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Grazing Contracts
                                             for Livestock
    A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Tim Johnson
                                             Grazing livestock for other farmers is a way to make a land investment return additional dollars to the
NCAT Agriculture
                                             land owner. It requires knowledge of livestock, but more importantly, knowledge of how to make money
                                             from grass. This publication discusses some of the issues involved with contract grazing, including
January 2005
                                             various classes of livestock, equipment, sample contracts, some of the economics to consider and other
Updated 2010                                 resources available on the subject.
by Hannah Sharp
NCAT Intern and
Lee Rinehart
NCAT Agriculture

                                                       wning and working the
© 2010 NCAT                                            land is one of the great
                                                       dreams for many Ameri-
                                             cans. To know that the ground
                                             under your feet belongs to you and
Introduction ..................... 1         your family — to walk on it, play
Forage and pasture                           on it, plant grass on it, raise kids
resources ........................... 3
                                             and cows on it — is one of life’s
Classes of livestock to
graze .................................. 4
                                             joys. Land ownership gives a sense
Equipment ....................... 6
                                             of stability and permanence rarely
                                             found with anything else in life.
Contracts .......................... 8
                                             What to do with the land once you
Economic projections
and budgets ..................... 9          own it is where things begin to get
References ..................... 10
                                                                                         Photo courtesy of NRCS.
Further resources ......... 10               In many cases, owners want to find
                                             an opportunity that will generate the greatest       else to do with their land, so they think
                                             return on their investment. But what oppor-          they want to be cattle producers. This
                                             tunities are these owners willing to capitalize      publication describes how to minimize
                                             on, and what expertise do they possess that          the capital investment required to generate
                                             could provide that critical input to make the        an economic return from land owner-
                                             project a success? What opportunities are            ship by grazing cattle on contract. For
                                             there that are sustainable — opportunities to        some landowners, a return large enough to
                                             improve and coexist with the land? In some           pay the property taxes is often sufficient,
                                             cases, owners just want to make enough to            off ering a cattle grazier the opportunity
                                             pay the overhead associated with owner-              to rent very affordable pasture during the
                                             ship. Others want to actually make a living          growing season.
ATTRA—National Sustainable                   and support a family from their investment.
Agriculture Information Service                                                                   Could you possibly contract graze either
( is managed              Whatever the goal, one must always evalu-
                                                                                                  rented or leased pasture to generate a return
by the National Center for Appro-            ate any potential opportunity thoroughly
priate Technology (NCAT) and is                                                                   with very little or no capital investment?
funded under a grant from the                and make sure that the desired outcome is
                                                                                                  In his book No Risk Ranching: Custom
United States Department of                  sustainable and realistic.
Agriculture’s Rural Business-                                                                     Grazing on Leased Land, Greg Judy describes
Cooperative Service. Visit the
NCAT Web site (
                                             An executive in the cattle industry once             his method of utilizing rented, leased or
sarc_current.php) for                        said that cattle ownership is a by-product           bartered land to make money raising cattle
more information on
our sustainable agri-
                                             of land ownership. That is to say that cows          on contract. See the Further resources section
culture projects.                            are there because folks don’t know what              for information on ordering this book.
While this publication focuses primarily on        may be convincing the livestock owner that
                        the contract grazier, many of the ideas dis-       you can properly manage both the land and
                        cussed are equally useful to the livestock         the animals, especially if you have no experi-
Related ATTRA           owner, especially regarding what he or she         ence in contract grazing. The first few years
Publications                                                               may be the most difficult, until you have
                        should look for in a grazing operation to
Sustainable Pasture     meet the needs of the livestock.                   demonstrated some success. One sugges-
Management                                                                 tion is to start small and ensure success with
Nutrient Cycling        Contract grazing is not a casual enterprise. It    fewer animals and more acres than you think
in Pastures             requires a thorough knowledge of both pas-         you need. It is better to get a smaller return
Assessing the Pasture
                        ture and animal husbandry. For instance,           with limited grazing than to overgraze and
Soil Resource           continuous mob grazing of an extra parcel          have to purchase additional feed. Building
                        of land may not result in the weight gains         a history of the land’s actual production
Rotational Grazing
                        expected on stocker cattle or dairy heifers,       capabilities, along with some personal
Paddock Design,         and continuous grazing often results in prob-
Fencing and Water                                                          experience, will allow you to fine tune the
                        lems with persistence of forage and erosion        system as you gain the knowledge necessary
Systems for
Controlled Grazing      in environmentally sensitive areas. Contract       for successful grazing.
                        grazing requires some management skills on
Managed Grazing
in Riparian Areas
                        the grazier’s part to get the results that live-
                        stock owners will expect. Typically, the cus-        Ideas for developing a stocker or
Dairy Resource List:                                                         grazing business:
                        tom grazier is expected to achieve what the
Organic and                                                                  The success of your business depends on
Pasture-Based           livestock owner can’t achieve at home due to
                                                                             identifying and developing these resources:
                        resource or management limitations. Any-
Raising Dairy Heifers                                                        relatively inexpensive feed resources, cattle
on Pasture
                        one considering contract grazing should have         stockmanship, financial and grazing expertise
                        several years of grazing experience and good         and personal relationships.
Cattle Production:
                        stockmanship skills prior to engaging in any
Considerations for                                                           Conduct honest business. Build partnerships
Pasture-Based Beef
                        legally binding arrangement.
                                                                             with honest individuals.
and Dairy Producers     Most custom grazing is done with stocker             Partnerships allow you to run more livestock
Ruminant Nutrition      cattle, taking weaned calves at about 500            for longer portions of the year, thereby spread-
for Graziers            pounds and grazing them up to 800 pounds,            ing input costs over more pounds of grass or
Grazing Networks for    when they would typically be placed in               feed gain and allowing you to sell and buy
Livestock Producers     a feedlot. For example, the wheat fields in           closer to the same market.
Multispecies Grazing    Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas support large             Grazing or feeding partnerships must be
Pasture, Rangeland      numbers of contracted stockers for seasonal          developed and nurtured so that all parties
and Grazing             grazing. The value of annual wheat grain             involved benefit.
Management              production in Oklahoma is estimated at               We are not talking about a get-rich-quick
Solar-powered           $318 million, second in value of all com-            scheme or a series of business deals. We are
Livestock Watering      modities produced in the state. The value of         talking about a solid, enjoyable approach
Systems                 wheat pasture for cattle production is esti-         to making a living on a farm or ranch in the
                        mated at $1.2 billion, almost four times             livestock business.
Organic Livestock
Feed Suppliers          more than the value of the grain alone (Doye         Source: Cates, 2000
Agricultural Business   and Krenzer, 1989). In many instances, land
Planning Templates      that is unsuitable for row-crop production is
and Resources           capable of producing quality forage that can       The following are key points to consider
The Economics           be used to graze cattle and generate a return      before entering into a contract-grazing
of Grass-based          to the owner. Grazing may also improve the         arrangement:
Dairying                quality of the land by maintaining a perma-             • Forage and pasture resources: What
                        nent vegetative cover to recycle nutrients and            is the quality of the forage base? What
                        improve soil quality over time.                           kind of grazing system will you use?
                        If you are interested in contracting with a             • Class of livestock: Will you graze
                        livestock owner to graze animals on your                  stocker steers, replacement females or
                        land, the most difficult part of the process                cow-calf pairs?
Page 2        ATTRA                                                                       Grazing Contracts for Livestock
• Equipment and facilities: What is           will be available during different times of the
      available and what will you need to         year. Some producers also interseed annual
      purchase or barter?                         grasses at the proper time of year to supply
    • Contracts for grazing: What is the          additional high-quality feed. In many cases,
      basis of your contract? Dollars for         a few paddocks planted with annual grasses
      pound of gain? Dollars for animal unit      and legumes can make the difference between
      month (AUM)?                                simply surviving the summer slump and
                                                  maintaining weight gain at the desired rate.
    • Economics of contracting: Use of
      budgets to plan and evaluate new            Pastures should also be rested to maintain
      enterprises.                                forage quantity and quality. Most pasture
                                                  forages do not persist or perform well under
    • Resources and information: ATTRA
                                                  continuous grazing. In some situations, the
      publications available at www.attra.
                                                  rest period may be only a few weeks in an
                                                  intensively grazed, multi-paddock system
                                                  where animals are moved regularly. Other
Forage and pasture resources                      situations may involve resting pastures for
Having a continuous supply of quality for-        a year or more, where native rangeland is

age is crucial to success in contract graz-                                                                    aving a
                                                  grazed and moisture is limited. Maintain-
ing. In many cases, to optimize the available     ing the appropriate forage cover will reduce                 continuous
resources, some type of managed grazing sys-      weed pressure, lessen erosion and improve                    supply of
tem — managed intensive grazing (MIG) or          drought resistance.                              quality forage is
controlled grazing, depending on the termi-
                                                  Some producers are reluctant to adopt new        crucial to success in
nology you want to use — will be needed to
ensure that forage quality and quantity can       systems or make changes to their current         contract grazing.
be maintained throughout the growing sea-         continuous grazing practices. They cite inad-
son. Regional differences will dictate what        equate returns, increased risk and the diffi-
forages are appropriate for the different sea-     culty of assessing the efficiency of improved
sons and environments. In many cases, local       pasture management as deterrents to the
assistance with forage selection and pasture      adoption of more intensively-managed sys-
improvement is available from the Coop-           tems. A Canadian study, however, found
erative Extension System or the Natural           that when grazing systems were evaluated
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).            for total efficiency and net returns, a six-day,
                                                  high-stocking-rate system was the best of
                                                  those studied (Phillip et al., 2001).
  NRCS and Cooperative Extension phone
  numbers can be obtained in the federal and      The researchers evaluated beef cow-
  county government sections, respectively, of    calf pairs grazed under three different
  your local telephone directory. Also, you can   rotational frequencies: two-day, six-day
  access local NRCS and Extension directories
  on the following Web sites:
                                                  or continuous; and three different stock-
                                                  ing rates: 1.23, 1.77 and 2.22 acres for a
  Natural Resources Conservation Service –        cow-calf pair. While animal performance        showed little benefit from intensive grazing,
                                                  the efficiency of land use and total economic
  Cooperative Extension System – www.csrees.      performance was significantly improved.                   On a 100-acre farm, even considering the
                                                  additional labor and fencing, the six-day,
You should diversify your forage base, real-      high-stocking-rate grazing system returned
                                                  $10,000 more than a continuous system.
izing that different forage varieties fill a wide
range of environmental niches or microcli-        Perhaps the most interesting finding of
mates on the farm. A diverse forage base          the report was that the use of a managed,
will also help ensure that seasonal impacts       intensively grazed system reduced overall
on the pastures are minimal and that forage       variability of net returns by 51 percent. In                                                                                 ATTRA         Page 3
addition, the managed systems showed a higher      cull cows around to serve as trainer animals
                         likelihood of generating a positive return when    for the new calves. Most producers have
                         compared to the continuous grazing system in       found that small corrals close to the barn,
                         this particular study. Teegerstrom et al. (1997)   with solid fences and several offset hot wires,
                         reported that when measures of economic opti-      work well in training cattle to electric fences
                         mization are applied, contract grazing is more     without the risk of escape. See the Fencing
                         likely to generate positive returns than owning    segment under the Equipment section below
                         stockers, which in turn generated better returns   for more discussion on training pens.
                         than cow-calf operations. This was because
                         there was less variation in profitability from      An important consideration for younger ani-
                         year to year. Contract grazing in this study       mals is the quality of their forage. Typically,
                         had the most stable profits over time, while        contracts for this class of animal are based
                         cow-calf operations had wide swings from           on the weight they gain during the graz-
                         year to year.                                      ing period, and higher-quality forage should
                                                                            make for better weight gain. Improving pas-
                                                                            tures and seeding annuals are important for
                         Classes of livestock to graze                      ensuring that the nutritional needs of young,
                         Once you decide that you want to graze ani-        growing animals are met. In some instances,
                         mals for someone else, one of the biggest          depending on your location and situation,
                         questions is: What types of animals are you        supplemental energy may also be included
                         interested in working with? There are many         to enhance conversion and utilization of
                         options that depend on your facilities, your       high-quality pasture, since in good pastures,
                         expertise and your willingness to work.            adequate protein is rarely lacking. Especially
                                                                            in cool-season pastures, the energy-protein
                         Stocker or background calves                       balance for efficient conversion is often tilted
                         Probably the easiest grazers in terms of           too far toward the protein side of the equa-
                         workload are stocker or background calves.         tion, and supplemental energy can often
                         In many cases a load of calves will be deliv-      improve overall gains and profitability. Be
                         ered for a set period of grazing, after which      sure to assess your situation accurately so
                         they are picked up and continue on to a            that you can supplement correctly.
                         feedlot. Grazing this class of cattle can be
                                                                            As a grazier, you want to make sure that
                         a challenge at times due to their inexperi-
                                                                            you receive healthy animals that have good
                         ence with certain feedstuffs and lack of pre-
                                                                            growth potential and will make you money
                         vious exposure to humans. Every group has
                         to be trained to respect fences and not all        with fast weight gains. Work with the live-
                         cattle have had contact with electric fences.      stock owner to ensure that the animals are
                         To help reduce the training problems, some         vaccinated, healthy and have already been
                         producers have found it useful to keep a few       weaned. This will reduce stress on the ani-
                                                                            mals and make the first few weeks of adap-
                                                                            tation much smoother. Be cautious about
                                                                            groups of calves recently purchased from sale
                                                                            barns. Since calves may have been exposed
                                                                            to additional stress and pathogens, they may
                                                                            not perform as well as animals coming from
                                                                            a single source. Consult with your local veter-
                                                                            inarian for proper health procedures and vac-
                                                                            cinations that will make your job easier and
                                                                            result in healthier, faster-gaining animals.

                                                                            Beef heifers
                                                                            Beef heifers can require more management,
Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS.
                                                                            facilities and labor than are required with
Page 4       ATTRA                                                                        Grazing Contracts for Livestock
beef stockers, depending on the arrangement
between the owner and grazier. The key dif-
ference is that the heifers would be bred
while on the farm and would be expected
to calve at approximately 24 months of age.
Therefore, the heifers may be grazed for a
longer period, perhaps left with the grazier
from weaning until close to calving time 16
months later. Managing heifers can be labor-
intensive when synchronizing the mating of
sizeable groups of females. This may require
more facilities and equipment, and probably
some training, since the human factor in
these types of heifer development operations
is critical for success.
Well-managed heifer development opera-                                                          Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS.
tions allow heifers to receive the attention
that they need to be bred within a short time     during calving (dystocia). Contract graziers
so that calving can be more easily handled        may want to consider establishing a set fee
by the owner. For the additional work, there      for each animal that is grazed under this
is additional return, but the expectations are    system, with incentives for making breed-
also higher. In many instances, it is expected    ing targets and weights during development.
that a high percentage of the heifers will be     Calving out heifers should not be the first
bred to specially selected bulls via artificial    contracting choice for people with limited
insemination. If this is the case, additional     cattle experience.
arrangements need to be made for semen,
supplies and breeding expertise. If bulls are     Dairy heifers
going to be used for breeding, it is necessary    Much of the information about beef heif-
to have enough of them to ensure that all         ers also applies here. With dairy heifers, the
heifers are bred within an acceptable time.       cliché that heifers are the most overlooked
Young bulls can be expected to cover only 20      enterprise on the farm is too often true (Cady
to 25 females, whereas a mature bull, about       and Smith, 1996). Therefore, the opportu-
2-3 years old, can cover up to 40 females if      nity to contract graze dairy heifers is sizeable
he is in excellent physical shape. If bulls are   and getting larger all the time. Replacement
going to be used, be sure to get their fertil-    rates on most dairies are 25 to 30 percent;
ity tested before each breeding season. Just      therefore, on most dairies a large number of
because a bull settled cows last year doesn’t     heifers are needed to fill the vacancies along
mean he is still able to settle cows this year.   the way. Another consideration is the cost of
Many cattle owners have suffered major set-        replacement animals, which accounts for 15
backs due to the incorrect assumption that        to 20 percent of the total cost of milk pro-
a bull was still functioning properly. Life is    duction on farms, second only to feed costs
hard on the range; any number of things           (Heinrichs, 1996). Therefore, the expense of
could be responsible for suboptimal perfor-       raising replacements gets a lot of attention
mance and result in failed matings.               on most dairy farms. Since between 50 and
Any feeding program — either supplemen-           60 percent of heifer costs are associated with
tation during grazing or full feed during         feed, contracting heifer grazing to another
the non-grazing period — will need to be          party presents a great opportunity for dairies
closely monitored to ensure adequate growth       to reduce costs and improve profitability.
of the heifers. Heifers should be on a high       The period that a dairy heifer may be on the
plain of nutrition but avoid allowing heif-       contract grazier’s farm can be longer than
ers to get too fat, as this can cause problems    with beef heifers, and different age groups                                                                                   ATTRA          Page 5
may be handled simultaneously. In some            perhaps with an incentive for improved
                      cases, the dairy heifer owner may deliver         weaning weight of the calf.
                      a group of young heifers every month and
                                                                        The examples used in this publication focus
                      pick up the pregnant heifers at the same
                                                                        on cattle, but sheep, goats and even horses
                      time. Dairy heifers may be smaller to start
                                                                        can be contract grazed if you have pasture
                      with — perhaps a day-old calf that needs
                                                                        that needs to be used and a livestock owner
                      milk or a two-month-old weaned calf. The
                                                                        who needs pasture. In many cases, multi-
                      nutritional requirements for these younger
                                                                        species grazing to take advantage of diver-
                      animals are much different from those of a
                                                                        sity within your pastures may be possible,
                      500-pound beef heifer that is seven months        making additional economic opportunities
                      old. Dairy heifers can usually be handled         available. For more information on grazing
                      in four distinct age or size groups: liquid       multiple species, request the ATTRA publi-
                      feeding (birth to weaning), weaning to 400        cation Multispecies Grazing.
                      pounds, 400 pounds to breeding and breed-
                      ing to calving (Fiez, 1993). There are targets
                      for weight gain for each group so that heif-      Other considerations
                      ers do not become too large or too fat. It is     Younger animals, such as stocker calves and

           ontract    critical for productive dairy heifers to reach    heifers, may graze unevenly and be unwill-
           grazing    a critical body weight at a young calving age.    ing to graze the pasture down to the desired
           requires   Some dairy experts stress the importance of       residual height before moving on to the next
                      age at first calving (AFC) as the most impor-      pasture or paddock. In some cases, you will
facilities suitable
                      tant economic trait associated with heifer        have to clip or mow pastures to keep some of
for handling large    programs. Increased AFC raises herd costs         the forages from getting too mature before
animals, minimizing   in three ways: (1) increased days of rearing,     the cattle return to them. Another way to
stress on animals     (2) increased number of heifers on the farm,      manage this situation is to allow mature
and ensuring          and (3) lost production potential (Cady and       cows, with generally lower nutritional
                      Smith, 1996).                                     requirements, to follow the younger animals
worker safety.
                                                                        in what is often called a leader–follower graz-
                      If breeding the heifers is part of the contract   ing arrangement. The younger animals, the
                      arrangement, make sure this point is written      leaders in this situation, get turned in first
                      in the contract. In most cases, the owner will    and are allowed to remove the higher-qual-
                      supply the semen and breeding supplies. Who       ity forage from the pasture. After the calves
                      will supply the labor for breeding? Are you       are fi nished, depending on your rotation
                      qualified to artificially inseminate the cattle?    length, the cows are allowed to follow and
                      Since this type of arrangement is the most com-   eat the remaining forage down to the resid-
                      plicated, and demands higher levels of manage-    ual height you want. This method requires
                      ment, graziers should consult with experts in     less mechanical input to manage the pasture
                      dairy heifer development to fully understand      and will reduce the problems of some for-
                      the requirements and expectations.                ages becoming overmature and less desirable
                                                                        to the cattle.
                      Other classes of livestock
                      There may be possibilities to contract for        Equipment
                      other classes of cattle. Many dairy farms do      Handling facilities
                      not allot enough room for dry cow manage-
                                                                        Contract grazing requires facilities suit-
                      ment, and some farms may want to move the
                                                                        able for handling large animals, minimiz-
                      dry cows to better facilities to reduce man-
                                                                        ing stress on animals and ensuring worker
                      agement problems.
                                                                        safety. Good facilities allow single individu-
                      Another less common type of contract              als to perform multiple tasks without risking
                      involves grazing beef cow–calf pairs over the     injury to themselves or the cattle. Handling
                      summer, or even year-round for the cows.          sick cattle in a timely fashion will be easier
                      Typically, there is a monthly fee for the pair,   if proper facilities are in place. Depending
Page 6      ATTRA                                                                     Grazing Contracts for Livestock
on the size of the farm and how far the cat-      A scale can be incorporated into a work-
tle are from a working facility, graziers may     ing facility to weigh individual animals or
want to consider temporary facilities in addi-    groups. Position the scale where it can be the
tion to a central location for receiving and      most useful to your overall system. Some
treating sick cattle. Cattle-working facili-      scales are placed in a working alley to weigh
ties do not have to be fancy, expensive or        groups of animals; others are placed in line
brand new. What is important is that they         with the working chute to weigh individu-
are well designed, can withstand repeated         als. In most cases, unless individual weights
use by large animals and provide protection       are the only ones of interest, positioning
for both animals and workers. Effective cat-       the scale in a working alley to weigh larger
tle handling facilities have been constructed     groups as well as individuals will probably
from materials such as used well pipe (drill      give the most flexibility to your system.
stem), timbers, recycled steel silos, guardrail
and railroad ties. It is more important that      Fencing
the facility be built to deal with animal flow     Fences are a major investment that can make
patterns and handling requirements than           or break an operation. Time spent designing
that it be shiny, new and expensive. Three        efficient fencing on the farm will eliminate

good resources for corral and working facil-                                                              ences are
                                                  problems in the future and facilitate easy
ities include Humane Livestock Handling                                                                   a major
                                                  movement of animals.
by Temple Grandin (2008), Modern Cor-                                                                     investment
ral Design by Apple et al. (1995), and Cor-       The most important fence is the perimeter        that can make or
rals for Handling Beef Cattle by Robert Borg      fence. Additional cost and effort should go
                                                  into building a quality perimeter fence to       break an operation.
(1993). Complete information about these
and other facility references can be found        ensure livestock will remain on the farm,
in the Resources section. The best advice         out of roadways and clear of neighbors’
regarding any livestock facility is to plan for   crop fields. In most states, a legal fence
future expansion and leave plenty of space        is defi ned under state statutes. Talk with
for ventilation, equipment, trailers, penning,    your local Cooperative Extension or NRCS
manure storage, drainage and more. Do not         office to make sure your perimeter fences
shoehorn a new investment into a space too        are adequate.
small for it.                                     Once the perimeter fence is in place, simple
Grazing contracts typically include perfor-       interior fences can be built by using a sin-
mance standards for the grazier to meet.          gle or double strand of electrified high-ten-
Therefore, a quality scale that can be certi-     sile wire. Some farms make extensive use of
fied for commerce is usually a wise invest-        poly-wire and poly-tapes to subdivide larger
ment. In some cases, a truck scale in a nearby    pastures. Th is makes it easier to control
community may be sufficient, but few pro-           pasture use and stocking rates and get the
ducers who have purchased animal scales           most from your forage. Younger animals
have regretted the decision. Once a scale is      will typically respect a single wire if they
available, monitoring animal performance          are properly trained to respect an electric
is much easier. You do not have to won-           fence, but a double wire may be required to
der whether the animals are gaining weight        ensure that a few animals don’t graze ahead
and at what rate, or whether they will reach      of the others. With mature cows and dairy
the targets specified in the contract. A scale     heifers, a single wire can work well. If the
can be used not only to routinely weigh a         cows have calves on the side, the single wire
                                                  can be raised to allow calves to pass under
group of cattle but also to compare different
                                                  and creep graze ahead and return to the
groups of cattle on different forages in order
                                                  herd without getting shocked.
to monitor what forages yield better gains at
different times of the year. A livestock scale     If you are going to use electric fences, and
will allow you to be a better manager of both     the animals you are grazing have not expe-
forages and livestock.                            rienced them before, a training pen might                                                                                 ATTRA       Page 7
be necessary. A training pen, adequately            sources available. Also, have a backup plan,
                          sized for the animals to roam and rest, can         just in case you lose electricity for extended
                          have multiple strands of electrified fence          periods or suffer a pump failure.
                          — typically made very hot (highly charged)
                          because of the proximity to the barn where          Other equipment
                          the fence energizer is housed. Animals stay
                          in the training pen for as long as needed to        Depending on your geographic location
                          become accustomed to the folks working              and local weather patterns, some shelter
                          on the farm, to receive daily inspections for       may be required to protect animals during
                          health and condition and to learn to respect        bad weather, minimize stress and ensure
                          the fences.                                         that proper care can be given to animals
                                                                              entrusted to you. In most cases, a sim-
                          For more information on fencing,                    ple pole barn is adequate. Proper ventila-
                          see the ATTR A publication Paddock                  tion is important, and avoid overcrowd-
                          Design, Fencing and Water Systems for               ing. For grazing animals, a crowded barn
                          Controlled Grazing.                                 can be worse than no barn at all. Protec-
                                                                              tion from the sun and heat stress can also
                          Water                                               be important in some places. Remember
                          Water is one of the most cost-effective nutri-       that if your goal is to maximize gains and
                          tional ingredients and must be in ample sup-        you have no trees or other form of shade,
                          ply at all times. Behavioral studies show that      your returns will probably begin to suffer
                          when cows travel more than ¼ mile to water,         when temperatures go above 70 degrees
                          pasture utilization and time spent grazing          Fahrenheit and stay there for 24 hours
                          decreases. Utilization will suffer because cat-      or more. Some heat is fi ne, as long as the
                          tle will graze the part of the pasture closest to   cattle can recover during some part of the
                          the water supply or transit lane, while other       day or night. With no recovery period,
                          portions of the pasture go untouched. Over-         heat stress will accumulate and gains will
                          all grazing time will decline if animals have       suff er. Some farms with few shade trees
                          to spend too much of their time walking to          have made portable shades consisting of
                          and from water points. If water is readily          a durable, lightweight frame covered with
                          accessible, animals will travel individually to     shade cloth. Moving the shades also helps
                          it as needed. If water is not readily accessible,   spread out the impact that large groups
                          the entire herd will travel together seeking        of cattle can have on a pasture. For wind
                          water. This behavior has an impact on how           protection you can use windbreaks, both
                          well pastures are used and how much time            natural and man-made, to provide shelter.
                          cattle spend harvesting that pasture. Make
                          sure that your pastures have plenty of water
 Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS.                                                  A grazing contract is an agreement between
                                                                              two parties to perform certain functions
                                                                              over a certain time period. The contract can
                                                                              be as complex or as simple as both parties
                                                                              agree to. What is important about a contract
                                                                              is that it gives both parties a record of what
                                                                              they have agreed to. There are three main
                                                                              points to remember about contracts:
                                                                              1. The agreement must be equitable to both
                                                                                 the livestock owner and the grazier.
                                                                              2. The contract should provide protection to
                                                                                 both parties.

Page 8        ATTRA                                                                         Grazing Contracts for Livestock
3. The contract should acknowledge the actual       A flat-fee structure can also be used; how-
   cost of production to provide an accurate        ever, this kind of contract should only be
   and fair fee arrangement (Fischer, 1996).        entered into after considerable experience
                                                    with a particular owner’s cattle to ensure
                                                    that it provides adequate returns.
  Key points to consider in a grazing
  contract                                          Contracts based on weight gain rely on the
  Identify the responsibilities of both named       grazier’s forage management and the owner’s
  parties — who will provide what and when?         supply of healthy, fast-growing animals. The
                                                    grazier has an incentive to keep rotating the
  Define labor, equipment and management of
                                                    animals so that adequate forage is available and
  livestock, including animal health.
                                                    the owner has an incentive to supply healthy
  Specify targets appropriate for the type of       animals that will grow well and be profitable.
  animals, including weight gains, body condi-
  tion scores and more.                             In almost all cases, the owner is respon-
                                                    sible for supplying mineral supplements
  Define who will pay for various types of
  services, such as additional feed, vet bills,     and covering other costs associated with
  medications, trucking and more.                   animal care. However, make sure that the

                                                    details are spelled out in the contract, where               ontracts
  Specify the dates that the contract will be in
                                                    everything is subject to negotiation. If                     based on
  force and the types, sizes and sexes of animals
  to be grazed under the contract.
                                                    supplemental feed is required, delineate                     weight gain
                                                    in the contract who will be responsible. In
  Specify how and where the animals will be                                                            rely on the grazier’s
                                                    some cases, supplemental feed costs could be
  weighed; specify any appropriate shrink.          subtracted from the grazier’s fee at the end of    forage management
  Specify under what conditions the contract        the contract. Other items can also be nego-        and the owner’s
  can be terminated – by either party – and the     tiated. For example, if the grazier is located     supply of healthy,
  notice required to terminate a contract.          at some distance from the owner, and sup-          fast-growing
  Specify how the grazier will be paid after        plemental feed is required, the grazier could      animals.
  animals are removed and on what basis,            be responsible for purchasing acceptable feed
  such as rate of gain, number of days or other     locally and billing the owner.
  Source: Kidwell, 2000.                            Other considerations
                                                    Since you as a custom grazier are ultimately
                                                    responsible for someone else’s property, you
                                                    should have a discussion with your insurance
Prices for grazing                                  agent to determine your possible liability in a
There are several means that owners and             contract grazing arrangement. Mortality is a
graziers can use to calculate payments. Most        common point to include in a contract, but
contracts are based either on time or animal        what about theft? Weigh your risks carefully;
weight gain.                                        it may help you sleep better at night know-
                                                    ing that some of those risks are covered.
One time-related payment method is the
per-acre fee for the entire grazing season.
With this arrangement, there is not any             Economic projections
incentive for the grazier, and the owner suffers     and budgets
if growing conditions – due to lack of rain         The following projections and budgets are
and forage growth – are poor.                       only starting points for your own economic
A similar pricing structure is the per-head         evaluations, since the numbers used are sim-
per-month fee, calculated on the incoming           ply averages. Based on your geographic loca-
weight of the animals. For example, at $4 a         tion, forage production and competition,
month for a hundredweight, a steer weighing         the numbers used may not represent your
500 pounds would cost $20 a month.                  farm. The budgets have pricing matrices at                                                                                     ATTRA        Page 9
the bottom to help estimate the break-even         PDF:
                        points for cost of production. It is important     Contracts/beefStocker.pdf
                        to realize that you need to ensure long-term
                        returns above total costs, since this is where
                        true profitability begins. In the short run,        Dry Cows
                        returns above variable costs are important.        Spreadsheet:
                        If an activity has no returns to variable costs,   grazingContracts/dry_cows.xls
                        then you should not engage in it, even for a
                        short time. Any return above variable costs        PDF:
                        could be used to pay for fixed costs, and in        Contracts/drycows.pdf
                        some cases, some return to fixed costs is pre-
                        ferred over no return at all.                      Dairy Heifers
                        Budgets                                            Spreadsheet:
                        Beef Stocker Calves
                        Spreadsheet:              PDF:
                        grazingContracts/beef_stocker.xls                  Contracts/dairyheifers.pdf

Apple, Ken, Raymond L. Huhnke, and Sam L. Harp.               Grandin, Temple. 2008. Humane Livestock
1995. Modern Corral Design. Oklahoma State Univer-            Handling. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing.
sity Extension Circular E-938, Stillwater, OK. 58 p.          Heinrichs, Jud. 1996. The Importance of Heifer Raising
Borg, Robert. 1993. Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle.         to a Profitable Dairy Farm. Proceedings from the Calves,
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development,              Heifers, and Dairy Profitability National Conference.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 91 p.                              Harrisburg, PA. January 10-12. NRAES-74. p. 1-6.
                                                              Kidwell, Boyd. 2000. Contract Grazing. Progressive
Cady, Roger A., and Terry R. Smith. 1996. Economics of
                                                              Farmer Magazine. November. p. 22-25.
Heifer Raising Programs. Proceedings from the Calves,
Heifers, and Dairy Profitability National Conference.          Matches, Arthur, and Joseph C. Burns. 1995. Systems
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. January 10-12.                      of Grazing Management. p. 179-192. In: Robert Barnes,
NRAES-74. p. 1-6.                                             Darrell A. Miller, and C. Jerry Nelson (eds.). Forages –
                                                              Volume II: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. 5th
Cates, Dick. 2000. Getting Grass Cattle to Your Farm          edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.
or Ranch. Proceedings from Great Lakes International
                                                              Phillip, L.E., P. Goldsmith, M. Bergeron, and P.R.
Grazing Conference. Shipshewana, IN. p. 15-16.                Peterson. 2001. Optimizing pasture management for
Doye, Damona G., and Eugene Krenzer, Jr. 1989.                cow-calf production: the roles of rotational frequency
Should I Buy (or Retain) Stockers to Graze Wheat              and stocking rate in the context of system efficiency.
Pasture. Oklahoma State University Extension Service.         Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 81(1) p. 47-56.
Stillwater, OK. F-212 6 p.     Teegerstrom, Trent, Gerard D’Souza, Phillip Osborne,
docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-3271/AGEC-212web.pdf             and Kezelee Jones. 1997. To Contract or Not to Con-
                                                              tract? A Decision Theory and Portfolio Analysis of Cattle
Fiez, Edward A. 1993. Contract Considerations for             Contract Grazing. Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dairy Replacements. Western Large Herd Management             Review. 26(2). p. 205-215.
Conference Proceedings. Las Vegas, NV. p. 85-92.              bitstream/31566/1/26020205.pdf
Fischer, David B. 1996. Contract Heifer Raising.
                                                              Further resources
Illinois Dairy Report. University of Illinois DairyNet.       Contracts
1 p.       Livestock Production Contract Checklist. 1996. Attor-
cfm?ContentID=224                                             ney General Tom Miller’s Production Contracts Task
Page 10     ATTRA                                                                      Grazing Contracts for Livestock
Force. Office of the Attorney General, Iowa Department               PO Box 2300
of Justice. Accessed 2009.              Ridgeland, MS 39158-9911
Grain/Topics/LivestockProductionContractChecklist.htm              (601) 853-1861
Pasture Lease – Contract Grazing Agreement. Polk                   1-800-748-9808 • (601) 853-8087 FAX
County Division of Cooperative Extension of the          
University of Wisconsin-Extension. Accessed June         
2007.                  Morrow, Ron, Jim Gerrish, and Paul Peterson. Practi-
  This form was prepared to assist in reaching and recording       cal Use Leader-Follower Grazing Systems. The Missouri
  a lease agreement.                                               Agriculture Experiment Station. University of Missouri.
                                                                   Accessed June 2009.
Grazing                                                            archives/nl94v3n1.stm.
Matches, Arthur, and Joseph C. Burns. 1995. Systems
                                                                   Rayburn, Ed (ed.). 2007. Forage Utilization for Pasture-
of Grazing Management. p. 179-192. In: Robert Barnes,
Darrell A. Miller, and C. Jerry Nelson (eds.). Forages –           Based Livestock Production. Natural Resource, Agri-
Volume II: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. 5th               culture, and Engineering Service. 185 p. Order from:
edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.                    NRAES
                                                                   Cooperative Extension
Blanchet, Kevin, Howard Moechnig, and Jodi                         PO Box 4557
Dejong-Hughes. 2000. Grazing Systems Planning                      Ithaca, NY 14852-4557
Guide. University of Minnesota Extension Service.                  or
Publication No. BU-07606.                   For UPS, FedEx or pick up
distribution/livestocksystems/DI7606.html                          NRAES, Cooperative Extension
Judy, Greg. 2002. No Risk Ranching: Custom Grazing                 B-16 Morrison Hall
on Leased Land. Green Park Press. ISBN 0963246089.                 Ithaca, NY 14853-4801
236 p.                   (607) 255-7654 • (607) 254-8770 FAX
cgi?id=360                                                •
  Based on his personal experience, Greg Judy shows how
  to make a living from the land without owning it. He             Contract dairy heifers
  describes his successes, as well as his mistakes, to help oth-   Fiez, Edward A. 1993. Contract Considerations for
  ers on the road to profit. By leasing land and cattle, he         Dairy Replacements. Western Large Herd Management
  went from 40 stockers to more than 1,100 head and                Conference Proceedings. Department of Animal and
  was able to pay off his farm and home loan within three           Veterinary Science, University of Idaho, Las Vegas, NV.
  years. Today he has 12 farms totaling more than 1,560  
  acres. Easy-to-follow chapters explain how to:
  • Find idle pastureland to lease                                 Professional Dairy Heifers Growers Association
  • Calculate the cost of a lease and write a contract             801 Shakespeare, PO Box 497
  • Develop good water on leased land                              Stratford, IA 50249
  • Figure costs for fencing                                       1-877-434-3377 • (515) 838-2788 FAX
  • Lower risk through custom grazing                     •
  • Promote wildlife and develop timber stands
  • Cut costs as well as keep accurate records                     Beiler, Joseph. 2000. Dairy Heifer Contracting:
Order from:                                                        Motives, Forms, and Arrangements. The Ohio State
Stockman Grassfarmer                                               University Extension Fact Sheet. AS-0005-00.
PO Box 2300                                              
Ridgeland, MS 39158-9911                                           Gunderson, S.L. Heifer Raising Contract (Version 2.1).
or                                                                 Manitowoc County UW-Extension Dairy Agent.
Cost is $33.60, including postage and handling                     HeiferRaisingContract.pdf
Gerrish, Jim. 2004. Management-intensive Grazing:                  Moore, Robert, Joseph Beiler, and Gary Schnitkey.
The Grassroots of Grass Farming. 314 p. Order from:                2000. The Economics of Heifer Contracting. The Ohio
The Stockman Grass Farmer                                                                                     ATTRA        Page 11
State University Extension Fact Sheet. AS-0006-00.                 (970) 229-0703                
                                                                     Grandin’s book Humane Livestock Handling explains
Dairy Heifer Housing. 1997. Penn State Dairy
                                                                     animal behavior principles to reduce stress on your ani-
Housing Plans. NRAES-85. 106 p.
  This publication (a revision of Penn State Freestall and           mals and contains layouts of corrals for ranches, feedlots
  Heifer Housing Plans, 1994) is a collection of 29 plans            and meat plants; designs for large and small beef cattle
  developed by faculty and staff of the Department of Agricul-        operations; and complete instructions and illustrations
  tural Biological Engineering at the Pennsylvania State Uni-        to show you how to build chutes, loading ramps, fences,
  versity and the Penn State Cooperative Extension. Included         gates, latches, crowd pens and sliding gates. It also
  are 12 freestall housing plans, six heifer housing plans, four     contains sheep and bison layouts.
  dry cow and maternity housing plans and seven plans for          Apple, Ken, Raymond L. Huhnke, and Sam L. Harp.
  details and components. Plans have been revised to incor-        1995. Modern Corral Design. Oklahoma State University
  porate the latest recommendations for freestall design, ven-     Extension Circular E-938. Stillwater, OK. Order from:
  tilation and cow movement. The freestall section contains        PBIS
  plans for various two-row, three-row, four-row and six-row       Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department
  freestall barns. Included in the heifer section are plans for    214 Agriculture Hall
  bedded pack housing, counter-slope housing, single-slope         Oklahoma State University
  housing and three types of heifer freestall barns. The section   Stillwater, OK 74078-6021
  on dry cow and maternity housing contains ideas for hous-
  ing dry cows in bedded pack groups, multiple pen barns           Borg, Robert. 1993. Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle.
  with drive-through feeding, pre-fresh and maternity pen          Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
  areas, convalescence areas and post-fresh housing facilities.    Agdex 420/723-1. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 91
  Included in the detail and components section are sidewall       p.$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/
  curtains and drainage, watering locations, floor surfaces,        agdex27?opendocument
  feed barriers, freestalls and ventilation openings. Also new       This best-selling book features information on cattle
  to this edition are introductory discussions with each section     behavior, handling techniques, corral design, corral
  and a list of suggested readings.                                  geometry and corral components. It has more than 60
Order from:                                                          designs and corral plans. It has been reviewed by indus-
NRAES Cooperative Extension                                          try experts including Temple Grandin, the internation-
PO Box 4557                                                          ally recognized expert on cattle behavior from Colorado
Ithaca, NY 14852-4557                                                State University.
(607) 255-7654 • (607) 254-8770 FAX                                To order: 1-800-292-5697 or (780) 427-0391
                                                                   Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook. 1987.
                                                                   MWPS-6. 136 pages. 4th edition. ISBN 0-89373-068-8
                                                                     Current agricultural engineering recommendations are
  New York residents add 8 percent sales tax (calculated
                                                                     summarized in this complete housing guide. Essential com-
  on both the cost of publications and the shipping and
                                                                     ponents for an efficient operation such as building design,
  handling charges).                                                 operation size and equipment are discussed. Figures, tables
Roth, Sarah, Jud Heinrichs, and Coleen Jones. Dairy                  and discussions to help improve, expand and modernize an
Heifer Contracting Fundamentals. Department of                       operation are included. Topics cover cow-calf, cattle han-
Dairy and Animal Science. The Pennsylvania State                     dling and cattle feeding facilities; feed storage, processing
University.                     and handling; water and waterers; manure management;
heifercontract.pdf                                                   farmstead planning; building construction and materials;
                                                                     ventilation and insulation; fences; gates; and utilities.
Corral design and                                                  Order from:
                                                                   MidWest Plan Service
handling facilities                                                122 Davidson Hall
Grandin Livestock Handling System, Inc.                            Iowa State University
Temple Grandin, Ph.D.                                              Ames, IA 50011
2918 Silver Plume Drive, Unit C3                                   1-800-562-3618
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA                               
Page 12       ATTRA                                                                            Grazing Contracts for Livestock
Burns, Robert T., and Michael J. Buschermohle. Selection         Estimated Costs and Returns for Commercial Beef
of Alternative Livestock Watering Systems. Agricultural          Cattle and Forage Systems – Intensive Production,
Extension Service. University of Tennessee.                      East Texas. Dr. Greg Clary, extension economist           Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center
Gerrish, James R. Fence Systems for Grazing Management           PO Box 38
1: Electric Fence Energizers. Extension Beef Cattle              Overton, TX 75684
Resource Committee. Beef Cattle Handbook. University             (903) 834-6191 • (903) 834-7140 FAX
of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension.                                   Clary also provides budgets online that do not require
Grandin, Temple. Cattle Behavior During Handling                   downloads at
and Corral Design for Ranches. Beef Cattle Handbook.             University of Tennessee Livestock Budgets. Budgets
Extension Beef Cattle Resource Committee. University
                                                                 for row crops, forage and livestock production.
of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension.              

Kammel, David W. Heifer Housing Considerations:                  Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship.
Designing Facilities to Enhance Heifer Performance.
Center for Dairy Profitability. Biological Systems Engi-          Beef Budgets
neering.            Compilation of 15 different budgets for cattle production
HeiferHousingConsiderations-NRAES2005.pdf                        and several pasture and forage budgets. http://economics.
Quam, Vernon, and LaDon Johnson. Windbreaks for        
Livestock Operations. University of Nebraska Coop-
                                                                 Gadberry, Shane. Cow-calf Enterprise Budget. University
erative Extension.
ec1766.pdf                                                       of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. www.uaex.
TAMU. 2005. Value Added Calf (VAC) -
Management Program. Texas Cooperative Extension.                 Gadberry, Shane, Tom Troxel, and John Jennings.          Practices to Improve Beef Cattle Efficiency. University
VAC_Management.pdf                                               of Arkansas Cooperative Extension.
  This document covers pre-weaning and backgrounding             Other_Areas/publications/PDF/fsa-3060.pdf
  program including health management and vaccinations.
                                                                 Livestock Enterprise Budgets—Iowa 2003. Drs. Gary
Turner, Larry W. Shade Options for Grazing Cattle.               May, William Edwards, and John Lawrence. Iowa State
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.            University Extension, Ames, IA. Publication #FM-1815           
                                                                   Additional livestock economic information can be found
Grazing budgets and economic                                       on Dr. Lawrence’s Web page at
information                                                        faculty/lawrence
NOTE: Most state universities and Cooperative Extension          University of Missouri Farm Budgets.
have budgets for agricultural products in their states. Below
is a sample of some of the budget and economic information
                                                                   Source of forage, livestock and crop budgets.
that is available in electronic format. For an electronic copy
of these resources, please e-mail Lee Rinehart, NCAT             Virginia Cooperative Extension. 2001-2002. Virginia
livestock specialist, at                          Farm Business Management Crop and Livestock
Eldridge, R.W., Kenneth H. Burdine, and Richard                  Budgets. Publication Number 446-047.
Trimble. 2005. The Economics of Rotational Grazing.                Spreadsheets and PDF files with various budgets
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.              for agricultural products are available from Virginia                 Cooperative Extension at
ext2005-02.pdf.                                                    agecon/446-047/446-047.html                                                                                     ATTRA       Page 13

Page 14   ATTRA   Grazing Contracts for Livestock
Notes   ATTRA   Page 15
Grazing Contracts for Livestock
                  Updated by Hannah Sharp, NCAT Intern
                  and Lee Rinehart, NCAT Agriculture Specialist
                  © 2010 NCAT
                  Holly Michels, Editor
                  Amy Smith, Production
                  This publication is available on the Web at:
                  Slot 248
                  Version 012710

Page 16   ATTRA

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Grazing Contracts for Livestock

  • 1. Grazing Contracts for Livestock A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Tim Johnson Grazing livestock for other farmers is a way to make a land investment return additional dollars to the NCAT Agriculture land owner. It requires knowledge of livestock, but more importantly, knowledge of how to make money Specialist from grass. This publication discusses some of the issues involved with contract grazing, including January 2005 various classes of livestock, equipment, sample contracts, some of the economics to consider and other Updated 2010 resources available on the subject. by Hannah Sharp NCAT Intern and Lee Rinehart NCAT Agriculture Introduction Specialist O wning and working the © 2010 NCAT land is one of the great dreams for many Ameri- cans. To know that the ground Contents under your feet belongs to you and Introduction ..................... 1 your family — to walk on it, play Forage and pasture on it, plant grass on it, raise kids resources ........................... 3 and cows on it — is one of life’s Classes of livestock to graze .................................. 4 joys. Land ownership gives a sense Equipment ....................... 6 of stability and permanence rarely found with anything else in life. Contracts .......................... 8 What to do with the land once you Economic projections and budgets ..................... 9 own it is where things begin to get References ..................... 10 complicated. Photo courtesy of NRCS. Further resources ......... 10 In many cases, owners want to find an opportunity that will generate the greatest else to do with their land, so they think return on their investment. But what oppor- they want to be cattle producers. This tunities are these owners willing to capitalize publication describes how to minimize on, and what expertise do they possess that the capital investment required to generate could provide that critical input to make the an economic return from land owner- project a success? What opportunities are ship by grazing cattle on contract. For there that are sustainable — opportunities to some landowners, a return large enough to improve and coexist with the land? In some pay the property taxes is often sufficient, cases, owners just want to make enough to off ering a cattle grazier the opportunity pay the overhead associated with owner- to rent very affordable pasture during the ship. Others want to actually make a living growing season. ATTRA—National Sustainable and support a family from their investment. Agriculture Information Service Could you possibly contract graze either ( is managed Whatever the goal, one must always evalu- rented or leased pasture to generate a return by the National Center for Appro- ate any potential opportunity thoroughly priate Technology (NCAT) and is with very little or no capital investment? funded under a grant from the and make sure that the desired outcome is In his book No Risk Ranching: Custom United States Department of sustainable and realistic. Agriculture’s Rural Business- Grazing on Leased Land, Greg Judy describes Cooperative Service. Visit the NCAT Web site ( An executive in the cattle industry once his method of utilizing rented, leased or sarc_current.php) for said that cattle ownership is a by-product bartered land to make money raising cattle more information on our sustainable agri- of land ownership. That is to say that cows on contract. See the Further resources section culture projects. are there because folks don’t know what for information on ordering this book.
  • 2. While this publication focuses primarily on may be convincing the livestock owner that the contract grazier, many of the ideas dis- you can properly manage both the land and cussed are equally useful to the livestock the animals, especially if you have no experi- Related ATTRA owner, especially regarding what he or she ence in contract grazing. The first few years Publications may be the most difficult, until you have should look for in a grazing operation to Sustainable Pasture meet the needs of the livestock. demonstrated some success. One sugges- Management tion is to start small and ensure success with Nutrient Cycling Contract grazing is not a casual enterprise. It fewer animals and more acres than you think in Pastures requires a thorough knowledge of both pas- you need. It is better to get a smaller return Assessing the Pasture ture and animal husbandry. For instance, with limited grazing than to overgraze and Soil Resource continuous mob grazing of an extra parcel have to purchase additional feed. Building of land may not result in the weight gains a history of the land’s actual production Rotational Grazing expected on stocker cattle or dairy heifers, capabilities, along with some personal Paddock Design, and continuous grazing often results in prob- Fencing and Water experience, will allow you to fine tune the lems with persistence of forage and erosion system as you gain the knowledge necessary Systems for Controlled Grazing in environmentally sensitive areas. Contract for successful grazing. grazing requires some management skills on Managed Grazing in Riparian Areas the grazier’s part to get the results that live- stock owners will expect. Typically, the cus- Ideas for developing a stocker or Dairy Resource List: grazing business: tom grazier is expected to achieve what the Organic and The success of your business depends on Pasture-Based livestock owner can’t achieve at home due to identifying and developing these resources: resource or management limitations. Any- Raising Dairy Heifers relatively inexpensive feed resources, cattle on Pasture one considering contract grazing should have stockmanship, financial and grazing expertise several years of grazing experience and good and personal relationships. Cattle Production: stockmanship skills prior to engaging in any Considerations for Conduct honest business. Build partnerships Pasture-Based Beef legally binding arrangement. with honest individuals. and Dairy Producers Most custom grazing is done with stocker Partnerships allow you to run more livestock Ruminant Nutrition cattle, taking weaned calves at about 500 for longer portions of the year, thereby spread- for Graziers pounds and grazing them up to 800 pounds, ing input costs over more pounds of grass or Grazing Networks for when they would typically be placed in feed gain and allowing you to sell and buy Livestock Producers a feedlot. For example, the wheat fields in closer to the same market. Multispecies Grazing Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas support large Grazing or feeding partnerships must be Pasture, Rangeland numbers of contracted stockers for seasonal developed and nurtured so that all parties and Grazing grazing. The value of annual wheat grain involved benefit. Management production in Oklahoma is estimated at We are not talking about a get-rich-quick Solar-powered $318 million, second in value of all com- scheme or a series of business deals. We are Livestock Watering modities produced in the state. The value of talking about a solid, enjoyable approach Systems wheat pasture for cattle production is esti- to making a living on a farm or ranch in the mated at $1.2 billion, almost four times livestock business. Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers more than the value of the grain alone (Doye Source: Cates, 2000 Agricultural Business and Krenzer, 1989). In many instances, land Planning Templates that is unsuitable for row-crop production is and Resources capable of producing quality forage that can The following are key points to consider The Economics be used to graze cattle and generate a return before entering into a contract-grazing of Grass-based to the owner. Grazing may also improve the arrangement: Dairying quality of the land by maintaining a perma- • Forage and pasture resources: What nent vegetative cover to recycle nutrients and is the quality of the forage base? What improve soil quality over time. kind of grazing system will you use? If you are interested in contracting with a • Class of livestock: Will you graze livestock owner to graze animals on your stocker steers, replacement females or land, the most difficult part of the process cow-calf pairs? Page 2 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 3. • Equipment and facilities: What is will be available during different times of the available and what will you need to year. Some producers also interseed annual purchase or barter? grasses at the proper time of year to supply • Contracts for grazing: What is the additional high-quality feed. In many cases, basis of your contract? Dollars for a few paddocks planted with annual grasses pound of gain? Dollars for animal unit and legumes can make the difference between month (AUM)? simply surviving the summer slump and maintaining weight gain at the desired rate. • Economics of contracting: Use of budgets to plan and evaluate new Pastures should also be rested to maintain enterprises. forage quantity and quality. Most pasture forages do not persist or perform well under • Resources and information: ATTRA continuous grazing. In some situations, the publications available at www.attra. rest period may be only a few weeks in an intensively grazed, multi-paddock system where animals are moved regularly. Other Forage and pasture resources situations may involve resting pastures for Having a continuous supply of quality for- a year or more, where native rangeland is H age is crucial to success in contract graz- aving a grazed and moisture is limited. Maintain- ing. In many cases, to optimize the available ing the appropriate forage cover will reduce continuous resources, some type of managed grazing sys- weed pressure, lessen erosion and improve supply of tem — managed intensive grazing (MIG) or drought resistance. quality forage is controlled grazing, depending on the termi- Some producers are reluctant to adopt new crucial to success in nology you want to use — will be needed to ensure that forage quality and quantity can systems or make changes to their current contract grazing. be maintained throughout the growing sea- continuous grazing practices. They cite inad- son. Regional differences will dictate what equate returns, increased risk and the diffi- forages are appropriate for the different sea- culty of assessing the efficiency of improved sons and environments. In many cases, local pasture management as deterrents to the assistance with forage selection and pasture adoption of more intensively-managed sys- improvement is available from the Coop- tems. A Canadian study, however, found erative Extension System or the Natural that when grazing systems were evaluated Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). for total efficiency and net returns, a six-day, high-stocking-rate system was the best of those studied (Phillip et al., 2001). NRCS and Cooperative Extension phone numbers can be obtained in the federal and The researchers evaluated beef cow- county government sections, respectively, of calf pairs grazed under three different your local telephone directory. Also, you can rotational frequencies: two-day, six-day access local NRCS and Extension directories on the following Web sites: or continuous; and three different stock- ing rates: 1.23, 1.77 and 2.22 acres for a Natural Resources Conservation Service – cow-calf pair. While animal performance showed little benefit from intensive grazing, app?agency=nrcs the efficiency of land use and total economic Cooperative Extension System – www.csrees. performance was significantly improved. On a 100-acre farm, even considering the additional labor and fencing, the six-day, You should diversify your forage base, real- high-stocking-rate grazing system returned $10,000 more than a continuous system. izing that different forage varieties fill a wide range of environmental niches or microcli- Perhaps the most interesting finding of mates on the farm. A diverse forage base the report was that the use of a managed, will also help ensure that seasonal impacts intensively grazed system reduced overall on the pastures are minimal and that forage variability of net returns by 51 percent. In ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. addition, the managed systems showed a higher cull cows around to serve as trainer animals likelihood of generating a positive return when for the new calves. Most producers have compared to the continuous grazing system in found that small corrals close to the barn, this particular study. Teegerstrom et al. (1997) with solid fences and several offset hot wires, reported that when measures of economic opti- work well in training cattle to electric fences mization are applied, contract grazing is more without the risk of escape. See the Fencing likely to generate positive returns than owning segment under the Equipment section below stockers, which in turn generated better returns for more discussion on training pens. than cow-calf operations. This was because there was less variation in profitability from An important consideration for younger ani- year to year. Contract grazing in this study mals is the quality of their forage. Typically, had the most stable profits over time, while contracts for this class of animal are based cow-calf operations had wide swings from on the weight they gain during the graz- year to year. ing period, and higher-quality forage should make for better weight gain. Improving pas- tures and seeding annuals are important for Classes of livestock to graze ensuring that the nutritional needs of young, Once you decide that you want to graze ani- growing animals are met. In some instances, mals for someone else, one of the biggest depending on your location and situation, questions is: What types of animals are you supplemental energy may also be included interested in working with? There are many to enhance conversion and utilization of options that depend on your facilities, your high-quality pasture, since in good pastures, expertise and your willingness to work. adequate protein is rarely lacking. Especially in cool-season pastures, the energy-protein Stocker or background calves balance for efficient conversion is often tilted Probably the easiest grazers in terms of too far toward the protein side of the equa- workload are stocker or background calves. tion, and supplemental energy can often In many cases a load of calves will be deliv- improve overall gains and profitability. Be ered for a set period of grazing, after which sure to assess your situation accurately so they are picked up and continue on to a that you can supplement correctly. feedlot. Grazing this class of cattle can be As a grazier, you want to make sure that a challenge at times due to their inexperi- you receive healthy animals that have good ence with certain feedstuffs and lack of pre- growth potential and will make you money vious exposure to humans. Every group has to be trained to respect fences and not all with fast weight gains. Work with the live- cattle have had contact with electric fences. stock owner to ensure that the animals are To help reduce the training problems, some vaccinated, healthy and have already been producers have found it useful to keep a few weaned. This will reduce stress on the ani- mals and make the first few weeks of adap- tation much smoother. Be cautious about groups of calves recently purchased from sale barns. Since calves may have been exposed to additional stress and pathogens, they may not perform as well as animals coming from a single source. Consult with your local veter- inarian for proper health procedures and vac- cinations that will make your job easier and result in healthier, faster-gaining animals. Beef heifers Beef heifers can require more management, Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS. facilities and labor than are required with Page 4 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 5. beef stockers, depending on the arrangement between the owner and grazier. The key dif- ference is that the heifers would be bred while on the farm and would be expected to calve at approximately 24 months of age. Therefore, the heifers may be grazed for a longer period, perhaps left with the grazier from weaning until close to calving time 16 months later. Managing heifers can be labor- intensive when synchronizing the mating of sizeable groups of females. This may require more facilities and equipment, and probably some training, since the human factor in these types of heifer development operations is critical for success. Well-managed heifer development opera- Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS. tions allow heifers to receive the attention that they need to be bred within a short time during calving (dystocia). Contract graziers so that calving can be more easily handled may want to consider establishing a set fee by the owner. For the additional work, there for each animal that is grazed under this is additional return, but the expectations are system, with incentives for making breed- also higher. In many instances, it is expected ing targets and weights during development. that a high percentage of the heifers will be Calving out heifers should not be the first bred to specially selected bulls via artificial contracting choice for people with limited insemination. If this is the case, additional cattle experience. arrangements need to be made for semen, supplies and breeding expertise. If bulls are Dairy heifers going to be used for breeding, it is necessary Much of the information about beef heif- to have enough of them to ensure that all ers also applies here. With dairy heifers, the heifers are bred within an acceptable time. cliché that heifers are the most overlooked Young bulls can be expected to cover only 20 enterprise on the farm is too often true (Cady to 25 females, whereas a mature bull, about and Smith, 1996). Therefore, the opportu- 2-3 years old, can cover up to 40 females if nity to contract graze dairy heifers is sizeable he is in excellent physical shape. If bulls are and getting larger all the time. Replacement going to be used, be sure to get their fertil- rates on most dairies are 25 to 30 percent; ity tested before each breeding season. Just therefore, on most dairies a large number of because a bull settled cows last year doesn’t heifers are needed to fill the vacancies along mean he is still able to settle cows this year. the way. Another consideration is the cost of Many cattle owners have suffered major set- replacement animals, which accounts for 15 backs due to the incorrect assumption that to 20 percent of the total cost of milk pro- a bull was still functioning properly. Life is duction on farms, second only to feed costs hard on the range; any number of things (Heinrichs, 1996). Therefore, the expense of could be responsible for suboptimal perfor- raising replacements gets a lot of attention mance and result in failed matings. on most dairy farms. Since between 50 and Any feeding program — either supplemen- 60 percent of heifer costs are associated with tation during grazing or full feed during feed, contracting heifer grazing to another the non-grazing period — will need to be party presents a great opportunity for dairies closely monitored to ensure adequate growth to reduce costs and improve profitability. of the heifers. Heifers should be on a high The period that a dairy heifer may be on the plain of nutrition but avoid allowing heif- contract grazier’s farm can be longer than ers to get too fat, as this can cause problems with beef heifers, and different age groups ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. may be handled simultaneously. In some perhaps with an incentive for improved cases, the dairy heifer owner may deliver weaning weight of the calf. a group of young heifers every month and The examples used in this publication focus pick up the pregnant heifers at the same on cattle, but sheep, goats and even horses time. Dairy heifers may be smaller to start can be contract grazed if you have pasture with — perhaps a day-old calf that needs that needs to be used and a livestock owner milk or a two-month-old weaned calf. The who needs pasture. In many cases, multi- nutritional requirements for these younger species grazing to take advantage of diver- animals are much different from those of a sity within your pastures may be possible, 500-pound beef heifer that is seven months making additional economic opportunities old. Dairy heifers can usually be handled available. For more information on grazing in four distinct age or size groups: liquid multiple species, request the ATTRA publi- feeding (birth to weaning), weaning to 400 cation Multispecies Grazing. pounds, 400 pounds to breeding and breed- ing to calving (Fiez, 1993). There are targets for weight gain for each group so that heif- Other considerations ers do not become too large or too fat. It is Younger animals, such as stocker calves and C ontract critical for productive dairy heifers to reach heifers, may graze unevenly and be unwill- grazing a critical body weight at a young calving age. ing to graze the pasture down to the desired requires Some dairy experts stress the importance of residual height before moving on to the next age at first calving (AFC) as the most impor- pasture or paddock. In some cases, you will facilities suitable tant economic trait associated with heifer have to clip or mow pastures to keep some of for handling large programs. Increased AFC raises herd costs the forages from getting too mature before animals, minimizing in three ways: (1) increased days of rearing, the cattle return to them. Another way to stress on animals (2) increased number of heifers on the farm, manage this situation is to allow mature and ensuring and (3) lost production potential (Cady and cows, with generally lower nutritional Smith, 1996). requirements, to follow the younger animals worker safety. in what is often called a leader–follower graz- If breeding the heifers is part of the contract ing arrangement. The younger animals, the arrangement, make sure this point is written leaders in this situation, get turned in first in the contract. In most cases, the owner will and are allowed to remove the higher-qual- supply the semen and breeding supplies. Who ity forage from the pasture. After the calves will supply the labor for breeding? Are you are fi nished, depending on your rotation qualified to artificially inseminate the cattle? length, the cows are allowed to follow and Since this type of arrangement is the most com- eat the remaining forage down to the resid- plicated, and demands higher levels of manage- ual height you want. This method requires ment, graziers should consult with experts in less mechanical input to manage the pasture dairy heifer development to fully understand and will reduce the problems of some for- the requirements and expectations. ages becoming overmature and less desirable to the cattle. Other classes of livestock There may be possibilities to contract for Equipment other classes of cattle. Many dairy farms do Handling facilities not allot enough room for dry cow manage- Contract grazing requires facilities suit- ment, and some farms may want to move the able for handling large animals, minimiz- dry cows to better facilities to reduce man- ing stress on animals and ensuring worker agement problems. safety. Good facilities allow single individu- Another less common type of contract als to perform multiple tasks without risking involves grazing beef cow–calf pairs over the injury to themselves or the cattle. Handling summer, or even year-round for the cows. sick cattle in a timely fashion will be easier Typically, there is a monthly fee for the pair, if proper facilities are in place. Depending Page 6 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 7. on the size of the farm and how far the cat- A scale can be incorporated into a work- tle are from a working facility, graziers may ing facility to weigh individual animals or want to consider temporary facilities in addi- groups. Position the scale where it can be the tion to a central location for receiving and most useful to your overall system. Some treating sick cattle. Cattle-working facili- scales are placed in a working alley to weigh ties do not have to be fancy, expensive or groups of animals; others are placed in line brand new. What is important is that they with the working chute to weigh individu- are well designed, can withstand repeated als. In most cases, unless individual weights use by large animals and provide protection are the only ones of interest, positioning for both animals and workers. Effective cat- the scale in a working alley to weigh larger tle handling facilities have been constructed groups as well as individuals will probably from materials such as used well pipe (drill give the most flexibility to your system. stem), timbers, recycled steel silos, guardrail and railroad ties. It is more important that Fencing the facility be built to deal with animal flow Fences are a major investment that can make patterns and handling requirements than or break an operation. Time spent designing that it be shiny, new and expensive. Three efficient fencing on the farm will eliminate F good resources for corral and working facil- ences are problems in the future and facilitate easy ities include Humane Livestock Handling a major movement of animals. by Temple Grandin (2008), Modern Cor- investment ral Design by Apple et al. (1995), and Cor- The most important fence is the perimeter that can make or rals for Handling Beef Cattle by Robert Borg fence. Additional cost and effort should go into building a quality perimeter fence to break an operation. (1993). Complete information about these and other facility references can be found ensure livestock will remain on the farm, in the Resources section. The best advice out of roadways and clear of neighbors’ regarding any livestock facility is to plan for crop fields. In most states, a legal fence future expansion and leave plenty of space is defi ned under state statutes. Talk with for ventilation, equipment, trailers, penning, your local Cooperative Extension or NRCS manure storage, drainage and more. Do not office to make sure your perimeter fences shoehorn a new investment into a space too are adequate. small for it. Once the perimeter fence is in place, simple Grazing contracts typically include perfor- interior fences can be built by using a sin- mance standards for the grazier to meet. gle or double strand of electrified high-ten- Therefore, a quality scale that can be certi- sile wire. Some farms make extensive use of fied for commerce is usually a wise invest- poly-wire and poly-tapes to subdivide larger ment. In some cases, a truck scale in a nearby pastures. Th is makes it easier to control community may be sufficient, but few pro- pasture use and stocking rates and get the ducers who have purchased animal scales most from your forage. Younger animals have regretted the decision. Once a scale is will typically respect a single wire if they available, monitoring animal performance are properly trained to respect an electric is much easier. You do not have to won- fence, but a double wire may be required to der whether the animals are gaining weight ensure that a few animals don’t graze ahead and at what rate, or whether they will reach of the others. With mature cows and dairy the targets specified in the contract. A scale heifers, a single wire can work well. If the can be used not only to routinely weigh a cows have calves on the side, the single wire can be raised to allow calves to pass under group of cattle but also to compare different and creep graze ahead and return to the groups of cattle on different forages in order herd without getting shocked. to monitor what forages yield better gains at different times of the year. A livestock scale If you are going to use electric fences, and will allow you to be a better manager of both the animals you are grazing have not expe- forages and livestock. rienced them before, a training pen might ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. be necessary. A training pen, adequately sources available. Also, have a backup plan, sized for the animals to roam and rest, can just in case you lose electricity for extended have multiple strands of electrified fence periods or suffer a pump failure. — typically made very hot (highly charged) because of the proximity to the barn where Other equipment the fence energizer is housed. Animals stay in the training pen for as long as needed to Depending on your geographic location become accustomed to the folks working and local weather patterns, some shelter on the farm, to receive daily inspections for may be required to protect animals during health and condition and to learn to respect bad weather, minimize stress and ensure the fences. that proper care can be given to animals entrusted to you. In most cases, a sim- For more information on fencing, ple pole barn is adequate. Proper ventila- see the ATTR A publication Paddock tion is important, and avoid overcrowd- Design, Fencing and Water Systems for ing. For grazing animals, a crowded barn Controlled Grazing. can be worse than no barn at all. Protec- tion from the sun and heat stress can also Water be important in some places. Remember Water is one of the most cost-effective nutri- that if your goal is to maximize gains and tional ingredients and must be in ample sup- you have no trees or other form of shade, ply at all times. Behavioral studies show that your returns will probably begin to suffer when cows travel more than ¼ mile to water, when temperatures go above 70 degrees pasture utilization and time spent grazing Fahrenheit and stay there for 24 hours decreases. Utilization will suffer because cat- or more. Some heat is fi ne, as long as the tle will graze the part of the pasture closest to cattle can recover during some part of the the water supply or transit lane, while other day or night. With no recovery period, portions of the pasture go untouched. Over- heat stress will accumulate and gains will all grazing time will decline if animals have suff er. Some farms with few shade trees to spend too much of their time walking to have made portable shades consisting of and from water points. If water is readily a durable, lightweight frame covered with accessible, animals will travel individually to shade cloth. Moving the shades also helps it as needed. If water is not readily accessible, spread out the impact that large groups the entire herd will travel together seeking of cattle can have on a pasture. For wind water. This behavior has an impact on how protection you can use windbreaks, both well pastures are used and how much time natural and man-made, to provide shelter. cattle spend harvesting that pasture. Make sure that your pastures have plenty of water Contracts Photo courtesy of USDA-ARS. A grazing contract is an agreement between two parties to perform certain functions over a certain time period. The contract can be as complex or as simple as both parties agree to. What is important about a contract is that it gives both parties a record of what they have agreed to. There are three main points to remember about contracts: 1. The agreement must be equitable to both the livestock owner and the grazier. 2. The contract should provide protection to both parties. Page 8 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 9. 3. The contract should acknowledge the actual A flat-fee structure can also be used; how- cost of production to provide an accurate ever, this kind of contract should only be and fair fee arrangement (Fischer, 1996). entered into after considerable experience with a particular owner’s cattle to ensure that it provides adequate returns. Key points to consider in a grazing contract Contracts based on weight gain rely on the Identify the responsibilities of both named grazier’s forage management and the owner’s parties — who will provide what and when? supply of healthy, fast-growing animals. The grazier has an incentive to keep rotating the Define labor, equipment and management of animals so that adequate forage is available and livestock, including animal health. the owner has an incentive to supply healthy Specify targets appropriate for the type of animals that will grow well and be profitable. animals, including weight gains, body condi- tion scores and more. In almost all cases, the owner is respon- sible for supplying mineral supplements Define who will pay for various types of services, such as additional feed, vet bills, and covering other costs associated with medications, trucking and more. animal care. However, make sure that the C details are spelled out in the contract, where ontracts Specify the dates that the contract will be in everything is subject to negotiation. If based on force and the types, sizes and sexes of animals to be grazed under the contract. supplemental feed is required, delineate weight gain in the contract who will be responsible. In Specify how and where the animals will be rely on the grazier’s some cases, supplemental feed costs could be weighed; specify any appropriate shrink. subtracted from the grazier’s fee at the end of forage management Specify under what conditions the contract the contract. Other items can also be nego- and the owner’s can be terminated – by either party – and the tiated. For example, if the grazier is located supply of healthy, notice required to terminate a contract. at some distance from the owner, and sup- fast-growing Specify how the grazier will be paid after plemental feed is required, the grazier could animals. animals are removed and on what basis, be responsible for purchasing acceptable feed such as rate of gain, number of days or other locally and billing the owner. options. Source: Kidwell, 2000. Other considerations Since you as a custom grazier are ultimately responsible for someone else’s property, you should have a discussion with your insurance Prices for grazing agent to determine your possible liability in a There are several means that owners and contract grazing arrangement. Mortality is a graziers can use to calculate payments. Most common point to include in a contract, but contracts are based either on time or animal what about theft? Weigh your risks carefully; weight gain. it may help you sleep better at night know- ing that some of those risks are covered. One time-related payment method is the per-acre fee for the entire grazing season. With this arrangement, there is not any Economic projections incentive for the grazier, and the owner suffers and budgets if growing conditions – due to lack of rain The following projections and budgets are and forage growth – are poor. only starting points for your own economic A similar pricing structure is the per-head evaluations, since the numbers used are sim- per-month fee, calculated on the incoming ply averages. Based on your geographic loca- weight of the animals. For example, at $4 a tion, forage production and competition, month for a hundredweight, a steer weighing the numbers used may not represent your 500 pounds would cost $20 a month. farm. The budgets have pricing matrices at ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. the bottom to help estimate the break-even PDF: points for cost of production. It is important Contracts/beefStocker.pdf to realize that you need to ensure long-term returns above total costs, since this is where true profitability begins. In the short run, Dry Cows returns above variable costs are important. Spreadsheet: If an activity has no returns to variable costs, grazingContracts/dry_cows.xls then you should not engage in it, even for a short time. Any return above variable costs PDF: could be used to pay for fixed costs, and in Contracts/drycows.pdf some cases, some return to fixed costs is pre- ferred over no return at all. Dairy Heifers Budgets Spreadsheet: grazingContracts/dairy_heifers.xls Beef Stocker Calves Spreadsheet: PDF: grazingContracts/beef_stocker.xls Contracts/dairyheifers.pdf References Apple, Ken, Raymond L. Huhnke, and Sam L. Harp. Grandin, Temple. 2008. Humane Livestock 1995. Modern Corral Design. Oklahoma State Univer- Handling. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. sity Extension Circular E-938, Stillwater, OK. 58 p. Heinrichs, Jud. 1996. The Importance of Heifer Raising Borg, Robert. 1993. Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle. to a Profitable Dairy Farm. Proceedings from the Calves, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Heifers, and Dairy Profitability National Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 91 p. Harrisburg, PA. January 10-12. NRAES-74. p. 1-6. Kidwell, Boyd. 2000. Contract Grazing. Progressive Cady, Roger A., and Terry R. Smith. 1996. Economics of Farmer Magazine. November. p. 22-25. Heifer Raising Programs. Proceedings from the Calves, Heifers, and Dairy Profitability National Conference. Matches, Arthur, and Joseph C. Burns. 1995. Systems Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. January 10-12. of Grazing Management. p. 179-192. In: Robert Barnes, NRAES-74. p. 1-6. Darrell A. Miller, and C. Jerry Nelson (eds.). Forages – Volume II: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. 5th Cates, Dick. 2000. Getting Grass Cattle to Your Farm edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. or Ranch. Proceedings from Great Lakes International Phillip, L.E., P. Goldsmith, M. Bergeron, and P.R. Grazing Conference. Shipshewana, IN. p. 15-16. Peterson. 2001. Optimizing pasture management for Doye, Damona G., and Eugene Krenzer, Jr. 1989. cow-calf production: the roles of rotational frequency Should I Buy (or Retain) Stockers to Graze Wheat and stocking rate in the context of system efficiency. Pasture. Oklahoma State University Extension Service. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 81(1) p. 47-56. Stillwater, OK. F-212 6 p. Teegerstrom, Trent, Gerard D’Souza, Phillip Osborne, docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-3271/AGEC-212web.pdf and Kezelee Jones. 1997. To Contract or Not to Con- tract? A Decision Theory and Portfolio Analysis of Cattle Fiez, Edward A. 1993. Contract Considerations for Contract Grazing. Agricultural and Resource Economics Dairy Replacements. Western Large Herd Management Review. 26(2). p. 205-215. Conference Proceedings. Las Vegas, NV. p. 85-92. bitstream/31566/1/26020205.pdf Fischer, David B. 1996. Contract Heifer Raising. Further resources Illinois Dairy Report. University of Illinois DairyNet. Contracts 1 p. Livestock Production Contract Checklist. 1996. Attor- cfm?ContentID=224 ney General Tom Miller’s Production Contracts Task Page 10 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 11. Force. Office of the Attorney General, Iowa Department PO Box 2300 of Justice. Accessed 2009. Ridgeland, MS 39158-9911 Grain/Topics/LivestockProductionContractChecklist.htm (601) 853-1861 Pasture Lease – Contract Grazing Agreement. Polk 1-800-748-9808 • (601) 853-8087 FAX County Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Accessed June 2007. Morrow, Ron, Jim Gerrish, and Paul Peterson. Practi- This form was prepared to assist in reaching and recording cal Use Leader-Follower Grazing Systems. The Missouri a lease agreement. Agriculture Experiment Station. University of Missouri. Accessed June 2009. Grazing archives/nl94v3n1.stm. Matches, Arthur, and Joseph C. Burns. 1995. Systems Rayburn, Ed (ed.). 2007. Forage Utilization for Pasture- of Grazing Management. p. 179-192. In: Robert Barnes, Darrell A. Miller, and C. Jerry Nelson (eds.). Forages – Based Livestock Production. Natural Resource, Agri- Volume II: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. 5th culture, and Engineering Service. 185 p. Order from: edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. NRAES Cooperative Extension Blanchet, Kevin, Howard Moechnig, and Jodi PO Box 4557 Dejong-Hughes. 2000. Grazing Systems Planning Ithaca, NY 14852-4557 Guide. University of Minnesota Extension Service. or Publication No. BU-07606. For UPS, FedEx or pick up distribution/livestocksystems/DI7606.html NRAES, Cooperative Extension Judy, Greg. 2002. No Risk Ranching: Custom Grazing B-16 Morrison Hall on Leased Land. Green Park Press. ISBN 0963246089. Ithaca, NY 14853-4801 236 p. (607) 255-7654 • (607) 254-8770 FAX cgi?id=360 • Based on his personal experience, Greg Judy shows how to make a living from the land without owning it. He Contract dairy heifers describes his successes, as well as his mistakes, to help oth- Fiez, Edward A. 1993. Contract Considerations for ers on the road to profit. By leasing land and cattle, he Dairy Replacements. Western Large Herd Management went from 40 stockers to more than 1,100 head and Conference Proceedings. Department of Animal and was able to pay off his farm and home loan within three Veterinary Science, University of Idaho, Las Vegas, NV. years. Today he has 12 farms totaling more than 1,560 acres. Easy-to-follow chapters explain how to: • Find idle pastureland to lease Professional Dairy Heifers Growers Association • Calculate the cost of a lease and write a contract 801 Shakespeare, PO Box 497 • Develop good water on leased land Stratford, IA 50249 • Figure costs for fencing 1-877-434-3377 • (515) 838-2788 FAX • Lower risk through custom grazing • • Promote wildlife and develop timber stands • Cut costs as well as keep accurate records Beiler, Joseph. 2000. Dairy Heifer Contracting: Order from: Motives, Forms, and Arrangements. The Ohio State Stockman Grassfarmer University Extension Fact Sheet. AS-0005-00. PO Box 2300 Ridgeland, MS 39158-9911 Gunderson, S.L. Heifer Raising Contract (Version 2.1). or Manitowoc County UW-Extension Dairy Agent. 1-800-748-9808 Cost is $33.60, including postage and handling HeiferRaisingContract.pdf Gerrish, Jim. 2004. Management-intensive Grazing: Moore, Robert, Joseph Beiler, and Gary Schnitkey. The Grassroots of Grass Farming. 314 p. Order from: 2000. The Economics of Heifer Contracting. The Ohio The Stockman Grass Farmer ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. State University Extension Fact Sheet. AS-0006-00. (970) 229-0703 Grandin’s book Humane Livestock Handling explains Dairy Heifer Housing. 1997. Penn State Dairy animal behavior principles to reduce stress on your ani- Housing Plans. NRAES-85. 106 p. This publication (a revision of Penn State Freestall and mals and contains layouts of corrals for ranches, feedlots Heifer Housing Plans, 1994) is a collection of 29 plans and meat plants; designs for large and small beef cattle developed by faculty and staff of the Department of Agricul- operations; and complete instructions and illustrations tural Biological Engineering at the Pennsylvania State Uni- to show you how to build chutes, loading ramps, fences, versity and the Penn State Cooperative Extension. Included gates, latches, crowd pens and sliding gates. It also are 12 freestall housing plans, six heifer housing plans, four contains sheep and bison layouts. dry cow and maternity housing plans and seven plans for Apple, Ken, Raymond L. Huhnke, and Sam L. Harp. details and components. Plans have been revised to incor- 1995. Modern Corral Design. Oklahoma State University porate the latest recommendations for freestall design, ven- Extension Circular E-938. Stillwater, OK. Order from: tilation and cow movement. The freestall section contains PBIS plans for various two-row, three-row, four-row and six-row Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department freestall barns. Included in the heifer section are plans for 214 Agriculture Hall bedded pack housing, counter-slope housing, single-slope Oklahoma State University housing and three types of heifer freestall barns. The section Stillwater, OK 74078-6021 on dry cow and maternity housing contains ideas for hous- ing dry cows in bedded pack groups, multiple pen barns Borg, Robert. 1993. Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle. with drive-through feeding, pre-fresh and maternity pen Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. areas, convalescence areas and post-fresh housing facilities. Agdex 420/723-1. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 91 Included in the detail and components section are sidewall p.$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/ curtains and drainage, watering locations, floor surfaces, agdex27?opendocument feed barriers, freestalls and ventilation openings. Also new This best-selling book features information on cattle to this edition are introductory discussions with each section behavior, handling techniques, corral design, corral and a list of suggested readings. geometry and corral components. It has more than 60 Order from: designs and corral plans. It has been reviewed by indus- NRAES Cooperative Extension try experts including Temple Grandin, the internation- PO Box 4557 ally recognized expert on cattle behavior from Colorado Ithaca, NY 14852-4557 State University. (607) 255-7654 • (607) 254-8770 FAX To order: 1-800-292-5697 or (780) 427-0391 Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook. 1987. MWPS-6. 136 pages. 4th edition. ISBN 0-89373-068-8 id=39&_UserReference=31777E4712C476E7498AD652 Current agricultural engineering recommendations are New York residents add 8 percent sales tax (calculated summarized in this complete housing guide. Essential com- on both the cost of publications and the shipping and ponents for an efficient operation such as building design, handling charges). operation size and equipment are discussed. Figures, tables Roth, Sarah, Jud Heinrichs, and Coleen Jones. Dairy and discussions to help improve, expand and modernize an Heifer Contracting Fundamentals. Department of operation are included. Topics cover cow-calf, cattle han- Dairy and Animal Science. The Pennsylvania State dling and cattle feeding facilities; feed storage, processing University. and handling; water and waterers; manure management; heifercontract.pdf farmstead planning; building construction and materials; ventilation and insulation; fences; gates; and utilities. Corral design and Order from: MidWest Plan Service handling facilities 122 Davidson Hall Grandin Livestock Handling System, Inc. Iowa State University Temple Grandin, Ph.D. Ames, IA 50011 2918 Silver Plume Drive, Unit C3 1-800-562-3618 Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Page 12 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 13. Burns, Robert T., and Michael J. Buschermohle. Selection Estimated Costs and Returns for Commercial Beef of Alternative Livestock Watering Systems. Agricultural Cattle and Forage Systems – Intensive Production, Extension Service. University of Tennessee. East Texas. Dr. Greg Clary, extension economist Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center Gerrish, James R. Fence Systems for Grazing Management PO Box 38 1: Electric Fence Energizers. Extension Beef Cattle Overton, TX 75684 Resource Committee. Beef Cattle Handbook. University (903) 834-6191 • (903) 834-7140 FAX of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension. Clary also provides budgets online that do not require Grandin, Temple. Cattle Behavior During Handling downloads at and Corral Design for Ranches. Beef Cattle Handbook. University of Tennessee Livestock Budgets. Budgets Extension Beef Cattle Resource Committee. University for row crops, forage and livestock production. of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension. Kammel, David W. Heifer Housing Considerations: Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship. Designing Facilities to Enhance Heifer Performance. Center for Dairy Profitability. Biological Systems Engi- Beef Budgets neering. Compilation of 15 different budgets for cattle production HeiferHousingConsiderations-NRAES2005.pdf and several pasture and forage budgets. http://economics. Quam, Vernon, and LaDon Johnson. Windbreaks for Livestock Operations. University of Nebraska Coop- Gadberry, Shane. Cow-calf Enterprise Budget. University erative Extension. ec1766.pdf of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. www.uaex. edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/MP-413.pdf TAMU. 2005. Value Added Calf (VAC) - Management Program. Texas Cooperative Extension. Gadberry, Shane, Tom Troxel, and John Jennings. Practices to Improve Beef Cattle Efficiency. University VAC_Management.pdf of Arkansas Cooperative Extension. This document covers pre-weaning and backgrounding Other_Areas/publications/PDF/fsa-3060.pdf program including health management and vaccinations. Livestock Enterprise Budgets—Iowa 2003. Drs. Gary Turner, Larry W. Shade Options for Grazing Cattle. May, William Edwards, and John Lawrence. Iowa State University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. University Extension, Ames, IA. Publication #FM-1815 Additional livestock economic information can be found Grazing budgets and economic on Dr. Lawrence’s Web page at information faculty/lawrence NOTE: Most state universities and Cooperative Extension University of Missouri Farm Budgets. have budgets for agricultural products in their states. Below is a sample of some of the budget and economic information Source of forage, livestock and crop budgets. that is available in electronic format. For an electronic copy of these resources, please e-mail Lee Rinehart, NCAT Virginia Cooperative Extension. 2001-2002. Virginia livestock specialist, at Farm Business Management Crop and Livestock Eldridge, R.W., Kenneth H. Burdine, and Richard Budgets. Publication Number 446-047. Trimble. 2005. The Economics of Rotational Grazing. Spreadsheets and PDF files with various budgets University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. for agricultural products are available from Virginia Cooperative Extension at ext2005-02.pdf. agecon/446-047/446-047.html ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. Notes Page 14 ATTRA Grazing Contracts for Livestock
  • 15. Notes ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. Grazing Contracts for Livestock Updated by Hannah Sharp, NCAT Intern and Lee Rinehart, NCAT Agriculture Specialist © 2010 NCAT Holly Michels, Editor Amy Smith, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP247 Slot 248 Version 012710 Page 16 ATTRA