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Growth of Arab Nationalism
Arab nationalism was a movement striving for Arab political unity in the Middle East. There was
undoubtedly a huge increase in an Arab sense of nationalism between the years 1948 and 1973. One
major reason for this was the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, which gave the Arab powers
something to unite against, because not a single Arab nation recognised Israel as a legitimate state.
There were other reasons, however, most notably the continuing struggle of the Palestinian people
and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Nasser and Arab frustrations with the actions of the
The State of Israel was created in 1948 after the British withdrew from their mandate after years of
terrorism. In its first day of existence it was ... Show more content on ...
A high point of Nasser's regime was the Suez crisis of 1956. He expelled Western "imperialist"
troops from the Suez Canal and it was portrayed as a huge victory, proving the Arab nations could
compete with the combined might of not only Israel but also France and Britain. Even though, in
reality, it was because the UN forced them to withdraw, it was made out to be because of the
strength and determination of Egyptian troops. Nasser was made out to be a hero in the Arab world,
and mobs were seen throughout the Arab world screaming and chanting Nasser's name. The Suez
crisis, along with the charismatic nature of Nasser, inspired belief in the Arab World that they could
finally achieve their goal: to liquidate and destroy Israel. Another way in which Nasser encouraged
Arab nationalism was through his opposition to the Baghdad Pact – a pact aligning Turkey, Iran and
potentially Iraq with the Western Powers. Nasser, through the world largest radio station – "The
voice of the Arabs" –, portrayed any country thinking of joining the pact as traitors to the Arab
people, thereby stirring up that feeling of the Arabs being one people, as opposed to individual states
who can make their own decisions. As a consequence of Nasser's campaign only three states joined
the pact. This was because the people were so against the idea of abandoning the Arab fight the
governments had no choice but to abandon the pact. Nasser was consequentially a vital component
in the
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Palestine By Joe Sacco; A Book Review Essay
Joe Sacco's graphic novel, Palestine, deals with the repercussions of the first intifada in
Israel/Palestine/the Holy Land. The story follows the author through the many refugee camps and
towns around Palestine as he tries to gather information, stories, and pictures to construct his
graphic novel. While the book is enjoyable at a face level, there are many underlying themes
conveyed throughout its illustrated pages and written text.
The most obvious of the themes is that of violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the
idea of injustice. Many of these themes are intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent
images, or descriptions of violence. These must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A good
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The first to examine is near the end of the text while Sacco is leaving Palestine; he is sitting beside
an old Jewish American . She states that it is a shame all the violence that goes on in the area,
especially after all the hardships the Jews have already suffered. To contrast this, the reader must
look back to an earlier instance in the book that is mainly textual . Here it talks about the opinions of
the Zionists who first moved to Israel, as well as quotes from Prime Ministers of Israel. Quotes such
as, "Palestinian Arabs have only one role left – to flee." and "It was not as though there was a
Palestinian people considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and
took their country away from them. They did not exist." prove a type of hypocrisy. After all the Jews
had suffered from other cultures and societies discriminating against them, one would think that they
would not wish to inflict anything similar on another culture or society. Quotes like this almost seem
reminiscent to those issued during the time of the Holocaust (i.e., the Jews are not human/people).
Similar to this, instances of hypocrisy are apparent throughout the novel .
Finally, there is also an underlying theme of the sensationalist nature of the media. At many times
one finds Sacco talking about how he wants to see instances of violence happen, because they would
make a great page for
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Changes In The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
In the Middle East, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been one of the most controversial conflicts
in modern history, dating back to when the region was dominated by British rule. Beginning long
before the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, Israel and Palestine have clashed over who can
claim the holy land. The Israelis believe that they should solely have possession of the holy land,
being a gift from God to Abraham to Isaac, according to the Bible. Contradicting the Israelis, the
Palestinians believe the holy land was given to Ishmael from Abraham, who is an ancestor to the
Muslim people. From 1914 to modern times, Israel has underwent positive changes between the
Israelis and Palestinians through the formation of declarations ... Show more content on ...
As the Nazis began killing Jews by the mass in Europe, Jews starting fleeing to Palestine in large
numbers. Jewish armed groups began emerging in Palestine, fighting British authorities in pursuit of
an independent Israeli state. The fighting in Palestine led to the United Nations dividing Palestine
into Jewish and Arab states in 1947. In less than a year, the British mandate ended and Israel
declared independence. Beginning in 1948, the first Arab–Israeli war occurred and Israel gained
more land than expected, including western Jerusalem. This war resulted in about two–thirds of the
1.2 million Arabs living in Palestine to flee the country. One major change occurring in Israel in
1956 was the reopening of the Suez Canal. Israel, along with Britain and France, invaded Europe in
the Suez Crisis, opening back up shipping into Israel. In 1957, Israel with the help of France, began
the construction of a large nuclear reactor, which became the basis of the country's unconfirmed
nuclear weapons program. In 1962, Israel began relations with President John F. Kennedy and the
United States, who sold missiles to Israel. As the independent state of Israel began gaining power,
they launched an attack on Egypt because the Straits of Tiran were closed, ending shipping from
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Mahmoud Abbas Research Paper
At the time these problems arose Mahmoud Abbas was only thirteen and his family was fleeing to
Syria during the 1948 Palestine war. He grew up around the fighting. By the 1950s he took a great
deal of interest in the politically aspects of his state. Abbas was the Prime Minister of Palestine.
Currently is the president of the Palestine National Authority. Although, Mahmoud Abbas at the
beginning of the conflict had little to do. He has become a huge role in hopes of creating peace
between the two groups of people. The disagreement viewed from the outside perspectives are
religious differences and people cannot come to terms with it.
Since 1948 an going conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and all because it was thought
necessary to ... Show more content on ...
Mahmoud Abbas also known as Abu Mazen was elected president of the Palestinian National
Authority in January 2005. Abbas vowed to put an end to terror and to negotiate peace. Based on
Israeli withdrawal from all the lands of the West Bank and Gaza, a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem
and return of the Palestinian refugees. He has tried to convince Palestinian militant groups to declare
a truce and refrain from attacking Israel, while Israel declared that it would refrain from
assassinations and hunting down wanted terrorists except in emergencies. The people of Palestine
are losing faith with Abbas because he seems to be favor the US and Israel's side for truce. Abbas
has declared again and again that he will not use force against armed groups. At the same time, he
has insisted that the law will be enforced. That includes Palestinian National Authority not
permitting chaos or any independent actions by armed groups. That being said with the terrorist
groups all about the Middle East rising up against their governments. This can inspire the
Palestinian people to revolt. Peace is wanted from both sides of conflict, but neither seem to give
anything to gain the peace
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Argumentative Essay: Jewish Rights To Israel
Bernie Calderon
English M01A
Nov. 19, 2012
Prof. Patrick Eagan
Argumentative Essay: Jewish Rights to Israel Since the Independence of Israel in 1948, there has
been a greater tension between the Israelis and the Palestinian community. It is very important to
know that both have been living Israel before it was considered an independent state. Not only
Palestinians have been in conflict with the Israelis but also Arabs and Muslims. They might not have
the same issues with Israel as the Palestinians do, but they both dislike Israelis for different reasons.
Palestinians issue has been over property ownership while the Arabs and Muslims community has
been over religious reasons. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that Israel belongs to
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The Historical Context Of Palestine
As the depiction of certain historical facts serves the sole purpose of justifying the importance of the
historical context to the conflict, and not the merit of the events themselves, the following are only a
few, yet highly applicable ones to the matter discussed. Briefly going back to ancient history, the
region known today as Palestine was first known as Canaan, which derived its name from a people
who inhabited it between 3000 – 1500 B.C. They were conquered by a greek people known as
Philistines and also Jews, one of the semitic peoples, in the years 1200–1100 B.C. A hundred years
later Jews defeated both Philistines and Canaanites, establishing Kingdom of Israel (Smith). This is
important, because the first temple in Jerusalem was ... Show more content on ...
As Islam expanded rampantly in the years 630–730 A.D., Jerusalem and Palestine were incorporated
into Islamic rule, exposing Jews to the Arab rule as well as initiating the clash of religions that
thrives to the present day. In A.D. 691, Dome of the Rock, a Muslim temple memorating
Muhammad 's ascension to heaven was built upon the ruins of the Jewish Temple, thus provoking
the latter on the religious grounds, and initiating an ongoing dispute, one of the most prominent in
present–day Old City of Jerusalem (Smith).
Toward the end of the Ottoman rule (1516–1918) over Palestine, the situation there began to
destabilize, most notably following the Ottoman land reform law passed in 1867, which granted
foreigners the right to own land if they agreed to pay taxes to the Ottoman government. The aim of
the law was to force foreigners to submit to Ottoman jurisdiction in return for their investment in
land in the empire. The ruling is essential to the current ethnic plight in Palestine, as it was
especially in that region, that those regulations were applicated inconsistently, which opened the
way for extensive outside investment and led to numbers of Palestinians acquiring lands, while
giving them claim to fight the immigrants of the Zionist Movement (Tessler). The modern Zionism
dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century and emerged from the nationalist upheaval as
well as anti–Jewish prejudice in both Western and
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I Am Yusuf Oh Father By Mahmoud Darwish
In the poem "I am Yusuf oh father" Mahmoud Darwish tries to give the readers a vivid insight into
the relationship between Israel and Palestine by comparing Jews practice of oppression to what
Yusuf's brothers did to him. Through the guise of the story of yusuf and his brothers, Darwish subtly
hits at the core of the problem that Palestinian have with Israel Jews: The Zionists dispossession of
the native population. For several decades Jews have been trying to change the Jewish majority in
Israel and make Palestinians as outsiders in their own homeland.Most Zionist leaders had negative
perceptions of Arabs, based mainly on European colonialist ideology and treat the Arabs with
hostility and cruelty and deprive them of their rights.In this poem, the poet addresses Israelis as
crule brothers that lay no mercy upon their poor little weak this way The poet uncover the
horrible acts and actions of Israelis who supposed to be Palestinians' brothers in humanity want to
kill Palestinians to put their hands on Palestinians land, but they refuse to share their own home with
them. brothers who suppose to protect him and share home and land with him as one who has a right
in this land and home. the Jews have religious or ... Show more content on ...
rejects this demand.everything around yusuf in the poem harmonize itself with him easily, all the
elements of nature adapt themselves with him. "Butterflies perched on my shoulders, Stalks of
wheat swayed toward me, And birds rested in my palms." the nature refuses to recognize Palestine
as the national homeland of the Jews. In "oh father", darvish points out that the field the wind the
animals love him....Thus by articulating the voice of the nature, darwish steps outside the unequal
power relations of the colonial experience and enters into a universal
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Wild Thorns Analysis
What are the various interactions between Palestinian Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews as portrayed
by Sahar Halifeh?
"The thorns aren't there to produce roses, they're there to protect them." Wild thorns is a interesting
story about a man of Palestinian descent and his interactions with the Jews living in Palestine. This
story about a man named Usama is an intriguing look at how the Palestinian people interacted with
the Jews who were in governmental control of the region in which the story takes place. This story
also shows the growing contentious relationships that were growing between the Palestinian
muslims and Israeli Jews during the mid–twentieth century. Even though some thought the muslim
citizens had brought it upon themselves, ... Show more content on ...
He said that before the Jewish occupation of Palestine he was being paid 135 qurush for a days
work. He said that at that time life was not as expensive as it was at the time he was telling the story.
He then said that after the war when he went back to his to his employer, the employer said that he
would pay he 80 qurush for a days work. This interaction is a direct result of what had happened to
the Palestinians after the war that brought a major division between the muslims and the jews. This
is an example of the unfair treatment that the Israeli merchants had done to the Palestinian work
force. These interactions could be directly associated with the rise of jews moving into the area
described in the book. After several hearings in April of 1946 the Anglo–American Committee of
Inquiry recommended that 100, 000 people of the jewish descent be admitted to Palestine and that
there should neither be a Arab state or a Jewish state. The influx of jews into the same areas as the
arabs makes sense of the increasing competition of jobs between the two people groups which
would only cause the divide between them to grow larger and
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Compare And Contrast Israel And Palestine Conflict
Michael Kyriacou
Psychology 102
Professor Silverstein
Social Psychology Paper #1 Israel Vs Palestine Conflict The Middle East hosted many conflicts
over the past century but the Israel and Palestine conflict has become one of the biggest. Following
independence from Great Britain in 1947, Arabic and Israeli people were both promised an
independent states. Unfortunately, after breaking up Palestine into borders, Israelis and Palestinians
have been fighting ever since. Now that Israel owns a majority of Palestine, Palestinians have been
kicked out with no place to go. As Palestinians fight back for a chance to get their territory back,
Israel's use of superior military force takes down Palestinian forces with ease. The latest incident
involved the killing of three Israeli teenagers by the Hamas, an Islamic militant group, that have
done a majority of the fighting with the Israeli military. Israel have responded by using airstrikes in
Gaza, where the killing took place. Some Psychological terms that lead to this conflict are actor
observer's difference, conformity, and mirror image perception. The conflict began in the early 20th
century when British rule ended in 1947. Both ... Show more content on ...
Conformity is when either our behaviors or way of thinking is altered by a group in order to comply
with what the group thinks. Conformity is a big reason why the conflict has gone on for many years
and with no peace solution intact. In Israel, many agree that a Palestine state should exist in West
Bank as well as coexist with the neighboring Jewish state. Unfortunately, many others including
important members of the cabinet, believe there should be absolutely no Palestinian state. It is clear
that the more powerful leaders in Israel are against a Palestinian state, leaving those who want peace
no choice but to conform to the decision. Palestine follows the same issue with those who want to
fight outweighing those who
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Simone De Beauvoir
Simone De Beauvoir says, "All oppression creates a state of war." This quote is a clear
representation of the unjust cruelty that is currently and has been going on in the Middle East.
Oppression is the act of belittling a group of people, mainly, but not always, based on race. The
Palestinian people have continuously been oppressed by the Israeli state starting in the late 1800s,
when they first immigrated and took over the land. When this happened their living conditions as
well. At first, this migration was not an issue but as time passed, and more and more Jews went to
occupy the Palestinian land, the indigenous people became alarmed and soon enough war broke out
and is still present to this day.
In the late 1800s, the first group of ... Show more content on ...
The reason he did this secretly, is to not catch attention to it therefore preventing people from
stopping it from happening. Israel is a very clever country, and the only way to stop it from
oppressing the people of Palestine is to outsmart them, but it may be a while for that day to come.
The United States is not helping the situation either. Per day, an average of 8 million dollars is given
to Israel from taxpayers. (Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict) The reason that this is happening
is because the citizens are unaware of where the money is going and who it is harming and helping.
However with the people becoming more aware of the situation they are beginning to call an end to
this funding. Also, during the "Six Days War," as mentioned earlier, Israel had attacked a United
States navy ship, killing and injuring over 200 America soldiers. This was then later recognized as
"an act of war against the United States".(Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict) With that being
the case, the United States may in fact turn the tables by stopping the funding going towards the
Israeli military and end the oppression that they are bringing down onto the
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Anti Semitic Movement
The Jews in foreign lands began to dream of a new nation that would become a safe haven for all the
Jews in the world. The sentiment was created partly due to the fact that the anti–Semitic movement
was on the rise in parts of Europe and Asia and the Jews had begun to feel the brunt of it. The
sentiment grew to become the Zionist movement. The sole aim of the Zionist movement was the
setup of the Jewish state of Israel in the trans–Jordan region. By the beginning of the 20th century,
Jews began to migrate to Palestine, aided by Jews who already lived there. The aid came in the form
of help to acquire lands and businesses. Most of these businesses came from absent Palestinian land
holders or businessmen. The Jews migrated in large droves as
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We Need a Precise Definition of Terrorism Essays
We Need a Precise Definition of Terrorism
In early 1974, the Secretary General of the United Nations, U Thant, invited the Palestinian
Liberation Organization to attend the General Assembly gathering on November 13, 1974, and in
doing so gave legitimacy to the Palestinian Liberation Organization as a governing body. In Yasser
Arafat's speech to the General Assembly, he thanked the United Nations for recognizing his
organization and its legitimacy. When Arafat addressed the General Assembly, he made the
argument that the actions taken by his government were not acts of terrorism, but these were acts of
revolution and their purpose was to regain control of Palestine's occupied original territory. The
problem we confront is, there is no ... Show more content on ...
Arafat points out that this was the beginning of the creation of the illegal state of Israel. When the
United Nations General Assembly partitioned off the Palestinian land in 1948, the Palestinian people
rejected their planed creation of a Jewish State within their homeland. Even though the Palestinians
rejected their decision, the State of Israel was created and recognized as a sovereign nation by the
United Nations. Shortly after its creation, Israel began expelling Palestinians and Muslims from
their land and from their homes. The Palestinians that were able to remain within the borders of
Israel were treated as third class citizens (second–class citizens were the Asians and Jews) and had
to notify the Israeli Military of all their movements. 1 This is when the people of Palestine began
their efforts to retake their land that rightfully belonged to them.
Arafat believed the actions taken by the Palestinian Liberation Organization against the Israeli
Government and agents of the government were not terrorist actions, but were revolutionary actions.
The injustice placed upon the Palestinian people by the Israeli Government justified the Palestinian's
the right to struggle. Yasser Arafat made it very clear that his cause/struggle is not with the Jewish
people but with the unlawful creation of the Jewish State. Arafat also claimed that his government
does not sanction actions taken by separatist groups within the Palestinian Liberation
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The Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and...
Before hearing this lecture, I'd never heard of the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or
thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture helped me understand the truly sad nature of
the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many
camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII.
Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting
children, throwing tear gas at silent protestors, and being cruel at checkpoints, you talked about the
people who live in that camp. You discussed how the Israelis wish to eliminate the Palestinians and
how they ... Show more content on ...
should support this. It seems obvious that, though Israel may have once been God's chosen people,
Jesus has come, making what was once "holy war" unnecessary.
As I listened to the lecture, the Aida refugee camp kept reminding me of the Native American
reservations in the U.S. Just like the Palestinians, Native Americans were suppressed because they
were in the way; they were hidden to be forgotten. Unlike how the Israelites shoot at the
Palestinians, however, we don't generally shoot at people on reservations anymore. Yet, America in
general wants to forget about these people. Seeing the cute children from the Aida camp and hearing
your stories about their excitement for the activities reminded me of the children from the
Winnebago, Nebraska reservation where I know many kids. People from my church go twice a year
to continue relationships and do VBS with kids there. We've brought a few back to Michigan over
the years to participate in a trip with our own middle schoolers. I've loved being a part of that
ministry. The Aida center seems very similar. I find it sad that the kids in the Aida camp must live in
the constant fear of not having enough water and of even being killed. At least for Native Americans
they mostly just live in fear of their own families and the general hopelessness that the res brings.
Though reservations have more freedom and amenities than the refugee camp, living on them isn't
easy either. In a lot
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Injustice In Israel
In many countries around the world, many acts of injustice are being committed at this very
moment. And the saddest part of this matter is that it has remained static for a very long time. Right
now in Israel, thousands of Palestinians are suffering from arbitrary arrest and detention; which is
when an individual is arrested or imprisoned when there is no evidence or even the possibility that
they've committed a crime or when there is no regular administration of the law where no citizen
may be denied their rights("Detention and Imprisonment"). These Palestinians once lived normal,
and happy lives until they were taken from their homes and transported to odious facilities where
they were detained for months or even years. It was in these facilities ... Show more content on ...
The first people put on trial were Islamist activists who were blamed for participating in suicide
bombings in April 1995. Their trial was held at night and lasted only a few minutes. They were also
tried without knowing it and without their parents' knowing until the day of the actual trial. And they
weren't given the right to choose a lawyer; it was provided to them by the court("Israel/Occupied
Territories"). This completely violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which clearly
states in Article 11 that, "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed
innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees
necessary for his defence"(Universal Declaration of Human Rights"). Other things Palestinians
suffered from included abusive arrests. In one case, Mr. Ahmad Qatamish was a 60 year old man
living in Al–Bireh who experienced the brutality of being arrested. On April 21,2011, Israeli soldiers
surrounded his house without a warrant. They then proceeded to taking his family hostage and
holding them at gunpoint until he agreed to surrender. Several organizations such as the United
Nations board Against Torture and the universal administrative department of the World
Organisation Against Torture both agree that Mr. Ahmad Qatamish's case doesn't reach international
human rights standards("Israel:Arbitrary Use of Administrative Detention"). This is because it
completely contradicts The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which clearly states in Article 5
that, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment", as well as Article 9 which states that, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest,
detention or exile"("Universal Declaration of Human Rights"). And they highly recommend people
to take action by writing to the Israeli authorities. It's clear that they
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The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of...
The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious
turmoil. Despite the numerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region,
problems within the last half–century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not
only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region.
Whether it determined alliances, enemies or configuration, the 1967 War laid out the preliminary
foundation for its regions future. The 1967 War undoubtedly implemented consequences, and these
are what ignited the Lebanese Civil War. The flow of Palestinian refugees Beirut, Lebanon started
following the 1948 war in Palestine. The aftermath of this war created ... Show more content on ...
This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist
Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi'i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of
Lebanon). For this reason, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war.
With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the
Phalangist militia sparked the Civil war with an attack on Palestinian camps in Beirut. The
Palestinian regime retaliated and gained additional forces that drove the Phalangist militia to East
Beirut and the North side of the Mount Lebanon. Victory was in Palestinian reach until Franjiyeh
plead for a cease–fire from Syria, which was later granted in 1976. The Syrian intervention did not
just stop the war, it more importantly, prevented Palestinian escape from Syrian influence, and
possible conflict with Israel. This period of peace would not last.
Bashir Gemayel reconsolidated Maronite forces and controlled the Lebanon Front from 1977–1982.
Bashir also formed an important allegiance with Israel in 1980. It was enviable that Israel would
invade Lebanon, however, it was not until 1982 following countless Palestinian acts of terrorism.
With the Israeli invasion came bombardments killing thousands, both soldiers and civilians.
Furthermore, Bashir Gemayel, Israeli ally, was elected as Lebanese president. However, his
presidency would
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Jaffa Research Paper
City Planning and Palestinian Dependency in Jaffa
The conflict between Palestinian and Jewish peoples has been ongoing and changing dynamically in
the cities of Tel Aviv and Jaffa long before the formation of the State of Israel. Religious, racial and
political tensions have existed for hundreds of years. However, after the formation of the State of
Israel, the conflict has undergone a shift in dynamic as Jews have become the majority population in
such the area and with that shift has come a change in the distribution of wealth and power between
parties. Since the formation of the State of Israel, city planning and architecture have been used as
instruments of oppression to further entrench the power imbalance and between Jews and
Palestinians ... Show more content on ...
Israel's conflict as a nation with other nations in the Middle East will be long and ongoing. But in
Jaffa and neighborhoods like Ajami, Israelis need to become more aware of their identity amongst
their nation. Work has been done along these lines recently in Jaffa but government support would
be beneficial. Both young Palestinian and Jewish people are seeking to construct cultural centers
that foster and celebrate Palestinians' cultural ties to the area. Promoting the value of the Palestinian
culture to all Israelis de–links the discrimination that forces them from being able to consider
themselves a peripheral
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Fatah And Hamas Conflict
The violence pointed back to when Palestinians protested against the Israelis from occupying the
West Bank and Gaza by violence and civil unrest, which brought on a series of action called Intifada
(uprising) in the middle east. The Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with the Palestinian at
the White House after signing the Oslo Agreement. This agreement failed to hold and strength and
the region became unsettled, which caused conflict with the Palestinian leaders. Hamas gains their
popular support through well–funded social actions, which grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood.
"Hamas sponsored the building of schools and hospitals, and ran other charitable and religious
organizations" (Economist). Both Fatah and Hamas were opposed to the PLO leadership in
Palestine. That Fatah and Hamas were reconciliation agreement to signal the end of divisive fighting
between the two group for the control of Palestine. Those agreements failed to hold up between to
two political parties. Fatah was not happy with the Palestinian choosing Hamas to protect the
citizens. "The Fatah–Hamas conflict exploded in 2006, when Hamas won more seats than Fatah did
in the legislative election and earned the right to form a new government" (Preface). Fatah was
considered to be an enemy of Israel as well as a terrorist ... Show more content on ...
When Hamas uses its military wing to kill Israeli citizens. They were accused of fighting the Israelis
because they are Jews. Hamas reported that these accusations were false and completely wrong. The
group was called terrorist nor for the plans or action that stood for, but that they employed
indiscriminate violence. Since Hamas did not agree with Israeli taken over the Palestinian, they are
considered terrorists from destroying Israel. As stated by Stanley Cohen, "Hamas is a nationalist
resistance forced to resort to violence because it has so little power compared with Israel"
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A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People
A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People
Poets from every part of the world from all times of history have written about the issues of
oppression and hardships of unfairness and discrimination. It is easy to find writings and poetry by
African Americans, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, and even
Native American poets. These nationalities are very well represented when it comes to poets
shouting of the unfair treatment of their ethnic group. However, to find poetry and poets from an
ethnic group such as the Palestinians or the Afghanis is not so common, and it is usually these
groups that need to be heard the most, because it is generally these people who are being
discriminated upon and treated unfairly ... Show more content on ...
Darwish, being a Muslim, would agree with this. As Darwish expresses in his poem, the land
belonged to his ancestors–the Arabs, not exclusively to the ancestors of the Jews. The Palestinian
people believe that Ishmael's descendants, who include themselves, are also the seed of Abraham
(Nakhleh 993). Therefore, the blessings, which included the Holy Land, promised to the descendants
of Abraham, belong to those who find ancestry in both Ishmael–the Arabs–and Isaac–the Jews. For
this reason, the
Israeli claim that the land belongs just to them is false, or so Darwish would argue. In fact, in many
of his poems Darwish uses Israel's Old Testament, "notably Isaiah and
Jeremiah, on whom he frequently calls to condemn Israel's acts of injustice against the
Palestinians" (Mattar). Darwish does this because he believes that when the land of
Palestine was made into Israel, the land that is rightfully his ancestors' was stolen from him and his
fellow Palestinians.
In 1948, Israelis forced most "of the Palestinian Arabs from their homes, towns and villages,
uprooting an entire population through forcible expulsion" (Nakhleh 251).
Because of this many Palestinians, including Mahmud Darwish, found themselves
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Traveling To Israel Narrative Essay
Traveling to Palestine was less about the fact that I am going on vacation and more so the idea that I
would finally face those who stole our home. In my mind, the images of the mountains serving as a
backdrop to the grass holding a place for each of the thousand tall, dark olive trees contradicted
what my eyes saw on CNN as Anderson Cooper describes the use of a monstrous tank to massacre
innocent Palestinian children. While I sat on a torn up seat of an rusty, twenty–year–old bus with
one almost invisible air conditioner in the front, I thought about whether I would anticipate the
serene lands of thousands of generations, or the dead Palestinian families lying in their bulldozed
homes. Screech! As we eventually reached the Palestine checkpoint, ... Show more content on ...
Passing through the City, I saw clothing shops, souvenir spots, and the aroma of mixed spices:
cinnamon, cardamom, cumin made my nose dance alongside Palestinian restaurants that gave me a
whiff of falafel, and fresh fluffy pita bread. Getting closer to the mosque, I became far more anxious
to see it. I was walking into the mosque site while looking back and waving at my sister to tell her to
hurry up, when I bump into a wall. Or at least, that is what I hoped until I turned around to an Israeli
soldier yelling at me to "STOP!" This is when I realized that they closed off the gates to the Dome
of the Rock. I felt devastated, my only chance to visit the holy mosque was ruined and there was no
way around it. We turned back around only to witness a peaceful protest occurring further down the
Old City. This is my chance. As the call to prayer began, people gathered around the premises of the
mosque since it was closed and we prayed all together on the steaming hot concrete without even
having a view of the mosque. The Israeli soldiers stood along the protesters, as we concluded our
prayer and fought for what we believed
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Mary Louise Pratt Edward Said Essay
The key tools to maintaining your identity There are many tools that one can use to maintain their
identity, nationally and internationally. A nation or land is where people have established their life,
their culture and their heart; sadly it has happened where people have been forced out of their
homeland. Great opening sentences. Mary Louise Pratt, Kenji Yoshino and Edward Said all present
very good methods of maintaining one's national identity in their essays. In Mary Louise Pratt's
essay Arts of the Contact Zone she gives examples of people who are in a contact zone. Contact
zones are where people are meeting other cultures, and they have to remember not to lose their own.
(this was a run–on so I made it into two senteces)One of ... Show more content on
If Pratt had a say in what was happening to the Palestine's in Edward Said's essay, I believe Pratt
would encourage the Palestinians to find safe houses. Superb connection! This part of the quote
doesn't quite fit, I would start the quote here, and set it up by saying that Pratt uses the concept of
safe houses as "social and intellectual spaces where groups can constitute themselves as horizontal,
homogeneous, sovereign communities with high degrees of trust, shared understandings, temporary
protection from legacies of oppression". (Pratt) A safe house is somewhere you (avoid you)can go to
feel safe, where you will be surrounded by people just like yourself. Another one of Pratt's Arts of
the Contact Zone is also a key in maintaining your national identity is Transculturation.
Transculturation is the combining of two cultures or traits from two different cultures. This can help
in maintaining national identity by having the cultures meet half way, instead of conforming and
letting your identity slip away from you. Here, pull an example of transculturation from Said's text.
For instance, the use of the Mercedes. Even though Said describes it in negative terms, the use of the
Mercedes has come in handy for Palestinians. This is just a suggestion, you may find another
Make this a new paragraph: An
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The Pros And Cons Of Kin-Country Syndrome
Samuel Philips Huntington, an American political scientist brought an idea stated that the conflict in
this world will not merely about ideology or economy, yet, it is about cultural and religious identity
as the clash of civilization. Civilization itself meaning the highest cultural grouping of people and it
is defined by common objective elements such as language, history and religion. The strong bond
among one culture and religion create a strong kin at the same time. Even though coming from
different region and country, the kin is influencing across the own nationality.
During the world time or crisis, people with the same civilization tend to support, protect and defend
each other, and it is known as kin–country syndrome. According to Huntington, the kin–country
syndrome will determine alliances in a conflict situation and change relations and focus more on a
'kin' relationship. The kin–country syndrome will allow nations to pull on emotional ties to gain
assistance. This replacing political ideology and change the theory of balance of power
consideration as the principal basis for cooperation and coalitions . In the case of ... Show more
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Like most of foreign policy decisions, it rationalized by moral, yet there is little evidence that moral
imperatives play more of a determining role in guiding U.S. policy in the Middle East than in any
other part of the world. Most Americans do share a moral commitment to Israel's survival as a
Jewish state . They share the same values on religion belief and it tight them strongly since the
beginning. Other than that, Israel has predominant air force throughout the region, Israel's
intelligence has assisted the US intelligence in covert operations, Israel also has missiles capability
to reach as far as Soviet Union's and has nuclear arsenal of hundreds weapons that already
cooperated with US military industry
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Essay on Palestine by Joe Sacco; a Book Review
Joe Sacco's graphic novel, Palestine, deals with the repercussions of the first intifada in
Israel/Palestine/the Holy Land. The story follows the author through the many refugee camps and
towns around Palestine as he tries to gather information, stories, and pictures to construct his
graphic novel. While the book is enjoyable at a face level, there are many underlying themes
conveyed throughout its illustrated pages and written text. The most obvious of the themes is that of
violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the idea of injustice. Many of these themes are
intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent images, or descriptions of violence. These
must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A ... Show more content on ...
Stories of violence and brutality sell in the West. Many of the images that support this theme one
does not notice initially. Many times Joe is shown taking pictures of violence, but he does not seem
to entirely react, Saleh when he is present is shown with his camera ready, waiting for some form of
violence to ensue. There is an excellent picture of Saburo on page 54; his camera lens seems huge,
almost like a telescope. At another point, Sacco is talking to another Journalist, Saleh Saleh says he
is tired of his current position because all of the violence of the intifada is gradually slowing, and
that there are "no good pictures anymore". He makes reference to the fact that all the pictures of
violence are the same. When Sacco arrives at Saleh's office, he meets Saleh's boss. When the boss is
asking about the pictures Sacco has taken, he uses the quote, unquote bunny ears gesture around the
word violence. At the end of this section, Sacco's pictures are not bought because the faces of the
people involved cannot be seen. The man tells him that "the idea was good". Representations of this
theme are a bit more hidden then the other themes in the book. However, if one looks hard enough,
one can again find examples from cover to closing . There are many other themes represented in this
novel that one could delve into, however, due to word count
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Israeli Palestine Conflict
During World War II, the Palestinian leadership actively supported the Nazi party (Beinin). The
israeli–Palestine conflict is one of the longest ongoing conflicts throughout history dating all the
way back to 3,000 years of conflict between these two very different cultures, and the land they live
on. Even though the Palestinian death toll has been unfortunately very high throughout this ongoing
conflict, Israel must and should take necessary action to defend itself from the Palestinian terrorism,
and Israel has done everything in its power to bring a peaceful end to this seemingly never–ending
conflict. The ethical differences that are brought up during the Israeli–Palestine conflict are one of
the leading causes of why this conflict never ends and, why Israel must take action against Palestine.
In the latest conflict between these two, Israel has always taken multiple steps to make sure that
civilian casualties are kept to a minimum. Some examples of Israel's efforts to limit ... Show more
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Israelis who practice Judaism and Zionism are constantly being persecuted by Palestinians who
practice a radical form of Islam. Zionism is based on the principle that the Jewish people move to
their homeland, which is present day Israel, and this has led to the main disagreement of these two
very different cultures (Reiter). While some Palestinians are practicing a radical form of Islam that
is very anti–Semitic towards western culture and religion such as Judaism. They use this belief of
radical Islam so that they can justify and continue their terrorist activities against innocent civilians.
The Israelis religion of Judaism and Zionism have been peacefully practiced throughout history,
however the same cannot be said for Islam, because the Palestine leadership and terrorist have
continually used their belief of Islam as a scapegoat for their barbaric actions against the Jewish
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The Underground War in Gaza by Joe Sacco
In our American society, newspapers are very important they provide a lot of solid information of
what is happening in national and international level. Newspapers are usually written to expose
conflicts, peace, knowledge, lost, and other cultural media. These articles can be written in different
forms such as of multiple paragraph, photos, and comics; such as the one that the New York Times
newspaper releases from their journalist, Joe Sacco the author of the comic book "The Underground
War in Gaza" on July 6, 2003. In his comic he exposes the conflicts between Israel and Palestine.
Sacco then illustrates the attacks that are happening in Palestinian territories, where the Israeli army
attempts to maintain control with the excuse of ... Show more content on ...
Throughout Sacco's comic he chooses to draw himself as part of the comic, in doing so he shows
how his charter is the only one that has an actual communication with the upper level of the Israeli
army, demonstrating that Palestinians have no way of communication with the opposing side.
In addition to Sacco strategies, the first perspective Sacco shows in his comic book is protection.
Even when protection happens in both sides of conflict, Palestine is illustrated as a more protective
community, since the invaders are located within their territories. He shows how protection is within
the Palestinian and Israeli families and pride. Sacco adds that families began to leave their houses, in
page 24, he presents, "his family was chased out by constant Israeli gunfire," in this quote Sacco
draws himself also in the frame next to Mr. T. a man who is looking after his family's security. This
man has to make a life decision of leaving their "secure home," to find an actual secure place for his
family. Sacco points out those guns are in the hands of Israeli army, but also in Palestinians hands.
He chooses to not make the clear connection but the constant firing happens when there are two
different parties attacking. This attack is seen as a protection for both countries lives. In the other
hand Israelis are protecting their families that live in the other side of the borders; they don't want
their families to live through what is happening in Palestine for this same reason
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The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of...
The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious
turmoil. Despite the numerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region,
problems within the last half–century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not
only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region.
Whether it determined alliances, enemies or configuration, the 1967 War laid out the preliminary
foundation for its regions future. The 1967 War undoubtedly implemented consequences, and these
are what ignited the Lebanese Civil War. The flow of Palestinian refugees Beirut, Lebanon started
following the 1948 war in Palestine. The aftermath of this war created ... Show more content on ...
This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist
Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi'i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of
Lebanon). For this reason, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war.
With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the
Phalangist militia sparked the Civil war with an attack on Palestinian camps in Beirut. The
Palestinian regime retaliated and gained additional forces that drove the Phalangist militia to East
Beirut and the North side of the Mount Lebanon. Victory was in Palestinian reach until Franjiyeh
plead for a cease–fire from Syria, which was later granted in 1976. The Syrian intervention did not
just stop the war, it more importantly, prevented Palestinian escape from Syrian influence, and
possible conflict with Israel. This period of peace would not last.
Bashir Gemayel reconsolidated Maronite forces and controlled the Lebanon Front from 1977–1982.
Bashir also formed an important allegiance with Israel in 1980. It was enviable that Israel would
invade Lebanon, however, it was not until 1982 following countless Palestinian acts of terrorism.
With the Israeli invasion came bombardments killing thousands, both soldiers and civilians.
Furthermore, Bashir Gemayel, Israeli ally, was elected as Lebanese president. However, his
presidency would
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Israel Conflict Research Paper
The primary parties involved in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict are the Israelis and the Palestinians
but almost all Arab countries have contributed to the problem, as well.
The region as the heart of the conflict is the area formally known as Palestine. It now is Israel, Gaza,
and the West Bank.
Jewish Israelis claim ownership of the land because they need a place that is safe from all the
hostility from Arabs towards Jewish people. They also believe that they were promised this land by
God. The Palestinians (Arabs) say it belongs to them because their ancestors have lived there for
hundreds of years.
Israel is a country in the Middle East and is the home of the Jewish Israelis. It was founded on May
14, 1948 by David Ben–Gurion, who ... Show more content on ...
During his time as Prime Minister he led Israel towards peace with their Arab neighbors. Rabin,
along with Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, and PLO leader Yasser Arafat, were awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for their joint efforts at ending the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
Bill Clinton: U.S. President, who in 2000 convened a peace summit between Palestinian President
Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. At that time Israel offered Palestinians 66% of
the West Bank for a Palestinian homeland. Unfortunately Ehud Barak was defeated in the next
election and violence between Israel and the Palestinians continued.
Shimon Peres: In 1994, Shimon Peres, then foreign minister of Israel, along with Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat and Israeli President Yitzhak Rabin, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for
his contribution to stopping the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. He also had peace talks with the King of
Jordan in an attempt to end the conflict. He also became Prime Minister for a short time after the
assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. He was elected President of Israel again in
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The Arab Israeli conflict has been an issue for over many...
The Arab Israeli conflict has been an issue for over many years. After the events of the Holocaust,
many people believed that the Jews deserved a safe home to stay. Because of the Jewish background
that says that God promised Abraham's descendants the land of Israel. By 1947, Palestine was full of
Jews that were trying to escape the persecution known as the Zionist Movement. The Jews liked the
idea of having a Jewish homeland. However the local Palestinian population of Muslim Arabs felt
that the constant immigration was threatening their way of life. The conflict between the Arabic and
Jewish populations had been constant for many years before the holocaust. It only came to light in
the years after it ended. Diplomats and other ... Show more content on ...
I felt that there was a country out there that was spacious enough for the Jews and the rest of
occupying population, and that had people that would accept the Jews. So I researched countries
around the world that would accept the Jews and be spacious enough for most of them to relocate to.
After much research I found that not many countries qualified for the place that the Jews new
homeland could be, but there was one country that stood out and was pretty close for what the Jews
needed. That country would be Australia. There were many reasons I found that would make
Australia a great place for the homeland of the Jews. Some of the physical reasons were that
Australia is the third least densely populated country in the world. The population density of
Australia is about 3 people per square mile so there is more than enough room for the Jews. The
climate there is varied and nice year round. While Palestine is very dry and full of deserts. Australia
has a much nicer climate so it would be more suitable for the Jewish population. The Australians
abundant and diverse natural resources would attract many foreign inverters and provide economic
security. Some other reasons are that, between the whole population of about 20 million Australians,
close to 115,000 and 120,000 Jews already live there. There are about 81 synagogues and 18
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The Protests Of The Syrian Uprising Essay
"Security forces opened fire, killing at least four protesters and within days, the protests grew into
rallies that gathered thousands of people." The killings of these four were ultimately regarded by
many as the first deaths of the Syrian uprising. "The community's blunt outrage over the children's
arrests and mistreatment, the government's humiliating and violent reactions to their worries and the
people's refusal to be cowed by security forces embolden and helped spread the Syrian opposition."
This notion demonstrates that the killing of the four protestors was only the first of many deaths to
occur continuing into an on–going war that has: "...triggered nationwide protests demanding
President Assad's resignation." Because of this, the Syrian government decided that in order to
handle the issue they must crush this nationwide dissent. This in return only allowed the protestors
to push harder for a change within the country of Syria, in hopes of it becoming the wonderful
country that it was in the years prior to the war. "Syria's conflict has devolved from peaceful protests
against the government in 2011 to a violent insurgency that has drawn in numerous other countries."
"With neither side able to inflict a decisive defeat on the other, the international community long ago
concluded that only a political solution could end the conflict in Syria." It is because of the similar
actions that took place within the Palestinian–Israeli conflict that similar issues are beginning
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The 's Theory Of The Palestinian Refugee Problem
In 1948, six Arab nations had attacked the newly declared state of Israel. While many propose ideas
why this war has occurred, both of us have come up with our own viable theories. We believe that
this war is in relations to Benny Morris 's theory of a Jihadist war, Efraim Karsh's theory of the
Palestinian Refugee Problem and Elitist control, and our negotiated theory based on British
involvement in Palestine.
Benny Morris insists that the War of 1948 was a Jihad: a Holy war. He states that this is one of the
reasons for why this war happened, and why they have still not reached peace, or some sort of
compromise. Before the 1948 war, Jews were slowly buying land from local Muslims. This was,
however, illegal according to the Islamic government. In my opinion, buying land from the muslims
was a viable and legal way to obtain land, and should be recognized as so. However, the Arabs were
outraged that the Jews came and "stole" land from them. Both the Arabs and the Jews had ties to this
land religiously, all sharing landmarks there that signified something to their people. Because this
conflict was religious, no compromises could be reached. This led Benny Morris to believe that
although the war was influenced by territorial reasons, it was first and foremost an Islamic Holy
War. Benny Morris uncovered British Unclassified documents that stated the Arabs "calling Jihad on
the Jewish People." Before the UN voted, the Arabs told them that "their beloved country will be
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Frames Of War: The Conflict Between Israel And Palestine
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is not easily understood, nor easily resolved. There are a
vast number of ways through which this conflict has been interpreted, however I believe that
exploring the Israeli–Palestinian struggles of and for nationalism through a Butlerian lens may lead
to valuable insights into the use of nationalism by both Israel and Palestine. I specifically draw from
Judith Butler's Frames of War, to explore how both Israel and Palestine construct their struggles for
(legitimate) nationalism in terms of livability and grievability. In particular, I will focus upon the
conceptions of Zionism, or Israeli nationalism, and Palestinian nationalism, through the Oslo
Accords and their immediate aftermath. Zionism can ... Show more content on ...
Without grievability, there is no life, or, rather, there is something living that is other than life.
Thus, Zionism and Palestinian nationalism in constructing a livable subject, that is a subject whose
life has value, are also constructing a grievable life, that is a life that will be grieved if lost. Both
nationalist ideologies are deeply rooted within notions of livability/grievability, in which each
ideology understands itself as non–grievable by the other, whether than other is Israel, Palestine, or
the larger looming
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The Israeli Palestinian Conflict And The Jewish Movement
Starting in the late 19th century, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been a long standing clash
between the Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs due to several significant events. The Israeli–
palestinian conflict is one that goes way back to the time of the Old Testament. The land known as
Israel, was given to the jewish people by God through Abraham. God Promised to give Abraham 's
descendants the land eternally. Throughout the thousand of years, thousands of Arabs have moved to
those lands which they called Palestine. When it comes to whom should own the land, both sides
have credible arguments. The Jews say that it is written in the Bible while the Palestinian Arabs say
that they have ruled the land for thousand of years. The Palestinian Arabs are also the majority of the
population in that region. In the late 19th century, Theodor Herzl founded a group of Jews called the
Zionists. According the the Encyclopedia Britannica, Zionism is the Jewish nationalist movement
that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient
homeland of the Jews. The Zionist immediately began to relocate european Jews to four main cities
in Palestine. These cities were Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias. During this time, Palestine
was part of the Ottoman empire and under direct control of the Ottoman Capital. Fast forwarding a
couple of decades to WWI, the Ottoman Empire began to weaken. In 1917, the British announced
the Balfour Declaration
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Palestinian Conflict In Israel
The only Jewish state in the world is called Israel. It was originally called Palestine, but was
renamed Israel when part of it was given to the Israelis. However Palestinians weren't happy when
some of their land was given away, and that started a conflict. That's what the Israeli–Palestinian
conflict is about, who gets the land. Israel used to be a Jewish state, so there are lots of places that
are very meaningful to Jews. During the 1930's many Jews were fleeing from Hitler and a lot of
them moved to Palestine, for safety; meanwhile in Europe people were starting to think Jews needed
a homeland, they thought that it would be good to put it in Palestine since their ancestors used to
live there. The U.N. decided to split Palestine up between Palestinians and Israelis; unfortunately it
didn't go as well as planned and there were many wars over the land. Right now there are high
tensions between the two groups; neither group likes the current situation, but neither one wants to
change it. The creation of Israel could have been handled better, had there been more thought about
where and how to create Israel.
When Palestine was split up between Israelis and Palestinians, it was not split up fairly. There was at
least half, if not more given to Israelis, however the Palestinians had twice the number of people.
"The Partition Plan allocated approximately 55% of the land of historic Palestine to the Jewish state
and just 42% to the Arab state... at the time, Arabs comprised about
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Edward Said States Essay examples
States Edward: Said
"States," by Edward Said is an essay written by a Palestinian man with first–hand accounts of daily
life in that region of the Middle–East. Said was renowned in the literary community as one of the
most "distinguished literary critics and scholars..." Born in Jerusalem in 1935, Said, at the age of
twelve, fled with his family to Cairo during the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. In his
essay, Said begins to discuss the state of the Palestinian people. The content of his essay is an
explanation and an informative look on the Palestinian people, as well their situation and their
identity. In our English Composition class, we have been challenged to look past the aesthetics of
"States" and look not at just ... Show more content on ...
They do not have luxuries, they do not take anything for granted. Said is interesting in the decision
of the placement of these two images. Looking further into the second picture with a western
perspective, the pathos is still evident, but it is "hidden" in a sense. For example, if someone were
wondering down the streets of Manhattan with a camera, most people (with some exceptions,
obviously) would shy away from even asking for their picture being taken and, for the most part,
expect to have the picture afterward if there were any request. After seeing the image,the reader
feels sympathy whether they mean to or not. Whether or not the happiness is a facade or plain
ignorance, there is a subconscious level of sympathy that readers find themselves experiencing.
Ignorance is something I believe Said plays off of well. Said knows that most people of the world
are, in fact, ignorant of what the Palestinians are experiencing. He sees ignorance as a representation
of helplessness, moreso than he sees it as a form of prejudice.
Another perfect example of the image of being pathetic that Said gives the people of Palestine is the
quote on page 587 used in our prompt. Said uses expressions and strong figurative language such as
metaphors to show just how broken of a people the Palestinians are. The sentence on page 587,
"Instead, the past, like the present, offers only occurrences and coincidences." is a strong way of
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An Argument For Self-Determination
The history of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict is so deeply ingrained in both the Arab and Jewish
population that the viability of self–determination rests on the recognition and management of past
conflicts and disagreements. It is crucial to recognise that both Zionist and Palestinian movements
are based on nationalist ideology and both peoples seek self–determination. The argument for self–
determination needs to be framed within the historical and political context of the area. Key
considerations for viability to consider in this exam will be the history of nationalism and identity of
the Arabs and the Jews and the importance of religion and historical significance of the area. It is
important to qualify that these areas, within the ... Show more content on ...
Edward Said's The Question of Palestine provides an argument about this. He says that there is a
failure of both the Arabs and Jews to appreciate how crucial their relationship and history is in
shaping the development of Palestinian political history and predicament. It is important to
recognise and acknowledge the moral underpinnings of the Israeli state, which has led to a
systematic denial of a Palestinian identity by the Israeli heads of state. To recognise the right of the
Arabs to self–determination would also mean a two–state rule for Palestinians in the West Bank.
Edward Said argues for this mini–state as an expression of Palestinian national rights. It should be
argued, however, that when the United Nations Partition Plan was accepted in 1947 there was an
assumed recognition of the rights of the Arabs to establish a state of their own. Perhaps the most
significant nationalist Palestinian political force to appear was Usrat al–Ard, which was founded, by
a group of young Palestinian nationalists in 1958. Their arrival brought to the forefront the
discontent of the native community inside Israel. The purpose of the group, to assert Palestinian's
right to be in Palestine, ultimately demonstrated the impossibility of equality for non–Jews in Israel.
What it did highlight effectively was the inescapability of the fact that the Palestinians were residing
on land inside a state that considered them to be unwelcome which resulted in a lack of fundamental
stability to rely on in their lives. A crucial consideration for Palestinians is the large number in
Lebanon and Jordan who were refugees from pre–1967 Israel. These people are in a unique yet
unfortunate position where they cannot be asked to be repatriated to territories from which they did
not originally come. Said writes that this was why the so–called rejectionists among them opposed
the idea of a
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Intifada And The Bermuda Triangles
The first intifada was sparked by the death of four palestines in december 1987 by the time it ended
over one thousand people had died and sixteen thousands people had been detained. Palestinians had
already spent two decades struggling with the injustice of living under Israeli occupation. Intifada
was the first time palestinians from all over the society began such an intense resistance . the
protests evolved from boys throwing rocks to fighters attacking Israeli soldiers and military targets.
Palestinians went on a strike and boycott Israeli products. Intifada was called by a number of groups
affiliated with a palestinian liberation organization or the PLO. The group Hamas stepped in as well
arguing that armed resistance was the only
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Israel War Research Paper
The war for the independence of Israel was not a war as much as it was a hostile takeover of
Palestine by any means necessary. Two infamous Jewish forces, the Irgun and the Haganah, often
used terror tactics to achieve their goals and both focusing their energies on reprisals against Arabs
and the British. Their tactics killed hundreds of innocent civilians in the name of a Jewish state and
the Haganah even attacked their own people, framing the Palestinians, in order to generate support
and sympathy for the their cause, but these acts appealed to some who "believed that any action
taken in the cause of the creation of a Jewish state was justified." There were unquestionably
consequences to these actions as well as violent reactions to a Jewish state from other Middle
Eastern states. When Israel finally declared independence, "the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon,
Transjordan, and Iraq invaded Israel" and began the first war between the Arabs and now Israelis.
Although the Arab Legion lost the war against Israel, in part to the support Israel received from the
United States, it set a precedent for Arab–Israeli relations which have been tense every since and
there still has yet to be reconciliation between the Israelis and Palestinians, who continue to be
oppressed and persecuted. Elias Chacour was struggling to understand the conflict as it increasingly
tightened its grip on his life. His family and entire village was tricked into leaving their homes in
Biram only to realize
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Summary Of Jewish Voice For Peace By Anna Baltzer
In this novel, Anna Baltzer documents her experiences in Palestine and her personal eyewitness
accounts of the Palestine–Israel conflict. She describes heartbreaking events that she witnessed, such
as the kidnapping of a farmer. Baltzer also describes how Israeli soldiers consider illegal matters
legal when a Jew does it since they must "protect" themselves from harmful, innocent Palestinians.
Although this novel is biased, it is useful since most of it is a primary source. It includes pictures,
maps, a brief history and in–depth explanations of the complicated conflict. The goal of this source
is to explain the injustice Palestinians experience daily. This novel would be helpful for my research
paper since it includes quotes from not only Baltzer, but other eyewitnesses as well. There are also
several disturbing quotes from previous Israeli Prime Ministers that would strongly support my pro–
Palestine argument.
This article was published by a Jewish organization called "Jewish Voice for Peace" that is generally
fighting for human rights, but mainly focuses on achieving equality, freedom and justice for all
involved in the Palestine–Israel conflict. It ... Show more content on ...
At a young age, he loved and supported the Israeli side in the conflict, however as he got older, his
viewpoint changed dramatically. He develops a hatred for Israelis and their brutal actions towards
the Palestinians. This source isn't extremely useful since it is a personal novel that introduces his
family and discusses his emotions and feelings towards the occupation. However, it does include
letters and notes from Herbert Bentwich, Shavit's great–grandfather, and other immigrants who went
from London to "Israel." I could use quotes from those primary sources to shape my argument. Also,
this novel is biased against the Israelis, so I would have to do more research to be more historically
accurate about the
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Six-day War and Israeli Military Leaders
Why was Israel so successful in dealing with threats to its survival in the years 1948–73?
Israel's success in dealing with the treats it came across was due to many factors. These included
Israel's military tactics; which is one of the most important ones. Israeli determination for an
independent state, the disunity between the Arab people, territory and the role of the US all played a
part in the triumph of Israeli survival in the years 1948 – 73.
Israeli military tactics were a long–term factor of why Israel was so extraordinary at dealing with
everything that was thrown at them. Israel's troops were highly motivated and better trained than
any Middle Eastern country as the Israelis fought beside Britain in WWII. Additionally ... Show
more content on ...
This included the recognition of Israeli borders and it's right to security. Which also played a part in
Israel's survival.
Furthermore Israeli determination of independence was yet another factor why Israel successfully
dealt with its threats. The Law of return gave any Jew in the world the right to become a citizen of
Israel. The UN passed a solution calling for the partition of Palestine. It recognized the right of the
Palestinian people to self–determination, as the partition plan allowed for the establishment of an
Arab state. It let the Palestinians to be considered as refugees and war victims as some of the
Palestinian people had just been affected by the holocaust. This then lead to world opinion of the
survivors to be very sympathetic which assisted them as soon after they were granted the right to
secure themselves and return to their homeland and gain independence.
Besides Israeli determination of Independence, the lack of Arab unity also made an appearance into
how Israel survived so successfully. The lack of Arab co–ordination in the 6–day war really affected
Israel, as they were able to us the Napoleonic Strategy. This meant they could attack each Syria,
Egypt and Jordan one at a time. This gave the Israeli military enough time and effort to deal with the
Arab armies who opposed them separately
... Get more on ...
Jewish Americans Stand on Isreal and Palestin Conflict Essay
The aim of this study was to explore among a sample of Jewish Americans the prevalence of beliefs
associated with intractable conflict and to test the role of different beliefs in predicting individuals'
support for a compromise solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. We found that the Jewish
Americans we sampled tended to agree with a sense of collective victimhood and the Jewish Israeli
narrative on the conflict. On the other hand they tended to disagree with the Palestinian narrative on
the conflict and with statements that dehumanized the Palestinians and on average did not frame the
conflict in terms of a zero–sum game. Jewish Americans in our sample tended to fall in the middle
in terms of their endorsement of compromise ... Show more content on ...
It also appears that when controlling for variance explained by demographic variables and
attachment to Israel, education level emerges as a predictor for rejection of peaceful solutions.
Individuals who are more educated were more likely to refuse concessions to the Palestinians. This
finding can per– haps be explained by the influence of millions of dollars invested in engaging
Jewish college students with Israeli culture and the Israeli view of the conflict; thus spending more
time informal education leads to more refusal to compromise with the Palestinians (Beinart, 2010,
2012). The central focus of this study was the question of which belief suggested by theorists best
predicts individuals' support for or rejection of peaceful solutions to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
Our findings are in line with previous research from Israel that suggests that dehumanization and a
zero–sum view on the conflict serve an important role in predicting individuals' support for the
perpetuation of conflict (Halperin et al., 2008; Halperin & Bar–Tal, 2011; Hammack et al., 2011;
Maoz & Eidelson, 2007; Maoz & McCauley, 2005, 2008). Importantly, our study contributes an
additional novel predictor to the current literature based on our operationalization of a monolithic
narrative on the conflict. The monolithic narrative variable, which is based on the level of
acceptance of the Jewish narrative on the conflict (i.e., "we intend to live in peace but we must
continually defend
... Get more on ...

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Growth Of Arab Nationalism

  • 1. Growth of Arab Nationalism Arab nationalism was a movement striving for Arab political unity in the Middle East. There was undoubtedly a huge increase in an Arab sense of nationalism between the years 1948 and 1973. One major reason for this was the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, which gave the Arab powers something to unite against, because not a single Arab nation recognised Israel as a legitimate state. There were other reasons, however, most notably the continuing struggle of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Nasser and Arab frustrations with the actions of the west. The State of Israel was created in 1948 after the British withdrew from their mandate after years of terrorism. In its first day of existence it was ... Show more content on ... A high point of Nasser's regime was the Suez crisis of 1956. He expelled Western "imperialist" troops from the Suez Canal and it was portrayed as a huge victory, proving the Arab nations could compete with the combined might of not only Israel but also France and Britain. Even though, in reality, it was because the UN forced them to withdraw, it was made out to be because of the strength and determination of Egyptian troops. Nasser was made out to be a hero in the Arab world, and mobs were seen throughout the Arab world screaming and chanting Nasser's name. The Suez crisis, along with the charismatic nature of Nasser, inspired belief in the Arab World that they could finally achieve their goal: to liquidate and destroy Israel. Another way in which Nasser encouraged Arab nationalism was through his opposition to the Baghdad Pact – a pact aligning Turkey, Iran and potentially Iraq with the Western Powers. Nasser, through the world largest radio station – "The voice of the Arabs" –, portrayed any country thinking of joining the pact as traitors to the Arab people, thereby stirring up that feeling of the Arabs being one people, as opposed to individual states who can make their own decisions. As a consequence of Nasser's campaign only three states joined the pact. This was because the people were so against the idea of abandoning the Arab fight the governments had no choice but to abandon the pact. Nasser was consequentially a vital component in the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Palestine By Joe Sacco; A Book Review Essay Joe Sacco's graphic novel, Palestine, deals with the repercussions of the first intifada in Israel/Palestine/the Holy Land. The story follows the author through the many refugee camps and towns around Palestine as he tries to gather information, stories, and pictures to construct his graphic novel. While the book is enjoyable at a face level, there are many underlying themes conveyed throughout its illustrated pages and written text. The most obvious of the themes is that of violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the idea of injustice. Many of these themes are intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent images, or descriptions of violence. These must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A good ... Show more content on ... The first to examine is near the end of the text while Sacco is leaving Palestine; he is sitting beside an old Jewish American . She states that it is a shame all the violence that goes on in the area, especially after all the hardships the Jews have already suffered. To contrast this, the reader must look back to an earlier instance in the book that is mainly textual . Here it talks about the opinions of the Zionists who first moved to Israel, as well as quotes from Prime Ministers of Israel. Quotes such as, "Palestinian Arabs have only one role left – to flee." and "It was not as though there was a Palestinian people considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist." prove a type of hypocrisy. After all the Jews had suffered from other cultures and societies discriminating against them, one would think that they would not wish to inflict anything similar on another culture or society. Quotes like this almost seem reminiscent to those issued during the time of the Holocaust (i.e., the Jews are not human/people). Similar to this, instances of hypocrisy are apparent throughout the novel . Finally, there is also an underlying theme of the sensationalist nature of the media. At many times one finds Sacco talking about how he wants to see instances of violence happen, because they would make a great page for ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Changes In The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict In the Middle East, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been one of the most controversial conflicts in modern history, dating back to when the region was dominated by British rule. Beginning long before the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, Israel and Palestine have clashed over who can claim the holy land. The Israelis believe that they should solely have possession of the holy land, being a gift from God to Abraham to Isaac, according to the Bible. Contradicting the Israelis, the Palestinians believe the holy land was given to Ishmael from Abraham, who is an ancestor to the Muslim people. From 1914 to modern times, Israel has underwent positive changes between the Israelis and Palestinians through the formation of declarations ... Show more content on ... As the Nazis began killing Jews by the mass in Europe, Jews starting fleeing to Palestine in large numbers. Jewish armed groups began emerging in Palestine, fighting British authorities in pursuit of an independent Israeli state. The fighting in Palestine led to the United Nations dividing Palestine into Jewish and Arab states in 1947. In less than a year, the British mandate ended and Israel declared independence. Beginning in 1948, the first Arab–Israeli war occurred and Israel gained more land than expected, including western Jerusalem. This war resulted in about two–thirds of the 1.2 million Arabs living in Palestine to flee the country. One major change occurring in Israel in 1956 was the reopening of the Suez Canal. Israel, along with Britain and France, invaded Europe in the Suez Crisis, opening back up shipping into Israel. In 1957, Israel with the help of France, began the construction of a large nuclear reactor, which became the basis of the country's unconfirmed nuclear weapons program. In 1962, Israel began relations with President John F. Kennedy and the United States, who sold missiles to Israel. As the independent state of Israel began gaining power, they launched an attack on Egypt because the Straits of Tiran were closed, ending shipping from ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Mahmoud Abbas Research Paper At the time these problems arose Mahmoud Abbas was only thirteen and his family was fleeing to Syria during the 1948 Palestine war. He grew up around the fighting. By the 1950s he took a great deal of interest in the politically aspects of his state. Abbas was the Prime Minister of Palestine. Currently is the president of the Palestine National Authority. Although, Mahmoud Abbas at the beginning of the conflict had little to do. He has become a huge role in hopes of creating peace between the two groups of people. The disagreement viewed from the outside perspectives are religious differences and people cannot come to terms with it. Since 1948 an going conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and all because it was thought necessary to ... Show more content on ... Mahmoud Abbas also known as Abu Mazen was elected president of the Palestinian National Authority in January 2005. Abbas vowed to put an end to terror and to negotiate peace. Based on Israeli withdrawal from all the lands of the West Bank and Gaza, a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem and return of the Palestinian refugees. He has tried to convince Palestinian militant groups to declare a truce and refrain from attacking Israel, while Israel declared that it would refrain from assassinations and hunting down wanted terrorists except in emergencies. The people of Palestine are losing faith with Abbas because he seems to be favor the US and Israel's side for truce. Abbas has declared again and again that he will not use force against armed groups. At the same time, he has insisted that the law will be enforced. That includes Palestinian National Authority not permitting chaos or any independent actions by armed groups. That being said with the terrorist groups all about the Middle East rising up against their governments. This can inspire the Palestinian people to revolt. Peace is wanted from both sides of conflict, but neither seem to give anything to gain the peace ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Argumentative Essay: Jewish Rights To Israel Bernie Calderon English M01A Nov. 19, 2012 Prof. Patrick Eagan Argumentative Essay: Jewish Rights to Israel Since the Independence of Israel in 1948, there has been a greater tension between the Israelis and the Palestinian community. It is very important to know that both have been living Israel before it was considered an independent state. Not only Palestinians have been in conflict with the Israelis but also Arabs and Muslims. They might not have the same issues with Israel as the Palestinians do, but they both dislike Israelis for different reasons. Palestinians issue has been over property ownership while the Arabs and Muslims community has been over religious reasons. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that Israel belongs to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Historical Context Of Palestine As the depiction of certain historical facts serves the sole purpose of justifying the importance of the historical context to the conflict, and not the merit of the events themselves, the following are only a few, yet highly applicable ones to the matter discussed. Briefly going back to ancient history, the region known today as Palestine was first known as Canaan, which derived its name from a people who inhabited it between 3000 – 1500 B.C. They were conquered by a greek people known as Philistines and also Jews, one of the semitic peoples, in the years 1200–1100 B.C. A hundred years later Jews defeated both Philistines and Canaanites, establishing Kingdom of Israel (Smith). This is important, because the first temple in Jerusalem was ... Show more content on ... As Islam expanded rampantly in the years 630–730 A.D., Jerusalem and Palestine were incorporated into Islamic rule, exposing Jews to the Arab rule as well as initiating the clash of religions that thrives to the present day. In A.D. 691, Dome of the Rock, a Muslim temple memorating Muhammad 's ascension to heaven was built upon the ruins of the Jewish Temple, thus provoking the latter on the religious grounds, and initiating an ongoing dispute, one of the most prominent in present–day Old City of Jerusalem (Smith). Toward the end of the Ottoman rule (1516–1918) over Palestine, the situation there began to destabilize, most notably following the Ottoman land reform law passed in 1867, which granted foreigners the right to own land if they agreed to pay taxes to the Ottoman government. The aim of the law was to force foreigners to submit to Ottoman jurisdiction in return for their investment in land in the empire. The ruling is essential to the current ethnic plight in Palestine, as it was especially in that region, that those regulations were applicated inconsistently, which opened the way for extensive outside investment and led to numbers of Palestinians acquiring lands, while giving them claim to fight the immigrants of the Zionist Movement (Tessler). The modern Zionism dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century and emerged from the nationalist upheaval as well as anti–Jewish prejudice in both Western and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. I Am Yusuf Oh Father By Mahmoud Darwish In the poem "I am Yusuf oh father" Mahmoud Darwish tries to give the readers a vivid insight into the relationship between Israel and Palestine by comparing Jews practice of oppression to what Yusuf's brothers did to him. Through the guise of the story of yusuf and his brothers, Darwish subtly hits at the core of the problem that Palestinian have with Israel Jews: The Zionists dispossession of the native population. For several decades Jews have been trying to change the Jewish majority in Israel and make Palestinians as outsiders in their own homeland.Most Zionist leaders had negative perceptions of Arabs, based mainly on European colonialist ideology and treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty and deprive them of their rights.In this poem, the poet addresses Israelis as crule brothers that lay no mercy upon their poor little weak this way The poet uncover the horrible acts and actions of Israelis who supposed to be Palestinians' brothers in humanity want to kill Palestinians to put their hands on Palestinians land, but they refuse to share their own home with them. brothers who suppose to protect him and share home and land with him as one who has a right in this land and home. the Jews have religious or ... Show more content on ... rejects this demand.everything around yusuf in the poem harmonize itself with him easily, all the elements of nature adapt themselves with him. "Butterflies perched on my shoulders, Stalks of wheat swayed toward me, And birds rested in my palms." the nature refuses to recognize Palestine as the national homeland of the Jews. In "oh father", darvish points out that the field the wind the animals love him....Thus by articulating the voice of the nature, darwish steps outside the unequal power relations of the colonial experience and enters into a universal ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Wild Thorns Analysis What are the various interactions between Palestinian Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews as portrayed by Sahar Halifeh? "The thorns aren't there to produce roses, they're there to protect them." Wild thorns is a interesting story about a man of Palestinian descent and his interactions with the Jews living in Palestine. This story about a man named Usama is an intriguing look at how the Palestinian people interacted with the Jews who were in governmental control of the region in which the story takes place. This story also shows the growing contentious relationships that were growing between the Palestinian muslims and Israeli Jews during the mid–twentieth century. Even though some thought the muslim citizens had brought it upon themselves, ... Show more content on ... He said that before the Jewish occupation of Palestine he was being paid 135 qurush for a days work. He said that at that time life was not as expensive as it was at the time he was telling the story. He then said that after the war when he went back to his to his employer, the employer said that he would pay he 80 qurush for a days work. This interaction is a direct result of what had happened to the Palestinians after the war that brought a major division between the muslims and the jews. This is an example of the unfair treatment that the Israeli merchants had done to the Palestinian work force. These interactions could be directly associated with the rise of jews moving into the area described in the book. After several hearings in April of 1946 the Anglo–American Committee of Inquiry recommended that 100, 000 people of the jewish descent be admitted to Palestine and that there should neither be a Arab state or a Jewish state. The influx of jews into the same areas as the arabs makes sense of the increasing competition of jobs between the two people groups which would only cause the divide between them to grow larger and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Compare And Contrast Israel And Palestine Conflict Michael Kyriacou Psychology 102 Professor Silverstein 3/06/2015 Social Psychology Paper #1 Israel Vs Palestine Conflict The Middle East hosted many conflicts over the past century but the Israel and Palestine conflict has become one of the biggest. Following independence from Great Britain in 1947, Arabic and Israeli people were both promised an independent states. Unfortunately, after breaking up Palestine into borders, Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting ever since. Now that Israel owns a majority of Palestine, Palestinians have been kicked out with no place to go. As Palestinians fight back for a chance to get their territory back, Israel's use of superior military force takes down Palestinian forces with ease. The latest incident involved the killing of three Israeli teenagers by the Hamas, an Islamic militant group, that have done a majority of the fighting with the Israeli military. Israel have responded by using airstrikes in Gaza, where the killing took place. Some Psychological terms that lead to this conflict are actor observer's difference, conformity, and mirror image perception. The conflict began in the early 20th century when British rule ended in 1947. Both ... Show more content on ... Conformity is when either our behaviors or way of thinking is altered by a group in order to comply with what the group thinks. Conformity is a big reason why the conflict has gone on for many years and with no peace solution intact. In Israel, many agree that a Palestine state should exist in West Bank as well as coexist with the neighboring Jewish state. Unfortunately, many others including important members of the cabinet, believe there should be absolutely no Palestinian state. It is clear that the more powerful leaders in Israel are against a Palestinian state, leaving those who want peace no choice but to conform to the decision. Palestine follows the same issue with those who want to fight outweighing those who ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Simone De Beauvoir Simone De Beauvoir says, "All oppression creates a state of war." This quote is a clear representation of the unjust cruelty that is currently and has been going on in the Middle East. Oppression is the act of belittling a group of people, mainly, but not always, based on race. The Palestinian people have continuously been oppressed by the Israeli state starting in the late 1800s, when they first immigrated and took over the land. When this happened their living conditions as well. At first, this migration was not an issue but as time passed, and more and more Jews went to occupy the Palestinian land, the indigenous people became alarmed and soon enough war broke out and is still present to this day. In the late 1800s, the first group of ... Show more content on ... The reason he did this secretly, is to not catch attention to it therefore preventing people from stopping it from happening. Israel is a very clever country, and the only way to stop it from oppressing the people of Palestine is to outsmart them, but it may be a while for that day to come. The United States is not helping the situation either. Per day, an average of 8 million dollars is given to Israel from taxpayers. (Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict) The reason that this is happening is because the citizens are unaware of where the money is going and who it is harming and helping. However with the people becoming more aware of the situation they are beginning to call an end to this funding. Also, during the "Six Days War," as mentioned earlier, Israel had attacked a United States navy ship, killing and injuring over 200 America soldiers. This was then later recognized as "an act of war against the United States".(Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict) With that being the case, the United States may in fact turn the tables by stopping the funding going towards the Israeli military and end the oppression that they are bringing down onto the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Anti Semitic Movement The Jews in foreign lands began to dream of a new nation that would become a safe haven for all the Jews in the world. The sentiment was created partly due to the fact that the anti–Semitic movement was on the rise in parts of Europe and Asia and the Jews had begun to feel the brunt of it. The sentiment grew to become the Zionist movement. The sole aim of the Zionist movement was the setup of the Jewish state of Israel in the trans–Jordan region. By the beginning of the 20th century, Jews began to migrate to Palestine, aided by Jews who already lived there. The aid came in the form of help to acquire lands and businesses. Most of these businesses came from absent Palestinian land holders or businessmen. The Jews migrated in large droves as ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. We Need a Precise Definition of Terrorism Essays We Need a Precise Definition of Terrorism In early 1974, the Secretary General of the United Nations, U Thant, invited the Palestinian Liberation Organization to attend the General Assembly gathering on November 13, 1974, and in doing so gave legitimacy to the Palestinian Liberation Organization as a governing body. In Yasser Arafat's speech to the General Assembly, he thanked the United Nations for recognizing his organization and its legitimacy. When Arafat addressed the General Assembly, he made the argument that the actions taken by his government were not acts of terrorism, but these were acts of revolution and their purpose was to regain control of Palestine's occupied original territory. The problem we confront is, there is no ... Show more content on ... Arafat points out that this was the beginning of the creation of the illegal state of Israel. When the United Nations General Assembly partitioned off the Palestinian land in 1948, the Palestinian people rejected their planed creation of a Jewish State within their homeland. Even though the Palestinians rejected their decision, the State of Israel was created and recognized as a sovereign nation by the United Nations. Shortly after its creation, Israel began expelling Palestinians and Muslims from their land and from their homes. The Palestinians that were able to remain within the borders of Israel were treated as third class citizens (second–class citizens were the Asians and Jews) and had to notify the Israeli Military of all their movements. 1 This is when the people of Palestine began their efforts to retake their land that rightfully belonged to them. Arafat believed the actions taken by the Palestinian Liberation Organization against the Israeli Government and agents of the government were not terrorist actions, but were revolutionary actions. The injustice placed upon the Palestinian people by the Israeli Government justified the Palestinian's the right to struggle. Yasser Arafat made it very clear that his cause/struggle is not with the Jewish people but with the unlawful creation of the Jewish State. Arafat also claimed that his government does not sanction actions taken by separatist groups within the Palestinian Liberation ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and... Before hearing this lecture, I'd never heard of the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture helped me understand the truly sad nature of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII. Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting children, throwing tear gas at silent protestors, and being cruel at checkpoints, you talked about the people who live in that camp. You discussed how the Israelis wish to eliminate the Palestinians and how they ... Show more content on ... should support this. It seems obvious that, though Israel may have once been God's chosen people, Jesus has come, making what was once "holy war" unnecessary. As I listened to the lecture, the Aida refugee camp kept reminding me of the Native American reservations in the U.S. Just like the Palestinians, Native Americans were suppressed because they were in the way; they were hidden to be forgotten. Unlike how the Israelites shoot at the Palestinians, however, we don't generally shoot at people on reservations anymore. Yet, America in general wants to forget about these people. Seeing the cute children from the Aida camp and hearing your stories about their excitement for the activities reminded me of the children from the Winnebago, Nebraska reservation where I know many kids. People from my church go twice a year to continue relationships and do VBS with kids there. We've brought a few back to Michigan over the years to participate in a trip with our own middle schoolers. I've loved being a part of that ministry. The Aida center seems very similar. I find it sad that the kids in the Aida camp must live in the constant fear of not having enough water and of even being killed. At least for Native Americans they mostly just live in fear of their own families and the general hopelessness that the res brings. Though reservations have more freedom and amenities than the refugee camp, living on them isn't easy either. In a lot ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Injustice In Israel In many countries around the world, many acts of injustice are being committed at this very moment. And the saddest part of this matter is that it has remained static for a very long time. Right now in Israel, thousands of Palestinians are suffering from arbitrary arrest and detention; which is when an individual is arrested or imprisoned when there is no evidence or even the possibility that they've committed a crime or when there is no regular administration of the law where no citizen may be denied their rights("Detention and Imprisonment"). These Palestinians once lived normal, and happy lives until they were taken from their homes and transported to odious facilities where they were detained for months or even years. It was in these facilities ... Show more content on ... The first people put on trial were Islamist activists who were blamed for participating in suicide bombings in April 1995. Their trial was held at night and lasted only a few minutes. They were also tried without knowing it and without their parents' knowing until the day of the actual trial. And they weren't given the right to choose a lawyer; it was provided to them by the court("Israel/Occupied Territories"). This completely violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which clearly states in Article 11 that, "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence"(Universal Declaration of Human Rights"). Other things Palestinians suffered from included abusive arrests. In one case, Mr. Ahmad Qatamish was a 60 year old man living in Al–Bireh who experienced the brutality of being arrested. On April 21,2011, Israeli soldiers surrounded his house without a warrant. They then proceeded to taking his family hostage and holding them at gunpoint until he agreed to surrender. Several organizations such as the United Nations board Against Torture and the universal administrative department of the World Organisation Against Torture both agree that Mr. Ahmad Qatamish's case doesn't reach international human rights standards("Israel:Arbitrary Use of Administrative Detention"). This is because it completely contradicts The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which clearly states in Article 5 that, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", as well as Article 9 which states that, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile"("Universal Declaration of Human Rights"). And they highly recommend people to take action by writing to the Israeli authorities. It's clear that they ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of... The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious turmoil. Despite the numerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region, problems within the last half–century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region. Whether it determined alliances, enemies or configuration, the 1967 War laid out the preliminary foundation for its regions future. The 1967 War undoubtedly implemented consequences, and these are what ignited the Lebanese Civil War. The flow of Palestinian refugees Beirut, Lebanon started following the 1948 war in Palestine. The aftermath of this war created ... Show more content on ... This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi'i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of Lebanon). For this reason, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war. With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the Phalangist militia sparked the Civil war with an attack on Palestinian camps in Beirut. The Palestinian regime retaliated and gained additional forces that drove the Phalangist militia to East Beirut and the North side of the Mount Lebanon. Victory was in Palestinian reach until Franjiyeh plead for a cease–fire from Syria, which was later granted in 1976. The Syrian intervention did not just stop the war, it more importantly, prevented Palestinian escape from Syrian influence, and possible conflict with Israel. This period of peace would not last. Bashir Gemayel reconsolidated Maronite forces and controlled the Lebanon Front from 1977–1982. Bashir also formed an important allegiance with Israel in 1980. It was enviable that Israel would invade Lebanon, however, it was not until 1982 following countless Palestinian acts of terrorism. With the Israeli invasion came bombardments killing thousands, both soldiers and civilians. Furthermore, Bashir Gemayel, Israeli ally, was elected as Lebanese president. However, his presidency would ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Jaffa Research Paper City Planning and Palestinian Dependency in Jaffa The conflict between Palestinian and Jewish peoples has been ongoing and changing dynamically in the cities of Tel Aviv and Jaffa long before the formation of the State of Israel. Religious, racial and political tensions have existed for hundreds of years. However, after the formation of the State of Israel, the conflict has undergone a shift in dynamic as Jews have become the majority population in such the area and with that shift has come a change in the distribution of wealth and power between parties. Since the formation of the State of Israel, city planning and architecture have been used as instruments of oppression to further entrench the power imbalance and between Jews and Palestinians ... Show more content on ... Israel's conflict as a nation with other nations in the Middle East will be long and ongoing. But in Jaffa and neighborhoods like Ajami, Israelis need to become more aware of their identity amongst their nation. Work has been done along these lines recently in Jaffa but government support would be beneficial. Both young Palestinian and Jewish people are seeking to construct cultural centers that foster and celebrate Palestinians' cultural ties to the area. Promoting the value of the Palestinian culture to all Israelis de–links the discrimination that forces them from being able to consider themselves a peripheral ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Fatah And Hamas Conflict The violence pointed back to when Palestinians protested against the Israelis from occupying the West Bank and Gaza by violence and civil unrest, which brought on a series of action called Intifada (uprising) in the middle east. The Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with the Palestinian at the White House after signing the Oslo Agreement. This agreement failed to hold and strength and the region became unsettled, which caused conflict with the Palestinian leaders. Hamas gains their popular support through well–funded social actions, which grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood. "Hamas sponsored the building of schools and hospitals, and ran other charitable and religious organizations" (Economist). Both Fatah and Hamas were opposed to the PLO leadership in Palestine. That Fatah and Hamas were reconciliation agreement to signal the end of divisive fighting between the two group for the control of Palestine. Those agreements failed to hold up between to two political parties. Fatah was not happy with the Palestinian choosing Hamas to protect the citizens. "The Fatah–Hamas conflict exploded in 2006, when Hamas won more seats than Fatah did in the legislative election and earned the right to form a new government" (Preface). Fatah was considered to be an enemy of Israel as well as a terrorist ... Show more content on ... When Hamas uses its military wing to kill Israeli citizens. They were accused of fighting the Israelis because they are Jews. Hamas reported that these accusations were false and completely wrong. The group was called terrorist nor for the plans or action that stood for, but that they employed indiscriminate violence. Since Hamas did not agree with Israeli taken over the Palestinian, they are considered terrorists from destroying Israel. As stated by Stanley Cohen, "Hamas is a nationalist resistance forced to resort to violence because it has so little power compared with Israel" (Davidson, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People Poets from every part of the world from all times of history have written about the issues of oppression and hardships of unfairness and discrimination. It is easy to find writings and poetry by African Americans, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, and even Native American poets. These nationalities are very well represented when it comes to poets shouting of the unfair treatment of their ethnic group. However, to find poetry and poets from an ethnic group such as the Palestinians or the Afghanis is not so common, and it is usually these groups that need to be heard the most, because it is generally these people who are being discriminated upon and treated unfairly ... Show more content on ... Darwish, being a Muslim, would agree with this. As Darwish expresses in his poem, the land belonged to his ancestors–the Arabs, not exclusively to the ancestors of the Jews. The Palestinian people believe that Ishmael's descendants, who include themselves, are also the seed of Abraham (Nakhleh 993). Therefore, the blessings, which included the Holy Land, promised to the descendants of Abraham, belong to those who find ancestry in both Ishmael–the Arabs–and Isaac–the Jews. For this reason, the Israeli claim that the land belongs just to them is false, or so Darwish would argue. In fact, in many of his poems Darwish uses Israel's Old Testament, "notably Isaiah and Jeremiah, on whom he frequently calls to condemn Israel's acts of injustice against the Palestinians" (Mattar). Darwish does this because he believes that when the land of Palestine was made into Israel, the land that is rightfully his ancestors' was stolen from him and his fellow Palestinians. In 1948, Israelis forced most "of the Palestinian Arabs from their homes, towns and villages, uprooting an entire population through forcible expulsion" (Nakhleh 251). Because of this many Palestinians, including Mahmud Darwish, found themselves ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Traveling To Israel Narrative Essay Traveling to Palestine was less about the fact that I am going on vacation and more so the idea that I would finally face those who stole our home. In my mind, the images of the mountains serving as a backdrop to the grass holding a place for each of the thousand tall, dark olive trees contradicted what my eyes saw on CNN as Anderson Cooper describes the use of a monstrous tank to massacre innocent Palestinian children. While I sat on a torn up seat of an rusty, twenty–year–old bus with one almost invisible air conditioner in the front, I thought about whether I would anticipate the serene lands of thousands of generations, or the dead Palestinian families lying in their bulldozed homes. Screech! As we eventually reached the Palestine checkpoint, ... Show more content on ... Passing through the City, I saw clothing shops, souvenir spots, and the aroma of mixed spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cumin made my nose dance alongside Palestinian restaurants that gave me a whiff of falafel, and fresh fluffy pita bread. Getting closer to the mosque, I became far more anxious to see it. I was walking into the mosque site while looking back and waving at my sister to tell her to hurry up, when I bump into a wall. Or at least, that is what I hoped until I turned around to an Israeli soldier yelling at me to "STOP!" This is when I realized that they closed off the gates to the Dome of the Rock. I felt devastated, my only chance to visit the holy mosque was ruined and there was no way around it. We turned back around only to witness a peaceful protest occurring further down the Old City. This is my chance. As the call to prayer began, people gathered around the premises of the mosque since it was closed and we prayed all together on the steaming hot concrete without even having a view of the mosque. The Israeli soldiers stood along the protesters, as we concluded our prayer and fought for what we believed ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Mary Louise Pratt Edward Said Essay The key tools to maintaining your identity There are many tools that one can use to maintain their identity, nationally and internationally. A nation or land is where people have established their life, their culture and their heart; sadly it has happened where people have been forced out of their homeland. Great opening sentences. Mary Louise Pratt, Kenji Yoshino and Edward Said all present very good methods of maintaining one's national identity in their essays. In Mary Louise Pratt's essay Arts of the Contact Zone she gives examples of people who are in a contact zone. Contact zones are where people are meeting other cultures, and they have to remember not to lose their own. (this was a run–on so I made it into two senteces)One of ... Show more content on ... If Pratt had a say in what was happening to the Palestine's in Edward Said's essay, I believe Pratt would encourage the Palestinians to find safe houses. Superb connection! This part of the quote doesn't quite fit, I would start the quote here, and set it up by saying that Pratt uses the concept of safe houses as "social and intellectual spaces where groups can constitute themselves as horizontal, homogeneous, sovereign communities with high degrees of trust, shared understandings, temporary protection from legacies of oppression". (Pratt) A safe house is somewhere you (avoid you)can go to feel safe, where you will be surrounded by people just like yourself. Another one of Pratt's Arts of the Contact Zone is also a key in maintaining your national identity is Transculturation. Transculturation is the combining of two cultures or traits from two different cultures. This can help in maintaining national identity by having the cultures meet half way, instead of conforming and letting your identity slip away from you. Here, pull an example of transculturation from Said's text. For instance, the use of the Mercedes. Even though Said describes it in negative terms, the use of the Mercedes has come in handy for Palestinians. This is just a suggestion, you may find another example. Make this a new paragraph: An ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Pros And Cons Of Kin-Country Syndrome Samuel Philips Huntington, an American political scientist brought an idea stated that the conflict in this world will not merely about ideology or economy, yet, it is about cultural and religious identity as the clash of civilization. Civilization itself meaning the highest cultural grouping of people and it is defined by common objective elements such as language, history and religion. The strong bond among one culture and religion create a strong kin at the same time. Even though coming from different region and country, the kin is influencing across the own nationality. During the world time or crisis, people with the same civilization tend to support, protect and defend each other, and it is known as kin–country syndrome. According to Huntington, the kin–country syndrome will determine alliances in a conflict situation and change relations and focus more on a 'kin' relationship. The kin–country syndrome will allow nations to pull on emotional ties to gain assistance. This replacing political ideology and change the theory of balance of power consideration as the principal basis for cooperation and coalitions . In the case of ... Show more content on ... Like most of foreign policy decisions, it rationalized by moral, yet there is little evidence that moral imperatives play more of a determining role in guiding U.S. policy in the Middle East than in any other part of the world. Most Americans do share a moral commitment to Israel's survival as a Jewish state . They share the same values on religion belief and it tight them strongly since the beginning. Other than that, Israel has predominant air force throughout the region, Israel's intelligence has assisted the US intelligence in covert operations, Israel also has missiles capability to reach as far as Soviet Union's and has nuclear arsenal of hundreds weapons that already cooperated with US military industry ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Essay on Palestine by Joe Sacco; a Book Review Joe Sacco's graphic novel, Palestine, deals with the repercussions of the first intifada in Israel/Palestine/the Holy Land. The story follows the author through the many refugee camps and towns around Palestine as he tries to gather information, stories, and pictures to construct his graphic novel. While the book is enjoyable at a face level, there are many underlying themes conveyed throughout its illustrated pages and written text. The most obvious of the themes is that of violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the idea of injustice. Many of these themes are intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent images, or descriptions of violence. These must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A ... Show more content on ... Stories of violence and brutality sell in the West. Many of the images that support this theme one does not notice initially. Many times Joe is shown taking pictures of violence, but he does not seem to entirely react, Saleh when he is present is shown with his camera ready, waiting for some form of violence to ensue. There is an excellent picture of Saburo on page 54; his camera lens seems huge, almost like a telescope. At another point, Sacco is talking to another Journalist, Saleh Saleh says he is tired of his current position because all of the violence of the intifada is gradually slowing, and that there are "no good pictures anymore". He makes reference to the fact that all the pictures of violence are the same. When Sacco arrives at Saleh's office, he meets Saleh's boss. When the boss is asking about the pictures Sacco has taken, he uses the quote, unquote bunny ears gesture around the word violence. At the end of this section, Sacco's pictures are not bought because the faces of the people involved cannot be seen. The man tells him that "the idea was good". Representations of this theme are a bit more hidden then the other themes in the book. However, if one looks hard enough, one can again find examples from cover to closing . There are many other themes represented in this novel that one could delve into, however, due to word count ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Israeli Palestine Conflict During World War II, the Palestinian leadership actively supported the Nazi party (Beinin). The israeli–Palestine conflict is one of the longest ongoing conflicts throughout history dating all the way back to 3,000 years of conflict between these two very different cultures, and the land they live on. Even though the Palestinian death toll has been unfortunately very high throughout this ongoing conflict, Israel must and should take necessary action to defend itself from the Palestinian terrorism, and Israel has done everything in its power to bring a peaceful end to this seemingly never–ending conflict. The ethical differences that are brought up during the Israeli–Palestine conflict are one of the leading causes of why this conflict never ends and, why Israel must take action against Palestine. In the latest conflict between these two, Israel has always taken multiple steps to make sure that civilian casualties are kept to a minimum. Some examples of Israel's efforts to limit ... Show more content on ... Israelis who practice Judaism and Zionism are constantly being persecuted by Palestinians who practice a radical form of Islam. Zionism is based on the principle that the Jewish people move to their homeland, which is present day Israel, and this has led to the main disagreement of these two very different cultures (Reiter). While some Palestinians are practicing a radical form of Islam that is very anti–Semitic towards western culture and religion such as Judaism. They use this belief of radical Islam so that they can justify and continue their terrorist activities against innocent civilians. The Israelis religion of Judaism and Zionism have been peacefully practiced throughout history, however the same cannot be said for Islam, because the Palestine leadership and terrorist have continually used their belief of Islam as a scapegoat for their barbaric actions against the Jewish people ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Underground War in Gaza by Joe Sacco In our American society, newspapers are very important they provide a lot of solid information of what is happening in national and international level. Newspapers are usually written to expose conflicts, peace, knowledge, lost, and other cultural media. These articles can be written in different forms such as of multiple paragraph, photos, and comics; such as the one that the New York Times newspaper releases from their journalist, Joe Sacco the author of the comic book "The Underground War in Gaza" on July 6, 2003. In his comic he exposes the conflicts between Israel and Palestine. Sacco then illustrates the attacks that are happening in Palestinian territories, where the Israeli army attempts to maintain control with the excuse of ... Show more content on ... Throughout Sacco's comic he chooses to draw himself as part of the comic, in doing so he shows how his charter is the only one that has an actual communication with the upper level of the Israeli army, demonstrating that Palestinians have no way of communication with the opposing side. In addition to Sacco strategies, the first perspective Sacco shows in his comic book is protection. Even when protection happens in both sides of conflict, Palestine is illustrated as a more protective community, since the invaders are located within their territories. He shows how protection is within the Palestinian and Israeli families and pride. Sacco adds that families began to leave their houses, in page 24, he presents, "his family was chased out by constant Israeli gunfire," in this quote Sacco draws himself also in the frame next to Mr. T. a man who is looking after his family's security. This man has to make a life decision of leaving their "secure home," to find an actual secure place for his family. Sacco points out those guns are in the hands of Israeli army, but also in Palestinians hands. He chooses to not make the clear connection but the constant firing happens when there are two different parties attacking. This attack is seen as a protection for both countries lives. In the other hand Israelis are protecting their families that live in the other side of the borders; they don't want their families to live through what is happening in Palestine for this same reason ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of... The past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious turmoil. Despite the numerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region, problems within the last half–century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region. Whether it determined alliances, enemies or configuration, the 1967 War laid out the preliminary foundation for its regions future. The 1967 War undoubtedly implemented consequences, and these are what ignited the Lebanese Civil War. The flow of Palestinian refugees Beirut, Lebanon started following the 1948 war in Palestine. The aftermath of this war created ... Show more content on ... This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi'i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of Lebanon). For this reason, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war. With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the Phalangist militia sparked the Civil war with an attack on Palestinian camps in Beirut. The Palestinian regime retaliated and gained additional forces that drove the Phalangist militia to East Beirut and the North side of the Mount Lebanon. Victory was in Palestinian reach until Franjiyeh plead for a cease–fire from Syria, which was later granted in 1976. The Syrian intervention did not just stop the war, it more importantly, prevented Palestinian escape from Syrian influence, and possible conflict with Israel. This period of peace would not last. Bashir Gemayel reconsolidated Maronite forces and controlled the Lebanon Front from 1977–1982. Bashir also formed an important allegiance with Israel in 1980. It was enviable that Israel would invade Lebanon, however, it was not until 1982 following countless Palestinian acts of terrorism. With the Israeli invasion came bombardments killing thousands, both soldiers and civilians. Furthermore, Bashir Gemayel, Israeli ally, was elected as Lebanese president. However, his presidency would ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Israel Conflict Research Paper The primary parties involved in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict are the Israelis and the Palestinians but almost all Arab countries have contributed to the problem, as well. The region as the heart of the conflict is the area formally known as Palestine. It now is Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Jewish Israelis claim ownership of the land because they need a place that is safe from all the hostility from Arabs towards Jewish people. They also believe that they were promised this land by God. The Palestinians (Arabs) say it belongs to them because their ancestors have lived there for hundreds of years. Israel is a country in the Middle East and is the home of the Jewish Israelis. It was founded on May 14, 1948 by David Ben–Gurion, who ... Show more content on ... During his time as Prime Minister he led Israel towards peace with their Arab neighbors. Rabin, along with Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, and PLO leader Yasser Arafat, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for their joint efforts at ending the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Bill Clinton: U.S. President, who in 2000 convened a peace summit between Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. At that time Israel offered Palestinians 66% of the West Bank for a Palestinian homeland. Unfortunately Ehud Barak was defeated in the next election and violence between Israel and the Palestinians continued. Shimon Peres: In 1994, Shimon Peres, then foreign minister of Israel, along with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and Israeli President Yitzhak Rabin, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to stopping the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. He also had peace talks with the King of Jordan in an attempt to end the conflict. He also became Prime Minister for a short time after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. He was elected President of Israel again in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Arab Israeli conflict has been an issue for over many... The Arab Israeli conflict has been an issue for over many years. After the events of the Holocaust, many people believed that the Jews deserved a safe home to stay. Because of the Jewish background that says that God promised Abraham's descendants the land of Israel. By 1947, Palestine was full of Jews that were trying to escape the persecution known as the Zionist Movement. The Jews liked the idea of having a Jewish homeland. However the local Palestinian population of Muslim Arabs felt that the constant immigration was threatening their way of life. The conflict between the Arabic and Jewish populations had been constant for many years before the holocaust. It only came to light in the years after it ended. Diplomats and other ... Show more content on ... I felt that there was a country out there that was spacious enough for the Jews and the rest of occupying population, and that had people that would accept the Jews. So I researched countries around the world that would accept the Jews and be spacious enough for most of them to relocate to. After much research I found that not many countries qualified for the place that the Jews new homeland could be, but there was one country that stood out and was pretty close for what the Jews needed. That country would be Australia. There were many reasons I found that would make Australia a great place for the homeland of the Jews. Some of the physical reasons were that Australia is the third least densely populated country in the world. The population density of Australia is about 3 people per square mile so there is more than enough room for the Jews. The climate there is varied and nice year round. While Palestine is very dry and full of deserts. Australia has a much nicer climate so it would be more suitable for the Jewish population. The Australians abundant and diverse natural resources would attract many foreign inverters and provide economic security. Some other reasons are that, between the whole population of about 20 million Australians, close to 115,000 and 120,000 Jews already live there. There are about 81 synagogues and 18 ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Protests Of The Syrian Uprising Essay "Security forces opened fire, killing at least four protesters and within days, the protests grew into rallies that gathered thousands of people." The killings of these four were ultimately regarded by many as the first deaths of the Syrian uprising. "The community's blunt outrage over the children's arrests and mistreatment, the government's humiliating and violent reactions to their worries and the people's refusal to be cowed by security forces embolden and helped spread the Syrian opposition." This notion demonstrates that the killing of the four protestors was only the first of many deaths to occur continuing into an on–going war that has: "...triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation." Because of this, the Syrian government decided that in order to handle the issue they must crush this nationwide dissent. This in return only allowed the protestors to push harder for a change within the country of Syria, in hopes of it becoming the wonderful country that it was in the years prior to the war. "Syria's conflict has devolved from peaceful protests against the government in 2011 to a violent insurgency that has drawn in numerous other countries." "With neither side able to inflict a decisive defeat on the other, the international community long ago concluded that only a political solution could end the conflict in Syria." It is because of the similar actions that took place within the Palestinian–Israeli conflict that similar issues are beginning ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The 's Theory Of The Palestinian Refugee Problem In 1948, six Arab nations had attacked the newly declared state of Israel. While many propose ideas why this war has occurred, both of us have come up with our own viable theories. We believe that this war is in relations to Benny Morris 's theory of a Jihadist war, Efraim Karsh's theory of the Palestinian Refugee Problem and Elitist control, and our negotiated theory based on British involvement in Palestine. Benny Morris insists that the War of 1948 was a Jihad: a Holy war. He states that this is one of the reasons for why this war happened, and why they have still not reached peace, or some sort of compromise. Before the 1948 war, Jews were slowly buying land from local Muslims. This was, however, illegal according to the Islamic government. In my opinion, buying land from the muslims was a viable and legal way to obtain land, and should be recognized as so. However, the Arabs were outraged that the Jews came and "stole" land from them. Both the Arabs and the Jews had ties to this land religiously, all sharing landmarks there that signified something to their people. Because this conflict was religious, no compromises could be reached. This led Benny Morris to believe that although the war was influenced by territorial reasons, it was first and foremost an Islamic Holy War. Benny Morris uncovered British Unclassified documents that stated the Arabs "calling Jihad on the Jewish People." Before the UN voted, the Arabs told them that "their beloved country will be drenched ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Frames Of War: The Conflict Between Israel And Palestine The conflict between Israel and Palestine is not easily understood, nor easily resolved. There are a vast number of ways through which this conflict has been interpreted, however I believe that exploring the Israeli–Palestinian struggles of and for nationalism through a Butlerian lens may lead to valuable insights into the use of nationalism by both Israel and Palestine. I specifically draw from Judith Butler's Frames of War, to explore how both Israel and Palestine construct their struggles for (legitimate) nationalism in terms of livability and grievability. In particular, I will focus upon the conceptions of Zionism, or Israeli nationalism, and Palestinian nationalism, through the Oslo Accords and their immediate aftermath. Zionism can ... Show more content on ... Without grievability, there is no life, or, rather, there is something living that is other than life. Thus, Zionism and Palestinian nationalism in constructing a livable subject, that is a subject whose life has value, are also constructing a grievable life, that is a life that will be grieved if lost. Both nationalist ideologies are deeply rooted within notions of livability/grievability, in which each ideology understands itself as non–grievable by the other, whether than other is Israel, Palestine, or the larger looming ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Israeli Palestinian Conflict And The Jewish Movement Starting in the late 19th century, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been a long standing clash between the Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs due to several significant events. The Israeli– palestinian conflict is one that goes way back to the time of the Old Testament. The land known as Israel, was given to the jewish people by God through Abraham. God Promised to give Abraham 's descendants the land eternally. Throughout the thousand of years, thousands of Arabs have moved to those lands which they called Palestine. When it comes to whom should own the land, both sides have credible arguments. The Jews say that it is written in the Bible while the Palestinian Arabs say that they have ruled the land for thousand of years. The Palestinian Arabs are also the majority of the population in that region. In the late 19th century, Theodor Herzl founded a group of Jews called the Zionists. According the the Encyclopedia Britannica, Zionism is the Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews. The Zionist immediately began to relocate european Jews to four main cities in Palestine. These cities were Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias. During this time, Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire and under direct control of the Ottoman Capital. Fast forwarding a couple of decades to WWI, the Ottoman Empire began to weaken. In 1917, the British announced the Balfour Declaration ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Palestinian Conflict In Israel The only Jewish state in the world is called Israel. It was originally called Palestine, but was renamed Israel when part of it was given to the Israelis. However Palestinians weren't happy when some of their land was given away, and that started a conflict. That's what the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is about, who gets the land. Israel used to be a Jewish state, so there are lots of places that are very meaningful to Jews. During the 1930's many Jews were fleeing from Hitler and a lot of them moved to Palestine, for safety; meanwhile in Europe people were starting to think Jews needed a homeland, they thought that it would be good to put it in Palestine since their ancestors used to live there. The U.N. decided to split Palestine up between Palestinians and Israelis; unfortunately it didn't go as well as planned and there were many wars over the land. Right now there are high tensions between the two groups; neither group likes the current situation, but neither one wants to change it. The creation of Israel could have been handled better, had there been more thought about where and how to create Israel. When Palestine was split up between Israelis and Palestinians, it was not split up fairly. There was at least half, if not more given to Israelis, however the Palestinians had twice the number of people. "The Partition Plan allocated approximately 55% of the land of historic Palestine to the Jewish state and just 42% to the Arab state... at the time, Arabs comprised about ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Edward Said States Essay examples States Edward: Said "States," by Edward Said is an essay written by a Palestinian man with first–hand accounts of daily life in that region of the Middle–East. Said was renowned in the literary community as one of the most "distinguished literary critics and scholars..." Born in Jerusalem in 1935, Said, at the age of twelve, fled with his family to Cairo during the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. In his essay, Said begins to discuss the state of the Palestinian people. The content of his essay is an explanation and an informative look on the Palestinian people, as well their situation and their identity. In our English Composition class, we have been challenged to look past the aesthetics of "States" and look not at just ... Show more content on ... They do not have luxuries, they do not take anything for granted. Said is interesting in the decision of the placement of these two images. Looking further into the second picture with a western perspective, the pathos is still evident, but it is "hidden" in a sense. For example, if someone were wondering down the streets of Manhattan with a camera, most people (with some exceptions, obviously) would shy away from even asking for their picture being taken and, for the most part, expect to have the picture afterward if there were any request. After seeing the image,the reader feels sympathy whether they mean to or not. Whether or not the happiness is a facade or plain ignorance, there is a subconscious level of sympathy that readers find themselves experiencing. Ignorance is something I believe Said plays off of well. Said knows that most people of the world are, in fact, ignorant of what the Palestinians are experiencing. He sees ignorance as a representation of helplessness, moreso than he sees it as a form of prejudice. Another perfect example of the image of being pathetic that Said gives the people of Palestine is the quote on page 587 used in our prompt. Said uses expressions and strong figurative language such as metaphors to show just how broken of a people the Palestinians are. The sentence on page 587, "Instead, the past, like the present, offers only occurrences and coincidences." is a strong way of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. An Argument For Self-Determination The history of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict is so deeply ingrained in both the Arab and Jewish population that the viability of self–determination rests on the recognition and management of past conflicts and disagreements. It is crucial to recognise that both Zionist and Palestinian movements are based on nationalist ideology and both peoples seek self–determination. The argument for self– determination needs to be framed within the historical and political context of the area. Key considerations for viability to consider in this exam will be the history of nationalism and identity of the Arabs and the Jews and the importance of religion and historical significance of the area. It is important to qualify that these areas, within the ... Show more content on ... Edward Said's The Question of Palestine provides an argument about this. He says that there is a failure of both the Arabs and Jews to appreciate how crucial their relationship and history is in shaping the development of Palestinian political history and predicament. It is important to recognise and acknowledge the moral underpinnings of the Israeli state, which has led to a systematic denial of a Palestinian identity by the Israeli heads of state. To recognise the right of the Arabs to self–determination would also mean a two–state rule for Palestinians in the West Bank. Edward Said argues for this mini–state as an expression of Palestinian national rights. It should be argued, however, that when the United Nations Partition Plan was accepted in 1947 there was an assumed recognition of the rights of the Arabs to establish a state of their own. Perhaps the most significant nationalist Palestinian political force to appear was Usrat al–Ard, which was founded, by a group of young Palestinian nationalists in 1958. Their arrival brought to the forefront the discontent of the native community inside Israel. The purpose of the group, to assert Palestinian's right to be in Palestine, ultimately demonstrated the impossibility of equality for non–Jews in Israel. What it did highlight effectively was the inescapability of the fact that the Palestinians were residing on land inside a state that considered them to be unwelcome which resulted in a lack of fundamental stability to rely on in their lives. A crucial consideration for Palestinians is the large number in Lebanon and Jordan who were refugees from pre–1967 Israel. These people are in a unique yet unfortunate position where they cannot be asked to be repatriated to territories from which they did not originally come. Said writes that this was why the so–called rejectionists among them opposed the idea of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Intifada And The Bermuda Triangles The first intifada was sparked by the death of four palestines in december 1987 by the time it ended over one thousand people had died and sixteen thousands people had been detained. Palestinians had already spent two decades struggling with the injustice of living under Israeli occupation. Intifada was the first time palestinians from all over the society began such an intense resistance . the protests evolved from boys throwing rocks to fighters attacking Israeli soldiers and military targets. Palestinians went on a strike and boycott Israeli products. Intifada was called by a number of groups affiliated with a palestinian liberation organization or the PLO. The group Hamas stepped in as well arguing that armed resistance was the only ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Israel War Research Paper The war for the independence of Israel was not a war as much as it was a hostile takeover of Palestine by any means necessary. Two infamous Jewish forces, the Irgun and the Haganah, often used terror tactics to achieve their goals and both focusing their energies on reprisals against Arabs and the British. Their tactics killed hundreds of innocent civilians in the name of a Jewish state and the Haganah even attacked their own people, framing the Palestinians, in order to generate support and sympathy for the their cause, but these acts appealed to some who "believed that any action taken in the cause of the creation of a Jewish state was justified." There were unquestionably consequences to these actions as well as violent reactions to a Jewish state from other Middle Eastern states. When Israel finally declared independence, "the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Iraq invaded Israel" and began the first war between the Arabs and now Israelis. Although the Arab Legion lost the war against Israel, in part to the support Israel received from the United States, it set a precedent for Arab–Israeli relations which have been tense every since and there still has yet to be reconciliation between the Israelis and Palestinians, who continue to be oppressed and persecuted. Elias Chacour was struggling to understand the conflict as it increasingly tightened its grip on his life. His family and entire village was tricked into leaving their homes in Biram only to realize ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Summary Of Jewish Voice For Peace By Anna Baltzer In this novel, Anna Baltzer documents her experiences in Palestine and her personal eyewitness accounts of the Palestine–Israel conflict. She describes heartbreaking events that she witnessed, such as the kidnapping of a farmer. Baltzer also describes how Israeli soldiers consider illegal matters legal when a Jew does it since they must "protect" themselves from harmful, innocent Palestinians. Although this novel is biased, it is useful since most of it is a primary source. It includes pictures, maps, a brief history and in–depth explanations of the complicated conflict. The goal of this source is to explain the injustice Palestinians experience daily. This novel would be helpful for my research paper since it includes quotes from not only Baltzer, but other eyewitnesses as well. There are also several disturbing quotes from previous Israeli Prime Ministers that would strongly support my pro– Palestine argument. This article was published by a Jewish organization called "Jewish Voice for Peace" that is generally fighting for human rights, but mainly focuses on achieving equality, freedom and justice for all involved in the Palestine–Israel conflict. It ... Show more content on ... At a young age, he loved and supported the Israeli side in the conflict, however as he got older, his viewpoint changed dramatically. He develops a hatred for Israelis and their brutal actions towards the Palestinians. This source isn't extremely useful since it is a personal novel that introduces his family and discusses his emotions and feelings towards the occupation. However, it does include letters and notes from Herbert Bentwich, Shavit's great–grandfather, and other immigrants who went from London to "Israel." I could use quotes from those primary sources to shape my argument. Also, this novel is biased against the Israelis, so I would have to do more research to be more historically accurate about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Six-day War and Israeli Military Leaders Why was Israel so successful in dealing with threats to its survival in the years 1948–73? Israel's success in dealing with the treats it came across was due to many factors. These included Israel's military tactics; which is one of the most important ones. Israeli determination for an independent state, the disunity between the Arab people, territory and the role of the US all played a part in the triumph of Israeli survival in the years 1948 – 73. Israeli military tactics were a long–term factor of why Israel was so extraordinary at dealing with everything that was thrown at them. Israel's troops were highly motivated and better trained than any Middle Eastern country as the Israelis fought beside Britain in WWII. Additionally ... Show more content on ... This included the recognition of Israeli borders and it's right to security. Which also played a part in Israel's survival. Furthermore Israeli determination of independence was yet another factor why Israel successfully dealt with its threats. The Law of return gave any Jew in the world the right to become a citizen of Israel. The UN passed a solution calling for the partition of Palestine. It recognized the right of the Palestinian people to self–determination, as the partition plan allowed for the establishment of an Arab state. It let the Palestinians to be considered as refugees and war victims as some of the Palestinian people had just been affected by the holocaust. This then lead to world opinion of the survivors to be very sympathetic which assisted them as soon after they were granted the right to secure themselves and return to their homeland and gain independence. Besides Israeli determination of Independence, the lack of Arab unity also made an appearance into how Israel survived so successfully. The lack of Arab co–ordination in the 6–day war really affected Israel, as they were able to us the Napoleonic Strategy. This meant they could attack each Syria, Egypt and Jordan one at a time. This gave the Israeli military enough time and effort to deal with the Arab armies who opposed them separately ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Jewish Americans Stand on Isreal and Palestin Conflict Essay The aim of this study was to explore among a sample of Jewish Americans the prevalence of beliefs associated with intractable conflict and to test the role of different beliefs in predicting individuals' support for a compromise solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. We found that the Jewish Americans we sampled tended to agree with a sense of collective victimhood and the Jewish Israeli narrative on the conflict. On the other hand they tended to disagree with the Palestinian narrative on the conflict and with statements that dehumanized the Palestinians and on average did not frame the conflict in terms of a zero–sum game. Jewish Americans in our sample tended to fall in the middle in terms of their endorsement of compromise ... Show more content on ... It also appears that when controlling for variance explained by demographic variables and attachment to Israel, education level emerges as a predictor for rejection of peaceful solutions. Individuals who are more educated were more likely to refuse concessions to the Palestinians. This finding can per– haps be explained by the influence of millions of dollars invested in engaging Jewish college students with Israeli culture and the Israeli view of the conflict; thus spending more time informal education leads to more refusal to compromise with the Palestinians (Beinart, 2010, 2012). The central focus of this study was the question of which belief suggested by theorists best predicts individuals' support for or rejection of peaceful solutions to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Our findings are in line with previous research from Israel that suggests that dehumanization and a zero–sum view on the conflict serve an important role in predicting individuals' support for the perpetuation of conflict (Halperin et al., 2008; Halperin & Bar–Tal, 2011; Hammack et al., 2011; Maoz & Eidelson, 2007; Maoz & McCauley, 2005, 2008). Importantly, our study contributes an additional novel predictor to the current literature based on our operationalization of a monolithic narrative on the conflict. The monolithic narrative variable, which is based on the level of acceptance of the Jewish narrative on the conflict (i.e., "we intend to live in peace but we must continually defend ... Get more on ...