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Group A Beta-hemolytic Streptococcal Infections
Michael E. Pichichero, MD*

1. Group A streptococci cause about 15% of acute sore throats in children.
2. Group A streptococcal infection cannot be diagnosed reliably on clinical grounds; a rapid strep test or throat culture is
3. Although penicillixi G therapy for 10 days remains the gold standard, treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis for 5 days
   with several kinds of cephalosporins or azithromycin is effective and has the advantage of greater compliance.
4. Recent cases of rheumatic fever in children often have occurred ¡u middle-income, suburban families.
5. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome generally has skin and soft tissues as portals of entry, especially when secondary
   infection is concurrent with varicella.

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) are gram-positive bacteria that grow in culture as pairs or chains of variable
length. On sheep blood agar they appear as transparent to opaque round, small colonies surrounded by a zone of complete
hemolysis (beta) of red cells. The beta-hemolytic streptococci include the pathogens of Lancefield groups A. C, and G. In
contrast, viridans streptococci produce partial (alpha) or no (gamma) hemolysis. Group D streptococci produce variable
hemolysis, and S pneumoniae (pneumococcus) produce alpha-hemolysis.
  Biologic products elaborated by GABHS are important determinants of virulence. Antibody responses to these antigens
sometimes are used to identify these bacteria as the cause of an infection. In addition to hemolysins (including streptolysins
O and S), GABHS may elaborate streptokinase, streptodornase bacteriocins, deoxyribonuclease, exotoxins, hyaluronidase,
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase, and proteinase.

Types of Group A
Streptococcal Infections
GABHS causes many types of infection in children (Table 1). Tonsillopharyngitis is by far the most common manifestation
in the pediatric population; it will be discussed at length later in this review. Most cases of bacterial otitis media and
sinusitis are caused by S pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis; GABHS accounts for 5% to
10% of cases and, therefore, must be considered as a possible pathogen in these conditions. The history of acute otitis media
generally includes acute ear pain, often associated with fever, diminished hearing, and cough. Pneumatic otoscopy should
be employed on physical examination. The findings of a red, bulging tympanic membrane and purulent material in the
middle ear space are seen more frequently with pneumococcal or GABHS Otitis media. Otitis media caused by H influenzae
and M catarrhalis is more likely to produce a thickened-appearing tympanic membrane That has less erythema and a
grayish exudate in the middle ear space. However these distinctions on clinical examination are far from universal and
cannot be relied upon to direct therapy.
GABHS can cause lobar pneumonia. Affected children generally have high fevers and appear quite toxic. Empyema occurs
more commonly than with pneumococcal pneumonia which is a more common bacteria] cause of lobar pneumonia.

The most common skin and soft tissue infection caused by GABHS is impetigo. Typically, a small pustule develops at the
site of a previous injury, such as a scratch. abrasion or insect bite, then ruptures spontaneously and develops a thin, honey-
colored scab. Multiple sites of involvement result from scratching. The individual lesions are very superficial and involve
the outermost layers of the epidermis. The streptococci causing impetigo or pyoderma may be found in the nose at throat,
but this infection usually occurs after the skin infection has been established. Impetigo generally occurs during summer
   Erysipelas is a superficial cellulitis characterized by a raised irregular, advancing border. Systemic symptoms include
fever, vomiting, and irritability. GABHS may be the only causative organism or may be present with Staphylococcus
aureus, as in other forms of cellulitis. There are no clinical features unique to skin and soft-tissue infections caused by
GABHS as compared with those caused by S aureus; this, both organisms should be considered.


GABHS accounts for a small percentage of cases of endocarditis (more commonly due to viridans streptococci and group D
streptococci) myocarditis and pericarditis (more commonly due to viruses), and phlebitis (more commonly due to S aureus).
GABHS is the second most common bacteria] cause of musculoskeletal infections and lymphadenitis following S aureus.
Necrotizing fasciitis is discussed later as a GABHS complication. Genera]ly when GABHS is the cause of cardiovascular,
musculo-skeletal, or lymphatic infections illness progresses rapidly and is marked by high fever and systemic toxicity.
The blood stream or meninges rarely are invaded following infection of the upper respiratory tract or skin with GABHS. An
increased incidence of invasive streptococcal infection is observed in certain vulnerable host conditions (eg, post-
splenectomy, sickle cell disease, varicella, or immunodeficiency). Signs and symptoms of streptococcal bacteremia and/or
meningitis do not differ notably from these infections caused by other bacteria, which are more common pathogens.



GXBHS throat infections produce a self-limited, localized inflammation of the tonsillopharynx that generally lasts 3 to 5
days. Antibiotic treatment if prompt and appropriate shortens the duration of symptoms and the period of contagion and
reduces the occurrence of localized spread and suppurative complications. A major objective of antibiotic therapy is to
prevent rheumatic fever and possibly reduce the incidence of poststreptococcal glometrulonephritis.
   Humans are the natural reservoir for GABHS, and infections are spread person to person. The nasopharynx and
oropharynx are the primary carriage sites for this organism; the skin and anus also are potential sites. Direct contact with
infected nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal mucosa and with contaminated objects such as toothbrushes is of less
importance. Rarely, food is a vehicle for the spread of GABHS.
  Spread of GABHS requires a susceptible host and is facilitated by close contact. Infection rarely is acquired in infancy,
probably because of maternal immunity conferred transplacentally. Infection is uncommon in those younger than 2 years of
age, possibly due to decreased attachment of GABHS
to nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal epithelial cells.
When infection occurs in toddlers, it most often
involves the nasopharynx or skin (impetigo). Close
contact with a large number of individuals who
potential]y are infected with GABHS, as occurs in
child care and grade school, results in more frequent
spread of illness. Adolescents usually have had contact
with the organism over time, which provides
immunity, thereby rendering GABHS infections less
common in this population. The frequency of isolation
of GABHS and other tonsillopharyngeal pathogens in
children and adolescents is shown in Table 2.


The largest proportion (15% to 40%) of children and
young adults (30% to 60%) who have tonsillopharyngitis have viral infections. About 8% to 40% of children and 5% to 9%
of adolescents who have sore throat, fever, and tonsillopharyngeal inflammation have GABHS infection. Other bacteria
infrequently cause throat infection. The differential diagnosis of GAB HS tonsillopharyngitis, particularly among
adolescents, should include infection caused by group C and G Streptococcus sp and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Anaerobes
may be involved in deep-seated infections such as peritonsillar or retropharyngeal abscesses, but there is no evidence that
surface colonization with these organisms causes symptomatic tonsillopharyngitis.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae (TWAR agent), and Arcanobacieriwn haemolyticum are occasional
causative agents of symptomatic tonsillopharyngitis[ Corynebacterium diphtheriae remains a cause of tonsillopharyngitis in
developing countries. Sore throats often are “idiopathic” in etiology. It is not clear whether these cases of tonsillopharyngitis
actually are caused by viruses that at present cannot be identified or whether they are dime to other factors such as postnasal
drip or allergy.


GABHS tonsillopharyngitis cannot be diagnosed on clinical grounds in most patients. The patient who has a classic
GABHS throat infection exhibits fever, tonsillopharyngeal erythema and exudate, swollen and tender anterior cervical
adenopathy, absence of rhinorrhea and cough, and an elevated white blood cell count during mid-winter to early spring
(Table 3). When this constellation of symptoms is present, the likelihood of GABHS infection approaches 60% to 70% in
children and 20% to 30% in adolescents.
   Symptoms of groups C and G streptococcal pharyngitis are similar to those of GABHS. Adolescents and young adults
are particularly susceptible to groups C and G streptococcal pharyngitis. The symptoms may not be as severe as those asso-
ciated with GABHS infection, but all may be present.
   After screening more than 20,000 children who had cute respiratory illnesses associated with sore throat. Breese derived
a nine-factor scoring system for diagnosing GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Children who had fewer than 25 points in the
Breese scoring system had a 6% probability of having GABHS tonsillopharyngitis; this represented 20% of the children
from whom throat cultures were obtained. Children who scored 26 to 31 points had a probability of approximately 40% and
represented 36% of the study population. Children who had 32 to 38 points had a probability of 84% and represented 44%
of the study population. The Breese scoring system requires a white blood cell count from every patient; eliminating this
finding invalidates the applicability of the scoring.
  The accuracy of probability estimates for diagnosing GABHS tonsillopharyngitis made by experienced physicians has
been assessed in a university health service among an adolescent population. When two general internists, three pediatri-
cians, and five family physicians predicted the culture outcome on clinical grounds for 308 patients who had sore throat, the
probability of positive GABHS culture was overestimated for 81% of patients. Only 15 cultures (4.9%) were positive for
GABHS. Over diagnosis almost always led to the decision to treat with antibiotics.
   Based on these carefully conducted studies, it would appear that the clinical diagnosis of GABHS throat infections is
unreliable in most patients. A subset of children (approximately 20%) and adolescents (approximately 67%) will present
with sore throat and few other symptoms or signs of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis; they require neither a diagnostic test
(culture or rapid antigen detection) nor treatment. The sore throat is pan of a viral upper respiratory tract infection. These
individuals can be distinguished clinically from other patients by an accompanying rhinorrhea, cough, hoarseness, and often
an absence of fever, tonsillopharyngeal erythema or exudate, and cervical lymphadenitis.
                                       LABORATORY TESTING
                                       Throat Culture
                                       Breese and Disney were the first to report the use of throat cultures plated un sheep
                                       blood agar in an office in 1954. The use of a throat culture to confirm the presence of
                                       GABHS has become a common pediatric practice: by the early 1980s, the Centers for
                                       Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 28 to 36 million throat cultures were
                                       performed annually in the United States. Ibis simple laboratory test is valuable in
                                       avoiding unnecessary antibiotic therapy and in identifying patients who require
                                       False-positive Throat Cultures
                                       False-positive GABHS throat cultures usually occur through misidentification of
  beta-hemolytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield groups B, C, F, or G, or betahemolytic S aureus. The bacitracin
  sensitivity test can differentiate GABHS from non-GABHS betahemolytic strains; 95% to 100% of GABHS demonstrate
  a zone of growth inhibition around a disk containing 0.04 units of bacitracin compared with 83% to 97% of non-GABHS
  that do nut. If there are sufficient numbers of bacteria in the area of the disk, the test can be interpreted adequately on a
  primary blood agar plate.

   False-negative Throat Cultures
  Explanations fur false-negative throat cultures include: 1) faulty culture technique, 2) surreptitious antibiotic use, and 3)
  faulty bacteriologic methods. The optimal site fur throat culture is the surface of the tonsil. The tongue, hard palate, teeth,
  and buccal mucosa are not satisfactory. It is difficult to isolate GABHS after one or two doses of antibiotic have been
  administered, and occult antibiotic use may be a significant cause of false-negative throat cultures. Patients frequently do
  not take the full amount of prescribed antibiotic, and leftover drug is saved for the next occurrence of similar symptoms.
  In a hospital emergency department study, 10% of patients who forthrightly denied antibiotic use on direct questioning by
  a physician had evidence of antibiotics detected in their urine.
     Quality assurance methods should be incorporated into laboratory routines and now are mandated by CLIA
  regulations. A known isolate of GABHS should be inoculated daily onto a plate and incubated concurrently as a positive
  control with other throat swab cultures obtained from patients suspected of having GABHS infection. Duplicate throat
  swabs should be processed in a reference laboratory (hospital) periodically to corroborate office laboratory results.

   Rapid GABHS Antigen
   Detection Tests
  GABHS antigen detection tests can be performed quickly in a physician’s office or clinic at a cost that is comparable to a
  10-day prescription of penicillin. These tests rely un extraction of carbohydrate antigen of GABHS followed by detection
  with an antibody-tagged reagent that produces a clumping effect or color change after interaction. If properly performed,
  the sensitivity (average, 76% to 87%) and specificity (ayera2e, 90% to 96%) of rapid antigen detection testing can
  approach that of throat cultures (Table 4).
  One recommended strategy for use of the rapid GABHS antigen test is to deem a positive result as reliable, with treatment
rendered as appropriate. In contrast, a negative rapid antigen detection test result suggests no need for treatment, but
consideration of sending a throat swab for confirmatory culture to avoid missing an infection that might require therapy.
  It should be recognized that this strategy could result in over treatment of about one third of patients who have positive
tests , given the positive predictive value of the test because GABHS prevalence is about 15% in the winter respiratory
infection season. Moreover, confirmatory cultures in those who have negative results to rapid tests will be positive in only
1.5% to 3.4% of patients if the prevalence of GABHS is 8% to 15%, respectively. The test is most effective when iris
performed in immediate proximity to where patients are seen and the charge to patients should be modest so as not to dis-
courage its use. Such availability allows the integration of rapid GABHS antigen detection testing into clinical decision-
making, despite the busy flow of patients in all types of settings. Rapid GABHS antigen testing does not require the
expertise of a certified microbiologist or laboratory technician; it can be performed by any properly trained physician; nurse,
or allied health professional. It is essential that those performing the tests review the package insert carefully to comply
fully with the instructions. Shortcuts and lack of attention to detail reduce the sensitivity and specificity of these tests

ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY GABHS are highly susceptible o penicillins and cephalosporins. In vivo activity of these
drugs is influenced significantly by the level of antibiotic achieved at the site of infection. Antibiotics may have variable
rates of absorption, absorption can be influenced by food, or their action may be compromised by enzymatic breakdown or
other microbial resistance mechanisms. GABHS usually are susceptible to erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithrornycin,
Lincomycin, and clindamycin. However, GABHS resistance to the macrolides occurs and may develop in a community or
country as a consequence of antibiotic pressure from their extensive use. Cross-resistance among macrolides is observed.

The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the aminoglycosides. sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline
against most GABHS strains is consistent with the clinical observation that these agents are of limited value in the treatment
of such infections. Sulfadiazine is acceptable for secondary prophylaxis in rheumatic fever. This reflects the difference
between antibiotic efficacy when bacterial colonization first begins (prophylactic drugs might be effective) versus when
active infection is established (agents effective in treatment are required).

GABHS tolerance to penicillin has been studied extensively in the laboratory and clinically over the past decade. A ratio of
the MIC to the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 32-fold or greater defines a tolerant strain, which is inhibited
but non killed by penicillin. Whereas a clear correlation between antibiotic tolerance and clinical treatment failures has been
demonstrated for S aureus, there is no such correlation for GABHS. Clinical observations of tolerant GABHS strains have
involved outbreaks in which penicillin-tolerant strains resulted in penicillin treatment failures and penicillin-tolerant and
susceptible strains were associated with equivalent penicillin treatment failure rates.


For beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillin and the cephalosporins), the time during which the antibiotic is above the MIC is
much more important than the height of the peak antibiotic concentration in producing efficacy; this is termed “time--
dependent” as compared with “concentration-dependent” antibiotic killing. Increasing blood levels of beta-lactam
antibiotics by administering probenecid concurrently or adding procaine penicillin to benzathine penicillin does non
produce better bacteriologic efficacy Once a concentration of a betalactam antibiotic has been reached that ensures activity
at the bacterial cell wall, increased drug concentrations do not eradicate GABHS more effectively.
Beta-lactam antibiotics work against actively growing bacteria. After initial bactericidal activity, there is a time span of
treatment before active bacterial growth resumes during which the antibiotic -is non essential. Ibis makes intermittent oral
therapy feasible as an alternative to the continuous levels of antibiotics achieved with injectable benzathine penicillin G.

injections of benzathine penicillin provide bactericidal levels against GABHS for 21 no 28 days. The addition of procaine
alleviates some of the discomfort associated with benzathine injections and may influence the initial clinical response
favorably GABHS is eradicated through the sustained levels of penicillin achieved with the benzathine formulation. Ten
days of penicillin treatment is required no achieve a maximum bacteriologic cure rate in GABHS tonsillopharyngitis: 5 no 7
days therapy with injectable or oral penicillin does not produce maximal GABHS eradication.
Because compliance with 10 days of therapy often can be problematic, a shorter course of
Therapy is attractive. A regimen of 4 to 5 days of therapy with several cephalosporins-cefadroxil, cefuroxime axetil,
cefpodoxime proxetil and cefdinir has been shown to produce a bacteriologic eradication rate similar or superior to that
achieved with 10 days of oral penicillin V. Cefpodoxime proxetil has been approved by the United States Food and Drug
Administration as a 5-day therapy for throat infections caused by GABHS. Azithromycin may be administered for 5 days no
treat GABHS because it persists in tonsillopharyngeal tissues form approximately 10 days after discontinuation of the drug
(total of 15 days therapy). If bacteriologic eradication is the primary measure of effective GABHS treatment, as the only
corollary for the prevention of acute rheumatic fever, then superior bacteriologic eradication with a short course of
cephalosporin or azithromycin therapy with which patients comply may prove to be a significant advance.


The primary reason that patients seek antibiotic therapy for sore throat is to quell symptoms and shorten the clinical course
of illness. For many years it was thought that antibiotics only minimally ameliorated the symptoms of GABHS
tonsillopharyngitis. In the 1980s this tenet was refuted by several double-blind evaluations that showed greater clinical
improvement in patients receiving penicillin compared with those receiving a placebo. One study showed that penicillin
relieves symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis faster and more effectively than acetaminophen.
Although antibiotics do alleviate symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, nearly all patients will improve spontaneously,
even without treatment. The natural course of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis is a rapid onset of symptoms and signs of
infection followed by spontaneous resolution within 2 to 5 days. Thus, patients who seek care after they have had a sore
throat for more than 1 week usually do non have GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. It is non the spontaneous resolution of
symptoms, but the persistence of the organism in the tonsillopharynx that sets the stage for ongoing contagion and the risk
of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). Even though the patient feels better, persistence of the organism elicits an ongoing immune
response. If the strain is rheumatogenic and the host genetically predisposed, then ARF may follow.
If the patient has GABHS tons tonsillopharyngitis, clinical improvement should occur promptly following the start of
antibiotic therapy; failure no improve usually indicates that GABHS is non the cause of the tonsillopharyngeal infection.
GABHS is either non present or it is present bun the patient is only a carrier. The symptom-relieving effects of therapy are
most marked if treatment is instituted early in the course of illness. If therapy is started after the first 24 no 48 hours of
illness, symptoms and signs of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis may non disappear significantly more rapidly than with no
Prompt treatment is non vital to preventing rheumatic fever. A study of military recruits in the 1950s documented that ARE
can be prevented even if treatment is delayed for 9 days after onset of symptoms of GAIBHS tonsillopharyngitis. Thus,
even after the acute symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis have subsided. ARF can be prevented. This observation is in
contrast to results with sulfadiazine treatment, which favorably influences acute symptoms when administered early in the
course of illness but does non eradicate GABHS from the respiratory tract and does non prevent ARE.

The transmission rate of GABHS is approximately 35% within a family or school if the patient 15 untreated. Appropriate,
effective antibiotic treatment prevents transmission no others who are susceptible. Penicillin renders an infected individual
minimally contagious to others in approximately 24 hours. The duration of contagion when alternative antibiotics are used
has non been studied systematically. If penicillin is discontinued after 3 days of therapy, there is a 50% likelihood that the
patient will relapse with a positive GABHS infection (which may be asymptomanic). If the penicillin is stopped after 6 no 7
days of treatment, the likelihood of GABHS recurring is approximately 34%. Untreated, the spontaneous rate of
of GABHS from the throat (by host immunity) is 50% within 1 month of acute infection.

The efficacy of penicillin for the primary prevention of ARF was established in the early 1950s. In these seminal studies,
military recruits who had GABHS tonsillopharyngitis were given injectable penicillin G mixed in peanut Oil or sesame oil
and 2% aluminum monostearate. Injection schedules that provided at least 9 to 11 days of effective penicillin therapy
optimized GABHS eradication and the primary prevention of ARE.

A preparation of injectable penicillin was developed that combined the long-acting effect of benzathine with procaine
penicillin, a drug that diminishes pain at the injection site. A combination of 900,000 U of benzathine penicillin G plus
300,000 U of procaine penicillin is the preferred product for most school-age children.

Following the determination that GABHS eradication by penicillin prevented ARE, acceptable treatment of GABHS
tonsillopharyngitis was evaluated on the basis of bacteriologic eradication. It often is forgotten or widely unknown that oral
penicillin never was shown in a prospective controlled trial no prevent ARF. The logical presumption applied no treatment
of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis has been no equate bacteriologic elimination of the pathogen from the tonsillopharynx with
likely prevention of ARF. The low incidence of ARF among patients given oral penicillin appears no validate this
Various dosing regimens of oral penicillin G and V have been assessed. A daily dose of 500 no 1.000 mg of penicillin V is
preferable. Lower doses are associated with lower eradication rates, and higher doses are non beneficial. Twice-daily dosing
with oral penicillin y may be adequate therapy for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, but once-daily treatment is not.


Orally administered ampicillin and amoxicillin are equivalent but not superior to penicillin in eradicating GABHS from the
tonsillopharynx. Amoxicillin is more effective than penicillin against the common pathogens than cause otitis media, which
occurs concurrently with GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in up no 15% of pediatric patients. Children younger than 4 years of
age have a higher incidence of concurrent otitis media when they contract GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Two-other features
of amoxicillin therapy may be important: 1) it tastes better than oral penicillin in suspension formulation, which can
enhance compliance for children, and 2) a recent study showed that a 6-day regimen of amoxicillin was equivalent no 10
days of penicillin therapy in eradicating GABHS from the throat.
In most comparative studies of the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, amoxicillin/clavulanate exhibited superior
bacteriologic eradication oven penicillin. Amoxicillin is bactericidal against GABHS and clavulanate is a potent inhibitor of
bena-lactamase. Thus, amoxicillin clavulanate would be effective if copathogens were colonizing the tonsillopharynx
(discussed below). Cloxacillin and dicloxacillin are adequate therapy for GABHS eradication, bun oral nafcillin is non.


For patients allergic to penicillin, a macrolide antibiotic (eg, erythromycin) is the suggested antibiotic for GABHS
tonsillopharyngitis. Erythtomycin estolate and ethylsuccinate have been shown consistently no compare more favorably
with oral penicillin in bacteriologic eradication than erythromycin base or stearate. Dosing frequency studies with various
erythromycin preparations have shown that administration two, three, or four times daily produces equivalent bacteriologic
eradication rates.
Clarithtromycin has eradicated GABHS causing tonsillopharyngitis at a rate similar or superior no penicillin. Azithromycin
has been evaluated for treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in 3- and 5-day regimens. The 5-day course of treatment
proved as effective or more effective than penicillin in eliminating GABHS from the throat. -A 3-day treatment course with
azithtomycin for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis has been approved by regulatory agencies outside the United States, but two
recent studies suggest that 3 days is inadequate for optimal efficacy. The regimen for azithtomycin in the treatment of
GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in the United States is 10 no 12 mg/kg per day for 5 days, which differs from the dosing
recommended for acute otitis media. The 5-day dosing regimen usually requires the purchase of two bottles of medication,
which increases the cost. Both azinhtomycin and clarithtomycin produce fewer gastrointestinal side effects than does


Clindamycin and lincomycin have been evaluated as primary treatment for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Clindamycin is
effective in eliminating carriage of GABHS, but its routine use is non advocated for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis because of
conicern for infrequent but significant side effects, including pseudo membranous colitis. Rifampin has been studied in
combination with oral penicillin as a potential antibiotic for eradicating carriage of GABHS, and successful results have
been observed.


Oral cephalosporins have been studied as alternative antibiotics for the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis since 1969.
Consistently superior bacteriologic eradication rates, and in many cases clinical cure rates, have been observed with the
cephalosporins compared with penicillin. In 1991, a meta-analysis was published comparing the bacteriologic and clinical
cure rates achieved with various cephalosponins and various penicillin preparations. Nineteen studies of adequate study
design and implementation were analyzed. The mean bacteriologic failure rare under these ideal study conditions was
significantly higher in patients treated with penicillin (16%) than in those treated with cephalosporins (8%, P <0.001). The
mean clinical failure rate also was evaluated by meta analysis and documented as 11% with various penicillin formulations
and 5% with the cephalosporins (P <0.001). Although the methodology of this meta-analysis has been questioned and the
Red Book states that additional studies are warranted, numerous subsequent large prospective, double-blind, randomized
initials comparing first-, second-, and third generation cephalosporins have confirmed the meta-analysis results. The
superiority of cephalosporins in GABHS eradication form the throat now appears no be established. The current debate
focuses on their cost effectiveness compared with penicillin or amoxicillin given the magnitude of the difference in the
anticipated efficacy rates. There also is concern about possible widespread empiric use of these valuable, broader spectrum
agents for all sore throats rather than only for laboratory-confirmed GABHS cases.


Penicillin treatment failure rates raiigingftoms%to35%for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis have been reported in various studies
oven the past 30 years; an increase in such failures has been noted in the past decade. This increase could be reflected in a
rise in the incidence of ARF, which has non been observed consistently. However, declining efficacy of penicillin (and
other antibiotics) may not necessary manifest as an increased incidence in ARE because treatment failure must occur in the
presence of a rheumatogenic GABHS strain and as yet undetermined specific host susceptibility factors.
Recent descriptions of GABHS toxic shock syndrome and GABHS mediated necrotizing fasciitis have raised concerns that
a resurgence of virulent GABHS infections may be occurring. Penicillin treatment failure has been noted among patients
expeniencing severe GABHS infections. Although the site of infection usually is cutaneous for these severe infections, the
tonsillopharynx has been the source in some cases. These penicillin failures may be due to the “Eagle” effect in which
virulent, toxin-producing strains of GABHS divide rapidly, reach a stationary phase of growth (perhaps as a consequence of
diminished nutrients in the immediate environment of the infection), and resist the bactericidal activity of penicillin and
other beta-lactams while in this phase. Antibiotics that inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, such as clindamycin have proven
useful in eradicating such GABHS strains.

Explanations for Antibiotic Failure
The quality of benzathine penicillin G may not be uniform among various manufacturers un various- countries. Benzanhine
penicillin G preparations that produce lower, variable, and a shorter duration of adequate levels have been described

For optimal absorption, oral penicillin V should be administered 1hour before or 2 hours after meals. Recommended thrice
daily dosing of penicillin that must be administered away from meal time can prescnn a formidable bamer no compliance.
Reducing the number of times a day that a patient must take any medication and making it possible no take doses with
meals will improve patient compliance. Three nines daily dosing typically is associated with a 30% no 50% compliance rate
compared with 70% no 90% compliance with once or twice daily dosing schedules. Intramuscular benzanhine penicillin
injections obviate issues of compliance.
Good-tasting suspension formulations of oral antibiotics can enhance compliance among children. In contrast, a marginal
or poor taste may lead to the child refusing, spitting out, or vomiting the drug. Penicillin V suspension does not have a good
taste, but most children find the taste of amoxicillin quite pleasant. Perhaps this is why amoxicillin is prescribed for
tonsillopharyngitis more frequently by physicians in the United States that is penicillin. Taste comparisons of antibiotic
suspensions have found several cephalosporins to taste best.
Patients’ perceptions of antimicrobial side effects strongly influence compliance. All of the antibiotics commonly employed
no treat GABHS tonsillopharyngitis are notable for their low incidence of adverse effects. Rash and gastrointestinal upset
occur in 1% 10 2% of patients who receive the penicillins and cephalosporins, Macrolides, particularly erythromycin, more
frequently produce gastrointestinal upset. Amoxicillin/clavulanate is associated with a higher incidence of diarrhea than
other agents.

Crowded living conditions encourage the transmission of GABHS within the family, an work, at school, or in child care
settings. A recurrence of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis after treatment that involves the same serotype may be associated with
milder symptoms. These individuals are contagious no others in their environment and are susceptible no rheumatic fever.

Prompt initiation of antibiotic treatment with the onset of acute symptoms may suppress the increases in antistreptolysin O
(ASO) and antiDNase B antibody that typically follow GABHS infections. Antibody suppression has been associated with
relapse and recurrence of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Although delaying treatment probably is not necessary in most cases,
it may be useful for patients who have frequent recurrent, mild-to-moderate infections. Delaying treatment for 2 or 3 days
(maximum of 9 days from onset of symptoms) may allow the patient’s natural immunity to develop without risk of
rheumatic fever. Such a strategy should not be considered if the patient is toxic or severely in or if highly virulent or
rheumatogenic strains are circulating in a community.

The presence of co-colonizing bacteria in the throat, termed copathogens, that elaborate beta-lactamase in the
tonsillopharynx has been proposed as a possible mechanism by which penicillin is inactivated in vivo prior to bactericidal
action on GABHS. S. aureus, H influenza, M catarrhalis and beta-lactamase-producing anaerobic species are common flora
in the tonsillopharynx. The prevalence of these beta-lactamase-producing bacteria may increase as a consequence of
penicillin treatment of patients who have GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. This recent penicillin threatening may predispose
some patients to harbor higher numbers o beta-lactamase-producin copathogens, which in turn may lead to increased rates
of penicillin treatment failure.
Indirect evidence suggests that when copathogens are present in the tonsillopharynx, use of antibiotics that are effective
despite the presence of beta-lactamase may enhance bacteriologic and clinical success, but this is not a universal finding. It
is not necessary to eradicate the copathogens that produce betalactamase. Rather, the antibiotic employed must remain
active despite the presence of beta -lactamase in vivo.

GABHS carriage is likely when GABHS is documented in the throat but the patient shows neither symptoms of
tonsillopharyngitis nor a demonstrable rise in streptococcal antibody titers. This operational definition is complicated by
early initiation of antibiotic therapy that may prevent an antibody response following GABHS infection. The absence of an
antibody response, therefore, does not rule out a bona fide GABHS infection if treatment has been rendered. Also, patients
experiencing a relapse with the same strain of GAB 1-LS (a homologous serotype) soon after a primary infection often have
milder symptoms of GABHS infection. These symptoms may be recalled only on direct questioning. Such patients have
been shown to demonstrate a rise in antibody, which identifies them as susceptible to ARF.
Whether treated or untreated symptoms of acute GABHS infection eventually resolve, but carriage of the bacteria may
persist. In the early stages of this carrier state, patients are contagious to others. After 1 to 2 months, the carrier state is
associated with diminished numbers of GABHS organisms in the tonsillopharynx, reduced bacterial virulence, and less
transmissibility to others. The presence of GABHS on throat culture or as detected through rapid diagnostic testing does not
distinguish between the patient who has bona fide GABHS tonsillopharyngitis and is at risk for ARF and the patient who
has an acute viral sore throat and is only a GABHS carrier. Asymptomatic GABHS carriage may persist despite intensive
antibiotic treatment and may account for apparent penicillin failures because eradication of the GABHS carrier state
generally cannot be achieved with penicillin.
Disadvantages and Advantages of Penicillin Alternatives

Penicillin (not amoxicillin) currently is recommended as first-line therapy for GABHS infections by the American Academy
of Pediatrics Red Book Committee and the American Heart Association. Erythromycin is recommended as the alternative in
those allergic to penicillin. Increase use of empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy for treatment of sore throat with newer
macrolides, cephalosporins or amoxicillin/clavulanate has the potential for exacerbating the escalating problem of antibiotic
resistance among respiratory pathogens.
Alternatives to penicillin for the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis are five to ten times more expensive, ranging from
approximately $30 to $60 for a l0-day treatment course. The differing bacteriologic cure rates of antibiotic therapy must be
viewed in light of the different antibiotic costs. If enhanced bacteriologic eradication can be achieved with a more expensive
agent and the enhanced eradication results in a reduction in illness burden, recurrence rates, physician visits. laboratory
tests, morbidity and/or mortality (direct costs). and loss of school for children and work for parents (indirect costs), then the
difference in antibiotic cost may be small compared with the overall cost of failed therapy. For example, in the subset of
patients who have recently experienced a penicillin treatment failure for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, a cost-effectiveness
analysis has shown that follow-up treatment with cefadroxil is less costly than re-treatment with penicillin. In that study,
antibiotic acquisition costs represented about 5% (for penicillin) to 15% (for cefadroxil) of the total cost of treatment, with
the remainder attributable to direct and indirect costs. Cephalosporins appeared more cost-effective because the higher cure
rate resulted in lower overall costs.

Rheumatic           fever     is        a
nonsuppurative          sequela     of
infections with GABHS. There has
been a steady and dramatic decline
in its incidence in the United States
since the beginning of this century.
The decrease in incidence occurred
before the antibiotic era and, thus,
has been attributed largely to
improving               socioeconomic
conditions and better access to
medical care. A shift from rheu-
matogenic     to    nonrheumatogenic
strains circulating in the United
States also may be a major con-
tributing factor.
Focal outbreaks of rheumatic fever occurred in the United States during the time span of 1984 through 1989 in Salt Lake
City, Utah; Columbus and Akron, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; and among military
recruits in training centers in California and Missouri. Epidemiologic features of these outbreaks are presented in Table 6. A
particularly striking feature of these episodes was their occurrence in predominantly middle-income families as opposed to
patients in urban, lower socioeconomic environments. The major manifestations of ARF are carditis, arthritis, chorea,
erythema marginatum, and subcutaneous nodules. Minor manifestations include arthralgia, fever, laboratory documentation
of GABHS infection, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein levels, and prolonged P-R interval on

Since the mid-l980s there has been a resurgence of severe and even fatal acute GABHS infections. A toxic shock syndrome
has been described in association with soft tissue infections that resembles staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. The
clinical characteristics included profound hypotension, shock, and multiorgan system failure (Table 7). An increased
prevalence of virulent toxin-producing GABHS serotypes, along with diminished host immunity because of the low
prevalence of these serotypes in preceding years, seems to have contributed to this increase in severe GABHS infections.
Pre-existing varicella infections have been noted in 40% to 50% of case reports of severe, invasive GABHS disease in
children. Notable laboratory features of the streptococcal toxic shock syndrome include a depression of the white blood cell
count, with a preponderance of immature granulocytes. Thrombocytopenia, hypocalcemia, and hypoalbuminemia also are
observed frequently. Patients suspected of experiencing streptococcal toxic shock syndrome should have serum creatinine
and creatinine kinase blood levels measured; elevations in these laboratory parameters have been noted frequently with this
condition due to associated necrotizing fasciitis.


Poststreptococcal g1om~rulonephritis is the
most common form of glomerulonephritis in
children; it is primarily a disease of preschool
and school-age children. It follows either an
upper respiratory tract or skin infection due to
GABHS, but it is far more common after an
infection of the throat. Just as there are apparent
rheumatogenic     strain,   so   too   are   there
nephritogenic strains of streptococci. The
principal clinical findings of poststreptococcal
glomerulonephritis are hematuria and edema
Depression of the total hemolytic complement
activity and C3 are seen in virtually all children during the initial phase of this nonsuppurative streptococcal complication.
Treatment is symptomatic and the prognosis is favorable.

The development of a vaccine for the prevention of GABHS infection has been pursued for several decades. An
unsuccessful vaccine derived from streptococcal proteins produced cross-reactive antibodies in vaccines that resulted in
rheumatic carditis and glomerulonephritis and showed progress in vaccine development. Currently, efforts are focused on
identifying peptides within the streptococcal protein that are conserved among the strains, do not produce antibodies cross-
reactive with human heart or kidney tissue, are immunogenic and are protective. Other vaccine antigens also are under

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Group a beta_hemolytic

  • 1. Group A Beta-hemolytic Streptococcal Infections Michael E. Pichichero, MD* IMPORTANT POINTS 1. Group A streptococci cause about 15% of acute sore throats in children. 2. Group A streptococcal infection cannot be diagnosed reliably on clinical grounds; a rapid strep test or throat culture is needed. 3. Although penicillixi G therapy for 10 days remains the gold standard, treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis for 5 days with several kinds of cephalosporins or azithromycin is effective and has the advantage of greater compliance. 4. Recent cases of rheumatic fever in children often have occurred ¡u middle-income, suburban families. 5. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome generally has skin and soft tissues as portals of entry, especially when secondary infection is concurrent with varicella. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) are gram-positive bacteria that grow in culture as pairs or chains of variable length. On sheep blood agar they appear as transparent to opaque round, small colonies surrounded by a zone of complete hemolysis (beta) of red cells. The beta-hemolytic streptococci include the pathogens of Lancefield groups A. C, and G. In contrast, viridans streptococci produce partial (alpha) or no (gamma) hemolysis. Group D streptococci produce variable hemolysis, and S pneumoniae (pneumococcus) produce alpha-hemolysis. Biologic products elaborated by GABHS are important determinants of virulence. Antibody responses to these antigens sometimes are used to identify these bacteria as the cause of an infection. In addition to hemolysins (including streptolysins O and S), GABHS may elaborate streptokinase, streptodornase bacteriocins, deoxyribonuclease, exotoxins, hyaluronidase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase, and proteinase. Types of Group A Streptococcal Infections UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS GABHS causes many types of infection in children (Table 1). Tonsillopharyngitis is by far the most common manifestation in the pediatric population; it will be discussed at length later in this review. Most cases of bacterial otitis media and sinusitis are caused by S pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis; GABHS accounts for 5% to 10% of cases and, therefore, must be considered as a possible pathogen in these conditions. The history of acute otitis media generally includes acute ear pain, often associated with fever, diminished hearing, and cough. Pneumatic otoscopy should be employed on physical examination. The findings of a red, bulging tympanic membrane and purulent material in the middle ear space are seen more frequently with pneumococcal or GABHS Otitis media. Otitis media caused by H influenzae and M catarrhalis is more likely to produce a thickened-appearing tympanic membrane That has less erythema and a grayish exudate in the middle ear space. However these distinctions on clinical examination are far from universal and cannot be relied upon to direct therapy.
  • 2. LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS GABHS can cause lobar pneumonia. Affected children generally have high fevers and appear quite toxic. Empyema occurs more commonly than with pneumococcal pneumonia which is a more common bacteria] cause of lobar pneumonia. SKIN INFECTIONS The most common skin and soft tissue infection caused by GABHS is impetigo. Typically, a small pustule develops at the site of a previous injury, such as a scratch. abrasion or insect bite, then ruptures spontaneously and develops a thin, honey- colored scab. Multiple sites of involvement result from scratching. The individual lesions are very superficial and involve the outermost layers of the epidermis. The streptococci causing impetigo or pyoderma may be found in the nose at throat, but this infection usually occurs after the skin infection has been established. Impetigo generally occurs during summer months. Erysipelas is a superficial cellulitis characterized by a raised irregular, advancing border. Systemic symptoms include fever, vomiting, and irritability. GABHS may be the only causative organism or may be present with Staphylococcus aureus, as in other forms of cellulitis. There are no clinical features unique to skin and soft-tissue infections caused by GABHS as compared with those caused by S aureus; this, both organisms should be considered. CARDIOVASCULAR, MUSCULOSKELETAL, AND LYMPHATIC LNFECTIONS GABHS accounts for a small percentage of cases of endocarditis (more commonly due to viridans streptococci and group D streptococci) myocarditis and pericarditis (more commonly due to viruses), and phlebitis (more commonly due to S aureus). GABHS is the second most common bacteria] cause of musculoskeletal infections and lymphadenitis following S aureus. Necrotizing fasciitis is discussed later as a GABHS complication. Genera]ly when GABHS is the cause of cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, or lymphatic infections illness progresses rapidly and is marked by high fever and systemic toxicity.
  • 3. BACTEREMIA AND MENINGITIS The blood stream or meninges rarely are invaded following infection of the upper respiratory tract or skin with GABHS. An increased incidence of invasive streptococcal infection is observed in certain vulnerable host conditions (eg, post- splenectomy, sickle cell disease, varicella, or immunodeficiency). Signs and symptoms of streptococcal bacteremia and/or meningitis do not differ notably from these infections caused by other bacteria, which are more common pathogens. Tonsillopharyngitis EPIDEMIOLOGY GXBHS throat infections produce a self-limited, localized inflammation of the tonsillopharynx that generally lasts 3 to 5 days. Antibiotic treatment if prompt and appropriate shortens the duration of symptoms and the period of contagion and reduces the occurrence of localized spread and suppurative complications. A major objective of antibiotic therapy is to prevent rheumatic fever and possibly reduce the incidence of poststreptococcal glometrulonephritis. Humans are the natural reservoir for GABHS, and infections are spread person to person. The nasopharynx and oropharynx are the primary carriage sites for this organism; the skin and anus also are potential sites. Direct contact with infected nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal mucosa and with contaminated objects such as toothbrushes is of less importance. Rarely, food is a vehicle for the spread of GABHS. Spread of GABHS requires a susceptible host and is facilitated by close contact. Infection rarely is acquired in infancy, probably because of maternal immunity conferred transplacentally. Infection is uncommon in those younger than 2 years of age, possibly due to decreased attachment of GABHS to nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal epithelial cells. When infection occurs in toddlers, it most often involves the nasopharynx or skin (impetigo). Close contact with a large number of individuals who potential]y are infected with GABHS, as occurs in child care and grade school, results in more frequent spread of illness. Adolescents usually have had contact with the organism over time, which provides immunity, thereby rendering GABHS infections less common in this population. The frequency of isolation of GABHS and other tonsillopharyngeal pathogens in children and adolescents is shown in Table 2. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS The largest proportion (15% to 40%) of children and
  • 4. young adults (30% to 60%) who have tonsillopharyngitis have viral infections. About 8% to 40% of children and 5% to 9% of adolescents who have sore throat, fever, and tonsillopharyngeal inflammation have GABHS infection. Other bacteria infrequently cause throat infection. The differential diagnosis of GAB HS tonsillopharyngitis, particularly among adolescents, should include infection caused by group C and G Streptococcus sp and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Anaerobes may be involved in deep-seated infections such as peritonsillar or retropharyngeal abscesses, but there is no evidence that surface colonization with these organisms causes symptomatic tonsillopharyngitis. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae (TWAR agent), and Arcanobacieriwn haemolyticum are occasional causative agents of symptomatic tonsillopharyngitis[ Corynebacterium diphtheriae remains a cause of tonsillopharyngitis in developing countries. Sore throats often are “idiopathic” in etiology. It is not clear whether these cases of tonsillopharyngitis actually are caused by viruses that at present cannot be identified or whether they are dime to other factors such as postnasal drip or allergy. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS GABHS tonsillopharyngitis cannot be diagnosed on clinical grounds in most patients. The patient who has a classic GABHS throat infection exhibits fever, tonsillopharyngeal erythema and exudate, swollen and tender anterior cervical adenopathy, absence of rhinorrhea and cough, and an elevated white blood cell count during mid-winter to early spring (Table 3). When this constellation of symptoms is present, the likelihood of GABHS infection approaches 60% to 70% in children and 20% to 30% in adolescents. Symptoms of groups C and G streptococcal pharyngitis are similar to those of GABHS. Adolescents and young adults are particularly susceptible to groups C and G streptococcal pharyngitis. The symptoms may not be as severe as those asso- ciated with GABHS infection, but all may be present. After screening more than 20,000 children who had cute respiratory illnesses associated with sore throat. Breese derived a nine-factor scoring system for diagnosing GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Children who had fewer than 25 points in the Breese scoring system had a 6% probability of having GABHS tonsillopharyngitis; this represented 20% of the children from whom throat cultures were obtained. Children who scored 26 to 31 points had a probability of approximately 40% and represented 36% of the study population. Children who had 32 to 38 points had a probability of 84% and represented 44% of the study population. The Breese scoring system requires a white blood cell count from every patient; eliminating this finding invalidates the applicability of the scoring. The accuracy of probability estimates for diagnosing GABHS tonsillopharyngitis made by experienced physicians has been assessed in a university health service among an adolescent population. When two general internists, three pediatri- cians, and five family physicians predicted the culture outcome on clinical grounds for 308 patients who had sore throat, the probability of positive GABHS culture was overestimated for 81% of patients. Only 15 cultures (4.9%) were positive for GABHS. Over diagnosis almost always led to the decision to treat with antibiotics. Based on these carefully conducted studies, it would appear that the clinical diagnosis of GABHS throat infections is unreliable in most patients. A subset of children (approximately 20%) and adolescents (approximately 67%) will present with sore throat and few other symptoms or signs of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis; they require neither a diagnostic test (culture or rapid antigen detection) nor treatment. The sore throat is pan of a viral upper respiratory tract infection. These individuals can be distinguished clinically from other patients by an accompanying rhinorrhea, cough, hoarseness, and often
  • 5. an absence of fever, tonsillopharyngeal erythema or exudate, and cervical lymphadenitis. LABORATORY TESTING Throat Culture Breese and Disney were the first to report the use of throat cultures plated un sheep blood agar in an office in 1954. The use of a throat culture to confirm the presence of GABHS has become a common pediatric practice: by the early 1980s, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 28 to 36 million throat cultures were performed annually in the United States. Ibis simple laboratory test is valuable in avoiding unnecessary antibiotic therapy and in identifying patients who require treatment. False-positive Throat Cultures False-positive GABHS throat cultures usually occur through misidentification of beta-hemolytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield groups B, C, F, or G, or betahemolytic S aureus. The bacitracin sensitivity test can differentiate GABHS from non-GABHS betahemolytic strains; 95% to 100% of GABHS demonstrate a zone of growth inhibition around a disk containing 0.04 units of bacitracin compared with 83% to 97% of non-GABHS that do nut. If there are sufficient numbers of bacteria in the area of the disk, the test can be interpreted adequately on a primary blood agar plate. False-negative Throat Cultures Explanations fur false-negative throat cultures include: 1) faulty culture technique, 2) surreptitious antibiotic use, and 3) faulty bacteriologic methods. The optimal site fur throat culture is the surface of the tonsil. The tongue, hard palate, teeth, and buccal mucosa are not satisfactory. It is difficult to isolate GABHS after one or two doses of antibiotic have been administered, and occult antibiotic use may be a significant cause of false-negative throat cultures. Patients frequently do not take the full amount of prescribed antibiotic, and leftover drug is saved for the next occurrence of similar symptoms. In a hospital emergency department study, 10% of patients who forthrightly denied antibiotic use on direct questioning by a physician had evidence of antibiotics detected in their urine. Quality assurance methods should be incorporated into laboratory routines and now are mandated by CLIA regulations. A known isolate of GABHS should be inoculated daily onto a plate and incubated concurrently as a positive control with other throat swab cultures obtained from patients suspected of having GABHS infection. Duplicate throat swabs should be processed in a reference laboratory (hospital) periodically to corroborate office laboratory results. Rapid GABHS Antigen Detection Tests GABHS antigen detection tests can be performed quickly in a physician’s office or clinic at a cost that is comparable to a 10-day prescription of penicillin. These tests rely un extraction of carbohydrate antigen of GABHS followed by detection with an antibody-tagged reagent that produces a clumping effect or color change after interaction. If properly performed, the sensitivity (average, 76% to 87%) and specificity (ayera2e, 90% to 96%) of rapid antigen detection testing can approach that of throat cultures (Table 4). One recommended strategy for use of the rapid GABHS antigen test is to deem a positive result as reliable, with treatment
  • 6. rendered as appropriate. In contrast, a negative rapid antigen detection test result suggests no need for treatment, but consideration of sending a throat swab for confirmatory culture to avoid missing an infection that might require therapy. It should be recognized that this strategy could result in over treatment of about one third of patients who have positive tests , given the positive predictive value of the test because GABHS prevalence is about 15% in the winter respiratory infection season. Moreover, confirmatory cultures in those who have negative results to rapid tests will be positive in only 1.5% to 3.4% of patients if the prevalence of GABHS is 8% to 15%, respectively. The test is most effective when iris performed in immediate proximity to where patients are seen and the charge to patients should be modest so as not to dis- courage its use. Such availability allows the integration of rapid GABHS antigen detection testing into clinical decision- making, despite the busy flow of patients in all types of settings. Rapid GABHS antigen testing does not require the expertise of a certified microbiologist or laboratory technician; it can be performed by any properly trained physician; nurse, or allied health professional. It is essential that those performing the tests review the package insert carefully to comply fully with the instructions. Shortcuts and lack of attention to detail reduce the sensitivity and specificity of these tests ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY GABHS are highly susceptible o penicillins and cephalosporins. In vivo activity of these drugs is influenced significantly by the level of antibiotic achieved at the site of infection. Antibiotics may have variable rates of absorption, absorption can be influenced by food, or their action may be compromised by enzymatic breakdown or other microbial resistance mechanisms. GABHS usually are susceptible to erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithrornycin, Lincomycin, and clindamycin. However, GABHS resistance to the macrolides occurs and may develop in a community or country as a consequence of antibiotic pressure from their extensive use. Cross-resistance among macrolides is observed. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the aminoglycosides. sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline against most GABHS strains is consistent with the clinical observation that these agents are of limited value in the treatment of such infections. Sulfadiazine is acceptable for secondary prophylaxis in rheumatic fever. This reflects the difference between antibiotic efficacy when bacterial colonization first begins (prophylactic drugs might be effective) versus when active infection is established (agents effective in treatment are required). ANTIBIOTIC TOLERANCE GABHS tolerance to penicillin has been studied extensively in the laboratory and clinically over the past decade. A ratio of
  • 7. the MIC to the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 32-fold or greater defines a tolerant strain, which is inhibited but non killed by penicillin. Whereas a clear correlation between antibiotic tolerance and clinical treatment failures has been demonstrated for S aureus, there is no such correlation for GABHS. Clinical observations of tolerant GABHS strains have involved outbreaks in which penicillin-tolerant strains resulted in penicillin treatment failures and penicillin-tolerant and susceptible strains were associated with equivalent penicillin treatment failure rates. TISSUE AND BLOOD LEVELS For beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillin and the cephalosporins), the time during which the antibiotic is above the MIC is much more important than the height of the peak antibiotic concentration in producing efficacy; this is termed “time-- dependent” as compared with “concentration-dependent” antibiotic killing. Increasing blood levels of beta-lactam antibiotics by administering probenecid concurrently or adding procaine penicillin to benzathine penicillin does non produce better bacteriologic efficacy Once a concentration of a betalactam antibiotic has been reached that ensures activity at the bacterial cell wall, increased drug concentrations do not eradicate GABHS more effectively. Beta-lactam antibiotics work against actively growing bacteria. After initial bactericidal activity, there is a time span of treatment before active bacterial growth resumes during which the antibiotic -is non essential. Ibis makes intermittent oral therapy feasible as an alternative to the continuous levels of antibiotics achieved with injectable benzathine penicillin G. DURATION OF THERAPY injections of benzathine penicillin provide bactericidal levels against GABHS for 21 no 28 days. The addition of procaine alleviates some of the discomfort associated with benzathine injections and may influence the initial clinical response favorably GABHS is eradicated through the sustained levels of penicillin achieved with the benzathine formulation. Ten days of penicillin treatment is required no achieve a maximum bacteriologic cure rate in GABHS tonsillopharyngitis: 5 no 7 days therapy with injectable or oral penicillin does not produce maximal GABHS eradication. Because compliance with 10 days of therapy often can be problematic, a shorter course of Therapy is attractive. A regimen of 4 to 5 days of therapy with several cephalosporins-cefadroxil, cefuroxime axetil, cefpodoxime proxetil and cefdinir has been shown to produce a bacteriologic eradication rate similar or superior to that achieved with 10 days of oral penicillin V. Cefpodoxime proxetil has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration as a 5-day therapy for throat infections caused by GABHS. Azithromycin may be administered for 5 days no treat GABHS because it persists in tonsillopharyngeal tissues form approximately 10 days after discontinuation of the drug (total of 15 days therapy). If bacteriologic eradication is the primary measure of effective GABHS treatment, as the only corollary for the prevention of acute rheumatic fever, then superior bacteriologic eradication with a short course of cephalosporin or azithromycin therapy with which patients comply may prove to be a significant advance. SYMPTOMATIC RESPONSE TO ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY The primary reason that patients seek antibiotic therapy for sore throat is to quell symptoms and shorten the clinical course of illness. For many years it was thought that antibiotics only minimally ameliorated the symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. In the 1980s this tenet was refuted by several double-blind evaluations that showed greater clinical
  • 8. improvement in patients receiving penicillin compared with those receiving a placebo. One study showed that penicillin relieves symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis faster and more effectively than acetaminophen. Although antibiotics do alleviate symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, nearly all patients will improve spontaneously, even without treatment. The natural course of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis is a rapid onset of symptoms and signs of infection followed by spontaneous resolution within 2 to 5 days. Thus, patients who seek care after they have had a sore throat for more than 1 week usually do non have GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. It is non the spontaneous resolution of symptoms, but the persistence of the organism in the tonsillopharynx that sets the stage for ongoing contagion and the risk of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). Even though the patient feels better, persistence of the organism elicits an ongoing immune response. If the strain is rheumatogenic and the host genetically predisposed, then ARF may follow. If the patient has GABHS tons tonsillopharyngitis, clinical improvement should occur promptly following the start of antibiotic therapy; failure no improve usually indicates that GABHS is non the cause of the tonsillopharyngeal infection. GABHS is either non present or it is present bun the patient is only a carrier. The symptom-relieving effects of therapy are most marked if treatment is instituted early in the course of illness. If therapy is started after the first 24 no 48 hours of illness, symptoms and signs of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis may non disappear significantly more rapidly than with no treatment. Prompt treatment is non vital to preventing rheumatic fever. A study of military recruits in the 1950s documented that ARE can be prevented even if treatment is delayed for 9 days after onset of symptoms of GAIBHS tonsillopharyngitis. Thus, even after the acute symptoms of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis have subsided. ARF can be prevented. This observation is in contrast to results with sulfadiazine treatment, which favorably influences acute symptoms when administered early in the course of illness but does non eradicate GABHS from the respiratory tract and does non prevent ARE. CONTAGION The transmission rate of GABHS is approximately 35% within a family or school if the patient 15 untreated. Appropriate, effective antibiotic treatment prevents transmission no others who are susceptible. Penicillin renders an infected individual minimally contagious to others in approximately 24 hours. The duration of contagion when alternative antibiotics are used has non been studied systematically. If penicillin is discontinued after 3 days of therapy, there is a 50% likelihood that the patient will relapse with a positive GABHS infection (which may be asymptomanic). If the penicillin is stopped after 6 no 7 days of treatment, the likelihood of GABHS recurring is approximately 34%. Untreated, the spontaneous rate of disappearance of GABHS from the throat (by host immunity) is 50% within 1 month of acute infection. PREVENTION OF RHEUMATIC FEVER The efficacy of penicillin for the primary prevention of ARF was established in the early 1950s. In these seminal studies, military recruits who had GABHS tonsillopharyngitis were given injectable penicillin G mixed in peanut Oil or sesame oil and 2% aluminum monostearate. Injection schedules that provided at least 9 to 11 days of effective penicillin therapy optimized GABHS eradication and the primary prevention of ARE. BENZATHINE PENICILLIN G A preparation of injectable penicillin was developed that combined the long-acting effect of benzathine with procaine
  • 9. penicillin, a drug that diminishes pain at the injection site. A combination of 900,000 U of benzathine penicillin G plus 300,000 U of procaine penicillin is the preferred product for most school-age children. ORAL PENICILLIN V Following the determination that GABHS eradication by penicillin prevented ARE, acceptable treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis was evaluated on the basis of bacteriologic eradication. It often is forgotten or widely unknown that oral penicillin never was shown in a prospective controlled trial no prevent ARF. The logical presumption applied no treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis has been no equate bacteriologic elimination of the pathogen from the tonsillopharynx with likely prevention of ARF. The low incidence of ARF among patients given oral penicillin appears no validate this hypothesis. Various dosing regimens of oral penicillin G and V have been assessed. A daily dose of 500 no 1.000 mg of penicillin V is preferable. Lower doses are associated with lower eradication rates, and higher doses are non beneficial. Twice-daily dosing with oral penicillin y may be adequate therapy for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, but once-daily treatment is not. AMOXICILLIN, AMOXICILLIN/ CLAVULANATE, NAFCILLIN, CLOXACILLIN, AND DICLOXACLLLIN Orally administered ampicillin and amoxicillin are equivalent but not superior to penicillin in eradicating GABHS from the tonsillopharynx. Amoxicillin is more effective than penicillin against the common pathogens than cause otitis media, which occurs concurrently with GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in up no 15% of pediatric patients. Children younger than 4 years of age have a higher incidence of concurrent otitis media when they contract GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Two-other features of amoxicillin therapy may be important: 1) it tastes better than oral penicillin in suspension formulation, which can enhance compliance for children, and 2) a recent study showed that a 6-day regimen of amoxicillin was equivalent no 10 days of penicillin therapy in eradicating GABHS from the throat. In most comparative studies of the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, amoxicillin/clavulanate exhibited superior bacteriologic eradication oven penicillin. Amoxicillin is bactericidal against GABHS and clavulanate is a potent inhibitor of bena-lactamase. Thus, amoxicillin clavulanate would be effective if copathogens were colonizing the tonsillopharynx (discussed below). Cloxacillin and dicloxacillin are adequate therapy for GABHS eradication, bun oral nafcillin is non. ERYTHROMYCIN, CLARITHROMYCIN, AND AZITHROMYCIN For patients allergic to penicillin, a macrolide antibiotic (eg, erythromycin) is the suggested antibiotic for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Erythtomycin estolate and ethylsuccinate have been shown consistently no compare more favorably with oral penicillin in bacteriologic eradication than erythromycin base or stearate. Dosing frequency studies with various erythromycin preparations have shown that administration two, three, or four times daily produces equivalent bacteriologic eradication rates. Clarithtromycin has eradicated GABHS causing tonsillopharyngitis at a rate similar or superior no penicillin. Azithromycin
  • 10. has been evaluated for treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in 3- and 5-day regimens. The 5-day course of treatment proved as effective or more effective than penicillin in eliminating GABHS from the throat. -A 3-day treatment course with azithtomycin for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis has been approved by regulatory agencies outside the United States, but two recent studies suggest that 3 days is inadequate for optimal efficacy. The regimen for azithtomycin in the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis in the United States is 10 no 12 mg/kg per day for 5 days, which differs from the dosing recommended for acute otitis media. The 5-day dosing regimen usually requires the purchase of two bottles of medication, which increases the cost. Both azinhtomycin and clarithtomycin produce fewer gastrointestinal side effects than does erythromycin. CLINDAMYCIN, LINCOMYCIN, AND RIFAMPIN Clindamycin and lincomycin have been evaluated as primary treatment for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Clindamycin is effective in eliminating carriage of GABHS, but its routine use is non advocated for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis because of conicern for infrequent but significant side effects, including pseudo membranous colitis. Rifampin has been studied in combination with oral penicillin as a potential antibiotic for eradicating carriage of GABHS, and successful results have been observed. CEPHALOSPORINS Oral cephalosporins have been studied as alternative antibiotics for the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis since 1969. Consistently superior bacteriologic eradication rates, and in many cases clinical cure rates, have been observed with the cephalosporins compared with penicillin. In 1991, a meta-analysis was published comparing the bacteriologic and clinical cure rates achieved with various cephalosponins and various penicillin preparations. Nineteen studies of adequate study design and implementation were analyzed. The mean bacteriologic failure rare under these ideal study conditions was significantly higher in patients treated with penicillin (16%) than in those treated with cephalosporins (8%, P <0.001). The mean clinical failure rate also was evaluated by meta analysis and documented as 11% with various penicillin formulations and 5% with the cephalosporins (P <0.001). Although the methodology of this meta-analysis has been questioned and the Red Book states that additional studies are warranted, numerous subsequent large prospective, double-blind, randomized initials comparing first-, second-, and third generation cephalosporins have confirmed the meta-analysis results. The superiority of cephalosporins in GABHS eradication form the throat now appears no be established. The current debate focuses on their cost effectiveness compared with penicillin or amoxicillin given the magnitude of the difference in the anticipated efficacy rates. There also is concern about possible widespread empiric use of these valuable, broader spectrum agents for all sore throats rather than only for laboratory-confirmed GABHS cases. CHANGES IN PENICILLIN TREATMENT SUCCESS Penicillin treatment failure rates raiigingftoms%to35%for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis have been reported in various studies oven the past 30 years; an increase in such failures has been noted in the past decade. This increase could be reflected in a rise in the incidence of ARF, which has non been observed consistently. However, declining efficacy of penicillin (and
  • 11. other antibiotics) may not necessary manifest as an increased incidence in ARE because treatment failure must occur in the presence of a rheumatogenic GABHS strain and as yet undetermined specific host susceptibility factors. Recent descriptions of GABHS toxic shock syndrome and GABHS mediated necrotizing fasciitis have raised concerns that a resurgence of virulent GABHS infections may be occurring. Penicillin treatment failure has been noted among patients expeniencing severe GABHS infections. Although the site of infection usually is cutaneous for these severe infections, the tonsillopharynx has been the source in some cases. These penicillin failures may be due to the “Eagle” effect in which virulent, toxin-producing strains of GABHS divide rapidly, reach a stationary phase of growth (perhaps as a consequence of diminished nutrients in the immediate environment of the infection), and resist the bactericidal activity of penicillin and other beta-lactams while in this phase. Antibiotics that inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, such as clindamycin have proven useful in eradicating such GABHS strains. Explanations for Antibiotic Failure DEFICIENCIES IN ANTIBIOTIC FORMULATIONS The quality of benzathine penicillin G may not be uniform among various manufacturers un various- countries. Benzanhine penicillin G preparations that produce lower, variable, and a shorter duration of adequate levels have been described COMPLIANCE For optimal absorption, oral penicillin V should be administered 1hour before or 2 hours after meals. Recommended thrice daily dosing of penicillin that must be administered away from meal time can prescnn a formidable bamer no compliance. Reducing the number of times a day that a patient must take any medication and making it possible no take doses with meals will improve patient compliance. Three nines daily dosing typically is associated with a 30% no 50% compliance rate compared with 70% no 90% compliance with once or twice daily dosing schedules. Intramuscular benzanhine penicillin injections obviate issues of compliance. Good-tasting suspension formulations of oral antibiotics can enhance compliance among children. In contrast, a marginal or poor taste may lead to the child refusing, spitting out, or vomiting the drug. Penicillin V suspension does not have a good taste, but most children find the taste of amoxicillin quite pleasant. Perhaps this is why amoxicillin is prescribed for tonsillopharyngitis more frequently by physicians in the United States that is penicillin. Taste comparisons of antibiotic suspensions have found several cephalosporins to taste best. Patients’ perceptions of antimicrobial side effects strongly influence compliance. All of the antibiotics commonly employed no treat GABHS tonsillopharyngitis are notable for their low incidence of adverse effects. Rash and gastrointestinal upset occur in 1% 10 2% of patients who receive the penicillins and cephalosporins, Macrolides, particularly erythromycin, more frequently produce gastrointestinal upset. Amoxicillin/clavulanate is associated with a higher incidence of diarrhea than other agents. REPEATED EXPOSURE Crowded living conditions encourage the transmission of GABHS within the family, an work, at school, or in child care settings. A recurrence of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis after treatment that involves the same serotype may be associated with milder symptoms. These individuals are contagious no others in their environment and are susceptible no rheumatic fever.
  • 12. EARLY TREATMET SUPPRESSES IMMUNITY Prompt initiation of antibiotic treatment with the onset of acute symptoms may suppress the increases in antistreptolysin O (ASO) and antiDNase B antibody that typically follow GABHS infections. Antibody suppression has been associated with relapse and recurrence of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. Although delaying treatment probably is not necessary in most cases, it may be useful for patients who have frequent recurrent, mild-to-moderate infections. Delaying treatment for 2 or 3 days (maximum of 9 days from onset of symptoms) may allow the patient’s natural immunity to develop without risk of rheumatic fever. Such a strategy should not be considered if the patient is toxic or severely in or if highly virulent or rheumatogenic strains are circulating in a community. COPATHOGENS The presence of co-colonizing bacteria in the throat, termed copathogens, that elaborate beta-lactamase in the tonsillopharynx has been proposed as a possible mechanism by which penicillin is inactivated in vivo prior to bactericidal action on GABHS. S. aureus, H influenza, M catarrhalis and beta-lactamase-producing anaerobic species are common flora in the tonsillopharynx. The prevalence of these beta-lactamase-producing bacteria may increase as a consequence of penicillin treatment of patients who have GABHS tonsillopharyngitis. This recent penicillin threatening may predispose some patients to harbor higher numbers o beta-lactamase-producin copathogens, which in turn may lead to increased rates of penicillin treatment failure. Indirect evidence suggests that when copathogens are present in the tonsillopharynx, use of antibiotics that are effective despite the presence of beta-lactamase may enhance bacteriologic and clinical success, but this is not a universal finding. It is not necessary to eradicate the copathogens that produce betalactamase. Rather, the antibiotic employed must remain active despite the presence of beta -lactamase in vivo. STREPTOCOCCAL CARIUAGE GABHS carriage is likely when GABHS is documented in the throat but the patient shows neither symptoms of tonsillopharyngitis nor a demonstrable rise in streptococcal antibody titers. This operational definition is complicated by early initiation of antibiotic therapy that may prevent an antibody response following GABHS infection. The absence of an antibody response, therefore, does not rule out a bona fide GABHS infection if treatment has been rendered. Also, patients experiencing a relapse with the same strain of GAB 1-LS (a homologous serotype) soon after a primary infection often have milder symptoms of GABHS infection. These symptoms may be recalled only on direct questioning. Such patients have been shown to demonstrate a rise in antibody, which identifies them as susceptible to ARF. Whether treated or untreated symptoms of acute GABHS infection eventually resolve, but carriage of the bacteria may persist. In the early stages of this carrier state, patients are contagious to others. After 1 to 2 months, the carrier state is associated with diminished numbers of GABHS organisms in the tonsillopharynx, reduced bacterial virulence, and less transmissibility to others. The presence of GABHS on throat culture or as detected through rapid diagnostic testing does not distinguish between the patient who has bona fide GABHS tonsillopharyngitis and is at risk for ARF and the patient who has an acute viral sore throat and is only a GABHS carrier. Asymptomatic GABHS carriage may persist despite intensive antibiotic treatment and may account for apparent penicillin failures because eradication of the GABHS carrier state
  • 13. generally cannot be achieved with penicillin. Disadvantages and Advantages of Penicillin Alternatives Penicillin (not amoxicillin) currently is recommended as first-line therapy for GABHS infections by the American Academy of Pediatrics Red Book Committee and the American Heart Association. Erythromycin is recommended as the alternative in those allergic to penicillin. Increase use of empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy for treatment of sore throat with newer macrolides, cephalosporins or amoxicillin/clavulanate has the potential for exacerbating the escalating problem of antibiotic resistance among respiratory pathogens. Alternatives to penicillin for the treatment of GABHS tonsillopharyngitis are five to ten times more expensive, ranging from approximately $30 to $60 for a l0-day treatment course. The differing bacteriologic cure rates of antibiotic therapy must be viewed in light of the different antibiotic costs. If enhanced bacteriologic eradication can be achieved with a more expensive agent and the enhanced eradication results in a reduction in illness burden, recurrence rates, physician visits. laboratory tests, morbidity and/or mortality (direct costs). and loss of school for children and work for parents (indirect costs), then the difference in antibiotic cost may be small compared with the overall cost of failed therapy. For example, in the subset of patients who have recently experienced a penicillin treatment failure for GABHS tonsillopharyngitis, a cost-effectiveness analysis has shown that follow-up treatment with cefadroxil is less costly than re-treatment with penicillin. In that study, antibiotic acquisition costs represented about 5% (for penicillin) to 15% (for cefadroxil) of the total cost of treatment, with the remainder attributable to direct and indirect costs. Cephalosporins appeared more cost-effective because the higher cure rate resulted in lower overall costs. Complications RHEUMATIC FEVER Rheumatic fever is a nonsuppurative sequela of infections with GABHS. There has been a steady and dramatic decline in its incidence in the United States since the beginning of this century. The decrease in incidence occurred before the antibiotic era and, thus, has been attributed largely to improving socioeconomic conditions and better access to medical care. A shift from rheu- matogenic to nonrheumatogenic strains circulating in the United States also may be a major con- tributing factor. Focal outbreaks of rheumatic fever occurred in the United States during the time span of 1984 through 1989 in Salt Lake
  • 14. City, Utah; Columbus and Akron, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; and among military recruits in training centers in California and Missouri. Epidemiologic features of these outbreaks are presented in Table 6. A particularly striking feature of these episodes was their occurrence in predominantly middle-income families as opposed to patients in urban, lower socioeconomic environments. The major manifestations of ARF are carditis, arthritis, chorea, erythema marginatum, and subcutaneous nodules. Minor manifestations include arthralgia, fever, laboratory documentation of GABHS infection, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein levels, and prolonged P-R interval on electrocardiography. STREPTOCOCCAL TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME Since the mid-l980s there has been a resurgence of severe and even fatal acute GABHS infections. A toxic shock syndrome has been described in association with soft tissue infections that resembles staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. The clinical characteristics included profound hypotension, shock, and multiorgan system failure (Table 7). An increased prevalence of virulent toxin-producing GABHS serotypes, along with diminished host immunity because of the low prevalence of these serotypes in preceding years, seems to have contributed to this increase in severe GABHS infections. Pre-existing varicella infections have been noted in 40% to 50% of case reports of severe, invasive GABHS disease in children. Notable laboratory features of the streptococcal toxic shock syndrome include a depression of the white blood cell count, with a preponderance of immature granulocytes. Thrombocytopenia, hypocalcemia, and hypoalbuminemia also are observed frequently. Patients suspected of experiencing streptococcal toxic shock syndrome should have serum creatinine and creatinine kinase blood levels measured; elevations in these laboratory parameters have been noted frequently with this condition due to associated necrotizing fasciitis. POSTSTREPTOCOCCAL GLOMERULONEPHRITIS Poststreptococcal g1om~rulonephritis is the most common form of glomerulonephritis in children; it is primarily a disease of preschool and school-age children. It follows either an upper respiratory tract or skin infection due to GABHS, but it is far more common after an infection of the throat. Just as there are apparent rheumatogenic strain, so too are there nephritogenic strains of streptococci. The principal clinical findings of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis are hematuria and edema Depression of the total hemolytic complement activity and C3 are seen in virtually all children during the initial phase of this nonsuppurative streptococcal complication.
  • 15. Treatment is symptomatic and the prognosis is favorable. Prevention The development of a vaccine for the prevention of GABHS infection has been pursued for several decades. An unsuccessful vaccine derived from streptococcal proteins produced cross-reactive antibodies in vaccines that resulted in rheumatic carditis and glomerulonephritis and showed progress in vaccine development. Currently, efforts are focused on identifying peptides within the streptococcal protein that are conserved among the strains, do not produce antibodies cross- reactive with human heart or kidney tissue, are immunogenic and are protective. Other vaccine antigens also are under study.