement has incited change resulting in healthier eating practices along with
profitable advancements for the local economy.
Locally ... Show more content on ...
In an article written in 2008 entitled, The End of Food Paul Roberts describes the present–day
reality about producing locally grown, "...although decentralized food systems function well in
decentralized societies – like the United States was a century ago, or like many developing nations
still are – they're poor fit in modern urbanized societies" (Source F). Realistically, locavore practices
are no longer practical in centralized societies. Developed nations have moved on from these
practices, so they are only realistic in developing nations. There is an entirely other side to the
locavore movement that is not widely known about, a side intentionally hidden from the public. In a
2014 article entitled, "Limits of the Locavore," written by Margaret Grey, Grey asserts, "Labor and
the Locavore shows that our society's tendency to idealize local food allows small farmers to pay
workers substandard wages, house them in shoddy labor camps, and quash their ability to unionize
to demand better working conditions" (Dissent). In essence, the locavore movement is glamorized to
a point, allowing local farms to practice unfair labor methods. The labor aspect of the locavore
movement is not pretty, and often not talked
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Eric Vozzola A Visual Language Essay
In the Winchester Cultural Center Gallery, Eric Vozzola's artwork is displayed in an exhibit called:
"A Visual Language". As you walk through the door, you would see Eric's paintings organized in a
row starting from the wall closest to the window, the center of the room, and then nearest to the
doorway. Eric's paintings were either presented in a white frame or his paintings were frameless. His
paintings were also either on a wall or distanced from a wall on cement bricks. There are ten
artworks of his being exposed to the people of the community. He presents his paintings of the
human touch through visual art by applying colorful, patterned, surreal, and contrasting
composition. Although there were ten of his pieces to evaluate, I selected ... Show more content on ...
The Illuminating a Strange World Beneath the Ice was designed by applying acrylic paint on paper.
With the artwork having the length of 28.5" and width of 20.5". Illuminating a Strange World
Beneath the Ice has hues of yellow/orange/red lines on the foreground, including the upper lefthand
side a form of a circle, blue/yellow background, and dominately blue iceberg with patches of the
color white. The artwork was created to show there's beauty within what's not typically seen. The
artist created this artwork to show what's not typically seen has a way of appearing. This artwork
can be considered as social. The message behind this artwork is although there's something that's not
always visible to one's eye it is still there. In conclusion, after reviewing and evaluating these three
artworks, it is plain to see that Eric Vozzola had the same perception in mind for each of his artwork.
It was clear that in Mind Vibrations, There Is No They, and Illuminating a Strange World Beneath
the Ice Eric desired to apply colorful, patterned, surreal, and contrasting composition. Although he
applied these types of principle elements in the three pieces, it made it clear that each were
dissimilar from one
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Local-Color Regionalism in Tennessees Partner Essay
The literary movement of local–color regionalism in American literature is a very distinctive and
interesting form of fiction writing that effectively combines regional characteristics, dialect, customs
and humor. In Bret Harte's Tennessee's Partner, these characteristics helped the story jump off the
page, allowing the reader to understand the "times" rather than just the characters. And, for that
reason, I feel that this is an outstanding piece of work.
One of the most distinguishable characteristics of local–color regionalism writing is the usage of
authentic dialect based on the story's setting. In Tennessee's Partner, Harte uses this tactic best when
quoting the title character. For example, when Tennessee's Partner suddenly appears ... Show more
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– I call."
LYNCH: "Two bowers and an ace."
TENNESSEE: "That takes me."
Another local–color characteristic that Harte used in Tennessee's Partner was the development of
characters based on their setting. The reader never feels like he knows much at all about any of the
characters – even Tennessee and his partner – at all. In fact, neither does the narrator. But through
the use of description, the two main characters become more stereotypes of miners in the Gold Rush
era; they were typical rugged, gambling, scorched–skinned, strong, simple womanizing men.
This much is true with no one more than the title character, as his actions reveal more about the
time's 'concept' of death during his friend's execution and burial rather than going too deep into his
own personal feelings about this particular death. Tennessee's Partner quickly compares his friend's
burial to all the other drunken trips his shouldered with Tennessee in the past and seemingly moves
on from the finality of the situation with ease.
Lastly, Harte uses the setting as a major element of the story, almost turning the vast land of
Tennessee's Partner into a character itself. The settings in most local–color stories usually have an
emphasis on nature and the land is usually remote and out–of–the–way, and the setting of this story
is no different.
When reading the section of the story regarding
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How Intarsia Is The Woodworking Technique That Uses Varied...
Intarsia is the woodworking technique that uses varied shapes, sizes and different species of wood
that are fitted together to create a 3–dimensional, mosaic–like picture. Intarsia is created through the
selection of different types of wood, using their natural grain pattern and color to create variations in
the pattern. The different species and colors of the wood contrasting lights and values. Similarly,
grain gives the art amazing texture and makes it very realistic. After selecting the specific woods to
be used within the pattern, each piece of wood is then individually cut, shaped, and sanded.
The ancient art of intarsia, the making of decorative and pictorial mosaics, inspired both marquetry
and inlay. Through the ... Show more content on ...
The Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages was covered in vast woodlands that composed a
mixture of hard and softwood trees. The forests of Italy were abundant and diverse. Wood was a
main source of fuel for most of Europe for generating heat during the harsh winters. This heat was
also important for cooking, firing bricks, ceramics and glass. It was also used in casting and forging
a number of different metals. The building and mining industries relied mainly on the local forests
for beams for bridges, cranes, rafters, ceilings, and doors. A large amount of tree species could not
be used for lumber or heat. These species were used in luxury woodworking. Some examples were
sculpture, furniture, and intarsia decorations.
The word intarsia comes from the Italian word tarsia and intarsiare which means to inlay. It is
defined as "a mosaic usually of small pieces of wood which are inserted and glued into hollows of a
wooden support that was popular in the 15th century Italy for decoration featuring especially scrolls,
arabesques, architectural scenes, and flowers (Gibbo)." The palette of different of intarsia artist were
gathered from timber merchants or from the customer. These artists could use up to 25 different
species of wood for one intarsia decoration. The reason for the different species is the grain, color
and texture of each one is different. The colors have a broad range from light
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Selected Articles On Azhar Museum Of Textiles
Selected Examples in Azhar Museum of Textiles
1st Piece
The primary piece is a rectangular piece measure 9 cm length, 3.5 cm width; this piece is a stay of a
material piece improved with embroidered artwork weave bears a portion of Tuthmosis III 's name,
the granddad of Tuthmosis IV with red and blue hues (fig 1– 1b). The piece is made out of cloth
woven utilizing plain weave technique. It is beautified utilizing embroidered artwork as a part of the
type of works of the name of Tuthmosis III the granddad of Tuthmosis IV. The weaver made the
ground tissue utilizing plain weave 1/1 strategy, then; weaving fabrics are enhanced part
autonomously in the distributed position utilizing shaded strings including red, light blue, cocoa, and
dull blue. The level of every two hues was changing as per the mordants utilized. The vertical parts
came about because of utilizing that system were then overseen utilizing concealed join. The vertical
weaver was the best sort of weaving machines is utilized for this system. By looking at the principal
piece we can watch that it is colored cloth the strings of turning take the "S" shape in winding
additionally through visual examination of strands and examination of comparative specimens by
light minuscule to clarify morphological appearance we can say that it made of material in twist and
weft (Kourkoumelis, 2013).
2nd Piece
The second piece is like the past one fit as a fiddle and general portrayal furthermore, it could be
colored in coloring
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Van Gogh Violence
I believe that Van Gogh is identifying red and green with something that's negative in his statement.
In my opinion, red displays violence. Green in the other hand, can be more peaceful and use to
describe nature. According to Gateways to Art, red is interpreted to be a color that can influence
aggression, also when "people are exposed to red light often become loud, grow argumentative, and
eat voraciously". In the book it is also stated that green, traditionally, has positive associations for
Muslims (114).
I think that the artist Van Gogh did a magnificent job with the night café painting. By analyzing the
painting, I can see all the small details Van Gogh added and makes the whole painting stand out.
According to the book, when it came to pieces such as "The Night Café" Van Gogh wanted people
to feel his art rather than to understand it. As a result of my experience, I believe he was able to
accomplish just that. As I looked at the picture the first thing that came to mind was how ... Show
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As reported by the biography website of Van Gogh, a scholar interprets the painting by saying "the
café was an all–night haunt of local down–and–outs and prostitutes, who are depicted slouched at
tables and drinking together at the far end of the room". After reading his interpretation I reanalyzed
the picture and was able to understand the scholars point of view. Not only did I find someone else's
interpretation but also found what Van Gogh himself was trying to say with his painting. Van Gogh
wrote letters to his brother, Theo, describing The Night Café. In one letter Van Gogh writes, "I have
tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green". He describes the room
blood red and dark yellow with a green billiard table in the middle; there are four lemon–yellow
lamps with a glow of orange and green. In conclusion, this painting of the "night
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Ron Rash Local Color Analysis
Poetry has always been a way of expressing emotions about life experiences. Poetry allows us to use
symbolism to express ideas without the use of proper language. Things like our feelings about local
scenery and culture can be expressed in symbols and imagery. One example of this, Ron Rash's
poem "Local Color", explores the concepts of place and identity and suggests they are intertwined.
Examples of how place and identity are intertwined are shown in the grandfather's identity as a
regular at the local bar, the grandmother's identity as a homemaker and wife at home, and the idea
that by going to the church the grandfather was going to change his identity. First, the main thrust of
this poem is about how after a long day of work the grandfather ... Show more content on ...
This change of location is implied to change his entire identity as a "new man". But, really it did not
change him at all and because he went back to his old ways. You pretend to be someone you really
are not and when you sober up nine times out of ten you will go back to the way you were before.
Unless, you are serious about changing. Unfortunately, in the grandfather's case, he was not serious
enough about changing. The truth is he was just a drunk man committing an old sin over and over.
He did not care enough and he just went back to his old ways. That is exactly what happened in
"Local Color", "While my grandfather swore he'd alter his life, / give up the drinking, go to church
twice a week. / He was contrite and seemed to have changed. / He was a new man, for a few days. /
But by Saturday, he was at it again." (32–35) Generally, people would go to alcoholism groups to
get better but as the Appalachian newsgroup says "Appalachian people share a religious world view,
even those members "without religious beliefs." Because of this religious view, Appalachian people
look upon some behaviors, such as alcoholism, as sin even though they are intellectually aware that
such behaviors are a form of mental illness." ("Appalachia: Is It a Region or Culture?", web)
Because of this religious view in the area the Grandfather decides to go to church to be reformed
instead of going to Alcoholism
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Local color by definition is "the customs, manner of speech, dress, or other typical features of a
place or period that contribute to its particular character." Any given location has its own local color,
but that of the southern region of the United States is especially prominent. The local color of this
region is demonstrated in the short stories "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and "A Good
Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor. Although different aspects of local color are expressed,
both authors capture the local color of the south in their short stories. The south is most well–known
for drawling accents, pre (and post) civil war racism and large states with even larger plantations
and farms. These are only generalizations however, ... Show more content on ...
"Miss Emily" refused to pay her taxes because she believed she was pardoned from them due to the
fact that Colonel Sartoris had once loaned money to their hometown. Nobody in her town
challenged her on this, or the matter that she still had a negro servant that attended to her in her old
fashioned home that she refused to update. The local color of the era Miss Emily wished to live in is
particularly apparent. Her home is even described as once being part of the best neighborhood in
town, another reason Miss Emily was stuck in the past. Another example of local color in "A Rose
for Emily" is the oddity that even though Miss Emily is an outsider in town, nobody bothers to
challenge her because she has an "Old South" social standing. This means that in previous times
social standings in the south were taken more seriously than the present time of the story, even
though Miss Emily still regards herself with the same old standard. Nobody in the town wanted to
go against her and challenge a "lady" to the point where they unknowingly allowed her to poison her
Yankee husband–to–be. This is ironic because nobody in the town believed they would have been
married anyways due to the fact that he was from the north and she was from the south, which is yet
another example of local
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The Alternative Food Movement In North America
The alternative food movement in North America, manifesting largely through farmers' markets,
encourages people to buy local, eat organic, and to support local farmers, however these spaces are
rarely reflective of the diverse population of farmers and buyers in the city (Gibb & Wittman, 2013).
Moving from a personal to a political narrative, localisation is presented as the way to address social
injustices and environmental degradation, working against our current destructive global agri–food
system (Allen 2004,2010). Advocating for individuals to buy local organic food is seen as 'voting'
for "healthier more authentic lives while making positive social and environmental change" (Alkon
& Agyeman, 2011:2). Consequently, the concept of 'local' food and 'just' food are viewed
interchangeably by certain actors in the food movement through the increasing integration of the
word "justice" into their webpages, non–profit names, and programs (DuPuis, Harrison, &
Goodman, 2011). However, I argue that the conflation of local food as "just" by alternative food
movements in North America reinforces racial inequities and excludes those most harmed by the
current food system, particularly low–income communities and communities of color. As such, this
paper proposes the concept of "reflexive localism" as proposed by DuPuis, Harrison, & Goodman
(2011) as an approach to address this process of exclusion.
Alternative food movements that promote localisation of food risk re–enforcing racial
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Essay on Kiwi Series
Kiwi Series #1
My choice of artwork for this essay is titled Kiwi Series # 1. This painting is made by Dennis
Wojtkiewicz in 2005. The size of this painting is 36 by 66 inches. The medium used in this painting
is the oil on canvas. I chose this painting because it appeals to my sense of aesthetics and also it has
the most interesting use of texture. This painting is an excellent example of our sight being able to
activate other senses. The presentation of the translucent fruit and fuzzy skin is so convincing that
we have a visual and a tactile reaction and for some, a sensation of taste. The painter has used actual
texture in this painting. In this essay, I will talk about the subject matter and then the content. I will
also be ... Show more content on ...
Chiaroscuro is also evident due to the illusion of light and shadow as the light source is coming from
the top. Casting shadow on the table. There are areas of strong contrast such as the light color of
fruit against the dark background. Sfumato is also evident in this painting. The dark colors of the
seeds also create contrast against the light color of the fruit. Also there is contrast of the seeds
against the bright area near it. The color is a local color as it replicates the appearance of the real
world. The colors are natural. The fruit is green and light green in color. The seeds are black. A
slight brown color is also used near the edge of the fruit. The texture is simulated. If someone would
touch this painting, they would feel slight bumps of the paint. For the most part, the artist has
simulated the texture of the fruit. The background of the painting appears to be smooth. There is not
much space in the painting. The figure is right at the forefront of the painting so the painting has
shallow space. The background is dark and we could not see anything except the fruit. Principles:
The balance in this painting is symmetrical. The right side is very similar to the left side. If I were to
draw a line in the middle of this painting, the visual weight on both sides of the painting would be
the same. The painting is populated almost the same on both sides. The dominant part in this
painting is the half–cut kiwi fruit. It occupies almost 85% of
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Designing A Building Or Interior Design For Lure Customers
Many restaurants and shops use the look of their building or interior design to lure customers in.
Some businesses try to appeal to everyone by using common things that everyone likes, while some
businesses try to aim at a certain group of individuals that are into a specific type of theme. In
general, we can all agree that a boring place isn't very appealing to go into to eat or shop so business
owners try to appeal to their customers so that they can attract more business. One tactic for
bringing in more customers can be seen through the use of color among the business's interior or
exterior. Use of wall space also has an important role in catching people's eye; what is on the walls
and how they are used is a common way to lure in people. Another common and great tactic
includes the use of music or media like T.V, what the T.V is showing or the music being played can
help bring more people into a place. Buffalo Wild Wings use all three of these strategies to attract its
customers, mainly targeting those who have a love of sports.
The way a store or restaurant looks and is set up can often affect people's opinion of the business
and can even determine who shops or eats at the location. When looking for restaurants the first
thing one sees is either the sign or the exterior of the building. The colors of Buffalo Wild Wings are
yellow and black which creates a "pop" effect due to the contrasting colors of the bright yellow and
the dark black. This contrast serves to make
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I Will Look At 2 Works Of Art
Museum Essay In the following essay, I will look at 2 works of art: If I Knew What I Knew Then
and The Last Judgement Triptych. I will describe all the details I see in the paintings and come up
with a conclusion of what the artist was trying to accomplish, and then conducting research to
combine my thoughts with the actual meaning of the artwork. After researching, I will determine if
the artist was successful in what I found they tried to accomplish in this artwork. The first five
minutes I spent staring at the artwork, all I saw were lines, figures, and colors. Two hours pass and I
started noticing details I had not seen before. Through these two artworks, I caught a glimpse into
the artist 's mind and became the storyteller rather ... Show more content on ...
A window located to her right and her shadow on the opposite side. The artwork as a whole contains
very light pastel colors. The left side, where the shadow so happens to be located, has darker colors
such as black, gray, dark blues and small amounts of red. The right side, where the women and
window are located, has much brighter colors like white, yellow, and brighter blues. In the center of
the artwork is a red outline of a women. The women is on her knees and hands. The arc in her back
gives the sensation of vulnerability. My first explanation for this artwork is that the artist is showing
a woman reflecting on her past and not being happy with what she has done. Her shadow or her
decisions are haunting her present life. With the white gown, I can make the assumption that she is
getting married and is looking at her past, maybe reminiscing on about another lover. She could
have been young and in love. Made a couple of wrong decisions and was heartbroken. She is now
afraid to love again but knows that she has a brighter future ahead of her which is why there appears
to be light coming from the windows direction. The small women figure in the center of the painting
could be a symbolization of her not wanting to go back to being the vulnerable girl she was. Another
explanation I came up with for this artwork was centered on the anger or maybe even jealousy that
her face expression portrays. By marrying, she will be
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Sports And The National Football League
There are currently four major professional athletic leagues in America: the National Football
League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the
National Hockey League (NHL). When fans watch their home teams play, it brings great pleasure
and excitement to those who love sports, especially when their home team wins a game. Even if
they do not win, fans will stick by their teams. Local businesses go great lengths to show support for
their local teams. For example, the Reunion Tower in Dallas changes its light colors to support the
local teams on game days. Sports also have a way of connecting fans with places as they cheer for a
touchdown, homerun, or goal at public restaurants and bars. Because team owners are aware that pro
sports play an important role in American society, they brainstorm for new ways to earn additional
income besides selling merchandise and tickets. Now, Sports team owners want to build new state of
the art arenas with premium seats, suites, clubs, and bars to obtain more revenue. The only thing is,
they are not the only ones paying for it. It has become more and more popular in America for
taxpayers to fund renovated or new professional sports arenas located in their cities. However, one
question that ponders the mind of taxpayers is, should the public have to fund the construction of a
renovated or new sports arena in their town? According to Pacific Standards magazine, "Over the
past 20 years,
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Evolution Of Moths Research Paper
When you say the word "Moth", you think about the winged insects that hang around the light on
your porch or yard. Moths can be different in color, shape, or even size. This was also said by David
Moskowitz. These winged insects are food for bats or birds. Some cultures in the world even eat
moths, moths can pollinate plants. In the United States there are up to 10,000 to 11,000 moth
species. If you see a flower that looks fragrant and white, example a yucca plant, it was most likely
pollinated by the moths. Bats use moths as food to fill them up at night. In other cultures around the
world, people use moths as protein to satisfy them. In some african countries it is common to eat
moths for protein.
( Butterflies and Moths of North America) In some countries there are complaints of moths eating
clothes and that they have destroyed blankets or even carpets. They can also be referred to as
"Webbing Clothes Moths". These moths can be a ½ inch long, and do not like light much. It might
be best to keep clothes out of closets or drawers. These moths might prefer animal–based Materials.
An example of this is leather. A good idea to avoid these type of insect is to vacuum as frequently as
possible, and get spray that could help with the spread of these insects.
( Entomology) ... Show more content on ...
But not all moths are seen as pests. For example some people catch or even buy moths off the
internet to keep as pets at home. Another use for the moths is experiments at your local school,
where kids go to observe the moths. Moths come in multiple colors such as red, blue, brown, etc. In
the UK there are more moths than there are butterflies. People would prefer butterflies more than
moths, only because people see butterflies in the daytime unlike the moths that hang out in the night
time. A difference between butterflies and moths, the moths prefer light at night time while the
butterflies prefer
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Light And Dance Response
Light and Dance Response The document, Lighting and Dance, by Ruth E. Grauert, proved to be
informational and interesting. The document expresses much of what I had already believed to be
true. While the document did not give any insight into how to specifically create light onto a piece,
it did emphasized its importance and in what ways it can be used.
I was intrigued to learn about McCandless and Nikolais, and how they viewed lighting design as an
art. Stating how lighting design is about decisions in timing, space, motion, medium, and color, and
understanding how to work them in to compliment the dance or performance, really resonated with
me. Lighting design can be as much as an art as a dance is. With so many options in lighting
mediums, ... Show more content on ...
The design of the lighting should make sense with the movement and be present to enhance the
performance. She later states that if the lighting designer focuses "on the structuring of light toward
the aesthetic end to which the motion has projected" that he or she will have "made a valid
contribution to the production". Essentially, the author was trying to state that as long as the
designer keeps the dance in mind when creating lights, the audience will be able to understand the
productions as a whole. For example, If there is a change in the lighting color, a change in the dance
or in the mood needs to be present to trigger the lighting change. A lighting design most likely
would not want to shine hot pink lights from the stage onto the audience during a piece that had not
color before, and no trigger in the choreography to merit this color change. Lastly, the author states
"the careful structuring of light on the entire stage environment will augment the motional statement
through its own aesthetic
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Benzocaine: Cocaine and New Melting Point
Experiment # 45: Benzocaine
The local anesthetic, benzocaine, was synthesized via the esterification of p–aminobenzoic acid with
ethanol. The percent yield of crude product was determined to be 21% and the melting point was
recorded at 86.2°C ± 0.2°C, with a 6.3% error from 92°C, the literature melting point of pure
benzocaine. The crude product was then recrystallized to improve the purity of benzocaine and
57.4% was recovered. The new melting point range was measured at 89.1°C ± 0.3°C, which has a
3.15% error. The infrared spectrum of the recrystallized product was measured to further verify that
the synthesized product was benzocaine.
The discovery of benzocaine as a local anesthetic came out of necessity to ... Show more content on ...
Next, 1mL plus an additional 10 drops of 10% sodium carbonate was added drop–wise to the beaker
until the solution reached a pH of 8. The precipitate formed (crude benzocaine product) was
collected via vacuum filtration and washed with water during the transfer into the Hirsch funnel.
The product was allowed to dry for one week after which the mass and melting point of the crystals
were measured.
The crude product was then recrystallized in a Craig tube over a warm water bath (60–70°C) by
adding methanol drop–wise until the solid completely dissolved. Eight drops of hot waster were
then added to reform the precipitate, followed by subsequent addition of 15 methanol drops to re–
dissolve the precipitate. The solution was then chilled in an ice bath and "seeded" with a spatula to
induce crystallization. The recrystallized product was then collected via gravity filtration using an
air vacuum to accelerate the process. An analytical balance was used to determine the mass of the
purified product. The crystals were collected in two capillary tubes and a MelTemp device was used
to measure the new melting point. A sample of crystals was run through the IR spectrometer to
obtain the infrared spectra for the purified benzocaine product. The data and calculations sheets are
attached to the report.
Results and
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The Role Of Dhs And Its Political Environment
It is the responsibility of the Government to provide security to its people. The Department of
Homeland Security "DHS" was formed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Before the attacks,
independent agencies handled homeland security. The DHS was formed to have most of these
agencies work together under one management to secure America.
This paper will argue the role of DHS and its political environment and how it achieves its goals of
protecting America by working within its current environment. The political environment of DHS is
"Majoritarian" where both the benefits and the costs are spread over most or all of the population
and the agency is able to perform in that certain environment.
The creation of DHS was the result of the tragic events of 9/11. The department was formed in 2002
and is a combination of twenty–two agencies. Some of the prominent ones are, The Transportation
Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Service (USCIS). The President of United States appoints the secretary to oversee the
work of DHS.
The Political Environment and the Distribution of Costs and Benefits:
"Homeland Security is a highly decentralized activity"
The Federal Government cannot do the job of securing America by itself. The state and local
governments and the private sector are all involved in the process. Government's responsibility is to
minimize terrorist threats, reduce the cost of any attacks, and
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Lake City Hospital Recruitment Plan
Lake City Hospital Recruitment Plan
This report is to review and analyze the current Lake City Hospital recruitment plan and to revise
the plan to make it more effective. The current plan will be analyzed and remove those factors that
are not relevant to the current recurring plan. This new plan will consist of other factors that will
make Lake City Hospital recruitment efficient and effective to the need of the hospital. Currently,
there is a need for 10 Certified Nursing Assistants (CAN) and 20 CAN's are required for the hospital
to operate effectively.
Removal of the Current Recruitment Plan
Upon reviewing the current hospital plan in Appendix A there are a few changes that will be
required for an effective recruitment processes. Under ... Show more content on ...
The current plan will be analyzed and remove those factors that are not relevant to the current
recurring plan. This new plan will consist of other factors that will make Lake City Hospital
recruitment efficient and effective to the need of the hospital. Currently, there is a need for 10
Certified Nursing Assistants (CAN) and 20 CAN's are required for the hospital to operate
Removal of the Current Recruitment Plan
Upon reviewing the current hospital plan in Appendix A there are a few changes that will be
required for an effective recruitment processes. Under the Qualification category communications
and self–motivated will be remove. The Number of Contacts also does not identify relevant
information. The Timeline outline to hire has 20 days which is too many days. Under Activities to
Source Qualification Candidates, employee referrals will not be necessary for a Certified Nursing
Assistant. The Process Flow and Record Keeping are not necessary because the recruiting is
Compare the Current and Revised Recruitment Plan
The two recruitment plans to compared are in Appendix A (current) and B (revised) are as
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Sherman Red Case Analysis Paper
Sherman Red Part Two Sherman Red is an 80–year–old male who was diagnosed with diabetes six
months ago and is now admitted to the local hospital for a diabetic ulcer to his right great toe. The
toe is infected and the patient is diagnosed with possible sepsis. The scenario depicts a presentation
of sepsis in the elderly. This shows how wound healing and care of a diabetic patient can be difficult
if not followed closely. The complication that can result from a diabetic ulcer can be devastating. It
is always important that a patient is in full compliance with the treatment to prevent other health
problems. The infection of the wound could have been avoided if treatment was taken seriously. The
nurse must conduct a head to toe assessment of the ... Show more content on ...
Some of the complications are foot injury, infections, ulcers, damage to nerve and bone, poor
circulation, and possible amputation of the limb, and in this case sepsis (Mainhealth, 2018). The
goal to treat an ulcer in a diabetic patient is to heal the wound faster to prevent infection, pressure
has to be take off the area by "offloading" the foot, remove dead tissue by the process of
debridement, apply to dress per doctors order, and focus on managing the patient's blood sugar
effectively to promote healing. In addition, to prevent infection, the patient must keep the dressing
clean, cleanse the wound daily and change the bandage and dressing, the patient must also avoid
walking on barefoot. The unresolved infection has landed the patient on septic shock. Sepsis is the
body's response to inflammation of a particular or unknown infection. The presence of hypotension
despite adequate fluid infusion and inadequate tissue perfusion is the result of septic shock. The
treatment of shock is centered on the restoration of blood pressure to normal, the presence of
adequate tissue perfusion, making sure organs return to functioning well, and avoiding further
complications (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, & Harding,
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Reducing Your Energy Bill : The Study Of The Effects Of...
Reducing Your Energy Bill: The Study of the Effects of Heat on Roofs
Ricardo Medina
Cathedral High School
Would painting your house a different color change its overall temperature? The project presented is
about the studies of the effects of different colored paints when applied to a building's roof. In the
studies it was discovered that a lighter color will not keep the heat trapped so a light colored house
will do well in a hot region, such as El Paso. A darker colored house would trap the heat, so a house
that is darker will serve a better purpose in a colder region. The materials needed for this project are
acrylic paint in red, white, brown. Apply the paint to three different boxes. When that is done set a
timer for 30 min and leave the boxes outside and record the temperatures. Once the time is up,
record the readings and input them into a chart. This will make it easier to analyze the results and
see the differences between each temperature. This experiment can help you decide what color is the
best option to paint your roof. Doing this experiment can help notice what colors regulate
temperature the best in different environment.
How does the color of your house affect the temperature inside of it? The clothes you wear is an
example of this. On a hot sunny day you would rather wear a light colored shirt. If you were to wear
a dark colored shirt you would get warmer quicker than if you were in a light colored shirt. Since
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Reflection On Veterans Art Exhibit
Veterans' Art Exhibit This exhibit is certainly very different than the ones we have seen in pervious
gallery reviews. At the performance studio is filled with the Veteran's. This is the first time ICC has
gone hand and hand with the military veterans and hope that this is the beginning of an annual art
show that takes place over the years.–art–gallery–exhibits–featuring–
works–by–veterans–local–artist–open–october–19/. All the art work has a different artist, but also
the artist have different techniques for their art work. After looking through all the different art
pieces I pulled out one that certainly stood out to me when as I was looking through them. From
Max Barton who was a part of the 5th Army Air Crop,
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I Have Always Had A Love For Dark Eyeliners
I have always had a love for dark eyeliners. For me the accentuate my eyes, and make them look
bigger, while enhancing the green color of my eyes. I had been for quite some time using an eyeliner
jug, which I loved, but at the same time, hated how long it took to apply the liner. These days I 'm
more about fast, simple, and effective. When I came across Revlon Bedroom Eyes Powder Liner,
Fishnet Jet 660, at my local Rite Aide, I was immediately intrigued. A liner that goes on in a
powdered form, yet is applied in the same manner that a wet liner would be applied. Revlon
Bedroom Eyes Powder Liner, Fishnet Jet 660, comes in what appears to be a liquid eyeliner type
container. At the bottom there is a small pot, where a screw on cap reveals the actual application
wand. I seriously had no idea what to expect, and the in store advertisement was vague, and showed
bland color results on the color menu which was located right below the rack of liners. I went with
Fishnet Jet, because on the advertising it appeared to be the darkest color; yet it also looked as if it
had some sort of navy tint going on. The word NEW stood out, and I couldn 't resist it. I went ahead
and made the purchase. I hoped it worked well, because honestly $9.95 for such a small container is
a bit much in my opinion. My Use: When I first opened up the package, I unscrewed the top and
found that the application wand had a large sponge applicator at the end. A lot larger than what I was
expecting. I usually
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Frida Kahlo Still Life With Parrot
The artwork, Still Life with Parrot by Frida Kahlo in 1951, is displayed on page 206 of the textbook.
The size of Still Life with Parrot is 24.1 x 26 cm, done on Masonite with oil.
I chose this artwork because it realistically represents the nature objects. Although Kahlo uses
different hues in the artwork, red is the role of color within the artwork. And the choice of red hue
makes the artwork vivid and psychologically arouses my enthusiasm for the artwork. I will present
the subject matter and subjective content. Then, I will figure out the elements and principles of
organization of Still Life with Parrot.
There are many colors using to describe different objects such as a red orange mango, half of orange
colored orange, a red violet pomegranate, a quarter of red watermelon with some black seed, and
green ... Show more content on ...
And fruits look so fresh because of their glossy surface. When I see the artwork, I regard it with
affection. Because I like the red hue using in the nature object, it gives me a sense of vitality.
The Elements of Art:
Line– Kahlo uses Contour lines to limit the edges of fruits and the parrot's outlines. Curve lines are
mostly used in showing the objects' shapes. The parrot line of sight is an implied line to show the
direction of its gaze to fruits.
Shape– The artwork itself is rectangle. However, all objects such as different kinds of fruits and the
parrot in this painting have organic shapes, so their shapes are irregular.
Value– The cast shadows directly show under the objects, so the light source is just above the
objects. The objects' colors are affected by the light, their color lighter on the top and darker on the
Color– Kahlo uses local colors in the painting which is mostly used red hue such as a red orange
mango, a red violet pomegranate, a red watermelon. The parrot color is green and light yellow. The
background is dark blue and the table is
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Memorial Day Business Plan
If you and the family are going to be cooking out for Memorial Day, you may want to come up with
an original menu for your family and friends to enjoy. You can also include some timeless classics
that have always been a hit at Memorial Day barbeques and parties; here are a few recipe ideas that
will keep you from spending all your time in the kitchen, and more time enjoying the festivities. If
you want to go with a more patriotic theme, you can incorporate red, white, and blue into your foods
by creating a fruit parfait using strawberries, blueberries, and cream. You can layer these items in a
clear large parfait bowl, or you can make individual servings for each guest using plastic bowls or
martini glasses. Or, you can create tasty nachos ... Show more content on ...
What is Batik? Is that a specialty store that you go to for designer clothes? No! Its a beautiful
Indonesian artform used to put some bold and intricate designs in their cloth. The crafter puts a
resist of some nature, usually wax, upon the cloth in a design and then applying dye to the cloth.
Wherever there is no wax, the cloth will be dyed, but where the cloth is protected will remain the
original color. It is a fun and relaxing new craft that has other crafty applications. Honestly, the
approach that I am coming to favor is a bit different. My children are still young and enjoy crayons,
which means they enjoy BREAKING crayons! I had pure white delicious cloth and a bunch of
broken crayons. There was a small metal paint tray with little divits for the paint in my crafting
drawer. Perfect. I broke up each crayon into little pieces and filled several divits. Warming the whole
tray in a steamer basket double boiler on my stove. As soon as I achieved liquid wax, dipping a
paintbrush in and painting quickly I achieved a beautiful and colorful desgin. They key was to do it
in very short strokes so the wax would stay very HOT upon the brush. I have tried adding pariffin to
the crayon for a more diffused color and using just straight clear paraffin resist and dying the cloth
too. I plan on picking up some beeswax from a local beekeeper and trying that for a resist. After the
wax cooled, I placed the cloth between newspaper (I keep a roll of newsprint paper purchased cheap
from my local newspaper)and cardboard and then used my iron to warm the wax,wicking it onto the
newsprint. It took several changes, but finally I had bold colors and beautiful designs and wax–free
cloth . Once the fabric has the wax free, it can be used in a variety of ways. Custom quilting designs,
clothing design, framed for artwork, creating pillows or even fabric for slipcovers! This is a
completly customized cloth for you to
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River Runs Through Analysis
Art in the Village is an art gallery located in Casey Jones Village in Jackson, Tennessee. This gallery
features over 20 local artist's stunning pieces in a wide assortment of mediums. With paintings,
woodwork, sculptures, ceramics, and jewelry, this gallery had a variation of art to view or purchase.
Due to the fact that there is artwork from many different artists in the Art in the Village, there is not
a theme to the artwork there. However, after reviewing all the art, you can notice that each artist had
their own theme. Each artist shares their inimitable talents and artistic gifts, making this gallery one
of a kind. Though the great pieces in this gallery were boundless, one piece that really stuck out was
"River Runs Through" by Jette Garner. ... Show more content on ...
Through movement of spiraling colors, a sense of rhythm and a focal point was created in the upper
right corner. Though the artist did not list her medium for this piece, it was pretty clear she used
acrylic paint. The use of the complimentary colors purple and yellow creates a contrast that catches
the eye. Also, the contrast of colors creates implied lines and circles. "The River Runs Through" is
well balanced. The left contains patterned or textured colors that metamorphoses into a focal point
of smooth colors creating the perfect balance. This painting is smaller–scaled. Though it does
contain formal qualities, I would say that this piece is more informal than formal. It holds an
impression of both modern art and abstract art adjoined. With the title as Garner's strongest hint, this
photo is meant to symbolize a river that keeps running. The wound colors make this "river" appear
as it keeps going on and on. Overall, I believe this was a very successful piece of
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Art Analysis: Modkustoms And Tanner Leaser
Final Analysis
The piece that I am analyzing is an untitled work of pin striping on aluminum by two local artists,
ModKustoms and Tanner Leaser, who signs his pieces simply as "Tanner". As with most artists in
this genre neither goes by their real or whole name. ModKustoms created the textured aluminum
panel that Tanner used as his form to display his pin stripping. This piece was created in 2014 for a
charity art auction benefitting the Scottish Rite Hospital (ModKustoms). The piece is a two–
dimensional, rectangular work of art meant to hang vertically on a wall. This piece was created
using aluminum, translucent candied enamel paint, and 1–one shot lettering enamel (Tanner).
This work of art is a modern take on the traditional art of ... Show more content on
ModKustoms created a pattern of swirls sanded into the aluminum (ModKustoms). Tanner coated
the entire panel in translucent candied enamel paint that fades from orange on the outside edges to
yellow in the center of the painting. This technique added both value and contrast. Also, the use of
this technique draws the eye into focal point of the piece, the center. As you look at the center of the
piece your eye wants to move from the top of the piece to the bottom and back up again. As with
most pin stripe pieces, Tanner has incorporated many different types of lines into the piece. A
pinstripe artist refers to this as pulling lines. As your eye travels up, down, and side to side along the
piece you see that the lines curve, straighten, and curve again. They create circles, points, swirls and
straight lines creating a rhythm that both intersects and runs parallel to each other. Each set of lines
is given added emphasis through the use of color. The piece is a colorful work of art that contains
white, emerald green, bright blue, bright red, turquoise, yellow, and metallic gold. The space
between many of the lines is filled with the orange and yellow of the candied enamel paint. The
metal, which is normally considered to be cold is given warmth with the use of the orange and
yellow. The space between the bright blue lines at the center of the piece is filled with gold leaf. The
gold leaf is an opulent addition to the work
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Children of the World
Children of the World – Romero Britto , 2006. Picture retrieved from
"Art is able to reflect the celebration of the simple and good things of life. This is the most important
to me!"
(Romero Britto)
Renata Cabral
Paper II due Wednesday, March 23d.
Dr. Marley
About the Artist and the Art
The art of Romero Britto gathers symbiotic elements of popular culture from Pernambuco – a state
in Brazil –with sophisticated graphic composition, in the presence of the hybridism of the
postmodern art and the "glocalization" (global and local) culture of the Contemporary.
Romero started drawing very young, copying the works of other artists he saw in books. He used to
articulate compositions in a way that was simplified and naïve, but ... Show more content on ...
The yellow is also another evident color in the art. Yellow symbolizes wisdom, joy and happiness.
This is the message that Romero Britto wants to show in all his paintings – the celebration of a
happy life.
We can observe a little bit of blue on the globe that the children are holding, which represents the
ocean, but also we can observe it on the children's body, with another meaning. The dark blue is the
color of truth and moderation. The turquoise, found on the hair of the boy is the symbol of youth,
and also the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of
communication. Finally, the aqua is the color of high ideals.
Brown and green are other colors found in the art. Combined, they represent wholesomeness and
earthiness. They can signify growth and represent the simplicity, friendliness, dependability,
renewal, and environment.
The Shapes and Lines
Talking about the lines, we can observe that the picture contains curves, parallel lines, and diagonal
lines. Analyzing the shapes, we can find circles and organic shapes (for example, the flowers).
Circles represent the eternal whole and in every culture are the form that represents the sun, the
earth, the moon, and the universe. They have free movement, are warm, comforting and give a sense
of sensuality and love. Their movement suggests energy and power. Their completeness suggests the
infinite, unity, and
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Social Service Marketing Plan Sample
<!DOCTYPE html>
span { color:#D2B48C;
span2 { color:#FA8072;
span3 { color:#DCDCDC
body { background–color:#FCFEDC
Brian's Design Document
Purpose: My goal is to make it easier for Columbia's locals to save money when going out to grab a
bite to eat or going out to the bars to get a drink. I know that many people have to live around a tight
budget throughout the year and if they're trying to save money, my website could point them in the
right direction.The majority of my target audience is in the age range from 18–24 years of age and
are probably students
Audience: The target audience is aimed at the locals of Columbia and the students at the University
of Missouri. Personally, I don't eat out of go out too much on ... Show more content on ...
Don't overdue it. It's important to keep it relatively simple and easy to navigate
An upvote and a downvote feature would be helpful in determining which specials are worth it
Reference Websites
For navigational purposes, I felt that this website was an similar to what I'm aiming for in terms of
navigational purposes. In terms of a simple layout, I'm going for something resembling the layout
presented here
In terms of a layout that I'm trying to avoid, I think that this website is a good demonstration on
what I don't want to do. I don't like the fact that the website doesn't have different tabs/links for
different days. Overall, it is not very intuitive or interactive.
For context style, Drinkowl is a good website but I think there is too much going on and for some
users, it might get confusing.
In terms of color scheme, I really like the website. the colors are more relaxed than
other websites, the font is large and easy to see, especially the top banner.
Content Content is based on responses from possible future users:
Top banner will display the days of the week, each day can be clicked on and will bring you to a
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Raymond Pettibon Art Analysis
Raymond Pettibon art work, Untitled (The bright flatness), on page 535 fig 25–35 shows a tiny
surfer in an enormous wave in a California landscape. The subject matter is a large wave that a
surfer is riding. The content of the artwork could be how people are a small compared to the big
world we live in. I think this piece of art was painted on with watercolor and a type of paper. These
lines in the artwork is very loose and free. These lines in the artwork reminds me of Vincent van
Gogh, The Starry Night lines in his artwork which are loose ,but the viewer can tell what the
meaning of the picture is. In the artwork Untitled (The bright flatness) colors mostly used were the
primary colors blue and red. The surfer is red and the waves of the ocean is blue. The wave color
could be a local color that the viewers know the ocean color is blue. The blue color has different
tints from dark blue to light blue. The wave in the art is three dimensional it represents the wave as
if it was being seen in an ocean. In the picture, there is a highlight where the ocean has lighter white
spots throughout the wave. Another highlight would be ... Show more content on ...
The world outdoors was chosen because the whole artwork is about nature. When I examine the
artwork I feel ecstatic or happy. I feel ecstatic or happy because the surfer is consumed with nature
,and one day I hope to learn to surf and be surrounded with nature. I think the artwork purpose is to
show the California landscape and its beauty. Untitled (The bright flatness) is interesting to me
because my passion in life is the marine world. In this artwork it shows how that surfer is so small
compare to the ocean. I think that we are small compared to the outside world like the ocean. The
artwork Untitled ( The bright flatness) is a successful work of art ,and the art work is successful
because the artist was a successful by the 1990's. Surfer art was repeated art for Raymond
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A Deeper Analysis On The Aspect Of Race As Local Color
A Deeper Analysis on the Aspect of Race as Local Color: Jim Crow Laws
Imagine you are a person of color in the early to mid 1900's. You the mother of three young
children. Despite your best intentions, your children are forced to grow up in poverty. When you
direct them out of the house to go to school, they see the all the white boys and girls walking toward
one school and all of the black boys and girls walking to another. Imagine being asked by your
children why they don't go to school with the other boys and girls and not being able to tell them
that its because of the aspect of racism during the era. After you drop them off to school, you go to
work so that you can provide for your family. You work long hours with unfair wages and ... Show
more content on ...
A time where these laws were especially relevant was the period from 1890–1910 called the "Black
Nadir." The Black Nadir was considered to be, "the high point of institutionalized racism"(Brown),
in which there were many unwritten laws to
preserve and reinforce "white supremacy" (Brown). Stetson Kennedy created a list of rules of which
were not formally created, but blacks were to abide by while speaking to whites. This list includes:
"1. Never assert or even intimate that a white person is lying.
2. Never impute dishonorable intentions to a white person.
3. Never suggest that a white person is from an inferior class.
4. Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.
5. Never curse a white person.
6. Never laugh derisively at a white person.
7. Never comment upon the appearance of a white female" (Pilgrim).
These rules were all considered common etiquette that all blacks were expected to follow. If a black
man were to violate the "Jim Crow norms" they jeopardized their homes, jobs, or even their lives
(Pilgrim). Moreover, whites were able to beat blacks with no repercussions for their actions.
Moreover, the entire "Jim Crow criminal justice system" was white. Whites truly had a "white
supremacy" ideal. Which was obvious by all the injustice happening. For example, if a black male
offered even his hand to a white woman, even if the white woman asked, he risked being accused of
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Essay on Romanticism, Realism and Local Color in The...
Romanticism, Realism and Local Color in The Awakening
Kate Chopin is an author who was born in 1851 and died in 1904. Her father died when she was
young, and her husband died when she was thirty–one leaving her with six children. Due to this, she
had little male influence throughout her life. This may possibly be why she had so little inhibition
when writing her novels. She seemed to concentrate on the oppression of women and presented
socially unacceptable ideas at the time of their publication. Although Kate Chopin stirred up great
controversy in her time, today her novels, short stories, and poems are often regarded as great
literary works that incorporate bold concepts, grim social realities, ... Show more content on ...
need for freedom from the ties of life that hold her down and also her need for individuality. One
way she defies society is by leaving her home on Tuesdays, which are designated by Creole tradition
as stay–at–home and greet guests days. On several Tuesdays, Edna leaves home to walk about town
leaving her guests and husband disappointed. She searches to be an individual and not conform to
the standards of society. As written in the novel, "She had all her life long been accustomed to
harbor thoughts and emotions which never voice themselves. They had never taken the form of
struggles. They belonged to her and were her own, and she entertained the conviction that she had a
right to them and that they concerned no one but herself. Edna had once told Madame Ratignolle
that she would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for any one" (79). Another example of
Romanticism can be found in the way society treats life at the time. They are oblivious, especially
the women, to the limits of their lifestyle. The society present in The Awakening paints a picture
where they only see beautiful, vibrant colors. However, as Edna soon finds out, paint does not stay
beautiful forever. Edna begins to see the layers of paint peeling and chipping off to reveal the grays
and blacks hidden beneath.
As the story unravels, the reader
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Sarah Henry Talks About The Production Of Soul Fire Farm
Henry, S. (2014, December 02). This Farmer Wants to Help Youth of Color Reconnect With the
Land | Civil Eats. Retrieved November 02, 2016, from–farmer–
In this article, Sarah Henry talks about the production of Soul Fire Farm. Henry says The program at
Soul Fire Farm is designed for young people of color. Penniman the leader of this farm teach kids
about farming practices. Penniman and her husband worked with the boys and girls club and
residential foster cares. Soul Fire Farm also had a week long restorative justice program. At first, the
teens in the program thought working at this farm would be similar to slavery. However, Penniman
says "the boy 's mind changed after getting into the program". The teens were even able to take
some of the food back to their homes. Soul fires farm main objective is to get people access to
healthy food.
Sarah Henry is a journalist who usually writes about nutrition and local foods. Her intended
audience for this article are minorities interested in farming. Penniman raises a local farm with fresh
foods and wants people to have access to fresh produce. This is a great article for my unit three
essay because this essay talks about a way to solve one of my problems the lack of healthy food or
(availability). This article is also great for my essay because the ideas of local farms also fix the
problem with processed food. Keeping local food
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Clyde Aspevig's White Cliffs Of The Missouri
Clyde Aspevig's painting "White Cliffs of the Missouri", found in the "Northwest Cowboys in Art"
collection at the Tacoma Art Museum is an oil painting on canvas that is about 2½ by 3 feet in size.
This piece portrays white cliffs on the Missouri river, found in central Montana along the upper
Missouri River. Lewis and Clark traveled through these cliffs during their expedition in 1805,
making it a historical monument. Lewis kept a journal about this journey and marveled about the
beauty of the sandstone cliffs. I like this painting because of the feeling and memories it reminds me
of. The water and rocks remind me of all my childhood memories of swimming in the water and
hiking mountains. The bright and light colors create a cheerful and ... Show more content on ...
This painting is so realistic and painted with such precision and detail that he must've wanted us to
see this place exactly how he did, with great beauty and light. The local colors are vibrant and cool
yet still make you smile because it reminds you of a warm summer day. The use of two contrasting
colors, the blue of the water and sky and the tan of the cliffs and couds, make the tan color stand out
creating such a visually pleasing and dynamic effect. The organic fluffy clouds and the ripples in the
water convey a peaceful sense to the scene. The pompous cliffs stand solidly contributing to the
historical importance of this location. The artist captures the illusion of depth through atmospheric
perspective; as the object gets farther it encompasses less detailed contributing to the descriptive
nature of it. Since the left side of the painting is much heavier than the right this painting is
asymmetrical. Your eye tends to gravitate towards the cliffs on the left because of their size and
bright color which emphasize the cliffs. This emphasis creates a focal point that the viewer is
immediately compelled to look at.
A work that I am not particularly fond, also found in the "Northwest Cowboys in Art" exhibit is
"Rain and Runoff" an oil on linen by Ed Mell. This piece was at the Tacoma art museum and is also
about 2½ x 3 feet in size. The subject of this painting is an abstract illustration of rain and its runoff,
but because of the abstract nature it is hard to make out the rain and other objects in this painting.
The common theme of his artworks has to do with weather and
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Cooperative Federalism Rests On Several Standard Operating...
Cooperative federalism rests on several standard operating procures
Shared Costs
Cities and states can receive federal money for airport construction, sewage treatment plants, youth
programs, and many other programs, but only if they pay part of the bill
Federal Guidelines
Most federal grants to states and cities come with strings attached. Congress spends billions of
dollars to support state highway construction
Shared Administration
State and local officials implement federal policies, but they have administrative powers of their
The u's Department of Labor gives billions to states for job training, but state have considerable
latitude in spending the money
Democrats support increase in federal government 's power for advancement of national policies
Republicans oppose these policies and favor states to take responsibility on issues like child labor,
education and social security with Medicare
Ronald Reagan in his first inaugural address articulated a traditional conservative view when he
argued that the states had primary responsibility for governing in most policy areas
"Restore the balance between levels of government"
Few agreed with his reeducation of the national government 's role in domestic programs
Reagan 's opposition to the national government 's spending on domestic policies and the huge
federal deficits of the 1980s forced a reduction in federal funds for state and local government
When Republicans captured Congress in 1994, they spoke of a
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Pros And Cons Of Public Schools
Public Schools – schools are in a district and students attend in the area they are zoned for. Decided
by committees. In the past, this was a monopoly, and the only choice other than private schools that
parents must pay for. Public schools are the most common form of public education.
Typically, states create school districts that are individual (often independent) government entities.
Each school district has the power to create and run any number of public schools. The district and
its schools are governed by a school board that consists of elected officials.
The school board has ultimate authority over the schools and the district. Typically, the school board
will appoint a superintendent to oversee the day–to–day operations of the district. (Social solutions
global,2016) Public schools are subsidized by the state, with money distributed to schools or
districts on a per–student basis. States receive assets from state taxes and federal education grants.
Local districts or municipalities will frequently increase state and federal funding with local
property taxes. Independent school districts can often charge taxes themselves. In other states,
districts are part of a county or municipal government that charges taxes and assigns the funds to the
schools. Districts or the local government may also issue municipal bonds to fund major money
expenditures for public schools like new buildings or renovations. Public schools supplement
special programs or needs with
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pros and cons to having a purely cellular network vs....
By: Marvin Redd
You are an IT Network Specialist and are required to develop the design of the company's telephone
system for its new building which will begin construction in a few months. In order to get a
background which will help when developing the new system, your supervisor asked you to
research the current Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) currently used by the company. You must
research the system components and report back to your supervisor , the Telecommunications
Manager, within a week.
1. Describe a local land line phone system based on the following Landline Telephone Components:
a. Local Loop
The local loop is the physical wiring that ... Show more content on ...
4G networks offer 10 or more times the data transmission rate of a 3G network. The data rates
available on a 4G network allow the cell phone to access information from the Internet as fast as a
land–line connection.
b. Telephone Network Topology:
i. Demarcation Point
The demarcation point, also known as the Demarc, Network Interface Device (NID), or Minimum
Point of Entry (MPOE) serves several purposes: It is the point that defines the end of the telephone
company's wiring, and the beginning of your wiring. It defines where the telephone company's
responsibility for maintenance ends and your responsibility begins.
It contains a surge suppressor to help protect the wiring and connected equipment in your facility
from damage It allows you to temporarily disconnect your wiring from the telephone company's
wiring for troubleshooting purposes.
Cables making up the core networks need to go very long distances across many states within the
country. They typically follow well–defined routes such as highways and railways.
Access Networks
An access network or outside plant refers to the series of wires, cables and equipment lying between
a consumer/business telephone termination point (the point at which a telephone connection reaches
the customer) and the local telephone exchange. iv. Regional/ Metro Networks
c. Cable TV
i. Broadcast TV
Broadcast television systems are encoding or formatting standards for the transmission and
reception of
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Images And Images For The Gower Birds Hospital
Firstly, we must use copyright free pictures in our design (Hand and Middleditch, 2013:280).
Next, according to Hand and Middleditch (2013:194), imagery is an significent element in modern
media. Media productions need to rely on video and still images to attract their audience's attention.
As for the Gower Birds Hospital, the images and visuals still have some imperfections and need to
make changes immediately in order to make customers easier to understand and remember the home
page. Hand and Middleditch ( 2013:201) hold the point that most people pay more attention on
images than words. There are too many old pictures in the GBH's graphic design, therefore, we need
to add new pictures in new design. The previous text will be ... Show more content on ...
The existing color of Gower Bird Hospital is green which show the central theme of Gower Bird
Hospita, protecting environment and the harmony between human and nature. Green is a very
down–to–earth color which represent new beginnings and growth. It also represent renewal and
abundance. Brighter greens are more energizing and vibrant, while olive greens are more
representative of the natural world (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, the olive green will be the main
colour of most design. Light blues are often relaxed and calming while bright blues can be
energizing and refreshing. Dark blues can be used in corporate sites or designs where strength and
reliability are significant (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, blue also will be used in website design,
which can match the theme of Hospital. What's more, according to the Complementary color
scheme, the high contrast of complementary colors can give audiences a vibrant look (Tigercolor,
2014). Red and green are complementary colors. In design, red can be a great color to use when
power or passion want to be expressed in the design (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, red can be used in
some important part of our visual design which can draw more attention.
In addition, the colour model in digital media is different from printing. All of those digital media
need to use RGB mode in the design process while the design of newsletter need to use CMYK
mode (Cohen, 2009:73–75).
Olins (1995:11) hold the point
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A Report On The Food Service Department At Garden Grove...
a. Executive Summary: An overview of all–content contained in the feasibility study document, i.e.
a summary of the important details contained within each section of the rest of the document. Write
this section after the rest of the document is completed. This section should be written as a 'stand
alone' document to encourage interested parties to read the entire report. B. Introduction The food
service department at Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD) is interested in improving
their A La Carte Program by providing healthier food choices to the staff. District staff members
have provided a special service that offers affordable lunch entrées as a courtesy from GGUSD.
There are 250 staff members in the district that have ... Show more content on ...
The creation of international street tacos was based on the program's forecast. There was been an
increase interest in international dishes, a Vietnamese noodle soup called Pho was had the highest
sales for the program. Customers stated they enjoyed the diversity in taste, flavors, and fresh herbs.
By following the customer's behavior, it is predicted that ethnic foods are a trend for GGUSD's staff.
Overall, street taco will satisfies all the health conscious customers due to fresh garnishes from
garden, lean meat, and whole grain option shells and increase revenue for the food service
department. Increasing revenue in the A La Carte will be helpful to GGUSD's food department,
especially this year, all food service personnel all expected to get a 6% raises. GGUSD's food
service is a financially self–sufficient program. The state does contribute food service program costs
rather financial support provided through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the
School Breakfast Program (SBP).3 These two subsidies programs generates revenue by student meal
participations and food
... Get more on ...
The Awakening: Romanticism, Realism, and Local Color Essay
The Awakening: Romanticism, Realism, and Local Color
Imagine being far out into the middle of the ocean and at that moment, having to make a choice
between judgment and individuality, death and life? In 1899, Kate Chopin composed a captivating
novel titled The Awakening. Throughout Chopin's day, the work was regarded as nonsense and a
waste of time on her part. Critics found the main character's rebellion to be foolish and unlawful. At
that age, it was believed firmly that women should be nothing less than completely loyal to their
husbands and should joyfully care for any children that they had while their spouse was away, hard
at work. Edna, the central character, did not follow this standard. She says ... Show more content on ...
Chopin tells of this younger woman with an older husband who runs with her intuition in search of
her own mind. Another presentation of Romanticism in The Awakening is described during Edna's
search for individualism when she says of her that " longer was she content to 'feed upon
opinion' when her own soul had invited her" (124). Edna Pontellier has a desire to be her own
person in her own world when she is placed in a setting that refuses to permit such an action.
This setting was Chopin's way of blending in the perfect amount of Realism. Realism is also a
literary and artistic movement. Unlike Romanticism, Realism shows real detail of actual life. It
came about in the nineteenth century as a response to Romanticism. All bleak social realities and
psychological states of mind are displayed in this type of writing. In her writing, Kate Chopin's
portrayal of "bleak social realities" comes in her setting, which is a reproduction of her day and
time. It was thought of then that women were basically to be seen and not heard. The setting that
Edna endures imitates this in so many ways. For example, Leonce does not respect Edna as a human
being. He does not understand when she decides not to listen and does what she pleases. He saw her
only as another treasure of his; she was something he likes to flaunt as part of his valuables. When
she suggests the idea of
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Essay On Locavore Movement

  • 1. Essay On Locavore Movement A Multilateral Movement Every Tuesday, of every summer a local foods market pops up in Thiensville, Wisconsin just a ten minute drive away. Every week my friends and I go at lunchtime to eat food grown on local farms. Fruits and vegetables of every color and every flavor. Juices and tea made from local herbs. Even an ice cream truck made with local dairy products. The locavore movement in all it's glory. I am proud to be a proponent of a movement that has gained so much popularity in past years. Although locavore practices have proven to be difficult to maintain and unpredictable in production, the widely popular movement has incited change resulting in healthier eating practices along with profitable advancements for the local economy. Locally ... Show more content on ... In an article written in 2008 entitled, The End of Food Paul Roberts describes the present–day reality about producing locally grown, "...although decentralized food systems function well in decentralized societies – like the United States was a century ago, or like many developing nations still are – they're poor fit in modern urbanized societies" (Source F). Realistically, locavore practices are no longer practical in centralized societies. Developed nations have moved on from these practices, so they are only realistic in developing nations. There is an entirely other side to the locavore movement that is not widely known about, a side intentionally hidden from the public. In a 2014 article entitled, "Limits of the Locavore," written by Margaret Grey, Grey asserts, "Labor and the Locavore shows that our society's tendency to idealize local food allows small farmers to pay workers substandard wages, house them in shoddy labor camps, and quash their ability to unionize to demand better working conditions" (Dissent). In essence, the locavore movement is glamorized to a point, allowing local farms to practice unfair labor methods. The labor aspect of the locavore movement is not pretty, and often not talked ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Eric Vozzola A Visual Language Essay In the Winchester Cultural Center Gallery, Eric Vozzola's artwork is displayed in an exhibit called: "A Visual Language". As you walk through the door, you would see Eric's paintings organized in a row starting from the wall closest to the window, the center of the room, and then nearest to the doorway. Eric's paintings were either presented in a white frame or his paintings were frameless. His paintings were also either on a wall or distanced from a wall on cement bricks. There are ten artworks of his being exposed to the people of the community. He presents his paintings of the human touch through visual art by applying colorful, patterned, surreal, and contrasting composition. Although there were ten of his pieces to evaluate, I selected ... Show more content on ... The Illuminating a Strange World Beneath the Ice was designed by applying acrylic paint on paper. With the artwork having the length of 28.5" and width of 20.5". Illuminating a Strange World Beneath the Ice has hues of yellow/orange/red lines on the foreground, including the upper lefthand side a form of a circle, blue/yellow background, and dominately blue iceberg with patches of the color white. The artwork was created to show there's beauty within what's not typically seen. The artist created this artwork to show what's not typically seen has a way of appearing. This artwork can be considered as social. The message behind this artwork is although there's something that's not always visible to one's eye it is still there. In conclusion, after reviewing and evaluating these three artworks, it is plain to see that Eric Vozzola had the same perception in mind for each of his artwork. It was clear that in Mind Vibrations, There Is No They, and Illuminating a Strange World Beneath the Ice Eric desired to apply colorful, patterned, surreal, and contrasting composition. Although he applied these types of principle elements in the three pieces, it made it clear that each were dissimilar from one ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Local-Color Regionalism in Tennessees Partner Essay The literary movement of local–color regionalism in American literature is a very distinctive and interesting form of fiction writing that effectively combines regional characteristics, dialect, customs and humor. In Bret Harte's Tennessee's Partner, these characteristics helped the story jump off the page, allowing the reader to understand the "times" rather than just the characters. And, for that reason, I feel that this is an outstanding piece of work. One of the most distinguishable characteristics of local–color regionalism writing is the usage of authentic dialect based on the story's setting. In Tennessee's Partner, Harte uses this tactic best when quoting the title character. For example, when Tennessee's Partner suddenly appears ... Show more content on ... – I call." LYNCH: "Two bowers and an ace." TENNESSEE: "That takes me." Another local–color characteristic that Harte used in Tennessee's Partner was the development of characters based on their setting. The reader never feels like he knows much at all about any of the characters – even Tennessee and his partner – at all. In fact, neither does the narrator. But through the use of description, the two main characters become more stereotypes of miners in the Gold Rush era; they were typical rugged, gambling, scorched–skinned, strong, simple womanizing men. This much is true with no one more than the title character, as his actions reveal more about the time's 'concept' of death during his friend's execution and burial rather than going too deep into his own personal feelings about this particular death. Tennessee's Partner quickly compares his friend's burial to all the other drunken trips his shouldered with Tennessee in the past and seemingly moves on from the finality of the situation with ease. Lastly, Harte uses the setting as a major element of the story, almost turning the vast land of Tennessee's Partner into a character itself. The settings in most local–color stories usually have an emphasis on nature and the land is usually remote and out–of–the–way, and the setting of this story is no different. When reading the section of the story regarding ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. How Intarsia Is The Woodworking Technique That Uses Varied... Introduction Intarsia is the woodworking technique that uses varied shapes, sizes and different species of wood that are fitted together to create a 3–dimensional, mosaic–like picture. Intarsia is created through the selection of different types of wood, using their natural grain pattern and color to create variations in the pattern. The different species and colors of the wood contrasting lights and values. Similarly, grain gives the art amazing texture and makes it very realistic. After selecting the specific woods to be used within the pattern, each piece of wood is then individually cut, shaped, and sanded. The ancient art of intarsia, the making of decorative and pictorial mosaics, inspired both marquetry and inlay. Through the ... Show more content on ... History The Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages was covered in vast woodlands that composed a mixture of hard and softwood trees. The forests of Italy were abundant and diverse. Wood was a main source of fuel for most of Europe for generating heat during the harsh winters. This heat was also important for cooking, firing bricks, ceramics and glass. It was also used in casting and forging a number of different metals. The building and mining industries relied mainly on the local forests for beams for bridges, cranes, rafters, ceilings, and doors. A large amount of tree species could not be used for lumber or heat. These species were used in luxury woodworking. Some examples were sculpture, furniture, and intarsia decorations. The word intarsia comes from the Italian word tarsia and intarsiare which means to inlay. It is defined as "a mosaic usually of small pieces of wood which are inserted and glued into hollows of a wooden support that was popular in the 15th century Italy for decoration featuring especially scrolls, arabesques, architectural scenes, and flowers (Gibbo)." The palette of different of intarsia artist were gathered from timber merchants or from the customer. These artists could use up to 25 different species of wood for one intarsia decoration. The reason for the different species is the grain, color and texture of each one is different. The colors have a broad range from light ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Selected Articles On Azhar Museum Of Textiles Selected Examples in Azhar Museum of Textiles 1st Piece The primary piece is a rectangular piece measure 9 cm length, 3.5 cm width; this piece is a stay of a material piece improved with embroidered artwork weave bears a portion of Tuthmosis III 's name, the granddad of Tuthmosis IV with red and blue hues (fig 1– 1b). The piece is made out of cloth woven utilizing plain weave technique. It is beautified utilizing embroidered artwork as a part of the type of works of the name of Tuthmosis III the granddad of Tuthmosis IV. The weaver made the ground tissue utilizing plain weave 1/1 strategy, then; weaving fabrics are enhanced part autonomously in the distributed position utilizing shaded strings including red, light blue, cocoa, and dull blue. The level of every two hues was changing as per the mordants utilized. The vertical parts came about because of utilizing that system were then overseen utilizing concealed join. The vertical weaver was the best sort of weaving machines is utilized for this system. By looking at the principal piece we can watch that it is colored cloth the strings of turning take the "S" shape in winding additionally through visual examination of strands and examination of comparative specimens by light minuscule to clarify morphological appearance we can say that it made of material in twist and weft (Kourkoumelis, 2013). 2nd Piece The second piece is like the past one fit as a fiddle and general portrayal furthermore, it could be colored in coloring ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Van Gogh Violence I believe that Van Gogh is identifying red and green with something that's negative in his statement. In my opinion, red displays violence. Green in the other hand, can be more peaceful and use to describe nature. According to Gateways to Art, red is interpreted to be a color that can influence aggression, also when "people are exposed to red light often become loud, grow argumentative, and eat voraciously". In the book it is also stated that green, traditionally, has positive associations for Muslims (114). I think that the artist Van Gogh did a magnificent job with the night café painting. By analyzing the painting, I can see all the small details Van Gogh added and makes the whole painting stand out. According to the book, when it came to pieces such as "The Night Café" Van Gogh wanted people to feel his art rather than to understand it. As a result of my experience, I believe he was able to accomplish just that. As I looked at the picture the first thing that came to mind was how ... Show more content on ... As reported by the biography website of Van Gogh, a scholar interprets the painting by saying "the café was an all–night haunt of local down–and–outs and prostitutes, who are depicted slouched at tables and drinking together at the far end of the room". After reading his interpretation I reanalyzed the picture and was able to understand the scholars point of view. Not only did I find someone else's interpretation but also found what Van Gogh himself was trying to say with his painting. Van Gogh wrote letters to his brother, Theo, describing The Night Café. In one letter Van Gogh writes, "I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green". He describes the room blood red and dark yellow with a green billiard table in the middle; there are four lemon–yellow lamps with a glow of orange and green. In conclusion, this painting of the "night ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Ron Rash Local Color Analysis Poetry has always been a way of expressing emotions about life experiences. Poetry allows us to use symbolism to express ideas without the use of proper language. Things like our feelings about local scenery and culture can be expressed in symbols and imagery. One example of this, Ron Rash's poem "Local Color", explores the concepts of place and identity and suggests they are intertwined. Examples of how place and identity are intertwined are shown in the grandfather's identity as a regular at the local bar, the grandmother's identity as a homemaker and wife at home, and the idea that by going to the church the grandfather was going to change his identity. First, the main thrust of this poem is about how after a long day of work the grandfather ... Show more content on ... This change of location is implied to change his entire identity as a "new man". But, really it did not change him at all and because he went back to his old ways. You pretend to be someone you really are not and when you sober up nine times out of ten you will go back to the way you were before. Unless, you are serious about changing. Unfortunately, in the grandfather's case, he was not serious enough about changing. The truth is he was just a drunk man committing an old sin over and over. He did not care enough and he just went back to his old ways. That is exactly what happened in "Local Color", "While my grandfather swore he'd alter his life, / give up the drinking, go to church twice a week. / He was contrite and seemed to have changed. / He was a new man, for a few days. / But by Saturday, he was at it again." (32–35) Generally, people would go to alcoholism groups to get better but as the Appalachian newsgroup says "Appalachian people share a religious world view, even those members "without religious beliefs." Because of this religious view, Appalachian people look upon some behaviors, such as alcoholism, as sin even though they are intellectually aware that such behaviors are a form of mental illness." ("Appalachia: Is It a Region or Culture?", web) Because of this religious view in the area the Grandfather decides to go to church to be reformed instead of going to Alcoholism ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. A Good Man Is Hard To Find Local color by definition is "the customs, manner of speech, dress, or other typical features of a place or period that contribute to its particular character." Any given location has its own local color, but that of the southern region of the United States is especially prominent. The local color of this region is demonstrated in the short stories "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor. Although different aspects of local color are expressed, both authors capture the local color of the south in their short stories. The south is most well–known for drawling accents, pre (and post) civil war racism and large states with even larger plantations and farms. These are only generalizations however, ... Show more content on ... "Miss Emily" refused to pay her taxes because she believed she was pardoned from them due to the fact that Colonel Sartoris had once loaned money to their hometown. Nobody in her town challenged her on this, or the matter that she still had a negro servant that attended to her in her old fashioned home that she refused to update. The local color of the era Miss Emily wished to live in is particularly apparent. Her home is even described as once being part of the best neighborhood in town, another reason Miss Emily was stuck in the past. Another example of local color in "A Rose for Emily" is the oddity that even though Miss Emily is an outsider in town, nobody bothers to challenge her because she has an "Old South" social standing. This means that in previous times social standings in the south were taken more seriously than the present time of the story, even though Miss Emily still regards herself with the same old standard. Nobody in the town wanted to go against her and challenge a "lady" to the point where they unknowingly allowed her to poison her Yankee husband–to–be. This is ironic because nobody in the town believed they would have been married anyways due to the fact that he was from the north and she was from the south, which is yet another example of local ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Alternative Food Movement In North America The alternative food movement in North America, manifesting largely through farmers' markets, encourages people to buy local, eat organic, and to support local farmers, however these spaces are rarely reflective of the diverse population of farmers and buyers in the city (Gibb & Wittman, 2013). Moving from a personal to a political narrative, localisation is presented as the way to address social injustices and environmental degradation, working against our current destructive global agri–food system (Allen 2004,2010). Advocating for individuals to buy local organic food is seen as 'voting' for "healthier more authentic lives while making positive social and environmental change" (Alkon & Agyeman, 2011:2). Consequently, the concept of 'local' food and 'just' food are viewed interchangeably by certain actors in the food movement through the increasing integration of the word "justice" into their webpages, non–profit names, and programs (DuPuis, Harrison, & Goodman, 2011). However, I argue that the conflation of local food as "just" by alternative food movements in North America reinforces racial inequities and excludes those most harmed by the current food system, particularly low–income communities and communities of color. As such, this paper proposes the concept of "reflexive localism" as proposed by DuPuis, Harrison, & Goodman (2011) as an approach to address this process of exclusion. Alternative food movements that promote localisation of food risk re–enforcing racial ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay on Kiwi Series Kiwi Series #1 My choice of artwork for this essay is titled Kiwi Series # 1. This painting is made by Dennis Wojtkiewicz in 2005. The size of this painting is 36 by 66 inches. The medium used in this painting is the oil on canvas. I chose this painting because it appeals to my sense of aesthetics and also it has the most interesting use of texture. This painting is an excellent example of our sight being able to activate other senses. The presentation of the translucent fruit and fuzzy skin is so convincing that we have a visual and a tactile reaction and for some, a sensation of taste. The painter has used actual texture in this painting. In this essay, I will talk about the subject matter and then the content. I will also be ... Show more content on ... Chiaroscuro is also evident due to the illusion of light and shadow as the light source is coming from the top. Casting shadow on the table. There are areas of strong contrast such as the light color of fruit against the dark background. Sfumato is also evident in this painting. The dark colors of the seeds also create contrast against the light color of the fruit. Also there is contrast of the seeds against the bright area near it. The color is a local color as it replicates the appearance of the real world. The colors are natural. The fruit is green and light green in color. The seeds are black. A slight brown color is also used near the edge of the fruit. The texture is simulated. If someone would touch this painting, they would feel slight bumps of the paint. For the most part, the artist has simulated the texture of the fruit. The background of the painting appears to be smooth. There is not much space in the painting. The figure is right at the forefront of the painting so the painting has shallow space. The background is dark and we could not see anything except the fruit. Principles: The balance in this painting is symmetrical. The right side is very similar to the left side. If I were to draw a line in the middle of this painting, the visual weight on both sides of the painting would be the same. The painting is populated almost the same on both sides. The dominant part in this painting is the half–cut kiwi fruit. It occupies almost 85% of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Designing A Building Or Interior Design For Lure Customers Many restaurants and shops use the look of their building or interior design to lure customers in. Some businesses try to appeal to everyone by using common things that everyone likes, while some businesses try to aim at a certain group of individuals that are into a specific type of theme. In general, we can all agree that a boring place isn't very appealing to go into to eat or shop so business owners try to appeal to their customers so that they can attract more business. One tactic for bringing in more customers can be seen through the use of color among the business's interior or exterior. Use of wall space also has an important role in catching people's eye; what is on the walls and how they are used is a common way to lure in people. Another common and great tactic includes the use of music or media like T.V, what the T.V is showing or the music being played can help bring more people into a place. Buffalo Wild Wings use all three of these strategies to attract its customers, mainly targeting those who have a love of sports. The way a store or restaurant looks and is set up can often affect people's opinion of the business and can even determine who shops or eats at the location. When looking for restaurants the first thing one sees is either the sign or the exterior of the building. The colors of Buffalo Wild Wings are yellow and black which creates a "pop" effect due to the contrasting colors of the bright yellow and the dark black. This contrast serves to make ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. I Will Look At 2 Works Of Art Museum Essay In the following essay, I will look at 2 works of art: If I Knew What I Knew Then and The Last Judgement Triptych. I will describe all the details I see in the paintings and come up with a conclusion of what the artist was trying to accomplish, and then conducting research to combine my thoughts with the actual meaning of the artwork. After researching, I will determine if the artist was successful in what I found they tried to accomplish in this artwork. The first five minutes I spent staring at the artwork, all I saw were lines, figures, and colors. Two hours pass and I started noticing details I had not seen before. Through these two artworks, I caught a glimpse into the artist 's mind and became the storyteller rather ... Show more content on ... A window located to her right and her shadow on the opposite side. The artwork as a whole contains very light pastel colors. The left side, where the shadow so happens to be located, has darker colors such as black, gray, dark blues and small amounts of red. The right side, where the women and window are located, has much brighter colors like white, yellow, and brighter blues. In the center of the artwork is a red outline of a women. The women is on her knees and hands. The arc in her back gives the sensation of vulnerability. My first explanation for this artwork is that the artist is showing a woman reflecting on her past and not being happy with what she has done. Her shadow or her decisions are haunting her present life. With the white gown, I can make the assumption that she is getting married and is looking at her past, maybe reminiscing on about another lover. She could have been young and in love. Made a couple of wrong decisions and was heartbroken. She is now afraid to love again but knows that she has a brighter future ahead of her which is why there appears to be light coming from the windows direction. The small women figure in the center of the painting could be a symbolization of her not wanting to go back to being the vulnerable girl she was. Another explanation I came up with for this artwork was centered on the anger or maybe even jealousy that her face expression portrays. By marrying, she will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Sports And The National Football League Introduction There are currently four major professional athletic leagues in America: the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the National Hockey League (NHL). When fans watch their home teams play, it brings great pleasure and excitement to those who love sports, especially when their home team wins a game. Even if they do not win, fans will stick by their teams. Local businesses go great lengths to show support for their local teams. For example, the Reunion Tower in Dallas changes its light colors to support the local teams on game days. Sports also have a way of connecting fans with places as they cheer for a touchdown, homerun, or goal at public restaurants and bars. Because team owners are aware that pro sports play an important role in American society, they brainstorm for new ways to earn additional income besides selling merchandise and tickets. Now, Sports team owners want to build new state of the art arenas with premium seats, suites, clubs, and bars to obtain more revenue. The only thing is, they are not the only ones paying for it. It has become more and more popular in America for taxpayers to fund renovated or new professional sports arenas located in their cities. However, one question that ponders the mind of taxpayers is, should the public have to fund the construction of a renovated or new sports arena in their town? According to Pacific Standards magazine, "Over the past 20 years, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Evolution Of Moths Research Paper When you say the word "Moth", you think about the winged insects that hang around the light on your porch or yard. Moths can be different in color, shape, or even size. This was also said by David Moskowitz. These winged insects are food for bats or birds. Some cultures in the world even eat moths, moths can pollinate plants. In the United States there are up to 10,000 to 11,000 moth species. If you see a flower that looks fragrant and white, example a yucca plant, it was most likely pollinated by the moths. Bats use moths as food to fill them up at night. In other cultures around the world, people use moths as protein to satisfy them. In some african countries it is common to eat moths for protein. ( Butterflies and Moths of North America) In some countries there are complaints of moths eating clothes and that they have destroyed blankets or even carpets. They can also be referred to as "Webbing Clothes Moths". These moths can be a ½ inch long, and do not like light much. It might be best to keep clothes out of closets or drawers. These moths might prefer animal–based Materials. An example of this is leather. A good idea to avoid these type of insect is to vacuum as frequently as possible, and get spray that could help with the spread of these insects. ( Entomology) ... Show more content on ... But not all moths are seen as pests. For example some people catch or even buy moths off the internet to keep as pets at home. Another use for the moths is experiments at your local school, where kids go to observe the moths. Moths come in multiple colors such as red, blue, brown, etc. In the UK there are more moths than there are butterflies. People would prefer butterflies more than moths, only because people see butterflies in the daytime unlike the moths that hang out in the night time. A difference between butterflies and moths, the moths prefer light at night time while the butterflies prefer ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Light And Dance Response Light and Dance Response The document, Lighting and Dance, by Ruth E. Grauert, proved to be informational and interesting. The document expresses much of what I had already believed to be true. While the document did not give any insight into how to specifically create light onto a piece, it did emphasized its importance and in what ways it can be used. I was intrigued to learn about McCandless and Nikolais, and how they viewed lighting design as an art. Stating how lighting design is about decisions in timing, space, motion, medium, and color, and understanding how to work them in to compliment the dance or performance, really resonated with me. Lighting design can be as much as an art as a dance is. With so many options in lighting mediums, ... Show more content on ... The design of the lighting should make sense with the movement and be present to enhance the performance. She later states that if the lighting designer focuses "on the structuring of light toward the aesthetic end to which the motion has projected" that he or she will have "made a valid contribution to the production". Essentially, the author was trying to state that as long as the designer keeps the dance in mind when creating lights, the audience will be able to understand the productions as a whole. For example, If there is a change in the lighting color, a change in the dance or in the mood needs to be present to trigger the lighting change. A lighting design most likely would not want to shine hot pink lights from the stage onto the audience during a piece that had not color before, and no trigger in the choreography to merit this color change. Lastly, the author states "the careful structuring of light on the entire stage environment will augment the motional statement through its own aesthetic ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Benzocaine: Cocaine and New Melting Point Experiment # 45: Benzocaine Abstract The local anesthetic, benzocaine, was synthesized via the esterification of p–aminobenzoic acid with ethanol. The percent yield of crude product was determined to be 21% and the melting point was recorded at 86.2°C ± 0.2°C, with a 6.3% error from 92°C, the literature melting point of pure benzocaine. The crude product was then recrystallized to improve the purity of benzocaine and 57.4% was recovered. The new melting point range was measured at 89.1°C ± 0.3°C, which has a 3.15% error. The infrared spectrum of the recrystallized product was measured to further verify that the synthesized product was benzocaine. Introduction The discovery of benzocaine as a local anesthetic came out of necessity to ... Show more content on ... Next, 1mL plus an additional 10 drops of 10% sodium carbonate was added drop–wise to the beaker until the solution reached a pH of 8. The precipitate formed (crude benzocaine product) was collected via vacuum filtration and washed with water during the transfer into the Hirsch funnel. The product was allowed to dry for one week after which the mass and melting point of the crystals were measured. The crude product was then recrystallized in a Craig tube over a warm water bath (60–70°C) by adding methanol drop–wise until the solid completely dissolved. Eight drops of hot waster were then added to reform the precipitate, followed by subsequent addition of 15 methanol drops to re– dissolve the precipitate. The solution was then chilled in an ice bath and "seeded" with a spatula to induce crystallization. The recrystallized product was then collected via gravity filtration using an air vacuum to accelerate the process. An analytical balance was used to determine the mass of the purified product. The crystals were collected in two capillary tubes and a MelTemp device was used to measure the new melting point. A sample of crystals was run through the IR spectrometer to obtain the infrared spectra for the purified benzocaine product. The data and calculations sheets are attached to the report. Results and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Role Of Dhs And Its Political Environment It is the responsibility of the Government to provide security to its people. The Department of Homeland Security "DHS" was formed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Before the attacks, independent agencies handled homeland security. The DHS was formed to have most of these agencies work together under one management to secure America. This paper will argue the role of DHS and its political environment and how it achieves its goals of protecting America by working within its current environment. The political environment of DHS is "Majoritarian" where both the benefits and the costs are spread over most or all of the population and the agency is able to perform in that certain environment. Agency: The creation of DHS was the result of the tragic events of 9/11. The department was formed in 2002 and is a combination of twenty–two agencies. Some of the prominent ones are, The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). The President of United States appoints the secretary to oversee the work of DHS. The Political Environment and the Distribution of Costs and Benefits: "Homeland Security is a highly decentralized activity" The Federal Government cannot do the job of securing America by itself. The state and local governments and the private sector are all involved in the process. Government's responsibility is to minimize terrorist threats, reduce the cost of any attacks, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Lake City Hospital Recruitment Plan Lake City Hospital Recruitment Plan This report is to review and analyze the current Lake City Hospital recruitment plan and to revise the plan to make it more effective. The current plan will be analyzed and remove those factors that are not relevant to the current recurring plan. This new plan will consist of other factors that will make Lake City Hospital recruitment efficient and effective to the need of the hospital. Currently, there is a need for 10 Certified Nursing Assistants (CAN) and 20 CAN's are required for the hospital to operate effectively. Removal of the Current Recruitment Plan Upon reviewing the current hospital plan in Appendix A there are a few changes that will be required for an effective recruitment processes. Under ... Show more content on ... The current plan will be analyzed and remove those factors that are not relevant to the current recurring plan. This new plan will consist of other factors that will make Lake City Hospital recruitment efficient and effective to the need of the hospital. Currently, there is a need for 10 Certified Nursing Assistants (CAN) and 20 CAN's are required for the hospital to operate effectively. Removal of the Current Recruitment Plan Upon reviewing the current hospital plan in Appendix A there are a few changes that will be required for an effective recruitment processes. Under the Qualification category communications and self–motivated will be remove. The Number of Contacts also does not identify relevant information. The Timeline outline to hire has 20 days which is too many days. Under Activities to Source Qualification Candidates, employee referrals will not be necessary for a Certified Nursing Assistant. The Process Flow and Record Keeping are not necessary because the recruiting is outlined. Compare the Current and Revised Recruitment Plan The two recruitment plans to compared are in Appendix A (current) and B (revised) are as ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Sherman Red Case Analysis Paper Sherman Red Part Two Sherman Red is an 80–year–old male who was diagnosed with diabetes six months ago and is now admitted to the local hospital for a diabetic ulcer to his right great toe. The toe is infected and the patient is diagnosed with possible sepsis. The scenario depicts a presentation of sepsis in the elderly. This shows how wound healing and care of a diabetic patient can be difficult if not followed closely. The complication that can result from a diabetic ulcer can be devastating. It is always important that a patient is in full compliance with the treatment to prevent other health problems. The infection of the wound could have been avoided if treatment was taken seriously. The nurse must conduct a head to toe assessment of the ... Show more content on ... Some of the complications are foot injury, infections, ulcers, damage to nerve and bone, poor circulation, and possible amputation of the limb, and in this case sepsis (Mainhealth, 2018). The goal to treat an ulcer in a diabetic patient is to heal the wound faster to prevent infection, pressure has to be take off the area by "offloading" the foot, remove dead tissue by the process of debridement, apply to dress per doctors order, and focus on managing the patient's blood sugar effectively to promote healing. In addition, to prevent infection, the patient must keep the dressing clean, cleanse the wound daily and change the bandage and dressing, the patient must also avoid walking on barefoot. The unresolved infection has landed the patient on septic shock. Sepsis is the body's response to inflammation of a particular or unknown infection. The presence of hypotension despite adequate fluid infusion and inadequate tissue perfusion is the result of septic shock. The treatment of shock is centered on the restoration of blood pressure to normal, the presence of adequate tissue perfusion, making sure organs return to functioning well, and avoiding further complications (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, & Harding, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Reducing Your Energy Bill : The Study Of The Effects Of... Reducing Your Energy Bill: The Study of the Effects of Heat on Roofs Ricardo Medina Cathedral High School Abstract Would painting your house a different color change its overall temperature? The project presented is about the studies of the effects of different colored paints when applied to a building's roof. In the studies it was discovered that a lighter color will not keep the heat trapped so a light colored house will do well in a hot region, such as El Paso. A darker colored house would trap the heat, so a house that is darker will serve a better purpose in a colder region. The materials needed for this project are acrylic paint in red, white, brown. Apply the paint to three different boxes. When that is done set a timer for 30 min and leave the boxes outside and record the temperatures. Once the time is up, record the readings and input them into a chart. This will make it easier to analyze the results and see the differences between each temperature. This experiment can help you decide what color is the best option to paint your roof. Doing this experiment can help notice what colors regulate temperature the best in different environment. Introduction How does the color of your house affect the temperature inside of it? The clothes you wear is an example of this. On a hot sunny day you would rather wear a light colored shirt. If you were to wear a dark colored shirt you would get warmer quicker than if you were in a light colored shirt. Since light ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Reflection On Veterans Art Exhibit Veterans' Art Exhibit This exhibit is certainly very different than the ones we have seen in pervious gallery reviews. At the performance studio is filled with the Veteran's. This is the first time ICC has gone hand and hand with the military veterans and hope that this is the beginning of an annual art show that takes place over the years.–art–gallery–exhibits–featuring– works–by–veterans–local–artist–open–october–19/. All the art work has a different artist, but also the artist have different techniques for their art work. After looking through all the different art pieces I pulled out one that certainly stood out to me when as I was looking through them. From Max Barton who was a part of the 5th Army Air Crop, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. I Have Always Had A Love For Dark Eyeliners I have always had a love for dark eyeliners. For me the accentuate my eyes, and make them look bigger, while enhancing the green color of my eyes. I had been for quite some time using an eyeliner jug, which I loved, but at the same time, hated how long it took to apply the liner. These days I 'm more about fast, simple, and effective. When I came across Revlon Bedroom Eyes Powder Liner, Fishnet Jet 660, at my local Rite Aide, I was immediately intrigued. A liner that goes on in a powdered form, yet is applied in the same manner that a wet liner would be applied. Revlon Bedroom Eyes Powder Liner, Fishnet Jet 660, comes in what appears to be a liquid eyeliner type container. At the bottom there is a small pot, where a screw on cap reveals the actual application wand. I seriously had no idea what to expect, and the in store advertisement was vague, and showed bland color results on the color menu which was located right below the rack of liners. I went with Fishnet Jet, because on the advertising it appeared to be the darkest color; yet it also looked as if it had some sort of navy tint going on. The word NEW stood out, and I couldn 't resist it. I went ahead and made the purchase. I hoped it worked well, because honestly $9.95 for such a small container is a bit much in my opinion. My Use: When I first opened up the package, I unscrewed the top and found that the application wand had a large sponge applicator at the end. A lot larger than what I was expecting. I usually ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Frida Kahlo Still Life With Parrot The artwork, Still Life with Parrot by Frida Kahlo in 1951, is displayed on page 206 of the textbook. The size of Still Life with Parrot is 24.1 x 26 cm, done on Masonite with oil. I chose this artwork because it realistically represents the nature objects. Although Kahlo uses different hues in the artwork, red is the role of color within the artwork. And the choice of red hue makes the artwork vivid and psychologically arouses my enthusiasm for the artwork. I will present the subject matter and subjective content. Then, I will figure out the elements and principles of organization of Still Life with Parrot. There are many colors using to describe different objects such as a red orange mango, half of orange colored orange, a red violet pomegranate, a quarter of red watermelon with some black seed, and green ... Show more content on ... And fruits look so fresh because of their glossy surface. When I see the artwork, I regard it with affection. Because I like the red hue using in the nature object, it gives me a sense of vitality. The Elements of Art: Line– Kahlo uses Contour lines to limit the edges of fruits and the parrot's outlines. Curve lines are mostly used in showing the objects' shapes. The parrot line of sight is an implied line to show the direction of its gaze to fruits. Shape– The artwork itself is rectangle. However, all objects such as different kinds of fruits and the parrot in this painting have organic shapes, so their shapes are irregular. Value– The cast shadows directly show under the objects, so the light source is just above the objects. The objects' colors are affected by the light, their color lighter on the top and darker on the bottom. Color– Kahlo uses local colors in the painting which is mostly used red hue such as a red orange mango, a red violet pomegranate, a red watermelon. The parrot color is green and light yellow. The background is dark blue and the table is ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Memorial Day Business Plan If you and the family are going to be cooking out for Memorial Day, you may want to come up with an original menu for your family and friends to enjoy. You can also include some timeless classics that have always been a hit at Memorial Day barbeques and parties; here are a few recipe ideas that will keep you from spending all your time in the kitchen, and more time enjoying the festivities. If you want to go with a more patriotic theme, you can incorporate red, white, and blue into your foods by creating a fruit parfait using strawberries, blueberries, and cream. You can layer these items in a clear large parfait bowl, or you can make individual servings for each guest using plastic bowls or martini glasses. Or, you can create tasty nachos ... Show more content on ... What is Batik? Is that a specialty store that you go to for designer clothes? No! Its a beautiful Indonesian artform used to put some bold and intricate designs in their cloth. The crafter puts a resist of some nature, usually wax, upon the cloth in a design and then applying dye to the cloth. Wherever there is no wax, the cloth will be dyed, but where the cloth is protected will remain the original color. It is a fun and relaxing new craft that has other crafty applications. Honestly, the approach that I am coming to favor is a bit different. My children are still young and enjoy crayons, which means they enjoy BREAKING crayons! I had pure white delicious cloth and a bunch of broken crayons. There was a small metal paint tray with little divits for the paint in my crafting drawer. Perfect. I broke up each crayon into little pieces and filled several divits. Warming the whole tray in a steamer basket double boiler on my stove. As soon as I achieved liquid wax, dipping a paintbrush in and painting quickly I achieved a beautiful and colorful desgin. They key was to do it in very short strokes so the wax would stay very HOT upon the brush. I have tried adding pariffin to the crayon for a more diffused color and using just straight clear paraffin resist and dying the cloth too. I plan on picking up some beeswax from a local beekeeper and trying that for a resist. After the wax cooled, I placed the cloth between newspaper (I keep a roll of newsprint paper purchased cheap from my local newspaper)and cardboard and then used my iron to warm the wax,wicking it onto the newsprint. It took several changes, but finally I had bold colors and beautiful designs and wax–free cloth . Once the fabric has the wax free, it can be used in a variety of ways. Custom quilting designs, clothing design, framed for artwork, creating pillows or even fabric for slipcovers! This is a completly customized cloth for you to ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. River Runs Through Analysis Art in the Village is an art gallery located in Casey Jones Village in Jackson, Tennessee. This gallery features over 20 local artist's stunning pieces in a wide assortment of mediums. With paintings, woodwork, sculptures, ceramics, and jewelry, this gallery had a variation of art to view or purchase. Due to the fact that there is artwork from many different artists in the Art in the Village, there is not a theme to the artwork there. However, after reviewing all the art, you can notice that each artist had their own theme. Each artist shares their inimitable talents and artistic gifts, making this gallery one of a kind. Though the great pieces in this gallery were boundless, one piece that really stuck out was "River Runs Through" by Jette Garner. ... Show more content on ... Through movement of spiraling colors, a sense of rhythm and a focal point was created in the upper right corner. Though the artist did not list her medium for this piece, it was pretty clear she used acrylic paint. The use of the complimentary colors purple and yellow creates a contrast that catches the eye. Also, the contrast of colors creates implied lines and circles. "The River Runs Through" is well balanced. The left contains patterned or textured colors that metamorphoses into a focal point of smooth colors creating the perfect balance. This painting is smaller–scaled. Though it does contain formal qualities, I would say that this piece is more informal than formal. It holds an impression of both modern art and abstract art adjoined. With the title as Garner's strongest hint, this photo is meant to symbolize a river that keeps running. The wound colors make this "river" appear as it keeps going on and on. Overall, I believe this was a very successful piece of ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Art Analysis: Modkustoms And Tanner Leaser Final Analysis The piece that I am analyzing is an untitled work of pin striping on aluminum by two local artists, ModKustoms and Tanner Leaser, who signs his pieces simply as "Tanner". As with most artists in this genre neither goes by their real or whole name. ModKustoms created the textured aluminum panel that Tanner used as his form to display his pin stripping. This piece was created in 2014 for a charity art auction benefitting the Scottish Rite Hospital (ModKustoms). The piece is a two– dimensional, rectangular work of art meant to hang vertically on a wall. This piece was created using aluminum, translucent candied enamel paint, and 1–one shot lettering enamel (Tanner). This work of art is a modern take on the traditional art of ... Show more content on ... ModKustoms created a pattern of swirls sanded into the aluminum (ModKustoms). Tanner coated the entire panel in translucent candied enamel paint that fades from orange on the outside edges to yellow in the center of the painting. This technique added both value and contrast. Also, the use of this technique draws the eye into focal point of the piece, the center. As you look at the center of the piece your eye wants to move from the top of the piece to the bottom and back up again. As with most pin stripe pieces, Tanner has incorporated many different types of lines into the piece. A pinstripe artist refers to this as pulling lines. As your eye travels up, down, and side to side along the piece you see that the lines curve, straighten, and curve again. They create circles, points, swirls and straight lines creating a rhythm that both intersects and runs parallel to each other. Each set of lines is given added emphasis through the use of color. The piece is a colorful work of art that contains white, emerald green, bright blue, bright red, turquoise, yellow, and metallic gold. The space between many of the lines is filled with the orange and yellow of the candied enamel paint. The metal, which is normally considered to be cold is given warmth with the use of the orange and yellow. The space between the bright blue lines at the center of the piece is filled with gold leaf. The gold leaf is an opulent addition to the work ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Children of the World Children of the World – Romero Britto , 2006. Picture retrieved from "Art is able to reflect the celebration of the simple and good things of life. This is the most important to me!" (Romero Britto) Renata Cabral Paper II due Wednesday, March 23d. Dr. Marley About the Artist and the Art The art of Romero Britto gathers symbiotic elements of popular culture from Pernambuco – a state in Brazil –with sophisticated graphic composition, in the presence of the hybridism of the postmodern art and the "glocalization" (global and local) culture of the Contemporary. Romero started drawing very young, copying the works of other artists he saw in books. He used to articulate compositions in a way that was simplified and naïve, but ... Show more content on ... The yellow is also another evident color in the art. Yellow symbolizes wisdom, joy and happiness. This is the message that Romero Britto wants to show in all his paintings – the celebration of a happy life. We can observe a little bit of blue on the globe that the children are holding, which represents the ocean, but also we can observe it on the children's body, with another meaning. The dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. The turquoise, found on the hair of the boy is the symbol of youth, and also the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of communication. Finally, the aqua is the color of high ideals. Brown and green are other colors found in the art. Combined, they represent wholesomeness and earthiness. They can signify growth and represent the simplicity, friendliness, dependability, renewal, and environment. The Shapes and Lines Talking about the lines, we can observe that the picture contains curves, parallel lines, and diagonal lines. Analyzing the shapes, we can find circles and organic shapes (for example, the flowers). Circles represent the eternal whole and in every culture are the form that represents the sun, the earth, the moon, and the universe. They have free movement, are warm, comforting and give a sense of sensuality and love. Their movement suggests energy and power. Their completeness suggests the infinite, unity, and
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  • 110. Social Service Marketing Plan Sample <!DOCTYPE html> span { color:#D2B48C; } span2 { color:#FA8072; } span3 { color:#DCDCDC } body { background–color:#FCFEDC Brian's Design Document Purpose: My goal is to make it easier for Columbia's locals to save money when going out to grab a bite to eat or going out to the bars to get a drink. I know that many people have to live around a tight budget throughout the year and if they're trying to save money, my website could point them in the right direction.The majority of my target audience is in the age range from 18–24 years of age and are probably students Audience: The target audience is aimed at the locals of Columbia and the students at the University of Missouri. Personally, I don't eat out of go out too much on ... Show more content on ... Don't overdue it. It's important to keep it relatively simple and easy to navigate An upvote and a downvote feature would be helpful in determining which specials are worth it Reference Websites For navigational purposes, I felt that this website was an similar to what I'm aiming for in terms of navigational purposes. In terms of a simple layout, I'm going for something resembling the layout presented here In terms of a layout that I'm trying to avoid, I think that this website is a good demonstration on what I don't want to do. I don't like the fact that the website doesn't have different tabs/links for different days. Overall, it is not very intuitive or interactive. For context style, Drinkowl is a good website but I think there is too much going on and for some users, it might get confusing. In terms of color scheme, I really like the website. the colors are more relaxed than
  • 111. other websites, the font is large and easy to see, especially the top banner. Content Content is based on responses from possible future users: Top banner will display the days of the week, each day can be clicked on and will bring you to a different ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Raymond Pettibon Art Analysis Raymond Pettibon art work, Untitled (The bright flatness), on page 535 fig 25–35 shows a tiny surfer in an enormous wave in a California landscape. The subject matter is a large wave that a surfer is riding. The content of the artwork could be how people are a small compared to the big world we live in. I think this piece of art was painted on with watercolor and a type of paper. These lines in the artwork is very loose and free. These lines in the artwork reminds me of Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night lines in his artwork which are loose ,but the viewer can tell what the meaning of the picture is. In the artwork Untitled (The bright flatness) colors mostly used were the primary colors blue and red. The surfer is red and the waves of the ocean is blue. The wave color could be a local color that the viewers know the ocean color is blue. The blue color has different tints from dark blue to light blue. The wave in the art is three dimensional it represents the wave as if it was being seen in an ocean. In the picture, there is a highlight where the ocean has lighter white spots throughout the wave. Another highlight would be ... Show more content on ... The world outdoors was chosen because the whole artwork is about nature. When I examine the artwork I feel ecstatic or happy. I feel ecstatic or happy because the surfer is consumed with nature ,and one day I hope to learn to surf and be surrounded with nature. I think the artwork purpose is to show the California landscape and its beauty. Untitled (The bright flatness) is interesting to me because my passion in life is the marine world. In this artwork it shows how that surfer is so small compare to the ocean. I think that we are small compared to the outside world like the ocean. The artwork Untitled ( The bright flatness) is a successful work of art ,and the art work is successful because the artist was a successful by the 1990's. Surfer art was repeated art for Raymond ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. A Deeper Analysis On The Aspect Of Race As Local Color A Deeper Analysis on the Aspect of Race as Local Color: Jim Crow Laws Imagine you are a person of color in the early to mid 1900's. You the mother of three young children. Despite your best intentions, your children are forced to grow up in poverty. When you direct them out of the house to go to school, they see the all the white boys and girls walking toward one school and all of the black boys and girls walking to another. Imagine being asked by your children why they don't go to school with the other boys and girls and not being able to tell them that its because of the aspect of racism during the era. After you drop them off to school, you go to work so that you can provide for your family. You work long hours with unfair wages and ... Show more content on ... A time where these laws were especially relevant was the period from 1890–1910 called the "Black Nadir." The Black Nadir was considered to be, "the high point of institutionalized racism"(Brown), in which there were many unwritten laws to preserve and reinforce "white supremacy" (Brown). Stetson Kennedy created a list of rules of which were not formally created, but blacks were to abide by while speaking to whites. This list includes: "1. Never assert or even intimate that a white person is lying. 2. Never impute dishonorable intentions to a white person. 3. Never suggest that a white person is from an inferior class. 4. Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence. 5. Never curse a white person. 6. Never laugh derisively at a white person. 7. Never comment upon the appearance of a white female" (Pilgrim). These rules were all considered common etiquette that all blacks were expected to follow. If a black man were to violate the "Jim Crow norms" they jeopardized their homes, jobs, or even their lives (Pilgrim). Moreover, whites were able to beat blacks with no repercussions for their actions. Moreover, the entire "Jim Crow criminal justice system" was white. Whites truly had a "white supremacy" ideal. Which was obvious by all the injustice happening. For example, if a black male offered even his hand to a white woman, even if the white woman asked, he risked being accused of ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Essay on Romanticism, Realism and Local Color in The... Romanticism, Realism and Local Color in The Awakening Kate Chopin is an author who was born in 1851 and died in 1904. Her father died when she was young, and her husband died when she was thirty–one leaving her with six children. Due to this, she had little male influence throughout her life. This may possibly be why she had so little inhibition when writing her novels. She seemed to concentrate on the oppression of women and presented socially unacceptable ideas at the time of their publication. Although Kate Chopin stirred up great controversy in her time, today her novels, short stories, and poems are often regarded as great literary works that incorporate bold concepts, grim social realities, ... Show more content on ... need for freedom from the ties of life that hold her down and also her need for individuality. One way she defies society is by leaving her home on Tuesdays, which are designated by Creole tradition as stay–at–home and greet guests days. On several Tuesdays, Edna leaves home to walk about town leaving her guests and husband disappointed. She searches to be an individual and not conform to the standards of society. As written in the novel, "She had all her life long been accustomed to harbor thoughts and emotions which never voice themselves. They had never taken the form of struggles. They belonged to her and were her own, and she entertained the conviction that she had a right to them and that they concerned no one but herself. Edna had once told Madame Ratignolle that she would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for any one" (79). Another example of Romanticism can be found in the way society treats life at the time. They are oblivious, especially the women, to the limits of their lifestyle. The society present in The Awakening paints a picture where they only see beautiful, vibrant colors. However, as Edna soon finds out, paint does not stay beautiful forever. Edna begins to see the layers of paint peeling and chipping off to reveal the grays and blacks hidden beneath. As the story unravels, the reader ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Sarah Henry Talks About The Production Of Soul Fire Farm Henry, S. (2014, December 02). This Farmer Wants to Help Youth of Color Reconnect With the Land | Civil Eats. Retrieved November 02, 2016, from–farmer– wants–to–help–youth–of–color–reconnect–with–the–land/ In this article, Sarah Henry talks about the production of Soul Fire Farm. Henry says The program at Soul Fire Farm is designed for young people of color. Penniman the leader of this farm teach kids about farming practices. Penniman and her husband worked with the boys and girls club and residential foster cares. Soul Fire Farm also had a week long restorative justice program. At first, the teens in the program thought working at this farm would be similar to slavery. However, Penniman says "the boy 's mind changed after getting into the program". The teens were even able to take some of the food back to their homes. Soul fires farm main objective is to get people access to healthy food. Sarah Henry is a journalist who usually writes about nutrition and local foods. Her intended audience for this article are minorities interested in farming. Penniman raises a local farm with fresh foods and wants people to have access to fresh produce. This is a great article for my unit three essay because this essay talks about a way to solve one of my problems the lack of healthy food or (availability). This article is also great for my essay because the ideas of local farms also fix the problem with processed food. Keeping local food ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Clyde Aspevig's White Cliffs Of The Missouri Clyde Aspevig's painting "White Cliffs of the Missouri", found in the "Northwest Cowboys in Art" collection at the Tacoma Art Museum is an oil painting on canvas that is about 2½ by 3 feet in size. This piece portrays white cliffs on the Missouri river, found in central Montana along the upper Missouri River. Lewis and Clark traveled through these cliffs during their expedition in 1805, making it a historical monument. Lewis kept a journal about this journey and marveled about the beauty of the sandstone cliffs. I like this painting because of the feeling and memories it reminds me of. The water and rocks remind me of all my childhood memories of swimming in the water and hiking mountains. The bright and light colors create a cheerful and ... Show more content on ... This painting is so realistic and painted with such precision and detail that he must've wanted us to see this place exactly how he did, with great beauty and light. The local colors are vibrant and cool yet still make you smile because it reminds you of a warm summer day. The use of two contrasting colors, the blue of the water and sky and the tan of the cliffs and couds, make the tan color stand out creating such a visually pleasing and dynamic effect. The organic fluffy clouds and the ripples in the water convey a peaceful sense to the scene. The pompous cliffs stand solidly contributing to the historical importance of this location. The artist captures the illusion of depth through atmospheric perspective; as the object gets farther it encompasses less detailed contributing to the descriptive nature of it. Since the left side of the painting is much heavier than the right this painting is asymmetrical. Your eye tends to gravitate towards the cliffs on the left because of their size and bright color which emphasize the cliffs. This emphasis creates a focal point that the viewer is immediately compelled to look at. A work that I am not particularly fond, also found in the "Northwest Cowboys in Art" exhibit is "Rain and Runoff" an oil on linen by Ed Mell. This piece was at the Tacoma art museum and is also about 2½ x 3 feet in size. The subject of this painting is an abstract illustration of rain and its runoff, but because of the abstract nature it is hard to make out the rain and other objects in this painting. The common theme of his artworks has to do with weather and ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Cooperative Federalism Rests On Several Standard Operating... Cooperative federalism rests on several standard operating procures Shared Costs Cities and states can receive federal money for airport construction, sewage treatment plants, youth programs, and many other programs, but only if they pay part of the bill Federal Guidelines Most federal grants to states and cities come with strings attached. Congress spends billions of dollars to support state highway construction Shared Administration State and local officials implement federal policies, but they have administrative powers of their own The u's Department of Labor gives billions to states for job training, but state have considerable latitude in spending the money Devolution? Democrats support increase in federal government 's power for advancement of national policies Republicans oppose these policies and favor states to take responsibility on issues like child labor, education and social security with Medicare Ronald Reagan in his first inaugural address articulated a traditional conservative view when he argued that the states had primary responsibility for governing in most policy areas "Restore the balance between levels of government" Few agreed with his reeducation of the national government 's role in domestic programs Reagan 's opposition to the national government 's spending on domestic policies and the huge federal deficits of the 1980s forced a reduction in federal funds for state and local government When Republicans captured Congress in 1994, they spoke of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Pros And Cons Of Public Schools Public Schools – schools are in a district and students attend in the area they are zoned for. Decided by committees. In the past, this was a monopoly, and the only choice other than private schools that parents must pay for. Public schools are the most common form of public education. Typically, states create school districts that are individual (often independent) government entities. Each school district has the power to create and run any number of public schools. The district and its schools are governed by a school board that consists of elected officials. The school board has ultimate authority over the schools and the district. Typically, the school board will appoint a superintendent to oversee the day–to–day operations of the district. (Social solutions global,2016) Public schools are subsidized by the state, with money distributed to schools or districts on a per–student basis. States receive assets from state taxes and federal education grants. Local districts or municipalities will frequently increase state and federal funding with local property taxes. Independent school districts can often charge taxes themselves. In other states, districts are part of a county or municipal government that charges taxes and assigns the funds to the schools. Districts or the local government may also issue municipal bonds to fund major money expenditures for public schools like new buildings or renovations. Public schools supplement special programs or needs with ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. pros and cons to having a purely cellular network vs.... NT1310 : Week 1 Telecommunications By: Marvin Redd You are an IT Network Specialist and are required to develop the design of the company's telephone system for its new building which will begin construction in a few months. In order to get a background which will help when developing the new system, your supervisor asked you to research the current Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) currently used by the company. You must research the system components and report back to your supervisor , the Telecommunications Manager, within a week. 1. Describe a local land line phone system based on the following Landline Telephone Components: a. Local Loop The local loop is the physical wiring that ... Show more content on ... 4G networks offer 10 or more times the data transmission rate of a 3G network. The data rates available on a 4G network allow the cell phone to access information from the Internet as fast as a land–line connection. b. Telephone Network Topology: i. Demarcation Point The demarcation point, also known as the Demarc, Network Interface Device (NID), or Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE) serves several purposes: It is the point that defines the end of the telephone company's wiring, and the beginning of your wiring. It defines where the telephone company's responsibility for maintenance ends and your responsibility begins. It contains a surge suppressor to help protect the wiring and connected equipment in your facility from damage It allows you to temporarily disconnect your wiring from the telephone company's wiring for troubleshooting purposes. Equipment Cables making up the core networks need to go very long distances across many states within the country. They typically follow well–defined routes such as highways and railways. Access Networks An access network or outside plant refers to the series of wires, cables and equipment lying between
  • 144. a consumer/business telephone termination point (the point at which a telephone connection reaches the customer) and the local telephone exchange. iv. Regional/ Metro Networks c. Cable TV i. Broadcast TV Broadcast television systems are encoding or formatting standards for the transmission and reception of ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Images And Images For The Gower Birds Hospital Image Firstly, we must use copyright free pictures in our design (Hand and Middleditch, 2013:280). Next, according to Hand and Middleditch (2013:194), imagery is an significent element in modern media. Media productions need to rely on video and still images to attract their audience's attention. As for the Gower Birds Hospital, the images and visuals still have some imperfections and need to make changes immediately in order to make customers easier to understand and remember the home page. Hand and Middleditch ( 2013:201) hold the point that most people pay more attention on images than words. There are too many old pictures in the GBH's graphic design, therefore, we need to add new pictures in new design. The previous text will be ... Show more content on ... Colour The existing color of Gower Bird Hospital is green which show the central theme of Gower Bird Hospita, protecting environment and the harmony between human and nature. Green is a very down–to–earth color which represent new beginnings and growth. It also represent renewal and abundance. Brighter greens are more energizing and vibrant, while olive greens are more representative of the natural world (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, the olive green will be the main colour of most design. Light blues are often relaxed and calming while bright blues can be energizing and refreshing. Dark blues can be used in corporate sites or designs where strength and reliability are significant (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, blue also will be used in website design, which can match the theme of Hospital. What's more, according to the Complementary color scheme, the high contrast of complementary colors can give audiences a vibrant look (Tigercolor, 2014). Red and green are complementary colors. In design, red can be a great color to use when power or passion want to be expressed in the design (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, red can be used in some important part of our visual design which can draw more attention. In addition, the colour model in digital media is different from printing. All of those digital media need to use RGB mode in the design process while the design of newsletter need to use CMYK mode (Cohen, 2009:73–75). Logo Olins (1995:11) hold the point ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. A Report On The Food Service Department At Garden Grove... a. Executive Summary: An overview of all–content contained in the feasibility study document, i.e. a summary of the important details contained within each section of the rest of the document. Write this section after the rest of the document is completed. This section should be written as a 'stand alone' document to encourage interested parties to read the entire report. B. Introduction The food service department at Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD) is interested in improving their A La Carte Program by providing healthier food choices to the staff. District staff members have provided a special service that offers affordable lunch entrées as a courtesy from GGUSD. There are 250 staff members in the district that have ... Show more content on ... The creation of international street tacos was based on the program's forecast. There was been an increase interest in international dishes, a Vietnamese noodle soup called Pho was had the highest sales for the program. Customers stated they enjoyed the diversity in taste, flavors, and fresh herbs. By following the customer's behavior, it is predicted that ethnic foods are a trend for GGUSD's staff. Overall, street taco will satisfies all the health conscious customers due to fresh garnishes from garden, lean meat, and whole grain option shells and increase revenue for the food service department. Increasing revenue in the A La Carte will be helpful to GGUSD's food department, especially this year, all food service personnel all expected to get a 6% raises. GGUSD's food service is a financially self–sufficient program. The state does contribute food service program costs rather financial support provided through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP).3 These two subsidies programs generates revenue by student meal participations and food ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. The Awakening: Romanticism, Realism, and Local Color Essay The Awakening: Romanticism, Realism, and Local Color Imagine being far out into the middle of the ocean and at that moment, having to make a choice between judgment and individuality, death and life? In 1899, Kate Chopin composed a captivating novel titled The Awakening. Throughout Chopin's day, the work was regarded as nonsense and a waste of time on her part. Critics found the main character's rebellion to be foolish and unlawful. At that age, it was believed firmly that women should be nothing less than completely loyal to their husbands and should joyfully care for any children that they had while their spouse was away, hard at work. Edna, the central character, did not follow this standard. She says ... Show more content on ... Chopin tells of this younger woman with an older husband who runs with her intuition in search of her own mind. Another presentation of Romanticism in The Awakening is described during Edna's search for individualism when she says of her that " longer was she content to 'feed upon opinion' when her own soul had invited her" (124). Edna Pontellier has a desire to be her own person in her own world when she is placed in a setting that refuses to permit such an action. This setting was Chopin's way of blending in the perfect amount of Realism. Realism is also a literary and artistic movement. Unlike Romanticism, Realism shows real detail of actual life. It came about in the nineteenth century as a response to Romanticism. All bleak social realities and psychological states of mind are displayed in this type of writing. In her writing, Kate Chopin's portrayal of "bleak social realities" comes in her setting, which is a reproduction of her day and time. It was thought of then that women were basically to be seen and not heard. The setting that Edna endures imitates this in so many ways. For example, Leonce does not respect Edna as a human being. He does not understand when she decides not to listen and does what she pleases. He saw her only as another treasure of his; she was something he likes to flaunt as part of his valuables. When she suggests the idea of ... Get more on ...