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Adam Andrade 25,26 Task 3 Harry Potter
When a new film is made, it has to be advertised
like any other new product, to let people know it
exists and to encourage them to go to the cinema
to see it. The advertising of a film is known as film
promotion or film marketing and the people who are
responsible for this are the distribution company,
so–called because they distribute (give out) the
films to the cinemas and distribute the promotional
material around the country.
The way in which a film is promoted can have a
huge effect on whether or not it is successful. Films
are expensive to make and if the public do not buy tickets at the box office to see the film, a
lot of money will be lost.
During the whole franchise of harry potter there were many different locations used and
different actors involved with the movie. Not every actor seen on the screen is in every
movie, like for an example between the years 1-6 we saw a new teacher brought into, to fill
in the role of the dark arts. Most of the actors who appeared in the film were from the United
Kingdom and Ireland who voiced or portrayed characters appearing in the Harry Potter film
series based on the book series by J. K. Rowling.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were the main three Harry Potter, Ron
Weasley and Hermione Granger in all the films. When they were cast only Radcliffe had
previously acted in a film. Complementing them on screen are such actors as Helena
Bonham Carter, Jim Broadbent, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph
Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, John Hurt,
Jason Isaacs, Miriam Margolyes, Helen McCrory, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw,
Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, and Julie
Walters, among others. Thirteen actors have appeared as the same character in all eight
films of the series.
Many of the locations used for the franchise were in the United Kingdom, as the movie was
set in an old historic castle and had many shots in and around London the filming did not
really need to be shot abroad as the countries of the UK already had necessities ranging
from the highlands in Scotland to the bustling streets, stations bridges in London.
The story of Harry Potter on the printed page and big screen is just as magical as the story
of Harry Potter from a marketing and branding perspective, and it's one that all marketers
and business owners can learn from. Five key elements that helped drive the success of the
Harry Potter brand, which small business owners can implement, too. While your level of
success might not reach the multi-billion-dollar brand value that Harry Potter has reached, by
applying these strategies to your marketing plan, you'll position yourself for long-term,
sustainable business growth.
1. A Good Product
Clever marketing and savvy business practices can only sell a bad
product to a limited extent. If consumers' expectations aren't met,
repeat purchases dwindle and word-of-mouth marketing comes to
a screeching halt. At its core, the Harry Potter books were good
and consistently met consumers' expectations. Just any other
product must do the same thing, or it will fail.
2. Emotional Involvement
A product, business or brand cannot become a
phenomenon like Harry Potter without the
emotional involvement of consumers driving it to
that status. This was due to the backing of J.K
Rowling and her books, she sold thousands of
each book, when the firm took off she couldn’t
release them fast enough for the consumers or
the movie makers. Which is why to achieve
consumer emotional involvement in your own
product, business or brand, you need to have a
good product that meets their needs consistently,
and that product needs to deliver what is called the "3 Ss" of customer loyalty. That is,
creating feelings of stability, sustainability, and security. Without that kind of emotional
involvement, your success will peak long before the phenomenon status comes into view.
3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing and an Online Buzz
Ask 100 people how they first heard about Harry Potter and the clear majority of them (if not
all of them) will tell you they heard about Harry Potter from another person, such as a family
member, friend or colleague. Leveraging the power of the Internet as a catalyst to build
word-of-mouth marketing is critical if you want to achieve similar success. Fans always
wanted more of the Harry Potter brand, and the Internet became a place where the Harry
Potter community could socialize, network and experience the brand in their own ways.
While J.K. Rowling and her U.S. publisher first sent cease and desist letters to owners of fan
sites and blogs, writers of fan fiction and creators of fan art, they quickly realized that
allowing consumers to take control of the conversation on the social Web and make the
brand their own was far more powerful than trying to stop it.
4. Tease and Perpetual Marketing
By leaving consumers wanting more, each marketing
tactic implemented to promote that brand (directly or
indirectly) can build upon the one before it until the
anticipation and buzz reaches a fever pitch.
-Leaking bits and pieces of information, holding
promotional events and contests and creating a veil of
secrecy around the next product to launch related to a
brand can drive the word-of-mouth marketing necessary
to boost sales to the highest level possible.
-​The team behind the marketing of Harry Potter got better
and better at tease and perpetual marketing over the
lifecycle of the brand. Apple is another great example of a
company that leverages tease and perpetual marketing quite
well to boost sales.
5. Brand Consistency and Restraint
Once customers become loyal to a brand and
develop an emotional connection to it, it is
critical that nothing is done to damage the
brand or betray consumers' loyalties to it. In
other words, you must meet consumer
expectations in every branded interaction or
they'll be confused and turn away from your
brand in search of one that does consistently
meet their expectations. When faced with
opportunities to extend the Harry Potter brand,
J.K. Rowling exercised restraint to protect the
brand she loved. She said no to merchandise pitches and refused to allow Harry Potter to
appear on a McDonald's Happy Meal. The Harry Potter brand continued to deliver on its
brand promise and brand loyalty and brand advocacy continued to grow. You need to use
the same consistency and restraint in your own marketing initiatives to ensure your brand
promise doesn't waver in consumers' minds.
Harry Potter is the perfect example of a fundamental branding truth: consumers build
brands, not companies. Marketers might nudge consumers in a desired direction, but at the
end of the day, it's the consumers who experience a brand, make it their own, develop
emotional involvement with it, become loyal to it, and advocate it who are responsible for the
success or failure of a brand.
Develop a Strategic Approach When ​J.K. Rowling first
started to write the Harry Potter books , she knew exactly
how the characters and story were going to develop. For
years, fans asked her how the story was going to end, if
Harry was going to die, if Snape had allegiance to
Dumbledore or Voldemort. She never said a word, but
she told the world that she knew the answers. As a
marketer, it is important to develop a strategy. Create
goals and execute your strategy with those goals in
Viral Marketing After the phenomenon began, J.K. Rowling did not have to do much
promoting. The fans took over and created many viral campaigns on her behalf talking about
the excitement they had over upcoming releases. Harry Potter is often a trending topic on
Twitter, Facebook events and page are abundant, and thousands of bloggers create posts
on their behalf. These promotions are more genuine because they come from the source,
the fans, instead of the person who makes a profit. In the same ways, marketers need to
utilize inbound marketing to create the same buzz over their product, service or company.
Positive reviews and promotions that come straight from consumers are more valuable than
content that comes from the company. Utilize the different social media tools that are
available online to create the hype that you need to be successful.
Multi-Channel Approach
J.K. Rowling used multiple channels to reach her audience. She recognized that her
audience ranged from young children to adults, and she needed to cater to their interests. In
addition to the books and movies, she created an experience through amusement parks like
the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She is now entering the social media space by creating
Potter more which will open in October. The Harry Potter trailers reached millions of viewers
on YouTube . Marketers should follow her example by using many channels to get their
message out.
-​Play Off Your Audience's Personality
After a few book releases, J.K. Rowling knew how to reach her audience. She knew the
anticipation of new books or movies; sneak previews and subtle hints made her audience go
wild. In the years to come, she used this knowledge to generate more buzz about anything
relating to Harry Potter. Marketers need to do a lot of research to understand and connect
with their audience.
Create a Distinct Brand
When you think of Harry Potter a few keywords come to mind.
They could be wizard, lightning bolt scar, Quidditch, or "the boy
who lived." These characteristics of this book series are
recognized by people who aren't even fans. J.K. Rowling has
created a distinct brand for Harry Potter that is comparable to
Nike, Apple and Coca-Cola. Marketers need to follow this lead
and create specific and identifiable brands for their company or
Few books have made a bigger impression
on culture than J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter
series. With millions of copies sold around
the world, the books defined the pre-teens
years for the crop of millennials who are now
entering the workforce. The books are more
than purely entertaining fiction, however.
They’re rich with allegory and philosophy and
have more to reveal about marketing tactics
and best practices than you may realize.
There are many ways of publicizing a
movie, or a franchise or even a completely
different business if you reach out to your
audience in the right way
This poster is a teaser poster and shows
the picturof Harry Potter; it will be instantly
recognized by fans of the genre. The poster
is very dark which represents evil, a major
theme in the film, and Harry looks extremely
distressed which shows that he is up
against a great challenge. Very little is
revealed in this poster which leaves the
audience wanting to know more about the
film, which may encourage them to visit the website shown at
the bottom which builds synergy. Production companies are
shown at the bottom which may be recognized. There are
several other similar posters each with a separate character,
which may encourage the audience to look out for the many
varieties in which the poster comes.
This poster shows the destruction of Hogwarts,
an established icon of the Harry Potter series. It
would immediately catch the eye of the intended
audience, and the special effects also make the
poster stand out; for people who have come to
love the series may be very shocked by this
image, and it would be very memorable. The title
is simply HP7, in the famous typeface Harry
Potter. It keeps the poster simple and it is iconic,
so it is easy to recognize it as another Harry
Potter film even from a distance. The tagline emphasizes the fact that this is the final
instalment of the series, so people may be interested in seeing it to find out how the story
ends. The release years for each part of the film are shown, so audience members can know
when to see the film. The website is shown to generate synergy and production companies
are given, as audience members may recognize them
This poster depicts the three main Harry Potter
characters running away from something. It is a
very exciting and dynamic ‘freeze frame’ and thus
shows off the film’s action elements. The
desperation in the characters’ faces show that they
are running for their lives which proves the film will
be exciting to watch. The subtle red sparks on the
picture represent danger which further shows how
exciting the film should be. The tagline shows how
this will be the ‘epic finale’ of the series, which may
encourage the audience to come and watch it to
discover how the story ends; its other purpose is to remain in the minds of the audience so
that they remember the film in future and a brand image can be built. The release date is
given which allows the audience to know when they can see this film, and production
companies are shown so the audience can see that the film is the work of professionals, so
should be good. The title at the bottom uses an already established icon of the Harry Potter
series so the audience can immediately know what film this poster is advertising. The poster
was also adapted for use on bus T-Bars to grab even more attention.
The website experience begins with the film’s full trailer to immediately grab the attention of
visitors. There is a menu feature that allows visitors to simply explore the site. Every
background on the site is one of the film posters, creating synergy. The consistent use of the
“HP7” symbol symbolizes the film and may help the audience to remember the website later
on. The “about” page consists of the film’s synopsis, so visitors can find out what the film is
about and make a judgement as to whether they should see it or not. It also includes a list of
famous actors in the film, so visitors may recognize them and feel more inclined to see the
film. The “gallery” page shows iconic screenshots from the film, where the “downloads”
section allows visitors to customize their computer with Harry Potter themed images. This
allows the visitor to remember the film well, and IM icons may also spread the word through
social networks. The “videos” section shows Harry Potter trailers which are entertaining for
the audience to watch and create synergy by leading the audience to this form of
advertisement as well.
This trailer gives a sneak preview of the film, with
many iconic scenes so the audience can see
roughly what the film will be like. It is used to inform
the audience that the film is coming out soon, and to
begin hype. It includes the release month, so the
audience can know when it will come out. It doesn’t
tell much about the story so as not to give too much
away, but it does show some scenes that establish
the film’s genre and themes. The use of wands and
spells immediately evoke the genre of fantasy, and the theme of magic. The action
adventure genre is represented by the depiction of chase scenes, fights and the large-scale
destruction, and the fast-paced scenes prove the film to be exciting.
The T.V. Spot is a summarized version of the full trailer, so it can be shown on T.V. It shows
snapshots of key scenes in the film in a briefer way than the full trailer. Airing it on T.V.
would have attracted a very large amount of attention for the film, so most of the public
knows about it. It shows all the necessary information, but faster so it can all be fit into 30
The Premiere Merchandise A lot of merchandise has been created, based upon the Harry
Potter films to further increase their awareness and popularity. Examples include models of
magic wands, sweets featured in the film (e.g. chocolate frogs) and Hogwarts uniforms. This
mainly targets younger fans, but older collectors may also be interested. Merchandise
develops popularity for the film, and creates interest about it among new audiences, in this
case younger children. Purchasing the merchandise may make the buyer feel more a part of
the story, so they may feel more inclined to see the film. The premiere of Harry Potter and
the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 was held on the 11th November 2010 and featured many of the
actors from the Harry Potter films. A lot of awareness is created for the film as many people
went to the event to see the actors. This would have led to huge media coverage on the
topic, creating huge awareness of the film. The media spreads the news of it free of charge
which makes it even better for the film’s profits
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a theme park in Orlando, Florida, and not only brings
in extra revenue for the film’s creators, it provides great publicity for the Harry Potter movies
with an entire themed castle and village. It helps to spark an interest in the film series saga
in those who don’t already like it, and it generally raises awareness especially through the
large amount of news coverage on the subject; this is a brilliant method of publicity as the
newspapers and news programmes don’t even have to be paid to spread awareness of the
Harry Potter series. This park allows fans of the series to discover the world that they have
grown to love in fiction, but in reality.
A lot of the merchandise mentioned previously is also be sold here to further excite Harry
Potter fans. There is an Ollivander’s wand shop, a Honeydukes Sweet Shop, Zonko’s Joke
Shop, Dervish and Bange’s Uniform Shop, Owl Post Office and The Three Broomsticks
Restaurant as well as The Hog’s Head Pub. All these authentic experiences allow existing
fans and new ones to be invited into the world of Harry Potter, which will ultimately lead to a
greater awareness and popularity of the Harry Potter films.
All of these different platforms were used to promote and publicize the harry potter franchise
all over the world, the methods used were to make sure that consumers and fans would
know the dates what happened before across all the other movies, to try and make the
movie a necessity for fans to see on its release date, this is a marketing strategy that is used
by many different franchises like marvel and star wars to big contenders at the box office.
There were many different shot angles and shot types used in the production, here are some
examples of what I picked up when watching the films.
1. High Angles - When the camera is on high angle
looking down on an object - The effect it has is that it
can make things appear smaller than they are. I think
the technique was used to make some scenes seem
like someone or something was smaller than they are.
Like in this scene it doesn’t make harry loom smaller
but vulnerable as he has nowhere to go.
2. Low Angles - When the camera is most likely on
the floor looking up towards an object - to make
something or someone much bigger than what the
usually are. Like in this scene with harry potter and
Hagrid, it is a low shot to make Hagrid look like a giant.
3.Backlighting - When the camera is blurring out the
actor or object to make the audience focus on the
background of the object/actor. - It has the effect to
make the audience focus on the background rather
than the object or actor. - When Harry Ron and
Hermione are trying to get past the three headed dog/
fluffy the camera blurs out the actors and focuses on
the background which is the three headed dog/ fluffy. It
makes the audience focus on fluffy rather than the
4. Medium shot - When the camera is only filming half
the body of an actor - I think the technique is used to
only see half of an actor so you’re not just focusing on
their whole body when you don't need to. -When harry
is talking to Dumbledore the camera is only showing
half his body so you’re not focusing on much else just
5. Close up - When the camera is shooting right up on
the face so you can only see the face. - The effect that
it has is that so the audience is only focusing on the
head of an actor so they can listen and look at the
facial expressions of the actor - When harry is talking
to Voldemort, I think it was used to show Harry’s
reaction of seeing Voldemort for the first.
The list however of shot types could
go on, as the franchise progressed
over the years, the technology and
equipment got better and allowed
for further improvements of the
shots taken, the quality of image
taken and the CGI, which came into
the movies more throughout the
years, for example if you compared
1-8. The first movie mainly used
animatronics and CGI where it is
needed like fluffy and the lord Voldemort at the end of the film, whereas the last film uses
large amount of animations and CGI such as the spiders, the giants, the stone soldiers, the
dragon and many others. All of the technology and equipment used however would not have
been capable without a large sum of funding, as the harry potter franchise was massive and
got bigger throughout the franchise, this then enabled more funding as the movies
progressed to its finale.
The next two parts are descriptions from one of the crew members explaining what they had
to do, what was involved and the overall process and time put into some scenes in the movie
using the technology they had for the film.
Millennium Bridge
At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince--the first Potter film in two years,
out today--things are looking pretty grim not just for the boy wizard, but for everyone. Gray
storm clouds roll ominously over London as pedestrians, eyes on the sky, hurry across the
city's Millennium Bridge. Suddenly, the bridge begins to quake. Cables snapping, the bridge
undulates and twists, pulling free of its piers, and crashes violently into the Thames.
Voldemort has recently returned from the dead, and he isn't satisfied to wreak havoc only in
the wizarding world: His Death Eaters take his campaign of violent mayhem into the Muggle
realm by destroying the Millennium Bridge in the film's dramatic opening sequence.The
establishing shot of the 1241-foot steel suspension bridge is of the real bridge over the
Thames River in London. But for the bridge's collapse, filmmakers switched to an all-virtual
plate, building the bridge and London completely in the computer. Creating a photorealistic
computer-generated copy of a bridge millions of people have walked across is no easy feat.
Director David Yates and Half-Blood Prince's VFX supervisor Tim Burke tasked
London-based VFX house Double Negative, which also created effects on three previous
Potter films, with the job.
In addition to taking high-dynamic-range-image (HDRI) photography of the bridge and the
area along the Thames River, Double Negative worked with the architects of the bridge.
"They were given plans and CAD files that were used to recreate it as accurately as
possible, down to every nut and bolt," Burke says. A team of five to 20 people spent several
months building, texturing and rigging the bridge in 3D animation program Maya, using the
HDR photography to create the right texture and detail.
While the CG bridge is identical in every way to
the actual Millennium Bridge, Burke acknowledges
there was some artistic interpretation when it
came to its collapse. This is magic, after all. "We
did a dynamics simulation and proved that
individual panels of the walkway would detach and
fall into the Thames, but this was not as
interesting as we wanted," Burke says. So
filmmakers spent a lot of time watching footage of
actual collapses--including the fall of
Washington's Tacoma Narrows bridge in 1940. "It
showed how a suspension bridge would twist and
roll like a sine wave created through a vibration,
which the Millennium Bridge suffered from itself
when it first opened," Burke says. Londoners
nicknamed the Millennium Bridge the Wobbly
Bridge shortly after its opening; the bridge was
closed and modified to eliminate the vibration. "We took this idea and then developed it for
the collapse, having the Death Eaters fly around the bridge in a spiral motion to create the
twisting that brings the bridge down."
The Inferi
The sixth Harry Potter film introduces viewers to
Inferi, a form of zombie-like reanimated corpse
programmed by Voldemort to do a task. Lurking
underwater in a giant lake, thousands of these
undead guard something very valuable to Voldemort
and are poised to strike should anyone but
Voldemort disturb the water.
When creating the Inferi, Yates knew exactly what
he didn't want: Typical zombies. He turned to
George Lucas's VFX company, Industrial Light &
Magic (ILM), to create the creepy creatures. "David
wants the audience to feel for the Inferi because
they're [victims of] Voldemort," says ILM's Tim
Alexander. Filmmakers--including Yates, concept
artist Rob Bliss and a team at ILM-studied photos of
dead bodies and corpses that had been underwater
to determine how that would affect the skin. They
used that reference to create 2D concept art as well as a life-size clay statue, known as a
maquette, of one of the creatures. The maquette was scanned three-dimensionally into the
computer, and the reference was passed to ILM to begin the animation process, which was
done mostly in Maya.
Once modeled, the Inferi went to a painter, who
laid down the creatures' color and texture, while
another designer put a skeleton inside the Inferi
model to make it move. Next, animators began
motion tests. Because Yates wanted to avoid
zombie clichés, ILM spent a lot of time
researching the movement of the Inferi. "It really
came down to their expressions and movements
to keep them out of zombieland," Alexander
says. Yates cast actors and filmed their movements using motion-capture technology, which
was eventually combined with hand animation, to create the Inferi's final movement. "Not
having them groan and stick their arms out gets you away from the zombie look," Alexander
says. Animators used an in-house software called Zeno to animate the Inferi crowds and the
flocking above and below the surface of the lake. Next, the look development department
took the textures from the painter and began rendering the Inferi with lighting, adding effects
to make the Inferi look "fleshy," Alexander says.
Though they do break the surface, the Inferi lurk mostly underwater, and can be subdued
with only one thing: Fire. Combining the two elements was a real effects challenge. "ILM
developed the look of the fire and did all the R&D into how it behaved and interacted," Burke
says. "I think it was quite challenging for them, but they did a great job--particularly creating
the look of the fire with their in-house tools."
"The underwater world was difficult because of the sheer numbers of Inferi and the
interactive light from the fire, all of which is computer-generated," Alexander says. "We
developed an approach often used in video games to implement the Inferi as cards rather
than full 3D objects and also re-light the Inferi [with the] interactive light from the fire." Called
normal mapping, the technique allowed the filmmakers to maintain the 3D surface directional
information without including all of that information in the scene, which would have made it,
in Alexander's words, "too heavy to render."
Creating the Inferi scene "was extremely challenging work," Alexander says. It took six
people 45 weeks to create the Inferi; once they were created, the team needed 25 more
artists to complete the necessary shots. The final result? Two very impressive minutes of
screen time.
During the whole franchise of harry potter there were many different locations used and
different actors involved with the movie. Not every actor seen on the screen is in every
movie, like for an example between the years 1-6 we saw a new teacher brought into, to fill
in the role of the dark arts.
Most of the actors who appeared in the film were from the United Kingdom and Ireland who
voiced or portrayed characters appearing in the Harry Potter film series based on the book
series by J. K. Rowling.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were the main three Harry Potter, Ron
Weasley and Hermione Granger in all the films. When they were cast only Radcliffe had
previously acted in a film. Complementing them on screen are such actors as Helena
Bonham Carter, Jim Broadbent, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph
Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, John Hurt,
Jason Isaacs, Miriam Margolyes, Helen McCrory, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw,
Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, and Julie
Walters, among others. Thirteen actors have appeared as the same character in all eight
films of the series.
Many of the locations used for the franchise were in the United Kingdom, as the movie was
set in an old historic castle and had many shots in and around London the filming did not
really need to be shot abroad as the countries of the UK already had necessities ranging
from the highlands in Scotland to the bustling streets, stations bridges in London.
Harry potter 3

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Harry potter 3

  • 1. Adam Andrade 25,26 Task 3 Harry Potter When a new film is made, it has to be advertised like any other new product, to let people know it exists and to encourage them to go to the cinema to see it. The advertising of a film is known as film promotion or film marketing and the people who are responsible for this are the distribution company, so–called because they distribute (give out) the films to the cinemas and distribute the promotional material around the country. The way in which a film is promoted can have a huge effect on whether or not it is successful. Films are expensive to make and if the public do not buy tickets at the box office to see the film, a lot of money will be lost. During the whole franchise of harry potter there were many different locations used and different actors involved with the movie. Not every actor seen on the screen is in every movie, like for an example between the years 1-6 we saw a new teacher brought into, to fill in the role of the dark arts. Most of the actors who appeared in the film were from the United Kingdom and Ireland who voiced or portrayed characters appearing in the Harry Potter film series based on the book series by J. K. Rowling. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were the main three Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in all the films. When they were cast only Radcliffe had previously acted in a film. Complementing them on screen are such actors as Helena Bonham Carter, Jim Broadbent, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, John Hurt, Jason Isaacs, Miriam Margolyes, Helen McCrory, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, and Julie Walters, among others. Thirteen actors have appeared as the same character in all eight films of the series. Many of the locations used for the franchise were in the United Kingdom, as the movie was set in an old historic castle and had many shots in and around London the filming did not really need to be shot abroad as the countries of the UK already had necessities ranging from the highlands in Scotland to the bustling streets, stations bridges in London.
  • 2. The story of Harry Potter on the printed page and big screen is just as magical as the story of Harry Potter from a marketing and branding perspective, and it's one that all marketers and business owners can learn from. Five key elements that helped drive the success of the Harry Potter brand, which small business owners can implement, too. While your level of success might not reach the multi-billion-dollar brand value that Harry Potter has reached, by applying these strategies to your marketing plan, you'll position yourself for long-term, sustainable business growth. 1. A Good Product Clever marketing and savvy business practices can only sell a bad product to a limited extent. If consumers' expectations aren't met, repeat purchases dwindle and word-of-mouth marketing comes to a screeching halt. At its core, the Harry Potter books were good and consistently met consumers' expectations. Just any other product must do the same thing, or it will fail. 2. Emotional Involvement A product, business or brand cannot become a phenomenon like Harry Potter without the emotional involvement of consumers driving it to that status. This was due to the backing of J.K Rowling and her books, she sold thousands of each book, when the firm took off she couldn’t release them fast enough for the consumers or the movie makers. Which is why to achieve consumer emotional involvement in your own product, business or brand, you need to have a good product that meets their needs consistently, and that product needs to deliver what is called the "3 Ss" of customer loyalty. That is, creating feelings of stability, sustainability, and security. Without that kind of emotional involvement, your success will peak long before the phenomenon status comes into view. 3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing and an Online Buzz Ask 100 people how they first heard about Harry Potter and the clear majority of them (if not all of them) will tell you they heard about Harry Potter from another person, such as a family member, friend or colleague. Leveraging the power of the Internet as a catalyst to build word-of-mouth marketing is critical if you want to achieve similar success. Fans always wanted more of the Harry Potter brand, and the Internet became a place where the Harry Potter community could socialize, network and experience the brand in their own ways. While J.K. Rowling and her U.S. publisher first sent cease and desist letters to owners of fan sites and blogs, writers of fan fiction and creators of fan art, they quickly realized that allowing consumers to take control of the conversation on the social Web and make the brand their own was far more powerful than trying to stop it.
  • 3. 4. Tease and Perpetual Marketing By leaving consumers wanting more, each marketing tactic implemented to promote that brand (directly or indirectly) can build upon the one before it until the anticipation and buzz reaches a fever pitch. -Leaking bits and pieces of information, holding promotional events and contests and creating a veil of secrecy around the next product to launch related to a brand can drive the word-of-mouth marketing necessary to boost sales to the highest level possible. -​The team behind the marketing of Harry Potter got better and better at tease and perpetual marketing over the lifecycle of the brand. Apple is another great example of a company that leverages tease and perpetual marketing quite well to boost sales. 5. Brand Consistency and Restraint Once customers become loyal to a brand and develop an emotional connection to it, it is critical that nothing is done to damage the brand or betray consumers' loyalties to it. In other words, you must meet consumer expectations in every branded interaction or they'll be confused and turn away from your brand in search of one that does consistently meet their expectations. When faced with opportunities to extend the Harry Potter brand, J.K. Rowling exercised restraint to protect the brand she loved. She said no to merchandise pitches and refused to allow Harry Potter to appear on a McDonald's Happy Meal. The Harry Potter brand continued to deliver on its brand promise and brand loyalty and brand advocacy continued to grow. You need to use the same consistency and restraint in your own marketing initiatives to ensure your brand promise doesn't waver in consumers' minds. Harry Potter is the perfect example of a fundamental branding truth: consumers build brands, not companies. Marketers might nudge consumers in a desired direction, but at the end of the day, it's the consumers who experience a brand, make it their own, develop emotional involvement with it, become loyal to it, and advocate it who are responsible for the success or failure of a brand.
  • 4. Develop a Strategic Approach When ​J.K. Rowling first started to write the Harry Potter books , she knew exactly how the characters and story were going to develop. For years, fans asked her how the story was going to end, if Harry was going to die, if Snape had allegiance to Dumbledore or Voldemort. She never said a word, but she told the world that she knew the answers. As a marketer, it is important to develop a strategy. Create goals and execute your strategy with those goals in mind. Viral Marketing After the phenomenon began, J.K. Rowling did not have to do much promoting. The fans took over and created many viral campaigns on her behalf talking about the excitement they had over upcoming releases. Harry Potter is often a trending topic on Twitter, Facebook events and page are abundant, and thousands of bloggers create posts on their behalf. These promotions are more genuine because they come from the source, the fans, instead of the person who makes a profit. In the same ways, marketers need to utilize inbound marketing to create the same buzz over their product, service or company. Positive reviews and promotions that come straight from consumers are more valuable than content that comes from the company. Utilize the different social media tools that are available online to create the hype that you need to be successful. Multi-Channel Approach J.K. Rowling used multiple channels to reach her audience. She recognized that her audience ranged from young children to adults, and she needed to cater to their interests. In addition to the books and movies, she created an experience through amusement parks like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She is now entering the social media space by creating Potter more which will open in October. The Harry Potter trailers reached millions of viewers on YouTube . Marketers should follow her example by using many channels to get their message out. -​Play Off Your Audience's Personality After a few book releases, J.K. Rowling knew how to reach her audience. She knew the anticipation of new books or movies; sneak previews and subtle hints made her audience go wild. In the years to come, she used this knowledge to generate more buzz about anything relating to Harry Potter. Marketers need to do a lot of research to understand and connect with their audience.
  • 5. Create a Distinct Brand When you think of Harry Potter a few keywords come to mind. They could be wizard, lightning bolt scar, Quidditch, or "the boy who lived." These characteristics of this book series are recognized by people who aren't even fans. J.K. Rowling has created a distinct brand for Harry Potter that is comparable to Nike, Apple and Coca-Cola. Marketers need to follow this lead and create specific and identifiable brands for their company or cause. Few books have made a bigger impression on culture than J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. With millions of copies sold around the world, the books defined the pre-teens years for the crop of millennials who are now entering the workforce. The books are more than purely entertaining fiction, however. They’re rich with allegory and philosophy and have more to reveal about marketing tactics and best practices than you may realize. There are many ways of publicizing a movie, or a franchise or even a completely different business if you reach out to your audience in the right way This poster is a teaser poster and shows the picturof Harry Potter; it will be instantly recognized by fans of the genre. The poster is very dark which represents evil, a major theme in the film, and Harry looks extremely distressed which shows that he is up against a great challenge. Very little is revealed in this poster which leaves the audience wanting to know more about the film, which may encourage them to visit the website shown at the bottom which builds synergy. Production companies are shown at the bottom which may be recognized. There are several other similar posters each with a separate character, which may encourage the audience to look out for the many varieties in which the poster comes.
  • 6. This poster shows the destruction of Hogwarts, an established icon of the Harry Potter series. It would immediately catch the eye of the intended audience, and the special effects also make the poster stand out; for people who have come to love the series may be very shocked by this image, and it would be very memorable. The title is simply HP7, in the famous typeface Harry Potter. It keeps the poster simple and it is iconic, so it is easy to recognize it as another Harry Potter film even from a distance. The tagline emphasizes the fact that this is the final instalment of the series, so people may be interested in seeing it to find out how the story ends. The release years for each part of the film are shown, so audience members can know when to see the film. The website is shown to generate synergy and production companies are given, as audience members may recognize them This poster depicts the three main Harry Potter characters running away from something. It is a very exciting and dynamic ‘freeze frame’ and thus shows off the film’s action elements. The desperation in the characters’ faces show that they are running for their lives which proves the film will be exciting to watch. The subtle red sparks on the picture represent danger which further shows how exciting the film should be. The tagline shows how this will be the ‘epic finale’ of the series, which may encourage the audience to come and watch it to discover how the story ends; its other purpose is to remain in the minds of the audience so that they remember the film in future and a brand image can be built. The release date is given which allows the audience to know when they can see this film, and production companies are shown so the audience can see that the film is the work of professionals, so should be good. The title at the bottom uses an already established icon of the Harry Potter series so the audience can immediately know what film this poster is advertising. The poster was also adapted for use on bus T-Bars to grab even more attention. The website experience begins with the film’s full trailer to immediately grab the attention of visitors. There is a menu feature that allows visitors to simply explore the site. Every background on the site is one of the film posters, creating synergy. The consistent use of the “HP7” symbol symbolizes the film and may help the audience to remember the website later on. The “about” page consists of the film’s synopsis, so visitors can find out what the film is about and make a judgement as to whether they should see it or not. It also includes a list of famous actors in the film, so visitors may recognize them and feel more inclined to see the film. The “gallery” page shows iconic screenshots from the film, where the “downloads” section allows visitors to customize their computer with Harry Potter themed images. This
  • 7. allows the visitor to remember the film well, and IM icons may also spread the word through social networks. The “videos” section shows Harry Potter trailers which are entertaining for the audience to watch and create synergy by leading the audience to this form of advertisement as well. This trailer gives a sneak preview of the film, with many iconic scenes so the audience can see roughly what the film will be like. It is used to inform the audience that the film is coming out soon, and to begin hype. It includes the release month, so the audience can know when it will come out. It doesn’t tell much about the story so as not to give too much away, but it does show some scenes that establish the film’s genre and themes. The use of wands and spells immediately evoke the genre of fantasy, and the theme of magic. The action adventure genre is represented by the depiction of chase scenes, fights and the large-scale destruction, and the fast-paced scenes prove the film to be exciting. The T.V. Spot is a summarized version of the full trailer, so it can be shown on T.V. It shows snapshots of key scenes in the film in a briefer way than the full trailer. Airing it on T.V. would have attracted a very large amount of attention for the film, so most of the public knows about it. It shows all the necessary information, but faster so it can all be fit into 30 seconds. The Premiere Merchandise A lot of merchandise has been created, based upon the Harry Potter films to further increase their awareness and popularity. Examples include models of magic wands, sweets featured in the film (e.g. chocolate frogs) and Hogwarts uniforms. This mainly targets younger fans, but older collectors may also be interested. Merchandise develops popularity for the film, and creates interest about it among new audiences, in this case younger children. Purchasing the merchandise may make the buyer feel more a part of the story, so they may feel more inclined to see the film. The premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 was held on the 11th November 2010 and featured many of the actors from the Harry Potter films. A lot of awareness is created for the film as many people went to the event to see the actors. This would have led to huge media coverage on the topic, creating huge awareness of the film. The media spreads the news of it free of charge which makes it even better for the film’s profits The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a theme park in Orlando, Florida, and not only brings in extra revenue for the film’s creators, it provides great publicity for the Harry Potter movies with an entire themed castle and village. It helps to spark an interest in the film series saga in those who don’t already like it, and it generally raises awareness especially through the large amount of news coverage on the subject; this is a brilliant method of publicity as the newspapers and news programmes don’t even have to be paid to spread awareness of the
  • 8. Harry Potter series. This park allows fans of the series to discover the world that they have grown to love in fiction, but in reality. A lot of the merchandise mentioned previously is also be sold here to further excite Harry Potter fans. There is an Ollivander’s wand shop, a Honeydukes Sweet Shop, Zonko’s Joke Shop, Dervish and Bange’s Uniform Shop, Owl Post Office and The Three Broomsticks Restaurant as well as The Hog’s Head Pub. All these authentic experiences allow existing fans and new ones to be invited into the world of Harry Potter, which will ultimately lead to a greater awareness and popularity of the Harry Potter films. All of these different platforms were used to promote and publicize the harry potter franchise all over the world, the methods used were to make sure that consumers and fans would know the dates what happened before across all the other movies, to try and make the movie a necessity for fans to see on its release date, this is a marketing strategy that is used by many different franchises like marvel and star wars to big contenders at the box office. There were many different shot angles and shot types used in the production, here are some examples of what I picked up when watching the films. 1. High Angles - When the camera is on high angle looking down on an object - The effect it has is that it can make things appear smaller than they are. I think the technique was used to make some scenes seem like someone or something was smaller than they are. Like in this scene it doesn’t make harry loom smaller but vulnerable as he has nowhere to go. 2. Low Angles - When the camera is most likely on the floor looking up towards an object - to make something or someone much bigger than what the usually are. Like in this scene with harry potter and Hagrid, it is a low shot to make Hagrid look like a giant. 3.Backlighting - When the camera is blurring out the actor or object to make the audience focus on the background of the object/actor. - It has the effect to make the audience focus on the background rather than the object or actor. - When Harry Ron and Hermione are trying to get past the three headed dog/ fluffy the camera blurs out the actors and focuses on the background which is the three headed dog/ fluffy. It makes the audience focus on fluffy rather than the actors.
  • 9. 4. Medium shot - When the camera is only filming half the body of an actor - I think the technique is used to only see half of an actor so you’re not just focusing on their whole body when you don't need to. -When harry is talking to Dumbledore the camera is only showing half his body so you’re not focusing on much else just him. 5. Close up - When the camera is shooting right up on the face so you can only see the face. - The effect that it has is that so the audience is only focusing on the head of an actor so they can listen and look at the facial expressions of the actor - When harry is talking to Voldemort, I think it was used to show Harry’s reaction of seeing Voldemort for the first. The list however of shot types could go on, as the franchise progressed over the years, the technology and equipment got better and allowed for further improvements of the shots taken, the quality of image taken and the CGI, which came into the movies more throughout the years, for example if you compared 1-8. The first movie mainly used animatronics and CGI where it is needed like fluffy and the lord Voldemort at the end of the film, whereas the last film uses large amount of animations and CGI such as the spiders, the giants, the stone soldiers, the dragon and many others. All of the technology and equipment used however would not have been capable without a large sum of funding, as the harry potter franchise was massive and got bigger throughout the franchise, this then enabled more funding as the movies progressed to its finale. The next two parts are descriptions from one of the crew members explaining what they had to do, what was involved and the overall process and time put into some scenes in the movie using the technology they had for the film.
  • 10. Millennium Bridge At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince--the first Potter film in two years, out today--things are looking pretty grim not just for the boy wizard, but for everyone. Gray storm clouds roll ominously over London as pedestrians, eyes on the sky, hurry across the city's Millennium Bridge. Suddenly, the bridge begins to quake. Cables snapping, the bridge undulates and twists, pulling free of its piers, and crashes violently into the Thames. Voldemort has recently returned from the dead, and he isn't satisfied to wreak havoc only in the wizarding world: His Death Eaters take his campaign of violent mayhem into the Muggle realm by destroying the Millennium Bridge in the film's dramatic opening sequence.The establishing shot of the 1241-foot steel suspension bridge is of the real bridge over the Thames River in London. But for the bridge's collapse, filmmakers switched to an all-virtual plate, building the bridge and London completely in the computer. Creating a photorealistic computer-generated copy of a bridge millions of people have walked across is no easy feat. Director David Yates and Half-Blood Prince's VFX supervisor Tim Burke tasked London-based VFX house Double Negative, which also created effects on three previous Potter films, with the job. In addition to taking high-dynamic-range-image (HDRI) photography of the bridge and the area along the Thames River, Double Negative worked with the architects of the bridge. "They were given plans and CAD files that were used to recreate it as accurately as possible, down to every nut and bolt," Burke says. A team of five to 20 people spent several months building, texturing and rigging the bridge in 3D animation program Maya, using the HDR photography to create the right texture and detail. While the CG bridge is identical in every way to the actual Millennium Bridge, Burke acknowledges there was some artistic interpretation when it came to its collapse. This is magic, after all. "We did a dynamics simulation and proved that individual panels of the walkway would detach and fall into the Thames, but this was not as interesting as we wanted," Burke says. So filmmakers spent a lot of time watching footage of actual collapses--including the fall of Washington's Tacoma Narrows bridge in 1940. "It showed how a suspension bridge would twist and roll like a sine wave created through a vibration, which the Millennium Bridge suffered from itself when it first opened," Burke says. Londoners nicknamed the Millennium Bridge the Wobbly Bridge shortly after its opening; the bridge was closed and modified to eliminate the vibration. "We took this idea and then developed it for the collapse, having the Death Eaters fly around the bridge in a spiral motion to create the twisting that brings the bridge down."
  • 11. The Inferi The sixth Harry Potter film introduces viewers to Inferi, a form of zombie-like reanimated corpse programmed by Voldemort to do a task. Lurking underwater in a giant lake, thousands of these undead guard something very valuable to Voldemort and are poised to strike should anyone but Voldemort disturb the water. When creating the Inferi, Yates knew exactly what he didn't want: Typical zombies. He turned to George Lucas's VFX company, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), to create the creepy creatures. "David wants the audience to feel for the Inferi because they're [victims of] Voldemort," says ILM's Tim Alexander. Filmmakers--including Yates, concept artist Rob Bliss and a team at ILM-studied photos of dead bodies and corpses that had been underwater to determine how that would affect the skin. They used that reference to create 2D concept art as well as a life-size clay statue, known as a maquette, of one of the creatures. The maquette was scanned three-dimensionally into the computer, and the reference was passed to ILM to begin the animation process, which was done mostly in Maya. Once modeled, the Inferi went to a painter, who laid down the creatures' color and texture, while another designer put a skeleton inside the Inferi model to make it move. Next, animators began motion tests. Because Yates wanted to avoid zombie clichés, ILM spent a lot of time researching the movement of the Inferi. "It really came down to their expressions and movements to keep them out of zombieland," Alexander says. Yates cast actors and filmed their movements using motion-capture technology, which was eventually combined with hand animation, to create the Inferi's final movement. "Not having them groan and stick their arms out gets you away from the zombie look," Alexander says. Animators used an in-house software called Zeno to animate the Inferi crowds and the flocking above and below the surface of the lake. Next, the look development department took the textures from the painter and began rendering the Inferi with lighting, adding effects to make the Inferi look "fleshy," Alexander says.
  • 12. Though they do break the surface, the Inferi lurk mostly underwater, and can be subdued with only one thing: Fire. Combining the two elements was a real effects challenge. "ILM developed the look of the fire and did all the R&D into how it behaved and interacted," Burke says. "I think it was quite challenging for them, but they did a great job--particularly creating the look of the fire with their in-house tools." "The underwater world was difficult because of the sheer numbers of Inferi and the interactive light from the fire, all of which is computer-generated," Alexander says. "We developed an approach often used in video games to implement the Inferi as cards rather than full 3D objects and also re-light the Inferi [with the] interactive light from the fire." Called normal mapping, the technique allowed the filmmakers to maintain the 3D surface directional information without including all of that information in the scene, which would have made it, in Alexander's words, "too heavy to render." Creating the Inferi scene "was extremely challenging work," Alexander says. It took six people 45 weeks to create the Inferi; once they were created, the team needed 25 more artists to complete the necessary shots. The final result? Two very impressive minutes of screen time. During the whole franchise of harry potter there were many different locations used and different actors involved with the movie. Not every actor seen on the screen is in every movie, like for an example between the years 1-6 we saw a new teacher brought into, to fill in the role of the dark arts. Most of the actors who appeared in the film were from the United Kingdom and Ireland who voiced or portrayed characters appearing in the Harry Potter film series based on the book series by J. K. Rowling. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were the main three Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in all the films. When they were cast only Radcliffe had previously acted in a film. Complementing them on screen are such actors as Helena Bonham Carter, Jim Broadbent, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, John Hurt, Jason Isaacs, Miriam Margolyes, Helen McCrory, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, and Julie Walters, among others. Thirteen actors have appeared as the same character in all eight films of the series. Many of the locations used for the franchise were in the United Kingdom, as the movie was set in an old historic castle and had many shots in and around London the filming did not really need to be shot abroad as the countries of the UK already had necessities ranging from the highlands in Scotland to the bustling streets, stations bridges in London.